« The Dan Bongino Show

The Obama Connection (Ep 2060)


News Picks:

The Obama factor. 


8 habits to extend your life.


Navy sailors arrested on serious espionage charges. 


Dan Goldman gets wrecked again. 


A story on the death of the Obama’s chef. 


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The good way to hear the truth about america on a show that is not immune to the bags with your host dan Ben je. No, no. I feel like we're making a big difference, because now other people out there in the ecosystem, conservative talking head ecosystem, whatever the hell, you want to call it they're all starting to give up on this. Now that the puppet You're behind this whole thing is: obama Obama, I I say this in up. We ve actually put it in the title of the less. You shows you ve got all the stuff. Go on home, replied there. Why are we talking about obama because it's not about? alpine, it's about obama, an amazing amazing. Peace in tablet, but tablet mag maize in peace. That name exactly what the problem is. Welcome to everyone. First timers in the chat good to have you here. I gave couple you're shout out. I try to get an overly chat with your obama new he's the puppet
esther, I'm so happy. So many people are waking up to this. Remember these gentlemen. A key thing happen after obama left office, The transfer of power to president drop. A key thing happened. Hasn't happened in a really really long time state. You big show for you later I brought you by my pillow over there twenty years with your support, my pillars been able to not only launch the original, my pillow, but also the my pillow mattress tapir, my slippers and my pillow battles, but there's a lot more my pillow is over two hundred products and my pillow so conference love each and every one of them? When you go to my pillow dotcom yola me, neatly receive a free gift value to twenty dollars, just by checking out their website no purchase necessary. That's right! You everything from my pillow blanket sleep where kitchen towels mattresses evades pet beds, body pillows, comforters, pillows bathrobes in so much more often offer my palace or go to my pillow that come over eight hundred sixty
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this video pops up, and it reminded me of a premise. I've been telling you the entire time that it is getting annoying. Tell me in the chat but but but I don't feel like it's caught on yet in the mainstream media or anywhere, and I mean the mainstream conservative media we're a lot of people are still making is about buying and obviously the stories about binding this corruption. But the corruption could have never happen if the power. Master didn't allowing you understand everything, oh, but Biden did had to be approved and rubber stamp obama now you'll see why the media starting a patent. There's this weird little fight. Going on right now. If I explained this poorly gay, stop me you're. The harshest critic of the show. Theirs is weird dynamic, where the media doesn't have a back up plan for Biden right now, so they feel like they still have the kind of defend him. You got that what's the other side of it, where they're afraid better have to defend them, cause they don't want obama to be exposed either
but there is the other side of it with a genuine you afraid now, they're gonna lose donald trump and they know that running out of time, so that like well, we better still thing in this guy up a little bit in case, we need to throw him overboard. You know what a surprise and we'd better you care, what I'm saying like theirs, balancing act, but they don't want to full exposed this guy because it will expose obama. Here's what I mean. What's this clip from es NBC you'll, see what I'm talking about. How this this meeting talking head. They are so eager to protect obama. they say things that are obscene and ridiculous. Oh, my gosh Obama obama was scandal free, he was. Why are you smoke crack on I'm sorry that was hotter here. Take a look. Now, I think, is an excellent point to make, because you know you the incredible contrast between the actions of donald trump and his predecessor, Barack obama, and what Workable. Is that one of the reasons I think obama's popularity has held among Democrats is because you know there was no.
scandal in his administration there was only a sense that it was succeeded by this extraordinary chaotic spectacle. There was no scandal in its administration, I mean, did you just sit eight years out. What are you doing? talking about benghazi, fast and furious the a p targeting scandal Josie, aided press, the james rose and targeting scandal, the gene- yo scandal, baviaan scandal, spy, gay, the collusion hoax folks. What am I miss him out Please in the chatham I miss said, there's more than just forgetting them right now. I didn't them down because usually suave the top of my head. This There was no scandals in your body the jew miss oliver. Do you see how the media is desperate to protect the legacy, of obama. Now let me explain you why this is really important. You understand this. The meat
and the writers of history need to tell kids growing, and we don't the kid you're of communism in order to sell this poor idea, communism has led the body banks that the Democrats are the party in the future. Are you prosperity in the party or progress rights? What they call themselves progressive? They can only that if they lie about the past and paint republicans as he's nefarious bad guys, all their corrupt donald trump Richard Nixon, all this stuff, so desperate to protect obama he's the right. She only one would an approval rating really high right now, so they cannot let sky go no matter what the fact it Biden was vice president when he pulled all of this off, however, is going to take obama and over time, and they know it by any rights national reading of this obama, was part and parcel of this whole thing. Now: listen, sounds. I push you to show notes because I'll I, like the articles I put newsletter this. one today's Masri gotta bonds. You know consolation whose newsletter my newsletter sign up. It's free
we don't spam. Your inbox, this articles, there is a must read, is in tablets, mag its cause by David Samuels called the obama factor. It's a culinary. With this historian wrote a book about obama and the book is pretty damning. There's a book out there. Now but obama mentions is he's writing some love letters about. Wanting to have our relationships with men. If you know what I mean and keep a mining this book spin out there, it's just getting picked up now, because people like way why this is like a very strange say all this stuff kind of got passed over me say it is apparently his letters it's got picked up there are some other delhi collar and others. Now I have not read the book, so I don't have any critique of it. His Ivan writer. Magnetic critiques am I haven't read. I just heard about recently as well, but this is true don't you do get our bodies is so immune. He lives like this media, brick house.
he's totally immune to criticism. No scandal, craddock, savior loved this disguised the best leads to grab s father the best husband, the best present. there's nothing you can say about obama, would they don't lose their minds? But something happened with this guy and this. Peace addresses a lot of its long peace, but man is it a good one? the obvious that we ve been talking about forever. That, after Hillary Clinton lost the election, that the russian collusion story only got pay. Or because of obama's cia director and body by the way there like this John Brennan, who is see eye to for deferral babo, who, in november and december twenty sixteen help elevate russia gate from a failed clinton campaign ploy to a priority of the entire american national secure. The apparatus using a hand, pig team of cia, analyse under its direct control to validate their perverse thesis. It Brennan was the answer
The author notes, the person who signed the executive order that turn Brennan's thesis into a time bomb under trumps task was one or rock obama. Folks, Barack Obama did they The signing off the eye of money to ukraine after Biden got the prosecutor, Looking into his sons, company fire, gotta, be signed off by obama, not biden. All this stuff happen. because obama- let it happen the question now is: No longer a question is Joe Biden, a foreign agents. The answer to that is unequivocally. Yes, of course, he is Joe Biden. Is a foreign agents in the legal sense of the word he's taken money from far and actors. He is not here I heard it by Farrah. They hit the money. Duello seas and he took actions that impact the united states government based
on board foreigners wanted not what we want is the only way is obama. Is how deeply Obama involve involved and was obama. The cut out was binding cut out for a alma his little laugh his bag man, while hunter was the bag. And for Joe we want There's nobody asking this. Are you telling me of my pants Engaged in this behaviour that nobody. would be putting this on donald trump, recycle boy. Are you crazy scandal wouldn't be about pads? Who would be about trump I forget what I said in the beginning. Now, here's the most important takeaway is commonly and frequently left down and to be fair, something I haven't brought up in a long time. Probably a couple of years.
Was Barack obama when he left office, ladies and gentlemen, never left Washington DC? Did you know that he never left d c? They bought a place close by they travel But this is an oddity that is never, but now it's not illegal even suggesting that son, illicit or anything like that, there's, never been common practice for the transfer of power, the as it into move just blew. four miles away from the white house because of the impression it would give again. Not suggesting it's illegal, but I am suggest, It was done for reason. Obama had is fingerprints all over appointees and the federal government who were loyal to obama, not trump, and certainly not the constitution.
They were sitting there and waiting. They were a government in waiting planning, kind of a political, a political coup d'etat getting ready to take for through collusion, inspire gay waiting for trump the fall deal Jim comes up. They manipulate them. national security apparatus and who get in there. They get the patsy back in there again Joe Biden, David Samuels notes this so eloquently that the binding team on remarkably was stacked with who all obama sick offence, he writes yet, as president Biden continued to fall off bicycles, MR member, sick names in fact makes long and increasingly weird passages of the hut. I ask nonsense with no biographical whoppers. During his appearances, it became hard not to wonder how poor the
in its capacity is really were and use the key part who is actually making decisions in a white house staff top to bottom with core o bomber loyalists. Ladies and gentlemen, I have been keeping an eye on this the entire time. This guy is the puppet master here he never left. That is not been how the transfer of powers work. reason. The look of it is untoward not illegal, maybe not even illicit in some cases, but definitely political. He was making a political statement that tromp was it it's an occupying force, that he was not a legitimate president. It's like they had this battle plan ready to go the minute. The electoral college went the way of donald rob in our twenty sixteen and sworn in twenty. Seventy. They understood they were going to keep this probe going into
this vague scandal. Hilary obama cooked up in conjunction with by any day we're gonna, be the governor waiting in DC and the signal they said this. He never left really running this white house right now. It's stacked with obama loyalists now I've told you in the past is I've seen it these two hate each other, but binds political animal and has been his whole life, and he understands out of you needs to stay in power if he needs to act like a puppet with his strings being pulled that he'll do it. He knows where Your political power lies and it lies with obama and his wireless in the media. In the democratic party he knows it be cross. Me wrap it up here. He knows if he crosses obama, he is finished. Is everybody understand that these media, will that are still protecting him, we'll throwing rub onto the bus in a freak in heart, beat the many he crosses anyone on obama's step. Obama is the real president
and they know it, and so is the media and it's why they can t new to humiliate themselves what ridiculous cities like obama's, been scandal free when buying bribery. Scandal happened in obama's whitehouse, we'd sign. said obama Barbara to sign off on you see everything around this guy is protected. Now allow What have you have? Barely any of you guys seen this in the chat. You've been asking me to comment on the drowning of it, which was tragic by the way, the chef people into chap and asking me to come folks. You know, I am very careful. Scattered They are written in a chat room. The other day, some guy suggesting I hear You know tat gets out ahead of the story. Some thousand everybody laughed out of my duty and listen to the show of really do you.
I don't know what show your eulogy I the only complaint we get. Is I'm not quick enough on stories? Why? Because of the bungie, no rule, wait. Wait, wait! Wait until you get an idea what you're talking about before you make a jerk out of yourself. This is what I'm talking about with obama. This chef in Martha's vineyard, drowns, which candidly could just be an accident I play occam's razor. Could the guy have I don't absolutely the reports are that he drown until I have information stating otherwise I'm not going to sit here and embarrassed to make a dumb ass out of myself by telling you things I don't know well, he could have been abducted by specialty I don't know that kind of stupid thing is that to say, however, you notice everything Obama's is. We immediately turns into some kind of what appears to be a cover up. Another article the newsletter today Obama? jeff drowning deem that accident. But questions linger, but questions linger. Is that not like some up ever
single thing, obama's involving obama, secret service sex Open questions, linger obama fast in furious gun trafficking, put questions, Javert notice, how no one ever aids is the questions in the media. Why? Because their covering up for morocco, who's the real centre of democratic power. Right now, the news max peace, the drowning death obama's chef, was quickly called an accident, but the massachusetts state police are reportedly citing a public records law exemption for withholding information during an ongoing investigation. We keep that up. Why? and why the guy was out on the water apparently had learned to swim, not that long ago, and he tragically drowned. Why are you withholding information? You understand, you're, just making the situation where now everybody's, like gibbon obama's history of, is there something nefarious
The procedural block of information about the death, including names, witnesses and information on the nine more one call had some day. We male sources frustrated that may rides the daily mail there s why an accidental drownings, an ongoing investigation, yeah exactly, local public safety source that I'm not sure what they're waiting for. I don't know if it's just the toxicology rovers was the guy on a substance or not, or there was blood work. Whenever we stand autopsy afterwards, you see how arab folks, I'm not implying anything out, because I don't know that I don't talk about stories. I don't know you're only setting yourself up later. Look like a fool, however, why is it that every single thing that involves obama always has the caviar put questions linger, because no media people ever get answers to their questions? The only people ask you know the daily mail, a noose max, apparently
Kind of weird right, the guy dry, and all the information it gets? Blacked out there, release any information, everything surrounding obama- has this little. This is so that this stain on it works the media's rejecting this guy, but I'm tellin you they're gonna drop I'd like a hot potato if it gets bad, but they can't, because there are afraid bite, will turn on obama. They cannot. Let obama go. I can't say this enough watch what I'm telling you. It is absolutely true. They cannot turn on obama. You should I mean Europe that cnn clip here. Here cnn there. They have an issue. Now that I've, if I somebody
only the beginning, I'm really sorry is chief two scenarios and like they don't know what to do, fighting such as a candidate, he may lose the trump we need to get rid of the sky like now at any other parties. we get rid of this guy and he turns on obama and let's our saint, always gonna- destroy the whole democrat progressive guiding eat those that Barack obama. saying we're gonna be in real trouble. They don't know what to do I just showed you, the media. Defending obama now want to show you cnn, that's genuinely afraid. Now that trump is gonna, give invite nepal cynical whipping they're starting a prep. The battlefield, now that we gotta make disguise go away and we gotta do we cleanly this action it happened on cnn. Take a look. The question is: how solid a candidate is Joe Biden? That's the problem, that's exactly the problem, and and what is exactly the problem that we don't know how solid a candidate Joe Biden is. We know he's not a solid, exactly wrongly
already it is hard to watch folks that was cnn. Wasn't fox news max are aware that cnn its keys like that yeah? You give a hundred percent correct folks keys. I leave the guy It's like this is some bold big. You just said like he just laid out the this version of the magna carta rest or get or gave the emancipation proclamation or something like all get me get ready for this big profound, the gettysburg address is coming at least Reality is your care, the red sox negative, two percent approval. governor everybody h this guy, even Democrats, you see that balancing act, though, if they throw this guy overboard, they're afraid people are going to start a flip by nosey needs obama and here's. The key part
By needs obama's machine and his people run his white house, but obama needs Biden too, because Biden worked in his white house, obama was the puppet minister and bide knows where all the body a bury this is the most parasitic non symbiotic relationship you ve ever seen in politics. Monsieur you were more what I mean in the second, this gets worse how the media they don't know what to do here, so they figure if we can at least defend the boy. in scandals when he was in the obama white house. If we can at least do that, we can protect obama while preparing a backup plan to get rid of Biden to stay tuned. I'll, show you exactly the mean almost eggs takes a long time to master craft, but the stake experts are roma stakes spent more than a century, doing exactly that they America's original butcher since nineteen seventeen array now they're inviting you to celebrate their anniversary, but fifty percent off sigh white.
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wake up in the morning and sacco off the teeth of the by demonstrations: Is so sad and pathetic? Glenn kessler, of course, of course, is the fake fact check or the washington post this guy props to action right away as a priority and guard for a bomb. Any time you think the binding tate is gonna. Touch obama Here's kessler the just released transcript the devon archer interview confirms our reporting from last year. At the three and a half million dollar payment from a russian billionaire cited dozens of times by trump was unrelated to one hundred Biden. Instead, it was for archer his bother. This is one of the biscuit. You know what this guy's, not what bothers me about this guy and philip bump a nother life loser again. I the these people, have families, don't take it. Don't they go to? Please stop just stop you're humiliating our family name, other people,
See this? Don't you you see what you're doing you understand? Government corruption at the highest levels destroy everyone's faith in produces government happens because of people like lancaster and philip up, who not only don't report by condoning. Of course, house oversight how to correct this more on again, who is blown so many fact checks its if even for the wash imposing setting a new standard of stupid house oversight. Your fact checking line is still wrong. Rosemont seneca thornton receive the three point: five million dollar wire from bad arena hunter was the chairman of rosemont seneca partners, which was the beneficiary of rosemont seneca thornton
maybe your worst archer and hotter trains or two point. Seven million throws mindset cabal high, which archer reveal they had fifty fifty ownership in the idea that a hundred and get the money when he was ahead of these companies with archer is absurd, of course, its absurd. But when kessler is a deep shit and making it worse, Glenn kessler is a communist. This is what commies, LOL they respect and love power and power, only you see how they are panicking right now, over obama, they're, not panic over by kessler and his body fellow pump, another total dipshit only purpose right now and covering this binding is not the cover for binding? It's the cover for obama, because he was knee deep in this whole thing. That's where Dan gulping comes in the mix too Member gain golden doing. Com is a freshman democrat member, a congress. This guy is rapidly
we're taking a yo, see as seriously. I think this guy's a genuine moron upon capitol hill, this guy, scoring in his own goal? Every say: go kihachi gamey plays he. course out himself, and it never ends. Remember goldman that speech. He gave devon archer hunter binds business partner. We speaking and he came out, humiliated himself and said. Well, you know devon archer. What he was talking about was hunter Biden, selling the illusion of access to bide, not actual access. Well, it's kind of weird big that's not at all what they have and archer said now that we've got the transcript I'll get to the transcript in a second, but it's almost like Dan goldman who, by the way, I'm sure it's a coincidence. I was the russian collusion lawyer, a soul, Without em shift, when they were trying to set up donald trump, while obama we still in d c r, o save, got same guy such ass, a big coincidence, obscure
it was CBS news of all places, just don't on Dan goldman CBS news. Catherine s you ve been doing the omens work at CBS of all places just speck. In this area for action, clearly lying to the american people, about the illusion of access. Canard take a listen while earlier this week we just had to rely on the characterization from Republicans and democrats about devon archer's testimony. But now we can see the full transcript. You'll recall that democrat congressman Dan Goldman said that archer testified that it was the illusion of access to Joe Biden that hunter Biden was offering to these clients. But in fact, when you look at the transcript, what you see is that that phrase illusion of access is in Dan goldman's question: it's actually not what Devon archer testified to. He says yes, but that's not quite fair. This way
about showing that there was the signal that there's influence and an access here that happen on CBS rogues, Catherine, urge again how she hasn't been terminated from CBS redoing, honest reporting is beyond me. This is insane she's. The only mainstream media reporter actually reporting the truth, and you know what histories gonna thank people like our histories. Gonna thank people like her for her and the balls to stand up and do the right thing. That is, what he said. Devon archer that the access to the binding was an illusion. What he said at all. He said the opposite. That too and do what they were selling. You doubt me: here's the freak entranced, breed yourself. You're talking about charisma only be able to survive because they paid a hundred biden of fortune goldman says so
archer response it was able to survive for as long as it did carbon responds because of additional capital archer. No, just because of the brand and here's goldman, whose and scores in his own goal and disguise questioning liege arch. We are under oath to say whoa. How would that work madness? Because people would be intimidated to mess with parisian by goldman in what way? Mister archer? Legally or this palace has there been a bigger asset to the investigation into hunter Biden and abiding crime family to Dan Goldman. All the questioning remember the last question last time where he got he got a he got to witness. The irs's way is to admit that, yes, there were business phone calls abiden was was involved, but it has been like the greatest asset, this, these babies, a secret republican, geese, gotta right really with
this guy, I'm serious. I think this guy's genuinely a moron, I'm not! I don't think this is tactical I don't think teach just is so eager to get in front of a cat. amarin, be somebody I dunno, maybe got beat up a lot in high school. I dunno what his problem is, get some ego thing or whatever he's so eager to get in front of the camera that he doesn't I think, through what he's going to say, he's just dumb in that way. This guy he's just completely set up. The entire republican investigation. He's now got this guy on the record, saying charisma, hired one hundred biden so that they would legally intimidate people due to the brand is golden Sequestered refugees back, you dare government great job more on. He was it yes, The weather phone call guy, do you What niceties the weather does Arabia dc or soda? It's cloudy and writing today. Hey, that is it's not like it did. This is what these idiots want. You to believe this
You'd think he secretly baga he's got a red hat on right now and this dude. Does europe a graphic next week, let's put a dead goldman with a maga hat on? Can you guys do that? Let's get that graphic going we do that for next week. Alright, here's I got next is important. The new rules are in effect. Folks. Are you ready, if you're an acutely I'm there. This is not your show. This is the time is over show in addition to our don't get dead shirts, we may have one of those coming soon, maybe kind of sorts by the way, we'll have a big seven on Monday about, tennessee event, I've been teasing forever, so one day you're. My locals account you your first. If not, you can wait for the podcast, but big an hour ray come about. Tennessee will be really cool. I think you all are to dig it special
your chats there's every day some opportunities there, you guys know what's up ray he's, given me the winky winky not not secured or what's up at a work extra hours get this thing done sorry bro salaried position, maybe we should start doing hourly stuff. You know It has been a lot of planning stay tune. Let me get to this and I get to the new rules are in effect, you're, going to start charging politicians with lying. Okay, I've got a few places to start for you Folks policy gene is we have a family like I do you know how much you loved ones depend on you in a worst case scenario, you don't want them worryin about money policy. Genius knows how valuable your time is. That's why they're technology makes it super easy to compare life insurance quotes from america's top ensures just a few clicks but policy genius. You can find life insurance policies and started just twenty five dollars per month for a doll offer a million dollars worth the coverage. Some options offer coverage
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those are, in effect a John Mccain. Mitt Romney party is done it's over. We need a door kicker and there we need someone willing to look and overturn the rocks and see. What's underneath it, we need people willing to go in there and make massive change and when the media loses their minds to give them the double barrel middle finger, the constitutional republic. As you know, it died, the Democrats killed it. We have moved towards a police state they want and we didn't ask for by the way. The fact that I keep saying that is driving liberal media people crazy. Therefore, you know my role. What's my role has when addressing That's I say it again
because I know I need to stick it to them. The republic is dead, liberal progressives killed it. It is time for us to rescue this to get us back to a country that respects people's due process, and god given right, if you are not ready for the new rules, then kindly step aside, because if Y, is now a crime for politicians and let's play ball, and I want to say in advance that I get a about it. I m implying or suggesting donald trump is As a matter of rank of your subscriber on my locals account, I did a video the other day. Are you a subscriber gay by any chance if you are oh you're, the moderator, so you saw the video they have the I have spoken to donald trump many times, I'm not name dropping. Who cares. He's talked to a lot of people. If you don't believe donald trump that the election was stolen from? you're, an asshole. Our you're right, We really stupid that guy talks about it all the time. Folks, I loved
java. Nobody would say that as a compliment, because sometimes it's distracting believe me donald trump. Absolutely one hundred percent believes this thing was fleeced from if you're trying to make a legal case, Oh, he didn't believe that he was lying through supporters. You're, an asshole period you are so, we will be making it up if you ve been this thing up too much, but please you take anything from this show. I know donald trump well, anyone who knows him. Well, we'll tell you exact what I'm telling you he won. Thousand percent believes this thing was stolen from thank you. Can you been? There are correct hugh. He is heard some of these conversations. Whatever you're talking about he talks, about how this thing was stolen, I say
because they're saying oh, he was lying the people he knew it wasn't stolen, stallings, policing their money, all shit. Putting that aside for a second, say he was lying. He isn't he was lying for power. This is a crime now strasbourg. Has it amazing peace? Is that in the shown us because it subscription only? But it's worth your time talks about how special tyrant, jack smith, who is now made crop of law. By politicians or even fake lying by politicians or crime. Chemist also got some ideas of other people. We should prosecute. The thing is Kim's kind. Think, be a tongue in cheek. I'm not I'm not. I think we should really if donald trump, is not absolved of this ridiculous crime. Crime air quotes. You get. My point and we were in this election. I want these people investigated and I want criminal cases
when I am dead, serious she's gonna, be little tongue in cheek about its grey, piecemeal amount is a few places to start what about her obama who, in twenty fourteen violated the constitution by decree. That the Senate was an recess when it wasn't at anyone is several appointees with no sent a confirmation? Remember this was an outrageous move. She notes one that Obama's legal counsel.
Certainly Warren was a loser, but the white as vocally insisted that the president had total constitutional authority doing, which was ally, and he took action on the lie. I want him investigated. I am not kidding, you, don't have the balls for the new rules and step aside, please step aside. This is their standard. Let's see how they like it. When the syrup of epic cac flows down their throats, here's another one she's got a ton of 'em is going to include a few. What about Biden when he just wiped out all the student loan debt? Suggesting himself at one point that I dont think I have the authority to do it by signing with a pen, but then he didn't meeting it was a lie. Strasser notes nancy policy, also advise them. It was illegal, quote people think the press
It has the power for debt forgiveness. He does not Pelosi said yet. Biden adopted the lie that he did have the power and actually took action by defrauding taxpayers want of arrested. I want to investigate this is not a joke. You like this Democrats, you liked the police state. Let's see what happens when the police state brings the silver bracelets for your guys after a couple
we're out here. What about when democrats objected to elect their slates for presidential elections? What they're now saying is a fraudulent conspiracy theory kim loads, let's line them all up, including dozens of Democrats who objected to electors slates in two thousand and one two thousand and five and two thousand and seventeen all on the basis of lies with the purpose of conspiring to obstruct as the smith indictment actually puts it back them up. Baby new rules. Kids, you want to play ball any of the hosts. Talking about this, I'm ready to play ball. You want to F fo, let's fo, By how many cancer Biden would buy, how many lives would but it'd be? Seven hundred and forty two counts. Here's the lesson. What about Adam schiff Jim call me Andy mccabe peter stroke, John Brennan, who lied about the dossier
and used it to access government resources to investigate donald trump. Why are they arrest and under the same conspiracy charge. I want to see handcuffs folks. I want to see Hank us and I am not kidding and my oh yeah mugshots, that's a new thing right, good cautiously. By the way this was genius the tramper indictment number four hundred. Seventy two by the police day yesterday, the trump team handed this: to every rapporteur. There you see this handout, this picture abiden versus trump. Now the timeline marries a perfectly every time there is bad news about Biden. Trump gets indicted. This was reagan genius. This was handed out yesterday by the troops there excellent excellent work. Trouble Him, as trump said yesterday, a true social by the way he's one more diamond away from winning the presidency and the hush puppies kidding by the way this made Joe rogan yesterday, you know Joe rogan podcast out there by Joe Jr he Joe rogan experience is very
As for meme rogan, who you know rogan, not really a trump guy I've. You think that you said that a couple times replied that, but you know and I, like I love mme, so I like his podcast a lot, so you know I don't need to have people lino sycophantic. We follow my politics. A model liberal but rogen had some interesting thoughts and a lot of people talked to him. He had some interesting thoughts on the issue right now that the Democrats are going to have with Donald trump here's his take on the election. I encourage you to listen because a lot of people listen to him check this out. No one is going to run against trump in the republican side and win because you're not going to get the trump supporters. They are all in on trump. Unless he has a stroke or something happens is horrible. He they're all in on trump you're you if you run against trump. You know the enemy trump, who I was friends with the santas I'd, be like don't do it. He can't beat that guy. He just can't when that guy gets out there and he's waving to people and they're going crazy, you're, not beating that there's a fuckin and the fact that he was the press,
for four years and the country was in a great economic situation here and look like his policies were actually effective and that it looked like the unemployment was down. All business was billy regulation, you're being relaxed more things, we're getting done. You know when you look at it from a policy perspective. If you just look at a non paper, what he did was effective. A lot of people think it is a fact If you don't like him as a personality, ignore that don't do that, look at it in terms of a policy perspective, people liked the ideas that he was putting forward. Folks used to give you a perspective about why this stuff matters. I see a lot of people in the chat Are you in our question? Rogan? I it's fine, I'm not telling you listen, don't say a thing like that. I, like my show I listen. They show a lot Eleven million people do just that's important. That said, other people outside of my audience and live in,
shapiro and others who are popular. They hear these two they put in pursuit he's got eleven million listeners. This show is the seventh most popular podcast in the united states, kornilovists trite niches came out for We have about on any given day between sauce, probably about two to three million he's got for probably for five times as much. It is important people hear this They don't understand the power that the political power matter like skeleton key messed up, donald trump as amassed and at the indictments united, it's a sort of issue I enjoy smith, said the other day. I want to vote for the political prisoner. It's like this became. Like the you know, the Democrats were the parties or the hippies and the cool guys back in the day. Now parties have like their them, never rage against the machinery to pursue now there, the machine and where the rebels,
What got are missing this other here's? What I mean ah ha tebow's. He goes. Videos is from bricks, someday it'll be under screener, brick suit years, Donald trump after the This is that I mean if this doesn't sum up where the Democrats or with that you are here a moment after the indictment he goes back to bed minster, I mean after the initial appearance excuse me: inquiringly goes back to bed nets. Shows up at a wedding in new jersey in new jersey like deep, Lou new jersey Here's what happens the the and I I.
And keep it up? Commies, you're, doing great you tearing it up every indictment a man's legend grows tournaments right. I think I want to vote for the political prisoner to match it had grown up in this ex these heavy rage against the machine, realising that machine in the machinery at it, and all the tools are all yours now, and I do mean the tools is more tools. The civilian called is back again become very answer back folks, and it's not its deadly time right before an election. Did you notice? I set it yesterday only to relegate the entire segment, but we ve got a thing. Come up in november, twenty twenty four called an election election to cope
the stuff benefited than last time, mail in ballots, everybody afraid gotta get rid of donald trump. Oh, my gosh, you screwed up the covered response. That was all they were about. You notice they ve been tearing up lately with the coven stuff. A video nonsense and the hysteria again. Here's the new doktor Fouche Jeanne mazato, she's, gonna, replace doktor frankie This is a gem other video of a video here. This is using. This is worse. The new found worse than the old valley here. She has video jazz does repeating the panel in cannes.
Piracy theory that the thing came from a pang of this actually happened here. Look at his work. He had never seen this virus in humans afar and I'm going to bring out my little props right now. I am sure you know what this is. Bats are really interesting, that have a lotta, corona viruses and they do find with them. They live like totally healthy with them until those viruses get into another species, and I dont know if you know this, but there is a special species that has been implicated in this particular virus called the panel, and I know that looks like a bear, but is really supposed to be.
hang on me as all these scales, and so the virus goes from one host. Where it lives fine and doesn't really cause any problems, jumps into another animal and then, when we disturbed that animals home like going to the forest job trees down whatever and maybe bring those animals homeless, pats where they really don't wanna be pets, we can get exposed to those kinds of viruses and if we ass humans have never seen him before our bodies. Dont know what to do and the boats so correct. I physically cringing over cringing over there. They did. This is the new proud, like a nobody believes that shit but then came I'm a lab so because it's friday and we ve only got maybe less intent. Its left in the show, but I want to leave you a little bit of a smile. I got some more stuff, though color coding sums pre series that happened in australia with Pfizer I'll play that for you in a minute, but here's an encore performance of liberal
progressive jon stewart on the pangolin turkey claw awake theory, take a listen. The disease is the same name as the lab. That's just that's just a little too weird, don't you think, and then I the scientists to like how did this so wait a minute you work at the woo and respiratory coronavirus lab. How did this happen and they're like a pangolin kiss? The turtle are like no, I mean look at the name. Look at name can I let me see your business card show me your business card. Oh, I work at the coronavirus lab in WU and oh because there's a coronavirus losing woo and how did that happen lately a bad flu
in the wake of turkey and varied sneezed into my chile, and now we oughta peronne about we're declaring our first. Gino show bodily with joe. I care that's at least the double bodily, at least a double for this one. Here that we do new grouchy, declaring the panel in color wake. Conspiracy theory is true, is a serious thing. Now take your money back. ah how to how do you with a bar there's, like he's, been bar? It's like one, one hundred the ceiling I manage their headed holy shit. That was bad luck. Happened in Australia. This is a senator Gerard chemic had tipp centre we're chemic. I don't know this guy, don't always politics but easy australian. Senator australia he's question being a pfizer executive? This goes on
Three. Four minutes I cut cut its like thirty seconds, but you'll see. at the end. He asked this guy about five six times. how does this m. Are a vaccine cause parry? car dinosaur, meyer cardenas, even if it only happens in a limited amount. How does what mechanism, the guide. I know this is Like the fifth time he's asking on watch this, and you explain why the vaccine causes more. I got out of sheer for night
send it to the benefit risk worthwhile. Now, you're back, so you clearly don't understand the proper id, because you can't explain it. I'm not referring to the cost benefit analysis. He I'm referring to. Do you understand the biochemical pathway as to why the vaccine causes damage to the heart senator? I am happy to take your personal notice and come back to the committee with whatever information we can provide. I might just clarify. I was not referring to a cost benefit analysis. In my previous response, I was referring to the benefit risk ratio and health authorities around the globe. Continue to recommend the benefits and that's how he sees the question. I am asking anyone thanks to again folks just site with obama, but questions linger every single time you get them with the vaccine and you won
why more and more people like, I don't trust government health authorities, do these big farmer guys anymore farm eyebrows, just answer the question. you say you don't know you don't know what is it even worse, you avoiding the question speaking to health, that is friday. This is in the news letter to see and we see article narrowly and throw it out, but it's not about politics. I was like whatever I'll take a look. It's in a news letter. It's actually pretty good. A daily habits, I could add up to twenty four years to your life, a new studies. even adding one may give you four. Actually you you know, I love health and fitness folks I do a lot of research on this stuff after the cancer thing, all I wanna do is stay alive. I freaked out about all the time and I get a spin your wheels be dramatic. People have had far worse diseases in cancers in me You know I'm still in remission for mind. Thank the lord, but I freaked out about health and fitness any lifehack. I can find I'll use it's gotten worse, since I recovered
that so I do a lot of homework, and the author of this article is pretty spot on. This is in order aid habits with the highest impact through the least impact, but still beneficial number one exercising definitely hands down beside us. One thing you can do to change your life span or the quality or live more than exercising me not doing it. There's no excuse. I have five jobs. I do it six days a week. There's no excuse! None! It's a yes! It's above number, YAP exercising is so important said? I can't believe it's above number, two not having an addiction to obedience. In other words, if your addicted to open your medication, you're, probably stop breathing exercise he more important than
Three, avoiding smoking, obviously terrible for you for managing your stress levels. That's the one I'm working on, I'm the most stressed out human being that big, I'm all stress, I'm really dry, trying to calm down at night five. This is fifth, after all, that other stuff adhering to a healthy diet. Ladies and gentlemen, clean fruits and enables lean meats, healthy oils. It's not a mystery. It is. It is so everything your parents told you growing up, eat your vegetables eat lean. Beads have good was everything they told you still true number six going to skip over that number to not binge drinking at six. Ok, I have no comment on the seven prioritizing good sleep. Yes, sir, I got this aura ring. The sleep were the greatest.
Thing ever when I sleep like shit. I know it the next day, but he didn't sleep or wise up all night playing video games as winds and blue light in his eyeballs. That's why you're killing yourself goods, you need at least part of your younger hour and a half two hours it's sleeve, if you're, an old guy like me hour an hour and a half eight. This is important to last one, maintaining positive social relationships. If you're not communicating with other people out there we're social creatures, your energy's, not transfer from other people, and you and I- and I don't mean at some weird like pseudoscience way, we're social creatures, man, you've got to get out. There read the articles really good, it's not just about getting older by getting old and quality life. Here's one last thing: this is warning number four thousand five hundred and seventy six about china that they're getting ready to start world war. Three they've got spies everywhere.
Look we just locked up the? U s navy sailors arrested on charges tied to the national security infrastructure of china, giving away all of the secrets about our submarine force, which, by and our and our naval force by the way, which is what they're most concerned about, because it would have to be an amphibious assault on Taiwan. Again, I warned you when we go special segment about preparedness coming up to that's a lot of interest in that some will begin folks ex again for two- and you know I really appreciate it. Haven't you here, especially for the live chat. Everyday means a lot to me. It's a friday discussed still go on out to get seventy three thousand seven hundred people here on a friday, we'd love have any community join us every day and eleven, a m rumble dot com, slash bond gino, we are live. We interact with the chat just set up a free account on rumble click that follow, but then cost you die. You can always watch the show on delay right after the show no matter,
when you want some annapolis spotify to really appreciate folks. I see you back here on Monday, you just heard Dan Bonn gino show
Transcript generated on 2023-08-05.