« The Dan Bongino Show

The Dan Bongino Sunday Special 10/02/22


First up today, we talked with an FBI whistleblower, Kyle Seraphin, a brave man who gave up everything to give us this incredible account of the abuses taking place right now in the FBI. Next we talked with Leo Terrell, about the weaponization of the FBI and how it’s being used to attack political opponents, among other things. Then, Joe Concha, talking about his book Come On, Man! The Truth about Joe Biden's Terrible, Horrible, No-Good, Very Bad Presidency, and also talk about the media malpractice in covering this administration. Finally, Adam Laxalt running for Senate in Nevada, a seat we must pick up in the mid-terms. Here’s Adam talking about what we can do to solve our border issues, and what Republicans must do in this election.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The good way to hear the truth about america on a show that is not immune to the facts with your host dan Ben je? No thanks continue to the podcast today's special podcast we put together on the weekends for you to enjoy it's going to highlight some of our best interviews from this week from the radio show you can hear these interviews live during the week in your local radio station to find out where you can hear the dam by gino radio show near you go to buy gino dot com click on should find her and you'll find the station nurse you, but For we get to our first interview, let me get one of whenever sponsors. We really appreciate their time. They show, but you buy birch gold. I may rip customer to birch gold. Why? Because I know the damaging pernicious effects of inflation would thus you, while you save, as it will destroy your life, you gotta protect yourself. I go birch, gold, every time b, a r c h, the stock markets in turmoil in a month.
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we talk with an f b, I whistleblower called serve and he's back. He was on my radio shows, a brave guy and a patriot. He gave up everything to give us an incredible incredible account of what's going on inside the now broken F b, I some of the abuses taking place please listen to this and spread the word. It's a really important interview and you can always listen to part one and two of my initial interview with him at rumble: dot com, slash bond, the so you heard him on my part- cast last week. You heard him on my television show on the fox news channel on Saturday night. Now are you going to hear him here? This is actually our largest audience by far the radio audience is multiple times as large, as both the fox audience say that may shock you and the podcasts as well. It was still the best way to reach people so without wasting any time when wealth michaud suspended fbi agent, Carl serving car. Welcome back to the show me down appreciate it. Yeah
of course, your stories important detail and I wanted to reach the widest study and so on. Since we spoke last last tuesday, and then we too, the cable show saturday night, there's been even more developments. I wanted to get your thoughts. Is it The irish no understands the inside of the organization about this. Raid on this pro life speaker on this weekend I read the the charging document it Here's to me to be nothing more than a local misdemeanor assault allegation, bass, which apparently was already dismiss this just reeks of politics. But what does it say to you? Yeah you're right if the same thing that it makes me sick, unama, I'm afraid, from a catholic as well I haven't, got a lot of abortion clinic activism, but are not opposed to doing it. I kind of the march for life and with my wife, which is the only kind of large march out embryo too. I think brahma little kids
do it and and just saw a really great side of humanity. And then you see something like this, so I reached out to my friends in philadelphia to see if there was something more sorry that we just weren't hearing, and maybe they couldn't talk about it, and sometimes it happens like there are. Those stories just doesn't seem like it's one of them or no It seems like there's any ah additional information that we're missing out on. It seems like it is just what it sounds like a and that's it's really awful for. I think this country, by stepping up or people who work for life and conservative in an down. You know your cap appearance yeah we're talking to suspended fbi whistleblower costs invokes. You need to follow him. Please I'm asking you for a favor these on true social and twitter. This here is the here's this. This is a test Thank you would have absorbed. Have equality is a month when it, whatever its at cop Ok, why ellie common spelling at cancer s e r, a p h, I animated say that again at kyle urban k? Why?
kyle s Are a p, a giant. Please follow schroeder's agent. He simultaneously exists in the f b. I doesn't at the same time, you'll see it out there but very serious our cows, very, very clever, you would I think the f b, I at the leadership level and the o J, merrick garland and christopher wray. say to themselves. You know where an entity and lino investigating supposed crimes and intel. A constitution republic which requires consented to govern and faith in the people operate, were clearly We do a crisis right now, a faith by the people, because they think we're political. And then they go out and rate a pro life pastor are pro life speakers home. This just as to me, and I want to put words doormat- that they genuinely don't care, they're they're, enjoying this role as political enforcers and have no desire to change it at all or they wouldn't they wouldn't do this stuff, then,
Would you I heard you on the lead up to this and know you're getting pretty hot, and I can appreciate that as well. I'm I I never like to attribute anybody's actions. Something I don't understand about inside anybody up his head. We can only see what they did right. We only look at the actions for what they are and I wish they would do something differently. I really do I. I do think there some credibility that could be gained with just a little bit of acknowledgement and something that occurred to me. That we we kind of talked about it on your fox show, the the f b I 's has changed the core values that I saw when I signed up- and I didn't remember the word exactly that's what they call the core values and votes can go see down an epoch, that guy slash about flash mission. I believe will look into the er, the the wayback machine, and I done that and I sent it over to your producer as well. I'm there they were very different core values that were listed in twenty six when I signed up in all the way through until about the end of the year twenty and I dont know why there was a fundamental change at that time. It looks like it happens on time and maybe october, but the f b I choose
the core values are, and instead of the first core value, being rigid obedience to the constitution, the united states and respect for the dignity of all those we protect, it moved it and the er and it's moved to the first most important core value is respect. No further information and the second one is integrity, no further information, all the way at the bottom this rigged, a rigid obedience to the constitution, and when you move that down to the bottom, that should be the first and most guiding principle for a for a organization that says that it's fundamental mission is to protect and uphold the united states constitution, and so I dunno, if that's part, of the the flaw that we're just looking the mission statement. god and so the mission is being executed poorly then maybe that's, maybe that's the nicest way that it can be in the you know the worst it is that it's just Naturally it could go eat away. fascinating guy. Every time I talk to you, I learn something new. I did not know that. You didn't tell me that last time that that mission statement had been changed and that's fascinating, it reminds me of business school where they had.
Thing called a beehive. Every company should ever be haggis shore for a big harry, audacious school. It's but it's not ever Company should have some kind of defining big goal about what they are trying to do. I was under the impression call that the fbi's be hag was too you know, wars. The law through rigid allegiance to constitutional principles, preserving what the constitution stood for, but it is to be, as I said, before, the break that the fbi, in a lot of people, it is sadly you know how become what they were designed to investigate people who want to abide by constitutional principles. Am I meet him? get my reading any this role. it feels that way. It definitely does and ah- and it certainly looks that way- you have to be I'd like so many other companies, even though it's a government agency, when you go into any of the break rooms, you know there's on the wall to say with a mission statement, artist, culture that they were the core values are and when you see they change they do they do change what people?
They're sitting there eating their lunch in two, I'm like what normal employees do in any of the other place a- and you just see this. This slight shift and as the mission changes or is that you know the definition of what those words even mean that changes help a look at it in an and you can see that in the most important priority, that the fbi lists are all adults priorities at this point and that also on their website. Well, that's him or you would address at my podcast, and I wanted into a little bit of that now for a radio audience how the I the f b, I knew growing I'm in mali, forty seven, it's like I've been around for eighty plus years, but pretty I mean before Three of my being conscious- the time I grew up. But you know we were there. They were the g man, and I mean you watch them in movies. You know you watch like in my era, you watch Keanu reeves in point break. You know Johnny Johnny, Utah, utah, gimme, two, you know, and that was it. I wanted to be an f b, I agent. So badly, and yet we talked to the pod guess, how they morphed posts, nine eleven it
primarily in intelligence gathering enterprise, which is not a horrible thing if you treat that responsibility responsibly, but that's What happened you were saying how these cases I've just morphed, into almost open investigations, and you know it's essentially like turning your mega neighbour weak if they just wanna, you know you do when you, in a guardian case, you're saying you can have a case open on yourself. Do not even know it and plenty of people. There's no question about that. It's when you look at the the priorities that are lifted out there, the first one they say it's protecting the united states from terrorist attack and that's a counterterrorism mission, but that's an intelligence mission as well. I'm the second one is that they say they want to protect the united states and foreign intelligence espionage, no cyber operation. Once again, these are all intelligent, agents that their running until there's, no determination date on them, not to be an alligator any information that somebody has been evolving criminality that have a case open on that point. Opening, they're gonna find out where you are in there and you know maybe orbit
well, maybe I can help you, maybe they cared, but they don't have to shut it down. That's not the way that is working. So it's not the bank robbery that people thought of in the fifty they're gone. the gangsters in the thirties and it's not the same kind of organization. You know it's probably closer to from the start that we saw sadly, that people find the atrocious at this point, but at the time I don't they People were so worried about it, and I think that this country is not worried about what the fbi doing it. My twitter notes or anything do up to be a representation of it There's a lot of negative people out there to say yet be doing a great job. now go and after the people and eight, which is that lobby America, that I want to live in and I don't think they want to live in it either at the tables were to turn yet, shocking. Isn't it because you folks spoken at length, kyle The man is a very, very bright. I mean to talk about your way here, it's kind of weird you know I don't put, but I just want. I want you all to know this. Isn't some stick like he's not reading? From knows that, he's a very very
guy and student history, and you you told the story. I told them before the break as well. It was show powerful. I think it resonate with its one piece of our interview that I've got more feedback on than anything else, and it the story? You go into the holocaust museum in them. Walk you through it, trying to learn from history. How this extermination of millions of innocent lives would have never happen without the compliance of the people with the badges with the guns. with the military uniforms at any you look me in the eye, and you said you know. Listen I die. I took debts teresa had supposed to mean something so having said that I'm told that story why They're more. Like you, I know you said there are some common output there's watch thousand plus agents. Where are the rest of on? Why? Why are there more well, if your numbers are a little high, it's about a thirteen and a half thousand under fourteen thousand agents, but a there's, a sizable number of active agents. There's no doubt I'm and the number of people that I've talked to. That said that that was
almost most issue that they they saw the entire at the entire caught in a lot of you guys are former law enforcement. You know this is nothing new to them. A guys were formerly I understand what an unlawful order looks like and what it should look like. So it's more than poignancy of going to the holocaust museum What can really go wrong and it can really go wrong as we saw in it. You know in the forties, so the the question: why does everyone not step up, I think, there's a real. I think, there's a real boiled frog syndrome that goes on for a lot of folks that have been in for a long time. I'm part of it is that paycheck just sticking around they're going to get that tension, the golden handcuffs about, but there's something else to be said as well, and that is something that lead stephen train and I thought about. We thought, but it twice now when you pop into the organization you look at something you're, you're new to it, like I've got six years with the f b. I you know he has about eight years with the fbi, and I got a friend with two or three years. We all saw the same things right away when you drop me what place or something it immediately looking wrong, but everyone else
we go along with it for a year or two or three january fixed the great that love it when you, look at it and everybody else is out there. Yeah we're serving search warrants were going out and grabbing these people they're misdemeanor offenders. They they walked into the capital, took selfies a that's, not right, and and- and we know that if you walk right out of the academy, you should know but maybe people are doing this for awhile and you're used to doing some things. Some things don't always line up. Maybe you don't always have all the facts, the guys on the arrest team don't we have all the information on the case so I'm I'm not quick to judge people who are at the door all the time, I'm but agents. You gotta be asking questions. I mean you gotta, be reading in all these cases, when you're going out on, if you're going to go, serve the authority and be the strong arm, you really need to know what you're doing and there's gotta be jackson, someone's gotta, start johnson flights, local, that's my be forthcoming. cal surf and f b. I a whistle blower, now suspended a patriot in every single sense of the word. That's what bothers me,
You know we had this comes around. This is a self praise moment. I don't need it, you don't need it. Who cares? Nobody gives a damn about what I did I didn't do it doesn't make a difference. I just save for perspective. Is it I walked away? I walked away. There was nothing god forbid, someone told me: hey Barack Obama, disordered a search warrant, someone's house or something the the J out of it. What are you kidding me that guy buddha Oda quit on? spot. I just saw the political environment in general and the obama administration deteriorating- and I wasn't gonna- be a part of this country matters to me they can. it is to you, but isn't there it's. I I only got about a minute left, so I'm going to wrap this up next question, but is it a responsibility as the most powerful law enforcement agents in the entire world kind of know. What's going on my cable going to arrest? Is pro life guy for a misdemeanor? So, like maybe do a quick internet search and say I'm sorry, but I'm not going to take part in this
It'd be my thought. Um. You know. One of the things that Stephen friend and I both agreed on, is that when we looked at our resumes were really good fits to be F b. I agents and there's not a ton of other things that you know we're super qualified to do, and so that leaves that spot. Where a lot of you guys, you gotta be making a decision based on looking down the line. They'd have that no I'm gonna be a cop, make a third of the money- that's probably honorable, but a lot of people can't take that hit, and I I wish some people start doing it. I mean I took the hit to to zero. So I'm ok with it. They my decision, I hope other start making some good decisions as well, not asking. I want to do what I did, but it's um, we've gotta fix it inside. It's the only way it's going to get fixed or you know, I'm a I'm, not one hundred percent. agreement. With your previous statements earlier, I last our about it's gotta get it's gotta get revamped folks, please follow this gentleman he's a patriot. whistle blower in the real sense of the word at kyle k why ellie surfeit s e r, a ph? I am on both true social and
However, to make a quick prediction, I'm way over time here, but yeah you did too had two zero? You lost everything. So did I I couldn't put braces on my kids' teeth at one point. It went on for years, but I'm going to make a prediction. As I going to last forever man, the patriots out there want to see people like you, sick, seed, and they don't want to see people like you punish we're doing. The right thing I'm just going to leave it at that car servant. Thank you so much for speaking out. This will not be the last time we talk. I promise you thanks for coming onto. They spend some time my audience. They can appreciate it. You gotta folks, that's what real always looks like pension health care. Everything gone as got kids. Man gone to speak out. I told you there is some page. it's there. He ain't gonna be the last. That was b I whistleblower kyle Sarah, often specially There was a story that should wake everyone up to what's happening. This now broken organization of next week, with fan favorite. What am I
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I want to welcome back to the show, probably our most popular guest. Everybody loves him has its own show on K, b c and just wonderful guy leo giraffe. Welcome back to the show I am to be on your issue, my identical twins, my twin brother. I just want to say two things were in our old war heard this morning, when you said you're on the east side of the east side of the un Are you not worry about the of the hurricane, but if there was probably going shut out, your call jason and not me Now I know I ran through that's it at the summit. That is to say here that I want to get clear them by gino for F b, I directory twenty twenty four why LEO doran bond gino fbi, director twenty twenty four I wanna pushed out with the big guy, you know what,
our guide all yet we both talk. Your mom I'll, tell you what I'll sign onto that deal on one condition. All yourself on the short list as vice president, if you do that? I will consider it MIKE Mike. What do you think he's out of deal? I want to be your lieutenant dan. I listened to your show. You got expertise in secret service, n Y p, the worst I've been literally joy. Damn been gino f b, I director twenty twenty four you're, a good man leo a good friend, we've known each other a long time. so that's right by audience loves you too. That's why we always include you. You have whenever we do a weekend interview show in the podcast whenever you're on one of those spots is always yours eyes, because you, you know, you know what you're talking about by new seen both sides of the political island, invaluable skill. You are also a lawyer. I hope
up today showed discussing the fbi and the weapon zation he FBI. Now europe mean literally a civil rights attorneys, not figurative on this, ass, a body that mean the whole idea of civil rights. a man necessarily comparing the two, because one was far more severe but did we're getting of americans based on superficial characteristics, race or religion determined to the japanese, Jim, crow slavery. There's a history in this country that you know that I know that is a history we should talk about, but participation of law enforcement to attack those people for the superficial characteristics river, salts right now and people's disgusted. Thankfully so, but it's a strange again at severe, but on a lesser level, now the targeting of people for their political beliefs, Leo perception is turning into reality here. As the you know, indicators start the pile up pace. the targeting of that pro life activists by the fbi. This weekend,
This is a real thing, political targeting we can have a constitutional republic if its allowed to continue a you are absolutely right. is the fear I mean you, you expect the law to be our last key cornerstone of impartiality. Let's be very clear. The f b I, the department of justice, has been weaponized, did. Did everyone the world knows what they did to that pro life activists, a case that was easily dismissed. They are sending a signal to people who disagree with the democratic platform that we're going to go after you and they're trying to deter people like you me, the average citizen where the different opinions there from the far left and are using the f the eye, the willy participate. That's scary. right, that is scary, that's Why do you set up? Because that's what bothers me? The most I mean. Thankfully, we ve seen a bevy of whistleblowers come forward patriotism and, and I'm honored to be considered some of them friends, but
that the management of the fbi leo this would stop quickly. If Chris, if a ray or someone would come out now. You- and I are our personal friends with the president- we're not name dropping it's true, I mean I don't have coffee with them, but we know him pretty well and number, the trump administration LEO the silliest things like we're, going to enforce a border wall and we're going to move so monies over to pay for it they like. Poland, the age ass, are gonna, reside in protest, yet you ve got this talk. ring of people and a supposed constitution republic based on their political police and legal, how many? threaten resignations of. You heard about ivory. but zero, not a single one number Then there is still sees re component. You got the democratic left wing extremists wackles! You got now the political situation, the weapon edition of the department of justice that the ep got Elvis, not forget there, the left wing meeting
the left wing media, but for your show fox some some outlived they left wing media provides the protection and there is no pay back, there's no attacking what they're doing there you're there. There basically have compromise an institution like law enforcement like the fbi, the bar majestic. Now they compromise a and b, f b. I have basically with the permission of the left wing media they're protected. Your apps are protected by the left wing media and you know what then I'll tell you right now. It's just not management and these fb. wages are compromise in a way they got to decide whether or not they're going to tell the truth or bigger to worry about their retirement, their pensions, their their their family. So they're compromise, and it's not just management, because some of the rank and file are compromises as well right, right, you're. So right- and this is an argument I have had with fright- of ours in the conservative talking head spaces? Well, you know,
a saying all it's, not the rank and file in a blanket term is inaccurate. How I mean blaming everyone in the rank and file is the opposite problem that stereotyping in the other way but observe being the rank and file as if all I just serve the warrant, the understanding. In most cases, there is a political motivation. Now LEO I'm sorry leg, with the rank and file agent. I laugh I saw what was going on. It's your responsibility and nato but to me you're more but a meteorite. Now I've listened to what you said it on expertise. Issue like law enforcement virtue and evolving, and we hear you
how the sausage is made and what is missy in the fbr management? Is somebody who knows the process? You know the game and I'm serious, I'm not joking around. I hope your listeners really just swap the media. You can run the fbr because you know he won't take the bs from those people who have been in the bureaucracy. For twenty years we have to save this country, and the first thing to do is save our legal system. Damn our legal system is endanger lady the judge, if not blind, she got one. I looking at those who disagree with germany platform yeah, that's so right. I say that all the time lady, just as only binding Democrats, you're totally rising out of there. I got you republicans retargeting LEO to Ralph was popular guest. Everybody loves leon. practical note the one. One reason I could never do that it'd be an fbi. Director is a key
Thirdly, I would never ever get confirmed by the senate. I have to. Too many enemies in the republic in swamp as well, and they just my godson and that sets unites fair. I mean I'd have to have some appointed position that didn't require senate confirmation because they just hate my god, but I ain't fascinates me what would happen if we got maybe a rick grenelle type or a cash patel type. Someone who understands what happened with spygate with legal experience We got someone in their like that that really got to kind of peak in the shoe boxes and peak underneath the carpet see what they swept under their leo. I most guarantee. You have an experience with gs, eighteen, eleven federal agents and agencies. That is I'll, be a lot worse than even you, and I think, all day. Either you are actually spot. I let me be very clear: besides having the
We have to win. In november, we have to win the white house. We have to undo the damage that the the Democrats have done at forth legislation. The forty six thousand are eighty six thousand hour is true, we gotta undo it and you know the process and I'll say right now we get the rice the majority, thereby juno, gives confirmed by the Senate a you know prisoners then leave it up. We ve got to drain the swamp the end and the bureaucracy survive. We gotta get rid of them. That is very odd Thank you. Viking producer, mica priests, gems on vacation is nodding his head and approval LEO. Let me get your cause. You california, residence. I visited our resident. I find myself now in the wonderful state of florida, led by around the santa's, the other the people fleeing these states are starting to flee and jobs. I was just covering before you came on just a new story or a friend John solomon, over their fight,
thousand eight hundred people left new york in august alone. That is a record number of a number of people on decamped zoo out to move to florida. Do you see a similar phenomenon in California, I mean I get. A people are leaving the move to texas leo you're out there on the ground, we get a big, hey bc, audience case a photo of our bigger stations, I don't see a lot of change. I mean governor or newsome seem so confident himself that he's running ads in florida. Where am I obviously floridians can't vote from is it about california, because not too big of you along with the question. Well, maybe a former new yorker, I'm sensing, a sea change in your lease elden. The Republican has a real chance. A real chance, but it seems Can california it's just just run and on the wheel man, it's a damn. Thank you.
that question. You are one hundred percent spot on. I may, despite the total chaos at this, they crime, homelessness and people leaving estate. He had lived state buffalo. He's going to win by a landslide one year ago? He was on a verge of being knocked out or a recall. This guy is ignoring california playing national politics because he didn't win by fifty five. Fifty six some of the bulk how and how he does it smoke and mirrors. Another left wing media that just basically chest is wearying and he's talking about issues that are detrimental to california. He wants to make us all. Electorate holds like twenty thirty, don't care if vehicles, twenty thirty five, no one can afford it, except, dare I say, gavin do some odd nancy Pelosi, silicon valley and hollywood. When he's driving the middle class out of california he's a disaster, and yet he's done successfully
by using smoke and mirrors at a willie left wing media is crazy. I had a friend explain to me a last question I'll. Let you go you're, always tennis of your time talking to LEO Terrell. Maybe you know you live there. I don't he said to me dan. The problem in california is the state's completely bifurcated. You have this checked. at present their full of super wealthy people who just don't care they don't care with the tax rate is because their so rich, it doesn't matter. You tell em to buy an electric car that, like I get me three and then you have a dependency class due to illegal immigration and overwhelming government policies that are creating a poor, echoes If growth environment, you have a dependency class, but there's really the middle class is disappearing. So Oh, you know the dependency class is going to vote on the dependency government and the these super tech people connected to the insiders can afford to be. Brokers, they don't care, he said That is much in new york, where there is a middle class and even
you know illinois to some extent. Does that sound right, absolutely correct to power structure in California, it in northern california, oh by the way that we're silicon valley, if that's where Gavin newsome nancy closely, are located. That's the power struggle You have this dependency groups. That's why the illegal immigration year, keeping people dependent on government middle class who were they we all care about them, you're not necessary, bury their beat ribbon out, bought on analysis and by the way last point they embark gino or fbi directorate, and let's make this file folks, is what I love about LEO when LEO gets an idea in his head, these guys best around follow here. My twitter he's at value leo too ral. He has his own radio show five. Pacific time K bbc radio, one of my favorite stations were on there is well, could also go to. The ode to rail, hats, dot, com and the like to rail backup to check out this fine american patriot, we love em. We our thanks
real time really appreciate lobby dad. Always thank you. Buddy love. You too, my body LEO throughout so funny how he started me debating on had anyway, ten years ago, you know, yellow and screaming at each other. This for whole metamorphosis that that was you're, too ral up nexus, Joe contraries, good friend of mine, another fox news, contributing as a new book out he's a great commentator on what's going on with the media there we'll get to that in a I can you're going to love this interview. Let me tell you about our next sponsor folks, you heard me talking about my pillow for a while now, but did you know that they have a lot more than just pillows is no better time to check out my pillow dotcom because Michael and Allah, my pillow having a bobo extravaganza, on several my pillow items santa jointly. Millions of americans have changed equality. Their sleep with my pillow right now. Yet this by one get one free pricing, a beach, towels beach, blankets, giza, elegance, my pillow six peace. I will its role rolling, go anywhere, my pillows and so much more.
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awful terrible, horrendous, ridiculously bad, incredibly stupid presidency, Joe Biden, the book is called come on. Man may come Joe conscious welcome to the shell body, you do it good come on man. That's the one. I've been interviewing a few times now and that's the best one I've heard so far come on. I'm not there. You go gym very good. Thank you. All my bernie sanders is better millionaires brilliant good point about the millionaire. However, I'm a million now and entirely full of crap like a diver, so low the boy I don't do by nearly as well, but now you have this book out, come on and about widens. I would like to come right now by won't. Let's call it crappy presidency ears My question to you How the hell did you keep this book under the word count. What did they tell? You are looking for: seventy thousand words you could have written
seven hundred thousand words. You could have written anna karenina. How How did you fit this kind of content into one book dan? You know for that question I receive so far. It's a I gotta tell ya it's it's like a movie, you know, and and- and you got something like that- that's like a the the movie version of war and peace like there's so much material that working with like seventy thousand seven hundred and ah I I just confined it to the most egregious examples of this man who somehow has failed upwards, his entire life. When you think about it, a law school, he says, hey, I finished at the top of my class, now. He finished at the bottom. Then he runs for president nineteen, eighty eight and he s to drop out due to plagiarism is a recurring theme throughout his life and then even as a senator as a vice president and now, as president profound
we below average. Yet this is what we have settled for because we had a media that was so hell bent on getting out the forty five president didn't bother to look very much under the hood of what was coming with the forty six president, and now you see him polling and Joe Biden lower than any first. Term president: in pulling history going all the way back to Harry s: truman! Congratulations, America! This is what we're stuck with what you we are going to Joe conscious author, the brand new book, and congratulations by the way, sir, on your social media profile, you were beating maggie Haber men who has every dicky s poor confidence man about Donald up another anti trump book. So I it shows you that there is certainly a market for diagnosing the problems in the country. The books call come on man. Picking today, talks about Joe Biden, terrible presidency, but yet on something I wanted to address, and you can certainly in and by all means bring the book into it as well. You're a commentator you you'd, you do what you know how we yours dies in what bryanston.
their tried didn't failed that to do you actually do a well but Thank you kind of nailed it like a how the hell is it that this guy is still at forty percent approval like out of four out of ten people still like this guy, despite obvious nature. The calamity we're living in really. Is the media ripe portraying like an oz type scenario, not showing you, the man behind the curtain? It has to be there's no other explanation or spinning The numbers right and in telling you things You know our real are not real. So, for example, when the economy actually contracts. It has negative growth for two straight course: six months, any other time under any other president stickley Republican one that is traditionally called something called a recession right because we're going backwards now, but then the buyer diminished. She says, and the Biden himself says: no, no, no, we're not really in a recession and here's. Why and they get these ridiculous reasons as to why and then more than a peep media say you know what they're gonna point you're right. I know we always said this was a recession, but it's
really one now and then, when the president says oh well, we're actually at zero inflation, or you know it only went up a little last month, he's doing that month to month instead of year to year. The way you judge inflation, it's like me dan gains. Forty pounds and then lose back ten and I they work while or ways than any right after we have everything held there that point I guess you go to a dog, though that's right every day and you digest dug it. Don't it's a big max. You walk back and forth lunatic dollars over that multi again, sixty at such a pointer for a week. go back to normal diet. You lose two pounds: a man I lost who passes what a phenomenal excesses is so crazy, that's a good point. in the way action Yeah we're going go in the right direction. You re, you know you this kind of framed it perfectly and I use the words deliberately
the way you frame and issue in the media that I beg believe, distorts the public view of just how bad things are really all right now, but not just how bad they are, but Biden is personally responsible by the decisions he made. Let me give you two quick example, the gas price they fairly obvious, a yes gas prices going up are not exclusively Biden. Small. but Joe as you well know, The decisions he's literally made you know no drilling in the nor slope. Suspending oil leases not allowing the keystone pipelines him before these are real decisions. Anyone can look them up on my have done enough, to contribute to gas prices coming down, are probably greatly contributed to them going up, but the way they frame it is All this is to make you believe, he's an innocent victim in all this, as you will see in the book, MR bonde gino did Joe Biden isn't a victim of circumstances, your point, but he
and his cabinet his advisers handlers. They are masters of self inflicted wounds, this country and the consequences have been devastating to our wallets. I looked at my four or one k yesterday. My jaw is still on the floor and, and you know it's been deadly for somebody americans, as well in terms of their decisions around the border in terms of opium, lloyd overdoses that now coming in record numbers from china through mexico, into the hands of so many young americans who are dying and that's the thing right. It's all self inflicted soap. Look at inflation, inflation goes up and down, but when this president came into office, it was at one point four percent, and now it's well above eight percent and unjust, Maybe this is the reason why, when you inject trillions of dollars into the economy, in addition, it means that you are already spending that tends to increase inflation. But then again these guys will go out there and particularly the president. His press secretary and they'll say no. You know what this is called being.
you should reduction, actually know we're spending a lot of money, but it's going to bring down inflation and then every sober study and analysis says that no actually it's going to raise inflation and that's the thing this is all self inflicted based on the decisions that they have made and that's why are where we are and that's why I'm just amazed. Your dear point, yeah he's about thirty nine, forty percent right now, who are these people? I'm going to have a beer with these folks. Sometimes what can you possibly say, you're doing correct right now. Joe Risa Jim here come on man thanks to produce a german. I we still on this all the time but like how is this guy not in the twenties? You know I'm not being silly about it. I'm you think about it, and maybe I'll leave, you put a question. You were talking to Joe concho author that terrific new best seller come on man about binds terrible presidency can forget that title, but what's going,
right right now, when you have this massive fed, no crisis where any sane parent around the country's gotta kid between the age of ten and twenty one is terrified. They're gonna show up deadened some fenton old thing somewhere, you ve got film illusion at the border. Our colleague fox with a drone camera watching just hundreds of thousands of people pile into the country? No checks it? All you ve got vaccine just fell apart in its efficacy, despite it being jam, townspeople throat, you ve got flash. We haven't seen since you and I were like seven in ten years old or whatever. In the Jimmy carter era. I mean how who, with for in ten people who are saying, oh yeah. This is great. I guess the question is: is thing going right, they couldn't click. Is there anything in there? You like I'll come on man. At least this is going ok, it is. It is anything going right now to justify this. Let's go right, major issues that are important to the american people, inflation,
art about no economy. Overall, we just talk about the recession, no crime right, a big big deal and you never hear the president once get flanked by police officers and say I support these men in blue and, more importantly, not only do one every city to hire more at all, provide whenever funding as is needed, I want every day a fired who doesn't enforce the law that allows these criminals would go back out onto the streets through these police officers, and you were one dan magical through that all ebert finally arrest the sky with Absolute, a mile long, it's not like. Oh he shoplifting from the CBS. This is a violent criminal and then, two days later, you see that same criminal. You arrested out their hurting somebody again or killing. Somebody in the president says nothing about this right, so our it's a crime. We could take that off the table as far as something that's going right. The border we just talked about we're talking about when you include gotta ways, not just the people that war encountering and then were counting, but all the people that we're not we are.
protein now, the entire population of friggin, ireland, ok, five million people coming into this got through the first two years ago, through those three and then education. I get a first and the third greater. I am all for parents rights not for teachers, unions, dictating that my kid in first grade, I have a first in the third greater first graders being taught about gender identification, sexual orientation. I don't hear the the president saying one thing about that, so I go down the list and I can't find anything that this president has done right and trust me, I'm an objective guy I voted for. What nineteen ninety six, when I was a young man because hey the economy was good and he liked the balanced budget- and you said the era of big government is over. I ain't getting up that dull guy looks all elbow provoke when so, I can be objective, but here in looking at it through sober eyes and lucid eyes, I dont see it by the way you bought it, maggie government before and it is. This is interesting. This is a stat of the year, because this goes back to our media conversation over the next five weeks. There are fifteen books coming out about the president. The problem is that president is trump. That is what
getting on and you're talking to the one guy who wrote about Joe Biden in the past nine months as far as having any such thing assembling about about major name and that's the thing fifteen to one. Not one person can analyze and write about this present scrutinise the car guy in power. Now, of course, they can't do that because, while they serve at the pleasure, the democratic party which Joe concho, author of a book. You should pick up call come on man and it now Joe. I want you to know I've I've written a couple of books myself, I Jim, have I told you this I'm going to write another one. I know I told you I would that I not tell you I was never going to. I did write, I'm never! I just said della. I had an idea and I can't get it out of my head. So I'm going to write another one. I I'll tell you about it, but Joe, prepared you are wrong again you're, not a dyed in the wool liberal, who genuflect at the altar of Joe Biden of Iraq obama. You know your books, gonna be attacked right, no matter how good the sales are. I could have listeners go out right now and you should buy
in three thousand copies of the book right now and the phone you know the new york times, no matter what happens even if They decide to put you on the list. There's gonna be an asterisk. Next to it, and it's going to say that, like excels boxer. This what they do. You're, anticipating, as you understand this right, no matter how good it sells, they are going to attack you embrace the new york times during that that's fine guys go ahead. Keep me off here. New york times best seller list. All I go by his amazon cause, amazon, its I used to be a sports columnist, it's quite simple when you're doing baseball scores, it's who scored more runs That's it, though, who so we moorhouse? If you wanna, tell me, there's some sort of method. Ology that the euro time Jesus no, there is no methodology, it who sold the most books and then who should go on this list if they keep me off of it, believe me that The first comment- I am writing about and I'll run the fox news in your show tomorrow and we'll talk about hey, I dont, get it Joe, is at number one or number three in terms of most books sold in a week, but then the new york times kept them off and for some reason or put and astrid next to it.
No explanation behind it. Go ahead guys. This is why the new york times has endorsed a republican presidential candidate. Has nineteen fifty six we're talking, ike aright dwight d, an hour in the washington post has never endorsed a republican presidential candidate gee. I wonder why that as yet there are seen as the pillars of journalism and objectivity will you think they would maybe endorse? I dunno reagan, overman Dale or what he is. re re re re where we are at this point: it's not journalism, Dan, it's activism and we all know it yeah no you're right and I only got a minute left. Then I got a ball Joe concha, author of the book c'mon man about Biden's terrible disastrous presidency is a great summary of how bad things are reminders you need before the election by Joe one, we think the way, works is after the asked
Risk goes next to the book. Your wikipedia page will be immediately updated by a guy named samuel and is basement hot pockets, watch and pornography and all Barack obama, videos and it's gonna say Joe Biden. Poor come on man was a best seller pavel. However, it was only a best seller because it bugs how they did it to me. You know what the ball cell was. They body. Fifty bucks for the fox nation patriot awards, so I sold about a hundred thousand copies. Fifty fox bought for foxy, edible bog was values. Both sales gold Joe contra be a victim of that go pick up his book. It's rather come on man by Conscious can't see you on my show on
third Saturday night. I believe right, that's right in all areas by the book it will be the biggest ep you'd. All those people out. There may be a way to ride out. I'm answer. I asked what I love about. Well, it's my show. You can say whatever you want believe me. I said at last week, I'm probably going to get a fight for our. I generally takes recover nazi later by begging to recover you got, it shows a good man. Folks pick up the book. We need a good summary of just how awful daddy Biden presidency that was Joe culture. Up next is a g o, p nominee for Senate a great candidate nevada who can wind up flipping the senate, name's adam laxalt. You've got to hear from him, but first let me tell you about our final sponsor there's be where you could already be the victim of home title theft and not have a clue about some cyber the EU may have already forged his name to the title to your home. Here's how to find out my partners at home, title lock have a special free offer for my listeners, go to home title locked dot com, it's very simple, just enter your address for a free, no obligation home title skin. Tell you!
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things, don't go planned on election- I this could be our safety valve Adam lacks all from nevada. Thanks for joining us the much ramadan we value the show before I was for your candidacy. Early in the primary. I thought you were the best candidate for the job. You were a former attorney general. Nobody understands the law better than you, so I wanted to today on the on the border, an area you have a lot of familiarity with. You understand the issues down there. If you are elected as the next g o p, senator from the state and vat over cortez vast, always a democrat and certainly acts like a far left one. What are the some of the things we could do immediately with keep in mind that you knew. You obviously know this job. I still in the white house, so say We do take the house, and god willing, take the senators well, what can we do immediately? to reinforce our border in and help our men and women out down there. Look, I don't think we.
The bigger is your right now than this open border we are all your lesson. Has no the numbers unprecedented amount, the people come out where we get nasa security issues, human trafficking issues open over overdoses. I visited the border. I beat my opponents and every single elected official in this state to the border, with, should tell you a lot on my opponents tenor. Mass though, along with the borders, are tsar, Vp Harris have both said that the borders secure- and this is misinformation. It's open and I will say first foremost we need later than them have a problem with any chance of addressing it. I think if we were these majorities in the Senate house. We must make sure that Biden comes to the table and would be very, very first budget and bill. We pass to ensure the borders securities in there you know. Look now pollyanna stand by
That's what I like about this. I thought I think a lot of people like about you didn't want to hear anymore bs and I a priest, you be in humble about it. So I'm sorry go ahead. Yeah yeah, it's gonna say I mean this issue is so bad for Biden and you seventy five percent of ad and think that the border policy, the bad policy- and so this is the type of issue or he will accept. He gets shall act across the country. it truly is the red referendum that I believe it still going to be any. He comes to obtain team that the world can. I do to get right in the world. This should be not one, I think, he'll come to the table.
they're they're doing a lot of things, a certain sort of behind the scenes to try to go against their policies to try to help secure the border. A it's interesting because they don't really put it out in the media there so hold into their open porters base that he doesn't want to be seen as possibly trying to secure the border, and so as we saw it. It is then yard where these people, Absolute freaked out over fist, being right being being phone survey expensive island in america. They nationalize send a hundred and fifty national to deal with fifty illegal immigrants. I haven't, they break with ass: the garments at the border and then you wouldn't get illegal immigrants ship. The part has been so. I think we need it When I was in bed with the border patrol union, you know one of the biggest things
with the changes they remain in mexico and that we need a vote and congress provide in the wake up and say we have to but put back in place remain remain in mexico. We could just get that win, then it would reverse these them. Dramatically, we're talking to Adam lack salt. The website is zan, lacks all dot. Com is a right. Am I fell back up is l, a x, a l, t, Adam laxalt, dot com and you're smart. I had been gino dot com, a maguire, easier PA geno for changing america might just put my last name. It's super simple, adam laxalt, dot, com, folks I can't emphasise enough. How important this nevada senate race is this? is currently occupied by a far far far limp minnesota freedom, fun supporting, in other words, criminal, supporting united, state senator who is Disaster Adam is
in the actual republican. I believe you were the co chair of the trump campaign. He believes in making america great again our values and in a lot of races, where we may actually may lose seats knock on wood. We don't and the senate side. This may be a pickup and he's polling. Well, I'm very selective, but my guess we only have a few spot waste more your time, but them this vineyard argument I made earlier this morning on my podcast itemised. I said to bring this up either really have the model down These ready? We should take a lesson from the residents. Declare an emergency declare, this activity to be illegal. You know Marshall your assets and EL, the folks, I'm sorry, you can't stay! You have to come here legally. I mean that
it's the model right. We should all take a lesson from Martha's vineyard. There was a tweet that went out about this this morning. I said I would ask you about it: they they really got the system down. You know he just astounding. I mean these are the people that have been most active in this open border worldview and they think they're, better people than the rest of the they therefore open borders and the bottom line is this: has serious conflict This is for real and added and real americans all across this country, and I had this experience with the guy and were on the batter, and he and his three sons had just opened up a mechanic shop is their lifelong dream. All three sons, then, were where iraq and afghanistan war veterans and then he started crying one of his son died of overdose a few months ago. The magic survive couple wars, fight for our country and then
I of an opium overdose for a totally preventable thing. If we just had a border the sun would be alive today. It is not a threat to say that these are Biden bodies, he's responsible for these people that are better dying coming across the border and for the cartels. Pushing all of these extra drugs in our communities and devastating special well, communities, the rust belt and so, like I said I think, he's going to be looking for a lifeline, and I think we need to call these hypocrites out and say: hey If you guys are open borders and you're a sanctuary city, and you got room for everyone at the inn, ok, you could take them all in the places like texas in air, the owner, they can't handle more and then they have never hamlet for about eighteen months now and finally, the media paid attention like they always do they somehow turnus against Republicans,
turned against deronda santa's. This is outrageous, but then it is why we are still living in a red way. The media, no pocket out of it, we are living in a red wave, I still feel it in my state no is around regular people like. I am in this whole state republican democrat. I travel communities are passive atta. I think people are silently waiting to make their voice heard On november eight, and that we're going to see this, giant red wave pushed back against what these people do in our country, Adam lack salt. I hope you are correct. We're talkin Adam lacks all the conservative nominee for the united states Senate in nevada running against a far left. The far left called democrat- I you be correct? I had a pollster from trafalgar, Robert Hayley, on my
show this weekend, and he was amazing he's one of the few guys whose nailed the elections over the past few cycles. Heath actors in bias at the polls by doing a neighbor question. It's a long story. You have time for now, but he sat on the show Adam this week and that he thinks that the republican wave is banned. That turn out as being far far underestimated and it's weird, because even dead wave were showing some candidates, wits, problems again. During in pulling buys georgia pennsylvania and other places. I think they're gonna win. I hope they're gonna win, but you or poles have been consistently pretty good is no reason for complacency. European, it is very wily, she's not stupid, but let's make israel mistake you, your opponent, is a radical radical left. This isn't hyperbole. She,
imported this minnesota freedom funding where they were actually bailing out people who were riding in burning down american city if that were a public, unlike you doing, that you'd be in jail right now and a gulag in Washington DC. This is a radical. This, don't let her get off with his moderate crap. It's all in act here, The only reason some of these races are tight, because these Democrats have limited money, and my opponent has, for example. Ninety senator money comes from California in new york and their share. Our again, these small bower donation, in all these. They are candidates, got so outspent over the summer. That they're buying these races they're recasting themselves as centrists. A lot of our candidates couldn't respond over the summer and now that we're up on tv and we're actually able to tell the other side of the story
It doesn't matter how much she pretends like she supports law enforcement. The reality is all the law enforcement that supported her and sixteen. When she was a former agee, she got law enforcement, they all flipped to me because they knew the during the lamb and during the last few really tough years for law enforcement. She was nowhere to be found in every way is your national vote or she could a mayor of her. She voted with Democrats than she, as she does for the economic agenda for the border policies, and so they just are willing to say whatever it takes
the win and we need small dollar donors, and I know by the way I know it's a tough time an envelope. They inflation crisis, hitting our donors much harder than is their rich donors from San francisco in new york, but they need to dig deep. They gonna help. Candidates like myself and adam lack, sell that calm and these key race it. You know, J d van. Obviously, you know pennsylvania both with with eyes and harsher walker. This is the key to us. Take him back the senate and the map is small. Yes on bless today, the fag has me of forty six forty four we for poles of me up, but there are two point three point: poles. These people are going to spend another forty million on top of the seventy five against me in the final by weeks to this campaign, and so we need to feel this. Sucker with conservative grassroots from all across amerika will win this race. We
help take back a majority in the: u s: Senate, folks in case you think I'm just pull on this stuff out of my caboose here here. There's a story fox news today, cortez master, that's adam lack salts, illiberal opponent carried the campaign. Digital director promoted Minnesota freedom fund that later bailed out accuse murder. I know it he's gonna sell was it be, was all right! Well, it's yours, digital direct. You got a digital director, paying money to bail out, accused murderers. On the campaign I mean, do you really think this is going to play in nevada? That's got a. They got to crime problem, most states Sadly, now do ever since these liberal values have taken over in some of these places. But let me tonight's got about a minute left your thoughts, briefly. I wanted to use a foreign policy question. I don't do it often weak candidates, but you will be in the senate. China. It's a growing threat. Right now I was seen it threats to cross strait invade taiwan. Big problem,
If we don't get our heads out of our butts foreign policy lies with em. I got about a minute left the elegant more navy interact veteran and we need to stay focused on our primary threat, which china and I'm on forty four years old. I never taken a vote on anything in my life. and a former agee. I don't know what these guys we're doing. Republican and democrats, when they were were doing so I would try and am reliant on somehow to be beneficence. John did an amazing job. Turning this debate around, we need to get back to our policy and be consistent. This, and I agree with the adam They went away the authority I gotta run, but but you wrong, I mean even even me. I was under the mistaken belief, early on that
the trade and introducing capitalism into china was going to create this desire for liberty and freedom, and you- and I both know it created the world's largest surveillance state- is exactly what it did and I'm glad guys like you and me- can look back and start to question that now and say now time to course, correct lack salt. Adam lacks all tat. Com. Is a website adam laxity dotcom. I'd argue probably one of the most important, if not the most important centre race in the country will here you again before the election, had thanks for your time. Thanks so much you gotta folks are here Brennan at a time I wish the show was longer sometimes island, take a break will be. I was out, Lacks all banks will listen this special sunday pod. Guess we put the the other four. You can hear me every weekday on the radio from twelve noon to three eastern time. You you want to know what station go to you know: com click on station find there and check it out. Also be sure described my ipod. Guess, I'd really appreciated on apple spot of rumble dot com, slash bond gino cm.
You just heard in bonn, gino.
Transcript generated on 2022-11-26.