« The Dan Bongino Show

More Tapes Leak Out (Ep 2040)

2023-06-27 | 🔗

In this episode, I address the shocking release of more tapes in the plot against Trump. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The way to hear the truth about america on a show that is not immune to the facts. With your host dan Ben JE, no chance of the feisty this morning, which I like a lotta you talking about that supreme court ruling that just pop objects, I've written deb tomorrow. I'm just gonna give me the quick skinny here. Yes, it's probably not great. For us. They basically said that state courts can get I've been congressional maps a lot of these. Courts are liberal, which is going to mean what this is. The simplest, abstract readers digest version you're, gonna get, which means records courts are going to demand, states create more liberal congress. People, that's really it in a nutshell However, there is a small sliver of hope here that if we could take acts of state courts on the republic inside like we did north carolina wishes, it is a case gave her north carolina that those states courts we'll get to we'll get too lenient on republican leaning, stay maps there
and that's really the case in a nutshell, but I agree with you not the greatest ruling. I got a lot to get to that. Wasn't even part of the show, because it just pop welcome was a blondie aid to the chat for the first time It's good to have you all here, love having you here loaded show today today show about your express vpn using the internet without express vpn. It's like taking a call on a train or bus on speak of everyone here, while that person. For giving out all your personal information you know what I'm gonna train listening right. It's really different if you're letting internet service providers watch you Every single website you visit, they can sell this information to add companies intact giants, then use your data to target you expressly. re route, your network, you dont work data secure encrypted tunnel. So Darius We can't see or sell your online activity best of all its really simple to use. I'm not their tax have you folks are monodist about that from the start I use It's really simple, you just fire up the app and click one, but just like that, that's it
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Taxes- and he found out that he gives a lot of money to charity and obeys tax laws, rubber, thou and folks It really is getting hard to believe they keep doing it. How the hell did cnn and left wing media outlets get a whole The red tape in the hands of the united states. Government has evans. The answer is pretty clear at this point that the swamp is doing it again. They are interfering in another election again with these same tried and not search you laughing, because you know what they here's the plan hears about, climate charm make up a fake charge. the matter what it is a quid. Quote deal russian collusion trump is true. The king and classified documents in violation of the sba. An object make up a fake charge. All trump into port or through a process make sure lawyers are prosecuted, make sure the lawyers that are prosecuted.
I have a r, r, r, r, r r r r censored, so they can't speak about the case and then have the government selectively things to the media. So the fight is fought in the media to do maximum political damage the trump. So we can't fight back ding ding ding. That's the plan, every time there at it again notice. None of that I survived documents, the rotting bag of oatmeal and the white house. Joe Biden has none of those. Wait? We don't know what those were about, even though it was ever spoken about a couple weeks ago that work on these were our national security documents that could have been really serious. We haven't seen those documents yet, but the tape leaked out for charm now, play this thing for you, so you can yourself I'll, be Austria does sound great enough we pretend it does there are a number of open questions about this. What is trumped up- king about on this tape, because it's not video its audio, emitted. Forty nine seconds you jimmy
I'm having a conversation with me, Meadows is former chief of staff biographer, and this sums efforts at the table and its than this dead he's. you'll hear resolve that he's talk about some classified document about a battle plan for I ran. That's gonna be important. Remember that, because I'm on it, and something your way after this that may make people This tape isn't everything their cracking up to be how there I see cnn get this tape we the same way. They knew to show up at roger stones house were arrayed because the swamp and media working hand in hand to get rid of tromp. That is the coop lie here. Take a less bad sick people. That was your cue you now against. You started right and now he's talking he's talking about If they to do that before you either were sworn in. yeah well was milly
let me see that an example. He said I wanted to attack tax. It amazing to have savers this was you they presented me the record, but they presented menace this. This was him This was the defence, the forbidden him we looked at This was him. This was done by me. This was in I have pages, image. Courtesy, yeah, I just smell. Isn't that amazing? this totally wins vacation. except it is highly secretive, as you attack and Hillary would print out all the time
every winter programme, by the way, is that a credible I was just saying were talking about any reason, One of your task are wrong. The players for. This was done by the military are given to me. I think we can leave. Yeah last year I was present. I gonna be like this. is there an inch or so look? We arrive and you I almost didn't believe me, but now it's incredible racial migration, culture was what is he showing them again? You notice how these things or leak selectively number one. There are a bunch of open question
as we showed you last week, part of the legal base. In cases like this is, if you showing them some national security document, in violation of the probably unconstitutional espionage act, which is a car jets been used to prosecute political opponents wherever the question did they see it, and I don't mean to be cute with the language I mean literally, did they see it I can show you how many times I gotta do this demo here. What does it say on this point? I dont know Joe is no idea. I just showed you teach. Because you didn't see it. It's a new york field. This coin. From the secret service see it whatever trump is showing them they see it is a key year notice. No, what he wants to talk about that another thing what was your showing. If you ve got this document
indicating that this is the battle plan for freaking, I ran them. Why isn't this special counsel of someone leaking that to you know why Are they leaking that to what was showing, though I got the idea? He was joking around a little bed to tat sounds like it to me. You know, I mean he knows these being recorded folks. Were we see showing them notice how they that out. While we still haven't seen any other classified by document, see squirreled away correct is there a video? Where was conversation in bed minster. Was it an appeal the room where there's probably no video or was it outside. I think I've been in bed. Myths not sure this probably video cameras outside is their video. It would be pretty we're if they saw to that point, Where is the video is another question was the document even classify than he.
that wasn't class. My ladies, he says a lot of things A lot of things was it bluster was in poverty. wasn't classify. Was it not right? That's the report and the credit. distinction classified when trump showed it, and toto know if they saw these tied over important questions folks, I Would you before because a document is classified at origination doesn't mean, is classified now motorcade route, when I was doing my last line of work security for the president, to classify until after the motorcade happen, then there a glass still classify you noticed All these details are left out for the CNN bombshell ladies and gentlemen, this is what is called media law. Fair media law, frere this
where the media and the law intersect to create. A media case resembling a legal case, but that's no legal case at all, because none of the legal questions I've asking you have been answered yet and the most important question, where the freaking document. If you had to our: why haven't we seen it? ladies and gentlemen they so this is so obvious what they're doing! Why did this leak out last night. Anyone well, items russia policy in ukraine policy are collapsing. I wish blowers blowing the whistle about hundred binding as we find out the- u s, attorney and attorney general merrick, garland one of homes lying about the sweet, aren't deirdre hundred biden looky here magically as if ever on a silver platter burnt on a silver platter? Here comes a tape of trop. Oh my god look at this document now I got a simple:
question for you. Let's give a little background, because you're not going hear this, I can almost guarantee you anywhere else outside of the conservative media ecosystem. What is talking about here, ladies and gentlemen, whether you love or hate trump's foreign policy I tend to like it. I don't think we should be intervening in every country around the world because it just as an end well for us a lot, I'm just a pragmatist don't have to agree. That's ok, we're entitled to different opinions, and I respect yours I just ass. You respect mind you! Even if you disagree, I much far donald trumps, cautious approach to overseas and interventions. Donald trump did I want to start a war with iran, because I understood that china would probably get involved than russia would prefer get involved and it could it's war, war, world war, three rather quickly, mark milly our disgrace. The former military leader was. Are you know why trumps inner circle of military advisers and is still
you're the one who said he would warn china. Basics If china heads up remember, hammurabi milly, of course, want to start war with iran, No because milly was more? stood in a war or the ran when public opinions, to turn. It appears merely tried to blame donald trump promoted start a war with iran. If rewind the podcast live now, both your listening on delay later rewind I and listen again. Trump says this: in my case right ear. Is he talking about a war document from its military advisers, maybe if he is shouldn't shown that ores? showing them something like this there's a new yorker article Susan. We glasser gotta have an f being war, marked lilies fight. Stop trump. From striking a rare
Ladies and gentlemen, this is some epic cheer one level. Gaslight. Are you following me? Sorry guys you get what I'm talking about here. Millie wants to where were the ran according to drop, drop, tries to stop them, chop tries to get up, buddy calm down a little bit, so we don't why from world war. Three, while still cutting These deals overseas would seem like an ice balance, especially in the Middle east,. these guys roussel war for a living one. War with IRAN, public opinions, needs to change. They want to make donald trump look like a lunatic after the election, so article star, without the new yorker, coincidentally, left the lead in the new yorker wrote a crap peace beat you? Should it ever never spoken to them and in the new yorker outcomes comes the trumpets, a violent raging maniac who wanted a war, The ran accord millie how to stop him. This is what
I'm talking about is he having a news article is everyone gotta ask I mean the only people out there engaged, basic, common sense rationale. Folks, if you just a little bit of homework on this. Not you guys, everyone so they were media people a little bit of homework. see some things are right about this story, clearly annoyed that they're making about to be a warmonger so we asked some document or paper clippings or newspaper clipping. showing otherwise the thing nobody knows what the document is, because Nobody can show anybody saw, and nobody can t nobody's use. The document yet do they haven't. Or you just gotta, guess. folks, you gotta be really careful with amiss information media law, fair machine right now?
almost nothing they're telling you it's true. I did a whole open on my show yesterday about something had happened to me recently, where Story was categorically false. Folks, you ve got to take a deep breath. let the story faster for twenty four to seventy two hours taken is. information is, you can, because it's probably wrong. Here's what I mean tied it whole thing: there is a war machine out there just the linsey grams of the world than other better, just eager topic. I into the next intervention. Knowing They are not going to be the ones with their asses and the combat zone. You want get on the battle axe, go yourself. We should be very selective and careful after what just happened in Afghanistan about plunging people into another potential foreign war, my guys ever buddy drawing conclusions about the wagner group
russia incident yesterday was Regional, my gosh, you see all you do you People were wrong. We should have got involved earlier what why so so so with the one group could overthrow Putin and we'd have a nuclear crisis globally. You think that's a win. I want you catch this. You know David sacks This closure is, as some business with rumble, I'm inequity hold of their low person ever seen David, but I'd like to be honest with you about stuff. Here's david sacks on twitter with a great poster, is four tonkin moment at hand, did you notice is votes, surely have to return from his latest trip to give senator gram along with their Blumenthal, entered the resolution providing article five guarantees to ukraine in the event that, among other things, a nuclear facilities destroyed nuclear, all really are you crazy he's? Not a nato country is gonna, get
article five protection and we're gonna have to get involved in a world war job. If I knew we're facility in Ukraine is destroying all so it is story gets even juice is always occur before you know it. Now I get. And you know best there, you don't care about right along the same right. There flip the rest they go. Is there not a car bomb? Just coincidentally The ukrainian government, including so linsky and intel cheap enough so Should warnings about russian plans to blow up? parisian nuclear power plant? What timing? no, the plant is under russian control and blow Europe would have no strategic value ukrainian Propaganda channels keep popping this claim without evidence of corsica I immediately not press them proper eddie. Simply repeating that claims If they come from an unbiased, so
that's right if there was ever a golly. Both this is eight folks, big man. How many tat guy J of the accused execute here how many times I have to beg you, please get prepared. I'm telling you people out there are not telling you the truth. They this this media law affair war machine is is salivating at the mouth together, involved in a way and war with the russians. It could turn nuclear there propaganda artist on both sides. Believe me, the russians are, do it it's even worse, but I'm asking you to not fall into the trap of creating good guy bad guy false. Scenarios. This is not a fairytale potency the good guy, so he's a good guy. There are just
less bad guys in this, you can't see the world like that. be very careful about Going on lindsey, clearly know something here: they're just look, for an excuse to divers sinner. Your kids by the way You understand how devastating this would be china. By we doubling down its support for russian. You think that's an accident, be very! careful about this vagueness group story? I find it off. We weird that precaution head of the work of our group that tried to take moscow, tried to take moscow in a quote coup. Still alive or may be still alive, the something that about this story, everybody take a deep breath on this and Finally, we were you that nuclear plant story. I let me take a break- and I want to get to this next part, because John Kirby and at the Biden story is just now a fiasco. Somebody
I caught lying yesterday. Somebody got caught buying and somebody got coastline. Big folks feel the greens I need has been a rough reached so far. You have no idea. Field of green field agrees. I take this stuff twice a day. This is the fear that it's better health promise. You doctor glances uppermost hopefully, says hey: what are you doing? Keep it up feel degrees chicken customer testimony could very well be, might have been taken the greens a second time, my doctors dance into the room, placing my praising my blood results. Credit where credit is due feel that what is feel that it is a fruit and vegetable blend of healthy also clean fruits and vegetables ground up into a fine tasting power. This is why berry, there's a lemon line flavour as well. It is free, and testing good nutrition supports your heart, your lungs kidneys, your body, folks, your metabolism is key katy or good health is good, solid nutrition and, if you're busy knocking,
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totally completely cleanse, whoever the next president, if the next president of the republic inside or candidate does not commit to a full house cleaning here then, do not give them your role. They are not worthy of it. This is why the trunk tape leap. Yes, yesterday because they are in real trouble with this, or biden khaistan legal trouble? No, not legal trouble political trouble they know their own political trouble, because somebody got caught lie. Here's John kirby, whose just disgraced himself now repeatedly strategic? spokesmen whatever for the white house, he knows there caught the usa, the united states attorney, in this case the I should say in the united states, attorney in the case for delaware. It's already said on the record to people in this meeting that the being guided by d o j, while the oj saying the opposite. Here's kirby
watch out quickly. He shut system like a coward and runs out of the press or take a look. Does this undermine the President's claimed during the twenty twenty campaign- and they re affirmations of that claimed by his to press secretary since then- that he never once discussed his sons overseas business dealings with no I'm not going to comment further on this James James. Let me just let me say this: let me say: let me see Let me save you some breath. If you're going to ask about this, I am not addressing I don't. I know you do more than I'd like you to have. I am are going to address this issue from this podium: unjust, knock president, not going folks these people, or bull shit. Already, sir, they are lying widen, turbine any. dad are on. Recessions and voicemail? Hey John hunter, hey buddy! It's dad
It looks like that articles gonna come out. It looks like you're in the clear yonder binds texting. Is chinese communist party guy about money here, saying dodge right next to the it is everywhere. These guys are why the full of it man, but I, I gotta tell ya these binding no ability to shot his mouth at all because he's cocky arrogant poppies. Roy beg of oatmeal too stupid to shut his mouth, keeps going on there good denying hearing yesterday caused by our decision. the angels remove from fox somewhat from fox. So my question to pay close attention to areas like radioset chose for what they are again, are you
and ready to like change, your story. Finally, about talking to one hunter, given all these whistleblowers and all this stuff info, that's come out that whatsapp message here, listen to this goon, the folks he keeps saying no, no. the evidence is overwhelming. Do wonders. This guy's got a serious political problem. Now is heavily. No problem far less than the age office is always gonna, be there to back them up pieces bouncer, but Somebody is not telling the truth. This is a pity. a reference yesterday's in the newsletter today, mancino that complex newsletter, please follower newsletter. These articles, I recommend, are worth your time every day scour the internet go in. For these say this is one by margo cleveland about exactly the problem they have long and short of it is this the guy.
Responsible for investigating one hundred vine case. David Weiss is on the record repeatedly saying I'm the guy. I made these decisions, The o J and Joe Biden had nothing to do with it. Well, there's a problem David wise didn't say that in front of a group of six? people who are now testifying in front of congress, so both. those stories can't be true here margo cleveland screw one from this peace. Fellow, U s attorney wise, told the house judiciary committee he'd been granted ultimate authority, overpricing your decisions related to the criminal investigation and one hundred by in a june, seven twenty twenty three letter obtained by the federalists, wherever wisest letter to congress and attorney general merrick. Ireland's earlier testimony sentence Senate judiciary committee that why said authority discharge charge an directly conflict. We
state conflicts with statements, weiss made to senior members of the team investigating hunter bide folks, you get the game go and on your album, explaining this simple enough term, jerry garland and Joe Biden are trying to say, hey my son honour, binding, get off on anything. We had nothing to do with it. This guy Why is made all the decisions Why is telling everybody publicly? It was my call. No one else is to try to take the blame away from Joe Biden and behind, those doors he meets with the investigators tells them pay guys. It's not my decision are you, I mean here it goes on. During his hour long testimony sharply, this is the irs agent. Whole congressional investigators and at a meeting on October. and twenty twenty two with weiss, the eu, the usa security and see level managers from the irs, another offices that that was red line, meeting According to the whistle blower, u S,
authority wise was present for the meeting and surprise the team by stating hears on monday, quote as write it down. david. Why said I am not the decider, person on what Charges are filed, soap, bullshit somebody's lying either I was lying in his letter to the house judiciary committee or why lying to the investigators and the caves, but both of these lorries can be true. first, he said he had full authority. Then he said he's out the deciding guy on this I apparently was done enough, so we put it down in a letter you are thirty wise hitch, I'll tell you John, takes the cake still a year, you at six witnesses browser you gotta. Why here's a letter of time by the federalists? U s attorney stated. I want to make clear,
That is the attorney general is stated. I've been great the ultimate authority over this matter- and he goes on to describe it basically, but also what authority means these stories both of em care, be true. Doorknob, some but he's like. You said, other trouble. Now politically there garland. This runs the real risk right now and mccarthy. You I think we can all agree the speaker of the house in their republic inside here. Did you know him? because these not noticed some big bomb, throw it that's why I supported someone else for the speakers it near me. Nobody, nobody takes mccarthy's fire started. Even look. I'll be right. Now, as I say, I think it's we look into impeaching this guy garland. Why because garland is lying to this yes, or no to play it again today, garlic, asked specifically. Did you intervene in a hundred Biden case, and he says no. We turn,
over authority the? U s attorney, even all the? U s, authority, told six witnesses otherwise take a look. You assured congress some time ago that the hundred by an investigation be conducted without any kind of political interference, and I wonder if you would leave that use that there is still the case that it still the case that the investigation is not being interfered in any further away than say agent from MR liese agency has I'll come forward, claiming with lower status and alleging that europe has been cut. in the case. I stand by my testimony and refer you to the us attorney for this the delaware who is in charge of this case and capable of making any decisions, so he feels are appropriate. They again set it right. This is that this is the skies juicy small yea moment This is juicy swallow. This is just from juicy. This the juicy just this moment right here, they can't be telling the truth they kids they are.
Legit trouble here. Folks,. tom traveller he's like our common up, don't go anywhere. They are getting ready to interfere in another election and I promise you. I don't think While I shouldn't promise you, because I can make a promise, I want to bring some of your pretty savvy. Let me just say I'm going to guess a lot of you are going to be surprised about how they're going to pull this one on they're telegraphing it right now. You just gotta. Keep your eyes open and watch. I'm going to shade is coming up next appreciate your patience with our sponsors. They love to talk to. You keeps the show free for everyone blackout. Coffee I need that right now smells great taste great. You, tired and same old liberal favoured garbage coffees that don't even tastes like coffee, there's the basket in the business. I have a couple cubs today I love at its black, our coffee. Why percy recommended one because it tastes great, and I love coffee, but second they love our country. Look about What you are right in the front I felt like action to waive some legal code that second amendment to coffee company. loves two things: coffee and our country, the
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I want you to tidy stories together from I'm just going to Let me give you a bud. Here's website, reclaim the net. If you want to read these articles again, obeying the newsletter devil, answer, calling on screw too to bring bridge, at its election censorship rules. So you to buy allegedly soften some of its election rules. which is nonsense because it get ready to bring them right back did is waiting for the Democrats to apply the appropriate amount of pressure, so of god, wait. There's some election malfeasance in pennsylvania or georgia, whatever it is, you're not going to be allowed to talk about it around the election because denmark, As you know, they cheating and stuff, and I only want to talk about stolen elections themselves, which they claim every single election, they ve lost in perpetuity he's been stolen, but if you take elections been interfere, nor stolen you're not going to be allowed to talk about. So the Democrats, important squeeze on right now and you to be in very coy about this. Guy got that story. story number to John frank and actually us. What's the common theme here that
Twenty four presidential race is the ai election always hit now top technologists for train at this toby and landscape and twenty twenty four way where we wait. One you see what they're doing here you pick it up. You see our left me axios, is already filtering the fear there are already that that there there's interceding the field. You see other seeding the field by now, yeah they're, getting ready to tell you that whatever they do, I could do a publican saves misinformation, so they say tat technology separately this toby and landscape and twenty twenty four in which misinformation and disinformation proliferate with speed knees, the major, Trust anything you see or hear the camp and will be full of false information that anyone can generate for Google, ceo said every side ever grass roots group and every politician who use generative ay I to do harm to their opponents. Ah, ok, so you see how their seeding the fear. Now they are preparing you too.
Get ready to censor for us. They are putting out to the main stream here would places like axioms theirs. Be misinformation everywhere and who's gonna come in the trust, what e g, the government and we're gonna cleaner, and fix it up. All you are well. How do you know that the government was? we get involved, and I because I listen use, Biden, science, one of his science and technology directors here talking about the threat. they ai, and how the government's gonna have to get involved. Today, I conveniently right before an election. I'm sure all these stories are just that accident. Folks, no worries at all think. Listen yourself. Just last month, president Biden signed and executive order that promotes data equity in trucks agencies to focus on emerging threats such as algorithmic discrimination and automated technology. Also, tells them to make sure that their own use of aid,
an automated systems, advances, equity, o equity Hey, I use you notice Joe. You see the boardwalk, the buzzwords did you catch, so the pine administration wants to be sure to things happen that there's algorithmic equity. Our though rhythmic discrimination doesn't happen and that there is equality, which is the left. This woke was term for the government discriminate against people. You they're doing Now let me sum it up for you case you haven't tied it together, yet I don't want to leave it out there dangling. The government is or probably already doing it not going to do it is putting This squeeze on companies like youtube, Google and others to implement a programme bad are gone to be vetted by and non governmental organizations. Probably with ties the left wing donors, like all my diary, sorrows and those left wing donor and geo groups are good the ones that have input into. program me I to make sure you are banned.
and censored. I can't speak right around the election. It is clear his day. If you are just watching us listen to them talk man. They are going to interfere. in another election. They they don't even care that you know anymore. So true, revenue time magazine article, what they tell you how they stole the election entity. It s he's right here in our come on twenty twenty five: here's how we use day I to censor every conservative bright before the election. F over them in their moms and their kids. They will because they can't shut your mouth this Now I'm gonna give you a perfect example right now, because I get that I don't want to leave things dangling out there like hang now this guy. Rfk Jr is causing big problems for the left he's up to about twenty. sent in, he is gone. To cause a big head ache and democrat primary running against show by robert,
Kennedy junior resolve bill Marshall. This is exactly the kind of clip that day or use, moving forward with a I base sensors to shut this I down and give videos like is pulled off the internet Talking to build more about its stance on vaccines. Now want to ask you two questions. Bob. I make two statements first. This is breathing he's saying in this club here unreasonable? Listen to what he talks about about science. that sounds reasonable me My saying everything this guy believes doesn't believe is right. We all believe things some turn out to be wrong. But what are you saying? Doesn't sound of regional and second stabilize now question? Why This is exactly the kind of stuff they're gonna use covered accede. Misinformation ay I based up to. show. You see this nowhere on the internet, so watch it now why you still can't take it. Do you believe I don't believe in fact an invite?
I believe you are more. I just want even silent I don't know what I've been out. Any Jesus I finally, having a bit much. but again, thus science, that's the thing, that's the mistake they made. I believe in it's just a little I'm in the majority, but let me just say this: we have different. Every medicine is required to do placebo, controlled trials. As what sciences you give you, you give a group of people cohort of people, a the medicine. And then you give the plot a cover assembly situated situated call people leap was able and then you will get a health outcomes over for a five year period many of the impact of the outcomes are going to have long. Diagnostic
rises along adaptation period. So you won't see them immediate that you need to do it if outages his eight years for actually need to watch them for a while. Those is not the only medicine that never gets tests in vaccines and that what I objected am I saying the ad? Not really. I only want effective. All I'm saying is: let's test them. The way that week has other medications does not see no reason why that is not unreasonable. That's my position for books again I guarantee you exactly like that. we can, indeed your will absolutely fall into these ay. I said suzanne get banned. You won't see him anywhere because remember aid is not a human sensor, a Working across platforms like youtube, and otherwise, if it's kind of universally accepted a ipod is gonna white. This stuff, queen, like that with his speech,
you ve never seen before. You'll, never even see stuff. Like this, you ll see what happens. That's here it'll go away, But what did you say? It is unreasonable, he's basically saying when you talk about diagnostic horizons that maybe we're gonna, give an experimental substance, the people that we should probably check the long term ramifications of it before we push, people have chosen that that they have agra. Somebody else gets tired, The feather is oh, what a crazy person this guy cells- I listen. I this guy out of over Democrat ever I dont care ever not a single republican by the way, including Chris Christie, better vote for that that data, that is one for before this guy. what my show I respect, what he's doing sounds a very likeable guy, but you gotta go. The left. The first he's alive the first but he's crazy and unlike
rules, ladies and gentlemen, and I dont This is a collective virtue signal for conservatives. I say because it's true up to us up to us to hear people out, I mean that never want to be one of these censorship, a holes on the left that so afraid a foreign idea Bobby Kennedy Democrat. I don't want to hear him get the garlic around neck and make a cross. I want to hear this To say I respect what he's doing. I respect the guys guys and pretty damn good health for sixty nine year old guy he's gotta balls, gettin, ready against Joe Biden. What is last name I want to hear what he has to say: enough to figure it out and so you dammit, you don't need. a whole telling you to vote, for you figure it out. Get ready to censor this. Do you watch
it may be the last time you hear those clubs going forward. Folks reaching gears a little bit this culture war? hide, is finally turning side, even switching gears there. There did that. let's just impulse for now really shot people up in the culture war. They are. We against us is starting to backfire spectacularly. I dont think the lips! I have some listening to my shocks. I see we got a few trolls, you don't run around a chance, the eye don't think lives realise how much of an l. This culture. Or against our kids a loss. This is turn out to be for you. In the longer I told you Where this is coming from the law, was so successful and weed rapid speed when it came the gay marriage issue that they got hockey, they don't realising that didn't realize you're taken an l on the abortion issue. There are taken in AL
The gun control issue, they gettin cocky this goal after the kids is a disaster, the proof we always bring proof we never say anything without back and it will do this research centre article by Sarah early to gray, one box office boy mars dizzy, woke movies are losing millions folks, every one of these movies they put out in the theater that some big, moment in it. Like you, included a prominent lesbian characters showing her kissing or wife and raising family while there movies. A strange world introduced us to a teen boy, was a crush on another young boy their relationships pervades the entire film without any point to a whatsoever elemental. Which was released in theatres and june. Sixteen features- pigs, first non binary character and what happened his films, the answer is they both yes, exactly what happened. Else, are being dropped,
everywhere, because the lives got folks say their god com. key with a gay marriage fight this speech, at which they believe they one that has begun I did them to the fact that there are runners closing in autumn in the quarter mile All they do is looking to get ready to pop the sheer payment, the race ain't over because started out good just plug this site. This is not about thing right. I don't know the people run it, but doing is pretty cool before you go see a movie check out this site. I just learned about this yesterday from the media research article, it's called war, red or woke dot com it worked our camp? gives you a woke score for a movie when you see guardians of the galaxy gotta One hundred percent non woke meeting its not walk, so we want a guards aghast at what applet gardens that they get guardians of the galaxy oh yeah was Bobby
the highest is revenue generating movies a year baby, because What does she woke shit on camera? I dont know call me, but that is yeah the marinos report the woke score on that once looked at a worker awoke cause, bellicose seem over a there if it gets, because I d do it by non woke this, so the lower the score the worse. So if it a zero for non woke, Reading it super woke, forget tat movie, forget it mixed it off your list. This is why their drop, it else. Your left and right losses, the crane the pills exhibits, I've got a couple of four year. This is how bananas! What's this score? You gotta eighty four, I not sure that's good the hardest, a better eighty five, not work for super mario Z. You predicted it. He didn't even know where we didn't even know we just that impromptu in the lab shop here, the z, pills, exhibits, why the drop it else left or right here.
Rachel levine from abide administration claiming now the job that price, What is it good enough? We data summer, probably pretty soon early agenda array, a century of private. There be a malaria right here. Take a look yourself. My name is admiral rachel within the honour of being the assistant secretary for health at the united states, the part health and human services. Happy cry. Happy pride Then? Actually, let's clarity, summer of pride, they summer of fried happy summer, happy seldom job Tell you sooner or later it's to be a century of happy sandra ability of brides ever going to sit up here somewhere to cry I was crazy bills. Exhibit one hears. Bills. Exhibit you for the day why the last drop and elles left and right here, javier block area, of the human services secretary, sometimes known as hobby ever sarah
harry is suggesting that they're gonna manipulate federal tax dollars, your money, your money sought theirs and they're, not gonna go the state, if they dont, quote, check the box to slice off kids generals and threats This is all a video open here, take a look We have issued some guidance that say that provider who receives medicare funding. Medicate funding must be prepared to offer gender for here. We unfortunately ran into a couple- a circuit courts. That's it. Differently, and so we are now in the process of having to work under those rulings. But we're not going to stop everywhere. We have an opportunity at the federal level and again I go back to yes, this conversation where we control healthcare. We dont control, how gender for me here is provided or if it is providing, but
where we have laws that require you to fulfil your obligations. If you want that medicate dollar to come to your state, we're gonna make sure you check the box. Jag dead birds, kids, slice them are lots of fellows, lies a bomb get ready or road tax cells with Javier packer reacts like it's his body, yeah slice. lots of kids or else no money for you. Yet, oh it gets better here. Zeb three crazy the case against the Democrats. Crazy pills exhibit number three here. Is a lunatic california democrat whose all over twitter going the kids all the time with nail polish by the way. It's a guy there's a bill and care what do you do? Take temporary custody of your kids? You don't want to western ads off this guy lots isabel, he losses will he goes. Listen do try to sell this thing to the people as they want to take the kids away from the parent. Again sliding here is epic tier one.
Stop eggless disco protect children, makes children's safer. It makes it healthier senator unfortunate. Still like so many. has been caught up in this. This right wing an outrage machine twelve hours, they need another another, some another issue or another bill or another or says some. That's completely made up to try to just stoke outrage online to scare people. to scare parents too, to feed this. just absolutely false moral panic people are running around trying to steal people's children. We know that there are our children, who are truly risk and and and the now rage machine completely. undermines our efforts to address actual children at risk by making
pretend that all children are somehow. in targeted and the mental health profession is targeting mammon. Their teachers are targeting than in djibouti, few people targeting them. It is out aegis- and this is a good and important bill. What so he's a big letter. You all catcher Joe it's our outrage machine figures, thing that they're coming for your kid right, even though the bills right enable undertake temporary custody of your kids out. I mean no one really talking about we're, come for your kids. I mean this is all a right wing. Conspiracy away, someone's in my area who it is sometimes a mayor, saying it where you guys. So there is a man Currently there is some video, haven't- I am here in this for the first time there is a video out there of a bunch of people, dragging new york, openly.
Retiring they're coming for you can add of honourably. There is no way you ve actually, wouldn't. Let me see for myself a J J play that about to see by their like this, where here, where a queer where curbing for you children there. How does I dont want? So we so there's a bill where they take you It's a bunch of activists openly. talking about we're here. We're queer work. for your children. This is valid this the Michael anton theory. Very, not that's Michael Anton's, great theory. Liberals do this all the time, that's happening, but it's I did it is the ring. When I come in your kids were here, we're clear work,
for your children were here with what happened, but it's you did. It is far better her. Ever a better example. Now you see why they drop it else left and right. Ladies and gentlemen, there is gonna, be a a positive, even talk about it, because I We want the liberals to keep this craziness up and are so crazy, they're gonna. There is going to be at some point gets bad enough or we there. Yet. I dont know We will know when the election result start to come back. whether in this election or the next one berries A rebellion brewing against this insanity, and I gotta tell you the end I'm convinced for the lives is apps lately, not gonna, be pretty agent gauge up again. I want a place where green job here the deficit thing! I want to do this one last time
to show you for again at least the fiftieth time how this administration is totally follow, crap and to show this here's career, Pierre again for a problem two thousand time repeating bs, that Biden sub I'll cut the deficit. Your check this out, look when it comes to the deficit. This is a president a he shown this by his action on how much he takes lowering the deficit. Decreasing. The deficit makes that a priority. We see that in a record number one point, seven trillion dollars and in the first two years I do something because of the what the presidency put forward in his economic policies. He's been able to do that I fly bodley, I mean What do I gotta do I decide that showing you the data from the teeth as useless. It doesn't matter so decide
we go to the left. What's that, what's the most radical left wing paper, you can hit the washed impose here's the one It involves an April twenty twenty three, the buggy, this This meets misleading deficit claim earns em a bottomless pinocchio by kessler, whose practically a communist how many times I gotta tell you this beauty? They just don't care, they just don't care they're. Just like f, you eyes. We're gonna, just continue to lie about the deficit, were completely beg you get up at it. Does me right right? What do they say? But what are you waiting Where would you lose cronkite about vietnam? Where do you loose kessler? You will take its over, but it's not It's not over day will continue to repeat this thing, no matter what I every sixty, eight thousand. the joint dial that is frigate, but you all arising, spread the word.
everybody joined in, let's get to a hundred thousand tommy come back with a little vague, a hundred thousand bro Thou com slashed by gino join us every day. Chat star. At ten, a m eastern job, I jump in mickey and just show at eleven am as a dog. Please sign get an account. It's free, download the rumble app followers apple and spite of eyes where we lost a little groundless are british powder? Sixty nine died. man, so nice such an odd, have you here the who the other one first time job. You remember, Someone else, sorry! I was going to be shot up, apu forgot your name, but will try to give a shout at someone new every day, thanks so much. An associate backyard mark. You just heard it in bonn, gino.
Transcript generated on 2023-06-29.