« The Dan Bongino Show

The Dan Bongino Sunday Special 09/03/23 - Mayor Glenn Jacobs aka Kane, Julie Kelly, Sean Davis and a Dan rant for the ages


First up today, we talked with Glenn Jacobs, better known as Kane from the WWE. We talked about wrestling and transitioning into politics, and how Republicans need to approach things going forward. Next, Dan got a story about Lionsgate Films reimposing mask mandates right before the radio show started and that really set him off. Here’s an epic rant about mandates. Remember…do not comply! Then, we talked with Julie Kelly, who’s just about the only reporter covering the travesty that is the J6 political prosecutions and the prosecution of people protesting for life. Finally, we talked with Sean Davis of the Federalist about the Democrat playbook and how they’re going to try to do what they did in 2020, among other things.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The good way to hear the truth about america on a show that is not immune to the facts. With your host dan Ben je know what the sunday podcast is our chance to play for you, some of the best moments from the radio show and some great interviews during the week that you may have missed. If you ever want to check out our show, go to bungie dot com. Go to station finer and see what radio station whereon near you love it. I promise that we put a lot of work in the radio show check it out, but before, the media about for a sponsor. You ready discover the incredible benefits of a good night's sleep. You know I'm a life guy sleep matters is sound, waken your senses and embrace the importance of restful slumber. Dive into the world of sleep introduce yourself to an amazing product that could revolutionize your nighttime routine. be my dream, it's a game. Changer their dream, powders, a hot cocoa designed specifically for sleep. It could transform, unites gay. What I just tell you about this step now part After all, this stuff The hazy
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has a major thing: ideas about where the republican parties moving towards in the future. We interviewed him view and also about the issue, thing transition between professional wrestling and politics and you'd be surprised, there's a lot in common there subject at the very story for a couple of years ago, on map politik on the in l, a in the heart of liberal america were on the right now, hello to our conservative friends. There ok bc, this event I wind up, store. But at this stage, because of two idiots I got to a verbal thing with was a moderator and is this dance and MSNBC sir I go to the next event. I'm all fired up and at the next event I run in This guy eddie, I was a big flower that w w e I just lovers entertaining it's his good all facts. You can compare begin entertainment added spiders
so he's hard to miss. I run into him he's a big dude and I'm thinking wow, I'm not really star shrek. That often, but this is really cool. It was a Glenn jacobs who was kane in the w w and he I gotta tell you folks. He could not have been nicer. I was really expecting something different. Maybe you know I'm kind of busy and he couldn't have been nicer and we've been friends ever since I was about five years ago, finally got him on the show. mayor, Glenn, Jacobs of knox county. It is so good to talk to you, sir. Thanks for coming on the show expand? I appreciate it when you're telling that story I was like. I wasn't one of the idiots on the panel was I yeah that if you were, I wouldn't tell you know you are one of the good guys and you were so you were so kind and and it's to such a genuinely nice guy, I remember saying to my wife, after the panel like
my god said and expect that I expect you to be rude, but you're such a big guy me. Anyone who see new in character out of character is kane. You know, you're really really big guy and you were just so pleasant nice to talk to you and I'm so glad we state in contact on lebanon. We start with this question, so you start in the w w e but you're a nice special by the way. I I dmd you afterwards, because I was so blown away by it. I didn't realize how many stops and starts you would had in the w w e until you settled into this kane role and then became Conic, I mean you in the undertaker. They did you kind of know right away, like you'd really hit something with that. Yeah unfortunately not had some success, if the other characters are when I first got into w w e and nineteen ninety five a but obviously when the kane character came along in nineteen. Ninety seven, I knew that as a big deal. A
put me into a good position, who I could be very successful in the table, was absolutely set for success, whether I could pull it off or not. I think it a question. that a lot of people had but yeah I knew I mean you just don't get those kind of opportunities for those folks had. No. Professional wrestling. The undertaker is literally a most iconic here, figure in the history of ww ii. coming in. The story line against him. I mean it's like being traded to the I a ball with Michael Jordan's there. It's it that's kind of the equivalent in pro wrestling yeah we're targeted, Glenn, Jacob Z, republican mayor of knox, county, I tend to see, is a wonderful guy. I dont want to spend too much time. Does you you're, so you become such a prominent voicing republican party,
a conversation. I have retires. You need probably norm from pharisees it in a different organization, but really nice guy and we were chat on the radio one day and I talk to a lot of of your former colleagues in w w. We are going to name a you. You know who they are, but they are all just wonderful guys- and I had mentioned on the radio without saying their names I said tires, I'm stunned. How many of them are it's a passionate one about this country, but a real conservatives. They really love the idea of defending god. Given liberties, you know you don't see that in the entertainment industry, sedan there's a reason why he was alive These guys are independent contractors, their running their own kind of semi, autonomous businesses, their boston, their botz, their pay and the government of ridiculous amount of taxes, and they just want the government out of their lives and their out their performing in what liberals call fly over country. You know what we call home and their meeting real people he's like I'm stunned when I meet a wrestler who's, not conservative event, as a guy who's been at the height of the industry. Your thoughts on that
tyres a good friend of mine that she and every w e for awhile was there and I'm just so proud and happy, while the success that he's had in hand out he's just a swede, heartiest a great dude and art these not gonna we're not identical, but but kind of similar eager up in a broken home and and had a really rough upbringing idle parents, but we did really have a whole, while my dad is tired, military and work and factors got laid off I think of my life in the fact that I've been very blessed to be, well to have done what I've done to the opportunities that this country is give me. I am a product, the american dream, man, you know I got back up, they all that stuff and fail to stuff finally found something that was good at and I was able to live a life that I never thought possible and that the opportunities you get in there
country, if you're willing to keep at it to use your god. Given gifts and talents in a way the banks and other people who want to work hard, there's no telling how you can go in and that's actually I got an politics on when you talk is typically about the pressure wrestling aspect of it. We are independent contractors and out every week, which means We were not subject withholding tax and I'll. Tell you something: If we would like to see a lot more conservatives in this country eliminate withholding tax and actually make people write a check for the jag yeah, see how much money you're really paying and then watch what the politicians do with it That's actually what real, Kind of drove me over the edge- and I realize I'm paying all this money, and they're just wasting ass. I could do not only for me, but for my community if I were allowed to keep a lot more that money. Mr domain I say that all
the time I like you, I have to cut a check every quarter. The amounts are obscene and I say to myself: listen I love my military constitutional ass. I get the idea posts. Roads are military court system. I understand that, however, forty percent of my income. What the hell you do it. For me, I mean really forty percent between state, local and federal. There I mean they pick up the garbage, that's it I mean I've had the cops year once or twice gsm lunatics europe attach id like what the hell are. They do he's taken authority related we're muddy, what to do with it, and it's just our political you know, and none of it actually vary a little bit actually benefit. It's people and it's stuff that the state and local, folks and and being the local government. I know this. We could do a lot more effectively at a much lower cost than what the feds do. yeah we're talking a mayor, Glenn jacobs of ex county tennessee, you may have known him in a prior life is came, and I can't
wrestling figure from the w w E. MR or so you you are. I mean your hands on at the local level and I follow! You want social media and you're, really deep guy, I mean you really are into defending god. Given liberty, you are, this is not some kind of a state For you at all I mean this is this is real. I can tell by the way you so passionately, tweed about civil liberties. Europe it's about this, TAT the sizing police. They were now the weapon zation of law enforcement. They leave the the politicization of of the court system in some respects. The endless attacks on things like your god, given right to self protection? I mean pro life or as finding themselves in jail. You know for trying to defend human life, while the lemon anti for rampage through the streets mean the whole idea of a constitutional republic is that justice is supposed to be blind and it doesn't seem to be the case any more Thomas jefferson, wrote that all people are created equal. He didn't
say that they were in doubt, or he didn't mean that they were all endowed with the same talents and abilities what he meant was they're all supposed to be equals under the law and and as about the government and that's not the case anymore. A we have two classes of you know the the politically connected and the asked of us frankly and at what the focus on the left me to understand is, as this continues at some point. There lies that there are there too. There are two classes. The rulers and the ruled and they think they're going to be in the ruling class or not they're going to be just like the rest of us. That's what's happened around the world, but to your point, specifically it it's it's incredibly tragic and it's very sad because we are becoming a banana republic. I mean there's digital dad about it. Wouldn't would you can't speak your mind when big pack and the government collude to silence dissenting voices? When see what's happening. We are talking about keeping donald trump off the ballot and certain state some, but what
Don't talk about election, their parents, the weapon, zation federal agencies, Society and we're going to prosecute these people to prosecute donald trump, meanwhile hunter Biden's over here or just ignore what he did and that that that just that it doesn't we're we're in a terrible terrible situation and in a different continues. We're gonna go down the path that so many other great countries have gone down which is from freedom back to tyranny, were headed there like a rocket flat on rails. At this point, we're all gonna mayor, Glenn Jacobs, knox, county tendency. Rising star in the republican party I buy, you ask anyone out. There they'll tell you keep your eyes on on this gentleman. Mr Mayer utilised. As a medium size, a place may rob really small town per se, but small enough, you, you see, and I mean the principle of subsidiary. You see up close and personal, which is the best management, is local management, because
Obviously, you get to know people by face and by name and therefore their votes matter more to and that's a good thing as a mayor. You want to know that you are accountable to our constituents, You see a better than anyone we're going to change your country. You know Jordan petersen argues in in his book twelve steps about how we are to start making our own bed. First, I think the american renaissance is going to start in places like knox county where people just say you know what we've had enough. We are citizens of the united states of america. The constitution matters here: the sheriff abides by it. I'm the mayor we're going to abide by it. If you want to do something extra constitutional in your liberal city and burn that place to the ground, then you know what I don't approve of it, but I can't stop. But it's not gonna happen here and I think that's where the renaissance is going to start now bet a lot of the citizens in your constituents feel the same way as slowly. here in tennessee we look out or what's happening in other parts of the country to shake our heads were we're great state. I dont generally praise
politicians very often, but I think our general assembly has done a really good job and, frankly dan. You know this. That's where the power is supposed to reside. It's not supposed to reside in the federal government. That's an organization with very limited defined powers. Most of the authorities reside with the state and also with localities by extension, that's what the tent members is all about, and isley greed. I think that, The single most important thing that folks can do is ensure they have good they good people. State legislatures, because we're gonna have to goods. Like tennessee florida taxes dakota and others. You know we're going to have to build a firewall around our states to essentially keeps them in the foolishness out. One of the things that we've seen here is is there's a lot of folks moving here blue states and, of course folks here get nervous because they think they're liberals coming in to take things over the folks at I talk to our political refugees. They are fully
in the member states and come to some place that more people think like them. I think that what we're gonna see across the country is worrying to see an even further by caisson of red blue america and the reds gonna get redder and the blues can get bluer and I'm with you like men, yes, do what you want over there, but leave I rise early rising among people decide which is the best guarantee will win when that happens, folks, if you want to learn more about mayor Glenn Jacobs and you should his website is jacobs for mayor dot com, you can follow him on twitter ease. Glenn with two ends: ackland jacobs, t ensure for tennessee eyes, for a guy again. You know him from the w w e, but he's a lot deeper than that character. When he's a good man follow him. Mr mayor, I gotta run, but I just want to say you are absolutely correct. I've seen the same thing down here in florida. There's been
his big fear about northeastern liberals coming down here, but the people coming down. Who are the firemen there, the cops they're the carpet there is they're tired of that stuff. That's why Florida has turned blood red. It's because a lot of transplants want to the tennessee and want to go to florida and are looking for a refuge, a refuge for freedom. In its guys, like you do in it, you are I'll come back any time by the way, and I hope you'll come back again. My audience loves you, and by the way my nephew is a an enormous fan Have you james? He wanted. to tell you how much he loves you, he watches you guys on video clips you, when the undertaker so, He is my. I love this kid so much. I don't have any son, so I've kind of like taken him in and I just want you to know you impact that a lot of people's lives. I know you know when you're doing it it's a job, but you are an important guy man, a lot of people care about you. So thanks for what you did and what you're doing we appreciate it dad I appreciate it. Thank you. So much rampage have me on. I loved come back and I hope everybody has a great how they weaken. Thank you.
Absolutely a done deal folks. I was glad jacobs. Then you may anonymous kane, but he is a really really deep. Guy follow on social media, you'll see what I mean. He really deeply cares about. As this is one of these rising stars in the republican party you're, not down here and about at guys, like him and mark Robinson out there. These are guys who totally get it, and I'm telling you this renaissance is going to happen is small. I live in a mid sized town. town has gotten redder and read or over time. That's where the real renaissance is going to start up. Next mandates are back, but let me tell you that our next sponsor first enviro cleanse you, she got choosing their purifier like your life depends on it because it s my for more than thirty five thousand wildfires, have devastated the: u s: issue the toxins and particles and while smoke and penetrate our lungs and threatened or how that's why enviro clans developed the military, great air purification for your home. I have one running right now: and they just an answer. Biggest sale of a year save an incredible amount.
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I get a servant. Lines gave films, reimposing mass mandates right before the radio show started. That really set me off he's one of those epic ranch. You don't want to mess. Remember we're not comply. Hey. You are you're awesome, really smart people, you are, I mean you, listen to conservative, talk, radio and I don't just say that, because you're steamers of our approach. Give a product that I say that, because it's true people, listening conservative, talk, radio or typically way ahead of the of the knowledge Kirk I mean how many examples the you need, the collusion hoax. We knew that was garbage turn beginning the hunter Biden story. We knew was real spying, story. We knew was reeling you're all that much smarter than you I'll liberal neighbors, you don't know a damn thing about anything. I mean it's evident and appalling data folks poorer I hope you understand this
and now none of what's going on is going to stop until you stop it. You know a pencil mine's dad herbs thine, the economist said what can continue, won't Now he was talking about things like that. Been economies ed, you can drive yourself only into so much dead until being sought asking for their money back. So what can continue their eventually it'll stop that's are paid by the debtor or the creditor, I hate to tell you that applies to tyranny to and you are living in a right now in some people want to accept it they still want to accept that things are going to go back to normal do you know what we're not gonna have to get involved, I'm sorry, but that's just bull! That's you know. You know the rest. Jim was, I saw Jim's, I all of a sudden Jim's creeping back into the thing. I know I know it's, not the podcast. The pattern
as really have myself too much issued, but I dont Right before I came on the air. Someone made a big mistake and sent to the show prep email, which I read bad news article. Without that you, Jim by the Bye lions gate lie. Gay de moving studio is now re, instituting a mask mandy, it's not going to stop. Listen to me. It is Gonna stop work at this company here, and things only changed when I got involved and took a big hit in this company to do it. At fact, you lived through with me on the radio. None of this stuff is going to change until you just stop letting it happen. None of this is going to change.
You will go to these same cycle of madness and hysteria and hid objective, craziness and lunacy every single time. Until you say this ball, stops here. There's too many of us. Why are we doing this again. folks, it is time for brutally harsh political measures. We'll call measures, It is time for civil disobedience and mass said to me: please I'm begging you to understand that you cannot sit on the sidelines anymore. I don't doubt that that's you. Most of you are actively involved and I wouldn't blame you one bit. If you like you, don't
you tell me they stand above all. I don't need that europe solely correct, but there are some people listening who I swear to. You feel If I just shut up and stay on the sidelines, it's gonna stop. It is not going to stop these Will put you and pull q and prompt you like on thanksgiving turkey, Joe carved up and there's nothing, but some dried out bones left. They Do this to you, because they can. You may say always just one crazy hollywood. She it's not it's starting again, not comply. any more. Take this as a national rallying cry. Laugh it off. I don't care, but just do something. You think. I'm crazy! Fine, laugh! All you want just Do something.
No more forced injections no more face diapers on our freaking faces. We are human beings. We are not gonna be masked by a bunch of insane freaking lunatics hooting tissue paper over your face is going to save you against a microscopic virus from china. it is not going to stop If you fall for this, you will fall for anything just say no the left. Has worship the idea of civil disobedience for decades now, it's time to take it to grab it to own it, to be it and take it for yourself why escape productions movie studio You want to mess around. You think it's screwing around time. Make sure before you go to see any movie now you
check to make sure sees its alliance scathing, If it's a lionsgate production, don't even give me your money, I don't care what it is. until you stop this. It will never stop. you are dealing with lunatics and maniacs, you don't care that tat diaper on your phrase does squat. It doesn't do anything. It is nothing more than a symbol of how they can give you the freaking middle finger, and you will do it It's all it is. These guys know. This story drive me crazy because it has nothing to do with a mask. I, care about a their mask
I care about is being forced to do something by a tyrannical government that knows full well, the something they're asking you to do is entirely and effective and tells you to do it, because I want you to shut your mouth and do it go to it. Just stop. There are three hundred and thirty million god given free souls who live in this country. There's a couple hundred thousand of these idiots pretending to be in charge. Do not see a lion skate movie and let them know tweet about true social about it. Put it on facebook. If you do not make an example out of them
Like you did out of disney and target and bloodline these others, if you do not teach one of them a lesson, the others will fall in line because they are weak and red. I am tired of these people. Tired of being told what to do by people dumber than me Ok, I'm a guy of average intelligence. I tried to medical school, it didn't work, ok, I do not have a one. Seventy iq, I just read a lot of stuff because I'm curious about the world. I I'm tired of being tired of People in charge of my life with air quote, who are freaking idiots. a real brains, room, a white I'll show up at the most catastrophic disaster in the history of hawaii tell in a pool
Story about is, the house nearly burning down while people lost their kids. Saying how we almost lost this time ruffles or whatever the hell the cats name was. but it gives a damn about. Ruffles, dude, people lost their kids in a fire, their homes, their lives there moms there does. No one wants to hear about open your brains, cat ruffles, how we almost died at a freak in small kitchen fire twenty years ago. You stick. We are being led by a holes vice. Open rebel groups not comply anymore. I just thought about this today.
I've got a door metalogy appointment for his skin cancer thing coming soon. I check all the time. that office. Does this whole? mass craziness, that's it new doktor Comply anymore. Don't do this stupid anymore. but anyone who pulls the stupid. Your money and go somewhere else. folks, should be civil disobedience on a mass scale. If not now, when how much more this you gonna take. folks, once one of em gets away with it, we will be right back where we were on the fifteen days to stop the spread which turned into total tyranny in this country. Closing schools arresting people for surfing out the ocean by themselves that In here, that was in north korea, man that in the year.
That happened here. you can't let it happen again. You can't they are ramp Up this covert hysteria because there's an election coming up and I got a kid sniffing: plagiarizing sociopathic, lying showering with his daughter, bribe, taking oatmeal brains, loser in the white house, who has almost zero chance of winning their only chance is covert craziness and a mass mail in ballot election. And if you let the craziness go, it is going to grow like a metastasizing tumor inside this body politic and you're not going to be able to stop it. you have a chance to stop it now. Send lion skate studios a tweet
a true social and email. You will not see any their films, they want to enforce this tyranny and be the first one out of the gate and they're going to be the first one to be made an example. Ask every presidential candidate what they think about it. Folks. I've never seen something so stupid in my life. I've, never seen something as dumb as this and make out tyranny start so easily. You understand the government. Every single, serious health care public official in the government knows endless laughing at the fact is mocking you for putting that mass god. They know this thing doesn't do anything. Can you imagine pudding a condom in getting everyone, you were with pregnant. Would you wear it again now? So, how come everyone a worm? S got covert, morons does in freaking work near
Everyone in the united states, who put a mask on god, covered. It's not even close. Matching put that on your thing and you get civil was the next day. While I did work. why would you wear it again. Jim? What do you live? I'm dead, Syria's, maybe it'll, wake up the morons, the liberal side, listening to the show right now who are so stupid that they can't do simple logic and reason, I would ask everyday. Every day we day gotta twice the grade, but did grade I got vaccinated two and seventy two bosses. as my seven time, a covert. It worked out great you're, real smart. Yeah right while case of access. The seven time was now baby. I thought I had allergies, sorkin great working grey.
Don't comply, em, don't comply inside. You can play you play and into this whole thing. Listen. I told you, my story go: do the cancer thing Belinda chemo, roman stuff,. But I can't tell you how many stores I walked out of me and my wife. Both. We were in a mall down in palm beach guy in the apple store security guy can come in without a mask said. Guesser can come in. But I love you, shall I say I love you too brought the matter, I'm still not coming in through a man. You gotta stop this year, You have to stop this right now, Stop it right now. is tumor will not stop growing. We can't tell many stories before Joe I just get so pissed off man. I can't I can't take it how we judge
so easily fell into tyranny, and so many people took it. You all fought back, unfortunately, the fight side. We're gonna have to do it again, hey long america, but you still have time to put up a fight, don't comply on. another great gas. Let's talk about an expansive he'll sleep. The comforting, sleeve gaudy, he'll, sleep, dot, com, take the sweet quiz taxes. couple minutes I was matched the midnight locks. I love it. Helix knows everyone's unique, save several differ mattress models to match, based on your body type in sleep preferences when you Add your mattress comes right to your door, ship for free, when you receive you, Hillis mattress shall be obsessed with its quick and fund on box, and you won't believe how well you see it wake up feeling Rested and refreshed they have a ten year warranty. He looks even as financing options and flexible payment plans. This mattress is second to none. I sleep I love it so my kids, my mother, in law, father, everyone saw a great night. Sleep is never far away. He looks
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Are involved in january, sex is truly kelly. Julie, Kelly therein, beady and others are some of the few actually kept. On top of this. She has walk out for a while. But it is the definitive account of january six and one of our time find in it, because it's called january sex. The news you pick it up while back to the show the great julie, Kelly Julie thanks for coming down. We appreciate you do in this last minute. Thanks a lot. I am happy to be here again thanks so much for inviting me, of course. So I follow you religiously, on twitter intrude because you just always source of incredible information. I think my audience these here and I'm not ashamed to say of one of my show. Prep sources: oh, do is you. You had met effect one of the year. One of the persons who today show I covered- and the recent want to have you on was due to a tweet you it sent out yesterday, this A abomination of a judge- and I use that term judge loosely judge, checked in who is clearly a political activists in D c.
So yesterday there was a cord filing and you got a hold of the transcript and it is incredible the government is now acknowledging and the persecution of donald trump in washington, d, c There is not a single case. They have Were pushed to trial in
five months from indictment. The trial like they're doing with township, not one joy of the tens of thousands. This is the first time they're doing it and they're not even shy about it. It's sitting right here in the filing I mean this is an obvious election interference effort and an effort to get ahead of the case in florida. Isn't it it is dan, and I I just posted a full transcript. You have to buy transcript, so I bought it and I was going to write an article on it, but nothing I could say Dan can do tanya, shot kind words justice, so I posted the full transcript on my sub stack. He classified with Julie Kelly people have to read this aside from the screenshot they posted yesterday. It's not just stand that she admitted that there is not a single in the incident, or example of a case and easy federal
court going from indictment trial in five months, which then she pushed seven seven months. Give you big hero. I will tell you in covering january six cases the average time is about fourteen months and in high profile cases, say the old keepers and proud boys. It was almost two years before they went to trial. So the idea that she is, but donald trump is expected to be ready to go to trial in march, have pre trial, motions ready in december, and the discovery in this case is already twelve million, plus pages and she's actually of one of the most outlandish thing she said in court on Monday was.
Scolding trump's lawyers asking why they hadn't been preparing for this case for a year. That's the truth! That's why even cnn did you see the clip even cnn, that disgrace of a fake news, elon that I don't know if you saw the clip even the CNN legal guy was like a judge, that's, the way this works. Ok, like I dont like hey, I want to look up julie, kelly for a fake crime. She doesn't know it's coming, but our lawyers should be preparing for a right now like that's, not how any of these birds Julie and you can How John Loro trumps attorney was completely god smack that the idea that a federal judges sitting there telling him that first of all, you should have been preparing for this case a year ago, even though he was just hired a month and a half ago, of course the environment was handed down on august first, but also going along with
Jack Smith claim that, well, you don't need to look at all of the discovery, because a lot of this comes from donald trump own teeth and it comes from the january six committee report, so he was already have. All of this is publicly valley available. That's what they sat will John loris. I will. I dont know what the other we didn't want. The charges were going to be. We don't know what evidence you're gonna to use it. You know your your In chief, what you're going to present to the jury we can go through the higher january six committee report, who no two hundred and fifty plus witnesses grand jury, testimony subpoenas fbi document, but there are expected to go through before december and january, make pretrial motions and then proceed with jury selection. She is when I saw her name appear on the dark it than I thought. Oh god trumpets do, and I think you could do any work here, I couldn't do any worse from picking any judge in the country. We're going to judge Julie
person with no legal in some areas it or you can just randomly. You know the william have buckley approach pick out the former got up at this guy, you this clearly a Far less radical activists with no constitutional mornings whatsoever. I want to bring up two points on this. What you just said, jirga, Julie, Kelly author- definitive book on january sixth, called january sex pick it up by the way Julie not to get our track, but juliet. I worked on a project together Some cinematography and die. become out soon. So what have you done? Yet? give usually those of diamonds. Like a movie, I kind of thing you saw me tat s, how you think you know the story about. What's happening, you ain't seen square, so you might see Juliet an appearance in that and it's it's good A kind of a sneak peak, let's all, but a couple of points, our idea I saw all year it is just
let me tell you something. My my wife was crime at the end, cry that emotionally moving elbow all wait. You you'll see exactly what I'm talkin about it is that its ad moving. So this is a ridiculous claim did. The government is now saying in the persecution of trump because that Arguments were in your possession you're supposed to understand what the evidence is an already know it and I thought of it analogies a federal agent. I did a lot of bank fraud. Cases amounts students. They said that about a bank fraud case julie, Kelly, say, received a deposit from a nigerian prince seven years ago, and the government is found this out, but you don't know that, like you just found this money in your bank account. Maybe this twenty dollars, you don't even notice, and now you be in charge, we conspiracy and they cover than none at all well utilised. Only to review this thereby records were in your possession. The point is yes, they were
your possession, but they warrant being used against. You is evidence that a crime that's totally different. That is a ridiculous assertion for the government to make an even worse and worse, thing that she said in that hearing. If you can imagine there was something worse. She compare january six nine eleven and bear the boston marathon bombing. What a disgrace! What an insult! to the thousands of people killed on nine eleven, the eight year old little boy who was murdered at the boston met. Fine by Bobby, and here she is basically comparing donald trump cue, the nine eleven hijackers and to the thorn of brothers, who mean a care legitimately terrorized the city of Boston, not just killing three people but injuring hundreds of people. So this is the kind of lunatic the donald trump has to deal with in this case, and it's not you know her setting the trial date in in march.
is probably one of the least offensive things that she said or did not hearing, but Dan. I also poured through thousands of pages of transcripts from january six cases in her court room, and I have a full report at rio. Queer investigations talking about more outrageous comments that she's made in court suggesting donald trump should be behind bars upset that he hadn't been charged already four january sex and calling january six an attempt to overthrow democracy that it's what one of the worst crime seems she's ever seen as a former public defender in Washington DC. She could point out that only half what are the worst crime scene she's ever see. If you can barely mono look at the videos Now, the woman, the woman's and activists she's, not a serious person, I'm gonna get. do me a favor julie text me that article exalts weeded out the door. break you. I want to get to something else. You because I don't want to leave these guys behind. Like I said, Juliet. I have been involved in a project.
Let's say it's. can become coming out shortly, will have some announcements about it. It is one of the most important projects. I've ever been involved in it describes the plight of a lot of people who during january, six were were tried, like animals were treated like animals. Despite the fact they'd be alarm and anti for around free rome free to terrorize the countryside. The cities you ve got people are you had people have killed themselves, lit we kill themselves The stories are incredible and you bring up at a you cause you you're, not letting of europe all dark you're, not letting up on this one bit be too completely disparate systems are just as we have work. On case judged can needs to speed up the trial to get ahead of the florida trial. So she can screw trump over for the election, yet any the case of january six julie, it's kind of weird they're, not in any rush to get these people out of the gulag and get the trial and in what the thing I want you to just their aid.
domestic terrorism enhances egg exe. if you could yes. So when I was here for an easy this week was the sentencing of five members of the prow boys for us more convicted by dc during April of seditious conspiracy. What this deal he is doing matthew, whereas the dc- u S, attorney, who do recall, declined to prosecute hunter Biden for his tax crimes nonetheless continues to run of january. Six are to this day he has been bringing with called domestic terror enhancement to sentencing, asking for excessive prison time for people who are convicted of obstruction of an official proceeding or seditious conspiracy. This is the case with the prow boys, but with the trick is Dan and what I'll tell you you know, I've been covering this case. Over two and a half years. Yesterday was probably the worst day I've ever had just personally sitting. There see.
these man he's prowl boys sober they didn't, can commit any violent crimes. Walked into a building, yes with some of their language, inflammatory the things you and I wouldn't be same private chat sure, but there broke in there and or an orange jumpsuits. Four of the man has been in jail since for two have over two and a half years since their arrest in january and february. There completely broken their family members could not even stand to go to the here. The pre sentencing hearing yesterday were judged him Kelly, a trump appointed judge and alleged conservative, who is denied these man's rights, kept them in jail, like you said as like animals, and then of course, convicted quickly. I d c based jury. Then he spent almost three hours reading an oral ruling regurgitating every facet of the government's case against the prow voice. Talking about
the idea that rattling offence or someone breaking up pain of a window and capital can now be considered a crime of domestic care. This is what judge him kelly's for to do now on meda. Another Obama judge has already done this and the owed keepers case, but the idea that a so called conservative judge who acted nothing more than a rubber stamp for d, J and extra prosecutor, as one attorney told me that he is going to it now. we poised to go along with the o j using these the offence is a low level offences list them to do. You know what has to meet a crime of domestic terrorism. Think about the dangerous precedents, but this is setting not just in Washington DC, but federal courts across the car tree and I'll tell you yesterday was probably one of the worst days in advance. Turning walked out and looked at me and said what you just saw was
the end of a once great country. I could I follow you like. I said religiously, on on twitter, and I could see. I mean I could see you folks. You can check out a writing. Yes, you s. Just That means no! You! I can tell her you! Would you cause? You been no one's been on this outside a? U, in daring I mean, I know other people care about it. I'm on plying were the only ones who give a damn, but you there's no one whose covered is extensively as you, too, you ve lived. And and and breathed with this case Julie. Let me ask you last quietly get about a minute, but There is no justice in dc anymore. I hate to say this and they wanted it that way, but you you're not safe there as a conservative, you will receive no due process. You have no
right to an attorney as a proved in the donald trump case. The constitution, I hate to tell you this- has been declared null and void in DC if you're the wrong political stripe, that's right and for those who thought this would just apply to january six. Five pro life activists who were charged by the c o J are now rotting in a dc jail after being convicted by dc, jury and age. Another Clinton judge, I believe, took them immediately into custody. They, be in jail awaiting their sentencing now, for blockading aplomb, paraphrase sacked afraid nonsense face, a garbage that mark ok, so I'm just you have no rights their folks. I wish the constitution is in its a suggestion. Only in Washington dc the book by june We kelly is called january six. It is the authoritative account of what happened that day. I promise you there are details in there. You have never heard before. I strongly encourage you to check it out.
Thanks for coming to last minute, always always great. We really appreciate it. he's an honour to be andean, thinks so much in things for covering my work and for speaking out for these people. Yes man, they deserve it, Julie, kelly, folks, great reporter, I mean actual report So few of those left followers on twitter ensure social. You won't be disappointed, you'll find out. What's going on in DC, you're, not safe. There only an object, another great gas, but first an expansive. My pillow You supported my pillow in their place in these tough economic times, michael and diagnosis, and continues to get back to listen with deals on its most popular product development. About my slippers, my pillar, two point, owen more well, he's great news: the my pillow six pack, a bath hours back and stop the proprietary technology, makes it extremely absorbent, yet they still provide this off. Feel you look for in a tower. The sun comes up, bath, towels, two hand towels and two washcloths regular price setting an eye. Ninety eight for unlimited time you get this tell us it of us.
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I'm doing great. Thank you for having me back of course we we. We always love your takes on things so Shauna. I want to talk a little bit about the debate, obviously going on today, but but we get to that in the sour. The show I must make it a point in and if you think, I'm exaggerating what's going on, please tell me because I I would love to calm down myself or reduce my own blood pressure, but There were one and the same playbook John they're, not even dare not even like flipping the page or just rewriting the same text it the covert hysteria they're, going to keep Biden in the basement using the covert hysteria and then they're going to use that for a mass mail and balloting thing where we know mail and ballots are subject to higher rejection rates than in person voting they're doing it again. Usa, today just wrote a piece about Biden in the basement. You are already seeing the mask nonsense and the craziness and in the mail and balloting push. I promise you is about to begin. The playbook is back again because they think it works in a work again. You're your thoughts on that
don't think you're crazy at all. I think we should absolutely be Look out for them doing that, and the thing is put yourself in the shoes of the left in the democratic party? Why, they were not play again like it in writing. Hu again, you can write it up a gap and get ten yards every time. They can't stop you. You re not do not run the same play again, though Hopefully this is a wake up. Call to the idiot in charge of the republican party in Washington said: hey if you morons want to have jobs like going on the future. If you want to keep your precious little cindy, so little feet in congress. probably do something about this, because if you don't, they are gone, to take back the house next year will take. The presidency will keep the senate then they're going to pass the supreme court and then katy bar the door for whatever other nonsense. They're gonna push through sean, but I'm gonna sean Davis shore The young the man
thing is the tip of the spear for them on the said, you know, there's a reason, for it is a fairly obvious wanted to. You know a visual symbol of fear and subjugation. You know the whole guiding ethos of collectivist subjugation, which requires the axiomatically subjects, and then they want you to look govern then, and they want you to look subjugated and the mask is at symbol that look. I complied psycho, it's like talisman for the left, its shibboleth, like a code word like look at me, I'm a sheep and I'm proud of you cheap. I did it. and I said to my audience before. I've got no easy answers for them and I don't think I'm exaggerating this either. If you comply with this this time it will never stop, everybody has at least some form of immunity right now, the overwhelming majority of americans can it be deadly. Of course, is it likely going to be deadly? For you know, it's probably going to be a really nasty cold. Now, has everybody Add some form of immunity at this point to this thing, if
who comply now sean. This will never ever stop. It'll come back every year and you'll be living with a freakin diaper on your face for the rest of your life. that's exactly rainy. I honestly you haven't had it by like at least three or four times by now. What are you even doing? but you're right about the mass the mask is, it is meant to signal so many different things wanted it signals about the person whose wearing it there compliance with their fearful. It also said, nor did the people something dangerous it. I think you you wouldn't be walking around in seeing people and mass unless they are trying to protect themselves from something starting primary objective of this masking thing is to instil this constant fear into battle You have to walk round in a man who obviously bad enough to wear. You can't go about in person and you shouldn't be out shopping and you know we should the whole thing by mail, and it is unacceptable to me
having most about file your audience that there is no masking in where I am in into twenty seven idea that they're gonna do it again in twenty twenty three to me is absolutely laughable before. I am you here, out there we're in a mass in walking around you're gonna get mocked like it's. It's you acceptable anymore, at a point where I dislike to people say I need you to take that off its making me uncomfortable. I feel- and I agree with room around- I agree with you- we're gonna Sean David. Please make sure you follow on twitter and all the social media platforms which it's gonna look. What's your twitter by my add sean at a and am davy at Shaw? m d av follow this guy. You will not your thank me later. His you're going to say why I think that now, whatever steal something from my foot noted, but I assure you it happens often because I've always like I
the thought of that first, I gotta claimed ownership, but it's ok. Shant kind of, like my show, lives vicariously through your cerebral cortex. Let me get you take on the debate tonight, so listen, I'm a donald trump supporter. I love ron, the santis he's the best governor in the country. I find a lot of goings on just ridiculous and foolish. Why were eating each other alive is frankly just dumb and completely counter productive. Primaries are a good thing. Nasa personal primaries, I don't think are having said that up, The view this subjectively you're you. I haven't gotten your take on this. I don't, I don't think trump should attend. I initially was like, while he's a really good debater, you know that entertainment portion he's got down and, let's be honest, politics is ninety percent entertainment, but the more I thought about it as he starts to pull away in the primary it looks like a tactically kind of smart move because he's trying to clear out bay
equally the number two lane, while keeping the feel big to split up the vote for plurality purposes. He doesn't want a solid number two, so if he can of this stage. Everybody beat up. The scientists are vague. keeps everybody in the race longer think a naked be numbered to you. What do you think you think you should have attended our smart move this? They are justified consumer embalmed- that he's not going to be there because I find tat and entertaining and he's even teak form at the base. Amigo. I can look at those twenty. Sixteen twenty cooking primary debate, They were amazing and it doesn't matter if they liked him or hate it, and everyone wanted to watch so I'm I'm bummed. We don't won't get to see him just because he's he's so entertaining in that context I have generally kind of inviolable rule. Politics one is whoever says only pulled a matters is on election day. That's the guy who losing universally and then to the guy demanding a debate that I also losing and so fast
ethical point of view transferred by like what forty fifty sixty point. One incident on earth. Does he have to go in and when you look back between fifteen twenty. Sixteen, those at close range who is still went in primary family, but that was a close rate therefore bought going on this A raise its trump birth is a lot of people, they trying to buy for attention for themselves, and why would he used himself in his star power to give them the pension. They want to go after him, and this is a pure political matter. Of course, he's not gonna go to theirs. Send for him to go to it. Yeah I agree and, having run for obvious, I can attest folly to what john is saying. You know I was the underdog and pretty much every race I was in and we were always the ones calling for our opponent debate, because it's an opportunity for you to hopefully get a singer in any kind of right there coattails to some free,
You know our media, so your hundred percent right wanna debate stage should either you know you one of these. No bs guys it's what I like about followed you, you don't You know you, don't you don't put these nonsense kind of like cliched political talking points either, but I'm hearing a lot of stuff out there about the debates- and I was watching some cable news this morning and a couple of really smart guys were like you know: people want to hear about the issues and all this stuff, John, I gotta be honest. I don't really think that's the case at all. I think People generally understand the issues and I think that's kind of a dumb thing to say people get that pretty much. Every conservative on the stage is going to go for school choice, reduced axis, hopefully, some semblance of a balanced budget or restrain on governments. Many people get that I think it's more of kind of a commander in chief test that but want to see someone with some leadership skills whose relate above and that's a word. I did not hear on tv and all this morning on any the cable news channel Want someone who's relate above I mean
to be honest, trumps, substantive portions of the debate, shown we're not good. The nuclear triad thing was disaster. The plan parenthood answer was not great, but you, just sooner or later we was funny. You know he seemed like a guy who had enough bravado data could be proud. You know, president big. It's more about that. The inner personal stuff, I think the issue stuff it's kind of secondary yeah and in looking back at twenty fifteen twenty sixteen, what trump communicated in those debates is was I'm not one of these people? I don't talk like these people. I don't think like these. well I'm to go up there and call rosy autonomous fat pig and then be like as they are not politically correct. That's what people love is because they were desperate for somebody who was from the system who wanted to go inside and blow up the system and that's why promptly away with it is because they knew he was that guy, they didn't think anyone else was they go out there with their plans.
Here are, you know the gentleman from here and the gentleman from there and I have a long history of codes, pottery built like everyone down with that crap and it, miller in this election republican voters want here to think they first off. They want to know are you gonna beat the crooked laughed and prevent them from rigging another election and twenty twenty or thirty What are you going to do to completely destroy this corrupt, deep state, this lawless regime that throws it's enemies in prison and it gives its friend get out of jail free card? Those are the ones two things, people care about and the republican party care about you, trashing tram. They don't care about a some letter. You wrote and they don't care about your ten year. History of co sponsored bills, no one's ever heard of. They want to know how you crushed the laugh and how are you gonna? Keep you from beyond the selection? That's it. follow sean on twitter and true social is at sean em. De av give follow sean. Unless question is a guy who
but he understands government spending better than you given europe. You know your prior our work up their diagnosing all this waste and crap. I see two major problems right now. The first problem is obviously the police state. It's clearly out of control between the weaponization of the fbi and the department of justice. We can have a representative democracy moving forward. The second biggest problem is the mathematical mathematical certainty of a de facto bankruptcy. It's not going to be a classic chapter. Eleven. We can print our own money, but it doesn't matter if we inflate away the value of our currency and everything you have and currency denominate assets is worthless, your effectively bank, rather than you can have a wheelbarrow for money, isn't gonna buy anything I see those as the two major problems. The pole State, I think, is fixable because personnel or policy, if we elect a republican as president and we just do mass firing. But I'm genuinely concerned about the financial state of the country as a guy's. Looked at the books
Do you think this is even save a bullet? This point or is? Is it is a de facto bankruptcy inevitable? I think it's inevitable, I'm I I do think there are things we can fix, but if you just I, I was having a conversation with a friend at lunch today and you're talking about or what things cost. We were kids, you know our parents, we get a house for fifty thousand dollars on one income. They could send their kids to college, they could have cars that worked. You now you're, not getting a house for under two hundred or three hundred mortgage rates or eight percent new cars or fifty grand colleges too, hundred grand its impact what to do anything on on a single income? because of what our government has done to the currency and what it's done to the budget. They spend money like there are a bunch of drunken sailors a, and then they go and inflate away the value of our money to help pay off the debt that they ran up so like the first thing you have to do is just stop spending this money that we can afford to spend like dave, ramsay talking to people
spend more than you make each month, you're gonna be in debt. Maybe you should stop doing that, but the first thing we have new and then medical and social security or in a bankrupt the country, if they're not reformed rapidly, because Our unfunded liability there, like a hundred trillion dollars say I keep trying to tell people that John. I only about thirty seconds left, but it is a medical certainty. These programmes are going to go bankrupt, we could apis. Now we could say to everyone. Fifty five and older. Listen, your life's been organized around this. We get it we're going to fund this out of the general fund. There's no trust fund. It's it's all a myth fifty five or younger. I'm really sorry it's over there's just no money and, but I think our bond rating we go through the roof right away. People realize we were serious shy, thanks so much for your time. We love avenue back. It is an open invitation for you anytime. You want to come on in. A wide monsieur you gotta be watching the debate tonight. So hopefully, maybe we'll get you back next week with some analysis really appreciate your time
you're the best answer me you gotta John, did folks a good guy right there- and I mean a good man- He don't give a damn what your party is cares about the future of the country giving a follow on social media. your time thanks for listen to the special sunday pod. Guess we put together for you if you want a listener. Radio show go to my website, but you know that conflict on station finer, find out were on new york. Listen if the website on GINO darker see You just heard in bonn, gino.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-04.