« The Dan Bongino Show

The NY Times Gives Up All The Goodies (Ep 2059)


News Picks:

Here’s the real reason tyrant Jack Smith didn’t name co-conspirators.


NSO is back. Is the FBI involved? 


Another example of the Biden White House pushing for censorship.


Remember when liberal thugs urged electors to change their votes in Michigan?


Could Jack Smith get indicted himself?


Is the FBI watching you?


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The good way to hear the truth about america on a show that is not immune to the facts with your host dan Ben je. No, I woke up this morning in a shockingly good mood, considering that shitty state our country is in right now and are thinking about it. You know Sometimes these moments, where these awakenings happened right with the Civilizations and societies, I think, to dramatic about it, but you know you, you and a potter along and you put her along and then all of a sudden. Like someone kicks you in the teeth and you're like oh, my gosh, I got to go into survival mode. I think that's happening right now, and I don't mean that as a bad thing, I think the left is so far. Overreached so and has taken on. I mean so much in the tyranny pocket at one time that a lot of people would ordinarily sit on the sidelines, be like all this: a law passed get back to normal are like polish we'd, better, go into survival mode. It's really time
Why, back you know, wake up every morning and I'm like. Surely it's going stop taking? I can't really believe this It a transcript, gets release today by Devil. your honor by this parliament to get the oldest in a don't, sweat it with india clearly that our presidency foreign agents at the same time An agent president is having competitor, the former president arrested and hauled in front of court again today for the clock. You're, like think about what I just told you, you look, no radio? Yes, really, that's like actual, happening today. That's actually happening today, but shockingly. I think this may be the moment. I really do. I think the avoidance of the basic. Pick you're like we're living in a police state and people on audits on happening here. I won't happen here. I think that all that stuff is over now, I think, people realize it's really gonna be a fight for survival. The republic. I got
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like all. If I just shut up in a love returned to normal soon, you know, I think, that's all I say that because people in my life, who are ordinarily kind of a political or only semi political, have been texting, in E mailing me, like crazy, lately, hey, listen. I can't believe this like what levin a communist country. Right now, I think to wake up call is come, but I just want to warn you your first ladies and gentlemen. The police state is here. I want you to think about what's happening today. A transcript is released from hunter binds actual business part of this guy devon archer. It came out this morning rifle We came on the information and errors explosive. However, it's really nothing. You haven't heard of what the President's a foreign agent, Joe Biden, was the brand
They were selling the brand that access to d, c and Biden was even at dinners with people who wired the money, Joe Biden, that is, I should specify what Biden into Biden crime, family, three, the police states here right now- and this is happening as Donald trump- is proud to be a german initial appearance in court. Today, in Washington d c again in front of a jury of people, he has no chance of getting a free trial or a fair trial. There is no way that you can't look at this with a straight face and be like we, you know we don't live in a tyranny. We live in a constitutional public bullshit, we do not. We live in a freaking police state, I'm going to lay it out for you right now. Did you see this bro this article, This happened on April. Fourth, I want you to just be clear. This is in the new york times. They are not even hiding the fact anymore tat, Joe Biden. What's his political opponents locked,
while the president united states is a freak in foreign agent. This has been out there forever. It's in the media read this from the new york times. In the past, Joe Biden privately told us close circle of advisers that donald trump pose a threat to democracy. And should be prosecuted for his role. The events of january six, according to two people, familiar with the comments, he also told confidence, attorney general merrick garland to stop acting like a ponderous judge and take decisive action. I dont Joe Biden told you we had nothing to do with this sum. Is keeping at arms like the arms distance from it. That sounds like both tommy don't need. Ladies and gentlemen, this stuff is already out. Their donald trump is going to be hauled again in front of the star chamber for the third time now in Washington DC. While this guy the new york times knows he wanted him.
up to now. I know you think you're a lot of you to follow politics. You're saying didn't you say something like that to Joe Biden in november imply He was going to use all of his power to make sure donald trump, never back in office, while the media pretend this is all on the up and up in its police state thug, getting it opponent arrested yeah. He did some of you I remember this cut check this out tied to your predecessor, who is about to launch another campaign. So how do you reassure them? If that is the reason for their questioning that the former president will not return that his political movement, which is still very strong, will now yet again take power and say well, we just have to
demonstrated he will not take power by if we, if he does run or making sure here under legitimate efforts of our constitution, does not become the next president. Again only moses, I think we crashed the chat, don't go anywhere that shows work at vine. I think we may have brought it yeah, I'm going to have the dog to rumble, there's a lot of people in thirty five thousand stay. Here, though, we're not going anywhere. He actually said this. This is how comfortable they are with the police state and the media. The garbage in the meat that they're going to protect them and that the legal system is our legal system at all. They are going to protect him too. They actually open. We talk about the police state. Do you understand this is how hard to believe this is, and this is what I think is going to shake people out shaped people out of this apathetic state where a lot of people, like all things, will get back to normal. They will not get back to normal unless you normally
I some folks. The media will continue to run cover for this guy. He knows it. He knows the court system is broken is going to continue to run cover whom he has no doubt look at this supercut of media people despite now the transcript coming out everything else, they are still defend this guy, making that there's no one. I don't have evidence you're going to put out. There is going to convince media people to throw this guy under the bus until they're ready to do it and they have a credible challenger where the ones where the leaders we've been waiting for we're going to have to take back car we're gonna have the knock on the door. We're gonna have to do the work and on day one I want pardons. I want everybody fired, and I want the department of justice unleashed on the people who did this and broke the law? That's how we fix this thing here. Watch this media cotton, Somebody evil doesn't matter the evidence. These people won't stop pick a work with china.
was was simply involved in his sons, life in a personal capacity republicans from consistently trying to make this arguments and create the illusion of of some malfeasance being their spoke to businesses see it's of hunter Biden too hello to have small talk car! well conversation, hunter Biden talked to his dad on the phone all the time they talked basically every day. Sometimes Joe Biden would say hello to the people in the room with he popped in or on the floor. Whatever back, the chatters back must have been a temporary glitch for me nearly forty thousand people watching us right now bogs there now GonNA! Stop we needed a wake up. Call when everybody needed it, I'm trying to
given that some nice, my analogy sock, I get it. I'm on the radio sometimes do and alive show, and I can't really think of it as a pity analogy right away, I'm trying to think of something here. You know it's like you know you ever have that money, you fight at all, you ever boxer, do jitsu or anything judo. My tie, you know your dad sit around for a few rounds and you ever get tat shot. like a guy hits, you would a liver, shuddery rings, your bell and you go on, survival more! You go. You do the right nor the right or were you back up like you going to survive? mon you, like you, don't dammit manifesto fight back. This is going to end right now, I'm gonna get barras. If you fought, you know what I mean, anyone in the chair the fighter you know exactly what I'm talking about you read the jujitsu match you guys are fighting for guard are frightened for top position. All of a sudden, like you feel this guy geeze is ready get our bar you going to survival more right away. I think that's what's happening now. I think this
man that we're all seeing, I think we're lookin out of two stood along. Let wrong lens be included this moment we're seeing right the police state, the yesterday's total collapse of the constitutional republic with the jack Psmith indictment, which is clearly unconstitutional and jack Psmith. May I broke the law himself, we'll get to that in a minute. I think that may be the wake up call we all needed. I you know what I do and I'm not potent lipstick on the pig man. I'm not. tucker karlsson interview devon, archer yesterday, the business partner. This goes back to the we are clearly fighting communist. This is not about a battle of evidence, anymore, that's now with this is you know, there's an assumption out there that we're trying to make an argument to the left, we're trying to make an argument: independence, the left in the commies there's no amount of evidence that will convince them. to give up spaghetti owes brains in the white house, there's no one. They will give em up only when they can see
liberalism with a better option like avenues. Ok, we're not making an argument anymore, we're making an argument for them for that we, the independence and the moderate. I want to be clear on that, but I also want to be clear that their comes up why, where everyone has to realise like this is a real, genuine man, a key and fight for the future of the country. What more evidence could you possibly need to convince these people that their oatmeal, god in the white house, is in fact a foreign aid The business partner gave an interview to talk or karlsson yesterday that was explosive. Here's devon archer, he worked. with these guys, man saying I've got a sign letter from Joe Biden thanking me for partnering up what his son, what the hell are you? What are you need? The guy from porn stars, pawn not porn pod stars, rectum Yes, that is in fact Joe Biden. Signature on the letter he's got a letter. Dude he's got a letter from by thanking him for partnering.
Support his son. What are you going to say the guy's not credible, you're? Listen to this, I'm sorry. I was occupied with the guy who runs the world's largest country. I would much rather talk to you and thank you. What was he thinking for? Well, for sorts of lovely letter, and it was quite enthusiastic. It's weird, though, right yeah, what was it listen? It was. It was kind of the beginning of our partnership and he was thanking me and thinking hunter. I think, at the end of the day for bringing this idea of this government regulatory strategic advisory business into the private equity world, and I think he was excited about the prospects for hunter, and you know he was just just thanking me. I think it was a nice gesture. It was a nice trip for sure for sure are very polite. It's gets a ten on the etiquette scale, but he's a vice president, united states and he's talking about foreign business deals with you and thanking you.
For rat. I think again, it goes back to my earlier point in in yeah. I think I hit that time. I think you hit the jackpot in finding the regulatory environment or company that can navigate right to the top, but you know obviously, as times told you know, being a little bit too close to the sun ends up burning you for sure, and in it did you you suffer greatly for it, and this is not a criticism of you. I would think as a business guy, you use every advantage. These are not business guys. This is the vice president. The united states he's not allowed to be working on businesses with foreign governments, while he's vice president. I don't think not that I know about what europe really is right. Amazing I mean it is so it's so crazy there are even laughin about, is how We can, but as this is that the vice president, united states is meeting and is not official capacity with
people, his son, is doing business with that guy. You just saw devon archer. Why? his son and companies associated with them are taking money for Joe Biden to then go make official decisions with your taxpayer dollars. His opponent donald trump looks into it. And the communist scumbag democrats in peace, a guy over it and they have em in court again today. This is it read this in a history book about the eighteen Six, these or whatever you would be like no way they had the balls to do that. They are doing it now. If this isn't a wake up, call for you that you rocky three style. There is no. Tomorrow rock. There is no. tomorrow. If we don't fix this thing in this next election, I was thinking about this,
today two sided want to trying to wax philosophical, I'm just really kind of rage, and this morning a little bit big, totally regions morning. Why? If we lose next election. You may not want to listen to the show the day after are you gonna be depressed? I'm tellin you right now. If we lose its next election, we are in a world the trouble. If we win this next summer, action and lose the one. After that, we still have a shot to save this by set rather wyndham all. But if we lose its next election widens unconstitutional executive orders are allowed to classify easy points, even more judges to please decimate the legal system, so we have no system of justice in this country and they d out.
an fbi bureaucrats who effectively targeted donald trump in a police state style tactic, will have war more years of employment host. You can stick a fork in this place again, we're always worth saving and if the fight is always worth having, but if we don't win, next election, I'm not sure that fight is winnable. The amount of energy you're talking would require coal fusion and we are in deep trouble. If we don't win this next selection, the good news is think we will. I know a lot of you are down on that. I think we will have been allotted changes at the state level, a lot of them are still screwed up. The pole, or go in our direction and I think the rotting baggage beyond the white house. Shockingly is just refusing this step aside, even with his dreadful thirty something now approval re. So I think we stand a damn good shot, but everybody pardoned everybody fired unleash the d o j c only way to stop this gets all crazier.
And think about the limited today show the police state is here, but this may not be the bad thing. You think it is because it may be the wake up call. We all need it We had this slow, slow, slow, crawl towards a police state and then the police they were just gave you a right cross right in the face. Gotta get some shoulder into that. Maybe we needed that to buck up and get back in the fight and swear, I'm not putting lipstick on this thing. Man, I think maybe we needed a wake up call here. You need more evidence of the police state, the same department of justice prosecuting donald for a felonious, mulberry and piracy on the open seas, basically making charges up. There please deal with hundred. I was released yesterday, along with the devon archer transcripts this morning. Oh conveniently trumps, getting all the courtroom, I'm sure. That's all a coincidence. By the way I have never seen
de I like this in my life, the department of justice is now only corrupted everyone touch. This deal sat around. It did nothing about this plea. Dear one hundred Biden, everyone gets fired gary. All men style in that movie would Natalie poorman everyone. Every one gets fired, though uses no bullshit, everybody gets fire. If your candidate can't go down that road, they get the hell out of the race. Today, I've never seen a deal. this. In my life, here's the actual text If deal, we got yesterday the united saints agrees not to criminally prosecute honour Biden outside of the term this agreement for any
the real crimes encompassed by the attached statement of facts that allows it. This is like a life long get out of jail, free monopoly diggers up what the hell kind of deal is is hour. They throw. In this caveat, though fellas this is nice. The agreement doesn't provide any protection against future conduct. That's good to know it's good to know of joe by justin shaking his head, like. Oh that's, fair or Joe Biden robs a bank in six months. The united states can still prosecute all going good, very fair deal, but anything else he did in the past. That's all gone all wiped out. Have you ever seen a deal like this ever, the answer is: if you worked in federal law enforcement, state or local law enforcement, either you and I both know- there has never been a deal like this ever written up for anyone, it's clown show. A clown show. I've seen deals like like
But not even as good as is for people who gobble we. Cod were five k, letter people who agreed out. An investigation provided substantial how broke up the mob or whatever I seen stuff like this. Never for someone who is based do not cooperate at all and its in even more expand, to get out of jail free card folks, you're living in the police state right now, but you got a chance to change it. That's the nice part about a consent of the governed government if we can keep it Ben franklin. Alright, let me to my sponsor, and I want to show you this video coming up. Nice thou, the d o j, targeting whistleblowers to the d o J needs to be a ghost town the day after the next republican, as it is, a sworn in a ghost town. I've everybody's gotta, go everyone
Gotta go unless you are and establish career professionals put their politics aside. Everyone fired there's the door, I don't let it hit you in the ass or a today show, and you can tell I had a few cups today by the way it's a blackout coffee day
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What police staters do it's all about pressure and fear all the time and are also makes the case for the what I just said that if the d o J is not completely emptied out Ladies and gentlemen, we're not going to have a government going forward. Take a look at this: they need to talk to all these people. They can't just allow a d o J to not give access to to people. I mean, for example, the f b, I 's to say that the the testified and for a house ways and means committee. He was he was given a letter the sunday before from d o j, basically telling him not to talk, and you know I know that he could have conferred and by additional material facts on this investigation, and now he did confirm that the the I've been headquarters, notifying the transition, Tiemann and secret service, but really that was the only thing that he was able speak about. So there are, there are so many other people and we provided that the house ways means committee and we must hope that they fowl
follow the leeds and talk to the people may need to talk to you to get to the bottom of it again part fire everyone, unless the d o j- one person I want investigated is jack. Psmith, listen if you're, not ready for this stuff and you're running for office, then step aside right now, talking and not just republican candidates. For the presidency, the five thousand people who jumped then I'm talking to people run it for congress in the Senate to if you are not ready for a linsky rules and if you're not, ready to fight back using the rules that the left is established to prosecute us in the police state, get the hell out of the ratio of no business run for office right now. You understand it is time to prosecute jack smith to jack. Smith has robbed donald trump of his due process.
rights. He has not been treated like an american citizen, he's been treated like a gremlin by the sky. Alec Dershowitz is left the main like Dershowitz, I'm not a huge fan of his power. a thick either. However, the guy's, a serious wire dershowitz, illiberal dershowitz, brought this up. Last night that eight listen. There may be a case where prosecute. Jack Psmith, if you're, not If you consider that the next administration then step them out of the race. This is the kind of stuff that is going to bring this country back to normal. Treating the left by it's own rules. Take a listen. You know the worst thing about this indictment under the terms this indictment, jack smith can be indicted. Let me explain to you why the statute says the following of two or more persons. A conspired to end
ah and deny somebody the free exercise of enjoyment of any right or privilege secured him by the constitution. What, if a court, ultimately rules that donald trump had a right under the first amendment to make January six speech and to do what he did. Then jack smith we'll have concerned hired to deny him of that right. That's how seriously and jack Psmith, also innocent diamond, deliberately wilfully, maliciously weaves out the words that president from spoke on January six. It is terrible speech, which I disagree with it, but what he said was I want you to assemble peacefully and patriotic jack camp leaves that out, and that is a liar. Why an omission? Why and, and if you have it
died. Somebody for telling lies, don't tell lies in the indictment if you're gonna win dyke, somebody for denying people their constitutional rights, don't deny than their constitutional rights by inviting them for free speech that out critical. Does it so there should be steps taken today. The house the power of the purse, you should be asking Europe looking congressmen. Do you senator, and there too, even though the power, the personalized with the house, this rest negation should be defined, did immediately jack Smith's. she'll tyrants office, special council office, but they are special tyrants. The special tyrants office should be defined it immediately and the second we get power back and we bring the d o j back to constitutional principles. This guy should be in Bessie gated for potential New process violations, if you're, not ready to do that,
at step aside, you guys you evelyn skis rules and air. I put that in the year that the hears at the I want you to read this Saul. Alinsky was a leftist organizer. Believe me, he's no friend or wasn't a friend to conservatives, okay, but Saul Alinsky rules for a small small glob of people to take on the larger mass of people. Alinsky rules, work here's a lid skis. Rule number four. Don't ever forget this tattoo. This on your brain, make the enemy up to its own book of rules. If the rules Every letter gets a reply, send thirty thousand letters. You can kill them. With this. no one can possibly obey all the roan rules This is a serious rule, the besieged These very credibility in reputation is at stake because of activists catch. It
Why we're not living up to its commitments? They can continue to chip away at the damage us ass. If the new rule is this, that trump violated people's due process right somehow by speaking out about an election and we're focusing on due process, then how did Jack Smith not violate donald trump, due process right by prosecuting him for exercising his due process, writes in his first amendment right to speak out? Oh, I bet you didn't think about their left. These video you're not ready to take this stuff on please step aside. Please respectfully, step aside you're not ready yet, and you haven't been kicked in the teeth enough yet politically speaking, to realise wherein amana key and fight for the country. This is one of these kind of end of country. End of times moments where, if you're living in a day
simulation the end. Games already been lying down. You can either choose the rules and start to fix it or you can watch the game in the computer. Start smoking we're in a lot of trouble, more police state shenanigans, it is one and take quick, bring back. That's happening right in front of your eyes, secret service. uses to hand over the known pool of individuals list and the white house. Cocaine incident come on guys! Listen! I love my friends there. Man and this is a limited number of people. The top who made this decision. Are you kidding me? The secret service director needs to get on this immediately. You know what happened some one in the family, I'm hearing from people had something to do with this. It was likely a drop off of cocaine at the white house for some one else. You can narrowed, and who was there when it was dropped off, which says to me you know who it is,
which also says to me: they're protecting the family, because, if you find out who it is, they've got a connection to the family orbs. This is police state. Stop all due to the secret service, with the epi I did to themselves. We take a quick break by the way. Saw the gun. Recently on line I mean legally I'll. You saw the gun online line, be careful, I didn't break any laws, but maybe it only two may find yourself under surveillance. Remember that pegasus spy tool where they can go and basically send you a texture of the click on any hijack your entire phone number, the company- and I saw that made that Oh the fbi's deal with them again going on, while Donald trump finds himself all the front. Accordingly,.
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gun sales on facebook. They not that this text, this guy found themselves under unwarranted surveillance, because posted, his firearms for sale on facebook. The man had broken any laws, but the atm transferred his info to the f b. I, which kept them under scrutiny for six months, sounds police. They check just in police, they have police state, sounds kind of police, state police, steady orbit by break any laws, and we were watching watching you looking for watching you fokker That's an old! I here's another one memoranda. So if you know you should We did a whole series of shows on it. And it s always a foreign company. That has a it's, I believe in. Really based company and so, and they have this program called pegasus pegasus, surveillance tool, it's a surveillance to where it's no click malware. No click,
I were meaning literally no click, meaning I get your cell phone number and I send you a text message like Paula. What is this? He suspected problems with rumble today. Blacks are some issues, as the show is the show still up. Let me know in the chat you guys have any issues yesterday. Jack, but its workin for me. So it is. Those is no click. My will they do. We send you attacks whether you click on the text is a relevant. You don't have to do anything While that sounds like that's really crazy. Like that sucks, I could watch everything you do exactly. We did. show about a cold. What is pegasus well in an intense whirl of irony, the api I found itself caught in own web of ink is the discovery, was behind the financing of a controversial spying tool, known as landmark, which was purchased from a contractor, from yes, and so it is rarely hacking firm for use by the. U S, government sound police data to me, or I could judge chances can't motor servant.
I got your sound police daddy, you boss, maybe some of us need a kick in the tea, a poet who kick in the tea to realise this isn't a normal election. I know that set every four years, but damn it I mean it. We are. The leaders have been waiting for my friend, jenny, thomas, all the time. You're sit on the sidelines in this election. You ain't! No one right! Here's one more! Just the news! police, baby or not. and white ass ass facebook to tweak the algorithm. The basically sensor, conservative news here spots news talking about exactly this yesterday, how they don't even care there. Given you the double barrel middle finger right now, the white house doesn't even care that they appear like that, their censoring people they'd as its dirty doing it, but they don't even care about their navy trying to hide it anymore.
Here. Take a look after this blow at facebook, delivered a data done to the white house just days later, in an email obtained by fox for facebook, then vp of global affairs, nickel I get emails, his team with an update, saying this. He me slab. It was appreciative of the data we sent through on friday and confirmed that rob s flaring had said I've never received so much data from us before the white out did not respond to our requests for cod. meadow tells box what they handed over was from crime. Tangled meadows tool that analyzes public content on its platform, something the company has publicly acknowledged they shared with the white house, but these discussions contradicts what white house, set at the time that their engagement with social media companies was purely flat. getting misinformation publicly available on this side, these communication show they wanted a whole lot more from facebook and we're very angry when they didn't get it, they were very.
Angry when they didn't get it. This is united states government, specifically freaking prohibited, from censoring speech by this thing called the first amendment and they're putting it down in actual emails in emails demanding. Demanding that all this stuff is done? They don't even care. You know about it hoax again, wake up your friends! This is that moment. Why you to look at this moment as a positive thing, like it inflection point, I want you to be able to look back in three or four ears and say my god, imagine how bad it was Baghdad. Aren't you so glad we fix this thing and brought this
country back to normal c and save it for our kids. You know you get these stupid. Sayings eighties pity do dark is recovered, don't olympian it s, like the african poet, forget any that crap. This is to make this the worst its ever gonna get. This is the fight the god gave you right. Now, I'm just gonna be straight with you you're going to take it or you gonna, back away, I'm taken it head on. I'm gonna jump those videos, then. So foul g, by the way, speaking to police staters, I'm gonna die this together for you here and a second how covin became the perfect vehicle for them to soften people up to the police state. Now it's time for you to toughen up and they can your skin and fight back against all the softening. That happened during covert.
Even moderates were like oh yeah I'll, put the mask on and take the shot. Everybody did it every boil, not everyone at you and my listening audience, but a bunch of people did it, who ordinarily couldn't be persuaded to do such stupid things they're back. They need covert again. The Biden team is now picked to replace four fouche and shockingly, I think the woman, jean mirage, or maybe even worse than crouching, and believe me that say in alot. They need the covert thing back. The police state, aramis, is kind of dying down. A little bit people are fighting back, people are schumann, social media people are pissed off, binds approval rate in the thirties. They need something to get people scared again. It is not a coincidence that the covert hysteria is picking up again right now when what's come up next year, you guys know is of any ideas. Some big November
What is it you? Were you all the election? Yes, are you think it's an accident because with this story is pick it up again right before the election here. Look at this lady. g and morocco. This is gonna. This woman's going to replace fancy automatically goes right back to the mask, area right away or take a less agrees. Said, are wearing a mask when you go out. You don't need to wear one when you're at home, basks in young people going to school over the age of six. All the things we've been talking about mass wearing hand, hygiene and social distancing masks have contributed, the control of this pandemic in other communities even mask wearing, except when you're eating you can prevent it with very good. Now three, basic rules where a mask make sure you wash your hands frequently or use hand sanitize her and keep your distance. All we
houses dude the mask- doesn't work. How many freaking times are we can we go down this surgical, mask rout? Why with the mask gisela queens. I can tell it a visual symbol of fear. It is a visual symbol of compliance there is not the deep state wants more needs before an election than to have everything scared, remember the walking dead theory, the only people to walk into a prince and voluntarily imprison themselves like they did, that zombie show the walking dead is causing scared, the zambian on the outside. That is why liberals loved the mask you falling terribly show every one, you're compliance show them the thing is so scary. Look I'm complying with big daddy government are going to keep me safe. They love the mass there's, a reason they love the mask. It is a visual symbol of your subordination,
watch. Msnbc play into the hole with the mask again you these stereo picking up at the perfect time. Then I want to play this guy coming up next, yuval harari? You ever heard these one of these new world guys that this clip ties it all together for you why they need this covert stuff and why it's back take a listen So what I you thinking people need to know is this. I will just People on alert that when you're in those crowded spaces take about a cost in the polls and sometimes meant, people do not even have any citizen a mass. Can be your best friend, keep it? at the back and try and we have them in our office that are grote, then our backpacks time to bring them out again, especially all season starts. We don't want to seek his messing small or data that we could have prevented. You think this is an accident, yet, but very seriously, in the chat why it's an accident or no
It's not an accident. This is on purpose. There doing this on purpose there doing this on purpose. This is right before an election, because the fear factor always helps democrats because it gives them a reason to insert big government into your I've big daddy government to fix your problems, it's the rama manual, never let a crisis go to waste theory. This is just beautiful, tied up here this I have heard this guy, you ve all harare, disguise all over the place, one of these a new world guys all these theories about how you know human beings, what the futures of good futurists guy, but people love me, no go crazy! Worship! This guy here is harare, explaining exactly how covereth fits into the commie model, the police state model, how covert basically broke people down and has
black beyond just cove, in other words covered, was a vehicle and a small piece of a much larger picture. It's rare They go on cameron say this up. With the exception of this, I who says it all the time. Believe me a lot of these great reset folks. Look up to this guy a lot! Listen, this! It's not an extremely deadly virus, it's not the black death and look what it's doing to the world. So now, I'm just trying to think what will be the implications of a much bigger problem like climate change so conceptually. It shows that I- and here I completely agree with you or I'd, go that it shows you that you can change things on a massive scale. That and again you can stop all flights. You can lock down entire countries. You can
actually do that and life goes on in some way, and this would say you may make us more open. two radical ideas about how to deal also ways: climate change. I mean it's so rare when you guys agree light. They actually say: oh look covered the perfect vehicle for us to soften people up to get them ready for our next tyrannical move. Just to take away their cars? I mean it's so rare that they actually had to starve them to death by cutting off their electors and right. They re right. They dated that's right. They write actual books about it now called the great risa it is so rare. Listen you ever want to know what the police staters are up to just listen to the folks. I love this show and I love you being
But I'd live for this every single day. It is my passion is nothing else. I want to do right now. I don't want to run for I could do a lot of things I want to be here to talk to you. But I want to say some of you. I have no special powers of deduction, I'm not professor, axe from the x men, I'm an average intelligence guy, I'm not dumb, I'm not einstein, I'm just like you. I mean I'd states as tautological fact, but I think in almost twenty years of running for office and being a criminal investigator, you develop the skill of listening when you run for office better. Listen. People want to talk to you and you'd, better shut your mouth and listen. Listening is a skill and when you are a criminal, investigator and you're trying to put a case together and the criminals telling you what he did shut the engine listen.
That's skill is served me well on the show. You ever want to see what the left is up to or here with their up to just watch them and listen. They will tell you they cannot stop bragging about this insatiable blood once they have for power. They cannot stop bragging about it. They have this. Just it incessant urged, seek and grab power and to tell you bernie sanders Elizabeth Warren eo see klaus swap harare. They will tell you just listen, I think that's what makes a show little differ. I'd sit there all day,
I follow all these accounts hoax, the police states here, I'm just looking for more vehicles and this cove itself is not an accident. I want to show you this big yellow. Well, here too, are you got this jack summit was doing this offer justice? Of course you don't! You know, jack submit this especial Iron he's only here to promote tyranny and destroy the constitutional republic. But again I love when they just tell you what doing here's the associated press, a radical commune far less rag, no different than proctor, basically admitting that they didn't name coke and the in the indictment, Let me sum that put that up on the screen forsaken be jack, psmith indictment against tromp. It just came out the other day he names, but does it six co conspirators but just causes coke and spirit of one lawyer, one he doesn't actually name them. Jack's met at a lot of people wondering why I wasn't wondering why there two reasons he name trumps. Lawyers didn't physically act,
we name who they were number one. I don't think he's gonna charge him. Why? Wouldn't you charge trumps lawyers? Well, wants the scare them in the indictment. Oh, my gosh is at me, but if he names them, they'll get lawyers and if they get lawyers and start to fight back in court, jack smith does not want to happen. What happened to bob mueller? Do you guys remember when bob mueller charged that you have those a russian server foreign people? You remember what happened to the case. Anyone anyone in the chat! Remember, that's right. The case got thrown out. because what happened? They dropped the case baldos team, because the russians one got attorneys and the case sucked so bad. not style its shots, so bad that guy in Chad here lays gunnar busy. Like that that does it say.
so bad mauler steam drop the case only because they are competent lawyers. The same things happening right now: jack smith is a cat word and a chump he's one of the worst lawyers in america he's afraid of eating. Saw donald trump and six co conspirators with attorneys that he's gonna have to drop it, case two because it sucks. They also. Why? Maybe this up a second people back, they also want this case tried, ass because they want donald trump in prison, so we can compare campaign. They even admitted by not naming or charging six alleged co conspirators. The indictment of former president tromp federal Prosecutors, maybe signalling their desire to expeditiously put the number of republican front runner on trial for seeking to overturn a twenty twenty election. More defended,
means more defence, lawyers and more motions and delays. I love I love when they admitted we really gotta get this guy in jail before the election. Things listen to me things, I've a couple things here, Things are going to get go and forward everything, not you, but everything. A lot of your moderate friends said. Oh, that's not going to happen. I could arrest donald trump not going to take his mug shot. Oh, you know what put that mugshot pizza they're not going to take his mug shot, We have this fulton county sheriff says we'll have a mugshot of president trump vs indicted logo is good because nobody's going to recognize me, you definitely need that mug shot I mean nobody would see. Donald trump things are going to get uglier moving forward. I need you to be prepared for this. I need you to be mentally hard and to get really tough in a thick skin moving forward. We have an opportunity to change us. I think we will, I think, in two or three years we watch in the show and we'll be looking. I know remember how ugly that was, but it's not gonna.
happen overnight. I need you to be prepared that things are going to get uglier, do not be surprised that they put donald trump behind bars. I mean actually physically behind bars You have been sending my email account on our website: an email asking about preparedness, star fruit, for folks I'll do a show on this eventually by food, water, generator, battery self defence mechanism, charcoal fire, water purification, radio, it's just a start, be ready things, you're gonna get out. The left knows no limits are now telling you in advertising. What they're going to do. Let me get that a trompe. I just want to play same while we're on the topic of donald trump is a debate coming up on a bit of a lighter note. Donald trump spoke to my good friend from Breitbart Matt boyle good man, and gave an update on the debate situation. I think he
show up for that debate personally, but he makes a good case here that it's kind of stupid. I mean he is ahead by a lot. However, I still think it's a good idea where he excelsis, you know he's the alpha on the stage is gonna. Have that centre stage portion? I think it's a good idea, but he spoke to map boyle about a check this out. You make your mind up. What's your plan on that front, show. I haven't totally made a decision. I liked the debates I might be here because The debates, I might have warned against hilary with the debates and I might have gotten the nominations because of the debate, but when you are leading by fifty and sixty point against Israel and people at zero and one and two and then they gonna be asked me. How so questions They probably won't have much of an audience of I'm not in the debates. According to what I read him, I'm not in the debates- and I could I have a really big audience. It seems almost like it would be foolish to do them. Reagan? Didn't do on other people didn't dylan, and I don't know that I should be doing it. Do not take too
Be up against a hostile network with hostile p, well that are polling at zero. I mean they don't have any votes. I mean one of a mad, actually a zero with an arrow, pointing left, I'm trying to figure out what that means, probably means that have too many votes- and you know like the election but but their one? Two three four five, maybe and in ecstasy. I see a poll the other day, seventy eight and seventy eight and your people at zero, and I feel it so a foolish to be doing it. I think it could be stupid. It could be a stupid thing to do. I don't know man I mean I don't think I can disagree with the guy. You know I think it's best. He shows up because that's his skill said that's what he does. I mean. What do you think? You know I loved you Bobby guys in the check is you're all smarter, you and me about this.
You guys do this every day to ensure the actual voters why he should show up for yes, no, we should. What do you think I mean I, I still think sure, but I'm only like fifty one percent sure. So let me you think I just want to get to this final story. You I told you is well yes, you never wasting your time here that they're not gonna go on going to say this isn't a first amendment issue trying to tried trump on his comments about the election that it's gonna about his actions about the electors, the alternate set of electors member. We talked about that yesterday. I don't know anything. It's a lotta knows yeah, that's a lotta! No scupper! Yes, it's in there, while you guys seem to know better. So, MR president, if you watch it, and are you like to show you how it is, I think you should bothersome eighty twenty as a lot. That's it it's a heavy victory for a controversial question. I told you they gonna go for the electors thing right, even though a crowd of down the electors thing repeatedly over and over again towards two thousand
sixteen nineteen sixty their trumps first amendment. fancy january six cases, shaky experts, say and axioms there really politicians and activists, but. real legal question. They note is whether those actions amounted to a criminal conspiracy he's not being indicted for what he said. Yes, he is dip shits. He is being indicted for what he said. That's the point. Bill bars humiliating himself again, while all conspiracy start with talk, no shit bill, everything starts with talk. The question is: is there probable cause that the talk led to the crime and the answer absolutely not not even close. Is that even reasonable suspicion you're a lawyer, you don't know better, you don't listen man, it was no bigger defender, a bill bar the neighbour is this guy been disappointment? Did nothing about the spy gate thing I mean it was all talk now is
they're saying oh, my gosh, some kind of big conspiracy, violence pretty universal, and now it's not a conspiracy. It's not working. seriously this electors things, but something the Democrats have done in the past repeatedly won last year is just that fitch thinks we can clean up today's content. I want to make sure I get through it all which is almost magical because it never happened, fitch downgrades. The united states is credit rating you hear about this yesterday on my show, it's only one of the biggest financial stories in modern american history, but the wall street journal loads. That cycle change anything wash additional tax and spend us into a clear bankruptcy. You know what I disagree with a mere wait till we start paying six seven, eight nine ten! sent interest on our thirty one trillion dollar debts and everybody finds out that the government has to print money to pay off those bills and that printing causes massive Inflation, which causes even higher interest rates- and we followed you addressed death spiral. Let me tell you something: what can continue won't this herb said once, and this can continue
You keep printed money. You're gonna have to keep raising interest rates. You keep raising nature. great you're gonna, have to pay more and government debt on interest rates, which weakens gonna. Make you print more money to pay off the dead. You can't afford to pay off. Eventually everything comes to an end. The spending will come to an end to coax ice again for suited in seventy four thousand and still going on and what a guess? What an awesome day, I love you guys, you guys are so great a me in his chair. Seventy four thousand people spread the word. It's kind of a slow newsday today, we're still rock- and I hope you like to show I put a lot of work into it- tell your friends to join a start count rumble it's free rumbled, our consolation on GMO click that follow button join us every at eleven a eastern time for the chat right here in the live, show ten a m? If you want to talk to be unjust and we really appreciate that I follow us. An apple in spite of eye is well. If you would my, we really appreciate I'll, see you back here tomorrow.
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Transcript generated on 2023-08-04.