« The Dan Bongino Show

The Commies Strike Again! (Ep 2138)

2023-11-28 | 🔗

It's getting ugly. In this episode, I discuss communist YouTube's latest move against me and against free speech.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Give way to hear the truth about america on a showed, its not immune to the banks. With your host dan von gene tat, I was watching the chad here before the shell, which shall I get an early but I'm not commenting, I'm generally reading, what's going on in someone just said a day, and how is it that you know you always stay so optimistic about the country say your long and america, and I you know folks, I have said it before, but the short answer is because its america, Where else would you rather be, and it works? their time? Would you rather be alive? I mean I'm just asking a practical question Forget about the hurrah esprit de corps, all I love being partly put that all sides, part of the country to be they put their all aside for a second I'm just asking too strict technical question what other time in human history and what the place would you rather be alive.
I wouldn't want to be alive and america. Fifty years ago, I'd rather be alive; now you got access to internet the biggest problem we have now is obesity, food everywhere? That's why What does it matter? How bad it gets right now is he'll, not as bad as it was even twenty years ago. I am always in optimists, animated, seem it, but I am gods. Bessest What's this position, I got a big show for you today, the youth commies inner there. god for rumble thankfully, or all here, you ll see what I mean and you all asked me for survival segment. Statehood my pillow, soft and absorb six peace. Thousands, only twenty nine idea would promo code then go to my pillow dot com right now, click on the radio, podcast specials, or call one eight hundred, sixty seven, four, ninety two so yeah three about survival segment right and I'm gonna put it together for you in one place and to make it easy. I knew better fact another that survival segmented case, something does go bad, is are
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hard to take the first step in safeguarding your health and the health of your loved ones. Don't wait: go to contingency medical dot, com, slash bond geno today and or promo. By gino for twenty dollars off your back, twenty hours off any pack, a contingency medical dot, com slush funds. You know with promo code bonds. You know continues medical products are not intended as a substitute for professional matter, treatment or advice. Consult with your health care provider our I did showtime down, it is shoot. I beg your way racking it up three minutes. Seventeen with thirty thousand people. You guys are unbelievable, so this happened. I know a lot of you liked my episode there, with Steven crowder on the ladder crowded, show a lot of you were digging it steve's on rumble. He still does some shows on youtube. We left Juba long time ago after we left youtube, because I'm an investor in rumble youtube hilariously, tried to say you can leave. Banning you d, what If the title of the last show we did wasn't it like we're leaving youtube
was precisely the title rights. We wrote title on their, so there would never be any mystery about who gave who leaving youtube. I wanted nothing to do with youtube their straight off. Commies, odyssey, you're, crazy to beyond ere. I don't they makes any sense anymore. The b on youtube you ve, got a perfectly viable alternative here in rumble. We love you here we go this respect you we allow people to have opposing viewpoints. What Well. I want, on tv, show due to some stuff on youtube, but mostly on rumble this The craziest thing I've ever seen these freaking com easier. So not I love and how they are are so determined to build up a free speech, alternative and never. you. It been more important being the parallel economy, so I saw this and crowded twitter feed less. I breaking. They got a stir, by you to one more and are banned from youtube forever youtube. He's dead. They
reduce strikes, one of my main channel and one on crowd or bids. Just we're having me on out there strike, a waiver being bad. It's. Why do you have a mug club in rumble? Is the only way to support the mission are you I mean I look at this figure reaching out from the deep shit come This ain't you to the less you know about strikes on the channel. They say Policies, if you post content previously remove from violating our terms of service content produced by creators with a current, friction or content for creators you been terminated under to pop up up up their base. We say only moses, you have deepened. You know I don't want. You know which is really strange because of you for by name in youtube, I'm all over the place on? Let's she say, bigger channels, move uploader me who make youtube a lot of money and they haven't done anything to strict a lot of those channels. It seems like the wrongly targeting people like me, a crowd or who are really invested in rumble folks, add away from these people as soon as you can
there is never been a better excuse to move yourself into the parallel economy. You have options whether you you know what I said before, beginning of you too. If you choose to stay behind, that's fine I don't hold that against you, some of you bill following over there. I believe me, I understand there are certain companies. I wish I didn't have to do business with both do because sometimes there is no other alternative. I guess I really don't hold that against you, I'm not over. There telling you is I'm not even that I'm begging you, I'm begging you to. Please set up a presence in the parallel economy, not because it It benefits me, although it does because it benefits you, because that wave your ban by youtube and your kind of simon casting on rumble or your band on twitter and your simum casting on truth or writing untrue to blogging on truth, or vocals. Whatever may be you have about, cobb channel that way. You're not finished folks we're very smart? We didn't get, youtube right away, remembered his job. Remember we were, like you know,
we're going to transfer our audience from youtube to rumble You bet you may say well dear, how did that were the answer the worst swimmingly, just look right now. We are either thousand subscribers on youtube? We have two point seven million on rumble. Yeah, you damn right. What's really going folks say here Up to now there are alternatives. I wrote some down truth rumble public s, q parallel economy which those mine disclosure, that's my, but if your bed, king? On your side, processing credit, I should say: processing credit cards on your site, use as parallel economy that come here, but if it's me I'm giving you an option why you use right in these other places. I don't know what got options in a parallel economy. Please don't way! Ladies and gentlemen, I am a real threat to these people, who would have thought that a trillion dollar company alphabet would find me so intimidating that this is what we do, they would intentionally band. What are they biggest channels or moved banning them. Just big
my face was there he report how many? What is that is ten yards, that's roma, we get I'm going under the hood for review. Yes, that is in fact, too many economies on the field. You call Joe jubilant, germany, deaf. Too many commies, and if your deposit of my glasses, together for the cds thing or look at these, that they used to have to either this is R hundred thousand dollar. He disappeared, digital glasses remedies are robust than our someone said. I know. Somebody replay someone sent me a bunch of replacements, but they are all broken folks, listen a huge threat to these people and you can be to run truth? Parallel economy, dotcom public asked, you got options out there you should take em I moving on. I gotta get
there are many get that is survival segment. In the end, this important you guys asked about it. They say Dan, make it easy, like what's gonna happen? Where do we how to get this stuff. You keep talking about cases any mp attack. I got you don't worry about it. Don't sweat vote the reason you have to get away from these people as the cancelling is now out of control before the show I'm going twitter and I'm going through true and I'm reading some of your comments and some if you out there, we one some of you had re scott atoms. Scott Adams wrote the aubert the famous comic strip Scott Adam said something absolutely accurate. Honest twitter account he said for this cancelling, is so out of control that people are now be entreated his clowns. You know they ve jumped the sharp we're. Not I agree with them we're almost there were like at the press, this of a major change in a culture where the first response to attempts to cancel right now are gonna, be absolute, mockery, you're, seeing it now,
This is why I opened up the segment with the cancelling part by youtube. You gotta get it wave from these people to so until we cross into the other side were now like this right. We're portion is rock uphill, were pushed in Iraq. Uphill, it's gonna reach the top we're getting. Was right, and then it's gonna rolled down hill and everybody's going to look back on this and think to themselves. How was part of this obscene stupid castle culture. how do I know we're getting their folks, this story, a Bobby bracket, I'll kick If you haven't seen this story, my five, your parents, hold your horses, all the oars. Because this one is definitely peak stupid. So this young, Is that a kansas city chief skim, the kansas? chief paid the rate in case you don't know the kansas city chiefs. Their colours are our red, they have read wide, can be read in black depending on what kind of. Ah, what kind of are you know that
machine you have aware, and so collars, reddened black kid shows up again. and dead spin, which is a left wing lunatic site full of crazy people, take photo with this kid going he did his face and he resumed preserve the kansas city chiefs. He was in a hedgerows, so if you Bobby's article now kid gets into newsletter. I want you to see to picture. It is kid from the inside of the article and proves my theory. told you over and over here? It is right here, you're, like all I got jody black face on only moses that is shown located, so these debts friend writers? I of course because this guy has a meaningless life? Is there dad's benzene. Is karen philips carried what of it what are the chances sorry carries out there, but it? Why is not always the case, so we aurettes so decide Karen philips, he writes. Is peace like this trying to destroy this kid's life.
and you may be said well, you know black face and I knew get the picture head on. And you find out all law. There are dead. So that's weird lucky's at the chief colors are like the red and the black shirt. The deed, eddies gather Go back to the original again their ears liberal version other guys, it's races the way we hold on fellas. We got this crazy crowd, whereas here he is here, he is vote. This is one of these moments there's a frightful gazing at the game. Eddies and they lowered the flag to her mast on aids. As let us hope exactly four Gacy brigades, these ethical? further force, take some solace in this. This do you
flip passes riches enough. I can see this. It up this is, liberal see, visits actually original here's liberal universe? Right is the in the first picture. There is this, is what liberalising cook yeah is what normal people see where it happens, which just happens by the way to coincide with reality, which is this kid right here, folks, I totally jumped. What's that. He just nailed it, if this was ralph, north and former democratic governor virginia in full. I place and a klan hood it'd be no big deal daily, ignore it like ass, a childhood indiscretion this. Can Karen Phillips guy this poor kid? I totally innocent leslie, attacked by judges Is the bag disappear dead spent? Who is this and mark and store
turn just endlessly? Here's this karen philips after this, asked about this whole thing and he's like doubling and tripling down on stupid, but I want to get back to a theory. I have on this issue why this stuff is totally jumped the shark check this out It was never forget them well The reason this test does it bother me is that, as ever a peace amongst a night. Twenty succeed I bought I was in the pits for about forty eight to seventy two hours and the reason: why is that cover the twenty sixteen democratic? The convention no problems. I was there moving people he cried. Right, but you probably would cry care error jets, separate all the good guarantee where's, my name's dad. So whenever you look like did you ever see? joke at internet mean the top names of
well who are dicks like number one. Is there so I get it like I'm with you, I totally get it. I'm just say. Unlike what does ass to be everything thick ice age folks. This proves it when we talk about on the show a lot didn't. I digest this because its critical and understanding how loony the left really is. You need to their stay in these people have empty this current philips guy has an empty vacuum of a life sky has no soul, theirs He doesn't have anything. His life has no meaning nobody. Nobody ever told me special or important, or anything like that. He only finds power in meaning in attacking, cancelling others. I have zero down this guy scours, the internet and social media every single day, looking for a moment, slide tat a kid with his face. Pay half blackened have bread and looks to be offended because power in britain are really offended by the
power and pretending he's offended and it king, and ruining this kid's light. I need you, For a second understand that see you all the chad now, you guys have he said houses in jobs, you have people I care about. You, don't necessarily have to have all of those things, but your life, meaningless. Even if you produce you know we who but like your thing is like I want to produce the best spot. Might that's my life? I'm a button. Come a maker buttons and I want to make the best buttons and there's value in that you I say clean toilet balls and key food. When I worked in a supermarket. If I I clean up, the damn toilet bowl and a bathroom that was my day. It was a clean, his damn toilet bowl ever because that was my job I did and one day how to do it. we have there are only value, is pretending to be victims of their being exploited by someone else and a fine stuff like this.
and the crazy thing is the people like this karen philips and these other folks who are trying to cancel you are really creating an epidemic of what I call on the show many times stupid, smart people, their people, we're credential, like I'm sure this guy karen foes the gray of journalism. I used a first school of J school gerald. Whatever dude, nobody cares, these rules open. Smart people, the people, cancel. You like the guy trying to cancel this kid arson the dumbest people on planet earth, but there credential by the exploitation crowd the victim crowd in their universities. There credential this thought leaders as think tank leaders as influencers so they're. Still stupid, there are small. There are smart liberal standard stupid by everyone else's standard. That picture the kid sums it up that is smart or by his
being by liberal standards, because he saw this picture half of a face painted black me. I found this little racist before he metastasized, but they're stupid, because when you just turn the picture and look at reality, in this almost parallax kind of situation. Worse, People see this this same thing differently. You realize the reality, some totally different. In the guise of Maura there's a ba this guy in african american studies, yeah bullshit artist, the great you're, absolutely right? here's what I mean by these people, we're cancelling you, their absence woot players This is jamal barman Jamal, but In case you don't know, is the democratic congressmen cooper the fire alarm claiming ridiculous lee up on capital, hilly, pulled the fire alarm to stop a vote. He claims. He thought he was opening a door
why the hell any human being in america, no less a congress tomatoes or at least, should pretend they have an iq in the triple digits wouldn't know. A box. It says fire alarm doesn't open a door. Beyond me, why you did mitt awaits even worse this. the same guy after the debate, call of defined the police. The George floyd incident, the ferguson effect ferguson rise. The boy Two more rise jamal, home and again this just happen. Put This video about basically attacking and winking wiki, not reforming the police, which I guarantee you means defending them. This is this I can't figure out how to use a fire loved, which are, the case law. The people check this out. As you know, we need a revolution within our criminal justice is period.
wayne bridge it is inhumane, it is, racists is operating exactly as it was designed to be operating, and it is something that has been nurture and funded historically by not just republic is democrats as well. This it is a more on these other people, cancelling you. This is about. this segment, the stupid, smart people? I want you to understand that these people, out there treated as smart beacons of intelligence by the left mouth olympus. I q's eo, see Bernie Sanders poker this Elizabeth Warren Jamal bowman, corey smith, lionize by the left, our folks genuinely stupid people you may, Well, that's insulting! No, I mean like it an I q way. They are actual morons Actual morons
they are the useful idiots. Every communist is always at a bloodless war. Could you will never bring about tyranny without useful idiots, these are the morons cancelling you. I got another one coming up, you probably seen it baited even put it on the show it went viral yesterday have you seen as video the education secretary and jack? It's Stairs receivers. Yes, I said that right, the occasioned secretary again, proving my boy. You're being led by the dumbest of smart people, quick break in a country as diverse as the united states is one thing that unites us all: our unwavering appreciation for those you're gonna freedoms and protect our family Folds of honour is a beacon of hope for families and fallen or disabled. U s service members and first responders they ensure the dreams of their sons, daughters and spouses live on by providing I've, changing educational scholarships with the prestige.
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really a lot? There are a lot of charities out there. Lot of them are good. Some of them are real and honestly not that good. This is one of them. This is a great one. They really change people's lives. So if you've got a few bucks a month, I'd appreciate folds of honor dot. Org slash squadron, get a little out. They've done a lot. They do a lot of things behind the scenes too. They don't even tell you about that is how If am in this ok back to the shop, we are being led by a moron class. The stupid smart people Dogs is one. I really need you to memorize and tat you in your brain, because it helps you understand why credential people on the left there so dumb they need. We get out of there thought bubble there. Were challenged by people outside of the thought bubble, because their kind recently in the entertainment community sports community, surrounded by people who think the same with the without with that within we're well newspeak. Look at this This is our education secretary you're, going to see right away, which are the education secretary who absent
we destroys a quote by ronald reagan. Check this out. You know, we're gonna settle followup causes every governor we met with it. Sure, where available as it was present ring and said, were from the government were here to help theirs There are resources there, there's technical assistance there I dunno I hate tobacco. Do we need a week? I maybe got it. We need a mommy. I have to do two back to back, but this is like how do you? How do you ask stand up. How could you possibly? Not only does it get to quote wrong here I mean I agree. We have a third molly there's another molly sublet set this up. Oh yeah, this is from Ivan rob Oh my teachers supply
damn series is that, even if ye I swear, I didn't than I had a right it on that they might hatred. Supply, sent us about a moment, but not the other, but with the one by one. To what an idiot from the government we're here to help well Joe, was kind enough to go and find the original wish you every month good job Bobby, isn't bobby take it over the jaw who did the motley image you do that. mommy's take taken over. Everyone in the chad must know, download the motley emerged the action quote. I know most of you, ve already seen it was nothing of wherefrom government were huge help. It was about a couple terrifying words or something bigger, look d nine most terrifying words in the english language are I'm from the government and I'm here to help its the eggs The verdict is in there
occasion secretary go down as a toolbox. These are the these are the stupid smart people there gino, why do you? Never trust government, because, like other bob's rico, senator talking given one time at the act in institute. It's our governments to big it's, not it's too still bid. It does indeed islamorada fish about it, this guy, donor, is lording over education policy for your entire family. Why? Why inherently not trust government- and you should neither whose I'm going I ask you a simple question: what this guy We know about your life that you don't know think about tat. Indeed, for a second fairly. secretary. And u h h s secretary javier bacteria. Say back. Korea is the greatest medical doctor in the world, but it never met you, you,
that's some stomach gilman you want but careers advice. Although he's never spoken, you on what to do, even though he's never spoken, he doesn't want to know you. gee plea in a corner on the corner. Doc. You see new. These people, don't know you anything about you, kids, educational experience. They don't know squat matter, what they did, they know even about government. They don't even know me. These are the stupid, smart people. Problem with stupid. Smart people is, they have power its. Power is dangerous. It's why lord act in I e the act in institute always said. Power corrupts an absolute power corrupts absolutely because when people have power I e the beginning of the show a power to cast People like Mr Karen. They will abuse it That is why centralized power in government over a large number of people and not just
One person like Mr Karen's trying to have over this kid at the chief scheme, by ruining is life. This is why, given people like Karen legit, slave power over everyone over things, they have no knowledge, is so freaking dangerous. The biggest read to your life. By far throughout human history. Is one government. diseases like a distant second government nobody's wide doubt and exterminated more lives in human history than government unnecessarily. No one. This place is dangerous. This is why you got a limited. Here's another example. By the way Jamaal bowman was a school principal fire alarm guy. He was upset above a school. You got the prison the school education secretary, one can't figure out a pole of firearms and one guy.
I can't even get a reagan, call right and schools, up and says the exact opposite thing. Here's what we're talking about the dangers of government aid centralized power you all just live, do thanksgiving correct. If Europe My chat, you were alive. You know three days. All for you, you get it Everyone here saw thanksgiving if you're not vampires you're, not dead. You nothin we were I to show you to the store and you went shopping. We take a poll, but you know here today- are bought tat guy, I think he was. I was given a machine to begin you don't want to roll and run a pole here soon question about joking around. Have you want shopping? If you did? If you didn't stay out of nepal, if you want shopping for thanksgiving. Forget any biases. You man was this year cheaper or more expensive than last year. this question: if you want
super, let us know maybe in your area prices went down. I want to know why, because the stupid, smart people. Now their policies- have completely fail- that absolutely border have now taken not just gas lighting participants No, no! No! No! No! no more expensive more more more more more more more, more, more more more bore boy boy, I'm! Ok, I'm pretty much more on every single one. here's korean job here up at the podium yesterday. She does care that you you're gonna, know she's lying. This. Is that so to tyranny where they give up any attachment to the truth whatsoever, and they rely on people like taylor, lorenz at the washed imposed to cover for them. single time as a bullshit, you write your face: taylor,
holiday season. Families are seeing lower prices on everyday items from gas to groceries as holiday as how they shopping starts. Shells are stockton prices, prices for toys tv he's an use. Vehicles are all down from last year and we just saw record black friday sales she's ops, movie making that our folks prices are not down. Prices are up dramatically since Joe Biden took office I can screw up. Statistics to claiming like a different point in time rather than the beginning of the binding presidency. These people, just lying now, one more for you, come up with she gets totally nail by do see on this question. I go you just ignoring people. I gotta get away at the point now where you just bullshit people who actually went to the storm when shopping We therefore now they do no go anywhere.
you survival segment, two votes feel what what? Oh? Yes, do you guys, but I you know, I never saw that before any of the screen up to the left. Yes, totally sucks. Anyone disagree. Anyone chat said the worst ever now. Ok, just bear. Never change sides thought Ask him how you feel burnham inflation me to gas groceries. Suddenly it's like an auditioning for a role and broke near the musical or something really our sponsor md hearing is blocking the train, the cutting prices? That's right there pulling in reverse inflation, their NEO rechargeable digital hearing. It hook line. Think I remember when you had every mortgage, your ass for hearing aids now within the hearing. probably do ninety seven, a pair you get cutting the text that smaller than a nosey ants attention span psycho houdini for Europe as well as no one knows or even their trust me. These things life. Changing I gifted a pair to uncle Joe
Now we can finally hear me telling him in his night these mollet isn't coming back and style need more convincing. Aside from my real hitler's raving At the hearing was had paid, the supply top medicare advantage plant head on when I m d hearing, dotcom, empty hearing, dotcom and use- patriot the score this deal. Inflation eat. Thus, folks give him a shot. Great hearing aids gray prize me that as an empty hearing, dot com, m d, hearing dot com and sponsor is almost stags parties are here jolly elsinore? My states have you wishlist cover with guarantee perfection during their black friday and cyber Monday got almost states that come take advantage. Fifty percent off site wide plus use code by gino at checkout to get an additional thirty dollars off your order. Score delicious deals on tender juicy extra age, delicious steaks mouth watering, bacon, wrapped flame indians are hiding your favorite of cosy up too easy to prepare delicious meals and carefully curated give packages guarantee to make spirits bright orange
one good alma stakes. The possibilities are endless, and this flavour and endless value visit ass, they start come say big with three percent or say: why pursues promo code bungee nor check out there? three miles off your that's a big saving hurried black? in cyber monday deals. Roma station began before you know it. and so my stay. Stockholm promo code by gino, a check out minimum water may be required thanks Is another example what I'm talk about? We are being I'd buy the moron class they ve given up folks. This is this the tyranny that I gotta tell you, listen man pay attention This is the step. The freaking me out the mouse, obama did this to a sound. They lie all politicians lie republicans democrats, libertarians communist every at issue lies
that when they lie and they get caught in the wise becomes so blade that they lose any attachment to reality at all, because if you can do that and have no sense of my kind of moral cognitive dissonance about it, you can do anything here We call on our ally, came in what are you crazy with this stuff, like americans are buying bigelow Why do you think this? When you say the economy is improving and finances? The economy is improving that a majority of americans outside of this building are not buying. So here's the thing walked into this administration, it was on a table set a tailspin. Spain is the fact because of the last of the because Tromp administration, because of they don't with which dealt with covered and the pandemic, because they didn't have a comprehensive plan. The president came in. He passed
working rescue plan, which was able to get the economy back on its feet, which is able to open up small business. Also, MRS, were able to open up. Schools were able to open up, and we understand what americans have been feeling over the last two three years. It's going to take some time we get that is going to take some time, but it does not take away how we have seen the economy getting back on its feet. We actually had to fix the problem. that we saw that the last administration left him How its trump did you stay stand? How this is how crazy this is. The initial segment is, inflation is in real. You all are crazy, you're, making this whole thing up It is real, but trumpeted, even though the inflation only started after Biden took office at the levels. Its add now do this it. This is few one level bullshitting. What are they gonna? Tell you next.
The borders are manageable and under control the porters secure the board. close all they ve what he told you that which is really strange, because videos are coming out everywhere of incidents like this people on top a train by the hundreds, maybe the thousands who do you think we're making this up. What is it It is a lie, generated dan bond gino video, these trades additives united states, You gotta tell us next: the borders under control. we're being led by stupid, smart people these! we're doing this on purpose. Folks, they're doing it on purpose. There also doing absolutely nothing to stop the demon savages in the middle east, tighter they're, not a damn thing, catering to the demon, savage crowd. You either story yesterday,
by unwanted and apologise for not believing hamas about death embody cows. We wife, that actually happen. You're the demon, savage people, Roma, here's a christmas for eight, a christmas parade why would demons savages? We protest thing a christmas period because they hate you Why you're. So here is a budgetary sped up their marching the fictitious palestine that doesn't exist interrupting a christian, stay parade, I'm sure you're, making a lot of friends on that. One call their fellows and yet administration as to apologize to these people, Not believing hamas folks listen, I open, the show tellin ya long in the united states and believe me, I am. because we're going to figure this out,
not going to be easy and going forward if you're not expected obstacles. I did a locals video. This more normal was about three minutes and I d it about voting. I get it. I dont have any easy answers for you, the different parts that everything about the show which sometimes a noise, my crew. Here you know we don't click babies, stuff. Ok, we don't jump on stories. You don't get the click, baby starve and jump in every single culture war issue. Unless I have something to say about it,. One of we do is I take the show seriously. They show is a mission. I feel my I feel like an evangelist for the freedom call. That's why was given this right here. This microphone right here for a reason. I don't give you easy answer. Why should we vote they cheat because they because I don't want you to vote and if you, doing what they want you to do your probably doing something wrong we got fix it. we're gonna fix it. We got it.
I back against these people. Ladies and gentlemen, when you give them power its corrupting it hurts it's things like switching top Subject for those you are strong supporters There was emotion file in the january six case with Donald trump did you see? This is from court listener is going to have some splain an ado folks, Donald trump team now wants to know about informants cooperators, an undercover agents who may In present, on January six discovery, goes both ways. Folks, They want to know who is present within five miles of the? U s: Kapital. In january six, twenty twenty one! They also want to know about investigations relating to foreign interference and f, By foreign actors to support and exacerbate events in the capital of january six folks, discovery both ways. Now, why did I bring this story on the system? he's gonna be telling.
Teams now saying you're going to charge just with the crime they wear it to know who is there and what was going on January six, where there foremans. This is why this is gonna be telling- and this is why bring this up today from my background in the space, if the f b. I refuses to respond to this or objects to it. You know something's up It definitely had informed sinner that is why the inform its agents- probably not where they people being paid made We will see if they. do, respond and risk they weren't foremans. Now you know another informants either way you get it if there were informants in a crowd, the be ice hockey, the way you gave him saying if they do, squander hiding it. If they do spot that iran is you're. Finally have the truth, smart move by the legal team there I want to know is in the crowd.
Listen. I've been very candid honest about january six. The new should be too. We were, realities. Reality don't be. Care and a guy, who only sees one half of the face, see the whole picture. You can make a realistic, real world determination, but what you think happened, what went wrong and what may be didn't go wrong, but don't be like the government. the government's clearly lying about the full extent of everything that happened on january six? Clearly, Why would they want to hide all this information? Why did they hide the tea? up into the air I know I opened the showing an optimistic note, and I am long in the united states folks But yesterday, after the show I like to go outside and get a light touch, I think it also my eyes- and I I do grounding thing. I just you: do you ever try grounding anyone in the chat you go and you sit outside needed just take your shoes. Often you touch some bearers internet works for me and go call call me crazy, but I'll try,
but it just worse makes my life fifty minutes, yearners walkin in the grass getting some son and I swear to you, man, I'm thinking through perilous military situation. If we don't get our heads out of our ass and stop with these d, I e the eye. You no nonsense: diversity, crap and get back to teach our military. What did we do to go out be lethal. I'm takin is as I'm taking this. a friend of mine sends read this article. It was almost like heavenly intervention. America's heart beat away from a war- could lose The opposition and the new strategy vote read this article. I can't go through the whole thing. It's up on. You know that consolation newsletter and an alarmist we still are. Far more powerful military than china. Far more power for military than russia by Ladies and gentlemen, we don't have the comparative advantage. We had even fifty years ago anymore, and here the biggest problem, which you all. Should we? got you right away. I woke up to a while ago. You probably get it, but we
in a real money problem here. You notes in the past If there was a world war- the disadvantages? Money impasse caused They know Washington could easily out spend our opponents. Word to the: u s: debt to gdp ratio, almost double from sixty one, two hundred thirteen percent. By contrast, the united states would enter a world we're today we ve dead already in excess of one hundred percent of gdp assume rate of expansion similar to that of world war. Two it's not unreasonable to expect the debt could swatted two hundred percent of gdp or higher, in other words, the question should be asking if a world war that where the outbreak were while a break out she's me question you should be asking: is can we win is. Can we afford to win? We already spent ourselves into bankruptcy, who's going to lend us the money. Folks, we could lose I don't want to be an alarmist and I want to be a panic guy
I think it's time for you to start taking reasonable precautions in your life that things aren't like they were fifty years ago. Folks so a while ago. I started talking about this stuff and folks at by the way, this this segment My patriot supply one of the sponsor aid, which I thought was a nice idea. It's my should supply dot com, slash dan. They to me- and they said dan- you keep doing these survival segments and like to make it easy for your listening audience we're going to put together a package. Here's why this stuff worries me folks, the subject of a mass terrorists, drawing an ear Peter the the prospect of a world war breaking out supply chains, breaking up is very real, not suggesting to you the world's going to look like. Denzil washington movie. Where he's like blind and book of Eli, I'm not telling. I hope it does it. By with the explosive growth of artificial intelligence,
I can assure you that ai is not going to mess with the water supply or launch a nuke, so I can. I don't think anyone else can assure you that either you need to. he prepared pages supply, contacted us the destination, but if we put together an emergency preparedness, bundle for people and they'll do with my god at a pretty cool pray. I said brothers and sisters and totally down so they put together a job. Folks, again, it's up to you Are you not again? I don't need extra money from bob ray, I really did exams get a lotta request, Then, where do we start make it easier? So they put it. Gather this at six hundred. Ninety seven dollars is pretty cheap, were everything again. You can the three month emergency food supply it comes in aqib with a handle, I would have brought it up and showed you, but the handle is big and you know it's about. Yea big fit on the desk will take up the whole camera, but you'll get to supply. You also get ass. You get this. I will see vault. I have a few of these folks if breathing breaks bad. You ve,
You see vault here you can always go and play some seeds and grow your own food for a benefit can get you to six months, that's good so at the three month, emergency food supply, you'll, get the seed vault and also comes with it's big, but it's pretty cool. I actually have a few of these. They sent me drawn. So this is their elects, a pure proof. Older self, filter water. It works, works. Great. I've actually used it before It's pretty awesome, it's all for six, six hundred, eighty seven box, my page supply, dotcom, slash dan folks, at some other items to suggest that this is meant to be survival segment in my patriot, supply was happy to put that bundled together for your seat, fall to filter and food. but I've got some other suggestions as well. Patients buys a lot of this stuff, some they don't, but I would get I'll, get some thermal vision,
I'm some night vision. I know this stuff is expensive. Again, you guys ass. I'm just tell you, I'm not telling you it's cheap! A couple. People book message me last time it's in there and all that stuff you talkin about it so ridiculously expensive. I can't afford that, just telling you what I have done. Want to get it if its great. If you can't, I totally understand thermal vision, is an absolute must have if things really bad and you don't have a thermal people are going to see you way before you see them. You guys see thermal vision, it's like you, look into a thing and then you can set it to different colours and the heat she told you see people pop out in the middle of nowhere. get a thermal, if you can get a good one, it's like a thousand dollars. I know all I get it. I know it's expense, get yours some thermal blanket super cheap. You get him on any website. Those in foil, look in blankets, get yourself some cheap shelter. They pop up tents. You got the waterfront trade
and you got the see you got the food supply, we also have get yourself some ammunition. Stuff is really important. Folks also, I highly recommend highly recommend you get yourself. Some mp protection for your car in your house. Of these. Just put it electro magnetic pulse detection, an electrician or come in. There Stalin. They'll put it on the system. If there's got forbid, an atmosphere, detonation folks and could happen. This is out of the realm of possibility. Your election next will be protected. Weapons are super important. We did the self defense. I say Last week we had our graces. Well, you shouldn't The basics of self defence. I wanted to A couple other things out again You're supply has a lot of stuff some they don't, but I would so get yourself. The supplies, a multi vitamins, I don't take multi vines or multi vitamins, ordinarily, why?
because I don't think that their that effective, if you eat a healthy diet. Having said that's, why you telling us to multivitamin good question, because folks you're not going to have a healthy diet. If armageddon heads tomorrow chances, are you going to do whatever is in front of routes? Dead animals whenever you can find- and I can scary to you. You are going to have a shortage of some vitamin c b. Whatever it may be, you you'll get scurvy or something I would get my EL, the supply, a multi via I'll, be right, nor the down- because this really bored one more thing. get yourself some potassium iodide the case is a nuclear strike. potassium, I thy will basically club got some of your tissue with this iodine, so radioactive iodine doesn't get in its. If, if there the nuclear strike or threat and one you won't be able to find that anywhere, it's real accuracy. Cheap
apple bottles for yourself and your family at last a long time what we one last thing: I'm sorry duct tape, duct tape works really grade for ceiling up windows and kay There's some fall out. boy. It also works great, a thousand different anybody called thousand mile on our tables, but duct tape that can make you should have yourself a great kid if you ve got all that stuff. Check out my patriot supply dot. Com, slashed and Only six hundred ninety seven bucks that'll get you through three three to six months with the scenes in the food and water, so Eurostat, thanks for doing it. I appreciate, I hope you guys I don't mind me thrown at an at the end by You know your last, so I threw it in their ok last story the day. Folks, I don't have any real significant stake in twitter. I knew I have a rumble, but I got it the community notes feature on twitter has been,
absolute slayer for correcting liberal bullshit information. If you Having heard the son of George soros alexander sorrows, this guy is like a propaganda machine and he's not quiet is dad he's dead, It was more a kind of behind the scenes you know influencing race is supporting this candidate now candidate, the sun. out there like way out there. gonna take over for the debt burden. Big trouble got a lot of resources to make a lot of far left stuff happens. They have this obsession. a bizarre obsession with chaos in liberal cities. They loved idea of criminals running while some of you three. Why have explained that a lot? I want you to go, but I have explained to you quite a bit why this is then why is George soros. Want these liberal da's in these liberal cities, letting people out on the street, killing people the answer Liberals love chaos, it's the walk,
dead theory wait a while didn't prison in that show about design bees, the walking dead, they walk into prison and they live. the doors behind them because they were afraid of zombies on the outside, about this, an ideological terms, its the same reason commies like the sorrows, family, family. It's the same reason. I love street chaos. They need the chaos in the streets and a fear so that your clamour for government and safety in this ideological present to keep you say from what's on the outside their own, If fancy explanations for all this stuff Tell him you minds the simplest and explain all this stuff so course they elected all these folks, they elected liberal da's and what happen murder rate, one crazy. Why because you're letting murderers back on the street. this is complicated, so for some stupid reason soros, thinks, he's gonna, do a korean job here and gaslight. Everyone where a murderer rates actually higher, he notes not
progressive cities wait, walk away. guy magic mushrooms. What does a crazy? They got? Community robs came in the top robes randy macho man, savage stuff like deep off the top robes. Community oats readers and contacts they thought people would know defy cities with the highest murder rates, and mayors are saint Louis Missouri, democrat baltimore, merle democrat nor in Louisiana Democrat detroit mission, it happens to be democrat While a Democrat, you see why they need troll information. They were- the useful idiots to propagate this stuff, so they can keep the horror going this guy, straight, applying any knows it, and this is why they hate ilan so much this is. Countries around the world. Banded together have abandoned together these commies around the world and are trying to stop ilan because they
control anymore. The flow of information in this giant information wandering came at people for the first time our stock to see they're getting really screwed over by yes democrats and allow the people getting screwed over. Why What are these cities have in common fate? The end? Anyone oh st louis Missouri, chesters missouri baltimore, maryland new orleans, detroit cleaver. What I have in common, Deborah crap is somebody else: income Jonah, baltimore maryland. Well, sir, I showed it is desirable to have a large black population. Yes, they do Dan, I can pay their quite a bit they're afraid I'm your friend. Black voters in ST louis baltimore, new orleans, detroit and cleveland They start to notice look at this. Why should the times
widens eroding. Support from black voters puts the white house on defence folks. What do I keep telling you bad brothers and sisters? There is no math l, math cyril no match for Joe Biden, a win if he this fifteen to seventeen percent of the black vote. There is none. I do Disconnect grow keep this up for secondary. Second, I not disconnect for a second, the e, Jesus of twitter, the information flow, opening up and rumble, and true social and all these places that don't sensor do not disconnect them. For me, rowing amount of discontent with blood voters who are seeing for the first time when the media monopolies is broken up, broken up the infirmary You may need to see about, what's being done to screw them over. They know blacks. to say president binds abandoned this pledge to always have their backs.
and are threatening to withhold their support in twenty twenty four, Some are even drifting towards former president drop the lion Enthusiasm of black voters could prove fatal. The binds reelection chance before the core of his basin, twenty, twenty, eight: hey, hey, listen to this end, dip in just one or two of those battleground states. georgia or Michigan, could lie We determine the election outcome where's detroit fellows. I echo forget her with her there's no. it is also the shares of our mission, yet all of tat a gig, that's so weird the five cities with the highest murder rates in their mayors did the treatment at this am emma. Am I that'd, be my auditory additives in Michigan their georgia's got number.
largely black cities, as well with large black population lantern, was arranged marino. Folks,. There ain't no math, there's no mass to win theirs scared, because some voters have seen all this stuff. For the first time, people awaken up. Listen, I hope that show wasn't too much for you there, especially the survival. Pregnant, I really wanted to do that because I really believe it folks. I think, unfortunately, I think we could be in for something bad, I promise you, the united states will survive, I think, will be a better place for it. But I would be absolutely lying you via told you in the next year. Some bad isn't gonna happen
let me just end on this thought and I'm kind of running over a bit, but if Donald trump wins, if Donald trump wins folks you're going to see chaos in the streets- and I think we're going to make the george floyd riots look like a kid's christmas party troubled times ahead, we're going to get through it, but. ready now, wait be self sufficient. I so much for tuning- and I put in a chat, is one if you guys, when my would you download the rumble out for me, I hate to ask for favours, but we put, a work into the rumble app its supervision, it's free to go the app store and please join us in the chat every day at eleven, a m I actually get there early, nine, thirty, ten or so rumbled calm com slashed by geno, I'd love to chat with you. We got a whole crew to get know early. You know who you are big, shout out: oma growing crew, LISA
gino show guys the botched. You know that you guys are all great. I love it. Fine gino, Will the council s barn, gino joint and I join the chat. Watches live every data Levin. Please spread the word really free at sea. Back your mom, you just then bungee notion.
Transcript generated on 2023-11-30.