« The Dan Bongino Show

Still Resisting (Ep 1389)


In this episode, I discuss the shock claims emerging out of key states on possible election shenanigans. It’s ugly. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Waiting to hear the truth about America on a showed its not immune to the banks with your host Dan bungee. Now again, folks, there is nothing I can say What are we could see concede what there's no to concede. I can say this about. This work has not been called at the electors, don't even meet, who actually elect the president from the states for the liberals watching they seem to think this is a popular vote, direct democracy election. It is not. You may want to check the constitution don't even me till the sombre fourteen. What's the what's the rush, I don't understand. we're just taking the advice of Hillary Clinton, right job, I'd and should concede under no circumstances should he issued concession? Third vice, I think we'll take it although I would even go as far as Hilary, there are enough
of conditions. You should consider race, including when you lose it. We haven't lost anything not yet. I'm gonna go do today some election oddities that are awfully strange about this election again, go through what I kind of tease yesterday, big camera, wink. What I a teased yesterday about the nursing home debacle in Pennsylvania, known all. I've done nothing try to be ironic. The control of story is the voting story. Weird patient. By Express ppm, ladies and gentlemen, protect your online activity from price. Eyeballs get a VP end. Today, don't wait, go to express Vps, I'll, come slash bond GINO welcome. Did it But you know show priests Joe. How are you did a fine server doing good brother, so lots of stuff on the plate? I know
I know I know, listen up, I've emanate, but we get to our sponsor, and I have a really important thing to say so on this been hard for me, so I'd just gimme a second I may get through our sponsors. I paid a lot of money to night new and their good company, so we appreciate it, thanks Joe for your deference Sarah there. You know it's gonna, Ladys, Gemma working from home as challenges so tells or advertising daytime room reservations, forgets seeking quiet distraction, free work environments, but according to the FBI, Accessing sensitive information from hotel, Wi Fi poses an increase security risk over home Wi Fi networks, hackers can exploit, lacks hotel, I for security, still work and personal data and G Oh good, it's really bad We understand our cybercrime and identity theft affecting areas affected mine. I had my doubts. stolen, a kid you not. They bought a bunch of what model, but a bunch of real estate programmes took me a year to clean that mess up. I got lifelike years ago.
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so folks. I want to address something I am Obviously, read your emails and new matter to me more than anything I ran for office because, mattered to me I was an activist because you matter to me in these principles mattered me. I feel we share these principles. Why I show is number one show on the entire country. Yesterday Pike ass. I we appreciate that. I want to tell you about my situation with food. news, because I again I read your emails. I understand your discontent, then I know they do to whether I can tell you that for a fact that there are significant in principle, disagreements about election, I coverage I'm part of those disagreements. We get it. I get it
I hear you is a lot going on right now with me and will be taking a break for a while there. I think- Some of you ve noticed an email me about it. I haven't been avoiding the topic. I just want to handle it responsibly and do the right thing you know. So I just want to be clear. I hear you, you know I hear you, they hear you their advocates there, I'm one of em so folks, the election oddities, including out when I agree, was absurd. Ridiculous Arizona call was unnecessary, but the election oddities keep adding up there, are way too many questions here. Wait you many questions. a resident fact. Checker or mad Columbo has a piece up on GINO dot com about three more election oddities
I went over yesterday, the oddities in the roll off yesterday shall I talked about how all of these people and unprecedented numbers seem to vote for Joe Biden, but no one else on the ballot, not their congress. And not their senator, not their dog catcher, not the ballot initiatives, nothin. Yet every election, the people who vote for the President but don't fall for anyone else, those numbers or pay comparable every single action. Why not? This one Why did legions of people vote for Joe Biden and no one else down ballot. In anomalous statistical abnormalities where people are like her was therefore right. There, you don't know yet but when a title to see it right. I mean it is only the most important election of our lifetime. You think you're going to say me from asking questions: you're insane he's left this loan takes trying to pressure assault, shut up and sit down on you sit down
I sit anywhere set this chair. When I do my show to tell you to go sit out, mad Colombo bungee know that com so be up in the show. Not only to read this. Please shown us, accessible buzz. You know that council has newsletter the election oddities. No one can deny mats very good at this stuff. I need to understand these oddities, because I dont know where the left in the media got the impression that the Trump movement than us specific? We are the movement is going away, we're not going away. I'm not sitting down we're, not gonna, be quiet. We will not be muzzled. We will not be blind All they they'll be none of the sore. None of that is going to happen going anywhere you're not going anywhere. I'm not sensing any quit at all. I'm sensing a resolute righteousness where people know we were on the right side of this and are eager for
next round in this political boxing match on that sensing any quit at all. He again it out of me. Either present Trump at the most GEO, p votes of any presidential candidate and GEO beside of anyone in american history. Let's look it's. These anomalies, let's go in a screenshot, your number one formats piece about Ohio, Ohio. whether state spit a barometer. for national opinion TAT. I know success in forecasting election results. The saying goes as Ohio goes. So goes the nation. All. This is interesting. excluding last week's election. The winner of Ohio is was gone on to win the presidential election in every single elections, since nineteen o four, with two exceptions,. Public and Dewey one Ohio and I lost it if they are in eighteen, forty, four and next, one, oh hi, when eighteen sixty in Lhasa JFK floor
the largest bellwether state only twice as a democratic one, the presidency, without winning without any Florida, no republic since Calvin Colleges, one the presidency without it. Now you may say our idea that does seem a bit seem a bit anomalous that present in trouble both Florida and Ohio. And we somehow lost the selection. a rare occurrence in the history of presidential elections, but I get it correlations now causation. I say that all the time and the Show- and I'm not a hypocritical- want to point out that it is a novelist tautologically. By definition, does it mean it's free, But it is an anomaly right. Let's get some more, I want to point out poured out because I told you yesterday for five other anomalies? Do that just Lee, bearing up because relation doesn't mean there's no causation either right. It just means that it's not definitive, you know people get more
holds in the winter uses and algae Alla time sent me cold weather causes head called snow itself, but a means at all means call Other causes more mucus in your nose because of the dry ere you spend more time indoors. You touch your nose more. You transmit. The virus is a third variable there. You touching your nose. But when all these anomalies start adding up, maybe There is so, let's see, let's go number two, because there about whether counties to like your bellwether states or about whether counties as well go county in the ad has been won by every presidential winter society. Fifty six and this this is true for New Mexico's Valencia County society. Fifty two topics both of them this year? legal by nearly fifteen points of Valencia by eleven, the only ones nearly every whether county was wrong this year, with only eight,
ten percent of them going for Biden Heiress. They had scratching All these weird anomaly, thank you. You have chosen scratching is it is. It is much more effective. Lies in the mighty, especially for our direction, is good to hear. Again anomaly on top of anomaly, show voting patterns in Milwaukee people failing to poorly, execute software instructions ballots. nursing home, showing up on the same day. So I got that come up, don't you go anywhere, Voting patterns about bellwether counties, that of accurately predicted the president by their voting patterns for years. That predicted the raw than predicted that seem too, the wrong guy this time. What about this?
part three of this map, Columbo excellent piece, a bunch. You know that come. talking about how Joe Biden get all these votes at the top of the ticket, but nobody seemed to vote for anyone else down ballot. No other Democrats, no one for dog catcher, no one. That's really weird how you would just show up to vote for the present hour. Then that happened yet does happen in very predictable numbers, but it happened. An awful lot in this election was our fraud going on. Where people just try to speed up the fraud process, we're just asking by voting for the present not wasting time filling in other bouts, I'm just asking so says in peace in others We too believe that Republicans did well everywhere Bellwether County, so horrified Florida, the country and house races, and it raises except the presidency that seems off we are considering Donald Trump drove turn out, not the Republicans down ballot. The obvious response to anyone, suspecting fraud- is a Democrat
three, the election for Biden. Why would they have rig? Differ congressional democrats too, to type o they're gonna tell that he has to you What say six boys, I'm sorry that one is Would be that of fraud did a car; it was in a few. He states are by and large weren't the same states where congressional Republicans excel so just to be clear. This make any sense that congressional Republicans dramatically over perform dramatically. Sorted, the democratic shoes you showed it Senate. Republicans is well tell us Lindsey and Susan Collins it up dramatically over perform one day, a races and yet trump who drove the turn out, because we vat unprecedented turnout in this presidential economic terms, not elsewhere for publicans that is Nobody vote showed up for trumped, they showed up for the down ballot, races and yet we're outside everybody shut
providing but didn't voting down ballot races. Ombudsman, Joe Ombudsman, Pollack,. you know what I'm saying so you're suggesting to me in a presidential election, where the most g, o p voters in american history of ever turned out to vote for president drop seventy one million by far the most that we had Twenty thousand people a rally people showed up on that side and voted more relatively speaking to the Democrats for down back a candidate who know He really was that excited about and didn't four tromp, and on the other side the reverse happened, way route it this time. Luckily, raw numbers up talking relatively speaking to their to their counterparts more People were excited, so let me simplify this event, but tell me they re going. I got that. We think that we should make a super simple, you're telling me.
People were excited about Lindsey Gram. Tom till I saw the republic insecticide beating their opponents. There were excited about Donald Trump beating Joe by. it's it's not it's it's not that it's gettin in its I get in. It's I'm having what it was liberal at the encoded skull moment, with a factor that I dont get that more lives that wasn't about knocking kill. Us are ground, zero time for joy p e g, o p political violence right now. I've got things to worry about, I'm rehab suggest taking the obvious it more people were excited about shoes Collins relatively pretty beating Sarah Gideon there were excited. Our job, and I make that makes sense to you. the anomalies that he's gonna keep adding up.
Let me get you another anomaly here in a second this. Let me get my my second sponsor and I want I want to debunk another myth do before I get through this huge. This amazing. Many of the anomaly, but the second today the people of today show if we want to talk tv link, ok, a K K. What, if I were the secret service thing to examine you really getting sick of comedy and talking heads at their by its president, the secret service, but that you don't worry utopia. Another do get that quickly to this important stuff today shows that budgetary policy geniuses and shall be for life insurance, make a daunting task, but if you got love, that depends on you saw so really important. That's why paths genius makes it easy thing and a cutting edge insurance marketplace withheld from licensed experts to save you time, saving money right now, fifty percent or more by using policy genius to compare life insurance seasoning when you're. So for a policy that can last for more than a decade. Those savings really really start to pile up is good for you. Here's how works for their deposit genius that compulsory genius tat immediate
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it's in the mail. At the same time, job we was a coordinated effort in the nursing home. What is going on it, but quickly I heard a couple: commentators. Yes, they across cable news what services adding the press, sure like like security, too. You know Joe Biden, who refuse to call President elect until You know, there's an actual winner in this race right. Forces are you do with it? I was there therefore transition. You know what happens when you hear how a political, the secret services, let me tell you Joe how dramatic this is when present stage when you're in I was there for President Bush to President Obama. You know the transition for the liberals, this s without me. so he's an average dramatic. I want to work one night and you know what came out of the bedroom and was therefore the white as George W Bush. got any elevator. You got as it very dramatic moment, of course, wasn't dramatic. A Europe is its five thirty or six. Oh, he always worked early sixties
in the morning and you here, you like on you trying to get the coffee to kick in and it your way forward What happened when I went to work was it I think, two days later, maybe even a daily do tat to the election and the transitional. This is correct. See jogger EVA. You know came out at a bedroom at the white ass. You waiting with Bated breath Barack Obama. What such what happened. What whatever you their word? Egyptian who had palm bronze. There was it there. Was it Then go to know this whatever it that it doesn't mean anything what means is the election is still up any air Joe Biden or Donald Trump declared present could win. Joe Biden could win so the secret services to provide protection about. I heard one say on Fox The secret service has given my presidential protection levels so he's dead.
there's nothing to do with anything. You do. You have Why do we are talking about their total Political leaders, could win and we're not a third World Republic So we want to make sure that everybody gets production. Is trust me a political he gets there is no inside secret service eyes wide shut moment. What is the Password Tom cruise fidelity of that? the outside pass. There's no moment like that with the ninety Eighteen flew masks or whatever you're, not. As I know, the british black played flew mess with illegal on beaks out around with a fragrance well you're sitting around in a circle to none of that actually happening. You go to work and you protect. Do they tell you to protect and when the races up in the air they tell you to protect both sides. So please stop using that stupid. Talking point because it's done
ok, moving on. Thank you getting back to air today in election anomaly. Section will do this better, boy worse, they examiner peace. What are the odds? Are this one mercy home anomalies in Pennsylvania, but don't worry Joe, the less time to move on movement out or more time. Why don't you can sit you're, arse down we'll be moving nowhere until a confident the election was free and fair. Thank you, washed. In examiners story, please read this out of the show notes, get subscribed, News letter know that council issues that is the show- I probably should just stick with one term, but I've confuse everyone for years. That is working so well continue to confuse you their changeable. You showed how newsletter we. Operator, like eighty five percent, the other day was absurd right then we was crazy. Why examiner. Dad shaven, Lindsey Gram, all possible ballot, harvesting and Pennsylvania involving twenty five hundred nursing home residents. We now amateur
this for a play, a little Qaeda Lindsey too. So you hear this twice: want to read it first. from the examiner peace. When this is crazy. went down and Pennsylvania, nursing homes check this out. So Lindsey Graham quote, I've got more information where now finding potentially that twenty five thousand sing home residents, indifferent, nursing homes, Rico. the mail and balance at the exact same time. You can't ballad harvest in Pennsylvania, Gram added, what are the odds? Are twenty five thousand people in different locations of the same age group requested at this in time a ballot? Somebody is up to no good in these nursing homes. Joe, I think I need to translate their not play him in a second again. Just do you need to hear this, the deuce try a few. What that means bow
Harvesting, which is it in some states, including California, is not legal- Pennsylvania, let me be Crystal clear ballot. This thing is when third parties are allowed to go, collect your balance there, parties who are not election of fish. So decide? you gotta, saying like someone, can knock on your door and in California in any case, and as a ballot harvested and collect your ballots voice. As long as you like sign off, or something like that,. Alan harvesting is a disaster because there's the chain, a cut, listen what are you cops out? Do you know what I'm talking about? What happened? police officer, you get an evident, say, there's a shooting! You have the you the gun using the shooting the literal smoking gun at the sea. What do you do it Joe you take it, you pick it up with gloves on what we can. touch where the fingerprints are you touch somewhere, you, you, don't think their fingerprints, you drop it evidence bag. you feel it
you sign it with the date and time it then go so the lad for fingerprints. Why because you know what a million people touching it ruining the charity costly, putting someone else's fingerprints on which we are, though, is the most important presidential election of our time states. I caliph they have allowed you to take your most sacred voice in our constitution, what would your ballot give it? Some Dick and how are you have no idea we shared or our or or or he she some machine, you drop in a box or or ignored thing a box. Is you have no idea what's happening to it at all? the sun was posts. We like what halves. ballot harvest things that legal and Pennsylvania what Lindsey grams waking nodding at is did so. one go to those nursing homes in
Ward effort, Africa's these requests were made conveniently the simple Joe magically twenty five thousand nursing or residence all at the same time, at a light bulb go hey. I think I should request this ballot right now. What Graham is hinting at is: is there ever there I told you that yesterday? Did I not I never let you down with this evidence out there that somebody coordinating this effort to request mail and ballots on behalf of nursing home residents. but there's valets filled out for those a single residence. I mean we would just averages s inquiry which says questions right, that's what we do in a republic, greater constitutional public, we just taking the advice of Hillary Clinton right were actually now Taking the advice of Hilary who was an extremist, don't can see Are there any circumstance, Zob out even telling you that I'm just kids, You know, don't can see. That is something we could see
We don't know one: the ratio. Because there's a lot of anomalies out there that in You know Joe, you would think that free and fair media write them is interested in determining and distilling downward. facts are would be interesting in putting these rumours to back the head, some of them to be fair habit by some, action, rumours that got out there have been a bachelor the bomb went media says the bog they never meet. Some have many have not. Many there's a lot of evidence that this something real going on out there. I'm really worried about Pennsylvania. I told At the other anomaly, yesterday, the whistle blower in the post office you signed the sworn affidavit say he was told to backdate balance sheet. kind of weird, maybe want to look into that. This one's personal linsey in his own words telling you like K, we got a problem in pessimism wondering about Lindsey, as is definitely not a big conservative. I think we know that better than the other guy Harrison. So we're stuck here that a big conservative Lindsey
someone who says something on the air probably say it because you know something something: I kind of new yesterday when I told you before check this out, you can't ballot harvesting of what are the odds at twenty five thousand people in different locations of the same age group requested at these in time a ballot somebody, up to no good in these nursing homes. We don't need their permission to. Kinda. These allegations, interesting yeah. I hold that want to make it. Can you keep that an opera mushroom, integrated policy? That's why screen show is trying to keep the show, and, as I go off on my we have an whatever this wasn't ever stick to anyway. Sorry,. It's got a weird right. Big lindsays just again, maybe some hard poor right wing extremist going on Fox in front of the altar
five million people to humiliate himself. You, you think that's happening better, think through that one. Let me get you another story here: movement on it from our anomalies,. again correlation isn't causation because too There's a correlated doesn't mean it was the cause. I'm telling you right now correlation can mean causation and when you add these data points up all these and almost data points. Now you see why I'm telling the Trump team and everyone else is enough- I concede yet we lose fair. square and we lose sight of the Third World Republic. If this elections fair It's our obligation to step aside. We lost and fight January, twenty two in fighting, I'm not giving up anything, I'm not ever my country to have kids here what if we were given up after
Are we wouldn't have had the greatest eight year run if the Ronald Reagan in our country's history a modern time, I'm not quit anyway? Sorry, I'm not. I want you to listen to this, because this is important. I warned you yesterday about the significance of the January fifth runoff election in Georgia, for the two United States Senate seats there. Those two seats can determine control of the United States Senate and I caught everyone that getting into this. post election maelstrom and like a we're all we have to. We have to fight a multiple pass, because the Democrats are. We have to fight for them Is it right now for a fair and free election outcome and we have to keep our eyes on Georgia, because these two things are going on at the same time. These parallel ass and they're not going to stop because we want them to have. We just want to focus on one the multi whoever inefficient multitasking is, and I get it it is, but we have to
Weren't. You bet he's George, you re going to happen January fifth in just a couple months January Fit, when you twenty due for both seats, We lose both see it's a fifty fifty set it. You may say: I doubt it split down the middle, no, it's not because the Thai breaking vote. Joe Biden, wines is divine present United States, we'll be Harris, so it's gonna be a fifty one. Fifty said it. We gotta when both of those races we have to Democrats or are smart they're, not stupid. They can be per day just their policies can be on board. If only destructive, but they are not stupid, Yesterday there was an appearance on Fox was prepare, show much. I give Joe the cut but was Joe match. I D was umbrella, aims, show it was bred, Joe Mansion its breath. Thank you. Jim Democrat from West Virginia, almost certainly by Jove. Marriage, it is a weak phony
falls in line every time. The Democrats Anita he takes a few principles. Quote stands but went the Democrats medium to be? crony Joe Mansion. All right line, so the Democrats needed a Joker outgoing yo. They the the ancient kings. They had their jokers and got there. It's go dance for us. Remember Joe manages dancing right now for humor about play. This cut. of man- and I want to explain to you afterwards, these sub text- what made you did and how he is a wall over your eyes at the structure, So the Democrats set it like never seen if I don't explain this to you, some of a meet some of you, especially West Virginia voters, may have been fully I this Joker. I check this out. out of focus now on those Georgia run off and potentially, if it all adds up to tell US winds and North Carolina Dan Sullivan Unalaska. It looks like
Two races could be the control of the. U S, Senate, with ty then going to Vice President Harris. What are you tell people out that and concern about that concern are considering all we ve heard about the progressive agenda with a lot of people that are concerned is not a fear. Tactics are being used right now. Bread, if both of the Georgia Senators were elected from the Democratic Party. That would be fifty fifty. If Dan, solvent and timetables. When fifty fifty mb, there's a time, but if one senator does not vote on a demo. So there is no time, and there is no bill saw commit you tonight not commit all your viewers and everyone else is watching I want to lay those fears. Rest those fears for you right now, because when they talk about whether the packing the courts or the filibuster. I will not vote to do that. I will not vote to act. The courts, I think,
I will not vote to end the filibuster you'd, you fall for that. Sky Mansion is the Duke of bull stuff to do all her over Duke this dude is there Duke of Ball. Doesn't him every time. He does all that and they keep. Why do you Voting for this he is not telling You the truth. Here, going on behind the scenes. The Democrats are death where to get control of the Senate. They need these two send each on January. Fifth, because they want to enact the most progressive Green who deal the fund a police nonsense. You ve ever seen, I'm not kidding just read by Bernie Manifesto Jim their own words. Now my they are desperate to do it
as I said to you yesterday, church humours, terrified of being primarily by eight o c in New York for ascendancy. he's catering to the progressive left, saying you don't need a yossi I'll, be your progressive model here and now push all this stuff. Do just give me the opportunity. So he tells follow me here, how's mansion. His is Joker Dance for me. Mansion go out and dance on Fox NEWS and take the edge off Georgia, races and let people know. tat. You will not stand for this Joe If we win those two seats in its fifty fifty it will not stand for this progressive agenda. Now he a vote against. Remember because mentions is not stupid. This guy is a police, call zombie. He stays alive, no matter what no matter what you we keeps rising, he comes back from the grave, no matter what I don't understand. It is what I'll do here,
permission from humor you take. That was some principle move yesterday. In fact, job mansion standing up for what is right. Believe me, as few weeks. I've got a lot of standing up for what not been easy, but you don't my crap gonna, that's up to you. That's not what's going on here, he's It's for show me what the human said. Listen, I need to get reelect. A couple years again in West Virginia, so I got a Briton, I'm a moderate So the craziest stuff you guys want to do like pact. Is Supreme Court to filibuster. Do you me permission to go on Fox, and one of the conservatives who may have to vote for West Virginia Bud on Fox You give me permission to say. I'm going to stand against the to create. These things by winking at an eye When you need me for the green new deal in the other crap I performed by what you need to, let me go
fox and save face. That's exactly what he did. What did humorous? I go dance death is further areas. There is therefore a golf looking Jerry said: These are what he did he's trying to put country, Eddie say I'm Joe Mansion. I am the the wall, the act, the call the bulwark against he's crazy liberals, I'm just saying Democrat! So don't worry! By voting for Democrats in Georgia, because even when we win, I will stop the nonsense. Tastier you don't fall for mentions a fraud show. where's the fraud, and that was done intentionally yesterday,
only doing it to take the edge off. adds in Georgia. They're gonna run against the two Democrats: they're gonna, It's obviously saying vote for them. Look what you gonna get defined the police green new deal, which is true and in the Democrats war. Knock and also because they are that's true, when I kind of our friend look- we got mansion out there to win, don't worry for where it were really a sane party hard. I got another spot here, but folks. the next segment of the show the bull stuff. Soon continues. and we call them hurricanes your at four, but I'm monsoon the boy Abs monsoon continues today, as the devil That's an immediate try to read con history. What red counting I'll get to that a minute? Don't miss next segment. They just gonna rewrite. It all
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see they risk retrial, so there's nothing to lose it simply safe doc. Slash and burn GINO today for your free security camera today to great system that simply saved outcome. flash the invite you to the rapid supervision and uses well thanks, safe for sport and show we appreciate Our eyes was a sad. The bull stuff monster, continues as the media now in going full, Pravda full Soviet me, the Soviet national anthem, someone tell me it's not copy. we can use it, so we really neither here that moment to be getting a rocky for when draw go in and rocky or look at each other and the soviet answer than anything else and afterward. He really did its Joe that's playing right now with the New York Times. Newsreels. Look at me, ass much you can do. Is there really are all? salute that they are red, conning history and what you I've got it well, the media, now that they think Joe Biden is one and nothing's over. Yet I'm conceding nothing because there's nothing to concede the wreck and what is wrong
rather the Holloway movies, Michael Myers, Remember I remember all Michael with day with the mask stuffed the old man measure, the brown hair and, if so, when, red card movies? What you do is you ve this for a five sequels as the first, There's six equal comes out. Halloween seven, you know revenge of Michael Myers, step, daughters uncle everywhere, pretty much thinks it's stupid and they stop. So what who is they read kind the series, in other words, has the seek. Walls are supposed to be linear, like this stuff actually happened, Michael Myers and they socked part, my language, they read contest, pretend not to seek what's happened and they start over. It's like river ways world what the hockey who, when they were, that a car goes by and if they stop at and I started, I daresay just stopped all serious and they start of like none of this equals ever out. So that happened with the Halloween movies. There was just recently a new one added. It is action pretty decent.
in all of the power sequels none of it any sense they started right again at the end of Allah. We want, as if all of other stuff never happen. that's right: up now the media is red! Carnegie history, you're, going back to It happened in the trumpet ministration at all The policy sequels operation warp speed the tax the great economy historically low black spoken about and erect conning it and we're gonna make believe not have. It happened and you're gonna somehow give Joe Biden credit Foreign policy to me this morning. I could you not what at scratch was low and I do will go to we're just gonna fall out. I start chemo on Tuesday, so get used to seeing them. You don't know, are put at a very soon die I put add on because you want to see my ball that you dont specially. Might we did? We would have to go to this face,
the face for radio if I've ever seen. Why? Why? Thank you? My wife said no its, not appreciate. That means a lot and I'll be fine. Starts on Tuesday, but she didn't believe me this morning that they're gonna try to read kind. History later they rewrite the Trump administration, but that's what problem that's what they do. seen, evidence right, that's what we do here, a kind of eleven say: let's go to pieces, is the number one great article, two Federalist? I love federalists by David, Marcus check this out the shoulder I mean your lies about drug company, Pfizer's partnership with Trump administrations, operation, warp, speed, New York Times right. the story which is really where were they quote, someone from Pfizer who is intimately involved with operation warp speed which show you one, stand, is the Trump administrations effort to create a vaccine,
Now been created and deemed ninety percent, effective tromp was still the present. The media is now unbelief. We read cutting the story, I sure didn't help by the way Pfizer reside we didn't take any r and d money from this area quote from Pfizer. We made it to the New York Times, which Unbelievably Joe, didn't think too fat check this at all. We ve never take money from the? U S, government from anyone you didn't, then they want article, Finally, I was never part of operation. More speed warp, speed, It is simply not true. That's just made up like New York Times in fact, checked up part two as empty are reported in July, the government each to deal for nearly two billion dollars to help distribute the vaccine Joe, because five years press release in July and have set the? U S cover placed an initial water. Four hundred million doses for one point: nine five billion dollars, one
What did to the vaccines, research and development but Pfizer absolutely did take government money and was forced to walk back there. Executive statement doesn't matter The New York Times already contributed to the red cunning and now people in the public who are not us as you in this audience here. Already believe that development. Spock, seeing whether you like vaccines, are your call that modem additives government forcing any body to do any them a libertarian or I'm just telling you the facts. that operation. Warp speed Pfizer was part of it which led to the development of a vaccine under the trumpet ministration in record time, because twelve still, the president and I ve been a red card. The whole story with a p very silly, maybe there the total dictatorship like Diane
We gotta, sometimes not tat. I put per fantasy, like proviso. That's like a mesh or I've gotta make up the whole story. So when this does, when this starts to get the bump, couldn't Consequently, I wish you a correction. Seventy two days later, those all country now Belize Pfizer had nothing to do with the trap administrations efforts. So let that, but that fast array, like a butcher for a couple days or like the mother at the top of apple cider, vinegar, let tat faster, and when the word in the narrative gets out of the trap administration and nothing to do with a vaccine fashion. Everything to do with all of a sudden issue, a correction that nobody has yet. I then went backwards in go to plan B. What what flabby I'm gonna get to them: The second Andrew Cuomo started Plan B yesterday, but I want get this red conning again as well, how the telling you they're just making stuff up red card again
attending that Michael Myers sequels never happen. I just go right. Back you know this is the sequel to the first one you already have. one of our now forget that that's up we're going to a new one. Ok, what ads you just run Michael Myers, an institution all time since Michael Myers, one. wasting my time with those other sequels. Can I get my money back check out this one from pink news? This is classic had Tipper Gregg price over things very call. This is a duty, total red here, Joe Biden. This is their their twitter feed. Pink news Joe Biden is almost certain to make PETE Buddha Judge America's first out gay cabinet official. Here's where he could land. He is people just to be clear. As the first gay cabinet effect, out gay camera. I'm puzzle because I, let's get sick,
pink news from earlier? Ah, here's pink lose from from February this year, dollar job just happen. It is first openly gay captain member Richert now. to say, as the says, the same thing, the same pink booze. It doesn't matter. It's a red card. No they're not seek whatever happened. Records Didn't exist record, as a person is going He's a character in a feeble, He was in Michael Myers, trees and when it was like mercenary season of which he was in seas, that other, which can't even having to do what Michael my emphasis dopey masked remember that it was a horrible, but we got a cold following that was right now seize it is when you really exist, but he's got a red card. It totally. Thou job are nothing to do with the vaccine and Rick Grenelle. Doesn't it I wasn't gay. Ok, Good call their media really now that one people take these idiots seriously.
Let me get to my last point. I want to get back to age, Cuomo, who, when me read com, Donald Trump had nothing to do with the vaccine. When that gets credited like we just did, and people said to figure that if they're gonna move onto plan B, which is well Donald, Trump His plan for distribution of access is horrible, a job cleaned up, ok, sure, my gosh. So what were the bunking? These idiots everyday. Data about you have friends: it grew businesses, I d be flexible flexibility from working remotely depicting their business models for long term survival and growth, your answer, moving dining outdoors or any take out and catering options. Some consumer Packaged goods companies have shifted to focus more on surface cleaners, a personal hygiene products for obvious reasons: viewer charge of hiring for your business. He's pivots have made your job even more challenging, especially if you had a
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come on I'll drive and another with a vaccine. People to judge first Open gay cabinet member? None of us actually true we'll do that as they try to fashion a narrative going forward. So the narrative now that a vaccine has been developed clearly under the Trump administration because it's been developed and trumpet still president last time, I checked. hey Joe, is an amazing we're having these conversations with actual me people have to be told this we're trumps, the president. They announced the vaccine. Yes, did you guys miss all this then equations again, motorist opponents, modus talons quality. We that logic out, I'm checking fairly, doesn't work, and you know it with eighteen year old. Just graduated journalism, degrees. so Andrew Cuomo leading the way and one of the most important, disgusting media appearances, I've seen in modern times, instead of we want sitting back and say you know what I may not like the president Andrew Cuomo. Clearly doesn't. But you know what nice one but this vaccine, I'm not kidding endless out
in countless lives could be safe and it was the right thing. The governor of the state that was significantly hit by corona virus and in this delicate transition time, which he would say not by you, but it's only appropriate to say this is a good thing for all of us, principled statement right what I tried dude duty with you today. Another issue well she manner, but they re mattered, Andrew Cormac Seasonality, principles because you want on the air and said this absolute absurdity. Yesterday was one of those offensive things. I've ever heard check this out Seen distribution in the next term, What do you make of this news? well, it's is good news, bad NEWS, George. The good news is that Pfizer tests look good and will have a vaccine shortly. The bad news is that it about two months before Joe Biden takes over
means. This administration is gonna, be implementing a vaccine plan get ready. We are always ahead of the curve here. You don't have any special powers. Either Jonah Rye or the stygian, which is our favorite stygian witches in the class gave me. we are where they can see the few. That's all I just have been in this for a very long time. The narrative Going forward this, Every single hiccup in the distribution plan, Joe they'll, be one person in he's tunafish somewhere in the middle of nowhere who doesn't get the vaccine. I guess it a day after they wanted the new year Those will be out there tomorrow because it I'm gonna, give you credit for anything. have to acknowledge. They're gonna have to acknowledge, eventually was his diminish. Nation with a vaccine in conjunction with the free market and want to do so
now they're going to highlight every single hiccup be like look. How disastrous this plan is. Look at this Joey bag. Donuts tunafish. He said he was going the vaccine on Friday and Joe. We got it on Saturday. You settlement I've seen from Pfizer, has to be stored, deep call they'll. Some bad somewhere that I get spoil the Truckle brake on the side of the road in middle of Florida and the battle with debate trump, Derek he drove the car off the road himself. He put the brake lies with Trump and then what will happen if Joe Biden wins if he wins what our magically happened? the Red card the next day. They forget all those stories, everything about the distribution be wonderful and well, the narrative be Joe Biden came in Eddie cleaned it all up Joe Biden like just exhort now, He should be doing spreadsheets and Microsoft project
because he's so smart. Do you know he's smart enough to get ten percent from the Chinese? Is the big guy sure enough? We can figure out a distribution plan for the vaccine. Pray tell me that tell me tat. You know this to you bid arrowheads. I gotta stop, don't point arrowheads Tell me your because this is not going to happen if it's gonna they're going to highlight every Guerin teed brother for the last saying here Toby lesser and emitted Joe. I'd raises right and if he wins, they're gonna be like. Oh, my gosh show this goods like magic. There were no more complaints anywhere about the vaccine area. Chicken credible people in In Peoria and Omaha and Chicago out there their choice, thing in the streets. How wonderful that these are worshipping golden, castor job. He cleaned up the place. The plant is fixed, Joe Biden guaranteed.
Meanwhile, behind the scenes I have on good authority on in autumn. Teachable authority that the Biden team going to these Pfizer executives? You heard it. your first well, maybe never, You deaf, I don't know where supported so I should say that categorically been a pretty sure we may be. First, I have on good authority that the Biden Tee is go into the Pfizer executives and the vaccine makers. Another saying don't say anything, but the Trump plans pretty gibbon akin to change anything. They go. First and I put my entire credibility on line on the public state. what's going on behind the scenes will be totally different trump plans, a message told terrible binders, each really good, don't change anything after election day. We're just gonna, give Joe Biden, credit for and some people on the other side are like we're down brow totally toads MC gouged we're down really pathetic.
I've never steered you're wrong. You watch right if he wins sworn it it'll, be the greatest distribution plan ever A I maybe trumpet a little bit to do with it. Vaccines creation and its leadership screwed up play Biden, fix it. We're really responsible, ivory, inoculate Joe Biden gotta do himself here what is negative, the White ass you like a. How are we going to present use our care? The few be allied your by its gonna, be there, but I'll call swaps allowed folks Suuk clean my phone Georgia come I hate Joey a little joke about Tony, come over five years I'm a mafia shouted minister. Here, swab M after we got you go get me a syringe parliament. Fourthly, we have too many those around the house these days, but I have to think When you went to someone else is naturally not a thing, you Buddhist, maybe it's a thank you. Thank you.
Mr President, we really appreciate, I feel sure you're so wonderful, we'll. Do it himself to be a line of people metaphorically for those even arriving at a partner. Turkey did just gonna your people advice given and Joe Biden, evacuations observe it's gotta, be that's it you're gonna be an oppressed, is going to be, No doubt away, that's gonna be in order. First, I gotta committed first, I gotta do the Soviet national anthem, they gonna pledge allegiance to their best and then then then they will get disposition and they Joe Biden debt it'll, be the by chance I get the end, the current and the barbarian when they're all worshipping the James there'll Jones character. Now remember, he said and they're all chanting for that's the media for Joe by cash. I ever tell you how much I hate injections told you that
how much I hate needles, I haven't told you tonight, I'm telling you I am: do not miss my six one, two hundred and twenty three pound frame. I was weighed less. We do not mistaken for someone who's, not absolutely terrified of it like a five year old, because I am because I love you and I speak the truth, even when it makes me look like a darn fool? I am terrified of ten. I have been stuck to death the death. Stop sticking me with some. Now I got this chest for check this out, see that you'd stick tat thing right in their beautiful. You stick at me right and adjust Bob it's there. and you put a little like this cream happen knobs it up. You don't feel anything. It's the greatest thing ever they poured is galatea at Euro feel a damn thing. Thank you to Mr Chess port thingy creator.
I can't, even though this is a new record today of APOLLO gesticulations in she's got her head. Nor am I can't believe this show is happening today. return approaches like really you sure actual I've never been more sure. Why one last quick saying because important so guy near Times, wrote that piece about my Facebook page, a few easier, so he's obsessed I don't know what it is trying to get us banned from Facebook or with or whatever I don't care, I'm not going to try to read his mind. It's so disingenuous beyond belief. They pretend to be straight with you. They never are been hip to the routine for a while. So whatever but its aim is Kevin. Ruth put out a tweet yesterday again, I mean it's. Sis is obsessed with getting us all kicked off fake book, and I mean they just lie. this is made up, so this is Kevin Roose New York Times Guy, who really
as its mission in life is dead. Sensor. People disagree with. It disagrees with its clear as day right now. He said: Facebook is absolutely teeming with right wing misinformation. Right now These are among the ten most engage. You are out on the platform of the last twenty four hours, It is one of the stories is out as up a bunch. You know that calm story about them Michigan Legislature, meeting gee session to investigate election fraud. election irregularities, that's the actual article iii sites, so be crystal clear. Would he say he put out in a tweet, honest platform, to try to pressure Facebook. Look at this article punch. You know that can be as other articles you from the daily work. By the way, all the articles he sites are true. All four of them like this misinformation over. You know, because there's That's what they do. They. Just that's soviets, don't this agreement, so they
have everybody silence they disagree with, so they make stuff up. They make stuff up like this punch. You know that Comstock about the Michigan legislator. Meeting is, as is, is misinformation on Facebook. It is because the actual article, with a quote from Michigan Legislature, that MAC. I'm done do under them just check and budget. back on this. The articles you saved by the great Lisbon, whose lots martyr apparently than Kevin legislature, holds rare emergency session to investigate possible election irregularities. This is clearly misinformation. The New York Times sets new, except You go down in the peace, and you re the actual quote from them She legislature that was meeting the new you this is the billiard passes. All areas of fate buckle banners
Moreover, this does AIDS, fake news. Here's the quote, she'll how Speaker Lee Chad Feel issued a state after the hearing that have been announced on Friday, I thought that was faint gleaming to hear it didn't happen. This tape in red quote: Kevin and others that means they actually said this sort of quotas every single legal vote needs to be counted regardless. You care or would they voted for can't data wins the most of the votes will win. Michigan electoral votes just like it's always been nothing about their profit, This change the twenty twenty The statement after the hearing and the hearing I announced that them that's misinformed nation. You understand, what's going on right now, soviet media, the soviet tech, tyrants and others out their democratic activists in congressional committees.
Are going to triple down now that they think Joe Biden is one on suppressing you brutally brutally removing your facebook page removing hashtags, removing your ability to speak? These people in the media, I Kevin, are a part of it by falsely barring people with a misinformation label on a story that is one hundred percent, true I'll, get no apology from him at all. Even though I was gracious enough to give him my time. Emma padding myself on the back self praise thanks, but I don't talk to reporters anymore, but efforts to get our side out. I thought it may be a good idea talk to him for about forty five minutes. You know what that was a mistake. I won't repeat again because he's a liar, but people are fighting back.
My companies out there that I have an interest in parlor rumble, which are alternatives to places like Facebook and Youtube rock in all weekend and today check out the store by the post mining bungee, no back parlor. So here is the number one spot. The app store, passing Tiktok and you'd buy me a cathedral deposed millennium heights. I may do it and I can only download that up once again said yesterday I say again today, I'm not kidding with you. I take no credit for it. I help put it out. I put my name behind it, but you doing it did you doing you had enough a twitter we're here, for you
parlor by waits, p r. L e are not aware that other app is, I get Natasha Davis people keep has taken it. It's sick, a Youtube, gotta, rumble sick of fake book. Come back, this parliament being do same stuff. We're gonna give you all turnips, and we appreciate from indescribably by voting when, after about today, still got videos I have gone to bed so have to get them to Morrow and hold them for a couple days in, and also I thought about this like near Apocalypse in Venezuela, because we can have a real socialism thread is growing if we lose the Senate, God forbid on January. Fifth, and God forbid, loses presidential race. But again I just want to say I am I hear you and I'm with you and I'm doing my best. The best I can I promise this. I have no other motive here, they're, absolutely pure, and to stand for what's right and to get the right. People in the right places: listen read into that all you want, but we have a voice were using it and we
we can make real change going forward and real places. It matter like going on so step a little bit over the coming weeks. I hope you all understand, but I'm listening you matter and please continue, the feedback positive or negative. This shows here, for you, there's nothing. I wanna be crystal clear on this. I am going to point now because it matters. There is nothing that matters more to me to show the Paula drew to mad bungee Oda com or any one else, John Liz, anyone else's work with us or for nothing. You matter your feedback matters you're. All the matters to me.
You got it, I hope. So. Alright thanks a lot for tuning in a really appreciate it. Please subscribe to the show. It helps us move up the charts for number one on apple, podcast, honestly stunned. I know we went to popular show, but I never thought we'd be number one. The whole country So what we number one I appreciate good apple pie. Guess that's how you get to the top of the chart. So thanks a lot for doing that and rumble please, you can watch watch on rumble, rumble dotcom, slash, Bun GINO subscribed there too. It's always. I really appreciate it. I see you just heard it in Bonn. Gino.
Transcript generated on 2020-11-10.