« The Dan Bongino Show

The Bongino Brief - The Biden Crime Family Has Been Entirely Exposed


The "business" is selling the phone call to Joe Biden.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Some reports say that on august twenty second, brazil, russia, india, china and south Africa could announce a new international super currency, fully backed by gold or other commodities. If true, this could have impacts on the? U s, you can protect your eye array of war. One came from the potential fall out from this possible landmark announcement by diversifying with gold from brcko ba or see it. get a free information kit on gold iras by texting. The word dan to nine, eight, nine, eight, nine. It again text and to the number nine eight, nine, eight nine eight claim. Your free information kit from brcko performance may vary, consult with your tax attorney or financial professional. Before making an investment decision, messaging. Data rights apply dan vines. You know welcome to the Bonn gino brief vandam mancino, what's up confusion out there too, why business partner, Devon archer came forward to business partner, two hundred by who testified. Yesterday, we were off yesterday why we weren't here for that that we missed it
ladies and gentlemen in its obvious lotta people- I well you- don't congress cared cut a deal legally with devon archer, because they're, not the department of, ass, this and department of justice right now is a democrat operation anyway and republicans in charge. Folks, I've worked hundreds of criminal cases. Clear as day why Devon archer testified? Yes, front congress against Joe Biden and abiding private? you guys got guess anyone in a chat have a guess why he did it. The answer is really simple: it's right in front of your face. Anyone tell me if you think I'm right, Yes, you think I'm right now, you think I'm wrong. I've done a lot of evidence. There's this guy? He was cut out of a couple of provides other deals didn't get the money endeavouring archer by the wayside we won getting arrested for ability by the way you better be type. And yes, I love because I know I'm right beverages, superstar everybody's overtake you guess what is, he tells thereby gets his business, but I can't figure it out. What do you mean capron archer,
is going to jail soon at a hundred biden. Is it he's pissed off? That's? Why thank you. I haven't seen it. Thank you for all the wise inner. Here you want proof. Here's the devon archer text from twenty nineteen after he was being charged. This federal phelan devon archer. Why did you texting hunter by the way? Why did your dad's administrations appointed point he's arrest me and try to put me in jail just curious. Some of our partners are asking why? Then it goes on to talk about how their ruining is family? Why didn't you step in white folks, although by guys wise? I have turning its this guy. Yes, thank you. Yes, you all those smart, because he's pissed everybody's over thinking. This thing it's so hilariously stupid? Some other commentary promote even some people what a like a man was devon. Aren't you you he doing for listen If you want to see by the way, the evidence here said
This website to your liberal friends, is not that the evidence is going to matter because they're commies they're straight up commies, but some of them are just freaking stupid, your liberal friends matter of fact, a lot of them so send them. websites run by Marco polo its by hidden sars thou com, obviously by It can be idea, and sars suspicious activity reports so I'd and sars essay arrest our combine sars thou com. You can read the suspicion activity report showing all the suspicious activity the cried family out of the bag. You can the mall yourself there, all it's all federal paperwork filed from financial institutions and ask your keep them one per second gigs. I want to show you some very species. Tells you why they don't like that. Sound, afraid a movie either. I want you to ask your friends if suspicious activity reports, he's federal documents are in fact fake right. If they are fake, then why is it that the violence
and we has ensued these bagshot so strange, oh look at one of the sars. This is aging, upon the screen. What are the suspicious activity report says it some of the costs where's affiliated with the hunter Biden bank accounts and pay out, had transactions consistent with possible human truck traffic tribute to trap human trap. Is that say that aqua? Oh, my gosh wow! That is so weird. Look at that guys! Kind of stranger. Everybody on the racy. Why the lefties? I hate that sound the free middle on human trafficking expose. Oh here's another one. Oh look at that hunters. Dealings in ukraine check that this is all crazy, interesting stuff
this all right there you know, look him up again: Biden sars that nightcap so not linked to your friends. Ask why the Biden team has ensued yet y know lawsuits. You think heavily regulated financial solutions that need to kiss the ass. The Democrats wanted to file a suspicious activity report. Against a legacy, political family, like the Biden's, you think that was high and they're mine. Let me ask you another question to me: Why a clear and present danger to this country- you see it like. I do. You know what to do in the chat. The maid, and is a clear and present danger to you and your kids. Again, I use my work carefully on this show. Joe Biden is a clear and present danger to united states of america and I'm not the only one saying. Thank you. People in the chat. Thank you here is
Women jenkins at the wall street journal again, no big, conservative firebrand, a pretty down the middle, reasonable guy You have to read this peace by the way I would put it in the show notes, but it's a pint of pay wall. Hunter Biden is a g political disaster, he asked the question that should be on everybody's mind: they Joe Biden, actions in ukraine, russia and china drive us into a potential world war. Two This disgusting stain on humankind, here's homan jenkins, not me home and jake- can Today's version would include hunters dealings in ukraine, trumps impeach or asking about hundreds dealings in ukraine, the laptop episode and the culprits changes subject from
there's dealings in ukraine? He asked here here's the critical question. What its latter me a prudent make these events, how my day of figured in his bed that the? U s would let keep fall into his pocket. Maybe one day I'll tell us The fbi assist I s, s dollars that Vladimir Putin invade ukraine because they knew they had a blackmail file and Joe Biden, and they didn't think he would react. Did the f b I provide the assist hoax. Joe Biden is obviously a foreign agent. Barack Obama obviously knew the eighty as protecting Joe Biden, Joe Biden may in fact be compromise. It maybe waltzing us into world war three to protect himself in ukraine, not to protect you more in a minute, but first the durban accords and back the: u s dollars global dominance of the past eight years it's been reported them august. Twenty second, brazil, russia.
the china and south africa may announced the launch of a new international super currency, fully backed by gold or other commodities. a part of their long term plans to supplant the u S and the dollar as a cornerstone of the global financial system. How new, protect your eye area for one. Given the potential fall out from this possible landmark announcement. Will I diversify with gold from brcko group use them many times historically goal has been a safe haven in times of uncertainty, which is right now in a free and for me you get on gold. I raising decide for yourself of attack, shelter, retirement account back by this. more. Precious metals is right for you text. Dan to nine eight nine. Eight. Ninety monumental ship may be happening among nations that control third of the world's gdp starting august. Twenty second protect your retirement savings tax. Dan, my person in the number. Ninety eight. Ninety nine, a claim, your free information cannot go from brcko. Performance may vary considerably
to turn your financial pressure before making investment decision message and data rates by good company uses way here. And is humiliating spineless. Zero. Loser jellyfish dumbest mean toolbar. Up on capitol hill, then goldman suggesting that Joe by it, was on the phone now there and they were talking about the weather or something take a look so to confirm you're saying that the speakerphone conversations they don't seem concerning to you, because there is no specifics about business. It just seemed like it was clear that it was clear the vote that it was as part of the daily conversations that hunter Biden had with his father And- and it was
and an sounds like most of the time now present invite and didn't even know who the people he was a dinner. He was just ass to say, hello, and he would you now talk about the word, though, what he described it several times they asked over and over and over he described what the weather was How? How what's going on? On your end, he, the witness, was very very consistent that none of those conversations ever had to do with any business dealings or transactions. They were purely what he called casual conversation. We we pretend this is the phone for now. The gavel. This is a nice gamble. Someone goddess supposed to be clear. Hunter Biden is that a business deal a dinner with some of the most corrupt people on planet earth.
For a second suspending disbelieve that he calls it dad from this dinner and no one to walk the white house communications agency or the vp staff tells him hey, I'm human I want to take the call your son, who, as a secret service detail, is at a dinner with some strange cats I'll get it the second putting us that over a second you're telling me he just rather we have, that is this phone call go so they're talking about the weather and then go you just heard him say it. You know six foot tall pilot human waste in sicily, Joe Biden didn't even know who is on the phone really pay pop. yeah. It's crack. I mean hunter hello apart. Oh hi say hello to no one I'm not going to tell you a job. How has the weather well where are you don't tell me where you are where's your dolly. I've got.
oh cares about, are not totally anymore. I may find out who you are so just to be clear: they are talking about the weather and yet jody who is talking to wear who they are or anything hunters doing. Have you ever had a conversation. I call d. The day about something related to the shop, hegyi we gotta do that event. He wasn't like who says it's: hot larder, whoever this is I can't hear you coming in job. How are things have you ever Conversation like this in your life, I look you want to go. It doesn't past the smelter this does it any test? This? Doesn't In brazil test joe you're telling me he hey, he's, got speed up, I'm going to call my dad, hey, dad, say hello to a couple: random people, but when asked their names and say something totally innocuous about the weather? What kind of a
You have to be to believe this do here with this guy No idea is talking to, but he asked them what they were up to it. About the weather. You didn't even play the other line where it is a good one because In this happen, these were twenty calls over the course of ten years. On that case, don't worry about I'm going to tell you got a guy right who kidnapped I people over ten years and makes twenty ransom calls? Can you imagine in court, irresistible because over ten years what he calls job widens involved. That is shake down over the phone, a man seven international influence peddling seem twenty times ten years and your taken a victory lap around a course like and johnson at the olympics, pre were hook it's hot in, like it's a lobby data?
Am an investigating agent doing my old line of work again, I'm gonna get, but this is my initial badge it in lucite from what I was in the secret service when they were still in the treasurer as agent, thereby gita. Can you imagine showing up in court. You bad your way. You did everything. You got a case like this and the guys in cork out that we just called to commit criminal activity. Twenty times in ten years, it's no big deal and when we were doing it we claim to. I know who the people were and we asked them about the weather or jury's going to be like what job as this guy self freaking stupid did. Did you ever yet the media people all over all over them, the armpits all over the place. So I got a couple questions here. I had a couple questions, so it Joe Biden, hilarious, deceiving key sceptical, engages rules with the punches on stuff he's. Like you know, I did you gotta unique ability to refer, in this story every single time? Thank you. I have a lot of skills. This may be one of em. I just think about. This is a form
criminal, investigator I do I mean I know I obviously like Joe Biden politics, but I'm just trying to think this would sounding court you're on Own, while hunter Biden is trying to shake down people for money and you're insisted, and your business partners insisting that your dad is the chairman you're selling a brand and you're selling act, as to power. Joe The sis ii to note was on the phone wisely lying about the calls that view george, you got asking it. Why he on video repeatedly lying about speaking too sought about business. If it was just about the weather, oh dear, what about business. It was about whether the business was selling. The call by tat is the business. Do you understand? we influence peddling works you're selling the phone call. Look it who's, gonna,
so the phone ding ding ding ding ding. If I was corrupt, LISA allowing access to donald trump I got a number and I go to a bit. this dinner and say: I'm I want you, lobbyists money, I'm gonna, go influence upon the sea illegally. What do you do you call trump if op is in on the deal he's going to say: Wakey Wakey, not not pick up the phone he's not going to just start talking on speaker in front of people. Oh my gosh, the stupid one, more point, one more point I gotta make here. Folks is you're not going hear this anywhere else right so get ready. This is the most critical take away from the focal. Ladies and gentlemen, the president and the vice president, their schedules and all of their business stuff go through a number people, the chief of staff, the white house, communications agency, access to the president
listen to me. Listen to me! Please you're, not gonna get this any world is strictly control. I made the same point about hilary up about hilary gmail scandal that that in obama's scandal, because Hillary's email, I was white listed on Barack obama's blackberry, so bright, obama? How to approve it? There is no way that call went through twenty times to Joe Biden. I don't know how many war, but a couple apparently when he was vice president without staff knowing about it. No way, I knew exactly one hundred resulted. Oh and by the way hunter had a secret service detail to so they know exactly who hundred It was with ten bonn gino. She, if you like, to hear more subscribed to the environment or shell wherever you get your bike,
Transcript generated on 2023-08-06.