« The Dan Bongino Show

The New Media Era Has Begun (Ep 2000)

2023-04-27 | 🔗

It’s over for legacy media. In this episode, I address the video that shocked the media ecosystem. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The way to hear the truth about america on a show that is not immune to the facts with your host dan Ben je. No! Oh, my! Oh my! We have a another stack loaded newsday today. The video that I think is going to shake up the media ecosystem caught me Surprise is well last night at eight o clock. Eight p m. Add to that bigger smith to Joe? I don't know if you know this but mcgraw in his back holden mcgraw and welcome to the chat, see you there. Holden wants to run with me in two thousand. Twenty eight will say: like all my own method, but of europe. That's my girl. that's got over. Magruin is a mcgraw him for its shell is already the jet and the bad is I got economic dues, I've got a cobbler harris play a jedi from the block again poet.
getting lost again a lot of stuff to talk about. Please don't go anywhere again! Loaded show today thanks. Everyone who joined this folks versus gets it is freedom for school dotcom. We haven't heard from them for a while. This is an absolutely fantastic outlet here left propaganda, endless, pronouns, critical race theory, sexually explicit books, accessible to minors, and, more the education system is disaster with silver. Colleges, with dumbing down their courses for years to come the average income, a freshman who could barely read or write at a seventh grade level want to take up my friends if freedom project academy air amazing. Over there they have been with me a very long time. They have perfected online learning, get away. These garbage public schools? They offer lie on demand and homesick courses for K all the way through twelve freedom project academy is built on judeo, christian values and classical curriculum. A classical curriculum, the dedicated to mastery of subject matter and tea
kids, how to think not what to think save ten percent or two when you unroll today, do it today at freedom for I for freedom for school dot com, that's freedom force. older com or you're there, you can check out their courses teacher preview videos about the courses and request their free information back in We can't afford to hand over another generation to the left. Take back your kids education. Today, freedom for school dot, com, that's freedom, F, o r freedom for school dotcom check him out great outlet over. There I love the moray Joseph two thousand, my friend, if you welcome everyone to the damned by gino, show at owed thousand either along I'm Joe about that You know, I feel, like that's quite a sense of accomplishment, and we have to thank the people responsible and it's not us it's the audience. You got it. I was put on a show, no matter what, but, if you all didn't, listen we wouldn't have through thousands episodes we wouldn't have even had twenty Joe was with me for the beginning Joe worked.
With no salary. I didn't make any money. We did it as a passionate kind of work of activism, yet they caught on you all made it. You know made it made it happen, and I want you to just a hat tip. Of course, the gauge you joined this later, but fetch always the joe was the loan ranger man in the beginning. May him and a base some moving blanket centre. Are twenty microphone and surrender part. That's how it all started so thank you, and I was little off horrified, the Joe I was unfamiliar with the conan, no brian skid I don't know about that. If you ve never seen it given looks creasy caught in the episode. Let me get to this first. We got a lot of material to get to Kuba. cobble. I did it again, cobbler, what is with the Democrats. Fascination weed king down to blur.
voters and minority voters and pretending to be like jenny from the block. What is, can you just Like you always talk, do you have the constant we fake, like look at me, bad, I'm down a see, did Joe by airports burkett change a o c. She like they say. Let's, let's just talk like you, normally talk, I get if you're in secure. I get it you're a loser. Ion stand that so does everyone else, but you look like an even bigger loser when you pretend you're, not a loser by talking down to people pretending their losers. Carmella Harris yesterday yo we ain't playing, trying to be jenny from the block check this out and so don't get in our way cause. If you do stand up, speak up and say we're not having that we're not playing that well,
I will you please stop this insanity, please I'm sorry. I started with this today on a download, but is it we have no idea how much this infuriates me I was a city kid. I acts grew up in new york. City. Ok grew up in. ok area, not the best spot in town, not the worse, but there are a bad people over there. I don't feel like need to look at these biceps. Let me flax, your browser that we should just be normal with the jenny from the block routine. It is so pathetic. applause we get it not playing. We get it. We got in frequent and Oh my gosh dude Please, please just stop restart talk,
people in Boston, a wicked spot car. Then you don't talk like the guy, but I'm in Boston yeah, but you sound like a moron. Do I just stop just stop start a big mistake: arb ansari felt horrible said I just the doors, it's like the mass dr skiing, crazy, because when I get in a mass like I did it stop stop drives me: breakin bananas, by it gets even worse with the potency. Never has any idea put present united states. He never as any idea where he is. I want to just this for a second, because something happened yesterday with the press and I'm not sure which story is worse. The fact that The present added states by god question in advance from a reporter, which is a major league no now in the media, or that here didn't, get the question in advance.
already know would bring rapporteur. We can ask on that which one is worse, but before we get to that the council is a problem. Here's the top of the ticket! the rotting beg of all beyond the white of fighting. never knows what he's doing or where he's going here. at the end of a press conference with the present or south korea, for a thousand time. There's a freak corporate in front of you d, You ever been the united states If you haven't stop it, do you ever know Joe you never right now. Never let me ask you something tomorrow. They say arma cos de code, whatever we need. You guys here, you're going to fill in you're, going to be president for the day, if you're at the end of the speech, there's a carpet and read in front of you: do you walked out the red carpet or do you go the other direction you walked out, frequent right. That's why it's right! That's! Why is it go down the rag carpet? It's right! There brow I gotta compound.
Anyone got his an exercise, have reduced you're, just gonna break it torpid upgrade. Why do you wear it? That's why it's a red carpet this this. Is it hard disk word services. Is there not only that putting a breaking red carpet? They tell him before the event they tell him. He gets a court, scientist him. I bible, fair on this, the secrets. This gives every president and this there hey. You will do this. You will make remarks, you will work. Rope like you will walk the freaking rag carpet, Look! It is rotting, vagabond, meals, video he's! still doesn't know what to do check this out. The the
the the Though lander says in the chat were in fine form doily. My man or woman would have. I don't know, I'm sorry. I. I do can't believe we are a nuclear powered, We are the machine guess known country in the known universe right we don't. about any other country anywhere in any other planet that may harbour live. We're in this. The guy the duties we're gonna go. There's a corporate, What are you brow? Page workable? we can write. Tarpey you got the south korean president's who could be potential, nuclear war, we kim jong on every side look at this area. It has even understand the guy does even speak English he's like dude,
don't ride portrayed just one. Oh god is oh, my gosh. their briefed on this, and I have said before trade to give sorry about all the I've done this for years. Ok, I don't have a lack of expertise and a thousand things, but I do have expertise in something they give and every present such as him. So I had some of the stories that were written I'll, show you what I mean in a minute they were like. He's given instructions. What to do? I've told you, because I'm I'm fair and I care about facts even went involves these idiots every president gets at walk to pose. Give remarks, walk right to left it's not unusual what's unusual. Is they give him the damage structures in this area? It still doesn't know what to do with a red carpet in front of him. here's what happened yesterday, it's a big either.
Bigger scandal. The whole thing Biden of where's because he's a riding beg of oatmeal. He gets his cheek. She ok fox covered, a website Biden com, with crib notes detailing reporters question prior to calling on her during the press conference? So it the crib sheet on there and had an l allay times reporter, her photo and it had the question now. The question she asked was not word for word, but it was definitely along mad. Vain shown The question becomes, whereas just admitted to you put up the next door that this step the russo ballroom story. This You know this was a story up at a fox awhile ago that binding up a noted said you enter the ruse, railroad, you take your seat, story, I get it, I'm not like knocking anyone, but it's historic, as he showed the note every president gets out. Ok, so I want to give you the fair take This is not unusual phobia. It's it's into the head Biden, for that is unfair, because trump got to say all get the same thing right. thing, however, go back to the last monday
This is unheard of ice. The press agent, I worked in the white house for five years. You do not Get questions from the reporters in advance: that's That is a major league. No, no, why Just think about why? Because if, if Your screaming questions in advance then People were asking questions, it makes the white ass uncomfortable, which is by the way, these soul, freaking purpose of the media. Are you going those questions Joe no I because you know the questions that are bridge you're, going to call on joey beggar donuts, who asked you hey, we heard you're! Really wonderful. Can you tell us how wonderful on a one to ten scale? Is it an eight or nine joey? That's a great question I'll answer that it's a point seven, sir, with a little bit of room for improvement here, we really got the question in advance. Now.
the allay times to give you all sides. These people say no. We didn't submit this stuff in advance odyssey. Folks, I'm not sure which stories worse right now. I'm not sure, I'm I'm really not The question was given to him in advance. We now have a state run. Media The question was not given to him in advance, which is a possibility. Then you should be asking yourself: isn't that even worse at the white house, works with these media people so symbiotically that they magically predicted. Who was going to ask what she asked. Almost the exact same question from the outset it gets cold on first. I'm serious, which ones worse fellows, which ones worse they're so connected to him that the white house predict what's gonna happen or the a screen did in advance No, I don't know which ones worse by the way, tip David marcus on on twitter. For that exact question he post nice,
then I thought this is an excellent point. Eight so we peace. The who the fuck is right. Eight April, They pulled suck both of portable of course, leave it to cnn entirely humiliate themselves, as always, of course, instead calling the mound saying: hey, listen, we're Obviously, left this goons cnn, where hacks we're losers, we're activists, but we still media. We shouldn't be screening our questions in advance because a white us as you gotta pick, the tough was that's our cnn one. Where did they go there? What we propose, Its pounds, of course, because that's it's mandatory that they do that. Listen to this clown show right here where they're like hey republicans. stop this one check this out. There was also a moment and that press conference a photographer, captured the notes. In fine was holding in his hand, and there appear to be one with the rapporteur that he was going to call on the first rapporteur you called on during up.
Conference and now there are allegations about whether or not he had the question in advance. What is the white house saying about what happened here? when it's not uncommon for the white house to prepare these types of briefing materials for the president, but it's the level especially of specificity, that is in the spotlight in this moment, as you noted that no card included the name and photo of a rapporteur and also a possible question. Now it's worth noting that her question was not identical to what was on that no card and the her outlet says that they did not submit any questions to the white house. I had of this press conference, but we have seen the president in the past carrying around these no don't cards with details about the events where he needs to go the people that he's meeting with now this these types of moments are things that Republicans have seized on, especially as they have tried to highlight president Biden age, a good. story is never about the fact that the white house appears to be screening what its or or
again to give you both sides or is able to almost perfectly predictable Once bad, either ones with so the story. fear and to make the story, of course, about the republican reaction to it. Not the fact that it's a huge scandal which it is unbelievable these ass kissing losers in the media. British Jim from the radio shows like brown bro, take it easy a lot of energy today, you've got three hours. I am good, I'm good, I'm good for eight hours that I woke up this morning on freakin fire for this. I can't believe it where we are right now, with this whole media thing, I don't want to move on his last night scrawl and around the media dial at eight p m seem what's on trying to say back out all the competition now that Pm's opened up over fox to see what's going on and on. The euro, meltdown. Yesterday I mean entire internet. across and who are
he's gonna be fight back. You know I like talk a lot darker appear, On twitter last night, at eight o clock. And he launched a video that. Will I, lady time I'm telling you I'm telling you is going to change the media ecosystem if it's not already change I said to you the other day. My show that there is a very small group of people on planet earth. Who can Ignore agnostic of the platform, in other words, people will follow them because they make news. They dont governors, Howard Stearns, the rush limbaugh the day talker there are others out there to theirs. but this is a small group. radio house, there's a small group out there. They are agnostic of the platform.
That do you the other day, and now I've got the data to back it. Up now, granted to be clear, It's a small sample size, its one video. But, ladies and gentlemen, if it's any indicator, you will see I'm right that the monopoly the platform days, we had to be here or you're here over people, follow you anywhere rumble twitter, over the place. Here's? What I mean? This is just the last minute pay very close attention to the end of talkers first statement: first Fischer state enemy spoken. A couple jokes of the press twitter last night. This is the last minute of what he had to say and I want you to pay close, very close attention. till the last sentence he before He goes off far off. That is twitter feed. My son, I check this out both political His answer dollars have reached consensus on what benefits down and they actively lose to shut down any conversation about it.
Suddenly, the united states such very much like a one party state, depressing realisation, but does not permit our current Orthodox won't last their brain dead, no Actually believed them Anyone's life is improved by them, this it is too inherently ridiculous to continue and saw a wall. The people in charge notice that's whether hysterical and aggressive they're, afraid, give not persuasion their resorting to force, but it won't work when honest people say what's true calmly and without embarrassment they become powerful. At the same time, the liar she'd been trying to silence them shrink they become weaker. as the iron law of the universe. True things prevail. Where can you still find american saying true things? They places laughed, but there are some that's enough
as long as you can hear. The words there is hope, see soon see you soon. Long as you can hear the words there is hope. the world's different. Now folks. Your ability, new, Quote here the words on multiple platforms. This is large, it's sever been in human history. You staff watch it on the abc NBC or CBS nightly news, Joe remember those days or if you didn't read about it in the washed imposed the new york poster the new york times. Ladies and gentlemen, it didn't happen the day, of those people monopolistic lee controlling the information stream that reaches your eyeballs and your ears are over. Even media. I left wing outlet how to address this fact views tucker cross and video posted on Wednesday surpass viewers of old fox time slot less than an hour. Charlie NASH, media,
so my newsletter today, if you want to read it yourself, surpassed it. Is he dead videos at twelve million views. That's a twelve million views nobody's doing twelve million views at eight o clock anywhere. Not just add media landscape. Wasn't it was an earthquake last night with this video. at the beginning. I don't want to act like it was. Cute moment in time it's been kind of a chronic for all school legacy media chronic drip, but it's happening I vocation of the media landscape is here right now in your living through it, I let me get them. expands. First, I want to show you another fascinate, story about what, but another channel, then I want to show you something happening on rumbled right now lot more ahead, including how bad the? certainly worked out for the left wingers. Now they dont they control this stuff. The days are controller over our male start mail with a t start
dot com, slash bond, gino apple. Every day, millions of people share sensitive information over email with realizing the risk of being spied on her hacked is sending regular emails like sending a postcard. Anyone can read it cybercrime, companies a government. You name it. If you're like me, you value your privacy and your security. You know what do else want us private conversations. That's why you need start male again. Like start finnish start mail is a simple and affordable email service that key your email, safe, every email can be encrypted or password protected. So no one can snoop through your celia. Personal data are moderate conversations starting offers. Many features to protect your privacy online. Like unlimited disposable email, addresses two, your inbox from scamp from la spam. switching to start males, a breeze to which is the future she can move all your emails. I contact if you value freedom in liberty, it's time to ditch spy mail and sign up for start now. Is it start
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Site they ve had a surge five hundred thirty one thousand viewers at eight o clock is not small, potatoes ladies and gentlemen, gay and Joe, and I follow the cable news environment. Like I said, anyone who tells you you're not into ratings is lying to you. If you don't get out of the business, it's like being a car salesman and saying you're not to selling cars. Am I interrupting yet because I'm its success like that matters, Follow this fight dirty one thousand see right there. That's it s, a big number man, that's a big, so we'll see if they can stick it out with that I want to show you well again, I'm just trying to make the point you're, not about news max or any one specific place, even mine, but that you can be planned I'm your here. Your content can be in multiple different places: you're not limited to one avenue, ABC Nbc, cnn, MSNBC, fox anything. You have good content. People have multiple ways to see you know here, degrees, numbers. important news when I announced that we were separating fox and I
the downward Juno gino show one point: seven: seven million people watch that folks, My lord John Fox was only one point: seven million people A huge number, by the way, as Joe can tell you, could see Joe is audio geese. Video, that's just the video number, the audio number was a million do so folks talking about close to three million people is in our facebook rating, as martin Can anyone I'm just telling you again that you are multiple opportunities, the monopolistic platform days are over. The problem is the one button problem A lot of folks, The forty and older like me were not really that tech savvy you may be, I'm not. I rely on paula for all that stuff. Okay, I dunno you know, I not say I can't figure out apps and stuff like that, but I am happy itself deprecating for that for the hell of it. I'm doing because it's true I like to hear but no power binding. Have my content on the tv it. However, when
figure out how easy it is to just sit. There were a few buttons on an app it becomes Second nature: the kids are used to it. I saw this on social media was that some kind of crazy named the count, but what my Through getting rumble on our tv, it took a minute but thrilled now to see people like damned mancino, what stephen crowded that's out there it's a modest as way for that, but the eyes the above. I get these all the time. Showed my mom showed my dad how to get you on rumble on apps the tv on a computer at a sling it and once they figure it out. You then, it's open season man! It's! been season this new media ecosystem on rumble and twitter and elsewhere is going to transform the country folks, it's going to take a little bit of time, but the monopoly on information is over. There is no more a b c NBC Cbs cable news monopoly on information. There just isn't a lot of these. Cable news companies are going to adopt them.
Fine abso, going to find s, svod they'll be fine, but not only on the cable channel and the television box through your cable box in bunny years is dead. It's over man I want to show an example of what I mean by this house, monopolies on the flow of information are going to absolutely destroy the left, so there happened yesterday, and Weingarten, one of the top and most dangerous people in the country for your kids future right randy. Why garden who'll did she is one of the head of one of the largest teachers unions in the united states was so lovely, pushing the keep your kids at a school for the longest time. Now that blowing up in our faces. Furious parents revolved around the country, school board, elections, governors elections and their pissed off about their kids being depressed. Why Trying to change history, so she's trying to use the Fred siegel. Try and I talk about this book revolt against the masses. Haven't you because I want to get a message out these congressional committees activist
like the teachers, unions and the media. Well, while they still have those two congressional committees and activists groups like the teachers unions, they don't own media anymore, so want to play weapon I'll show you what I mean here. She is yesterday absolutely gas lighting, everyone that she somehow wanted schools open, which is total bull, and you know it checked this. We spent every day from february on trying to get schools open. We knew that remote education was not a substitute for opening schools, but we also knew that people had to be safe, and maybe it's because I live in new york city. I live near a hospital Other minute there was ambulance there. terror. Our members were terrified, others were terrified and what we were simply looking for work was clear scientific guidance and when we couldn't get it, we did
in ourselves and we worked with doctors and we work did others and we just try to get it out there. Ok, that's some tier one level, both right. There. They don't own media anymore. Twitter is a major source of journalists. Information EL, I use it sometimes for show prep. community note strikes back again, community notes if you're not on twitter is a feature where they twitter community can fact check. This was I have to read the weingarten statement by the twitter community. One dismiss receptor, misrepresenting her prior positions, she could attempts to reopen schools in the fall of twenty twenty quote, reckless, callous and cruel, and look at all. Then legs. Look at that. You can read the articles yourself so weird, it's like she's full a crab, because, because she is they don't all the media system anymore man? they don't own. It.
Tucker, showed you last night. What possible community note shows you today and the show you how they try to fight back years. The love trying the triad again, the triad of come Of our congressional committees, communism is progressing committing the media activist groups, really kind of authority had slept, but not right. Jamie rescue, radical left this from Joe state of maryland right just a lunatic. here's jamie ruskin, trying to again gaslight america, the reindeer weingarten wanting to open schools, even though she's clearly clearly lying here's rascal Any sites get a load of this his occasion that this citations in the community notes, which are real here, Joe Randy weingarten Zob head check this out gave a specific blueprint to reopen schools in november, and you continued all of this. Even after the cdc release its operational strategy in february next year, and when I went back to google,
just to confirm my memory. I found nothing but a bunch of op eds. You wrote demanding school reopening across the country, countless speeches and articles about your advocacy, here's one. I found new york times about you with the headline and I'd like to for the record, the union leader who says she can get. teachers back into the schools, Did you ever hear about a year? It's our sights higher up at the new york. That's what I'm gonna do jobs. You know If I got caught robbing a bank, I'm going to write an op ed saying I didn't rob the bank and introduced that court as evidence. I did The brain is it our bread, the new york times yet, but you wrote it in better sure the. Of course You got totally wrecked school choice advocate great guy corey, the angels, who then
We did this out all these headlines about the teachers unions trying to keep the schools clothes. You could read. Em you sell powerful teachers union influence cdc on school. Reopening gmail shows. get the school stuff for a second all is an important issue if today show is clear. The day, of monopolistic control of the media through linear channels and go here at this time or you'll get nothing are over there. over community notes, twitter, video rumble video there? Are thousands of options out there for people to consume content on the web. It's over all you ve got to do is figure them all you gotta do is figure them out. I assure you, another video coming next John Kennedy, a senator from Louisiana. While I have to like a lot, because he s very direct questions, put an abortion radical abortion activists on the spot yesterday and should know what to say. I got that
now. Don't let me leave it at that. She honest video too. It's a really good video, that's some good stuff, so they have Giannis it a basketball player, really good one Jana. Sorry, I'm not don't follow sports folks! I screw this stuff about them. The honest guid has the correct mealtime but apparently was it is really good, but he got or care. If he's good at basle ii disguise great answered with dopey reporters question already first. Ladies gentlemen, during or Brazil colombia get some crazy stuff than your face. But why did you do that now? years younger right before your eyes during the general cells mother's day, sale is a real review from Jenny saw that come Claire said I love jenny, sell my skin feels great time Younger with a more even tone even if I only use it for a week. My advice for everyone take a before picture, but our Van Jim, who keeps Very lucky folks makes it more exciting point. My wife loves it. ever since I purchased, for things got much more interesting after dark Jim says:
congratulations, Jim! It's true! Nothing! it's a genuine access to family recipe for over twenty years they buy abounding, pharmacist small batches and always save cruelty, free unnatural, go to Jane. You sell back home, slash dan save over seventy percent of gnp cells, most popular package during their mothers. They sell every most popular, Courage, features their ultra retinal dark spot correctors. So don't we gotta jenny, Well, dot com, slash damage, genocide, back home dot, com slashed and get a complimentary spar central box with every package order from now until mother's day, plus free upgrade to priority shipping and you sell G a new ceo jenny cell dot com in general, so darker slash than bastion so again more but it's they cannot control the messaging anymore. we can use the triad to servant of activists them. Yeah congressional committees. In this case, a set of committee which had a hearing Had a radical abortion activists up there, and you know the Democrats
want to run on the abortion issue. They want to make us look. Like radicals, John Kennedy pay back to favour. Where radicals they use abortion right up until birth like right up, so birth babies, born right now to you, kill it. That's a pretty simple answer, if you're a sane person right Joe the answers, what that's that's horrible, I would I mean that's like murder right now, simple answer! No! No! No! The answer is no joke. Not if you're radical abortion active is the answer. that's a really difficult things. So let me put a word cell together here. Take a look yourself, Do you support. It being legal to abort an unborn. Child up to them What a birth! the senator Kennedy. It is not our yes or no question. I support women like me zero ski
women. In my eyes, no man don't up I think it is a question of question now, while the latter, if there were a mall, that's The strand understand your perspective than a not accusing you of this, of course, but but you know, people talk around this issue. If there were a bill that share that a woman has an unfettered right. To a board and unshod unborn babe. for any reason up to the moment of birth. When you vote yes, when you vote no in order Kennedy, I refuse to be shackled by your question. What I have answered is that there are conditions without yes or no very conditions during pregnancy that after ten weeks. No legs are set on whether these twenty four weeks We can do that too.
we can do that too, you want to run on social issues, left these and try to pain us in a corner repay you in a corner to you, it's convenient to run on republicans or abortion extremists. You wanna were born babies. Why being born you can answer that question sounds to me like a homicide Sounds like to me We can do this through I got a stack show. So getting it's more like a news round up for you here, stories and going back to Nicky Hayley, who I don't need to preface like regularly by this amount. If I like, I don't even care, it doesn't matter. If she liked me or I like her kind. Everybody. When I see him in person, because I want to be a jerk but I have a responsibility to you. Ok, the audience Nicky, Hayley or anyone else and she said something yesterday in a fox interview up, so patently absurd that odyssey. I really think it cyber to pull out of the presidential race. At this point I
I'm serious! I think it's that absurd. I'm gonna get to that package, quick news round up at some stories? can it be able to outline I'm not gonna, be here tomorrow, very sorry, had we had to take a day offers it's nothing major, it's an an emergency or anything like that, but we're not going to be here tomorrow. So I gotta get this stuff out today, ladies and gentlemen, How do you feel about this bananas story in the wall street journal? The irs is taking some of the eighty million dollar a billion. Excuse me, billion dollar windfall austin powers moment they got congress, looking out, apparently now a three auditing system or oh yeah, oh yeah, This is a great idea. This is a great idea up. There were pouring bleach your eyes meeting a really bad one. you can read the article yourselves called cooking. The irs study books there looking Apparently this tax filing system and it's gonna make The tax collector quote the first and last arbiter of how much americans, or in other words you can go into this system at me.
I rest is going to figure out advance why you all right then you telling them what you all now folks good practice So, for this becoming mandatory is rather large. can you imagine a pre audit, a pre on which all public that I say this thou crazies I could see the left is worrying. To pay your taxes. No liberals don't want to pay their taxes there. The worst we gotta go to John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, AL sharp did and others who bad issues in this regard right. Ok, they don't want to pay their taxes. That's not the point Now, let me the same government they couldn't even doing obamacare website is pre, ordered you and tell you what you? Oh, oh and they're gonna air on your side, I'm sure I'll take off I pass on that bags. Here's another one read state aid yo did it. You may not like all that I certainly didn't, but they passed that ceiling bill. p, passed out of the house.
So now I just want you to understand going forward. You can see the coverage by bonci red states in the newsletter. Any shut down of the government in our default settings MC grath sans? They control the senate. They control the wider back. You have I stay call now fellows, there's a default Some kind of interest rate risk. You did it, you did. It wasn't the greatest plan. I want to get to this Nicky Hayley video. In a minute. Let me get my last sponsor quick economic update dodge. honest and endless rick's god, video, which is good stuff, can be quick, show boom, boom boom, lotta stuff come out today when she a wow when she awoke we say why, when I use it causes great, you know we get them are sponsors here, which is a great spot to be in, and I really liked this product, it's windshield. While the website is windshield wow, Com? It's an ingenious, windshield cleaning device uses to magnetic cleaning paddles even clean the windshield by motioning over the outside and at a paddle follows on the inside their attached by super strong, magnet. It gets into corners
it gets everywhere. It cleans the haze and all that miss the nonsense of dust off your windshield down here in florida. It rains The third issue that renewable energy there was, it's where nato, by my papa, she said you see when you drove in this morning. Did you see this stuff everywhere, it looks like a war zone, restrict it bad rained down here a lot the summer, three o clock. Delight four, o clock. You gotta, keep your windshield clean. You get an action or something Hazan. Film builds up. I can't see anything. when she allows the fastest and least ass a way to get super clean street free and safe wins one in every car, my household, it says we got Do we actually get three? We had another one out for my daughter go to which your while thou com get this ingenious. Cleaning device now works. Great two magnetic paddles is right from the outside of the sit there and try to break your shoulder our by by getting the winchester inside it, those of where it's when you wilder com when she allowed their com. Bon gino it check out for a special discount, promo code bonds.
Well, that's when she awhile dot com thanks when she a while for beginner to a sponsor, we loved the product. We love having you here thanks a lot hi. Folks, I sorry, but this is this qualify again, whether I like Nicky, Hayley or not, is irrelevant. I dont not like her. I don't. I don't care. I am really that's agnostic on this stuff, Oh you, the truth she went on watch yesterday. She was asked about the ongoing war with disney, which is, ladies and gentlemen. I don't care who you are supporting if you're supporting rhonda said this for governor yu. Welcome on the shell of your supporting I'll drop. You definitely welcome on the shelf. I don't they I don't it's a mystery. I've been a trump guy for a long time. Correct, but you're always welcome your support the key area you welcome here too. However, if anyone people does something dumb, I'm gonna call it out it's my job to you. I don't work for these campaigns. I dont think trump. competing in the debates is a good idea. Personally, I said that yesterday right on the dissatisfied. However, I think this battle with disney is not
about the said. This is about florida legislators to it. Always all of this is to say this, but the florida legislator legislature has taken on dizzy and it's the right thing to do business. special carve out in this way, florida, everybody knows it, it's not a freak and mystery and they had a special carve out. They were getting their asses kissed by the government. Everybody used to say down here in florida enormous with dizzy. I know I ran down here and they took that special. How about and start to get involved in far left politics. Folks, Harry, I'm really sorry, but some people are making a political issue out of this castle. The primer this this should end this war, which is now today, No, he should. No, we shouldn't I'm sorry this is exists your fight for the role of corporate amerika in a culture of war rotting, our country from the inside out, like a damp cancer, and if you don't get that that its
Can this qualifying? I'm sorry that I did I made a mistake to about this one. This is A real fight with these people. this is a real five years. if you have a yesterday, go disney whatever come to our state willing for oh yeah bring all the woke nice over there ruined south carolina too. This is just dumb. I'm sorry check this out as governor, I took a double digit unemployment state and I turned it into an economic powerhouse. Businesses were my partners, because, if you take care of your business as you take care of your economy, your economy takes care of the people and everyone wins, and so that's the way we dealt with it. We are south carolina was a very anti awoke state. It still is and if disney would like to move there, hundreds of thousands of jobs to south carolina and bring the billions of dollars with them I'll, let them know I'll, be happy to meet them in south carolina and introduce them to the governor and the legislature. That would that would welcome it.
No, no! No! No! With due respect governor with due respect, that is, cordage. You should immediately immediately retract that If you don't understand how conservative fight right now with korea, did woke. Big business is the fight. Then you belong nowhere near the white house or the cabinet, for that matter either kids support anyone like that I try to stay out. I tell everyone you're all welcome here, sport and vague tim Scott, whatever you're all welcome on the show everybody here, but deserves a fair shot and by the way I extend the invitation and Nicky early. She want come on my radio show. I will give her a fair hearing and will not interrupt their, but then is nonsense, the days republican party. Listen to me, man fuck or be me in the eyes. That's an over you folks, out there at the days of europe,
book in party folks, surgically acting their ass to big business, no matter what and the chamber of commerce are freaking over done. No more free passes. No more. Turned out no more boot, licking no more ass, kissing, no more back robs it's over. We or a conservative moment that supports capitalism. That means merit. That doesn't mean Government kisses. Your ass gives you special carve out gives your back robs. None of that is capitalism, that's crap, elysium, ok, and if you get tat! Then you I don't belong in the race, they had a special carve out in the reedy crete district. That's a fact they use that for years to insert themselves into florida politics at spends, and then they took it fight, a culture war suggesting or applying somehow that it's ok, sexually doctrine in our kids at a young age, absent.
Are we not ask. will not bad. This qualifying She needs to retract that immediately. You know it our on the topic of merriment skipper. Roundly yonder sources membrane such to adopt, for but ass we get older. I feel colleagues boards. I almost nothing about the and be I'm actually embarrassingly group and expand John star anthony mason, charles oakley, patrick arguing and I couldn't tell you a single starting player on the next, even though I know they still even in the pine other player. So it's embarrassing, but this is great. I don't know this guy honest, but a reporter ask him a question. about a man you got: did they lose or something and he's a it. Always is a failure to waste your time and the answer. I rarely play these entire things. tat long for you. to listen to this and show with your kids, where he's like,
It's the reporter, like what are you an idiot? It's a failure! Let me tell you what failure looks like. I got a whole book coming out about this. This topic fascinates me how people constantly fall and that stay down and the winners get back up the service, do you view this season as a failure? Oh my god. Okay, because I'm not that up. Would you like to be the same question last year? Eric ok, do get dig their promotion, every it only job, not so every year you work is a failure. Yes or no, every year you work you worked with something to go right with, which is get a promotion to be able to take your family to be able to provide the house for their model. Thinking of your parents, you wanted to say, is not a failure. Steps to success. you know and if you ve never had wanted, I don't make purse shop.
There's always steps to it. You know the georgian take fifteen years once Sheep. The other nine years was, a failure, does tell me how much vehicle should usual. Ok exact, and so I urge mercosur. It's not question. There's no! Failure in sports, you know, there's goody! bad days of these some days you are able to be successful. It is you're not so this is your turn these not your turn and that's for sports about you. Don't always win some other other who's. Gonna win and these years somebody has been way similar. Is that going to come back next year? Try to be better try to build good habit. try to play better, not have our ten days threats without play, basketball, united. Hopefully we can monitor, sheep soul. Fifty years from now to seventy one to two thousand and twenty one, the reading in a jam ship, it was fifty is a failure. No, it was not. He was steps. Do it you know, and we were able to
when one hopefully given another. Oh my gosh era. Rushing in a world full of entertainment, sports, star lunatics was is woke, terrans, morons and lebron James types right. They have a guy. I don't care politics, not even if I know nothing about the guy, he says he's really good. I don't know then you can say his name right. I don't really care. What he just said there is magic. You should play that for your kids, You plough ahead. You get off your ass. fall on the mat you get knocked out. You get back up, If you can still fight you fight. You lose a game. You don't go, cried in a corner like a worse bag, taken your jersey off here, which are we can kleenex, stop the wine and get back in room the next day and start moving the steel and better yourselves. So you can freakin when everybody fail everyone, everyone There is a single organism on this right
we call or that hasn't taken a major l, a loss in some point there, like you, know what operator. The winners from the losers not losing winners loose to all the time, all the time so losers get back up. and they don't let the failure to find them. I've been found, and aided by this topic. For the last year my life How many successful people took major losses in their life folks play. For your kids, man play that, for your kids play it on loop. Amazing I'd scupper more stories, gdp number came in today's important free while not good folks, age p is slowing. Down. Slowing down dramatically came in at one percent. Folks adds bad we're, not even anywhere close to even inflation. The economies are growing at the rate of inflation. This is awful. The asked With two percent, which is equally awful, the pre his courtiers two point six percent
is bad news. Jobless claims now look at any better, a mile, improvement but hovering near seventeen months eyes, I'm not your financial adviser. Folks him just telling you we're in for some rough roads. If we don't get this guy out of the white house and get a hold of this debt ceiling, quick, really rough road our enemy rap on this today rick scottish centre from florida. Here you put out this be put out to say: he's been really aggressive in going after Biden, and I I personally appreciate it because he's putting a lot of his or his efforts into it. He represents florida. I don't think he's running for president, I'm not sure him. He hasn't announced By Biden running for four more years, He wants to finish the job by any. Once more openness and rick Scott asks in this anti put together. well more of what. Moreover, this, even though this
it was higher than expectations me. It is perhaps no surprise to americans who know and have been feeling inflation is painfully highlight to the industry are warning that prices could rise. Another thirty five. I still think we have a very serious inflation problem in this country is my first brand new update from the gas pump prices they're hitting another record record gas prices has been reading. Lately, it's a regressive tax inflation, those who can least afford it are the ones that cause we all pay the same thing for gas, no matter pretty much. How much money we made some cookies believe honesty, respect the crossing and migrants I spoke to this morning saying they haven't, had any interaction with us immigration authorities. They just walked right up the cd. These numbers are still exploding through the roof. They're still at twenty year highs the scenes of complete chaos as people clamour to be evacuated. America's longest war has ended and humiliating collapse. There is only one person to hold responsible, and that is president, but if this isn't failure, what does failure? Look like it looks? Like failure looks like exactly that. That's exit,
actually what it looks like Ladies and gentlemen, as a rotting bag of oatmeal, the white house can even figure out with a freak in red carpet. It's you for more use. This disaster spread the word man get out vote register now register your kids make sure everybody's registered take ten people with you email, ten people call ten people, facebook, mess twitter, true, social, ten people that there is an ally common about, then it's a year away, it still you're, already late, get The ball right now, you're the lead you ve been waiting for. Take the next election. It sitting right in front of you. Don't wait, hope thanks again for tuna and alive just been mass, and I can't believe we start this a month ago ravaging over forty thousand people. You want to join us for the chat I really enjoyed. You can always joint holden magruin in the chair. Become a celebrity on the show
every day at eleven am m eastern time. Just gotta rumble dot com slashed bond gino. If you're all like me, you can't figure it out ass. Your kids are somewhat rubble. Dot com, slash gino, just click play at eleven o clock, the stream. Start com The way we love to have you on the chat, you all a terrific. I read your chats live on the show. It's been such a just click, follow while you there follow button and serbs subscribed follow, but I really appreciate it. You'll then you'll get a notification. When we go like we are, we I appreciate your support. Follow us an apple in fight to thanks a lot folks. I was you back here on Monday, you just heard it in Bonn. Gino.
Transcript generated on 2023-05-08.