« The Dan Bongino Show

SPECIAL: Best of The Dan Bongino Radio Show - 06/30/2023

2023-06-30 | 🔗

We will resume our daily podcast schedule on 07/10/23 with a live show at 11 AM ET. Please enjoy this special compilation of the best segments from The Dan Bongino Radio Show that you may have missed but are definitely worth your time.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Take a break for a sponsors they keep the show free. They want to talk to you. I appreciate you supporting and thank you very much he'll sleep folks. A great day. he's begins with a great night sleep you're on a mattress eight hours a night, you better darn, well make it a good one, because you're not gonna fall into deep sleep if you're not comfortable ass. I call in your bedroom helix offers twenty unique mattress miles for big tall short by even special ones for kids the fine, the perfect fit helix provides one hundred night in homes, slipshod remedies in position. He looks. Is the answer? Memory, foam, hybrid, all the more responsive to the individual, with enhance cooling features to keep you from overheating. Helix is about comfort care and a great night's sleep. My helix mattress, the best I've slept on at midnight lux I have it set up. Is super easy? Don't take my word for GQ in wired magazine him helix a number one mattress take the helix sleep quiz at helix, sleep, dot, com, slashed and and find your perfect mattress in under two It is a bonus. Helix is offering twenty percent of all mattresses and to free pillow step for my listeners.
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It's just like malicious communist agitprop time. Now this isn't even funny I mean there's a we used to laugh at the omega fake news and it's either their fake news is that their active propaganda ministers now they give you a perfect example. What I'm talking about with two stories again, you won, you probably are the other one. You probably have this someone's gonna, be about the january six bomber bomber with airports. Now we ve been told by the media correct the january. Six was the worst insurrection in american history worse than the civil war worse than what was worse event than pearl harbor associate man why gave fort sumter moment this. Is it. Yet the strangest thing is the media never covers the alleged january five january six. bomber dude who live
two bombs in front of the Dnc or rnc. Then I d january fifth into january six, so strange, I mean wooden that advance your story that this is the war Insurrection in human history, but I would write so bad, Bombs were drop. you don't hear about their right. Really. We because an fbi guy had something to say. That'd be a guy had something really important to say about it. You haven't heard much about them, I'm going to get to that in a second. Personally, to get through another story showing you were way beyond clown time with the meat wherein out right, communist propaganda time. Folks, remember the conspiracy theory that the womb han corona virus lab. may have led the corona virus that came from one but
The theory that made sense to like not crazy people right so it is, alas, been worn to do. We have that John stewart thing too big so I guess I just stewards are left to you. I don't particularly like is a gun, grammar and everything, but he on Stephen colbert show On the show is asking simple questions like just to be clear: there's a ro no virus studying lab in in it in move on it's eddie, a history of security issues right documented they have a lady called the bat lady working there and an outbreak of aching, contagious corona virus panes near the lab and move on that study. The corona viruses from bad and democrats because they're so eager to attack trump and protect their choice. these communist party masters their alike
I can't imagine what happened. It came from like a pang way too bad who A bee flew up is bot or something, and they all got a guy at its stung, a humane and everybody's, like really Same people, I you kids, your mom, your dad we're like now I don't really by that it. It sounds to me like that. Correct from the one corona virus lamb? Well, what happened? yesterday. You are you got it. Listen, it is this. What we ve been here, John stewart on colbert, talking about exactly this check this out, but there is a chance of this trade and ladders. Investigation are chance Paul. I don't. I I wonder if they evidence I love to hear novel respiratory, on a virus over king wool and china. What do we do? We could ask the
whew novel respiratory corona virus, lad If the disease is the same name as the lab, that's just that's just a little too weird, don't you think, and then I allow scientists to like how did this so wait a minute Ordered the wooing resin, Growers lab: how did this happen, and there like a pangolin kiss the turtle. I didn't you look at me tonight. Let only zero pages guard show your pages guard. Oh, I work at the corona virus like all good
is the coronavirus losing WU and how did that abbott? Maybe a bat flew into the claw wake of a turkey and then sneezed into my chili, and now we all have colorado but wait a second alright, oh my god. Oh my god, there's been an outbreak of chocolatey goodness near Hershey pennsylvania. What do you think happened like oh, I dunno, maybe as steam, shovel mated with a cocoa bean or chocolate factory. Maybe that said that could be I don't even like that? Guy not at all begun grabber, but even left, these extra, where, like we just to be clear, you guys are unclear where this virus came from. You got a lab.
That's engaged and gain a function. Research would back, derive corona viruses. may be working with people from the united states on the issue that today history, biosafety lab security issues, and the chinese communist party shall travel big down around the while lab at the time of the alleged outbreak and then the entire community back and twenty twenty one reported on people sick and yesterday this is treated like breaking yours or why cause this crazy. Look. What happened there! page effort is that had leaked from the lab and conservatives are like what really. Now do you It's late. You idiots report this together now to be fair fox and I've about our bees, and did you get that but found in twenty twenty one covered,
story about our intelligence community, saying that people got sick at the lamb, so this It's brit hume and bread bear yesterday making fun of the lefties who called this thing a bret baier velveeta that really like a big comedian on a year right. The guy as the news he doesn't do opinion stuff right here? Is bread bear Bread you MIKE look at these. Love to call this a conspiracy that they will never talk about this evidence. Now that this thing came from the lab, if they don't have to nobody or pressure them to the left, loves being lied to and they love being treated like idiots. Like stephen colbert check this out, if you look back at the time what was being talked about in the media about
in fact our reporting on the early stages of origins of coven. This is some of that ticketless. The far right has now found into one virus. Conspiracy, theory, a lotta people, love that phrase escape from the lab because it sounds like something from marvel movie are common, but don't try to spool up some of whoever was wearing ten tinfoil hats in your audience. These conspiracy theorists are still saying things that are going to be extraordinarily dangerous for this country, and these places are not covering the new evidence for the story as it develops well and it's understandable on a human level of they wouldn't because it makes them makes them so many of them. If not all, look so bad. So who now two story comes out that a cup of web workers and by the way the source is saying a hundred percent got sick with
symptoms right around the time. This thing emerge to lab workers in the lab, we'd symptoms of the corona virus and everybody in the left. We media is a woman who is approved we get the natural pills? What kind of frequent dip? Why Are we dealing with that? It really took you to want to figure it out. The theatres. Of course it didn't take this law. It didn't Take this long. They already knew. What do you mean? They lie to yeah stayed. Why do you that's what the media does principle liberal listening to my show you're welcome. what you're still here, Do they know your dumb they did. they can tell you anything to people, upon donald trip. There is a tape. I'm getting peter by hookers. How come you haven't seen? It
Is it doesn't exist, not always there. It's definitely the putin as it, but not prosaic. sounds good, The growth of ours came from pangolin doing the deed without whither are yours poverty somewhere better do yeah. Do we actual evidence? No none, but we do. Evidence of a lab studying carogne of our soon move on where it broke out right, You got donald rob sucks. This is how breaking stupid stupid everybody on the left? Is You can tell them this stuff for every day or so far. King, dumb. It was like the collar we had yesterday. The under the show I appreciate called liberals are always welcome to try. The baby about abortion check on ro choice about pro abortion. The choice to do what
to have an abortion. What's an abortion its ending a pregnancy not on all is a lot of things that end pregnancies, miscarriages or not. It's killing a baby in the womb right, germany, yeah and that's But you want to do it anyway. Well, we can't stop. Bad things, what we try dolly region, the lady no idea what this is, because liberals are just not smart, they think nothing. Through wherever they are, the most superficial idiot you have ever seen go to one area, grundy concert or whatever and area is a way. arise, store gaze. I don't know what s the corset like. We were right, women don't have rights. No, they do. I just made that offered a concert as it sounds good. that area at the what was acted that paramour wide, never even heard of that law congress really gets up on their roads? Is references Yeah I plan to this.
there's a fascist, just to be clear Taxes in Florida gave you back more of your money. That's fascism is usually fast take more power. He enacted stay wide school joys to lead parents, not the government pick where two kids go through that doesn't that sounds like anti fascism. To me. call me crazy, but it sounds like the opposite. But it doesn't matter liberal, or more roads, they are stupid they. or areas you can tell them anything. They won't believe anything but first you Roy perry. Joe Biden and his team, what a ban gas stones they want to tell you cookies for any trouble. The fascist, that's real Wanna take away your gas stove pipe which, with
whelming red tape, so you can never build one again and yes, Publicans or the fascist. California is looking at legislation to allow kids to cut their not solve and finding ways to do it around the parents, permission and the prices. you were idiots weren't completely. Apparently, all aware that there is a move on lab, studying bad corona viruses, where the bat corona virus leak from. A new treating this yesterday is breaking news to people got sick, Why do I say treating it as breaking news. because, if you just would have read the wall street journal date, march. Twenty third, twenty twenty one Jimmy
check that date. Is it twenty twenty three just wanna be sure you are. Are you are This piece from the wall street journal stated march: twenty third, twenty twenty one which carry my master was two years ago, which we reported on. I believe maybe on this radio, show much if we were up and running, but definitely on my podcast. intelligence on six staff at stafford, whew lab fuels. The debate on covert nineteen origin reports, as researchers want to hospital in november twenty nineteen shortly before the corona before the coronavirus outbreak, two calls reproach of whether the virus escaped the lab. So again, if you listen to my show- and you are not a liberal, which means you're, probably smart and not a dip, why like these liberal morons: we have to live with in this country, the stupid his sons, you ve ever seen in your life. You know about this. Two years ago,
whew on lab workers got sick with a move on symptom, corona virus infection. But here liberal media people, just allegedly court found this out yesterday. Did you find it They knew this the whole time they can read the same story from twenty twenty one. I did they just make. No mistake. No they're audience are the dumbest s so bees you ve ever seen in your life and they believe anything. You tell them. Rachel mad. I can tell you donald trump colluded with the russians, for seven years of your life, You will listen to what outright fictitious lie without a shred of evidence that has never been produced. You'll believe, there's a ppp tape, and there's an infected tangle in running around infecting people all over china. Your believe, all of this and will never occur to you, that you live your life like one of the
Most s so bees on planet or it'll, never people will laugh at you in generations. But you are proud yourself now, you told the liberal lie baby. Stupid all the way through where was a we're, were here where warlords like? That's like your line. Why do we have to live with these idiots james? I gotta know, but you need to take a break get it, but why do we have to live with these stupid people? Can you just go to a blue state and leave us all alone. Just leave us alone and we don't want to, but I'm going to bother you just don't bother just go away. Motley crew said girl don't go away. Mad just go folks feel. The greens I need has been a rough week for you, ve, no idea. Folks field of greece field agrees. I take this stuff twice a day. This is the feel the greens, better health promise. You doctor glances uppermost
hopefully says hey. What ever you doing, keep it up feel degrees chicken customer testimony could very well be might have been taken, the greens a second time my doctors dance into the room, placing my praising my blood results. Credit where credit is due feel that what is filled with it is a fruit and vegetable blend of healthy wholesome clean fruits and vegetables ground up into a fine tasting powder? This is wild berry, there's a lemon lime flavor as well. It is fantastic. Good nutrition supports your heart, your lungs, your kidneys, your body, folks, your metabolism keep the key to your good. Health is good, solid nutrition and, if you're busy did not get it Not exercise your out on the road alot reading too much I food take feel the greens, it's your vegetable and fruit insurance,
feel the greens can't promise your doctoral dancer to your room, but they can promise at your next checkup I'll bet. Your doctor will notice you improve health and good nutrition or your money back. I trust feel I trust, feel the greens for my health and you can too I take it twice a day and love it. Let me get you started with fifteen percent, but a brick house interests and our complex dan use. Promo code then pick up field agreed today as promo code dan at brick house and attrition dotcom slashed aunt, don't miss out the stuff. It's really get started today. Wait another that ok folks, so it with all the controversy right now with doktor peter hotels and should he debate on Joe rogue in are asking a junior wanted the debate, and we have heard the story and all this stuff about the vaccine, unwanted debate, the back seat. I like a source of true the guy I've, always trust. It has been a guess how my podcast on my show when I was there so really great. All around guy wanted to have back on the radio show for you, doc,
Peter mccullough da doc. Welcome back to the show appreciative come on back to having me, of course, so dark. I listen, I'm worried. I just want to be candid with you, I'm worried. I took the vaccine. Two doses of pfizer. I've been terrified about it ever since I took an early on you know this I have told you before had lymphoma time got scared whenever will say that for another day, but scared, and a lot of my listeners are too they're. Sending me questions for you. Tons of an first question: is there some? data. They came out in this science direct our com and their say, and that the risk of Myra cardenas routines was no higher than other vaccinations and it was actually significantly higher in tweet teens, twelve, seventeen you're covert, then after the vaccine. What what do you make? It says this is this? Is this a robust study? We should be looking at well,
to that in a minute. Let's just address your situation, dances. Last time I talk to you. A really critical paper was published in the first author is mowing and colleagues from denmark. They had all the pfizer administration data and all the side effects. They figured out that there are three risk groups for the lots: the batches of vaccines that come from the companies and the first group about a third of All they have zero side effects zero. I mean none, another two thirds. They have some moderate side effects like us. or on for a day or two, and then nothing happens after that men. Sadly, there is a third group, four point, two percent of all doses. This side effects are through the roof. My cardenas blood what's stroke, immediate death. So what we ve learned is your fault Well, you're, probably in one of the groups, were nothing's going to happen in it's because you got lucky. We think some of the batches are basically guts, four loaded with messenger irony, aggregation of liberty enterprises
have been contaminated with sea dna or other contaminants they're not inspected by the company under EU way, there's no inspections for cloudy purity or safety. So I think, that's importantly important now with my in writing. I have to tell you I'm a cardiologist, I'm seeing this every day in the office, there's over two hundred peer reviewed publications on it and the bottom line is covered. Nineteen vaccine causes more my occurred, edison. Anything we ve ever seen applause away other backs Means with covered nineteen for the vaccines who just a handful of cases, no serious cases. Now there are fatal covered. Nineteen vaccines marker died, is all over the place. Recent paper by choice, in college from korea for hunter eighty one cases did twenty. One of these kids died. Two spiteful like some work, Doc I mean- I trust you on this, because I don't understand what you would be getting out of this. You will
world renowned, respected doctor in your space used Can nothing but incoming from the start, not people? just harassed. You they ve tried to ban you shut you up. I don't care what You ve gotten out of this a good people who attack you. This do you have no incentive to do not toe the company line here other than truth, so chauffeur people listening and respect you like me in the audience few are in that third say Third, that is going to suffer some significant side effect from this vaccine m are in fact seen the dock. Is there any thing. They can do. There's all kinds of stuff on the internet about not a kind ace in lumber, chinese and baby aspirin meet a guy. I know you're not talking to specific, just in generalities your thoughts on that way. So let me get it clear- can there there is a high risk group, but it's not. A third is only four point. Two percent is only four point, two percent, so there's a third where nothing happens, but my mother lot. She took too
and she's. Ninety years old. She didn't even feel it to this day. She was, she doesn't know what the big deal is, because it's so benign and Words have some mild side effects. It's four point: two percent, this tiny fraction where the action is, but what we've learned is there are some risk mitigation strategies can't make any therapeutic claims, but really really good preclinical data from japan. This spike protein that gets installed with the vaccines in with covered the body can't clear it out itself. The body doesn't of its own decorate events. I was because, despite protein is actually genetically engineered to be resistant, it was engineered in the blue him lab in china as well. we found out in the investigations, so the japanese, figured out that an enzyme called neto kindness which is derived from the fermentation of soy with bacteria oh bacillus, sumptuous narrowed it has health benefits. Anyway. It's been used over thousand years the japanese, if you get eaten it for about ten. Here's that uses a cardiovascular supplement its a mile blood thinner, but it real.
ably dissolves despite protein. This is encouraging were seen. Patients now start to get better with Iraq bothy in a variety of problems, blood clots in about three months of use so this is great news. Another natural substance called brahmin. It's also an enzyme derived from the stems of pineapples its noble over the counter in pre clinical studies. Again it partially two lapses by protein then arise randomize trial using Kerr cumin also had very positive effects on people who have had covered in taken aback seem isn't an interesting that the natural products were finding useful against such an unnatural. Well, protein that the dog- that's fantastic news, because my elixir before I come on. The air is black tee, I put a little feel degrees of vegetable supplement I put
those sir cumin dandelion product le maire with my matter colonies, my fish oil and my course it in and promptly- and I didn't even know before sizes of magic cocktail. You'd make it. I was very worried before this conversation. I feel a lot better now, but another question I get from people say again and thank you for the correction you're in that four percent group. God forbid, at you, you ve, had a significant problem of the american maxie is a good day image, occurs to the heart tissue in that department. right? I mean you may not be it may not be deadly, but that that's not going to fix it. So, no not to denote we're studying the in children now, and there was a paper that years before, covered by a german, investigator brockman and colleagues. As long as it's not a heart attack due to decreased blood flow, the heart can recover. the damage that occurs after various things. So
following this now here's the issue jenna shower, whose researchers published two papers in internal pediatrics, the kids. sustaining such large areas of damage what she's report, is there not all return into normal work. anything more than fifteen percent of the left, ventricles big area. Now, there's a recent paper from yale out Showing Emma arise about a year later, but twenty percent are back to normal, but eighty percent still show some damage. So I have to tell you in this four point: two percent percent myocarditis heart attack stroke blood as they need to see a cardiologist and they need advanced prescription treatment. We're talking, doktor peter Mccullough, terrific guy. A man who is a true teller world renowned cardiologists than a guide trust than this topic. Doc, Another question I got during the break in it lit up when I told people you will come and on asia,
the ten twenty questions I probably got two hundred one of them is miserable. Is there any value they do? They love you or is there any value in the treponema test, which would indicate some kind of heart damage? There is In fact, it's buzzing around the internet, not right. Now a paper from basel switzerland, christian Miller, who is a friend of mine senior arthur about the two point? Eight percent. nurses, who took a booster, had a rise in the bloodshed and indicated some micro heart damage, but two point: eight percent again it fits with the same data from smelling. Yes, we who use such upon in the high sensitivity. It is an acute test of heart damage. So when I see a kid for Curtis. I order that plus mother blood tests, ecology, echo mri were able to figure it out, but again it it takes advanced testing to do it, people need to know is that if they skip the shots, they don't have to go through all this. I wish I was in that boat dark now,
If another question I got again, which relates to me, I would have asked it myself: we're seeing some weird data on on cancer developments. A cancer in the last four years now is that, due to people not seeing positions during the covert locked down, the confounding variables in here are legion. We get that but Is there any evidence out there you seen in the papers you reviewed, acting as Emma knave vaccines to elevate rates, a cancer as we sit here today, everyone agrees. Cancer rates are skyrocketing that that's for sure everywhere the well, but the issue is What is it? Is it delayed and screening detection during the lock downs or is it or something new in the population covert or the vaccines juries out, then, in the medical literature right now on that rated, a call cancer risk.
I I do agree with the f d, a and the f D, a says: vaccines cause microdosing the heart damage they cause stroke and they cause blood clots and immunologic problems. That's bad enough! So I'm not ready to call cancer right now, but racer are you always call balls and strikes? We don't get a doctor you two mccullough dogma, question I get more mobile one might get from the health community health and this community? A lot of people where these are these bio monitors, you know, or rings and apple watches. I wear one myself, I'm I'm here, I'm I'm just obsess the thing to be honest with you, hiv score. The heart rate, very ability score, has been a really big thing in the fitness community, the higher the score, the better you hearts more resilient, I noticed after I took the vaccine, and it may just be that saying it's causal may just be correlated, but I notice my hr v score went down dramatically. I've actually spoken to you about this before and that's kind of got kind of scared. The hell out of me
is that have anything to do with it or is it just apples and oranges? No, that's a legit observation. Ghent, the vaccine influences the autonomic nervous system. Sympathetic comparison, pathetic guesswork governs the heart rate variability in an exaggerated cases, the vaccine victims they incur disease called parts where the blood pressure can and heart rate is way out of regulation. So these. These monitors apple. Why watches cartier been very helpful to us? I think anybody easily questions they should use and report to their doctor a cardiologist good advice, question, doc, don't get a doctor mccullough doc, The value of nutrition obviously is self evident in fruits and vegetables. Healthy diet lean meets healthy fats. We all get that, but for people out there our concern that they may have some hard damage may be from the vaccine, maybe from something different may be from both we don't know
The importance of things like selenium in these these essential minerals, You know these are really critical. I mean if you really feel you're worried, you should be extra hyper, focused on a good exercise plan and solid nutrition and getting those essential, minerals and correct. I agree: You know when the harp muscles weekend, what we call khartoum apathy, I will tell tee recommend additional. Compliments, including selenium carnage, team de rye, both be vitamins such as he can find these combination products. One with a company called While this company I advisers heart, supplement that I basically helped and guide them. what together when I recommend my practice anyway. It really matters, while we ve learned, is that the immune system is our first line of defence and out of my subject today, huge news and vitamin d draw people who have been. invite vitamin d. They are protected against developing diabetes,
they achieve a high vitamin d level like a seventy six percent per protection against developing diabetes? This is big news doc. You know it's crazy about that. Diabetes runs in my family. Nearly everyone has had it. I have not neither type one are tied to I have been taking vitamin d and k to since how had eighty years old with a big glass of milk every day. So that's great news doctor the company you so hard product, the wellness company, like company who go to Tito. You see that health in yonder and alternative healthcare system they offer interest articles, the supplements they tell him medicine to everybody, hot country, a system of a general provision end community pharmacies they treat covered in and long covert vaccine injury system in a really abroad. fresh air, their available through a computer. system a twenty four hour. Seven wellness company to you see that health awesome dark and check
doktor peter mccullough sub stack follow among social media Eight hundred thousand followers, it's for a reason: thanks. So much for your time is such a good man really appreciate. Thank you. So much thank trap. Me. You ve got it. That's where I go and I want to know the truth folks and I don't want to spend calls balls and strikes, because I know he says so like algae and these others when they don't know they just guess what? Just? Why are we told you to wear masks and we were just messing with it? but there was a lot of good news and that interview with doktor mccullough good news in that would she even amiss guy is taken on a lotta slings and arrows folks, you know it's some guy, my facebook, who was I crap and my god. I don't believe these go well. You'd, listen brother! You do whatever you want! I'm just telling you right now that guy's, a good man and a decent man who has taken a toll on of slings and arrows this speak against vaccine propaganda from this start, but he could,
Is it like? He sees it any he he doesn't know one answer to a question. I tell you and I respect that I respect that yes, you should definitely be out there get yourselves or a ring yourself, one of those watches, and you should be monitoring this stuff is no reason not to its help me A time I was like a hawk, will be right. currently enjoying the show on the stitched up. Then you need to know. Sticker is going away on august, twenty nine yup going away as in conflict, guy's, dead, rest in peace dinner and thanks for fifteen years of service to the pod cast community, so switch to another pine cast out then follow this show their apple spotify or wherever you listen,
and to get something off your mind calling for for for the usa and left and now a four four for a four three eight seven to the dam bond geno show the railway to go all the way across the atlantic ocean, the indian ocean, the plans to build a railroad from the pacific all the way across the? U s may occasionally to hijack the shell for various things he puts together as a good one Biden's mystery ocean training, and nobody knows what the hell he's talking about by the way corinne jean pierre was just asked a question about.
The criminal in the white house, Joe Biden and obvious criminal? This point by the standard measure of evidence. And of course she did, which he always there, which is what We got to refer other councils of the woman just as incapable of answering a question so embarrassing. It really is Pathetic at this point, if you want, give us a calm aid for four for aid for three eight seven to eight for four for the: u s is a number. We take your calls this. We also take your questions in our equally questions for danzig, men, you submit them on low goals are true social. On thursday night I met bon gino on both I did read through these in advance today, so I am, just go and at this wrong, so Debbie error. Hurrah hurrah! who up in new york city, if you know you know terms like what
you target him at the unite. You know that you know where I'm going. Oh db, I can't tell you what that stood for there. All add hydro shock dan, Do you utilise threat assessment processes? In your travels with all the hate against you do you worry or your family yeah? I do and yes I do, I do some little things. First, any time, I'm sitting in a restaurant. I want to look at the door, and also. places we go regularly. My wife and my kids know the instructions more people in an emergency folks. I think of you in extremely long. Winded answer, sadly, will attack to flee whether it's a fire or god forbid gunshots break out most people upwards of ninety percent of whom will try to flee through the eggs same door. They came in if there's a door literally right next to them, that's
emergency? They will try to fully it's it's a flight impulse. We all have when nervous system kicks in a stressful situation can overrides. Why, when you, if you go to say the rhode island night club disaster, you'll, see them as a back door. To that place is a backdoor to every place. Folks, every is pretty much as a back door, yet fire breaks out every piles on each other at the front door and almost no one's at the back to because they all came in the front door So whenever you go in a place, I always make a point. this measure. I go to a place of into look we're all the other doors are because, if you look at it in your brain processes. It god forbid, there's an emergency you'll, be you! we will probably have a free pass out it sad but if there's a fire or something no one's going to go to the door in the kitchen in the restaurant, in the back, no one, but you and the workers, so yeah. I do that and an arm. I try not to travel in too many places that have super high threat levels.
You know we had a forest protection unit, the secret service. Even we had people protecting us so at least for a little bit. So I yeah I do that. All the time and do I worry for my family. I do I do I we ve had a few. incidents at the house, but luckily and gems. But over my house, I live on an island. So the car Sound here in the islands are amazing. Yeah I mean literally like on an island and has like his like only couple ways in and cobb seer, the crime radios degrees zero, because you have to have it thicker. You're, always sticker. Everybody got a nose right away. So, if you show up at my house it's only but seconds before the cops, no, you shouldn't be here so I worry, but we ve got good cops and I have a really great security system and good security. Folks to sorry I was alliance. At center poet. I just read the names
so you're going to sound like a off my Magee Magruin or something like that. I just reading aims I just read than if there is any self magruin and live chat, everyday admirable. they're dead. How many countries have you been to thirty six, which was your favorite besides, america, Jordan, petra, Jordan, the lost city of petra is the most amazing thing. I have ever seen in my life I strongly encourage you you. Stay in a minor low. There is, I think, a healthy in or a merry out down, thereby petra. You could say by it is amazing. You lost city of pressure. If you ve seen Indiana jones, the law crusade at the end, when they found the chalice and they were given that the building carved into a mountain the lost city, a petra. That's the treasury, their walk in it, but there's nothing in there. it's just an empty room. Indiana Jones watch it and it has like this big lie outside just a rope posing a clause.
It is amazing, the thirty six I should be able to name them all, but not anymore, indonesia, russia, close place, I Canada, mexico, japan, china, vietnam, she's, I really do they all kind of just blended folks. Trinidad and Tobago. What else panama yeah, argentina, lumber, yeah a lot better, a lot of countries I'd see at med ccs springer. Why is ds fighting jake Paul boxing? Is it just money d, as would destroy piloted mme fight, not interested in watching butterby? in Paul something out paper was a man. People live, fights boards and yet it's for the money. Whatever I do, I'm not knocking thanks for the question med cc as springer, I'm not messing with you, but what's the problem with that?
this is what they do for a living topic box the guy for money that people pay. I try to be as smart as with did that's what they do we're living in europe it's it's interesting! What's it? I only say that I suggest that you are saying this at all, because some nice liberals or region me in the questions and facebook is starving. They'll take a shadowy. You'd is due this for the money. Well, for one it's true I actually ran for office. Three times had been an active is pretty much my whole life. But yes, I get aid for those. Why everyone else gets paid to do up every day, sorry that bothers your delegate, sensibilities liberals, add theo karlsson. What Your color corvette. Did you own manual or automatic minds at three thousand two electron blue metallic speed loved the shell. Thank you, theo I had a two thousand one target top
corvette which I am absolutely love the little water fallen back. I Be it be try flow exhaust it was a man you all know, that should be automatic. That should be illegal. I think it is illegal and sixty seven countries it's a death penalty in tat of em. You shouldn't have that future Corvette you should drive the car now I met all the corvette. gotta tabs was a little better. Looking back then got kind of. Leathery face now now not like leather faces. So saw a masker guy, just little older in little more so Pepper and hair and everything but Back in my young days, I was a little bit better. Looking leave it right there. Buzz, young guy in a single attic orbit, today I knew I should marry paula because he was the only one who couldn't have cared any less backed enemy
Gorka was young twenty year old, single secret service guy, you know, did the homework at a hey. She, you know what I'm saying and I squatted bates pick him up in a corvette and they'd, be like a nice car, pretty cool. All of us like, what's that these core reykjavik are nice, gives a hooker she's like all good you really I just I can I learned how to drive. Stick shift arctic. It was a manual. So I let you do that as I really liked her lot. In the meantime, I suffered every second I Ah- my gosh. She tortured the clutch. My car and clutching carvers. I do in a wide press, and I must have really been in love, she was
is that supposed to make that sound, like ok, okay, sweetheart sake, as I'm cry like this, like you have a kleenex The crazy thing is a car got hit in front of her house two months after I met her got sides. Why bad? And I bring it into a body shop, guy and a body. I was so in love with his car, with a b try flow as I had all wax hurry. He's like forget a man. He is a fixture cargoes. I wanna buy it. I wanna buy right now go get the title and dead I bought a shabby thou after I saw the term right He pulled thirty thousand dollars out of a safe water right there. I went down to amalgamate begged paid off the loan, but one but a shabby tat, never other sports car again, but there change you now I got Plans comin up our at sea. This is John galled speaking now. Let's public service and that's the name in the guise of this question. Do you
talked anybody's, who are still in federal law enforcement about how they cope with the corruption and double standards. Yes, and they are pissed, but I'll. Tell you what their pissed about even more, It's not just the double standards that drives him crazy. When I hear about more often than not from my body You are still Feds and cops. They can't take de I woke crap anymore. They can't take it the online training courses once every couple weeks here if the proper use of these ge, Xiao, Xiao, pronoun and the dudes are like, I don't want to hear it. I don't want to hear it anymore. They just through as soon as they can. They click drew that they didn't want to hear it didn't want to be bothered with their driving. you're crazy with this. If that's what I hear about more than aiming at act annexes hey there, maybe a broad question: what's your personal philosophy for business and that's a good one I've been involved in a lot of businesses. Luckily most of them have been successful but
I try not to get involved in businesses that I don't fully on stan. my biggest mistake with. That was, let me just say it. If I don't understand the business. I need to understand the people. If I don't understand the people, I need to understand the business you got me. My biggest mistake was probably parlour Now, because the businessman business model was gray, the mistake there was, I didn't, fully understand the tec. We had a lot of people. We were way too, and I was warning but, and I didn't understand, the people are well. That was a mistake. Rumble was different
Although I did not fully understand the tec, I'm in it was a video sign. I understood that I understand what servers do, but understood the people. I understood the people. but you better. No one of those I fully understand the business to keep the person in check. Well you better fully understand the person to keep the business and check that's the best advice I can give you on that add bs k. Why, then, which hang on manufacturers your favorite? Why waste? I love sig sauer. I have it two nine nine millimeter, I adore will be used in the secret service when I was there than what use him any more. I love that gun. I have a threesome the five with a hollow son optic. On top that I carry that's my carry gun, I love the gonna, have the new one? The latest did the next generation of it. I love it. Having said that, the pit viper, and the sand viper from
the tv I I need one of these. I need one of these in my life staff, So I am looking around. I got some effort, Fell friends of mine sniffing around, like Joe Biden, is our kids involving theirs. around I'm gonna get my hands on one of those sandpipers suit. I can't say why, for example, shouted yet but sig. I love sick, some blocks due to great nothing against clocks there really great I'd like you to pull the trigger it will take the thing apart. I kind of merit and rifles. Obviously I mean Henry's spy. Through the show. But if you look at like a rugged, throw around like this the nice to have you just nothing. You get hammer details with that day. Still giving a huge straight. Daniel the feds to having a londoner, all pretty good sig is my my carry less this sand. Riper blessing get my met, someone of those babies, let's go to the phones.
Take rachel rachel you're on the damage you know show what eager for us I'm telling you that I am the relaxed threeam lady, what what that's the way it yes, why is this really the relaxing lady melanoma? real meal will watch the only where were you just said. The key word do because one of the rare I have to tell you I have watched europe, you you're on fox news more than I am now. So that's why it's a long story for another day, but I Are you in commercial, and I am because but in this business awhile I dont really by a lot of stuff off commercials. You know- and you are so relax. Your mom, like I gotta, try this now, it actually work for peace, and you get a real person, you're ebbs. How did you
How did this work out? Do you call the miss showed in someone know so moderate this ahead of this work is on fascinated that your ear I a guy that knows a guy. Razor. Listen, I guitar Do you all day, I love that relaxing commercial and I loved the end where you, like you, put a real point area like axiom, is the real? yo, you just said the real deal thing. That's when I closed it for me that you're there you are the real deal, rachel man, love have any thank you for causes so nicely to call an area anything for our audience. I got about thirty seconds left alternative view. Anything you need to say Ok, what I have to say to you is that relax him where the miracle for us with a miracle that we desperately needed and we want you to try it actors meriting it is. I neurophysiologist created something that has been helping people sleep for a long time. Now is the time for you to pick up the phone guys and
relax humor, go to the internet and do something because I'm telling you it is well known for rachel. Are you telling them? That's all? I want to know our youth and re one more day. One more thing is this: you still there rachel. I only got twenty seconds left It doesn't bother you that we usually where we use your I'm telling you does it cause. I love it is my favorite. They knew there are some areas. We love it's all right thanks recall what a way to close out the we I'm telling you I'll, be On monday, you just heard in bonn. Gino share.
Transcript generated on 2023-07-01.