« The Dan Bongino Show

The Most Explosive Revelation Yet In The Biden Scandal (Ep 1414)

2020-12-14 | 🔗

In this episode, I discuss the explosive ties between the latest Hunter Biden email drop, and players tied to the troubling Uranium One scandal. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ready to hear the truth about America on a show that not immune to the banks with your host Dan bones. You know: how is the media not reporting false? I'm not letting you down here. When I tell you, we found a pretty unbelievable connection, time line between the Hunter I'd and scandal the growing explosive troubling deeply troubling scandal, and the Obama Euro uranium one fiasco, I've got a walk you through this piece by piece than you don't want to miss any of this. I promise you the industry, and how is no one else, reporting on this by the way have Tipp Arthur Schwartz for TIP and me off on this, and I did some homework and he's right, big hat. I got that so a peace, an angel com on the beginning and Parallel universe, we're living in here with this Russia hack again
and the chinese government infiltrating our government that peace summit to put together for years well, along with the Michigan stuff, you're gonna, be like wait. I thought I thought the age has told us. This was the most secure election ever Hang that stand easy. As you tell me, the police can me I'm a figure. They sure, but you express Vps. Ladies and gentlemen, protect your online activities from prying eyeballs today get a vip and go to express Vps, dotcom, Slash, Pontio. how can they damp aren't? You know, show producer Joe. How are you today finds happy Monday to you, man, I'm doing pretty good to get a for. We can always happy The idea I did actually chill down. I can't leave the house because I you know my current condition. I can't be exposed anything right now, but almost done folks half way home and remarkably, I still have hair, which is phenomena Allah predict, someone lucid, which would be really incredible. We also have a studio yesterday. My good friend red, who is here spruce and up our studio with the latest technology. The show may look a little cleaner, a better so yeah, it's we got the best intentions
you coming right. Let's get new information about you by Tommy Johns feel uncomfortable right now got the T J roots keys on said you had enough, What this year, you dont need over think holiday. Guess, since you I've been living in our sweat. Pants anyway, give your loved ones some pro level, Tommy John Lounge, where Holiday season Tommy just making sure and give the gift of comfort to everyone on your list and yourself, we Tommy men's and women's lounge. Where listen? Let me just go off script a moment, exams they sent me their pajama affairs. I never wore pajama pairs. What don't do it? You could put would you together their yourself? The most com, about pajama pairs, everyone I didn't want to get out of my ever. That's the only problem, so by all states, weapons, Tommy, John Lounge, where's, luxuriously, soft and guaranteed, if it Great with the same level of comfort and innovation that goes into Reading Tommy John makes plus Tommy Johns wound where pajamas and underwear company limited edition sets perfect, forgive but they sell out quick Tommy, John anywhere, but the permanent anti sticking in
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Marty, Jersey, civil rapid them to show our support would have friends up there. I let's get right through this hunt. Abide story. Ladies. I'm on a very serious. You must appoint a special council and a hundred bite investigation. If President shrub leaves office, in fact, we lose our legal options in this case, and Joe Biden does become the next president and there is not a special council investigating his son and him, then, justice is absolutely meaningless, throw it in the garbage Bernard flush it down the toilet, but a special council appointment is a must. If there were I've never been a huge, especially if the huge fan Especial Council's full disclosure, and I've said that before but jobs, Enough. Having said that before, if the rules are now, a special council is the way to go when you're investigating presidential administrations. Like the Democrats said right, that's their print principles, right, open air, then it's fair game for a potential president, Joe Biden too, right. Yes, oh oh the
Not our job to suggest to investigate Republic is not or not, and I were not having any of that. So Mr Perry didn't cheese. Please on bended knee begging you, you must appoint a special council, but I'm about to expose is just incredible First, let's get you why we can rely on the media to do any this sum, the media, so does not care about the Hunter Biden story. The media is doing what they always do now that to me we know colluded to interfere. in the twenty twenty election by suppressing the Hunter Biden, Overseas collusion scandal with foreign enemies of the United States. Now that we know for a fact, the media big texted, that suppressing the New York's post story and CNN and other hack lunatic networks and people like Mr Potato head Brian Stout they're, saying it was russian. This information. We know that the media we'll never admit they were wrong and they will never cover Hunter Biden fairly. What's to me,
historic gonna? Be now the media story now going to be to avoid covering it? This is robust, in the house. this everybody remember Republicans path. When the media discovers a scandal, discovers airports scandal that involves Democrats. The story is never about the scandal. The store is about Republicans, conservatives and cancer. Leaning, networks covering the scandal just put in any search engine. Republicans, pounds and you'll see what I mean name any scandal Republicans pass on Benghazi, Republicans pounce on the gave it way the media, these hack, lunatic Pravda, like Soviet special you're? They salute the Soviet national anthem anymore, it's away. They avoid covering people like Joe Biden and make the story about the republican response. You don't believe me watch Mr Brittan. Had right here at CNN, make the explosive Hunter Biden case. We now know the FBI's investigative watching me.
what about Fox NEWS is coverage of a check this out and imaginative tv channel? The covered- almost nothing but Carker, hour after hour, all the evils in the world related back to cars or this channel shows gave you reasons the fear and Hayden resent automobiles. I probably never would have driven a cheap it all that is Fox NEWS, but instead of geeps, the shows are all about the news, media media, biased media, blind spots, media groups: if one car crash is no cars can be trusted. No, no! No! Not at all. Now, just like most drivers, don't crash. Most journalist don't commit the crimes, a fox claims, but in fact it is crash at the crowd of the crash. Democratic us all day long, almost every story somehow relates back to the media. Nor media is at an old fox, more than twice an hour on average. Of course, I'm someone who covers the media full time, so you think I'd be ended spent even
I know that the media is just one of many institutional forces, the media eyes really just a bunch of people flawed stressed out, but mostly people whose people have serious jobs, thrust out Joe method at the police officers, firemen, military people working grocery stores door in the pandemic, who showed up for can we knew nothing about this disease or who it would kill or who is high risk people who work air and sanitation, and get up at five o clock. In the morning cleaning up the street for everyone. So we can all live in a civil. I say there not stressed out people who are losing their jobs right now is a restaurants are going under due to tyranny imposed by Governor Cuomo Newsome and other liberal lunatics dare not stressed out its MR potato. CNN. It's the media, people that are stressed out this clown is a complete piece of humor. garbage I'm tired of this guy. I am tired of this guy. He play
is this I'm higher than you on the morals and ethics, totem, Paul and yet ruthlessly attacks people ruthlessly, who are truth tellers when he gets caught in a lie. He is a fake phony piece of garbage as no appeal I get to appeal, it, had very good and inject a better humour, because that was rapidly the yes degenerating, quite rightly so, because this is a human being, I cannot act. I cannot stand. I haven't on the receiving end of this guy's nonsense. He is a buffoon, a coffee Thatcher, That's all he is and he we would say reporting on these, so called car crashes. To quote him, if the media car would stop crashing. The collusion hoax, the PPP hoax, the impeachment hogs, the flame hoax, you for and for every hoax. Now you're
that, where we expose Hunter Biden, when you guys not only drop Bob. I covered it up, please hard past. Why is important. Let's go to video number two FBI, officials on Fox NEWS this morning, former Europe and the FBI talking quickly about why this hundred binding Matters and am we're gonna die this together and tell you why we need a special council. Mother Democrats have no room on this check this out. It killed by indeed received some form of payment from this Chinese company linked to the Chinese Communist Party, if he did do you, think that that affects us Reality to be our commander in chief, without a doubt. I, when I hear him, say that China is not a threat and China is not competitive, easy there clue this or a stick in his head in the sand. They are the greatest threat to our national security and have been for quite a while. They ve been steel this blind criminally. This has
what to do with Hunter Biden, but there are so many more implications of this story that involve the current president elect to. Why does this matter? Because, if job get sworn in on January twenty, if we have a potential present, the United States, who be in China's back pocket kind of a big deal. No, but don't expect Mr Brett ahead of the media, to cover any of this. Yes,. Angry this morning. we're sorry- I know some of you know like angry Dan. But, yes, I'm sorry. This guy is a clown, and so is the tire media apparatus he defends. If they would have told you the truth. The election outcome would have been different and they didn't. They colluded with big Tec to suppress the biggest story of our time about a potentially corrupted presidential candidate and may have altered the election he's worth every bit of my Emily, now getting back to my original purpose. Opening this, how we need a special council, because the media will do no true telling we need an independent, special,
at all events we investigate hundred by an in Japan. The Democrats have no run on a room on this. Let's go out, there's some some tweets that have not yet been deleted. Of prominent Democrats when the Mahler Special Council was appointed? Let's what they say now, neither the maybe a special council appointed look into their gods, gotta Chris Coon's First Chris Coon's, Joe Biden best body from Delaware. We can, Allow president trumped to interfere with or try to end the Mahler investigation that's why I'm reintroducing bipartisan legislation to protect, to protect special council, Mahler and Future special council spa You mean, like one that may become a now watch Christopher Koontz changes, my let's go next to a Dick Durban, Tricky Dick Durban the Senate should immediately vote on bipartisan legislation to protect them all our investigation. Ok, great! Let's go to IRAN wine for Morgan. I join see an end to discuss the need to protect them. All our investigation for Congress to put real protection took place to stay.
Guard Americans for misuse of their data companies like Facebook. Let's go to church humor, recalling chief ethics official at Theo J to notify whether Mr Whittaker was the acting age has been advised to accuse himself from overseas. Dollars investigation. We will force Congress to act to protect the Mahler investigation. There you go folks. The Democrats, principles on special councils are. Not only should we protect them, we should introduce legislation to protect them. Let's see how they feel about the special council. Now now, let's get into the core of the story. Like our I even sending us up here, you told us you were going to talk about hundred Biden connection to this uranium? One thing I had a set up: first, how the media won't do any of this homework, I'm doing it for you. Please spread this around and share this segment with a free wine. Let's go to the daily collar. This is just
stunning story? It should be in the shone out sponge. You know that conflict newsletter subscribed to a newsletter. That is the shone out. You can read these stories everyday. I put them together. This daily call. A story is going to toast your muffins right there, is about and what you pay very close attention to the big guy and who the big eyes office. Mate was going to be daily collar, excuse hundred Biden called his father and a chinese business partner office mates in September, twenty seventeen email keep this headline up, opposed by the great Andrew courage across pay very Close attention to this date, this is out. we think it or not. This is like a bad signal September of twenty. Seventeen and email where Hunter by send this email and says: hey. I need office keys, sk we for my dad Joe Biden and this Chinese official they're gonna, be office, made pay very close attention to date. It's gonna come up
keep it on your little at just sketch here, you're cerebral edges, sketch sketch from this piece. I ve not walked out do this either, so it makes sense to Joe, although it makes sense to you from the daily collar peace here the highlights of this, or should we say, the low lights and encourage you to read the entire peace screen shot. One. See I see by the way who their referring to in this email is. This chinese company would very suspicious ties that the chinese communist Government- ok, so quote Hunter, hundred binds dealings with sea of sea and twenty seventeen we're. The centre of allegations from his Ex business partner. We all remember Tony Babo Linsky, who said not Toby. The Joe Biden was plainly familiar with his family's business. Dealings in China. Keep this up! Ok, so now we know one of hundred dinars binds bids partners, Babo Linsky, has said no, no, no Joe Biden hundred by that was very familiar with hundred binds dealings with China. The peace goes on
but Linsky was one of the recipients of the much publicized may twenty seventeen email, purportedly referencing Joe Biden as the big guy, who would hold ten percent in a joint venture deal with hundred Biden C C, so We know Joe Biden, maybe getting kickbacks on these deals with his son in China, but here's another email, that's fascinating here! Isn't it from Hunter bite into this woman, Cecilia Browning, who runs this office complex hunter by says, and I quote from his email. Please have. He's made available for the new office Mates office, mates. Folks, Joe Biden Jill Biden, Jim Biden, Gwan went on. chairman, he's see FC emissary. I would the office signed to reflect the following: the Biden Foundation, Hudson West, so you read hunters, even that's my email, etc. Republicans, pound story, like MR potato head I'll say, is that I can speak
see theory that is a verified email from Biden to the office building you're saying I need keys made because my dad his wife, Joe Biden and his their Jim Biden are going to be quote office made with the chairman of a chinese company involved in some very suspicious staff and with connect. So the Chinese Communist Party government you think it in there. you would think it ends there. Why gosh that's bad enough like that, would be period full! Stop we wife So we can replace Joe Biden Donald Trump if Donald Trump was quote office maids according to a Donald Trump Junior email, with a the specious, russian communist actor tied to the russian government story.
By Mr Potato, head would be analyse ah, but because it's about a Democrat, Zip, rich throw the gay out. Believe it or not, it does get worse. Let me go, screen shot number two from the daily caulerpa. This gets a lot. Worse It is a male browning. Hunter Biden provide this. That's the one woman who runs the office Building turbine, provided the personal cell phone numbers for his father and uncle I'd suggest that brownings associate call them quote if she insists Abiding did know anything about this, then why is hunter? Giving his dad cell number literally, is cell number see I see, the chinese company vote had wired five million two hundred binds company. Hudson West, which he wanted Why did the name on the door the office by the way less than to me,
prior to Hunter binds request to Browning that office keys be made for his father and the c c emissary. According to a Senate committee report, released in September what the hell, is going on here. H these company wires five million dollars the hunter by Hunter by then says: hey my dad's gonna be office, made with Emissary of the chinese company connected to the Chinese Communist Party and gives out his dad Norma broadcasters, any questions about them being office based building person. Why why I don't need a dog relax with this face, some. Why why this reminds me of it? Garfield Spider man moment when comes in. You got over certain your face when I was clean in the chimney that we don't have it
why why another? Ah you have my daughter, gave me this critical call me super they're looking for some more job. Is now five million dollars, Joe Biden son, Joe Biden son sends email, hey. I want my dad and is off this made the guy who sent me the five million dollars yet the chinese emissary from accompany connected to the chinese government. I want them to have keys because their office maids and call my dad his personal cell. If you have any questions, no scare, though, here now and CNN ll see you worry at all. Now you may be saying dad. You told us earlier need to remember that September. Seventeen date- oh yeah, I was- I was totally on for those who know the shell, the Pope different topic altogether, but a good man
You may be sailors, have you told? Why did you tell us it? I gotta take a quick break for a spy sir, but on the other side of this now, I'm gonna put this altogether for you in a neat. Little bow What exactly is going on in September of twenty seventeen when Biden sent this email. Hey. My dad really needs to be office, meets with this Chinese company Emissary connected to the chinese government has just sent me five million. That was what else was going on. It's a temper of twenty seven o o time out team will be. backing it aside, destination bite you, my friends, that all member states in this twenty twenty He sees if it feels like it's been a long time coming, make it worth the way, send the perfect gifts and yourself something special bring families together: freight delicious delectable juice incredible, unparalleled alma stake, holiday feast The locks growers assortment features, butchers caught Filet Mignon Ass, a vast variety
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Remember that- and I told you three years ago, that was going to be a big deal added, involve spy gate and everything else The thing was the only impetus to spy on the Trump team, but they had a lot to hide the Obama administration and they knew of prayer. In Trump got into office, as he has done that he would declassify their malfeasance expose everything. Uranium on all that stuff, so they reason: the dirty everybody up and make sure Trump never did that. Let's get back to this Hunter Biden story now put two and two together, so First talk about the players in the uranium one deal and then we're going to rapid by tightening the hunters who were the players in this uranium one deal. Why was Nobody implicated in this way- or you know my latest follow the money? I talk about how everybody knows each other in all of these scandals and therefore they all have something to hide. We go back to a little reminder, for these articles will be in the show notes even other older tonight. Here's an Twenty eighteen article by John Solomon at the hell why uranium one with such a big deal and why it matters now, one hundred by quote FBI,
Eighty seven secret pages are memos about Russia Clinton and they Clinton's and uranium one from the hell peace. Now remember what this is about. Its uranium wanted Honneur, but now it's about the players in the uranium one scandal how they all add something to hide, including job two, but wait: let's go back to the other players. First from the Hill Peace Screenshot one female Pisa junk. Solomon first disclosed that this FBI and format, William Douglas Campbell, had managed borough his way inside a potent nuclear giant Rosa time, keep in mind that the company that wanted to buy uranium Want Campbell gathered. stance of evidence for his FBI. Counter intelligence handlers by earth if twenty ten that rose at times main executive in the United States, a guy named vat of mackerel castrated racketeering, plot bobbing, kickbacks, bribes and extortion and had corrupted the main uranium trucking company in the United States. It was a serious national security compromised by any measure the evidence,
compiled away what, as Secretary Hillary Clinton, courted rush for better relations and as our husband former President bill, had been collected, a five hundred thousand dollars speech pay day in Moscow and as the orbit administration approve the sale of a: U S: mining company uranium, one too rosy Tom so just to be clear on this in case there are liberals watching you know very thick skulls facts don't penetrated stuff. So the uranium one scandal where we were going to sell our uranium two roses a russian company, no friend of the United States, you like way we were going to do that. Oh yeah, the Obama Europe that implicated Obama it. Created Hillary Clinton, who state Department approved the sale implicated Bill Clinton who flew overseas right around the time. All this was going down, it took a half a million dollar pay day and apparently
F B. I knew about this because they had an informant Tellingham, hey, there's something wrong with that company that wants to buy uranium Joe. You pick it up put on putting down here Everybody had something to hide re uranium one deal so now we got Glenn Oh by the way, what personal dimension mention that happened, ok now during the tenure of who is the FBI director when the investigation, the FBI, investigation, Its uranium is gonna. All Bob Mahler was the FBI, the right, let's just throw him in the big. Still everybody knows each other. Isn't this great? It's like one big, sir I'll leave that out its family friendly anyone, kids Eskimo. What that is, let's go to screening. Number two? Who else wasn't? in this uranium one disaster. These names should all sound familiar by the way. This fail. The Rosa Tom sale of our uranium to a russian company was made famous by Peter Schweitzer, where we can
over a large swathes of America's untapped uranium deposits, the russian man, that's a really stupid idea maker, in which, cards and convicted along with some american officials, but not so many years later ironic crazy Joe, the case was brought by no way would be rod roses. The yes would have been rod. Roguishly, who break slaughter. I know you're sure I do get your nitroglycerine pills a rod roses. The way he was the death attorney general, acting attorney general during the whole spy gate thing to yes same guy, but the years delaying prosecution, means that no one in the public or Congress was aware that FBI? Nor do they are informed about the russian bribery plot as early as two thousand nine, when my mother was the FBI director well before the Obama lead committee on foreign investment, serious approved uranium, one in the fall of twenty two Just to be clear here again, the Obama administration and Hillary Clinton State Department, which part of it
prove the sale of our nuclear fuel to a russian many Rosa time, despite knowing in the B. I, knowing that they had serious mom's Rosa Tom, because they had an informant feeding them information about the shady dealings of Rosa Tom. Rod, Rosen Stein happened to be the prosecutor. On the case, as the case, mysteriously never made it into the public space and one rate are underneath. It. Mahler Clinton, Obama, Rosen Stein Cash sounds like the same players. What does this have to do with the Joe Biden thing I'm not done yet justifications. views about the relationship between Rosa time in this other company, I'm about to get through user press release about rose net and Rosa Tom partnering up their website. Now, mine, Rosner rosneft them the third side, cooperation agreement, while in that we're rising.
Rosa Tom, cooperating like to peace in a paderewski I'll get back to that. The second is little matter. Remember: rosneft, Rosetta, partners, friends, wonder twins, activate. Isn't it really weird rosneft partner up? Would Rosa Tom, the same company was gonna buyer buy that the Obama the administration were Joe Biden was vice president approve It really weird rosneft name came up in the dossier to here's a crazy thing, this Washington Monthly story. I saw that I pull this morning. This is just we're how I've always told you that see. I was nothing more than an effort to accuse the Trump people of doing what the Obama administration did, which was colluding with russian companies. To the chagrin, of the american citizen, here's a washed in monthly story, Martin Longman visiting card or page on the rosneft you what's out about Carter page you mean the guy evolve, the Trump Foreign policy adviser that was the subject of the dossier he was involved
I now know the point is he wasn't, but someone said he was look at the washed in monthly peace, and you ll see what I mean he was there yea written about Carter, page notice, what it does it says Carter page is secretly working with rosneft to take up to a night. Ten percent stake and rosneft in return for getting the Trump team elected president and reducing sanctions on Russia and stories totally false and completely made up Carter page has never met those people, the guy in charge of and is actually suing over there right now. You understand that was totally made up thence. You gotta get I r r r r your antenna going to think they d, be they in a back your head right now, so your administration selling our uranium overseas to the Russians. they're. Turning around and blaming the exact same scandal on the Trump team that
teams colluding with Rosner. Let's bring a full circle, get back two hundred bide now What are these Reuters story? We discovered this morning? Isn't it weird, see I've seen you know the Chinese company The emissary Gwan men Don foresee FC, who is gonna, be office, mates with Joe Biden. We if we really weird, if, if that company, with trying to buy a stake in and that was trying to buy our uranium. When Joe Biden was the vice president, TAT would be We we're, except it's not we're, because Reuters is already rip. You know. Mainstream media writers has already reported on check out this headline by Roy. or stab November twenty Eighteen China C C paid out compensation after rise MAX Rosneft, stay deal fell through, so just to be sure what you're telling me here
Member, I told you to beginning to remember September of twenty seventy so you're about to tell me Dan no way, you're about to tell me this, but you're about them I can't believe you haven't even told me we can about how you right now, you're telling me in supply we have twenty seventeen when Hunter I'd and sends a confirmed e mail. Telling a woman in an office building that his dad Joe Biden, it's gonna, be office, meets with a emissary from a chinese company, see have see you're telling me that the Chinese come at the same time, was trying to work. Out a deal to purchase in Trust in the same russian company involving the uranium one deal. Would that be crazy if it was also, in September of twenty seventeen the same time that these office made Joe Biden and the Chinese Communist Party connected company that that email, one out, let's check the right to speak, This is no way this would be in September of twenty seventeen ha
oh, we MAO's is look at that crazy time. It just happens to be writers, see. see paid on what you almost totally twenty five million euros in compensation, consortium after the chinese firms deal to buy a stake in russian oil for a bra fell through it arguments showed: let's look at this next paragraph. This can't possibly be September twenty seventeen out what just happened to be the chief executive rosneft eager such and the same guy, who appears a card of page people dossier. Seven September of twenty seventeen wow. That c C had signed the deal to buy a fourteen point, two percent of rosneft from cutter and glencore. I'm not, I don't even know what to say so at the same time They see have see company connected to the Chinese Communist Party, the exact same time September. Twenty seventy
is negotiating? Go she a biased stake in the rush operation under investigation, suspiciously buying our nuclear fuel under a deal approved by the Obama administration and Hilary investigated by Bob taller than at the same time deals being negotiated, China, Russia, enemies in the United States to buy cup he's involved with the purchase of our uranium one. At the exact same time, Hunter Biden, sending an email saying: hey my dad's gonna be office made with the Chairman of the company from China will Pakistan's always MR potato head on the story. What's your story, gonna be blood, you know, pounces on Reuters story, making it action between the time line of a chinese acquisition of a company trying to buy our nuclear fuel in a major Obama. You're, a scandal and the time line of an email saying Joe Biden was gonna, be office made with the Chinese Communist Party,
connected guy orchestrating Republicans crowds, Mancino pounces he's a powder, I'm that effort, maybe a pass, but not at a that's a different solely family. For If you're not watching the show you ve never heard of any of this, you think that maybe worthless worth a special counsel. Just throwing that out there, the press, I'm sorry folks, it is frustrating- is frustrate notice. I intention They cited Reuters, who is supposedly a mainstream media out. I did not even nodded.
I didn't use any of the one on the record, because I wanted you to be sure you understood these stories are out there for anyone to say then, in September of twenty seventeen, a Chinese Communist Party connected company who was connected, the hunter bind in his dad is office. May was trying by the russian company involved in the uranium. One scandal don't expect to hear that anywhere else. I let me get onto my third sponsor and then I want to move on. I have I gotta get back to some election coverage to and a major story at a daily wire showing you just how corrupt their national security are. Our corrupted some folks inside our national security infrastructure and become they're, not telling you the truth about. What's going on, ladies and gentlemen, and it's a disgrace, there are a lot of good people there, but through a lot of people who none of our best interests in mind. I'm getting stories every day about this, I could show about you, buy a friend's, add pearl sore slaves in german jewelry wanna, most popular gives you can get for the holidays and is good reason for it.
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did forest of stupidity and conservatives live in the real world? We told you the Trump campaign with spied on that the collusion hoax was nonsense, that the impeachment thing was nonsense, that the Hunter Biden story was real and liberals who live in this forest of stupidity intentionally because they choose to be stupid, knew nothing about these stories. live in a parallel universe, where facts don't get through because the medium but, like potato head, don't do them any favours? They lighted them constantly and complain about Republicans pouncing so Here is another story about the real world consequences. This of telling people all over the world all the time that Russia is our number one threat, Russia's a clear threat, but our national security restructure many people in their, including those fifty bucks, in the former intelligence community who wrote that letter saying two hundred bind story was rushing disinformation. Those people have been corrupted, they have mentally corrupted and just don't want to tell you the truth in their abusing their position to give themselves imprimatur of seriousness. Here's what happens when former intelligence officials
letters like TAT Lady, there are real world consequences checklist out of the daily? Why huge four huge data leak exposes Chinese Communist Party members embedded in western companies and governments did hundred and Joe Biden read the story before they became office meets with the child, emissary responsible for negotiating deal with the company that was involved and there are uranium one scandal, a scam just checking. Did they know that was where they briefed on any of that. Unbelievable story from the daily wire: this law is huge sky NEWS in Australia reports that they have this database now that lists the lid on how the Chinese Communist Party operates under President Chairman Jean Ping, the leak shows He branches are better than some of the world's biggest companies. Can I maybe russian companies, folks and even inside government agencies. Maybe they do that. Taken advantage of vice presidents, children and stuff, like tat quote, because on coming
Party branches is set up inside western companies allowing the infiltration of those companies by communist members, who have dawn are answerable directly to the port, you understand how serious this is. Thousands people around the world? At the behest of the Chinese Communist Party have been sent out, mission around the world to go, find eyes is there, as there was no yellow brick road, their eyes was the minds of government officials. And the internal intellectual property of both government officials and companies in the United States, so they could steal them and bring it back to China, and in bribe and influence far and politicians to look the other way. Council viciously like the block I just covered China. Communist Party members buying influence with government officials, steel, intellectual property and potentially being involved in uranium sales and all that other stuff, stealing ip and in government. Folks like by
by family, looking the other way really weird right. You see now, when we spend four years talking about people hoaxes and the Russia threat, which is very real, but when we subordinate the threat from China to the Russia threat based on lies and fake dossiers, like Carter Page, was involved rosneft when nobody has any idea what you're talking about this day, you see what happens when corrupted people and the national Security restructure, take advantage of that war. This is China infiltrate our country as politicians, and our companies in steals our intellectual property and everything else. Folks, I what I've got a warning for you here and it's important. Don't ever forget this. We are in an existential race for intellectual superiority and technological support already, I'm not kidding, and I'm not using that word lightly. If this
Chinese Communist party makes advance the advances in quantum computing, artificial intelligence, material, science, nuclear science, energy production, space warfare. Before we do it's over. It is over. This is not a benevolent power. They torture and imprison. Wiggers, Any political opponents taken forget their hands on this is not benevolent world power. There now no. Gdp is over ten trillion dollars, It is a serious amount of money if they beat us in quantum computing and can compute faster than weaker. and develop artificial intelligence artificial, and a quick array. We do and can develop
materials and space warfare technology. We are done. That is not a joke, and yet they managed to infiltrate thousands of people in the United States and influence politicians to look the other way while it's happening where they steal our technology do it, and yet nobody in the media is interested in this Honour Biden story at all and his office made dad you now made to subordinate the Russia threat. Ladies and gentlemen, they are a serious threat. There were new Alex. Since emerging today, you see in the washstand examined all these stories or being the shown us, including his rider stories. You, if you want to show you friends, what was a sea of guy was office made with by doing with this Rosa Tom Russia uranium wonder what kind of weird now the story so I'll be there This one is well Jerry done, leaving Tyler Vandyke, unwashed, examiner, Kremlin, back hackers breach? U S! Treasury in commerce see this report today. Why is this report bizarre.
Because it's another angle of this, ladies and gentlemen, there are reports that the Russians managed to infiltrate through a software system- free trade, the email systems of Commerce Department of the Treasury Department and may I've been reading there emails or Ex Ville trading, sending out the emails the summer kind of bad thing: no, what I told you in this epic times reporting this morning that there are suspicions that the same software that was hacked this is called, was inserted into the software the same software accorded the epic time's up? I just saw this before the show the epic times. Reporting that the dominion Voting systems uses defer that was hacked Zachary Cyber Epic times. Say any simple. This headline story in the show notes Dominion. Voting systems uses firm. That was ass. This tat the
bit of homeland Security Guy was on sixty minutes whose suing alot of people member Trump fired on this guy, who said, and what did he say something I this election was the most secure in? U S, history, this tat! Guy, a re evaluate that statement. the question I'm just asking them. Does you re, evaluate that now now that we know this, does this hacking. Was it didn't she Jenny, votes, I'm not a legit or have evidence of that. I'm simply! yes, they knew the epic times as a pretty bombshell story that these same Russians that may have inserted malicious code into a software system that we know is used to hack our commerce and Treasury department. Under attack until now was alleged We one of the companies involved with the media, that's kind of a big story. No, no! No, Data does not a story, but you know pounces epic times, pounces we had one of the layer, this there's a loss,
Michigan, where the judge just rules, I believe this morning that debt interim county Michigan, where those six thousand? boats and dominion voting system. There was at fiasco with the votes that were changed, the judges this morning, at an audit of those voting systems for that day, is going to become public. Let's see what happens there I'm sure CNN and others will make that a story about Republicans. Pouncing too. When we get to my last sponsor an undue Sutter story, I get away, I was do them with your man. Do that again? Don't I make my serious face Gabby drama Souci had with the flip a risky will be going to pay anything with it all right up its biggest more dramatic every day, but but it is hardly my shoulder doing when we hear these values. Social role it goes through the show is: why are you looking over there? You look at the reflection or we have this new sis
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on a lighter note point not a anyway less tragic. for the long term wars going on in the United States for the future, the country. This is more of a culture war story. I woke up this morning to find out The Cleveland Indians have now put up this Fox news story. Just like the Redskins have now changed their Cleveland baseball team to drop Indians, Nickname Report Fox NEWS. Folks. This is a power plant. They pulled the same stunned with the wash them Redskins. This is a power plant. This has nothing to do with grief. is or discrimination or anything like that to have anything substantively to do with actual discrimination. You would have to have a group of people that were offended that in mass felt like this was an inappropriate, unjustified attack on their culture.
I so when the Redskins change their name to the Washington Football team clearly they did it because there was a group of people which an indian heritage who were deeply offended by Let's go to this article and pro football talk and ask actual people with indian average what they thought of the Washington Redskins aim and the feelings it evoked in them. So clearly it was hard to discrimination act, you pull of native Americans view of the Redskins name, finds that proud was most common answer when asked about the way, in writing. As a proud Joe Debbie, the generic that calm yet did, if you say so, as you know, I'm go with his did. They change the definition of proud demean offended, yet they will tomorrow, vote to make this profit bother. The AIDS Etsy tomorrow, I'm sure they'll changes were so when they asked actual native Americans native Americans, where I have no com down the name, because I got italian, irish, german and
English and my wife is colombian if they had a a nickname, they D, New York, Italians, you can ask me, I mean I don't really care with the name. Is I don't care? I have a life to live. I don't care no one discriminates against me. I'm fine, but it's interesting when you actually ask native Americans about it, they don't say not only we not offended, they say there proud of the name which is kind of weird. So why then, is the more nine, even more Brunei name of the Cleveland Indians. Why that being in any way offensive, and why would Cleveland change the name? What is real about now that we have established clearly, this is not about an actual grievance right, not always. about. A grievance native Americans were proud of any Redskins. ladies and gentlemen. This is obviously a power play. This is
In an ever green argument on my show ever dream in the tv businesses, a story that just keeps coming back, its evergreen always green, never gets brown. This is one of those evergreen stories have brought up, often that this is nothing more than a power play by the left. It's a way for them. in their arsenal of political weapons, to discredit their opponents and by opponents I say: conservatives, republics, anyone who is not a liberal anyone, Europe, we would sports entertainer, an academic, you dare not to toe the liberal line. Tell right up to it. You will be attacked, but you attack people who are liberal. You need weapons to back? Well? How do you can follow me here do conservatives because we all know that's what we do. Politics are attacking back and forth others, bad ideas. How to conservatives attack. We attack on facts, research, data, common sense, higher principles, big our God. Given rights, you think higher taxes,
Conservatives prove they don't by showing what higher taxes have done to the economy. You think you know, isolating people in public schools and fight you get school choice worse, we show you where school choice does work as parents make better choices. That's our liberals do. Why aren't facts a weapon for liberals, because Joe the facts, never comport with liberal ideology. Everything may tell you is fake. The PPP the collusion hopes, the impeachment hopes the Hunter Biden story. High taxes work, bigger worse social, isn't really great nothing. They tell you is true, so when you don't have the facts, pound the table and insult people and make to be racist, so that people don't vote for you. They vote against other guy you're calling a racist. You get it now you, but you need weapons to do that. So language becomes a weapon for love by changing the definitions of things midstream. So whereas you referred
Cleveland Indians for years, and no one's ever had an issue with this before the left senses an opportunity to go wow to the native american community say look where defending you against those racist, Republicans and racist, those conservatives Republicans a non liberal because they dared to call me Fourteen the Indians, nothing more than a weapon possession of the language. Ladies and gentlemen, and it's a use of grievance culture to attack anyone anyone that is not a liberal. The same reason: dictionary dot com change, the difference that definition of sexual preference to be offensive, after Democrat Senator Amazing Toronto, just randomly made itself in the hearing with Amy Coney back, we discussed at last week. It weapons, zation of language to create and fabricate weapons for the left that they don't have. In fact,. change the definition of terms mid stream to make them happy
racist and discriminatory when they're not and we're never intended to be as such, so that you can use them to pack your political opponents and make you Look like the protector of the aggrieved group. You want to feel aggrieved. Unfortunately, for them native Americans aren't going along. They liked out we're not offended. We were proud, the it's not me My native American. We did good him ass. She entered this role is holding stories final story of the day in important. My moving on it's gonna sandwich the shell into a story about the media, because the media, as part of this scandal as such, is about me insulting potato head believe me he deserves every bit of it. I told you in the beginning of the show you cannot count on the media and this Hunter Biden scandal. You can't
Relying on them to expose the you, the facts I have just presented to you is a false aaron. They are liars. They are only here to cover up for the Democratic Party folks. What have I told you that, one of the media is co, conspirators in not only disappearing, Democrats skins but attacking Republicans, one of their main co conspirators was big Tech, Glenn Green Walter I have recommended often who is not a conservative by any stretch of the imagination, but as one of the you, honest journalists out their left has been cut. Attention to a lot of this media malfeasance, he put a tweet and social media it's gonna blow your mind. Not only are the media tone, We miss characterizing their role in suppressing and possibly overturning the result and a twenty twenty election by suppressing a hundred visor not only of the media, not apologetic about them and big tuckered out are now doubling down the meat.
Is blaming Republicans for calling them out. You know in the Republicans, pounds segment and big text talks are now in this revolving door go and from their big tech companies where no way back into the by diminished. oh yeah right back and look at this Greenwell twin Glenn Greenwell about Twitter. He says quote: if, during an election tech giants taken, precedence steps to censor the internet, to prevent the spread of incriminating reporting about a candidate. I either or by the story. They squashed then, of course, that candidate Joe Biden upon winning should turn king, from an post operative them. No way that happened, anything would be ungrateful, Greenwell says, and he quote tweets a guy by the name of mats, taller. Who then tweets out quote Biden. Transition is quietly pudding, Google and Facebook employees into its
in landing teams, Christopher Upper me Rachel Lieber. They actually have the names again. Expecting the media to one scandals. They are a part of they are actually a part of his media Presses the Hunter Biden exploding scandal. I just told you about right before the election upwards of thirty percent of democratic, How did you the Paul S? We never heard of the Hunter Biden scandal before the election and may I voted differently and we may have had a different outcome. Different outcome. regardless of what happens with the legal challenges could a one in a landslide. If everybody knew about Hunter Biden, they did big tech collusion the democrat media to suppress the story. Bans accounts and puts labels on accounts, and leads the Hunter Biden story and in to the election, the pretence
incoming administration, by the administration involved than the corrupt story that the media suppress? Then hires, people from Facebook and Google involved with the companies Facebook Who will that suppress the story and were expecting became had others to respond honestly about this. have you not watching this show you're missing out on the whole enchilada. In year, that anywhere else. Is anyone in the media gonna ask by the way on a rap on this? I know it shirt tat. Anyone potato head chuck, odd Moscow, mad cow Loredano, anyone, Nicole Wallace. is anyone in the media going to ask Joe Biden Why his son wanted him to be office made with the chairman of a chinese company involved in the potential purchase
company involving the uranium. One deal is any is anyone could answer you meet. I'll, cinder. Anyone Jeff seen from writers, writers reported on he's writers. I did you really do you know you can ask whether course that does this right, a story about how to combine GINO shall pounced on story. Come on. I'm next heyday scan for doing it in, as I said last refocused, please go to buy GINO report dot com for your morning. News we're trying to get together Conservative news, aggregated together, gives you the real news of the day and not the nonsense. Dump drudge. They let you go a long time ago, go to buy in a report that calm and please subscribed my show on video. We are now over eight hundred thousand subscribers. It is free on rumble, are you Bialy the qualities, amazing rumbled, dot com, slash bond GINO, please check the show. I subscribe there. It's free I'd like to get to a million and really stick it to you to really upset
see you just heard in Bonn. Gino.
Transcript generated on 2020-12-20.