« The Dan Bongino Show

The Implosion Begins! (Ep 1616)

2021-09-30 | 🔗

The Democrats are at war with each other behind the scenes! In this episode I address the crisis. Also, I discuss the most ridiculous cancel culture story yet. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show. That's not immune to the facts with your host Dan Bongino! So listen! Usually when I tell you something it comes true through over time, maybe takes a month or a year. Rarely when I tell you in a show, hey, you got to be careful. About this. Does it hit The very next day, other very net they proving you're not wasting your time here. What is about. I told you cancel culture woke ism was cannibalistic and eventually turns on itself and employs cause. You run out of victims Actually you piss off. Fifty one percent of the population are many SAM the show with that story today and, in addition, the three there three stories about our descent into totalitarian madness. One of em I just warned you about yesterday, Wednesday, which theirs they write and make. Might escape, continues Fox drew up. I think for me to explain what makes minuses thank
values here they even drew an ear diagram for those you are. People mix MIDAS me dance, MIKE minus what they are saying, so damn doesn't hear what they are saying in Danziger, so that here we have a Vigo incident and makes my escape and Jos been kind enough to be a mixed might escape liaison as an audio professional with the Fox team. So, thank you all takes provides EU by Express Bbn why haven't you gonna a VPN? Get one go to express, Vps, dot, com, slash GINO, welcome to the dampen GINO show. Let's get right to, and I've also got an update on. The street point five trillion dollar bill and what I am hearing going on behind the scenes and possibly The worst political attack add in human history, so bad that it actually acts as an advertisement for the person in the state. You think you're attacking all right today show both you bought paint your life pay, your life summer. Vacation are a great time for memories of the kids. I found the best
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protects the word Dan, my first name dm to sixty four thousand text Dan to sixty four thousand text Dan, the four thousand. Don't wait cell at the moment that matter most paint, your life terms apply available, paint your life that com flash terms again Text Dan, this sixty fourth out, nor I Joe, let's go Joseph needed. So, yes, We are at this day four of the hijacking of great Greg felled studio. Here we may not give it back. There is an armed guard at the door right now Greg is in Nashville. I may not. We may not let him back in the studio. We may not We are considering taking this permanently cause. It's such a great place, you know, that's why the sounds a little bigger than my studio at home, where Joe has to do a lot of editing to get the echo out. So it's great in here being in a big pro studio, with lights everywhere, Here's it additional evidence, a topic I discussed yesterday that woke.
Some in cancel culture by pure math. Folks, it's not an whilst the an opinion, but it's an opinion based in the heart fact they cancel culture and woke ism is dead. Stand by simple math to implode on itself. Let me just go the bottom line up front when left discontent to attack the well crowd and cancel people you eventually so to run out of victims, because one conservatives don't care Conservatives can't be cancelled because they don't care a lot. I mean you know within reason me when I was left is gonna. Do they boycott your show. What I don't care, I moved delight where you will move to like a subscriber account. We don't care. What can I get to cancel s right, but these are very sensitive. What other left is somewhat left. This have done as they moved on from just cancelling conservatives. I'm not kid The cancelling left this too, Eventually, what happens? Conservatives are about? You know forty forty five percent of the population in the United States if this middle mid rage, Democrats yet another twenty thirty eventually
seventy percent of the people are under attack by thirty percent. So what happens folks to? Seventy percent of the people eventually figured out out like why we listening to these idiots they're in the minority, cancel culture. Woke ism cannot possibly exist. Here is evidence right here today saw this morning on the way and that what I'm telling you is factually accurate story and legal and illegal insurrection so Lancet and alive Thirdly, scientific journal, which has had its credibility, destroyed with the bovine virus and elsewhere the lance. It was to apologize. You can read the story, my newsletter, by the way after refer to women, as quote bodies vaginas in the. In the latest dick saw it so here's the problem again, it's a math problem
obviously in ideological brown, but it's a math problem. The problem that happened. Here's the link say because they are trying to be woke. They don't want to use the term women anymore, because, because that the if this is too stupid for you, I'm sorry, but I'm trying to translate Woke ISM for you. The lancet did want to use the term women because that's allegedly offensive. A transgender lobby because they think and can have vaginas too, which is obviously scientifically impossible right. So what they do they decided we're going to cater to the woke left, the lobby, the transgender lobby. By not calling women in our peace, women we're going to call them bodies with vaginas. Well, Oh gee, you're, probably figuring out what happened right. Well, yeah that kind of like dehumanizing women, so women are nothing more than their reproductive parts so that a bunch of women fought back a budget.
Women, it again when fifty one percent figure out the forty nine percent of idiots is going to be a revolution. Women were like wait. Don't human eyes me, I'm not a body with a vagina, I'm a person of a woman. So what happened? The lads it was forced to apologise and even in their apology, they had to be delicate to not offend either side. I told you the damn thing is going to implode on itself and a day later, it's happening at the end of the show, I've got another story, stay tuned to the end and even better story of law this eating each other alive again. Here from the legal insurrection peace that describes this. The bought their bodies with vaginas debacle quote by Stacy Math the lancet strives for maximum inclusivity. This is their apology, the lancet for calling bodies with vaginas they strive for whence it strives for maximum inclusive of all people in its vision for advancing health. In this instance, We have conveyed the impression we have dehumanizing by women gee. I thank those who
read. The lancet regularly will understand that this would never have been our intention. I apologize to our readers were offended by the cover quote and the use of those words in the review. At the same time here they got to throw this in Joe. They got to throw this in. At the same time, damn. I want to re emphasise that transgender help. Isn't it dimension of modern healthcare, but one that remains neglected, digit they dont know what to do. When the one percent of the people find out. They are under attack by forty nine and then they figure out there. The majority and the attackers are in the minority. There thing will implode on itself just give it time cancel quo. Culture is so stupid. It can exist, it's not that it doesn't want to exist. It can't exist. It is for idiots, only its due cancel culture? Friends, don't let friends do cancer culture and woke is I got a story coming up at the end of the show about that too, by the way, correction yesterday I was on the phone.
I've I'll, be there back again today. I hope you watch it the five at the Fox NEWS, Channel five o clock. You know I did Joe Try me crazier than nothing drive me crazy, and this I have no problem correcting the record will Maroc when I really have a problem with is correcting the record for things we didn't even say to us. On the five yesterday I was making a point that, behind the scenes, Obama used to say things that will or conservative, then Bob would act in public girl was he was a phoney, my gosh I get like twenty emails from people, you say Bob is a conservative. Please listen to the show. Thank you. I, said clearly as clear as day Obama governed to the left. The Lenin did you watch relegated. You happen to say it is a key sector watch you going to going out to dinner. Either the judge as I care about you know. Never I was my boy that I'll make it again, I'm telling behind the scenes, Obama would say stuff and in public
I would say the exact opposite. I was trying to make the point. That was a phony. Not that he's a conservative go back and listen. I think you'll get what I was talking about. So just a quick call. I got high. That's probably very good, that's from his book all right on I'd, so I am what's going on behind the scenes with this three point: five trillion dollar we'll call it the Woke Rumsey Bill. It is the bankruptcy bell. So it's woke. Crapsey the woke rapeseed El, the drama going on behind the scenes is really starting to eat Nancy Pelosi alive. She said that a reporter. Yes, I'm gonna, give you just at quick run down of the problem today crowds find themselves in right now trying to pass this three points. Five trillion dollar just monstrosity of a battle, transform the entire: U S, economy into hell, hole, so here's Lucy yesterday, when a reporter asked her about,
the debt ceiling that the Democrats and Republicans have roped into this spending package. The Democrats have said to Republicans the hike in the debt ceiling. You guys have to vote for this and If you don't we're going to say you shut down the government, she tied it into all this I'll explain the same, but watch your snap at the reporter, because she can't wrangle and hurt cats in her own caucus check this out Why get mad at members? Why put the arms of moderates if this is not going to move anywhere? What are you talking about? We have a responsibility to uphold to lift up the full faith and credit of the United States of America. That's that's what we have to do. These members have all voted for this last week: okay, a couple of things: what's going on a. Why is she snapping? She can't hurt, the cats in around carcass the Democrats have these slimmest of margins in the house and in the Senate, everybody track and they have a five
majority majority in the House of Representatives, which is obviously speaker up have a no vote majority in the Senate. It's fifty fifty become allows. The VP is a typewriter, so she'd so the vote for the democratic agenda. But it is a fifty fifty split here's. The problem number one there having go to this, wash them examiner peace. If you know mine, there are three things things up in the air right now. Okay, we got to keep all these three things in mind, so you have the skinny and we can explain it to you in a reader's digest format right number, one: there's the debt ceiling if the had ceiling is an hide. The government is effectively gonna go de facto bank ruptured, so they have to raise that ceiling to borrow more money. Ok, that's number one number two: they these three point. Five trillion dollar woke rub see bell that Joe Biden, what's going to transform everything's gonna, be a disaster number three: they the one trillion dollar infrastructure bill, which bizarrely has some amount of bipartisan support. Okay, so those three things are out there right now. Those are the variables problem number one.
The moderates in the Congress. They call themselves moderates folks. We don't actually believe they're Democrat moderates. Can we just get that out of the way? Don't email me and say you call them, they call themselves. Moderates, I don't Julie. Moderate Democrats don't want to three five trillion dollar bill. They think it's too big and ass. They Dave ray you're gonna lose their seats if they vote for this is gonna bankrupt the country you track and she only has a fine, vote majority. So, if An alleged moderates on the Democrats, I'd say we're not voting for the three point: five trillion dollar bill, it's dead. Well, what's the other problem, and I'll read this washing Samara Quota Minnesota set me up and left the man in the list, rolls the EO see types they are demanding that did that The moderates vote for this dream five trillion dollar built and they're saying the liberals are saying to the alleged moderates. We're not voting for your one trillion dollar infrastructure bill. Unless you vote for our three five point, five trillion dollar woke ratsey belt so from the world
get examiner here. They summon up nicely David Jockers piece in the newsletter today, Pelosi Signal Wednesday that the Inter Party Log jam could delay a plan. If they vote on infrastructure, oh see among the most effective legislative leaders of regeneration debate that has been stymied by the fact that she doesn't have a majority large enough for us to allow her to sign with the liberals over the centuries or vice versa, with Republicans declining the bail Pelosi out. She needs every democratic, voted her disposal, you tracking, so number one. The Lib stone have enough votes on the damned. The full radical left this to pass. This three point: five trillion Thou awoke whimsy bill in IRAN. At these centrist alleged. Moderates don't have enough votes to pass the infrastructure belt, so oh she's, trying to hard them all together and both of em are saying double barrel family friendly middle finger. We are not voting for this bill them
or to say when I voted for the three point: five trillion dollar bill. The lives are saying we will not vote for the one trillion dollar for such a billion about in and policy can heard them. So in an effort. This is worth about three comes in and Joe must stop me if it doesn't make sense, of course, as the ombudsman for the audience policy, years, give there's some small amount which I don't agree with. It shouldn't be a bipartisan support for the infrastructure bill right we can maybe steal a few Republicans and therefore I dont need the lives and I can get enough votes to pass it without it. So what she did she tied in the dead ceiling to this bill. It you do with it, but she tied it in, and so they do it. They did on the sentence as well and what did what they did? Is they told the republic is? If you don't vote for this info structure and other stuff. We going to tie in this dead, say ceiling hide, and if you don't open,
we're gonna blame you for shutting the government. Then you get it, you vote this crap always shut Magog Madonna, we're gonna, blame you right. Ok, you got it What's the progress that you guys picking up the problem with with that is how you gonna in the Republicans, for shutting government down. If you have the votes by yourself to keep it open without a single Republican you she has a five vote, majority it is a tie. Break vote. Vote now said she doesn't need the Republicans ever now. She has control. That's why she blew up at the reporter or about the dead sea. Lady, and what did she say you remember, the cut just reminded play it again. She said not you D. They wanted can rely the keys, get ready what she said At the end, the guy asked her about the why she strong arming people and what does she bring up right away to debt? Silly you to back up the govern she can open up government right, our! She doesn't need the Democrats I'll be the Republicans at all how long if they
shut the government down before people figure out. This simple math think about it. The government shut down right. Nobody likes, accompanied by the way. It's it's. The government is to shut down because Democrats already is shut down, but that's their call. How long a week a month think about this guy's a week a month to month, for even the most ardent left wing, radical nuts to save themselves a guy's sounds kind of dumb blaming Republicans. I mean you could openness thing tomorrow and everybody knows it now, showing you how badly predicament they find themselves in really is here's Robert Rice like the most hard left left this you ve ever seen Robert Rice disguised that the left of Stalin. This is our you ever see, the twitter account defiant ALS to one of the best accounts on and on Twitter. They just fantastic means hackler work, defiant Elles, Diego and
fine liberals who tweet stupid stuff and they compare their old stuff to their new stuff. So the fine LS found Robert Reich a while ago talking about this conundrum right when Trump was in charge. They have the government, the Republicans Control Suresh, was like what they shut down the governments on them: here's the tweet or that upon the screen d, but rice and a while ago this is in twenty eighteen, which party will voters, but for the government shut down. The last three federal government shutdowns occurred during divided government, but now Republicans run it all. How can on party not be able to keep the government open if it shuts down it, will in the hands of the heads of the GEO p so right significant trumps in charge of twenty eighteen that way control. The whole government, like the Democrats, do right now it's on yachts, on you write their public as it everybody red. That's on hard right, not our to figure out there like this essential, so here's but right now now the Democrats control the government, a government.
Shut down, these Americans won't get the services they depend on federal work you won't get their paychecks people's livelihoods will be abandoned as the pandemic rages on none of this matter. So the Republicans they care only about power, never about people future, He just said the exact opposite thing now that the demo that's a double come on! That is a minimum double motley right there. What in eighty it? Now we say the exact opposite thing: the Democrats can keep the government open the rope and get in to the infrastructure bill and the workers bell, because they're trying to strong arm republicans to vote for one of these things, because the damage rats are fighting with each other over both bills and they could use a few republicans. That's it in a nutshell, now you ve heard it. All I want to get too are
a little bit more this in a second. This is the largest transfer of wealth. By the way, the Woke rapeseed bill from the poor and the wealthy. Upper middle class in american history. Yes, that's right, poor and the wealthy are going to pay the upper middle class that's exactly what this bill does. I went through it on the Monday show in detail Let me get to my spot here: pressure patients, voter sponsors love to talk to you in the audience and they pay for a show, keep it free for use of thanks for your time. I've always appreciate your patients coming coming up. I got more on this is, and a video showing you how dumb these but really sound love genocide. Plant stem cell therapy of use it all over my face under my eyes cleared up. The flaking is even reduce my four headlights somewhat even ass. I had surgery or procedures them nuke gesture, shall by Germany. Thank you that Samantha from Arcadia California raving about her remarkable results:
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genucel dot com, that's genucel, dot, com and use code Dan. Forty, that's Dan, four hundred and eight check out. Thank you Jenny. So we appreciate why one more quick point on the year Porkula spill here folks. This is the again the largest transfer of wealth from the poor and and and wealthy to the upper middle class ever whether it's the child tax care credit, the child care credit. This will do nothing but explode our economy and destroy those services. Child care, Pre K, all of it. The government touches it destroys. I said yesterday during the show liberal are liars and government is assessed. Pull the arguments are over any dollar you to the government outside of its constitutional spending row you might as well flush it down the toilet, I'm done The arguments about what the rich pay in the middle class pay in the poor pay is clearly not getting any work. As liberals can't do, math Rich already pay the overwhelming majority of taxes, the top one percent pay forty percent, income tax load, despite only earning twenty percent of the income. I know
It is hard for that. But that argument doesn't get me. Work is enter uninterested in fact. So here's our new argument. I said it yesterday, want to give you any more money. Cause you suck and I don't want you to destroy people's lives within the government is a hit, warm with it s in front of it. Every thing it touches medicine, health care, education, pre, K, child care. It destroys home health care. What? further government touches it burned to the ground. Why don't I want Give you any more money. I'd rather give it the charity where it does good. I give it to you, you gonna hurt people? That's why and I dont like hurting people. So that's the argument from this point on, but here quick usage is a piece of audio shown. You had immediate in on this whole scam, trying to make it I believe that the biggest spending package tax package american history is in fact going to cost you nothing. This is on a media. Show hilarious They called reliable sources with the coffee boy and amends kid Brian's to check this out,
and why is the number misleading? Why is that three point? Five trillion vigour, misleading because It doesn't really represent anything. It's this weird shorthand that's been used, but in fact the bill itself will not cost three point: five trillion dollars in the sense that it will be entirely or at least partly paid for so the actual cost in terms of deficit. Will be smaller than that perhaps even zero, that yeah exactly he's like paid for by home paid for by tax, again folks. I am not going to address the stupidity again about the bill costing zero dollars its the largest spending package in? U S, history and I'm really sorry or a moron if you believe a second cost anything, it's largest tax hike in american history, the poor pay through lower wages as corporate taxes go up and higher prices. It's just that simple and can sum it is a higher portion of the pores income that it is for the Wretch right spending eighty dollars a week on gasoline and your poor and this bill causes mass inflation and gasoline is four hours ago, and I promise you rich people, don't give it
damn about gas prices. I'm telling you it's such sliver of their income. They don't even bad an eyelash, but when you're may in twenty five thousand thirty thousand a year and filling up your game can cause two hundred dollars that's just remember, the show folks time check it's Thursday Amber thirtieth. That way, we gas prices go through the roof and inflation goes through the roof because we spent three dollars and fifty cents trillion we didn't have and printed it just remember you heard it here. Liberals will ignore it of course, and pretend we didn't say it and blame Donald Trump all right. Moving on this may be the most hilarious head, peace ever done in the history of politics. So just a little background. This was supposed to be a hit peace on the best governor and the country round, the Santas from Florida right as about a call, my gosh run this does he so mismanaged mismanaged of our. So terrible people are dying everywhere in Florida, which is really dumb and show you the numbers in a minute again. State. I know left this, you not do facts and data. I get all that I understand this is for the smart people You can turn out, but here is a
political out again, it was designed to be a hit peace for the Santas. I would argue strongly this is he the one or two things? It's either a conservative group engaging in a black ops marketing campaign to try and help Florida she probably had likely or number two. It is the dumbest most ridiculous and political history actually helps the people you're supposed to attack. It's only one of those two things, your check this out.
Ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of your cabin crew, we'd like to inform you that we have officially entered Florida airspace. Please watch this short message from Governor RON Desantis on Cova nineteen. We are not doing any vaccine passports in the state of Florida. We trust people to make their own decisions in this state. We are not going to be bludgeoning people, restrictions, mandate, lockdowns or any of that stuff. As governor descent has stated, while you're within state line, you do not have to wear a mask, you do not have to get a vaccine, it is against the law for private businesses or schools, mandate mask for vaccines. That's to be hit. Add folks, that's stats designed to be a hit peace
I sent it over to Guiana, Jim from the radio, shows mind into had shown. I watch that there will. I this is an avatar for Florida. Be sure you gotTa Florida and you can what you want. Do you want to wear a mask? You wear mask: do you want to get a vaccine? You get a vaccine and you're basically free to live a how you want to live. If I just to be clear, like that's, it's a lie like this stupidity of that that's an actual The Florida add so of course, on this show we we do this crazy thing called for data. So I went to statistics where I've gone often to show you the death rate from corona virus. Now again, I do facts. Even when those facts or not, I don't spinning and storytelling here. Here's the team that this is the debt rates per hundred thousand in the United States as of September, twenty seven measured by state. So far, was twenty. Fourth, a while ago, twenty
extend twenty four than twenty Florida. Now is seen one two, three four, seven, eight nine, so their tenth sir. I should accompany them before their tent in the country, so the other, we have fifty states Obama thought we had fifty one, but we have fifty so they're in the top fifth, but they're at the bottom of the literally the bottom of the top fifth right, you have a bunch of states, in front of him. New Jersey, Mississippi, Louisiana New York Alabama Massachusetts Why single out Florida florid is clearly not unique benefactor not even close. The unique gets the tenth police duty right in the death rate, is what makes that add. Even dumber Florida these seasonality, the Virus- is reversed in Florida. Folks, Florida, goes to its peak every single year with corona virus. The two years we ve been dealing with it in the summer. The northeast
the Upper MID West and the Midwest up in the north They go through it in the winter. I know there again there are lives listening. So this is hard to process, but people doors, where the ventilation isn't as good as it is outside ten transmit a respiratory virus, meaning breathing for left. This tend to trans, it more in doors, because the ventilation isn't as good as the fresh air outside winner people indoors in Florida again. I know this is hard for the idiots. That commercial understand People are indoors in Florida in this summer, because it's in high very hot gee. Can you vouch for me? He lives? Is it hot? Thank you been a new resident. The Florida is figuring out how hard it is so people go inside. What happens around September and October when it's not ninety five, but its eighty seven point. Five and Florida people go outside for what happens every year in Florida. Corona cases go down
happens in the northeast. Wonder people indoors in no way Der. When did she were called where it's not in Florida day. Sad tragically, I don't wish ill on anyone. Obviously, New York, New Jersey and elsewhere are about to see another spike of coronavirus like Florida. Just saw and we're Eddie, seeing it right now in New York at a council that play a lad and it was open one night for they had a bunch of infections, I'm sorry form you of basic science, but as you to go indoors more New York in New Jersey, a family up there, You gonna see more carogne infections. I dont know why this is hard. The I'm trying to make is even despite fur already having weathered the worst of it. We are still only ten in Florida, traded, Dino florid as we we ve all this population in the United States and we still only ten. Despite having already weather the storm, you guys
up north, sadly, are about to start bumping yourselves into the top ten as these deaths. Tragically go up to show you again, how stupid these people, how they never ever think this stuff throw ever either. I got Video coming up with is a light. A video but mitya sits shaven. I come and get this video you want to watch. This is one of those wholly moments from the congressional baseball game. Last night I saw some exact ray. I thought it was a joke. I've never seen anything like this before caught lie in again and three important stories. I told you about in the beginning of the show about our descent two tyrannical totalitarian madness: ok, our necks visor appreciated alliance defending Freedom Alliance, defending freedom, a Congress there in chaos. We know that their control by far left, ideologues trying to crush the values and institutions and a maid America Beacon of Freedom in Liberty, since its founding for twenty seven years alliance, defending freedom has been standing up for religious liberty. The sanctity of life. Freedom is
each marriage and parental rights in America's highest courts? They are fighters over. There is a great group alike. Defending freedom does all of this at no cost to their clients and is completely funded by the generosity of patriots like you, with the family, freedom and even basic biological reality under constant attack alliance defending freedom. They need your support. Now more than ever go to. De F, legal dot, Org Slash Dan and get your B of Eighty s, evil title generational, wins absolutely free, discover fighting for what's right, isn't just important for today, but how it impacts our nation for generations to come America, Strong. We stand together joy. Growing number of Americans standing in solidarity, defend freedom and liberty and get your copy of generational wins absolutely free. It's a great group them out. That's eighty! legal dot, Org slashed an eighty F legal dot, Org slashed, dad
so funny, I'm I'm getting used to the sound there that the stinger Joe on the radio after you know the stage, as did the radio so to make this a pause afterwards. At start, no like work its way into my psyche. Yes to this guy's been a radio forever. Whenever I, if you listen to my radio show, we have live red spots, there's always a sound, a faint becomes afterwards. So I got a pause, saw the stations can q and This is one of those wholly moments, the congressional baseball game. Last night. You know members of Congress they play at the National Stadium and they play baseball, mean sweethearts could risk, baseball games so much watching this last night. I see this go environment, social media and I swear to you make this can't be from the crest of the congressional baseball game. I thought was actually game? This is Gregson these congressmen from Florence. I met this guy's republic in good guy, you big due to super athletic. This is here Yesterday, the congressional baseball game. I can't believe this happened check this out.
Democrats were trying to get caught up wow. This is a long Greg stubby with the first swing. It's gonna, be a home run stooping out of the ballpark into the left field, bleachers to be with the very first offering from PETE Aguilar, swings and sends it to left field and out, while everybody's milling with the president, they played baseball and stupid, wants to bring the attention back to the field. Absolutely I believe that is the first out of the park home run in this game. For forty years we get busted loose played. Of course, what they do at National Park here for home runs as the Republicans out of the dugout and mobster Aguilar, just kind of smiling walking around behind the mouth. I just did that what happened to the opposing picture? Listen. I know this is a little bit of a lighter moment. It's kind of a serious show, even though we embed sarcasm, but how hilarious is this Bob
shows up the pinot president name only he gets on the democrat side during what is it like? Second inning of the game or whatever he's getting booed by a lot of people. Of course, the liberals in Washington, some of them are cheering him, but he's got all the attention in the dugout. The Republican comes up. There's never been a home run, a legit, not an inside the park home run over the fence. Home runs. In the history, the congressional baseball game you have any idea how hard it is didn't outside fences, home, run. I played base for a long time. Major league baseball parts are huge, stew becomes up while Biden, the dance. Is it that out and steals the guy thunder by hitting the first home run in forty years. Maybe this is a harbinger of good things to come in twenty twenty two- I don't know, but I like is this guy, a major leaguer who the hell it's a home, run in Congress? That's crazy it's five. It excuse to be this guy's, a guess. Superadding. The Republicans won the game at your curious nice. Swank do right why I was like a good point Joe. I was like that's a major.
We gave like. Is this a joke and I had I got out of the comments. It really was Gregg Scooby, so Gregg, Scooby nice job met the guy before is supervised nice, apparently very talented athletes to write off one. Point about Saki. Before I get to this three important stories? They need to highlight showing you a descent into tyranny is rapidly increasing. It's a piece of audio from Tucker's show last night that should really scare the snot out of you. Socrates lying about support for this bill that we discuss before the three point: five trillion dollar bankruptcy bill. There lie because Americans hate this thing so called moderates in Congress hate this thing, everybody hates this thing. So here's go by sea and ass. If you doubt me just looking up yourself sock he's telling people eighty percent of people support this Biden spending agenda. Folks, it's not Let's just thirty. Six percent of people support this crap is just making it up so Dana per Annum upon the five yesterday was a good point. This ends poor, for the Democrats. I'd away. This woke Crapsey
if it passes, is going to cost Democrats just about every single swing seat in the country and is going to bankrupt the United States as inflation goes through the roof. The day crops have no one else to blame there, fully control government or option two it flames out and Joe Biden's. Entire agenda goes down and smoke in one week, he'll never recover the political damage will be incalculable either way. This ends poorly further America. Joe Biden or Joe Biden an option to no way around it. He has put in a show together this morning. You know I like to warn you about things. I do because it matters. I want to use my platform for good and I feel if I can't warn you in advance about impending tyranny and totalitarianism, that it's useless me. What about you- and I love talking to you while, but you can talk to anyone- you got friends. I need to talk to me, The job of this show is where you can end it at the end of every day and be like damn. I learned something like he's right about that and yesterday Discuss the in credit, All dangers pose.
The idea of a digital currency in the United States, there was no more cash Spend money you can have some government spending card and app on your phone. They will be able to at every no cash, no cash aloud. I warned you I explained why that was a huge danger. That's one of the stories in this black, but here are three stories today about a descent the total man queue up for me, this video first Glenn Greenway last night about the vaccine mandates Glengarry. While this an excellent journalist has a rumble account is videos, there are incredible green model. Tucker show last night, and they say: listen. It is factually method. This camp we be about science. It has to be about something else, check this out,
hard for me even to endure listening to liberal discourse about Kova anymore. Usually, when someone has a view that's different than mine, I can isolate the rationale that they're using to come to that conclusion, even though I don't agree with it and I'm at a complete loss to understand what the argument even is on September nine, when, president invited and went to the White House and gave a speech and covert to announce his covert mandate for large, and where's. He said this is not me. He said Joe Biden said if you're fully vaccinated the chances that you can get severely ill, not even die. Just get severely ill are very low, and the statistic that he gave is out of every one hundred and sixty thousand people who have been vaccinated only one ends up going to the house, with a serious illness or the risk if you're vaccinated, is all zero, which means what danger
do unboxing. Eighty people pose to people like me to listen to that and went and got the vaccine can comprehend the argument and yet, when Joe Biden impose the backs the vaccine mandate, he said because he had to justify why you could do illegally. The bottom line is. We need to protect vaccinated workers from the dangers by unvaccinated people. What dangers do unvaccinated people pose to those who are fascinated: none! It is purely punitive. It's a way of saying. If you do a Bay Ass, a veto defer to our superior wisdom, we are going to inflict pain and suffering on you and take vengeance on you for your defiance. That is all that this is about ok, armacos pop quiz, so you and I have been working together for what I'm going to say years. I don't even know how long I've been doing this thing, but it's something like that: yeah, whatever we're losing track at after the third year, it doesn't matter. What are we save Mr. What is it about with Democrats always control
man control, always always it is always folks. I am, we ve been send that jokingly. We would had been saying that for seven years have been under the democratic. This is what I explained his parliamentary pestered myself. Whatever the Democrats tell you something is about, thing: it's never about that something, and it's always about control. So the vaccine, mandate them. That's how you to buy what the vaccine right, but a vaccine manner. We gotta Abubakar vaccine, it's never about them, Glenn Greenwell in a minute and thirty seconds, just beautifully explained it is set up do the actually have actually works and who you protecting yourself against but what I don't understand why you mandate, people to do it if it works so well, who you protecting them against. So he's like I'm trouble. It's like trying to define the cow. This is about public health by the women to become please don't miss. My fox yo unfilled, Saturday, a ten I'm gonna become
bring this topic and it's going to be in studio. Show is going to be electric this week Saturday, at ten I love you, you've been giving us killer wins in the ratings. So thank you very much, but I'm going to be Guessing this exact topic? How this has enough to do with the vaccine. This is about thing controlling you and what the gun is doing right now, girls and rhino Republicans who are too afraid to stop? It is their take the boil frog approach? Theirs, opening you up with body blows to freedom every single day there trying to get you a cost. Totalitarianism, and no one wants to do it in one fell swoop. Disturbing have a bunch of Jack booted thugs show up at your door right overnight. You back, oh my gosh it and ass for this. But when you Who would slowly like they're doing in Australia, and you get useful idiots to play along its the Boil frog approach. All this you find yourself boiling to death, but they turned up the temperature slow. That's what Maxie mandated Remember said I had three stories you. It is a descent into what or control and totalitarianism. Folks, please exe.
Thing to me. I know the left is here. If you can explain to me how this is about science and not about control, I'm open to hearing it. Unfortunately, you've had as Glenn Greenwald just eloquently explained they we want to control you and their slowly. Turning up the temperature show you don't censure boil into that here story, number two and descended to control and madness. Did. I tell you the other day about negative interest rates in a digital currency. I mean rarely, as a story come together, legit the neck day after I bring it up. I warned you, I said folks. If you see it Digital currency in the United States being talked about you better. Damn well run for the hills, because it's about three big thing digital car, meaning no cash. The gun can see digitally every single dollar you spend in earn right about surveillance, surveillance, digital currency, watching everything you do it's control making sure you don't buy guns, you don't buy cigarettes
spend money on sugar. They want to control you and number three out negative interest rates, the government one. To borrow money, endlessly liberals and spend money. They don't have and the best way. Devalue the debt they accumulate, is to make interest rates negative. If you make interest rates negative. You devalue your own debt How does digital currency play in again, not to repeat yesterday show but people don't negative interest rates, you're going to put your money in a bank if it loses value every day. So what do people do they take cash out of the bank and put in a safe, but what? If is no cash to take out and it was the digital Government every day took more and more be the quietest, most pernicious, but effective taxation. Ever you pick up your digital currency, app on your phone and every day of less and less and less because of negative interest rates. That's? Why they want to get rid of cash? They want to see everything. Now I told you come
In us and everyone always associated with socialism and tyranny, they adieu and love negative interest rates and a digital currency to do it sure enough up this morning I mean the world she journal up ad section, and here we go folks thing: Ding Ding, Ding, Ding comptroller. The economy, guidance nominee to be the comptroller wants to regulate banks, but really hates banks. That's the title of the article, Her name is sale. Amarova. Forgive me if I'm saying your name wrong: it's not intentional sale, Amarova and she's a Cornell University law professor. She is Biden's nominee to be the current set of the comptroller, meaning she'll want to be ones the lead financial regulators in the United States, yet this one job, so she went to court now she was a school, professor over there it says her radical ideas might make even Bernie Sanders blush. She graduated from
ah Scouts State University in eighteen, eighty, nine on a landed. This is not a joke on a Lenin, personal academic scholarship, Thirty years later she still believes the soviet economic system was superior and that U S banking, should be remade in the gauze bags image right here is not the Babylon be. This. Is the Wall Street Journal about getting here? It gets worse, told you, but This yesterday rings true, did I can't wasting your time here. Here's a second part from the journal. Peace Saw lay on, moreover, of Moscow State University who loves the Soviet Union, she Also like the? U S to create a central bank. Did you currency a day later, a day later, Venezuela and China are doing. Of course, we want to be more like the communists in Venezuela, China, she says quote two
design our financial system and turn the feds balance sheet into a true people's ledger. She treated this summer. The Wall Street Journal adds what could pass go wrong? Folks Soviet Sally, good. Ninety we'll call it after now. Listen to me. Oh, I did not obviously coordinate this piece with the Wall Street Journal. Why do they were gonna write this I swear not a pat on the back moment either. I want you to This very seriously. Communists need a digital currency is one of the worst thing that can happen our country up there with election reform, our border and street car, It is easily one of the top five issues: the United it is finished if communists like Soviet Solid, get their digital currency, your gun, so go out the window you won't be able to. I again you have to barter and trade, goats for guns or something you will be able to cigarettes. Alcohol there. Why
everything you do. Tax rates are go through. The roof was a media of the good point. You can be able to subscribe delight please tv or Fox nation media that are like laugh. Why do you think Communist, like Soviet Sally, want this so bad negative interest? taken borrow money and unjust get out of your digital account every day to negative interest rates, controlling you surveillance, you watching you every day, reporting Applause. This is real folks, it's a joke. I hears the story, so we had number one: the vaccine mandate so about punishment. Control number two we had Sally, wants a digital currency control number three. They. Also pushing right now, the by demonstration and JANET Yellin, the Treasury set. Gator, also pushing in case some slivers of cash by the way, folks still make it into the banking system with their digital currency they wanna obligate,
bags to report every transaction of six hundred hours or more to the Irish, just to make sure if John there's just a few peace. Is a cash lay it around back there, Where did too so, the alarm boss. From my own, who did a great job yesterday had JANET Yellin upon Capitol Hill. This is only about eight seconds of it, but she tore Into our and she's like listen, this is crap. You tell him the boy Instead the report, everything that the Iris was concept, banks don't work for. You clowns check this out. He was about eight seconds or that they cause. Are not subjects of the federal government. Banks do not work for the IRS good. For you, senator alarmists good, for you fight back Ladies and gentlemen, you don't owe the government anything. We have attacks. Were you legally obligated to provide taxes than to the government at a certain amount? Legally, not more That's the way. You know that's, unfortunately, those that crap rules when you that you owe them nothing else. You don't
I'm an eyeball into your financial life, you don't owe them in eyeball to enough you smoke or not smoke or by guns row by guns. Where's geese, I subscribe to the Wall Street Journal or you know, in wars or blaze, tv. You don't the many that you can listen to any media. You want! You don't owe me. Surveillance into your private financial. Have you owe them squat these people work for us. These lunatics. With descending into madness, right in front of your eyes. Timing. Far simpler, we gotta get me a camera turnips how we attack, gay, because I there's this different clock here. Care. When I gotta get to this last story, I told you I'd sandwich thee, I guess I'm his cannibalistic elite itself alive. So to a more robust that preceded patients, winter sponsors, a great companies who want to talk to you again, a frenzy.
People out there, they feel like a major breakdown is coming. I damn seriously perfect timing for the spot right You might agree worst case scenarios around a corner. Food shortages possible, the summit Scare, you just say I'm, like you sure, everything in your life to matters right, healthcare, your teeth, your car, your house, you have to ensure you. Food supply do friends at my patriots pie pick up some emergency food there right better, too, have it not needed than to did not have it right. Can we all agree? I I blow my house, with the stuff there, the nations number one preparedness company, they serve millions of american families, their food is top notch right, I can say dollars off their popular four week. Emergency food kit get one for every member of your family. It has everything breakfast Lunch dinner. Drink snacks told us over two thousand calories per day he's the best part. You have the right away. He stays fresh roughly twenty five years. Yes, right twenty five years and proper storage, we'll be there when you needed cancer.
About grocery store food. It goes bad fast. You know that even canned food, it's not going to work so go get one of these four weak emergency food. Kids for every member, your family had he get it, go to prepare with Dan dot com right now and say fifty hours off each kit, you buy the ship that, faster, delivered discreetly adorn unmarked boxes for your privacy. Then you can rest easy, knowing your family has enough food and you'll be prepared. If the worst happens, don't put it off for another moment, prepare with dandy Tom go today as prepare with Dan Dotcom prepare within that come thanks. Patriot supply, ok, just quickly on this box news story here, but it'll be a my on my knees as well, but you know that complex newsletter again prove you that the left as no intentions of any kind of national unification, anything that's a tie that binds between non citizens the United States they want destroyed. The left needs balkanization and in division. Why it's been repeated
back on my show, because the left never runs and their real agenda the left. Does it you ever seen a campaign slogan outside of like San Francisco early or some far less radical place. Have you ever seen a campaign sign in to swing district? That said, give me guns I want to raise your taxes and steal your health care. Now, of course you have it, but that is left suggests. That's always been the less agenda. Because they know that agenda is universally unpopular, had as the left continue to win elections, because they see ere, you about the other guy, they say hey, while the other guy the republic in his coming after you, black sex, women whatever they hate. You, therefore we're going to protect you That's the only way they get elected, so they need. Vision to do that, they have to keep us Balkan ICE and hating each other, because it doesn't do much good as a leftist running for office to say, I'm, to protect you against those evil. Republicans, if you dont, have a constituency large enough to vote you that believes Republicans are in fact evil and if you can paint the Republicans as the
the white man or whatever it may be, is even that much easier for you to balkan eyes, the country perfectly. Sample and this fact story our Times rider rights, one of the dumbest stop ads in human history. They They want to redesign the american flag now and add, like all separate kinds of Bee Elam collars and everything like that. Folks it in a very serious note at flag. It's not a piece of cloth, on a table cloth son, a napkin not a slogan. Represents all of us. People have died for what the flag represents, not the cloth but the fabric in it. It represents. Dumping. It represents the world's most prosperous free constitution. Republic. People have died, horrible, brutal DAS, for what that flag represents flag means a lot to a lot of people
the tie that binds understand why that flag has become a source for the Democrats of unnecessary division? Said because it's a tie that binds us together. That's why they want them black national anthem, we ll have one national anthem at football games and elsewhere. They need organization and division. It's the only way for it. To ensure that they can get votes by claiming to the sides they vulcanised divided that they're both fighting against each other and we're going to protect you, ok gauge bad to that last story in the New York posts. They said that in the beginning, we're gonna sandwich the shell, which store about how woe cancel. Culture is inherently cannibalistic, him we'll eat itself alive, there's no other way. This is the perfect, so I've been teasing this for a couple days now. This is what I mean by this Oh in New York, there was this incident. It is this guy Frederick, I think of us New York, yeah. Wasn't it
I Frederick Joseph, whose S Bosley awoke left this he's out and walk in his dog eat dog park or whatever and he runs into this woman. Her name is Emma sorely well. Some kind of altercation breaks out the verbal and, of course, Frederick Joseph the size. Well, I'm gonna get my phone now and record this, and have this woman cancel now Frederick Joseph his Black and Emma sorely is white, their politics don't know, I'm assuming, given that its New York city they're, probably both left this. I don't know that for sure, but given the probability of the political inclinations and weenies of the area, they could both be leftist. Frederick Joseph. We know it's a leftist okay, so they have a verb medication and its alleged it's not in the video I'll play in a minute, but its alleged This white woman emissary said to Frederick Joseph go back. To know how it or you are heard, while of course what happens from their well
this is from the New York past? This is where it They have a real issue with this. The woman gets fired from our job is Frederick Joseph puts this on twitter and pushes the company can this woman and the woman gets can or what happens next. So here's the New York Post version of events here showing you how this is implode on itself: cannibalism, here, the leftist cannibalism. He says, Denmark is who wrote. This piece is not just a Frederick Joseph has done this before apparently has and that he has a book. Talking all we sell in a book interesting, the whole exchange looks like a Netflix virginal play for you in a second open org. Interaction. It does its super weird plus Joe If his said in the days following the incident, he was traumatized by George on the left, is traumatized by the most like mundane, vague on, but that my cash we I stop up. You was, as he says there nothing in the video that looks even remotely or vaguely traumatize into any sane person without an agenda, but there's more
almost immediately identity, politics, conflicts of interests appeared Anderson himself. This is the boss who fired the woman after this exchange. This guy. Eric Anderson himself, history of dicey, tweets, including using a slur against people with down syndrome. Do we really ass. He was lying about what sorry said to just to be clear: black Liberal, guy has altercation with white woman, while walking dogs black, man, says white woman, told him go back to the hood. That's not on the tape could be, could not tat? We have no evidence. It happened right, not undertake Woman then gets fired from our job. I Abbas Derek Anderson, because the guy who had the authorization whether it does engages in a cancer campaign, then the boy. Who fired turns out? Has his own troubles tweets in the past The point I made in the beginning of the show eventually fit
one percent of people get canceled and figuring out, they're catering to forty nine and they go why we catering to the minority. See the video. The video- and you tell me if this woman This deserves the attention. This thing got the woman being fired and now a bunch of people's lives being up ended. So what's this looks to me like an you're a city guy for awhile gig. Do you been around the world a little bit this? multiplication you have in a city with it happens. All that everyday check this out no woman, invite everyone Slater State or does it comes? I would stay in order so that they might have you give me that's why they're comes you arrive here? What's this entire previously does not Savior tells us they interlude. She did she just sort. You disorders.
So the Ladys alleging he said stay in your home. The guy's asking the other guy if stay in the hood was this guy or that guy saying it wholly Moses, were you all grow up? Will you please act like free in adults. Are you kidding me? Are you I really exists in international incident with a woman- should be fired. Making the point will close this again cannibalistic Culture is destined to implode because the math doesn't work. I guarantee you everyone in this. Probably politics that don't align with yours and they're all cancelling each other? It's just. I bad for the woman. I really I really do like you can't even have an argument over a dog right now and say something without having your entire life becoming the focus of a twitter storm. This is just ridiculous people, pile and honours Bobby threats. My gosh, I promise you this is, is we are now at the jumped the shark moment for cancer culture, where their mark my words, it is
going to flame out, it has to right thanks for and am pleased God. My rumble account rumbled Accomplish Mancino watch a video version of the podcast. We put a lot of work into it all some questions for asked And tomorrow, here's how you do it we do and asked segment go to them no account rumbled accomplish mancino under any video. Just comment just put question forget question for the show whatever and will read some of em. Tomorrow, s questions were great. We got great feedback on it and don't It's my show, Saturday night at ten unfiltered in studio should be. It should be a lot of fine I'll, see ya. Tomorrow, you GINO.
Transcript generated on 2021-10-22.