« The Dan Bongino Show

Stop! No More Lies! (Ep 1327)

2020-08-20 | 🔗

In this episode, I address the alternate universe the Democrats are living in. The lies they keep repeating are so ridiculous that it’s hard to believe voting Democrats are buying their nonsense. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Waiting to hear the truth about America on a showed, its not immune to the banks with your host Dan bungee. No thirty at sea is going so well after the Democrats, democratic national convention that out ask me said: put out a tweet this morning that truck super overrating rating during the d and C the d and see that jobs are breweries, got up Gunnar, that it Last time I checked his boss work. The other way when you get four Straight days or three in this case or fourth tomorrow of national Press Cover, for your party, the Democrats, the Democrats, approval for to go up. That's too had traditionally worse. They call it the pole. Convention bounce so far, the only bouts has been Donald Trump.
Who, by the way, also one quick note parities Even with Joe Biden in Minnesota now as well a state Tromp lost in the last election, great job dams. You really, at a party. I got a lot to talk about today. Can issue Rotumah Express Vps. Ladies and gentlemen, secure. Your online activity today from those prying eyeballs get a Vps go to express VP. And our com Slash Bonn GINO doorway welcoming I'm fine, GINO, show priests Joe. What you think it s numbers deposed convention Bob for down, from Abilene Nor can I create a myth. Citizens around what I've been following about things for a long time, usually get like a double digit bounce. If the convention not a dry while your opponent's approval ratings of? Why is that I'm discuss on the children do not Mr Michel show the Democrats are living in an alternate universe. That is why I met a today. How live
in that alternate universe. If you watch CNN Aramis embassies, literally getting people hurt in some cases killed. I'm not kidding that I think you're by friends out lifelike airlines and covered in its News for companies are Udall a utilise enterprise of european for employees working from home over nine hundred. He and service at a large enterprise security provided were hack, usually impasse words have been shared on a form used by ransom where gangs enterprise, European servers are used to give employees secure access to corporate networks, compromise. Vps service can allow hackers access to accompany the entire. Entire internal networks reasoning it a good repute, support understand how cybercrime and identity theft affecting our lives. Every day we put our information at risk on the internet, good thing, this lifelike A service I've had for a long time for me and my family for reason. I had my daddy stolen it really stuck. It took me forever to clean up. It was awful lifelike detect
wide range of identity theft like yourselves security number for sale on the dark web if they detect your information has been protected. A potentially been compromised. I'll send you an alert. I get tax on my phone bank like that you should call my wife she's. No, I've knows everything someone check and our credit. Yes, this is what happened. Thank you. That's how it works. No one can prevent all identity, theft or minor all transactions and all but lifelike can see threat. You might miss in your joy now save up to twenty five percent of your first year, gotta life lockdown com, slash bungee! No, don't wait, get a fear! Kids near wife, your family, life luck that calm slashed by GINO for twenty five percent off get the protection. Today, life lock the council s budget, all right, Let's go another. No to breaking news voice, start Steve bad and it was an indictment released on trumps former vice or in the guy was evolve and bright barred, Steve banning it happened there. This morning, the indict
it is? These are allegations, of course, to be crystal clear, but the battle was involved with that we be The wall effort that go find me to build sections of the year migration, while on the southern border. Folks, if I can just add a quick note on this, most Joe Impala can attest, do I is very suspicious of this. I was emailed about two years ago by a lotta, listers Dan. Why are you talking about this? We build the war folks. If I don't talk something or advertise something on the show that you think The conservative cause it's because I am deeply suspicious of what they're doing and I may I information is, like some pretentious jerk thing to say just that I get a lot of emails from people. You know what I mean Something's wrong with it, I always suspect, something was wrong with that. A lot of my conservative friends were warning people about it again. Allegations will see what happens, but a very serious so against the ban indicted today for its involvement in this way
the wall in the allegations that some of the money was basically taken under fraudulent pretences. We'll see where that goes well. Follow that start. So, if you're dead, cried again, you're watching these three nights. So far, the democratic national convention- you ve done a great job. Boosting drops approval, raise fact ass. The pork well done nice job. What's going on here, there's no excitement for the Democrats in all Kamel hours gave her speech last night, which is supposed to be this groundbreaking type moment. First, black woman, so to be the vice presidential nominee. This was supposed to be a huge deal the speech was such a disaster that I'm gonna have to go? Alice you Sammy this there. A photo of I'm a Harris giving this speech to a wall of people who are supposedly attending that I'm gonna give you some backers, there's supposedly watching this speech? Ria, like a zoom type coverage? So
Allegation? Was Joe, their common Harris is going to talk to real. These are real voters. We're gonna get thirty real voters to watch on this. Now. What Of doom, but wall of zoom with a z, now you watch it on Youtube, going to notice something about this photo. If not your listing on audio have no feel like explaining- and I was playing with you here- is a screenshot of the wall of zoom and he's thirty alleged voters listening to Kamala Harris a speech. You'll notice, something in the color coded circles right there. That affair, We could even five thirty people, because three of those people are repeated. It's the same people they're not body, doubles it's the same person twice accumulate box You'd go outside my house right now. Give me what you think: Paula half an hour stand outside now
five. Thirty people to join as soon as support job you couldn't even five. Thirty people, it was the same person twice. You'll see on the walk you're like the Brady Bunch thing just imagine Brady bunch thing in the beginning, the montage imagine thirty people and Peter and Marcia and Jan repeated twice, because they couldn't find other kids to stick. They don't even find thirty people they couldn't think they take would notice. Is people are repeated wise, where is very, no excited for this ticket at all Nobody wants by Narras they're just people who die tromp. That's it again. You don't forget the Mathilda show, if you are a Democrat, you are right now. What an alternate universe where you been If the elections over this- and I don't know what's gonna happen, Trump could weighty could lose. I'm not sure I'm trying to stay out of the predictions game, because what I say gets people upset or incentivize people, not the vote. If I tell you this,
try going to lose your in big trouble. It gets people really upset anxious who may stay home. If I tell you, Who's going to win, don't worry about it. Some people want folks, they won't worry about it. I'm out of the predictions game. Forget it, I'm not doing it. I'm trying to do it, but I you if you're a Democrat, you believe this elections over Trump is a trumpet over he's down six honey. Points in a positive, a possible it's horrible you're living. Not a universe. Nobody cares about by. They could even fight dirty people for resume session. For this, historic speech, so less again you will you watch Barack Obama, many of you, some of you did. I had a dive Rupaul. If you can attest to me for this right, I fell asleep in the middle of it. It was so boring, so I had to get up and watch videos way. Barack Obama spoke last week a night three, the Democratic National convention right and I'm gonna to play a clip from it asked because it's important, because just the temerity on Obama, with such a liar and is the most corrupt, present the history, the United States, but he pretends to be this big, Holly Roller top of the tree,
Impala morality. He looks down on everyone. Obama was arrogant, corrupt president. We ve ever had right but play it river I want to play the review by Chris whilst and fluctuating that a pretty good job, you know. Listen Christian, harsh on everyone gets beat up a lot for it, but sometimes horse on both sides, do so here's Chris Wireless from Fox notice something really weird about the Obama speech last night. The fact that again job, if you're dead look at you living in the Sultan universe. Is all this excitement provide buying to go to win in a landslide, there's so much excited did Obama even mention or barely action, Joe Biden last night at all check this out. It was a really curious page. You say you talk for fifteen, as somebody will tell me, if I'm right or wrong already didn't talk for Joe Biden for five of those fifteen minutes and and basic lay said he was. He was my brother and the White House. He made me a better president. He'll make it a better country, talked about how he'll get control of the pandemic and rebuild the economy.
It, wasn't even all that much about Donald Trump, although we certainly made clear, I think all you can only call on his contempt for Donald Trump, but most that was about it. Almost like the community organizer from Chicago about how people have to go out organize and, as he said, Arthur our policy is at stake, but as a full throated endorsement of Binding not saying he wasn't forum, it was a curious page. You think folks again alternate universe shut. This is the abc thee. Enough blacklist show your living in an alternate universe. If you're, a liberal where this Actions over the x man is rampant. Obama loves by listen. Let me give you a little security. Everybody ready, Polly Ready you right when you know one of you say no United, the really. Where my can we want a minister, you don't know, I do what I can. I can read it I, but whether so we ve been thinking
from you can have a big party by together twenty years twenty years. Why do you feel like yesterday, specially on data? She said oh yeah back when I just want that on the record, let me tell you a little secret Obama. Kids and by I'm not going to tell you how I know that a wide and want to be a tunnel tail Obama can't stand by thinks he's a joke. To personally is the geese I got a malicious are horrible. He thinks he's a more MRS staff? So does the Obama for America Alumni network. They think up. They think Biden, Obama's crew, things by miss a damn fool. Folks, I'm telling you you could take that check to the bank in cash, and that is a fact.
I keep a large network of friends, some of em. I remember from a prior line of work, not talkin about law in force from people either Doug about some people I know were marginally involved in politics- will basically were involved for the money, not so much for the ideology, so they're happy to talk, the Obama team thinks Biden is an idiot. Hence it is speech last night, while Mama in fifteen minutes, barely mentioned Biden at all. Now Here's a little clip from Obama's snoozy, which again with of course celebrated by these ridiculous acts in the media, transformative, otherworldly small g godlike sounds like the terminology used to describe in his speech about Joe Biden, because that's the job I write As for the media, does what it said, Obama speeches to strange formidable when Trump says something really interesting grey, What an area that is what this is
real media, it's a joke. If you're a liberal again, you are living in an alternative universe. Here's abiden less, I usually Obama the reverence for the oval office. He starts talking about insulting trump. I talk about how we sat the oval office with both of these guys yeah yeah. Stymie sat in the oval office would Joe Biden they were plotting. Despite scared, the one that's anywhere in the meat. They remember that yea leaves out check this out. I have said in the oval office with both men who are running for president. I never Factor that my successor would embrace my vision, organs you're my policies. I did hope for the sake of our country, the Donald from, might show some interest in taken seriously, then he might come to feel the weight of the office and discover some
ever for the democracy that has been placed in his care, but he never did reverence for the office. Are you kidding me? Is this a joke. This is from the guy who weapon eyes their intelligence and law enforcement community. To marshal the biggest political spying scandal in the history of the United States this. The guy who lord it over the worst recovery from a recession in modern. U S history! This is the guy who is Eponymous we named Obamacare called the affordable care call when everyone calls it Obamacare cancel hundreds of thousands as the people's insurance policies, hold in some cases their premiums. This is
guy who inflame the racial tensions in the country. The point we're upwards of seventy percent of people thought the country was headed in the wrong direction and parts of his presidency you're talking about reverence for the oval office. You wanna talk about sitting down and the oval office with both men, Trump and Biden. I can recall last Susan Rice email. We have from her leaving office about the last time you sat in the oval office with Biden. You were doing thing that the F b I get quotes a right people on the investigation of Donald Trump, the spy on him in his campaign, while your vice president, Joe Biden, was mentioning ridiculous cities like charging Trump and his trumps team members with the Logan ACT, a charge ever successfully prosecuted in the history of the United States. You talking about reverence difference. No, it reminds me of Basketball
Are they remember? Allen? Iverson? Member Allen Iverson we're talking about practice practice they were accused of being late for practice. Knee was upset. He said trying to play down practical about practice. You talk about reverence, but you can we men and we want to Republicans you get the backseat time for you to get back, see you're a joke. Many single most corrupt present the history, the United States, who destroy our economy, wrecked our health care system and divided the country like no one else. Trumps had a commanding clean up the mess he had a fix, your economy. We are growth rates that far superseded yours he had a fixed the mess you left behind after each one and one where you depleted the ppp he had a clean up. Individual mandate. You're Obamacare taxi force, people to buy insurance it and what he had a clean up. The court system. We will pay Politicians is judges, judges, pretending to be judge who were really politicians
who destroyed the rule of law. He had a cleaner an immigration process. You embraced. Been borders he had a clean up. The mess you left. High and the regulatory morass. All the pages of the federal register. You added a new regulations, he's the one A clean that up the government off the back of American business owners trying to rebuild their lives after your disastrous eight years. He did that you ve done squat, you have done nothing. United States was on fire after Obama left its trump who got to extinguisher out, but again, ladies and gentlemen, if Europe cried you're living in an alternate universe. Right now, we're down is up is down left right is left, nothing makes sense anymore. I'm gonna go through this piece by piece now things you believe if you're, a democrat and illiberal that are found,
Julie Incorrect, but you still believe them with no regard for truth and all because of people like Barack Obama who lighter you constantly everyday, do that listen? Let me get my second sponsors important. I want to run through this. This is gonna, be a profound segment you're really going to enjoy, and I hope you share, because the Democrats believe in this alternate universe are really getting them. Cells and everyone around the part and in some cases killed isolation. Also brought you by friends at Peter latest gentleman with a teeter inversion table, you can use gravity when your own body weight to decompress your spine and relieve pressure on your disks and surrounding nurse. I use this twice a day. The inversion table. I had a bad back. I also have really terrible shoulders. I need it gives me also kind of a teeter. I get back Kilgrave decompressing on a teeter inversion table. You flip over there for a few minutes a day is a great addition to anyone's daily routine to maintain a healthy spine and active lifestyle without the pain you have back pain if you've been lucky enough Void back in your back pain, you need a t like I have invert everyday. You just lock your I'll. Send its super easy grabbed the handles new
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Actually believe that there is. Still, some network of Russians working with the trumps to collude impact. The election daddy's There is no zero, no It is that all but watch, Nicole, Wallace and people actually believe this objective. I wonder what we do with the finding that there was this elaborate and intricate web of connections, contacts between Donald Trump campaign in twenty sixteen and Russia, and we now have on the record half a dozen meetings between Donald Trump meetings and calls between down something Putin where there are no notes there were no staffers jumble, writes in his book than he wasn't allowed in the room. How do you keep that issue in centre or or how do we try to protect the country's national security, knowing its under way. Folks. The network she's talking about people were won some of the more uneven russian and Secondly, the meeting with Russians: it's not illegal, even
Where's, the same Russians a claim. The Trump network was meeting with some of the very same people, which I want to show you later in the show where some of the people, the Democrats network, we're meeting with so connection The Russians apparently imply you're guilty of collusion only if you're a republican, but when Democrats meet with the same people. It's all on the up and up, don't you worry again? You are living in stupid land. I'm going to show you this from a Wall Street Journal article in a few minutes. How the same that network of people according to nutty, no call wireless. The Democrats, so a meeting with them. Are these funds? no spies, but always drug dealers by but Listen to this nonsense? Do you a new police? These loaded takes like Nicole Wallis, that there's this network of people The Russians, that of infiltrated their way to the top right, as you understand that is absolute
He factually nonsense. It is made up garbage she sure the before you're sure. Such low ratings, only morons watch it. Living in an alternate universe. With someone I prep the show I'd, try to think a themes and this is how the show started off with this video today, but I really didn't. I was struggling to get materials and it because I'm so bored with the unseen. I don't wanna talk about it and I came to me is one of those Eureka moments. The light bulb turn not. I was just Talk about this in isolation. How Nicole Wallace's again Perverts the collusion Alex. I thought what other hoaxes the Democrats believe in If he actually believe a real. And Paul and I had a hunt through gravy and for video clip and I found something else, but before I get that let's go to some other hoax smother hoaxes Democrats, but when I saw this jam yesterday and today,
I thought oh yeah, I saw this yesterday. This is safe from amnesty and see this is hilarious. This tweet we, Leslie and see, A foreign Eugenio P used to be one of the most right wing, nuttier state parties in the country, ever really moderated meaningfully they just are relegated to permanent minority status and the state became governmental. Great Jones, glass jobs? Northern California is governor, but now that the GEO Peas got California, you know that Like the North Korea, like Black out said, I you know that California, California, that billions of dollars in dead can't handle its own fighting it despite the fact that the world's most well companies are headquarters in California, TAT California, where crime is out of control in some of its big rapid that its big cities, that is totally governor, bull, thou, o good while allowing M S Dnc.
Chris haze on social media you're living in a fantasy land Pizarro Superman World did George Stanza episode in Seinfeld worry. Does everything backwards in this So we worked out for George. It doesn't work out for the gems at all. Listen to me. This is serious. Listen to me. He's having a real effect on our country. We can ensure that political disagreements, I'm not crazy, bout. The party system, but sometimes And another party to hold one party in Czech can be a good think. Sometimes. But if we can agree on basic axiomatic truth. Like there's no collusion with Russia. There's no evidence of collusion Russia, multiple reports, have shown. There's no collusion with Russia. It's in the actual port of you read it. If we can't you don't
We can agree on again axiomatic. Factual, choose a California is not governor, but it's one of you welfare states in the entire world its run by liberals, and they have North Korea like Black out tonight, because I can't keep the electricity on who told you was governor, but if you're a Democrat, do you believe this, collusion Israel. California is comfortable right now. Here's another one in the Wall Street Journal. If you're a liberal and you live in this alternate universe. You believe the post office is some model of efficiency that should be funded with it. Little funds, despite losing billions of dollars, I can't figure out how to deliver the mail. The management of the post office and haven't for decades you believe, that's a model of efficiency. Why the cops need to be defined in Wall Street Journal the pulse. Service, Democrats satellite forget this.
Democrats Donkey Nancy Policy is changed your party logo to a post office, listen to me again to be crystal clear because I don't people ever that work for living teachers or anyone else. Don't mistake, my animals. Where's teachers, unions and prior. Judgment of the postal service which ran into the ground any animal towards these postal workers at work really hard. I got an email yesterday, you know you are I'm not going to dare say your name, but it was a postal service worker. You know who you are, who was I damn if you were not gonna, get paid either of this place continues to go bankrupt. We work hard. We appreciate you speak out, thank you, It's a joke about making any email up. It's not Guys and women out there is the management of this place that ran into the damn ground. From the Wall Street Journal Peace, Since the alternate university universally living. Where polo he's making her members vote for twenty five billion more for the postal service justice, her
been counterparts of voting to define police departments in Seattle, Portland Austin, New York, LOS Angeles, Baltimore unfairly, Joe Biden, set about risk mailboxes, but don't expect them to say anything in his except in speech about children being shot show. In cities across Amerika. You wonder, Stan people are being killed, kids, literally because the Democrats or selling you a myth that trap is destroying the post that's destroyed itself and that the cops are your real problem. Listen to me, people are being heard. And killed because you're watching these agitprop propaganda networks and reading the New York Times and the washed imposed that are selling you lies of colossal ball. You get the rest quit. You are living in a fantasy, LAN kids die because you think post office needs more money with it
Rapid Business model, while the cops need less kids being killed. Your stupidity for believing this, despite the fact being in funding your face, look drop your yourself on your photo, your computer, despite the fact, be it in your face, You refuse reality and you d find cops or your kids are killed, shot, Rob harassed. Are you waste your money on a post office business model? That's failing because you for a hedge, because you If you fell for this, you can you're going to public schools that are collapsing because you bought a teachers union talking point that school choice doesn't work and their teachers unions. You know what's better for you, despite the fact that the teachers unions right now, who don't wanna, teach your kids, the teacher
want to go back a lot of not the union's because they don't give a damn about your kids, but you fell forward, Because you're, a soccer. If you're a liberal you limited Do the universe where you actually believe the teachers unions give a crap about your kids. Why do you believe that their when you hear too stupid to send kids, who are school of your choice and you buy it yeah, that's right. I'm too stupid defined the Cubs deaf We find the post office of all in baby you're an idiot. I'm really sorry you are a hard left, liberal listening to the show who bought this you're really stupid and obtain me to tell you that collusion, it's real We're who told you dive spy
gate. It's a total hogs. It's a hoax Do you do when he homework. We already have the guy who is a or an intelligence asset. I e a spy. We already have documented FBI, inspector general reports indicating the F B. I use these spy to spy on members of the trunk team. Yet if you're lefty and you believe, Scam, Montpelier, otherwise known to Wikipedia. This is what you see on Wikipedia Wikipedia Spy Gay. It's ok, piracy veering, I miss you by president drop in May of twenty eighteen, that the Obama administration Places spy. It is twenty sixteen personal care presidential campaign for political purposes. It's a conspiracy theory. We despise me. We have others spies, name too or fake name,
you're, a Turk, stiff bond Albert we have their names yet have you liberal and you read: Scam Iberia. You re believer believe of browser dirry we have their names. Are you this stupid. They were intelligence assets everybody's it to develop. Yeah, you're already admitted they paid a spy and another. B, I implore you up return. They were interacting with Trump campaign officials. Why. For political reasons. The people involved. Donald Trump, the people, they were communicating with tat They, Andrew Weissmann, Mauler people TAT day. Donald Trump Bruce or from the justice, but they had no evidence anything they were saying was ever true about collusion and you believe it.
Because you read, scam a facts Smacking you in the face and use. Still believe. There's a network of Russians planted in trumps White House. Because you're a moron, I'm really sorry. Folks, No somebody shows which I haven't done her. While they have an angry and they are. I know some of you know like some of you do but I'm sorry their necessary something. She needs him syrup of epic check that the conservatives, but the liberals, you need to hear it. You need to hear it in your face and you need to like sandpaper, not like silk euro more on. If you believe this, spy gates, not a conspiracy theory. We have the actual names and the records Collusion sought a hoax, the possible Airbus is not a model of efficiency.
The police are not the enemy in your neighborhood. But again, if you're, a liberal, you still to this day, believe in all this nonsense,. You don't believe me, let's just re up this New York Times headline I put up in yesterday's, shall Senator our committee report is Crystal clear again for seriously the fourth or fifth time now Mahler House Committee Senate Committee, more the bull congressional investigations. I e g report. There is no collusion between the Trump team in Russia Yet if you read the New York Times yesterday by Mobile Mark Seti here GEO pilot then a panel details ties between trumped campaign in Russia ties mean ties between the same people that are
russian or connected to Russia that we're dealing with the people involved with the Democrats. So if ties with those people are somehow malicious and criminal or collusion then how is your assertion that the Democrats were colluding? Russia too, because you're not honest, and you don't be liberal friends, believe you let us see if you want to see the proof I told you get to it so keep in mind. The lying liberal media's alternate universe, where people are oh see aid with the Trump orbit, we're somehow, interacting with these suspicious Russians are russian connected people. Will he's really fascinating Austria journal points this out today in a really great up it the russian grassy, nor the collusion conspiracy spiritually, keep looking for a second shooter down in the peace. Come again just tat they tabled.
But the skull because they know their liberal viewers and readers are idiots who love being lied to here? Is the network Nicole Wallace Rob was talking about nutty, Nicole, call on and sea of, Russians that they say the Trump camp people via the trumpets, were dealing with that somehow they nor their connections. The Democrats here called from the journal peace. Some. The grassy no there's ignore the report's information that the threat of foreign influence isn't limited to trumpet. Always not you This again, if you are not a liberal, I do that devoting pages to Mr Mann affords ties to a russian oligarchy, although there are Pasqua. So again, madam was trumps campaign manager, Darrow, Pasqua, wasn't russian oligarchy. A footnote noticed It's only made it into the footnote. Note in this new Senate report concedes that several other People mentioned in the report also have quote ties to russian influence peddler. Thereupon, Oscar, ok, weird,
Like you go back to me for a minute just to go because she's gonna do it anyway, she likes to be beaten by this back, your father be appalling prices. We pay cash, So when I want to come back on the screen or not just to be clear, Senator tell report which was done by Never choppers accuse me and Democrats the senator, which clearly alleges no collusion whatsoever, but does try to pay weird picture, so the media can run with the right job, we're just gonna, even don't have collusion. We're gonna write about contacts Russians in the most nefarious way for the Trump team. We're going which are the media can run with this story like Nutty, Nicole Wallace. But when it comes to Democrat contacts with the same Russians? It only makes magically a footnote back to the peace. This fusion gps, you know were paid by Hilary than law firm. She hired. You know those guys. It lists.
Using GPS. Goin Simpson, who hired Christopher Steel to dig up there on the term campaign as well as former rob. The state of artificial Jonathan Minor who worked an attorney at a law firm on Pasco business? Oh, he gave the report note separately that no less than Mister Steele Work for Darrow Pasqua likely begin at least in twenty twelve, and continue to work for a twenty seventeen providing aid per day. She'll direct channel for russian influence on the dossier weird, weird, how that just made a footnote in it. No notice how many new call leaves out out of her ridiculous coverage. Absurd coverage for I'm not tooting my horn or Patty myself on the back. I don't You- and I don't give a damn about doing that, we have been Studies show that in my books on this subject, I have now defended manner for his dealings with Colombia and others should not have happened. He had ever seen
its ability to treat the president's campaign is sacrosanct. It was a president. A race for Presidency, the United States with the republican Army and he didn't at times it appears he treated like a piggy back. China leverage it for his own personal needs it is clear on the door and build the wall thing, even though its a conservative cause building the wall and the beginning. I wasn't touching it because I was afraid it was a fraud. We have never misled you on this shall ever Mccoy, wireless is lying to you. If you are, watching the show she selectively omits information and lies to you to make you to believe make you believe something. That's not real is in fact real. This network of Russian she's talking would dealing. With her people. The democrat fusion still more Warner. The Democrats senator from Virginia, which is even mentioned in the journal, Peace- that's all Russian was dealing with it a dish.
A man of war, we called out man afford Where are the Democrats calling out their own people and the lies? We're Nicole Wallace, being honest, with listeners for once sang? Listen, this network the New York Times and others are alleging of Russians interacting with Trump AIDS. Let's we speak These are the same people who were dealing with prominent Democrats and people hired by them, I suggest up information drop where's that damn quote, whereas it nowhere nowhere. Because again, if you're a Democrat, you believe the pulse, services. Great Yours unions love your kids, the car So your enemy, you believe collusion, was real and spy gaieties a conspiracy theory because of people like Nicole Wallace, and that's why, kids are being shot. People are dying because they don't
to stay in the corona virus, either. Oh get to that. Here you want some more gas lighting, the alternate universe. You live in, there's a country out there, whose you know No, those foamy number one fingers. You know what it says in their farming number one figures, this country at their country, s, debt to America, where number one euro, a country that is that's. I ran who the Obama Ministration gave a palliative care to billions of dollars here that happen that happen Are you believe the motivations work? The palace of cash were real? It's not a hoax, it's not a conspiracy theory, but if you listen to John Kerry Dnc Disastrous John Kerry Total You're of a human being John Kerry, Logan act, Violator John Kerry with the Sea the UN's elsewhere, Wall Street Journal Peace,
John carries gear sliding you about. I ran to again. You live in an alternate universe. If you believe this lunatic John Kerry. Fantasy world reality. Four starkly from his telling of the Obama years You John carries alternate universe, which again liberals believe scholars from the Wall Street Journal, peace, the Obama carry record elsewhere in the region, is much better to talk about foreign policy. Here's a quote from and carried the Dnc Lady This is hilarious and its stupidity, we eliminated the threat of an. I ran with a nuclear weapon. According to MR carry. He did continues in reality, he negotiated a limited pause of IRAN's nuclear ambitions in exchange for an economic windfall that fiscal boost helped. I ran fight it's it's proxies in Yemen, Syria, Iraq. They ran back she militia, could keep as has been response
four deadly attacks on Americans in Iraq. You don't hear that everywhere. Again, In liberal dopey, moron imbecile land on carrying Barack Obama shut the Iranian Nuclear programme down. They did nothing of the sort, nothing. I dont even believe it's been pause, the Iranian Nuclear Programme and the palace. Of course they gave them wound its way into money groups that we're killing America's. You haven't heard about that right, cause, you believe postal services, a model of efficiency teachers, unions care about your kids, Spy Gabriel, conspiracy, theory and collusion. Was real you're an idiot, Daniel
we pass that it yeah. I am sorry now I want a caterpillar, did a lot of hard work this morning on this, because we had a tough time find in this. The joke at the whole thing on me being that I had my inbox the whole time. I keep stories in my inbox. I Markham on Red again just its. I screwed the whole thing up, but again, what's the theme it today show it came to me and about the famous fish? Is really this alternate universe? They live in. None of this stuff, liberals believe is real. But, ladies and gentlemen, is that just enough to say that the fact that they believe in an alternate universe. It's not real, is actually getting people hurt and kill, supporting an iranian government that wants to kill our soldiers. The funding that police, protecting your kids from assaults, homicides, drug dealers
Wasting money on inefficient services could you believe, trumpets, stealing mailboxes and storing them in the basement of the White House? You're a kook you're, a nice you're, a lunatic the government's spying on people in document it records and New ignored, because Wikipedia told you it was a conspiracy theory. You believe see Russians are hiding in the basement of the White House, in a scheme to take over America in, like red dawn, the sequel, despite the fact that there is not one scintilla of evidence, that any of the area that is ever been true, this is, one of the most deadly ones of Oliver. Misinformation you been subjected to by people like the Washington, post and liberal media. Who, in one of the most absurd
outrageous gaslights ever. Have you believing that if you follow conservative media about the corona virus, that you're the one misinform really you know before I get that? Let me get my final my guess is important. Folks here are people seriously making decisions about life or death virus in many cases, corona virus, because they, misinform precisely because they listen illiberal media, I'm serious our final sponsor today. I have good friends at the terrific job creators network. Listen, I get this question via email, friends of mine in tax people who d me facebook message me all the time. Listen, I got a saving on November. What can I do? I get the question all the time. Like you. I know America itself is on the ballot and twenty twenty here. Our freedoms are free enterprise system. Everything, our barely a we believe in our way of life is at stake, is not a joke. The twenty twenty election is about? One thing right now turn out: that's it for
where seventy one seventy five days away, turn out turn out. Turn out. You don't vote your voices in our human screaming, yellow you want. You got about Edison enough for you to vote. You gotta, get your friends devote too The Democrats have a massive get out the vote machine. Ladies and gentlemen, massive it's time for a get out the vote machine of our own. That's what job creators network comes in. Here's, how it works, go to ten thousand four hundred and twenty, and take the ten for twenty pledge. You'll receive a link that will give you the most trusted. Voting. Information and tools you can use to become part of the Lord conservative, get out the vote ever ever was really. Happy to get these guys on board. I ve been talking about this forever You'll be asked to send a Lincoln a message to can people. You know care about America, it's a small task to save the country. Family, a neighbours, church and work friends, simple, it's easy and is the difference between a winning twenty twenty and a loss to join this
Army for freedom and save our country go to ten thousand four hundred and twenty calm and take the pledge to drive ten people to the polls in November. Two thousand and twenty. Don't let our opponents outwork us. It's two important. Do your part today go to ten for twenty dot com, that's one! Zero f o are two zero darken. The number ten After all, are the number twenty dotcom ten for twenty dotcom ten for twenty dotcom go now we really appreciate it. So here's the alternative universe. You live in about corona virus. To you be like us shortly. The liberal media wouldn't lie about a potentially deadly virus, know they'll. Do that to look at this ridiculous, Washington, Post headline these lunatic, I'm fighting my time. Let me read the headline seriously, because Super PR, Teddy washed post from June twenty twenty
New research explores how conservative media misinformation may have intensified the severity of the path of the pandemic. Like this article was a flaming dumpster fire full of hot. Garbage. The insinuation was, if you watch Fox and had it and others and conservative proved you were misinform, one fascinate, here's another one by this Minnesota posts. They found the sub on a search of internet search. This morning, check this headliner people who rely on conservative meta media recover. Ninety our lesson form more likely to Leave conspiracy, theory studies by case so just to be crystal clear on this The conspiracy theory promoting Washington Post whenever Minnesota, Post Nicole and the others who told you the Post office is a model of efficiency teachers, unions, love your kids, spy gate,
it real but collusion as those same people are now If you watch conservative media, your misinformed, that's really fascinating, because a study just came out all we did yes, an actual. You know something media people on the left, don't pay attention to This is a long, clap and tackle cross and about two minutes you know I don't want that long, but long for radio. I rarely play anything over a minute thirty, but this is a clip you need to see. Pollyanna hunt this thing down that I gave her the wrong date. Poor woman was work eject, whereas that I watched all shall, with workshop so bad. A tomato cliff from Tucker crosses monologue. When we talk about an interesting study done by Franklin, Templeton Joe, in other words frankly, table I'd, be their investment firm, their business there, not a sign of political, far right. They were trying to get a take on how their investors in their money, people what they know and don't about the corona virus, so they can make a smart money. Decisions is not a political survey here. They found
something really interesting, which Tucker I'll get to the end, but listen all two minutes. It is about how again demo. I live in an alternate universe where they're like you, often and morons, who identify as radical liberals embrace it and love living in At sea land that just not real listening every second of this check this, We have spent more than six months since the coroner virus arrived here from China. This when we know a lot about the disease when how it spreads, we know who is most likely to die from a most importantly oh topic in recent memory has been studied more carefully than this one. If I knew this much about how to keep marriages together, for example, how to keep our kids off drugs behind but we know a lot about this. She'd think this one topic Would be water which Americans should be deeply knowledgeable? Who hung kroner fires, but no just the opposite is true. Most of us seem to know very little about it. Why is that? While, because we ve been lying to a new study, illustrates the effect
the relentless this information campaign about krona virus, the investment from Franklin Templeton looked at what the public believes about the virus. They found that, on average, Americans believe that young people, people forty four and younger account for about a third of the corona Virus- deaths that's completely wrong. In fact, the truth is that even close to that, the actual number is under three percent, not a third. Under three percent very few young people, die from the virus, but strangely young people seemed Really unaware of this. On average, they overstate the risk of death from the krona virus by a factor of fish. Now. You know why politicians have been able to shut down the schools. Students are terrified, they shouldn't be Terry. Five overwhelmingly. This virus is a threat to middle aged and elderly people with pre existing health problems, adults over the age of fifty five account for more than ninety percent of kroner virus, that's more than ninety percent. The numbers are out there
yet somehow the public doesn't know this. Why don't they know this? You know why lying motivated, politics, the more CNN. You watch, the less. You know about science. That's not speculation! The study found itself described. Democrats quote tend to mistakenly overstate the risk of death from covert nineteen for younger people. Much more than Republicans this. Saudi, partisan survey. This was a survey done by an investment firm to guide their investments as pro
the single most upsetting two minutes, a video and I've seen in a really long time, but even when it comes to a deadly virus for people over fifty five, who could get very second potentially die from this even when it comes to a deadly virus. We can't tell the american people the truth in the media, because our partisan motives have to take precedence. Democrats wanted a couple things from this art and their media hacks, that's why they lied to you about the corona buyers and that's why people who were younger think people are dying, who are young, left and right from the corona virus? Despite apps lately no data indicating that whatsoever to say
There's no data about the collusion hoax either people believe it, though I'm sure Franklin, Templeton, will be burned to the ground and boycotted for doing a study that there is to tell the truth as well by liberals who were lunatics their flat Arthur there dumb at horse tat, no they're, really dumb. They believe things that are factually incorrect, despite evidence being in front of their very eyes if they would just pick up a phone or a computer and look for ass, the very essence of being dumb. Some people can help being done. They just don't have access listen some people- and I don't mean dumb in that year after year, achievement is there I mean you ve been dumb down, because you can't some people, North Korea, don't have access to information. Believe me.
Kim Jong is a descendant of a God, because, that's all you ve been told your whole life and you have no access to an alternate theory that maybe he's just a fat guy in North Korea. You have no excuse here. You could litter pick up your photo. You, computer and research, the death rate for people under fifty five Crow and find out that the media is lying to you. Why are they like? You know what we know why they lie about spy gate, the postal service and other things, because they want Donald Trump Lucy Election and make you believe is a russian trader. But why do we lie to you about the threat to younger folks, despite the threat from corona virus, Being very little not nonexistent, but very little because they wanted a couple things. Folks, there crash, one of the economy lockdown because I knew would do significant damage, Donald Trump chances of winning reelection based on an economic message. There is no evidence whatsoever. These lockdown have done a damn thing, but they want it locked down,
and in order to get it locked down, they had to overstate the risk someone you did your own personal risk reward gas lockdown down the I support lockdown you should support them. Cuz, I'm really at risk. If I'm in my twenties, you weren't, they just lied to you bankrupt the Jew, your dad, your mom, your uncle, your grandmother, it bankrupted everyone, they did it on faulty data. And fifteen days to stop the spread became in some states fifteen years to stop Donald Trump, but they like you for another teachers. Unions are a cancer to this country. There a curse, not the teachers, don't their mistake. What I'm saying been crystal clear on that I always will be teachers. Unions are a curse on this country. There, a plague on this country. They ve destroyed the lives of minority students as they keep him out of schools that would work they try to shut down charter schools, teaching your kids In many cases in ways much more efficiently than the local public school can.
The teachers unions are paid off Democrats for years. The Democrats or beholden to the teachers, unions. The teachers unions wanted more money and many Teachers unions saw the corona virus, is an opportunity to get more money and to advance left wing causes. Held your kids education hostage. We're not gonna teach not. For a moment. Unless you give us more money in this out by the way, we're not doing it because of the corona viruses. You're, saying because some of their manifesto is not mention anything about the corona virus. In many cases, here's what we want before we open up again. What does that have to do with you? Be misinformed by the media about the rest, the young people because the only way to keep the school shot at the behest of the teachers, unions they get their money and what they wanted was to make. You believe these kids were super spenders and a high risk of dying from the corona virus when, in fact it was absolute, yeah untrue, so they kept popping. You follow misinformation. Hence the Franklin
built in study showing how younger kids believe they're going to die from the corona virus. Despite very small likelihood that actually being true, I feel sorry for you. If you're a liberal, I really do. I don't want your ideologies, dangerous is pernicious, but I feel sorry for you. Way, I pity you in a way. Destroying your lives, destroying your kids lives. In your families, live destroying this great country, Ripley. Education systems to shreds, keep it locked down, based on no evidence. You heard from Bob Captain Bill however, it CNN Brian Spelter. These morons over there and MSNBC telling you that the Russians are living in the basement of white ass, you tellin, you, kids, that aren't you embarrassed keep in Europe. It's out of a good school trying to shut down the local charter destroying.
Educational opportunities arise because some teachers unions told you charter schools, don't work despite no evidence. That's actually true forcing your kids hinted: so we can bail out the postal service and hasn't figured out how to deliver the mail on time in twenty years telling your said spying is a k as long as Obama does it. Aren't you a shame? Aren't you embarrassed? Have you will yourself: how do you look yourself into mere. You proud of who you are. You know when this shall we been honest, in Trump signed. Often some spending spend a lot of money. We ve never ever moved from our principles: debts, bad weather Thompson it or Obama signs at a Bush signs. It spending your kids. He's really bad spared now and it was bad then I don't believe your kids into foreign wars, foreign wars, we don't have an out whether Trump did at which he didn't
Obama, Digital Bush did it liberal. Can you say the same thing: say you believe in something you honestly, look yourself in the mirror and say I believe, and my kids future I believe in this country. I love this place despite its flaws and unwilling to fix it. Now you can be sure of fake Europe. You're a fraud in your literally willing to get people killed at some points. Because you radiology matters more than anything, need. Another disturbing example of the alternate universe: these not jobs, Livin, here's another segment from Tucker whose monologues really priceless, we'll cut this into two. This was the Democratic National Convention where Andrew quite the disastrous governor of New York, whose death rate per million-
New York City Run, New York, State New York City residence is some of them. Yes in the world from corona virus. Do you understand what I'm telling you that's a fact again liberals FACTS, don't matter, I'm talking the same people right now do wonders. And the governor of New York is leading, state which leads the world or as close to the top of debts, per million people from Corona Vires. There This guy had the Small ass, you know what I mean to give a speech at the door. Accredit national convention graduating himself on his response to the corona virus. You don't believe me. You wanna be infuriated with into this sociopath at the Dnc. Issues from the Tucker shall call an amount on by far the night was Andrew Cuomo speech. Como was the
Other of Siemens Weightlifting correspondents, also these sitting governor of New York, which is the second biggest democratic state His father famously gave the Dnc keynote back and nineteen. Eighty four so was ever any question. Andrew Coma was going to speak at this year's convention. What we did not exe in a million years was Andrew court. To talk about the corona virus, That would be the last thing, the very last thing Cuomo. I want to talk about that and the fact that its top aid is now doing six years in prison for bribery, but corona virus, especially whenever you. Think of Andrew hormones, you're good talker! You can't he's done a good job with a pandemic citizens of New York State have been four times as likely to die as other Americans from the krona virus and there's a reason for that answer homo, forced Corona, infected patients into nursing homes. Many Thousands perished as a result of that decision is power. Well that no leader on Earth Miss,
The krona virus outbreak as profoundly is Andrew Cuomo did a male Integrity would have resigned immediately. Como refused to do that. Now. He brags about literally again for liberals you watch. You numbers here and data. I know there are relevant to you, I'm not kidding, I'm not even being smart, smart guy, you can use a different word, but I forget we're on radio. Sometimes I know they don't matter. But try for a minute to live in the real world and escape your George, who stands Seinfeld episode, New York is had one thousand six hundred and ninety deaths per million people. This is your success story. No, you believe it is, I'm sure you do because you're a lunatic and you believe definitely the florida- was a disaster. Why Florida has a republican
so it has to be a disaster because you're, a lunatic who doesn't do fact you just do you- will get people kill to stick to the party line that Republicans bad temper. That's good you're Messiah up a New York sixty two hundred ninety people per million are dead because of his past. Yet in Florida, where that hall, bull republican round to save this isn't charge the numbers only for fifty. Sixteen ninety four fifty. Sixteen ninety or fifty. But again you live in an alternate universe where you want to emulate the New York City model and the New York state model that got off four times as many people killed as they didn't, You will literally get people killed to defend
Democratic Messiah in Andrew Cuomo. You know how sick of a person you have to be: I'm not kidding. How do you look at your keys? it's? What do you say to them? This is we want to do. We definitely want to because we're Democrats we want to follow and defend the Democratic got four times as many people killed. We don't see what they did in the republic and state that may may work nano? Let's get people killed and instead there's part two with us. Here's more and Andrew Cuomo the grim reaper up in New York, the Democrats brain at the convention about him. Being the reaper check this out last, Cuomo told the audience when a great job he did managing the corona virus. Nobody laughed at him, they applauded like they agreed. The whole thing was like
Jeffrey Epstein boast about his internship program. You can barely believe it was happening, but it was here's part of it. New Yorkers were ground zero for the call virus and of from one of the highest infection rates on the globe to one of the lowest we climb the impossible mountain and right now we are on the other side. Our nation is in crisis and in many ways cove. It is just a metaphor, a virus, the tax when the body is weak and when it cannot do that Self Europe in virus, infected the northeast. While the White House was still fixated on China as an ape prove their way failed, we prove that our way succeeded, and for all the pain and all the tears. Our way worked. Was beautiful. European virus. Oh right, the dead. Pathogen that escaped from a lab in the Luxembourg last winter. Those damn Europeans always infecting
but their diseases, if only they would stop eating bats. What world is this It's a world of such pure dishonesty that all reference points have disappeared from sight. There no facts left only assertions in says the way he held, the krona, viruses quote beautiful, and so it was common declared it. It's now reality beautiful way, work. Your way. Worked because every but he's dead, you nuts, nearly ray person in a nursing home that would have been susceptible to this deadly virus is dead Because of you flaming hard piece of human garbage, Justine Dean from Fox lost, both both of her in law. That means or husbands, mother and father for the liberals, watching both. Because of Andrew Cuomo view
full handling of the corona virus, they're all dead. That's why you're quote on the other side of the mountain, because all of your high risk. People that could have died, are dead, dead dead You moron. And we're supposed to celebrate this dance and put him on let in front of a national audience there dead. That's why you idiot. You lost eleven thousand people in sing arms because you put people infected with the cover the virus around the most vulnerable and they are dead there now here to get infected anymore, they're dead because of you
media Democrat icon now, who were all supposed to genuflect in front of we live in an alternate universe, stupid Now you know where, despite all the chaos and sometimes a tweet, I disagree with a lot of the personal stuff people like about Trump? You know why I would walk over hot coals devoted twenty twenty. That's why. I'm not gonna live in a world anymore, where we tell our kids and look him in the eye things in our true that get their grandma, there's killed, destroy their fathers businesses in their mothers. Businesses destroy their educational opportunities. Like their country on fire. I endorse it and F W, no way I see him, are you just heard in Bonn, GINO.
Transcript generated on 2020-08-20.