« The Dan Bongino Show

The Facts About What Happened In Gaza Yesterday (Ep 2112)

2023-10-18 | 🔗

In this episode, I debunk the terror simp's lies about what really happened at the hospital in Gaza yesterday, plus the ongoing chaos in DC.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Give way to hear the truth about america on his shoulders, not immune to the banks with your host bungee by the Bye gino rural strikes. Again, what do I tell you, what I do? give it some time. Let us story simmer, feel to talk about it, you're crazy, not to a lot of this stuff is breaking news, can pretend it didn't happen. All I ask is rigour talk about it now is draw any firm conclusions? They give a story a day or so. The kind of simmer if it involves trump. Maybe give it a week, maybe a year because story of change, probably five or six times. was on the air. Yesterday on the radio, I saw a break You do israel arms hospital killed. Forty seven million knows a wall Why did you see it?
Did you see this story? Man all le mot Gaza consider a nuclear bomb fell on a hospital bed. Oswald terrible Juve blew a ball of Gaza is amazing. Then, of course, you woke up in the morning found added. Pierce highly likely that acts We know that's true at all side now never saw coming either. Just wondering why black coffee stop giving your money Companies don't give a damn about you. Is it Cow coffee, dotcom, sledge, bungee, your best coffee out, their use. Coupon code buy genome over twenty percent off your first order. I got a big show. You re Joe Biden in the middle east screw and everything up calling the Hamas terrorists the other team, as ever flag football game and a catholic school on a weekend Al Jazeera mistakenly tells the truth for once you know we're going do facts and receipts on the show credible. Like itself, I just I
get over it. Twitter is a assessed, polar stupid these days that I'm so glad on a very serious note I am so honour to have you here is into Chad earliest morning and that that message I sent you all about nine thirty wee wee wee game on early warning. I meant every word of it: I love you also much anyway. You am. I just want you to understand that I from the I of my sometimes broken art. I mean that you guys and ladys are the best folks shredded lettuce and a double double: that's, not your fruit, vegetables servants. It's not gonna cut! It feel the greens, man feel the greens. You want fruit, rescue fruits and vegetables. On my, I can make you write about the diet that some job I just we care about you all, and this is a product, a supplement that I had a pretty big role in developing it. That's the truth So the honour this company, brick ass nutrition, he'd, been a friend than a sponsor Annie. All kinds of gray. Products are creating the best than the market, but I say: listen I made
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also nutrition dot, com slashed and, if you're a fan of AG get the lemon lime you're a fan of mine get a while Barry they're, both great just fine humble opinion or a Joseph shoot. third that he owed sure is so but it's you may get on the air because, as I said yesterday on the radio do or my show in breaking news times that others, the israelis blew up a Gaza hospital, kill five hundred people and our money, air and I'm doing a brave run up my whole old please he's got that I'm not using his name in vain. So we don't start world war. Three, please everybody belly bree too much of it one more time.
Jack was knew what he said is ninety seems still doing polyps folks us after all by you, but I'm not into this whole where war three, then you fellows my life, I like go with my kids volleyball game yesterday. I know there's a lot of Helen fury around the world, but personally, I'd rather do what we can do. intercept and destroy the savages but stay out of a nuclear holocaust. You guys a great that's a good idea, so when you put propaganda like these rules, vodka has killed five hundred people and rashid to booze, ironically, a member, a congress and appears right now to be an enemy. The truth and probably the united states to I'd really weird and she points out a tweet, we'll watch, who did and all of a sudden our embassies are getting stormed and people are star, are outside the embassy in Jordan, cause and big chaos, look like they were trying to burn a place down outside of the embassies around the world. You talk about. Kick it out israeli citizens,
because the israelis allegedly bombed the hospital. A good thing to know before you do anything you guys agree with this would be to know if the israelis actually bob hospital re. So I told everyone last side of my social media You may want to hold on this because from what I'm seeing and getting from trusted sources, By the way have no dog in the fight other than that they just bored civilized man, they really have no dog in the fight they not pro or just people who annulled entails streams. They said, This doesn't sound right. These he's killed five hundred people with a J. Damn It's interesting because it would be a mass of whole. The explosion would have been far bigger is so weird. so by an address this is wanting keeper mine. I trust nothing out. Abiden mouth that all take this is this is this: is it
this guy's over there in the Middle EAST. To do one thing: there s delay the ground invasion and that's it. I noticed a lot of people by the way who listen to show picked up on that yesterday by analysis. Is a former agent used to do these security advances on foreign troops, so appreciate that wish your foot once in a while, but that's, ok, over there to delay the ground evasion? That's what he's doing here is talking about. How he got some intel any believes it might be. The other team, like it's like a flag flag, ball game or something take a look at this deeply saddened and outraged by explosions hospital in casually invasion. What I've seen it appears that was done by the other deep. Aren't you But there's a lot of people out there and I'm sure a lot of overcome a lot of things. I believe nothing coming out abiden about so nothing at all. Like I've do independent analysis. I only pay to show you how clueless this guy is he's over
these giving everyone mumbling stumbling. Do every speech talking, the other team and he's there. For one reason, everybody needs to cut the bullshit like binds israel's friend that he's not anybody's friend, and I hope not is falling for this routine He's no friend to america. Is your friend. Anyone know he's friends with these friends: do you create because they paid off his kid? That's all these friends with these guys are total bullshit on here, nobody's friend, he's a friend to the green back. If you're paying him he's your friend. So please cut the bullshit. So what are you basing this on an keep in mind? It is still early, it is still early. Spend less than a full day. and my mind is open and persuadable view can convince me that somehow Israelis bomb the hospital that remarkably this morning, you know it's strange about something I stole
bomb. The hospital five hundred people died and he had a bunch of people came out this morning when the sun broke the horizon and the hospital still there is so weird it's so We like you, can actually go see it yourselves. I believe, like evidence and stop that's it a time Paradise right. It's like Marty, mcfly went back we're going back to future it so weird. Maybe they just made it up? Yes, the explosive ammunition struck the parking lot. Nothing, they told you is true, but what are you basing that Scott, Al Jazeera, Al Jazeera, you mean a proper and that our work. Ladies and gentlemen, if you, a regular. The sooner this show, you know a patter right. I wrote three four box: whatever Three books on a plot to take down donald trump, if you go and local spying
exonerate and follow the money at the footnotes. She's. With the end notes, we did it with you, If you read the notes, you'll noticed are almost all left wing sources. Why. Because it's impossible when you cite a left wing source for the left wing to tell you you're, making it up because it's there are homewards Al Jazeera loves nothing more than palestinian. Hamas propaganda, so they were born, casting this wives segment yesterday and our view it you'll see this you'll see a bunch of rockets wants near the hospital. Where are you from islamic jihad, restoring this club, which they had a hard time explaining away later on, watching a right now I'll, look one of em explodes admit air seems to do a? U turn. This is AL jazeera by the way for those who take like you believe, the path all in watch. It hits the hospital. Oh my gosh, what the hell! dad? Happily go away
holy shit, we made a huge mistake: you can we play that again, let's rio, that one more time again for those who fell for the night, you in my audience, but there are some out their ears. Al Jazeera again If they're broadcasting live, look we're going to see some of the rockets right from near that hospital in Gaza up in the air it goes headed towards israel kill some jews. Does it work or it explodes It doesn't get it we're just gonna kill the Jews wise up? Oh, my gosh bidding a hospital parking lots and, in fact killing their own people so weird Al Jazeera Hamas. Propaganda network. I gotta go your people again. I had no cry for me: argentina, I'm in the best place him ever better. My life. You know I've got a mission now the world is on fire in the workplace? It's been a long time, but I know There are making the sacrifices. I need to make the joined the almighty in the second creation right now. I've never been more clear in my mission. So, although worry about me, I,
the whole day, sending people who are propaganda? Artist? I don't follow, the Jews, I'm not asking you to believe the Jews dipshit don't forget Al Jazeera network, they fit the whole thing Planet, do you live on? I don't bother if the Jews it's almost as if they just want to kill the jews and eight because they do. That's it now! You have. There is nothing the israelis will say or jewish person. For that matter. There is nothing they will say that make these people have. Everything is designed to supply folks. You know. The current thing thing has got out of control. Ok, the current thing is out and not believe. The current thing, which is the current thing, is getting like crazy. I'm. there's still time, for this
you can show me any evidence whatsoever. any evidence whatsoever Drone for age that this was an israeli but where's, the shrapnel with the markings are waste and where we are Surely they have some evidence. I'm just asking you to believe common sense. so this was released yesterday to an end. Did phone call between two Hamas fuck sticks talking about. Oh shit, look what I'm telling you the first time we see a missile like this falling and we're safe. it because it belongs to islamic its object. Jihad basis It belongs to islamic jihad, not the Jews, It's from us, it looks like it. who says this. They are saying the shrapnel The message is local shrapnel and it's not israeli. What are you saying? Oh silence, here's where the oh shit comes it. Beatin say: oh shit firelight, but god bless.
they could have found another places, but never mind. I guess They shouted from the cemetery behind the hospital, they shouted from the cemetery behind the hospital at it. Misfire fell on all shared there's a cent nobody will, as the cemetery it and now could use blew up your and hospital? Looking Stu idiots, when what we, is it when you entered the compound about either We'll go to it's on the right side of the hospital. Oh yes, I know it. again, it doesn't really matter. I understand if you just want to kill jews and you hate him you're like that you're. So my I get it. I totally understood something I can say to you. You produce a burn baby. You like it's a dog. produce a dog like it's a baby. I get it. I get it. You just want to kill the gy understand. I understand a psycho, there's something I guess I'm just saying from the normal people out there and they now fifty five.
and people. Only fourteen minutes in. Who love freedom in liberty for everyone, black right? Why must jewish christian, anyone under telling you this evidence and they're stupid. and there's no in between. You produce to me. Some again is some footage of an israeli plain drop in a J. Damn outcome on this show tomorrow there probably not the idea of deliberately target a hospital Yeah my word on it. The problem is the geo location, the intercepts the photos and the fact that nothing really italy or the power spinning propaganda operations told you is true leads me to believe one size lying in the other side is there
not appear to be five hundred deaths. The hospital was not blown up and there's no evidence whatsoever that this was a missile or ammunition from the israeli air force and it appears to have been a missile fired, as you saw an AL jazeera from their own territory by islamic jihad that blew up in their face. No, no. I can't. Do you want? So? Can you imagine if the israelis did that deliberately target at the hospital you would be everywhere right now, now do you notice is now, of course It's the mainstream media goal to me we start a global racial jihad immediately they sought our goal It's not our go. It's amazing how many people on twitter also mistake my search for facts free eagerness to get into another world war when there's we have set out on the show I get. The weird thing is we said the exact opposite, and I will continue to say that you want kids, fight more war, three with nuclear weapons, idled
new crane, not anywhere else. The israeli military is more than capable to take care of itself more than capable However, we have a role in making sure this doesn't spiral out of control, because the same people that hate them hate us the same people Want to kill the Jews, wanna kill you, you don't give a shit about your coexist. Bumper sticker at all. not even a little bit. You're cnn, just you know minutes after this happened yesterday. I want you to listen the analysts or they gotta go right. Although the palestinians have an incredible history of propaganda, I mean it nobody does it better than them instead of say and hold on a second here they jump. Right in a worst case scenario, and after, like turn, a temperature of check this out, what those images add up to is a mass casualty event that could change the international opinion of what israel is doing right now. It could shift international opinion against them. It's already shifted that opinion in the arab world.
old against Israel, is the israeli new channels are still covering hostage. Families, arab news channels or covering the destruction inside Gaza but it is this: is it denied area, so Israel, international investigators? We can't get in to see what brought that structure down. Remember Israel's also trying to target this. turanian weapon, storage, caches rocket law? sure facilities and Hamas has a pattern of having those Types of things stationed near civilian areas- about how she acknowledged, as they know, nothing about it and yet is immediately jumped to listen man. This is rallies, are really gonna, be an internationally now man who knows- maybe just someone put in Thank you, the sd, you you maybe just shut the fuck up until you know what happened. I'm just gonna, throw that out there
You know about tv, I dont know I only data for twelve years. I never went on tv and talked about shit. I didn't know times. I get a book or a dan. Can you come on talk about acts. Actually I'm on a road. Having read about it A commodity we will send you some articles. No thanks, I'm good I don't know enough about it. I go home and read about I'll come on tomorrow. There are many times or police shootings. That would happen. Is that was a cop we have here are behind the scenes a day and you want to come out of the shooting haven't seen a video I will send. I'm on the road. I can look at it right now, come on anyway, will give you ve done. Oh I'm good or maybe just shut the fuck up. Thank you, gay. What she had a migrant now he said I ve seen it first hand where People have reached out to be true, I gave them want to come up. I think I'm good
because the golden rule of tv commentaries s. Folks, you ready right this down that Japan, nobody ever gotten trouble. First, No fuck up nobody. You only get in trouble for not the fuck up, I'd, say some shit and you don't know what you're talking about. So the golden rule again is widening. Just shut the fuck up and you'll be ok. three times should have taken advice, there's items The evolution of a headline israeli shrine, kills hundreds in hospital did he say of drums, I'd like to At least five hundred dead, enshrined on Gaza hospital palestinian said to highlight three at least five hundred dead in blast gaza
hospital palestinians palestinian say just shut. The fuck up. And your weight for the story to develop. You don't find yourself in a problem like this, so incredible so incredible how these terrorist, since they just can't, stop themselves they just can't well they're, diapers, so eager they'll believe anything you'll believe anything bad. Why. I got a super cod come up next of liberal terrorists. Imps all that's all they are. Terrorism said this boy: it's? It's studded with what I got that come up next, go anywhere. Also, king Bela of Jordan he's like we don't want, any palestinian refugees wise. You saying that I dont ever
go? You know that the plight of the palestinians are so eager to help thomas they're not eager to help. Why do they know somethin? I spent some time endured interesting. Made a quick break folks. Anyone can slap a logo on a boring generic sure, but with lands and business you can get made to order quality uniform set become party. Your brand since ninety ninety three thousand Businesses have relied on lands and business now Their employees, they offer timeless style that fits everybody type with the widest range of sizes and branded apparel see your logo in vivid collars, t shirts out aware hats, mugs, water bottles and more hungry, the products perfect for any trade show event or holiday gift, lands and business is the leading online supplier of iconic uniforms reverie, whether you're a carpet cleaner mechanic move company or a corner peace, a shop. They have you reform needs covered. State of the art, design and stitching technology turned your logo into an insult,
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super gotta, the liberal terrorist groups, are basically pimp There are a whole these over there and Hamas. Your check this out tonight. There is growing backlash to a letter signed by nearly three dozen student groups at harvard which solely blamed israel for the deadly attacks by Hamas. We do not punish or sanction people for expressing such views. The be alarmed chapters and groups across the country actually celebrating this sickening site, your seeing their air flyer had a pair of glider on our remit is getting so bad. You can you hold a moment of silence but is really victims during school board meeting without pushed back as the old summer ice adage goes no justice, no peace
remember that what's happening right now is in a greater context of one of the greatest crimes against humanity, which is an apartheid regime. The israeli government is what has fuelled basins, Israel. It is occupying the palestinians, not the other way around. That is basically like living alex in an open air prison. I do come ass, familiar burg, military establishment, maneuver military installations. Hamas attacks military establishments, a kibbutz. with eighty year olds in little infants and study, I military, the israeli military is busy recruiting eighty year old women about four year old isabel. The big eighty pilots four year olds are perfectly right in the cockpit their real real small. choir less oxygen. Do in multiple jeez too really how dummy you have to be to believe this in a credible way. And again, I know all the terrorist groups out there who love the terrorists who by again will kill you in a second
shoes you in the face and a heart beat. I got by co, exist sticker! Good luck! with that jack. You have fun. I said ten plus years starin at these assholes. You got tell: what's your experience again, I wrote it. I'm stack. Ok have fun that you take all these folks in years, so you loved you love the palestinian cause, so much escorts. The question why the egyptians or the Jordanians one I don't know geography well by gila, zero, jordan. close the to Israel thing around here, somewhere here, Is it anywhere near? Did you day answer mary regions over theirs it's right right, dear right, like what, I'd last time I checked, whereas even just a little bit the river yet mississippi, not other jordan. Reality, Jordan, river, like Jordan, that's right and the west I is the west what like em, gimme a break nor like breaker, the river that so weird it's
there is right, next, the jordan. the Jordanians could take a bunch of these. Then he examined care rome and integrate them into their economy. You know like we're taken half of the world in on our open border, but it's so weird I want to do any of that. Maybe because the Jordanians understand they have a problem. I wish Joe Biden would understand. We have a problem with our southern border. Here's king Abdullah say now do it all palestinian refugee. Take. But thanks for asking check this out to part of the question on the issues of refugees coming to jordan- and I think I can quite strong- we speak on behalf. Not only of the jordan is a nation, but our friends in Egypt. That is a red line, because I think that is a plan by certain of the usual suspects to try and create de facto issues on the ground. No refugees in jordan, nor refugees in egypt. wow, it's almost like they know. Somethin, kind of strange everybody's?
eager to help the palestinians out until it comes to help the palestinians out now put him out Should you guys outcomes? Razor applies again. Why you think egypt and the jordanians don't want to take in palestinian refugees. You have any idea. Anyone Not well that's easier than at Joe, actually it because They don't want to because they, want to that's. Why? Because they don't want to They did so more difficult. Our raise your folks given, possible explanations except the that's the most parsimonious, the cheapest one requires you to resume the least because they I want to I dont they want to because they cause Joe said a lot of problems some of them. When I go over there because there's large affiliations with Hamas, the muslim brotherhood which, by the way,
jobs had an issue with themselves now moving on cause a lot more we're moving on, but not ladies gentlemen, Is it bad enough? Yet that's the question you know I was thinking about this yesterday, like a little moment yesterday, again sorry I mean. I know me like a moment moment: sizzling barbie movie whenever by I did I had this moment where I again. I feel this renewed sense emission. It's why these shows have been so energetic the last few weeks, even despite the train it is going on around the world, because I feel this renewed sense of purpose and yes my purpose became even more clear. We have got to get this guy out of office. the guy in office oatmeal bread, in the white house folks is just a walking talking forest fire Have you ever seen anything like this? intelligence failures global wars. Terrorism exploding the southern border on fire people.
The terror database walking into our country, child sex trafficking, fetnah, crisis. Our inner cities fallen upon us or video this morning on social media people, stealing from trains in law in rain around the california, the northern California forty areas jumping on train tracks, open in train? I mean it. absolute chaos, The hard reality is whether you like donald trump or not. their he's an ex president now or if its descent, this Nicky Hayley or whoever hard reality is this stuff is happening. I even mention inflation in the economy. It's all other some subjects, all this stuff is happening now in the romeo brains are many figures, we break- and I want to get to this video next, because this guy you're going to hear necks jamal power. But I This guy is no conservative disguised not even a republican this is a guy. If anything who is lean laughed- and I would argue sometimes far left on stuff- He had a video, the blue, my mind yesterday,
we're even he's like which stop, which is making me think. Is it way we go? take. The poverty. Is the pull back either? Do you believe it's bad enough? Yet People going to change your voting habits, we're gonna, do this policy ties, we, I still say no but I say no within asterisks that them Madame is definitely changing in the u s direction, but were not there yet because you what you'll see next, to that end. You comment in the chat because I gotta see where you are on this. Both of you got loved ones who depend on you. Don't leave anything up to chance, especially in a worst case scenario, with policy genius, it is a long time. I trust company, can find life insurance policies and started just two hundred ninety two dollars a year for one million dollars a coverage. Policy genius knows how valuable your time is there Technology makes it easier to compare life assurance quotes for is top insurers and just a few clicks help you find your lowest price policy geniuses licensed award winning agents who can help you the best way for your needs.
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seven point: five percent! Yes, so about ninety two percent. No, I'm with you, I don't know it's bad enough. Yet I think Brawls are still going to vote for their own destruction. Was this benefit, but green shoe asterisk. Listen to this guy, definitely left, leaning, safe that I think a lot of liberals or thinking right now take a listen. I voted for Joe Biden, but this is the honest assessment, the guy he did for the things that he was supposed to do a good job and for where every president found a way to frankly maker. Situation, a little bit were specifically around wars. He did not do that, then. That is a huge enrichment that I think, needs to be acknowledged as a democrat who has been left homeless was now. Definitely in the center, but probably meaning increasingly right. I'm yet again with an appreciation, just might the messenger of the message of the trumpet administration, because what those guys do was
the incredible in hindsight these able of course, the accords with Israel in the juicy see the almost ford between Israel and salary, drily, be able to I signed long, lasting peace. He's just a real example for the world and just try still want a really good work. You said that must have hurt, listen. it. Also all silliness and sarcasm aside here, because not approach, for me right now, but he good for him I don't know how you guys feel about it, but I don't a b like some influence or class out there, that you know it takes pride in destroying people's lives and campaigns and stuff. If you got a guy out there, who is willing to say hey, you guys may have been right. I think
Worse thing we can do is be like I go. Ask yourself: bro like that how politics works, you know it politics is no such thing as addition by subtraction. In other places or are something cutting a cancer at your body will add to your life. Well, I do your longevity is a content producer and all this other stuff politics jane. Really speaking addition by subtraction doesn't work So I say to this guy from off: follow up attire. If he wasn't kidding or joking around or I don't know I mean you never know these days, some guy matter, I'm just getting jinx. whatever you say back in the day, when someone would said somebody said right just April fools, wasn't getting them. Welcome to the party man, We ve been for that stuff for a long time. I'm sorry, you got convinced otherwise, other great clip I saw yesterday. I want you guys to watch. You know we ve got this
We come out next week in theatres. Police state with every worker for the last year my life busted, my ass with danish, the shoes on this film are the website. Is police state film dot net, as police film, now, if you wanna get tickets, alot of the theatres of selling out it'll be october, twenty third, twenty fifty online launches october, twenty seven, but its next week. the fbi's been up to the fbi spent while this terrorist threats been developing, they been when I get to this. Second, they been worried about eighty government at the authority, violent extremists. I e you I'll get to that article max it's important, but then actually did tim cast in pools. Show which are we did. He was grey very gracious to us ten. We always appreciate that and on their, they use I just asked about the police state movie, but it's about a lot of things and really nailed this thing down. Ladies and gentlemen, the talking point about the: u s:
in colonizers, the israelis being colonizers. This isn't just a word thrown out there now. There is specifically jennifer war in the Middle EAST. You have to stared, it's a word thrown out there by thy collected by the collective left. The the terrorists since the socialists, the commies, the green ease- they all use this because it takes a face off it and it imposes collective guilt on others- are not splaining it nearly as well as Dinesh does. But I want you to listen to this anytime. You hear the word colonizers or systemic racism check this out when young professor put at in just a couple days ago, saying settlers are not civilians that, It meant is to justify the targeting of innocent children. Women and men murderer massacred in their homes, without warning, because to them and their chanting industry accents exactly the exactly the settlers is not civilians is the
is a variation of systemic racism, because a systemic racism is a wing of is a way of saying I dont have to find a racist. I don't have to find a white guy in a black eye who apply for a job the black. I was better qualified. The white guy got the job here. We found a racist someone who did that no systemic racism locates the problem in a system and similarly hear this- lower the settlements become this, though the equivalent of the system and so everybody in those settlements who could be innocent themselves. It could even be kids. Nevertheless, become occupiers. Folks, it is, man again, you know, I love you man more than anything it is so important. We understand the. Why the why they do what they do, not just that they do what they do, but the. Why? Because once you understand why and the sub text, the subterranean motivation of everything the left does everything makes sense. Everything makes sense. This is the x orientation narrative. It's the idea that everything is zero sum that
Israel is a wealthy country- must have taken it from palestinians that, if the man is rich and there's pockets of black poverty in inner cities that the white man must have taken it from the black man in the since this is the politician, it's everywhere. Folks, it's everywhere the poor migrant country, every come allows, we ve got to get to the root causes causes. Is your countries that they're dentist? voting system shock. Maybe ivory markets like the: u s, didn't you be wealthy? Do. but they don't want to say that every thing. Is the exploitation narrative without a face? They never put a face on. whenever they mention systemic racism. Your first question should be well what's the system, because system. We are talking about the causes. The racism you claim is being run by demo rats in liberal series. Are they the system. The colonizers what colonies, where's colonies, who is it
called the brings up an interesting point that signature enough time to play it, but so now it's always on the land? First, mean that mean exactly We owe it to the indians, but what about it here the instruction from what about They took it from before thy. You There are you gonna, do a cyclist stupid where you get after the missing link. The one In being on planet earth, when we evolved from Austria, low pithy kiss africanus to have Surely, homo sapiens sapiens, the missing link owns everything He was the first on the earth is see. where this gets you need aids. You need country, juny, property rights,. following world, the colonizers hilariously stupid So again, the same dom exploitation, error, systemic, so what's the system. now Dennis resign? Talking about this film we put together, we worked hard on some folks, like
be candid with you. You know it's Marianna, at best sales pitch, but I'm not trying to sell you anything and it's not about the money, really give a shit about that Who is not easy to watch. you see a lot of victims in the january. Six targeting lotta people the target of fbi targeting in the region, important now, because something I've been tellin you for a long time has now come anew. add fruition here them. I told you the f b, I was preoccupy. I've worked the fbi, a lot you have be. I work A forty our work week, like anyone else spend thirty five of those hours targeting trumps supporters and for those hours targeting terror threat, you're going to miss a lot of terror threat. We ve only been warning about this forever: miranda divine is an amazing peace. Up about this is nineteen. Eighty four all over again in police stage the articles about the movie She notes that in october twenty twenty two, the f b, I created a cigar threat.
the government anti guy at the authority, violent extremists- eighty government or at the authority, motivations for violence or criminal activity, but here's the kicker in this can screenshot from it. Fbi when they say that, although a trumpet maggie supporters are never mention, quote government insiders acknowledge it applies to political violence. Escrow, to the former presidents supporters I e Talking about you bro Why keep telling you man keep your head on that swivel looking around for threats, but we people in our own country. Kick it their heads out of the rest is right now who think you're the problem area to a couple more things in the last quarter of the show here, the speakers raise thirty switch gear so rapidly, but this rapid fire show and want to play the cis.
guys. Would you agree that pierre emphasising the pool of are that the tool they put why oh yeah, polio, I'm be frederick, polio, pierre polio, whose these a canadian politician this is probably the best interview I've seen. It strikes me very much. It's very descent, this, like the said, does the same thing with the media and that's what I like about. He does. In he. He bullshit with the media, That's him off. I gotta play that, but folks, just a couple days ago, first on the speakers raised we still don't have a speaker and folks, I don't know what to say at this point. You got twenty whole doubts who just Their diapers full Then either mommy's the changes there actually tweeting right now, I'm so this Point didn't victorious parts tweet it out. Listen. Your intimidation and coercion is not going to work or something to that effect intimidate,
coercion. Listen, I don't know you, I don't like you or dislike you. I, the garage on my show once you seem kind, an ice, fine, you work for us. Your title is house of representatives, meaning you represent someone you are. Representatives sparse. If you dont, want to represent people, and you want to do your own thing and then, when they reach out to you, you call coercion what we would call constituent services, then just called The new job. Goddamn bacon too nebraska, a brass reverie. I mean it's just incredible trying to coerce mood, and how do you do you work, for trying to coerce. You were expressing an opinion in crazy about the tactic to get rid of mccarthy without a backup plant is already mystery about tat. Now. And I'm waiting, to judge the outcome, because I choose Do responsible reporting on the show and not jump
conclusions and get my paddies in a bunch over people's emotions and one guys, great hair, but stupid either you are representatives of the people twenty hold out. a good portion of the republican party, now supports Jim Jordan. Do you want here more, do you want no one and watch and I'm in a move on quick and I get that video Watch what's gonna happen in the coming days, What I warned you about is looking more and more likely and if this happens. I gotta tell you, I'm wanna be really pissed off. and a whole bunch of people there is Talk now, they're, patrick We can re I mentioned yesterday in speaker, greedy, add the acting speaker right now: nobody's sure what his full powers are, especially in the line of presidential secession and other thing? There is some hawk now of a democrat republican coalition to it
expand these power portfolios and make him basically a full speaker or at least have the powers. Folks, if that happens, this will a cataclysmic failure I'm very sorry. I know I got people in the chad who I like this guy, like that, I don't like any of em. They all sock, they all hate you. They all hate you one more time. They all hate you This guy, I don't care, but he said I don't give a shit parties. I dont care, they hate. You judge outcome, and if that's the outcome, then I I'm tellin you right now, alas, no fury on the show some getting really pissed off. we got serious shit going on and our everybody's jerking around, let's get Jim Jordan and there's another vote today. Hopefully will have it. Bigger tomorrow I ain't optimistic. The republican parties become a complete joke and please please, That is no endorsement of the Democrats either. As I say, all the time you got a vote, unfortunately, sometimes you gotta vote between two shitty choices.
your choice is now republicans? Who may not be the solution to your problems or democrats We unquestionably causing your problems, the answer that is easy when you get to them You before I get to the vineyard, see the gag got on donald trump. You think we'd all live in a police state by the way I can show them a lot of things at once. I local issues go on. He remarked county. I got national issues going on with Donald trump international issues go on with the savages. Go on The gag water from donald trump, you see, judge shotgun she put out a gag water. All interested parties in the matter parties and their council opera. Habited for making eddie publics means or thing others to make any public statements that target the special council. Have you ever seen anything like this donald is being falsely prosecutor over fake crime by a tiny. Named jack smith, who pretends to work for our own government here
it's like crazy jack Psmith. It is often at a main justice. They leak like cry The attacking trump and our judges put a ball gagging donald trump smell folks. he's fighting this thing. This is absolutely unconstitutional. There is no way abroad or like this is gonna stamp. Chance in Hell, but this, A police state we live in now truly disgraceful? The threat These people should be embarrassed. Alright, this is the video I was talking about. this is where the at this shine a lot I live in florida when he was a governor, especially during covert folks when europe, talking to media people. I paid a ton of videos. Him do, and this can I We're piece of advice: if you to be an activist you're gonna run for office. Whenever you going to do this is the strongest piece of advice. I can ever give you the media. Ok, They are not your friends there, not true tellers they're, not there to get an answer there there to make an assertion
you say after the assertion is irrelevant. It's the way was called the way you know. When did you stop eating your wife question? I didn't beating my wife headline. beat his wife in everybody's, going he bade his wife. Why The answer that door, answer a question with a false premise: trumps good at this to buy. We share these guys down. I want to see my grandma I'm ignored him either. Shot these guys down. is a canadian politician means on the conservative side. We'll call him pierre, because I whiskers last name up and he's asked a few questions by a hack journalists that are not questions shots stead, right down. This is our video with a dead check this out in terms of your strategy, currently you're, obviously taking the populist ass way? What does that mean
well feeling appealing to people's more emotional levels? I would guess I mean. Certainly you you'd have certainly you tat, very strong ideological language. Quite frequently they work. Left wing the all this and right wing they I'm! U this that. That time was I return of eleven anyways alignment, able even ok a lot of people would would say the years simply taking a page of the doll tromp roy, like which people would say that well, a great many canadians but like who I don't know who but last question how you must know. Somebody well done the air polio. What you wanna come on, my shows a dime
come on. The radio show Jim invite him. I love that this is how it's done that right there is a master class in through the media. There, not europe, somebody said you're right wing area like the lebanon. I did who said that somebody once I'm the who kay next question. Are you use harshly? What kind of language you know horse lines? Can you give me a quote? I dont know. Thou came next question now questions thanks while he stood on the apple, Very, I don't know this guy. I we played cuts from actually by then we as an old. Personally, I should say cuts of him on the show before. Ladys german. That's how it's done. the apples creators there's something about guys. There's something about eating That is, like I don't know
it does. It changes the social dynamic of the situation, ill I'll, give you a quick example. I always think of it. You ever notice in any movie, brad pitt's in there's, always the conversation worries eating watch money ball, given notice up there's. Always a there's always did once upon a time in hollywood, there's always a serious conversation worries grab in food or eating at it. Like disarms the other side, these eating or smoking in just about every see these in brad pitt but in real life too, I remember I was doing in the investigation was, and I could not crack this interrogation and counterfeit case. This now county pity cop comes in a guy was salty as a mother. This guy been around for thirty years, probably interviewed seriously ten thousand bad guys he's like Danno We say twenty years old me because I got this. He walks a room with a bag of member wise potato chips, Joseph deserve thousand times, worldwide those all why they were terribly to sell him in my family sparked by the way
a better now my wise potatoes, yours, he sits down. I kid you, not man, ports is freed up all the das just like this starts to eat and potatoes. I'm a guy across you pass the count of reads like what, though is this guy doing in many areas, governments are doing just chat. twenty minutes later. He comes out. He goes yeah man. Here's like the signed confession. He passed the counterfeit sevilla, I'm like why back and I had a watch it army on the video my tune that was amazing? How Due to these, I get a potato chips work every time, something back. He has a good boy. Apple, just this arms, like everybody writer, I want another store I gotta get to this before we go cause super important. Ladies and gentlemen, care about the border. I know you do because you or national security hawks like I am when I say national security heart I dont mean
If we want to start a global invasion. Like John bolton, I mean we care about our nations security like hawks at terms been bastardize to mean, like was bomb every country on earth. I'm worried about our border here. Jesus in the newsletter you I've got to read this story by it. I take back. If you want to get pissed off, don't read it, but if you reed, how bad oatmeal brains in the white house and his administration really are. As they d bank american conservatives, conservative. please get dumped at a bag. You see that left and right. Why have that parallel economy, company to re bag, people I'm online, who can get access to obey. So I know a lot about this, as Deeper conservatives binds deputies pressure banks to ok loans. To alight. migrants, newman role, bright bar you're, never gonna believe this. Apparently they put out guidance now, better,
bags guidance, which reads you better do this- that the government quote, will not allow companies to use immigration status as in used for illegal discrimination, said a rowing show bra after the semi independent consumer financial protection bureau, which is an independent role. However, Statement does not provide any evidence that banks are justified illegal discrimination by treating legitimate customers as illegal immigrants. Folks, This is how you know nothing. The by demonstration is doing there doing by accident. Nothing nothing, they are doing is being done by accident. This is it economic disaster waiting to happen, you and obvious question. Some of you have put two and two together is too wide cover this story last right now, if you just enter the country illegally and an open up, a bank account
and not only open up a bank account, but the by the administration will likely shoe the bank in federal court if they don't provider making platform for people who are here illegally. We got. You guys have any idea where maybe go at this summit. some just happen. Let us out of a big things and terror everything you see, that kind of a big story. Savages para guiding in shooting up people burning people alive is the star. We covered for a couple. So now, the terrorist on only get to walk across a border They don't only get a ride to population centres, major cities where they can kill maximum amount people they get. Past bypass the terrorist screening database. If they get in here illegally, which most of them are gotta ways all over values, to open up a bank account, so you can finance your terror activity, and not only can you financial terror activity, but god bid: the bank tells you know we
You may not be here legally, maybe up to no good. The bank's gotta worry about what the basis make it sued by the Bye administration for not financing the illegal activity, ladys jump, that doesn't piss you off. I dont know what will happen. Wage give unless we gotta play despite video last, the mega republicans anyone out there is any allusion in the chad, which I don't think you are dead. he's had some awakening, always it is really recognizes the terror threat. He's gotta, stop targeting america's. This was him on sixty minutes this week again why we did Film police, they reminding you what the real threat in the united states is what terrorists illegal That's not how they get back. Accounts arrives the big cities, it's you, the mega republic. It check this out. Look. This is not your father's republic import he pursued and is made up of these major republic has to pay me
Democracy is something they look at to say where you and I look you think any of this is going to change you Any of this is going to change. You think binds had some awakening these terrorists. I gave him some keen insight into the real threat. The united states iranians walking across the southern border, hidden a terror database which recovered yesterday. You think it's an eye opening for oatmeal brains, this guy It has one target on his mind right now. That is you. The girl. You remember him round the great united, the screen kid scranton, Joe bull shit Guy's got one big target on your back. He hates you. He can't stand you and everything there doing is deliberate, this guy If a terror attack happens in the next few weeks on our soil, forbid, they walked in here and the southern border. God forbid it happens, they will liberals wake up, then. Will we more from our power hepatitis. I have no idea but
convinced it's not bad enough. Yet I'm sorry, I'm just going to convince me it's bad enough yet because it's just liberals folks, it's just a theory basement of video. You've got kicked him in about themselves as they're looking at the cages. I folks thanks again for tuna, and you also awesome. I really appreciate it again. If you want to pick up tickets for our movie next week, it's a tough to watch, but sir police state film, that net police state film dot net I'll be at the theater and stuart on the twenty third steward florida and I'm thinking about attended a couple more screenings as well. So have you to say hello, I will see there is going to be really awesome. I really appreciate your support of the movie has been selling out like crazy. So thanks a lot. please they filmed by net and check us out every day in the shadows, in early rumbled outcome slashed by gino create an account. Although the rumble app join. The chat join a hundred thousand plus people here today. So we really appreciate cinema
You just heard in bonn gino she
Transcript generated on 2023-10-19.