« The Dan Bongino Show

The Dan Bongino Sunday Special 10/01/23 - Mark Levin, Donald Trump Jr., Scott Presler, and the tale of the Maria Giavolo Institute


First up today, we talked Mark Levin about his new book The Democrat Party Hates America. That’s not just a title to attract you, he lays out the reasons why. Next, President Trump got hit with a ridiculous ruling from a judge in NY. We talked to Don Trump Jr. about this and the latest attacks on his family! Then, we talked to Scott Presler. He has done more to register Republicans than even the RNC, and it’s a really important job. Finally, the amazing tale of the Maria Giavolo Institute

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The good way to hear the truth about america on a show that is not immune to the facts. With your host dan Ben je know what the sunday podcast is our chance to play for you, some of the best moments from the radio show and some great interviews during the week that you may have missed. If you ever want to check out our show, go to bungie dot com. If the station finder and see what radio station moron near you you'll love it. I promise you we put a lot of work into. The radio show check it out, but before the media about our for sponsor X, ray three pm folks, you heard me talk about how important it is of a vpn to protect you and your online privacy by choosing a vpn. You trust choosing. It is equally as important. I only use express vpn. I recommend it for my listeners, I can say, with full confidence express vpn the best vpn on the market, but here's. Why number one recipe beyond as a lawyer activity online, they even develop. technology called trusted server, makes her vp servers, incapable of storing any data at all to speed
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without our next gas. This is just a fact. He's. Amble guy doesn't like to take any credit put on a really care, because it's true and he's I take it as islands. My show, control the airwaves now evil. Dan is back. I want to welcome those show my good friend a mentor, a man who has been an icon in the conservative movement and are one of the greatest radio host, you will ever hear the gray one mark levant mark welcome the show, while tight and god bless him. Thank you. All those undeserved accolades. Now there silly deserves so mark. You have a new book out. I was lucky enough to get in advance copy, this book is called the democratic party hates america. I have to say, even though liberty and tyranny is the manifesto for everyone, and everyone should read. This is my favorite title because do hate amerika, and I want to dig right in because this book I had It is hard to pick a party like the most but chapter three, the book you
went to the communists in their anti white racism and anti semitism in it, something we talk about all the time. The communists are always seeking these tools of division because they can ever people to vote for them, just against the other guy. And racism fits writing for the commies. Doesn't it's just like environmentalism? Well, you dan. The truth is the chapter before talks, an anti black racism in the democratic party and we ve changed our laws, we ve had litigation up and down the wall and for the most part we have equality under the law or the law. That's what we're supposed to have We ve come a long way as a nation despite the democratic party and slavery and segregation and Jim crow and arrested come along, and really we ve accomplished most of what we you do accomplish in their regard. So the Democrats, they don't believe me individualism are colorblind society, so they reach back.
In nineteen. Seventy or you have these very bizarre circle. Scholars had a harvard and Stanford announced for some of them coming in from berlin and other cunt, we use in these are marxists and you have black nationalist movements, black re segregation. Movement and they all have got behind this idea of white racism a dominant society and they pushed this this propaganda and they push this hate in order to destroy our history, they re right, our history and the democratic parties not comfortable with a colored boy. Society? The democrat parties, not comfortable with individualism and insists on group, is because the democratic party is trying to monopolize our society and in our culture they gone a long way towards doing now, and so I call this now. These civil rights civil rights, marxism, that is there, is no real civil rights movement. Today,
the leaders now what you have today are people who are self appointed civil rights marxist and they could be widely. Bernie sanders. They could be black and these so called scholars are all of colleges and universities. They're, all over the democratic party and pushing this ideology that anything that goes wrong in any other community? Is the fault of the founding? It's the fault of the framers. It's the fault of the capitalist system, which was created by you know a white plantation owners in slaving people and it goes on and on and on I unravel on this, and it has to be unravelled because first, for everything there talking about is a result of the democratic party. Publican party, never supported slavery. Republican parties, first elected president, was an abolitionist whose name was Abraham lincoln. The repugnant party never reset regarded the military or the bureaucracy. That's what the Democrats did. The republican party supported anti lynching laws after refused asylum.
eighteen? Forty republican party wasn't standing in the door, houses of little schools, little black kids couldn't go to school with little white kids and I could go on and on and on slaughter. The Democrats do they try to protect their history under the republican party must now stupidly says they call this the year. The southern strategy, Nixon and reagan yeah, one of my favorite topics by the way marco had yeah crazy. So all of a sudden, racists, bigots and segregationists democrats in the south. They decide to become republicans. Why? Because the republican party now represents this attitude now the republican party has never represented that position. So why would these people jump to the party that fought their ancestors in the civil war and that have never ever supported this idea? It's a lie, never happened, so they might
premise of the book, and I think it's very very important. Is the democratic party hates america since its founding, that is the founding the democratic party? It's never supported americanism. It is hated the declaration since woodrow wilson and before it hates the constitution, because there are barriers set up to limit who lamb
at that, and so, while they wave around the constitution and advance their radical left agenda, they attack the bill of rights, whether it's the first amendment, the second fourth, fifth tenth, they attacked the electoral college. They attack individualism and the protection of the individual they attack attack attack the constitution. They misread. It purposely like the fourteenth amendment when it comes to ballots the fourteenth amendment when it comes to spending, they really never praise our founders, they never praise the constitution. Obama talked about fundamental transformation, so did his wife, so did Hillary, so does Bernie sanders so does Biden and we going to take them at their word fundamental transferred transformation to what what it is is an autocratic party, the democrat party.
and a normal political party. It is an autocratic party which means what it has to have a a state press which it does just hundred times with the difference between the democrat party and the media. It has to control the electoral system, amazing dan, this last bit term election in the presidential election. Before we have voter harvesting likely never seen before drop boxes, they were never secured re nobody's watching them. no signature no day absentee ballots, nation of voter idea in many blue and purple states in its the cleanest election in american history, no fraud whatsoever. Now, how is that even conceivable? The answer? Is it isn't? So? What are they do?
They take the the fraudulent aspects of the elections they change. They make them laugh. So, let's now the law, one hundred and harvesting early elections drop boxes into what they told. You brought lawsuits and huge challenge, because what does a court to do even a court that serious when the fraud elements that had been put in place are now the law, and so the people need to look at the democrat party through the lens of power. Doesn't give a damn about? Black people have the origin, lift a finger for black people. L b J was a racist. The day dies, explain all those in the book so they now move to white racism because they always have to embrace races so they figure. This is a way in order to keep power, to bring out their base for elements of their base and so forth, and so on its away for the marxists. Any democrat party follows this line in america.
nice form to trash and rewrite our history. Totalitarian regimes eager rewrite their history and that's what happens in this country. So, all of a sudden all the things the Democrats did are republicans and they are to be hated. The only thing during the riots there wasn't torn down was the er. The sign above the democratic national committee, It's kind of a crap party that responsible for all of it in any way. I don't. I don't want to monopolize the time not only do you use your tumblr. Believe me, my audiences is not in any way they love you man, I mean you. Are you been business at the top of it. For so long, and I think one of the reasons you succeeded in tv and radio in books in podcasting, I mean you name it because you're not afraid the title of your new book. I mean it did there's. No. Poland punches you're. My brother, the democrat party, hates america, is literally the title of the book take a lot of other people. You know we've. I could people in our business there's a couple who played acuity time thing.
Three times over like this is in time. For that will you just said is accurate folks pick up the book. called the democratic party hates america by mark levine. I know books, I've written five of them. Let me tell you something Thing is a mega monster, gargantuan godzilla like best seller, I'm not even going to give it because it I'll blow your mind. So many people blocked this book and love it already, but mark I got about a two three minutes left with you, but what are the things you said is amazing how the Democrats there are such phonies and fakes and frauds. The southern strategy is ridiculous: as the south became more open and diverse and less de facto, when days, you're a racist, it became more republican. It's the reverse southern strategy, and second you're telling me like this is like the secure election in american history. The new york times wrote an article in twenty twelve mark about mail. In balance, anybody can read it by Adam Liptak, saying the rejection rates were double the fraud rates were double, and that was
because in florida back then a lot of military folks and older folks who were republican, use mail in ballots and the times had an agenda now when they realized they could cheat it's the most secure election in american history. So what you write about in the book that they only care about power not about truth, is one hundred per cent stamp in the concrete that is real and I think in which people are gonna get out of this book is a lot of factual information that they never had before a lot of evidence about what the democrat parties about in a week, as you just pointed out, we talk about these things, almost as if we were in a vacuum, but the fact of the matter is the democratic party supported the clan.
at eugenics and lynching and segregation and Jim crow, and today it supports a wide open border where people are getting killed, raped little kids are being kidnapped. We have the sex trade going on drugs coming across the country, killing our people. You look at that as that mother nature, mother, democrat party, all this That's going on in this country is a disaster in when they don't win elections. They created this fourth branch of governments that does almost although the legislation for them, whether it's the incandescent light, getting rid of automobiles drawing our lifestyles and so forth, and so they have. They have accomplished things that dough and there's the book. Planes linen and all the rest of these guys would actually be thrilled and shocked that
even changing the language, changing definitions, changing words in order to to to impose their value assistant to to have thought, control, action, control censorship were in the middle of the whole thing, and so I try to take all these puzzle pieces Dana put them together and I hope people will really take some time and digested it's not a hard book to read, but it's not a short book but you can take it. Trapped by travel by train goes like a marvel. At least it was written out here in Malta. The book is by mark levine. It's the democratic party, hates america. It is a monster best seller already. I think this could be up. There were liberty and tyranny, maybe one of your best, maybe your best seller, but folks, one of the most valuable portions of the book. I was happy. To get a copy a couple weeks ago, there's about three three plus pages of end, since the end of the book, if you have any doubt with any What more rights in this book
The history of the racist democrat party, hating, markka, joss, read the end notes in go there yourself, my does his own homework. His own research read the dam and notes the right there. It's loaded with them you can see yourself, my Rick Levin the democrat party hates america. That's the book go to wherever you buy your books today pick up a copy for you, a copy for your friend a copy for your dog, a copy for your cat, your aunt and your uncle mark. I saw at the end also you I know you love dogs and you gotta run I'm going to go to, but you They hated it Marty one of these, while more focused guys get the biggest hard ever man. Nobody loves dogs, there, God's gift, aren't they body, god's gift and europe. To give to the nation. I love you hire. You carry yourself an event like I'll. Take care of yourself. brother, you know, I appreciate that thanks, god bless, markov, invokes the new book there crap party makes me gave me all choked up. I think a break
I cry a little bit during a break or a big big west, guys as a two hundred pounds, six for one big woods bag. That's what I am. I love the sky marshal The democratic party hates america pick up the book. next, another great interview. But first let me talk about an export. Sir bone charge these crazy times we gotta recharging, refreshing a natural way that an idea bone charge, a holistic wellness brand with a huge range of evidence based products to optimize life in every way. What am I products from bone charges, the infrared sort of like it loved use it all the time, so amazing how sorry and sweat out that stress loved the sauna, I can also break a sweat which could remove some of the heavy metals and other toxic sets up in less than a minute he's fast. I relax just chill I kid you, not the sauna blanket from bone charge, absolute game changer, I love it. The value of a good sweat. You want those he shot proteins. It's right! You got it, bone charge, ships were wide the sauna blanket chicks, free with no hidden costs. This thing works
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and we're going to flip it. I'd like to welcome back to the showdown don trump junior. He has a podcast on rumble. Egos live at six p m thorn. Days, eastern time, you should check that out don, So I got a thing going. My listers want to get in moral logo, apparently with eighteen million, which is crazy, good steel, so couple guys want to go in fifty k. We want to buy it, Pretty sure I can flip for about seven hundred million the next day. If you want to get it on it, like I'm totally down your thoughts. I I want in on this one as well, then yeah would be irony of the insanity of it right. I mean there's a lot more logos, almost twenty acres on the ocean, there's a lot within about a half a mile or two point: two acres with no ocean front and no home. And let's just say you know, moral, it was one of the more spectacular homes in the world, but it's on the market for a hundred and fifty million dollars so ten times size with the most spectacular home with ocean rhythm, pompey beach, it's worth eighteen, so
I put out on twitter if marilla those worth eighteen I'll take ten, but the problem is then, if I bought it from my father for eighteen, they try to put up in jail for fraudulent conveyance for tax avoidance, there's no winning with deep lunatics a jug literally in new york city discount entirely what the most prestigious valuation experts in the state of florida and in palm beach, the brokerage community day, and you say you know what it other matter. I'm gonna put whatever I want all their because that the narrative they can give the attorney literally more than they were asking for as a way to penalized crop, because he stood up to the establishment, and that makes you a threat to everything. radical left is trying to do. This is really in saying this is bullshit that revolution papers that, where they're trying to commandeer assets from their political enemies and those they don't the aim should have any property. It's scary, stop at it happening in America today, we're going gonna don trump junior
done! Listen all these guide! I don't honestly done. I don't know which cases crazier it's all crazy between it. Fabricated classified documents case where there is no legal precedent for the sea. No there, the raid on marilla go they free speech case in georgia. I don't know, what's crazier twinkies Alvin brags case for what it is a guy you dad they pay for some guys parking anywhere. I mean they're all crazy, but this ones, Take your italy loony because, never seen anything like this before I mean did that that they actually wrote in the court documents donald trump, overvalued property for loans and the judge put in a court document a number so ridiculous to anyone for you be in florida resident to anyone who is any it's a real estate. At all I mean this. it's gotta, be glad you guys have to be thinking of what what the? How do we have to do there never going to stop yet it's like.
I've been in real estate for a long time before I started screaming about politics, because I was first hand witness to all of the infinity going on, but I had to start getting involved in fighting back. That's what I did for twenty five years I'm through with the lawyers like that, but I don't understand. We don't either way we ve never actually seen this before I mean a magic. saying, we do we defrauded banks that were paid back in full with interest I'd like there's. No right. That's important, though allegations from the bank, but there's no victim damp. It is not even a victim. The bank gave sworn testimony that, of course we do our own valuations, yeah, we're deutsche bank and I get trillion dollar bank yeah. Oh yeah, we're just going to believe what every person tells us. I mean anyone. One of your listeners, who's ever bought a home or an apartment, or anything else is a third party appraiser in the tiniest of transactions. You think that goes away on hundreds of millions of dollars of transactions know the scrutiny is so much more ah, but you
note by the way those bank witnesses shyly affidavit under out. Of course we did it, it doesn't mean it wait. There's no big till they say that he does ignore that he chooses to just ignore that summary judgment, no fury we're, Can you say no jury and we're gonna say we agree with everything that the attorney general has said without actually hearing from the people were just could agree with everything that the person who literally campaign on taking down trump, to ever seeing any of the evidence but ran a campaign on taking down. Tromp she can say whatever One could agree one hundred percent with everything that they say no jury done. I mean that's insane it's tough Laetitia James. He adjusted a disgrace to humankind. I mean an absolute embarrassment, that'll be talking to don trump Jr about the ridiculous, a legal ruling against his father. Yesterday, president trump
You know you guys have done business in new york for years, and I know you are very proud there. You know you guys know new york better than any one, but looking I think you know maybe in new york or two I did tat completely from new york, I have no business attachment to that place whatsoever. You have to be saying yourself right now. If state in new york in the city of new york, and do this to my father, the former president: obviously ridiculous case, but he doing business in new york. No one now president knows it is, for a I mean for a re. Anyone who owns an asset in new york. They can just say: hey. I don't like you anymore, I'm going to say this, I'm going to disregard any fact, I'm going to do what you do and we'll go after you. I mean theoretically So the ruling a bit my cabin in upstate new york, because its own didn't llc, which is theoretically a corporation that has to be dissolved for what, but who owns my ass. It like this is me personally now witness who said at me and Eric who were dragged into this ruling did were not involve than any of the statement on financial condition or in part of it. We ve witnesses
as you all saying that no one even can happen. It doesn't matter you're in it anyway, like that's how crazy it's going that they would just attach randomly because you know our our last name is trump. Therefore we must suffer a and- and they are going to persecute us, but this is nothing new. This is what we clean and it's just another example- writers bolton count in georgia. You think any of those people are going to get a fair trial. Of course not it's designed to not be fair without sit. There, of course, would be a big indefinitely put away there It is bad enough that they hate group for the last seven years, but doing they're going to be an objective jury same thing with what they trying to do in dc same thing with what they did to the january fixed defended, who clearly could never get a fair shaken. washington, d c. Oh, that doesn't matter where you know someone's going to give us a little wink and pretend that it's going to be fair, uh and that's good enough because they can serve their political purpose. That way, it's a means to an end: the constitution, people's basic rights, in this case
Is it right to own property, be damned it doesn't matter? We're gonna get you and they ve shown this time and time again that the left has totally come on. They are doing all of the things the people that screamed about democracy for the last six and seven years. Now there quiet you know they. They have topic about Vladimir Putin, ill arresting his. our political opposition, but they won't talk about Joe Biden in his the oj trying to do that for my father, but enough away for a thousand years it you know totally it becomes, we don't get it done trump journey as a show on rumble. We days ex pm eastern time check it out, it's pretty awesome. It done it did the weirdest thing you just got me thinking of any, I didn't mean to interrupt you, but like everything they accuse. You heard tat had been doing the bottle the fact is: gonna usher in the police state, the exact opposite it is happy. Like Joe Biden did, obama suited Police least, you know, Donald. the totalitarians. Get gonna, try to take the reins of government corrupted! That's how all of this
They claims happening at the your dad's happening to them and just addressed The timing of this, too, by the way this yesterday yeah a quarter million. They literally said divides us guy. Let this can happen literally again, but if you look at it of the things I came down, the first it where, under a deal with either this or that each and every one of the next day, trump and diet, but trump, and I don't pay attention to the shiny object. You know the screaming or do everything that trump ever said. If trump said merry christmas on twitter, it was bigger than watergate. Those people are strangely silent. wire, are transferred from the chinese government with Joe Biden home address in their your magically yo leg. millions of the partner hundred all these things in the narrative? What where's the evidence? Oh you mean other than the emails, the boys whales, the taxpayer
video conferences, thirty eye witnesses, wire transfer, it you know and beyond that, then you know it's not like the Chinese. Are there they're not like us? They don't have a diversity, equity inclusion program to make sure that they're diversified and that they have good crackhead representation in their portfolio managers when they gave hunter Biden a billion dollars. They don't do that. they were stupid enough to do that in america right now. They don't do that, but they do it if their buying you, which they clearly were and they're, not even here think about it, and yet this is another and thy trumpeting that drops, after a bomb shell, further linking hunter, Oh right, the only thing to go after hunter is on the gun charge because it's the one thing that doesn't tie back to the highest office in the land, the highest level of corruption we've seen in our government. Okay, the same people by the way democrat party complaining about Bobby Mendez. I mean what huh
I enjoyed it. It was a hundred times worse and yet right there, strangely silent on it. I you know you don't if you didn't know exactly what they were doing because they've been doing this now for seven years. Ah you'd probably say: there's some hypocrisy there, but I mean anything to these people anymore, yeah, we're talking to don trump jr don you're, so right that gun charges of forest. I said that on my show two weeks ago, when it happened, they only did that because it's the one that doesn't tie to Joe Biden anything else. The foreign agent registration act, violation we're looking at goes directly, the dead, but you are correct about Other thing I mean outside of the suspicious activity reports, bank records, tony bubble and ski testimony. Schwerin tax, tax about half the pop. The act, save him from his half the pop from one hundred of the family, the photos of him at the business meetings I mean really. There is no evidence whatsoever, but I read this morning I read the house oversight committee, bombshell about the payments, and I put your name in there and the payments reset tomorrow: logo,
attended. It was real I mean you, you got We think it yourself that was you you you'd seriously. I mean you'd, be tartan, feathered right now they become in your house. What hotter whenever sent me this time into my father's presidency, dna that fifty hours before the house intelligent committee that has judiciary do here. A committee descended intelligence committee retrieve it betrays unjust. We understand that the crime punishable by death hundred bite and with millions and money flowing and pictures and jody melody of up yet he happens to be going out with every other weekend and emails and wine or transfer written. I mean you know that guy, area mean it goes on and on and unlike man, if imagine, if one of them things like wheat, we'd, all being get well, and yet it's like well we're gonna go after trump because he believes that one of the night that is in the world is worth more than a judge. You do your like: it's it's cruelties, we're living in sick times.
Done. Let me get your eye. You're you're, take on this one last thing here and I let you go in general. You time talking to don trumped unity has a show on rumble sir pm eastern time we days, it's really good check it out. It's the same, unfiltered down. You use your so gone You know you daddy, would very well in the polls very well but abc in the washed imposed released to pull the other day showing Father rub nine points over Biden. And you know I I've already endorsed- should add- support him. Good man, good friend, I don't believe that I don't believe it at all. I think your dad's probably had. I don't believe nine points europe gone right. Think abc in the washed impose is just trying to get by narrative. Damn right, I don't, I don't believe anything anymore, but these people were your take on airport. While I I think we're ahead, because I, I think people it's so egregious. You know if they tried to do one thing and say: okay, maybe there's something there right like russia, russia, russia at the beginning, you know hey, you know what
it's something they're right! It's the f b I and the cia. I think the american people's eyes have been opened so much over the last seven years where everything has been so ridiculous and so covered up you, you can't hide from it, even if you're sort of politically active if any more, but I think you see that you see the washington post while they come up with that then they say: well, we don't like that pool, so we're going to change the polling mentality and all that, but but you also see other things like David Ignatius who's, like basically the spokesman at the washington post, where the deep state and the cia basically saying you know it's time for Biden to step aside They know that he can't when they know he's incompetent. I mean you saw, I guess it was yesterday. They came up with a plan there. Having him do balancing exercises in getting him orthopedic sneakers there, their strategies like please have him stop calling on his he's on the water age. Bailey I mean you, don't know if a winning strategy. The problem is the number two person that isa is in there, but they can't. You the bypass without creating some sort of other disaster in Kampala Harris, and
Terrible as you provided is I'd, are you she could actually be worked hard to believe in, so they have a serious problem on their hands. But you know I'd like to believe that we're outside of the margin of fraud right now because people are getting it they're sick of it they're, seeing it they're watching what's going on in philadelphia and these parents work just saying you know what we don't have to pay for the games anywhere. We can just lose to store who you know than the stores close down, and then people say. Oh, this is racist stores are here. You know, there's insurance to cover that right. You see. What's going on with the micro crisis in new york, there are throwing out ninety five year old korean war veterans cylinder. So I'm in a cupboard I should reach for free in new york. I saw it. I need I got a liner forcing than it did in your own country. It's it's. I know it. I videos horrifying I'm in a cover it tomorrow. I wish I had more time with you. Dont don trump junius ashore on rumble six pm eastern time check it
well done. I I said I wouldn't let you roll, but I think he's ahead. I just I think, there's something going on behind the scenes. I think they want this guy out. I think you're right, but then thanks a lot, For your time, I really appreciate it. Welcome back any time, bangalore, dandy! Well, you got about you on trumped up next. Another great gasp. Let's talk about our next sponsor ray day begins with a great night seeped. I sleep on the midnight locks from here says. I'm aside sleeper and I loved your message Have you not sleep and when he looks offers twenty unique mattress for big tall short? I'd even special once for kids define the perfect fit helix provides a one hundred night in homes. Sleep, china matter you sleeping position. Helix is the answer. Memory from Khyber all more responsive to the individual, with enhanced cooling features to keep you from overheating? He looked about comfort care and a great nightsy. What matters is the best I've slept on the set up was fast and easy. Don't take my word for it. Jake you and wired magazine when he looks or number one matters I see, but anything else take to heal, The quiz yourself, but he'll sleep darkened. Slash then find your purpose
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honor to welcome. Welcome to this show- and I hope you enjoy- but he does as much as I do. I scott press are welcome to the show sir appreciate having you here today. my guys. Thank you. So much rather me, Scott I gotta tell you man, you are just stop urine operation to a lot of people. You have committed yourself to something so important, to tell me to give you turn the floor over you like them, to tell you story how you got into this, but also of you could we ve been there the import? Voter registration? The Democrats, Scott, have beaten us at this for the longest time when you re you're more voters. You are fishing in a bigger palm its debts, simple: do you efficient upon what a thousand fish or twenty thousand fish. It's a really simple math game, it's our complicated. So how did you get darted in this and how import Is this voter registration in and then how you were coming along a thank you walk
I owe my political journey to president obama the day that he was re elected in two thousand and twelve I created my twitter account that night that he was re elected it because I was mad, but you know I wasn't madam president obama. I was ultimately mad at myself. I said sky Where were you registering voters? Where were you getting, about: where were you helping to make sure that we were lacking republicans in the office? and I realized tat, my inaction meant that I was the problem, and so I became the solution by getting my first job and politics than two thousand fourteen. I moved half way across the country to texas to alike now, governor gregg abbot, and then I realized how important it was that we win back the white house, you twenty sixteen, because I was always forward thinking, focusing on the supreme
and I never wanted Hillary Clinton is set foot in office ever again, as you know, and so I dedicated to years of my life to a liking, damaging tromp as the forty that president and it really was trump who changed my life and twenty nineteen because he was talking about the city of baltimore maryland and again the same, an action that I felt myself in two thousand, Well, I was reminded of by societies real action to baltimore figures. Everybody was tweeting, they were posting pictures, they were getting lights and clicked from posting videos of baltimore, and I thought to myself: ok, you're gonna go do a trash cleanup and I thought it was going to be me my mind dad, but the tweet that I posted on social media. It went viral and I was like uh, oh, but within seven days We organised a clean up in baltimore on a monday and we got two hundred volunteers from all across the country:
came together in an act of love and we picked up twelve tons of trash and twelve hours in one single day, and I thought to myself damn I don't need the government to solve my problems. What I do need is, can citizens coming together at the community, and we can do the job better. than the government ever. Could it, and so I just started travelling the country when we organise clean up from atlanta asked in baltimore chicago temporary came detroit using colossal. I think maybe miladi national portland pittsburgh philly, but more. We began weaving and voter registration in tibet, my work, although with good helping to clean up the city's wisdom- a band aid
We want to make long lasting change, it means registering voters, and so I started my hurting my clean up efforts into voter registration of bank. What better way to decide who are city council members are in school board members and mayors and state representative And so now, what I'm asking if we go into this november and beyond it is guys look for ripe opportunities to register voters at your churches at your synagogues address pro shop at a movie theater during sound of freedom at jason, all being cancer. That gun shows. We have so many a myriad of opportunities to register conservatives to vote, and then we get them out about this member and beyond. We will make Joe Biden a one term president, then we're talking him the sky. Pressler who has dedicated his life to going out and doing stuff. Not just
Talking about scott, like I said I follow you on social media, you always seem to be on a plane or in a car flying driving around. It's very impressive. I mean listen. I I've got to tell you like. I have all the considered myself a door, and I see a guy like you and all my you know what I'm not doing it. No, I really I mean it, I'm like I'm not doing enough. I'm not you know you, you're right it. All. There are voter registration opportunities everywhere that are being left on the table are giving. Quick example resonate with you I had signing the other night in our jensen, beach, Florida, the local republican club she's out, they say: listen! We'd like this! they're in the park in law, but this second retired fire truck, we're gonna, put our trump sign on it and some voter registration things they want of getting on twenty five voter registration is out of that thing, I don't mean opportunities are everywhere, but What are the harp on this one case, because I am I'm pretty sure you been posting. A lot about pennsylvania
That's you or I've. I follow a lot about. I'm pretty sure that was you how we doing in pennsylvania, and do you think there is a possibility based on some of them? They they move in the republican direction that we could win. Slovenia again, why I want to speak directly and pleased to listeners, but the damn bungee knows show cure me out week by week. We are seeing a net loss in voter registration for the Democrats by about one thousand kilometres per week. We are making huge progress and the commonwealth of pennsylvania. Despite John said our men being in the united states Senate right now and I'll tell you, I'm currently in pennsylvania, I'm in pittsburgh. So if anybody listening to the damp on gino show once they get involved, come tomorrow saturday, the twenty third to one hundred fleet street
At ten, a m we're gonna, be knocking on doors. We're gonna, be writing letters to new movers and pennsylvania, because I have a list then of forty thousand forty thousand movers, the pennsylvania, those are people that we need to get registered to vote. Those are people that we need to alert of the closed primary process, because, if you're not registered as a republican, you can't vote for donald trump or governor just seeing this or whoever the heck you want, and so we must educate those new movers because Joe Biden quote unquote won the election in twenty two or twenty two thousand. Twenty by eighty thousand votes, these new movers or half of what we will need to win the election and I'll tell you. In the last week I bent a slippery right university and penn state university. We register
and over well number of republicans even to independence, and here the issues that Genji and young people care about. They dont want censorship. the university or their government. They dont want to walk down the mandates there, seeing that food is unaffordable, gas prices there there being outraced and buying a vehicle. These kids wanna be parents one day, wanna be home owners and the fact of the matter is that, under the If the administration under Democrats, we are losing sight of the american dream for young people. This is our opportunity, as the republican party to come in. Let's make life affordable, let's might make life better it. Let's make sure that the eye of the american dream is still there for everyone, especially young folks. And so yes, you hear me loud and clear: everybody must be the dampen gino show. Pennsylvania is winnable and I would not be here in the state
and I need every pennsylvania and to make a plan to vote for judge Carolyn carlucci owe to the pennsylvania supreme court. If you dont want mass mandates, if you dont want locked down, if you want to check in balance against democratic governor shapiro, I urge you I plead with you. I beg you, make it plain to vote for Carolyn carlucci out to the pennsylvania supreme court, the supreme court positions- god are so critically important- were taught miss scott press? We saw what happened in wisconsin, where we lost that seat and you are, see and the damage being wrought from that scott I get another question for we, but how can people find you? How can I help you? What's your social media say it slow, so everyone can write it down. This is important, going to run this honour weekend, podcast as well, next week, so why? How can they find you and help you out? Thank you were my name. Is scar chrysler as sea owed
t t r d ass one s earlier on social media known to human kind and mine organization is early vote action early vote action, dot com you go to my website. You can sign up to make phone calls right. Postcards you new movers and pennsylvania, and you can then download my application. The earlier vote action which will allow how you knock on registered republic, endorse your not talking to state the ebro mister knightley. And john fatter men- and you can help us win in contact, louisiana, mississippi new jersey, virginia and pennsylvania this november Scott last question for you, we're gonna scar, bresler, an activist adieu were not a talker, a guy who is just stoning.
credible work, probably registered more voters than in the entire bitten see this point at least This question is the hour and see in any way helping you are. Is there any kind of effort there to kind of back up what you're doing I mean you're, the kind of guy who would be a dream for any poetic? or campaign organization to be a part of you like a one man. Ah one man voting military by yourself, it's incredible so I went where anything they help any outer or will you know today is day? one hundred and sixty one that I have consecutively reached. To the chairwoman of the republic and national committee and I still haven't received a response, but you know what I believe in life. You lead by example, might yet always taught me that
so I'm not going to wait for the urgency to reach out to me with all due respect and I'm not gonna. Point fingers and blame instead had early vote action that calm working to lead by example. We're going to focus on those six states that I just mentioned to you, because we have elections last november and working to continue to derive the effort to register new voters, get people to become registered republicans and we, our efforts this year, are going to make sure that next here Joe Biden, is a one term, private, anna Scott can't thank you enough. You, your twitter and handle again, and if your untrue, social you twitter handle is my twitter handle is ass, god press for as Theo teacher. P, R, E s, r and b unjust. Thank you so much for the opportunity. I am grateful for what where this is not the last time so do I wonder I deeply appreciated by I mean, when I say this, and I mean it with respect. Don't thank me. We
de. Thank you. I'm a radio host and there's nothing special deserve any accolades. What's I talk for a living? Ok, you use I wish I was out there. I mean we flip to school board seats in Martin county where I live, and we were out there also so I made a word you, but I can do more and its guys, like you, that remind me that, just when you thought you were doing enough you're, not you need to do more. We will definitely the avenue You have my producers contact number and if you have something need to get out there. This national audience we're gonna, make sure you have a voice to do it thanks for coming on and best of luck in pennsylvania doing god's work. We appreciate that If you have a good weekend, all right, scott pressler folks go follow him on social media, one s, p, R, E s, l e R, Scott, with your teeth, you're you're, making a big mistake if you're not following guy, this guy could almost single handed transform. presidential election. If it keeps his work very inches
Taliban organization, we didn't know, existed, but first an export, sir, my pillow! You supported my pillow in their place in these tough economic times, michael and diagnosis, and continues to get back to listen with deals on its most popular product if arbiter, about my slippers, my pillar, to point out one more well he's great news: my pillow six pack, a bath hours back and stop the proprietor, Technology makes some extremely absorbent, yet they still provide this soft feel you look for in a town. This comes are too bad. towels two hand, towels and two washcloths the price setting an eye. Ninety eight for unlimited time you get this tell us it of us, only thirty, nine ninety nine with promo code, then that's a fifty percent savings go to my I pillow dot com, eight hundred sixty seven four. Ninety two and use problem, who dared to say fifty percent great value. On my pillow six back tell us it thirty, nine nineteen I've reset your maslovs and a promo code dan. For this special and many more, thanks. My pillow, their products, are great check out my slippers to their fantastic.
Joe Biden was mumbling, something in his speech before the? U n, if doing some forensic audio analysis, I found out. He was talking about the esteemed. Maria g of follow institute who know an amazingly. It's real, well fake, real factual errors, listen to find out the here's, the rotting oatmeal, god. he's at the u n. Last week someone said to me: This is deliberate, sir. I know I've. Do you listen to the show, I'm not trying to be a jerk, but we must, of course, its deliberate. You think the rotting oatmeal. God is doing this by accident, his cabin secretaries and amber destroying the country on purpose, are destroying the united states there doing it on purpose. To create a welfare state subordinate to their gods. In communist china, here
is it the? U n, with the whole world, watching again incoherently mumbling, because he's got spaghetti yos for brains, making up words all worlds watching this by the way? Here too, listen to this hurried out of our institutions and drive. new partnerships. Let me be clear: certain principles. Are international system? Are sacrificed sacrosanct by weight? Jim kinnock is zero. it is quite a beginning it out again what what what is it heat. one of our institution waiver. They stop one when she was always get one more time, please, god of our institutions. Where were we objects really on another folks in the face progression. Anyway, I wonder, is it I have a suggestion what Jimmy You have any idea what that. my standing by his judgment. Let one less time, please. As you have our institutions them maria maria revolves institution, maria job.
Maria revolve. Oh I'm, italian. a woman. He knows Marie. Every available now? Listen, maybe an italian. I can right that's what he's a germ. It's not I'm. Sorry Joe Biden has begun. our brains, I apologize he's is an institutional me. Look. This outcome, don't, go online and look up the maria reevaluate institution I dont. If it's it's a school for italians, maybe maybe italian languages, italian culture I up in the italian community to job I just like the puerto rican reckoning, jewish community now you ve gotta, show we three italian, see averting sacco by gino, so we're all big italians here. We know it well and apologised to your by Jim play it one more time marie of robbery, vassallo, institution, good of our institutions, Maria G, following I'm sorry, folks maria.
It's your beauty, I'm sorry folks, out a way to do this. I know etiquette, but I think it's, the maria g volo institution, which is going to get a lot of web traffic, that a gym one more time as any of our institutions. That, yes, that's what it is. there were reared, you follow institution. I don't know how to spell it. Maybe he's got a number of you want to learn italian culture, whatever culture may be, but my apologies to Joe Biden. We clearly This obvious, reaching out to the maria g of Allah. Raspberry idjit evaluates the tuition I did. I was totally unaware. There was a variety of oslo institution yeah, you all that were digging the maria g of Allah institution, because what I mean I apologize, I a bunch of feedback on it during the brig Jim's workin on some, we do know is a real place. So are we apologise to Joe Biden? We thought it was mumbling through his speech by again. Clearly he was talking about the maria Gia, follow institution and Jim look.
it up. He did right Jimmy found. You found something on a dark web on that, so you may have to listen to the marcia. We didn't realize it was a real thing, but Joe Biden, let me tell you some men, a jury of Allah institutions really goes Joe Biden, a big favor. For that shouted, immediate, the! U n of all points is so crazy, so crazy. is this. Can on cnn This guy again pretend to be a republican Pretending he hasn't seen The evidence against Joe Biden, despite it again kicking them right in the gonads check this out two days ago. You said that the time for impeachment is when there's evidence linking president Biden to a high crime or misdemeanor. You said quote that doesn't exist right now. Do you still feel that way tonight? I have not seen any of it and some links to president Biden to hunter Biden's activities. At this point I will be getting a briefing later in the week, I'm looking forward to understanding more of what the oversight committee has uncovered. But at this point I have I have not seen that evidence
got a crazy idea. Can the boss I got an idea like how about you get briefing and look at the evidence before you go on tv to talk about the evidence you haven't seen state there's no evidence. I just the crazy idea of rural just create The idea maybe give that a shot. Jim maybe Ten bucks you go to the maria geo followers through maybe at the institute, not only their instruction in italian. culture and There may be theirs table manners, maybe there's also instruction in evidence gathering. There have been many famous italian police that active investigators, one of whose aim thereby gino I'm just saying then sell praise, thinks I get it. It's a joke row of rock and roll Give you have the variety of ilo instituting a reach by one last time, because Joe Biden actually recommends this thing, and so maybe can buck should take binding recommendation for the maria g of all of us who, by the way this goes out dedication to me?
friend LEO Tyrell, who liked it so much. He just wanted to hear one last time so one more the maria Gia Volo institute Joe Biden, given a big promo at the. U n check this out as one of our institutions that were there we go there, we go Joe Biden, kennebec, maybe attend the the you can learn year, the tec skills on how to investigate just an idea body shore. I don't believe this story. The Bonn gino rule is in mega super factor. I now, however, I do believe this guy and believe me, tiffany is right. There Stewart is real. This is local news report and I, Jim tease that at the beginning of the show, if you been gracious enough to listen for three hours now, which we live you p ones, are the best a p one listeners are the greatest. We love you and so to the station. this is a real news. Clip. I promise you, it's not a joke. I thought it was I've. Looked it up actually had a woman reach out to be a facebook and say to me, then this is apps
will be real. The guy there interviewing is in my town floor. south carolina somewhere close to it, local news, this guy says: hey, listen, I saw the thirty five or heard it go down. This is how the interview down. This is one of the greatest things. You're ever gonna hear take illicit randolph. Why retired, from his job at the paper mill in georgetown ten years ago. He lives in this house with his wife and a very rural area of williamsburg, counting he loves living about two miles away from where he grew up. Normally, it's pretty, aye, but on sunday afternoon I wasn't Don't they're going and us Screechin thought between us greatly whistle? Oh, what are the work of this house? White says you didn't realize it was a plain at the time, so you didn't call anybody to.
Oh. Brothers and sisters? real, that's not a babylon these good job. more time So I heard a rumour that way. you don't like it. You gotta penn state new graduate before you graduate you have to say we are the fight that I graduated from pet stated demand ba there right. I heard a rumour jim, then, when you graduate from the maria Giovanni o institute, You all have to do this, like yeah at the end its like a scream. It's a sign of solidarity that we are seeing a german. It sounds kind of like like this. if you would Jim
Now our friend tipperary, was there an edge was there when this was going how'd, the hoodie our. I responded: was there Then they miss. This happened right, after the interview- and this is how I knew was real jim- if you would know that there is no no no Real she's not support this proposal No, I play it again. for these responds where we re jim was what was what is a very real, no activity? I care We gotta let her go. god's rio, really happy with that? That's up there, really how
got my I don't know what happened today. Show I don't know. I don't know all day I been in a mood all day Don't ask me not honest: we why how it happens have no idea. He was griping about it on the podcast. He was like Dan you're, going crazy on a podcast, so I put a poll out is like a bot in the pod. since I've guy it's on a bad. It's like a guy measures, the poles or whatever. So ask everyone into podcast early cause. The show was just off. The rails is, as I said, amen guys like to show you think it's too crazy. Eighty six five percent of people like the show instant poll. So there you go that a show is a little bit bananas. But that's okay! I'll take your call. Do you better save that scream It better be when I go to for the future. That is a different
that is real. That mother is real. that really real we'd have to fight. her she's, not screwing. This whole thing up I'll. Take you I was coming up next, if wherefore for the usa, Oh, you remember yesterday we covering german. I on a bit of a light or no rotting, oatmeal brains are then why does he gave a speech at the? U n, promoting the maria Giovanni low institute, nobody knew what he was saying, but Jim figured it out. You reject just play that to remind the audience is an actual cottage job. I made a mess with a check this out, as you of our institutions, so the maria giovanni ilo institution, so we couldn't figure out what this was Jimmy the whole day scouring the dark web. He found it so now we know where Biden was told. This is Grammy Jim's. I can invest these like a detective comic like batman here or check this out. Maria g of aloe institute
at the maria do follow institute. We do the important work of teaching the elite proper linguistics. America's nation can be defined in a single word. Put him for our belief? I can never embarrass your country enough. Unless you can demonstrate the proper amount of illiteracy later effective strategy to mobilize our depression will help you mangle basic civic center arena and sen short sharp shot. Geography, canadian will even teach you how to dress like a disgusting slob. Don't do the mario Giovanni lo institute target as any of our institution where our motto is sick and tired of smart guys, embarrassing the country exponentially whatever that is
I I I I gybe I did I didn't even I didn't know it was a real thing, the maria g volo institute. Folks, I encourage you to look it up. It's very the place you can see have like air every day. If you like a seance every night, John fragments air and he leads to say on citizens le you For there Is our homeless person uniform their john federated, so crazy place? The maria GI evaluates. Did you ever get sick we gotta get homesick. You showed me, that's what he said right of our institution, this right to be sure has already said so Jim found. Our folks, I needed a lighten up a little bit. I am like really self is it what's going on, I have a good lad. Are we come back we'll get back to the serious stuff, but courage you during the brake put in an applicant furthermore, for g volo institute, I hear there and then scholarships right now, they're, free and you're student loans will be paid off by corinne jump here, thanks for listen to this special sunday, part guess really
we shaded want to find out where you can. This is the radio show live, go to bungie dot com. Just click station find it for the station near you thanks. A lot. You just heard in bonn, gino.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-02.