« The Dan Bongino Show

The Dan Bongino Sunday Special 11/12/23 - Jim Jordan, Dinesh D'Souza, and some great rants


First up today, we talked with Jim Jordan about the Speaker vote, Biden subpoenas and a story he exposed involving Stanford helping DHS censor conservatives before the 2020 election. Next, Everyone is saying that abortion is a bad issue for the GOP, but Dan says they just have to learn to talk about it correctly. Then, Dinesh D'Souza talks about the police state censoring the movie Police State and the surprise that one company you wouldn't expect won't sell it. Finally, Dan exposes the absolute ineptness of KJP in her job, and also how the squad are nothing more than terror sympathizers.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The good way to hear the truth about america on a show that is not immune to the facts. With your host dan Ben je know what the sunday podcast is our chance to play for you, some of the best moments from the radio show and some great interviews during the week that you may have missed. If you ever want to check out our show, go to bungie dot com, if the station finder and see what radio station moron near you you'll love it. I promise you we put a lot of work into. The radio show check it out, but before the media about for a sponsor there, because it gives them the world who's in oz. You want guaranteed whose be ball give the gift of tommy john underwear. When you give Tommy John your loved ones. Are that much more comfortable? So you can do everything better. This for this reason, why not give the gift of comfort everyone on your list, including yourself with Tommy john underwear lounge, where pajamas Twenty million pairs sold and thousands of five star views given tommy johns, a holiday tradition, Ninety seven percent of women and men love getting the gift of Tommy John
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spoken about a long time and wait too long. There really appreciated per se. Give congressmen. Jim Jordan comes and welcome to the shell yeah good anyway. Here thanks for. Ah thanks for all the good work you do we really appreciate smile. Thank you as well, and I just want to start by saying you have a tremendous amount of support for my audience una. There was sense crying anymore over spilt milk, but I think you would have been an amazing speaker. You were my choice and I think it's a damn share Don't come in on this leave this to me, but I'm tellin you right now a lot of people who, with this stuff against you, I'm never going to forget cause. You were the conservative choice. Well, thank you that, but by proceeding It means a lot coming from you. I'm mike Johnson is a good man, and I'm mike is a friend of I know yours and mine and and a great good, solid christian. man who are it was. The lawyer argued, I mean he's, argued cases in front of our highest court. Is he just a good guide? I am I'm going to do everything I can to help MIKE
you're a class act. Be that's what you do you you? You go you pivot, right to my chance of being a good guy and you're one iota incorrect, he is he's a great guy, but that does Make you any less of a man. What happened was a disgrace, but let's move on, he is he's a great guy and I'm glad you said that, but I'm still glad you're at and I'm going to stay mad for a long time. In some them. I want to get to the stanford story with these election integrity project cause it's such an obvious violation of the first amendment, but just some quick thoughts. I just saw a tweet just come out before you came on the air from the oversight committee about additional subpoenas because nobody this case better than you be issue now to irish, where one hundred binds business association associates. But this is a grey one. Contrary, there's a subpoena go out to the art gallery, that hunter by using this other art. Thank god is long overdue. And there's others. Frankly we needed when we need to go to as well. I mean I frankly and I know you
he agrees. I think we should talk to this Kevin morris guy. I mean the guy who, just you know, Shazam. He just shows up and decide I'm going to pay. One hundred binds back taxes. I mean we need to talk to this guy, for goodness sake, so there's a ton of guys whether it's the americorps company within bankruptcy that James Biden got to give him a bunch of money and then that two hundred thousand goes to Joe and phil loan quote. You know that we need to talk to those people. We need to talk with the folks in the art business. We need to talk to the guy paid. His taxes we need to you walker and share and ruin is business partners. Although talk so yeah this this important step, because the remember the context here it is It's a story in order to help the politician take certain actions that benefit his family, and then he tried to
keep it all under the rug. They tried to sweep it all under the rug. That's what happened here and you can you can follow it for what he did with charisma other thing that he did that benefited his family, and then you see what David Weiss and how the justice department handled the investigation I mean and all the books we've interviewed. They all just confirm what we've talked to seven different people in one hundred by an investigation, us attorneys p a a f b, I agents, we've talked to the da DA tax attorney. They all confirm what shapley and are the whistle blowers telling us? No one can kimberly what those guys who said which tells you won't think they were telling the truth, yeah, but don't gonna, congressman Jim Jordan, one good guys we are now. I want to get your take on an idea. I dont say this european sillier anything. The survey that noise is an air show are my neighbors of years, something tobacco were not under invasion. Congressmen no need to declare war, don't worry about it, but let's assume Donald trump wins a primary, it's not over. Yet we get it, but he's a pretty debater he's, got a knack there on minors. I really think you should do this. He should keep a
per copy. The two hundred thousand and forty thousand dollar check to Joe Biden from his family member. Here pull it out during the debate and say: listen, I'm I'm a businessman or not yo rock right. I'm I understand is this? You probably don't you got it is an enormous amount of money. It's four years pay for the average american. You got it from your brother. Can you please explain to me is a businessman where the loan documents for this year, my humble opinion would end right there. They are politically at it now Great idea. That is greatly look as well suppose you, the white house, is not gonna, show us the documents which may sorted seems to me like. Maybe they don't have any long document cheer so desires why you think you're doing that, I make a name. I don't know, given the fact that Steve ban in and others have spent time in jail for do. Precisely. What the Biden team is doing now comes from. What's your recourse, if they flip you the middle finger and say what I've, given you anything we're not doing it will, I think, maybe so what have you also?
today, one hundred Biden's a a council, at the right time. He wants him to come in and talk show, you know, will b the right time would be. You know when we can be the peanut when we negotiated to figure out a date. We wanted to happen some time here. You know pretty soon so we'll see, but I do think at some point they're going to come in and I I think these other folks are going to come in I mean we've got devon, archer And then he told us all kinds of important stuff about what happened in december, twenty fifteen when the bereaved and executive that Devon Hunter Biden we're under pressure. We need help and the next question we ask mister arches what what would you do? Next hunter Biden got on the phone call him dad and then five days later, his dad goes to do to ukraine and and says we need get rid of prosecutor you're, not getting a billion dollars, and he made a decision on the plane ride over according to wash post, he called a call audible and said we are going to hold up money unless they do what we were well, but what we want him to do what I want them to do and though we talk to Devin our, I think
We're going to come in, I think sherman is going to come in. I think Bob Alinsky. I think you know all these folks that rob walker. I think all of them that we need to talk to. I do think they'll come in Well, that's good here we're talking to congressmen, Jim Jordan. Again, one of the good guys should have been beaker my personal choice, but moving on, as you can tell him a little better, I'm glad you're, not you're a nice guy onto the net. Topic here this just explosive story about a symbiosis between the government and stanford university. In this add an election integrity project and sis the stories are complicated. You know a lot of these scandals. You idiot you and I and others exposed by gay another. They get a little complicated at times. This is easy. The government,
is basically deputising people who are not government actors to censor because they can't do it for the first amendment yeah what he has done to stop this from happening again, yeah exactly what well just for the fact that we've exposed this stop. It is stopping it. There was a story in the washington post them I'll take that weeks ago, where they All universities are scaling back because Jim Jordan and the oversight are, and the oversight committee and the and the judiciary committee the select committee on weaponization they're, bringing them in and and it's costing them lots of legal fees and so they're scaling back their disinformation. You know quote disinformation efforts like that's a good thing. We don't want to play, but here's what was going to hear tb and celebrate called it. The censorship industrial complex and they were referring to big government, pressuring big tech to censor people like damn Juno and other conservative could the disproportionate concern there's a few levels it got, but it's like nine out of every candidate conservative, but this
even more elaborate, because this was big government, big academia and big tech- all working to censor american speech relative to the election, and it was. It was spock news, boy was their backs. It was people like you and molly hemingway microscopy. It was like the hutu of conservative we're getting filtered getting scale back, sometimes having their poster tweet taken down all a bunch of bologna and they were did they were using your tax dollars to pay Stanford any He walked another university to set up this elaborate software system where they would post this tree looks problematic. You might want to check this out this. This post should be scaled back in a they were doing it too conservative. We're not going to congressman Jim Jordan congressmen I know you seen this year, aggressor, sky, there's a lot of anger out there. You know, I made the case in the beginning of the show today that there is actually for political parties right now The Biden party, the democratic party
public in party in the trunk party. There are therefore that denmark for four distinct parties- and if you don't understand that you don't understand the current political psych ice than today, having said that, there is, I bring that up because a lot of people who are trump supporters, so large majority, the parties based on numbers there, Really angry at the progress of this thing, they're like and I get it there like, ok gray, like would stop talking, but you're in your defence and new members up there in, and I really do this for the members of their burden. You specifically, this is hard on wine. This spring, going on for a really long time. This is a new and it's not one entity. It's not just a minister of truth and we fire and all goes away. Their tentacles everywhere. Facebook fact checkers pierre Roma, armani soros my Ngos, college campuses. This is a big thing on mine no, no doubt, but we're having success than that's the beauty of it because work digging into because of the their actions.
The attorney general louisiana form attorney general. The former carried out on the zurich indicates that within the fifth circuit great decision there, but you're right, it would fill extent it could. They were like seven eight federal agencies that were named an act that case that will delay of censuring american speech so, but we're had with just again by here the great example, the yeah. I know it's like two and a half months ago. They will no longer be making unannounced visits to american tops and anywhere for whose commission internal revenue service says we're doing this for the safety of our agents, so loanee they're doing it because we caught them knocking on Matt Taibbi door. While he is testifying in front of our committee, we caught them in our district, the fourth district of ohio. They showed up at a lady's home, knocked on her door. This guy said he was iris agent and she's. Like you, you seem like some scam. The local police thought he was a scam artist turned out. He wasn't. I r s agent acting belligerent
there are all kinds of crazy things like if he got reprimanded mean that we they change their behavior because we've caught him and we made a big to do of it. Just like it's happening with this censorship issue in their attacks on our first amendment liberties, so we just gotta, keep it up, but you're right. It's a on profits, because that energy is the right word. Their technical are evie. everywhere on university throughout the agency's, its n n n. Frankly, they kept so many to be kept. People used to work in the agency's nick. I worked for big tech and it's just like one and the same Oh any and it's so well funded, I mean you got it Oh man, I armani soros my mean these people put real money. Arabella I mean these people have real these your names at a ring, a bell to people who were in the know about the censorship complex. Congressman Jim Jordan cars, for unless and I'll? Let you go there's, see. If I coming up about funding, I believe november, seventeen
eager johnson's bank. I throw heads alliance that I congratulated you speaker. Governments like these gonna run out a week, so I'm there's a bit of a crunch here either. the problem. You understand because we ve talked about it on the show many times we're going bankrupt them it's out of de facto bankruptcy. We're not gonna, be in chapter eleven, but where we were running into trillion dollar interest payments on our That's insane comes once more with the more that we pay for our military. Did you you see if we were to take back the white house. Finally, for once a serious, a serious push for some Jim spending controls. I can get us on track to fiscal stability in the future or out, and then I know you're always a candid, honest guy, or do you There's someone you, the party, the swampy wing of our party, just doesn't care where I do There is, there is a lot of folks, indeed, the establishment of this town who just want to keep people
keep an eye on keep on spending and not in that no account go, but but I think it, president trump wines, which I am a hundred ten percent baby he's the one guy who's been in that white house who's done what he said he was going to do with it. I I think we can begin to get a handle on the spending but, more importantly, aren't maybe, as importantly, I know at present, I back in the white house, we'll get back to real economic growth means you think about where we were just four or five years ago. It was on the real wages for every demographic in our population. we're going up the economy was earn in turn in turn and burn. It was just going gray and then Joe Biden comes in and does just everything is terrible and I think that's that's real import because there's a chance in its getting much smaller window to get this fix. There's a chance if we would president trump wins and we just begin to slow the rate of growth of spending
in all areas that, with with real robust economic growth, we can we can deal with it, but if we don't get that you're right it it's gone for an ugly play only want to think about that, but it's gonna get up, oh, it is, will be Argentina I made if we could two flat lining spending growth and for five percent growth- I mean that's ahmad, granted that's a big we could grow with. You can literally grow out of this and it comes from I'll. Let you go, but I just want to leave on this. The reason I asked a question on a trick or a set up. Is person you and I both know whose very smart about the swamp and not a member of it. stood me a while ago and said the reason they don't want. Jim Jordan is speakers because he's the one guy who might actually cut government spending and they know it- I'm gonna, leave that there, congressmen. You know, I love you on the show. You welcome back here any time thanks for fighting a good fight of. U s stay. On top of that you censorship complex! You got us, we will try to think about. You got it Jim short of next, no one of them
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Ba I'm shopping dot, com, slash bond, gino, use codes, Therefore, the fifty percent off your body and mind deserve the gift of restful night serves. No joke really puts me to sleep You know I reside there talking about the abortion. Is you saying it's a bad issue for republicans folks, if we're not willing to defend life than what's the point of the party, I think, is a month a garbage. We ve learned to talk about the issue listen is segments eve you agree, so about the abortion. I gave you. I lie like bullet points and take ways. take away number one. Is the Democrats want you to believe abortion is a loser everywhere. It's on the ballot, because every time spent on the ballot by itself, the Democrats have won their correct there. Inaccurate everywhere from Kansas, which is a red state. To Ohio, which is a red state michigan, which is
Paul, but trends blue? They are not wrong that data And I believe in data that data is accurate. When voters are given a chance to vote on an abortion referendum, not talk, but the merits of the referendum at all times we stating a fact that we have now on one may, the fact we have not done well anywhere. That's take away number one. however, because I believe in data I will last. I'll! Tell you that p. I'm telling you republicans can't win, who Pro life are also lying to you. How do I know that Because there's a guy in florida in this state, I live in a more than this here. This week pro life pro life legislation jimmy one reelection, correct less, I you know about me: you have all those twenty point so so strange I was told like you're a pro life,
and then gym at florida. It was a swing state correct. I don't know, I don't follow politics at all, but it's kind of swinging, ray, went back and forth To be right, but it is any more, but it's weird. was told of you run. Is a programme for you're finished now, probably say to yourself: how can those two things reconcile? Why you say now: that's just one example: is it brian camp and georgia, one reelection by what six? When points they pay some pro life legislation down there to so I'm a little curious about it. I've stopped at what they do. If you run a pro life, you done you gonna lose by seven thousand points, but that didn't happen. How is it that, when a report on the ballot by itself we lose, but when can aids, like the scientists in camp run, an abortion is an issue, but not the issue. We win handily.
The answer is because the Democrats are really devious. That's why and we're gonna have to learn to deal with it. Folks, the Democrats will do anything Determinate human life interval anything you need to understand that the Democrats killing babies in the womb is, is as near religious ritual. there are obsessed with it. Not only are they obsessed with it, in the guise of empowerment in report, active rights when it's exactly the opposite. It's the right to not reproduce and to kill, what's inside of you now we re obsessed with it, there are obsessed with it because they know they can lie about it. They can use it to motivate voters and it works you ignoring the data, makes you look like a fool. folks is no one more pro life than me and no one from
captured the natural death. I've, got to tell you some of my friends in the pro life movement. They keep telling me do not see what I'm saying I'm a data guy I want to save as many human lives as I can. And our party's absolutely worthless if we can't defend human life. Here's the thing We have to learn how to discuss and message the issue better, there's nothing worse than a republican who can't fit a message on a weedy spock's. There's enough, worse than a republican walks into a methadone clinic talking about the laffer curve. also, nothing worse than a Republican who's not prepared for the standard Democrat lies on abortion and I'm gonna tell you ninety nine percent of a marked. They are they. They ve gone to listen. If you
what major baseball game? You're gonna try offer the yankees right Probably emu, we want to be the centre, feel there. You're, probably get up Practice before you go there, just a thought right: you're not going to take a year off and a guy, and you know what I'm going to share a few often goes to play baseball. You know what phone calls are: that's not how it works. so? Why would you think you could run for office against, a billion dollar abortion enterprise that is in I did a thousand focus group tested, lies and spent millions of man hours learning how to defeat republicans and you're gonna go in and wing it. This is why we continue to lose almost no one on the republic inside. outside of maybe the this camp, and, send for I, although I disagree strongly with the law things on the trump side. I too have set it on the air and I don't agree, the position on abortion issue.
he's, figured out a way to move pro life legislation. A long. I e through the courts where he got the three justice is appointed overturn, roby wade, but now it's the messaging issue, if you're not Owing to train yourself on how to talk about abortion, then Can you is a personal favor? Please don't run for office gonna get ahead. this same exact stuff. Every time and yet wanna, be they taught Aiken you're gonna get hit with. What happens if a woman gets raped it's obviously an abomination. Can we agree on that and, yes, crisis. Pregnancy is very tough, really tough. it's going be tough on the woman, it's gonna be tough, the child when they find out what happened before It's still a human life.
And if the child was a toddler, would you kill the toddler because it was a product of an abominable crimes or love he would so. Why would you kill the child in a different stage of development of women or understand. Why is nobody prepared for that answer at all? No one. Why does nobody prepared about being pro life do out the lifecycle? Well, republicans you say, you're pro life it you want. but just single moms out there were no support. We absolutely do not. I don't know why talking about. I am more than happy as a society pass pro life legislation, it also allocates my tax dollars to, the option and fostering adoption and at an end, solidifying the american family, and republicans you're starting to get there now.
you about pro life. We gotta be pro life from conception to natural death. You don't say: oh yeah yeah well screw it. We don't want abortion, but then you're on your own. I'm saying we need a cradle to the grave social welfare state. Whenever the government does, it usually destroys but significant, tax breaks for people to make donations to adoption focus agencies. These are things we can talk about, should. why does nobody prepared for this. What do you know? What do I know you I read on this stuff? I came the closest and district to winning. I said and pr with dead. What's his name then the nandi guy and impure debating abortion for forty five minutes, one hundred crazy callers, coop ourselves you're a clump of cells? Did you don't you take a biology? What do you think you are now that's a club? different cells, what do you mean, like india feel yourselves nor one
call tissue muscle, thought muscle cells prevents, which you are too. Well, you know no one life begins now I do I've got a hundred percent success rate. Every human being on planet earth was conceived, everyone so conception to me. I'm a hundred percent correct your success rate zero. You can't You can't find a human being. I pointed out that did not go through the conception stage of the lifecycle. You can't so I'm. I am one hundred percent zero you're zero to one hundred. So the fact you're on shore I'm sure that one hundred percent success rate we should just kill the baby, because you can't seem to figure out the math. On the moral side of it take away number one on abortion.
We ve got to learn to talk about it differently and I just I just it out. Don't items just throwing out a random talking point? I just laid it out. Then how did you learn that stuff? Because I went to a candidate school folks, all that No it's not goofy, Want a worn out of your candidate because I'm not an idiot, an approach, life woman came in cuba, I some amazing points. I'd, never considered rape and insert this you. She said something that changed my life forever. She said those are horrible. Crisis pregnancies is no doubt of his circumstances or unspeakable, but she said trot out the toddler I shouldn't. What is add me she said. Would you kill those babies when they were toddlers? I see. No, of course, not So why would you kill them into what did they do I'm getting goosebumps changed my life forever.
TAT changed my life forever. You're not going to learn how to talk about abortion and get the hell off the ballot and don't me you can't win from the sand? This one huge run. is pro candidates who just knew how to talk about the issue. I will say Back in to the pro life movement, I'm I'm I'm I'm an avid part of I am pro life from conception to natural death, but it's We get the messaging issue down. Battering can move the needle we ve gotta art moving in increments and saving more lives, it does, it mean, acquiescing on the morality, but we can save as many lives as possible and move the marker back gotta, be realistic in that policy. It is sad but the tragic art of the possible, not the art, of the utopian in our future.
We ve got to move the needle. On a moral cited, as you will know,. for talk me out of being pro life from conception to natural death, ever there is nothing, you can say persuadable on various tax rates, various forms of taxation, fair tax, flat tax school vouchers versus savings accounts, listen term limits versus not imo do you and your arguments on anything? you have a one hundred percent success rate that life starts at conception persuadable you can How will you want to kill human beings in the womb? I disagree with you, but you're not going to tell me you're killing a club yourself, because you just wrong and to those pull out there today saying well I think we should become more like the Democrats and just upon the abortion issue, you realize I heard the same thing on the immigration issue after
it wrongly lost. No, I did I was in a focus group. David corn from other jones than a whole expos age. Him grew it's in the of conservatives to talk about conservative issues. It was areas we're all laughing. We read the story as part of this group, after the mitt romney thing, and I will never get this guy come in and tell us man, we gotta stop talking about immigration. We got crushed on this hispanic Just hate us we're lose the next one that mean when Obama one reelection. I can't you think we're in like the depths of despair and we're not even close when obama bomber one reelection? I mean people were like suicidal, they couldn't believe it. Guy came any side. We gotta stop talking about this. And a cup of people in a room alike I'm not sure that's what did it say I'm your same exact argument, I'm hearing about abortion out and it is
his eating habits, Donald trump shrubbery nowadays in twenty sixteen, he and literally on build a wall one issue to focus group guy swore to us was an absolute loser and he It is the largest electoral call, a landslide like to provide a veto, Three cycles and everybody we're back your boy like man. Did we misread that you're misreading it now we not a culture of death where a culture of people who are being bombarded with billions of dollars of money from the abortion industry shuttle. a bunch of fake talking points that we haven't learn to respond to its really that simple. And again I'll prove it. The scientists in camp David and on providing stuff. How did they went in to swing states by massive margins if everybody loves abortion, so much. folks, if you want to an island tomorrow
there are a hundred people on an island and there the council of elder. She wanted to be on a nation Killing a bunch of babies on the island, would you join into beyond the council of elders? Oh my gosh, then that's horrible, Is it because that's what you're asking needed there by saying all? Maybe we should give up on the abortion is now no thanks. I don't feel bad sorry and I'm never going to do that. All except the water stuff before I accept that as a party platform, back off the life. Is unama about We're just going to learn how to effectively do we should be doing politics. That's what politics is the art of the possible. Were you to save many lives as we can move forward like a cheap soon on this. This stuff, if wife doesn't matter, new parties worthless man apart, is worthless up next to the great interview, but let's talk about an expansive, we're up again
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their tax attorney or financial professional? For making investment decision messaging data rates? Ply we talk with the nest. Sues about other police states trying to prevent you from seeing the movie police state ironic it in. you'll never believe standing in the way you know, I love him as a gas is one of the guys are really inspired me to really our doing deep dives on issues of liberty and freedom, He's also are hidden producer along with me and my wife on a new film police state, some of you ve, seen it you haven't yet it's available police state film, that net combat net police, state, film dot net read the reviews on twitter and true social, I think you'll be, would be shocked at some of the stuff it exposes wealth back my friend and I assume that the next thanks for joining us, then always a pleasure So sadly, the national went to get to this in a minute. There is another stand:
all around this movie that doesn't involve us but involves things that are being done to us, we're going to get to that in a second. But I wanted to get your thoughts because the movie is called police state. Sadly, the every days new headline, proving that you and I and the movie are absolutely correct as a warning we learned yesterday through Jim Jordan in various news outlets that the government, that is, to be protecting our civil liberties, that's their actual job. These rankings are these rights are granted by god and protected by the government. Supposedly was knee deep in a censorship scandal with an element. stanford university to send our conservative content before the election, the you full idiots in the media- that, as they have always been a part of police states have a this is the scary thing is that the police state in our country spans the public and the private sector, both they kind of work in intend,
in classic police states, it's kind of all done out of the government, as it wasn't stalins, russia or even in nazi germany, but our police state relies on private. Tourists, private actors and academia in the media, in the digital platforms, to kind of kind of all work together and and a good working definition of a police state is a state that is at war with it's own citizens, so that it's the very opposite of protecting our rights. It actually wants to control us and make us subject to the official narratives of the police state itself. The beauty of the film to me Dan is that there's all kinds of new stuff that comes after we made the movie, and yet the movie provides this sort of view.
the full explanatory framework for understanding it all look at the stuff for it with the trans shooter. We now know it's very clear that died. The idea that you've got a tran shooter has motivated by woke ideology, hates white people, hates men hates christians is, is targeting people and killing them so woke as them is the theory and mass shooting is the practice, and yet that is such an inconvenient narrative for the left that the Half do. This is why they were suppressing the manifesto here. Dinesh we're talking to the next, the susa cooperate. who's this produce a film with called police state. Variable police state film that net the What's it say about his movie just came out, you kidding you and I could get a sequel going today. if we were quick enough, we can have a sequel out. Next, we I mean, there's average material, that surface
since the movie was watching here's a story that may not have gotten a lot of attention? If you see there are not just give you, we abstract version of it, but God it's more evidence of a police state and how it's not, as we say in the movie, always a bunch of uniform wearing boot wearing people marching down the street. Sometimes it's what you just said: it's aids ache its it's an entity. A war would itself in this police. They there's a story of this grand canyon university sued by demonstration in court did quite well. now they find themselves on the end of on the receiving end of a regulatory on slot and a thirty. seven point: seven million dollar, fine, there's a whole. Editorial in the wall street journal for nonsense? Nonsense, total nonsense that nobody takes seriously the same day, donald troops in court. First. the trial. For civil travel, no victims for alone. He paid off here. The banks have no are not little you'd suddenly case I mean. Is it the press?
as the punishment for these police stayed people fully understand when they get the reins of government that they can make people's lives miserable. Regardless of the outcome. Absolutely I mean I saw this in my own case, going back to two thousand and thirteen. You know you just field the vulnerability. When you are up against the full power of the: u s: government, they have unlimited resources, they had amassed federal rule book, that's like an accordion and it's very easy for them just to reach in here and pull out this sheet and then had the power of using the legal bludgeoning. That sometimes goes by the name of plea: bargaining, witches, hey. We know your facing ten years, but if you please. guilty and you'll get only a year, but then, of course the less gets to jump up and down and go see see. He admitted he did it, even though
Even an innocent person would have every incentive to take the plea deal. So this is a stack system and I think, what's really bad is that the system is now being exploited ruthlessly by this combination of left wing. Ideologues who make up juries leftwing judges were willing to abuse the system left wing prosecute. coming out of the bible regime, so the police state is very real and were even discovering it and small ways, and things happening to the movie itself, almost a decade of stunning confirmation of the movie, the movie itself as being in a sense the warded by people who are doing exactly what the movies they would do that's exactly what I want to go this. You teed it up for me talking to denounce the susa we produced a movie called police state, valuable, now police. They found that net danish
are. You are one of the world's, and this is just a fact based statement based on revenue and all that kind of some site. You know its own opinion. You are one of the world's top doctrine. refill filmmakers you ve got, the top grossing films of all time in a documentary two twenty sixteen year, films have been an unquestioned success financially and so for the movement from the activists front again, that's a statement of fact based on data. Yet when you First approached me about doing this police state. Which is obviously given that I was a law enforcement knows something very sensitive and passionate cause. For me, I was in right away, but I've I tell you as a friend that as a partner in this project, I did not expect the headwinds we had a lot of the things I haven't said to my audience because they are confidential in the business space and some of the stuff is reconciled itself and I don't want to waste their time with him, but I feel like this needs a public airing so you and I've been discussing this for a couple weeks been trying to clean it up in the dvd is for sale now now
Typically, dvds were unbelievably successful. Films, which we saw. Thou theatres across the country would go on sale at all of these sites. Amazon Walmart now swear, but something happened there s the cuban going back and forth me for two weeks and I how to tell you. I was prepared for this? One explain Happen with walmart, I think everybody expects amazon act like communist, sad but true, We have more wealth I Walmart has become more like amazon than the other way around walmart started out of benton bill arkansas the original wall our family work, conservatives idle, I dont think in the in the kind of all the management of Walmart. This would have happened at all, but the kind of left wing infiltration of these major corporations- and sometimes you didn't they not infiltrating the whole company there, just taking
What the acquisition or the buying process- and that is no longer done out of arkansas- it may be done out of chicago or san francisco. So there's a bunch of people in san francisco. Looking at this order, may go police state wait a minute assistant this dinesh them. No, let's just give it a big acts, and so, as it turns out to have the biggest sort of retail outlets in the country, amazon and walmart simply willing. We stock our dvds now look. This is a this is not a phenomenon unique to us, but of course it's unique in the sense that it confirms the thesis of police state you're, going to be blocked by this kind of combination of public and private actors working in concert and I'd say working in concert because we don't know if amazon got a message from somebody in the by the administration. Basically saying hey guys, do you really want to be stalking this kind of a dvd? We don't know the behind the scenes. We only know that behind the scenes with regard to censorship, because of course,
you learn: musk opened up the twitter files and we could see wild as a whole portal all these agencies of the government of putting in names of people to be banned. So it's only sort. in the rear view mirror or in retrospect that you get the full story on how this happened, but I think the bottom line is we should not. Our team should not put up with it and we should look for alternative ways to get the dvd. The good news is that we do have it through salem. We do have the video through shop. If I, but you have to go to the website, which is police state film dot net, there are tat stay just you can occur stream the movie, but you can also order dvds- and This is a great movie to stock up for to stock. Up on for christmas, I mean it's been a passion project. For me, you know, I gave it time didn't ask because I have a thing on the show. I call the bond gino rule. I give really kind of hot stories about issues before I draw a definitive kind of despises.
In conclusion, I then usually twenty forty seventy two hours, because I never want to be fair. Stem I want? I want to be right. I don't care to be first them out in this four click, bayer anything Is that so me, a new gave this a lot of time. Maybe it's an error. Warm or maybe it's a mistake, it sounds like we jumped the gun on this too. You know let's talk about this, and maybe conservatives will pick it up and we'll sell more. Dvds know, folks that has nothing to do with it actually happen I can see no reason why walmart would not sell the dvd police state then as well. Going through the back and stuff you- and I both know this thing sold out theatres across the country. You have this Second, I think highest grossing documentary of all time. some like coming, Can macgregor you came on the scene yesterday? They have can use. Give it seriously. Can you think of a single reason? They would not stand this film other than somebody winking nodding at them and go, and you know, be a bad idea if you
waste burned out of his heart. This film is the only reason I could think of. Look. I mean I have sold innumerable books and dvds at walmart amazon before number two, unlike two thousand meals, which at least in some quarters is banned topic because of election fraud police state. Is the ban topic on any of social media number. Three. There has not been a single fact check, challenging a thing thing in the film. No one is even disputed. Anything in the film the film is accurate from top to bottom. It has even been question and there have been left right wing reviews of the film which deplored disagreed with the pieces of the film but again not questioned any facts in the film, so
There is absolutely no legal, no moral justification, no justification at all for doing this other than where we have the power to do it. We don't want to have the product and therefore too bad, for you go get it someplace else and that ultimately, what we have to do go get it someplace else. Fortunately, it's available very good customer service, get it from salem, get it from shop. If, but this is the way we fight back. We don't allow these tactics to succeed and denies the most disturbing part. Then you just sit on. I got about a minute. Leopard store it's a documentary Ebola does this story about having his home raided by the fbi? After showing up to stop the steel rally. He's real person Matt. partner is dead. He hung himself after being accused of terrorism for spending just seconds inside the capital and doing
absolutely nothing in sudden damaging vienna. We touch anything he's really dead. Folks, like I've really happen These are real story. Like you just said, you can opinion about two thousand mules: fine, whatever policeman is a documentary about real people. They have no excuse your final thoughts, I mean really depressing truth. I believe, is that the reason they're doing this is not because anything in the film is false, but precisely the opposite, because it's true not only job olano send door what he said. He happened to have a cold camera that shows the fbi coming smashing through his door and actually trying to cover up his people. so people would never have a record of it. So it's the it's. The incriminating, damning off thanks facts in the film and that's what they're trying to shut down here, folks, If you can pick up the dvd, I am sad to say: you're not gonna, be able to get in a walmart. You can
salem, but if you want to buy it today and pick it up, we would certainly appreciated your call. The website is police state film that net police state film that net you can also stream. It there's really simple pick up dvd, just click on the tabs. We would do we appreciate it. We think it's a project. You need to see. It's been an eye, and don't listen. We produced it, don't Take our word for it. I mean it and go just go to twitter and true social put in police state movie and just read what people have to say about it: it it absolutely you, you you'll, be convinced that thanks so much real time. We always appreciate your perspective and thanks for this important project meant a lot to me too. Thanks a lot. Thank you very much. You gotta, so sad folks, walmart When you first told me that I really that's why it took me two weeks to tell you because, unlike like there's a mistake, nope not a mistake. Walmart Mama up next another one of those
espresso ran for me, but first one expansive listen times serious about an increase in crime, mass shootings three to neighbours, alessi crime is up across the nation. On top of that, you ve seen stories of the good guy use and is going to protect his family finds himself in a government in jail. It's not good enough be prepared with your weapon alone. You have to be prepared, to defend your family, most people aren't you gotta be. For the mental physical and the legal ramifications of self defence dawning, nor that why I've been a member of the? U s conceal, carry association for years because owning a gun just isn't enough anymore Join the: u s c c: a and get instant access to lifesaving education training and the legal preparation you need is a gun owner plus new members. You get a free, pelican gun vault. Just for joining today, check it out joining platinum or elite level member. If she was second bonus. One hundred percent free
you're beginning lifesaving education, training, legal prep, the pelican gun vault anna? U s easier survival kit. Claim yours today, by visiting u s cc ay, calm, slash bond gino and get signed up that's: u s! C ca! Dot com, slash bond! Gino! U s accomplish bungee nor join today, get that lifesaving education. You need, and the legal part you don't forget that. folks, green job hears easily the worse press secretary. In u s. History is not even close. Second I bring the receipts and also expose the swamp. Is the terrorists impetus which they are checked, his haggard? Where were we? seven year. It's obvious, need a break in. I get back at like to ask for like I'm sesar, like brushing my teeth, and you need to know that. But I share everything with you because I just want to. We have an idea my moment her, while she like a long time yet the sounder we haven't. You said so long. You probably quicker,
Steering annulment rise you by containing bone gino? so I got out like I'm assessed with like cleanliness and stuff, the godliness. You know who that is so I come back a little late to afore there was a white house pressure that went on a little bit ago. and I don't know if you noticed but Karine jean pierre is getting less and less time up there, because every time she's up there there's an automatic cleanup operation that has to wear giblets. You know what, let's jump, they cut five while we're on this rape I was gonna. Do this in a different order, but why not Each time she opens are now. This is bar none the worst press secretary in the history of the united states. Folks, I get I don't like democratic all. You say it is you dont like them? You know, I'm saying is true: the woman is complete. legally incompetent completely but she has no aptitude for this shit no significant achievements. To speak of that she would be a press secretary. She is just awful.
So given I like. Do you think she's like a double agent, I ever tell me if you think, I'm correct folks, we didn't you. gee I'm on on on the facebook there. I didn't green job here, which was pulled into the white house, as in a of converge. Conservative would save talk, radio, because they were like you know. Cars are trying to get rid of the aid and too If the radio is right and you know we are going to be lost rush, and this is really bad. What can we do? Russia is sick Let's sneak corinne jean Pierre and did abiden administration is a double asian she'll, say so much dumb. Stop it all pre, like kind fodder for the audience and the audience compact over. I touch my only theory its way. in theory, how someone with so little skills manager. Stay in one of the most critical positions entire world. I'm not joking tat is
the top twenty most powerful jobs, the entire world. Speaking for the white house, no question about it. Its current job here here, she's, yes, she's ass! This simple is them questions by Peter. alexander from NBC. This is not hard. Folks got a butcher, pro demon, savage supporters ribbon down pictures of kidnap israeli babies and stuff, like that. what is new about that? Let me just say concrete before your answer, but we hear because it's not hard. It's not hard, this down town get a pen while we as a house, respect the first amendment, the right to speak, We we also understand what happened there on october. Seventh was an abomination. White house extends sympathies these hostages and do everything it can to get it back and we start We condemn people ripping down the sides. Next question, would have been over A bit over hofer
would have been over cause corinne jean Pierre. Is you meekly on talented, like All human beings are, there, isn't a worse person on planet earth and that spot. I would pick debate. oh guy dug from bagel bites for this job and I dog eat dog. Fresh rides motorcycle lava he's a real guy. He would it is better. here's korean job here, who can't figure out the answer to this freaking whoa up, never see big fat greek wedding, its point by point: she can't figure it out with
there's a lot of videos of individuals who have been tearing down signs. Many of these taking place in new york city of israelis presently being held hostage in Gaza. There have been some tense confrontations that have taken place. There is the white house's view that these actions should be condemned, the pulling of the pulling down of them or that that's a form of peaceful protest. Guy eight sort of kind of seen the reporting here and there? I think it was from last week: thirty million views. No, I hear ya, I hear ya, I'm just not going to buy! we're not going to I'm not going to a peaceful protest. Downers should do nothing, I'm just not going to go into specifics. On that particular thing: given. I can't get enough and I swear this women with this morning we said: did the safe talk, radio she has got to conservative plant Jim
Why can you and my call the heritage foundation? Freedom works? Well, operative. you're an operative call. Some of the biggest conservative think tanks out there. She has got to be an operative she has to be well ted cruz. Maybe it's a super pac for his. Maybe it's the maga make america great again, but this this she cannot be a democrat. There is no way someone. This dumb is in that job. There's! No! possible. This is suppose it's or ever twitter, you press europe, the price secretary It's your little job to go. We do it. Jim you gotta, get the billy madison thing tat. We, Do you have that we have if there was ever ever a time they did it someone we did
I was very madison right, this actor. Needs to be in the back the Brady press room at times and every single time. Korean jean Pierre said you have every single time. Korean job here says something dumb, which is every day now. This guy in the back of the room, should say this. What you just said One of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard at no point in your rambling, incoherent response. Were you in close to anything that could Considered irrational thought than ever, one in this room is now dahmer for having listened to it,. I warned you know points and make God have mercy on yourself, who's, the guy Simon, deeper simon. Can
play that Michael a little microphone next time she gives. What are you dumb answers? Please Have you on the show to discuss it, that I say if you will do us a favour theory? we were ever. Anyone in any administration so not suited for a job. Then this woman, Oh my gosh, you see she bad that's John corbies out there all the time. Now back to the beginning of the shell. This is why I dont extrapolate anything. Today's results of yesterday's results actually we're talking about him today. The twenty twenty four. I just don't folks I was at a rally for John cores, I'm when I was working security for obama. Then I remember my god, my god, it's going to be a huge electoral college, landslide obama's you know them.
Grants are going to get wrecked. Nobody showed up for this thing these these off. psycho elections stay gone better, but I dont trades when any of it to twenty twenty four in a presidential race or a bunch of trump people, probably stayed home. I wish they didn't, but going to show up. I just don't. And what are the reasons are absolutely sure twenty. Twenty four is gonna to be different. Are we going to? We? Are we gonna win? I dont know I get into any this red wave crap. I wouldn't want to try to talk people as the red wave thing last time and it didn't materialise, but I I think we ve got a decent shot and twenty twenty four one of the reasons I believe in there. Binds approval rating is in the thirties and it's in the low thirty's. Now It's in the low authorities because of kitchen table issues, things directly impacting democrats who were tired of and the two things. It matter most are inflation and crime, crime includes terrors
and I am sad to break this news to you, but this administration, ladies and gentlemen, knows that the enemy is already here. They know it. and the democratic party is not only doing nothing about it. At our southern border elsewhere, There are members of congress who are actually All terrorist sympathisers, you believe that. rashid, had to leave put out a tweet calling for jewish genocide with a river to the sea thing. No everybody knows what that means. They're not What about the mississippi there talking to jordan river to them? Authority and see what's between that. I know, No, Jim says Israel. I've tried to dive die. I do I gotta get a man. You know that. I do know that that so we
for me to talk about wiping out israel, and I think that is right jobs are yes, that's that's what you're told yet fracture true wow so instead of the democratic party universally condemning this saying you can fight for the palestinian cause or you want, but calls for jewish genocide is a good idea. no, no! Here's johan Omar Jim! If you would queue up cut three years ago, Nobody yesterday, six, if she screams really loud by the way that she's gonna, let me scream kory kory, pushing the out or the decibels the more idiotic I sound, but will definitely all creature, beers, gonna, look, she came up, she may stay Beat it that's all areas here's your hot or more so as I say, with the terrorist sympathiser yesterday check this out to hear that a single one of them has highlighted the fact that palestinians are dying in the tens of thousands
will continue to say it is not acknowledging humanity. What she will stand up to, ladies time, has expired and won't get We believe, until at least the retired from maryland is Let me scream really loud, all of a sudden jewish genocidal sound a whole lot better. Here's corey Busch another member of the squad gym. I can't listen to this whole thing. I listened to it on a podcast and I was ready to throw up. I have thereby once the yelling starts at about thirty sec, just put it down, because it's just here's cory. Bush, This is the same one by the way corey boy squad member that was it if on the police are and then when she was asked about our six figures, security bill. She was like screw. You it'll warm, are losers at everything like I get my own security up, ok,. Never once you kind of imply that, like she deserves it, you don't.
here's corey bush again terror, sympathiser defended your friend calling for jewish genocide, meticulous I lost the morass today in opposition to the censure resident resolution and also an apple. until the reckless manner that people in this house speak when they don't really ass or don't care that they put targets on the backs of actual people, most of whom black and brown and because of a lack of care and lack of understanding and a lack of feeling humanity of folks who look like rashid to leave is outrageous that my colleagues are blatantly belatedly attempting to silence the only palestinian amerika representative right here, If our aid is what is now the private you, let me tell you: it's not deprive the because with life is worth seventeen hundred members of congress reared. Do we go evokes? It goes on for a minute, thirty seconds you're all racist. Now, if you don't support a jewish genocide,
it's a weighted. What's really unbelievable, is you Jim Jimmy you gotta get you got the other at what point is virginia democrat? Here's a lunatic who showed up at the polls screaming at someone accusing them of being in the kkk from the same party the same we are going to play it I'm going to have enough time. It's a law. You got this is from the same party queues in you, the mega people being racist and complex. When members that's from a, for people and this one calling for jewish genocide, but you're, yes, you're the bad guy makes perfect sense to the leftist. They're, like hey, hey, whoa, whoa, Israel has got to go and and a bag of people go up and go higher. That sounds like jewish is yours, so by turkey. well, why jazz others. Here, that's obvious: it's gonna, be there. Weird like you call over you, people in Israel, Israel to be wiped off the map. I get sales ban,
so by whereby her. you guys are methods. Something are you ok, he'd like some nor can operate the world is okay, I would be lost without you. This is my psychotherapy session. I would be in a. I would have take like suicide and mushrooms to deal with everything going on in my brain. three hours a day. I had a live within solitary confinement. I would thank god I do with data ampere, hey thanks for listening to this special sunday podcast check out my radio show. Every single weekday go to bungie dot com click on station. Finally find a radio station near you, gonna rumble, dot, com, slash, Bonn, gino, and you can also check out the pod guess. Every day at eleven, a m eastern joined the chad to see the Bonn gino.
Transcript generated on 2023-11-24.