« The Dan Bongino Show

“Speeding Towards Assassination”? (Ep 2079)

2023-08-31 | 🔗

In this episode, I address the disturbing video of Tucker Carlson stating we’re “speeding towards an assassination” of Trump. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ready to hear the truth about amerika upon his shoulders, not immune to the banks with your host dan bonds. You know so a lot of people watching the show today that down here in florida just got banged up pretty good. No one on me problem on the east side, but the west coast of florida, but my phone the floridians, my heart's, where the up in the big bang area, I'm just going, tell ya! don't f around down here, I'm serious any liberals watching this show are criminals or mutts are scumbags, who want to come down here and think they're going to lose property and committed to the sheriffs and the citizens down here. They're, not it's been around man that they call this the gun, shine, stayed for a reason, doing. This is sincere public service. I don't want to see anybody get our do not go breakin in luton people's property. because you're not gonna like it is I'm gonna end. While I'm really trying to help you,
you see what I mean come on over the second big showed a including this plot to damage. This police state plotted the trump It's just a symptom of the police they going. After all, this is tat the size and you do a full blown cancer now and By did it again. He did it again, making a story about it, a lot of us a shrugging to keep up with credit card payments every month. It's a frustrating cycle. I understand the stress: it costs but there is a better way you, the power of your home, to put you back in control, your finances, friends at american financing can help. You take advantage of the equity you built, and you could finally say goodbye to the never ending debt cycle has been holding you hostage now he's the best part there. Summers are currently saving an average of seven hundred hours. Every single minded, great company in or salary based mortgage consoles were completed. of course, no obligation mortgage review, showing you how much you can save every month. Can is closing lonesomeness facets ten days getting your savings even faster and abuse today, you may be able to mortgage payments, giving you some breathing room. I get back on track. Remember
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a door, and you may find yourself, you know not kicking any or ever anything because you'll be in someone's body bag somewhere. Don't do it is sent this yesterday he's not kidding this guy's really trying to help people out saved their lives? Talking about this post,
hurricane response- and you know human scumbags trying to take advantage, take a look. There are reports of people trying to loot, dad and steam actually and I've told all of our personnel at the state level. You protect people's property and we're not going to tolerate any looting in the aftermath of a natural disaster. I mean it's just ridiculous that you would try and do something like that on the heels of an almost category. Four hurricane hitting this community, but also just remind potential looters that people you never know what you're walking into people have a right to defend their property. This part of florida, you got a lot of advocates and some proponents of the second amendment and I've seen signs in different people's yards in the past after these disasters- and I would say probably hear you move, we huh you never know what's behind that door if you go break into somebody's house and you're trying to loot, these are people that are going to be able to defend themselves and their families. So I would not do it. I'm just saying
But I warn you better, they ran up its view because Europe might be garbage in you, wanna, Lou people's property. Don't say it don't say it more! You it's a public, service right. Well, as we just that's what we're doing here p s, I kind of they don't get dead, that's a number one rule that you want to get advanced in florida? Galoots, someone's property are moving on her job and governor led him. Nobody white folks, there stopping you're, not stopping you. Lot I was. I was in a chat this morning a lot of questions in the chat. I think I answered a few of them. Give a few shout outs. Always to see here got in about ten fifteen this morning, but I didn't chat room, getting a lot of questions on facebook and truth and twitter and elsewhere. Damn what do you think's coming knacks folks, the edge is, I don't really know they are so deranged that went karlsson gave this interview the other in a pot gas and said we are quickly. Speeding towards assassination sounds, like
something I told you before right trumps life is in danger. These but will not stop folks, I put it out in truth and twitter this morning. The already, suppose you right now the police state censorship. All of this political targeting weapon is of governments arrest Political opponents near I doubt you all in the chad you're, pretty smart people are under an illusion. We still live in a constitution or public, we don't but the people. They were not persuadable. I want to warn you right now. Listen to me country, you know, is dead. there's a shot to save it, there's a small window to save it, but that's it The country you know is dead. It shouldn't Spire you would, she makes you a little make you a little bit anxious to get out there and taken back in the selection. NBC news, this movement's growing and metastasizing. This is just the other day secretaries of state, now get ready for challenges to troms ballot access. Long and short, I told they were going to use. The fourteenth amendment, which has
insurrection, provision fourteenth amendment of the constitution, I'm sorry, some dumb ass liberals or listening to keep drop off the bat no they're, not gonna. Do that. It's gonna wind up in court, Things wound up in court. The courts broke into again. You are falling into the trap of thinking. We live in a constitutional republic. Will you still have legal rights as a conservative? You do not ask them, life rebecca locked up on this, face act, violation looking at thirty years in prison the Jan six people at him and sit in jail for two years. Now you do not s. Tromp was no right to an attorney anymore. The country, you knew, is dead. What is going to stop them? Folks, I don't know. Sadly, probably only trump in a coffin. And I'm not going to be lectured by anyone on this- have told you this repeatedly I'll. Tell you again I'll tell you to morrow. I shall remind you the day after that. I did this for eleven for twelve years I sat and
Detective intelligent squad, the busiest field office in the secret service in new york. I ran out. We call them situations run out. I would run out probably one or two protective intelligence cases a week, but through my time and long island in manhattan thread cases donald trump life is an absolute danger. Eddie I'm telling you otherwise is full of crap. They are making it up. I talked to pee while all the time donald trumps life is in danger. I can't say this enough here we'll call. Sonata showed the other day folks on a pod can say, the exact same thing: I've told you: where do you think he's you think he's just making this up you know me and him above former fox people right, you were, both kind of know. Some of the same people he's not making this up listen to him. Talk about how their speeding towards assassination there's no emergency brake whatsoever on the less behaviour anymore. Trump broke these people. Listen to this. What do you think
the future holds is it I don't know I mean are they going to lead from the president? Of course, look if they protested him, they called the names he one anyway them Teach them twice on ridiculous pretences: they fabricated. A lot about what happened on january. Six in order to impeach may get it didn't work. He came back then the indicted he didn't work. He became more popular, believe you three more times and every single time his popularity robes begin with criticism Ben you gotta, it just. Then you go to impeachment. Now you go to indictment and none of them work what's next to me, graphic out man worth importers ass a nation obviously and I will say that, but I don't know how you can't reach a conclusion.
that no one another that literally because we ve been saying it too, I agree with the man whole heartedly. There has, been a better analysed, the political ecosystem and environment for the last five years and talk, or that, as it may include the sum The studies been awful but most of the savary body as there's no one in the political talking head space, whose right on everything he's been right about a lot of it a lot more than most this guy? You think he's job get around fog civil. This guy. In a body bag, This is insane the constitutional republic and any mooring society. Your gun, you need, start starts up your skin and heartening. Up right now to what's coming chaos, you'd god, wouldn't happen here- is Coming here, this the watching cycle is gonna, be like something you have never seen in american history. You mark this date,
mark this show. You marked the mark this with a second Everything you never thought was gonna happen is about to happen in the next year. Get ready for right. Now are physically prepare yourself and mental prepare yourself for some times ahead, because this next year weren't you timber. As of tomorrow. We in election season, our full blown election season? You are never going to see anything like you see in the next year, harry yourself for everything, what it only took a day. Here we go You can on flag this one already Jim you to get out of it, the guardian on flags already only a couple days. What did I tell you back here take it? There's a whole team job battering me our flag. It was off so there we go. We got one less. What tat, he was going to happen. The Democrats are so terrified of another trump administration, all emergency brake, seraph, end
thing is on the table. They want this guy dead. They don't want. Did they take have the sky in the wider, so one of the things gotta do, is you're gonna weapon, weaponize the government, the government to target him, and then there do the gypsy due for peru, like they colluded with the russians and and blame him for the deep sea, liberal, I told you the other day, you remember the shell folks in the chat you remember, this they put a wider of your memory. I wanna make sure you guys. Are they gonna blow and smoke up your ass? Yet I and they're, going to say, Donald trump is going to do that. That's why we've got to keep them out? No, no, that That's gonna weapon isaac government come for us which is exactly what they do every year. It is the guardian august. Thirty yesterday, trump, vows to lock up political enemies. We returned to the wider like they're doing. Have you see the guardian already seeding the playing field? You remember that call back you chance. There's your mom. I told you This is gonna, be there thing now
weaponize, the government to lock up donald trump and then say we can't have donald trump back in office is going to weaponize the government to lock up his fear. It only took a couple of days if a macbeth. Thank you bart, big kelly. Thank you. what you make my job very easy, liberal dipshit. You really do it so simple with you guys around folks were turning against a slob too in the white house. I'm not doing that see time starving that due to chat, the day always welcome here, but we get us there qualities people. May I don't have to stop doing away. We got a month in the white house, a guy, absolutely kids, then the guys phelan, he's a kid sniffing woman feeling lying plagiarized, bride, taking loser, and I'm gonna call him exactly what he is he's. Also a sociopath liar. It didn't you then take a day for the kids Never in the white house it didn't he. then take a day.
Do they who are the hawaii and florida disasters? They got banged up. Pretty good over and see turkey up there in florida it didn't even take a day for this. Why no white house to politicize a natural occurrence are a cane which happens pretty much every year. Some are Cain. It's. The east coast of golf goes to florida or some area in the united states, texas or elsewhere. It in less than a day to blame it on what climate change? Why because he's a sociopath mcbride bribe taking kid sniffing loser what? feeling zero! That's why Joe Biden is human garbage. He doesn't care, you he doesn't care about florida. Would he cares about is appeasing a bunch of liberal donors who are pushing him to not run again because he's a senile crazy loser. That's why here? It is By yesterday, again, coughing, all the time he's got some flemish you going on always coughing all over. Everyone like a lunatic areas, about climate causing
stuff like a typical dip, wad that he has check this out. I don't think anybody can deny the impact of the climate crisis anymore. Just look around well! Ladies and gentlemen, I put this out the other day, but if you just check the wall street journal article, you would see that Biden's own noaa national oceanographic administration. They put out a release, saying that there is no point. There is no clear. there is now quote There is no strong evidence of centuries scale, increasing trends in: u s, landfilling hurricanes of major hurried. Let me read: again for liberal dipshit out there. This from Noah Noah, the government. I did it. There is no strong evidence of century scale. Increasing trends. In: u s! Landfilling hurricanes are major target, but that means ireland's lying, of course it means binds lying binds always line. He is a sociopath kid sniffing woman feeler, the guy has never shred of human dignity at all these abroad. taking loser. Why Joe Biden ever, tell you the truth, tease incapable of telling you the truth. Job
doesn't have an ounce of human character whatsoever. This the loser, we're running against you see. Folks. I get it Some of you may not like the tone of the show and that's cool, but the show act. We does present facts and data to back up its assertions, even though be emotionally strong and we may go after people, This is the NOAA report. You can read it there yourself. Go to free means article. You can read the links. Trust the science. I thought that I thought. That's that's what I thought: that's, what they shut Don't worry, though, a green job here guy said she she's not going to engage in hyper thief. Theoretical Check this out is some day and night again typical articles of this. What the hybrid, united, the hypothetical Every was not really sure what a hypothetical is now again
showing you what a sociopath pisa human waste, Joe Biden, really is this tragedy in florida and a job abomination going on in maui thousands it people missing, hundreds already declared dead in time. Portion about. We wiped doubt in a catastrophic fire. A fail government responds and what is Joe Biden do yesterday during the hurricane spots yesterday here is yesterday again making about him because he's a sociopath ec egomaniac loser making about him and telling the debunks story again. That is house was nearly burnt down in a fire. Even the stories been the bank including again today and even the wash imposed, it was a small kitchen fire as well reported repeatedly areas make in the story about him after the disaster yesterday in florida telling you all, he knows what it's like to lose. As you almost had his house burned down, or something or lightning here, listen
His jersey isn't anything like that promotion lately struck my house. We had to be out of that house for about seven months period with so much damage is done to the house and half the house almost collapsed. Just not true. that's not true, and even though you keep telling the story over and over, despite the fact that your staff is asked you to stop lying about it, he is you're sociopath moron this guy He just can't stop here his last year during hurricane in. caning and that disaster down to florida again telling the exact same, the bunk story to a bunch of people who just lost everything, because this story always has to be about what about oh by the kids, who never eggless from experience how much how much anxiety in fear and concern or on the people,
We d lose all lightning struck and we lost an awful lot of it is about fifteen years ago, bull shit all shit that not happen, you're, making it up dude, please telling the story that did not happen, this guy human garbage. He die this to make every single story about him, because he is such an egomaniac any such a sociopath daddy's aware of the fact that the entire world, this laughing at him dead dead, don't wash didn't post this morning said this story is not true that the one the times. It's not through rural. He doesn't care, he is coming. lately immune to he is a guy at a christmas party Noise, everyone talking in a group a dude everybody's going laughing at him, uneasy only one that doesn't know it.
That's why he sniffs kids, folks speaking to kids, you got a clear choice going forward by one This called your worries doubling down and your kids, who their prize and you make sure man you are on the right side of this. We did that. and yes, lay about the euro Bob Francis issue elicited a big response. A lot of people got upset about, that's fine. I have an opinion and I'm entitled to it. you don't understand, who is on the right side, who is on the right side of this fight, which conservatives fighting for these kids in europe. Packing conservatives and I'm sorry. need to re, evaluate what side on. Let me get. It is quickly First, I want to play a video of a man nearly arrested and hauled out by police officers an indian river county because
dared to read pornographic material that their allowing in the libraries were killed. Libraries for kids to read this is fight worrying right. Now we shall pursue by black our coffee gases. it smells good, yeah folks, odyssey's by a bear, you don't even have to open it. Just buy it, get a get. A good If every might it smells like good, strong, powerful coffee, scrape off you go with a coffee option. Was this country was Mary? and loves amazing copies only coffee I drink to one of these. I've been on road. I love my coffee. In the morning I drink black, our coffee, proud of personally recommend it to coffee cup. I represent committed to conservative values. They love country. Do not shy about it, but listen. That's important! We'll get gotta love the catch and country gave us every day but from sourcing that being so the roasting process, their customer support they care about the coffee to their also cap. well meaning produce a good product. They accept no
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We do if we lose this next election. Ladies gentlemen, there's way too much on the line it may he really difficult to save you from what's coming and your kids. the prize. I want you to is video. We haven't seen it yet. This is a man in indian river county. He objected pornographic material being put in kids, libraries were kids. Can Access to it so to prove a point, of course, some of the school board. People think this is ok. He's is this Ok Bob! It's ok for kids to read! Let me read it to you: why? watch what happens as the school board. Dip was have this guy
gordon out by the police and nearly arrested. Look at this now on the topic of these pornographic books, energy, calling these contacts on as many do relation written on thirteen reasons why, by Jane Asher, curly and storm growth, middle school infringement learning centrepiece to sixty five as if letting him finger me was going to cure all us, not problems, allocating an airway and everyday petition starting my study, they let you robbed thumping gently along my way. I prefer paid me this way under the sadly seriously forward. You gotta believe. Yes, I ask you to stop you're going to have to leave if you dont continue with no sir, I ask you to stop. I ask you to stop. If he was there and ask yourself if you don't have you removed, I thank you. I asked myself. Yes, there. I've actually start to sir I'm asking you stop yes, but when I stop its remove asking is removed. Sir, we suggest you. If you remove visa free warnings, I've ass! You please remove yes, yes, there was time you must allow me to ask you to stop. I just said I stop. You for meeting is gonna be rebuilt, asking if it is not right that you're not listening, sardinia saving. Thank you remember during the rebellion,
Tapping and right now I expect you to do these things too, peaceful civil disobedience is the very hallmark of a constitutional republic. I fully accept Do you to join as well? I know you will should all be doing this. Attempt to that gentlemen, John, I'm sorry, I've, mispronounced, parnassus, less neighbour, beg you john personally. We should all be doing this folks, armies involve locally as you are, I'm not just a national hose. It's not just the podcast. Ask anyone in my town where I live, I live in all town they try to outside here while ago that didn't work out either their trial, again in my day my county mart count. I'm all over that. You don't think I speak forked tongue. I you're asking us to do some. You would do. I ran for office three times knocked on close it thousand doors over three campaigns. I show
whenever we need something done locally, I'm the one. There testify I needed respectfully respect expect that you do the same thing and I know you will you are the leaders. We ve been waiting for joy, the rebellion today. This too late there's no membership card required. happening right now, folks, because your kids are their prize this culture war going on has gotten increasingly grotesque. Did you see the cnn died tweet, I got just ratio into the ecosystem in community noted, see Two men in uganda are facing separate charges of great and homosexuality punishable. Death, the country's controversial new anti gay laws, yeah they left something out One of the matters accused of having sex disable man, the other one of a sexual act with a twelve year old child. kind of interesting how they left the details out on I, when I see it, and just
Kind of a small small little details geese said their share them that out and the rebellion started in the community notes and they got ratio humiliated into the ecosystem as your job. That's your job just ass, ladies and gentlemen, kids, labelling too, Everyone has a god given rights, civil liberties to god, given rights. peacefully. Assemble, speak our practice, your religion, your faith, we all have that, but you have no right to force your ideology down our throats, especially in public schools. Theirs, value with the kids go on now to join it join it, pride month has worked out well, for those folks has really. Doubt at all. You see that local news report from a local school district as they tried to jam pride stickers down these kids throats it didn't end well, it didn't end well check this out. Ways of intolerance and homophobia.
Are unacceptable. This type of intolerant rhetoric starts in the home parents angry at town hall, over intolerance, at marshall, Simonds middle school kids were asked to wear rainbow clothes in honor of pride spirit day, but some organize the counter protests wearing red white and blue or black. The principal sharing, a statement to families that pride posters were ripped down stickers ripped up some students chanted usa are my pronouns usa, my pronoun join the rebellion and it's happening. now and for your eyes, you ve got opportunities. Take your country back and bring it back. towards constitutional mornings in their respective god, given civil liberties for everyone, you have that opportunity. You have that opportunity today to get involved and do something, but I can't and from the sidelines folks? We can't much more. This creed, Pierre was asked about this the other day about another ridiculous.
Abomination on the left, placing and are allowing men to complete women sports men who physically stronger who have caused, in some cases, injuries to our daughters, thou daughters, a grotesque Scully unpopular position all across the rooted play your career, job here notice noticed this is how you know you're winning. I want you to watch this clip very closely. This is. Thing when the left is proud of something now advertise it. When the left is ashamed and embarrassed, they will fail to give an answer she had just, I just saki the other day and lay term abortion question. We play it: clip from her from a couple years ago. She didn't want to answer it. Here's career job here, who knows men and women. Sport is an absolute loser in this culture war and is causing this cultural rebellion going on right now she will not answer the question because she doesn't want to sound bite out there that they want men and women sports in this wide us watch? This
daughters. Does he hair? The girls are allowed to compete and sports, just irony I read: does he think it's fair for girls tat to compete against biological mail? Just answer the question: it is a complicated issue. It is truly a complicated issue with a wide range of views, a wide range of views. There is no yes or no answer to this. It is complicated, there's a rule that department of education has put forward and we're going to let that that process move forward and it is again we want to make sure that, while we establish god rails with this rule that we also prevent discrimination as well against trenchant or kids again, a complicated issue with a wide range of views, and we respect that it's not a complicated issue. Women play women sports men play men supports you, want have a separate change? Transgender category now gear cells out, have a whole
once you have one our daughters play sports with your daughters, with your sons and storing notice how she won't give an answer and she does the dance. Why does she do the dance? Because she doesn't want to sound bite on tape that they? So We met in women's sport because same people know it's bullshit. That's why. join the rebellion man. It's half today. You need a ticket its way, for you. Go join your local club republican club, tea party club, libertarian club. I don't care what it is: god, Why club good today store door. For the election now make us All donation to a candidate you like be a dollar could be five dollars. It doesn't matter produced something that do changes the world not to talk talk is cheap man, the two matters, are you Can I get more of what's coming up next. I've got it
a piece of body about this culture war. This is going around the world this infection. This stupid is travelling around the world. Former australian prime minister. As a simple question: what is a woman you when we say you're defending women's rights. It you don't know what women are like this ending antelope rights are not being able to define what a damn antelope is. Is it an elephant? What is it so? Our? U defending it! You don't What a woman is. This stupid faction. Is travelling away Watches come up next, how they cannot it's very simple question, because they, go one This sound by this part. This is what snapshots and sound bites. Every time there embarrassed because you, who are winning chest out chin up. He proudly yourself. A puppet
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is this? Is this stupid infection you ve got an opportunity stop right now this belarus they are about pretending men, should be in women sports men with obvious physical advantage, potentially causing injury, your daughters, castrating children, mutilating their bodies, pretending you don't know what a woman is. It's a human adult female. How complicated exist. Former australian prime minister Julia guard, this moron, pretending she doesn't know what a woman is. When asked a question by a reporter, she pretends it's a gotcha question. They listen to. This and the june o. Besides, and can you tell me what a woman is to try and create these gotcha moments? And I think we ve just got a move away from all of that and just come at these once again from first principles and say to ourselves we as a community.
People with diverse stories and diverse life. Experiences amongst that rich diversity, which has says, is powerful the number of peoples, genuinely believe that they are trapped in the wrong body and they want to be recognised as the gender that they mind mind and soul have always told them that they are doesn't go one, why it goes both ways People who have transition from being made to bang women and women who have transition to bang men and I think we ve just got to say what we want to show everybody else in the community: love, inclusion and respect. We should do that,
cash. I told you the stupid viruses everywhere. It's not just confined to the united states. It is escaped it's in pandemic status, the stupid virus. aerosol, ized all around the globe. Right now you can transition A man is a man and a woman is a woman. You are not true in the wrong body. You- may have some kind of issue. You are not trapped in the wrong body. That is the best god gave you there is, trap. There is transition this Is the culture war you're fighting? That's why to show the way? I do you see it. back on donald trump to get rid of them because they know they're a mess and kicking him off the balance. The only way they think they can win. Here's. How bad Joe Biden is? Here's what's going to and if we lose to these guys, I try to lay out the show this way free of At times we so you understand methodically the fights her head down a crystal clear. How you understand you need to understand with care
a vision. What we're looking at these why's that we are being led by people, ladies and gentlemen, who are cognitive and morally impair. We are, and it's not just democrats I know you may have seen this is extremely uncomfortable to watch. but this yesterday was Mitch Mcconnell now frog and we have any medical actors or a neurosis- it is psychologist in a chat. Let me know it a yes. If you there is above the sea, we have any I am not a doctor, I'm not a medical doctor. You have both Body of experience in psychology, though miss we're connally republican leader of the senate. This happened again yesterday, was ass. A simple question about re election appears here. He sat in some kind of neurological seizure and why? the attention watching this looking at is how eyes or fixated to the right
indicating there's some kind of seizure event happening folks. This is a serious medical issue. Big mouth his family should be taken care of them right now. I'm sorry But this is not the time for this. Guy needs to be concerned about his help and not holding onto power, however, don't get caught up in these unilateral political disarmament arguments. It we should getting rid of people who are old on our side, while Biden fetter maiden Diane Feinstein are given a pass on the left. They should We gotta watch this If you have any medical experience in the chat chime, because this appears to be some sort of seizure again check this out,
thought about? What running for reelection the did you hear the question senator running for reelection at twenty twenty six, the argh? I'm sorry! You already knew that the person please speak up drugs, I'm sorry, he suggests cruel. this man should be receiving medical care, not leading the united states, set it on the republic inside and
better men. Diane Feinstein and rotting oatmeal brains in the white house have no business being in their position either. These are people, could control sending your kids into a nuclear, combat situation, really country of three hundred thirty million people, we can't find better right now. Folks, it's time These people to move on this isn't a look in your democratic issue. They all leave office until they can medically certified of the people that they are healthy enough to Sir Feinstein better men rotting I'll, be your brains, watch Many super cod here. Here's Biden to this nobody. No! No unilateral disarmament of our guys, disarm advantage going to step aside findings, that beside not run again either, although about to see this point is probably the best candidate to run against, but this guy is clearly cognitive. Chicken soup and a brain he's got nothing left watch. This watch me
If you think it over the energy level, my mental acuity, the best way to get something done, if you, if you hold near and dear to you, that you are to be able. From from shara, surely from charlotte, why in another line going from in florida down to tampa of Putin's kleptocracy. America is a nation that can be defined in a single word or put him have to put the idea that. Los angeles and an arm now on my here for two reasons. One too.
we haven't been able to communicate it in a way that is on Migration, otherwise, with nature, not solid mean where some measure They make a very good point. Here's the deal. here's what drives the driver states. Fact in future the EU can do in the drivers, folks, as is the best we can do. you know we're in a really serious time. I was again in the chat this morning I saw was a nice comment by one of the two one of the chapters in their saying a dance we more or less about something, really
they going down for a while. Now I have it's, it's not. You know me trying to predict the future trying to be the stygian which, as you know, just the signs are everywhere. I presented to you the articles in the data how on formulating my opinion, so you know they can do in some black box thing, some shiny april. What's gonna happen tomorrow, china, russia, nuclear weapon, china. What they're doing with their military leaders, china, giving belligerent speeches at home, the police state tracking down penetration of government, the censorship ramping up the use government agencies to censor people, the economy, about their wishes and inflation number today that creep back up to three point: three inflation, is moving back up again, not down omen tori getting well it's time you get ready. You know I I I want to be kind of crystal clear with you. I think we are about to hit the bottom and are about to turn right back up these come in cycles, and I want you to be overly depressed someday. You gotta hit the bottom and it's gotta get bad enough. I do think we're was there, but you better
prepare for what the bottom low side, because This stuff is happening. This guy is totally cognitively unprepared for what's ahead Nobody knows who's in charge of the white house right now. Nobody dares its new book out about binds presidency written by this right, when, for form, I believe, was one of these collusion officers by the way. But in the book is clear that Biden doesn't know himself who's in charge of the white house. That is so randomly issue statements publicly action without his permission. Folks. This is serious. Nobody seems any grass rob what's going on, economies in shambles right now, peoples, your wages are down inflation? Sob gas prices are up. Regulations are choke off the economy, and you got this city. Here's korean job. Here again celebrating Biden,
amex again why you would attach eponymous your name to this garbage can economy. We're in right now is indicative. How stupid the sociopath in the white house is take a listen to this and it travels across the country pretty regularly to talk about industry and how he's investing in america? How he's lowering costs for americans? That is one of the, whereas each speaks about by now makes lowering costs for americans is clearly one of one of his top priorities. So you'll continue to hear it from the president about this particular issue in other ways that he that to my knowledge, is working for american families and the economy as well This is freaking delusional real wages, in other words the value of the money you have and what it can by is down to. Attic, leeson spiten became the president. Prices have not gone down inflation has gone up. every single month for the last year. The fact that it
and gone up as much doesn't mean it's gone down, it means it's still going up a number pop today. Put every claim article up to now their double and down on the censorship do we find out the d a chest was using private? communications, to censor americans to keep off government email. they were doing this, because it's all on the up and up what you crazy? They no exact What they're doing they knowledge We are doing the police state to censorship, the weapon zation, it's all here right now and it is about to get worse suggested again in the chat this morning, all we don't provide any real solutions. We'd on what are you talking about. We just addressed yesterday a planet one, each twenty five by conservative groups and others we put on the show to fire up the fifth thousand federal employees whose allegiance is made up of the constitution. We talked about lawsuits
bout de funding states investigate presidential candidate think. We should be involved in some general strikes if things start to get ugly with the police state. you do a general strike watch out quickly. These people follow their knees, watch You do a general strike everybody call, and second, the same day. a few days, you watch what happens. Remember that video by the former israeli prime minister member, that played a couple times, where he talks about how only eight percent of adults need to engage in some kind of st action in order to win, change that applies. You do it's their tactic? They who brought you ve, seen around the show, just steal their tactics. Because, if you doubt what's next move, a police state stop and even bigger evaporation of your civil liberties. Ladies and gentlemen, I always bring the receipts. This is, is going to trouble you a little bit
from a former world economic form leader. tomorrow. Now whistleblower richard Werner, talking about how this pushed by the global is for more control. Police state tactic. Stop is coming the very near future. Put it here because I said to you in the beginning, I, like the sandwich, the show everything you think isn't gonna happen is not only going to happen, but is being planned right now. This post A central bank, digital currency, a digital dollar, no cash, they control. Everything where you can. spend the money. You does kind of app on your phone. The government. Can take it away? Just like that? You're phones can did to the internet, boob you're monies god does even have to be connected. The air and all the bank has to be connected. That's it you're. My he's gone tax away, taken away: the central digital currency will be the end of everybody's freedom, as we know it hears blower talking about how these world governments already planning this, and here I want you to pay very close attention on how they're going to sell it.
Has a lot of you like. Are we never allow than the united states? People aren't gonna wanna be monitored or really what I told you you could have a universal basic income, the government, would give you a say: thirty thousand dollar, your salary, but you The sign onto the cdc o o o o interesting All of this stuff is already being discussed. You can just put in a search engine. You b, I c, b d c read for yourself: we always bring receipts it's yourself, but you can lose your cards and somebody can steal your card and then he's just wave on this kind of risky. Well, wouldn't it be nice if you couldn't lose it and nobody? steal it an answer, but it's that's so if it is almost a step too far off a lot of people, because it is a violation of human dignity. to actually inject something like that under the skin. So that's where you need more persuasion. it is interesting that this concept,
of universal basic income has been around for around the century. Where everyone should get some kind of citizens in a payment, but the billionaire leads, So far, not like that, but since two thousand fifteen there all come out? Any holder big billionaires and and world economic forum have come out of. This is a good idea. the basic income or why suddenly now because now we have the technology for the microchip implants. My we're a chip c disease. Now we, are white on the show, fellows. Ninety six. In all one conspiracy theories, I can hear the liberals already, maybe even summoned the chattering liberals and the chat or they are left me drove them all up. I can hear the bear. As far as I can already. I can already hear it. Save yourself the oxygen and expel carbon dioxide whereabouts, ninety six point five at all
ninety six point five and on conspiracy theories, biker chips ended the skids. dvd sees universe, The basic aim ha remember the shell folks. Remember the shop meaning we told you I was gonna happen. Is I started in the beginning telling you exactly that anything think isn't gonna happen. I promise you was right around the corner. If we got it couple of quick news stories. I want to get to to end the show today and I always appreciate you hanging out seventy seven thousand four hundred people, what an honor, that's a big college football game right there. I think florida is planning alright, the gators playing Utah, the the quarterbacks out of the gators, shut up a large guy myself. So There was a tragic, shooting at the university of north carolina campus and it took all of about but couple hours. for the associated press that the narrative ready to go? They did this job right
Few danger, like was the shooter. Why? Because the narratives gotta be white, soprano he's all right. Ok with that bag, it what's the narrative, then the narrative tat is gun control got your jaw here we go I do is I doubt that x, John John? We do we need that the narratives already ready to go here. We go a shooting left. vaguely member dead right students as Galvin. Guns save the advocates of Democrats who ran The degree of care is greatly to fight for stricter stay dollars. You see other Democrats already ready to go or every time narrative. Is everything What time is it visual was why it would be wise supremacy of not is going to Does it matter the circle aids is was begun. Gub attain legally relating it does it matter ignore are. These people ignore and fight against them jets in don't try to their crazy, their lunatics. They are double. down in the police state and the central upon a police state is a disarm populace
yeah yeah and then we discharge, you gotta, dig that our man we got with that its work is a charge vote for you, hard or p ones. You may remember that ours, I think it was ex john twitter, he had this narrative job like this gone white white on white black, on black non black hispanic or at all of the narratives that are pre packaged and it was like a black, a black shoot talk about the kardashians or something that the media is so predict, well right right, exactly it's already ready to go Joe pages habit like three written in the computer. Send that's it return by folks by the way, no one savior, even the richest man in the world, the police Stay s gone absolutely nuclear of real on EU law. Must it says he wants to move twitter towards a more free speech platform, see where that goes on, that that up the mystic, but does it matter even a very implication that he's gonna. Do it all look now the yes he sees investigating tesla wants company. over some house last project,
crazy I've, the abbe folks, the police state, is here right now, here's another one What's your parole livers looking two decades in prison convicted of what? china defend human life outside of human life outside of a light term abortion clinic. This is where we are folks and by the way they are panicking right now, the left over the fact that the rebellions happening right face that article I talked about yesterday about the conservative groups that are planned a roster of tens of thousands of people to move in, the federal government on day one if we take back the white house from the Democrats lay times is already panicking about this story. Conservative groups draw up a plan to dismantle the: u S, government and replace it with terms Is it noticed that dismantling? This is how the What already this is this AP story? I was talking about already rolling with this thing. The l a times People can get all jined up this
Please yes, but notice other already jineta dismantle. Just go about dismantling anything. The conservative, group is our it's a plan to rebuild the united states government when it we're not obligated to rebuild what your people. Here's another way to fight back. For some of you out their movements questions about what can I do? You can show up like a gentleman john, who showed up at the school board meeting and read that pornographic material you can for you can volunteer. You can be an activist you can start now, you're the leaders when waiting for you can run you can donate so you can see on the left. Is the process punishment forever. It's time we Back to favour fox news caliph When you school district gets the double barreled middle finger and asked to settle what a mother after the school quote, transition the daughter without her consent. All really, folks. If any of this is happening, sue
everyone any single any person about the teacher shoe the janitor if they were involved, sue the principle, the assistant principle, so the school district everyone. When people have this our come out of pocket for screw it over people's kids. You are going to see a big ball change in this thing until then, nothing's going to happen, I want you to remember final, no for today show the do matters. The talk is cheap. We ve got to do so I been there. I do not speak to you with forked tongue. do this now and Martin county my own county in Florida we ve got five reply. Fucking commissioners. Unfortunately, four of them are rhinos. They want to tax act is only one holding out, I'm the one out there, I'm going to be the one out there on local radio, exposing these people. I you grab my word on. I do I can locally to you need to go involve locally. We need to start making around beds at all you not registered to vote register. If you're registered, find out when the primary is started.
Plan. Are you gonna get ten more people to the poles? We cannot afford to lose its next election. There is way too much at stake. You are the leaders we ve been waiting for? No one else. Please. This is not a golf game where you can in the middle of the match and the guy placed it's a boxing match. If you give up the other guy, still whooping your ass, there is no giving up. You got country to save, and you live in it right now. It is yours is not theirs. Take it back. Please you all tune in it. Maybe a couple too many cups of black coffee, but it is worth it. Please give us a file when rumble rumbled accomplish mancino join us the chat. Every day I get an early about ten and fifteen I get on eleven o clock above the sea. You hear your country second save itself back here tomorrow, just ten bungee notion,
Transcript generated on 2023-09-01.