« The Dan Bongino Show

The Bongino Brief - We're Running Out Of Conspiracy Theories


The situation with Biden is not going to get any better.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Diversify you're savings with physical, precious metals and give free silver from brcko now through december. Twenty second, for every five thousand dollars. You spoke of brcko they'll. Send you a one hour: silver eagle coin, for free dan to ninety eight ninety nine aid to claim your eligibility now birch golden you can learn existing area for one came to attack sheltered ira goal, for no money out of pocket text. and the nine eight nine eight nine eight claim your eligibility for free silver qualifying purchases. Now, before Its may vary and some with your tax, a journey or financial professional. Before making investment decision messaging data rates, dan bungee, no welcome to the bond gino break down, bongo work look this here so This is why I told you in the beginning of the show whether tromp supporter of a vague supporter and Nicky hayley supporter twinkies Chris christy supporter. It doesn't matter the debate matter
because Gavin newsom be the nominee. What does this have to do this story, folks, situation with Biden is not gonna get any better. Do I think that honor Biden, stuff is gonna, be the thing that takes them down. I do not I'll? Tell you why? Because the data house doesn't have the votes right now to impeach this guy. It's just it'd be another nail in disguise coffin and now they find out, according to the new york post, that a bank watchdog, in other words, a money laundering expert who works for the bank. Who has nothing to do with politics? It all back in twain eighteen before the hunter laptop was even public apparently said this email about hunter receiving millions of dollars from the chinese government link business, without quote. his services rendered. According to this email, which will show up here next folks, this bag, food? This money laundering guy has nothing to do with politics at all
press concerned. At hunter Biden was in providing any actual services for the money, and the transfer was more than five million dollars. With in days of hunter Biden say, to chinese communist party guy, threatening is fathers wrath. The expert that the funds were described as a whoa. why did no evidence was alone at all? Look at this folks. This guy is in the deepest of that is wanna be the end of them. Is the house going to impeach? No, the point is: not letting you go by way that pep designation and give the bank examiners talk, amounts for politically exposed person, deem them the be high risk. This guy is in a world of trouble, man and all the demo France have right now are conspiracy theories. Listen to this idiot on MSNBC, jasmine crockett from texas
congresswoman on with that. Was joy red. Go it again with No evidence stuff check this out His partner said no president Biden and everything to do with it. She, everyone, they've, brought in so far that was supposed to be witnesses for the prosecution, ended up being witnesses for the defense. Have you seen on as a member of this committee? Each any hence the press, by it and has any involvement whatsoever, innocence, companies earnest businesses, I have not, and it's a fishing exposition expedition. Folks, listen, I'm begging you humbly and respectfully ignore these democrats. Why? Because it does it matter if a guy it came out tomorrow, with video evidence of Joe Biden in a threesome with two chinese communist party, female members of a company who, caught, a million dollar checked him afterwards, the demagogic, a body double it doesn't matter. They ignore these people. They are the thirty seven percent of people that still approve Joe Biden. Why?
Tell you ignore them, because thirty: seven percent of peoples not enough to get this guy elected. This understand that sixty three percent of people think this guy's following its working, I dont mean up, its fridays are all a bill. I too, like bitchy. They buy I'm not enjoys me crazier than when I get emails or facebook messages from people were on our side. Goddamn, let it go nothing's, going to happen. What do you mean Nothing's happening. I don't understand the guy one. From fifty percent approval on election day to forty five to forty two to forty one, to thirty nine, to thirty seven, to losing by like ten points to just about every republican candidate. Stop. we gotta keep going. What happening. Is we gotta get rid of this guy? Yes, I agree with you. If you want this guy in jail, forget
there is zero chance chance. Any of these guys you're gonna do a second jail time. Zero, I am a totally with you, but I'll take a political loss. Will you more in a minute, but first diversify your savings with physical, precious metals, while stockpiling silver in your home, safe its brcko gum. The most popular, especially here now through december. Twenty second reform If thousand dollars you spend with birch gold they'll, send you a one ounce, silver eagle coin, for free, dan dm two, nine, eight, nine, eight, nine eight to claim your eligibility. Now you can, Just gold and silver and have it shipped directly to your house or have birch gold, precious metals specialists, help you convert an existing ira of four one k into a tax, sheltered irene gold for no money out of pocket, and and you free silver for every five thousand dollars. You purchase He before you sell, forgive something with real value as a stocking stuff. This year, just tat The key word dan to nine eight, nine, eight, nine eight to claim your eligible, a plus rating, with a better business beer and thousands
happy customers me included now is the best time by gold from brcko tax, dance tonight, in eight nine eight nine claim your eligibility for free silver, unquote, fine purchases before December twenty second performance may vary in Seoul attacks attorney or financial professional. Before making investment decision messaging data rights apply, noses clown their involvement to up on capital here yesterday. Just this what a loser you wanted walkabout, one of the dumbest congressmen up there here, he is yesterday's up there with Michael Schellenberg, had a couple of other clips from this coming up next, but this is hilarious, so desperate with the hunter Biden stuff to make it go away, then going Read that a new conspiracy theory yesterday to Joe Biden, kids laptop, that is evidence, while this crap on air that yeah it's just some russian conspiracy theory and rudy giuliani, noted tech, maven rudy, Giuliano Joe, you know he's like Ilan maastricht that he must have
take good with the hard drive to fabricate all this stuff is covered. That's that's check this out. You have no idea. You know hard drives kane I can smell. It was a lady you suggested in Europe whose couldn't purposefully conspiracy to construct the contents of the hundred by laptop no sir, the problem is that hard drives can be manipulated by rudy, giuliani or russia once the evidence that happens, but there is actually no evidence of it. But the point is it's: your engage conspirators. Let this is I'm telling you just Plough ahead, listen to me, I promise I won't steal you wrong. Please stop. Thinking this stuff, all it's not making a difference. It is theirs. reason. Seventeen percent of people probably thought Joe Biden was corrupt before the election. Twenty and now sixty plus percent probably think that they can give up But these guys off the hook, it is cloud suggesting We giuliani some kind of tech, expert, manipulate enhydra with absent
Will we not a scintilla shred of evidence to back them up? You will like an area in everybody's laughing at him and another happened during this hearing. Yesterday, you, member a few weeks back, I told you about a military grade operation to spy on you and by the way, a lot of people email me then what are you promoter, conspiracy, theory, military, great operation? Folks, I dont puts found. The damn show that I don't hear from people. I trust ok, my credibility. everything I've gotten back. Before I've come back? I made it right, I'm not me king mistakes on purpose somebody. Back to me a long time ago that the actual military the lid away military been involved in a censorship operation to get rid of and wipe conservative content off the internet for a long time, I want you to listen and Michael Shallenberg or the same guy, an excellent rapporteur. Yes,
capital on this hearing about censorship and youtube and twitter facebook censoring us. I want you to listen for the key words here This is a military grade professional operation to shot you, down brothers and sisters. I conspiracy, theory, listen yourself. Nine months ago, I testified and provided evidence to the sub committee about the existence of a censorship, industrial, complex and network, government agencies, including the department of homeland security, contractors and big tech media platforms about conspired to censor ordinary americans Officials will make for holding disfavour views, to inform the subcommittee today that the scope of power and lawbreaking of the censorship industrial complex are even worse than we had realized back in march to day My colleagues and I published the first batch of internal files from this
birth threat, intelligence league, which show you s and uk military contractors, working twenty nineteen, twenty twenty, sensor in turn: sophisticated psychological operations and disinformation tactics, developed debris, against the american people. Why do you think I told you that. Sit here, boss in your balls, wasting your time on the show I take my words Thirdly, when I said you weeks ago, there is a military grade professional operation. Propaganda, eyes and sensor you here in the united states. I was not joking. This happen, the ep it is right in front of your face. This is going global from ire. the uk to hear. This then gorman made another appearance at yesterday's hearing when he laughably this guy is so freaking stupid, shell and
arguer sitting here talking about this military, great censorship, operation and other government work with private actors to censor people because they want to do it themselves. That is against the law. Now I know they're alive watching- and I know you're morons. So give you an example that will make it easy for you to understand. You ready liberal, did open your cod, not your mouth cod. That areas stick it in your mouth for a second. Ok! Imagine up can you have to imagine I'm avidly pro life? What because We do not have a national ban on abortion. We don't have that I would be bound as a politician to back up and defend the law in the constitution. The united states show how bout me a politician. I try to pass a law that if you go and beat the crap, out of any person that tries to get an abortion that we campaign, Can you for us all what it immoral and unethical you're gonna beat the crap out of people, but liberals are probably like now.
sounds bad But I'm not censuring people's viewpoint in writing it thank you, get abortion, but they can perfectly legal, yeah, but you just said you would indemnify anyone who stops them from getting an abortion by beating the crap out of no no, no, I am not stopping you there's, no other governments not allowed to deputized people to do things. I can't do it. a lot. Thankfully you're not allowed to deputize. Private company. It say hey a real shame, if you don't remove this continent and we regulate you out, existed wiki, we keep our not dead, opens a lawyer and he doesn't even understand this. He does he just the process? Listen, this is abroad. By the way part of the operation cars we all now partly operation was to change the terms of service, sees it constantly trying to cheat the terms of service. You see them. It was
the five percent of of the urals that were pretty ip is, were labelled, removed or soft blocks. That's all forms of censorship that, since it is not just remove l aim at sixty five percent were not so. can the government be so so? Coerce is a freedom in amending the heads of government for the poorest and government of the member state governments sensor citizens as they are not ring their flagging in the social area, keyser only russian thirty five percent of a first chair rests not the first amendment, it's the terms of service, as you said, and they are lagging it for the social media companies to make their own decisions. That is not the first amendment that is the terms of service just seen almost when you're an attorney. You know that the four federal judges of already ruled that- and I know that its appeal in front of the supreme court right now is that was very concerned that we get to the heart of the issue
if this man man's a member of congress and an attorney and doesn't know that the government is not allowed to deputize people to wipe out id ideological fault. They don't agree with from the internet is stunning he doesn't know. Of course he knows, but he's a moron most left is born jean osier. If you like to hear more subscribed to the embargo shell, wherever you get your bike,
Transcript generated on 2023-12-04.