« The Dan Bongino Show

The Enemy Within (Ep 2125)

2023-11-06 | 🔗

Prepare to defend yourself, because the enemy is already here. In this episode, I expose the threat, and more on Joe Biden's impending collapse.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The truth about america on a show that is not immune to the facts. With your host dan VON gino. As I like to say tomorrow, Kentucky mississippi new jersey, ohio, pennsylvania, virginia, you know that you live in the states and new aid vulcan We got us a problem for them. that big big news. The left is freaking them out their freaking out over swing staples retreat to set this got some good news to a bit. doors rent but I'll, see what I we set about. Adores reserve I'm trying to pour water and anything, and you guys can test to it. I've been consistent and endorse what thing for a while, but if if endorsements matters, pretty big ones. So a lot happen this weekend, big news. They got a lot to get to at glendale's always looking for a way to solve problems. That's why he created my pillow towels, get a six piece set for only twenty nine. Ninety eight promo,
damn go to my pillow. Dotcom click on the radio broadcasts special as a tab entered. Cocoa, dan or call eight hundred sixty seven four. Ninety two lot to discuss today. Chaos is about to ensue in the left after discuss this opening story about what happened with donald trump. This weekend in nepal, the whole show is gonna make sense why there's been a massive freaking melt down on the left people for, speaking out there- start to realize right now that this ain't going at all like they think it's going and something told. You came true folks, beam dream. You want a good night's sleep, it's time to embrace the importance of a restful, restful slumber and introduce yourself to an amazing product. I love that'll revolutionise your nighttime routine beam dream is a game changer their dream, powders, cocoa, design, specific We for sleep could transform your night by this. Can I get a special? This cannot beam dream powder, their best selling, how coke oversleep no added shiver now avail one delicious flavors like cinnamon, cocoa, chocolate, peanut butter, midship, better sleep is never tasted.
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going to destroy the united states. Fails it's good for the rest of us, as I said, elections tomorrow can talk. get vote, mississippi, ground vote, You good candidates for governor, cameron and take reasons actively run for reelection new jersey, vote, ohio, I'll protect human life and the womb draw pennsylvania. Gotta court elect no it's important virginia could with the state senate tomorrow, but Gotta go. Let's get you Well things for us, we haven't done an election update to open the show, I'm going to get to the trump poll in a second that has. Left rapid her pants every they don't know what to do together these out there like freak out about, these swing staples that didn't only show trump leading but annihilating him. But, as I said, for the same, this guy big boost, ohio issues me I will. I always do that. I would, if I say, ohio. I typically me I Several when I said there's elections, those aren't awhile. I
governor Kim Reynolds very popular. state came out endorse round the sad this. This couple about this. One, I know a guy I know it can you know, what's gonna happen here right when I say this, we can you already predicted because I know people they never think. I'm treat every neither candidate think some treated fairly shrubs, say Joe, you would be the longest. You know my take on endorsements, which is nobody votes for endorsement. They don't write. I thought I know you're by god, what this guy Where's trot, produced folks, they may matter a little bit, but this is if the FDA matter. Let's because I know what's going to happen again, If they matter, that's a pretty big one, she's very popular within the state will see what happens couple of questions about the timing of it. I don't think was great, and I say this
If you are going to put out a big announcements like that, and you know, if you believe in endorsements, which again I haven't for eight years. Having said it doesn't matter if they endorsed trump or de santis I'll, tell you the same freaking thing does make a difference, though, someone's going to try and apply it, though whatever just listen to my shop, having said that, I think the timing of it is not great reason is tomorrow. It's going to be these big elections in virginia pennsylvania states. I just went through. So this is a big if, if you believe in endorsements, which a lot of people do, who knows, maybe I'm wrong. This They want to guide. You probably to be overshadowed by election day tomorrow maybe I don't know something about the timing, but I don't know run for office couple times and bit evolve a politics myself for a while and until now, the timing overnight, exactly I probably should awaited Having said that, I cannot. I guarantee you have run the same this war to win the nomination that this is. Probably going to beat a ticket. There is.
Similarly, no way kimber annals from I was not going to be, as vice president and if he wins the nomination. So I see a lot, then doors scientists, its surface, stop now having said that big thing for dissent, this obviously big weekend for trump, too, is one of the guys wherever whatever man I've just hopped is given. It is scary. Brow today all types of all places reserve paul, folks, was there ball the new york times not to do. Your post came out with this one, their story? A guys. Can you imagine what did he is waiting? your york times when these poor results came in. What do you think they were thinking they were taken? we should candies poll numbers right. How do we throw these away and they couldn't do it? They probably didn't want to be embarrassed by some internal leak, sort of had a report. This new york times trump leads I've critical stage as vote blast Biden new york times Sienna Paul finds now I want you to look inside The article is again
I got a lot of shit for this too. I don't mind. It's part of the business by the way conflict was attention more people come to the show anyway. So whenever I don't really care god this stuff this week at all over social media too. I don't do it intentionally, but you want to start some shit, I want to finish it so, whatever man, but I've, told people over and over we'll see, materialise in the next election. I am hearing everywhere about a major movement. collectively speaking of black, spanish voters, to Donald trump yours showing you two numbers man about town. He's gonna get fifty percent and a black voters panic vote. sporadic vote. He could get forty percent, I'm not even chinese. Can you get twenty five percent of black for telling use if he gets fifteen percent of the black vote. The races over. I said and again I got a lot of crap from a lot of people. Do you know you know what you're talking about you? Don't
stan black voters. Yet is no black voters in maryland, re read so none not load. I only knocked on my seven thousand where's myself. I've actually spent can do black voters, unlike both people who claim they have and have it. It's really annoying and now I'm not to calling anyone out and I'm just telling you a bunch of people responded negatively when I said this, thou look the data and the new york times ball black voters, long, a bulwark for democrats in for Mr Biden are now read. he's doing twenty two percent support new states for donald trump, A one scene and presidential polish republics report complicated martyrdom jos Overbooks.
I am not, nor can any one individual wanna get into this and get to offer the ship is stupid, petty fight I'm gonna tell you this now and I need you to listen to me. I keep a large network of people who actually talk to actual black voters, because I ran for office in a lot of em who work in pulling and stuff. They have to talk to people for a living. She only way. They'll survive, they are knowing me there's a movement of blackness if voters to donald trump, whether you It's true or not is irrelevant. It's happening. It's happening. and I have another friend- and this is more anecdotal, so I get it who told me and he happens to hang out with a bunch of people who are very wealthy black voters. Some of em rayner came in some of em in business, some of whom business and entertainment who told them that talk to their friends and they can't believe how many former voted for trouble. Is he going to do
Twenty two percent of the black vote, Probably not. Is he gonna get fifteen it's possible? if he gets fifteen or the Democrats in trouble. You Europe is weak. what do you think they're freaking of oud need to walk around for the shortest? I got only sit in this chair anymore. Geek. Can we like a thing. I can walk around like a boomerang, laugh or somethin. my two energetic today about this story Cobra. Follow me around. Maybe a drone. I can walk around. talk I do I want to like four days, if the secondary of your body is always looking to my desk to all this propagate amita, we got the forearm thingy he before we got that natto kinase, so I don't die remote get the dogmatic we baseball card from key, we get stuff all over the place instead be folks the key
doing about this swing. Stay Paul is item, would listen to me. You already. the more diverse state, racially better Donald trump did no, then you said that words Donald trump. Is it not Russia's re said foaming. Trapping however, strange More black and sporadic voters to swing state. Had I e michigan and pennsylvania with happens to be rather large. Black populations of philadelphia pittsburgh places like detroit donald Does better? Oh, it's! Like I say it's like I said it's Donald trump gonna win I don't know, he's gonna get past. The primary is Donald gotta get forty percent I know, is. for turning the donald trump just ass, the freak in new york times.
Now you want to see the freak out. Anyone in the chat gonna turn job. chance. There's you want to see the freak of let's do it for he's an abc news thing started a freak out. Listen After I accurate this is your now, but I was told by a pretty smart guy in politics early on and I was running forget every paul paula matters in national politics is the right direction, wrong direction, poor and guys. elections are pretty much correct, so here is abc. This is how much trouble Joe Biden in losing plaque voters, hispanic voters at best we eddie out of order because I've oatmeal forebrain, here's the right wretched wrong direction. Paul check this out toward voters are just plain frustrated across the board. Seventy six percent of adults and is also a country, is headed in the right. Direction. Only twenty three percent, less than a quarter of the country say that we're headed on the right and the issues that are animated. Voters prostration, it's almost unspeakably vast and broad economy-
Seventy four percent of americans say it's very important to them. Personally, sixty nine percent say the same about inflation. Those are issues in our old tend to favour. Republicans. Voters say they trust republicans more than democrats on those issues. Folks, this, guy is indeed. Working class voters Eightam. muslim voters returning turning now, I'm acting the wire. How now you will cover that later, but it the guy. Is it a world of trouble? voters, hispanic voters, the Democrats are arrested, absolute panic, they don't know what to do. Let me taste because I worked in the obama white ass a manila, yet a little secret. You may not, buddy out anywhere else, but or you may hear it, but they may not have first hand knowledge. I do There is no one more light the into Barack obama than David Axelrod. They went
but actual rod talks. He was one of obama's advisers and why does your member acts they call maggie, you know, but he's got it like a may, like his nicknames should be acts or anything. I actually see like a leather jack, a guy with a beard like a nigger vienna basis bad or some ok disguise no act, but whatever david it's all right. Listen to me is like sweden obama when actual rod talks, he's talking for obama, but he's agree, saying things, obama can't or won't say cause obama a coward obama, to be loved. So he doesn't like to say to me controversial things unless he's unless he really believes which our mention later in the shop, cause, there's one thing: he really hates and it's israel Oh, he hates Israel more than anyone. There has never been a present hates Israel. More than obama, daddy, can't shut up about Anything else of its controversial by not both obama take both sides of it. were the stimulus stimulus going to create jobs. They weren't shovel, ready member, the yacht,
the darker! Well, it's like. I can just pick opera, ten and follow later on? Well, I've had a phone? The guy we'll never. He will take a hundred sides of an issue so rod says everything. He can't so he tweeted this this weekend, Only Joe Biden can make this decision if he continues to run he'll be the nominee what he knew The site is whether that is wise or in the best Interests of the country, ladies and gentlemen, you can absolutely assume that we said by who one Barack obama flagging market love. It only be it One thousand percent obama filtering out. Do is people in the white house, because a raw former obama people he's filtering out to media people and I'll bet his people are winkie winkie, not nod to the media. We got get rid of this guy, which Joseph did we predict a few months ago. This is going to happen. It's going to happen swallow, but once
The poles get worse, which they will once them let's get worse, barring any unforeseen catastrophe, something happens to tromp or something else it's over. We now we know tat I told you scan here's another one bill crystal new Democrat, always a fake republican. Here's bill crystal it's time. I served the cards you well confident he'll do so for the next year. This case, you pretend to be a republican by light, but it's I've for an act of personal sacrifice in public spirit. It's time to pass the torch to the next generation it's time for bind to announce. You won't run in twenty twenty four day. This is like a link, any project guy. They want em out. Here is for me a giant Paul squad. Member on this weekend there are keeper my ro comfortable saying this now they are
people going on weekend, shows and talk. Openly about, the president's socks, but not eggs Actually saying he sucked pretty soon they're gonna outright say socks, they get him out. Listen yourself, The first time, jan that I have felt like the twenty twenty four election is in great trouble for the president and for our democratic control, which is essential to moving forward, you're, going to hear more of that. So let me kind of game this out for you. What I think is going to happen because I've said it now for months and will say it again, and I don't want you to think ah you're wasting your time. You're wasting your time is no good. I don't waste mine, don't want to waste yours tech, nobody! No fog is a really good, cannot substitute peace whatever it is. It is this substance. Peace up any describes how this is probably going to happen. and he notes that in line with
thinking that the and say the sea could theoretically replaced by what gave a new some as a candidate will be done without a messy primary, put, an end to the disastrous Biden presidency and help the Dnc avoid potential down ballot losses and twenty twenty four This is what I see happening. The demo national convention is a month after the republicans. Why does matter it man, it because you're gonna wait to lock in donald trump. They want to see what their options are. First, they want to make sure trump doesn't get convicted drop. something even worse happens: cholera I'll keep. Some of the balanced democrats are still kind of hope and I think trumps off the ballot they want to see they're going to face there. conventions a month after hours? If Donald, Europe is locked in and eight think therein, Donald trump. They know Biden will not win, they will. Then, you're Biden, aboot and democratic delegates at the convention bible.
that beside the donors will tell em they're, not funding it he's out, he's done they're not going to do it Biden june, jobs, Gavin, newsome and some others put their names in, and I don't know if you know this, but the kid the idea at the democratic national delegates at the convention. The delegates that, apart, the republicans have three reach, stay plus some stay representatives when the Democrats, so it's different The number differs and sadness surly proportional and for the orange see over the Dnc, the bigger states have bigger paul, a lot bigger Paul so based california, and new york are going to have the biggest sway Kathy those running for president the governor york, but knew some probably well nuisance. Probably take it at the convey. and by the way courts have been very very inferential to these delegates on how they picked their presidential candidates. Analogue involve typically news. more new will be the nominee Other thing kill environment to get you after the break for
you're going to see why cannibalism theory in full effect, as you ever seen- the cannibalism theory video better than this one. You know the one I'm talking about where they might not know cause they cut it yesterday. What do I tell you What do I tell you guys about the cannibals very left that when your car simply fighting for the identity, politics and economics scraps from the table instead of building your own business and living your life on merit? Eventually you run out of pieces of pizza. They eat because you just rolling scraps appeal they knew pizzas. There are always going to each other I got a video for you coming up next, showing you get me the Biden team is only going to get worse with this israeli palestinian conflict going on is only going to get worse. I want you to see antifa pro savage crowd eating each other alive, tat, video, the next best. What I've seen a folks,
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offer. Yet no last long, he'll exley. dot com, slash dan he'll sleep darkened flash therewith helix better sleep starts now pal I slept with my spoke about the show. Because, again I like good news for a you, know: I stand in the election, but I like to hear good news for opponent like to cover it. This has been a great weekend for republicans want, regardless of the candidate you support. Folks, the chaos on the left is in helping, fine is in a world of trouble and the the Jews crowd, is because more vocal, they get to you, Whose crowd they were by not born and by he's trying to hold out, but he's too weak have you I've noticed these caving a little bit more every day. Why? Because De facto president Barack Obama right some some didn't chat this morning with respect. I glad you were there, I'm not knocking you, but Forget it was was dad. You should acknowledge up Iraq obama's. You know really for once you kind of run injure the euro.
In show. We talk about this all the time how obama's people are key positions in a wider. This is I Biden, is moving away from this civilized man and pro savage every day, you don't know Do we still weak? Why the cannibalism theory. In effect years, the pro savage protesters, their pro hamas, their baby murders, watch them they they reach. You said that this anti for guys there and talk in a billboard Chris, the guy hoop somalia, boys of boys and girls are girls. so the little background. The eighty four guys trying to explain to the pro hammas protesters- I've, no love ray the want of hay If the sky doesn't like trans people, because he says band have to be men and women have to be women. The pro hamas supporters who support the terrorists, who are nobody really not It's true, as I told you the matter of time before they all each other up check this out
Why have we get our gdp q propaganda, we're trying to tell children, but they are not allowed to be stopped already didn't you can't do that and I do not want our has never really like everybody else,
Many times I gotta tell you it's only a matter of time for the eu to show their alive folks when you're whoop You know you don't have this problem because you're not fighting. I want to forget this later. You are not fighting for the scraps from someone else's table your building your own. Well, you all! I shall watching my show you not sitting there all day, worrying about your gay neighbour, your trans neighbour, because you don't care The trans activist won't leave you alone. You give up absolutely zero shifts about what people do with their personal lives. I'm not saying you don't let me be clear, on I'm not saying you don't have opinions about lifestyles, but as serve. It is addressed we're terrance and as good hopkins. You haven't allegiance to god, given rights, you understand that you're not going to agree with everyone and that
Eagerly you have no right to interfere in their life and lester breaking some law or trying to hurt you. I have we, everybody eddie. Gary beef with that guy, have some kind of phase judgment on a lifestyle, but there different from what you claim legally in a country of diverse people have diverse thoughts. You can't force your lifestyle on someone else. They don't feel that way. The left, the average pro savage who feels like if you're in israeli, you should be killed and do that would interrupt your lifestyle, override all death thing, but definitely not good. lifestyle goes down when you're dead, threeg The pro savagery was a? U dont! Only ever right. You know like your lifestyle, as an israeli are, and do you you don't have a life at all, will kill you and then you ve got tea for people who wanted to
you sensor thrown in jail. They will beat you and burn down your store. They don't believe you have the right to assemble but aid, but to assemble, but they do. This is why the left will always. Itself alive, and you don't have this problem and I gotta tell you it's glorious to watch. now. Why am I covering this and a lot more on that later by the way? Oh god conflict going on, I'm not done with that, but there are a lot of things going on again elections. Moral and big election news this week- and I want to stick with the election for now more later- so don't go anywhere on that but this is relevant to it because ireland is feeling the heat right now. He's got people I go Burma who hate Israel, and love the death to america. Iranians that's obama, he loves. Seeing Biden, ticket crazier and crazier as violence, other donors who are like You know a l, altai people who you think we're supporting eighty defamation and other stuff, and I hope,
Get their act together are like way you support the terrorists and binds too, to do anything. He is in a world of trouble and one I am convinced, is gonna, hurt him even more. I dont believe the hype here there's a lot of highbrow there that all our f k is. Robert have kennedy. He's gonna do more damage to trump any is to buy folks. I don't I have one bit Tell you! Why is they always back it up? What receipts are kay. I will vigorously absolutely defend this guy's to speak right to speak. We ve done it on rumble where I'm an investor are of key it's every right to run and to speak freely about vaccines, whatever the hell he wants, and I admire him for running I admire a lot of people are having the guts there are trot supporters. You were going to vote for this guy. I don't telling you that, because they want em out of the race, because he's gonna do damage the Democrats, why? the guy's a dyed in the wool leftist, here's some.
when play some old stuff. From our case, a couple years, an hour of K, clip radio and smart grid the smart grid. Margaret is I'll. Let you Listen to him explained a smart grid how the government could shut off your electricity- and you tell me if this is your kind of thing and a bunch of trump people will support this gimme a break check this out a broken federal government that invest as much money to build a national grid. Well, you know that, The great itself is not going to cost that much. The grid itself will probably cost about two hundred and fifty billion dollars to build a smart grid. Their reaches me america and that you know that can do the things that we need to do like again send signals through the line Ebby as they allow the utilities to send a signal through the line to turn up the hot water boilers and a million homes for fifteen minutes in order to avoid the peak demand. That is the most expensive part of our electrical system. If you are eliminated pete you save enough. natural gas in our country, to power, the entire? U s
Send your car fleet, so We can do that just by using the grid. Smartly stay I grid and send a signal to tell it to turn off all the electric toothbrush. We chargers in tents turn off your swimming pool. Recirculated is in all of these things, you don't care if somebody could turn small for fifteen minutes and you sign some, it can go in turin car and borrowed the are these stored electricity in your car Battery was a plugin, I've, read or or a plug in car, and me and so we need to build a smart grid that cause very little there. That's you know now, again a be fair, because I want to be fair. It everyone, tromp, santa's, Scott Hayley, are of k, even Biden? If he actually did something good? The problem is in never does he think goods or somethin be fair about. Kay said well. I walked out back now covered woke me up. Ok, I guess I guess you're free to change positions. I mean I support trompe. Positions on a lot of things. Problem
Our case focuses there's a history of this. Is calling out gun owners? The second amendment once the smart grid, the smart grid? What's it going to be for next central bank, digital currencies, facial iD combines this our group would facial identification. Mass online censorship and central bank digital currencies, the government knows everything about you. Can the shriek I'll pick you up on facial? I these spend your money than pick it up and see. Beady see you called No, no! You spend your electric load on That's a big now for me. Also the guy was a supporter of Hillary Clinton. Again I just said the beginning of the show so not to be a hypocrite endorsements and people endorsed. It doesn't mean shit, I'm telling you right now. People don't well, for they just don't. I dont care if walk of What, wherever, who is your grim, reynolds or hon yea or whether it I dont care people don't for endorsement. They just don't they vote for candidates,
They forget the endorsement a week later, however, concerning. This is add. Poppy trumpet Put this together, this is actually kind of funny are of case gotta history of supporting only on Democrats why, why can give you pass for one or two, but everything? no time come on check this out, You support Hillary Clinton again. Should she one in twenty six die? Hillary Clinton, I love Hillary Clinton. Germany will be trouble. This is wider rights mean gave is a thousand times better. The left, as you so dark, creative. That's what he's yet bed but day the guy supported a crisis: whole life, I'm not by.
The nonsense that are of K is gonna. Do more damage to trouble than by you. Be crazy, trumpet and support here. That stop see he d c s smart grid. Stuff, it's crazy! That's ab! it. Will nuts. Folks, the social justice warrior stuff man, it's going to destroy the left. It's waking people up. I hope you see it tomorrow in virginia in the elections over there, where it was big issue, that was percent of the targeting the school board parents that was percent are right there. Get citizens. Second, in video John Kennedy, I said from the louisiana whose had some pretty. epic moments and ascended floor, and some people, like always, is performing a ladies and gentlemen Politicians hate you they're always performing. So if their performing you're, better you'd better, gaining whose role play it on the shore. Are you to watch him just eviscerate this guy trying for a judge ship because they play
wanted, preferred pronouns in court, badger not going to court, be forced to state your pronouns coming up next last break folks by patriot supply darkened the thinkable is happening. No more surprised, solemnly open our so called trust in institutions. Tell you not to worry, everything's gonna be fine. Folks prepare. Now man, please get yours to the annex in it. paypal. I love this company. I passionately sport, this company see. Food storage matters I buy this stuff, that's a hypocrite fraud. I have therefore I demand seafood kid. There's breakfast lunch, dinner's less up to twenty five years to die in calories a day each meal she said water, he didn't need it. I have one for every single member of my family matter of fact way more than one. my page. It supplied dotcom get a three month: emergency food kit today for my patriots by one for every member's your family, It's a biomass. Those heaters for power outages rough grid.
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Fifty percent off during the semi annual sale and every bites, backed by the one hundred percent unconditional guarantee, good high stakes that come shop, all your delicious favorites for half the price I forget to enter the promo code by gino at checkout for an extra thirty dollars off hurry sales for a limited time, minimum purchase may apply visit, omaha steaks dot com for details. I am getting back to the show when shooting video the social justice warriors folks are going to. He. Can you put a spot of screaming at them with them they're a little distracting? Sometimes you can take me up yet sometimes it Adam and I feel like I should so start reading again. It's always scottish want to undress something. Before I get this next story, I did my police stared and tell these guys it's it's not in the end, the run down the show, but I did the police state premier moral a this past week, and folks who are five hundred people there, and I was there for basically three hours watched the movie and five hundred people. You do the simple math. You know a lot of people wanted a chat and discuss some stuff, so
is five hundred people there and you even talk to say you know sixty and you talk to them for a minute or two minutes each that by simple man, that's two hours or the problem is. I was there for three hours and hours. Fifty minutes was the movie another. Ten minutes were speeches, so I basically at sixty it sixty. So when I try to do the advances I try to shake, many hands. I can't say hello to people, because I think it's important to I bring. but some guy am I even going to mention his name because he deleted the tweet. But some guy this week and thought it was a good idea after we invited him rather courteously to arrive at the premier to attack me on twitter, suggesting, like I didn't, get enough time for some sit down where he could discuss this issue with about the event ads just some hours, room number one, I'm never rude the people. If you see me out public, I'm not I just Joe you been to events correct. Is this not a fair assessment folks, it's impossible to spend? If I see you at an event, I promise you
I not more important than you. I don't think I'm important new. I will never think I'm more important new, I'm just a cop and an agent who found the position on the thing on the show. I bet you eyes matter to me every one matters to me, but when there's five hundred people trying to get your attention grab in your hand, happening on the shoulder, and you want to kind of say hello to everyone before you leave. I don't have to for an individual power, so I decided to go out after we invite him our vat and don't be a fool. idea to attack me on twitter rose since deleted the tree and is vital after I gave his friend like a forty five minute phone conversation. Talking about specific thing you want, I just want to say You in case I meet you. I gonna get that anyway. I love you want a death. I had not more important than anyone. I don't think that I never think that I'm actually a really humble guy. This is very hard when, at these events, to give people the time they
sir, and only reason on bringing this up in wasting my shows time on it. This is the second event. I've been too in a row where this has happened, there was another lady at the last event, the turning point retweeted the same thing, all damn bonds, you knows handler, is getting in the way I dont have a handler was my wife. She was trying to grab my hand so do the math. You know I mean it. I love y'all. I really do and I don't want you'd ever think that I'm really only going to mention the name, but let's move on get him a supports that, as I said, is we're still covering the election year. The social justice warrior block. The democratic party is going to kill them. It's gonna kill them here are my pronouns kids should be watching porn guy can have vaginas giant as periods, and you keep this. It up, like nobody actually believes you senator Kennedy he was not happy. Apparently, a judge demanding or implying that you should put your pronouns up in court it's a problem. Folks, that's a real problem. Take a look at this.
Once again, I don't care. What is political beliefs are. But he has no right. as a saving judge to drive act in ride, lily guns and his court room to stand in a themselves. By saying My name is John Kennedy. My pronouns or. Now the judge said in his testimony that was volunteer. That's not true!. I've read the honor Any one is love. Em tears is firemen, dear right. I'm a little got in court courtroom. Pay, an a lawyer, four hundred dollars an hour to try to get married. Hey resolved And the man on the base she's going to sign my case tells me to stand up
And announced my programme does not involve and carry out. Suppression and that alone forget his right would sooner to went through very out. That alone tells me there He cannot exercise power, majority. Folks at is a very powerful thing. Each said if you understand something whether a judge says it's mandatory or not. The problem our game is a political position. You can say all you want it's a biological one: it's not you! forcing me to acknowledge in court that there's stories about pronouns. In other words, a he can be achieved when they can't is political position, totally freaking inappropriate in a court.
Folks, I'm in the judicial system. Now we've got you've ever in business, you're always going to be involved in some type of legal stuff, always I can't tell you how many times you're sitting there and you're like. Is this really being done because of the merits? Or is this being done because of politics? our court system right now is a mess. There is some honest judges out there, no doubt on both sides thereon There be reasons. I've, I've, I've heard cases where it was an obama judge, and I gotta tell you I was like this is over and a guy actually won the case. I was like, while that shocking, but it's rare. you don't ask for pronouns, you got a multi million dollar business case in front of a civil litigation judge, the guy says: hey stay your pronouns, but its voluntary youth. Stay. Your pro you're gonna be screwed. I do it you can to throw my case out why a guy. What do you mean
your pronouns in that case, Mr Dan bond gino, he my pronoun, like it's a mystery, this stuff is gonna, kill the left. No one outside of a guarantee, just shoot wearing losers. and a yo see in the squad wants in america like this. No one by the way approving my point again that the damage coalition- is falling apart because of stuff like this. Have you see this peace, so this peep, this peace passed up Last week's use me this peace pop last week it is causing a shit storm on the in the side of the partisan aisle de facto. Opt in political, Two guys aren't you Authors. Excuse me much of it who wrote about how they do.
Well, kratz you're gonna have a super majority going forward, because if young people, black voters, professionals, urban voters and the suburbs, that's all falling apart. So this peered in political. Well, what happened? Why is there? No democrat superman yarn? The debt? crash or apoplectic over this piece. The author, the Judas into to in iraq, the twenty first century party under delivered on populist economics for working class voters, but same time it over index for the cultural style, that's jump from campuses into the sword. Professions where expensive, the agreed folks predominate In the constellation of washington, george businesses and advocacy groups that help define a parties problem image. Let me translate that for you. We. God too many older rich. Why do you don't give a shit about anything telling?
Everyone else in the democratic party had a live and are all going like this. That's the translation, guys Joe, I could use you for the transit, or rather that's the actual translation, this piece rocky data around d c, and now the role like wholly moses there right we put weight. So much time in college academics telling us about pronoun usage and ignored coal workers in west virginia, and that's why the democrat party lost it's governing coalition. So I made a big announcement message: chats. Are you ready for this? How many people we got? Ninety one that goods good crowd? Only forty three million one thousand people reagan asked me guys ready. I told the chats there's something a little earlier in the show. So I got two big announcements. Let me give you the smaller announcement, but a big one, because it's more show content stuff can be announces. Keith, crowd
Sure enough, an you guys like steam crowder show, I do. I love rumble. So next thursday we're gonna be doing a prouder, damn bond gino. rose. You run rumble explosion kind of shell. I'll be doing the show alive from his studio where he'll be a guest on my show, then I'll be stay for asia and will both be doing you church next thursday, on rumble, of course, we'll all be expecting hundreds of thousands of people to join and because we love you and we're gonna- be ivory. As Joe said, a right in the cat, lady rumble was fair. I know I've heard that many tears a crazy how it's finished and we just do crowded at two hundred thousand people a day for shop. He got
manifesto from the nashville shooter. She should probably check that out. Two hundred thousand live people, probably biggest streamer in the title, but yes rumbles definitely going under. I have a second announcement to do I'll catch. The radio show. You will know as you know, at the announcement was, ladies and gentlemen, because I am tired of liberal sucking and demand pronoun usage and smart grids and c b disease and supporting pro hamas we killing losers, because Tired of cannibal is eating each other alive and the left over the scrap some long shanks table because liberals, How on the economy, because liberal suck on healthcare, because liberals, back on regulations, because liberals suck on education, because liberals, suck on security, because liberals suck a public safety. I am announcing a run for president that I am. I show when now help you crazy, already endorsed trump
when twenty twenty eight now, probably not after that, probably not either so you're announcing when I dunno sometime that in future, for I get that. geomancy my presidential run and we're running on one platform ali chats theirs. I gotta know what you think here. You love a deal chasseurs. Yes, you like this are no you don't I'm running on one platform and one platform: only you ready If the is Liberals suck, better fact, policy when together assure right now all funds of Where's go to charity, it'll, be a Will soon it's gonna say liberal sec, thereby gino show on the sleeve I wanted we're going to own it. Let you love yes, this is all we're gonna! Do we're going to go to work on prayer, the last guy I'm running for president and every single bumper sticker sign. Every shirts underwear pads sought shorts outside,
Because I don't like works out you're all you liberal, suck we're going, liberal suck mugs we're gonna have weapon it's easter eggs were going to liberal sub knives. I don't know, that's a good idea. What are you talking about? rumble liberals we're gonna have liberal suck state. Perhaps a magnet, liberal, sup he's, falls at everything. Gonna be, but I'm not kidding I'm really gotta run with it? Am I going away? now, how, though it don't matter I'm gonna take a bunch of my own money. Get this started and we're going to start a presidential campaign about liberal, sucking and every day is to be a new area where liberal suck every guy I hope you're Someone said to me: what are you gonna do if you win, I don't expect you, but if we win stop liberals recycling is very Nepal.
So because I have a great production team. producer Jim and gay and Joe were kind enough. You hear gems, boys, Jim decided. He want to record my first campaign if you wanna hear it vote now. It's for some future date. You today, I dont know what this is
the first campaign iD check it out. There are things that really suck things like vacuum: pneumatic tubes, but those things perform useful functions. Then there are things like iranian ayatollah dubstep, the w n b, a they suck, but they're just boring and annoying, but liberals, liberals really suck they suck so bad that your soul will be sucked from your body. The pay sucks your quality of life sucks your future prospects, suck, stop the suck vote for Dan, bon gino for president of the mba gino, and I approve this message and liberals do suck for president in the near future wedding day jesters.
You like you, I, yes, you like no euro, so that we are first there. I'm not kidding. we're gonna run visit. We aren't you like you, like. You know why that is. Be by gems. Are we get more united? Yes, stop this shock stopped. This is peter bonde, judo army, chaired going forward. Please stop the suck because library suck you gonna buy shirt again all process go to charity. I try to make no money of you. I want everyone in america walking around with this shirt on by this folds of honor. We love, that's as liberal sack baby will give it out of it. The folds of honor level, liberal such arrogance, Jim with it all the more we that are going, movies whether it on stop? I do know you could even do that you can stop. The chad like highlighted right is that what you're doing rather bigotry This is a beautiful stop. Does we stop this I want you everywhere with these shortsighted folks everywhere. I don't care
but the jody I just want liberal suck all over america. I want people taking pictures of other people in the liberal such shirt folks, this actually happened to me in nashville? gotta national do in concert with John rich I'm going in that store that antique stored and has to show and history channel to buy an old microphone a guy? in the store is this not happen? Member him from a national matter Don't get that shirt? I see too. they don't get tat short, I'm like a you here for the concert joan richard me. He has no idea Love your show. We invite him that night I have a picture or mama instagram. That was the greatest time ever. I want this short everywhere. Liberals. And will raise money for a good cause. I'm running my first campaign spot just right. Now he had a good go, get my my boy trump in it. The liberal psycho
because we can. We get a president right now thinks for himself. So are we gonna get this brains, guy outer effort- and a chat this morning who again a monarch and your brother. I love talking to people who have to agree with me in the chat newport. the chat is a family, upon gino army here, but it's a family, families don't always agree. I love avenue, but I think maybe you missed the show where I've been constantly calling out the by team, because it's all populated with obama people obama. I find it awfully suspicious, never left washington, d c. Now I'm going to play cut. Now you see why binds backing off and all of a sudden appears to be, like my guy, some a little more pro savage now problem us here you wanna hear. Why is why here obama bhamo couldn't keep his mouth shut about this check this out, if there's any chance about being able to act, actively to do so we'll work flyer,
an admission of complexity,. and maintaining what on the surface may seem contradictory ideas. That bad what Hamas bid was horrific and there's no justification for what is also true is that the occupation and What's happening to palestinians is. is unbearable, always always watch my own phone. Sometimes I said becomes over Christ. This is why binds backing off and trying to become more pro savage now, because he is at the balls to stand up to the defect. Your president, and by the way, To the left, these out there with the all, god standby genomes, promoting a conspiracy theory that Obama's the real
These, obviously not the real president. In the literal sense, you did shifts, of course, we're speed. king, figuratively you, suggesting no, by the way that obama doesn't have massive influence in the decision making process in the Biden whitehouse when all of obama's people their bob above it is indeed see and binding, is weak and as oatmeal for brains is laughable. You sound like a freaking idiot. Well here's NBC. I thought it was a conspiracy theory Biden quietly tapped obama to help shape he's a strategy. I thought I'd watch. I thought tat was I was a was conspiracy. Theory. You think this is the only thing he's advising on both we're in deep trouble. Man we're in deep trouble. I name today show and swam and ended this way, the enemies already here we are in deep trouble obey
My has taken over this white house. His people have taken over this white house obama. Pro the death to america, Iranians obama it doesn't give a damn the civilized man? He is obsessed with the iranians. He does care, the world's largest sponsor of terror is pushed, by an administration into a deal with them. Oatmeal brain says you know what to do. The iranians of Hamas, Hamas wants to kill us, and obama loves them all. We are in real trouble, Cultural assimilation is not working folks. I want you to watch time lapse from a d c protests, a shriek of Hamas murdered thousands of people, most brutal way possible. I'm enough to play videos for you to morrow. I've got a few more of a trickle, an amount slowly because I don't want to hit you all once they only get worse. They just thousands of people. They are now
protesting problem ass. If you were to wear a mega had and be pro, asking for a bunch of terrorists you'd be under a full blown F b. I investigation right now, you'd be in a freak in DC gulag. But if you're, a liberal and you support this stuff You can look at his thesis footage right here. This is insane ladies and gentlemen, We over a hundred thousand people. Look, it is working These people are deasey supporting hamas. All day and there supporting power, there is no palestine. There were people just martyred. You think this the time to be wrong, the look at this. Ladies and gentlemen, the enemies already here. There was, actual insurrection at the white house this weekend here. Please one. There was actual insurrection. This is the white house if this
maggie maga wearing people. Folks, there would be swat team surrounding the white house at a team of your front door right now for even putting a mega. How does your avatar on twitter this happen? the white house this weekend. try and jumped the fence and add You will insurrection. Man helena if you are on the right. I get it, people have various opinions on the issues that go on in the larger middle east region. I understand I value p, opinion, even though I feel differently telling you this if you think that the folk supporting hamas at the white house is weakened or on your side and kill you for I'm sorry, but you need a frontal lobe lobata me, you are a group testily mistaken? The enemy? It is already here To leave tweeted
offered jewish genocide on a twitter account this weekend with from the river to the sea. What do you think that? is Or river mediterranean sea key, what's in between at jews? Dad do Jews folks they get Jews crowd, if you're, what are these Hello thanks. Oh well, they're, my friend they're! No, no, no! No! No, and why do you defend the Jews so much as I'm a human being? And if I were less than far less than five percent of the world's population- and I had two billion people- not all but many of which we have yes, zero point, one re who wanted to kill me I'd want to
good men on my side too. That's why you think those people, storm and white ass is weak, enter your friend. Wait till I show you the mar some more stuff. They did a mark and stop exciting for tuna and want to show today heavy stuff that election segment of beginning is really important. Left is gonna, start freaking out I expect, by sooner or later, to get the Heehaw I'll be like my are meyer alumni campaign. Add so we're announcing a run for big run for president today I shouldn t up a little more or less free, so well, maybe Well, I dunno- maybe ten years, maybe twenty who knows we'll see- I hope that's helpful here. Okay, well, but I'll get there before, but the liberal suck t shirt is real. It's coming soon well announced today all proceeds to charity, don't sweat it. But if you guys do me a fool and blanket america but liberal suck tee shirts. I would absolutely
opportunity and I join the chatter early morning: rumbled dot com, slash bond gino and please please down. load the rumble app you download rumble app is free. You will get the notifications. We go live every day, jump right into chat, set up an account. I'd love to talk to you. That show starts at eleven. A m eastern asia see all the more you just heard in bonn. Gino share,
Transcript generated on 2023-11-08.