« The Dan Bongino Show

Shocking Signs About The 2024 Election (Ep 2095)

2023-09-25 | 🔗

In this episode, I address the shocking new polls and electoral trends leading up to 2024.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Lady. Do he's a truce about america on his shoulders, not immune to the banks with your host and bones. You know we get a plea for you: it wasn't insane weaker. We did a book signing in naples, absolutely pack, the five hundred people showed up. It was so crazy, I'm sorry adding to spend more time what everyone but You all are so great. I love you just do the math, though, if you even spend a minute right with everyone's five hundred minutes a bookstore with have closed. So I trying to do my best with so many great people showed up had so many nice things to say they weaken, update a b In dream powder, you know I've been raving about his hot cocoa for sleep. I trust and love the brands founded by athletes. Science backed ingredients. I use it get up to forty percent off when you go to shit beam, thou com, slash bonds. You know you called mancino check out that shop being ba m thou com, punch. You use cold bonds. You know I got that big weekend.
They are doing this on purpose. The danger, the trumps life, the danger, the trump people around trumps people. I got a stack show for you today, including an exposure and they're watching right now. Welcome the cat lady. I know she loves me, I don't it you know it's weird: it's like a little glass, calos boiling bunny type stuff for those you grew up in the eighties. It's slightly weird but we are this weekend showing you. The sorrows, sexual predator, hip machine and other f your kids and they freaked out folks these two lunatics are losing their minds, is gonna, be a crazy banana show here, sleep dot, com slashed and a great night's sleep begins with a great day begins with a great night's sleep, you're missing out you're, not sleeping on a helix like I do. Helix offers twenty unique mattresses for big tall short wide special ones for kids device.
perfect fade. Helix provides a wanted to night in homes. Sleep, china matter, you sleeping position, he looks is the answer, memory from hybrid, all the more responsive to the individual within schooling, features to keep you from overheating. He was all about. for care and a great, I see my heels, matters is the best I have slept on. The set up was fast and easy. Don't you My word for jijiu and wired magazine of named helix, their number one mattress. Take the he'll sleep quiz at here. C g, l, he'll sleep dot come slash, dan, find the perfect mattress view it two minutes is a bonus twenty percent of all mattress odors and to freedom most of my listeners go to helix sleep, dot, com slashed and their best offer yet and won't last long, helix sleep, dark arms last year with helix, better, so It starts out Joseph remain yak monday by the way. Yes, it is sir, and thank you Joe, I gotta churches, We can show, don't tell me nothin,
I'm sitting in church listening to the great father Marty, and I look up and Paul as I Elvis is on the drums and MIKE Elvis is dead. This, oh Elvis. What are you talking about here? at its Joe Joe play the jobs it your jaw like. What's a guy from zeppelin John Paul John by john bonham, John Paul Jones, I don't even know anybody that a major player did that's the baseball, whilst on my crazy, ok, there's always be chosen. and I'm like look at Joe tearing it up so great job. Seldom attaches to have him with gm. Guys are really pleased to give that. Thank you yet, and we were pleased to hear you as the rest of our policy and more uncanny. Florida was so big an update. I was obviously part of it. So I had a pact book scientist we can. Thank you all for coming out. Thank you to Ruth who drove from ohio or food from ohio to naples, far different bauxite, Yes, there was a guy there. Forgive me! I forgot you name you set, as you were, walking away my hearings that their good he flew from seattle, seattle, soda naples,
as I do the only father place. I think you can come from in the ice age just like alaska and he flew there. So I was really honoured and this sweet girl brightly gave me bracelet PA gino. So thank you briarley. How does it look on me? I looked at ego a bad ass right. Thank you Brian! she's gone right here on my desk for myself and one of the most important things that to me and is young autistic man. Let me the front doors aims name he painted this for me and I am read the the whole letter mom, wrote me a letter saying thank you taken the time to say my son's book. Young man, you mad as artistic blind nonverbal and has a rare genetic disorder with no cure. I know They don't know her life expectancy, sheep, I am assured, apparently, fora for his birthday, I always non communicative. He works very hard and worked very hard on this picture and JOA. I want you to know, I don't want to get choked up here cause I was so. It was such a pleasure meeting the sky that he calls friday
is ah good day, sir friday's after producer re, so AJ, I you know, we got your picture, it's going right here in my office matter of fact right now it will be a permanent fixture and now this studio and any future, thereby gino studios. Listen you mean the world to me. I don't waste your time in a monday at a busy newsday I dunno what's going to happen, there's a lot going on. I know I sent out a lot of tweets this weekend and was watching the chat I am now, there's a lot going on in my life, I mean to sound cryptic by this a lot going on behind the scenes in in front of the scenes in the middle of the scenes in it deleted scenes and under the rector's carter, the movie and are, Sometimes I'm just Norma was driving home from naples. After you know four hours sign in books in meat and great people in
it just to see genuine people in a business. It's so and full of phonies all the time to see people who can from ohio. Seattle non community. What your testing child, who painted this painting for me, brightly for this brace, listen. You know I ran into a cancer survivor and Sarah forgive me again. I only heard your name as you walked away, but he was crying as he walked away and we kind of our eyes met others he was walking away, and I just want you to know too. Like I love you, man guys mean a lot to me. You know just stob is such a fake business with so many fake losers out there- and I was talking to my body- sean com is more show and are.
You know he saw my tax and he's like you want to talk like that as a real friend or care about his politics. I don't give a shit. What you think about this show was anything like that. The guys a friend of me forever, and I was so few people like that human mark, who call me and been with me, We disagree on a lot of stuff. You know that I know that, but he's always been afraid of me, and I was heard this week and bad. I want a boy you in my life. But I ran into a prisoner to a guy just got out of the pan another one. Said, you know me and my guys, listen to you in the pen, it brother open to man. Don't let that day. you did that got you in there, the fine you we ve all been wrong by some one and have done wrong by someone else. I want you know everybody in the pan, sittin in jail, if you're willing to repent and live a better life, like I'm sure
do every day and you're doing your best. God forgive you too. You got a spot on this place, man, all those people out there, misfits was people, often in anywhere feeling I trust anyone want you to know this, isn't the fake show you got a home here scars and oh man, I'm a messed up dude. I had a lot of shit going on and a good old time. You know that is real, so thank you. I told you be a pack weekend update. Sorry got a little emotional air, just the guy with cancer. I just don't let it define you man, we all got an expiration date. Every single one of us there's some listen to the show right now is going to die in the next month. You know they don't live like that. You'll be dead soon. A lot of me too maybe but don't live like you're dying, woke up in the morning.
Gas at day I'd. I got a lot to talk about folks, serbs and of along open but I just wanted to show you open it up. The show that again, what they're doing right now is dumping done on purpose to destruction of the united states of america. Right now is being done deliberately, you are living through right now it is a spiritual fight. It may manifests itself as an economic one, a border fight, a political fight, a Democrat, verse, republican fight. It is none of those things this is it beards will fight. It is a mannequin spiritual fight of Adverse versus evil and Taken me a long time to realise that, and you know otherwise guys on twitter or dan. Wake up wake up to the honestly go fuck yourself, god like I ran for office three times understanding we were in a brutal fight for this country, but I dont know What you understand what I saw in these last few weeks, how bad things really are
you tell us, I have. I been creep an amount between china and other selma keeping anything from you, but there are some things. Obviously, because I'm you know, I have different Access to people who trusts me would stop. If someone says to you is a house, I need to share something with you really disturbing, but I you don't say anything kind of scumbag goes on the air. Was this guy told me that I cant do I can only warn you that things are really bad and worse than you think,. I don't know I'm never going to violate anyone's trust who shares in with with stuff with me, or else I'll, never be able to share with you how bad things are. Folks, Donald trump life is in danger. I've set it a thousand times the matrix against. Donald trump is severe me her karlsson, Megan Kelly talked about it. They talk of making Kelly about it last week on her show to people
In the no understand I have been told, I understand things whether you believe it or not the left wing media. I exactly zero shits. I the left wing. Scum media. I dont care at all what you think. but I just want to show you improving to you again how this is all done on purpose in is malicious. These People do not care of donald trump. Is fish we hard or worse, here's the new york times September. Twenty fourth is that what cities that area? I don't even know the bit that can air yesterday and it were real I was yesterday this came out yesterday as trump as move forward threat, It concerns increase, so the new at times. Maggie haberman was a joke, obviously gold, men and even bigger joke alan fewer glenn dressing, gosh made it took four people write this article, the gist article is as these criminal cases against trump move forward that here
rhetoric is going to lead to a dangerous situation for georgia and stuff. Like that, ok this thing, how they come to that hypothesis with very little evidence. Any that's true, and yet me again a former secret service agent who likely maintains a network of sea, If begin contacts in this staff, space and others right who did this living I tell you. The threat to donald trump is very real. Just like the new york times is insisting on the threat to the end shrub crowd Israel and when they say it, it's consider real, but when we say it NBC news, then art in ass cloud of the highest order? It's a conspiracy hearing now keep my eyes actual evidence to back up what I'm telling you
I've, no evidence whatsoever there, not security, analyse they ve. Never maggie haber. Man knows exactly jack effing shit about security, yet their confidence that this threat was through the roof. Yet the present united states, they spread so in years now calling and not see a fascist, a thug, a mob boss, a white supremacist? All this. It's against him are conspiracy theories. Why? Because you're doing this shit on purpose. That's why they want the sky, her. They don't care, Not a single soul reached out to me before they wrote this said: how do you know that not a soul. Because they want this guy, her doing this on purpose, it is evil.
I tweeting about this weekend. You don't understand what we're living through while you pay We do a my listening audience and a fifty two thousand people right now what we living through is evil. this is a real fight and anyone else in this business of uranus for the cash right now and you worried about being boycott by some childless husband- was loser with a cat. They get up out of the business, because this a fight against pure unadulterated, evil people who bored sex, predators, giving sex books they kids. All. I got receipts, If you don't understand what you're, fighting and you're in this business in you're worried about save some because a boycott than brother get out short, I've been tweeting about or weakened. The destruction of our border, the censorship, the sexual perversion of our kids. This is all
you done on purpose; none of this is an accident. What a place you this video get started with this year. he put out a good video care if you like them or not the videos, a good one, They are lying about our border. We are right now forget invasion. We ve been in being invaded for a year. It is now a complete hostile takeover. The invasion part is ongoing. It is now an absolute hostile takeover and the Democrats to your face about just how bad our borders situation is down south look for yourself. My testimony that the border- Here's to secure! We have
a secure border in that that is a priority for any nation, including ours and our administration. We have taken unprecedented action over the past year and a half to secure our border, and we have a process in place to manage migrants or the border were weren't going to make sure it's safe and orderly and humane. The border is closed. We agree that the border is secure. We're executing a comprehensive strategy to secure upwards one of our highest priorities is to ensure that we have secure border, and that is what we are doing. The border is secure, Ladies and gentlemen, we are right now in the middle of a hostile takeover of the union. In state. By far in countries that are sending people by the tens of thousands I day or week to the united states with no vetting whatsoever. There is no rational person whose fraid of speaking the truth would call this anything other than a hostile takeover. This is,
happening right now in Have time- and I will You just see how the garbage. Congress and our scented, how pathetic, failed leadership, class you see right here how they pull the day so you do for poorer member. They did you flip, through whatever the damage. That's accuse you of doing the opposite stories. True, this is a little more nuanced version of the deep sea do right. this is a o c. I lobby tenders. We on the bar this woman's a disgrace to bartenders everywhere. I can't imagine how we dumber person could possibly maybe as dumb but no work has used at the floor of stupid how a dumber per could possibly get elected the congress here. She goes on this weekend, shell and gives the example of the immigration crisis about how we causing the immigration prices. Because crisis because of venezuela sanctions fails to mention the entire time as a communist herself that the reason
people are a venezuela because there are sanctions is because communist scum. Why Communist garbage socialists in congress ruin the country causing people to flee the country. I come here to escape communist scum watch us he turns the story on its head and makes it our fault for commie scum. Listen to this. specific instance. U s sanctions that were originally authored by marco rubio began and precipitated, certainly took a large part in the driving of populations to our southern border shortly after those sanctions was broad based sanctions on Venezuela. Yes, shortly after those broad based sanctions were enacted, we started seeing a dramatic increases in these populations that we're coming to our southern border, and so we have to address the root of these population movements that migration crisis, and we have also have to address the domestic. U S, policy issues when it comes to immigration reform, would you know the maduro government has also
been responsible for large markets. Are you saying that you want to do you want to buy a mistaken pullback pressure on him? I think we need to re, examine been nature of these sanctions. The is your commie body. Saluting or soviet national anthem. Are you freakin serious brow? Are you serious the communist takes over Venezuela a good, but not excellent economies. South america, decimate the place where there eating dogs, squirrels and pigeons for dinner, and this garbage person this human filth pilot yo see goes on We can show em blames the united states sanctions for their communism for the immigration crisis. Joe Biden caused the again
but listen to the theme of the show, because it's gonna be the theme of the show from now of the election. What they're doing is evil they are doing this on purpose. These poor, destroying the country on purpose. Hey on a lighter note. Key was busy this weekend. He caught this footage of the border Biden. Sir by this border security, police tagging gettin sits there doing a great job. He was very busy Goddamn even slide footage the border. So well done! I'd say about whom we cannot call for further. I don't even know where that scrub, but it is the Biden border, and here I want to thank you for working with him, Therefore, each well done sorry. folks. I needed a little bit of a bear heavy beginning. Oh you, noise. I see my people out there
we're all family, and it brings a little tear to my eye man. This is the real show. You want the fake bullshit and go somewhere else. Just like our family, I'll love, you all man of everyone guys are great but that is the border. You understand this all being done on purpose right. All of it to show you again to come up I did a hit with megyn kelly on her show. It went nuclear people loved it and she was she's a great interview, folks again, I get it with me a either a peep I appreciate I don't agree with the mine everything and I'd appreciate. If you understand that I know in the chat you get it. I dont a test, for people in the media. Are you support the santa's you're? Not my person, you support team sky, I don't know. Tat, called loyalty test people who support have different. Listen. I care that people are principle that's
why care about that they've been loyal to me and meccans always been good to me. you don't like ass. She handles or interviews that's fine, but I enjoy going on. The show was a lot of fun. so megan an idea to discuss something shriek and it was important. You notice the media response when I, upon her Biden and Joe Biden being a garbage human being and the worst dad I've ever seen. I want you to watch had a media, this everything we say being true ass to back this guy, because he's the vehicle for their evil right now, I'll show you what I mean come and right up, tommy, John folks, its form which means you should be picking apples about. Reggie's got to wonder where they'll take care of that all basket. That's tommy job. Yes, rocky tommy jobs right now, just to be sure you when you Tommy Joe you that much more than I can see you can do just about everything better tommy, John underwear, large. We have dozens of comfort innovations like breathable, lightweight, moisture, waking fabric with four times a stretch of competing bread. They keep you
well, no matter what the season tours argument over twenty million parasol and thousand Five star views baby in one of the guys america love their tommy Jarvis, because there's a flopping sticking or shaving. That's tommy judge of customers, air fanatics, I wear they work a for me, most comfortable box, aubrietia unaware this old downside by one pair you never going to of any other underwear get plus you always covered with tommy best pair, you have aware, or its free guarantee it twenty. sent off your first doing right now. It Tommy the council s their safety. We present a tommy john dot com, slash down my kitty committee with the blues club baby boo, worse nice y skis, favorite restaurant, he wears tommy juncture to know. You knows words that parliament, it is so folks again anyone who attacks Anyone who attacks Joe Biden
no matter how evil Joe Biden is sending is crack addicted kid. The reform overseas and flee enemies of the united states for millions of dollars to enrich him and his family. It doesn't matter This is a fight of good versus evil. Evil defends evil and will attack. Could its paul is that it was me. I'm begging, Kelly, this I got to the left wing media shit there, I was after they saw this one. They couldn't, leave it? They were like all my god. This horrible father got exposes a horrible father. Your listener cut. First, you see and hear the sound of talking about. Oh someone with substances there. Ok, you do. I do everyone. Does someone very very, very close now my nuclear family, but by right there. Would you send that person
over to deal with the chinese communist party in the routing how mayors, wife, to run twenty different emphases and flushed twenty billion dollars through you. Imagine the stress of doing that and by the way, so you can drift off them and give half the money to pay for take off the money from a drug addict Jared as you're telling me that's a good father, you, an asshole. I you tat, you are a scumbag, do not owes you not a good, for he is an awful lot and a genuinely terrible human being. Instead of getting his son treatment, he put him out at the tipp of his spear, the Biden crime, family, drifting brigade to go get him filthy. It is this your hosting they are looking. at this. The total opposite way, because our propagandists not even remotely interested in telling you the truth yeah, and I mean every word that let me triple down on that you're. Damn right, this guy scum and garbage sending-
Crack addicted kid overseas on trips, on official government planes to griffith and fleet People for money for the family, so you can do it and use your influence to sell the brand. According to your business partners, you got the remix jesting she's people miss this skewed out for me, for they were here. radar, mine, Hayley god and even o hayley gun is no idea on the issues related to tommy gun from rocky five or whatever Jane when we terrible human being making kelly ridicules president. Oh binds failures of a father over hundreds addiction, better you're, damn right thumb garbage, you didn't like it. The first time hayley gun about the fourth time, said: crack addicted son overseas, using government assets to drift. half the money to pop the best
his partner saying they worked with Joe Biden. Oh is the remakes airy, maybe it in a rap song I'll help you well here's the business partner tone Barbara linsky telling you exactly what you need to hear about a drifter wrote me, oh god, chief. Listen to this iver Joe Biden said it is never discuss business with hunter that is off I have first hand knowledge about this because I directly dealt with job. I go by Joe Biden, go: go, go, go, go, go still Joe Joe Joe Joe Joe Joe Joe go, go, go, go, go, go, go no! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! Maybe hayley likes him more and rob saw you support that highly crack a dick son role in overseas, given
the money to pop according to its own tax sport that scum you'd, like that would you say you gonna write this piece. It Re anyone hurt arena or online is even a real thing. Would you say you are going to see? He would scare me a mega being mega got a whole as my gosh Hayley gun. He have a gun road up here. agreements are many degrees you repay about seventy who journalism journalism masters repeat, each day in bologna, smoke. Smallbury journalism middle there be better. I know I'm afraid he begun talks. Anyone Anyone who attacks kids, spiritual evil, spiritual leave will help you understand that you go after kids. who are spiritually evil. You are not bad. You are not malicious, you're evil. Those are dead
print degrees of depravity. Okay, I say to you all the time you see an older lady walking on the sidewalk. Would a cane falls new, don't help her up you're a pretty person you walk by an kicker kane out as she's trying to get up you're a really bad person. You bye. She gets up a puncture interface, you straight up, evil man we are battling evil. This is a bit your fight than just politics and you're better, damn well understand that. Politics is a simple manifestation of it. I want you to watch and we're talking about right here. There people in our school system now dead, set on top to your kids about sex abusing your kid sexually, perverting your kid sexually, showing them pornography cutting off their genitals, changing their names. This is happening right now. It's not
that that's evil? It's at the evil. People love evil, I'm always fight good. It started their evil and plan on leaving you alone. Here is our education secretary again on this score, sting human garbage pile of the highest order, a morally inept evil, being El Cardona, not just that and aren't good that parents, parents the bad people that they don't even know what's right for their own kid, just we want to hear evil. Just listen to it check this out. There was civility can disagree, We could have healthy conversations around what's best for kids. I respect differences of opinion. I dont have too much. spectra, people that her miss behaving in public and then acting as if they know what's right for kids, it's it's. what else could you possibly need to see what else Could you need the folks theirs
nothing else. I can do to expose behind the curtain other than show you in their own words who these people are. Tell you what's not right for kids. I wanna play this and we cut short because it's disgusting about you- need to see it. You need to see it. Believe me, we're not short. Material today, you to see and hear this again, and I it's shorter this time, because it's gross This is what the soros crowd, the nay, indeed crowd the clara in crowd the male gal, Cardona crowd the by crowd. This is what they want for your keys, here's a book. They were in your little kids. School read it on the second floor. I want you to listen, listen all of it. So you know exactly what you're dealing with check this out. Much take two books. There have been much discussed.
The first one is called All boys are alive and I will quote from I put some whew born and got him on his knees. And I began to him from behind, I think of him and kissed him. While he is We had a short because I can't even less so disgusting. Is this stuff they want in front of your kids? this is real. What you're fighting I Added man, Democrats, I understand republicans- time? Sadly, they're all the same breed it sucks sir republicans on capitol hill? Yes, are really Democrats, However, no democrats are really republicans, so why Well, what's the point because of
I told you over and over all over publicans may not be the solution to your problem. The cause of your problems right now are democrats. in a choice of one really genuinely evil, and one really sukhi thing: I'm taking the sukhi thing over the evil thing, the world's a complicated place. There are no easy answers you. Why were we Is that why you see the in the movie primal fear made sure of that was a movie I'm terrible with this pop culture, but it doesn't matter where the guy talking about here. He says you want, just as he says, go to a whorehouse. Because you want to get fought, go to court. watch the movie. You want a world with easy answers. I don't have that for you. republican everything's. Can it be fixed our bullshit? They can't even figure out their own bullshit up on capital ill robin. piss on each other right now over the budget, we will go bankrupt. You don't know shit. I can tell you right now. At least
Public in party has members that are fighting this stuff. The best we can do the best we can do for now. Wait a minute a quick break and I'm in to show you how this soros network works and away keep this in mind. If we take this sprague, you ready, please pay close attention, write it down. If you need to really. All about the kids folks, all of it of censorship. actual asean because I understand if they can get the kids in divorce them from the parents. Once you ve got the kids, you ve got everything everything. This is all about the kids about our over the kids and the information they see. I may take great breakfast, My patient supply the feeling the unthinkable gonna happen. I do hope better old time. There's always distractions. change may not even see it coming
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looking forward to Chris mornings, falling leaves sweeter whether sweater, whether Sweden, whether sweeter, do given our swimming, almost taste desserts, you like More importantly, the perfect time four fall. Griffins ok cover food deeds as nice as he was free burgers for me. That's why, for my region, Oh my stakes, it's all your fault, cravings covered with fifty percent off say why fifty day during their semi annual sale, doorway godaddy, as fifty percent of your favorites, a juicy extra aid stakes like a butcher's cutaway menu. Go to mars stakes darker, it's code by gino at checkout, get an extra thirty dollars off your order. Come on what else do you need foods? Amazing! Read it all the time here, though my stakes possibilities are endless, and this way and this value and incredible obsolete entre scrumptious size at her sweeter decorated sir said more. All of them are fifty percent off during the semi annual sale every by backed by the
two percent unconditional guarantee, you're gonna love it good. whilst they stuck shall for you the wishes favours for half the price? Today, don't forget and our political bungee. No, my last name it check out for next. Thirty hours off hurry the sales only for a limited time. Oh my ass, they sat compromise a bunch, ok, so this happiness we get made his job. I need you to understand. Like one of the things I was tweeting about late at night on a saturday when I told you how now my wise to all this evil around me is was a coordinated attack on rumble this week and, yes, it was coordinate it was coordinated between a bunch of greece stir non governmental organisations dedicated to communism and censorship. Basically, like an intelligence operation behind the scenes being run by governments around the world. This is happening in doing it openly. It's not it's our task. It's sounds like a winking at each other. They are death. Lee trying to silence and stifle any one in the parallel economy. I showed you
they do in the now. They ve shifted their target over the rumble because basic rumble. We do not sensor political speech. Ladies and gentlemen, and what I said before the break. What did I say wrote it downright I understand this is all about the kids. They need as to your kids and they don't want anyone else speaking about what they are doing to the kids. Please tell me: you at that in a chap they don't. We anyone, exposing what they're doing to the kids. They don't want John Kennedy reading about. I did this to the boy, And inserted this, they don't want you to know they want to do it to your kids while you're, not looking that way, divide them from you. They confuse them. This is a if think for a second there. This is all an accident. You are crazy this censorship component is the keep anyone like rumble or twitter. are true social from highlighting what they're doing that is. This is about show because
we wouldn't sensor someone this weekend. Of course you get what you have just good thing god you get it because we're in that much trouble right now, there's this, lord needed push to censor rumble okay, so they post burger king, a sauce and hallo fresh who read their carelessly apparel. accordingly guardian article restarted, removing ads from rumble why are so? They claim burger king which, by the way the food is absolutely disgusting, I, what Do a burger king once coming out of a game, a jacksonville in jacksonville Florida, georgia, game the bathroom, look like. It was like something a bomb shelter that hadn't been cleaned six months the food or make it's disgusting food, so burger king. Instead of concentrating on keeping their places clean up the grotesque food, hello, fresh I'll offer, I don't even know hello, for they may have their own problem with like food stuff in the past. So
instead of saying hey, listen, we don't like this, create iran rumble. But again we want to speak to a diversified audience. No, they respond into pressure from a bunch of lunatics your target kids. Now I'm asking for a personal, favor, hello, free cancel your account today burger. I mean I would need there anyway to food is freakin disgusting. So most of you probably ninety we get a matter the food, grows now. You know you know who, companies are. tell you how future, defying the companies that are. in a cave to the he perverts and who aren't going to give you an easy cheat she'd, I'm emma to walk into a they. Do this here's one. The people involved, she's one of this one's, a big griff there, but she's one of many she's I d like she's What am I want you to save thousands of people who do this? They don't have jobs. I mean they literally don't have jobs their job, he's getting left these to give them money to go on twitter and tweet to companies
about free speech companies, so they get boycotts going and they work with sorrows. So here she is here's the cat. for those you ever wonder with his about her name. Is nan dini jam she's a pervert she's disgusting I'll show you what I mean she has a partner clare acted or their twitter handles. I want you to go, don't follow them but check on their handles there Nan doodles and add cat the kid and what they do is any creator who speaks the truth about the war on kids There are engaged in this perversion war on kid. They then go and say: hey, look, there's an ad running. If those companies cave those companies, still contain you sleep your boy cobblers and send them the articles about these two perverts. I'm going to show you in a second. you think I'm making this up about how this is connected to soros here named doodles The accusations are finally true
as part of a george soros back initiative. You taught you thought I was getting right, I can see the left these low further conspiracy. There is, it is it. There is a big lie, weighing coordinated effort, soros red, half men, ngos that this information board the bite administration, people in the uk government, the eu- it is big, coordinated effort this this network, more piece of it, but it's real and its all being run by big big for once your people with a lot of cheese that around like red, half men and other sorrows they are all about going after kids and anyone who speaks out tim pool, Charlie, kirk, Steve ban, anyone on rumble rub has nothing to do with. Politics is a free expression platforms that simple: they don't care anyway,
are you can broadcast they need shot down immediately, they are obsessed obsessed with perversion and your kids. I want with this in the show, no ski this data show notes today, it's important this article that any company that response there- this is Nan dini, again sorrow, stooge,. You know she wrote a blog posts that she wanted. A milder punishments for convicted sex offenders left this activists, nan dini, Jamie known for the platte forming efforts against conservatives, argued that sir it's offender registries are too harsh for young sex offenders in a newly unearthed blog post. courage, you to read it the sea out scots thing these people are. It is all about the kids, the, but it is everywhere. There is nothing to do with rumble. a rustle brand or true or tim, and nothing is ever
to do with attacking your kids in silence, ending silencing anyone who exposes it gets even worse: user disgusting partner clare active grotesque pervert, just like our partner, nay. Indeed, this is our partner in this moment team, This is a real tweet. You want a readable its banned in your school library because it features sexual or gender identity. As a prominent subject, dm me now by in order, if it as do a safe location, for you. Holy shit is one day the groom, it's another thing to groom out publicly. Take. No one noticed this is our partner. So I say to Google ads jenny, merman or whatever your name is Google, another evil, scum company I say to anyone like burger, king and hello fresh. Why are you working with these people taking orders. Remember perverted swab disgusting people here, there's another
possible any article put this one in the notes. Do I suggest you send? The surround clare in solicited teenagers and a public tweet ask if they wanted sexually theme reading materials burger king, you support that a sauce, hello, fresh, you like, Google loves work with her by the way are then come on she's, not a bad obsessed with you. Ladies and gentlemen, I got so much enough. I gotta to page. Sexual pervert. Namby me Jimmy and clear at this- is the left here. my wife was assaulted in a club by about sir Have you heard the story? I'd show the bruises spite because the bouncer grabbed there. So inappropriately their invades peggy, you ve seen the pictures correct it. Pretty nasty right. My wife was literally assaulted
You think I'd say that on the radio I could be open for defamation. If I was lying You think I would say this on a why broadcasts her wasn't true, by someone in a club in palm beach over a mistake. They d He thought this was a larry's big worry for woman. I yes, MR bonde, gino famously a chair Women everywhere brave fighter of restaurant staff to protect the women you like bruises on women, scots thing pervert Soros funded slob. You like that. You thought that was funny. here she is again again, she's obsessed folks, you think making this up this woman obsessed with me publish your first. Exclusive, add manager of insurrectionists poor, show unhappy and the deeply impressed
global, thereby gino gay man, I'm sorry. If the way you guys off so unprofitable, where I know Joe, maybe they'll pay at the church for the drums of sorry buddy rabble rousing go ahead. Gimme when you can counteract anyway, you worked for free for all. The big, your generous to sky, so we may be by. Ladies gentlemen, listen I don't talk about money that much on the show. However, I wealth or lack thereof, is public. I own a publicly traded company. He checked out yourself and see who's lying to you. here? She is again with a group check my ears because again she's obsessed with me, because she's, a fucking weirdo. our official statement about them by gmos. Long awaited departure from Google ad signatory yeah, who we cancel glad she seems to always leave that one out. Why. election fraud, this information, because I've, supposed everything that happened in the militias. Disgusting, twenty twenty election- this has not
to do with the election by the way. Nothing. I hope you understand that Is everything to do with car and our friend obsessed with sexual lies your kids with this whole soros group. Oh I'm, a russian age. Do you know that here she is again key. Can you if I send you, these things. Can you put together like a portfolio just like it? all the time she cheese obsessed with me, someone who's relentlessly harassed by thereby judo gipsy do right. I could tell you without a shadow of a doubt, is a russian asset, the whole social media operators, but come on. We have, to put it mildly up. For the rest, it is when you meet among some of you are actually quite at this time. It is the real money nor by this is yes, I'm a russian acid they work for one of of course, it keeps going because she's, a crazy lunatics he's also obsessed with my facebook page. You can see from the next week there she loved.
My facebook embargo is a facebook page. We know what we're doing, how you know it's, I we're doing her face, but you know exactly that. also obsessed with rumble, because she's a freak adieu. No one coming to rumble its we're guys that was January. Twenty twenty two we ve only grown. Enormously. As you can tell, because we're publicly traded, you can actually looked up yourself, the web, It's only grown refrigerants This is definitely another body here. She is last one folks. She such a tough guy. These sorrows, sexual perverts there. So tough there I exposed to everyone that she's a sexual pervert when our partner sexual lies in kids in supporting sex predators. Yes, she had a block me chairman.
Me half right, real bad ass. They are you soros people when they're, not drifting, they might be geared to mobilise their walk. Me scandal. Balls balls and unlike the fight, I got a lot of time, tat, lady and a whole lot of money. You have neither he discovered all day, I'm not the sexual predator. Here, ok,. I folks again everything that's happening is happening purpose, because this is straight up. Evil did you say, story this weekend, while Democrats were happy to parade around donald smug shot which hilariously blew up hunter. Why does mug shot is being concealed by the justice department? What a shocker? What is shocker so weird? It's like. We have one system of justice. We do everybody, You have two systems. You justice now we'd all totally inaccurate, sorry folks,
I'm an abortion Bobby. Eighty thousand watch and we don't two systems of justice. We have one and its called f. The report. Kids at anyone who is not a Democrat that fairly system of justice. There are you understand this is hierarchy, not apology. There are not two systems of justice is one that justice. Parliament will take care of their friends which is why I am not convinced that all about From an kids as who, by the way, seems like a real scumbag swifter than wanna, throw that talk and right now, ironically, senator centre from new jersey. I, convinced that all the other it's probably real, but are doing something, probably because of his role in the middle east and what is the age? Don't like his position. I that's how little I trust the justice department, here's another one gathered newsome. You know that this black hair guy. He does do. I mean openly attack a judge's weakened as an extremist right wing. Zella chamberlain notes correctly, so what
We informed a little while ago fellows attacking judges on social media and questioning that that was tyranny threatening tired. I thought we were. I thought we were told the adobe we weren't, we were told yeah. We were told they're right about that, so nuts, one more piece of bad news and I'm going to end on some good. Ok, because I don't want to leave you on a monday again down shows the honest showed no bullshit show, but there is a lot of green shoots out there kay, but piece of bad news. First, articles or in the newsletter, and I want you to read em if you think that all this sexual kids open borders, crime everywhere that this is going led to a landslide the next election, so you don't need to vote. You are crazy for the thousands Republicans are not going to solve your problems with Democrats are going to cause it to choices. That's all you got The nation, a news we both you can see both of these articles cover this fight, they cover the same thing fire
bad signs. The republicans could give smoked in this election because why? Because it's not bad enough? Yet, if you don't show up here, I owe ballot initiative on abortion. We lost Pennsylvania special action for the pennsylvania state ass- we lost, knew him special action. Two weeks ago we lost, the jacksonville mayors race in florida, we loss than york redistricting. We lost again, if you're under any illusions, there's going to be some massive landslide and you can sit this one out the mummy taste your kids are at risk. I know you're not. Chat do an annuity. Eighty one thousand people, but this isn't walking around time. This is winning elections. Time now for a bit of good news, she does.
Last weekend, tromp edges out by fifty one to forty two and had that match up now Let me just say in advance, for anyone gets too exciting. I don't trust Paul's as far as I could throw up trust, ABC or any of these peoples? Far as I could draw frankly, I would we would be surprised if it's a shit rig paul meant to bake. You believe it's gotta be a landslide, so you sit on your ass and don't do anything ets. As I can. Conspiracy, ladies and gentlemen, after rio, the thing about drugs chloric with today about a conspiracy there's no more, Conspiracies left, however, I do believe there is something to this Paul because you are not wasted Time here, ladies and gentlemen, I told you something is happening in the black in a span of community. You don't The bali me here is the law wing bull shit ago, both to call playbook, I mean decrease
He has left wing, not jobs. You ever going to me acknowledging what I just told you find me struggling with young voters, black voters and hispanic voters trends up by other research. If binding doesn't young voters. Black voters, and especially for its trump will win by nine. Would you everywhere? A bunch of people were like you're, not gonna get fifty percent and a black or whatever I get it. We don't. fifty percent I'll take fourteen. When with fourteen percent of the black vote, and for two percent of the spanish rock binding. When deciding gonna be close, and unless you one more thing Our guys in the chat, I need your help seriously as I, when I call out to chat like I really mean it, because I really liked you. This is a great opportunity to lady, one thousand people. You probably know a lot of young people in your life.
women, I get it were problem, but doing ok, not rape, young women, not good we're doing. Ok, not good. The republican party should be honest Do you know a young man in your life that doesn't support trump? in about eighteen july, twenty two! That's it! No more than that! Folks, I spend time on college campuses like a good amount for a number of reasons. Yeah a lot of them are in the south. I get it. I guess he see. I understand. I can't find a binds water, anyone anywhere I guys who come to my house h back people stop arms, but you know so nice to meet you. I'm not mad. Single Biden, supporter who's, the guy between eighteen and twenty two. Yet I'm talking black in the hispanic by the way have you I I'm dead. Serious, I'm serious is a freak in order. this guy is in real trouble. Man real trouble, but don't get cocky. I have some more good news, I'll give it to you tomorrow, school choice, stuff and other things, but
and watch this video first, yet the old man videogame. I love auburn university for a lot of reasons, worry hano, my friends out there listening I love you all too. I get it. You got a lot of roll tide's out there, much love bro, I get it. He got some hook, 'em horns people out there. I love the gators too but auburn has a special place. Man. I gotta auburn university, and I around at the tail gates- and I gotta tell you man, I've never seen,
So much love in my life, it's like a home for me. I feel special there, man I'll get talked to people. What did you see what happened as emma get your company? I can't take all this emotion, emotional one show durable what happened. They did a religious revival service and bunch of people decided they were going to go out and river and get baptized. It's not all bad folks. There is a renaissance coming. There is a reckoning coming from. Those were at war with. Our kid may happen today may happen tomorrow, but happen away to watch these tik tok recover what happened, then we do a smile on your face in this monday. This is really good. Watches wages happened at all bring university.
ass. It stood show up for a night of worship, aubert's basketball, gymnasia and asked when one of albert football players was so moved about the holy spirit that he told his hand, cocaine, freeze and he wanted to get banned tat, so they made their way outside to the part they weighed out into the water they perform this man to resume and all of a sudden more students began to come into the water one after another to get banned tasked totalling over two hundred students. Given baptist banking father, it's happened, they'll get the press get motivate. May today the day you go out do sub. Not just talk about so is a chance to make tomorrow, but it was a seventy five. Twenty five there you go
Seventy five percent of people know exactly what I just told you is young people, man, they see it a searching for some meaning in their life outside a tick tock, instagram and facebook. you're. Never gonna find their meaning on this planet, you're not There's no amount of money for them then poor and I've been rich there's no amount of money is going to make you happy none. All the answers are out there waitin for you right there, but they're not here on this rock we collar to remember that we're fine really will be on the opposite side. I love you So much so much. I see back your mom you just then one gene osier
Transcript generated on 2023-09-27.