« The Dan Bongino Show

The Dan Bongino Sunday Special 03/19/23 - Jason Whitlock, Leo Terrell, Lauren Boebert, Charlie Gasparino


First, we talked with Jason Whitlock about how sports became woke, how China is the biggest influence in American sports culture now, and how being conservative changed his career. Next, Leo Terrell talks about the release of the J6 videos and how the J6 committee should face consequences for withholding evidence in Jacob Chancely’s case. Then, Lauren Boebert talks about the newly released J6 videos, how we’re winning against media manipulation, and the Covid hearings. Finally, Charlie Gasparino on the recent bank failures and why the terrible economic policies of the Biden administration are going to lead to a world of hurt. BONUS: Dan, talking about the snowflakes at Stanford Law goes on an epic rant about safe spaces.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The good way to hear the truth about america on a show that is not immune to the facts with your host dan Ben je. No thanks for tuning into the podcast as a special podcast. We put together on the weekends for you to enjoy it's going to highlight some of our best interviews from this week from the radio show. You can hear these enemies live during the week and your local radio station to find out where you can hear the damn bioenergy, no radio show near you, go to buy gino dot com click One station, finder and you'll find the station nearest you for we get to our first interview? Let me get to one of responses. We really appreciate their time buy gold and get a free, safe to store data on qualifying purchases from birch gold. It's b a r c h. Through march thirty, first, they'll ship, a free, save directly to your door. If you just tax day and a nine eight nine, eight nine and get your free information kit on gold and to claim eligibility via free, say the fed's key. We keep raising rates, could see only tool, they have to keep inflation under control and is a hint it's our working. You seen it
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is a really great interviewed. Oh miss some really happy to have on the show a great guy jason went lackeys, a conference coming up I'm bringing religion back into our lives here fearless army roll call dot com is we can get some information it's in nashville on April fifteen, probably some you want to look into again. The web it is fearless army roll call dot com. welcoming jason, whitlock, jason thanks. We spend some time of this repression there. Thank you so much for having me. I really appreciate You got it, you know you're, one of those guys and and Jim, and I were both chat about this during the break that when I see you come on fox iii automatically turn up the volume, because I I know it's going to be something I really need to hear now I've watched you won, t be covering sports and and and culture for a really long time and one
stories this week that I know you are all over. Was this J j riddick Kendrick god I forget me our nose dunham park inzana follow best more much more this. This fight they had over allegations that the nba and BP award was being tainted by charges, are racism and the and on E S, jason, it and shockingly J J rhetoric actually fought back this yesterday on my show me what happened it? He s pierre. Nobody knows this process better that better than you what happened over there well Oh disney bought e S, p n. What fifteen twenty years ago, and just completely change the culture area s and made it work and made it part, The culture wore an end. Then for the time and the two thousand two thousand ten, where the website deadspin
just really went after e paean executives. Who would get on board with the woke leftist agenda and bullied the executives into getting on board with the left us agenda, and so yes, peons culture, sport, culture, the lead, identified very early. If they were going to win the culture war, they had to take control of sport sport. is the number one thing on television diana is the number one show on five different television networks: you're not gonna win a culture war. Unless you control sport, because sport is so powerful in popular culture. The left that out they have overtaken yes beyond the worldwide leader and sport in the navy used, yes dear, to impose those. use and that agenda on the rest of the world.
Without going to Jason. Whitlock is a conference coming up April, fifteen the nashville bring religion back into our lives. Fearless army, roll call, dot com, fearless army, roll call, dot com. You should check that out jason you know I was having a conversation with a pretty- influential college, that's sports coach. And we were both lamenting the fact that sports has been hijacked. It was really a refuge and I don't progressed jenny sports figure, entertainment figure. There there thereof near their ability to speak out on politics idea. That's great! You do your thing. The problem is, that If not, why people are there? I mean you gotta political converts. You know what they got their twitter files. Hearing jason up our capital knows something about the yankee score, leslie go to a yankees game or a college basketball game to hear lectures about politics. Puzzles me, a guy who's been forgotten more about the sports basin. Most we will ever know is,
do they really believe. This is a business plan for the future, or do they say to themselves like I, you know what we're going to lose a few, but in the end will gain them back, because my daughter and my kids have never. I have a nineteen year old and eleven year old have never seen organized sports in my house, like I grew up with, and I'm not going to pass that down to them that they not see that they do
but they have a different strategy day and if we have to be in soul with as it relates to these sports leaves and how much control nike has over these sports leaves and lackeys. Interest is more about china and the one point four five billion people in china: how did they reach those consumers? How do they satisfy the c c p and do more business in china rather than concerning themselves about the three hundred million americans over here? This is the problem with globalism and this an end, this hostility to ports at america. First agenda our
Preparations, don't care about americans, and so they are not making business decisions but think about the american consumer and the american citizen. First there thinking about what enhances what improves my position in china, and so nike is other than Yes s n or in conjunction with the sba. The two most powerful forces in sports culture in america and an nike wants to do is listen in china. The nba David sternly previous commissioner, had the entire, isn't about making the nba an international game laws
and being a mammoth contract with china to broadcast games in china. That would dwarf any contract they would give here in amerika, that's been division, that's been the goal, as the nfl has tried to expand its international footprint, they have less and less concerned with the american consumer and america, and whether people like donald trump or not his america? First, the childer made sense for the over well mean what I indeed nine ninety eight percent merrick and who aren't global citizens, the america first it in that makes perfect sense and you can look at the sports world and see the ramifications and the consequences.
of this whole globalism agenda and global citizen agenda it it's killing these leaves and, and so Dan, I'm not sure if they really care whether your daughter's ever attend the gang their worried about daughters over in china. You know J centre of I'm really young or you're, really old. We can it whenever, wherever you prefer google but I've, I grew up. Watch I mean I've. I've watch your sports coverage. For you been doing this a really really long time- and I wonder given that you're, really things you might bailing out, I'm gonna die, say: let's go with the former rather thy like that too. But you know you, given that you can do in this a long time. You develop the latter relationships. I've always wondered if it's too personally around the answer, but where do we? started saying these at war, necessarily conservative or libertarian budgets, not liberal, when you started speaking out on culture issues in the culture of sport side and started. Beekeeping insane terms, rather than just repeating you know, woke focus group tested
talking points Were you shunned by a lot of people in the community sportsmen you over? There quietly behind the scenes she knew it Actually gay body like I'm with you. I just can't say anything: for a long time I was celebrated in the industry and so I hope I graduated college in nineteen ninety and I would say that things were perfectly appropriate for me all the way up to two thousand and ten, two thousand and twelve, you know was I polarizing? Yes, what did I say? Things are right things and tutor in the two. Thousands that upset the left no question when that went down. I miss gotten trouble for the nappy headed hose comment. I will a about why are we worried about this guy? Some shocked, jock, never listened to when rap music is filled with all this
tori denigrating stuff, and but at that time you could say that an end I was well the brighter for that by a lot of people. Oprah Winfrey had me on her show for two straight days. Talking about my position on Don Imus and things like that. But then, once where things really pivoted dan is when social media became so that thing with Don Imus, I believe happened in two thousand and six, two thousand and seven. I think facebook started in two thousand and six, maybe twitter started in two thousand and seven, and then they started having a real influence over culture. In two thousand and ten, two thousand and eleven, two thousand and twelve, and that's when things got really hot. For someone like me, I was saying all the same things I said in the nineties into two thousand, but but social media had triggered everybody.
Geared everyone up to laugh at this guy's evil. You know you and so people started distancing themselves from there, but it was too dangerous to be my friend because I wouldn't go along with the narrative for media and clearly the government, the fbi Lucy I or promote you know, Jc was going to Jason. Whitlock is a conference coming up in nashville April fifteen about really Jim culture, bring it back to our lives. The website please check it out. Fearless army, roll call, dot com, fear army roll call, dot, com, jason, you are so right. I brought up this point some of my writing when I want doing a column. that social media kind of, awkward ties, mob tactics days when you were doing sports rioting and there was no twitter, which really wasn't that long ago, by the way you know when to get kind of one of these mobs against you yeah to have an email list. You had no people now you go
some three hundred follower goofball on twitter tags, a bunch of euro influential airports. Ports are all by gas. Look what whitlocke said anne thing you know you're treading on twitter five hours later and I gotta tell you having been on the receiving end like you are probably twenty or thirty those eddie. Who tells you it's comfortable is lying it's it's not! I mean if you're right, you defend yourself, but you know what I knew it really like this it in engulf me jason. I was sitting at epcot one day with my daughter enjoy in one of my few days off and I get involved in one of these things on twitter. That turns into a big viral thing I'm saying to us. I can't believe I just blew six hours of time. What my kid over this You pity, for what you say it is real. Social media did did change everything. It turns out everything day and when I started out in the newspaper industry in,
it may be- and I started writing a column in Kansas city and ninety. Ninety four, when you get hate mail, that was actually a good thing that was assigned to the editors and you're in port au people care about what this guy thinks and will publish those letters that the ones that are appropriate in the newspaper and will revel in the fact that hey Jason's got opinions that rows people up and gets people interested in the newspaper. That's how things used to work now over social media and twitter. If the bosses now go hide under their desks. Oh my god. There's a twitter lynch, mob and they're saying all these terrible things about jason, and we don't want that and because they've got corporations that again there all kowtowing to china. China's influence over american discourse is the least talk.
About thing going on, but but but but that's what's going on the reason why Collen capron it can the bronze James expressed so much anti american sentiment is because nike wants to improve its relationship with china and Tyner loves it when nike athletes per ten like america is the evil place in china is utopia and the land of opportunity and china ended slavery and and black people would be just so happy if they all moved to china. It's a joke. It's a joke, but this social media thing has just allowed more foreign influence.
Manipulation in foreign countries can pour money, throw money at our corporations and at twitter and our politicians and get them dancing to that beach and- and everybody thinks it's a cool thing to take a dump on the country that has created more freedom, more opportunity, more prosperity, more safety for black people than any other country on the planet in the history of the planet, but- and you got black people all over the world, people of color all over the world, beating down doors to get into america, but we keep buying them is that this is, you know, pale honor for black people, it's a joke man! I grew up poor. I grew up poor me and my dad in nineteen. Eighty four were living in a four hundred square foot. One bedroom apartment in the dirt near the this. I was no one special as a good college athlete, but I wasn't some great student or whatever but hard work and just showing the
I hope you can make it in this country make a few responsible decisions put a condom on. That is really that simple, you don't have stray kids. You got a really good shot at making it in this country, but if you can't have you can't have that little, you don't have little disabilities to wear a condom. If you can't have that much discipline. Maybe you don't deserve success. Are you fed right in on this, show jason we appetizer? We, we gave all the simple life lessons of the show everyday I gotta run. I want to get another plugin for you. They just want to say. I really really do admire your work and I love your commentary and I love the fact that you've got moose nuts brother you'll say whatever jason's conference. is in nashville April fifteen. You want to get there. a fearless army, roll call, dot com check that out jason. You are welcome back any time. Thanks a lot. I appreciate you thought I knew there. You got it
german, I grew up. Watch in Juba gives all other than to watch in jail. Good luck, and it's just that when a good guy that was jason whitlocke up next we talked a fan: favorite LEO turann, everybody loves LEO lets you for an expansive worth. junk science, that's what doctors call many these fruits and vegetables supplements junction, because these extracts of in protein side, fruits and vegetables very few health benefits. That's, why I feel the greens its whole fresh, healthy, organic fruits and vegetables. Not some watered down garbage extracts supplement its back a better health promise feel degrades the science back formula to specific fruits and vegetables? You won't find in any other product. I use multiple times each day whereby proper nutrition can reboot your metabolism, seaborne calories faster and you lose weight healthy away. and sometimes you know need, is healthy as you should you gotta go by that's bullshit shop for me, get it
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taken whenever we can get em our good friend leo to rally or thanks resplendent, a few minutes with us. We lobbied dan. Thank you for having me. I just want to ask you one simple question that we get the loss or do I have to go to a floor that to get it a grab spiny, the gift of failure. If I do I'll come back, or I know you're not coming to allay. Do I need to go to war, well. that's interesting, because I you may have jump the gun there, may actually be it. L. Yeah. Well, yes, sir! So I'm thinking about a book tour- and you know me- and you are on K b, c radio and we're trying to put together some locations now and we have to find see when you write a book, you want to go to a new york times, reporting store, so you can get on the list right. So we have to find locations that have a bookstore and a station moron allay kind of bids, the block so we'll work it out. I bought up a meal. I
well personally, deliver that book to you in l a or, if not I'll you when you do not have to. I want to go to a damn about doodle book said he could do in l a I wouldn't surprise you, I'm gonna, walk right up to you and have you cited, I wouldn't completely shock tabloid share with you all through the book, the into the crowd go nuts. If LEO Leo, the crowd went crazy. When my uncles, Jim, showed up in huntington long island, I'm not kidding my uncle just randomly show. I hadn't seen him in years. I'm like oh look, why uncle Joe remember, there's a god they never met the guy LEO shows up it'll, be they will go crazy. So I would appreciate that. Thank you for mentioning the book. It's a it's a means ought to be put a lot into this book so means what- Although you are an actual civil liberties attorney like someone, who's actually forgot for civil rights, so no one lecture you on the topic the january six videos, I've just did All to our block on this leo, we can hold true simultaneous thoughts at the same time or human beings live
the things that happened on that day, we can condemn and say I that should happen. Ok, we're thinking human beings. We can also say, as believers the constitutional republic in liberty and freedom for all that, because some bad things happen doesn't mean that you get to throw people in jail just because you don't like their politics and then hide evidence. Now is an attorney you it s to my audience correctly, the correct that brady violations or withholding exculpatory evidence wheel kind of a really big deal right, I'm not crazy! there you are spot on Brady is a constitutional, kate, Brady, verses, maryland big case? It is A mandatory requirement for the prosecutor, the turnover all couple tory evident what Tucker has displayed on his show. The last night nights, bat on man who That's what I'm talking about the scope for twitter,
the evidence and prevent evidence not to be produced. You're talking about the prosecutor be function as some proper referral. If I was that individual that turn I would ask for the media following immediate rich and have a key role set are immediately: humble laramie, LEO D, got the guy we're talking about Jacob chancellor. They called the cuban on charm and by media people in the chewbacca costume. Whatever was leo. He got four years in prison how I dont understand what what is it now just answer me. One question is alive because I know this area is a little bit grain brady material, in other words the requirement by a government prosecutor and an agent to turn over evidence of someone's innocent. If I'm it up ask you, Jim for robin a bag find out. He was an archipelago when a bank in maryland was rob, I'm obligated to turn that over having said that
the argument LEO some people of uses while they turned over the library of whatever was forty one thousand hours a video, none at all you are not allowed to play cute leo you're not allowed to bury a document in six truck loads of documents. A document you know exists and points to LEO Terrell or Jim's innocence, and then say: oh, we gave you three truckloads, my fault, you didn't see it. I'm not crazy right, you're not allowed to play q. What evidence like that? You can I play the needle in a haystack and they have a do. They have an affirmative obligation. I can't say it any clearer: they have an affirmative obligation to make sure they go through all that evidence and they have an obligation to try over that evidence they have to do their homework very, could pull custody of all the evidence. They have an appropriate obligations and there is no excuse for I'd. Tell you bet
that man now only Cathy chief advocated revert he's who have a nice civil law suit? I'm not trying to promote that, but here the knife in law who got up their obligation, it cost the juice knox. It is ready versus merely every civilized. journey. Every criminal attorney knows at cape and every prosecutor noted then yeah and every every agent, a police officer does to LI l, because you once you I don't. I think that what the public, who didn't do, what we did, that line of work, LISA, stand is, if you federal agent or an attorney and your? U yours, found to have violated the brady requirements that this close, a ball and additional cases in the future. So when damp on gmos, a federal agent, thereby gmos on the stand, That's gonna, be used to impeach me in every single case. From that point, on fluid hot Brady via your gladly. So let me go one step further. Do about that
Withholding pretty eminent, thereby gino is a cancer to the apartment, because beta usually more expensive use that for a peaceful and they gotta go. can you get all your other cases so boring backward before you are dead men walking you're, no good! get back better fire. You were ass right away. They are here for you right now, and I may tell you that in the federal law enforcement training centre, there are clear about that that if you nailed on giggly or Brady, said you're gone myself here they have zero use for you whatsoever. It's you are one hundred percent accurate. You are useless. You can ever be used as an undercover as in a resting agent as a case agent. Nothing. Let me move on to which all gonna leo to rail, jesting a guy one of the most popular guess and an actual civil liberties attorney, whose fought for civil rights and, like these idiots and immediate solely on this think about mandates. It's always bother me vaccine mandates mask mandate, because I live in
free country. If you want to get the shot, then go ahead and get the shot if you're willing to take the risk. You want to put a mask on go right ahead, knock yourself out. I've never had a problem people who choose to do it. I have a problem. With government telling us what to do with it, but Is the old civil liberties left that you knew? Well, I mean where's, the a c l? U and groups! You know you might have fought alongside within the past, because you are an actual civil libertarian. What happened? to the left. You, to no one is that splain your departure from the mcbride party and overturn the conservative causes. That is that what happened is up was a part of it. Yes, what are you a great question for us all that that that civil liberty, section of the left it gone, is silent? It's quite is the best one of the reasons why they don't believe in liberty or freedom are not fighting for that they walk power control and what has happened to the left is:
I we will do anything. We will say anything for power could throw em they get. A big ally is called ninety five percent of the media and I'll tell right now. That's not how I grew up with double right, That's not what I believe in it. I don't believe in controlling want, like I believe, a lady individual make choices for themselves and that have what when the media, we I let the left is correct. I learned it grade. Yeah. Did that it's it's worrisome, because I you know, I think, back to the old building, J, F K. Democrat party arabic governments over you know, J F, K, arguing for lower marginal tax rates, and I wonder what happened myself I'll. Let me get to another, topic involving civil liberties, been talking a lot about this later, because it's an area that concerns me as well fbi memo release not that long ago, and a memo whistleblower legal, showing that the fbi targeting potentially,
catholics who attended latin mass. Now we owe you read the constitution, you an actual lawyer, pretty sure you're right. The fact is your religion of is kind of written into the constitution somewhere. Call me crazy, but this kind stuff really worries me and what worries me even more is as a former man of the left, who understands em again we're the media and the ace yell you in these other groups when it comes to the weapon asean of government, I mean it seems like now with the january six stuff and then with the weapon is issued the fbi. It almost appears like there actually enjoying this. They are I a did right now they were able to get away with it. The uninformed basically follows even the truth. A lot of people damn better believe the government tells the truth, but government is a liar, but the government come to the american people, but do the large segment of the american population that believe
everything the government has set and I'll be right. Now you know what you talk about it. The government has been weapon eyes, the fbi department of justice. I might not to your order. I said, man, you need to be the f b. I director, because yeah it is, I'm sure it's is absolutely correct that it's weaponized I mean listed bay or upset with tucker debt relief. For me, I don't know I know, but I'm everson corleone think about it. We do you're like a brother, you're sing, it might do I've. I said this is the first two hours of my show. I've been on this topic. This is crazy. This is nobody is condoning violence. Nobody suggesting the videos are the violence didn't happen, but We are partly walker is literally releasing videos that not a single person. Questions are authentic. They came from opera, police and Kevin Mccarthy that their real and the media is take we'll. This is where you would. I do that water is the most insane I've ever seen there take is as those we There's a real. I knew
didn't see him because we don't like the idea like wait. That's not we'll take, and the liberals, like your bad selves, literally vienna, multiple we did it if I lose. My first question is why? Because it destroys their fall, error did last week about the red whether man to prove my point. They don't have any problem. Why? What puckers? Doug ethics also lie? angry their furious. While we have our guide what twenty six month, I can Let me go without I'm gonna put you on the spot here, so you want me to be the fbi director died. I I'd I'd I'd only because if I wanted it several times, if I get mad, if I know I know I follow you, five, our guide trumped gets in again I'd. Consider it better I think you should consider you for the vice presidential. Not what do you think? Would you take that right now. I'm thanks for that offer
I want to be white house counsel I want to be inside. There is as voice piece for president. He has to be a white house counsel. I'm going to I love is I want to tell the truth because tat that I love that idea. I love you I call on our. I know you re read Jim. What do you think? I'm the white house council table the two LEO rio to ride out council- I do, I think I think you dear I can imagine you your legal skills, you're you're you're.
Comfortable in front of cameras and your smarts. I could see you in a vp debate, just slaying the others. It would just be so bad. I would I'd love to hear them lecturing you on civil liberties and racism. Oh okay, fags! Thanks for your opinion, really appreciate that, except I've lived it and fought for it, I would love to see you going to be epic. If that was the case, did heavyweight vs p, we wait como la era. Are you kidding me heavyweight worth because they won't pay, for that, like best buy, will laugh My here, that's real risk. you bought it yeah I I observe you up on this stage now and I'm like this could be the greatest tb ever see me or its ralph. Thank you! So much we're coming on. I know it's, ass. All you know why you tat. I made your original guy now his body, my audience, loves yeah, it's good to pal good, to talk inextricable lobbies that was
Terrell up next is congressman lauren boba we'll get to that in a second. But let me tell you about our next sponsor that Aisha roger by he'll, sleep, dark army geo. I actually background sledge them Listen you get older is critical that deep, deep healing sleep folks it changed my life. I write about actually write about at the end of my new book. How important sleep is They don't change your life when you understand that listening He likes knows everybody's union. They have, Several different matters model can be the best sleep match. Body type in sleep preferences, once you match. Your matches comes right, your door ship for free when you receive your helix mattress, she'll, be obsessed with it like I am aside sleeper. I have heard specific sleep, indeed I have the midnight locks, that's what they match me too. When I love it, it's quicken. And one on box believe how well you sleep. You wake up feeling rested, refreshed ready to tackle that they have a ten year warranty. He would even as financing options,
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Your interviews fired me up from the ground. You here show talking about it taken on it. Article f and draining the putrid swamp, and then your interval of me, I'm ready to go, take a mind. Now: let's go the future swamping salaries, because june's originally proposed pinning did not say that remember that Jim and I'm now this is when congressmen before the show even started, we're doing these production meaning and I'm like now. We'll be it through nicer, like we need a word that really describes the swamp. Unfortunately, you know a lot about dc that eureka try. combat now I said: let's go, would putrid he's ignite? Doesn't sound monetary like let's do it anyway, that's how that stock fires or listen? You thank you. Thank you, pay dividends of your work in the area we're speaker, I just want to note again, are already paying off. So all of those haters out there, who said you guys were crazy for
standing, the fight for speaker just for a few days, no big deal Kevin mccarthy to release the january six tabs. We ve gotta stand by some firm conservative things. I know you're going to stay on its no time to pop the champagne, but Written you agree like that. Fights are paying dividends already Thirdly, we received so many tools from that speakers raised that we have been fighting to obtain in Washington DC, for a decade, and now is the time to put those tools to you. We ve already been executing a lot of great things, but I don't want that. Only I didn't admire the tools that we have. I want to get some nicks and dings in them, and I want to bust these babies, open and ah actually put them to use or what good are the tools? If we do
you use them so that all working on right now we got the weapon evasion committee going. We have the cove and select committee going words looking into the origins of tcp what they're doing fine or farm and our water resources. and so much more holding china Hannibal, and then you know an oversight chairman He comber, I think he is one of the most aggressive chairman that we have in the higher now he is and he is ready to start lincoln subpoenas. You you ve, got a process. We're working on it, we're we're not like the Democrats, we we follow a little bit of rules and, ah you know we're we're going to start bringing these people in by the dozens, and it is going to be amazing. in love how the liberal media is making this out with some kind of a scant like. I got scared like got a laugh. They like they're, asking Kevin Mccarthy the other day conservative members ask you for conservative stuff.
Exchange for their vote for speaker and I'm look, I'm listening congress zone of my is it's a real question? No, no! Maybe they asked for liberal stuff, like that's a serious question from these idiots. Better, that's help. Us are the other stuff. You guys lobbied for conservative stuff, new road for speaker which it, which is a that is feature, not a glitch liberal media. That's what we're supposed to do. You're. So right, these hearings have already produced dividends. Let me ask you a question about that. So yesterday we had the twitter files, hearings and. They really are to tell you you don't have to agree with me you're in congress. You say it how you like, but I think the Democrats expose themselves yesterday as some of the communists they are. Kidding congresswoman eu added value added the delegates from the virgin islands. almost demanding a journalist protected by our constitution, literally written into the first amendment
suppose his sources in the twitter files drop in front of the entire countries. The craziest thing I've ever seen. Yes, we are democrats are able to hide any person. They want any thought that they make up anything and you know you not benny thomson thing all. I never even though the january the videos they get the cover up, and then they want every little thing every little detail you to try to put us in some sort of gotcha moment no you're part of the federal government you are here to protect. Our first amendment rife and you're not going to go after journalists and and get them to expose their thorpe is when they are just reporting truth to the american people, their reporting, the information that they have to the american people to to make decision on and then we see Democrat, they actually, the federal government was actually working with new guard to prop up
news organisations, not just feed them, a story that happened. All the time. I liked this news outlet I'm going to I'm going to feed them a story. I like the bon you I'm going to go on his radio show and talk. No, no, no they're! Actually hey! there are varying line, dividing advertisers too, to pay on board their add on certain news outlets publication. This is absolute we want and the way they treated these journalists. Who is an absolute disgrace. I am proud of them for coming and taking a stand and speaking out what they know. These committees. You know one of my favorite authors, sky, fred, siegel. He he's Britain books about one of em call is called revolt against the masses and in there he discusses how liberals basically move liberalism along through the telling of narrative stories, not the truth, but stories I need talks about competition when the iron triangle, all the time in the iron triangle, is congressional committees active
it's groups in the liberal media he says and otherwise think it through right you what you want to you want to push out a liberal narrative like the polar bears are dying or whatever may be right, The congressional committee to do a hearing show some pictures of some dying. Polar bears right. An activist group takes it and runs with it. Pins are everywhere on a college, campus save the polar browser, and then you have the media running stories on CBS news and rachel maddow. Oh my gosh, the polar bears are dying. They have been doing this for years now, as a member of congress for a few years now so now you know the routine, you been there, you know you, the lay of the land. I am so grateful that members of the republican party, the good ones other swampy ones, are good ones like yourself are start figure. This out that this of matters. I am sorry that I really am sorry that there's a performance component, the politics I wish they weren't, but this is the real world and the republicans are finally figuring it out. You guys want to use congressional committees to show the world what's going on we're going to show the world what's really going on in our committees
exactly right and we actually have real oversight. Now we ve been stifled and unable to have congressional oversight in house the representative for several. now I began democratic humbug a and now we have those gabble and we are actually able to conduct an oversight. federal government what a concept these agencies there were created, by congress, funded by congress will really by the taxpayers but appropriated by congress, beg the answer to us now, come in and tell us what going on. We even an oversight. We can hearings on be waste, broaden abuse with the covert money that went all over five hundred million with an irishman. Yes, such an umbrella meant we had money going going to japanese, prisoners. I any come on this is about here. If but we have we
brought in on yesterday, a director of opium and he's not even able to state how many stutter Employees are currently working full time she tried to dodge. The question with me a colleague, byron Donald from Florida, a great man I do have a mind. Oh yeah right here. He asked her how many federal please I'm actually even on back to work with with opium we, but we have already talked about the fraud, abuse and wasted, and what about all the other way is still going on how many people are working from home and not even wadi in on their laptop, and she would not it'll, be give them that number that you said. Oh it's in a public report. You can work it up. Well, ma'am. We brought you in to reverse these cancers, and so, when I questioned her, I said actually I just looked at the report and the report doesn't state it. Oh well working on that this problem. Will you haven't a director
if opium coming in and saying we don't know how many federal employees are actually back to work when cobit is over, that is still waste, fraud and abuse occurred in our federal government, but we're getting, to the bottom of it. By having these here in europe, They're great, I mean imagine a ceo saying that how many people you've got new tech department at I dunno. Can you figure it out that maybe we'll figure it out? One day I mean it, would you be fired immediately? You're still, you're you're, stuck with widow, would take a dump in tennessee, which gonna congresswoman war and barbara one of their good ones. Out there we really like congresswoman, couple more topics you're fouch yesterday appeared on fox news, a neo caboodle. Shall we go who are you know do is make a call poison, fake ones, and I he's insisting again that he did I push lockdowns still trying to push sound evidence about this potential wet market theory, and he said you know I wasn't the one who kept the cdc director redfield off the call about potential loudly
I just don't trust this guy, and you know he just reminds me the motley crue song. You know your girl, don't go away mad just go away at this point I mean he's been on the wrong side of everything. yes, I you know, I want to see him and cost and not those invisible custody that amc carry the round. Couch needs to be locked up. he has done to the american people. We are seeing origins of. We knew it all along coming out Ah, where seeing that this was absolutely dean of function, and you too, about it, often on your show very clearly and eloquently getting this information out to the people and so grateful for that. Ah, but felt she did push lock down. He did push now. He did push that seeing them vaccine mandate and he is injured. Many thousands tens of thousands of americans, if not more, whether it be financially whether appear
children in school, or even spiritually, with the lockdown of churches, how many churches, or back to their full capacity our people. Just you know that while we don't, we don't do this anymore or or even with the vaccines that were forced on them either so much tat he did with absolutely wrong, and he needs to to be held accountable to the fullest extent for his action, You know I've never been the type. I am a civil libertarian at heart. I said this repeatedly The call for the weapon is of government on either end, but I've got to tell you- sky. There appears to be some significant evidence That he may have obstructed justice in the investigation of what may be one of the biggest criminal acts in human history, which is the release whether accidental a purposeful, I dont know from the rule on lab and if he did anything to obstruct that investigation. That is a very, very serious thing.
and I he definitely there- that I dont disagree with you at all that there should be an investigation and maybe a criminal one of what they less question no congressman with talking to congresswoman, worn barber. Biden budget, it's it's a joke. It's it's an embarrassment! It's a six point: eight trillion dollar gorge fast and pork and just crazy insanity included in five trillion and new taxes. They Larry S. Hilarious part is heating. This is a campaign document for him to run in twenty twenty four, my question to you in the final two minutes years. You know you're, up again in two years. I think your great we're gonna support. You get your reelected again, but I think this is a gift to you. I think, should be go out to all your constituents in colorado. Like hey here's, what sky bonds? I support none of that. I support economic freedom and money in your wallet. Instead.
Absolutely and again, look I support a balanced budget, but my main focus is: what can we do with majority this year and next year? What are the cuts we can make now? And that starts with repeal in the four hundred billion dollars for the junit, a loan forgiveness that that Joe Biden issued a repealing the green new deal out of the so called inflict a inflation reduction act and uh and so much more. We could start clawing this money back and saving the american taxpayer as money. Now we need to return to twenty nineteen pre k, holding spending levels. You know that the governor Let's go back, then it's not like or shrinking it that much, but we do need a shriek as some in order to save america and that's what we're running on how freedom caucus came out with our proposal today, and this is a stake in the garage. and this is a great foundation to build wrong. I think
still more money that we can refund an and uneducated coded fun and so much more but casting the americans. people more is not the answer. His plan is disastrous. His budget is dead on rival- and am I, I think, it's disgusting and disingenuous- that he would that this is investing in america because it is not. It is not help. People put food on the table, put gas in their cars or or provide good paying job, though family thought the stress of child care and all of their utility than all this is going on. Now is an investment in Washington dc and bureaucrats and special interest groups and lobbyists. And that is what is going wrong about this town and battle were fighting to undo wow.
What a pro I said, two minutes you like hit it to the mark. It was almost like he had a timer near you. Clearly, you've done a few media hits one or two here or there correct and gaveled out when I'm when I'm out of time, so mad you're good. That was very good. Congresswoman lauren, boba you're always welcome back on the show and thank you for always fighting the good fight up there. We appreciate happy to do it. And that was lauren bobo up next is charlie gas marino about the silicon valley bank crisis. What really happened? These get some really good insight and he broke some news on our show. You may have missed you. Gonna want check that out there let's get through, an expansive, worse they springs in the air column. You one thing spring grilling mistake experts at almost thanks and made it easy to spring into something delicious, with their semi annual sale. Fifty percent off so wide grab. All your favorites site perfectly aged tender stakes, ocean, fresh seafood, juicy burgers and decadent dessert plus when you go to omaha steaks, dot, com and use promo code, bonjean, o b, o n g, I n o a checkout you'll, get an addition.
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without the government's current everything up every day, doesn't put a smile on my face. I'm in the same financial system see the country collapse. Not my goal here. My goal here to explain to you the problems were dealing with and how we can potentially moved to a A more prosperous tomorrow by not repeating the same mistakes we keep making here to talk about it. Guess really. Smart. Guy, Charlie gas burdino works over fox news colleague over there, really smart guy, charlie thanks for spend some time of this revision anytime dan dinner, you I'm good so I've been listened to a lotta, you're commentary. I always do we turned the volume up when you're on in silicon valley, bank debacle. You know I find so many people over explaining its. Why I, like your commentary, it seems to me from looking at it to be simple old school. Decision on maturities a mismatch there which, as you know, is all this finance and really
awful management. I, how did they not see that interest rates we're gonna go up? Even the fed chairman said they were going to go up. Writing it's not even that I mean d, following this bank. If it was a friend of mine, is to work their job back a little insight into this thing. Did you find This thing you know this was a business that really blew up during the wicked money, printing of the of the above twenty twenty and beyond, like when we were literally spending money like crazy, locking, walking everybody down right, given money, checks for people to stay on, which was retrospect. One of the dumbest thing you could probably do the federal reserve was, let's take an interest rates to zero and and printing money at a at a b enormous clip this despite took off, it was like perfectly situated to take off because as you
twenty twenty took off right with everybody was doing zoo a tons of muddy in it in a washing around wall street for the next round. Here's what I did he needed to people work in the light of that money was involving tech. So it's this model will essentially be the banker be sort of local banker for the few community in silicon valley, and it grew from something like fifty billy and ass to two billion and assets like in a relatively short period of time in the middle. In that time, if you look at its books, you look, would have a bit as it did. It essentially was ghana loans to venture capital companies, so veterinary Look up any excuse me, the portfolio companies of venture capital, private equity. What I mean by that is a private equity company buys other companies right, those common.
He's not only one themselves with financing from their ownership of private equity, which is K. K are safety with the venture capitalists they by companies they feed companies naturally all most to the company. You shall go company and they may be a company roads by itself, but you know, with input from the private from the visa fee from their vichy back in running those company for themselves. They they need, you have a banking relationship and they offer they do with these guys. These guys would extend them to credit there, types of loans, back loans, you name it does all these two others very yo intricate stuff that they did with those with to that these he portfolio before we accompany community and private equity community out there in silicon valley every turn those companies would it do their begging with with this guy. With these guys,
don't give them their money like if they had money that they needed to put the put aside, which they will do for payroll and short term expenses. It was at silicon valley, bank, so think of the. that that is the least diversified because its model, you could think of what industry It is highly highly reliant- depended on the continuing of low interest rates, because that's what was fuelling the sort of start up. The sea industry, particularly in tat, was low interest rates and lots of money. The minute that spigot got turned off guess what text art the crater remember. Facebook Its eyes other all lane everybody all sales force off its eyes. I would do you think about that. Those at a profit woke up and speak about if you're, a b c before your company, which has which is still an early stages and not make it any money, you have more popular, more money problems so put that together they ok. So
The boy was off. The rose in the innovation community those companies back in older borrowing from from from silicon or a bank. Maybe some of them are gone belly up on on their on their borrowings on their lines of credit, and on top of that they now have to pull money. bank, so they reducing deposits and you get which here that some smells at an inn, rumours spread. Iran is on an essentially which audio here's, the real question, and I know that the democratic you'd say at all. You know they they loosened Dodd frank and that caused the only there banks that were at less than two hundred billion would no longer regularly by might fed which is wrong right away. Here's what they did with Dodd frank all they did was said you are under two hundred doubts and assets you are,
a longer a systemic. We important back you're, not J, p, morgan united a blow to our system. So, though, systemically important banks who get double the, the regulatory oversight that you you still Regulatory oversight- you just don't get the additional protocol jukes that right you still get. You still get exam a lot right. That's right! Now. Here's the thing in the middle of this exam. How come these guys? The fellow reserve that it will be the same goals. They didn't know that these guys had the most leverage business model to one community that the interest rate depended. I I don't understand it, I mean it's just it just it's mind boggling. This is not about deregulation about that the abbe. This is really story that that regulation never catches. This stuff a dozen and reading. I'm reading spier by girls than in the journal. Right before I came on the air and gaston's.
suggesting that the exact what you just said that we shouldn't have modified dodd frank, that these government regulators are quote we are positioned to find this stubborn boston stuff, although they never how he. Where is he getting that from Joe Charlie? I'm only here, you know, I read it up to what ties, but it it a net. They never catch it, and do you ever catch, I bet you think distrust as they would have quoted and they don't force of law. These stress tests will be as they they're no more on wall street as feather tests by the way Don't they overweight government denominated asset and way, of course, but you know hears really the best stuff is tested a world. Stop printing money stopped me signal. heard shocker interest rates down to zero forever. Would you d based a currency when you went money? Would you and people checks and so the whole economy as more
float around the goods to buy you're, gonna fight people gotta? Do stupid things you gonna go out on the risk spectrum they're not to put their money in the bank was it gets because a flush? Would cash and a figure of zero percent? They put your their money and other things, crypto meme stocks. You know crazy stocks with no earnings remembered all those things blew up. It's all because of this. They have all because a zero percent interest rates a lot of other things. You know real estate, that quote, that quote: tuples invalid when they still put it in because money is is, is abundant. And interest rates are zero. The many? U turn do one. Eighty on that you is exposing the cracks that that easy money created. Now I guess the point is why don't we just keep it short it's zero and let everything go on, and you know it
I like banquet and one other and we'd. Have we wouldn't have a recession? Well, then, you get like massive inflation, and I don't think people understand is how you know we're just we're in the throws. Right now begin the throes of inflation. I grew up in the seventies. My dad was a construction worker who drove a cab and bark ended, and the reason why you did three is cause you couldn't get by a one and now what inflation does Ok, you got have job, but it's almost like a recession. You just working through it just passively red and the other thing is a lot of times when you have a runaway inflation, and usually means wage. Wages are really keep up with the price increases. That's one of the problems. They told the wage price spirally. never happened, say you know you could We cheat your wage growth is constantly chasing the the the inflation of the goods that you need to just survive. There comes a point where people, just start cutting back in uk.
You get a recession anyway, so you know he he. You know the guy Your poison were now in the poison part Could we did all the stupid stuff we're gonna have to pay the piper or We have six percent, I mean I am telling him today the market go crazy because they think o He came to a little right. They're gonna do thou back debate as they think I eat. I will give you a couple of basis points high, he's going to heal collapse, the whole market. You know I'll, give you a scoop right now that I'm about to hit the button on my twitter feed before you called alright a break is here a nice day and bungie no show special reserve- is likely to tighten another twenty five basis points. Despite sentiment, that power will hold amid the s s, be the implosion, senor banking, exactly still fox business, what do you think happens so the market charlie, if they have that, go, exert expecting nothing that the market right now is pricing. I do know that it's good of you to what the bed yeah. I totally agree. Charlie. I got about a minute leopard,
being a guy who understands basic economics quite well and can explain it. Does it ever really? piss. You off that there's a solution to all of us reagan figured it out. You don't get a reasonable control over the money supply at an inn, your productivity curve, so you can produce more stuff to suck. I all the money he's an actual solution out there and they don't want to do it. They just want more taxes and government. Well, yeah it can scale back. The massive regulations are lit with led money start flowing to things now. You know every time there's a blow up. They blame it on lack of regulation when it's usually the economic incentives that cause it. and you know I I I you know We could talk about this all day. What's going on in washington. Right now. Who controls stuff, particularly on the democratic side, is, is not confidence building I mean we really have a billion economically competent guy. I always
when obama was economically incompetent- oh god, it's worse than that obama looks like calvin coolidge compared to this guy. This guy, I don't know Charlie. If it's stupidity or weakness with this guy awkward bombed, but the things he says are just insane. I mean tomorrow I'm going to went to he just said again the other day that we may need fossil fuels for ten more ten more years. You're crazy. We're like this, the years away from that right. How does this guy get this guy together a sentence without tripping over himself and he's predicting when fossil fuels are going to go by the wayside. I mean yeah, I mean the janet yellen is just pathetic: she's she's, a complete academic. Then, let's never done anything. I'm you speck bore powell, but you know he d d copy the Ellen's playbook by and he gave it to them and just get the cap.
Cutting rates and printing money, he should have stopped. You know when we should have stopped and I the people go, shake their head, but I think we were coming out of it after when, when by the did in early twenty twenty one and we will come out of everything, businesses were but we had. We had a vaccine that worked modestly, at least at first we work. go back to shut down. We were gonna have that that that help any more and you know we just kept pretty muddy spending money on it. And you know you can't have an experience like that and I have this sort of dislocations we're seeing right now and by the way I know, I know people keep saying printing money spending money that I haven't done that forever? No, not at this level debt nothing close! Eighty, eight percent of gdp right now, If we did, I mean we haven't seen numbers like this: we've surpassed in now we're coming out of a world war, one world war, two charlie, I'm at a time. I got around I'd love to do like an hour or so at my parties. fascinating, got jolly
We have time pressure, you come on, thank stand by you got it folks. He's are wrong, that we have ever seen that, like this accumulated by any government in the history of the known cosmos, that's a fact, nominal or real dead. There has never been anything like it in the history of human beings and before we go, is a little supplement. The last jimmy to include this. Bravo, those out there in the liberal, sidewalks there's you believe it there safe spaces, german. I had a lot of fun with this rant that happened on the radio on thursday this past week, and we want you to hear for yourself check this out. Jim queue up for me, cut one. This is federal, judge called dunk any speaking at these stanford law school again. What the hell would a judge want dog to a law school by beards, crazy? What would he have to offer of course, he's interrupted by woke lunatics screaming and yelling like raving ban cheese like that x, men, character, badger, screamin, wetness diapers, neither wiping the cleaning up mommy!
To come for you by the way you discuss me, I d get that video. Now I want a complaint about you, scots me, you woke little loser punks you're such little zeros I mean it. With that. I could discuss thing. Your horrible little lives are used. there and stanford law school right. You been tampered your whole life, you worst bags You shame was was beg you probably spent The do of ninety percent of your life in your mommy's basement eaten pop tarts Look at it. You look at your favorite. Only fans account that's what you do with your time. Now, your daddy's money got you to for law and you got a federal judge up there and accomplished guy and because appointed by trump and won't use preferred pronouns for an accused, katy rapist, yoga used. Melted down and taken a leak in your diaper goes. I went myself it's a little worse bags. And then, if you're listening right now to the woke liberals notice, we can't stand you.
Oh, my gosh, you should be nice you're supposed to be getting mistress. I don't want you to listen to out. I really despise you. I ever, thing. You stand for. I hate everything, everything stand for I can't stand your racist centralism. The war on civil rights, you're censorship. Your foul virtue said we wake furniture was I am I pissed bipeds why What terrible lawyer we speak a judge in front and school. Look at me, I'm so special bar You're, a loser: euro zero we were a total life. Loser you're, a scrub! Remember that ska songs! I don't want no scrubs by. I don't want no scrub that you they're talking about you you're a scrub. I'm sorry it's a little annoyed. Did I hear the audio and you can our committee on my rumble account here is, Called down, can get mihakko by a bunch of diaper wherein liberal losers at stanford law, and I want you to listen this syrian stein back
de. I deem diversity, equity and inclusion, the lecturing the judge
about safe spaces- is hilarious, check this out and the people humans, their families and their communities comfortable comfortable to say they see you as a person is uncomfortable to say that for many people here, your work has caused harm, has cardiff has caused harm, and I know that must be the year. I know let me finish, and I want to give you space to finish or do something awesome comfortable, because many of the people around here I've come to care for and in my role at this university, my job is to create a space of belonging for all people in this institution, and that is hard and messy and not easy, and the answers are not black or white right or wrong. This is actually part of the creation of belong and it doesn't feel comfortable and it doesn't always feel safe, but there are always places of safety and there's always an intention from this administration to make sure you all can be in a place where you feel fully. You can be here, learn grow and the amazing advocates and lawyers and leaders that you're going to be.
These kids are going to grow up to be pathetic, losers and they are going to be assisted united states attorneys an attorney. his general and prosecutors, and I guarantee you these life losers will be the first ones to take your ass and put it in jail because they found out on a social media posts in a civil case that you had a maga hat on and let me So the lecture here to what Tyrian stein back it turned the somewhat enough in that area was in palo alto out there were stanford is someone turn this up, because we're on these radio stations out there and play this material. I got a little lecture for tyrion who decided to lecture the judge about safe spaces. You ready here we go three two one. Are no preconceived spaces. The world is a really really hard place. Let me too, a quick story when I was a young age it right. I don't What the hell I was doing you get out a training. I've never protected the present before they tell me. Clinton when he was president. He was done This is in the oval office. You know that was almost is coming to an end to the presidency and as a site
it's a site up at suny, albany they're, like bonds, you know new guy, yeah or whatever boss hey. You need to drive up the suny albany where's that figure it out go to mapquest. I think that's what we use at the time. There were no gps rates. Remember mapquest, Jim you've heard that adoration turn right. So the suny albany to do a security for bill Clinton. because I didn't know anything they said: go sit up and the bleachers he was given a speech and jim you know the bleachers. They roll amount from the wall. You better, you, kids, came out the most uncomfortable seats possible, I'm standing there or broken of course he's yours. I touch and people every sitting sniff, unlike by their nose, but there are a lot of touching, sometimes more, he loved it. up there and shake hands, so decides he's stop walking up these breaches, which are quite I am there Let me tell you something to boston times, guy's name without this guy The deputy special agent in charge that detail here through my ass off the bleachers, because I moved in the wrong direction and got the president's way. I probably
died. I probably would have been paralysed, you'd think I better, an apology from now and gave a not one bit He said: listen, youngster, the jury is out of the way you run away at a president move had bosses scream. It be in a twenty seven thousand degree octave. If that's even a thing in front of a bunch of cops, we got lost. Do it site- advance raillery could drive into a wedding one time I had a guy verbally completely undress me I be it could have been any uglier in front of probably ten or fifteen cause the world aids safety applauds the world it's not a safe spite and there's no safe space. You know all you gotta, do you got it? the world like an unsafe space. everywhere you go is unsafe and when you ask like everywhere you go is unsafe. You prepare yourself for the security of it
It reduces the anxiety of the unsafe environment, you're gonna, walk out in called the world preparedness train. Your boss The train your mind be smart, so you can outsmart the next skype every board room, you ever gonna go in a real business. For the rest, your life is unsafe. There is a vulture on the other side of that boardroom, getting ready to take every freaking thing you worked for in your entire life. I've been involved in many. These means. No, you haven't dan yeah as a whole, I brought a three billion dollar company to market and rumble after a massive failure at parlour, when three trillion dollar companies colluded to wipe us off the market. I promise you, you may love me or you may hate me, but I've been there. There is someone on another side of a table either a lawyer or a business guy every place you're going to go. That is totally unsafe. That is looking to take every single thing you earned in your life ever thing everything, and then
I'm going to cry for you or your mama or your cousin, tony or your we'd smoking, professor samuel, for one damn. Second, they are going to take everything they will take your wallet when you leave the room, if you re lucky and they will make sure you leave broke because it's a zero sum game, the business world and, if It sounds like a world. You don't want to live in that, I'm really sorry no one's. Given you this speech before, because tyranny! Steinbeck lady, is full of diarrhoea. She is that whatever she said is crap Jim we ve course. Did you get the word back me ass. You know Still, it's still a no we re the uncensured Joe did I these european. Why do I be asked There is no safe space out their nowhere, the business world. Nowhere not in the sports world. What a guy! Yesterday, german, I would just talking about a picture for the met who wanted.
play, first, reporter rico and the in the world baseball classic I blew out his knee celebrating when you know what the world a fair- and you know why, even when he won the mound wasn't safe. So we jumped- and he blew- I'm not kidding it's a true story and he blew out his name because the freaking world- a save, it's not save danger everywhere, even on a pitching. Now after you just want a baseball game. to these was woke why loser halls there? telling these kids that there's a safe space that list Sure classroom where that judge was, is supposed to be an unsafe space. You are so
I used to be challenged. You supposed to be smart iron, sharpens iron you're supposed to be in there dealing with ideas. You may consider dangerous. You consider him dangerous if they are so dangerous, then figure out a freakin way around them using logic and reason you dip wads. this professor is ruining your lies, though this Dean whenever she is Tearin stein back is ruining your lives by lying to you. anyone in this audience under the age of eighty, because most people by that point had figured it out. You need this, now with your elders both in their sixty seven, these unaided, who got their asses. Kick, who add up It showed him in the ribs when they were playing a baseball game and it was unfair. They broke the ribs and MR sees it you need to across the table from a guy who boss did his ass, his entire life and built the plumbing business and had a couple illegals come in and start Verona put, the guy had a business datsun, save theirs,
nothing safe about this world. A glorious other side. That too. The world being unsafe, gives you opportunity gives you the opportunity to put an arm around yourself, You the opportunity to fail repeatedly and dust off. We got buried Carlotta lived through that was worse experience in my life did, I came back. I came back I myself would rumble took that same battle plan for free speech, reading cry about it. We do mine about it. Ladies and gentlemen, they stole hundreds of millions of dollars. For me. No, that's not a typo, sat down and pitched and moaned and wind all day about how it's over it's over. so we say it eight saying: there's nothing save and I too why ass and I gotta get up off the mad, but I stopped
bad for myself, and I want back and I started something bigger and better. I study for a year it again in the medical school tire year, my life while be while a secret service agent full time and then some. read, nor organic chemistry textbooks took the m cat, did pretty good that but good enough to get in, and you know what happened. Nothing happened. They told me, go pound sand, loser, you're, not smart enough that I wasn't. I felt that for myself for a good two weeks, I worked so hard, save with safe sped say, but I guided by by then money, said shut them up, figure out something different and took the g Matt.
Got into business, school, penn state and I graduated at the top of the class. I learned a lot You know what I got out of medical school nothin because it ain't safe because I never got it he will you you got smarter after you have now. I don't even remember most of the stuff, I told me, you know I got nothing out of it. except the valuable life lesson and failure. The world is safe. You are cursing these kids. you're, not helping them. Your cursing. These kids. go sit down anyway. I'm telling you, under the age of forty go sit our people older than you and ask him about their life failures. ask him about how they failed in life and how they overcame it. You'll learn
Well, from people's failures and you'll learn from your own successes guaranteed folks, if we don't correct this stuff telling him and we'll walk in this country off a cliff, we are creating a generation of life losers, and I mean it, however, horse that is too here we are creating a generation People guaranteed to lose life, as you are telling us something categorically false that this place safe. There is nothing safe about it, I'll, be right back thanks for listen that especial sunday pod guess what we put together for you. If you want to check out some of these interviews as their happening, you can listen to the radio show just. extension finder on my website, bungee yoda comp defined, station near you, thanks for tuning in I'll, see on Monday desert bond gino.
Transcript generated on 2023-06-29.