« The Dan Bongino Show

The Bongino Brief - Debate or Debacle?


It was not a great night for anyone.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
So did you hear about brazil, russia, india, china, south africa, formerly agreeing to use local currencies and trade instead of the? U s tower: the first shoe to drop. as the main for the dollar weakens the buying power, the dollar weak. It says why, Brcko group is busier than ever: investors and savers look looking to harness the power physical galled held an attack shelton. I write I to nine eight nine, eight nine eight for your free info kit on gold. Again tech stand. Ten nine, eight, nine, eight nine eight to claim your free info kit on protecting your savings with gold before may vary, and Your tax return, your financial professional before making investment decision messaging data rate supply, Dan, bon jour welcome to the barn jean Aubrey damp angelina wasted. Here's the thing about the debate. There were ray components to debate there, candidate? There's the candidate component. There's the network, component and then there's the moderator component folks This is one of those rare things where I think the moderators of one of them at least look really bad which,
the network look even worse. The viewers ship apparently was not great and an idle big any of the candidates did what they needed to do to change the narrative. I think there are a couple it didn't necessarily assembly hurt themselves last night, but I guess I point is when you were in a race and folks from just giving you the math Listen, you know where my heart is in the race. I've already set up a european opinion. I gave it to you. However, I am I like a lot of the candidates up their genuinely because of what they stand for and have done? I do so I feel like. I can really be objective on this. I don't big, think anybody did what they needed to do to clothes. What in some states is a thirty two. Forty point gap between them and donald trump. I just stone a look like a race for number, two now listen, cost as a left, leaning guy, but I've met with this guy. Before of all the left, leaning guys like he's crazy is most of em. I got a bunch of
text this morning saying this exact thing you may satisfy some left our I'd right, fine, but I'm tom, just telling you I got almost the exact same text in other words verbatim out of this? This is ass. He says this and lots of angst tonight about my top geo pieces about the debate. Donors concern flurry of tax questions about where the waste race goes from. Here they wonders anyone. Gotta have a break out moment. Meanwhile, a ball but ignores the scene and shrugs off the diamonds forces. Wrong? You have to ask yourself of your cadre. What do you want? to do to make a difference right and when you are, upon the stage with seven people. Honestly three or four of them who have no business european up there at all. They did this ship three people on stage right now right Which should be the sand this be vague and nicky hayley beat him scott. Might hence as no business being up there. I'm sorry, the guy.
Not pulling significantly in any, Of the states, it is a way east of assets and time. You may think he's a nice guy. You may think he's a mean guy. He Prolonging the stage Chris Christie is just there, the dns, all, that's all! Christy's doing Chris Christie was marching orders by his daughters, go be an asshole Ali? Does he Joseph there? It says, don't stop I'll show you. What I mean is that we have the donald duck thing that I sent their clip. I didn't send well good. I probably ignored because resource but he's like we're going to call you donald duck is dumb. It's stupid. I don't don't bargain. I don't welcomes. Was the governor north Dakota? Isn't even a conservative he barely, if ever supported anything conservative outside of attacks cut one. Do we no one. Even those who is it's a waste, of time. Maybe if you debate between the sand, vague nicky.
And maybe TIM Scott, you could spend some, time with these guys and people who don't like trump and listen. There are people out there. Folks the supporter, but there are people out there Let somebody a naive about it. No everybody! Now everybody does love their people at all levels and Of amr conservatives- and they like to say this or they like someone else, if their trial make a choice right now. It's not helping when I was a mess, what are they political merit: does it make a difference? Come on you guys already you and you know this man say commodities have so insulting You know what I'm talking to like people. Maybe you know who do I get? This is a break into the the only political narratives that make a difference are ones that change your preexisting notion of who a candidate is for the better or for the worse change, the political. Now you get what I'm saying. If you love someone, and they say something that makes you think better of him in a race than you really gonna love him.
If they, you love someone in a race and they say something that changes the political narrative cause. You changes your perception who they are and you hate them and it's gonna change momentum in the other direction when you static, like a sitting, I'm water, which is breeds mosquitos and stop this oh good. Here's what I mean. First, the moderator on the moderator front seemed moderator network. Why did fox picture? sleep, I'm so confused. Why? this unit vision, lady was there. She seemed did ass. She was asking questions are worried questions at all. They were statements here. She did a blaming the united states somehow for gun violence, ignoring the play egg of gun, violence and south american countries in some years. I mean this isn't even a courtside. If it's serious, nobody should have even answered this question. They should have said ma'am, that's not a question. It's a ridiculous statement claiming the united states somehow has a monopoly on gun violence. It's so silly. I absolutely refuse to answer it.
we're just lady in the debris for check this out. We ve seen a topic crime because it affects all of us governor burgum for the first time ever, a univision poll found that mass shootings and gun safety are one of the most important issue. tina voters. Mental health concerns are not unique. One of these guys. What kind of stupid question is I've. There was this varied by fox. How did you let that question get out there? she has no evidence to back them up at all. That is not unique to the united states at all. Because if you try hold the south america any idea? What you're talking about factoring in suicides and we would achieve and talking about iraq Worse is the second question this again, this is not a crime. This is a statement here check this out. Hunting took us symptom,
protection about ninety percent of sentinel is ceased official border crossings fifty seven percent of the smugglers? Are us citizens how would you stop sentinel brought into the country, mostly by eu citizens through ports of entry there's two sites, and so we have to be very honest and Why again did they answer this question? you seriously blaming the fat no crisis on? U S, citizens on an american network, knowing there's a border crisis, even if our data was correct, which I dont believe at all, because how do you know how much friendliness coming into the country when you don't catch a lot of it? I don't Fellows job just draw is that ethical question out there? If a bunch of fan mail, to the country you didn't caught? How do you know what got into because you didn't catch it, you don't because you didn't catch it it's on the sri, but again nobody.
What I'm stunned about is that these candidates even answer the question they should have been like again man with due respect time out. Where'd, you get your ridiculous statistics. Fifty three percent is smuggled by americans. Where did you get how would you know a lot of, the country is in caught the smuggling process? So how would you know the smugglers our view? No catch him. I don't know I'm just asking questions. Oh, we most stated that this is the moderator this is like republican democratic debate. The kind of book reside more in a minute. but first so you hear about a brazil, russia, india, china, south africa, formerly agreeing to use local currencies and trade instead of the? U s tower. The first should drop as the main for the dollar, weakens the buying power. The dollar we get settled. I brcko group is busier than ever. Investors and savers are looking to harness the power of physical gold held in a tax, sheltered IRA. I buy my gold from birch gold group and you can too,
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should be voted off the island. Please your marker, to write your choice. I note that in front of you to sack is starting to people on a stage. Research should be the very all due respect. I mean we're here like we were happy to debate that this recent, my fellow can now. If I may, I ask you something that many of you I question: let me ask you this weather and, above all, for having a little bit of one of these, things have to be stiff, saw the time you know, I think that's reputation, republican party and the moderating, debates is tough. I mean I know, You're China make anybody look stupid is probably by the way some met. Somebody behind the scenes threw up. You know you know Edna wright, all these things yourself, but it didn't go over well, and I got the sand
did a good job say when I can, if it turns out by the way, Chris Christie, did you guys catch? It could The road in a bowed and electricity was gonna play and is either. Does you see it did you see it? Did you Jim, you caught it. Chris Christie rights it aimed at zero unemployed or are you just did today it is. You re patient. You don't have to tell me however, my crazy someone should have walked up on stage like about sir and grabbed it, but, like you say, he played deployed gabe everybody's got ass now who's. That aim is its. You know I just in guatemala, but again You see it see, you know the first thing, I beg you good coffee. Sought out folks into job at every player all cool played ago. This guy is The designated asshole therefore see that showed designated survivor. The devil
well, you know in a in the event of an emergency, you get a designated survivor new governor christie's, the designated asshole, that's what he is Adele he's the gene. God stage. it's gotta be de jure. You called, doc. I get it trump uses. Nicknames too, funny I mean someone I must say, and everyone trumps nicknames was a huge in, but some of which is forty, the little marco lower jab donald duck. we just times just dumb these still grid I use where, just like, I said that look good for the network, it wasn't really. The debate was It was not a great night for really for anyone. It was like a trifecta s. Gonna happen I mean listen. The debate was on rumble to its platform. I own a good chunk up, so don't take, my drawing someone under the bar there's flax guy scrutiny, and we were on rumble too I don't think it was a great need for us either candidly I don't think that many people are interested. So again, I'm not. I don't tell me like. Oh you just bitter
my bitter at all, I have already told you still got friends- are good people in. I'm just given you my honest opinion about what happened it just one A good night? Sometimes we have shitty shows, and we tell you a story shows how good the nation fires, venom of indonesia here I mean this doesn't help at all so Is there a start screaming over each other to cuts it is. I want, You tell me again view agnes, as an open minded republic in voter, wasn't selected a candidate, yet that's their talk into Does any of this change your mind populism, perfect asia were founded on the pursuit of perfection, and that is what makes amerika great everything. Tat is why we will end once we win this election
John. I have to jump in here. I'm sorry. I s lobbying was thinking. There's one another's infuriating because takes is one of the most dangerous social media ass we could have and what you ve got. I honestly every time I hear you, I feel a little bit dumber for what you say, because I can't talk situation. What they are doing is these a hundred and fifty million people are on Tik tok. That means they can get your contact thinking. You are he by them. One that's an he hayley invade go inadequate I'll covered at two yeah hold on. Just keep Hold that thought for a second. I was gonna go into this anyway although my fine, without one? I'm a little better water now, but whatever will go back to the second is hayley vaguer, clearly play in for the number to spot, in my humble opinion, and I'm not saying this based on any inside information. there. I'm telling you what I think their candidates thinking, not what I want. So, if you had to say
this guy, don't come screaming down my microbes, gonna block. You are mute. You for stoop examined, I'm saying you should drop out or anything like that. simply suggesting, I think mickey Hayley invades campaigns thing to say this is done, that's what I think they think you Gabby. think they think his campaign is done The reason vague, mickey hell, you're going out of after to overtake talk about, it doesn't matter, should they'll make up anything to fight each other right now, They are fighting for the number two. spot right now. They think to say: that's gonna drop out. I don't think he's going to do that, but they think he's gonna I think he's got enough support to stay and at least or south carolina and if he shows competitive second and a couple of these states a lot longer, but I think that's enough. we would they think I'm trying to explain to you what I think one arm with that to now back to this the screaming over negative cuts. It is none of this helps any the candidates again. How does change your mind about a candidate from the stage. It doesn't take a look.
I do not share this view reads: whereas what we find that was that happened all night and listen again, you can sit there and all the moderator, but the reality is nobody gives us about the moderate they dont they're going to do. It happened to a thousand debate. congress, races, senate races, local races. This happens everywhere. Every kid rate as an incentive to try to get their point in and knowledge. or they talk, they figure someone's going to shut up first. So then, this is what happened so Is that so much on a moderate islamic candidates? Ok, didn't this doesn't help anyone vacant one, Why said this too and the new york times? This is how you know vague was causing some trouble because in new york times jumped all over europe. Transgender ism, especially in kids, is a mental health disorder. Vague rama, swami new york, This is false. Being transgender is not a mental health disorder
a transgender people experience gender disorder or psychological distress as a result of the incongruous between their sex in their gender identity, gender. This, he is diagnosis in the psyche, strict diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders be given to children and adolescents are adult. How is that a fact check how balls, you just at the same pay twice Ten bungee knows if you like, to hear more subscribed to the embargo, shell, wherever you get your bike,
Transcript generated on 2023-10-01.