« The Dan Bongino Show

The Dan Bongino Sunday Special 01/14/24 - Leo Terrell, Julie Kelly, and some great rants


First, we talked with Leo Terrell about Biden’s stolen valor with the civil rights movement and what’s happening with the black vote for President. Next, Dan goes off on the entire Biden family after Hunter's ridiculous staged stunt before Congress. Then, we talk with Julie Kelly about the news that Ray Epps is getting off scott free while many others rot in the DC Gulag. Finally, Woke sports is what it is, but there is hope out there, Dan gives some examples of what's going right.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The good way to hear the truth about america on a show that not immune to the bags with your host dan Ben je know what the sunday podcast is our chance to play for you, some of the best moments from the radio show and some great interviews during the week that you may have missed. If you ever want to check out our show, go to bungie dot com if the station finder and see what radio station moron near you love it. I promise that we put a lot of work in the radio show check it out, but before let me take about a first sponsor ever heard of data brokers through the middleman collecting the digital footprints you leave online. They use your browsing history and location data to sell your profile off to a company who delivers you. with targeted ad no biggie right. Well, you might be surprised to learn that the same data brokers are also selling your information to the department of homeland security and the I r s who to mask my digital footprints. I protect myself with express vpn
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misery. Anything lower than add LEO had some thoughts. I disguise you naughty its favourite, probably our number one guest I've. We had an on demand feature like conservative networks are so that everyone would. I click on the visa. LEO Terrell autobiography because they love them so much welcoming back to the show the great leo Terrell LEO thanks for spending some time with us. Man appreciate my pleasure happy new year, Mr Dan bought cheadle and Jim and staff that we love. but happy new year to you to so a better person come on and talk about this. I have a couple things I want to address first, but LEO you're, an actual civil rights attorney. Her guy who's got the bona fide ease and see me in the track record: go in a war for people, civil rights show em up. I, when we're done with this interview, at another, and I say yet another cause. It said it happens all the time another
of Joe Biden just yesterday, in a large black church in south carolina again falsely claiming to have been some big civil rights advocate now we If that was actually true. I have no problem with him running for office in saying that to be a nice thing to know what, while that's great, that's impressive, but Upham LEO Joe Biden was not in fact a civil rights activist. This has been debunked seven different ways from sunday continues to say one final point: four, I get your thought on it, outside of military, stolen valor LEO, given our country's history with race. I find nothing more morally repugnant. Then civil rights, stolen, bower, valor and falsely claiming you were a civil rights activist when in fact you did apps Will nothing for the movement and let me tell you right now: you're you're, being kind to him. He's he's just an outright liar and when you flip it over, guys a racist people, we all the time. Why did I leave the democratic pot? Twitty twinkie dan bits,
liar goes on a nest. No radio show is that if you don't both from a you ain't black raised, this then is a reaches statement. This guy would meet or with a clear member but so put, but for the call of your question this guy, goaded or black church plays the race car lie church about his association with the civil rights movement, what he had absolutely nothing to do with it, and there was a tape. Yesterday I was watching where he even admitted he had no involvement, but because he is Joe Biden, because ninety five percent of the media protests, she's hd that liar he gets away with why every day it is insulting yeah, he's pandering to a old group of black men, headed by Jim cline burch picky about black americans today are going to drink that kool aid or not, and that's why they have left and they're leaving
the democratic party. Can the numbers are dramatically? Oh, I mean, if you believe, the appalling data- and you know it's polling day- I'm always a little sceptical, but even If the polling data's have true, you know upwards of say: fifteen to twenty percent of black voters are saying right now and that's at the low in that hey Joe Biden not for me and you know to people not familiar with paulina, may not sound like a lot. Well there, That means eighty percent are well folks. You gotta understand when aid five to ninety percent of black voters in the passive voted democrat and now a ten percent of them are saying? No, no, I'm not voting for this guy. Maybe it's our f k, maybe its trump folks, there are a lot of black voters in the country, especially in philadelphia in swing states like georgia, where we're Atlanta has a large black population leo. These are came changing numbers if Donald trump gets eighteen. nineteen percent granted that's a big number. I understand that these are apps will we gain changing mathematical numbers that make the
electoral college for Joe Biden, impossible. You you're! Actually create a day, and it is two or three or four percent- so do not big enough. Kith double did at least two to three to four percent of black levy. Joe Biden voted for talks if game or wage this game over a possibility of it in cities where the black population will change the outcome. Game, only the toy in michigan Joe Biden is, is trouble with the black boat. You know why, because these black american are going down to the so called racist trop, no bathed, they don't drink the coolly. They don't believe. The democratic party is in favour, a black america that credit party has played black america and I'll be right now I'll be happier ports. It happier america by leaving democratic politics, they destroy the black and you did what final boy look at the black citizens.
cargo in a tall up rising over a faint, very city, chicago at a communist mayor who just have disregarded. Citizens enjoy the dirty work or the white liberals it wasn't. Gonna LEO tyrrell, leo, you saw right. It's it's so condescending how the can't we oughta swampy republicans have done this to how they speak up. Black voters have this as if this dimensional, as if you know a working but blackmail plumber in Virginia whatever it may be, you know, is incapable of voting outside of someone skin color. What he's been told to do? It's it's its image shore, its immoral, it's it's stupid its surface level thinking you know the people who said oh they're not going to vote for donald trump he's a republican. You know some. There are a lot of people out there and I got to. I got a whisper this awhile ago. I've told this story before so forgive me for repeating it, but friend of mine, is: is a tech invest
he's pretty wealthy garbage goes to a lot of events and, in those events, he's around a lot of very wealthy black people. Lawyers retainers sport figures, business people, the entire cornucopia leo he's. to me, this is a couple years ago, LEO he's again You are going to be shocked. How many People in this next election are going to vote for donald trump because I sit there. Sometimes he was. I pretend not to be shocked because he's a trump supporter he's like they are all ended for donald trump is because What form so give other means, as I call a mobile trump I said I call it whatever you want. I don't care as long as you vote for him, but I This election you're going to see some big numbers or your aptly writing. I'll tell you the reason why, because the mainstream media CBS Nbc, all the and the democratic party grew to nineteen sixty five time. All I mean this is the this black population do not think like if the sixties or the seventies they have moved on.
the gray society mentality they want in the pretty job. They want to work for themselves. They want ownership and control, and the democratic party feels bailing out o. You need that government. No, we don't We need government out of our lives and they just don't get it, and they won't accept that you go outside of the beltway. You understand that black americans, regardless of color or for everything to tickling liberty, freedom indicated school, joy, guy, values: freedom. They don't see it there dated healthy it no, they don't, and it's gonna be one of those things that it's here What what's the old line of the euro bankruptcy, its scrap its well, it's gradual and then all of a sudden, that's what's going to happen, you're going to see a gradual flow of black voters into this. Hopefully, this new g o p, this non swamp orient. The g o p going forward you going to see one or two elections. Word she's gonna be theirs.
to be a size, make you know, punctuated equal equilibrium like event word things just change! It's going to happen, I mean it's happened before and you just can't take advantage of a voting demographic like the Democrats have taken advantage of the black into spanish for, like this, do nothing for these communities forever, eventually, we'll catch on even with the media, even with the media coverage for them, you, right. Now, I'm going to sit there and put some pressure on you because you're right, I think. First of all, let me get right. I think trump is going to win. I bet there's going to be a heat alex for years the to to really make america great again like he did before, and got a colleague Dan. I hear your programme healthier you gotta call me. I gotta call the people who are loyal to making this country great. You talked about freedom and liberty. If you get that call from the Why for wants you to Europe's foot down like it? If you want to watch, it is easy. killing right now, but I listened to your programme. You're gonna have to help drops. You know for a fact of life.
I'm aware he would allow some more rhinos. He knows who are loyal to him after this country, their bud, no you're loyal to the right. If you get that call you gotta gulls you know I love you there? It's funny how you and I started. Fox. You know, arguing and became. The best of friends is like ass. The greatest friendship story ever out what you no matter of fact, twenty you bring the subway. I only mention it because you so you know you're such a loyal friend to me and you always have been an idea. We appreciated, but I know you but the country you not just saying that, because you and I are bodies- you saying do you care about the country? And you know I do too and I deeply appreciate I really do, but I just the other day someone sent me this video here, kid you in LEO argue in back in the day, was a youtube clip and it was even then you and I have like scope as should it. So I love your brother. I appreciate that and you know it
it's it's always. Oh, it's a lot to think about. I wanna get your thoughts and one final topic we're talking to the great LEO too ral. So we other the opening my showed I was discussing this washington times article about political violence, something I obviously fully abhor and condemn completely right lula this positively. Once we go down that path, there's absolutely no coming back. However, what worries me LEO is the left doesn't feel the same way When violence happens on the right, we condemn it, the left can say we don't all they want, but you- and I know we do not like that- that totally inappropriate eventually illegal prosecutor. We shouldn't be doing that we'd all we know that the tea party rallies were largely, were largely up patriotic and peaceful, you know January six, lotta stuff shouldn't happen. Conservatives oh god against it, but a lot of people got entrapped entire thing too. However, the left I feel the same way we are. We had be a lemon tee for riots. You add people out there largely peaceful, as cities were burning down
concerns me, and I want to get your thoughts eyes if, donald trump winds and he's likely to do so in november. We're gonna have this two and a half. Period until his inauguration, We are. Nobody knows a lot better than you. I am genuinely afraid. I mean that that off all of the guard. Rules are going to be off and They are going to lose their minds and we are going to see something in amerika. We haven't seen in a long time, and I gotta tell you, sir: it scares the hell out of me: I'll tell you, you are spiral, I'm afraid, I'm on your list here they get I'm pray for the product safety. I am afraid that if he, when he win because he left can get away with with radical comment, you got your hammer. Maxie wanted all these individual grass just daily, go out and public and threaten the republic its threat. Donald trump order, and there's no combination whatsoever, and so there basically really. I agree like I pray for prisoners from safety and I'm
right now from november twenty twenty four when he gets elected up until the time he takes office, we have to pray and protect this man, because I'm telling you the Democrats are sending signals signals of a a basically we'll look. The other way do whatever you want. You know. If trump, we don't care, we have to care and I pray for president trump safety yeah me too. I had this conversation. I did a long form interview. how come on my podcast on rumble leo, and this topic came up to about his safety and and in his crazy how many people on the left, like you, know, you're, just promoter. You know some
and spiritually dearie and I'm when I respond to them. Do you understand what I did for a living before I came here? I don't throw them with all round cavalierly I would I would I mean I don't want to say who but leo you know me a long time like when I put that out there. That's a very serious thing. There are people contacting me who are very concerned about what you just said. Nothing, you just said is some kind of crazy out a left feel conspiracy. Theory. There are security experts. In my former space who are genuinely concerned that peat we're getting riled up to such a degree that, if he wins they see, The only way out. You know you ve, unthinkable and are you? Are you have read a bill? You talk about it. Every unthinkable We all know what it are talking about. We have to take precautions, safety measure man, if he weird he's going to win, needs to be protected. Forty four seven, because I'm telling you the left is signally what they will do at eighty cop.
The big brain power, could told me about veto they'll. Do italy the key to maintaining that power control. They don't care about democracy, they love and thirsty for power there. they are, we owe to row. It is always an honour and a pleasure to have you on the show you such a good man and friend than you welcome here any time thanks so much for spend some time unless we appreciate you, damn five you'll be nicer Jim path at a year, Jim you ever notice. He says that every time when he leaves he's a that's hilarious, he loves you guys. He would be good that accrue over there, Jim I'm, I good to you and MIKE come on. Tell the audience the mai yes he's very. I am. I love these guys up next orton ran from the show. But first let me tell you about an exports. Folks b dream powder. I love it. I'm still. China haven't a bit of rough time, sleep it. Obviously you tell last night I was out why I took my beam dream patterns, great star support
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I beams best selling dream powder get up to forty percent off for a limited time when you go to shop, beam, dot, com, slash bond, gino and use code bond know at checkout, that's shop, de. I am tat. Comes I spawn gino and use code bulging offer up to forty percent. That garbage stun trade Bag hunter Biden pulled up on capitol hill. What a joke went off on this absolute life. Loser skies total sky. Take your man, I'm not I'm, not really, I'm not I feel like a cutesy time guided. I I'm just not so I just as it were subtle courtesy the you out there in the wonderful awesome, radio listening audience. I did the hunter Biden thing. I'm just. Today shows I gotta be q. So young, kids. Listening, I strongly recommend you know the tune out. The good news is Jim. It's a wednesday. It is
you're, twenty, twenty, four, where various exceptions were carved out new regulatory scheme, I was just made aware of the email. Parallel c c is waved all obligations on this show taste, That's that's at least good to know it get no know you were on the it's on it as boy that was it There was another fisheries gabe where that is another fishing scheme. That was that was a nigerian scam for about the oil. for answers are billy. I didn't know that who's, the double The eighty border points is sean better genes, are officially liaison did FCC. You better tell me on that. Dude now listen, I'm serious! I one. I feel great, ran back two hundred percent
for those who have been sending me messages about it, was this a little called, but now I'm a hundred percent, my voice, the little shaky butter- and you know the weird thing is when you, when you have kind of a nasty called and you get over it. You feel like today you right You feel like extrovert. You feel, like you, have like superman man, my powers. I will This morning I slept great call me moses. I don't feel bad and its other of your bed. You feel amazing. So I was really in the mood for the show, but the mood for cutesy time at this hunter Biden. Thing I'm sorry again. If you look for a cutesy time show today and for you, because the guy's, a scumbag, ok, is dad is a kid sniffing daughter, showering souci. A path, think lying plagiarize, engrafting bride, taking deal cutting cease. P next to office, holding woman feeling played nightmare of a human being.
With the sun news, a disgrace to humankind who door a time where there's a war in the middle east going on there, an increasingly hot threat from China. We Of a perilous economic situation going on is pretty labour force, participate. in productivity numbers tag. We ve got aid iowa caucus a week away in one of the hardest political races of the year. This scum. This scumbag of his son hunter Biden decides he's. Gonna show up at a deposition to look like some kind of conquering hero and an walk right out. When you forced to ask an actual question: I'm tired of this family. I'm tired of this piece of garbage, I'm tired of his peace, a garbage dad, I'm tired of the pisa garbage brother, I'm tired of it folks, you know it's. Is it tired of being tired of it It is interesting that everything we were told Donald trump was correctly they black
two donald trump sk grace the presidency funding we haven't fairly coke in the white house, we found it. coke in the wide I owed so interesting that we have, as we haven't, seen any c c p prison. These deals on low foreigners stated hotels, Donald trump or a din. Because Donald trump was in the hope. hope is are really oh, so did what if I ve ever average I know shocking sofa. Chinese communist party member buys Joe Biden's book. Is that mean Joe Biden was influenced by the oh, you spell cred a holes on the left. You have to dumb history. This is why I hate you people and if I ever run for the presidency, which I'm going to one day, it is only going to be it's not going to beat a win. Make no mistake. It is only going to be to use it is going to be a well financed microphone to it,
suppose, to the world how stupid you people are! So it's ok! bill. Clinton get offered five hunt. Thousand dollars from a speech from a russian company connect Did you an international business deals? Wife was over. That's ok. The wife is already but If a foreigner stays at a hotel who die I'll drop, whose in the hotel business days, a donald trump is We deal with Joe Biden did taking money from his son news, taking money from the chinese communist party for a business. Nobody can describe it hotels, it's a what is the business plumbing age, rack, air conditioning She'd rock. What are they doing? I'm here, the gems camps on some folks him to I'm. Just tired of it. How much more of a disgrace to this country? Do we need. You got a guy yesterday who does
in his white house he can. Why this way of marine or air force one his dog It's the everyone. They see The sun is literally on tape smoke in the smoke. Crack, while the engaged in the nasty with a bunch of women of the night gratitude. I've got that I. Obviously I've got Well, color me left and right. Like oh brother, you don't know the half a bit about dividing family and we I continue to take this great country it's like the beatings will continue until morale improves. What is it take for this guy to resign. get? This fill this human garbage hunter by.
His brother dies and he's hooking up with the wife, his territory somethin. Listen. I don't like to share personal conversations with present trump because its but I am reasonably confident he be ok with this. One hundred percent, confident, I wouldn't say. One is because I don't like the name drop, because it's ridiculous. They look at me. I think that who cares everybody talks. Trump he's got a lot of friends, okay, but as. But one time is up in a white ass. Those Chad mother This is before Biden jumped in the race. Couple years in to his too at the last term. My I was right paula if you listen to radio show come up here. She was right there if you list- income up you, can vouch yet never asked her to come on radio, but she's like a couple rooms away.
She was right next to me when this happened, a paula I wonder if one hundred voucher man he comes up. me trump is relieve in any site. Meetings gonna run And keep in mind this is like a year and a half and nobody's officially announced sooner them. Satisfier, probably bade. Oh, I said you know yet a good run against head crews. I said harrison. I never guy could be a little bit of trouble had turned out to be a laffer, but I said Kamel is probably going to run, and I said Joe Biden, but I said I dunno man. I said this guy's just a walking disaster. You know so many people told me so many bad stories about Biden. He looked me in the face and he goes. Can you imagine he goes the guy's kid because shack end up with a wife after the brother died from brain cancer. He looks in the face. He goes man. I know semester, people, but I don't know anyone of a doodad politics. I get I'm going to text her she's gonna come up here,
For me, I am a dude. No, I want her to call me come up here, I'm going to come up here. She If she does. She was right there when it happened. He couldn't believe it. in the white house. Son on video tapes, smoking the crystal, can crack bombs or your ship, the white, the oil. The the the boobies flash in the white house lawn hey. I need a favor. I never asked you to do this, but can you test protested. The audience at this happen come here. You'd have to talk, you we're, I know you're not or not. So we were in the white house were trump remember. We're leaving the white house in the topic of binding comes up right at what his trunk did. He I say to us about member to kid: was I knock and boots with their wicked brothers? Have what went wrong?
do you remember what he said, but He said this and tell me this. He said: because I know a lot of like bad people right, but I don't know anybody. You would do anything like that. Rakkeed, that's right! They see it just say. Yes, we say yes, it happens that, yes, it there? You go. She was right there. You know Paul, never lies! Thank you. You know. I never asked you to do that on the ever is folks if got the whole, if you watch a rumble you actually so Paula industry. That's does that. Exactly what happened. I know a lot of people. These are bad stuff They would do anything like that. Get a sky Jim you up for me, cut one Here's some audio. What happened he decides to show up at this deposition the last minute. For me I guess a media up. I don't know I don't. I mean the guy scum he's human garbage who the hell knows what he was doing. He shows
but the last second, and instead of showing up with some dignity- and actually you know, people it Nancy or in questions to the american people, about this out word threat to their national security operations of the united states by selling out our country. I e through is dad no here Send for a second for a photo up together, screw up Whole country at any walks out like a coward like a chump like a dog here check this out. Chair recognizes MR green from georgia for firm. Thank you, MR chairman. Excuse me hunter apparently you're afraid of my work. During my time, MR chairman burst their love all, wow. That's too bad!
the. I think it's clear and obvious for everyone watching this hearing today. That hunter Biden is terrified of strong conservative republican women because he can't even face my words as I was about to speak to him, what a coward a job, what a loser, disgusting folks, some really sick of it. I can't believe we have this great country, so many valiant brave men, women say we're fine than died foreign sort. We're stuck with that discuss, think kids sniffing woman feeling plays arising liar and the white house who tell people. He was a civil rights activist in one of the serious acts of stolen civil rights, valor I've ever seen. This is what we're stuck with, whose in the midst of a massive cognitive dementia episode. I mean it's just disgusting with a cry. smoking sex it did son knee deep in an international influence peddling seem this is the best we can do
we wait. Wait. Wait is enough enough enough. it was the best part of the whole thing- really part that even mattered to up two for me, Jim hunters, in the hallway and a reporter ass. The only question really matters at this point they honour. What's your favorite kind of crack, check this out, please, your question: why you make us always I'm not sure if you're frustrated as I am but folks I you know, I I love the place. I do I've a lot for this. she's everybody. You know I just got back from overseas and everybody wants to come here even from the world's richest country. Is the best we can do. I mean I
make a strong. The data base case. Do you. That of the three hundred and thirty million people qualified to lead, the united states is the commander in chief and president, this great country of three. plus million people, Joe Biden would be in the bottom: zero: zero, zero, zero, zero zero one percent of people. You would pick if you check list of this human piece of flaming garbage is attribute. You wouldn't They came to lead your kids, literally team matter of fact, you'd have em arrested before he did so Kids feels up women document did plagiarized cereal liar. Civil rights activist liar son, does crack son is on tape having relations with women of the night and suspect overseas countries suspected the international bribery and blackmail schemes, international influence peddling and never had a real job senses thirty's,
You're telling me you'd pick that kid: culture, sons, literally team, the guy's, filth he's absolute garbage and I'm tired of him and his this I garbage family. The only way we're never gonna get back at these people is the political way because justice is dead. If europe any illusions that the justice department is going to do a damn thing about this charade. Today you are out of your freakin mine, it ain't gonna happen. The only thing we can do is take em. Add power and get some sane people in their who might do something about it up next another one of our best interviews. But let's talk about an expansive first phase. Do a presidential election year. One thing you can be sure of twenty twenty four b to tumultuous How are you harder and savings? Fair? You, the impact of inflation, the pump the grocery store everywhere. eating away you're savings wages are an increasing fast, and so are you gonna do check your savings, it's important,
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You bet that day I was in a your friend, the minds office friends, so I had a little you're thing: god that advocate ear infection. Some surgery for some stuff, otto by you, german ever sidney irony offers. I had them lock the doors I bought the doors we were all sit, there were shot guns and we it's over guys. The doctors say steve and he was check out my ear freedom in sexual making me that scalpel sidney The door like it's over wretched man, It's over jim Jim was in a bunker. He was call in my for reinforcements. Maybe we should get a little commune going because it's the end at times it was over folks. The country was finished, What was actually doing I was sitting in his office watching tv got ass, pretty stupid, prob, Can we do and I left and one home at dinner and told my wife, Big mistake. Julie, kelly author of an amazing book, the definitive account of january.
you know the book is called folks- think again, Jim, you know what it's called It's january, sixth yeah. It's guess it's a good book. You should read it julie thanks for spending some time with us. I appreciate I cannot believe you are marking the dark, Gay in I know human civil and say I know it's sick. We promise exterminated by the cuban government in the human body and our role as I thought this a big. I I was sitting behind a door with the doctor's scalpel and he was sitting there with a broomstick and we were really afraid that Jacob chance he was on the other side going with the chewbacca sound or whatever I was terrified. We locked down the elevators and everything it was so bananas, but if I mean the jewel Like when you hear them, if you were a space, alien Julie and knew nothing about human civilization and came here just say a few weeks ago- and put in a search engine completely naive on the topic january. Six, I mean candidly. You would believe it
What actually happened I mean hyperbole has no meaning to the left. I mean You actually would any would see over the course of three years how as bad as the left and the democratic party of republicans in the media, portray the the events of january actual need made it worse. I mean to have it Joe Biden, goaded valley, forge and try to portray himself as george wash ing ton, fighting off evil of the people who being carried american flags and were protesting and election. I mean he's ramping up, he's accelerating the lies and the deception about that day and at as you know, one I've written tweeted because they're losing it. You know, then january six was supposed to be the end of trump. It was supposed to be the end of the moscow movement they expected to see mass defections out of the republican party.
They didn't expect that three years later there carefully, crafted narrative would be disintegrating and people would be marking it like. We are today will Julia again. Your book is called january sixes and amazing. Authentic account of what happened, They are wanted to have have you want because of the re apps ongoing the bottle, I'm in a play after you're off the air in the next segment, the audio re apps on re apps. I mean it, re up saying things? No one disputes. He said we're going in a compliment. Everybody seen it. over and over again I wanted to ask you this washington. I know anybody who knows more about it than you. How is it that two stories left is told us can exist at the same time, this was the massive insurrection. The country was endanger we're about to lose everything, but we were just openly marking, but that
the only guy, you know actually cut on tape and no one, no one disputes. It's him! claiming that we should go into the capital, will go into the cow over and over the night before the next day. He was If the only guy we actually have a tape, got the lightest sentence of anyone involved in the entire thing. If this was the debacle, they say it was January six to me that just doesn't make sense, katherine cannon. I documented numerous crimes that rate apple should be charged with. Not only was he provoking and encouraging people to go to the capital the night before, as we've seen on video and then directing people like look down constitution avenue toward the capitol. That's where our problems are re absence where's waldo of january six sex he's at the first breach pointless ryan sample the man he whispered to in his ear, not round the by cracks knocked over. A police officer went up the stairs he's at the second reach quaint, as were told
This is what is called breach point. He remained unrestricted grounds for over two hours. He interfered with police officers, he hands on a metal sign that the d J says was used as a bad during ram against police. I could easily name six or seven furious charges he should be charged with. So the question is: why wasn't he- and why has the d o J and corporate media covered for him and now depict him as the sympathetic figure everyone else they consider? Domestic europe except bray, apps. None of it adds up with our julie kelly author, the great book january six june, Couple things on this to one I find almost tragic that Re abs was at one point him or his legal team. There were kind of implying or hinting at lawsuits, and I kind of like scarf like what lawsuits remind me, Jim Mora, playoffs playoffs, and what I'm only playing what you said.
I mean it's you on you with me on you. I don't know you. I've never met rey up to my life. I have no idea hooray up. She was working for dealing with communicate with. I have no idea what I learned I learned about in court cases. Just like you did. I don't know the guy kind of hilarious, like this guy is legal to man, we're gonna start like shoe and some people over what weighing your vita if they thought that was going to scare. Anyone like me, you're out of your mind, like shoo away man. The discovery is going to be fantastic, that you're on tape. a digital video telling p. To go to the capital- and you know it's incredible-
If the left is made a martyr out of this guy well, he has a pending defamation, lawsuit against fox news and I'll. Tell you what I found really alarming dan when I read the department of justice's sentencing recommendation six months in jail, and I heard the comments yesterday of the chief judge, who is handling the case and I could easily identify what they wrote and what was said to give ray apps more fodder for his lost you, but somehow he has been victimized, unlike any one else, which is something the judge said yesterday, which is preposterous. Twelve hundred people have had their lives completely destroyed, most of whom charge with a party misdemeanor parading an capital people who went inside nonetheless, lives, destroyed families, broken up marriages and data bank rock dead. You know it Cast in their man, you alone in their very I'm illegally,
I permanent dread. I mean the I mean this is like this is serious, isn't thing We say lives destroyed, I mean, in the literal sense lives actually destroyed at least four men. We now have to be six committed suicide because of the torment bidest, the oj and media, so the idea that he is now a victim and they, the steel J and the judge our giving him. You know passages he can add to this a lawsuit. When you have a federal judge, the chief judge say you have been disparaged more than any one else. As a victim of conspiracy theories, paddle by government officials and powerful interests in the media. Use me Joe Biden. Has
Called all of these people collectively insurrectionist and domestic terrorists, so has chris re the f b, I director merrick garland, go down the list, it doesn't matter. If you assaulted a police officer, are you studying capitol grounds? You are all you know with the same broad brush by the most powerful ide, a government officials and media interest in the world and somehow re ups's is now a victim. And that's what really is infuriating this week. Seeing how their health thing his defamation lawsuit against backs. Truly, I have a theory on re absent you too here in our because no one knows more about this guy in the incident than you do. The analysis is. There are lotta. Conservatives out their me included, who absolutely abhorr violence rejected rigid, cynical violence, it's a red line. We cross, you never go, but you wanna be ecuador. You be ecuador on your own, I ain't gonna, be any part of it. I'm sorry there are a lot of things on january, six did say,
was uncomfortable with, is, to put it mildly. I've is a cop I can't look at that and say: yeah, that's cool, because it's not, but there a lot of really really suspicious things that happen that you don't have to be a conservative man, a guy to say: hey, wait! You know the staying a bunch of these people who seem to be there, and you know some more prosecuted. Some worrying reporters getting prosecuted seem like. It became more of a cover up than anything else. If it's just a story of a rally they turned into a riot, then fine. Let's have the that's that talk about it. I'm I'm happy to condemn any kind of political violence, but to get to my point I think bothers the left about apps is people you and I were like ok we're condemning there's a guy on video action, We call to go into the cap at all when we knew we should have been doing that he's right air. We We pointed out to you- and it's like-
all of a sudden where the bad guys, I think it bob there's them because people like you- and I did the right thing and when I came cool, like that, I shouldn't have done that and our people call them out the night before they were like fed fed, and I think tat what bothers them. doesn't fit into their narrative like you and I are crazies that wanted this to happen. I think that's why I agree with you on. They just didn't know how to handle the re up situation when, of course, dear and baby is the one who recognise that he was on the fbi's. Most list listen and quickly taken off, and there is no explanation so you're exactly right, but look. This is a man who sent a text you his nephew at around three o clock. That day I orchestrated it. I won't tell you pass less inflammatory, then that have been used as incriminating evidence to throw people in jail for years charge them with obstruction. Conspiracy, seditious conspiracy, enrique reigate, was in baltimore.
ball remorse wasn't even in DC, he was charged with seditious conspiracy, convicted and sentenced to twenty two years in prison. He I need re anna was far more involved than enrique terrio. So you're right, that's the discrepancy therein. and this would occur by the media, never expected more I got your right there, like, oh, no or re up tuckers, making fun of him on facts. They were just mad that the people on the right you mean Tucker, dare in a whole bunch of others. I mean I'm, certainly not taking even a modicum of credit for that we were like hey. Ok, I object to political violence and this guy claims to be with us, but we don't want him. That's and we want to know what happened and the left was like you can't do that. That would be the right thing to do. Would try to pay you guys, scumbags, that's what that's exactly where they got confused. I only got about a minute lever talking to you,
Kelly are book, is january. Six, it's fantastic and one last thing to you. When I covered in a movie police state, you a gracious enough to be a part of the fbi, expecting us to trust their story here? That's absurd. I mean, after spy gay the chop zone in seattle, the lack of prosecutions with anti, for you expect us just Take your word on anything one january: six! It's where football we'll seems like my pants does. He said the other day that he believed what Chris reigneth me. I've got about granularity nature, but look there's a lot more to cut out about ass, being bombed and other agencies, and this is what again, the media and the government's very nervous about because they are getting exposed and people are not a really digging in taking effect outlook than that. You know, maybe what we saw and we talked about this may be what we saw that day. There was a lot more to that behind the scenes than just clips on. Well news! I'm gonna tell you some you in there and beating and talker you
when all the political clouds in the maggots nazi stuff dies down over the years. Even the left, reluctantly kind of acknowledges reagan right now when that dies down I'm telling you. I know you and your book january, six polina, julie, Kelly, you guys. I promise are going to be recognized as at the forefront of a truth, movement of people going to be like wholly crap. They weren't crazy, was actually something more there. Then these simple insurrection, narrative, the goon left, told us about Julia. I wish I had more time with you, the book january six by the greek, julie, Kelly, one of the best journalists out there go pick it up today. Where we get your books, Julie thanks, times no better person on the topic that new thanks a lot. Thank you again so grateful you. Gotta choose the best julie, kelly, spokes, I'm telling you mean that you watch when all this dies down over the next decade, even Some kooky leftists are going to have to admit- or maybe she was onto something up. Next- is one of the more uplifting rants on my show, I think you're going to like this one needle.
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in a woman s, long, listen, exports. It is what it is kind of done with it, but there's hope out there I'll, explain, here. Take this and are, although today show is been kind of bad news, I'm kind of middle of the road news I like throw wins and sprinkle in some good news stories once in awhile with the current sports environment. To me, its upsetting- and I said because I address this on the pod kisser than I'll bring it up here again today, I follow a select few people on twitter? I mean really follow like people, I read their stuff and this guy. I might turn a vision into it. He's really he's got some pretty insightful stuff and I'll read his stuff Social media and one of the few areas I have a minor disagrees with a modest He calls it sports ball. He doesn't like when people basically waste a lot of time on sports in a I think his take, I don't mean to mischaracterize. It is and he's not wrong by the way is that you know these people,
genuine lino kicker without you who so why waste so Time with them, and these not an accurate but think about sports and always matter to me: grow up I was a kid. Maybe it was a little bit a hero. Worship like I love dogmatically, the first basement for the yankees and then, as you get older, is pearl jam once said you, trade magic. For fact you realize, like guys or just a bunch of self centered ass. We hit so everyone else, but I still enjoy the collective experience you know when I go to an auburn basketball game and I'm going to a few this year. I hope to see you there or paul game. It's about. You know me and my kids adjoining inexperience with some talented people who made that may or may not be the best people. I don't know I don't know them, but to go to They do and that's ok, I'm a meritocratic guy. They do. I'm doing a lot better than I ever could now enjoy watching it. You know now, hopefully do a good radio shows why you enjoy listening to it doesn't mean I should operate on your spleen, so we'd sports,
it's the collective experience of matters and I bring that up because one of the great two points of my life in the land- and I mean it, it may sound overstated, but I assure you it isn't. It I absolutely love football by love football. I love I was a quarterback- was not very good one, but I know the game and I genuinely enjoyed it. The quality of it, the big until component of it You know there's a reason in football that you can get a five tool guy out their put him on the field with every single metric for success and stick em quarterback position any socks, because it's just so infinitely complicated. What asked through your brain, watching these receivers on the fear. Why am I bring in any of this up. Because when he had one woke, it ray he ripped the heart out of me. I was a bit
The oakland raiders fan, l a raiders fan there. Now the vegas raiders, been all over the place for hate, has been back and forth. L, a and oakland, but. I can tell you. There are offensive of wine world, had all their records and all that stuff what work with the cap or an ex stuff. I felt, like part of me, died. And a major league baseball gob woke and it screwball gob woke. Am I get stolen, enjoy a game. I go to college games a lot. You know my daughter and all. But I really did feel like a part of me kind of died and it wasn't I idolize these people- for who they are, I enjoyed watching them for what they can do. really that simple they can something special if it was special people. Pay hundreds of millions of dollars, for they had skill. So was upsetting to me when these sports wont work. So when I get a good news story, you know
stay stand. These geyser, imperfect human beings like everyone else, I get a good news story about an nfl. I who, goes on tv and is the most humble candid just seemingly nice, pleasant guy. I think to myself. Why can't the nfl just at its head out of its ears and start guys like this, who really seem to care. Here's what I mean Jim. If you would six whereon in Houston. Now, thankfully, we love to be on that market- we're on the better at a better time slot we were before, which is really fantastic, but you're quarterback, sieges, drought. is not only an amazing quarterback. Did I hear correctly that is closer than are passed for five thousand yards season? I think I heard that you know incredible. That is that's insane This guy is an amazing quarterback and yet every single timely interview this guy posts game he never as
anything good this. About himself. It's always about his team about Jesus about god. I get it there. Fleet. I understand: maybe they care about us, maybe they don't, but my point if the nfl, if they just could get it, Heads like out of their asses and say you know what there's no future in this woke stop. These are not the p bull, consumer product habit we don't elene aid, our people, nor do in five most of the wye broadcasts. It said records are still and I fell, gives not suggesting their hurting, but I am so Just think that there are a bunch of people out there who still have a really hard time watch in it. Because they know they embraced this anti american anti cop garbage. Maybe star Promoting guys like this is really listen. Sky he's just an amazing guy every time, jim. You know you're in texas, I mean you're in the dallas market, but which is obviously separate from using, but this guy
it's incredible guy, listen to what he had to say after the game this week and check this out welcome to the playoffs. How does that sound to you? Then it's a blessing. I can't do nothing, but just thank my lord and savior Jesus Christ. The hotel put a lot of work and the team, as everybody called us all from from the start, so special to see the city of Houston only come up again and I'm just blessed enough to be the vessel that requires peak to to lead this great franchise. So I can do nothing, but thank the Lord folks. I really, I can't say enough about this young man. I don't know what I've never met him in my entire life. Never I don't know him, I don't always family, I don't know his cousins. I just know that when you get a microphone, like I have, and he has and politicians have. he's a he's, a sports athlete, I'm a radio hose politicians have a microphone because of their position.
think you have a responsibility, To evangelize, I I I just think you do them, you don't may not agree, but I I think you do. I feel, like god, gave me this job for a reason and you don't have to shove it down anyone's throat but I'm never going to lie to you, you know, Jesus is means you. exact same thing to me as he does to him you know the unfortunate thing about the society we live in today is that's like to quote cool thing Jesus only about Jesus here, but they want to hear about you and you know what it is there that the no and we're kind of playing, you god and you know, I'm rolling in my bentley after the game and all this stuff, they want you to do like the neon deion, routine or whatever. It is. Tell what man you get more guys like that. Maybe people like me who are watching on a regular basis. Again, what an amazing guy- and I thought only piece of good news. It happened this week at its a monday soto gloomy by the way in florida.
Where does the sunshine stay? For the last three days? We see no sun and halting the weirdest thing. So I'm feeling pretty good about these stories and I need a little up left there. yes, junior near hockey team They won the gold medal in the world championships this weekend and online the? U s: women, soccer team, disgrace the entire planet, in the united states, by kneeling for our national anthem, these garbage people, then the megan repeated class. You don't have to for the united states go Take your ass to another team in play for kuba. Nobody he gives ok, goodbye now don't the door hates you and me as they show To play for the: u s: team, and what did they do? They use who's there platform and their microphone to take a dump all over this country. Then the people who work here- and you know what I'm gonna tell you some. I don't care if it's a controversial, take even a little bit, because if I did, I wouldn't say it, I don't care,
if they lose rate, the? U S, women, soccer team lost. I didn't give a damn matter, back when they lost. I was like good. Maybe if you focused on soccer instead of taking a leak all over the american flag, maybe you would have won the damn game and had a bunch of people behind you with some positive mojo. so it's kind of a refreshing when this: u s, junior, new to national team we the gold medal in this world championship and the national anthem plays.
and you see and hear this Now I think you all agree with me that those guys. Maybe a little off key yeah goose bump your damn re that that's them was glorious, sound you've heard all day.
You don't gotta, be whitney Houston sing, the national anthem, you just gotta, look at those stars and stripes and say you know. That means something to me, then, in a table cloth man at such as that he's a fabric. That's an idea idea that matters to me and a matter to them, if they were on key or off key they're, not singers, their excellent hockey players gotta watch the video that I got the runs around each other. the usa emblazoned across their chess united. I support still has a special place in my heart and moments like that. that sometimes you can only enjoy collectively in that experience with people around, and they matter that much more. I shouldn't say you can only enjoy collectively, but when you know everyone else is living it with you. Sports is the place in our lives We don't want to feel like we're alone in the world.
And would be nice if these sports leaves again would get their heads out of their rectum than just realized that the people patronising your sport, paying me salaries and show up with the ticket set are exorbitant price now people who love this country. And I just want to say to see J stroud and today hockey team members that for whatever it's worth for me, I don't know whatever you may you may who cares what that guy thinks and fair enough? I don't know you you don't owe me, but you are most respect and its guy. like you that are going to save professional and amateur sport. This country's goddess problems. Everybody understands that, where a country of human beings, I totally get it. Everyone gets it. No sane person thinks otherwise, but there's Salute me no reason for when playing for the united states play and you choosing voluntarily play for one of our teams
to go and embarrassing in front of the entire world. Given everything we ve done for humankind. lost an uncle in vietnam fighting for a country. He never seen in his. entire life. Try to prevent the world from collapsing. In the communist, I've got a grand, father fought in the battle of the bulge and never talked about it. I get proud family. They fought for this stuff. They matters. Just wish some of these ungrateful people would take a lesson from these two groups. Young man quarterback in the houston taxes are my taste. You're making a houston, texans fans at I, I bought an nfl jersey in a long time, important nfl jersey, since bo jackson, I may, by that guy's just shown You know what matters is actually listened to the special sunday pod guess we appreciate, if you want to check out, the radio show, can always
are you on rumble rumbled outcome, slash bungee or first two hours of free last hours for our local subscribers and also on over three hundred radio stations across the country go to bind. You know that complex station find your fine I'll find out where we're on right near you see You just heard in bonn, gino.
Transcript generated on 2024-01-15.