« The Dan Bongino Show

The Bongino Brief - November 5, 2022


The Democrats have another scheme to spring on you

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Brcko folks atlas in your wallet you may have. The same amount of money and today or tomorrow, but you know inflation- does it makes the money by last unless, unless it does the same, for you same he's, got you ve got to protect your assets in your money. So how are you hedging and protecting against inflation will do what I do use birch gold, br, r, ch, that's right, I buy gold from birch gold. Then it multiple times, and you can chew and listen. If you text dandy and nine eight nine, eight nine it for you free and fair, She cannot go you're, gonna, free, a bar with any purchase by december. Twenty second, which after claim your offer by black friday, thanks Dan I'd eight, nine, eight, nine, eight secure your future with gold brcko do tonight past performance, not a guarantee future result message data rates, apply dan bungie know welcome to the bond gino brief, I'm diane Gina What do I tell you by the Democrats all the time if you I want to know what devious schemes and scams are up to this
always tell you, people you ever read about people of alai. By what is it s got pack and scrap pack. whenever it it's an amazing, but he wrote the road less travelled, which is was a best seller for like seven hundred years. Another amazing bought by the way, a road, less travel, but people have a lie, is an incredible book about so you pass, who lie about everything all the time when they think about People who lie is they also kind of sea bout. The truth is, most as if they want to get caught? there's so in love with the fact that they got away with a lie that kind of semi bragging about it out in themselves is up. Make sense. Has anyone seen this in their personal life? I'd happens, all the time people like This sudden wanted to detail it you're the politicians of the semi biden. Did it less like this? Forget the whole ridiculous. If this be do hoods rosa stupid, it was a waste of everybody's time. Semi
a mega nonsense, fascist deplorable we all hearted about even dare crack candidates by the way I'm reading are annoyed about Biden speech because they want the guided just shut up until election. They because everybody hates him. No, I'm not it's even in political playbook this morning, dammit candidates around the country, like Joe please sit down and shut up. Nobody wants to see you until election day because nobody wants to be reminded about the catastrophe and the apocalypse you've brought on this country, so maybe getting used to the other crap. It was so stupid, but this part was interesting. Here's Biden discussing delayed, counts and validating in the late election council. Male invalidate. You know it's such a great thing at all, and I told you they ll always give up the scheme. If you just listen, checked We know that more and more ballots are cast in early voting or by mail in america. We know
many states, don't start counting those values. So after the poles, clothes and I'm race. Families in some cases we won't know the winter to election for a few days to a few days after the election folks, they this, you see how he talks about this? What he's do what are you doing here joe, you sensitive, he's prepping the battle setting it up. Man they ve ever did ride the fact in the world's most advanced economy that affect the most advanced economy in the history of this rock? We call earth right that, unlike There are countries we can't count, ballots on election day is ridiculous. Folks How freaking hard is this comes into vote? They scrapped off the box? The vote gets counted. It account there is this about job a little confused how this works. Go there. The voters can help it takes days. The countless stop day is a day
this year only voting there are even worse. Why can't we just counted as it comes in right, yeah? Well, I'll. Give you the answer, because I don't want to count it when they come in more in a minute, but first We all know the power, the irs and yes, it can be scary. But did you know this guy arrest then, putting more and more warnings in their letters like we may speak your neighbor employer or others if needed, or how about this one, the iris make unity with all other agencies about your case such as the justice department and that, of course, if you, over fifty years, dollars the iris may restrict or revoke your passport folks when it comes to the iris you're crazy to try to deal with them on your own. Get the expert help you need today and call my friends at rush tax resolution
like one client, let's call him frank: he owed over one million dollars and rush tax settled with the iris for five thousand nine hundred dollars. There are a plus rated by the better business bureau and they'll only take your case. If they know they can help period, call the pros at rush tax now to find out upfront and for free what kind of relief you qualify for folks when it comes to the iris you're crazy to try to deal with them on your own, get the expert help you need today and call my friends at rush tax resolution. It's eight hundred to one seven, three, seven, one, five, eight hundred to one seven, three, seven one five or rush. Resolution, dotcom flash. Then I would they don't want to count it when they come in because, ladies and gentlemen, delay time between election day and The announcement of a winner allows the media and democratic activists groups too. So chaos while vote counts period is extended. G where did that happen, twenty twenty election?
Pennsylvania, ease up he's out, he's up he's the one we too out who they were. This you understand. The Democrats want this notice. Widens not condemning in that thing in that little club, I just played thing it's condemning the fact that the world's most advanced economy magically can't figure out how to counter freakin vote. He's saying it to get people used to this idea, because he wants this and believes it's a good thing. Bang! That's it! Thank you then said they. What if they extend this thing out to a month so they're sworn in. May we doing because then, if they lose, but they lose by a sliver, it gives some time to use their media activists to sue so chaos, we can not that something was stolen like Hillary Clinton and stacy abrams did and who themselves to be what they call suit a blow. They want. This chance
listen to them. If there's one without sounding like a pretentious jerk. So I'm sorry in advance if it comes off the script. That is one lesson I hope you take from this show, tactically speaking, political political tactics. I hope you listen to the news differently. one thing I picked out another thing he didn't there. Not only does he wink and not about how wonderful it is that these both these votes will be How did way past election day so the blow baby extent at time I don't call a model, I don't you dare call it on election day He talked about his mail in voting or americans are voting by mail. Shows how he said it like this. Is this wonderful thing? It's not It's not a wonderful thing: because mail in balloting is subject to fraud and higher rejection rates. My gosh Joe, were definitely getting into conspiracy.
who says it's happening now, I can see the level that diapers are being what they are clean themselves up. Where would you get this crazy idea? This can Spirits see very male and balloting is prone to error in front of the dream, at times the new york that did you or your time you look a little? wrote a piece about it. Back in twenty twelve male and an absence about it, why did they do it? Because back in twenty twelve large number, The people who voted by mail and absence he were either military or older folks and end skew for our ok, yeah republic, in that's wrath right, new york times had a big beef with their back then, but now that the Democrats and pushed for mass mail and balloting.
the stories they wrote about error and fraud. All of a sudden, if you mention them, it's a conspiracy theory strange using article right here, Adam lip tech october twenty twelve, I'm never going to let this peace go. Error Fraud at issue is absentee voting rises. Its is the new york times baby. He's a quote from the times article He's the conspiracy there yet votes, cast by mail are less likely to be counted more likely to be compromised. More likely to be contested than those votes cast in a voting boats. Statistics show all really election. Visuals reject almost two percent of ballast cast by mail and that's doubled. Eight four in person voting them Are people you forced to vote by male. Mr Sancho said the more in valid ballots. You will generate, ladies and gentlemen, that is the new york times.
So we know because quoting the new york times, we know that the statistics show fraud and errors are increased dramatically that affect their debts, all for mail and balloting and yet once more anymore, Its extended counting periods after election day, why would you want that catch up time? You have right right because you want error and fraud. That's why John listen. Tell them just listen to they will always out themselves because they can't stop bragging about this. Biden could have just shut his mouth about it last night bring it up because they I don't see any opposition to this plan because they know that the media, if you mentioned fraud and error rates being double for mail and balloting, they know the media, backed them up and call you a conspiracy theorist because they don't.
We remember where they talked about it back in twenty twelve, if you want to know what devious schemes and scams are up to just wasted due up ten bonn gino shit, if you like to hear more subscribed to the embargo shell, wherever you get your bike.
Transcript generated on 2022-11-26.