« The Dan Bongino Show

R.I.P. USA (Ep 2028)

2023-06-09 | 🔗

In this episode, I address the police state indictment of Donald Trump, and the shocking coverup of the Biden crime family. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Waiting to hear the truth about america on a showed its not immune to the banks. With your host dan Bonn, gene They look into demoralized. They looking and demoralising are you defeated. You know you said famous quote by an alias alot. Victor is not victorious until the vanquished considers himself so. Do you consider yourself, vanquished. folks, a police state is in coming. I'm to be here next week. I gotta be next month. The next year. The police states here now and you're living in it.
Here's the aliens up your granite and drop. Your leaden get ready folks for those I got unfiltered shows too now. Now shit. I gotta be pretty right. I'm really sorry, I know a bother some people and have time for bullshit today, raying else we got a big show today do not be the they are trying to get you to feel defeated. Folks I could give you a silly cliches all day, but that darkness right before dawn thing it matters right now. We are at If we stop it, we are at the end of a micro cycle of police, state communism, stupidity and we're about to turn a corner, but not if you're demoralize. I have a loaded show today, everybody state you. Let me get this
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atrocious, wretched human being on the screen. Are you my wing as the legal gayety drop baby Of this spoke stay worship the tyranny, it's not subtle, how many times Gotta tell you, they don't care, don't care about. Looking like tyrants, they are no different than commies in cuba who put people up again. The wall and bitter men. They didn't care if they look like bad guys, they celebrated looking like bad guys because it scared the shit out of everyone else and that's what the tyrant wants? Man. Your police states not coming. it's you. You were out of time, no more. Rome. Q. The time is over. You ever see some of all fears I wish I could use the pith beasts
we ve been, I couldn't find, never see them will be some of all fears. We dug the benefit. jack ryan, in russia, the united states should go and I were destroyed. An account of striking are about the nuclear war and a guys like way. We should wait. for? The first strike you because it is already far strike they. Let you will your weapon go all folks theirs Already better first strike twiggy tomorrow, logo raid? This is like this Indeed shrugged the mahler probe, the collusion oaks impeachment. One impeachment to the boxes hopes for everyone on the sidelines right now. What are we waiting for There's already been a first strike. Go watch that movie and watch that scene where they're arguing
we respond. Maybe we should re for a first strike. There has already been one. What are you waiting for? Why is this happening right now. It's happening because tyrannical communist scumbag liberal left this ushering in the police state every pulse states required useful idiots and the most useful idiot of all is the modern progressive who seller rates in front of their kids? How wonderful this is the police state? Not eliza near very kids, are going to suffer at the hands of the police state they ushered in every toads. Solitary and commie regime in human history is required, a class of useful idiots, the modern progressive? the most useful of idiots are corrupt government is, desperately hiding the biggest political scandal of our time, Joe Biden's alleged.
Ten million dollar bribe do five million dollar bribes. They are hiding this and hide it. There are attacking donald trump, it's the same thing they did hiding collusion, and the quid Well, when you created the exact same thing, I just want you to think about this dictator, fascist, communist and thugs who had passed nicole opponents or been in office. Whether political opponents were arrested now starling area, mean castro benito mussolini hitler Joe Biden. there may become say, an inaccurate, accurate people a bit in charge or of direct we ordered vladimir putin, she's in paying directly the imprisonment of their political bones. What what about? What I just said is inaccurate anyone dipshit level.
Anything, I just set an accurate anything at all, due to say, do you dumb asses Joe Biden, it is literally unprecedented in the united states to ward over the arrest of your current political opponents presidential race, which is what he's doing. Folks, all roads lead to obama here over we too are bomber minnetaki, some you're ready a menace share some. I am not. I've been when I do for a long time, because for me for it, if you want to find a moment, human serious I've been holding onto this for a long time. Folks, if you're going to prosecute donald trump for a classified documents, alleged scandal and I'll go through. Why this case is an absolute loser if it makes it through a serious judge and not a hack I'll go through that
Second, we got the deeds on that. I was on obama's detail obama. A guy in his circle, very close. And he knows who he is. This guy was caught multiple times. bringing foreign nationals up to secure floors, weather We're documents all over the place, most likely classified Everybody knows who this guy is espionage, act violation exposing classified documents, the foreign nationals we have no idea of these people are but just this guy would come back baby out of adult? Don't so does it am I mean, as close to a as you get. The adult also does anyone be with some? people if you know what I mean, that
Definitely not vetted? It's all good. It's ok belly it all. Those people are recording might be getting set up in honey trap. You sure you want to go down this road and by the way, did not kill myself. Just so you know. I am in no way suicidal thinking that Jo Jo, can you vouch Again I mean you're alive right now. As far as I can tell you that just then you know me the shortest jested, so a salmon pretty much out, suicidal, giving me tom, you ve met, I said. Have you never heard me say? I want to kill myself, okay, good, just sorry, I kid a little bit now, god fearing! Thank you. Interesting that obama wants to go down this road about classified documents, so much find that guy. He really weird right, maybe put him on a polygraph. What about Hillary Clinton by the way Do I have already told you that
A secret service agent was once asked to look at Hillary Clinton server in place because they thought they had an issue with the server and it wasn't really like we're running right. If you know what I mean in that agent was asked a couple of genes about it, and I looked at the server and found. That it had been infiltrated and hacked into. It was a private server classified information. You show. want to go down this road for going to go to the police state we might as well. You know what folks, let's just take off or pay show everybody what we got right, you want to do that figure. It of course not a robot. Sure you wanna go down this road. I had a lot to talk about. They're going to start naming names. You will see what happens and see what happens here. there people listening to this one, I'm sure. Want to go down this road. All roads lead to obama, who
in charge. When the collusion thing happen, obama, was in charge when Joe Biden took an alleged ten million dollar bribe now to five million dollar bribes from ukrainians. That's right! Obama! who is in charge when Joe Biden squirreled away documents and took them against the law, classified documents and hit him in his private office and residents. That's right. Obama. Folks, the shocking party didn't appearance news max less and I my first one. How did that happen? I just call them. They were nice enough to take me out little pissed off last night. Why did it out that event? So I called up My home is over there and said they come on, you show and they Call you two minutes and that's how that went down. So I brought this up last night that, outside of the fact Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, our knee deep in this entire thing, classified documents, scandals and everything else, and the reason they don't want you to see that these
they're trying to interfere in yet another election, and therefore they're gonna go after tromp bravely crime they made up again just like they made up collusion and quid pro quo. Ukraine impeachment scandal, one unbelievably, the d o j, f b, I interfere in another election which its again back. at the beginning of the show they don't care the d o J and f b. I has given up any pretense are being seriously attached, like velcro in any way to justice. They are now full time, political, activists for the farm. Just the left, the room I go left they have given up pretence of seriousness anymore. They are you're fearing in yet another election trying to get trump locked up, which is gonna backfires spectacularly, and why look he's real, clear politics, numbers right here: here's why.
Look at these numbers trump against by forty, I point five trump. Forty three point: seven by said the sahara baidu. Forty four point: six, forty three point: four look at trouble: gets Kamel hours. Forty six point eight to forty two point: five, also trump leading into primary now. Do you see why all of a sudden as predicted? Will you listen to me yesterday stream aspirin during the stream. What did I tell you trump from Heaven was going to fall from the sky, because Biden in trouble. And they need to interfere in another election, because what consequences been for the f b? I d o j from interfering in the last one. five elections, zero baby. Remember this Jim, when tromp was about to expose the obama Biden. Hillary Clinton, triumvirate of corruption, the bribes. All of this they were up to. I don't touch
number one hour, rachel matter when he was about to expose the intelligence communities role in it and he said this check this out little unity you take on the intelligence community. They have six ways from sunday it getting back at you, so even for Practical supposedly hard nosed business man he's been really dumb to do this, and what do you think the intelligence community would do if they were my don't I'll do what I from what I am told they are very upset with how he has treated them in talked about the really. Oh, there very upset by the way Policies texted me and said what I told you may get the show she can vouch. Why does I told her about it? Wouldn't have Jews fears that here, Sure we want to play ball here. Let me tell
places going down, I'm not jumping off the titanic, I'm going down with the ship. I didn't leave my job for this for this bullshit and then a friggin police state man tall, fallen apart from your eyes, they wanted the moralize you before Used today, not as a moment to cry in your hands, wiped her eyes and peered birds or whatever there. Many of them were not do in any that. I know you in this audience used today is a day use it as a clarion call. Is it nepal. Paul revere moment are people this country been in far worse positions, and we have the great debate Some kids, guys you men and women in world war, two and world wars, people who been unified we have been destroyed, fighting against communists. In the past, people who fled This country's is no time to give our man no time to be demoralize. This is a total ban.
Should case and they know they're gonna lose, but winning the case. Is it the point by point is to send a message I kill. Every Clinton did, and the message is what this is, we can do to you when we get back in office in twenty twenty? Four? Listen to me. Show no legal mercy whatsoever, none no care of its four years and everyone in the country gets pissed off. Show no legal mercy whatsoever use every legal tool at your disposal to process cute and arrest any of these people who broke the law. I don't care what position they were in the past show no legal mercy. It's the only way. The only way And anyone who doesn't want to play ball can find a new job folks, winning isn't the point
are in bringing a case that is any legal chance with this arguments indictment against shrimp. fearing in the election. Is the point this Articles older, it's from August twenty twenty two, but it is worth reset and of your time. In my newsletter today? But you know that slash newsletter. We want to sign up. Of course it's free, that's a john solomon peace from just the news it talks about an old case involving bill Clinton. Sock drawer is going the impact, this more, a logo classified documents dispute. Folks, the case I'm gonna go to. I rarely used for screenshots, but this is super important to understand, send this article two you're a whole liberal police, state friends, Read this and tell me how this is a good impact. The trump cards in the united states. We rely on legal precedent,
really difficult. If we get a sane judge- and there are many left to ignore- legal precedent in a case like this is their lead precedent for former presidents and classified information. Oh shit, Look there is. There was a member Ok, they now invite bill clinton The case involved, audiotape set out of you, know, classified on information. It is you're at the white house the odds oh tapes became the focal point of a book that this I branch wrote two thousand nine the case, was litigated top vince group judicial. What should they wanted? The tapes? U s, history, judge, Amy, Berman jackson alter we rejected judicial watches suit, concluding, listen, was no provision in the presidential records act to force the national archives to seize records from a former president. Read it again now my group wants
was no provision to seize records from a former president, its I dare say, How did they do it here? Exam actually they don't care there. Trying to win their trial. to say. But judge jackson's ruling that article notes along With the deal jays arguments that preceded it made some others sweeping declarations that are even more direct relevance to the trump case the most relevant is at a price its discretion on what personal versus official records. Far reaching, solely his, as is its ability to declare why or destroy records at will sounds a pretty close of rolling the meda sounds to me like they made this whole thing up this crime, because His actual legal precedent here
Ladies and gentlemen, this gets worse. Wait till I read you the court by judge jackson, which is going to because you know you always gotta protect bill Clinton. What I told you now what was used to protect bill Clinton is now going to be turned around and court exactly on them. This sketch then juicer standby. Let me take a quick break. Bring my blood pressure down get the response or appreciate your time. Hey these crazy days, we gotta recharging, refresh in a natural way. To that end, I discovered bone charge. There are stick while this brand great stuff, a huge range of evidence based products to optimize life in every way. You know I love life hacks. What am I we're products from bone charge. The infrared sauna blanket so amazing, me either stress, chill out on wine after a crazy day. I love the benefits of heat, those he shot proteins in your body. Temperature shock proteins are one of the best Thanks for the sauna, blanket actually break a sweat helms. Remove some of this garbage from your body set up in less than a minute. Each fast I'm relax, and I read it watch tv
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That's your score. Statutory schemes established by the presidential records acts. The decision to segregate personal materials from presidential records is, by the president. During the president's term editors, soul, discretion wow. She wrote that what are you twelve decision by the way, which was never appealed? Oh, it wasn't it's almost as if some establish precedent already. Also goes on these sketch the juice year since the press is completely entrusted with the management any The disposal of presidential records during his time in office it'd be difficult escort to conclude. The congress intended he'd have less authority to do what he pleases what it considers to be his personal records. One more and also concluded that decision. The challenge of presence decision lies solely with the national archives and can be reviewed by a court. The ark wants to challenge it. Its assent,
procedure, no criminal penalties. If you near would your hand your head in your face. How is this happening because we live in a police state there just making all of this sub folks. There is no legal precedent to do You're doing here this is. the collusion model, all over again, collusion model is this event, the crime tropical, with the russians to steal and election totally invented in. The crime and then go use process crimes to charge people on the trump team for talking about the crime that didn't happen, I e talk to mike flynn about colluding with the russians, even though no collusion happen at an accused him of lying to the fbi about a crime that never happen? This is happened here, accused of a crime? That's not a crime! there is no legal basis at all and image
doesn't cooperate, accused drop of obstruction of justice. This is sick. This is sick the police states here right now. Why Why did this happen? Yesterday? We completely we called it trump manner from then for tyrants drops everytime Joe Biden, obama and Hillary Clinton get in trouble. every single time. This is a pure distraction from the obama Biden. Hilary Right families- and it all came out yesterday for a reason why? Because A mega bombshell drop, surgery, taylor, green one into the skiff and capital held the sensitive facility to look at the donkey. from the source. Who says that Biden was bribed with ten million dollars in bribes when he was vice president. The document is stunning. I
get down to three short clips. It's about nine minutes long longer. I can't use all of its some of its repetitive, not perforce uses for being very up to show. it is positive about it right and get you to a conclusion I broke them. Three one minute clips. Here's the first part large retail, agreed talks about this massive bribe and how this edible established fbi stores, No doubt this is what happened? Take a look back: twenty fifteen twenty! Sixteen! The snow was looking to buy us based oil and gas company, and this came from being advised by hunter Biden and his partners. Fine had taller violence said Chopin Perhaps that was around the time of this meeting was when Joe Biden, as vice president, had said that the prosecutor shogun was corrupt they hire hunter on the board to make the problem away. That's where they specifically said
ukrainian natural gas company. Where Biden support man in ukraine, pushing for money for your development of natural gas in ukraine, a natural gas in ukraine is binds appointment. Hires is son hunter with no experience in natural gas informing says that they only hired hunter to make the problems go away. The problem is that there be investigated for corruption at the natural gas company. What the unity here brawl. What are you media here. Look tromp manna from Heaven is guilty of a crime? We just made up there's no legal precedent for gas. Sounds like we're. Let me get authority because we are so Aubrey get a tyranny. You get agility, you get authority, do always gets better. Well, I've been telling you on the show I dont know for five years now. roads lead to ukraine Ukraine was a piggy bank for corrupt foreign lobbyists. Why it's complicated, but all simplify fast. This approach,
european sign a pro russian society, ukraine, they wanted something so big countries it has been going on for generations. They want something they hired lobbyists to get that something from the united states Nobody wanted the piggy bank to dry up. binding and the Biden cried family took part in that. That's why Ukraine was a piggy back here, describes, and this is important- we're going to go over this again. It is critical. You understand that this I've is alleged to have come from ukraine. I'll explain why in emitted, because this Is tied to the classified documents scandal I'll make the connection connect the dots coming up the listener here, all roads, We do you create a brave man, said the hunter stay back and then his other business partner was smart. He also said that he paid five million to one by an five million to another-
it was all a bribery to get shogun fire and in the investigation into very smart. He also told the informant. This is common practice in russia and ukraine common practice. It's part of business, their that's their culture works that they will pay bribery money in order to get business deals done and that many businesses they they take that into account they put their budget. Basically, when they're. Preparing, said by another company or started another company than that
and so over in ukraine, for them to consider hiring hunter Biden on the board in order to make their problems go away, which was the prosecutor shogun, who was investigating very smart for for corruption and legal problems. This was definitely illegal for a vice president of the united states and their family members wait wait. This is the best part by the way, there's a couple of people. In the tribute I saw a couple of people like your yawn or what U I every other uses a joker, you listen I get. It is just a small number, but are you serious? We I have an allegation from an established paid api. I inform him that the current president, united states took ten million dollars in bribes to influence I see from the united states, we finally get the information and nobody wants.
however, you want to talk about what trumpet a fake crime I mean gosh. What's. Ok, this is exactly the point everybody wants you, the total destruction, the trump banned from Heaven together. You pay no attention to what came out yesterday, here's the kid The balls part I did not know. I knew this stuff prior, Here's part three, the shortest part, currently The ukrainians cap records of this because fell ass. If when a bribe, someone probably good idea to keep a record of the payments right in case? What why? Why would you want records show say I bribed Joe and say Joe you're going to do this? If I put you on my board and Joe doesn't do it? What do you do you can blackmail joy, a job with a real shame. If this casts check, I gave you made it out through the media right, be a real shame.
your place burn down. They have record's folks where's the media go at all, really can you we listen the directions we find, those the media, no, the media, kyler gerda conspiracy, there's here, listen to this, they ve got records. Is this glorious time there were no direct payments made to big guy At maybe later, he had become more things were unfolding, he told for he has two pieces of evidence showing prove payment one of the typically Joe Biden you see. I think what everyone needs to understand is is that the good or bad, whether they perform their illegal manner or corrupt manner, they always record of their business accounts receivable and greece macabre record, especially
the prize did do you, form. It says There are records, not you the payments, the hunter. What did oh two out of ukraine. We can where's the media and the fbi today have those records. Are they looking for the answer doing nothing they're, trying to cover up the biggest political scandal of your time. That's why are telling you if they exposing inform and he's going to wind up dead. Congress that now there yet fighting about this yesterday I get to that. Second, and I'm going to show you how big hat monkey here by the way put to say yesterday that we ve known about sport forever, the the bride part the right. Good thing is new to me both and a lot more to do here. Please go anywhere. We put out What information early in the show spread this thing around for us. These are my duration today, lock on our proper functional hydration. Essential liquid ivy got stick right here.
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I better hydration, today using promo code, bon gino, b, o n g, I n o at liquid ivy dotcom stuff's the real deal you'd be surprised how easily you can get the hydra check it out I saw the media ass Biden yesterday again two hilary sweetener beginning whether just one thing s now, I'm selling hats bought her emails like being a wise s about it. Yeah trafficking class information over a private server matter of fact, I'm going to sell hats about it, a decision the tyrant: does they are so confident in their ability to subjugate you and kick you when the balls and use the law on the guns in the bag, to lock you up their lead, thing in your face. Fine gets caught the real question yesterday about this five million dollar bribe, ten million dollar bribed to of actually and his answer it's just to mark every, because that's what they do Take a listen ones ones.
suggests just what they should do, or not to ralph sabrina charge and operate. George I'm honest, I give a more but it's so sad factually not the cutter was looking for, but whenever he asked where the money is, but it's ok. You got that the money one while we're at Joe, I may need to repeat them: ok ask him where the money is check this out the sold out the puffy response to congressional republicans, where's the money. The bank records, show the Biden family their associates and their companies received over ten million dollars from born, nationals and their companies where's the money back to back there. First back to back double it's, not a back to back double where's. The money
the answer. You should just ass James comber, who, as a legion of bank records and suspicious activity report suggesting the bank, is lying because if you should Joe Biden you corrupt the ewe, Ewe, Ewe. Corrupt makes words. You rotting bag of oatmeal, if you're, jesting. The banks are lying. You should sue them or process. Them for filing false reports. He won't anyone in the media gonna ask that question well, MR by the answer to where the money is, is that they have bank record showing millions of dollars with deposits positive to you and your family. You corrupt coon,. Are you saying there why? Because it you are if you're suggesting they're lying, then you should soon or have been prosecuted for lie. that's? Why any What in the media are gonna ask any questions: accomplices through the damn crime by the way we ve known about this, forever hears it.
From the head of the board of directors apparition of the natural gas company talkative. the deliverables and how ukrainian top officials there ultimate our persist quota closed down for any cases and pursuits against nick allay in ukraine. I e were given the binds money to fire the prosecutor looking into our natural gas company, we're where this again Biden firing the prosecutor and bragging about it. This is what told Solitary resembles a jet totalitarianism looks like they have to brag about They ve gotta, show you there S. every single time you ve gotta, show you they're botz man and who they are, how proud they are of their totalitarianism. Here is talking about the deliverable and making investigations go away in firing. The prosecutor, don't forget, Michael knows list There is another billion dollar loan guarantee and I had gotten a commitment.
porsche anko and from yachts in europe did they would take action against the state prosecutor and they did so they said that they walk out press concern us and our marketing or How can we give it a billion dollars? I said you have no authority you're, not the president. The president said I should call em. I said I'm telling you not getting a billion dollars. I said you're not getting the billion I will be leaving here. I think it was what six hours I look as I'm, leaving at six hours of the project not fired you're, not getting the money, while Saddam
badge fire they put in place, someone who was solid at the time while the still day, so they made some genuine substantial changes institutionally end with people, but one of the three institutions. There is now some backsliding, the courts there and a court yes, and they had made the commitment that they wouldn't do that, and so, when we left the first thing, I spent a lot of time, as did like, because this was his territories. wait because this was his territories. People like charlie corruption in Victoria anyway he's talking about Michael carpenter. This was his territory, ukraine, the guy, who later on was the managing director at the office The patent Biden centre. We're Biden was hiding documents about ukraine, that's how that
classified documents, scandal the ukraine, scandal and a bribe are related to what happened a trump. They want to put trump away and I've everyone talking about classified arguments only in relation to trouble, so they put him in jail lock up while buddy ignores the real scandal, the Biden bribe and the ukraine. documents committee, squirreled away. Folks, one of the seven charges a charge them with as well little bit about this from the Federal agent, myself they charge him with violations of the espionage, a trump which is really is ridiculous they did it for a reason. Their charging him with the wilful retention of national security documents that could endanger national security. Here's the catch and this is the reason they threw that india, who gets
the clear what a national security document is and the level of danger all the department of justice. Mark my words, you ready you listening beam in. brothers and sisters. what's going to happen, the special so case in the binds classified documents, thing they're going to say- we're not going to charge that these are national security documents. Here, it's completely their discretion, that's why they charge trump with it. This is important I need you to watch the d o J change that I of national security documents when it comes to Biden case in relationship to trump, the very definition of living The tyranny is inconsistency in application of the law. we get to my neck, sponsor an I played the and thinking he's honest, that clip is a little out of order, but a plating is. I want to show he's this. Guy, ladies and gentlemen, is a rotting bag of oatmeal. He is a sociopathic liar, the single worst president in the
three, the united states, and why go on with his investigation into his classified documents, absolutely nothing has even been interviewed. Yet I got that coming and I want you to remember something to what biden sad about classified documents. you can tell a lot of black our coffee this morning type- The same old John coffee brands go at a cost. It tastes, amazing. It tastes like actual coffee, with a strong, vibrant, great smell and taste black outcome. Folks smells a good portion of your taste. You know that when you smell this coffee, the bag, it's just amazing and you brew it up in the morning one of those old brewers, those metal ones you just plug in. I forget. I had all these fancy coffee makers that smell in the morning. Oh gosh wakes me right up. I'm proud to personally recommend blackout, coffee to coffee, company a hundred percent committed to conservative eyes. From sourcing being so the roasting process. Customer support of shipping gun incredible work ethic when their dedicate to this country conservative principles. They accept absolutely a compromise on the taste or of their products. Do me a favor check
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we're going in this gift to look at this document about the bride and all of a sudden leaks out magically that trumps gonna be indicted. You really believe this is an accident. Worry media Biden says he's honest. So, let's not look into it. You hack, goons, binds honest he's alive, Montage, your binds honesty in the past is a sociopath thing. Liar check this I was sort of raised in the puerto rican community at home and put him in the foothills of the himalayas Xing Peng traveling within five written extensively. As a while, when I was a lot professor, I went to law school on a full academic scholarship, the only one in my the class I'd have a full academic scholarship. I was appointed to the academy in nineteen sixty five. I didn't come to the academy because I wanted to be a football star and you had a guy named starbuck and bellino. Here
the delaware dollar, shave, the back, the law, school and, in fact, ended up in the top half of my class. I want the international mood court competition. I was the outstanding student in the political science department at the end of my year. I graduated with three degrees from under just go and honoured sixty five credits, only the hundred twenty three credit and I'd be delighted to sit down and compare MIKE you two years if you'd like, I am sure call minor. Suicide call screen pennsylvania. My gavel, nada,
was he was the sales person he wasn't a coal miner. My great grandpa was my first job offer where I wanted my wife, deceased wife and I wanted to move to idaho, because we used the knowledge of the beautiful, beautiful state and I interviewed for a job with boise cascade. I got a commercial license because my dad used to run an automobile agency, I used to drive a tractor trailer asa, and so I know a bit about drive a big truck. I saw maria pee bale campaign manager and chat. How do we fix this? We fly everyone who stood by notice fire the people who did this everyone stood by and did nothing while the carbon of justice. In the f b, I ve been ravaged ravaged by corrupt the crafts. Everyone gets fired. Everyone if you stood by and did nothing that's how
here's the Biden investigation into his massive classified documents, scandal, you know Michael our point is Michael's territory, ukraine, bribes, all this stuff here added to this accord, NBC dollar he hasn't been interviewed. Yet everything say: ok, there check this out present Biden also facing a special council investigation into his handling of classified documents. Tonight, NBC news learning that investigation does not appear close to end. The president has yet to be interviewed. Three people familiar with the matter. Tell us saying his advisers determined. He would provide an interview once his legal team and the d J agree on conditions, but they got to agree. I conditions you may like that from team, was trying to agree on conditions for the turn, over the national archives in a civil matter about documents are more log onto the fbi, showed up at the door? Sounds I dated and agree on conditions. So with so weird course. What would the media be without republicans pound stories right? Here's a couple
jobs from the daily mail. What gives rage trouble I been documents pro rage. here's NBC republic, The attack by family. If the viewing fbi dyke, republicans pounds what a republic Its proud stories, republicans pound stores, are an effort by the. acu and media. To not talk about what the Democrats, option is binds bribe, but the rope, in response to it? Those a report? kids pound origin can count on every single time. The triple patents for just general patching folks, since the biggest political cover up in history, you are living in a police state right now. We are not out of time to fix it. However, we are out of time until the arrival of said police. They it's here now it's here now. The answer is to get involved today today.
we don't have any more time. I don't care if you gotta, go, join a republican club today, folks, I don't I'm not here to tell you who to vote, for you know why, supporting it, it doesn't matter. You need to support your own candidate barbaik to say at this trump tim sky, I don't care if you support Chris Christie, not the it's not my best, I told you I support you, gotta make your own decisions. Get involved today We cannot lose twenty twenty four and if yet or candidate is not committed. To cleaning house, I mean an absolute housecleaning down through the cupboards them not deserve your. That is step number one. I have run out of time only maybe get you a few questions. I gotta play this still. First This is straight up for jobs a year could this be a big distraction? Of course it could. I gotta tell you Stories a little freakin, weird folks, did you suitors, you phone story out west from local news, channel, listen.
I believe in evidence Ordinarily, I heard a nine one. One call like this candidly, I'd be like that's the craziest thing I ever does it. You have fun my yard, with a foot aliens I crazy unless A police officers body can have literally just caught it object, followed out of the sky earlier. This story couldn't be a distraction. weirdly time, but I gotta tell you This is strange check this out. Several agencies believe something landed or crashed. Whether was non humans or not. It certainly scared the people living on this property. Now, before we show you that video listen to their call for help person excited and another one inside, and it has big eyes at us and it's over
Okay. Where is this on your property? So, in my backyard I swear to, god is not adult who's actually cuter. If I would say, there's two people or two bettering your backyard correct and there are very large delegates- could not feed. To put I dunno they're they're like little aliens who are the guys that have big eyes like I get excited and they got all their tiny eyes and and they're, not human, the one hundred percent human while the eighties, our investigators obtaining video as officers than responded to the call you just heard you'll see. The officers also saw something in the sky that night. But the big question is: what was it and is it all connected.
It's almost midnight on may firmest when almost biggest metro police officers body can catch. Is this something flashing low in the sky? Men on one emerging, hey minutes later, there's a good person cited and another one is that it has the guy there look at this hour. I somewhat jackson is alien magruin, an alien, we have a whole than I dont know. Could Big huge distracted, I never you razor, keep it simple stupid. Could events, a meteorite or something but folks, Gotta, be honest, that's kind of weird gig body, and then crashes right in the area that the guy says a bunch of eight foot aliens rid his yard. That's pretty strange or let's rappers get a few questions. Questions for Dan, hey dan! ad free to be me too, on rumble if you were going to take some questions from rumble from now on, you think congress pushes so much support for the war in ukraine, because ukraine threatens to expose their corruption and money laundering schemes like maybe
blackmailed absolute freedom, we again my chapter through my book follow the money insane in ukraine, you tell me no, I gotta be that chapter, you the hope of go right ahead? It's called follow the money. You'll see exactly how it went down in ukraine. Sorrows ban afford all this stuff, how it's all tied together ass J, twenty twenty, two, a five from rumble. Damn ever turn in your guns of a corrupt government tried to confiscate our guns. What would you do folks? It was done illegally, immorally and unconstitutionally. You can't and it's over it's the end. Add no. On locals, gino, diego. Hey Dan, was there ever a moment? You regretted leaving the secret service, I'm at a crossroads and make making my decision to leave the federalist organization. I've been a part of for ten years, because I don't like what's become of it nodal. No, no, it was never a mo
I love my friends over. There was a great You You know the eighty twenty rule, twenty percent of people do. Eighty per cent of the work secret service was the only organization I ever work with, where it was eighty twenty. Eighty percent of the people that eighty percent of the work and twenty percent of the people got carried out. great organization. I missed the guys know: I've never missed him. One day, because I know what I'm doing god's work for me. I know that I'm an impact, a guy man, I'm a sinner. I get that one hundred percent, I'm not your role model, believe me that you can tell by some, of course, language and try. It supplies the facts, but this is what I was meant to do. I was meant to bring the pay one hundred percent. Just like method bear some of your get that again on darth, vader, loafers, goodbye way, gay and just in only pick. This costs are absolutely obsessed with star wars. Question could have been horrible heyday, What colors you're out the words if they would have picked this? No matter what?
the avonlea, dumb criminal stories. You could tell us from your police secret service. There is today a quick one. I got a rock and roll. so I've been investigate this guy and a credit card fraud case for seriously two years. he's managed to evade all of us. Where's hotspots, glass, society, stealing credit card numbers this, We can't find cause. He signing fake names, you stealing credit card numbers, you sign it whenever John smith, joey bag. Doughnuts, there's no way to find this guy he's always wearing gloves is no finger. Pray. We tried everything printing receives the deed, exhilarating fails. Put now wanted posters. This guy was just killing a long island which stolen credit cards right this area it, he's like a year in sense his daughter, and I guess you just got greedy. He said his daughter room? Would Stalin who signs are actual name and a great Neither is it was one of those names like pop up ads.
What doc bullets an opera kiss like it was like the only one it was like rivera. Some may have brownie beaver like it. Of course, this probably it was the only one on all of long island. We were like Larry of this is, This area is only what a life a real, firstly, due weight. classic diabetes. the great bob it's a by life. We were like, I don't. I pull up of pictures of the family and my dad. the guy two years, they put up a catalyst. It was the only one that was here That's my stupid criminal store. I gotta ro. I thank you all for a great weekly stream numbers have been crazy with fifty thousand, I fear six thousand streamers man that you know it. You understand streaming a push system like the time, streamers on the planet, you all are so great, so loyal, join us here every day in the stream and live chat jody
friday's summit of language little absorbing a lighted by a little pestered. I write join us. eleven a m eastern time, the url. Was rumble slash bond geno, just type that, in your browser, click follow on the page. You'll get a notification everyday joint action. A ten. They start like an hour early, gay and just in chad away. You can join in and get some questions and stuff rumbled dot com, slash gino! Do me one waiver. Before the weekend. You wouldn't mind going apple and spotify and clicking that follow subscribe button as well, it's free, but it helps to stay on the charts. It really means a lot to me. We really appreciate it keeps our marketing costs down, so a business guy. First, we really appreciate your help. It shows for you thanks a folks I'll see you back here on monday, one day a day, there. You just heard it in bonn, gino.
Transcript generated on 2023-06-27.