« The Dan Bongino Show

Shocking New Allegations About FBI Corruption (Ep 2045)

2023-07-12 | 🔗

In this episode, I address the stunning new evidences of a corrupt FBI plot to target American citizens. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The good way to hear the truth about america on a show that is not immune to the facts. With your host dan Ben je know, the guy provide a little public service announcement. I am asking my Why someone's going to? Yes? Yes, you can, or you can. I mean it's called the damage. You know, shell for a reason: eponymous le name. He found hosting dearborn gino further, thereby gino show of untold a bad joke at all? If you get into a confrontation, say it a gas station or some someone jumps the line in the gas station or cut you off in the convenience store, and I may in this, because I saw a video about this just this morning, for I get on the air and dude or the woman. In this case it doesn't really matter. Has they call cauliflower your gear, you wear cauliflower you're just and you know that is, flower your big puffy kind of ears. They there,
filled in looks like up cauliflower there? You know you can Look at any kind of you have seen fighter like randy couture. If you see that, You think you should do. indeed cleaners it all. This is done this public service. It asked what is even more necessary Yes, just the bag. You get back The car fare the person for the confrontation. I thank you. I have learned something there. The polish. It doesn't matter what happened and Joe. Turn around yes, I beg you. I only bring this up because I saw video before I came on the air today. We just a guy who came within Aubrey seconds are being killed in a fierce? Why With a: u s, sea fight- or he did not wish you achieve writer and thankfully back down, because he saw cauliflower you're in a guy you see the years?
trust me? It is not going to end well for you turn around and go back. I gotta. Let's start with it a big jaw lives. Supposing themselves on sex trafficking, racism, crazy, Stephanie somebody, my black coffee, stop giving you money towards company. Don't care about you go to coffee options, taste great and lines with our values gonna blow. our coffee, dotcom, slash, bond gino, use goodbye goodbye gino for twenty percent of your first toward its great coffee or I'd I'd, say, law, pretty sure joe. Let's get started today, but pretty shows not here today, he's gonna be joint, as in studio, we usually do remote with him. Tomorrow. Today's travel day, so I do have a lot to talk about. We got that just a quick, increased their christmas grey headed the fbi's, testifying right now on tv? It's all The disaster we thought it would be. I've got a ton of video or something happened yesterday up on the hill with marjorie taylor, green and someone else's, while big showed a today show about you by express vpn,
It's a lot of things that I like about tech giants, walking ass, you do about it, but the good news is, it doesn't take much for you to take a stand for less than seven thousand modern can join me and fight back against big tat by using express rapier. How do you think big companies make all their money anyway. Why tracking your searches and selling your personal data to best vpn helps you and optimize much your online presence by hiding your ip address. That's why I use express vpn on all my devices to make it difficult for them to my data for their profits, expressly b It is easy to use folks, you just tap by an eternal. That's all it takes to keep people out of my business, so you dont like big time tracking you and selling your personal data for profit. It's time to fight back, go to bbn dot com slashed by gino right now to protect your online for our freedom and privacy. recipe beyond our complex, slash, gino express, bbn, dot com, slash bond. You, as I said, our I produced jaw, let's go Please give us that's a ding ding ding. I do need to take that
India got, but that is my psn, I'm deadly serious about that in the beginning of the show you shouldn't be: in the street anyway. I'm lecturing anyone most. We already know that you just open yourself up to lawsuits in all kinds of problems. I mean find yourself by all means, but if you can Walk away, walk away, and off this guy's a gun as a knife, and if you see cauliflower year, he's got to happens. Call this fierce actually for maybe five his fist, sweet and his head. These guys are is dangerous, and luckily I sought his vigorous guy just seconds away from gettin just more than a street fight fire when it senses so serious that I so let me tell you a little story, its quick yesterday, I'm on a radio, and you know it's not a break store and radio. You know been stations have to get paid. Its part of the business folks keeps the show free for everyone. I apologize for sometimes it along the brakes. Our, but you know it's. A lot of people evolve a bring in a national radio show to the air so
me and Jim producer general talk a lot during the brakes, because you know you just sit near my shows that tape this recorded its live a radio show what some people do and that's their thing. No big deal you know you just run right through the segments makes a set of not us. Some talking to Jim yesterday which I dunno, how the topic even came up, but we were talking how about the left? You know what the child sex trafficking, how there now openly exposing themselves, you no kind of content what we addressed yesterday that the left for whatever, where against them, against whatever wherefore, because wherein there way it's the anti anti communist theory. So if Conservatives are against child sex trafficking, the law? faster before you see, with the sound, the freedom of daylight? I too would like to just make it up. We cover that yesterday, where to go, again, but they do same thing with being races. The left is now sex trafficking, an appeal
we pro racism to add. I thought: how is it not more obvious to more people would open races. The left are. I got, to get too, but this is really important. They are now open blatant racists, and you know we always bring the facts and the receipts to back it up always on the show. So german, I gotta think we're chatting it will. I think about. All the things goon liberal democrats claim black americans can't do for themselves and tell me again, who were the races Now I just have a short list here and I'll show you some video show what I mean occasionally go make it any less up an injustice, if you guys have any input in here and Jimmy, contact me during the show Jim lessons ever missing. Anything please. Let me know so democrats who are open for won't bigots and racist. Now Here's just a short list of the things you suppose it clear do as a black american. What we think is there liberals thinkers and they are supposed to be. Your body is right here:
get into college without help you're, not smart enough. I didn't know that news to be choose a school for your kids, because the parents are just too stupid, bathsheba parents are benefit. A lot from school joys again got out Our big school choice advocate, I think, you're more than smarted up that that especially george gems got an gems gets him and put here it was you missed Yes, that's right, they ve dry. chuck tumors text that got us go in a white nationalism. You're right, good points. You, though, that you I get into school, you can't choose a school for your kids. Are black people don't know how to vote? According to the left, they can't figure out how to vote. They need special instructions on how to vote now. It's weird because, because he's Democrats don't do this for why people right they don't do these four wiping they'll do. This were black america's, what are you a lot of on the spot she'll be fine. Why
people, asians will definitely be fine, you're smarter than you, but you can figure out how to vote. Why. At least you can't figure out how to get my de black people have lawyers figure out how to get accounts figure out how to stay out of jail. I am missing anything Use the cup gas use the computer got just then good, one Jim you forgot, that was india. The horowitz, video will show and a little bit, but can't figure out how to use a computer to get all its up. This is this is a joke, bad, unless I get? Their stupidity bear a blessing yet their stupidity, how do black america? continue to accept this stuff. So, as always, we always break the receipts out this stuff.
here is a democrat lawmaker, I believe in the state of georgia, by the name of Lydia glaze talking about school choice. Again a Democrat claiming it all your parents specifically black parents who benefit largely from school choice because a lot of inner city blackened hispanic school public schools are terrible, saying this New parents are just too stupid to figure out where to send your kids. I don't care that cheese, black theirs what your races, you can still say: racial, stop and racist star in one of the most openly discriminatory things. You're ever gonna hear tell me again who the party the real racist or check this out a lot of those years did not finish high school. I am extremely concerned then we would put money in their hands, did not in the entire piece of life in the hands of parents who are not qualified to make those decisions, and they don't have the money to put in the difference that their child
We need to attend a private school. Your parents were better but you're just to dart stupid. This is the democrat party Folks, I want you to understand the black america. They are specifically talking about you. I want you to understand. They can wink, nod and play cutesy time and hide behind their own race. All they want no matter what race you are. You are perfectly capable of being a racist that pay. You We think that sounds not trust me. It doesn't I could go on a litany of examples. Things. I've heard about people who are minorities who are absolutely races, the judge people by the color of their skin, talking about you. I'm just asking who the real racism here's the biggest racist of all joey, bombard spying on how black people you know they just can't find lawyers are accounts right. I guess you're just to dumb Alan
Scully gob, ear, supporting sex trafficking openly racist europe, listen you're, so young, controversial, just as capable of succeeding, given the chance as white entrepreneurs. They don't have lawyers, they don't have the accounts, but they have ideas. Why don't? They have lawyer accounts they can figure out how to get a lawyer account. Why not you? Can just go all just as right aims. I know how to use a computer either just go on I put local lawyer or account how hard do you think this is? I ask you again: who are the real racist man, is corey bush. Another racist on voter. I some claiming that if you ask people to produce voter idea or produce any kind of regulations on voting whatsoever designed to make it more secure and fair that somehow black p
can't figure it out to the point. It is actually like Jim crow all over again take a listen there's, something in talk about election integrity. There really talking about voters, suppression they're, talking about carrying on the legacy of slavery and Jim crow by actively disenfranchised black and brown communities through legislate unlike the american competence and elections, act, undermine voter access in fair and impartial election administration wholly moses, Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you again from yesterday and today, who were real races, who are the real supporters of coexistence, intolerance who were there supporters of the little guy, you got the left now supporting sex trafficking. Primly racist left this. when we races I've got a tonne news together, but I want to finish this block is a super important. You understand. This at this segment around people need to see who the real, racist or because you ve got people
weapon parties now start. Nor does the awakening for these people is happening right now, I'm talkin about democrats in general lot of em are starting to figure out. What's goin on here's joy, red, proud of the fact that you apparently wasn't smart enough to apply to harvard on around, so they had to come to her. She again, I guess they she doesn't want to use a computer or corn other races bigots on the left, so she couldn't just how to apply to harvard put that into search engine and figure it out, acknowledging she wouldn't have gotten a harvard, so she took someone else's spot because she's not qualified and she's proud of it. They will listen. Because clear I got into harvard only because of affirmative action, I went to a school, no one had ever heard of in denver colorado in small suburb. I didn't go exit or end over? I didn't have college test crap. I just happened to be really nerdy and smart and have really good gray the good as they these gordon I mean who, just inside shaking his head, doing, who break
about bad. So you weren't, smart enough to get in. You took some one spot who was smart enough to get in, and then you acknowledge it later, an eclipse. She goes into all kinds of detail how she would have never discovered harvard you couldn't just put it in a freak in search engine. I know how to apply to a college, but you want to get into. It proves to be clear: you acknowledge it you're, not smart enough to get in unity. smart enough to figure out how to apply put. You deserve the spot for somebody else. Joy. Believe me: we believe everything you said that you're, just not smart enough trust me, but you would have. It is its thing. I've ever seen, such as ours, again, who are the real races? here, Sheila Jackson, we again claiming somehow blue americans is like our bed. They just care to hack it without,
This will help the expensive somewhere else from government edicts. This is it say, listen to this by rice, a day as a clear recipient of afraid was at the format of action, quickly in higher education? I may have been admitted on affirmative action, both in terms of being a woman and a woman of color, but I can declare that I did not graduate on affirmative action. is my personal story. If you have a problem fragrant outward here for mere trump and you ain't black. rapporteur. I got it only because I needed help took someone else's spot. Yes, I'm gonna make it issue out of it. there's cobble hours use video a couple hours again, things bowed demo I believe about black people Their lawyers can get into schools by themselves can't take school for their kids. Can figure out how to vote can't get iD
Here's couple hours and special programmes to stay out of jail, tube repay alluded, the vast majority of parents have a natural desired apparent their children well and love their children, but there are some who don't necessarily have the skills and the resources to do that, and so designed back on track because sometimes folks does need the help, russia programs, you need targeting black americans, because they just don't know how to parentage. If they did, they did just give they just figure it out. Ah, ah, oh my god can be argued, a guess. I can you imagine a public, inventing the barrier black or white republic. If you were to say something like. Oh, my gosh that you it but the ages ago shows you. The real party of intolerance and racism is the left.
because you are against whatever were foreign of war wherever against so wherefore colorblind society, that gate the value of an individual by their actions in their character. By the melanin level of their skin, then the left, for the opposite. Measuring but only by the melon into the content of their skin? Remember this Amy Horowitz went down the street that a street interview talking to read. every day black, begins by the way, your republicans, whether you know it or not. You are because we believe in liberty and freedom, and we don't believe any of this stupid stuff that you can't vow. You can't get it to school, you're, not capable soldiers. None of us actually believe that none of us today the believe that about you. This is a clear mommy hearts, because industry just ass, regular people how they feel about this Democrats. Stupidity now here
he's harlem to ask black people their thoughts on what you just heard. You have idea normally very dearly ass, actually ready. Do you care. I do decide to do you know anybody who did he blackfish doesn't carry. I didn't know anyone that I know has an id. Why would they think we don't have our date? That's a lie. I would say that you have, I didn't. It's cause. I have my id and my friends there. So we know will we need to carry around everybody that I know have id like? That's one of the things you need to walk around with new york. Would I do you know any black adult who doesn't I have no idea. Is it a weird thing to even say that yesterday was just some type of chicken The cameras by living abroad- doesn't look good ideas. I heard a lot also that black people can't figure out how to get to the deal. I think that was that stadium I know. Is that going to inefficient? Do you know where the idea the dmv is run you one hundred and twenty fifth street?
No together, You have a problem. Getting there get together. It's like silly question: you how to get there, I have quite aware it is yeah. It can get there. No problem, no problem, checkered, okay and also her a lot of black people pushing poor black people have no access. can't figure out how to use the internet yes, that's just stupid. Honestly, everybody has access to the internet. Even little kids can figure out how to have internet access to the internet for years, not to use it properly, not do it at work. So, of course, I not know how to use it. They all have ipads ipods. Whatever your phone has data are limited, unlimited in whose eyes my phone as a hot. By what does that say to the people who had this perception of money I they pretty much yes, sir, you, sir, to show my read. They are pretty much ignorant,
with the obvious that apply? Wouldn't what works I yeah by. We didn't even put that when Biden was like started, obama takes the showers clean and he could big. Well, why you shot by that? Why, by their first black, had that really you nobody, black people. I want to end with this one, because I got a lot of money to get through covert the government, the f b. I is a whole bunch of breaking news going on right now. I want to place. Video by thomas saw it's an older video. You can tell Commissars, probably the greatest economists debater of our time I love, so you can debate that all you want my opinion. I love thomas all then his nineties, when I can say that we were thus much longer so the matter a chronological he is my ideological hero decades. No, he debated this welfare secretary in Pennsylvania. Liberal Helen, abandoned talking about
and black people and welfare any mentions the most important take away. You can ever ever learn about this exact garden. Liberal! as always start the story in the middle they create a problem, a book of problem Stu, government intervention and a new skip the chat chapter six after they screwed society up and try to fix the problem they created. Here Helen Albanians trying to make an argument for welfare for single mom said all the stuff, as if the welfare programmes didn't create a lot of the single market and sole shuts are right down pitiless off welfare tomorrow. What will they do? What will be their immediate response at what price to their small children and to their middle age? Children? Yes, they'll get a job, in fact statistics show that women in fact, are the most successful through the employment programme. But what has to supplement that typically, is the provision of some kind of day care arranged,
either the individual woman has to earn enough money to be able to pay privately for her day care when factually is quote subsidized through this insidious corrupting programme set of programmes run by the federal government, which in fact makes are employable and the taxpayer it's it's An interesting notion of trying to get people in a productive mode console is incredible. The way you start the story in the middle as if there's a predestined amount of poverty, a predestined amount of unemployment, that the welfare system is not itself in any way responsible. There is a predestined twenty percent of the bottom half of the population. I have never that's always been true. It's also true that twenty percent of the bottom population it'd have to be living on the government ruled by the government. What am I every of all time and she throws out a nonsensical thing like while this twenty percent of people, the bar folks, if you made a hundred thousand dollars a year,
and it was a group of people with you and everyone else made a hundred one hundred two hundred three hundred for you there's always gonna be a bottom. Twenty percent doesn't mean they ought to be poor a tom assaults paying the devil. That's me to poor underclass that's why they jump through the middle of the story book and create the social problems they want, because they people poor You are, the real racist man opened eyes, An election coming up, we need, black america with us. We are the party Black America be proud of that take a break and want to get too an explosive hearing up on capital here yesterday, marjorie, a green calling out a covert scientists who it appears the data may have been working with other scientists to make this lab leaping go away. He added you're staying answer for this pretty surprise stop. Even now, you would think people would wake up. Folks feel the greens
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up on capital who yesterday here's the gist They brought up some of these scientists that wrote this paper. This vowing, a lab really improve the friends. A natural origin for covert would welcome a clear way, gaia. Tangle in theory, had to John stewart play that second right. There is no evidence whatsoever for natural origins of covert. No, sir, stance credible evidence. No one is seen it. Nobody knows about it. They have not found the source animal. So amazing, it's been all this time. They know all this stuff yet a worldwide. Ever no one can find this origin yet, You had a lab involved in the creation of corona viruses from bad. You add a corona virus origin a background of irish lab. You had people sick about lab right around the time Rihanna virus. There is an outbreak, sid which would say to any sane person. There was a lovely. This is two parts. Marjorie, taylor, green with this christian andersen, one of the scientists who tried to who still believes in this natural large than crazy enough
here's marjorie calorie, just laying out the evidence that this guy part one of these and the guy seems oblivious to all of the check this out. U s government believes several rehearse researchers, inside the lab, became sick in the fall of twenty nineteen. Before the c c p, first reported cases of covert nineteen that was in the lab. The cecy prevented journalists, investigators and global health global health authorities from accessing the lab, including interviewing the researchers that fell sick and twenty nineteen sounds like they were concerned about so called spiritually theories. Just like you are. There was also research at the lab, starting in at least twenty sixteen. The witch hunt
Virology was researching, are a tv thirteen, just as you mentioned, the bat corona virus, with the closest relationship to sars covered to ninety six point. Two percent similar the withan institute of technology, is published record of dangerous gain a function. Research gain a function like our government, it's funded with grants through eco health, I'm sure you're familiar so we're funding it to doing research on coronavirus as people are getting sick in the lab and people are still like. It was literally a natural origin virus without any evidence why that would actually be so she's laying out the case to this guy christian anderson and you take the guy's answer would be well. You know we don't really know yet, but I heard what you said: not all ears, Are you with this year, is out a little bit more evidence guys, still sticking to the natural origins. Conspiracy theory check this up their
military activity at the lab. The? U S, government determined that the lab collaborate collaborated on publications and secret projects with the c c, p military sense, at least twenty seventeen. Perhaps that's why they put their top biological weapons expert in charge of containment, because they were very aware of the type of research that was going on at the lab where, where people that worked at the lab got sick with covered nineteen first, but you guys think this came from nature. Do you still believe it came from nature? Darker, Gary tartar Anderson? Yes, I do believe that the natural origin view the wildlife trade is the most likely region based on science, all the data that we then was doktor anderson. I do- and I think it's important to you mention the sick researcher-
here in the recent report. Again, dicey continues to assess that this information by the support nor refutes either hypothesis of the pandemic origin, because the researchers symptoms could have been caused by a number of diseases. Actually, the negative laying down your inner send our reclaim my time that I see believes that the origin of covered nineteen as from the lab yeah yeah. They take guys they could have got sick for many, the they had allergies, they had allergies, so at the time words that we have a massive worldwide corona virus outbreak in a lab, studying corona viruses with a history of security problems in the lab three people, had really sick people started appearing from the lab, the bat lady bad research with our money. Yes, sir folks, yes, sir just out the sniffles guys at this level. That's the sniffles and by the way no one will tell us from China what happened with these people who got sick. It's all a coincidence
Some better drill do bye, bye, my mother, and I remember you know vapour rub ex vapour rub my mother by his grandmother in law before she passed. She just put that on everyday she's colombian. She called it vive APA route, put of evaporator on your ba. Okay that it's all a coincidence. This is what this is sides. This is aside here's a better side. This guy, don't even like, actually can't stand this guy here liberal joke or jon stewart, but it kind of gets it on this one. Remember this one: yes, what could it possibly be? What could they have gotten sick from in the bat correct The virus lab an encore performance of this disease. Is same name as the lab, but that's just a little too. We don't you think, and then I asked of scientists like how did this so wait? A minute you work at the wind respiratory grown a virus lab. How did this happen in there like a tangle in kissed the turtle?
no are know you got your you look at you look me look at me let me see your purchases guard. Show me your business guard. Oh, I work at the parole virus. All cause, there's a corona virus lucy who and how did that abbot? Maybe a bat flew into the wake of turkey? and varied sneezed into my chile? And now we are at the root of the guilty. We were happy, it's like cocaine and no one is what would it got it? I don't know. I know yeah. We've never found coke in the white house before, but there's a guy in the white house with a history of doing cocaine on the actual video on his own computer with a drug problem who was at the white house on friday, but it was found on saturday who could have possibly done. I have
no idea! It is crazy who Canada, meanwhile, everybody's positive, there's a people tape about donald trump, despite no evidence whatsoever, it actually exists, but angle biogas walked in a wider. We call gonna break up with a walking call. God go yes, incorrect correct! That's a good! It's a equality assertion, good observation, a penguin made with turkey the clear wake up Mary had spread out some coquet. That's what happened in the wider. You realize what kind of a deep shit you have to be to believe in this stuff. What it means to be a modern liberal. I mean look at re, testifying right. Someone asked me in a chat if I was going to ce yeah we're going to I like to wait till the hearing ends. I know it's a live show and the radio live, but to be fair to you, I want to hear the whole hearing but raised up there now just humiliating himself. There, like we have the EP on tape demanding accounts, be, are our an email demanding accounts being taken down I'll? Show you animated to come up here?
yeah? We don't actually sensor America's it's the emails right ear, bro you want to read it this is where we are with these tyrants may take a quick breaker. When he gets back to maybe the funniest tweet I've seen in a long time from war of the biggest promoters of this information. Who is writing a book about something you'd? Do we have the great routes on water? Folks, great rican grapefruit she's writing a book about some Don't go anywhere, don't go. I will do this. No justice with the teeth left. This propaganda, endless pronouns, crt, sexually explicit books accessible to minors and more our public education system is falling apart. So bad colleges have been dumbing down their courses for years to accommodate the average incoming freshmen who, barely read and write a seventh grade level. So am I how'd you but a great great problem Freedom project academy: they have perfected online learning offering why on demand and
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the street? The you know this lady? If not, you should familiarize yourself with our on twitter. She want to talk about liberal, tired, this goofball twitter, no one humiliates themselves more than his lady barred. Mc she's Barbara quaid, you name a hoax, she's promoted, fallen for it or propagated it on. She is Huge lab attention is now try to be some non partisan, she's, a huge anti trump lip she's got a book comin out the books about this information being hilarious, Barbara quaid, eddie tromp lunatic here is some tweets had tipp the great gregg price bottle. appointed? These she's got a book coming out on this information. Here's parkway, yes,. laptop is russia. Here's barbara grade a smaller. over here rachel matter. I found the collusion. Follow this exit rachel, you have a real future. The fbi what barb male downward here's barber
way to get. I wonder if this will be in a book on this information. discussing this report with joy, read in four rachel matinee report is I confirm but matches up with steel dossier which keeps proving correct as facts about over time. There are no facts and that's it. Here is another one as have been agreed rights. How can it be? The tribe still is up in brief on allegations of russian bodies to kill american troops, because it did in bb. That was it their conspiracy theory, but don't worry, why? What is this another one enemy, caesar these? She priest the script sacrilege trump brutalizing protesters to stay each of its urge member that what bob hope that works out for you Bob. I wonder if you could include your own history, this information. I want just checking she's got a lot of gies right, she's, actually, the perfect parson to write. What about this information with the law
body and library of experience she has promoting just about every conspiracy theory out there won't you know what that should that should go from like this actionable library. It said now to autobiographical accounts of people's lives. That's a good point, just one of the big his players out there, if not the biggest out there right now in the distant formation business right now a very serious and was clearly the fbi's aside christopher, raise testify in front of him right now, I humiliating himself, as he always does the guy's, an embarrassment to the united states of america in the country, It's the gentleman, the upper management of the f b. I right now is a clear and present danger to the united states of america. I want you to dwell on that from it is what I said. I mean You cannot have a constitution republic,
They politicize law enforcement agency with the ability to kick down your door. Take your life and take your freedom. You can't have it, you can't have it. You may have a country sought a free one, The hosts now we find out today in another I don't like to use the word stunning and shocking too much because nothing, stunning and shocking worse. The other way, two of you are happy all the time you would know what happiness was. So everything campi stunning or shocking, but I think we can all agree. This is a start. we broke yesterday, Glenn Greenwald, cracked in the blaze picked it up. Please me if you want to read this story, and you should see my newsletter bungie dot com, slash newsletter. If you wanna subscribe, it's free now we find out that fbi and ukrainian spicy randy censorship operation, pressuring social media giants to ban users, including verified american accounts over what rose, you disinformation again. Here we go, again folks,.
The house committee obtained documents from facebook instagram, Google Youtube that uncovered the fbi, at the request of the security service of ukraine, Should these entities to censor americans engaged in constitutionally protected speech line. Ladies and gentlemen, here this is a two page of this gets even worse. Here's, the real kicking the balls turns out they found. fifteen thousand eight hundred and sixty five content items. On instagram and another five thousand. Facebook accounts that the fbi working colluding with a foreign government. They are taking your money, your money, to give you know, I could you I know we gotta play ran Paul last june of next. For me, if you will, I put this in here. I'm going to it. I'm going to keep the show will be a lot of oil out of order. Sorry, we did our government are disgusting. Filthy broken government is, making our money by force our tax money right
giving our money to ukraine, whether you support or not, sometimes happens in a constitutional republic, we're not a d, democracy, but they should be a little grateful right for this. We are, putting a war effort against russia. The country would have fallen if it's not for us or at any rate, crazy security services are working with the fbi to censor some of the same people supporting the ukrainian war effort. Why, though, is going on. I'm going to get more of this f b. I censorship stuff in a second but here's rand, Paul yesterday or Martha Maccallum advice. Apps, We now enjoy now. That's a linsky complaining at the pace by which he should be admitted to NATO of, despite the fact, would probably cause world war three right away if we invited them to nato in the middle of a war probably be a little bit more grateful. I know there is trouble. I get it back damning us at
speed by which were doing things, take listen. Theo heard president Zelensky say that he thought that the lack of a timeline for them for nato entrance was absurd and unprecedented. What do you say That way, you know, there's an old english added. She might need to become aware of never look a gift horse in the mouth. We give them a hundred billion dollars and he has the audacity to be so. Brazen is to tell us we'd, better, speeded up. I'd say it's audacious so I'd, say that's brazen and I'd say it's not very grateful for the one hundred billion dollars that we give them so far, so no putting them at NATO right at this moment. I agree with President Biden. I don't agree with President Biden on a lot, but Biden is right. Well, we'd have put them in nato now both Biden and many other foreign policy experts have said putting them in now would guarantee that we would now have an active role in the war in ukraine, more than just supplying arms, but actually sending troops and an obligation to do so. So I think it'd be a huge mistake and I hope center minds will prevail.
Yeah. Me too. I hope sailor minds are prevail too. because it's really easy to fly the ukrainian flag and say they should be happen, and russia should be doing this. Ok gray, you want, Kids die in over their simple question: yes or no, ok, Maybe we need Slowly and reasonably and rationally find out what level involvement we want before we start condemning everyone by the way run check I see and welcome to the chat I saw you know said- was the first time always good to have you. Now we find out ukrainians, not only who were key. Figures by the way, ukrainians in the people hoax twenty. Sixteen collusion ox. I can't go through the whole. I it's in all my books, folks, Started with ukrainians, you want to read what are really account of it. What chapters are you crazy
the one I have is mister. Here's my book follow the money, get it from the library bar. I don't really care a ton about the money for a while now you insane in ukraine chapter one you find out how to ukrainians were key figures, the figures in the collusion oaks, maybe ukraine, should clean up their democratic processes before we admit them to nato, we're already supporting their war effort, and so he's not gratefully. You am. I gonna be sensor now by the ukrainian security services in my united states of america, where I'm a citizen holy shit man? What's that guy, I guess. You know what I forgot that it's crazy. I need you to tell me that folks, I have been on a list before put in a search engine- judicial, wash marie ivanovitch dan bond gino, I have already been on a list of people to monitor. It is not a conspiracy theory. It's a fact that
good point actually forgot about that, and I resign their less. This is incredible. Why I titled this that, even though we got to this in a half way through the show, it the title of the show. This is studying admission there or not admission discovery to be precise, the eyes working with foreign governments, collude against the americans far enough. Is where supporting? What are you for the war effort there or not the fbi, Why is a clear and present danger to the united states, as currently constituted with the people in charge? There is zero doubt about that here, other damning email. I came out more evidence of fbi. Our folks, censoring americans pulling down accounts violating the first amendment engaging in full police. They attacked. The summit are full coverage of this re hearing tomorrow, so
community were tomorrow either again. I just want to hear the whole thing play out and no other people are first. I'd rather be right. Here happy? I email you need more evidence hi Elvis the following three accounts it now. It's got elvis presley Elvis chanty fbi agent, san francisco here's an email from their foreign influence branch, demanding that these two How do we take it off twitter? So the fbi, email, the fbi, hey others. Take these three accounts down. What available can you provide these accounts to twitter for fire fora for review and final this position here In addition, this is the up. I e mail and the fbi. If can notify us of any actions taken as a result of this referral. That would We greatly appreciate respectfully monti, far influence taskforce The email saying goes on. Stacy. She's even did Elvis chance. We have because now emailing twitter
foreign influence task more saw these accounts and wanted to bring them to your attention. Please, whenever actions, if any, you deem appropriate bags regards Elvis do you think he's sending these accounts? Here's the rest, bonds from stacy from twitter, thanks Elvis, we suspended the account. You think it's a frequent hint. these three accounts: rabies yourself about it. Here's the real kick him eyeballs. Here's your roth from twitter member there. safety chief. Remember the sky, another clown He says in his email about these accounts. We don't have time have clear indication or even foreign. It's the foreign influence wars are the b. I and twitter doesn't even know their foreign holy moses folks. How bad is it going to get now? We got a problem here too because an injunction came out from court in the missouri versus Biden case now, Prevent just recently talked about it yesterday, just in July, for stopping
fbi legally. From censoring free speech on twitter, which is what they ve been doing. Witwer carry picking a peace, the wash the timesaving fbi hasn't even told its agents to stop doing this. Chris of array said at the opposite. Hearing that ensure somebody's lie. or maybe they saw this article and did it later, but folks this is a corrupt entities, because A clear and present danger to america- of information right now about the binds they are hiding Jim comber was on. fox the other day Jim combers, a republican caution, investigating hundred bite. they just locked up, girl, laughed or indicted israeli who is key me too have information about hunter binds dealing with a chinese energy company, see I see that our love workforce to Jim coma, up a hilarious point here, how it's crazy
up the ideal j r charging. This guy got love with foreign influence and foreign agent registration act violations. When a hundred Biden was doing the exact same thing, this illness the time it gives away coincidental according to the democratic, the department of justice. Look here's what I know about Gaza. He was getting pay lack the burdens from seeking at sea. We want to speak with everyone that we could find. It was also on the payroll fc vs ie, like the pines, and anyone who says we shouldn't take groundless allegation seriously describes the fact that the bigamous what'd you sure office space with safety at sea, even going so far as to say that I wanted to make an actor set, a piece for both job, I'm Joe Biden in the president's brother Jim by so this need. Gonna love was working for whom he was getting
wait for is the same company me that the not Donnelly were getting paid for. They were also sharing office space with. So we definitely want to hear more about these allegations and we want to see the notes from the fbi. Maybe they sit six fbi agents according to gallup to brussels to interview now, obviously they were concerned about something he had to say there, some level of credibility there. So there are a lot of questions here and it just amazing that amazing, the department of justice moves so quickly against some people, but then the ultimate irony is: what are the charges like levied against? He was not being a richard age of what use them I think the way said goodbye were registered foreign agents. So now we got the fbi collude this suppress, colbert information colluding. Nepal down american accounts column, to violate the first amendment colluding to protect hundred biden colluding attack donald trump colluding
fear and elections. Tell me again what value the fbi is, bringing overall on net I get it, individual agents are doing some quality work, but that work, be distributed to other federal entities that actually have for them But to the cause, the cause of liberty and freedom and the constitution. They raise their right hand and swore an oath to now the devil, crasser responds to gather loved has been It's downright disturbing this guy as information about Biden. The Biden family, working with the chinese communist parties, were on the verge of world war. Three and a half goon Democrats, these a holes, don't want talk to gag loved their want to hide him because he's a bad guy. Did you listen and show? Yesterday most of you were here, let me up and tat if you aren't evil extra explanation, but said you having been a cop and a federal agent
you almost always get information from bad guys, always so the fact gal love. Like the Democrats, I may be a bad guy. We don't even know that, totally irrelevant. All the matters is: is this information legitimate you monopoly may find here Steve friend, a and f b, I agent he left, is a whistle blower now hitting this exact same point on real america's voice. Yesterday that you don't get information about criminals from the freaking kindergarten teacher, you get it from. Guys they go listen. I think you stretch pretty far due to conclude that it is a coincidence. It's just all too convenient for as for the white administration to short of shove, this guy in a deep dark corner where nobody has to hear what he has to say, but I think that the way that the the information came at last week. You sort of peter interest from from far from the congress and got his video out into public circulation, and there could be very helpful to actually
having him be able to come forward and justify whether or not there is a threat of a dime or criminal charges he I I was in law enforcement for fourteen years and where we said that to kindergarten teachers don't make good informants or our snatches can that the reason that he has information because he was playing in the sand box and they might mean he got a little the dirty with that does not change the fact that he has some legitimate information. You see. Fred was a great book out by the way should check out. Thank you. You don't get information about criminals from kindergarten teacher the Democrats, just making this up as a way to cover up their corrupt crime, family boss, president, because What tyrants do? gentlemen, when you're getting information and to let you in on how this works. From a source about a crime keys us about a bank robbery. Just is telling us about a terrorist attack whatever it is,
If you're going to bring our information in front of a judge's source, you only need one or two things: have they pay, incredible information in the past if the answer is yes repeatedly, the judge is more likely to accept that is acceptable, probable cause or what it's the first time, gala spoken to the fbi, what you gonna throw the information. I know you don't there's an option to option. Two is you go out and verify the information is Happy done any of that. Oh oh, really we haven't. Seen any you see, works, the f b. I could go out and verified you investigative homework on gas, less information and put it in a charging document. I don't you're doing out. Even I dont show the damn thing they say, and you should neither don't trust either in coming out of our d o j they're, making a mockery of our system is fbi. It has been an embarrassment I'll full coverage of this tomorrow, ray Just dancing again on the catholic church
informants the parrot speed target as domestic terrorism. It is pathetic chrysophora. A joke he's barest meant this man should resign the long time ago they safe for him, and I don't care who at town all or anyone else tries to defend this. This broke grotesque He needs to leave the disgrace. to the country are, though, fired up today. Today, sixty four tab and people without love. You are, it would a hearing on you all the best. Thank you. Much for joining us rod? Jake! Welcome to the chat we love to have you here, rumbled calm, slash bond gino. If you want to join the chat, start ten a m every day gear, just in china on the chat I come on, live at eleven a m eastern time. Really Happy to have you here, please quick, that follow button on rumble. It's free we're almost! three million subscribers. Never thought would happen where two point eight. Now almost there click that follow, but please give us a follow an apple in spotify as well. We really
appreciate it helps us stay on. The top. Charts means a lot to us thanks so much for tuna folks, I see back here tomorrow, You just heard tan Bonn gino share
Transcript generated on 2023-07-30.