« The Dan Bongino Show

The Biden Impeachment Inquiry Has Begun (Ep 2099)

2023-09-29 | 🔗

The first impeachment inquiry hearing against Joe Biden took place yesterday. In this episode, I address the details.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The good way to hear the truth about america on a show that is not immune to the facts. With your host dan VON g know what to do, because yesterday we had two thousand eight hundred people you're so I said, do I mean our expectations are through the roof. Every top. Its accept thousand people could show up make. It is probably the biggest streamer and a planet right now. At this hour, and I'd be like. Oh man, we had ninety two, the other day you guys keep I don't I d say impressive me: I've got even matters that uses so willing to support. the show and tell your friends to tag along this. I so deeply appreciate a man for we are I'm going to tell you just a quick story before we get started somebody very important inside a very prominent political campaign. Yesterday, called someone or rumble and was like is this really happening? Is thereby
no really have. Ninety two thousand eight hundred people watching his ashore and a guy was gathered. He does eurobond, gino army, that's all you man, that's all you. Like I was tired. I give you I go in a pound over the heart, but my elbows don't work so it's there. I love you and you are also great. So I senator Diane Feinstein past I heard may have been last night of this morning, regardless Confirm she since past show You know, listen! I wish I remember. Ninety years old, she lived long life just found out about it this morning, before the show body create an issue for the Democrats, who are now down another center. They ve got this proper my corrupt bob and end as now, you're going to see calls for him to step aside. Now, all of a sudden are going to go. You know what I'm saying so we'll see who knew some points this is gonna, be a mass, for them is going to create all kinds of problems in california. Politics is the last thing they wanted
a lot to talk about big here yesterday and capitol hill? Of course the Democrats are like what did they say? Movement is don't just mortem. Just ignored. Just ignore and mark ignore them and mock them when they leave the minute, there's a laughing at them online. Like that's how stupid there first, as vpn yourself with a vp, and I trust that it makes sense that the company controls half the online retail online, also passively each jobs. On your private conversations at home. You don't like three: I don't work, the idea of a single company controls. Ninety percent of internet searches gets attract everything you do and you smartphone big tech profit by selling you exploiting your data, its put a layer of protection between your online activity and the tec juggernaut. That's why I use- and I love it ass. We began this sab in every site. You visit video, you watch or message you send its tracked and data mind. You know that when run, express bbn on your device or devices. The software hide your ip address. Making your activity hearted trace, sata advertisers expressly
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phil on their face or whenever fancy stop, they washed faces with their alike Look in the mirror. There are horrified their Democrats there. Every city they are running is shit. There's chaos everywhere. In every city they control there mom Terry policy has led to massive inflation and real wage decreases. We haven't seen in decades, thereby our policy is led to an invasion on our southern border and their god right now there are oatmeal god, and the white house is a bribe. Taking kid sniffing shower, taking pleasure, rising loser. Who is expose yesterday on course, we expose as being deep state, criminal there's, no doubt about I don't care. What democrats to the hearing was a failure just give him that bull barrel and mark them mockery. Your folks there's nothing you I want you to see, there's nothing. You can tell these people that is going to have them
bequeathed change their mind and admit Biden is a corrupt built me. Oh god, you understand. I re why, because the the crowd party about it? thirty. Forty percent of it right now is downright evil. They want to, three destroy, you want, stay and that this is all being done on purpose. None of this shit is by accident All of it is on purpose and the Democrats are destroying the country on purpose. Stop asking the question why we do this? It doesn't make sense, it does make sense. Why would they open borders because they were destroy the country. Why would they inflation, crisis, destroying american wallets and bank accounts on value everything because they want to destruction, is the agenda. They want this great reset it was the vehicle to do it. They were this. For years, they ve called it a thousand different things. This great risks,
the new tomorrow, whenever you like to call it they have one of the destruction of the current meritocratic capital, stick system they'd, all like it. They want everyone, really poor. The only way to get there is to destroy wealth and destroy the country. None of this is by accident. Therefore, if the you're going to destroy the country is the corrupt help me, oh god, of the white house right now, Joe Biden. Kids, never Is there a hero, he's doing what they asked I'm begging you as a friend stopped? I am convinced the Democrats. They don't care. cut it out there, the information, because the country, a radical democrats, there are some Look, that's actually we're sickness guy. Do just that appalling! thirty. Forty percent of the country of Democrats. Democrats excuse me that don't give a damn.
The writing? Gobio gods, corruption? However, there's a good chunk of independence, libertarians immoderate democrats, we can persuade did you want to similar guy unexploited spoil your mom. There's too many of us responding to the rabbit evil. We hate america crowd they'll, be like all yesterday was a nothing berger and people get disappointed. We shouldn't have done it. impeachment hearing was a waste of time That's not who you're talking to people talking to you about seventy percent of the country that is, interested and corrupt oatmeal god what he did. Do foot on the gas battle by the was hilarious, watching the dopey, silly dems, the goons humiliate themselves upon. capital hell yesterday, defending the Biden cried family during impeachment inquiry. Hilarious and some of these clubs are just dead there the priceless stuff. I even I never thought I'd see an offence
There was minimal coverage by ABC Nbc, CBS, MSNBC and cnn minimal. At best shows, you are terrified. If the money is used, quick question before I get to the clubs. Do all shipping a forty seven thousand people right You're, freaking, amazing. I love you, I'm it s very simple question yesterday's hearing was. Is there liberal, evil, democrats, the demon rats, why you to believe a big, nothing berger, that exonerated Joe Biden, then why did the network's cover it away? Anyone got any idea. Ok, you know: Because it wasn't a nothing burger, they were terrified of this stuff getting out terrify. Freaking terrified: let's start here new rules here, the new rules, the new rules, are, I don't give a shit about any of this, the old rules. I don't care. Here's dull, ba or see who, by the way, didn't even get the facts right. I'll show you in a minute, she's. Try to question a witness on what we say.
Who started this impeachment inquiry without a full house vote as The rules matter news: stay or seen everyone listening. If you really think. You're going to enact a police state open the border, destroy the economy and let the rotting oatmeal, god sell out the white house in america with it, and we give a shit about. your rules you're crazy. If your you re going forward like a yossi, tries to make years well in the past. We did this. We give exactly zero about. Any of that zero? We care you're playing with it. old republican party, not debar gino army republican party and the new republic imparting we, care This is a o c appealing to like Robert's rules of order. She didn't even get the statistics right by the way check this out. We talk about a threshold of an impeachment inquiry. was there a house floor vote that had a majority of members of congress that opening impeachment inquiry into President Clinton there was
There was. Was there a full house floor vote opening peace will increase to president tromp twenty. Ninety. Is there one here for this one? Not for this when there is not one here for this one, It is an embarrassment. an embarrassment to the time and people of this country, and I would ask that the chair- and I would ask that this committee. I would lead to the promise of our duties here and comport our cells with the consistency in practice that is required of our seas. And our duty and our are oath to our to our responsibilities here and with that I yield backs the way we now want to test you guys. Did you guys catch? What she did their ceo see. Someone wrote that africa is he's really stupid. Did you see what she did there and its anybody catch on. No, what she said?
hey. Was there a full floor? Impeachment inquiry vote for bill Clinton the guy's a year. What about four donald trump, the guy said yeah. What did he say afterwards? Did you hear it? oh in twenty nineteen, but their words. Impeachments for donald trump. the last impeach read the Democrats said anne didn't hold the house floor of our show because cried said to the house floor vote. We're supposed to do a house wardrobe because of your principles and robards rules of order. Did you can do? you guys get what say you noticed She did they right. They did take a full floor. Vote for trumps last impeachment at all, and now she's bad that the Republicans deadness. If we're supposed to obey her fate principles, you know it's bad! When Dogs CNN have to call this stuff out yeah this and I see it, a bigger, listen.
There is an interesting history here. The question is: does this house need to vote as the full house on a resolution in order to open impeachment inquiry or cannot just be declared unilaterally by the speaker of the house by whichever party controls the house? If we look back through history, there was a full house, though, on a resolution to open and impeachment inquiry in connection with both the Nixon and then bill Clinton matters. However, things changed in twenty nineteen. When then speaker, Pelosi did essentially the same thing. The cabin mccarthy is now doing and she's that we're not going to take a full house. Well, I'm going to declare an opening to an impeachment the inquiry and that's it our prices. Is it when the door I'd, see arab who kid stand. You hate this country and hate the facts have call out this bullshit. help with Eric for this hearing yesterday was glorious
disregard the thirty percent. Forty percent, a democrat. By as nothing were, they love to corruption and a white ass. Theirs, convincing them. Joe Biden walk in front of the cameras today in the rose garden and give us admitting he took bribes and you what would happen? What do you think would happen? There's one you think, would happen. The media would be like widens gotta cognitive deficit disorder. He's miss remembering things on tat serious. There is nothing these commie adjured proper holes will not do to defend the rotting oatmeal god if they think they can get something done when they about your problem under the bus. Of course, this hearing are disrupted. Folks today show is gonna, be hilarious, see I we we are the best part about to show, I think, is We can make a lotta like emotions in it sarcasm humor seriousness, but you are something that I write a o lying. There was no house floor, vote debris
to the inquiry inquiry by policy for trumps second opinion, making this up or so have we leaving it out. because she wants you to believe that the party, a principle that a party of bullshit they ve he's been that party they lie. everyone! All the time, this. However, folks, a lot of you see this ready, to be one of the greatest clips I've ever seen from a Democrat, and by greatest I mean the worst, this is hilarious. Why get a notice on the collar and what they call us broaches? I don't know I'm not like a fool guy, but this is it Cried who pretends to be like a woman of the people just looking at that they now it's funny, but what's on thou art, I'm going place, video for second joe. What do you see it yanny What do you know what it is. see tat like me like we're not like food guys. Ok, I see some of this stuff, but I take it slow. We ve gotta, it's so She's got a louisville time like why? Don't we
call, a pin, ato and about how it is, and she must be a woman of the people and she goes there dude she goes, there were two but he's just a good died job. I just a good. They did this all its oxy loves aside. All really watched is waiting what they really expensive: louis Tom dick I'd check this out. Why
of conspiracy to defraud the united states, falsify business workers conspiracy to defraud the united states. Two counts related to efforts to obstruct the boat certification proceedings. Why tell of conspiracy to violate civil rights? Twenty three counts. Related of forgery are fastened documents, segments accounts related to silly thing, and I could go on because he's got ninety one counts been right now, but I will tell you what the president has been guilty. He has unfortunately been guilty of letting his child unconditionally, and that is the only evidence that they have brought forward and honestly, I hope and pray that my parents love me half as much as he loves this child until they found some evidence. We need to get back to the people's work, which means keeping this government open so that people don't go hungry and the streets of the united states, and I will wheel, now, let me just say, I'm a capitalist. I love the way that they do. You stay chanel louis vuitton, whatever these other
Good you! I shall pair seekers brought polygon, don't care about cap was what do these parties I wish, but lobbyists watches Joe Biden lives, it's ok. listen. Ladies and gentlemen, let me put this thing to bed right now, Joe Biden and his kid he is the worst father I have ever seen. He had a yes, yes everyone say it. Unison, ok, prompted chap guy pollster guy. We need you right now. Yes, you think Joe Biden, a great father. Why or know Joe Biden is the worst father you ve ever seen Why is this isn't a hundred percent? I'm quitting the show there's no more show it's gotta, be a hundred percent someone's gotta message, this close to a hundred, because this around things, sometimes as a typo winner every clause, this dude, put his crime can dig did sign in
Item in the international audience of people from russia, china and everywhere else to grief and money to make him rich, while his son was going through this thing with the drugs, sky is a garbage person, the fact the Democrats I think that this message appeals the middle class americans, which richer ten thousand dollar pin on you're sure why you're claiming to be some woman of the people? The fact that you think this is a winning message again is holy mary S, whole areas, you think god Sauce abyss is overwhelming, keep it going knows everywhere. Knows everywhere this guy the worse father, I have ever seen he is a disgrace. Did you the daughter's diary This guy is a why in grotesque piece of human garbage, he stuck his dry
Addicted son in front of enemies of the united states to get money internet Biden, crime, family, guys grace to humankind You think this is a winning message for the attrition local three electrician up in new york least, the boots outside at night, then his ass six days a week ten hours a day you this is a winning message. Taken, carry his kid on sunday, maybe get to go to his kids, literally game. You think sky is listening to you go and oh yeah, that's a great dad. I'm really terrible he's gone I busted my ass. For my kid, for you, know eighty grand a year to keep food on the table with disinflationary environment, with overtime and no days off, while this guy get that a month peace, a garbage and his dad's putnam. I up to it all, go on with this this. Definitely gonna get you guys a long term, sustainable political future
the word by god, how whose neighbour, whose then I perceive someone's massa mothers in nature. We ve got invaders and the chat. Listen to this one. They did it again. This max frost, another just pathetic human being the gold with this line again, that this guy's father of the year, sniffing woman feeling loser check this out entire fig impeachment inquiry isn't about the united states, its about or Biden, and the only the president is can be guilty of here is being a father repair, their them you're just remind this reminds me of you ever see bridesmaids when they eat it. restaurant in everybody's got the issues. You know what I mean. If you see a movie norm, go it s right and she's. Working out the street with the white gown on and it's all come out the wrong end as in the street in new york or wherever I just like to doing it.
She's doing it she's really doing it's happening there really doing it. The Democrats, it's really coming out the wrong in he's a good father. This guy he's not only about a good father. He is the worst father I have ever seen ever he is a disgrace to humankind, and we double and triple down on exposing the human garbage file. The skies- and, let me be absolutely one hundred percent- try apparent on this too, for you I think, for a second that one sky gets angry. When he's asked about his son he's angry because he loves his son, Joe by angry for one reason, and one reason only: he is an because he's afraid that his son hunter is gonna. Bring down this whole thing by exposing the Biden. Crime family he's angry that huh. Has in by the balls. That's why he's angry I'll show you what I mean coming to mess with this quick super cut of how
You can't ask Biden about this because he knows his son. Has him and I mean, has him you gotta watch the show you're listening. You miss him Well, folks, almost all americans are going to taxes this year or from previous years, unless of course, you're the son of a president. I love this spot. This company's great. Or the wife of the ex president The irs abides government want your money more than ever and, as you know, has been reported that the hiring thousands of ages semi tell you about attacks mitigation company called a man, echo first tax group, america, Where's tax lawyers and experts routinely stand up to the irs and save taxpayers. Thousands call them hundred two seven, two, seven six, one three, whether you already owe taxes or you're going to owe this year. America first can help put those dollars back in your pocket where they belong america. First tax rooms, professionals are also experts, it stay taxes, they can help protect you from these leans and garnish myths. Here's a number, eight
Madrid, two seven, two, seven, six, one three give them a call by using the same tax laws, the global elite use america first tax group could be or own private tax army call them eight hundred to seventy seven six, one three aid! to seventy seven six, one three, or use the website go to him. like a first tax group, dot com, america, first tax grew, dark, come again eight hundred to seventy seven six. One. Three or america first, tax group, dot com thanks america, first love that spot. What am I a new phase? So back to the thing, the guy's, a terrible father. He doesn't give a shit about his son He cares about is staying out of jail and the war. Person who knows the most about the Biden, crime family is hunter vine who will flip on dad in omitted. I will prove it to you. Come up in a second. I want to play this. First still listening You forgot, how debarred see research
Free time Biden asked he gets super pissed off. We time he's asked about his son. Honour is nothing to do with loving him and everything to do with love and himself, because he knows Hunner. You know what I mean at this hour I sent my son to work in an oil company. She said there's been no indication of any conflict of interest from ukraine or anywhere else. Let's focus on the problem focus on this man. What he's doing that? No president has ever done a damn liar. He wanted access to. Well, that's not true your same thing. You do not know what you're talking about. No one said that who said that Joe said that there is no controversy about my son is all a lie: these mad. For a reason, because hunter binds lawyers are threatening to give him up and pull him in. I don't know about
that then that seems like a speculative thing to say. Is it read state your biden, seem use threat of Joe Biden, depression, recourse to deal the oj by bud budget. There is right there and by the way was reported by political, that's it Hunter Biden's lawyer issued a quote warning if the d o j charged hunter, Hunters warriors would put the president on the way to stare. Mad sounds like I'm not speculate. tell me again always a great that we should create daddy, its mad when you ask about hunter he's mad, not because he loves hunter, because he loves himself, the oatmeal god of himself caught the bull shit. he is terrified that hunters gonna give up the cookies in the cookie jar and other club? For me, I m trying to keep the club shark is like a play. These things all day there.
after the no evidence lie. Do again is why told you ignore the thirty to forty percent of the democratic party, with the no evidence of really ignore them, because doesn't matter what you say: it doesn't matter. I'm when you keep up the heap, because about probably Fifty percent of the democratic party is either mildly interested or persuadable. They may not change their vote, but they are. And about seventy percent of the country. Cares that the opium god is corrupt. Are they gonna vote different? Hell. If I know it's probably not bad enough yet, but we give up this information warfare game here talking about Joe hates the sky by the weakest joe, and I grew up in the mullet marilyn political environment me Joe more so that this guy's just a tool total loser Jamie rescuing we ve known this guy way too long. Absolute loser. Here's a congressmen yesterday areas trotting out there. No evidence bullshit check this out. I page two more than a million service members without first, Launching the impeachment drive
even when they don't have a shred of evidence against president Biden impeachable offense again These are the guys. I only play it again to show you it's out there it's out there. As a portion of this party, Please trust me on this. That absolutely knows why skeelty. They all know that forget I point there's nothing. You can tell them dan gall men, a o c, Jamie raskin cabal of idiots. They will defend the corruption because he's a useful idiots for them. The army, oh god, he's a useful idiots for them. There are some good moment so yesterday this was great. I wanna hatter byron, donald report again from florida nod congressional district. Nineteen in the west close cos he did a great job. Firearms into finance feel before so is very familiar with financial flows. Three bring, up an interesting question.
And I want you to listen, is expert witness on financial crimes when he asked some hey, here's the org charm, which is I never seen before by the way of the hunter Biden entities. I know Peter Schweitzer's had it for awhile, but I hadn't seen it in the hearing. This is valuable stub, because again persuadable people are going to look at this go it's interesting, because it resembles kind of like a real estate empire, Is the courage They weren't actually selling any day like real estate or anything else? You love the greens in the room. We have an organism no chart from the irs's investigative team that was looking into the business practices of sir bite him and his associates this charges from whence he fourteen now, mrs Dubinsky, but my former life, I was in community banking and I'm come comfortable, looking at organizational charts when I first the short the forcing us
what about was a real estate holding company over developer, and is this not to demean developers and a great you state of america, but developers typically have multiple companies. What with various business interests and business lines, but the phone thing is that in the bin those dealings of hunter bite and there is no real estate. None at all Mr Dubinsky and Europe's professional experience. Looking at this organizational chart of business structure, what do you see here is a very complicated structure of entities that are interrelated and would give me concern if I were an investigator, I would want to know what's going on in these entities whose behind them how's the money moving between them and what is the substance of the transactions? What's really going on here? we, what the house buying. Ladies and gentlemen, if you had an org chart for Dan bond knows widgets and you are selling widgets theirs yo, I owe the cfo Theo train
actions, innovation, c m, o marketing person, worthy selling the mark in person is marketing widgets the chief innovation officer, is finding new ways to make widgets The chief financial officer is finding new ways to do what fine it's the making of widgets? Why does Was this guy selling there's no widgets there's no product, there's, no, nothing answer is right in front of their faces, the business partners have already said what they were: selling joel Biden and access to it, which is illegal? in front of your face mad and is not more glorious, then we'd, cnn ibex, usually CBS, which is again to the left of lenin. They hide catherine era, jews in actual reporter. I,
Remember her from Fox is always very nice to me. I don't or politics. I think that's a compliment. why they hired catherine average. I dont know because you, going on cps telling the truth. guys right. I mean my why wishes are fired. Yet I don't understand. Cbs is interested in a true, here she is catherine, it is about a minute, but it's really important all the receipts right in front of her, that The binding. Appears to have committed tax felonies that were recommended for prosecution, not misdemeanors, and this went out to the cps audience. I play this because remember doll. By into the negativity. Nobody cares. It's nothing burger, no allow people care. And we could change an entire election when they understand a party of corruption or the Democrats. If CBS audience to see- and this is a good thing- listen to this
if you're waiting for a decision from special counsel. David Weiss on potential tax charges against the president's son. I think it's instructive to go back to the documents. This is a closer look at exhibit two and you can see on the front, what's listed as potential? Violations of the tax law so these are felonies with potential. Jeanne time very serious fines are the other, is four misdemeanours, and I encourage you to go soon page seal and this section called conclusions and recommendations. You can see for yourself you're twenty fourteen, twenty eighteen, twenty nineteen, There were recommendations for fellow the charges and then It talks about tax years, twenty fifteen, twenty. Sixteen twenty seventeen, twenty eighteen twenty nineteen and based on that coding
those are misdemeanours and that's a failure to pay or failure to file. This document really stands out because the initial plea deal which fell apart in In July I was inside the court room was two misdemeanours switch is so big distance away from what's laid out in this document here. you gotta, understand why this is important. This is a time to call show it may be funny. We may you sarcasm over and over Make no mistake the show a political tactics, show meant to inform The humor just takes the edge off it. This is bay. Because you you'll idea- and we already know this stuff exactly cbs- this audience- doesn't that's the point. Catherine herridge is doing this over at CBS and CBS is allowing it cause I'm a real problem. For the democratic party, the kids,
It's appear on fox, frankly folks holy shit. Eighty eight thousand we get across ninety again is amiss. we're not even where half an hour- and this is insane you all are in credit- We're across ninety thousand rhino, maybe we'll get to honour today. good enough for us here. It's good spread the Democrats I have to see it too, or else we're never gonna change away. They vote got a really important, probably the most important segment. Out of this whole thing. Marjorie taylor, green. I dunno. If your lover or a hater, it's not my business, where you feel about politicians. It is my business, however, to point out the corruption of some marjorie taylor. Green, has been very interested in hunter Biden and his involvement in potential human trafficking is a really big deal. And it was weird because this is what any time they just gets brought up on the house floor, the demo that's immediately jump into shot. This down. Remember you're supposed to be. The party of women disadvantaged and kids, yet this extravagant helping at the border.
President son may have been involved in human trafficking. They are freaking out I'll. Show you what I mean most important clip. We haven't even plated coming to I start just as a basque, your patients for a less fees, This is great companies. Are you ready to cover the incredible benefits of a good night's sleep? I had one last night, why am rock n roll in today? Some no making your senses and embrace the importance of a restful slumber dive into the world to sleep and introduce yourself to an amazing product that could revolutionise your nighttime routine b. Dream b e m beam, dream and our dream powder it's a hot cocoa, designed specifically for sleep. It could transform your night. Unbelievable flavors like cinnamon, cocoa and chocolate peanut butter. It makes it a treat to sip on before bedtime he's a secret. They have is powerful and natural blaine. I take these. These these compounds are great of racial magnesium althea mean an app agenda. These ingredients works synergistic me to help you falsely faster. Just look: I'm up stairs blogger and help you wake up feeling refreshed know. Next, a great genius and he's the best.
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an email to the united states attorney prosecuting hunter abide by talking without solicitation and potential human trafficking under the manner It came from one of the investigators. They lay it out crystal clear if you're listening I'll watch and I can't read the whole thing, but the bottom line is this: the investigators investigating hundred by suspected him of communications with blood down name, peers, tat, basically traveled from Ella x to Boston likely and escort likely an escort one Identified as a hooker, this plea: hunter by may have been involved in human trafficking. Folks, these words the communications are listed, are right there. If you want to read it, you can see it on a rumble account right now. If you listen, not apple spotify check it out. You can europe. This is an official government email. He may have been involved in significant human trafficking, this this drives the Democrats, breakin bananas because
time. This comes up they're supposed to be the party of women and kids and they appear to be the trafficking, pardon watch freak out when marjorie taylor green, brings us up on the floor. Yesterday gets us in a record check this out turbine use his father. The the president of the united states to threaten his victim. though we adjust trafficked for sex and the debate. When a justice refuses to speak to me, hyderabad needs to be held accountable, accountable for his sexual exploitation of women. And we ve shown more evidence We ve shown evidence. This is what it looks like this. Is man act violations? Blooded german? I am, I reclaim my tiber. I challenge the use of designer I understand held against having seen it is add that my democratic word, our point of order and return to care about women's rights
while allowing hunter bind to exploit women This is a shame, but let's about! Germany has a parliamentary challenge before us The point of order and point of order is the point. Then we'll stop the clock. For you, miss gray. Minimum is determined by the hour. from Georgia has introduced before pornographic exhibits and blade things that are really not suitable for that children, who might be watching you guys remember these lists you're a hard core p one. These are so all their broken. Joe remember this is me and Joe impala we're doing to show my palm syria remo. babies? They don't even fenimore broke his eye Why we put these bad boys, I broke it at all. because we got ninety four thousand eight hundred people for a new I'm glad you don't show record, we love, you guys you're the best. Broken glass is at all.
yeah baby you don't want to talk about that. Are all potter book Maybe it involves some human trafficking, a point of order. We look. You got pornography. One hundred binds s it's his frequent. Its laptop the president's son, you watch that is going to be an even bigger component of this as we move forward. I love this class is, by the way, a broken hurry. Ah bad, so creating five thousand people? I love you got. That is the freak em out I moved on from the hearings a lot more to get too. When I did dawn. Yet we're not, we don t want to. What kind of a sociopath gavin newsom is by the way who's? Probably going to be the presidential nominee for the Democrats, I'm going to get to that a couple of minutes, so don't go anywhere, but from its did, from the daily. Is it bad enough yet segment,
I'm told germany's show you these every day I opened up, I'm telling you the Democrats you what it's like waken up to be a Democrat. You're cities are in chaos, your boy, policies really new invasion. Your economic policies have led to a massive inflation destroying people's lives, and you're rotting, opium god just got expose yesterday, but his son for potential human trafficking and bribed taking Jim waking up is one of these dogs today This from your inner cities. Waiting forced to jump off a balcony to escape a burglars, been scope in our house or apparently targeted her because she was asian. Is it bad enough? Yet I don't know, but it sure, as hell getting their watch this it's the surveillance, video shows breaking into he stopped went home wednesday morning shortly before eleven. The commotion alerted somali, who was alone inside the house,
speak. You know months earlier. There are no more the seventy six year old tells me she no longer feel safe in her own home after living. Here for twenty years, she says she ran out the back door, but that the intruder caught up with her ass. She started to run down the stairs say here that I guess it got me, desperate to get away somali managed to break free. I don't have no toy an iphone. This month- I dropped on fear. She says she jumped over the banister and fell at least ten feet got up and climb over two high fences to get help from a neighbor plays a hurt me and and they say I need the phone call, because I now have the form that that guy's followed my phone whole ordeal lasted about four minutes. The intruder never said a word, somalis that she did not see a weapon but that he up some ammunition in her home At my mom's here
that, if it was worse, I wouldn't know what to do daughter, geniuses, adrenalin and fear, let her mother to run. Despite a previous injury, she's already had a fact said: anko, she ran So now we haven't, we haven't even been to the hospital and everything happens so fast. Don't worry, fellas better. Have you heard of Joe? You cut dad roger europe, or do they didn't? Finally, they only found the ammo in the guy's ammo in l a so it's. So it's all good. Folks, it's all good the balanced tool in nepal chance. There's on gino army get to it. Ass, it's bad enough and people are going to change and vote for republicans or no, it's not bad again, I want it on the record. Nope, still not bad enough, it still not bad enough, said jackpot guy, you your thing it s bad enough, yet aid, bad enough yet and aids a word
We take some it's getting there and skin their quick. There we break the shouting. So well ninety somewhere about to cross ninety seven thousand people holy shit. by the way that was another insurrection at the capitol yesterday and they Our ties that this is how, comfortable, it is to be a liberal in the american police state. By the way you haven't checked out these tickets are fly like crazy. Our new film with tenacity sousa police state film that net you have about tickets, get him now in theatres. Exclusively october, twenty third, twenty fifth item didn't mean to that there are easy, tell gateway. Why pick him up now? This is going to be out of tickets. Quick in american police state of euro liberal group, like the sunrise movement. You can we treat out. Would you double. They are going.
right now, we're in speaker, Mccarthy's office, demanding into averted government, shut down and fun climate action they actually took. Picture or themselves this is comfortable liberals in the police state. We live in our feel. Not only that engage in an insurrection by the liberals, definition now mine. They call this in its erection. You walk you the capital did jobs what they said right. The occupied Capital, your esta to the insurrection, so is there are actually taking pictures like this, because their liberals and they a protected class. This ladies and gentlemen, exhibit a in the Please stay right here they are pictures of themselves celebrating. Couple other more random news things. by, did it again yesterday fighting the story for probably the ten to fifteen time about him travelling seventeen thousand miles across the tibetan plateau, as usual, paying from china. Of course, the stories bull shit. You know
There's a reverse reversal showed a wash imposed for this is the worst supposed glenn kessler they most hapless. Loser. All the facts as well. Even he had to acknowledge that this story was a three pinocchio story there. It is right there vital clay. These travel, seventeen thousand miles region pay. It, All shared it earns We're piles of bullshit about three pinocchio. It's not true that don't matter listen that is dog bribe! can kids sniffing showering. Loser. You get the point of that last one. Listen to him. Yesterday tell the story again and then, in the end start randomly yelling at people like for no reason dispute is just crazy. check this out wartime a time bringing in any world leader has sixty hours. Long to see and interpreted Travel seventy thousand miles and appear in china, On the seabed, plateau eternal media ass, we can define amerika. For me,
I was getting arrested, yes, in one word possibilities, we america believe that it is possible. If we try anything we do together. We had done. Applause. By who way somebody sent me another way. We now have double or quadruple, but yeah you go. You got good heads, I'm like sticky fingers, I'm a dog. You're like sticky fingers. I forget it forbear, we drop everything. The guy kids, bullshit you that story. True. This is If you get up so why does keep lying there because he said its sniffing women feeling socio bad. That's why? that's. Why. the stories fake it does. It matter just Can we start jelly. both
the guy's loves. These. Does Don't matter is always useful idea for the left. Bookkeeper you want to see another sociopath. I'm going to watch. This was creeping around social media. This is an old interview. A gave a new some is important. A new is likely gonna beat a democratic, domini meal brains. You just saw us down. Ok, it's only a matter of time. Before this guy pulls out. There is away, disguise the nominee no way, not a chance, newsome will be the nominee. Newsome is arguably, although we better functioning, brain and Biden Big of a sociopath is barbaric. with the bars lie. That's a good pointy! That's very good point: the bars! I want you to watch this clip from back when he was a san francisco mayor watch aggravated he gets when he did reporter who, by the way, is probably not even conservators, probably just either a liberal or some down the line moderate whatever she says
basic questions about why he doesn't show up at anything watch. The guy, look at the evil in this guy's face. We gotta play for this guy next, a lot of people are always so charismatic is gonna, be denominated bob. You know why care Maddox is a sociopath watches, But let me start by asking you: where have you been five hundred and twenty two point? Two million dollars shortfall last year, at five hundred and seventy five poisons hey guys, I'm here to talk about tomorrow and today and tomorrow, not yesterday, I've been working. My tail off I've been out. I think I had sixty nine public comments. Last two and half weeks, you know radio tv and then I asked your staff or where's the print out where these events, east and and your press person said well that the stuff he just goes to these are all public events. Yeah, so what what look? Do you know? The criticism that you have been dodging? Not just the press, but also the public, that you have been sulking
dropping out of the governors racing you're having a temper tantrum. What do you want to save us? I want to say that I've been working. My tail off I've been here focused in San Francisco. I I was gone two days. None of the city in the last three weeks we done sixty nine public events. I've been is engaged or more engaged than ever. I don't read the press. Dude, I think we may broke the counter. Ninety nine thousand three hundred and fifty four. I can't believe it. I can't believe it you guys, are freakin incredible It sociopath ignominy folks one quickly. Before your back. To that I know I know. By the salon. I don't want to distract you throughout the show. We counter numbers and live shoes, but. I do it for a reason. I'm being serious now. Because that is a story. It's not, as you know, hey look at me self praise thing. It is a story, it's an actual story in the show what you're doing
because I want you to understand that your part of something here, reconstruction of a new parallel free expression economy. It is a story its arguably important story. it's my show it's happening here. I know it's about the damned gino show, but it's not it's about rumble. About true social. it's about, hopefully, where maybe ilan does, with acts of even get that lady out of their survival parallel economy, we are building a whole new economy together and the fact that we I think we broke the counter, Ninety nine thousand people that there is a a car which football stadium plus full of people here watching this show right now, wife together share in this moment. You're the story if yourselves round of applause, you did this young man give yourself a big round of applause. I can me and Joe, and ye can only watch once right. nine thousand people watching her. Thank you so much. I really appreciate
that, due by the way, get by It is a sociopath, you should work the rest that interview I knew some cannot control himself he's these guys, if you ever met them like you, got if the party with your wife's company or something you don't understand, that around with a bunch of people and there's one guy's, got to talk about himself all the time and the minute somebody doesn't kiss his ass, he loses his shit. You ever see that that's cabinet come on. You love. You know what I'm talking about everything like two guys like the sea or would accompany, and in a couple guys here who are like you know, they're dead there working man, they don't really della here. Great broken. We talk about like the yankees. Are some guy gets all offended cause is not about him. Scabbard newsome, that's have a nuisance
this is going to be the most bananas economics thing. I've ever told you ok. I know some of you love the economic segments. Very few of you don't like him, but I saw this in bow. Tie bullies at bow, tie ball on twitter or shatter know if it's a he or she doesn't really matter, it's a great account. Did you give him a follow and it got some cool stats? This is how messed up our economy is under the shit, Joe Biden economy. What are your some crazy eddie? he's got a spare ten million lying around. he's ok us into my garage people do a lot. people do have spared ten million live around here you live in Florida itself. Florida you made a lot of people may ten million in a month. You a restaurant. You won't even know is a lot of money in south florida. This is decree you stay, Interest rates are so high right now, historically under thirty year, treasury. Think about this. If you ten million dollars, boat, eyeball notes and you're forty, you
these ten year. Thirty she retorted urban you're collect four hundred. Seventy one thousand seven hundred dollars guaranteed. I tell you, Seventy four, the your life, just why, by what are these thirty or treasures? That's how bad it she's got now. Why do I bring this up because late? the gentleman don't freak and go I'm paying. Researchers do It's paying. The same should solve your like way who's paying out interest the four hundred seventy one thousand you all day Yes, this how bad this is. This is why I always tell you liberal: economics s over liberals you're scared, Anyone, a hundred thousand where it is digital glasses guy, is back Peter all love you guys
whose pay it I've wondered. Seventy one thousand a year to people the government we screw. You ten million you're doing great. Think about that sit on your ass. You do nothing collect a half a million a year on your ass. Just sit there like this smoke. You to be happy to resolve, spoke the dogs you, since I got sneakers still felt afraid, you'd capitalist. All these other clouds This is great. I told Paul about this this morning said what we despair. Ten million. If we dig we do in fine the binding economy at a they for. I thought they were for the little guy jody They tell us at that people get screwed of rich people seem like they do and ale k dodge.
to be nice, for you right, I mean I know you'd probably still work. As you know, you don't wanna, be bored but dubious, bargaining position you'd you better, give me twenty million a year on leave and because I'll make it a half a million sit on my ass right now, a gig red I'm afraid you ve gotta, be a rich guy in a bind economy. I won't be. Guy, get a squeeze historian folks dish put the tweet This is a really important. Storage should also more time for this, but This story about found. She did you here. This is a tweet format disclosed tv apparently doktor found she the cia secretly, escorted them into headquarters and a rumor is it was to influence the sea ice analysis where the one virus came from. Ladies and gentlemen, I want to leave you with the most important store. I want you to be very cautious. The bond gino rule is, full effect, king canute.
like a liner thing for that we pass on the screen, punch, you know, rule in effect or somethin like eggs. Are you need to know like this? Is bond gino rule time? I think they ve this story all backwards. I dont think found she was brought. In there influence. The cia is intelligence on where the war on virus came from the stories all backwards, think what really happened. Is he was there, because the cia was probably looking for advice from found she, from me, medical field promoting knee covered conspiracy theories about vaccines and that it was a natural, large and stuff and all the others that I to see? I was looking for advice because it was intelligence level, operation to target people on social media and get them who did for what they call? Misinformation did spain and that right
think for a second, the cia needed fouchon, the fao. she found they knew exactly where the woman virus came from a came from the war on lab The sea, I think, was poor folk I'm getting this from good people pay. Very potential, I'm leaving you with this on a friday you see. I was looking to found she for tips, on how they could sensor people online, who were speak, the truth about covered, because the truth would have benefited donald trump. Who said beginning the thing came from China. They were therefore tips on how to censor and found she was a useful idiots. I'll take for a second, the cia needed found she to make their determination. This story is all backwards. the cia was likely engaged as part intelligence operation. the censor and suppress people. Online banking
Our more on this next week, I'm not done what I leave you to stew on that over the weekend. The stories bigger than you think it is a military type. Intelligence operation, tat people censored online. Talking about covert is being done for reason. Folks, a hundred thousand. Thank you so much about my heart: no, we mess around lot, but I really love you. So much hundred thousand people Japan is parallel. Economies happening right before our eyes thanks to rumble and all the crew forgiveness platform Chris and every damn right for your brother basic respect. asking the sea or rumble for giving us this opportunity. Give us a follow, and please download the rumble app recommended to your friends. It's free go download the rumble app today rumble dot com, slash bond, gino and join us live every day with six figures now full of people at eleven a m eastern time, set up an account, it's free, come say, allow What about nine thirty this morning, at the check the show starts at eleven love. Ya, see him on that.
day, sir just heard in bond jean Ojo,
Transcript generated on 2023-10-01.