« The Dan Bongino Show

The Bongino Brief - October 8, 2022


More coming out about the Hunter Biden scandal

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Dan bone? Jean welcome to the barn jean Aubrey damp, andrea, tony balanced partner at a hunter and Joe Biden has now Ok, after the other did an interview and took her course last night another to call a deeply disturbing revelation about. The fbi is probably understatement. Probably the year he tossed. This is update since he spoke before the election, and the media did his best to squash the tony bubble and sky story. Keep reminding him he's a business partner, the Biden's nobody knows the binds better than this guy. Literally, a business partner. So figurative, ok, he's these guys, rotted me or take money from china and a chinese communist party connected company areas I caught one from the interview last I got three cards, so I'm going to give you. It was a really astounding interview. Tucker won basically the whole hour, but these are the three big takeaways. He talks
about after he gave the interview pre election about Biden, corruption. He goes into talk to the fbi, The guy they assigned to the case is Timothy. Gmo, timid, if the you remember imitative all show who use them in the guy who put up social media oppose attacking donald trump. You think that, was by accident. They're like hey, you don't like Donald trumpeted social media was. Maybe you should run point in this thing. here's tony babo s key talking about what happened after this anti trump guy? That the fbi got a hold of his information about Biden, family corruption and what he did with it of what he didn't do with a check this out their heads, station told me is listen. An individual man named TIM tebow is going to run point on all of this. We're definitely going to have tony come back in for fallen, in our view, could be as early as next week, summit, people there were in the room were well versed on all these facts. We may want to have people come from two more were delaware and yet
I was ready to sit down with anybody. The need me to or travel wherever, the you and and so they had a station, gave my lawyers timetable cell phone number Was not there that day, I think it was out of washing Did you see my boy I had an hour our have pole with them that friday, night october, twenty third and subsequent calls through the weekend and the following week, when I was then coming on your shirt, to provide the facts. The american people- they were mostly working a following. View and tim GMO in his last discussion, legal counsel was listen, we know Tony's cooperating, we apply all. The information is provided we will follow up with you were deafening. I have come in for a fee, been a view were spent more time on this. And I haven't heard from incense This get any worse with the fbi forever the day. I think we've hit rock bottom and we break
do the basement and we start to get to the mantle and the core to the point. We're popping out of the other side of the earth? If we're going from a flower, Where would we wind up around north indonesia, something on the other side. come out Yet the ira signs of eighty trump guy to an investigation that trumps opponent, Joe Biden, by new as a candidate for president now present united states, its in him and his son are involved in an international corruption scheme getting pay off from the chinese communist party. Our nuke you're powered enemy. They could destroy your play, a role in destroying the united states of america. The fbi no time for that do, however, have time to read the home at gunpoint of a pro life activist for aid tomato resolve, charge already dismissed by local authorities, organization is totally completely broke in. I can I'd, say this enough. The fbi we need
stop billy, dallying, dick it around needs be disbanded, its serves no legitimate purpose anymore. The mission can be accomplished by agencies that are politically target. Opponents of the administration and good agents that are left can be discussed The other entities would no loss in income. The agency is an international embarrassment they put anti trump guy in charge. You didn't see that the optics of this would be bad He does what we'd potential the biggest case, a presidential corruption. In u s history, it does. Zero here's timothy table, new york posts Fbi, agent, Timothy tebow, hidden cells, the whistleblowers on hunter and a big guy Joe Biden, he could really retired from the fbi. Less read this article was written in September. Twenty minutes you by the way an investigation by the special council into his anti trumped social media pose
after allegations, he buried hundred biden material that would have damaged, chose candid cs folks again, we're in the man told the core the crossed I mean the basement of corruption, the entity yeah? b. I needs to be disbanded, there's wrote incurring around the edges anymore. enough of this, what do you need to hear how many more people, or conservatives are gonna be rated by. This failed failed embarrassment of an agency. While thereby, and his dad are protected like a bunch of bouncers by the fbi. Before you realise not a damn thing is going to change the interview got worse. or does I mean really that that you'd think yourself? That's that's gotta, be it now it got worse. He is balanced. He again talking about how facebooks wash the story of job I'd and hugged turbine alleging taking pay off from a child
the communist party connected company selling, their influence face work, of course, squash the story and so did twitter. They both reduce distribution, twitter, outright, bandit ban the new posts reporting on because twitters really changing management, apparently soon. Congratulations to Ilan hope. We can claim that mess up, but here problems you showing you again. What frauds fake book is vague, booked accompanies a joke, it's an embarrassing joke. Andy stone, who is a known democrat operative, who runs facebooks coms department of every, does over there. he's the one who said they were reducing. Distribution is story to end fear in an election help Joe Biden get elected we bubble. Is he says sorry I had to meditate? I had the emails proving the story was real. What happened? the facebook reach out years. His answer mark Zuckerberg, just as said, oh yeah, the f b, I us and warned and wonders of a dump. So when the new york ran their article
Individual mean Andy stone stepped in, I think runs their compliance or fact checking depart men and and throttled down the fact pattern. The interesting thing with Tucker is any stock ever reached out to me recalled my lawyers, my email. This was their armies, They get ahold of facebook. Never is to me and said aid tony. We see that this email the new post just published to you, Is it real? Can you the email to us within five minutes of twitter facebook. But he also reached out, I would have produced the email with everyone wants to talk about, many data all day in all the emails that are being produced. Don't have any meta data I would have given them the meta data that pages along on that email, that to the new york post, published so much for due diligence. Yeah of thank you well said
Due diligence, man, all they had to do- was asked the guy. This is real. You got thirty three days to an election. Folks, just hammer this. I am amber's hope it doesn't drive you crazy, but you have thirty three days to vote. Is it gonna fix everything now. May stop the bleeding temporarily? I think so and in world of marginal choices. I'll, take action to more bombshells in the interview. Facebook never reaches out there hi puts an anti trumpery and charging and berries investigation. Father is by the way you can expect almost zero coverage in the mainstream media of only the biggest presidential scandal in american history. Tony Babo, his keys allegations that commander in chief, is in hock to china from a list payments kind of serious, his bob
Is he in his last caught from the interview, was a lot of stuff? I encourage you to watch the whole thing, but here's when he baba soccer karlsson, that if you're under the illusion here that this was a hunter Biden operation and their Joe Biden are corrupt, grotesque american president, whose now marching towards senility, faster than any human being I've seen in a position of power like that right. You're under the illusion that was only a hundred biden thing and Joe was disconnected from it. Do you think the facts would clean this up after bob unless you, the business partners, revelations where he said this about Joe Biden. Being the chairmen of Biden, corruption and take a look, I call it the buying family because, as you know, has been well well, I say well augmented, you well documented it, but I met with jill multiple task and now, subsequent to the election, he's the sitting, president united states, but there are hundreds of data points, their job and was acting in organic
ballistic term, I would say the chairman, the term J p morgan doesn't take eat meat. down with the people analyzing companies. The chairman serves a purpose, rabies, a figurehead. He shows up the meetings, shakes hands, advice, is, you know, has faith in his team effectively that Joe Biden role in the buying family business ventures. And around the world, not just my venture. I know them multiple times again in the same world, this would be the biggest corruption story involving the united states. President american history The story was about donald trump and down trump junior and donald trump senior, a former president. If it was about those two taking money from the chinese communist party for influence, paddling, of course, they both be in prison right now, they being cause hanging by their toenails right now. but because its Joe Biden and hierarchy matters they don't care. The box. It can't say it an up and thereupon I don't care at all. They care about maintaining power, that's it more in a minute, but first
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the second debate, with donald trump about his sons, business dealings. Now that we know the business partner has email data indicating this entire thing is a lie. That thereby was dealing with sea, have seen the chinese communist party connected company and the dad knew about it and was involve. Where were the fact, checkers combined said this, my son has not made money in terms of this thing about what are you talking about china, have not had the only guy made money from china. Is this guy? Ok, that's just sit outright lie now, act. Checkers were actually checking facts and weren't again disgraced human beings eager to kiss the acid. A democratic party we'd have a deal country right now we're gas wouldn't be, seventy five dollars a gallon. Whereas Why wouldn't be flooding across the border by hundreds of thousands of month? We'd have a differ country in bonn genome show. If you like, to hear more subscribed to the amazon geno shell, wherever you get, your podcast
Transcript generated on 2022-11-26.