« The Dan Bongino Show

The Dan Bongino Sunday Special 10/15/23 - Dinesh D'Souza, Bruce Pearl, Charles "Chuck" Marino and some wise words from Dan


First up today, we talked with Dinesh D’Souza about the soon to be released project we’ve been working on called Police State. Next, we spoke with Auburn basketball coach Bruce Pearl, who is also an activist, about the heinous attack by Hamas on innocent Israelis. Then friend and former colleague Chuck Marino, with some important information about what you need to do to prepare for a terror attack here. Finally, after warning you to prepare and keep your head on a swivel, Dan had a message for those who support the savages and the savages themselves.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The good way to hear the truth about america on a show that is not immune to the facts. With your host dan Ben je know what the sunday podcast is our chance to play for you, some of the best moments from the radio show and some great interviews during the week that you may have missed. If you ever want to check out our show, go to bungie dot com If the station finder and see what radio station moron near you you'll love it. I promise you we put a lot of work into the radio, show check it out, but before When we talk about a sponsor. Ever heard of data brokers through the middleman collecting the digital footprints. You leave online. They use your browsing history and location data to sell your profile off to a company who delivers you were targeted ad, no biggie right. Well, you might be surprised to learn that the same data brokers are also selling your information to the department of homeland security. In the I r s who to mask my digital footprints, I protect myself with express vpn.
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Find out what the movies all about police state film dot net. Is the website really important fatalism one of the producers have been working on this project with him for a long time on a new movie, called police state is going to be permitted in theatres october, twenty third and twenty fifth, it's an amazing basing piece of work that is of europe you're gonna need a kleenex when you're done when our countries collapsed into a welcoming back to the showed the next, the susa did ass thanks for joining us. We appreciate that it's a pleasure thanks for having me sure. So you launch the full length trailer yesterday. You can check it out. Folks at police, state film, dot net can also see it on my social accounts, the national social accounts, three minutes, the nash and again you watch the trailer new thinking. I can't believe this has happened to the united states that we actually have to make this film. I This is your most important piece of work yet
because of what it exposes your thoughts on that. Well, I agree. This is the film that mean I've started off by being scared that our basic liberties- in parallel and then the process of making the film has, you know, deepened my anxiety and I use the analogy. I'm almost feel like an animal that sees a sort of movement and trees and is trying to warn the heard that there is They were all in danger and we need to take protective action, but there are so many people who feel oh well. Well, I know but you know I'm not donald trump And- and I didn't go into the capital in january sixteen. So I can continue to graze are like a wild beast. I know that you know the line is not going to pounce on me, and this is the kind of attitude that gets you. A police state. Does it we're talking to denounce the susa produce the film police state, I'm involved in this film, I'm actually the film too
Dennis it's interesting. We were doing when we we're filming portions of it. You know you, and I were shouting for the film and you know, obviously you it's it, it's a! U nods, About an hour and a half the movie, the movie could have been you and I both agree. We could have done five hours I mean you when I alone probably talked for two hours and it's interesting when you and I were done what our segments everything was like gossip that is so good because it so bad. I mean it everything I was telling you about how about we ve degenerated into this into this mess and how a government at that's a constitutional republic in a representative democracy, is that supposed to target citizens crimes this to target. Crimes in search of the people who did them, yet it's the exact opposite. Now you
You know if it be one thing: if we were making a film and we said that look, there is one aspect of the police state. Let's say censorship that is now creeping its way into the country, but what terrifies me is that all the signature elements of a police state. I mean it think of north korea, china, the old soviet union. They had mass surveillance, they had censorship. They had a ramp and ideological indoctrination, all the way from the lowest grades of school all the way through colleges and in the media. They were one party states where the opposition party, if had existed at all, was weak and an effective. They had political power nerves so think about all these elements are now manifestly present in our society, and it becomes really difficult, for us to even used the term united states and free country in the same sentence. Trash
How can people get tickets? I've got a few more questions, but how? How is the movie going to work how's it coming in theaters his era? Is there an online launch? How exactly does that work? Well, we have. bought out hundreds of theatre is on two days october, twenty third and october twenty fifth. So those are the two days to see it in the theatre, the other way to see Right now is the virtual premier. The virtual premier is out of a spectacular studio, las vegas, but you watch at home they'll be like music. There will be the whole film will be played you and I, and I'm gonna do a q and a life you need to follow. So it's a wonderful programme out of a magnificent venue and tickets, both for the theatrical and for the virtual premier, are, are from the website, its police state phil god net you can't get em at fandango or get them from the theatre. You have to go to the website. It's the one, stop shop for tickets, for everything, police state film that net, not darker police state, film, dot net. Then dns. The movie
police state. These are real stories. You know come people ask me yesterday my social accounts and on facebook they said you know what Is it some kind of doc? You drama, you know with actors I soon, while there are actors, it'd portraying some folks in the fbi, but the stories in there are very real people in there and the victims of the police state are very real. They. They are not actors at all events. There there's this there's a scene in the movie. The and to have one of the victims? Are the police state? That's that's just devastating to watch and I I tell you I sat there with myself, a grown man get in a little. You know get order when the eyeballs listening to listen, it's really hard to listen to these stories. Well, the movie. is really divided into two types of testimony. The first one is from people who have been the architects and behind the scenes and the police state. These are whistleblowers. An insider is people who know how this operates. How this evils?
such making machine in a sense this constructive. So you They stand more about how the police state functions and the other, ordinary citizens who have come. You know who have felt the hot breath that the police state on their face, and so these are people giving firsthand testimony. In some cases, these guys have actual police video, an fbi, video body, can video and we showed in the film in other cases they described. Happened and we re created and the reason we re created as we want the ordinary citizen. We want the guy watching this movie to be there thing for you or me to tell them about it, but then they feel like it's never happened to me. I'm never going to see a battering ram crumb through my door, so you gotta take people to see what the police did looks and feels like. That's really. What is it it creates both an intellectual and emotional awakening The movie is available at police state, film, that net for theatre dates and fairly line. Premier police state, film, god
Then ass. You, europe, pretty stewed, observer of the political scene, that's your videos alive. We need to debate and Bobby, so they once wrong college campuses and they're pretty and I mean you just absent: the eviscerated, gives you have a lot different style than I do. I do kind of admire your style. I wish I had a little more of courage, but you really good at this and what's your overall take with with the police state the border crisis chaos in our inner cities, which you and I know, is deliberate. The left is always had shock troops in the street there now, just empowered if we lose in twenty twenty four are you know there is some people on twitter and social media really respect, learn guys, like you same I don't know where this is gonna go. There could be some really dark days ahead. You your thoughts on then the overview
I agree with that. I think that once the jaws of a police state snapshot, it's very difficult. Your actions become very limited and in fact, as we know, from people, for example, who have become refugees someplace like north korea. At that point, the only thing you can do is right and I'm so were trying to avoid that situation. We have a window of opportunity to use our influence on power individually, but also collectively, to stir. And block and roll back this police state. I mean what's right now not trying to roll back the soviet union. The way reagan was were trying to roll back a similar. You may almost call it an evil empire in this country and the is our task and by tragic necessity. We are the only ones who can do it so this movie to me as more than a movie. It's it's a cause. it's an alarm it, so you know it's up, it's a wake up.
an urgent, a wake up call to the american people. I think that their that people know something is deeply wrong and I'm hoping that the movie just taps that core where they begin to realise this is not normal paul sticks, and we need to be really vigilant now, because a lot is at stake, We're talking to the next the suicide, the producer of the new film police state. Tickets available, police state film dot net and there's compounding the problem last question. I let you go. I appreciate your time. problem compounding here, is that the technical, legal tools available to enforce the police state are You know geometrically, larger and more powerful than they were even twenty years ago, facial recognition, artificial intelligence, social credit scoring, I mean China, the world's largest surveillance state, is basically done a tutorial for the world on how to enforces I'm in these. The kind of things
You know when you looked at the fall of czechoslovakia if they would have had these technological tools the soviet union, as they probably he, still be in existence. I mean I just didn't- have the means to keep the beach Paul underwater, but this dangerous or with the world's dear sorry, glad well known, I was going to say this is a very profound point, because in the opening pages of soldier needs some school out archipelago, he describes a woman who goes into that on square and meets a friend who tells her get out town, you're analysed, and so I saw dreams and says she doesn't get out of town. She goes to her apartment. She tries to pack her stuff and sure enough. The cops are waiting for her. She gets sent off to the gulag, but the implication of the story is that, had she gotten a train, she could have. it's appeared in the vast soviet union and they would never find her so that this goes to your point that today, that would be impossible. Why? Because today they can track you very easily and so technology which can be an instrument of liberation can also be an instrument of tyranny. The other thing I think
people there realises that we have a police state with a peculiar. american kind of accident, one the movie actually used. The phrase were becoming china plus drag queen, and so there, strange elements of our police day that you don't find other police states and one of the things I think, makes us movie really interesting. Is it looks at these anomalies, most police It's, for example, have a berlin wall. They lock you and you can't get in you can't get out. We have an open border, so what's light as our police, You have an open border, whereas other police states tend to be locked up. These kinds of issues are dealt with an exam and then explained in the movie. So it's up it's a very rich movie, intellectually, as well as emotionally. I think people will come out from it understanding it better, also being really fired up and mobilized about what to do. yeah. I agree I mean I left with it's weird, but as Yet in Yang, like a sense of dread,
but his sense of necessary dread that I needed this dread devoted. Motivate me to do something in twenty twenty four, because I'm long and the united states than ash I am, I we ve been through a lot of really horrible things and we fix them. I believe goddess bless this country, but can't run away from the problems to get there and movie is Joe, a stinging. Damn emotional indictment of where we are right. Now. Folks of me, These call police, state tickets are available for the october twenty third and twenty fifth movie premier end the online premier. After that, a police state film dot at Dinesh, it's an amazing project. Thanks for doing it, thanks for spending some time with us today, always a pleasure got it invokes. If you want to see the trailer play some of it on my ipod tomorrow, you can go to my social media council. Dinesh is right. Now the Three minutes trailers right there. It's it's a ride, its right to ought to deal with
need to hear it. I really urge you to see this movie. It's important next, another great interview, but first let me take on our exports. Are you ready discover, the incredible benefits of a good night's sleep? You know, I'm a lifehack sky sleep matters is sound waken your senses and embrace the importance of restful slumbered dive into the world of sleep introduce yourself to an amazing product. They could revolutionise your nighttime routine b. my dream: it's a game, changer their dream, powders, aha, cocoa, designed specifically for sleep this stuff. amazing be time after you drink this. Now they are flavors like cinnamon, cocoa, chocolate, peanut butter to try discipline before bedtime. It tastes, amazing and you're, going out to sea realising dreams powerful. All natural bren of racial magnesium, healthy eating, an app agenda ingredients work synergistic me help you, you falsely bastards that simple stay asleep longer and help you wake up feeling refresh know next day, rognes, here's your best or for listeners beams exclusive discount on their dream packages. Try it thank me later
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It's also a patriot who cares deeply about this country and deeply about the right of israel to exist since without being games of savages and brutality and evil. So one women today to talk about. What's going on, welcome back my friend bruce pearl bruce. How are you buddy and we're doing. Ok, thanks for having me on and thanks for your leadership and your courage and in covering this, sir, this tragic event. and certainly something that tab is almost unprecedented in the middle EAST? These are extraordinary times in in Israel, history as well, the history of our own country,. I know, I know, presented some it's hard to do is show like this today and you know, I'm sure you know you are you're grape football coach, but no one's thinking about radio or basketball today, we're thinking about humanity- and you when it when I last ran into the tennis
the game, and we were chatting last year, interesting I got what I want people to understand like you're, yeah, you're, you're, really, talented, great basketball coach, but that's not the thing you talked to me about. You are talking to me about my daughter and church groups and like that that's who you are man this this is this, are you is real like this? Isn't some talking point? You know matters to you and really sad, dealing with we're dealing with average, three bruce what we're not deal with him, we're dealing with savages and they asked for this fight, not us here, it's really really difficult. You know right now, dan, and I know people would like to say to me just shut up and dribble. and watch. It is worrying coaching so and so forth, but I'm grateful to be a citizen, his country, I'm grateful for their right to freedom of speech and and the opportunity to be able to You know communicate along these lines and your first and foremost, what pray for the prey for all the victims. Pray for all the prey pain
you ask: god you're somehow somehow be present in this moment and in some way you know, shape or form Israel has been dealing with this threat since its existence united by talking about this nine eleven or is this pearl harbor? they're all about you know everybody can a writer. What did it to me right Reminds me or about nineteen forty eight, this I'd be more when Israel was born and the or world, but in this particular case, are coming out of Gaza. I'm attacked her because she just hates her hates the Jews and and
possibly live next door or peacefully with its jewish neighbours. Yet, at the very same time, and of course the timing of this is perfect, I ran sponsored the whole thing at the head of the snake they're, the ones that have funded it, along with their friends in qatar and in several other places, because the world saw that saudi arabia and some of the other gulf arab states who are part of the abrahamic cords are really truly beginning to talk about normalizing relations and peace and having a peace and prosperity being the best interest of their citizenry. Well, that is not what islamic terrorists want not talking about a war between Jews and arabs, we're talking about a religious war between Jews and islamic extremists, who believe that they did that. I
I ran and their leadership at their work. They say, therefore, the destruction and the complete annihilation of the state of Israel. So what what for years. Now. All Israel's been is on the defensive on the defensive building up there here's building up walls, iron, dom david fleeing. All that is defensive weaponry. Now I think it is to the point- and I hope the world is to the point we're just like you- said we're not dealing for dealing with terrorists- and you know doing the worst thing about It- is the leadership of moss they're, not in Gaza city right now, the poor palestinian people are in Gaza city right now. Those hamas leaders are in kuwait and they're in qatar and they're in you know, somewhere in Baghdad and they're sitting there, calling the shots from their palaces and they put these and they ve indoctrinated and brainwashed these palestinians,
better living in gaza in the in in a terrorist and but Israel not only must defend itself because it's been to set bedding itself a city five years. Israel cannot sit back and be defensive any longer and let their men, women and children be flawed. That's always such yeah. Now it has to be over, but you know either the savage only understands death, they didn't there's a reason: there's no there's a go, shading, there's no paying them off abroad, What you said is correct. The timing on this was calculated the savages have a history of doing this in the past they did the same thing during oslo they know that if they can instigate chaos, death, rape, destruction, torture and bloodshed, hostage taking they know. That, of course, is the saudis were probably this close towards inching towards a real. a big peace deal that would add on the abraham accords the
the iranians are stupid. They knew the minute that they did this, that the you the terror groups in in in and around the world would be pressuring the saudis to back out to this was not an accident, the timing. This was done on purpose yeah. It was in its been planned for a long time about this stand. Think about this wow, I'm folks and I ran with what negotiating with abide administration about the release of five convicted paris that are in the prisons in our country, with five, just since civilians that have in prisons and I ran or plus six billion while they were in that Go she asian with the united states. They are also plotting and planning this attack and funding this attack. So the very people. This is what makes the j c p away and the deal that out that that president obama
side off and and created, and yet bibi Netanyahu and Israel were begging. The united states- please, please don't get into this deal because they're not going to keep up to their part of the bargain. They're going to build to try to build a nuclear weapon, they're going to try and I'm and and and b, develop the missiles and rockets to be deliver the weaponry. How can we as an ally and as the united states has been a a great ally of Israel without the united states and the support of of of iron, dome and and and the different funding to keep Israel alive. The Israel would be probably not on the map right now, so I am grateful as an american jew and I'm grateful by the way to win
our allies? I know who our friends are in the world. It. Israel is one of our great friends right now. I do think kind of lost my train of thought, but I do think what Biden has done, sending the aircraft carriers in not to to the Middle EAST right now. The message needs to be really clear. It's kind of like it's kind of like a fist fight, then you'd understand that we don't. Your list is what our stand. This two brothers are going to have a fit two brothers going to have a fistfight they're, not great brother, never been the everybody else, says: hey, let them fight just let them let them let them let them fight right now. Israel needs to go. Take care of Hamas and the rest of the world needs to stay out of it needs to stay out of it in the Biden. Administration needs to say to Iraq or IRAN. Excuse me, through their proxies and lemon in lebanon, with hezbollah and the other places you've already done enough damage, or you already caused this, but you'd better stay out of it. Now,
like you better, not create another front, because if you do I'm a a the united states is going to have to eat, help easel even more to survive, because if we don't, then then we what we may wake up one morning and Israel could be gone. We talking about pearl bruce, that's my fear. We ve seen the trajectory of of this in the past. Follow a parallel track. You'll see the some savage brutal attack on innocence. Israel respond. There may be some civilian deaths, of course, are not aiming for that. But this is part of the war is an ugly part, but it's not intentional part. It is on the part of the terrorists. not on the part of Israel. They actually give warnings, they do roof knox drop leaflets get out. But the thing is you: it prevents civilian casualties bruce when the power steady and when, when Hamas and these savages are using them as human shields and tell them not to evacuate
people understand that this is the partner. So then what happens? Is they use the propaganda from civilian deaths. In these Hamas controlled areas in Gaza, and then they say, oh ceasefire. We need a cease fire before the job is done, attitudes starts to repeat itself again. We can't do that. stupid enough to get the job done. They don't a choice is an existential five right now then you're spot on your. You know you're exactly right and it's going to be painful and it's going to be ugly and it's going to be awful and ah Israel didn't want this. United states didn't want this
nobody really wanted this except I ran around want wanted this. Could it knew exactly how israel you know would be would be forced to respond? Put it in perspective? If, right now, we ve got a thousand israelis dead and one day, obviously it's the most choose. It has ever been killed in a single day since the holocaust. Just to put it in perspective, if you were to a quite what about a thousand jews with our israeli citizens would equate to initiate in this country. That would be about thirty, thirty, five thousand americans, let's just say, for example, did not I gotta pick on. cuba or pick on some place in the world, but, let's say say: for some reason: there was something for you know from cuba into miami into fort lauderdale addio into down there and south florida just like in south of Israel and somehow they can in there and they indiscriminately started shoot in killing men, women and children. Thirty
thousand americans died. Would our response be restrained? Would our response be a measured response? How yesterday could several of our congressional leader like a sea call for calm now, when thirty thousand americans in this example would and murdered the way they were not murdered, that's what they did yesterday, and so you know, unfortunately, Israel can no longer sit back and be on the defensive, I'm and I I think it's really simple: I'm If you keep talking about the two state solution down- and nobody wants to talk about it- everybody's got to stay away from this talking point, because it's so tragic in two thousand and five ariel sharon pulled thirty thousand israelis and communities out of the Gaza strip in an exchange
land for peace in an exchange of giving the palestinians their own state there. In the homeland and to begin to do some of the things that the palestinians were promised all the way back in nineteen forty, eight and through all the different peace treaties, all the different times of Palestinians turn down incredible amounts of land way more than they should about, but but but they were given, they will and turned it down because they wanted it all. They wanted all of israel, but no what we did it. Pal people want two state solution. Gaza has been estate and what kind of state have they turned it into? They burn the
the greatest tulip and rose or orchards in the world down, they desecrated, the synagogues they they they and and they created, and they and they elected Hamas as their government or at least terrorists, and and and that's and now the world, including our government right now- wants Israel to give up part of what judea and samaria and have have and create another palestinian state. So they can continue to launch rockets and and and and and suicide missions and and kill jews. I'm sorry But they try to psychology at it get in, and this is what they have gotten a bruce I gotta run but yeah for peace is turned out to be land for rockets sets all. We got in return, there said, that's indisputable bruce. I really appreciate You come on thanks, allied you're, a real, a warrior for liberty, and I appreciate you be invoked about this unbelievably important existential topic thanks. A lot
her friend, I talk desirable, let's hope and pray that as things get worse right now and we lose the high road because of the atrocities and we don't lose our conviction to finish the job. Sir. You know it thanks. A lot bruce appreciate, buddy I'll talk to you, sir. I said folks. we. Can I gotta get it done up next another. I guess but first and expand sir but the g20 announced the plan to impose digital currencies and digital ideas on their population central bank digital currencies essentially could allow the government the track ever purchased. Someone makes some leave it? Could even private someone from purchasing certain products? Are freezer sees partner all their money, but warned about this forever concern. Americans are there to find their assets. In the physical go with the help of brcko group, you want physical gold held an attack, sheltered retirement account colbert gold, I buy do brcko by, because I trust them. I've used them twice.
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you know I found in law enforcement and the military guys I worked with. That is opposite that eighty percent of the guys do. Eighty percent of the work and percent are what would call hid bags. It is to throw it s strategically in there so is the actual opposite. I met a lot of great guys, just one of them. A guy. I worked with the secret service. A real expert in homeland security issues knows his stuff Marino, charles, doc, burrito so good to talk to you can't buddy thanks for coming on yet thanks for having me on good to hear ya yeah, spent a long time body. We did a lot of our ports should operation stuff together back in a day. I'll, never forget, I got a great died chuck. I don't wanna like puts on the spot my favorites story we were doing. I think it was out long island. We were doing something for If Clinton or Al Gore, I don't remember or something- and it was like a flat tire on a car or something like that. Someone was screaming like that and
she. Added jarley comes out he's, like everybody, down of wide tyre like doesn't, whose eye guerrilla hags just put out a different kind of my guy, like this guy already so he's a calm. Guy knows what he's talking about, but I got you you're serious stuff. Your dear you're, deeply familiar with the security situation in the united states. southern border, it's a mess, it total disaster. These savages are here they're crossing the border. The numbers are staggering? We have no border controls. How do you the threat right now that we could see some kind of small arms soft target attack on the united states and they may have come into the southern border, others no and we are certainly while the government won't come out and officially do it. Yet we are at an elevated threat environment. You know one of the things I did when I was working for the secretary homeland security was implemented, but new national terrors mythologies
I know exactly when and why its votes to be used- and this is the exact moment that we should see an end task bulletin- be issued by the department of homeland security and the intelligence it's agencies telling americans that, whereas an elevated threat here look, the country has been infiltrated our borders, weren't overtaken by force, we see what happened in Israel or borders were overtaken by invitation embassy. You shouldn't through the Biden administration, you- and I were talking about this when Biden with camp- meaning that if he got in and he did what he wanted to do with borders- ready and immigration that it would be a disaster for our national security. So for us to not think that people have already been got inside our country and had been planning to strike from then would be dangerously naive. Chuck, it's insane we're talking Charles chuck, marino, a former secret service agent, calling my good man.
It's crazy, I mean you know when you and I were were agents doing protection, ops, weena, we carefully controlled everybody. They came into an event because it could literally cost the president is life. I made it up, It is work in a row blind and you're not run in mags. You know runnin pat downs, you know running dogs, a guy in the rope. Why would a razor blade or just nix the president's carotid and it's over Goodnight? I reckon I can save him in time. Did this, The crises that we have is open border policy where not only letting people in work? vetting them at all, because there is no link up in the computer systems where we convey these people? They come from a country say like afghanistan that doesn't have it gm free like we know it, they're not dissolve food or why didn't read no scans going on the guy could say my name is John smith from Afghanistan and we're like ok, come on in
your guaranteeing an assault on the president when their lives are at stake. I guess the point of making when their lives are at stake. Securities. Air tight when our lives our lives are at stake, they don't the kyoto, the borders totally open. Now you right we're not take in the same care with respect to the the safety and security of the american public done who were letting into the country? And let me reinforce what you're saying look. I know you what you're talking about your listeners now you know what you're talking about, but what we reinforce it anyway, you are exactly right of the eight million. People that have been encountered- the majority of them- cannot be thoroughly bad it. This is a fact we do not share information with the majority of countries of origin, encountering at the border and men you add to that? The two point: seven, in gotta ways, which is probably likely more likely six million, and then there are those that bucket. That goes totally undetected where region,
how many of those have made it into the country walk. This has been one of the most ass, an fine national security approaches by any administration in the history of this country. It undercuts directly every single agency that is, asked with protecting the homeland. This was not putting am I doing damage to stop the next attack on the united states. This is putting them at a serious disadvantage. and they know that and that's why the threat level when the country right now is blinking, red and I'll be in touch. since and law enforcement agencies, know this we're talking to Charles marino, a former good service agent security expert, former colleague generals, but the son a weekend interview to I need everybody to hear this shock. the thing you know you- and I were investigators to swell secret service- investigates financial transactions, protection and
You know you probably did a lot of counterfeit cases like I did earlier on in your career now and you you know the border, the border, the counterfeit, especially the colombian staff. The p notes that the the in the area of the super no problem, we had an issue with a lot of this, duffy shuttled across the southern border, but when we would, s horse with the guys I learned something interesting early in my career, that the exact same mules transporting kids for sex trafficking, drugs, as the bordering counterfeit that it's the exact same crew. They don't really care chuck you all you gotta do is give him a. You know, give em your hundred dollar bill or whatever it is in your good, whether you're transporting a terrorist, a kid for extravagant counterfeiter. Drugs is the same people. These people know the border in some cases better than a lot of these junior
put your guys. You just got on the job ozanna, it's not their fault, it's just. They got there. These guys make money of knowing the border, so they could secrete someone emu, no problem. They know exactly what they're doing. Yeah, your exactly right. The cartels are in the business of making money there, not a true insurgency from the respect like we saw with the farc and one be about want to govern the country. They don't want to govern the country. just want to minimize the government's ability to impact what they're doing making money and here's the deal you're exactly right, and this is where it becomes dangerous, which is why we need to start going after the cartels as if their terrorist the organizations, because we see them working with china, the a poisoning, the kill, hundreds thousands of americans. So why would we think for a second tat, the cartel if they could make a lot of money would not or second work with a terrorist organisation to facilitate getting them across the border and into the country,
right, it's what? What are you at a race track or some that was pretty cool gemini like yeah, drag race? Sorry about that, I'm actually outside getting ready to go teach at national security class. Can you believe it? How was it someone just bed down your street. Oh that's cool man! No rules on this show chuck. Don't worry this is it like. I know you do a lot of media up. These shows I was going to mess with you before you said asinine and go chuck. We have language in one language on this show to if you've ever heard. This show for gyms got to hover over the button on this show, like he never has in his life, because he never knows what's coming out of my mouth relaxed here, you and I spent a lot of time at the white house and when we were there? Technology was different, I mean we first got on the job. Remember the two way pagers we were like. Oh my gosh. This is the greatest technology. Ever we a matter of fact, we got on the job they weren't even two way they were only one way to weigh was right around a little flippy things, and then we netscape any internet. But
we were at the white house. Drone technology is, was nothing like it is now you, as a homeland security experts, legitimate a guy who's in this space full time now chuck. This is what freaks me out. I drone over times square, Folks. Believe me, don't tell you given a mighty trust me. This idea is already there. Where do you think the parrot terrorist thing came from the problem with EU air chalk. Its human beings can't fly so when me- and you were at the white house in an alarm breaks in echo's. X or whatever you d goes over and clears it because we just walk over there in clearing it comes from the sky. We can't fly brother, you either shoot it out of the sky or you screwed. The drone stuff freaks me out we're not just about three hundred and sixty degree security for a country on the ground, and and that's why I was talking so much as you were, when we had the chinese bible wound in her an overall airspace.
I mean what you ve gotta be looking above. You gotta be looking well as we used to do when we were set nuts charity, for these high level. Folks, this is a very real threat, and again to minimize the death of their operate These terrorist groups will use technology and, based on the power These are the administration. The cartels have never been so powerful financially and operationally as they are now, so they are definitely adding and working with these adversarial countries to get tat The latest technology, including drones, it's a real threat, for bringing out of hand yeah we're talking to Charles marino, formerly It's service agent seen him. Probably news max fox- does a whole lot of tv. I got just a couple. Minutes left so make this the last question, but I like it, practical tips to the audience. You know basic stuff like if you're in a restaurant. You know this
It's going to be an exit outside the kitchen, that's probably going to be where some breaks bad, where you want to run. You know know where the crash bars are on the stand in each back system how it works. What a positive pressure stairwell looks like if there's a fire no power blueprints, they are building in case something happens. You don't the irish had this expression when they tried to kill Margaret thatcher. You know we only have to be lucky wants you have to be lucky every day, but the way to maximize you're lucky to be prepared. You know any practical, it's for people's out there. If you know this weekend, if god forbid something more to break bad soft target attackers, some like that, yeah Are you and I both know, and many are listeners? A large events? Are Are there greatest risk? They are the most appealing we saw where Hamas went into the music festival that was taking place Israel, they likewise new in advance that that event was taking place and that's why they target it, large demand of victims.
In the initial phase of the attack. So if you're going to, Large events. Keep your head on a swivel um. If you're going to places to dine out, have a plan know where the exits are nowhere. You part where you you've left your car and the fastest way to get back to a m, but you've got to be in the in your own safety and security. You cannot rely on anybody else to be there if something goes wrong. You're gonna be the first actors to save your own life. I am shocked. When I say no, I said we gotta run by just one last thing. Just soo can reiterate the audience you been in stressful situations like? I have, and I don't mean stressful, like bullets, we're going down rage, I mean like You know the present me entourage roger come in your way. Something happens. A tree falls. Car backfires and europe equally forced to move with an entire policy by new. If you haven't rehearse that in your head, if this,
happens. I'm doing that. I don't care how good of an agent you are you're, just not going to do it. There's a fog of war for light eight to ten seconds, or so we alike drop any effort, what do I do? What are you so? When you're in a restaurant you gotta be walking through, you have to go crazy enough to be a maniac about it, but someone comes through this front door with a rifle. What the hell am I going to do? Oh look, there's the kitchen right there. I may go to busy door back there. Okay, good got it. Takes you ten seconds to do you don't go over that in your head you're, we're going to do it when the stress it. Well, that's true! You're gonna have that eight to ten seconds of recognition that it takes to actually absorb what's going on, and that is something and you're only going to lower that the amount of time recognition by practising it and record. rising. All these different ways that you can be hit. The other thing is at home. You I'll make sure your prepared make sure your prepared for them
it's like power going out. You know: look we live in this world to cyber. Ah, it's the wild west right now or we know that hacking a takes place in the us critical infrastructure is targeted. Every single they are make sure you're going to be able to survive or within your houses without what's so important, you know so that when we say that a long time, fu yeah exactly a generator, I know it's expensive but so is di and charles chuck Moreno, so good to talk to you will do it again, some time if you're down thanks so much for coming on? I really appreciate it all right there and I appreciate it toxicity about that was an old colleague, my folks, good man, we were agents, then a lot of protectionism that story sumo a guy we out about a blown tire he's a flat tire shut up. fill up the dire, don't hit the bread strategic ass. I had some It's about the possibility of terrorists attacking us here. The first is to make it an expansion will be right back to it,
this, in my view and in egg you about your diet, but here's the hard reality. as you get older view, not even healthy, your aging faster than everyone else. We're all gonna die, we're all gonna die, The thing is you wanna die later and you don't want to be miserable your entire life. You know you die and a hundred years old in your sleep at a heart attack with no diseases know or arthritis to them. That's why I can promise you that I can promise you one of the ways to better health is good nutrition. I take this twice. I feel the greens. I've been taking it for years, folks the forty nine in just about over a month. I love this This is the while bury, I know, the owners of the company. Well, it is the best fruit and vegetable products out their hands down There is not even a second best, you'll feel better with more energy and I'll bet. You notice your skin hair and nails. Look healthier too. we all know healthy, wholesome fruits and vegetables or here in this great tasting powder.
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In northern Israel or the israel emanating from lebanon, and if you listen to my interview with a former colleague of mine security expert about the drone, Read the problem with the drone thread again is very simple: it's complicated to explain, but. Oddly enough, if you're, not the security space is something you know. Some of you How do we think about a lot? Why would you I'm you, get your own job to worry about your pilot or us very bad example that case but You know your ear out there in the street or an arc attack. You run in hardware store. You no reason to sit there be concerned about the drone. Threat but the reason is, Read from a drone is so severe. Is. human beings can fly there's no way to intercepted, except by another drone or Some type of mechanical or jamming device, some kind of
school or or our F jamming device, or something like that to take it down and the queen it is what kind of payload is the drone carry. I bring This up, because the terrorist already know about this, I brought it up with my four, a colleague, because this is what keeps me I could me up. A night of people is dumb lines. I sleep at night five, but it's Provokes anxiety probably appears I swear to say it. She doesn't take Awad for the Terrorists, to give you know, few drones and fly him over an outdoor festival and dry. a couple- grenades, and it way be, or everywhere,. You can't fly you gonna, deactivate drone the cops gonna. Do it. The vienna shoot it good luck. better. Some double logbook would allow
scatter field there, because it things ain't, easy to hit. But she's they're moving quick. You know the savages are years. Why keep doing these shows? I'm really young. I'm really sorry an apology. I am deeply apologetic if the shows you know scary a little bit My my trying to do that, I just want you to be prepared. The way to reduce anxiety in your life is to be prepared. You know that, worlds for threats, man, you could trip tomorrow, an electric here of one third rail on a train track. We don't live our lives in absolute, fear of anything, and we should be. The real thing and I say said the on monday: you all you can pray for is to not live in fear of fear. fearlessness is a myth. It's a fairytale. It's a stupid thing they put live without fear when you a moron
child this advice should give to an idiot I'll, live with fear, but don't live in fear of fear, stiffer I'm just concerned about Clear the savages are here clear, thou the savages. No, they bit off more, they can chew than they can chew in Israel. The only way only way now going forward is to go through the savage understands that now they're like listen, we can't get out of this. Now To be invaded by upwards of three hundred thousand israeli idea for soldiers. hamas understands right now. This is a fight to the death, I think what they're going to attempt to do is chaos here, Turn the american public against some say we got our own fight to deal with matters. These people are smart, their morons savages. They were smart, they wouldn't be savages.
But the savages are here. They ve got a large network of left wing activists that support them in this unholy alliance against warrior for freedom. Like you, and it's been going on for years, we ve tolerated this Jim queue up that super cut media one cup for Here's about omitted twenty seconds of the media over the years, basically defending Hamas, Finding any reason any which is really incredible to me. it's amazing how they call. Loyal patriots to the united states who love this country regardless. your color creed or nation of origin nazis in the most disgusting things, and then you ve got people practice. the exact same thing: the nazis did genocidal extermination, and these Are holes in the media can find a single reason, call em out.
who's, the real enemy man here. Listen to this, morning a top former israeli general went on national radio in Israel to say there has been absolute apartheid in the occupied west bank for the past fifty seven years and even compared the situation there with. see germany palestinian our looking around and I'm thinking who is growing ever protect us as a single wave of popularity after this latest round of the palestinian people aren't never supported Hamas before but does now. Violence comes from despair in Gaza. Many These attacks as justified Many palestinians believe dancing weaken death is the only way to show their desperation. Politicians think they could just ignore the context in which all of this is happening. The fact that Israel is an occupying power and when you have mandatory conscription and service in israel effectively the power
Stevens will save it's war against everyone, because everyone's a soldier look. I think we need to understand that palestine's a little bit daily reality of structural oppression, violence, subjugation control, oppression, etc. Many palestinians feel powerless the palestinians after they're they're frustrated they're, trying to get get some kind of Let's talk about a word, this is apartheid and apartheid regime ecosystem of apartheid that some that's right, incredible this in any innocent innocent palestinian out there who doesn't support this. You have you, have my sympathy a palestinian who votes for Hamas and supporters. They're doing you can go yourself and you probably die a brutal death in the coming days and weeks. I won't shed a single tier for you. Poor terrorists, nazis, their nazis sport the exact same. What's the difference between them and nazi, we support
extermination of the Jews. What's the difference? What's the difference? No, no there's! No one! Now, there's no now you're nazis. That's it I am in no way confused about how I feel about this. you are a palestinian or anyone else who open these supports, be behind of children, the raping of innocent women and children by the way the taking of them as hostages and their torture and execution you're a savage you're going to die a savage like death. I have no no sympathy for you at all. None none you're going to die like a dog. Sorry, But you wanted death and death is what's coming for you, which you weren't the case and wish you hadn't done this, but.
Our seal theme: six in our delta people, their apparently now twenty two american victims. I think seven hostages were american. No one really knows a number at this point could be more. Our delta guys, it's all they do They're trying to do one thing, they're trying to kill they do it more efficiently than anyone. and the way tat some of you are on the receiving end of that. You think, because you shot off a few, I came eggs in the desert. You some kind of. train assassin. You ve never experience one of these guys in your face. What muzzle there fledged state or move. It I was doing a hogwash thing secret service training centre about around fifteen years ago. Maybe And mad every woman who was the chalk team leader in the black down incident soon. Army, ranger, good guy,
character play by Josh heart net. If you ve ever seen a movie real every guy. Obviously it's true story. That's his real name actually play. He came in and give us kind of a breakdown of what happened in the black hawk down somali incident, I was talking to him after there is about an hour lecture and believe me, there was a single person in the room. who said a word the entire time. It was like one of the most. Powerful hours I've ever heard someone speak in my life. It was. unbelievably fascinating his story about what went down over there. but afterwards I ll never forget this conversation. We were chat and a little bit and he's a ranger, which is a pretty pretty tough group of. Where'd you who would from college and tough on razors is a trumpet These are tough guys these guy. You don't want a toy with the rangers previously the way right all the way. Every
for me to say this. he said dad. I gotta tell you man, whose rangers were tough man, they fought and they fought hard. They killed. Something like couple hundred somalis and b last was in nineteen or it deserves a bad day by day, Measures for tough- and he looked at me now on his words said something something the effect of his but I gotta tell ya, say these delta eyes were credible. He said there were bullets whizzing by their head. They wouldn't even flinch these guys would clear quarters like it was something out of a video game. You know like no emotion at all, I mean he meant it as a compliment That is a complex, wasn't meant to be an insult like these guys, just where the best as there was a significant delta presence there. So I say to the savages.
I'm just a forty eight year old, busted down guy, I'm nobody's tough guy. Ok, but those guys are. and I say to the savages holding our people- you'd better pray, Your god, you don't come face to face with them, cause kill you. In a millisecond and never think twice about it, they will kill you they'll dead check. You buy, scrape in your sternum or poking you in the eyeballs, able Take your gun away from you. And they will move on and then kill the next guy. They won't lose a second asleep over and why you did you take that all in Because I think you are better off more than you can chew, You thought lying yourself with
Western be eliminated tee for groups it. look opinion was going to turn and you know, anticipated that the american response would be a toy with us and take our people hostage. We know we don't like that. You better pray to your god at that delta, doesn't come, knocking down your door or seal team six. Either I've worked with these. as we view them as cure rafts overseas, quick reaction forces. these are not the guys you want to toilet. I was sitting in an a and a bass and ballroom air base in afghanistan doing a security events for obama. He was going to. four purple hard to one these delta guys. and the delta guy he added Stick with me at his rifle with a staff, kid came. To me sent a military base in afghanistan.
He said I you know, I don't know if we want that in a picture of a rifle, I said bye yes, I gotta leave it outside. I should tell you what your white paper you ask: guy came in a robot, his rifle. You know I worked with the chin bet mazato out too. And we had a line. Don't have with the israelis, do it. You are on the wrong side of our special forces team re now any good. of train operators in Israel who will never ever forget you. She'll recognition is out there now. Knowledge is really good. If you're listening, I'm telling you the savages out there, you days are numbered to say you pray,
where's sign your whales. Were you need to do with the little stuff You probably own cause you ve, dedicated your life to butchery. Settle your affairs, these really don't ever forget ever. this ass, those folks who go to being idea to kidnap israeli athletes from the olympics decades ago, It really work out for them too. Well,. Then really work out thanks for listen. Especial sunday, podcast check this out on radio stations across the country, just click station finder at bonds. You know darker, a month. You just heard it in bonn, gino.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-16.