« The Dan Bongino Show

The Dan Bongino Sunday Special 12/10/23 - Rand Paul, Mike Lee, Gary Brecka and an epic rant


FIrst up, we talked with Rand Paul about the Covid coverup and the new virus coming out of China. Next, Dan rants on Higher education being the biggest problem we have in the country and he was not having it with people who were going to defend the antisemitism on the campuses. Then Senator Mike Lee absolutely torched FBI director Wray on Capitol Hill for spying on America. He was so angered  he wanted to come on the show. Finally, Gary Brecka is a guy Dan follows closely and he has a lot of positive life hacks to help you live the best life you can.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The good way to hear the truth about america on a show that is not immune to the facts. With your host dan Ben je know what the sunday podcast is our chance to play for you, some of the best moments from the radio show and some great interviews during the week that you may have missed. If you ever want to check out our show, go to bungie dot com If the station finder and see what radio station moron near you you'll love it, I promise you we put a lot of work into. The radio show check it out, but before the media about our first sponsor you want great. Your loved ones, underwear, this holiday season, but without the awkward eye, contact and any gift card from tommy genes are perfectly to do it. Tommy John, your loved ones, are that much more comfortable sitting and do everything better this the seas, and why not give the gift of comfort to everyone on your list, including yourself with the new tommy john underwear lounge, where pajamas Jim it's tests time? Can we vouch, rock in the gray tommy johns. Today. I've got him in various colours and I love em, so to speak.
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majority illness in china, and we can't trust anyone and institutions to tell us the truth. Why? Because they ve lied to us over and over. the perfect time, have this guest on. You know, I'm united states senator ran polly as a new book out. It's called deception, the great care rid cover up. I wish we didn't need a book like this, but unfortunately we do senator four join us. We appreciate Absolutely and cover up began in china and the one thing we know for certain that they're gonna have a lock down again. Is it if you disobey they'll, be? crap out of you with bludgeoned and clubs, we they'll seal. You in your apartment, coming, you name, it they'll do it, but the sad thing is: is we kind of it? that don't tell her in country, but there were people. I can't beneath algae who applauded the chinese. Who said that we wish. We could be Could you please is pretty sad the way we're talking to SEN rand, Paul cetera it's I I had put together the show last night before I even knew today was the day you were coming on and in the
Beginning today, show over this exact topic, you're an actual doctor, a real world doctors. So there's no one better to comment on this than new there's another majority on this outbreak in china and you are one of the lead guys exposing the deception. Hence the title, your book of doktor. can he found she and others out. There is well wasn't just him in the public health infrastructure and eyes you and I both would agree that the problem with that entire pattern, deception is now: that this respiratory illnesses in china that candidly centre could be, and it could be just pneumonia because of the you know, that the immune systems being not frosty from the lock towns, but no He believes anyone any more because they hide it was all the time. Do they not see the damage they did the institutions? yeah and I I don't think they quite get it because you know when Anthony pouch and others came before our committee. They said. Oh, it's, the right wing, it's the conservatives that are adding to vaccine hesitancy, and I said no, it's not it's one of the government's dishonest
you and the government tells you that you need to give your six month old. With the vaccine and go no six month olds are getting sick or dying from believe you know instinctively the government, tell you the truth. Then you I wonder, will maybe they're not tell me the truth about seventy five year old and actually the true the battery cages in twenty twenty there were at risk the older age groups that benefit from the vaccine, but the problem is Nobody knows what to believe any boy if they haven't been honest, are giving it ample now. Ninety seven percent of people are, Sixty five in the: u s got vaccinated, but they had to maxie than you had covered twice now. Should you keep getting vaccines? they know the answer. They know we have already had the disease and you ve already had a vaccine. What is a chance that you're going to I go to the hospital, I think it's pretty close to zero, but they tells information, because in all of my all appearances, it looks like they become salesman, for you know Pfizer now.
because they're not really giving us accurate information, but, interestingly p, or smarter than their government. Most people are not back. their children, because they know children do not get sick from this disease and children do not die from this disease it's still experimental and they haven't been honest about all the side effects of it. So it's interesting that the people actually are smarter than the public health experts, but nobody Ask him in china, but nobody also tristram in the united states as well. It's so sad. I mean it away when you think about the collapse in faith in institutions. It's interesting, I just right for you, said the word vaccine hesitancy. I was writing down way too. and in paper, how Actually that vaccine hesitancy is dramatically, and it's just People are rational maximizes. I love economics they just rationally, try to maximize their own benefit, the life and their say to themselves. Wait you guys
told me that this thing was relatively cost. Free was going to stop the transmission of covert, and we find out later, you probably minimize the costs which were real and it does. Stop transmission of covert so vaccine hesitancy out some conspiracy. Theory. It's a lie. You go offshoot of a government constantly lying to you about an untested technology. They didn't understand without question. and see what you like, as a people expected this from a totalitarian government expected from China, Nobody really realised how corrupt evil this guided and deluded the people were in our own government. This is the story of deception is yet we go through and we shall have asked. The cover up was one just anthony how she was dozens of other scientists? It was people receiving money from government. These were scientists, who had nine million dollar grants pending the gutter grant approved after they slipped from their private physician. Almost all them.
Private were saying my emails. I thought that looked like covered came the lab and blew on. We know we found it, but in public that were saying the opposite, but at the same time so it grants pending that anthony value is approving one this for nine million dollars and it gets approved two months after he publicly. Ah puts out a paper that says nothing to see here. it came from animals and it you're crazy or a conspiracy dearest. If your arguing that income a lab- but it just so happens- you all received nine million dollars. At the same time,. We're not going to centre, ran Paul. The book is out now called deception. The great covert cover up sounds too It sounds crazy. I have not read the book yet I am always honest with the audience, but I'm gonna be picking up actually right if we up on amazon, you should do deception. The great covered cover up Obviously you be in a medical doctor, you have a different amount of insight into this kind of thing. We wait when you wrote the book
Do you dive into the origins of covert as well? I assume you do and the constant whitney of lies and we still haven't found, which is incredible. Given the extent of the global pandemic still haven't found this mysterious source pengelly inner animal, which you would given all the assets dedicated to this, if that were in fact a natural origin base virus, we would have at least have some kind of clue some kind of zoonotic clue right now, but we don't which says to me: they're, probably lying eighty, out and animals were looked at and they found no animal reservoir. They looked at people also in it from the blood bank, for the preceding year and found no antibodies decoded. It had come from, nature and accounts from an animal. Usually it try several times because it does in fact, humans very well, in fact the animal better and it has to mutate over time to interact humans. So typically, theirs bunch of variety of an old genetic sequences litter in human. Well, they didn't find out found one genetic lineage,
one genetic lineage points towards one source eliab. They also found that the virus had a special cleavage cited added to enter into human cells and they had never found this naturally before, but they knew that the child these will commonly inserting the site to try to create krona viruses that wouldn't you humans boys. Why so? They can create a vaccine and it all. I could that's what they were trying to do, create a virus that was more infectious disease when in the lab should call game, function, research and then they will create a vaccine. Don't problem is- and we now have- this only revealed this in the book. The first three people to get in you, a crown of ours, was covered. Nineteen november torn I dream all work. Doktor she's lab creating this game function ponderous and though the story just go it is. It is amazing, as you read through this, but the most disturbing you shall Anthony Pye, algae and all other threats, not a few of them virtue
all of them in private or emailing back and forth and saying while this virus looks manipulated, it looks like it from a lab. We know they're doing gain a function, research and yet in public Anthony vouch, justifying in my committee adamantly saying wagging his finger at me saying we're dead or the states has never ever funded gain a function, research in china, but it turns out in private is readily admitting that they were When we read the emails on the show you ve read: em in hearings, we're talking a centre, and paul his new book is called deception. The great covered come up and when everything going on right now in china, I strongly recommend you pick it up center at your thoughts on that Are you having a medical background? What is your level of concern about this? You know call mystery respiratory illnesses, china. Is it just a standard run of the mill virus taken advantage of you know, immune systems being down in the press. Doors is something potentially novel
I think we don't know yet. I think my concern is that there will be another virus leak from a lab not to show in charge it could be in china, but it could be the united states or it could be anywhere around the world that these labs exist. So I am concerned about another lab leak. We quote a robert field who isn t she direct brunner tromp, who says that he believes it could be five percent lethal or as much as fifty percent lethal. The next time around, no one could be not in china. Right now is in some of the news report to admit it conglomeration, a bunch of different things, are at the different viruses. Novalis a bunch of kids are sick and is also the time on kids get sick turn year, but it in all likelihood, in over reaction. The chinese are warning to lock everything down now but could come from a lab, absolutely good. I don't think I've stopped in this research and my goal. Over time is to finally get democrats on the hill on capital ill to agree. There spare money shouldn't, be financing this dangerous research,
cetera I'll. Let you go if there's still going centre ran Paul. The new book deception, great covert, cover up check it out. This question, I let you go no you're busy better. My fear in this whole thing is I, like somebody scientists, but I love science. I love reason. I love logic. I know you do to you wouldn't be a medicine we're doing, we're banging our heads against the desk and wondering why we have a headache: the man surgical, mask fear skull, is a scientific abomination. It obviously does not prevent this topic of it. Yet I opened up the show today talking about an article in the sun, how china, going back to masks and social distancing, which clearly mark and probably exacerbated the problem, it's nice next election. This is gonna, be everywhere in the country. If this comes year, this has now been looked at scientifically answers. adequately. The cochrane analysis looked at seventy eight randomize, controlled studies in pain Conclusion that mass don't stop spread of of code. Nineteen may also been study for a year,
with influenza the vast georgia, the mask- and this is the real malpractice and anthony fallaci- particularly the cloth mask- have openings in the cotton, but about six hundred times the size virus to what he was telling you in wearing a card mass was not only untruthful. It was malpractice, because if you really were trying to prevent the spread of covert and you were elderly and you were dealing with an elderly spouse- and you went there rent to get them food and to take care of them worrying mask maskers, no protection at all. Until it's really it's it's bad advice. It's actually encouraging you to do risky behaviour with the wrong kind of protection, but even the randomized studies, even though the the n ninety five masks, which have smaller pores and can filter out some of the virus, typically don't work in a public setting, because nobody wear them that way all day long and people fidget with them. They touch gets in and around the mass and interesting. After you wearing and ninety five mask for more than four hours the moisture
your exhaled air actually gets really electrostatic charging. They dont function as well to filter out a the virus. She'd been warm for four hours. They work in the hospital doctors and nurses or you're very careful there not perfect, but they do have some benefit in the hospital, but they wear them. For about an five to ten minutes in a room they take em off and on the way they don't wear, all day long and they asked wash their hands very carefully and their very carefully or technique, but there's no studies showing that mask cool by the general public, slow down or do anything to the spread of viral disease. Folks. It sounds like this crazy thing called actual science set a ramp. All the book is called deception. The great covert cover up- I see already. I just order my copy, it's the best seller, so congratulations, withered thanks! We spend some time are always welcome back. We appreciate, thanks to you, got it Jim was crazy, like science, that we actually put actual numbers out there like it
six hundred times the size of a liberal. So Ro, maybe too, by the very pretty Six hundred b media goes through it and around it and above it why does it bother you If you had a mask like saran rap you'd be dead because air wouldn't get it, you die, so you do that, but the air would get it. ever notice, you breathing pretty fine with those surgical mass how's that happening as that happening. I don't know lips, I don't I'll, keep it up. I don't like the mask, you know why it shows me who the morons are: and there's a more disease. I don't want it so don't contaminated get around him all. I see people what a mask on. I just walk away because I don't want to be infected with the more on dna baby. Plasma dna, the like shoots out there knows when they cities, I walk. The other side sk, as you might as well, where, aside side, your forehead.
I'm a moron who do not believe in basic science. You might you might as well up next. Is one of these critical ran, sir? I just get no mood You, mrs on a radio they're worth here in here, but first let me david an expansive folks. You Discover the incredible benefits of a good night's sleep. Well, it's time to embrace the importance of a restful sombre and introduce yourself to an amazing product that can revolutionize your nighttime, routine beam dreams, a game changer I Is it during the week days? I love their dream patterns or hot cocoa. It tastes. Amazing. It's designed specifically for sleep could transform your nights. It has reminded today by listeners At a special discounts on beams dream powder are best selling hock, oversleep, no added sugar check out these amazing flavour cinnamon, cocoa, chocolate, peanut butter and mid chip. Sleep is never tasted better. That dream contains a powerful natural bland and look these things up by the. Why do your homework you'll be press racial magnesium Elsie Janine, app agenda, melatonin I'll, be false,
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We call for killing all the Jews, but definitely don't use the wrong pronouns when you're doing it september. Fourteen twenty twenty two jeremy puff harvard university harvard students could be honest for not using preferred pronouns report, so just to be clear. If We call for the genocide of the Jews and you the wrong road out for people you're, definitely screw you use the right pronouns Why g xiao Joe J, that a ok no problems at all harm you pan, no sweat. Folks. who'd. You worry that The darkest moments in human history make says the ever. Why watch. These short form video sites, real tech, talk whatever you know, I'm on nice. They do show prep on me. You know, I don't recommend them to others, but I have to be autumn is where I get a lot of the stuff. I want to see what the kids are watching right. These videos that come up about all kinds of crazy things in napoleonic wars,
medieval torture, deal like us. How do we do all this awful stuff after yesterday? At all make sense? Now you get it? How intellectual signs of the times. Candidates are simple words like it: ok to call for the mass death, the Jews thought powder depends. If they are, We do it, maybe it'll violate the code of conduct. Where this please in the wall street journal by John Alice, I care I commend this peace highly enough. I do I say that a lot, but there is no all other degree of recommendation. I can provide in this process. It is my highest recommendation. It's called education has become a threat to america? Are corrupt article universities, feed every scourge from censorship in crime to anti semitism. a man John Alice I'll just ridicule. Blob from this peace in a second before I've been talking about this in my podcast for eight years,
and my radio show for the two and a half we ve been here. There is not a single large scale, sociological, large scale, sociological problem in acting our society in the globe right now that has not had its origins in seed in a man like in universities what about all of em liberty, hills, they'll, auburn, you got schools, you rank high and these free speech rankings- and I want to be clear about this. One conservative, schools or liberal schools. I want schools that teach not Actually, it's not hard. This piece is called he talks about, everything? How defined the police, sexual doktor nation. All this crap started in university universities are play. Suppose we make an american, they call better had been making us worse for years. Listen to this list. Every word.
John Ellis wall street journal, but the infection coming from higher education. Children, test scores have plummeted because college education departments, train teachers to prioritize social justice over education sense, their ship started with one party campuses shutting down conservative voice. Yes, the key. Of criminals originated with academia devotion the aid The criminals are victims, not victimized, yes, DR two separate children from their parents. begins in long standing campus contempt for the suburban home, a nuclear family. Yes, article eyes, college journalism departments, promote far left advocacy? Yes, sir. open borders reflects plo approach. Globalism and anti nation states sentiment among rat. Go professors damn right. de. I nonsense through the nonsense and I started Eric
as a campus ruse to justify racial quotas did. Finally, campus anti semitism grew out of ideologies, gaiety colonialism, eighty capital I'm an intersection out. You are damn rice. Ladies and gentlemen colleges and become a cancerous infection on this country, not all of them, but a whole lot of we're gonna little fight this morning is that it is they well kind of one wake. Somethin I read someone at the balls say to me on twitter ban where proposes solutions. Are you kidding me brow you even listen to my show and if you know maybe should shut up until you do. I've been talking about this for eight freaking years on my podcast. Eight years could actually listen undue homework. If you weren't such a moron.
colleges are doing all of this. There will be with the fbi and the military, and so yes that started in american universities. Where do you think the fbi? People like Jim call me- and these are Eddie idiots who chose Was this nonsense? Theory that wherein charge you're not so we're punish our political opponents got this from there. From socialists and tyrants, on college campuses. where do you think the legal profession. Fines, mysterious penumbra, is in the constitution, got that crazy idea from they got it from crazed university law. Schools do you think trained medical professionals hoopington I do no harm who cut the knots Little kids daughter was a good idea. Where do you think tat came from universities,
If on the police, exploitation, narrative, anti colonialism that all comes from universities. Jim cut to view, and this is the least of chronic again round to off the top robes here. Total randy macho man from the top ropes, or at least the phonic, do we glorify politicians folks yes in unison. No, we doubt we respect outcomes. All this is great Jim just said harvard a twenty. Twenty four course on taylor. Swift taught by ass. It was a biological mail but identifies a trans woman and is a superficial taylor swift baby teacher course on how to avoid another mass genocide? I could better I'll just go to throw that out. There Harvard president claudine gay apps, We horrifying human being
Her and miguel should resign immediately. No one- and I mean no one in this listening audience. I don't care If you want to have it, I don't care if you want to u pen or any of these other crab schools out there, who claimed to be the intellectual science if donate another dollar? This I want you to know of your part of the problem are very sorry to tell you that. You are paying dispread disinfection across the globe, not just america. the least of chronic blasting is harvard president. Claudine gay a disgrace to humankind over there. ro task policies on this over at harvard check. This out We embrace a commitment to free expression and give a wide berth to free expression, even have views that are objectionable. You and I both know, that's not the case. You are aware that harvard ranked dead last when it came to free speech. Are you not aware of that report? as I observed earlier, I reject
characterizations pedantic shows its true that absolutely shows a true I'll. Show you right here: Jim queue up for me, cut, sick, here's congressmen, Jim bags, Kim eggs points out the hypocrisy. These idiots right here that You guys are saying on one hand you poison ivy league subatomic, Chris plants, where resetting the mets agree, but these poison ivy league president's these Poison ivy league presidents are trying to say to completely contradictory things. They're saying on one hand, that we respect free speech and you allowed to call for the genocide in mass death of the Jews on our camp without violating our code of conduct? wave. Ladies and gentlemen, I am a free speech absolutist is ocean are breaking the law, Four someone's death is The wide be menacing harassment.
Calling for the mass death of people is passing and just plain evil. However, they can have it both ways. These are the same college campuses, and this is a fact worth. Servitude shows up the hecklers retail kicks in you gotta five six thousand dollars to provide security for your own event, because you're afraid you'll be killed, liberals who hate you, here's Jim bags cut six pointing this exact fact out these frauds that they are making this thing out. There are guardians of free speech there frauds check this out in the aftermath of the palestinian rights festive, you and your board chairman wrote a memo outlining tens free speech policies. You said quote, penned does not regulate the content. speech or symbolic behavior. You wrote including each quote: incompatible with the schools, values
you went on to say that pen does not have a policy against hate speech, because quote defining and policing robust debate, even with respect to the most disturbing issues. unwise that that's he rode, but each one thirteen pen cancelled. Now, prime minister modi scheduled keno address at a wharton, hosted exe. Make for him in the face of opposition from india and american professors and The past year, you're administration has sought to punish me wax at ten years, professor for stance on dvd. I an idea. City issues, and they you cancelled an event with former ice director Tom homan. Due to this, rubbed his student protest, simple because he worked for former president donald trump. Miss miguel. The fact is that ten regulate speech that he doesn't like everyone, gives this
no one more than the faculty and students who know exactly where the lines are that there ok to cross posts. These people are for since it is gay bill on facebook. So now you support censorship, build go every cell pro euro moron, you don't listen to my show, really seriously take it and you know, go do that to yourself. I really I can't tolerate morons. So please turn to show off. I don't want you, nobody wants you, your family, hates you you're, probably a loser so again take it and stick it up your you know. Okay, just one thing Jim said I may have. I gotta be careful with ray, but uh yeah It is it's wednesday at so december is wednesday. I got the No, no. I definitely got a memo on this when it it's in my email box, you wanna reader, is at us macao as real as god, you said that total figure. I do not believe in censorship. Bill. But I do believe in condemning
What's immoral and evil, unlike you heard this greater disgusting person of kids. They hate you because I hate you, cause you're a piece of garbage, because you don't listen to my show and you're, just a straight up a whole, actually invested my entire financial future in providing a free speech platform for people who say abhorrent things. calling for from the river to the sea- I'm not telling you are not allowed to say it I'm telling you as I'm, going to morally condemn it and what I'm telling you as universities that don't allow conservatives to go on campus to say, hey the bill of rights is a good thing, should probably I have a code of conduct that says this and on our campus you probably shouldn't call for the mass murder of people, I'm just going to throw that out there. suggesting the government do a damn thing about it. I'm suggesting that universities,
And maybe have some common sense and say to themselves hey if we're going to provide free speech for everyone, then fine, let's provide it. But if we're not going to provide free speech for everyone as private universities that maybe it's a good freakin idea a hole to call out genocide, you piece of human waste. You're, a piece, a garbage and so anyone else. Listening to this, who doesn't understand what I'm saying suggesting that government go re, these college campuses and lock these morons up frankly, I'd rather them expose themselves by calling for from the river to the sea. So we know who the terrorists are. I'm exposing blanket hypocrisy in the form of hierarchy amongst a bunch of tyrants who would kill you tomorrow that you're freaking stupid to see.
Because you probably want the Jews dead yourself and that's a fact just admit. Would you are you Eight, the Jews, you want to see him dead and you would love it that people can say that on a college campus, any other ethnic group losers like this guy, would be the first one scream for people to be thrown in speech, prisons. But because you hate the Jews passionately hate the Jews. You love this just admitted you sick, bastard, just admitted. Yeah, I'm angry. Is your human beings? Man my jewish and catholic. It doesn't matter these are human beings, work. not a college campuses with historic, David afraid, hidden shaped in the back.
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in eight nine eight ninety claim your eligibility for free silver on qualifying purchases before december. Twenty second performance may vary in some other time. To turn your financial professional before making investment decision. Messaging data rights apply, centre actually torched fbi, direct array, a capital of responding on americans this week, he's not really get angry type a guy, but this is worth here in this interview really says a lot about where we are relationship to the constitution and our liberties check this always pleased to have this fine gentleman on. He is a united states senator from the absolutely beautiful state of youth You haven't been their highly I recommend you go there, a good friend to the show and a man who loves the constitution centre mike Lee center or thanks for spending some time with us. We appreciate it all thanks for inviting me to aunt good to be with you of course, we're always happy to have you. I was watching some video view on social media in a hearing today,
Vice array, authorization and senator- I hate to say it pains me to say it but you're, one of fuel, united states centres who seems to actually understand what this is all. I subscribe like you to the outcomes, razor theory the most. simple explanation is the likely as one and we have a court system me far. Intelligent surveillance act base court system. Do this pfizer law that does, require a warrant under certain circumstances, for you, states citizens, that's just the facts and it's been abused and that's a fact do so. What therefore re say about it today when you quiz them on all the mistakes they made with this system in athens, stand at the director, Christopher re said: don't worry about it. We ve got it don't worry about it. We have our own internal procedures, we have people at the fbi, they are law. Abiding people. Just trust us here is a problem. Then I've been on this for thirteen year. The entire time
in the senate and a member of the judiciary committee. I've heard the same darn thing from every f b. I director from ah all three administrations that have served during that time period for both political parties. They all say the same thing and they're always wrong. The fact is when you allow people in the f b I to gain access to information in which americans have a reasonable expectation of privacy, mainly their phone calls and their private emails and text conversations the government supposed to get a warrant. It's been that way since seventeen ninety one and it always will be a that way. As long as the fourth amendment remains, the force of law but they've been ignoring it, they've been ignoring it and then conducting hundreds of thousands of warrant so called backdoor searches of this database in which they are able to collect what they call incidental communications conversations that you have with somebody who is being sir veiled under the foreign intelligent surveillance at you.
Never know, but you're talking to someone who was on one of those less what your phone calls a bit recorded anyway. If you are and then once those phone calls her on that database, they can search those without getting a warrant. That's what we're trying to change and that's what the fbi resisting center, I was watching the clip of you questioning, f b. I direct array on this. What I believe to be obvious, patently unconstitutional system of surveillance, And you said something I felt was excellent: use a student of history, yourselves, you said: listen, you know print practically. Forgive me, I'm not getting your words exactly right. The paraphrasing pretty much every tyranny in human history or something that effect has used. The exact same excuse you using now to continue doing this. Well. If we had to go get a warrant, it would be hard. Is that the point senator it support it will be hard in a constitutional republic. Does
spy on a free citizenry. That's the point. It's always been hard. It's supposed to be hard. That is the whole point. They respect it. It just goes back to even before we were a country in seventeen. Sixty three, a member of british parliament by the name of John Wilkes, was arrested. He was arrested for deciding the government of king george, the third, because, among other things, they were using general warrants enrich of assistance. These documents that basically would say go out. Law enforcement find evidence of cod. and I we hereby authorize authorized to do that. Well, that's kind of a problem because it was. It was already somewhat well established under british law at the time, well before the american revolution even began that you couldn't do that and that's what the reader
why we have a fourth amendment, one of the reasons why our fourth amendment says that you have to get a warrant to perform this kind of a search and that, in order to get that kind of award, you have to establish probable cause and has to be based on evidence describing with particularity what it is that you want to be searched, and so yes, it's always going to make it harder. Yes, governments are always going to complain before doing it, and yes, there are always going to complain that they can't reasonably do this they still have to because bad things happen when they don't that's, why we have a constitution and that sure that's why we have a fourth amendment as a former law enforcement officers at the city and federal level. I candidly don't understand what the issue is. I We called for warrants when we're involved in criminal investigations. You can get a magistrate on the phone there's an emergency magistrate for an emergency search warrant and make an author. It doesn't happen often, but they
an authorized stuff over the phone. It's hard you have a cell phone. None of this is complicated. They just don't want to do it because I feel that some administrative burden- and there are there- are there better than I can. I can. I switch topics admit it, though I know we've got a lot to say on this, but we've got you for limited time. It's all going to sen MIKE Lee from the great state of utah You know when I first met you. I was really impress you you a grasp of the constitution. Sadly Many of your colleagues up, haven't seen to have grass, but this one case in the supreme court over the year. What income is this? Is it huge steel. It's not you know what a media I'm not hearing about. The essence of the case is simple, the vienna it states government is trying to again unconstitutionally that guy who was invested in overseas company who never realized the gains. You've never cast out this. This stocky had now s a taxes, honest
he never cast in the cases. It's the more case. It's in the supreme court senator if we lose this case in the supreme court, the constitutional side open season. There's gonna be an elizabeth Warren Bernie Sanders wealth tax. They could tax you on the value, your home, your boat, your baseball card collection, the constitution, we know it. Comes to the income tax and the amendment process has finished. Yes, I agree with you the huge problem if they start finding that something that amounts to an unreal
the game? That is an asset that you have that, for whatever reason the government decides it wants to test. If that isn't actually income but be taxed as income got a huge set of problems. Remember Dan, is it. The federal government doesn't have just plenary authority to collect any kind of taxes it wants for any reason it can collect a few things, but direct taxes going directly to an individual either has to be a has to be apportioned among the states which we tend not to do is very, very difficult or has to be income. Otherwise, they're left with indirect taxes like tariffs, and things like that. So if this is in fact something that they're testing, it's not income, so it doesn't belong under the sixteenth amendment and it hasn't been apportioned and it isn't directly. So its own constitutional, a very dangerous thing, the even be toying with the idea of more moving forward packing those things. Hath I'd, say it's a horrendous idea
folks, I'm warning you I'm going to. I was going to cover this yesterday. If, if this, if we lose this case in the supreme court, the moore case emma warri you're in a world of trouble, I mean I'm not kidding when it you could be taxed on the art in your house, it's going to be open season center. A couple more things. It will. I got you a senator Kramer wrote an excellent piece in the wall street journal about pick, I knows, is nearing dear to your hard for all the wrong reasons. This explosion in efforts to bureaucratic entities in the government is chevron deference where you know what the bureaucrats or figure it out? That's not the way this works. As you know, senator that system was designed so that you guys in the congress in the senate, figure it out. That's the way the system was written, not the bureaucrats so way for pole, go accountability, but he wrote this peace. But the federal highway administration. That is is to serve the authority to regulate tail pipes all over the country, despite the fact that the hooker experts sleep prohibited from doing so when they. Why?
portioned out of the inflation reduction- and I would I get into the weeds about that specific case. This is a huge problem in the united states right now, the fact that unelected bureaucrats. Neither you you're a citizen to, or I can get rid of, are really doing most of the legislative work. Your body's supposed to be doing right now. So that's exactly right, but the most dangerous power in the government is the power to make laws. Remember we've got three branches, one that makes the law that's the branch where I work, one that enforces the law we're supposed to another. That interprets the law that by far the most dangerous of those three powers he's the power to make law. That's like the founding fathers wisely interest that it only
the branch of government most accountable to the people at the most regular intervals, article one section, one and article one section, seven make it abundantly clear: you cannot make a federal law, except through congress. Congress, has to pass the same bill in the house and in the senate and then presented to the president for signature or veto or acquiescence. If you don't follow that formula, you do not have a federal law, and yet, for the better part of the last eighty six years, congress has been on a tear. It's been on base awful awful pattern in which it has delegated out the law making power. We hereby declare we passed a law that says we should good law in area x, and we hereby delegate to commission or department or agency why the power to make and interpret and enforce good law in area x. That's delegating and not delegate pass for reasons that escape and astound me. The supreme court doesn't stop it. The supreme court refuses to enforce that part of the constitution and for reasons that doubly perplexed me, the united states,
Congress isn't jealously guarding its own power turns up. Members would rather not have to do the work to begin with, or fate they're gonna go with voters that goes along with making all these laws. So we continue to delegate and then those agencies making all this law come before court. They disagree. The parties disagree as to whether they were empowered and the courts. Get lazy in the court's say: well, we're just deferred the agency, so we are now subject to the tyranny. The micro tyranny of the micro dictators all over the executive branch of government, nameless, faithless bureaucrats, who well well educated, well intentioned hard working in specialised, do not work, for you You cannot fire them. They're like miniature king, georgia's that we can't remove yeah and its frightening to me because some of them, as you seen and yes, you see it s where they have their own court system. Do it's! It's them. It's the craziest thing. I've ever see the founding fathers to be rolling in their graves. If they understood where we were right now, less question let you go. We're talking to senator MIKE leave bermuda centre
that's suggesting that your area, obviously united states, save centre, are suggesting there's some government role for this, but I am increasingly worried about, the war against people like ilan mosque and others, people who don't toe the far left the narrative when he purchased acts, formerly twitter, War on him is really disturbing. It's obviously coordinated whether it through winks nods- I don't know, but the media. The left left wingers in government just don't like ilan, because he doesn't you know toe there, though their line they bear their their preferred narrative, the shore is the only solution to this is there is any: is there any government role in this and all that won't metastasize to being even more dangerous to free speech, or is the only solution? Just the free
I did in a parallel economy. I know you ve thought about this kind of stuff and I still wonder on the time. The closest thing I can think of a government solution is number one: keep government right size and focused only on what government can do so that it doesn't because then the government number to make sure that our laws protecting competition, our competition policy laws are anti trust. Laws are operating and enforceable because any time people tried it hacked someone like you on mosque, they tend to rip collude in a way that would violate antitrust was cartel type behaviour. That's really. pity or grab him, and that's the enabling force of the entire e s. G movement is a organized collusive efforts among various corporate interests. That kind of collusion is dangerous. It's also illegal, it should be enforced and without that he has to move much would grind to a screeching halt. Immediately. Now I tend to agree with you that that that it so it
misty centre. How you know that the radical left room, Jennings Brian on, is always claim that you know they were. They were anti monopoly. Is there you rockefeller reynolds and now you have actual evidence of a cartel like monopoly, trying to distort competition and the left loves it. They think it's too, is taking such absolute frauds, but I gotta, run senator thanks for fighting a good fight on pfizer. This means a lot to me and my audience. I get a ton of emails about it. They under stand the growing danger of these a super constitutional courts, and I know you been one of the leading advocates up there and I want you to be covered you comments tomorrow on the show at length. I have them all ready to go so thanks for coming on. Thank you, sir. You got a centre MIKE leave from Utah obviously one of the good guys and you're. What I like about the senator is this ever equipped. In june. We did not prep him with those questions correct outside of pfizer, it doesn't matter, the calving kramer our bed, the more kay
is ready to go this I'll. Do her stammering around, because you know why, yes, she does its homework. That's why crazy? people actually know what they're talking about up the hill. There are I'm gonna get up, it's a really interesting interview, but first our next sponsor They re the holidays you're here. Let me thanks. Take the guesswork anna gifting shop care, we curated give packages and are guaranteed to make spirits bright. All winter long go down, stakes, got the dot com and save fifty percent off site wide, plus renewed more, could bond gino, my last name, it check out you get an additional thirty hours off your order. santander, juicy butchers, cut, philemon, yarns, mouth watering, burgers, gourmet, jumble francs or even easy to prepare meals. That already in a flash, alma high stakes. My fate is ready the ship, your order right away shop early, beat the shipping rushed, got. Almost stakes. Thou come here for What could gino a czech avarice amazing food, it's a gift from the heart and it just tastes. Incredible A gift it'll be remember with every unforgettable by state will media my cook medium,
water with complete confidence. Today, no one euro, during the very best visit, states that stakes take advantage of fifty percent off so wide policies. my god mancino a check out to get their nature. Thirty hours of european minimum warner may be required. Gary break is a guy follow closely as a lot of positive life acts to help you live the best life you can we're gonna have a full length interview with him coming up in the pod guests in the coming weeks to stay tuned for that, but check out this preview here, So folks, as I told you before the end of the year, a christmas season, the new year's season right around the block and everybody starts making new year's resolutions. I want to get help healthier, skinnier, feel better me too, and you know where I go. I go to this guy because great I found the money enter webs along Some time ago, doing viral videos on how can hack your life and do these little tricks and you know what they all work. I want to welcome to the show really great guy gary
russia Gary thanks for spent some time with us, really appreciate it excited dan you're the ass. His website, folks, is the ultimate human dot com. If you want to learn more, have along form podcast with a majority tape. That's becoming a couple weeks, but we got about fifteen minutes review now scary. I found you on it of video sites, and you say in some of these things. These life hacks and I gotta tell you, as I said on the pod, guess they sounded a little crazy, I'm like and then going out and contacting the earth with your bare feet the morning. My that sounds nuts, the I started doing it and ice hearken feeling better, Why does that work? Where did you get that from Well, you know we really give three, then, we had managed from the earth. We get oxygen from light from the thought and further, we get away from these basics. Sicker we become green. The truth is
I gave us everything that we need to thrive and when a human being touches the surfaces I'm talking about bare feet, talking touching on grass, sir dirt in san soil. What happens if we actually discharge into the human beings build up a charge? You know remember that we have this scale called the p h scale. You know, acid and alkaline in ph- stands for potential. Hydrogen is actually a charge soon we did charge into the earth. What happened is ground ourselves very much like an electrical circuit grounds itself. and when that happens, you actually change the popularity of the cells in the body and see what happens is instead of state together in colombia, up they're the same charge though they repel like to north poles in the magnet which, from a cellular perspective, that kind of what you want right. You want plenty, a surface area for that sound
exchange with it outside environment, eliminate waste, repair, detoxify, regenerate and you. I wish it actually costed more costs money or was a prescription, because I think you're right for greece and charge. That's a great idea, Gary fifteen. Ninety nine for this year, justice, tip Valleys through p we import value if you charge and that's what I really love about, you're stuck by the way Gary's websites, the ultimate human dot com, but I about your advice, Gary is ninety percent of it is free Let's go to another one, that's pretty much. free. I mean we all pay a water bell, but outside of that, it's nominal a cold shower in the morning. Now this one things again folks check out with your doctor, for I don't know if you have a heart condition or whatever, but I started doing this on your advice. I watch videos like I said I take the All this shower. I can first thing in the morning I mean they're about sixty
seconds to ninety seconds. Am I going to tell you it feels great, but gary of all the things you've ever told me to do when your videos, when you were talking to me- and I wasn't talking back- then one is really changed. My life, the most is that, while back for the enemy you win when we challenge the body, so there's a process in the in the human body called for nieces and what it means, as you stress the body, and it strengthens right. We have to stop thinking about all, stress is being negative right, we have to stop telling grandma not to go outside is too hot now to go outside its too cold just too late, just relax just to eat at the first pang of hunger. This kind of destroying all of our natural defence mechanisms. Remember if you dont load a bone, it won't be strengthened. If you don't actually care a muscle, it won't go and if you don't challenge the immune system, it will weaken when you know which
Are the reason why we're seeing me the right side of the act of a global weakening of the immune system coming out of the pandemic coming one of the worst things to happen to us was residential quarantining, basking social distancing. These just collapsed our natural defence mechanisms, but one of these is exposing ourselves too. old water- and I am saying that aging is the aggressive pursuit of comfort, and we do. I say that is because most people won't do this, because it's on people do not even for one to three minutes, but the truth is a few expose yourself too cold for one two, three, it's just finish. Your shower ladder up rinse off when you're done, that water is cold or it will get step out of that stream. Take a nice deep breath and then just step right back into that stream of cold water and deal with it for one minute. What's going to happen, is your body's going to flood the brain with endorphins you're, going to have a dopamine spike?
I'm, which feels amazing you're actually going to have a peripheral diesel spasms, so it's going to drive all that oxygen into your core, your liver, your lungs, your pancreas, your kidneys, your brain and it's going to activate something called brown fat. Now the white fat is the that we see that we all don't like cried that's what gives us our bureau belly and its armed Israel fat. We have a special type of that in our body called brown fat. This is your thermostat right, so, in other words, how is it? were able to maintain a temperature gradient against our outside imbibed right. How can my body at ninety eight point, six, the environment, being it would take seventy degree. I will it become brown fat as our thermostat. exchanges, galleries for heat so turns carried in the heat, So when you step into cold water- and you reduce your body, temperature your liver releases, a very special type of protein called a shop protein and turns on his brown fat to activate, prefer majestic response.
I'm telling you, as your body, warms back up to the normal body temperature, your burning access calories. Do it has weight loss, bennett that has emotional mood benefit. It has benefits in exercising. Your vascular system. I know you don't think about exercising our back at us. but it's true. Our arteries are smooth muscle. They have the ability to constrict and dilate, and you know I kill people just trying to for one minute a day every day for seven days. In addition, if you can just contact the surface of the earth for three to six minutes a day, that's it three to six minutes a day and then What was your skin to a little bit of sunlight, I'm even if you're in a dark climate or it's a hazy day, get outside and do a little bit of breathing outside? And you just? Let me know how those four things changed. The trajectory of life and they will have zero own areas magic, its matter.
Folks us and I can personally attest to it. I made no significant changes in my life before I buy, took that advice from Gary again I was watching videos. I didn't know what I mean. I met him at the. U have see we ve known each other now just for a couple weeks, but he was we're kind to me, and it was interesting. Something happened that the you have seen garrick as you had a big profound effect on Dana whites life. He talks about it a lot. You got him into the cold plunging and we were It was nice enough to set us right there, and data was right in front of me and he had sat tucker karlsson to my right. So talk was asking me about all this stuff, and I about life, hacks and stuff- and I pointed to you- and I said well, gary- got me into this cold plunging thing, and I said my mood is completely change. I have an issue I talk about on the air a lot, sadly, gary with depression, the pressure to my family. It's a big deal. I have It's amazing and I tap Dana and I said Dana tell to her about cold plunging and I swear in the middle of the fight he turned around. He goes, dude it'll change. Entire life. It is that power.
the motion from europe. It is life changing the media is actually does indeed. Also true, I talk and talk about it. You know that night as well and down you know the way. These are simple things: challenges right. They can solicit this whore medic response in the body. This response, where we, where we challenge the body and it responds by strengthening you just like going to the gym I mean the whole purpose of going to the gym- is to actually injure yourself right is to tear muscle not to actually cause an injury but I mean to tear muscle and then the body, the stress side by growing that muscle back stronger so we can write or mechanical all stress their lists. The response exactly gary, I got about a formal, its left, a better one. Did you get a couple more things targeted Gary breakers website? If you want to know more, is the ultimate human dot com, highly highly recommend you have discussed, If the trick in the morning, which is another one, there is a real life changer for me, like most americans, I get up first thing, you do
make a bee line for the coffee pot. Maybe two minutes it. Depending on how fast I can run from the bed to the car. I heard you do a video, you know it's true. We all do it and you did. media one time, and he said if you can wait. Sixty two ninety minutes- and I thought oh, my gosh- this is torture. Why we? Why that work where you wait. Sixty two ninety minutes after you get up in the morning before you have your coffee cause. I tried it and its one hundred percent changes the coffee experience. If you want to call it that no question because first, sixty than any minutes upon waking were having it orders all and no tone in balancing wish answered the boy. So another word war is always riding because this is our waking hormone. Melatonin is falling as its title. Our sleep circadian sweet cycle
and if we jump into the middle of that, we get a third of the benefits that we could get from the from ingesting caffeine. I have no issues with captain. Capping gets a bad wrap in a lot of circles. Obviously you can over consume, but a cup of coffee as about two hundred milligrams of coffee, not a big deal just about late for just about anybody, like the others beer cardiac conditions, but when you wake up in the morning- and you actually allow that normal sleep wake cycle to progress, but the first sixty nine of the day just try, this have you copy. Sixty two. Ninety minutes after waking up you're gonna go. Oh my god. I felt clear car lesson and await for four or five hours david, barely even having an effect but being more of a habit and and which caused you to continue to consume more, allow that sleep, wake cycle to continue its circadian
It called for sixty to ninety minutes after you're out of bed and then bang drink. Your coffee, then- and I promise you a different stimulation response with no jitters no crash in a sustained I'm a response, to that too, that caffeine ingestion one hundred percent works. I did this morning absolutely worse. Last question get about two minutes left talking Gary boyd guess, websites, the ultimate human dot com, Gary the critical- and I know I can say with everyone. These things are critical, but they really happen life changing for me, the critical importance, if you can of getting first sunlight in your eyeballs on your skin. In the morning we were again: why does that change everything? I I wake up right away. Oh my god! is an absolute game, changer to win and every one of us has access to sunlight, that gives it to us every morning and you don't actually have to go out in the sun. You get near a window where you can actually see the horizon, see the sun because remember during the first forty five minutes of the day, then there's a very special type of light. It's called first light and during that
First forty, five minutes, there's! No, you be a no you be so no none of those raised that damage the scan, the cause, premature, aging and wrinkled, but it does allow the body to photos synthesize in a way to make vitamin d treat our plans for the synthesize. But human beings are very photovoltaics beings and when the sunlight hits her skin and our eyes in the morning, we start to make natural vitamin d three. The only by demand that a human being can make on our out, and it also reset the quarters and melatonin receptors. There's hordes of research shows that by supposing your skin or your eyes directly to sunlight the morning not staring right at the sun, but sparing in the direction of the thought onto the rise. It will risa quarters. Melatonin, receptor, step there, so that it actually improves your sleep cycle that night you things like tat, the free their simple you can corporate them easily into your daily routine and they will change the entire Director of your life,
folks this is just the beginning. If you check out Gary's videos he's on instagram and scary brecker be, are ye see, K a you, following on instagram ease, ease, gone viral on Tik tok, a thousand different times he's This is just the beginning: he's got tons, tips about be twelve red I therapy oxygen therapy, he's really great websites, the ultimate human dot com. I have a full length podcast coming up with, and we already take that it's amazing gary thanks so much for your time. You're welcome back any time we love to have you back, I'm already gettin feedback on my face, people have so he loved this agnes. So thanks respond, medicine, ass, a man! Thank you! So much dan. I deeply appreciate your workmen and I'll do anything to support you, but please keep up a guy like other you're, a good not a very gulf without scary branca, I I've incorporated this stuff into my life we ve already,
accorded the podcast it's about an hour long. He goes into real detail in this stuff. The breathing therapy, bread, breastwork, breastwork I'll. Let us add what are we not says, there's some kind of spiritual meditation. I know I've tried to know at what like it, actually works. I'm telling you this stuff is for real and law, effort it at your own peril forty nine recovered from a near fatal disease. Coda killed me and I'm tellin you outside of some arthritis, pains I've felt better in my life, your bodies, ample. God gave you one of your job they go take care of this stuff is offering. These are the ultimate human cobb check him out and I'll give you a heads up on our part. Castra thanks for listening, the special sunday podcast we put together for you can hear me. Every weekday across the country in over three hundred stations go to bungie dot com and click on station, find it and find out where Ahmad near you and check out the livestream of my guess, starting at eleven, a m eastern right before the radio show
just ten bond gino.
Transcript generated on 2023-12-11.