« The Dan Bongino Show

Protect Yourself At All Costs (Ep 2118)


Savage Terrorists. Violent Criminals. Communists. In this episode, I address why you must protect yourself at any and all costs, and my take on the new Republican Speaker of the House.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Waiting to hear the truth about america on his shoulders, not immune to the banks with your host dan bungee. Now, gentlemen, listened protect yourself at all times. At all costs protect yourself. We live in the world as it is not the world liberals want us to live in as it. They think it should be that not the world we live in, you can here today a whole lot of bull shit about stuff. It's I keep you safe, like we're going to keep the guns out of the hands of criminals. Let me tell you something because they have to politicize every single human tragedy, the instant it happens, which forces us to again have to back off and defend ourselves? These People will get you heard in a hard if you listen to them, you are taking your life in your own hands. I met, throw that. Are they gonna? busy shop as well. go on it was. heavy newsday. Yesterday I had a hard time fitness show on two pieces of paper. I write
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My daughter white saw it nor burn alabama jest up my daughter's first time she saw it was absolutely borne away by people live in the theater cry of software it's a film that net folks is a lot going on around the globe. Right now times feel uncertain. We're working hard and dollars aren't going as far as they used to many americans are putting their expenses on credit cards, seeing their dads pilot We can't trust our leadership for any sort of help, but one thing's for certain My friends at american financing and helping homeowners like you, while my feet of overwhelming on your own. They can help. You use your homes equity, to pay off that mounting debt. A ten minutes all is all it takes. These guys are rented for you. Not the banks. Are customers are saving an average of seven hundred ozma xo cost or obligate to find out how much you can say and in these uncertain times savings need to be a priority. Call their salary based mortgaged zones. Today, an american financing. Eight eighty nine for seventy six sixty again the number eight eighty nine for seventy six sixty or visit american financing dot net animal s, one or two,
three for animals consumer access, dot, org, all right thursday, so Joseph the show and erode daddy your post time. Then. Yes, sir, it is, Ladies and gentlemen, we had another attack. Last night, louis, then I'm not saying guy's name because I hate deserve his name out there: a guy still on the loose, apparently murdered twenty plus people? of course it was only by white seconds after we heard that and a thousand differ liberal, lunatics on facebook and twitter train Did you kill by mean literally trying to get you killed? They may not be knowing that they're trying to get you killed. They may just be focus group testing a talking point out there, but they will get. You kill I instantly of core, calling for gun control. Dominates you a simple question because one I'm Joe, you remember a c four from w b. A ll remember remember, remember that guy yeah he's asia, radiohead sabena, beneath marilla there,
and I ve super nice guy democrat, but very very nice guy and you should go to guess, ossing self, on the show we would shout once in a while and I know I don't know where he stands these days on gun control to speak for the guy anymore. I haven't spoken to in years, but he was pretty much at a lot of the Democrats, staff on guns and we're going in the studio my telling a story. About how my house was broken into my kids. Don't even know the story they they don't know that their moment now. But Some are broke into my house. While I was sleeping- and I didn't my kids add I I you know they broke up and I told him it differently, events, because I don't want them to feel insecure and house, but they broke in while we were there and It was suspected that the guy was armed and the only thing you're probably kept me alive and everyone else is stating go upstairs. They just wanted staff. They are probably drug use, took the stuff and left we left. It garage door open was it was away myself, but it was my fault I lifted as DORA he's the bad guys on him by. I should know There was a mistake.
They cleaned out my first floor. I could have been dead. Everyone in the house could have been done and I asked the guy I see forwards. What do you think would happen if I went downstairs and the guy had a gun, you think I'm going to scream gun control. What do you think would happen? you- think, the bad guy is in any way intimidated by what foul language knives what it would anybody think he's gonna do. And it was interesting. Zero such a simple argue, isn't it? im. Looking at me like gosh. I guess I kind of make sense. I bad guys don't get guns legally they're gonna bring a gun to a fight. You're gonna bring what fell language to show. We- should understand that bad guys, percentage of the mentally ill popular that everyone is mentally ill is violent. I spent a lot of time study in psychology and it's one of It does earth me a lot of people, a mental illness or not violent at all. However, a Significant swaths of them is significant enough. They can cause some damage happened to be make a journey to sociopath like this guy last night, who shot up a bowling alley so immediately.
Course there are calls for gun control. So I want to say this again you're, so ignore the nonsense. There is no effort in this country, nor will they be for gun control because nobody actually believes it is we're talking point! It's why it goes. Nowhere is why, over the past fifty years, we have had not more gun control, but less. We have had more freedom to defend yourself and the right to self protection, not less. If you the number of states that are constitutional carry where it can yo carry an arm shall issue whether the may as she was in effect, control goes nowhere because nobody actually believes it criminals. the cinema. This listen turn it up to you. I gotta go one right here at rent railway journey via criminals. Don't give a shit about our laws. Savings values can be saved together again them forever. Dolls give a shit about gun laws. Thank you. That's why they're? thank you
That's why they're criminals their criminals? I don't give a shit about laws. Walk around the cells. When I was a carpenter, seven five precinct- and I would ask people who got arrested for c p w criminal possession of a weapon I'd say: listen! Ah, you are in to get tat god, you're phelan, which means bring me the possessor, the debt ever carter, you when you bought the gun they like me, you crazy. They will look at it. You like you, would not like what are you dipshit? They love criminals. There's a couple people that love guidelines. You know who they are Democrats, communists, Hamas terrorists, Cyril killers, murderers and violent felons, because why? Because get the prey on people who can't fight back. So you can Take yourself or you can get debt that's it. now listen, I'm gonna give you some survival advice here in a way to take this very seriously. there are hundreds of millions of guns in the world's problems. Billions again guns should be. I have no idea what the number is
there are so many they're not going anywhere are these things are made to last a hundred plus years. You know them. still firearms around from this. civil war that I'm sure, if you polish them up would be operable, maybe not effective, but operable they're, not going anywhere. Ok, everyone got it with three d printing by in the future. By the way you gonna have guns, plastic guns everywhere. Ok, you neither defend yourself against them or you can die those Two choices no option see controls a myth, guns we're being controlled guns will never be controlled. It is a fairytale. It's not a coincidence that cities in states with the most profound and restrictive gun control laws also have some of the highest levels of gun crime, because the gun criminals get the guns illegally and no nobody else can defend themselves. Ok, that's an accident. Many of you, I maybe some here number one Happens you get away, get away period, full, stop if you can't get away, try again
if you really really can't get away and you are absolutely forced to fight. If you don't have a firearm, I'm sorry, but there's a good chance. It's not it's gonna end. Very bad at the folks there's no way I want to say again. We gotta be realistic about ballistics as well. Fifteen as a common use weapon. The weapon. You should have access to as well. It is a weapon. There is a good defensive weapon and makes it semi decent hunting round, but as a good defensive weapon. It's us we're good weapon against Hamas. Para terrorists as well. They are fifty imre. However, If you cannot get away and you are armed and you have a handgun you're out of severe disadvantage you need to know the difference between covering concealment. the there is anyone in shadow the difference in covering concealment cover? I'd some kind of visual back visual obstacle, cover could be a p a card board where you secreted behind this, so they can't see you. I mean
me concealment ida backwards as concealment cover vice perfected ballistic protection, a piece A cardboard may conceal you, but it's not for its, not cover. Ok, you can chew right through it a hot knife, do barcelona do anything matter of fact its rifle rounds not allowed. It's going, do stop. You have a seven six two round. I got news for you even stand: abide cinder block its only gonna take so many rounds. So I gotta, understand the difference you always want cover. If you don't have come and you can only get concealment it's better than nothing? Why? Because it's hard to Will you can't see, and by the way most people, weren't trains like this guy allegedly was. This this savage most people are train. Will instinctively shoot at what they can't see. I know it sounds crazy. What they want you to cardboard, they may they may
you mean you can see the video that hamas terrorists shooting into those porta porter john Jonathan it's a kibbutz. If yours averaging about drug use. You do anything, however, those people by instinct we'll try to shoot at what they can see if you can get. cover? Concealment is the next worse thing but you need to understand to use what does that mean for you? It means if you're in a place wherever you are, you should always five minutes to do a couple things can the exits there is typically an exit in the back of a place that leads to a back alley, especially commercial location. It's how they at their deliveries. Every soup, market. Has it every restaurant? Has it age stores have it if they get their deliveries in the back there always an exit. Most if human beings will try to run out of the entrance they came in. Sadly, that's where the bad guy comes in, to say, you're running right into a fight. You don't want to be it go out the back there, almost always an exit in the back yard. Because you see an exit sign. scan for exit? Second,
always know where some covering consumers, when I go to locations. I frequent often the first thing I think about is what's cover what do what's consume. It takes me about thirty seconds. That's it if you train this stuff in your head, you'll at least stand a fighting chance. Folks, sorry we to have these conversations, but this shows commit, do you keep yourself alive and not getting dead? The left is coming to one thing getting you hurt, I'm telling you right now: criminals, democrats, communist savages terrorist and serial killers, all of gun control. No sane person loves that. defend yourself and protect yourself at all costs. I was on the line last night at that movie, theater, saying hello to everybody and to a lady from Massachusetts. She said I moved down a florida because of you welcome we love, new conservatives down here I'll, take you come down here. The first thing you should do is train. I saw someone in a chap train, train, train, train train, get yourself What do I I'd say a thousand round? You should be able to put through them.
Thousand round you should be able to put that, right that firearms get ready to go. train folks a thousand rounds. Thousand rounds and you should be issued every three months, even if it is thirty forty rounds practice loading drills pact. Practice, malfunctions drills. You know your tap rack acquired the target, lock it open, rip the magazine out ready to go. It's a stage, two malfunction, if you ve never heard of these things, folks go take a class. This is this you need to know you can't just pick up. A gun inspected be proficient in it in the worst possible scenario. Your life, where this hot lead flying pasture ear, news for you, you're not gonna, be efficient. There Train sweet guys. I know, probably in the chat roulette, the same thing, I do there
the guy's, a navy shield and maybe seal some of the best combatants on earth will tell you. There's a fog of war. Train, guys, their fog of war, maybe ten seconds before they get back on target on trade people could be five minutes by that time. Here that you want to five minutes for ministry minutes, two minutes one minute thirty seconds, maybe if you're really good fifteen seconds before you're, ready to rock and roll and get back into fight, you cannot escape also if there is no way out, you are going have to be aggressive, like you, ve never been in your life if there is no way out Golden rule number one get the hell out of their number two. Really get out of here, if you really can get out of their number three and you are forced to fight, you are getting to be aggressive, throw some If it's the best you can do. Even the most train people on earth will not take something to the face. Even if something is silly as this coin, they will always stock. the? U S, human instinct, that's the best, you can do you are going to have to be aggressive adieu, horrible things because it's either your life or theirs. If you can
get away aggressive, only thing you can do that first of all the crazy stuff that comes out of a lot of these government entities, I will say one thing: the run hide fighting is not a terrible idea. Run I would argue run run run run run, then? If you care, Try to hide- and if you absolutely cannot do any of those things and you are going to fight you damn well, better, be aggressive by kick. I gouge kick him in the nuts bridge folks and scrape and throw stuff Adam stay alive, no matter what you got a lot of threats come in our way. A lot and do not listen to these left its they will get. You kill emitted criminals. Don't you shit about gun laws period. That's why they're criminals,
If these will get you kill, I got a lot more to do To yesterday, as I said, is really heavy newsday, as you can see, there were no elements in the beginning of the shell, because I just wanted to talk to you, man, a man, man or woman There I don't want anything, get in the way something I am passionate about a scene, too many people fall victim to crime because they believe left this fairytales like there's a good. Nobody, if the people and you're going to talk a guy with a gun out of his gun, not going to do it you're going to find yourself dead. so! Finally, yesterday we have a speaker. My johnson is a new speaker. Will he be good for us again to everybody taken a victory lap. I sought again on twitter. Today was sickening Nobody will apologize to this guy and I can I just shut the fuck up for a second and find out if this guy's going to do. Conservatives, though, I'm sorry for I just I can't take the twitter wars kissing people's ass, I really can gates, is great mccarthy, sucks, Johnson's, grey jordan
he's, ladies and gentlemen, for the thousandth time all hate. You Please stop on twitter kissing these guys asses its king browsing Uruguay? grown adults. I'm not talking to you in my chat in show. I don't mean that omitted. I love you guys. You know that, but there I'm telling you you get it they don't? There are still people. on twitter, like this is great we don't know which gray I like John semi sounds like a nice guy. What is he gonna? Do that only thing we give a shit about care about anything else. Nobody's taking a victory lap as if we didn't eating what what did we do? We had an old guy. We got rid of her new guy, let's see what he does before. We start taking victory that fair chat. Chapters. Let me know fair or not.
you disagree me. Let me know yes, it's fair! No, that's not fair! We should take a victory that today we're over what. Believe how many people on twitter. You guys the sky, an apology and are talking to you who were nobody is anybody shit, let's see what this guy does. Yes, thank you fair. These guidelines are doing great conservative stuff also. Having said that, we get a covered, honest. It's a good start, all the People seem pissed off about bad speaker, my johnson here we see, arrive yesterday's disgrace. You see he's got, say unequal, Part our marriage guys really gotta be terrible disease. Quiet assassin he's Really, conservative and but he's really quiet, sierra sounds big matter by this. Could this be a good thing? I judge judged by all the right people being pissed off your cnn check this. I think he is a person whose
two demonize. You know it's very easy to demonize somebody like a gym jordan, whose of firebrand he's out there is fighting and- and Donald trump can demonizing Amor because you didn't leave, the election was rigged, but you this kind of I want to use the word milk toaster. That's not quite the right word. he is A serious person, is not proud to getting in baby huge fights with people he is known as a listener. I was told his you lay conservative he doesn't work on his sleeve all the time. so we're off to a good start. Are we not aw. The right people seem really pissed off good enough for me, but we'll see, put the cork on the freak in bottle. Please stop.
What happens when we engage in premature victory, laughs and we start kissing people's asses before getting anything done. They relish the s kissing instead of actually doing stuff. Oh look at me. Here's my ass, But it put your lips: are you gonna do the conservative not weaker so kiss my ass about not how about we just remember they all hate us. And there they did you a job which is when baseball games and by when Baseball games. I mean events. Conservative, stop! and when they vance conservative stuff, then we can pop the core. The government still going bankrupt. The borders still open no still pouring in the Democrats, still pushing for crazy gun control, someone's gonna get. You kill We have an ongoing crisis over there. Russia, ukraine, we had money flowing out to ukraine, let's Do some conservative suffer. Msnbc was really take off till this ones. To get to this one, and the second MSNBC is so
furious that they had to bring out the election deny or label again. Anyone in the chat. Let me ask you a question: is for your chances? After as any in the chat, deny there was an election other any should that ireland, the chap, is anyway gear. Election that are so an election. Happened in two thousand and twenty. for money whether Joe are you and what you do. Shows, like I remember I was I was alive for that actually voted in. So I'm pretty sure that was lacking any election, that no the job either; no, no, no Luckily, the writers of march is so weird because now is out there, the view in the chat everybody thinks There was a lot lotta malfeasance and potentially rigged the election with their changes in the rules, the mail and ballots and what they did with two hundred buying stuff correct. So that could be that's. Why yesterday so at the nine years, and let you that's asking questions about an electric where actual stuff happens like
in slovenia, change into laws amass mail and ballot elected for the first time with the new york times themselves acknowledge in twenty twelve mail about. He was a problem and, they rigged an election by blanking out the one hundred Biden story? We now know there were forty f b I informant who were informing on the Biden team. Okay. Now we got a quick break. Can we get back MSNBC cause. They seem real mad that speaker, my johnson Some issues with the election, which I do to anyone in person would like apple, not me. He thinks I dont disagree with them. Think some bleeding this bag out too much from sniffs and he's a little worried as if we can't get a back up back like a really bring back obsolete beg out of the boat but things were wearing this poor bag out. This in a bag, doesn't have a soul or anything like that, but this bag definitely some coffee. So so squeeze it again and yes,. The smith sir there and it
still smells freakin amazing, you, tired and same old, liberal garbage. Can you s mouth that smell May I reckon you want you back there, Joe taken out the whole table totally come on. smith. Jos, I called you see Joanna camera like do in a bare crawled back there they did. You could try to get out like our carbon copy. Dude you can just get the audiences From sourcing the bees are the roasting process. Customer support a shipping they ve got an incredible work ethic dedicate promoting conservative principles, and accepting no compromises taster quality. Do me a favor check out their coffee today, black our coffee, dot, com ass, Bonn, gino use coupon code budget over twenty percent off your first order did shows other guys. I've had three cups. I love it. Ball than struck Joseph, because if we could never tell
The ball and strong, but never better blackout. Coffee remains true to our values and black. Our coffee, dotcom, slash bond gino use could bunco bungee no for twenty percent of your first pillar. I back to show. So I don't know why I think by johnson, could be a really good thing and we'll see, but we'll wait on the outcome. Again, all the right people are pissed off. Here's MSNBC very upset that lawyer johnson now speaker, had some questions about the shit election in twenty twenty check, this out east, I that the person that they put up for this job, maybe wasn't cited all over the january sixth report, though there is at least one mention of him in there, but instead he someone who simply provided some of the attempted rationale for how to overturning election, and I did I'm glad frankly, that you played the clip from last night
when they invited reporters in for a quote, unquote, press conference and then said no policy questions. But I tried similarly today when he walked down the very steps that I'm standing on right now and spoke with reporters for once again what they called a press conference and didn't take questions. I shouted quite loudly about whether or not he thought the two thousand and twenty election results were legitimizing for Biden and if he believed that Biden was the the the legitimately elected president, the united states, and he once again ignored those questions. And so I know that some people might say it's in the past, but certainly january. Sixth and twenty twenty looms so large over this building every single day, and now you have someone in the presidential line of succession who helped with that rationale, in a key way that republican members of congress were using his legal bases that were, of course, flimsy and non constitutional, but were trying to use them as their rationale for why they voted against certifying the election results. I think that that's extremely striking and speaks to where the party is right now, where really going to find
The new them also, I should put this in the short term, the most hilarious here. It is really the funny thing about this lunatic MSNBC she's claiming that my johnson is now the speaker is some kind of election that ire as they pop ways for you all in the chad you guys at their who did it we're crowds vote for four speaker, every single one. Does anyone know they were in the chair? as hakeem jeffries, so I Johnson, who had significant questions about the garbage two thousand and twenty election and is free to absolutely air them. As a free citizen and a member of congress they're saying he's in elections, and I let me Do you some tweets by hockey jeffreys about elections? Democrat key pouting history will never accept you as a legitimate president, as one Let's be clear, donald trump, the only
in trying to steal the election? Is you and your bodies in the kremlin endeavoured theirs? jeffreys. The more we learned about the twenty sixteen election day, more illegitimate it becomes America deserve to know if we have a fake president in the lovers hair stag russian interferes MSNBC. Let's do a little demo ready. If you're not going to call out the quote. action deniers in your own party, like Hakim jeffreys, but you're, going to have to my johnson, who made a significant legal case against challenging, but we believe is really messed up. Twenty twenty election. You can take your theory and you can roll it up. If you're going to do this to get folks, you can roll it up into a ball and roll it up into a little ball area. Don't think you can roll it up like dash. You just said outside the role it up in a little ball highways. You get it like.
It's got a little edge on it just like this, and you can take it and you could stick it up your ass. How does that sound like that? it's got a little ledger feel really great for you. What do you think it's a matter of fact that such an edge because they have that's out. Take it. Why here Just like that those saga, can take. It is taken up your ass. How you your guy hakim jeffreys by you definition, is an election that ire and melting down, because my johnson than like the election, like I said we're starting off great because all the right people hate this guy, we'll see what happens, though, I was going to play this video next time. We should, Dear dear damages by John said Johnson, this is my johnson gave. This goes to show you how crazy the Democrats, our by the way here's yesterday he's given is accepted. Speech for the speaker all seems like a quiet kind of guy, not really bombastic, and I want you to why well I'll tell you what I wanna play it and I
you to tell me and chat Joe knows with this about sono dodgy, but I want you to watch about twenty seconds in his speech, and what are you notice about this that you think they're bonds? You know that was so important. I would put it in the shell check this out. All the more Communities, children and even daughter died from it. The status quo is unacceptable. bull, inaction is unacceptable and we must come together and address the broken border. We have to do it. Why did I got that anyone in the chad now. Why did I Cut video thou Y yeah you're, damn right, because not a single democratic got up when he said some common sense stuff like hey. Maybe we should secured a border order
like the Democrats here. Hands ass here. You're like this. probably feel in themselves still. Doing nothing, weird owes the The anti communist you're damn right, where the anti communist, whenever wherefore there it gets everything security? Is a big deal? Border security such they are against? Whatever wherefore? This is through the democratic party. Is you at least one of whom would get up and be like you know, there's a massive terror attack overseas, theirs Seventy plus people have been the border on the terror database things probably good time to get up about a secure bordering clap. No, No, no, not democrats. So that's the good stuff, all the right people are ticked off. There's potentially some roadblocks now and again. Why? absolutely resolutely refuse to pop the champagne corks and act
This was a huge victory until we actually get a victory, Ladies and gentlemen, there's gonna be a sea our past, probably in the next two weeks,. Continuing resolution. I e more government spending, keep the government open whenever that even means anyway,. We are going bankrupt ominous show you some numbers coming up in a second that are just Oh staggering, you're not can be able get your arms around him Then I want to show you this pbs lunatic at the white house, asking Biden quest That's really not a question about John. in the election, and I thing showing you again that MSNBC is terrified of people asking questions about the election. I got a lot. More had also don't go the nine one one calls been released. obama, chef that drown tragically and not above the law. this vineyard over there, then One cause released there, interesting stuff in air, and I think it should put some stuff the bad and some other questions to be asked to so stay too. Big show had left.
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listen, let's not take a victory lap, because we are in a world that trouble right out numbers kay yesterday, where there is a financial apocalypse about the hit, the united states. and ignoring it. It's not gonna make it go away. Ok, The fox news article is in the news that are today by the great each ay and tony treasury shop. The financial bomb abide now makes me some worse is yet to come Ladies and gentlemen, look at some of these numbers. They are absolutely staggering. You are talking about One point: seven trillion dollar deficit trail dollar deficit this year and eight hundred and seventy nine billion dollars in interest payments were not even pay and down the principle of what we owe we spent six trillion dollars last year. Actually, worse, six, one trillion Meanwhile, we only brought in four point four trillion: six one trillion dollars spent four point forgery. I wanted to put this in pursuit. before I move on. What do you think we should
and then took in the first year the donald trump presidency, and, by the way, republican administrations, including trump? We spent a lot of money to nobody gets a pass. Look at this. twenty eight, it's given. Let's go back to twenty eighty. We spent four point, one trillion wait them respect six point one true you now you're telling me in just a few years were spending two trillion more thou hast. That's exactly what I'm telling you. Do you realize right now what we, what we're taking it in government, could have paid for government spending just a few years ago yet whisper. in two trillion more. Therefore, we have a one point: seventy dollar deficit, but place even accounting for inflation. We would have been close folks, we're going bankrupt and we're going bankrupt, fast that's why I tell you with Johnson or anyone else. The new speaker until we get a sea are, and so control a government spending. I understand we only control one half of one third of government. I get that what we
still have some leverage. We better get something it's gonna, be a massive fifteen percent cut, which is necessary right now, probably more to get control our finances, but it better be something. Well, you know, watches pbs lunatic is p as lunatic at the white house yesterday, asking Joe Biden yesterday about my job notice how she doesn't ask questions. She makes an assertion about it. Action that I hope this is not a question it serving them up. They love talking about this stuff check this out. house republicans just elected my johnson of Louisiana as the speaker of the house, Johnson advocated conspiracy theories about voting machines in a rigged election in twenty twenty. He encouraged his colleagues to join a lawsuit to invalidate the results of four states. So if you win reelection in twenty twenty four, are you worried that a speaker dance and would again attempt to overturn the election? Why not
Because again, look just like I was not worry. Did last category will return you action over sixty lawsuits soon, always supreme court in every time they lost. I understand the constitution. You notice how they always go back to the election than ire stuff. This is all they have. They don't have anything else or let me move on cause. I get a lot more to get em even got to like third, the show you then I won't one call from me: obama, house and my mouth has vineyard came out this tragedy over there, the chef drown this man to war there is no joke. I am a great swimmer I've said that before I took a little vague station in the bahamas, and downside to the trip is the guys I wish I was with really good swimmers. I'm I had to learn how to swim in. Secret service school, but I'm out great out at embargo, heavy I'm just not efficient. I get tired, quick and Reality is in rough surf maybe five minutes in me if that
you know, I'm really not good at it. If you'd, this? Probably some of the best advice I can ever give you about water, never jump, Anything headfirst, no matter what I don't care, what anybody tells you all its twenty seven feet: deep, idle care. I Go on in anything at first, I'm not doing it unless you're I'm kind of olympic diverted trained in some area before there is no reason for you whatsoever to be doing that, not only to look like superstar. Do you swandown, you're gonna, why a paralyzing yourself like a friend of my newly did at the beach when he broke his neck is lucky survive you must round to that. But this can piece of advice is: don't we but he's euro if you're out, water knew not a good swimmer. Then you really need to have a life s time, so it is now more one call came out of my complaint a whole thing. It was like five minutes long, but I secret service lingo, so decipher just a little bit. It is the secret
service, guys called my mom and somebody must have rushed in the security room. You'll hear some traffic in the background. This is their security room This is what you heard. Ticklish nine one where is your emergency- we have nail drowning in the fact that the property right now we have our iraqi swimmers their attempting to go out there right. How would you phone number for you caught and on which what's the best access winner end an age of driving I don't know right now to get on the boat or someone came running up to our back post, saying that a gentleman it's just death of the house, I'm out there drowning. Rescue swimmers going out there ooh sound so are rescue swimmers are able to locate the ah gentleman that a man who's reported drowning.
So we have everybody on the way over there now to meet with us and gather their resources. Have the ability to say no Ladies and gentlemen, a a few things actually, because than I hate worse than when everybody wastes a bunch of time on a bunch of theories and staff. They can't back up what evidence: okay, ok, who it's about obama, george w bush. George soros or any one else only talk about stuffing a back up, I listened to the whole nine oman call goes on for five minutes. It's a lot of that is definitely a secret service security room and he says deployed the rescue swimmers which says to me that, I'm a detail. I know a lot of guys on that detail: he's pretty substantial we're malfeasance going on here. It's probably not likely, would happen in front of a bunch of secret service agents who would be obligated by war by the way to prove testimony or lose their jobs by it? I should say by law by industry they lose their jobs. So of
if there were malfeasance evolve, as probably the worse place to do it also the guiding our lifestyle, which again not a good swimmer. You would be surprised how quickly even go under the Y know happened. I dont, however, having some experience in the space that security room traffic is real and the you swimmers they about they're, probably you know you're, not you may say well why weren't they out when outdated drown, because we know protect the chef. We have no obligation, nor we legally allowed to protect the chef reverberate obama and what are the waters pretty vast, but the facts did these guys, we're all out there ready to go. This to me. I know, there's a lot of interest in it. like an accident. You know, and and believe me: I got a lot of sources if this was not a bunch of people. every reached. Having said that, have applied more than a bond gino rule the stories well over a month to month. All that this point and if any, else comes in. I think, he's suspicious I'll, tell you, but I don't like
waste time that a bunch of rabbit holes, lot of interest in the story. I saw that pop yesterday. There you go, ok This is my holy Moses story of the day I, this yesterday and wandered away almost in the end that show to put this sooner because the we raised this story, did not get a store amount of traction yesterday, because yesterday we had an attack in movies to me, we have in ongoing, would potentially be catastrophic war in the Middle east, we had Speaker of the house picked yesterday. and you add a major international event with the australians meeting, the white house yesterday without meal break it the ridiculous new cycle. Yesterday, this pop as I was putting the show together having worked. Criminal cases would see eyes confidential form. As I was like this
is it now? You know you live in the police state. Now you know why didn't ashes and then my movie, we put out there the police they movie. Now you know why every theater was packed and we sold out all over the point because everybody knows, we effectively live in a police state. Is one of the hallmarks of a police state? If you are in April acted class in the united states. The Democrats, the far left you are above the law. is this in the show, not you gotta put bon gino dotcom, slash newsletter. Ladies and gentlemen, please read this story please. for the newsletter. It's free fox news, FBI receive criminal information for over forty confidential sources on Joe Biden hunter by so and a james by according to gradually. The confidential human sources provided criminal information to the fbi related to the binds. the sea eyes, were managed by multiple fbi offices across the nation. Couldn't seattle off but shock grass.
he's republican, learn every eye taskforce Within the washing field office sought to some cases successfully shut down, reporting and information from those sources by falsely discrediting the information. As far in this information, the efforts, caused investigative activities, cease there's a scene and police. They would next year's that blowing you can pre order, the dvd now by the way police state film than that, if you want to check it out to you on or push anything on it, there's a scene, and there were a why he plays a washed in field office supervisor, whose scuttles an investigation into the by little. We know it was exactly correct. Now? Do you see, ladies and gentlemen, why the russia hopes with such a big deal? Is everybody the chad getting this, why russia hoax was so important. because a new if they could get the american public to believe that the russians were somehow with their octopus, like tentacles involved in everything that every
a piece of negative information came out about a Democrat. They could say that's rush. This information. Do you see why the I see letter there fifty one intelligence community member letter that the lab? up was rushing. This information was so important because, every time. A c I a confidential, informing, came into a field of seattle, re wilson, the fbi's listen I got information, I think former senator Biden vice president Biden now press I'm fine a guys, tell me that they paid off bribes and stuff. I think this is really important. They needed a reason: the clothes, the cases out. The only reason. Fbi which is absolutely totally corrupt, and it's amazing how we're having these attacks in the united states? It keep missing all that stuff, while locking up too Michael prisoners on January six. They keep do in all this stuff? They keep doing everything but they're supposed to do which is in the gay bad stuff. This
Russian disinformation thing is a plague on our country. It allowing the fbi to check a box and close out a case. This is my home we Moses story. The day forty confidential sources have been dying. Bring out the Biden, family and the fbi is doing everything in its power to shut it down. While the president of the united states continues to corruption, Just a staggering story. I can't even imagine during time in the field office, if I came in and said the local congressman's taken a bribe and I got a call from headquarters. Same shut it down. Its foreign disinformation out have been like. How so can you swine. now. You see why the movies blown up the fbi is absolutely corrupted at the top and sadly, a lot of people in the middle east
This is just grotesque. and he's lost on stage again by the way, oatmeal brains. lizzie corrupt, that always sniff kids are always touch- women inappropriately, not only you lie about every single piece of was autobiography. Obviously impaired doesn't know where he is can't figure out a way of the stage every did it again check this out. Look at his watch we're going out. What do I do? What do I look? they're from Australia. I think those are the stairs I think we're supposed to go to the guy. Never knows what he's supposed to do ever Greece played a beginning it adding one should what watch the pause? He doesn't. What to do look? Where do I go down the stairs? What do I do your strength ass? He went on what we do here. What are you doing out of use of article four, It was by the other day, data ceremony in the white house. Why check this out
watching graduates ladys had it legally There's a little like brain moment here of the The brain is not functioning for paying late. Like we're, devoutly wisely letting go my hand by now we rubs this nose. Friends all germs measure. We still got the handle, it is like. Ok, this is walking rising, still touchingly isms you, I call it a here now brain is functioning correctly, that sending signals. Extensive and flexor muscles. Are your reactions? Get these little arm train or things in opiates, train about a job? I think she's gonna, u cinema, you can actually do the other way to this. The lectures any extent if they? Finally, let's go now want you to watch this he's confused on stage again. He doesn't offer you're supposed to help this guy offstage. Now he figures out. Oh, let me cough on him. Giving me cough autumn again misread those germs around a little more poor guy. Now and now he escorts right now he can see. Oh do I go now call again. This is job I this is the prezi united states. In addition to the corruption
another one from the other day wait. I should point out that the banks are folks It's only gonna get worse with this guy. by the way, if you ever think, you're going to get any truth or honesty from the media and they're going to self correct this downwards power on you are crazy man you're. Out of your mind, I don't like calling people crazy, but you're crazy. Here is a new york magazine one of the most left wing, lunatic communist rags you ever going to find trying to run. Cover for the Hamas demon savages you like killing babies raping women had taking hostage by the way. Let me give you a protein. Are you guys agree with this? You don't care credit for releasing hostages. If you took us passages that fair rule. Do you not think innovates, very brief allies
that did the pr operation at a hamas is, is just incredible fail if we were so nice, the hostages after we rape them. we were really nice. We gave the medicine a cheerful, so new york horses, run cover the Hamas terrible there's never been very popular among the palestinian people. Rules in Gaza In Gaza, shouldn't be blamed, for its action was continued, hold on power. They got wrecked, ladies and gentlemen off the top robes. Why community notes like macho may. Remember macho man wealth the top robes committee, it's one thousand six palestinians elected hamas by a huge majority according to AL jazeera in twenty twenty one, fifty three percent of Palestinians said they believe Hamas is most deserving of presenting and leading the palestinian people. That was a. In twenty twenty three fifty seven percent of gases expert the positive opinion of Hamas. There you go new york magazine, called facts. You may want to check on those sometime.
Here is my other wholly Moses story that they really do you get to four. In the same day, I see this vanity fair story by charlotte client? If you have it, you need to read it. Why am I reading vanity fair or this one's worth your time? This? Is it not? Does he does it, Few words is the craziest thing: I've ever seen: They got a hold of the slack monsieur slack. Is it's like a behind the scenes kind of internal twitter like an internal block? So This is where a lot of employees in companies talk show that is fair, gonna hold in the slack messages in the new york times. After they falsely reported that Israel bombed the hospital in gaza and killed, seventy two trillion palestinians, member that fake news, they bombed their own hospital. We now know that. since the crazy story of ever see shortly. to the times publishes first version of the story indicating the israelis did it with the headline
is really strike, kills hundreds in hospital palestinians official, say a senior news, editor tag to senior editors on the live team and wrote. I think we can be. More direct in the lead at least five? hundred people were killed on tuesday by an israeli airstrike, a hospital in Gaza city, the power steady and authority said: what's that Anyone know what the problem with that headline is. This is the new york times by anyone have an idea. Its fake yeah that's the problem is fake. I didn't actually happen So one of the tag lie betters reply. You know what hedges. A junior rapporteur for the times has been covering the conflict for the paper chimed in their duty. one guy on the totem policy, only voice a reason. We should probably she says better to hedge, yet this
no news, guy replies were attributed attributed to a boss Ladies and gentlemen, this is the craziest thing. This is you really think you're gonna get honesty from the media are attributed to a about the present, which is by the way how boss this is a senior editor at the new york times, overriding junior guy who's like begging him, their heads, the stories thinking to himself sure this is real. Man This is real at that by the way, some stanford students out there of you saw this college campuses are erupting we terrorists, imps everywhere they love Hamas. They think they're, really great terrorists do destiny for university students supporting this terror. They have some demands. They d explicit condemnation of Israel.
Acknowledging war crimes, stuff demanding the, u s, call for an immediate ceasefire These have some other demands to them. Council there, Lawyers are universe, It's approve accommodations for those affected by the genocide in Gaza. I have some demands to here's, my them. How about that. Did we have their mass charter? I have some demands to here's. My demands for stand, for since we're doing why chose around the country on buildings did happen. Stance, but probably will eventually, I think we should the Hamas shorter up at the sight of a building at stanford- I got some demands to about indicating the Jews and wiping the Jews as they found the people before, and I think we should do that, and I have some demands imagine if you hire these snowflakes, your crazy you're nuts. They want cancel culture, give him some cancel culture. By the way, on a very serious note,
As I said he s here, we gotta be very cautious running into any wars in the Middle EAST. morally clear on whose right wrong in this fight right make no mistake in this a lot of things, as I said, we can do diplomatic pushes. We can certainly be involved in getting our hostages out as we should be. There are people and, I can find the people responsible for killing thirty americans with her now in a year or two years. They should find themselves that fast, but I am very cautious of getting involved in another war in the middle east without at least an internal plan. You may ask to broadcast it to the world about. What's going to happen,. The focus is bad stuff. You abide administrations clearly corrupt. This stay with bout. This last week, I'm used NBC news for reasons of liberals and chat or anywhere else very few of them by can't say it. Conspiracy there really. Then it's yours, throne tax on the american bases. These responses by IRAN.
Two dozen? U s military personnel folks here at ted, king, our people. Does this mean we should engage in a full, fledged orangist rush right in a more absolute? Absolutely, not I'm not going to play that you know fake peacenik row leader and pretend like they're, not attacking our people because they are The Biden team did want you know about this. happened. Last week there was drone attacks. People were injured again sent me Should I drop a new government? No, that's not be absurd our play silly on the other side, either amber ten. Well, you know this is in our fight. Well, it is how we respond is up to us. If we choose to respond at all, but The guy punches you in the face, you don't you say: well some. I fight while it is- and is your face and one confused by the way about what's going on here, should read this story by the wall street journal So pretty good reporters? You got a huge scope yesterday, Hamas fighters trains in iran before the october seventh attacks amount.
Time today, but I want to play a video for you to morrow. It was even video Ladies and gentlemen, IRAN's been behind all of this you know what play play that you're here, let's play fast, we watch this This video showing militants practicing take us landings than assaults with pair gliders took place over a year ago. According to the metadata The shadows and position of the sun in this video indicates that these filmed training sessions either lasted for hours or took place multiple days during october seventh attack pair gliders took off at dawn near the two camps nearest the gaza Israel border, as missiles were being launched behind them towards Israel in these videos. Hamas terrorists are also seen practicing with the type of weaponry. They would use to attack on october seventh, they created mock israeli buildings streets and are seen carrying out a number of different assault tactics on them. So
to be clear. The same death to america, iranians were behind the attack they killed. Thirty americans took many plus american hostages, just engaged in multiple attacks overseas, which injured some of our servicemen, so as I agree with you, we need to be smart and tactical and not rush into anything. That's gonna get us hurt short and long term. One pretend either that the iranians are not currently in a fight with us. because they absolutely are and us ignore It is going to do any good in the water ways we can get involved without engaged full fledged war that were not ready to fight right. Let's not pretend and an abiding administration, continuing to pretend that iran's our friend the women engage in some combine nuclear deal. You're can morons and you're gonna get us killed had had a lot more to get to. It is a big show today, folks, thanks again for everyday use for supporting. Film theater was packed. Last night, most theatres were sold out. I really appreciate it.
wanna pre order, the dvd for police state and see what everybody is talking about. Right now, just go to twitter. Truth and just get read the reviews yourself, but a police They found that net. You can the dvd Virtual premier, if you want to watch it with the whole country, virtually online tomorrow over twenty seventh, you can access the police they found that net as well as we do in situ, and I ask that so I will be really interesting of it. I urge you to check it out. Thanks for join us in the chat today gives us a follow at rumbled. Calm, slash, bungee, no, join us for the live shoe every single day. They so much opportunity. He remarked you just ten von jean Ojo
Transcript generated on 2023-10-28.