« The Dan Bongino Show

The Bongino Brief - Don't Lose Hope-Something IS Happening!


Talking about Joe Biden's corruption is having an effect.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Diversify your savings with physical, precious metals and give free silver from brcko now through december. Twenty second for every five thousand dollars you spoke of brcko they'll, send or one out silver eagle coin for free text. and ninety eight. Ninety nine aid to claim your eligibility now birch golden You can learn existing area for one came to attack, sheltered irish goal for no money out of pocket text, Dan I eight nine eight nine eight and claim your eligibility for free silver on qualifying purchases now performance may vary and with of your tax attorney or financial professional before making investment decision mess engine data rights apply dan bungee? No! Welcome to the Bonn gino brief from damp on of all this, but I ideas is that the Democrats come up with ass, pretty much anyone. Can you all thinking to chat of any idea? The left wing the democratic parties come up with its a good one. I'm serious has been won Surely there is something
Surely, by accident they screwed up once and actually proposed a good idea, I'm not kidding. Think I wanna muddy the mess around with you. If you can take a one, throw it in the chat, something the. left wing of the democratic parties come up with it's actually a good idea that would lead to prosperity and a better america. I can't take a one. Dude, I'm serious you let him can you think I want to tell me what I can agree not from often I can No! No! I I really about even, but I really can't so. Here's dick durban tricky dig Dick Durbin is a democrat senator who earns his name and dick durban. Got an idea he's got a great idea. This is another jem out of them dwayne. Not only do we have an open border right now, which terrorists in the chinese communist party are clearly taken advantage of tricky dick Durbin gotta, fantastic idea that maybe we should open up, military, too legal sue aren't even in the country legally, so their first act of entering the countries to break the law, and in
going to allow them in the military, where they're to swear it up all the constitution they just violated by entering the united states illegally outside good idea, Only a democratic could think of check this out go down hope I describe it accurately, is that, if you are documented person in this country and you can pass the physical and the recurrent test background. the like, you can serve in our military and if you do it honourably, we will make you citizens of the united states. Do we need that. you know it's recruiting. Numbers are at the army and the navy and the air force they can reach their quarters. Each month, they can't find enough people to join our military forces? and there are those who are undocumented, who want the chance to serve and risk their lives for this country should be, the chance. I think we should Oh yes, basement Are you me brow
having a recruiting problem. Is this not fellas? Ladies, Is this not a perfect example of how long rules have something up right. Importing there far left radical vision of american, an institution that they destroy. I got my idea: let's go gender transitions abortion and lets you d. I initiatives about l g b, t q, I a b, I o p c, plus initiatives in the military. Rather, in teaching everyone in the military that you are all the same. You're all equal, its whole idea, boot camp, you break people down you build them up together to be cohesive freaking lethal unit that can go? Kill people? That's what the military? That's that's with this military wants to do under the new leftist deepening running our military. The idea now is, let's
parade everyone into groups here we go use. The transgender grew here is. The black group here is. The hispanic group here is. The white group here is the head of a sexual group. Here's the group. There was a boy she hears the group that doesn't want abortion. Here's the christians hinders the Those here's the muslims. Ladies and gentlemen, you understand how this is a recipe for disaster, this issue, which is proof that lead. So why are recruiting crisis? Why anybody know how many in this chamber, in a military. Why you're in a military just or why and I'd love to know Europe? but enough you aren't. We get the point our. Why and I'd love to see alive view in the military. I know, because I have a lot of friends in the military are children. Kids don't go in there military now. Why? Because this military is a total disaster and the people leading it are probably going to get you killed for nothing. Thank you. Thank you to all of you for your service. The guys are really wow. That's a lot of people, grouper damon lee Jones.
Thank you. Thank you for your service, you, men and women. I love you too, that I I mean this: in the in the in the most respectful, humble way pause. My envy you, I envy your bravery that you decided to do something bigger than yourself for apps We know money. You were never going to get rich up off and there damn good chance. You could probably get killed doing it, I'm enviously your bravery, you guys so who'd out to you, Let's be honest, the lot of you are probably telling your kids hey. I fought for my country and fight for this. And that's why we're in recruiting crisis so create a problem. Tricky dick urban, and these left these dipshit create this horrible recruiting crisis by making our military is social justice, freak and experiment in what it should be: a lethal fighting machine and undo what an ngo out and griping guy, but week back fill it all guys. Don't worry, we'll backed fellow.
With illegal immigrants whose first act coming in the country was to break the law more in a minute first diversify you're savings with physical, precious metals, while stockpiling silver in your home, safe its brcko groups, most popular, especially here now through december. Twenty second refined thousand dollars. You spend with birch gold, essentially one out silver eagle coin for free dan dm two, nine, eight nine, eight nine eight to claim your eligibility. Now you can. just gold and silver and have it shipped directly to your house or have birch gold, precious metals specialists help you convert an existing ira of four one k into a tax, sheltered irene gold for no money, had a pocket in no sense, free silver for every five thousand dollars you purchase. He before yourself or give something with real value. As a stocking stuffer this year just the key word, dan to nine eight nine, eight, nine eight to claim your eligible, a plus rating, with a better business beer and thousands of because must be included
Now is the best time by gold from brcko tax text stand in: eight nine, eight, nine, a claim, your eligibility for free silver on qualifying purchases before december. Twenty second performance may vary in Seoul the tax attorney or financial professional. Before making an investment decision messaging data rights apply. It's not like fire. In governments. You hate the united states like this right, Who particle it's not like governments like the china communist party would take advantage of our open border to potentially get P. Into our military, who could then- chaos right? No, they would never do something so mean commanders, no large massive. people coming from china illegally into the country The way I'm not suggesting is virtue signalling, throw right out the window, but I'm asking Yes, there are people who are trying to get attic chinese calming the chinese communist party and away from their their wrath the death in the tyranny
If they come here and live a better life however, ladies and gentlemen, we have a process. You know what it's called its the immigration process. You don't have to like kid, but it's real and, as I have said before, for all the people going Do I care where you're from china, europe, croatia, the middle east, africa, mexico or can canada. If you want to come here, come here the right way way. My wife did it go can lecture me about immigration assholes on the left. I actually what drew with my wife? All you did. We sit academia and write about it? I actually went through it. There is an immigration process in the united states. It's called the immigration in process, it sucks, but it's the way gotta get done until we can clean it up. I don't care where you're coming from and don't tell me. Our people from China coming here who, belong were entering illegally. Why can. We can just
the video and look ourselves- china, mexico, ecuador, Venezuela, there are people coming. From all over the world, you can see it right. There Oh look at ventura report via twitter. not just one where all the women, by the way. There have been a notice that Where all the families were told about. I want to lecture about illegal immigration from liberal deployed folks. even if ninety nine percent of those people were here to work, even though they broke the law you broke delay you gotta go home, I don't care where you're from pointless for a second, even Ninety nine percent of those many fighting age, men from china, even if their here for legitimate reasons to work to escape tyranny, which has my sympathies, although you still got a whole bay, the law, even if
we even have one out of every hundred. Isn't the chinese communist party operative that the guy you gotta worry about who they who are these people the answer. Is we have no idea you take this, these communist party. If you send fingerprints back them, a guy who is it's gonna go. That's one of our spies. you said the rights group as a whole right up on this these communist party has to be thinking right now, a large group of chinese when crossing illegally to open gaps in the southern borders and a newsletter today, if you want to read it, but you know that councillors newsletter communist party, you all agree me. They ve gotta, be thinking right now they ve gotta, be sit around in a group joe and saying there. How did we get so lucky? You ve got these areas an open border, just letting us wants our people in their nobody's vetting, nobody's eddie. I do these people are right. We ve got the present
A white house who is on record taking money from us through is key, I don't care what it's for brow. I don't care, I turbine says he was paying a ford raptor with yes,. with money from China and they're getting what they paid for dude they're getting exactly what they pay for their own deposited, the present The united states, what have we said- probably Times are more of the show. oh Biden is a foreign agents. Folks. Not a foreign agents in the jason bourne sense, he is a foreign agents in the principal agent problem Joe by, god money from china. I care. What is more, I don't care, got money from his sword that his son got from china period. It does better, what it's for that
These communist party has to be thinking to themselves right now. Could we possibly get any luck here then of this tool. Bag in the white house wouldn't when border, why we slip our agents in the country and we have our biggest agent of all in the white house. you see this story yesterday nelson new york post. Got a recurring thirteen hundred ehler payment from hunter, rob firm starting in twenty eighteen autumn, Basically, the left wing media folks had it coming. run interference with ford raptor. Nobody, He gives it, maybe a price. Began this. The money came from China made its. a hunter which made its way to Joe if hunter couldn't have paid back joe for the rapporteur, that money from china? It makes the problem Even worse! This is not an excuse!
I want you to listen to Jim comber, explain this every day, there's no information and for those you out there frustrated, understandably, so saying they keeps It is no weapons. Ignore these idiots, keep huh. in a way folks, we're not is Joe Biden good of you ever going to see this with job. I ain't got. No. You are not going to see that Forget it, get it out of your head. So what's the point the point is to in what did I say to you? Yes, sir, about donald trump there we know. Justice take just is growing paper ball and shock in the trash. Can you're not gonna get just do the justice system by locking up Joe Biden and exonerating tromp, whose original justice there is only justice in winning if continuing to hammer this guy for his obvious corrupt, Jim crushes is approval ratings and he loses, and humiliating fashion loses the senate and the white house than lay, he's in gentlemen? That's the greatest free!
cosmic justice of all I want him at any cost to. But, ladies and gentlemen, we don't live in the world, we want. We live in the world, we have if I get one more freakin email and it's not a lot of you, it's very few. Very few people go you keep talking about this as if something is going to happen. I keep talking about this because something's gonna happen. because it's damaging this guy's approval ratings, because its real online The scandals against trump who keeps going up in the polls tell me we're losing Trop is going up in holes and binds going down. If you want us to stop. No hell, no. Listen! A calmer explain how there's no question this money in fact, came from china check. This out was Joe by claim there was an absolute wall between official government duties and his family's influence peddling schemes. This was a lie
percent Joe Biden claim to spain didn't receive money from china. This was a lie. President Joe Biden clinging never spoke to his son hunter Biden about the Biden's family's shady business dealings. This was alive now. Hundred binds legal team white ass. His media allies claim hunters corporate entities never made payment, stir going to go by can officially add this latest talking boy to the list of eyes today. The house oversight committee is releasing subpoenaed banker that show hunter binds business entity. A watch. Pc may direct me We payments to Joe Biden. This wasn't payment from hundred by personal account, but an account for corporation that receive payments from china and others. the corners of the world. First couple you Chad, said the same thing we know do something are doing something. What do you want comber to do for I don't even like these guys how many times
here to tell you republicans, aren't a solution, all your problems, democrats and cause of em Ladies and gentlemen, I've said a thousand times motion Begins really Democrats and democrats are really republicans. I told you, some of you were yell at me. When I need you the pham here? We we oughta me when I talked about to get rid of Mccarthy that shit don't fall of politicians. They all hate you and you and have it the other way. Now I'm telling you you ve gotta, be practical about what what do you want homeward do he's right law enforcement guy. What would you like him to do? They ve already. There are already looking out of potential impeachment, which is going to be pretty devastated, but they ve got it. The evidence lined up and the only way. damages guy. You know what I really want to talk about, because truth. Is the haters don't give and the people who understand understand? So, let's move on it sure I guess we're gonna do haters reward joan about what do you want
to do? Rest them himself? You got everything single institution around the world, fighting us banks, the entertain We community politicians, law enforcement, the d o j local Attorney general's, what do you want? homework to do. sorry, if I sound aggravated, I just We take our own ass sometimes, and it's really frustrating stop talking about you so doing something is talking about it I want to show you something too: this guy, so completely followed. He is obviously lie. We now know and I'll show you how the story keeps changing by the way. Jeff Carson, summed up in an amazing tweet, destroy, he keeps changing. The media is going to cover for the sky, no matter what that's not the point. The point is the pub he's starting to see through it, because a moment's like this remember sixty minutes where he was Adam and job. I never discuss business myself now its clear you disgusted- and profited from It- I don't give a damn
was war, it came from China checked. This are interested. The only thing you said to him was quote. I hope. You know what you're doing exactly right is a grown man. What I meant by that is, I hope you thought this through. I hope you know exactly what you're doing here, meaning why that's all I meant and more than that, because I've never discussed my business or their business. My sons and daughters and I've never discussed because they know where I have to do my job and that's it and they have to make your own judgments to understand people say Joe mine, he's a experienced politician, statesmen, nosey and issues of ukraine. Why don't you just say to a son? This is one: take a pass on. It may not look good. He was already on the board and he's a grown man. It turns out he did not do a single thing wrong as everybody's investigated. I'm sorry guys. I made it a you know. I love you you're my crew and I I came off kind of like a dog and I don't intend that at all. I did. I came off like I'm lecturing you on
is that it's not the overwhelming majority of you understand, and even people who are frustrated and say do something. You know what I, I get. I should have said that that way, I understand you're. Like me, your light after a poem, hey, don't let them than anything forever so which is used to that apathy. I understand my sincere apologies, I'm just telling you as a friend I do oh comber, I've, zero relationship, they these guys. They are absent only limited and what they can do. The entire world is working against them and, if all you can do is destroy this guy's reputation because of all the malfeasance he did and what his ass laterally bad, so that he loses and never back I'll take them three tan von gino shit, if you like, to hear more subscribed to the embargo shell, wherever you get your bike.
Transcript generated on 2023-12-11.