« The Dan Bongino Show

Nashville Shooter's Manifesto Causes The Media To Melt Down (Ep 2126)

2023-11-07 | 🔗

The hack media and big tech companies are melting down. In this episode, I address the explosive manifesto from the Nashville trans shooter.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The good way to hear the truth about america on a show that is not immune to the facts. With your host dan VON je know, there was alcohol this morning on social media, folks that absolute raw. Why? Because we are so, I dunno I dunno, I started the show like texas selection day. Big things could happen today. Indiana Kentucky mississippi new jersey, new york, ohio, pennsylvania. Junior, even ballot initiatives, texas and elsewhere, be a good day for us tomorrow. Don't want to sell my carbon I'm long in the united states and we say that advance but the hole shit man that I wake up this morning. It they to myself. We are in a really really dark world right now you see what happened yesterday, which in crowded from louder with crowd her, where He got a whole that the manifesto from the nashville trans terrorist did you. And afterwards you would think It would be like guys, mass condemnation of all
gosh, the train if the terrorists was writing about shooting little white, kids and all that stuff. No, the whole not at all, because she was, I guess, that's even crowd or man are. I think, he's doing this for clicks on my holy shit. I wait in the morning or my folks, these people of an egg We we show got to either separate from these people and move to conservative states and win nationally just to contain them in their liberal state, but there's no saving these people. That is, The only solution we presidency just to keep a lid on the crazy commie socialist, tired fascists, domain, their liberal, how walls and get the hell away from these people are freaking crazy. I got a big showed. I ve got a lot to talk about going to come out hot fire and you saw right now. I'm in a mood today today show sponsor my black, our coffee, stop giving your money to welcome it. I care about you got a black I'll call,
We dotcom slash punch, you know you could bunco bun gino for twenty percent off. first order as they set a lecture they get. Our vote for I don't want to be rude because I love you. So don't take this as being rude. Everybody agree. Okay, we call and chat is now route you'd, better get your ass out vote vote vote you don't know. If you should be voting today, go online and put local. Actions in a search engine and see if you should be voting in the attic and talking mississippi new jersey, new york, ohio, Texas, pennsylvania, virginia, get anvil I don't get on vote, but I don't care cannot vote but mikey. I don't care, I don't care in our vote. I'm sorry! I love you. We love my family- and I know you probably already voted the only way have you used the bathroom here which closed the door behind you right out, so you don't. The best riser can a weirdo you want some ran those look in on you. So our people. Look on your online psychotic
and when I close the door share, your internet service provider knows every single website you visit is what's worse, they can sell that information to ad companies and tech giants who, your data, the target. You trust me being We need to secure encrypted tunnel between your device any internet, so your online activity can be seen by and I use express we began every single day and all my devices phone tablets laptops routers. All of it is easy to see you, I was in a bathroom door, just fire up the app click one button you're protected with express vpn there, the nerve world's number, one rated vpn by mashable the verge and countless others. So if you're like me- and you believe your online activity is your business secure yourself by visiting exp three p and our complex bond today use. Sluices leg express the pn dot com slashed, slash, bungee, to get an extra three months free as express vpn the council s mind, you know I use it, you should use a to g. Oh no, we got a hot show. So let's get this baby not going to be a tremendous tuesday Dan it is you saw this. Is such a game show announcer
it's to be a shared. A. Choose either dead or alive. we need a little like wink, martindale flavoured and show some of you get that some folks. We live in a police state? We if the police aka you first test, take the authority failed, hey deanna! I was at first asked whether we always just a frozen literally the first one. So does he leaves the s outages? We that's cause it's like a little boy. It you got, reggie a little bit folks, I we love Jeez they're, both great, I chaired the dragon we changed things up any more than we have now in our listen we I live in a police state. Now it's obvious, I'm going to get to the crowd. Are thinking admit it, but I did. I woke up again this morning We get to myself folks this it's not the fifties in the sixties anymore. This is not the already of the j f K Democrat. This is not a pause. You have even the union Democrat We live in a country right now, full of free.
King crazies, and I mean dangerous, crazies and believe me, I don't hesitate for a second using those exact words. I choose my words very carefully and deliberately we live with freaking crazies in this same day. This part the money get too crowded, and the second is that was a news day and by the way, shame on a lot of these cable news channels. Shame for I was giving a shout out to the crowd or team for getting a whole. This I was disgusted how many people ran the story. Did you were you watching last night? Did you happen to see it and you guys everybody? Nobody mentions crowded team at all. They like The shooter's manifesto is. So should we how take shows your. We are you. Ok, the guy you jealous Oh, my god was disgusting. It was disgusting.
eye drops a bombshell and nobody even mentions it. Oh yeah yeah they go a manifesto got get here. How brow how how on evil total bias against rumble and crowd her? I should a crowd of first then rumble Are we going to show next thursday and believe me, will you be doing each other show next thursday, so dominant next thursday mean crowd her in a rumble link up, Secondly, I wonder twins activate when don't miss that we're going blow up rumble. We have you got my oral rings at work, maybe I'll get one or we can link up together. We a police state about wake up a bit but the crowded story- and it hasn't it the crowd of story, I'm still trying to digest this story, which I want to talk about more may more depth tomorrow, but teachers jordan and republicans up in congress. They found it. Not the age ass, align this information group that we set Conservatives right before that
What did twenty election under the guise of election integrity? you're, saying yourself, wait the gun. Again was working with another group. Do Sesar and this election integrity project to set conservatives. Don't we have a first amendment. I say that. That's that's forty! That's a good one, yes, we do have a social. We do have a first event. I actually have an app on my phone here. It looks like this. It's a constitution up there. It is right here preamble article one. I actually have the app on my phone, so the constitution comes with me everywhere. Back to you, chasseurs are here so We still have a first amendment. The question is anybody? Take the first amendment seriously, and the answer is only republicans democrats like this that a first amendment in the constitution, this new- post story by John Kristensen is an absolute bombshell. New email show the department of homeland security created a stir for the university distant information group that censored speech before that the twenty election, some people they censored. You probably know
molly hemingway. Dave reuben shaw. Davis. U s! Senators under republic inside folks! Please I want to ask you a question before I go forward. Please plain to me right now and take a second in the chat. Take a second, it is you own. The chatter alot smarter than me. Please Please tell me what the government working with independent actors, to censor political speech? I don't like before an election. Please tell me what's different than communist countries that do not please away, and you wanted a chap anything different. No, no that's right! You're actually correct know the reason they get in this something different at all: There's something different it all we live. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. May all I'm here
Thank you, be the bill ivy. Why? Yes, there is nothing different! We live with a bunch of freakin commies the best. We can do for now is when these national elections in local elections, it's the best we can do and tat these people until we can get an under control, folks, its All I can do the only comparison I can make tee for you right now is it's like Flu virus rampaging throughout your system right this, what the communism has taken over this country. Socialism and fascism in the police state is what, we have two flew. The first thing you want to do is prevent yourself from dying, correct. Figure this out, I'm not everyone around man, I mean this year. A bad flew when you're in older person, fifty or sixty at serious risk I see people die all the time. priority. One is don't die. That's why we ve got a vote even though the system is still left up. I get it yours. customs messed up your drawing up. You sick! You got a hundred four fever. You can afford.
It's everything in one day, trio's odds. one get ivy fluid and stay alive like last and the mohicans, no matter what I will find you spare, no matter what I just said. Alive. as you contain a virus from A page in your body, you may be too, Some antivirals, whatever. flew drugs. They have out, there would ever maybe. and eventually you start. You know you you taken in some fluids again, naturally in your body throwing it up and then you start to defeat it and get back to health socket. happening today. What manner we living with a bunch of fascist right now and a bunch of people better way not you two, fifty thousand people here now. Ten minutes in I know you get it. Are you so much time in the shadowy talking to use specifically by hard core p ones in a bunch? You know warming castro, I love you but
there are still people out there find indistinct for the first time were convinced we have a political problem. We don't a political problem. We have a communism problem. one another example why woke up so freakin feisty this morning, so the background of forgery. The headline of this story: you should read it in the wall street journal, put it up yet theirs, In college out, there call grand canyon university, based to the administration, should the administration while ago over some nonsense the image that they did really well in the loss or look what happened because they should the administration Biden, regulators find them thirty cents, in point seven million, which could put them out of business. Why, for some They totally made up. Oh of not being honest and their pamphlets about, of course, as you do take, nobody actually believes that. they find them. Almost forty million dollars tell me again how we live in a man
Police state now, let's go the bombshell yesterday through these in before the shoulder and archaeology star were crowded, but I'm so freely Christoph forbes. We, a common problem gotta contain these people. They out of control, generalizing your kids, cheating in elections, censoring conservatives blocking january, six, grandma's gulags. it is real man made. Some joke be part of this. You notice messages catching and I want you to know your proudest. You be proud, be proud to your part of something This edison reaches just put out this podcast serving nationwide. Again we are The biggest shows in the entire country- and nobody knows we creeping up on everyone. Because a you, because you get it.
So yesterday, Stephen crowded show louder were crowded on rumble, yet hundred thousand people watching in may and live stream. Audience problem the biggest in the world that are not probably was yet huge story, they got a hold of the trans shooter in nashville. Member, the trans shooter gotta holding the manifesto and what happened the matter. ass, though, is worse than you could possibly imagine how many No, you pictures from it in a minute all about you know why kids. crackers. The most disgusting vile racial stuff you ve ever seen, and the left one crazy folks why little kids don't matter these scumbags unaware dead, kids, don't matter this enemy dead, kids, no matter what matters is the narrative and the fact that it was a train shooter with
anti white hatred, probably motivated by the democratic party in the media. Now you know why they suppresses story forever. I may take some right now: everyone pay attention and chat. Listen and later I don't wanna hear another, damn peep ever from liberal scumbags about inciting violence. Ever ever you apps the loot, freaking frauds, stirring embrace hatred every day against white people simply because of the color of their skin. You fucking, disgusting frauds. I don't wanna, hear shit from you ever again about inciting violence ever ever. You are absolute frauds, while we spoken out absolute. resolutely, clearly and transparently about the dangers of political violence. You shit sticks we're out their promoting eighty. White violence, racial hatred, violence
against conservatives. Now we get the manifesto and your married who your man ass for exposing you. I want you to listen to this. First, here's, the land in Biden and all these other people with their eighty white hatred simply because of the lack of melanin in your skin. This motive, to try and sugar, because if this were a trump person, who was shooting up people, god forbid minorities. You will have seen the stair manifesto a long time ago that this what of the shooter listen to this and we warning nor what our intelligence agency and determined to be the most lethal terrorist threat to all men today. Wait, supremacy, stairs and white supremacist will not have the last word on this venom. And violence cannot The story of our time, enough of us have action. The hearts stand up.
for years. The boys- Why should promises? I did my inaugural address to single out as the most dangerous terrorists, do our homework. Is whites of france or the united states in towns is really domestic chairs and from white supremacist is the most lethal terrorist threat and the homeless wait, supremacy is a poison of toys is running through early is running through our body politic it's been allowed to fester and grow right in front of our eyes. No more. I mean no more The ideology of white supremacy has no place in america non folks, I dont disagree: at any rate, space hatred when there is wide supremacy or re space
hatred against blacken hispanic folks asian folks? Are eighties it is a more the muslim you should judge people by who they I mean is that none of this is really difficult. Folks, it's only for gold of your a crazy race, baiting, now lunatic apply blonde with Joe Biden is him in his as b. I and everyone else keeps talk about this threat in a way to me people suspicious of folks were white they're not doing it. Genuine you're doing it dis ingenuously can link arms with anyone in say: yeah, race, based hatred of anyone is really F, stop and iran Cancer. That's not what they're doing joe by is stirring up race hatred like a race hustling two bit loser, because He thinks it's gonna get him votes in an election and he does. Care about the gravity of the problem. doesn't care about it.
He's trying to stir up race hatred and crazy people love it? It's really incredible. You come to this show. We talk about unity. We talk about Things are really met us the virtue signal, because it's real, believing Jesus Christ, Jesus, certainly doesn't judge people by their skin. We have got given rights for reason. You come to this. Shall we talk about that and yet we ones inciting violence. While this asshole is actually inciting violence. Getting oh my gosh white person, don't trust em, don't trust like guy. here's the manifesto had tipp louder with crowd. Or is this they got this and they deserve the credit and shame on any outlay. Who doesn't cite them, I'm embarrassed for you for doing it gets this stuff. I'm seven minutes away I'm almost socio may now, and so I can't believe I'm doing this but I'm ready. I hope my
victims. Are it This is really real, I'm a little nervous. Why only fears if it goes wrong: I'd be three to seven. It's gonna go quick, I'm ready to die or there's more there's more. kill those kids, those cracker crackers folks waving the crackers they talked about there, go in a private fancy schools, as if the kids did anything wrong with their fancy, khakis and sports backpacks daddy's mustangs, sorry, folks, but I'm going to read this within reason you little shits, I was to shoot you with a what does that say, a backup rack asked the eggs with mob, yellow hair I'll, kill you all you little crackers. Bunch of little beauty are homeless sexual slang for moustache,
slur. We privileges. F, you right with maggots Unbelievable this on real crackers. Can a base little rich kids folks, because they got a timeline in everything, get dressed test knife glass, breaker, dad's, Cars. Now you see why the the swine, the guard which pile media tried to hide all this time. and killer talking about little cracker, kids, killing kids. How much work out o seniority. I want to show you this tree here. We buy the sky christopher hale. Add chris jolly hell we're getting you! I think like what We finally got a hold of the manifesto of this killer of little kids. Oh no, oh! No!
this christopher hell. If you want to leave the natural manifesto, have the courage to lead the entire thing when you only lead, You know champion of truth. Yours of your predetermine, our truth jolly arrow chris. This probably sums cures or use it just think, there's something in there that will make the gay swore hers and they talk about little crackers go way, maybe all Ok, maybe later release as our little crackers. I bet animal crackers, maybe later the trans shooter. Maybe maybe she did that later car tax christopher. It's crazy if I guy for shot murdered, a bunch of kids at a religious school. But don't worry it's missing context. Christopher hail of where's facebook by the way faced, looking, Google were censuring the story because we live in a free can commie state folks, that's. Why can t The virus- that's the best,
we can do right now we have a massive, flew overtake king, the country that is about to kill off the host It is a symbol of swamp law enforcement. The federal government bill cracks in the federal government, elected democratic, social media companies, search engines, big tech, sore omar, dire, left, money, arabella advisers and others who were turning this place into the freaking soviet union. if you're not voting today, I dont know what to tell you face censuring the story, thank god by the way and yes, I'm an investor there. It doesn't mean shit for this segment. Thank god. not using his name in vain for rumble If you didn't have rumble and you're not, jimmy right now, sixty three thousand plus the two hundred thousand short yesterday and crowded this
would you would never hear about this ever google, youtube facebook, All censor the story. Rumour even acts was, was there were some odd note attached to it or something I don't know if that's true or not rush to publish input couple. People who I follow said that they had some note attach theirs it, but I know for a fact, facebook, google- and u to censor the story I want to show you: the left really thinks is the enemy by the way coming up in a second this. will may or may not surprising from what you think you can't stand the media by the way. Ladies gentlemen, trust me, it's not enough. They are slime and absolute garbage We break folk. Seventy four months to prepare. We talk about food, water, filtration communication, and yes, you need,
trained what you're firearm? I was out this week in the range for the first time in a long time. I ask the activity train with I target and has been great for me. I targets pardon with the show since the beginning. Here's a best offer yet get the eye target. You the target cuba's fully compatible with your existing, I target least around or any new ones you can buy. one cube or upgrade to the three pack for a truly unique training, experience, pray, clearing, drills or use random owed to test your ability to reach all the system times you go to target products a letter. I t r g e t pro. I target prodi icom. That's the letter. I target pro dot com right now: save twenty percent plus free shipping with the offer code, then twenty then stay to two zero. I it comes at most colleagues calibre from nine millimeter two to three. She betrayed with almost any fire is He is the most cost effective way to train a pace for itself in a single day.
Too much uncertainty to throw caution to the wind prepare. When I target pro that's the letter, I target pro, I target pro dot com offer code dan, twenty train folks, one of the best training tools, you're ever going to find What does she had disgusting? These people are so just to be clear. Disgusting filth, media accomplices, accomplices. Now. to a bunch of attacks all over the united states as they hide these people and tried to hide the manifesto, busy attacking who yesterday not the trend shooter, but you guessed it lives of tiktok Here's our good friend chair lives, have tik tok She made the front cover, I'm glad to see she's poking fund at them. Usa. Today, when lives of tick, post posts, threats, ink opposed in threats increasingly follows, or just to be clear. Just to be clear a trans shooter, who kills little kids, writes about little crackers calling
some gay slurs and is it is trans at another after the left, hypes up white supremacy and re hatred. They have no role in this at all, but lips of tik tok would lift. Their only purpose is to take take videos from liberals and put them on twitter. Doesn't all them at all is actually residing violence by posting euro content. Folks, how for much you revile and cannot. Stan this scots thing garbage filth than our media? Listen to me! It is not enough! These people our human garbage? They are Inciting violence in this country every single day tearing this support rolling. stone which no one has ever taken seriously. I mean the level the legendary efforts by rolling stone in their journalism. I mean just this stuff. Why encyclopedias will be written about the future. If we still have them role-
still did it again so read this headline atomic. While that that's kind of weird role, it's now I was rolling stones Y know the headlines. You know bullshit, but when I read that I don't like why this is where our new speaker, my johnson, you know he was replaced. Kevin Mccarthy, rolling stone rights might johnson. Amidst he and his son, monitor each other's point intake in resurface, video and my that's kind of weird Johnson now. I know it's not real, but what he's looking over his son shoulders and watching porn I mean guys what would have been to you, I mean I imagining a damn Your imagine attainable gino monitors, geek, collins porn and take that view be like really you what a porno it's kind of weird airport. that is so weird always. I find out the real story: because once the headline gets out there, nobody can actually read the real story of they put accountability. Software called covenant eyes into devices to abstain from watching porn, which is what
you're, probably do on computers. Do that what is happening in our modern engaged? Porn usage? That's I wanna be that all my johnson had at the coveted eyes, so they don't watch porn and it keeps europe new computer good for them good for them. The stuff is corrosive good for them its eye read the rest of the peace in only gets more humility, the guy who wrote this daniel crabs. Do me a favor just go crawl in a hole. I can only imagine your mom and dad being horrified to tell of a family members at their kids right for rolling stone dead. Kraft, is your mom and dad tell people they don't have kids, I'm just. I would if I knew you imagine, writing this headline of being prouder yourself day. I dont good good colleague. I to put in a newsletter but nah now your crabs. I'm really. If I were you parents I would ride, lie. I would change my last name I be like. mister and missus. Her changes to a sea just so they can never be attached to you.
Minor. Their pointed to this is that this is an actual story. The beekeeper my Daniel crevices in his basement right now what whole gallon of lube guarantee We know, god only knows what he's doing with it. Their new crops, I gather. What do you do it out of work the citizens know what I'll do that again, daddy data that kind of gross. What do you do? What does that sound? I've been in eyes, Daniel highly recommended, put it on your computer you lose your mind if you needed in cells. This is going to continue to destroy the country by the way until we change it, Not only are the media providing cover for terrorists, trans murderers, providing wherefore censorship. Mass censorship go along with the government of ice.
and govern providing cover for election fraud. There also- riding cover for the savages and if you follow my social media, twitter and choose socialist money, I put out a tweet, and I said you know I was having a hard time as actually in the shower after the sauna, too much information. But what the hell is, I think a lot. The warm water heats, my brain up or whatever I beg thinking to myself. Do you find it a little odd at the same left this? Who should word kiddie porn in schools. Door in the morning go out march at night, for programme are savages who stone women to death and throw gay people off buildings. Do I said it's a date. Is a crazy there's, no disconnect there with them at all, get tat in schools, are you know the people, your marcher for night, one, if you we'd cornerstone you to death, not very familiar. It's! Ok, it's ok! its logically consistent for me because I'm a dumb ass, freakin, liberal.
I want to show you what actually happened this week and don't mrs bloch coming up and backed by popular demand: I've gotta self them and block when they give you some pointers again. I got two videos here proven I point again and again you not the rest a meet someone in a fight folks. These people get lights superhuman powers in a fight, and you don't when there when their freedoms at stake. I've seen it say to you, see what I mean I last sponsors. We appreciate your patients, patriot, mobile for different ten years, outpatient mobiles been america's only christian conservative whilst provided when I say only trust me. I see I mean the only one glance the team love you guys, everybody's and over the patriot mobile they love it. I love it. I'm proud to part with it They offer dependable nation wide coverage, giving you the ability to access all three major networks, which means you get this covered you been accustomed to it off when they left when used, which the patriot mobile you're, sending the message were free speech. A second amendment, a first responders police, firemen, our military,
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censorship. We live in a king tyranny, this virus has to be contain, and then we have bring this country back to the freedom station? They all I support the savages. They love him, you're, an actual insurrection. I showed this am going showdown occurred at the white house this week by their own definition, attacking public buildings trying to illegally gain entrance ribbon down, trying to rip down the front gates. Eating red blood on the front of the white house: what and to these people, here's the answer jack Can she had happened? The jack left town? Why because we live in a freaking police state and the virus must be contain this result. But if your folks, if you support Hamas baby, killing savages. You are now a protected class. You have a red head on and you go to the white house and shake the gate. You'll be in the dc gulag. For thirty years fact. Europe is lost by the way had to produce
joe for the translation here This is germany, where pro savage supporters who, again in the morning or more four kiddie porn in schools and an eye march for the savages utero gay people off buildings in stone women to death. This What you're supporting here, germany were a guy's being interviewed and clearly says, like yeah man, once worried charge. She realized germany, good luck with tat, ladys and gay people. Good luck within yourself, more against the people say I dont want to re in germany. That is nonsense, changes or wherever you want I'll send it gives alarmed, and as it is everybody who calls himself a muslim most than before I want to show real when the whole world If you re in germany, definitely industry, would you nullify the german constitution? If you could definitely definitely don't listen? folks ceaseless in them. Just listen to them. Can guarantee you. If you would interview a hundred.
Of some of these same pro savage protesters. Ninety seven of one would say the exact same thing. You want surreal here. You weren't mandatory face covering stoning for it Wilders, you wanna, watch porn and get thrown off a roof. You wanna get caught, in a gay relationship and find yourself castrated or, if you're lucky, but keep you keep it. Liberal, dumb ass more I'm useful idiots you stupid, bastard. And yes, I say exactly what I mean You so freaking stupid. You are you are you? Are you? Are you you're you're ushering out the red carpet for your own murderers? You, dumb ass see what you're supporting. You morons here's the October seventh video most significant terror attacks in? U S, history and she world history by above
of animals. People support I am here in the united states, support these animals and why watch this video folks images terrorism. This is not easy here's, the hamas terrorists ins and stir up. They stop the car. These freakin most there's a civilian car? You see blue car, the suv here they go they make sure they shoot up the car they go, kill, mom and dad out is a five year old in the back seat body exe you D, mother, right in front of the dogs. You like tat, you like that folks, she liked it. You piece of shit, on the problem, I cited scum garbage mother. You that should no longer shooting up the car. Now these five year old here find israeli, please, Without going into a hotel,
My mother, I hate you so much. You have no idea five euro hiding under a blind. You take us I'm here with a baby. He was a baby there too, no language, eight for everyone, you fucking scum, showing for everyone anymore. I'm sorry for that. There are enough kid nanny, forgives either, but that's the world we live in is support that ship. Don't walk up me in the street. There must be some more these savages, seawater
you get ready every single day. This world is a dark place, you're living in right now, folks, we can fix it, we can save it and I believe in the power of god and he's going to test us, and every day is an opportunity to turn this thing around, but don't think for a second. You can be able to walk away from this fight. you're, these scumbags shootin in our pga, your and our pages to rocket propel grenade at an ambulance. Ambulance. I want you to watch us. Look at these. Scumbag cowards. Watches ego issue here is a fox sticks. How little piece of shit real brave shoots in our peachy upon him, so proud of their work to scum demon
the demons. Oh there's two saw sow. There's two sides: there's really two sides that really tell me the other side of that plea. I'd love to hear both protect. Herself at all times. These animals are river demons. I love animals. Animal like animals, don't shoot our policies at human beings, protect yourself at all times, all times. There are millions of people in this country who are already the enemy who are already here and a media will do everything they can to protect them. You on the other hand, put a mega had on and you call for a peaceful. patriotic march, you will find yourself in a gulag.
I also want to do the self defense block because we're in really dangerous times- and I feel like I have a lot to offer here- I'm not a tough guy, a map pretending to be a tough guy, please, and that some light. karate mix, martial arts presenting jujitsu expert I've, train that it doesn't matter, I'm an old forty, eight euro guy. I hope I could protect myself, I'm not here to be anybody superhero. However, having spent. A lot of time in really what we're four different police academies and being an instructor. I feel like I've, some information to pass on, but don't take this pseudo tough guy. Stop because it's not it's just formation. I told you many times how, if you get in a street five one of these people If there's a knife involved, you probably dead. If there's a got involved here must definitely that, but it does peanuts always going to be the case? They could drop the knife, they could drop the gun and you could find yourself in a fistfight with one of these. Since there are everywhere, With millions of these demons and the united states right now,
I'm telling you when these people get high dark that they develop almost like superhuman powers, and you probably won't you won't. It's I don't know. Why is asymmetric? Why bad guys fight like tat? like five mean that, like fighting dogs and we good guy It's it's just, doesn't work that way. You compassion they don't. They will ways we were. I want you to watch three cops here. Is a veto right away. Watch three new york city, but I'm not knocking them at all. I've been evolve in similar situations. I've seen this multiple, that's. Why she's ray cops. Trying to take one guy, got u target, Three, ok, good, sir cobb school, they take I is one guy down. They can't do it. How can these guys again at all, I'm tell you I've been any of these guys develop like supernumerary goes. He gets away.
the guy's, gone that they take some book. He teases are still going. What's this case, you forgot already taste that he's going to stop or we close the door watch. The three cops, a taser And another taser any still away. Folks, in the mit wasted say all the time There was an officer, I think its aim is Vinnie cadiz. He was pushed through a play. Glass. We cut the femoral artery and his leg and he died. the blood out just from a push You can shoot a bad guy ten times miss every vital organs? I dont know why it is its murphy's war criminals. I would have superhuman powers now I am telling you used the press, you know I'm telling you this and a monarch, and these guys are all please I'm just me. To learn from this stuff and if it happened to me, I'd expect you to learn from it too
you don't have a basic amount of fight training, some brazilian jujitsu, some wrestling some problem, a some tie boxing you have zero chancellor you'll get killed tat. I just took her. Three cobb's you think he's going to do to is auto skinny guy to ETA taser. He'll, be up in your head brush off the concrete nordby. if you train like I did for years,. I promise you you'll be able to stay alive in an altercation like that at least long enough to get up and you. could probably win you doubt it, I encourage you to maybe I'll play it tomorrow to watch them Sarah video, the? U s e fighter in vegas, whose, like our way one hundred pounds by a guy in LAS vegas and he mounts and gets on top of and he's just laughing what the guy's trying to get away? Got a train man; you got: a train physically and you gotta train what your fire on the run. at a time every day is a lost opportunity. here's another one. I want you to watch this police report
this video anna was angeles on the local news. Guy drives in his house closes the gate by the way clothes. Then you're going to to sab demons job. The wall there trying to convey disguise houses, families inside, but this guy, a train, and this guy had a different. Surveillance video shows unmasked intruder with a gun run up to this mid city, man about to walk in his front door. The homeowner out his gun to defend himself firing shots. Two intruders quickly entering a shoe I guess they decided to try to come at me come in the house, but I have a five month old baby and a wife natty in the house, and that wasn't going to happen. There was nothing in my house that was worth dying for, but I was willing to die for my family. The shooting happened saturday night around seven thirty couple take away from that video. I may play it again in the second but yeah. Let's play it again, one I just a couple taken.
Things. You can learn. First, video learn to ground fight I should have said something. If you watch your story, police officers, the one mistake they make Ladies and gentlemen, if you are ever in a situation like that, where you cannot get away get away, first do not get a fight. I get away at all costs. If you cannot. you have got to control the hips folks. Try. To grab people's legs and arms is the biggest mistake I see in a ground altercation, I'm sorry to do this a little backwards. Albania, the video, but to take away. You ve, got to train to control people's hips. When rest, Go for it take down, you know. Yes, there's ankle pigs but they go for the hips. With the double leg. You'll see them can All the back and legs, but the shoulders and their heads go into the hips. You ve got they control the have judo. It's called a hip throng, and you did soon, he did the golden lion and you did so far. Is he who controls the hips controls the fight your wage over their heads you're, not getting away nobody
dad that video there urban his legs is arms is neck. The worst. You can do is go for a headlong. gotta control they hips video you just saw, which will play again in the second couple. Take away our good The way you want something I told you last week and this thing papa for less. We watch approach, nobody likes anything thrown out of watch, We trust the cup accident and see how to guide woke the guy automatically it's a coffee cup. I told you last week If you can get away you can this guy can he's in what we call a fatal funnel does where to go so before gets its god he's got no choice, he's got a gun is when you got a gun in your face, and you can't get the hell out of here. Folks. but your choices you can die or you can get or you can fight back the anything you draw with a coffee watch, play it again and have you own? Nobody likes anything thrown at their face. You see how we automatically recoils folks
it doesn't matter if it's a secret service coin. A red instead be odd thing on easter egg. Take anything your eyes. You're gonna go like this. Now the three musketeers. Nobody wants anything at their eyes. Why? the coffee. Look you automatically recoils he's. expecting it to get away You can't, if you are in a fatal, funnel like this guy, is you don't have a choice and you take it to your gun right away and you think you're gonna die. Anything You ve got your hand, your wallet, a watch, your keys trade automatically recoil. The second thing he's in a fatal funnel what we call you gotta be really careful shooting in their it. When you're in Finally, our hotel hallway or would he's it- they call Fatal funnel crucial, for a reason is nowhere to go look but want to caution you bullets. Ride walls asked
any firearms expert, so good for him because ride the wall down if he misses but every for him. If the guy start shooting back What I'm trying to get out is make yourself. A small of a target is possible if you're in a fatal funnel with you, get down on your knees or pronoun, because those its folks so like open air they miss it goes over your head. They miss in a fatal funnels things can ricochet off walls. They can write a wall down. like all ten rounds in here, you're in it shipped out of trouble make yourself small, fast food each case. He chases master afterwards, I highly recommend you don't do that surveillance video night And I'm not criticizing anyone, sky did an amazing amazing job and he saved this families life, but what If the prize is inside and I'm not suggesting, I wouldn't have done the same thing. Folks, it's easy for me to say here. I totally understand it is just learning. That's all we're trying to do my recommend nation to you is don't chase that person
get on your phone down nine one one. I just had a shooting incident. What Tell you first location, location, location one hundred mystery get it all right away. Just had a shooting incident. Might I guess having people, seven souls in here you not around your family. First, don't shoot! somewhat, could be waiting for you around a corner knife. You write the neck. Get in that house locked the door. Nine one one address how many people you have in there. What just happened address first address first address first address: first,. you scream and a foreign hundreds retreat, tron somebody's commoner, no matter what no matter what you say next, I hope you are now helpful, would be doing a lot more. These Gaza maloney there I mean folks, am I really mission be back in the chat you guys, like you, How should we do more of it or less of it if you enjoy it As for you, it's out for me Again, I say to you with with absolute genuine candidates.
I'm not trying to Monday morning quarterback anyone. I just you, spend at a time. Three years is an instructor. You know how many trainee, videos, I've seen. Thousands thousands and I feel, like I have a library of information bank who import of I'm glad you like it. Stay out of fatal funnels. Don't jason! get the address our first and my guy If you wind up in a street fight on the ground, you better control those hips. That means hugging the hips pressing in mounting that person, stay on those hips, no matter what and stay heavy stay heavy keep em on the floor, because if he gets up you're in a lot of trouble, thank you. I appreciate the feedback. You all mean the world to me chauffeur you alright! I got a couple more things I want to get to, including I got this announcement about. You guys know about these book signings. I got coming up I'm trying to edit by popular demand that was going to wrap them up with so many people showing up at the book signings. I figured I probably should answer more. So
get to some of those who actually get to him. Now we got one Taxes common up november, seventeen grape vines, taxes at books, a million november, seventeen at two p m local time. It's two to four for my new book give the failure pick it up. We'd love to have you there. Also this friday november, new jersey, north veil, new jersey, the place books in greetings, it's at five p m to seventy one livingston street are also on my social media truth and twitter and face you and scroll down you'll see visa fees? it's yours there would all the info. So this friday, five p m and new jersey, a boxing greetings and they're not next week in grave In texas and next week will be the crowd or as well so don't miss them there'll be a double rumble event on thursday. There'll be a lot of fun. I wanted to end with this story today. This bright barred story, so tromp was it
court yesterday, again proving we live in an absolute police state in this sham disgusting, trailer, her Jon Turley? I was going to pull the carpet if we had just tell you John Turley who's, a pretty solid legal analyst and he's not a conservative by any stretch he goes on art and cable news, Charlie seriously, these efforts, a case like this ever. I believe he said were anywhere where. Someone's being sued in court by an attorney general in new york. I donald trump is a case. Renault victims. this issue again about won't see, told tat were paid back and the bank to got pay back It's not complaining. Core yesterday, with this ridiculous judge, anger on would appear Like he's online like taking like weird pictures, I don't even know if the weirdest thing I've ever seen and the job You're amazingly trump's on the stand here are some of the gems from yes, Christina Wong's reporting a bright is: is terrific on this agenda newsletter harrison Acted for this. All these tweets arena judge
tells the lawyer about trump transfer. You control your client. This is political rally did trumps lawyer, says you're, shoulda core of georgia. Be there's trouble by the way which is going to talk about his assets. It's a nice Compilation of us, it's it's a great state, but it's a lot of cash. The bags came to me. They wanted to make deals, are be theirs. the judge years at other classic theirs, apartment? I know we need sean ferris to do the trump voice, and that is the best part, the judge. Anger on who is a hapless buffoon like I've, never seen before its case had been thrown out a long time ago, this guy hates donald trump. Here gender on it is bench trial, folks, in other words, there is only a judge, there's no jury. So if the not just going to make the decision about this civil fraud case, then You think he should want to hear what europe has to say:
Alina harbour transfer told the judge that he was there the judge to hear what he asked the say, prompting the judge to snap talking about trump. I'm not here to hear what he has to say he's here. Answer. My questions, brown, So forty, but this is the judge. The judge in the case literally job is I can bear to hear what trump has to say says, I'm not here what he has to say. He actually said that out loud hole, we both do believe dude We have reached like this. Why told you beginning to show you got, contain the virus folks get a business out of new york right now, this will be you next, please, please get your best! this out of new york. As soon as you can
doing business there is a republican, is an existential threat to your life. You will find yourself in court next on a fake charge like this, with a judge not interested in what you have to say. or an attorney general like this Call her. Will you guys think Latisha the red. because she's a straight up commie here the attorney general Latisha, the red prosecuting donald trump, here's some of our highlights. This is the woman, if you're in new york, who will take your business next, like a charade, up commie, listen to this, the president of the united states has complained that I'm engaging in some sense political witch hunt that I've got some personal than dead against him. That I campaigned against him. That is not
true, because many by mobilise until the legitimate president, I'm going to give you the state level, the respect you dig, the president obama, and that is Absolutely no respect at all that, now I'm going to ask you with a straight face you every business in new york, you make don't
since the republican candidates. You want dad lady in charge of. If you can keep your business or not all come on, come on now folks, I'm sorry, I know a lot of you out. There are stuck and I feel bad for you. I really do. I am some of you can't and I get it. I'm not your boss, not your preacher. I'm just telling you, if you have the option to get out of new york, and I say this with with deep pain. I am a new yorker born and bred in new york my entire families from new york. My grandparents came off the boat from palermo cecily at the statue of liberty. My last name was bon giorno eroded wrong is bond. Gino That's why my name is bond gino. I have a deep, deep long attachment to new york, so you go down her likeness. Is disgusting we'll get the hell out of there as soon as you can
Then you are in a world the trouble one last thing: the wall street journal, starting to pick up on this thought Nepal numbers are going up folks, all indictments wooden most hilarious thing ever be tromp is indicted into office. This is an actual article. The wall street journal hates trump by the way. What I'll be indicted into office by the editorial board. Tv, as they do so? The story is the Democrats ran ads focused on all donald trump legal troubles. They did a focused, afterwards, Donald trump's approval rating went up, so they never aired. Wouldn't it be freaking hilarious if Laetitia james, fanny willis, Alvin, brag twinkies, All of these other loser commies, are the ones who actually get donald trump back in office. Wouldn't that be the greatest schadenfreude victory of all.
And what is showing today so based on popular demand. We will laugh, we will do more of the self defense segments I'll try to keep them frosty but stuff. We gotta learn, and I appreciate I'm glad you guys, like check this out every day was into Chad early nine thirty tonight, rumbled that arms flashpoint gino, it's great, you get. I can't I don't do it every day that early, but Cool because our like couple thousand people, so it's kind of a private conversation, rumbled calm, sledge mancino and please download the rumble app. The app is solid man. We have stop a lot of the? U it's. It's great gives you notifications, you just set up a free account, And we can chat away in the ep, crowd or their down junior. We got a bunch of shows rumbled outcomes freshman, gino or download. The rumble app loved to see in the chat show starts every day at eleven am and we're going to start the gooch Crowder next week tours can be pretty awesome you back here tomorrow, you just ten von gino shell.
Transcript generated on 2023-11-10.