« The Dan Bongino Show

The Bongino Brief - A Presidential Pardon for Hunter


Will Joe Biden pardon his son?

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Dan bone. Jean welcome to the barn jean Aubrey damp andrea. My bit concern right about what the hundred Biden court case why This concern, right now is Biden drops out of the race pardons, is son, now One would be a good thing because then we problem I've kamel ours who candidly, I think is an even worse candidate, the buy it now. My kid there's like a sympathetic vote for buying because he's decaying rotting core corpse- and I think some people feel bad for you guys get this to. You have not our common harris she's. Retaining she's annoying she's in a leaders? She does the vulgar fry. She gives the same dumb speech all that that we let the school bus at the school bus prevent the school bus. We went to school, but we don't want to bird, but better use the same speech also so that parts that that here opt out is not necessarily a bad thing. The second part concerns me. I think you could go nuclear at this point and pardon honor. You
listen you may think. I'm not let me know when to chat. You know, yes, you think he's gonna partner and you don't. You know, I'd love to get your take on it. This is getting really ugly and they're. Gonna have a really really hard time hiding this from the public from this point, for it reminds me of those that old line about bankruptcy that happens gradually and then suddenly, political and those happened like this too, and have you got this feeling? You know again gimme a feeble, Have you been getting this feeling like these things dragged on forever and it was like chip chip chip in the paint chipping paint chip in the paint. and a crack and out of paints completely off and the bodies exposed exposed. Yes, you all numbering your feedback. Now. This is what I really feel like this thing is starting to break right now the media's still holding out, but later. We're gonna have to draw the skies under the pandit. Go scandal bustle. Let's get you it about yesterday's court: crazies, listen everybody! was confused about what happened yesterday.
Since the show tune in today, thomas a second, it is pretty. There's things didn't think I didn't do. I can comment on professional baseball with experience kazanovitch play there. I was afraid investigators involved in a number of world trials. I've never seen anything like what happened yesterday in court. If on me, investigating agent, I'm investigating hunter by not attacks charge that please deal that to be caught with the united states attorney the prosecutor that defence attorney. You know probably have some say in a to z: investigator they're gonna make it urging decisions that the usa's office- but you never ever going to court without that thing buttoned up ever when the jury, I asked you a question. The answer better! Damn! Well be! Yes, they are Who aware of what you're playing to yes, I endeavoured to the prosecutor? Are aware of this and a apply agreement. The answer better, not be no
was the answer you no, the judges throwing out immediately, there is zero chance. The judge is going to get humiliated on it peel somewhere, because you asked that the defendant. for the prosecution of question, and they said they didn't know. what they want in yesterday. We seem to know what thing the judges like way? please deal seems they handcuff us in the future, if hundreds, does anything wrong and institutions like not really defences idea. Does a judge well who's right. This deal sounds really where'd you get it. I'm sam billig hunter can't be convicted of a whole meeting from this point on we had a little dramatic, but you get the point on the defensive. I guess that's what it says and prosecutions Don't say that what did you expect the judge
I know you think we're dude argued shoves, was perfect, but that doesn't work corn, they asked specifically. Defending the defensive journey if baby leave that hunter could be prosecuted for specific crimes. They said no, and then yes, the prosecutor of the investigation was ongoing jaw and they said yes, but that's the same vein. The judges like what What is going on here is where I got crazy. Up, avert this one take away from this its huge, the hint isn't the title of the show something I've been warning you about forever, that's their biggest fear right now, christina a bright part as a great piece of nailed it please, you would have given a hundred biden immunity in perpetuity what a deal.
She notes the deal involve hotter by pleading guilty. Those two tax charges and preacher version on a gun charge the deal fell apart. If the judge noriega question different, The bible would be immune from prosecution for other potential crimes in perpetuity. I'm sorry, this all areas its guy He will not be guilty of any crimes in the future here. Here's the kick in the balls right here just what they would he be immune from prosecution from crimes in perpetuity, including not properly registering a foreign agents, all that all that all dead. varies but keep that in your head. Because I'm going to remind you what I told you five months ago about this after: why confirm that the investigation would not give Biden immunity, that's the prosecutor in perpetuity.
Widens lawyer clark called the agreement null and void. shit show no one even knows what the deal is pleased that a deal the deal's a somewhat. So what do we say? Well, if I know we're gonna make it up as we go along more in a minute, but first Some reports say that on august twenty second, brazil, russia, india, china and south Africa could announce a new international super currency, fully backed by gold or other commodities. If true, this could have impacts on the u s dollar, You can protect your eye. Array of borrowing came from the potential fall out from this possible landmark announcement by their first, with gold from brcko ba or see it get a free information on gold iras by texting, the word dan to nine, eight, nine, eight, nine and again text and to the number nine eight nine, eight nine eight claim. Your free information kit from brcko performance may vary. nobody attacks, attorney or financial professional before making investment decision messaging data rights apply. Now this foreign agents thing
why hunter binds team change their mind and not accept the palladium? They were under the impression they were not going to be prosecuted under farrah, acting as a foreign agent The defence of the prosecution said yesterday that still ongoing. This is a huge deal. It's a huge the arm and get back to that in this sector. Well then, you had here was comber. Last night republican congressmen investigating how to bide non fox, making a really important point. Two about how yesterday's hearing and the judicial system for It only works. If even for a few minutes, I am not saying this thing is gonna break bad or we should be pop in champagne. Corks, ok, everybody clear, but it did work yesterday, This was a deal on. Everybody knew this now going to send a message to others out there who, though unarmed unprotected unprotected, I'm not going to get prosecuted densher whistleblowers you like aiming to sit on the sidelines and see how this thing plays up Yesterday was not a good sign for them, comin
spain's. This last night check this out. If there's a lot of speculation, that that's what he's gonna say, but remember one thing jason's with pointed out these yours, have intimidated many of the witnesses that we tried to bring board for depositions and transcribe interviews and they take things like yours. only going to implicate yourself, we're not going to get in trouble. Hopefully the witnesses luck David archer and the others who we're gonna be bringing before the committee this summer. Hopefully they saw what happened in that court today. These lawyers are going to continue to get away with the shenanigans that they tried to pull. Yesterday, when they laughed and said they were part of ways and means staff to get up and remove them. days are over and wearing control of this, and I believe that these witnesses will come forward and tell the truth: The american people are gonna, be in probing eye opener. With respect to Joe Biden. Folks sense, important point now you're right to be sceptical, it is still The derek farlane d, o J. Ok, I expect
but nothing to happen more merrick, ireland is in charge question going forward, though, is: are you willing to take that chance if you're a whistle blower now knowing finally, at least to me, it's out of a year. The judicial system seem to work right that you may wind up in jail, its apposite step? Ok, it's gonna be all and all you know put the champagne away, but if out there on the edge of this, and you got criminal liability, you're speaking to yourself, damn that didn't work out Well. Yesterday, you're thinking yourself, I better, in front of an obama appointed judge, stat couple other thing: before I get. It is fair to foreign agents. Point that's the biggest take away of all from this. Jennifer van alarm, red state here that conditions, because he applied not guilty yesterday hundred by in one of the craziest Lord scenes, I think I've ever seen a guy going into except the plea deal. Does a gipsy do flipper ruined pleads, not guilty
he had a bunch of conditions imposed upon him and now do you understand why this? good service, cocaine story and making sure we don't know who it is. Was that talking point they got out their read the conditions. Are you guys pick it up when I put down the I said no use of alcohol, no use. If our unlawful possession of narcotic drugs or controlled substances submit to testing for prohibited substances, no drug use conditions. You don't think the hunter Biden, legal team, you don't think the hunter button good team told hunter hunter norman what happens right here, plead or not, is probably going to be Some conditions imposed upon you and what conditions is gonna, be no drug use,
Oh I e. If you are caught with cocaine before you went into the trial, that would probably aggravate the judge. It maybe throw the plea deal out. Oh look here, lucky that all of a sudden I got no suspects with the cocaine at the wider. So so strange and now weird we're not happened guys such thing. It's odd. We coincidence again we're speaker. The whole secret service angle. Yes, you are paying for this. Great service? Listen. You know. I've been kind of hard on their leadership over the drug thing, which I think was ridiculous. I think that the rector candidly should resign over it, but this does Why in them for this one? This is therefore, but you are paid there. They have to protect the presence, cater complicated by law unless he said they don't have a choice, but this came up on foxes, two clubs soon as this twenty seconds, but this came up yesterday. You know the Biden team, the binding team, kids claims,
this is not a government issue. It's a private issue! No europe wide! he's a government issue because you are paying the secret service to protect this guy. He is a protective e of the union. Did state secret service where your money, so we damn well Your business! This came up yesterday on fox, and the answer is yes, you are paying nicholas, may support him if he continues to rebuild his life. That I've citizen, as she describes hunter Biden, was escorted to court this morning in a multi car secret service, motorcade, presumably funded I taxpayers. So it's frustrating to reporters here that we can't get answers for the taxpayers about the secret service. Protecting we're asking about, or about any potential links to the president good reporting. Jackie, I'm rich is correct business number. One is your business, where a number of a fairly obvious reasons: the present united aids is a foreign agents who is taking bribes. Foreign country
a big deal. Ok, but Side. Of that it's your bid. financially too this is a united states government protect ie if hunter Biden, one The work some way to sign off secret service protection and get his own security into his own thing than that. You may be null and void, however, Again, I'm just tell me the truth is that the secret, services for the southern hake, and do you know their assigned to protect people by law unless they sign off their kind of stock. Believe me, I know people who don't like this guy but do their job- I'm not unlikely. but I do know, did my job. It's just the way we do it. You gotta protect is what, the line you will like them. We protect them under Biden. Wasn't elected but you know stuck with the family more in a minute, but First, you re the durban accords. They get. It back u s dollars global dominance of the past eight years. It's been reported that an august twenty second brazil russia, india, china and south africa may announced the launch of a new international super currency, fully backed by gold or other commodities
believe part of their long term plans to supplant the? U s and the dollar cornerstones of the global financial system, Can you protect your eye area for when cavan the potential fall out possible, landmark announcement. Well I'd ever so why would goals from brcko group used too many times We go, there's been a safe haven in times of uncertainty, which is right now, get a free information kit on gold, iras and decide for yourself if tax, sheltered retirement account backed by physical, precious metals is right for you. Text were dan to nine eight nine. Eight. Ninety monumental shift may be happening among nations that control third of the world's gdp starting august. Twenty second protect europe I am and savings tax dan, my person the number. Ninety nine eight nine eight claim your free information can go for brcko performance may vary It's ok, you're tax attorney financial professional before making investment decision message and data rates point: let's wrap this thing up, This is the most important part of yesterday's hearing by far folks, the biggest fear, the boy,
crime. Family has right now is binding, being exposed, as a foreign agent, I don't mean aims Bonn jason, bourne foreign agent, I mean it in there. Legal sense was Joe Biden, as vice president work on behalf of a foreign power for money, millions of dollars and u s law, he would have had a right, just are under farrah foreign agents. Justification which way been absurd for a vice president. To do that there would have been calls to be impeached immediately, so he took the money he did not register. Joe Biden was a foreign agent. They are desperate to make this part of the vessels engaged in a hundred biden go away because if he goes on trial for fairer and the foreign aid. Registration at all. This stuff is gonna mountain a trial under oath right before election, that the press.
The role of the united states, amazingly, is a freaking foreign agent. Here's part do without Jackie heinrich hits on this to mrs is very important. The prosecutor setting corps hundred bindings being investigated for matters other than tax evasion and unlawful gun possession, revealing that the government could potentially bring a charge under the foreign agents, registration act and given that this other, universe of material could potentially implicate? President Biden, we wanted to ask if the white house would support a special council. Overseas to ensure the independence of the department, justice and aid merrick garland, two reports to president Biden but Korean skipped over fox in a briefing we were not called on. She did We call on, however, another reporter who tried to get clarity about the shifting answers around Biden's prior claims that he's never spoken to his son about his overseas business dealings,
early this week, you said the president was never in business with his son, but can you say specifically that the president did not have discussions of any kind we have to revive his business dealings was asked this question multiple times on Monday. Nothing has changed. I don't have anything to add to what I stated on Monday. She says has changed, but the language has changed its the difference between no knowledge and no involvement, and that question like so many others, Martha remains unanswered. Folks, now go back to bright board article. I told you to remember that line in the article the Biden team, the bite the hunter Biden, crime, families, legal team is absolutely paranoid. Thank you about the registration is a foreign agents. They want immunity in perpetuity from it fairer violation, because what they, fear most is buying. Looking like
committed treason? I warned you about this. I've a very specifically say, I'm worried about this far and a date or care about a hundred binds tax thing. They don't even care about the gun thing they don't the grand scheme of things they know the media will protect him. They care about this. They have been accusing trump of colluding with russia. Now for seven years. What is it without a trial on the road that the rich foreign agents, the entire time was Joe Biden and you don't think all all you don't they're gonna, throw barack obama. Hillary Clinton under the bus obama knew this is their biggest fear. The Democrats If this goes to trial, the entire bomb a white house, including secretary? state former Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, swarm or secretary state through They were Christopher Heinz and their friend devon. Archer later
gentlemen, are all gonna get rope into this during presidential election. This is, they are in deep, deep trouble. Right now. I warned you about this. Five so go again. You're not wasting your time, a hey playing closer myself, it's stupid dorky, but it let let me just pull this one off. It's just that tolerate me for a second check this out today show I'm gonna proved you again something put out that Joe Biden is a foreign agents and I'm a play for you and phone call of Joe the president of ukraine as the winds, not all the guy. Before Zelensky I promise you gonna. Blow, your cerebral cortex toolbar, ladies and gentlemen, that was in february, if you go watch that show title they think same being Joe Biden. Is a foreign agent you'll see walk you through this bomb, a new hilary new John Kerry, knew every single prominent Democrat
out there. New Joe Biden was taking money from foreign governments to influence. U S, policy! That is pretty your treason, no. This guy is dirty and they're all gonna get rope in folks, here's the problem may have now. This is why we need to impeach the sky immediately and get rid of the sky by the sky. We are in real trouble. Obama, new job. carry new Hillary Clinton, new china, new ukraine new and, as I heard someone say, forget me any member who was on cable news this morning, mrs senator they were ebay and they said here's the problem. We no with the chinese communist party in the ukrainians have on by they ve been I being this guy in his family. For years. We have any idea what else is out there? How do you know for world Breaks out that Hilary John Kerry and by the upper echelons. The elites in the democratic party are out there giving some
It is in their interests, not the interests of the country. Here's the problems are going to have gone forward and earmarked this episode Tell me what you think: I'm a drugs, I think I'm an, I think, there's only couple scenarios moving forward now that huh Biden has absurdly pled not guilty. to a charge. He was gonna plead guilty for it. Experience. If you go into a corner and defended does not plead to what he agreed to please you. Before I've only heard about never happen in view, and so rare the alps. we, the book gets thrown Adam folks, you're done you are finished now we have a problem here. What's the problem here problem is Derek. Farland is in charge of the department of justice, the attorney general. I know things merrick, I know that's it beast eric farlane issue. There is far less not going to throw the book at hunter by so in the region.
world what would happen a hundred bind right now he would be charged with everything fell: gun charges fell tax evasion, fairer violations. This guy would spend ten years in jail. That's it real world for you. This is what would in a: u his name is by he's a protected class. He's a democrat. In good standing with the left because he's a useful eddie right, I need you stan. That is not what we do happen to him like what will likely happen. is there going to draw up now, a new deal who deal that is clearer on the terms. and one of them, one of the immunity things is going to involve a fairer charge. Here's going forward, that's not agree. deal for them either. Folks, because the government. Just said it was an ongoing investigation is too complicated
Our big just said: there's still investigating this, so now they have to come back in thirty days for the judge, with a new deal and they're gonna go, I area hunters immune now and in perpetuity for any crime. We're going to commit it beyond investigation is now wrapped up folks, the judge is gonna be like. Are you guys on crack Well, in that case, it may be. Yes, are you guys uncle the lawyers on cracked it well, who know I've been folks theirs. no way this is gonna fly you want to talk about the euro clean, a rock and a hard place, charges with everything and send the present son the jail and then go to brutal trial, where you gotta bring in obama, hilary and everyone else on fairer or gift sky, the sweetest of sweet, our deals specifically right now,
that you're going to immunize him to everything and then explain to the judge how in dirty days, you did an ongoing investigation and wrapped it all up. Folks that ain't going to happen brother, it ain't going to happen. It's just no way they are. If you know what I mean, Big time there is no way out of this: it's either gonna be legal damaging the harder it gets a book torn atam or politically damaging to his dad as they go to a trap in bonn. Gino shit, if you like, to hear more subscribed to the embargo. Shell, wherever you get your car
Transcript generated on 2023-07-30.