« The Dan Bongino Show

Ominous Signs Ahead? (Ep 1057)

2019-09-02 | 🔗

In this episode, I address the troubling revelations in this prominent case against a former Trump official. I also address the suspicious departure of the White House assistant from her position. Finally, I address some emerging concerns about the US dollar and what it means for you. News Picks: Troubling new revelations in the case against Mike Flynn. 


A tragic incident in Odessa, Texas.


President Trump responds to his White House assistant abruptly leaving. 


Barack Obama is earning a lot more than any former President and he is costing taxpayers the most.


Bernie’s Green New Deal is just as dumb as AOC’s.  


Ominous signs ahead for the US dollar?


Copyright Dan Bongino All Rights Reserved.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Waiting to hear the truth about America on a showed, its not immune to the banks with your host Dan Bungee right, it's labour day, good news, bad news day. The good news is, it is labour day in a bank healthy hardy. Thank you to America is tradesmen. Laborers Electra genes carpet theirs, as brother always says it was only the steamfitters that tin knockers are the odds of every guy who's. Why would farmers truckers men and women out there with their dirt underneath their fingernails, who built this country? God bless you thanks for your hard work. Today is the day we knowledge it so that the Good NEWS the bad news is. We are at the mercy of a cat. Forty five disaster monstrous Hurricane Dorian sitting There's a picture. Thank you. Paula
in case you want to know where I am folks. If you look at TAT big hole in the middle of the state in the south that lake illegal will make Okeechobee, we are, at the northern portion of that and the Cocaine is about right now, a hundred I wasn't sure now we're hope and it takes that northern course. We will be here for you tomorrow, I'm here for you, he's alive to tape show recorded on Monday written record this over the weekend. We may recall, some snippets. It tomorrow show tonight, but I will be here for you: matter a lot to me I'll give you up in a hurricane just so you know it's windy down here. So bad, yet upper were expecting some Hurricane Force wins tonight. Let's please pray this thing hoax, north and praying a hoax north. It goes out to sea be spared at the expense of North Carolina. So let us go out. This just go out to sea and disappear are welcome to the day, but you know, show preacher Joe, how are you today to food good, but I'm not on Hurricane Watch. Yet
yeah. Well, you gonna be my Marilyn. Having talked about before the show. I am hoping that guy said this thing hooks north and go just go, go out see and l dissipate. So we got that to talk about. I've got a lot of. I got some really troubling video from Buteux, O Rourke gotta hold, or even U S, dollar and in a big update on the MIKE Flynn case, which is really turned around dramatically, will see whether happens right today, brought you by bodies at Ventura watches. Ladies and gentlemen, these are I can't say enough about these watches. Look at this one hears there rose, go! this is a beauty love this one. That's pretty energy This one is mine. The rogue this once a beauty to. Just send me. The altitude check that baby out now that Is a watch right Dear Blair's Asia rather ban? Thank you. Sharp you're doin right, which everybody was staring out when I was out this week in the chair
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all right another. If we had an arrogant to suspend a bad news weekend, so we will have a show for you. My may just be audio but either way beyond the Youtube regardless it'll be held, but we're going to try and do our best to get you this product that it may be a trim down. Version of the show will give you up there and what happened overnight. It is generally. We had another tragedy in Odessa: some lunatic shootin up the town, steel and a male truck driving around. There was a seventeen. Month all die a child that was injured. I mean just the savage attack and Odessa. You see some of the reports this weekend, but just a couple exact knowledge in law enforcement is an ape. He reports. Police say they have no explanation yet for Texas shooting frenzy the cops this started at as a traffic stop, and I just can't expressed you enough how dangerous this job policing is at an end in the bravery of the men and women who put their bottom line every day, to start as traffic stop and think about what makes a traffic stop. Any impact
One thing that happened after which, after the traveller stop this guy went, shut up the town when you go to a trap, stop and you're a cop. It's one outside of serving a warrant is probably the most dangerous thing you do and think about. Why approaching that vehicle you are. It is entirely unknown. What's inside that person inside the vehicle, there are two reasons: are dangerous: has to ask that's so under reasonable one is very dangerous. That person is to assets in that car. You, John you're out of the car You have to go to the window, they have cover and they concealment. They have cover by and the mechanical structure of the car, where they can see cover bits cover or meaning it is some anti ballistic properties, car door. Sometimes can vary depending on the round, can protect you against some wrath so they have cover. They also have concealment, dug up until the minute that police officer, goes up to the window. What Persons doing is entirely concealed if there,
fumbling around with a firearm, integral roll down the window, God forbid engages police officer in a deadly event, I have no idea to you, see them, which leads to partner sure why they're so dangerous being a police off There is inherently reactive. It's not you can't be here Oh active on a car, stop what I mean is that you can't just start shooting, because you think the guy's got a gun and a car. That's not the way police. Seen heritage reactive, reacted, This offers a walking up to the car. His reaction time is always gonna be slower because the person and a car, if they're, going to engage like this lunatic did with the rifle he knows. What he's gonna do the cop hasn't. Why dia, through your reaction time is always gonna, be slower. It's very simple. If I know I'm gonna put you in the face, I write first, I know what's going to happen, if I tell you
You can react, you can pick. Ok I'll duck it. If I don't and surprise you and you thought, a left was coming and it's a right, you're gonna, walk right into the punch. Car stops very dangerous. Can I just want to send my my my thoughts and might might be the highest possible The ways to police officers out there every day who really walk, to these situations with a ban. For their own lives and secure the lives of others. God bless you especially on this labour day. Yours is that's your labour to your labours, put new button life for others and they stopped sky and a parking lot of synergy movie, theater and Odessa knowing full well this. Guy had just engage with a deadly yeah with their with deadly force. Other people out there, God bless. You deserve every ounce of praise. You guess you do an email. Amazing amazing job now. Having said that of course way
gentlemen, sadly- and it gives me absolutely no pleasure in saying this-. Just moments after this deadly incident? Of course, we have political left wing lunatic hacks, with no desire whatsoever to solve this problem do and what Joe jumping on the politics bandwagon. I'm not, even though I was thinking about putting together a rogues gallery of of twitter. Armenia was just in the insanity on the left again you get the you guys are all murderers, keep in mind you I and the legal gun owners of Amerika who are just looking, protect their families or not any Rambo. We, these your tool state, we use them to protect ourselves and our family. God forbid. We ever have to use a mother and we all hope and pray we don't have to. We did a thing wrong, I'm as usual, we're just looking check their souls against maniacs a maniac is, and twitter was
say, cesspool of stupid. Now. I encourage you strongly, ladies and gentlemen, to not underestimate these people. You know I've been. It's not a time to mess around, so I'm going to avoid only cuz. This has been a very serious weekend of my everybody's. Under a lot of stress in my house. Paul is very stressed out over this hurricane. It could be very dangerous for us, and so it's not really doesn't like twenty time. But civil liberties matter. Ladies and Joe and using these incidents to diminish, apparate away. You are right, God, given right to defend yourself and your family is inexcusable and I encourage you strongly to take these people at their word. What do I mean? some audio video of of Beit O O Rourke, who s again at a child privilege Albedo Robert, France's so Rourke who it is
real name, I'm so bade o is basically telling you if elected or put. Position of power to implement that their always taking your guns. Keep her mind, Ladies Germany, you did nothing wrong. You own a firearm, Take yourself against lunatics, like this guy in Odessa yet hears. This weekend? Do not dismiss this stuff, telling you exit, actually what he wants to do play the game. New rights, the stairs of its bottom. They thought about by that So I want to be real. Clear, that's that's exam What we're going to do, Americans who owns a fifteenth eighteen, forty seven's we'll have to sell to the government. We're we're not going to allow them to our streets, to show up in our community now now now?
No we're not asking ok but child of privilege Well, we're not I I don't know where you're getting this from we're, not skin you for permission. Nobody is asking you nobody, you have? No, you don't have justice league like powers, some higher power intellect you're, a failed fallible. Human being who blew it is run for the? U S said you were a child of privilege who skateboards living in. Does hot yoga. We're not interest. Nobody is asking you but that is not a serious proposition, so just to be clear on what this guy's telling you, you did nothing. Wrong, you may all rifles you may or pistols Europe we're pie, rifles and pistols have never been used to hurt or harm another human being. You Eddie, for you. Ve, never had to use them to protect your family either. You may one day, God forbid,. You ve done nothing wrong and better, though his solution to ache,
a killer, homicidal maniac, who won shootings break? Is they come to your house and penalize you taking away your right to defend yourself against people like that, so just to be clear, A prior criminal who loses his marbles shoot police officers kills people in August of taxes and goes on a rampage, their solution for the problem. Isn't it Take away your right to defend yourself against people like that folks. Do not ignore this stuff. These people are you kidding. This insulated. Political hack is running to be the president of the United States. He just told Make no mistake. We are gonna, buy back. What are you gonna? Listen Not me get a warrant come to my house. I love police officers at that case, but you're not taking them voluntarily. I will go out and they hang us
there's that that case, but you're not taking them voluntarily. I will go out and they take us. I'm not gonna hurt anybody not interested in that I'm not a violent person by nature, and I wouldn't hold that against the police officers at all their due. They are jobs as well he's telling you I'm not giving you my firearms, that absolutely not you forget it. It's not even an option. Get your warrant! and you can I come in and arrest me and executed. I did nothing wrong! I am not offering the right in a hurricane zone. God forbid. We have days or a couple weeks a chaos to protect myself in my family. You want to be the present, the United States, as we can video, in the background want to check it out our disarm people and what are they do I mean you have these these entirely. You know unarmed disarm people and what are they? Do you get governments like what's happening in China right now, beaten the crap out of people on tape. I'm not interested.
This is really shameful. What's been happening here, ladies and gentlemen, it is an absolute disgrace. You want to talk about way this listen. We have a gun, violence problem ion stand that you want to talk back on crime task forces, extra penalties, metal. Screenings, better public awareness campaigns on the warning signs. Those will actually make a difference. Coming the house of legal gun owners and confiscating their weapons while criminals tell you to go pound sand and buy them on a robust black market is about the dumbest most counter productive idea. I've ever heard my life, where not asking beta nobody's, asking we're not asking you for permission. I dont know where you got that from He is really says he is don't forget that we said that
sweet. They are not kidding, they are who we thought they were yes quota had agreed. They are not messing around very important, listen to them. Yes, I am I what am? I only had Sponsor back showed you got, I've got a lot. Come up, don't go anywhere. I warned you at the canary trap, Casey. Regular officers have been so breaking news. Yeah don't go anywhere. I also got some potentially ominous. I wanna be Debbie down a bit, some bad signs for the dollar's, worlders or Cardoso. When you say stature or I'm gonna, take a quick break for the second sponsor they show brought you by E Toro Toro E T, o r o each, or go to each euro dot com is the best way to be smart. About trading crypt, those is to use the same it trading platforms of each or that's. Why I'm sorry, to tell you. Buddy Toro. I've always been interested in our grip,
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we played a couple times but our summit for him. Sorry, we just playing with the Hurricane Poland. I only want to get you equality show. It has taken a lot longer than usual cause the power kept going out this morning. Hence why we daddy, had we stand that way. This is a slight blip. We had to cut it out there behind the seed stuff break about forthwith. Because we have to click save I want to lose the shell for Europe, but a couple. Years ago we played for you Jeff sessions the time when he was the attorney general under Trump, obviously giving up press conference where he was saying that there was going to be an effort to weed out leakers within the government that always what I'm going. That is what I'm telling you it's not some conspiracy theory. They did a press coverage about where the Department of Justice said if you're a the government, there's a behind the scenes. Effort right now to weed you out now. Do that of two years here and there we ve, given you examples of where we think information that leaked was leaked tension in the wrong way and a canary trap
We now leakers. Now some the evidence we presented- and I think what I think is quite suspicion- could have you got to do a canary trap where, let's say I think, gum Paul is leaking information about the behind the scenes. On my show- and I tell her late next week- we get to speak special, but don't tell the audience what we're going to do and I leave to Paula that we're going The special show on Tuesday and an I to show that we're gonna do the special show on Wednesday at least press punch. You no special show on Wednesday. I know Joe was the leaker unless I intentionally it gave them right Joseph they always. They said they were sent me the ball right. So I know that that's what the canary trap is now the essence of a canary trap to make it work to trap leakers. Is the issue patient, has to be somewhat believable. I'm gonna do it. Rational show is Joseph. It's real, so he's real legal proceedings. Israel, if I said to Joe Joe Working week next week, traveled to Jupiter Jupiter, not the council.
Why not you Jupiter just south before I bid to the planet and I'm telling you I've met the Jew carians and there you Joe, would be like Cape dance, crazy like this one week, thereby geodata crazy. That's one would we be Jupiter is right. The assets of a canary trap is the information has to be believable, so that someone has an incentive to leak and look like the in the no guy or in the no woman. I promise somebody. This in our recent story, but I want to give you some examples of what I think happened before canary trap. Peace number one. We had the Don Trump Junior was as I was contacted by Wikileaks with some code to access special than from a member that story it. What was the problem with the story? It was falls a day day lead about. When we leaks tried to reach out to don you he didn't respond was after the four already public, but to date that leaked was before I not
we'll talk to follow that. If I leave to Joe a code to access cryptic emails and nobody those emails, and I like it the day before it goes in a media, Joe S, access to sensitive info. If the information leaks and a week later I give Joe the code, the information he can read on USA today, there's nothing there. There's no there, the air, that's what happened! Somebody led to the media dont you you ve got it, I believe on November eleventh, but the date was wrong. It was before the waking I think the date was wrong intentionally, because they were trying to weed out in a canary trap who gave the mat second story. Was the Mai when storing I'll get the flannel as a big breaking news on that to Sydney Palestine just smoke it out. Yes, by gay polluters on this thing, MIKE, in the legal fled. Remember joy, bay, harm the view go and buy flat rate lasted daily because that is, I think, was a trap. Was it MIKE Flynn was asked,
contact the Russians on behalf of the Trump campaign I'll make when was asked to reach out to the Russians, but not on behalf of the Trump campaign, big difference he was asked to reach out to the Russians when trot the President elect as part of his income is doing enough international secure advice- in other words, he was He job respond, ran with the story because it was an element of true just like any element of truth was there with the Wikileaks. Thirty did try to reach out to Don Junior. He didn't respond back the element of truth. In this Flynn was asked to contact. The Russians dies, This job, that is partly as part of his job yeah. I was going to save our castigated because he's liberals are so dopey. Sometimes they fall for every trick in the book. I believe it was a canary trap saw last. We have a whole bunch of stories, break that were false, again, a whole bunch of dawn Donald Trump, fake NEWS, Donald Trump. We had coasts
cedars is on the loans, their have debt, CO signing Donald Trump Business laws, that torture by false verdict is in false, throwing all feel the play theirs Stan it was false. It was again and I believe, another canary trap now and that's it. In these stories are related, but I We may have had a victim of a another canary trap. Look at this acts story about Madeline Wester, how tromp personal assistant Alan Westerham abruptly resides she sat right outside the oval office in an office unfamiliar with from my prior line of work at Madeleine. I dont know I personally am not here to bash array the owl spot, patently western how'd according to media reports? Was releasing information about the president is family that somehow got back to fill record
it was the wash impose who leaked in and by the way, don't ever talk to the media. Folks, I'm just telling you that enough what she did was what was right by cheap was he hadn't off the record conversation which this guy made on the record by shall get on. That suggests you she's right, please only at all! I'm just telling you don't just don't talk to me, its Paula Paul about why it right that we have a general policy. We just don't talk unless it's like it's such a horrible horrible, but, like someone call me once about this lunatic guy that they want to run like. Not no! No don't do you you're create a dangerous situate. I just don't talk to them because you can't trust them at all, but I got that email lot this weekend after people say you think this was part of the canary trap could be leave the information that was leaked to her mayo. In total bs in an effort to see where one any information was supposedly. You know Donald
doesn't want to be photographed with his daughter, Tiffany folks. Listen. I know that How do I say I know has been about best bodies. Why do want to make one hour tricky bodies or gap bodies, but I spent enough time around them tat. I can tell you with a hundred percent certainty. Under precise, marry me to say how I know that that story is complete poppycock. It's made up its total fake news and I'm not so sure that wasn't leaked to her to get her to say it to you canary trapper out so throw a that out their folks, be careful if you're leak or on inside you are getting cod caught eventually they're, not Sometimes what you think you have is not what you really have and really Shame on the washed imply: don't don't talk to these people ever you're, making a huge, huge mistake. Talk into these people, if you like
insider who thinks they ve got the inside baseball emitting another quick break with a sponsor last sponsor day, I'm in a fire do on this when stuff and I've got some. I gotta debunks and liberal fake news there trying to make you to believe the work The liberals want you to believe that the world is ending that there's the farm production finished, show footprint Where does Paul conditions all around the world? I gotta bulk data to kind of money, so let's take a quick break for the sponsor draft. Kings draft kings. It's time to celebrate, whereby no many of your big football fans is finally back and drafting. The leader in one day fantasy football. They are you. Huge huge week. One contests coming up the first one starts this Thursday night when Chicago Green Bay kick off the season, a single game, showdown with two point: five million in total prizes programmes. In a lot of you like Fantasy Football draft, thanks for your draft single game, showed our line up and feel the sweat like. Never before it's simple, just draft six players from the season, opener
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download the app draft kings. Don't forget it use promo code by GINO. Go check that out. Ok, so this one party split case man MIKE Flint case has taken more turns. So let me just bottom line up front Sidney, All is MIKE Flynn, former national, secure adviser reference before new lawyer and she is just she's been great. Cheese by that I mean that a cop laudatory way and she's just spent incredible so Flint the edge Powell on behalf of Flint just Father motion in court. I want but this up out of court motion first, so you know what's going on. This is our August thirty of most he has got flame of, as you know, is being prosecuted for false statements. The federal agents she is in her court fiametta ready. The second portion is, she says, she's talking about the government press,
you should read it. I'm explain to you what this means of why this is so devastating there. She's talking about the prosecution, the government affirmatively suppressed evident furthermore, is hiding Brady material that destroyed the credibility, their primary witness impugn their entire case against MIKE Flint, while at the same time putting excruciating pressure on him. The inner is guilty player, manipulating or controlling the press to their advantage to extort that they can. New to high debt exculpatory information for months in direct contravention of this court order, and they continue to suppress exculpatory information to this day. A boy. Good. This is bad, today, ladies and gentlemen, What am I beefs with journalists journalists you are really activists and not journalists who cover case. Like this and spy gate have now, urban on the inside and really don't understand the mechanics of what this means. Having been a former federal agent, I have seen this and people prosecutors, like
Mccarthy have written about. This focus is devastating she's. Talking about any material, in other words wins lawyers, saying the government or prosecuted flatness in, formation indicating he could be innocent. They failed to disclose that may sound. Like a small thing. Trust me. It's when you were a federal age, the failure to disclose Brady Material indications of of of subjects innocence is a you understand it's a career render listen the feds listening to the show on the Cobb's. You know what I'm saying is true. If you are possession of legitimate material, indicating the male or female subject to your case is innocent. I'm your swearing under finished, affidavits, it otherwise its probable cause. They committed you are in a world of trouble. I cannot emphasise I see you enough how serious this is. This is the equivalent of being a bank teller and taking it ten percent cut of every transaction for yourselves you'd be fired
press. The direct stay where you are we'll be arrested for Brady Material, but you will never ever be allowed to testify court case again it is, I literally a career render you Career is, you know not figuratively will be over. It will never be the same again if you are caught doing this? all you see in this epoch times: peace, flinch, new lawyer is making a very you serious allegation here that day, hiding evidence that food is not guilty. I've been pensions. Com has a Some little being shown out. It's very good Flint accuses prosecutors of hiding, exculpatory evidence and demands they be removed. Now, from the peace inside the epic ties pieces a couple a nuggets in here, I want to explain why I think going and why the government so just to be clear on what the government did the government tasks, if has transcripts of microloans conversation with the Russians? That's a bedrock of this whole case. Remember that show the FBI
simply alleging that Might Flynn spoke to the russian ambassador on a call and that might Flynn told the F the contents of that call we're different than what they actually work, but the trash grip seems to be the transcripts. Why do we have the transcripts? Yet they want produce summaries, the government I'm gonna, get to why that's a disaster, and we should accept any that the second from a prior case, some of you may remember, but from the epic Times peace way to check this out among the x. Opportunity evidence meaning Brady Material evidence that may Ok, if one is innocent power. Of winds lawyer, believes that defence de may be concealing FBI notes, memorialize in the interview between FBI agent, European CUP and senior deal J, official, Bruce or power. Influence lawyer points out that the prosecutors influence case work with or in twenty six twenty seventy. What does that mean? What it why why
Why? Why would anybody care what? What is it? What does that mean right there? What away was tell you remember that date remember that Remember the names always remember the names if you're reading that you see in the name, Joe Bianca creep up you public. Where have I heard that name for why we'd, Sidney Power might flints lawyer. Why conversations tween FBI agent, Joe Bianca, Bruce, or remember what Europe I was doing Joe Piazza was the designated handler for Bruce or from the Department of Justice who was still communication would steal after steals, fired by the FBI? Five by the abuse of follow me here, Chris we're still dossier guy fire by the FBI for leakage through the media. The FBI come back here, but can't use them directly, so they haven't talked to Department of Justice, first along the information and Bruce or data sign an FBI agent, Bianca gotta go get the information from more he's getting from steel, despite the fact that steals been fired or any kind of open
I now, whereas this Joe Piazza figure, time in this investigation, job, as the agent? It goes to the White House during that year during the this data, the Trump administration and ate her views MIKE Flynn. Piank is the same guy, why would the FBI be hiding piazza and oars. Conversations ladies I'm going to throw out the possibility to you, which would be. Did or possibly asks Theo about MIKE Flynn a in knows notes about Piazza and oars conversation about which the old saying is remedied. Gonna launderer, through or an outcast Theo's already been fired, did or possibly ask steel about my Flynn or MIKE Winds role in this and did steal
HU there claiming is a reputable source even always been fired, so reputable there still using them, even always informations been discredit. Do you think it's possible? Steel may have about the entire theory. He makes when story. Folks, God forbid something like that's in there. Go with this right now. You can have it on one hand that steals you're, credible source for the dossier. You're swearing, true on the other hand, still gives information about Flynn or something it indicates when maybe innocent, and you leave that out doing We stand by and law enforcement thou unethical. This is and immoral. If Ireland ass the eighty, my neighbour for a drug deal and I'm a cop, and I find out from the other neighbour that it's all a big set up in my neighbors innocent and I dont disclosed. Ladies and gentlemen, that's a huge deal now you
say. Well, you know they gave them summaries of these things and even though we don't have the notes of Bianca can and we don't have the transcripts directly of Flint conversation with the Russians that the government alleging they're lying about the summary there are good enough. Are they wrong? Remember this washing detail, peace by Rowan Scarborough. We discovered this What is it to three weeks ago to each August Forty Exclusive Rowan, Scarborough probe years Proton Pentagon Analyse report withheld from defence team. Oh really, when we give you, background on this case. So remember what we're talking about here we're talking about federal agents you pay in a free, constitute Republic who have information that may indicate one of their subjects as innocent and refusing to turn it over to the lawyers on defence. The four Flynn, so I will just give you summaries well in this case- the case of a Paragon whistle blower name, Adam Lovejoy. It was the guy who
we believe outed the contract with staff and help or this I indicated a yearning it that partial little com Data. We cover that that you need to know that this guy's come up on the spy gate, folks, research screen because loving the Pentagon, whistle blowers, said hey the guy who spied further amid help or on the Trump team we had big contracts with him. He was then suspicious we investigated, despite being a whistle blower. I We have to shut him up during that Es Joe, a key, critical piece of information came up and a summary I why you too it is from the Roman Scarborough, but this is why we want the transcript. I don't why summaries. We don't trust you any more sorry from the relevant Scarborough peace, so they over a summary of an n c. I s analysis of what out love and you're did calling and basically criminal legal. Here we go from this report, the agency, I s report,
said an analysis of the hard Drive and Mr Lovejoy, the whistleblowers. U S, government Del computer quote, listen to the quote, did not yield any classified or sensitive information, in other words its lovingly wasn't whistle. Blower did not leave classified extensive information, but that's not what did steam got. Listen to this, the second paragraph here in it. Classified version of the report. Show the word not is missing. See I s pose. We told the times I was in the file. Copy is being corrected to add the word, not origin, so that guy did not leave classified information, but in the summary it says, deeply classified information help without the ad year changes I'll be there the whole meeting of this? You know it reminds really
I will just give a personal story: polity celebrate or anniversaries regret that your restaurant evil we really love down here. It was empty. Second, was one of us popular restaurants around because our ok, it's a debates, destroying businesses down he's hurricanes, but a major disaster. But I wrote my facebook, want to check, and I put a picture of me Impala, the lovely Paula I said APOLLO and me calmer celebrating our anniversary at evil whatever. So I get there grammar police, come out and they're wrong, you're driving me crazy. I used to its Paula, and I know it is not It is not Paula, an eye if you take Paula out of the sentence. They said would read entirely correctly. I comma celebrating my yet not
would be me celebrated by ETA version at its lady is going back and forth to be on Facebook, Joe I'm an Englishman, your you are wrong. I am sorry. I had ascended the age. I verses me. You are not right. You are not right if I, what, if we said Paula and me were celebrating it that it would be Paula, and I were celebrating our anniversary, give you take Paul out, it would read. I was celebrating my anniversary. That is not right. Stop corrective me when you're, rob. It's embarrassing energy. The lady got all affected cheap, provide she reaches out to meet incorrectly correct. My grammar and she goes. I object to the tone of your response. You're wrong. I'm sorry! You re stout debate, my judge, your father by its only wrong. Why, as I said, I just don't want you to make the same mistake. She really like that man. I hear you're so folks bottom line on this story. That's a big grand mistake. He did not
we classified information to immediately is kind of a big deal. That's why I'm saying would fled to tie the stores and a lot more to get to get the transcript I'm interested in your summary of the treasure. I could see. Adele here's cheers struck struck, over. The summary I didn't hear you go PAL Peter struck a eunuch, corrupted FBI investigate insurance. Here I hear it says MIKE Flint did cooperate with them, should this is our summary of the report. Every new initial reporter might Flynn did not cover you must not you miss the matter there. Does it mean The Thai not whither, K Ivy, like they're, not that's kind of a big deal now get the transcripts gettin the transcripts, its why this has happened just two weeks ago with a different case, love injure, get the transcripts
I'm sorry, I'm done trusting people folks after that call me debacle. Last week quick note before we move on. I got a lot and I mean a lot of feedback on Friday show it was not a lecture. I dont lecture my own audience. You are lot smarter, many of you than I am ok. I have different life experiences. We simply a warning not to give up on Trump. I will say this: now is overwhelmingly positive. I don't say that the kind of dissuade people from sending negative- most probably ninety nine percent positive, but I did get some- now. Some people like Friday, show didn't like the tone of it. Fair enough. I put my email out there I read it. I responded to some positive some negative. My could respond to all of em, but again I'm I'm here for the truth, it matters and the show is not meant to be anything. Other than a call to action to get
so all ready for the fight ahead. I just don't want anybody to give up on that said took it the wrong way. My sincere apologies on how I meant it, but I get it. I get out some people by fraud, show is an emotional when did occurs numbers for us by time. I did get a lot of positive and some negative feedback so check it out. I'll call me and how I received an e mail from people who literally said I'm giving up. I mean that's what I was responded, you don't don't there's no good not we're in this fight for the long we got election coming up in no time for given up, but I, one redress that I should have addressed at the beginning of the shop. Ok, no, given up on flying either. He needs our help and good for Sidney Power for fight back. Ok. Ah this you know I I I wake up every morning and my golden life is to correct the liberal ah dead aids, its way through the sphere of influence, out there. So I read the Wall Street Journal Morning and I have seen this last week bumping around twitter. There is history.
Their world dying, Joe, the farms or die, and it's gonna be the does ball grapes wrath never forget it dead, did the world This is turning into a barren desert. So what Jonathan, a famine of fact at the: U N Climate panel by James Taylor, August thirty, twenty nineteen, the IPCC that The climate change panel sounds in alarm about food production, but another you ain't agencies, data, show it's a false alarm, so just to be clear: and going around the liberals are using this talking point again. You may hear it you may see come up in the bay. There was this report, though by the? U N Ipc their climate change panel, suggesting that production, Joe. Downward trouble, another which were not starve to death every one of you is going and now of which are what do you think? The reason is, of course, at the recent for everything, climate it's gotta be behind change. There is climate change
This is the reason for no storms to change the reason for a lot of storms, climate change, the reason for powerful storms. It's a reason for the existence of not the temperatures. Increasing is the reason for temperatures decreasing the central edit of a conspiracy theory Joe, is it is not the bunker fuel right now, when you said when it was global warming and the globe was actually level in temperature. They said well, that's climate change. When we didn't have- hurricane, a cane floor, over two for. I think I was eleven years between land falls of a hurricane, doubtless climate change, now that we ve had hurricanes four out of the last four years. That's climate It's true, I don't worry it's. A non debacle is the hallmark of a conspiracy. What people want to tell you a kiss, We received theory that, whatever I may take it did you ever conspiracy. Theory, that's been debunked, sixty two different ways from Sunday when try to use logic with those. People I can name a few days
we back with another theory about why the theories- it's not the bankable so that you do you when themselves is putting out a conspiracy theory that we're all gonna die and at the earth is becoming a d barren desert without food production. Well, here's another line from the Wall Street Journal peace from a separate this is the same. You went folks. Just a different panel at the same time: the: U N Food and Agriculture Organization reports, that new records way may hold on new record new records that talk about records like vinyl new Records were set for global cord. We and rice production for years running through twenty seventeen, which is the most recent year for data, is available. How is that possible? It's not, but you're lying to you again. There making up a story. This is
not a barren wasteland the existence of this hurricane Mitch and, by the way, don't send me stupid emails. If you're liberals about this now I'm living through this ok you're, not I love it. I live down your florid, it's big boy rules, I said Joe and my other call me before the show we bought up knowing the risks. I don't want. The taxpayers subsidizing my risk, my appetite, I bought it. My for problem, it's my problem, the deal with our neighbours. And together we'll get it done, big boy rules, and I get that. But Why to me pr my leg, it tell me it's raining. I saw a report. This region matter fact Pollard, Miss smile at this. Someone told me well Storms are more powerful because the ocean is warmer now because of climate change. So I looked it up then. True: either global temperatures have not cod at all recent. It's entirely inaccurate. It's just not true don't why we get hurricanes because we have always.
Scott Nourish AIDS, because that's how the environs, redistribute redistribute he'd around the goal. Storms at our Keynes. It's just not true there storms, you're, not more powerful, because the global keeping up it's not true. We didn't have a hurricane you for eleven years. It so there were no storms, the global dying. We have not gonna to starve to death because we live in a barren wasteland. The danish Oh, the exact opposite is true. We corn rice up As I said, everything in the screen is backwards. I've actually pointing in the wrong direction here, because everything's adverted. When I try to point to Joe, I gotta he's act. In this way or my dream, but he's not that when these that's not the case with our Opera is always up on the shelf. Global weedin corn from rice production up up not down up potato, do data.
So, when your friends very hurricanes worse because the ocean one that is not what the dataset you just made, that up. That's not true, and, secondly, we're all going to starve we're turning into a barren wasteland due to climate change. That is not true. Either food production up this way, so I'm a going about their party drops never go out. It's not. The verdict is in a drop Joel I got a somebody told me by the way I always love or you'll, be back as we always break down the fourth. What this shows is different. I've just and I I led some of it- I take to heart some of it. I you know we have the eye of a general, I'll get twenty EMS, but something is now they're, not really said about it as we get along. So you know I don't know, but someone said Johnny
college drops their funding. When you wrote again, I don't know they're coming it's not a plan. I like you, you have to understand what the drops once in awhile Jonah isn't, like you know, he's fair way doesn't like abusing, but one job. The drops in folks. Please understand there They have no idea what you want. A radio station right and you're looking at the producer like when I worked w email. I can see. Please get to do a job, so you get ready. I try to an audience. Member would show just that I got laughing to focus its body. Great. I do know that was covered by now. I dont see. What he's doing perfectly times are at last story of the day is an important one. You know if we first started do this podcast? We did a lot of economics and a lot of this is what I came and let's get back to some of the stuff. I really enjoyed it. I hope you do I try to keep it simple. It's you know it's not. He can talk like rest Roberts, Spartacus, which is excellent by the way, but I do try to bring that's stories. I think I can relate to the average man and weren't woman out there at fault.
The story in the hell. I think you need to be really concerned about call the end of the dollar as we know it. I have it in the show notes today at bongino dot com. You subscribe to my email list at the website and email to you in the email. The stories to this worth your Andy lagging camp in opinion, contributed very good. You know it's apocalyptic Gonna wanna want panic any body, especially with all this stuff going on there and Hurricane Communist. These three, but it's worth bringing up the gist of the nor is this- and I have explained this on the show before, for some of you. Listen to my elder shows. We were heavy on the economics that all right. Now, these Germans, the world's reserve currency, but does that mean? I'm basically means that it's it's a safety that, where the safety deposit Box for the world lot of global transactions. Because other economies and their currencies are unstable, it can fluctuate, devalue, goes up and down the dollars is relatively stable because of that country's that deal with other countries.
I don't even deal with the United States? A lot of them say you know, I don't want your currency. Follow me, so country ay deals with maybe they're both of them. Currencies, country, since the country be I'll, let you by our stuff but don't give us what for your your scoots from country, be that's where the secret service, we called everything, scoots foreign currency, don't give us your scoots. What you have to do country bees, if you want to buy our stuff from US country a year have to change your school for: U S dollars first and give us dollars why? Because, What are these countries are so afraid that country, bees carts he's dip angle up and now that they are not going to get what they thought they got. In other words, if you that's a hundred school on Monday by Friday, a baby we're seventy five scoots, that's a bit of it attic example, but you get what I'm saying they not be to what it was worth on Monday that generally, not a problem with the? U S dollars, because the? U S
economies, the strongest economy in the world. We are the glow the financial system in and of itself now that's a very simplified explanation of what being the world's reserve currency means now, what's the benefit of that to us, the benefit of that to us is Country be needs dollars. Why? Because once the by countries a stuff and I cant do with scoots. It enhance the. Why dollars! First! Well, when you, it's a boy dollars. What is that allow us to do that? Allows the? U S: is our Federal Reserve, a clause. I independence, independent, her all the time, but whatever that allow our Federal Reserve, Joe to print Everett, now, typically, when countries print with supplies of money. What do you get? You get inflation, pretty simple right.
If I'd prefer, if there's a hundred dollars in the U S, economy sloshing around, to buy, a hundred dollars worth of product and we print thousand dollars. Now you have ten, thousand one hundred dollars chasing the same one hundred products. So what happens? The prices go up dramatically: inflation is not hard. It's not hard to figure out if you pay, more money to chase the same amount of products, then the products are gonna cost more money, which means if what he should prices go up, but your wife inflation in the United States not gone up because, printing means. U S dollars at all. These countries around the world are scoop Brigham up, because we are the world's reserve currency. What does that mean for us? And why would this be a problem? Will, ladies gentlemen, because it allows the United States to run up endless debt, it's not all good. Why is that? Allow us to run up endless debt, because countries that prick
this amounts to throw money and of interest rates, go to the roof because of inflation, because money starts, the costs more capital starts to cost more so go up interest rates go up and all of a sudden these countries are like hey, we better, printing money, we're gonna have to pay off these trees that a bar when our our our currency at twenty thirty percent, again dramatize interested, but you get the poor whole interest rates are going through the roof tat. Is happened dear because countries are scooping it up which allows the? U S? Government endless amounts that now you may say: well, that's a good thing: we're getting basically interests, reloads folks, when your response support with your money. It is a good thing. That's not we're doing now we're running up endless endless amounts of debt and that reserve currency status collapses and that you that demand for U S dollars from country a country b that they have to trade, their scoots out for to do business. If that demand evaporates owes U S dollars they're not going to get burned, they're going to come
I care and you are going to see inflation like you, ve, never seen and interest rates through the roof now from dead. I want to try this to a separate story, Another story, I saw Yahoo finance, check this one out showing you I'm not wrong. Young once again in the showed its August. Thirty, four when did I t by Vincent Del GDP, DVD Cadiz or Kadijah Battalion? no no way, Lou America, his wealth hinges. Its ability to borrow big, or else yes oh fine, it's is right. I want you to look at the first piece of this what it connect these stories. As there is a big deal, if they stop using our money, the first part of the Finally, as peace donations hell the: U S is measured by GDP per capita, pouring into negative territory without its depend,
and on borrowed money according to data compiled by Buber. Listen to this, they should trouble all of you how much debt were it? In fact, the? U S would fall to them. Bottom of a ranking of a hundred and fourteen economies, measured is GDP growth per person only it Greece in Japan, would fare worse than us, that's a seismic! shift from America's comfortable number five spot on a list based on conventional measures. What does that mean. Folks, this dollar, as the reserve currency, enabling us to print endless amounts of money. Is also enabled us to borrow at low interest rates if we actor in the amount of money we owe in the bar, and we ve done into our wealth per person, what we're all worth its negative to India Then we would be. We got from the number five wealthiest per person country in the world to the bottom. Now,
that doesn't matter, of course, measure our accumulated. Where I mean we have different, we there's other things here and it's a relatively simplistic measure, but it should be a warning check out. The second part of this now comes the tion They get. These are two unrelated articles. I picked out today from Drudge that there's a common theme too. Luckily for Americans, a debt free economy is unlikely to happen any time soon, even with grow trade wars against China and others in the truck administrations. Projected one trillion dollar budget deficit in fish Twenty twenty- the? U S dead, it allows for ample liquidity and the EU a dollar is considered the world's reserve currency. Before Paulo. We have a from that he'll peace. Folks, if the reserve of currency status dissipates, we are going be in a world of economic pain from that he'll peace before
Here's the warning signs the dollar, currently used by counterparties, country, air country B, eighty to ninety percent of all currency transactions. There's the good news. The dollar comply the sixty two percent of the global currency reserves, whereas the euro? the second, with a meagre twenty percent. Sixty percent of international extend its outstanding debt is price, the newest hours, all good site but if you read the peace. Ladies and gentlemen, you see that a lot of those metrics are going down DOW Ga the point they make in the past is a great one. At the end of the help peace. Remember we too moreover, as the world's only superpower from the United Kingdom, yet the pound. Continued on for a very long time is the world's reserve currency until it wasn't be very careful. There's little economic find a lot of you, MR
video, but, as I said regardless, there will be a Youtube show who may have the dissenters, dispersive snippets of any we're gonna make it happen, no matter what so up I'll, be there few you ve always been there for me messages which video side and hurricane. I'm gonna put my family in a danger. Obviously, but I'll give you a look at what it look, lie down here, Sir Walter, guess I'm on my phone, it's ghetto alarm and is down here, but we will be here for you to Morrow Eaters your video, but, as I said regardless, there will be a Youtube show who may have to just dissenters, dispersive snippets We're gonna make it happen. No matter what so up I'll be there for you, you ve always been there for me, love you guess, ladys to death. Thank you and in one final no thank you. I mean seriously thank you to all the wonderful emails, Facebook, sweets. Instagram messages wish me Impala. Well, we'll be all right. So we have a good house here and I thank you very much you you really are fantastic. Aren't you ve made my life, so special
an entire like so much a suitable you just ten Bonn GINO. She, you can also get Dan's progress on Itunes or sound cloud and follow then on twitter. Twenty four seven at De Bonn, GINO.
Transcript generated on 2020-02-07.