« The Dan Bongino Show

Obama Knew (Ep 2057)


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The Hunter Biden laptop continues to be his father’s Achilles Heel.


Is Dong Jing Wei still in the US?


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The good way to hear the truth about america on a show. That is not immune to the facts with your host dan VON gino. So tell me tell me, you're not relishing every moment of this right now how watching these media people just while themselves the file themselves. Would you know why like feces all over themselves and tar themselves with red set up its up with barriers is a magical. These people have kids, one problem is harder story. The evolution is hilarious. This is again just off the top of my head. You know the whole things that conspiracy theory, tokay hunter did some business put. The laptop is fake too, okay, the laptop might be real at one hundred did a little bit of business, but it was nothing illicit and we can't verify the emails to ok. The emails are real, but they don't
involved. The data are all too ok that they may have involved. The data. Look Maybe it was just for moral support. He never talk to anyone to yes, okay, here Talk to hundred bind the laptop surreal real. The business partners work europe, but they were talking about the weather. This is like rough we where we are right now do ok, it may not have been the weather. But he's son died at the time and its other sons a crackhead. So we talk to warm edit excuses, this criminal baby. You rob rubbing it like right in the ball. rubbing it all over their faces, it's just humiliating to watch, then I know shout and frauds a bad thing. I get it, but I'm enjoying every second of the country, new defilement of the media in front of our eyes and embarrassing slew of toxic human waste stool sewage calls themselves journalists, that's why I say. Don't call me anything, you want drop that you can call me any word. You want f words, s words whatever you want
just don't call me that J word journalists man do. I gotta show for you re missed. You are just chat with you there in the chatty, see if you might be already so that's herbal can They got good to see you all it's our last month after a while back with you for good for a while, so until the basically the end of the year, so they have one more thing for the book. So thanks for your patience, I tell you what happened during the weekend. I'm going to model the show. I got a big show that don't go anywhere. Helix sleep a great day begins with a great If I had a go awesome one last night, but my sleep score was all messed up, because it was weird I was laying down on the couch a little bit and it thought I was sleeping sort said I was restless. I had a great sleeper because I went over to my helix matters. You miss it If you're, not, although they have twenty unique matches for big tall short wide, even special ones, for kids, they get a perfect fit yields one hundred night at home. Sleep chop, no matter you,
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thank you Kenny and your bell. I even put it on the desk. He I dunno, if you're doing the two shot today, a weapon. You can see that is the famous Kenny bell. Do I need to move down a little bit to me in january, my head cut off their alright folks. Just just gone this weekend, I like to keep the weekend updates that long on this show, because we now have a lot of time at the bill more north carolina how to do it that they're not to build more, but in north carolina with my daughter, so that work. Ray. The billboards, amazing people were super nice. It's in Asheville north carolina, it's the largest private residence in the united states. Oh, he could castle's number two. I actually know quite well the owner of that guy I got married. No, he could castle so number one and number two largest private residences in the united states. Shout out to my man TIM. I ran into a bunch of people. Guy tim was super nice. Thank you, everyone for all the your kind compliments. Some people were on the tour and they were like the house there.
one geno? They went on a tour of the more with the thing in his ear. To that a that was me good to see you love. You are now, let's get to tough stop folks. They are protecting obama, the media. I can't tell you they set off. We said this. Are no guys. A year ago, the Biden scheme and the media's is obscene absurd efforts, despite all the evidence, just laid out their biden is a foreign agent is corrupt. I deeply corrupt criminally corrupt fell criminally corrupt. Despite the evidence they are not protecting by they know, Biden is a dead medical darkened, the water. They know that they are protecting. Obama obama is me deepen this thing. He made Biden appoint man in ukraine for a reason. He knew about all of this stuff. They are protecting the legacy of iraq, one parag obama back on it
they are that's why they will do or say anything to you worried, a scandal, devon archer, Partner Biden testified yesterday, more explosive stuff leaked out. I want you to watch is quick. Little super cut the beginning got from tat elite over graybeard, but he got it from somewhere else. He said there, but this is an interesting one. is now in other quick super cut of the meat insisting despite a babby of evidence. This is the most corrupt human beings. They ever walk in the way disgusting piece of human garbage, like you, ve, never seen this rotting carcass in Joe Biden, here's a super cut of the media. Same focus is no evidence that alone
far. They have been not able to prove any evidence here of wrong. Doing house geo p members continue to try and link hunters business dealings to the president, though they have yet to produce any concrete evidence that it is important to keep in mind. While republicans believe that there is a time between two hundred binds business dealings and the president himself, they have yet to provide any hard evidence that the president himself has done anything wrong. How do we use and hardy they're gonna make? The accusation is accusing holes, they too have the evidence or not, or a Republican have not tied. The president, Joe Biden to profiteering from them have the evidence yet where's the evidence. There is no Evidence
any wrong doing by the president. There is today zero evidence, zero evidence, the Joe Biden, the president, I states knew about what is son was doing and if the president of the united states committed the kind of offences it and the republican fever dreams, they're saying he committed without any evidence that there is at this point, zero zero evidence. It Joe Biden is guilty of anything with the republicans of our doing, of course, is there just very, very angry that their guy got impeach twice and so they're just casting about for a way of providing retribution on the Democrats, and this is our latest fever during this long be really This is why we get all over their faces body or under arms. Everywhere might be that seen it
iraq. We used Hagar like the mud bath. In this case, it's not mud, wiping it everywhere. All over the place. These people, these people, have kids budgeting. Kids, look at the brain, that's my dad! Aren't you proud losers, aren tv. All always do you have the single most corrupt human being in a Eric in history, taken a dump on america, humiliating the entire country, in front of the world. Why were staring down the barrel of world war? Three, you have a cognitive lee, impaired, mobster in the white house right now running, a racket do is crack addicted son at below, we get all on mental effects from is dead son bringing him into it. The walls. You never thought you'd see in a strip club forget about the white house and you ve got. These Keep shifts in the media zero human dignity whatsoever, thou additives. So I put out these tweet untrue social posts.
Debug gino on both you can copy and paste it. You don't have to give me credit. I don't really care all about exposing the church. Why put this out? It went viral. It's been viewed now by The four million people on twitter ensure social, maybe more by the time you're lookin out I set the Democrats are correct. Folks, outside of the bank accounts of speed, activity reports wire, transfer its pre by bank transfers. The l l sees the text, the emails what's up messages the photos of Joe with hundreds business partners, the voices whose son the to business our new saint Joseph brand, the big guy in the chairman that you whistleblowers testimony the recorded phone calls to invite nepal I got a video Joe Biden, brag about the fire, the ukraine, prosecutors and hunters, payments that he's giving us that have as income you're right there is absent will be no evidence of your being evolved, good call fellows. There is
no evidence at all, of course, toward evidence would have no meaning if they actually had no evidence and that that didn't function as evidence for you and don't forget the sequence of events by the way more proof they are protecting obama. Ladies and gentlemen, stop everything right now. Stop everything for a second who appointed Joe Biden as the point man to ukraine, where he was. in using this influence peddling racket to enrich himself for millions of dollars. Obama did this. Is obama scandal as much easier is by. That is why the unprotected this guy up with you right now. Obama knew by the way, how Jeff Karlsson, who had a long list of the timeline, but I want to sum this up for even the sequence of events in more march twenty nine twenty sixteen shock in the press,
you two gets fire after the bribes paid right may twelfth the shock at the show? These replacement, the ukrainian prosecutor, get let's anko comes into replaces them a day later may thirteen is the call I'm gonna play. For you right now, the power he says: hey, listen! Where release in this. I am ass money that going back to ukraine cause you got rid of the prosecutor. Just so you're sure here, what's going on, obama points him the boy man in ukraine. He gets the prosecutor fire looking into we sons, company or replacements, hired, and then the net Stay this call happens or portions of it take a lesson There is a new government
and a new prosecutor general. I am prepared to do a public signing of the commitment to the billion dollars. The in spite of the fact that we didn't have any corruption charges. Don't have any information about the son. He doing something wrong. nautical I ask you to do so. I congratulate all new prosecutor. Politically critical groundwork repair the damage choking data. I'm a man of my word. I am and now that the new protocol generals in place we're ready to move for signing that new.
One billion dollar loan guarantee that call had to neo postman oceana good went to new york was tat hall. Congratulations on installing the prosecutor, general is the day after day, your boy. new guy who's, gonna, look the other way. Hundred binds accompany bourgeois mugged later in june this year, the koran soon bureau hilariously named in ukraine. All of us signs a memorandum of understanding with who opened We are all look we're gonna work together, all craziest thing a month later that same anti corruption. Bureau in ukraine release is what did the bond black the ledger, showing the poor man afford payment from russia, while poor man,
afford was connected to the trump campaign. Folks, I wrote about it. My book follow the money, the first chapter of the red damn book. Just read the first chapter insane in ukraine. This entire thing started in ukraine and obama Bob. I knew his fbi and obama we're working to cover this whole thing up because they knew trump could win, so they invent this black ledger, renew crane, showing payments from russia to tromp sky poem out of work and a leak did and the whole thing was vague. it's the same nab who eighty corrupt imbue national anti corruption bureau in ukraine. It's the same one that was work with the fbi. You tell me your boss, no break. It is Joe Biden was a foreign aid. You open Biden was, if point man for obama,
I mean you, don't start as questions. I was obama get nakata this too. clearly know we're gonna cut this here's Jim com, This is important. It was odd. Handed me the other night. This is an important cut the little over a minute. He talked about the that there is a huge take away here. they take away is Joe Biden is a foreign aid. Number one and number two barack obama knew about it here. Com or listen very carefully to something I've been hammering on this show for freaking ever the foreign aid Registration act is what they don't want. One Biden going to court for because, if he's child is a foreign agents. Hunter Dennys dad is implicated in the whole thing. Joe Biden is a foreign agents. Listen a calmer explain exactly this check. This out
The reason why they pay an admitted attic all that money james com, or can you explain how does a admitted attic, make all that money. Well what what services them was he offering of Joe was not the brand well devon archer testified that they were input panic. We wondered what the business was suspected. It was invalid pending, but we heard today from someone only and that it was influence peddling. They sold Joe Biden, that's what the business was and Joe Biden himself top to every single person that that has wired me too, the by you ve got a situation here. Will you look at those people who were wire and the money? A lot of those people are the most credible people in their countries
there are. A lot of people are in a lot of trouble in many of these countries who were sending wire to the buying failing they needed hill. They needed help from the government, that's why they paid the by family. They were inputs peddling and what Jim Doorn just made the for violations of the foreign agents registration act. We know that hunter Biden has violated that even the judge in delaware last week cited. That is one reason why she rejected the sweetheart plea deal. But what this did today in my opinion, is opened. The door did Joe Biden violate the foreign agents registration act because he was an active participant in in at least one deal we know of with with the charisma deal he was actively participating and doing a benefit to this foreign agent for this foreign country and he was withholding american tax dollars in the form of foreign aid? For that I mean this is very serious. Today took a huge step towards implicating Joe Biden in many of these crimes. We're going to continue to
forward in our investigation, yeahs, listen to me, I ate up. I learned one lesson from spy gate collusion explaining its people. Seriously. One of the things I learned is that they story tends to get complicated, so you can't bury the lead, you gotta put the lead up front and then let details kind of fill in the little edges of it. If you bury the led by the time you get to the end, people like what the hell's mice, what what what what does might take why you take away you simple. The breaking present It's a foreign agent any prior president, democrat press. they Barack Obama knew about it. That's all this stuff is just icing on the figurative cake Here it gets even better the Democrats again just why all over the place, Just wait. We just humiliating themselves in public here is the biggest tool in kind
greece, dan government, taking over for a yossi and swore well as most humility. In tool back, I've ever seen there's a reason why, waited Dan goldman is the face of it I want to tell you this right now they may re district new york here's. What's going on with golden this democrat, absolute ass, clown, He may not have a sea, so he me if the endorsement of the democrat machine dead goldman he's a freshman, he has very few connections. Also Dan goldman was one of the lead lawyers for the Democrats for the shift in peace. An inquisition he knows his legacy is on the line. He knows he was part of the big scandal in american history. These You notice he was the only one who leapt out in front of the camera, yet today in the committee out there he was only one out there doing all this stuff. This nonsense act that I saw he was the only one He should have shot his mouth. He went outside
the cameras and humiliated himself, suggesting that Biden now wasn't on the phone? We, the hunters business partners, even though the freak in business partner aren't you just admitted that figure. Listen to this. He never said that he has never spoken to any one. He said that he had nothing to do with hunter binds business dealings if he says hello to some one that he sees his son with what was I supposed to say: hi, sun and I'm not going to say hello to the other people at the table or the other people on the phone. It's kind of a preposterous premise: to think that a father should not say hello to people that the centre, a therewith, the sun is a dinner with, and that is Literally, all the evidences party threaten providing used to impress the people he was with beijing, the media narrative, you see where the going, how they set him up: the scum, in the media. You see other go with this. Always is a party because it's the illusion of access the illusion
access is a name. You know what it's called folks in full. It's paddling look at who I know I'm gonna get him. the phone, whether it illusion or not is irrelevant: do you know how influence peddling works? Are you this freaking stupid Maybe we have to explain this to you that he add him on the phone. His dad Joe Biden that hunter got him on the phone. Is the freaking scandal? Are you this freaking stupid? The answer is, of course, not your commies as for dank almonds, a preposterous assertion that Joe Biden never said he talked to the business partners. Let me just remind you that if I got on needs your mind, you let your Joe Biden remind you, take a look: zation you stems from your son hunter Biden, working on the board of an energy company in ukraine's while you were vice president? Do you agree that that could at least create the appearance of a conflict?
When I agree is with that, there's not a single solitary thing Anyone said that was done wrong. I dont discuss business of my son. I didn't know. That was the case then in moment when, in fact I found out after the fact and because I don't discuss things with my son or my family because I don't want to have any knowledge of any. I don't want to be accused of all your talk with your son or your talk with your whomever and so the act is though, everybody's looked at. That. He did nothing wrong: zero again called men, just wiping the all over his face under arms, his arms, all of the no human dignity and this again to these people. dan goeben have children. Can you imagine this be in your dad dad I just watching thereby gino, showing you clearly line. You said Joe Biden setting over this.
does business with a sunny just played the clip of Joe Biden, saying you never discuss business. Will I used to quote. I doubt this does business with my sad badger, this guy o this gets worse. I gotta tell you some of their governments other gems, this spineless piece of human waste. This gets better than giving one. Second, his quick break, your black, our coffee out of you, cottesmore love, my black, our coffee, a lover to deeds. He brought I forgot to beg. You say he went Is significant gap? Coffee always do you tired of same old, monotonous, garbage, liberal brands where the coffee tastes like crap, or here I'm going to give you a double bonus here? Number one you're going to support, accompanied absolutely love this country, so much so that to a second amendment on the on the front of their bag. But second, I love that. I love that they love the country. But, let's be honest, this is just some damn good coffee, I've, given it to some coffee drinkers in my life, whoever real palette for this it is absolutely delicious. It is a really bold coffee
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up on capitol hill Dan goldman, suggesting that Joe Biden was on the phone now and they were talking about the weather or something take a look to confirm. You're, saying that the speakerphone conversations they don't seem concerning to you, because there is no specifics about business. It just seemed like it was clear that it was clear the vote that it was as part of the daily conversations that hunter Biden had with his father and and it was an end sounds like most of the time now. President Biden didn't even know who the people he was a dinner. He was just ass to say, hello. He would you now talk about the word, though, what he described it several times they asked over and over and over he described what the weather was.
how how what's going on? On your end, he, the witness, was very very consistent that none of those conversations ever had to do with any business dealings or transactions. They were purely what he called casual conversation. We we pretend this is a phone for now. The gavel. This is a nice gamble. Someone goddess supposed to be clear. Hunter Biden is that a business deal a dinner with some of the most corrupt people on planet earth. for a second suspending disbelieve that he calls it dad from this dinner and no one it walk the white house, communications agency or the vp staff tells him hey. you may not want to take the call your huts I knew was a secret service. Detail is at a dinner with some strange cats I'll get to that in a second. Aside that over a second you're telling me he does,
Rather we have that is this phone call go so they're talking about the weather and then go You just heard him say it. You know six foot tall, pilar human waste in sicily, Joe Biden, didn't even know who is on the phone really pay pop, its cracker. I mean hunter hello applause, oh hi! say hello to no one, I'm not going to tell you a job. How has the weather well Where are you gonna tell me where you are? Ah? where's your dolly it's growing old tears are not allowed. To tell me anymore, I may find out who you are so just to be clear: they're are talking about the weather and yet Joe doesn't know who is talking to wear who you are or anything hunters doing, have you ever had a conversation? I call d, the other about something related to the shop hegyi we gonna do that event keep so like who says it's hot in florida,
However, this is, I can't hear you're coming in job. How are things have you ever had Conversation like this in your life that I love you wanna go. It does impairs the smelter this doesn't pass any test. This doesn't pass the epistle test, Joe you telling me he he's got a sweeter than at all. I got a guy say hello, couple random people, but don't ask their names and say so, being totally innocuous about the weather? What kind of a asshole. Do you have to be to believe this? Even for Joe Biden? This is a new level of debt, sherry, Do you know what this guy he had? No idea is talking to, but he asked them what they were Do we talked about the weather you even play the other line where it is a good one, because at this hour,
when these were twenty calls over the course of ten years. On that case, don't worry about I'm gonna. Take you gotta guy right who kitten twenty people over ten years and makes twenty ransom calls. Can you imagine in court irresistible he calls over ten years Twenty calls Joe, why while that is shake down over the phone, a man, of international influence peddling seem too times in ten years and your taken of victory lap around a course Ben Johnson at the olympics, pre were hits in like it's a levy data I'm an investigative agent through my old line of work. Again I had my own, I recall, not gonna- be able to get a good riprap the day. Therefore, there we go here, I'm going to get, but this is my initial. It's a moose I from when I was in the secret service. When I was still the treasurer agent there, how'd. You know, could you imagine showing up in court
Bad your way, you did everything you got a case like this and the guys in cork, or that we just called to commit criminal activity twenty times in ten years, it's no big deal and when we were doing it, we claim to. I know who the people were, and we asked him about the weather or jury's going to be like what a dumb is this guy, so freaking stupid did this and he hit the media people all over all over the the armpits all over the face. So I got a couple of questions here: I had a couple questions, so it Joe Biden, hilarious, deceiving key sceptical, engages rules with punches on stuff he's. Like you know, I did. You got, unique ability to refrain this story every single time. Thank you. Gotta have a lot of skills. This may be one of em. I just think about. This is a former criminal investigated, I do I mean I know I obviously like Joe Biden politics, but I'm just trying to figure this- would sounding court you're on the? own, while hunter Biden is trying to shake down people for money and
insisting and your business partners insisting that your dad is the chairman and, you're selling a brand and you're selling access to power. Joe Biden's seceded. You was on the phone wisely lying about the calls that view yours, you got asking why, see on video repeatedly lying about speaking to restart about business? If it was just about the weather? Odette wasn't about business. It was about the weather. The business was selling the call by the sheets on the left. Tat is the business do you understand how influence peddling works You're selling the phone call look at whose answer the phone, then dang, dang dang. If I was corrupt, we selling access to donald trump, I got a number and I go to a bit: this dinner and say I'm your lobbyists money, I'm gonna, go influence upon
policy illegally? What do you do you call trump if drop is in in the deal he's going to say, Wakey Wakey not not pick up the phone he's not going to just start talking on speaker in front of people. Oh my gosh, this stupid one more point, one more point I gotta make here. Folks, is you like a hear this anywhere else right, so they're ready? This is the most critical take away from the focal. Ladies and gentlemen, the president and the vice president, their schedules and all of their business stuff go through a number people, the chief of staff, the white house, communications agency, access to the president, listen to me. Listen to me. Please you're, not gonna get this any world is strictly control. I made the same point about hilary up about hilary gmail scandal that that obama scandal, because hilary email was why
listed on Barack obama's blackberry, so bright, obama how to approve it. There is no way that call one through twenty times to jobs. I don't know how many were, but a couple apparently when he was vice president without staff, knowing about it no way, I knew exactly one hundred resulted. Oh and by the way, hunter had a secret service detail too, so they knew exactly who hunter Biden was with Ian here than anywhere else. Did you alright take a quick break and appreciate your patience? I don't want to get to one more talking point here that the media just commute completely humiliated themselves on and how this is about to get very, very ugly. The bides there's no. Turning back now. The dam is now open. Folks, innovation, we find you may seem to see yo howard mac or on tv explaining how did help so many small businesses with their ear seat, actually find the oars easy employ returned
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his mouth and they inform alleging ten million in bribes paid to fire the prosecutor, illusion no, they have the bank records to back it up. Here's chad programme bar from Fox break it up. Another interesting point because when you thought this thing couldn't get any worse. Always taking money from china is taking money from ukraine. Hunter daddy was involved. They did this. This is scum operation inside the white house. He notes in spring of two thousand and fourteen. Then, vice president Biden attended a business dinner with this. at cafe, Milano in d c, elena bad arena. A russian oligarchy was the widow of the former mayor of moscow, attended the dinner, all really fascinating. How that is not a scandal considering bought arena a company associated with hunter by one point, three point: five million dollars: weird how some nonsense meeting where they discussed adoption we don junior.
trump tower, turned into an international scandal. Yet a meeting with Joe Biden, where he's actually there with the Moscow mayor's wife who paid this company sosial one hundred three point: five million- is that an allusion to a lot of illusions out there? Here's a career job here by the way, I'll wait by the way, the new york times. Finally, acknowledging that it's long been one that Mr Biden interacted with his son's business partners. They told us there was a conspiracy theory, look at the data on his july, thirty, first, what he twenty three uses paper only for toilet paper if it runs out in your house in the emergency or if we reach the apocalypse like that viggo mortensen movie, the road, here's career job, the air, clearly flustered, but don't worry, she clears up the whole russia connection here check this out
Regarding russia sanctions, I'm wondering if you could share the reason why President Biden hasn't sanction the russian billionaires vladimir, yet to shake off and how to how? How does he handling the conflict of interests that are giving his son was a business associations to people, and can you confirm that is I think vice president, he dined with that arena in Georgetown, I'm just not speaking to anything, that's related to his son from here. If you wanna have. If you want to ask question about hunter Biden specifically, I would refer you to his family and, as it relates to any. actions and that, speaking to individual individual persons from russia holy shit, somebody, mobile. This is this is like incredible. This got this lady was left of bad arena, the sanctions list, as they were, paying off
companies associated with the sun and the dad, as vice president, is at the dinner with her, and it's amazing. Nobody seems to care on the democrat side or media d c, wiping it all over their faces. Folks. This is the biggest scandal easily in american political history. There is not even a close second, the humiliation here for this country is so incredible that when history books, if their written by saying people, they will look back and go what a stain on human civilization that this rotting carcass in the white house, this corrupt disgusting potential phelan. I believe now folks, were patron, Joe Biden should be in prison and bolivia I'm a federal agent. I take that very seriously. Job belongs in handcuffs. This guy could should be investigated Possible treason: do you realize that latin we approve was watching all of this, and maybe
very well have invaded ukraine because he thought he had Joe Biden corrupt, the crap by the balls he made started world war? Three, this slob in the white house here, hearsay again, It's down the middle, a guy you're ever going to hear John Turley, who I've had disagreements with and his show, but I respect his opinion. He is a brilliant legal mind. This guy is no conservative. It all areas, fuck saying exactly what I'm telling you that this may be. The biggest pole nickel scandal in freaking american history right now. Take a look king, the father: the sun even as an outside participate in these phone calls, just to say hi explained then, and why that is Although we now know, quite frankly, is that the president has been lying and me lie during the present and pain. He lied ass president when he
stay off repeat that he had no knowledge. No interaction with these business dealings thus clearly falls. I meet easy with. These are accounts of almost two dozen calls made with these associate, some of whom are the most corrupt figures in europe, where the vice president would call in that's the point. Events its peddling when archer says that he was there to sell the brain and the brand is influence. Peddling and Joe Biden is the object of that. Fluids peddling, and so you need to show that you will have access that he's. Just a phone call away. Thank you, professor Turley profile,. the explaining to media people everywhere. That's how influence italy works, walk who I can get on the phone,
Joe Biden, wanted to do the deal himself over the phone homer. Just it couldn't be added from a person who has won a bridge. If he says it make sense daddy, why would Joe Biden, as vice president, if he wanted to beyond the phone conducting Deal had the power to do, in other words, to fire the prosecutor, which he had fire. Why? would. He involve, is sign if you just want to do to deal himself, because the way influence, paddling and rackets like this work is them. Boss is kept out of it? The can- Singly airy and the soldiers out there on the street and a cop owes do the dirty work and filter the money up. Him through shell companies. So he can precisely say I've got nothing to do with this. What they did is there? get him on the phone to say: wiki winkie not nod. I have access to these.
he cut power players and then there is the cut out. Do the deal to keep Biden several you really it is a lawyer to explain this to you, but white house. That's these calls. You don't think they know who's calling into the vice president's phone. So he doesn't get Craig called one day, They knew he was talking to this,
however, this clip I'm going to play for you next. This is really disturbing seriously. I'm using a lot of sarcasm in the show today, maybe to watch. This is the most disturbing. This is an actual bit of commentary on MSNBC, where this guy's dead, son, beau Biden, who I don't I don't know the guy personally, from what I've heard from agents was rather nice to them he's dead. He died from brain cancer, a really horrible early death. Imagine dredging up your dead son to cover up your criminal activity and imagine the media playing along folks. I gotta tell ya: I seen a lot of bad shit politics, man a lot. Some we've talked about some will come out in the future.
This is the most disgusting thing I have ever seen from people who are just abominations. The humankind. Listen to this eyes have been remarkably candid about saying: oh, we don't have it yet and even cast speaker mccarthy. Last week, sort of pushed against this impeachment inquiry moment because using look, we don't have evidence to go that far and as far as hundred biden goes, there's no doubt It's pretty clear, even those close to divide and family suggested, some of whose behaviour is pretty unseemly that doesn't make it illegal. And it also means that we don't know the role that then vice present Biden may have played and it seems like no improve than he had any view that they improve any profited from this at all. Yet maybe he's the of turning a blind eye to some of his sons behaviour. We should put this in context. This is a time when, both by the press. Other son was ill and then dying and then and then passed away. So perhaps he was not as attentive to what he should have been here. But again there has
We ve been no evidence jean robs us no evidence at all that he was profiting from this or he would it either. I am committed a crime when it came to and we hear hear from calmer and other above against its wishful thinking there trying to create this scandal when there's no so they have won her. Now he wants it offered some economy. Now I really don't know what to do. I don't know what to say. I don't know. I really don't know what I mean. I don't I dunno. I don't even know what to say like what you think of this, because I'm not we? I don't even know I had even respond to that. Your kid dies tragically. a new invoke his memory to protect your international griff scheme.
And the media people go along with it folks to call these people. Scumbags is like an insult the scumbags around the world. It really is a scumbags are offended by the sky. It reminds me a prison where you with the biggest mot son. Why are there some time some people redeem themselves? Some have an see like the child molesters committed, even their disgusted. I've seen some bad shit in politics. I never seen anything like this and the media go along with it. I need a second with it Let us move on exists elastic, let's that's a confusion out there to why the business part devon archer came forward the business partner two hundred by who testified. Yesterday we were off yes, yes, why we weren't here for that now we missed it. While, ladies and gentlemen, in its obvious lotta people, I well you, don't congress can't cut a deal legally with devon art, because they're, not the department of justice and the permitted justice right now is a democrat operation anyway and republicans
in charge. Folks, I've worked hundreds of criminal cases clear as day why Devon archer testified. Yes, front congress against Joe Biden and abiding crime, when you guys got to guess anyone in a chat have a guess why he did it. The answer is really simple: it's right in front of your face. Anyone tell me if you think I'm right, Yes, you think I'm right now, you think I'm wrong. I've done a lot of effort there's this guy. He was cut out of a couple of hundred binds. Other deals didn't get the money and governor by the way is the only one getting arrested for ability by the way you better be type? And yes, I love because I know our brain damage disappears. Stop everybody's overtake you guess what is, he tells thereby gets his business, but I can't figure it out. What do you mean? Capron archer. Is going to jail soon at a hundred biden. Is it he's pissed off? That's? Why thank you I haven't seen. You know that, for all the wise inner. Here you want proof. Here's the devon archer text
from twenty nine team after he will be in charge of this federal phelan, David archer, why did Jeez texting hunter by the way why, Your dad's administrations, appoint point these arrest me to put me in jail. Just curious. Some of our partners are asking why then it goes on to talk about how their ruining is family? Why did you step in white folks, although by guys, why is devon? Archer because this guy- yes thank you. Yes, you all those smart, because he's pissed everybody's over thinking. This thing it's so hilariously stupid. Some of the commentary promote even some people. outside, like low man, we're stamina, what's he doing enough for listen If you want to see by the way the evidence here said Website to your liberal friends, it not. The evidence is gonna matter because their commies, their straight up commies, but some of them are just frequents stupid your liberal friends matter of fact, a lot of them so send them
this website run by Marco polo its bite, sars thou com, obviously I'd, be idea in sars is versus this activity reports so I'd and sars essay a r s combine sars thou com. You can read suspicious activity report, showing all the suspicious activity, the Biden crime than we had at the back. You can the mall yourself? There are all it's all federal paperwork filed from financial institutions and ask your keep them one per second gigs. I want to show you some very suspicious. Tells you why they don't online. That sounds a free to move either. I want you to ask you, if these suspicious activity reports he's federal documents are in fact fake right. If they are fake, then why is it that the Biden family has ensued these banks yet so strange? Oh look at one of the sars.
This is amazing upon the scream. What are the suspicious activity reports says that some other customers affiliated with the hunter Biden bank accounts and payouts, had transactions consistent with possible human truck traffic trying to trap human trap. Is that say that oh, my gosh wow? That is so weird. That's so strange when you guys, are you going to re? What do you remember your spelling mistake on ears? Look at that guy's kind of stranger everybody. They re see why the left these! I hate that sound, the free men, one human trafficking, suppose, Oh here's another one. Oh look at that hunters. Dealings with ukraine check that this is all crazy, interesting, stuff. Huh is this
right there. You know, look him up again: Biden sars, that camp, so not linked to your friends. Ask him why the Biden team has ensued yet y know lawsuits, you think heavily regulated! financial institutions that need to kiss the ass, the Democrats wanted to file a suspicious activity report. Against a legacy political family like the buttons you think that was high and their mind. Let me ask another question too:. Joe Biden, nuclear and present danger to this country. You see it like. I do. You know what to do and to check the maid and is a clear and present danger to you and your kids again. I use my work carefully on this show Joe Biden is a clear and present danger to United states of america- and I'm not the only one saying thank you. People in the chat beg you here is in jenkins at the wall street journal. Again, no big conservative firebrand a pretty down
the middle, reasonable guy. You have to read this p by the way I would have put in the show notes, but it's a pint of pay wall. Hunter Biden is a geo political disaster. He asked the question It should be on everybody's mind. They Joe Biden, actions in ukraine, russia and china drive us into a potential world war. Three, this disgusting stain on humankind, here's home and jenkins. Not me poland Jake insane. Today's version would include hunters dealings in ukraine, trumps impeachment or king about hundreds dealings in ukraine, the laptop episode and the culprit to change the subject. From hunters dealings in ukraine. He asked here here's the critical question. What did flatter me a prudent make these events, how my day of figured in his bed that the? U s would let keep fall into his pocket. Maybe one day I'll tell us the fbi assistance.
The latter mere putin invade ukraine, because they knew they had a blackmail file and Joe Biden, and they didn't think he would react. Did the fbi, divide the assist hoax. Joe Biden is obviously a foreign agents. Barack Obama obviously knew the me he is protecting Joe Biden. Joe Biden may in fact be compromised and maybe waltzing us into world war three to protect himself in ukraine, not to protect you and it gets worse men and on this I folks, I'm really sorry I had some great material prepare by way with my choice in a warning. Again, I'm gonna Titus up. I promise b. Tomorrow, this is gonna blow it away, but I, to sum it up in a few minutes, would be doing you with this service. I promise to morrow show is gonna break your brain, So please allow me I will cover in detail or something going on in china, that you scared the shit out of everyone.
If you've been watching? My show you already know what I'm going to talk about everything I told you was coming true everything. What's that what no way how many we just broke the record for the most life he was ever on the show. Eighty thousand folks, thank you. I'd pat my heart here boy, my elbows don't work. I love your big fist pound for you, while eighty thousand and a chat spread. The word man it's greatest move, let's get to one hundred thousand want to end with this. Not only is Joe Biden, I promise, even if he weren't compromised, which he is the entire world, is watching this rotting bag of oatmeal with spaghetti o's in his cranial cortex brain falling apart. He can't even move. I want you to watch this here is Biden getting off a plane air for an off air force one. I know what happened here.
Watch the clip and I'll explain to he appears to be looking for the motorcade. What's the problem, there is no motorcade. It's a lift getting onto hilo watch he gets up and watch what he does. He goes to ask someone take a look at this. Votes I've only done this a thousand times or more trust me it is told twenty thirty times go down a plane, get into motorcade or you're, going to go down a plane, make a right and you're going to get on the helicopter. It's not hard figure out as you're coming down the stairs.
You can see the freaking helicopter. If there's not a lift, just the motorcade, there's no helicopter, the guy comes. The stairs. I guarantee you. What happened is half way down the stairs. He forgot there we're helicopters, you didn't even look. And he's looking for a motorcade, even always just told them helicopters. So if you notice what he does, he looked straight ahead, she's no cars, then he looks to the right niece confused. So we goes to the secret service agent, who I know very well. leave, as they matter is very good guy by the way nobody says to, but my guess is he probably s and what are we doing next to where we going? At any point? the helicopters its guy does not know what he's doing ever you take too bad enough that you could be blackmailed here, one more here
He is doing assigning thing for an executive order. He walks up stage without signing any day. Look at this idiot does not come back to shake your forgotten and shiny order. All our talk. I know action gosh, ladies and gentlemen, the sky is gonna waltz us into world war. Three, he is we're getting your brain sky. He Clearly, losing is mine, use so a foreign agents, embers obama new, and I promise you this is gonna. Get worse, wait till I do to marshal on China. You guys know what happened last week and right. How did he wants to know how we got here? I have no idea what you're right the politics of the countries in a fine shape. The lead, so this country, I will tell you with a straight face. I dont think we ve never had worse and believe me that includes some republicans to just a class of
generates. I have never seen in my life, the worse people and america right now. Kid snifters her up the craftsmen If there is a run in this country right now, like a mob family disgusting, you've got a chance to change it. Folks, thanks again for tuning in eighty one thousand three hundred people here, you believe that at eleven o'clock and I'm so honored to be part of sweetie man will change in the whole new media landscape right here. Thank you so much for tune in it joined the chad folks will the council S. Bonn gino set up an account in its free download. The rumble app join us here. Every day. I come on a little early key ingesting, come on at ten o clock in the chat room, the chapel, You all you're, welcome to come and early the show start eleven am live every single day at rumble: dot com, slash bond, gino, join us here. Please give a click that follow button. It's free on rumble and also follow us on apple and spotify. It helps us alot realize, thanks for tuning in folks I'll see you back here
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Transcript generated on 2023-08-02.