« The Dan Bongino Show

More Insanity in the State Vote Counts Emerge (Ep 1397)

2020-11-19 | 🔗

In this episode, I discuss the latest troubling revelations to emerge from the 2020 election out of Michigan, Georgia, and Wisconsin. I also address Arlo. If you haven’t heard of Arlo, you should listen. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Waiting to hear the truth about America on a showed its not immune to the banks with your host Dan Bungee, no matter what went down in weighing county Michigan those two republic in election boy, Officials who are pressing into changing their vote when they said, hey, hey, hey, there's something bit raw with our vote count here and Wayne County around the troika, will they did at the Dixie? Do flipper flipper risky? You know you know that Receive member usual suspects that they they flip you they were before. We remember there. here- are the last year average. No one knows you there, no one knew list. I have no idea that left us there's a football gives you do flipper risky that happened last night is the way in County election board. You Republicans, I guess you got tired of it. Dachstein called racist is not I I don't think those votes look, and I got that I,
so have an explanation of as low a sell out, which is A voter auditing software. SL I'll that die you know tat is you may want to know what that is, because it gets really crazy whose auditing our votes and stuff like that, but a weird stuff going on also get somebody You probably seen it, but always worth play again of other dictator Andrew up in New York losing his mind, because someone dared ask him a question. You can't do that with tyrants. God forbid, you know that whole working for the people thing doesn't really worth temptation. Why'd. You express bbn, ladies and gentlemen, european surf the web in peace, protect your online activity from prying eyeballs could express Vps, dotcom, slash, podgy. Welcome to and bind GINO Show produced joe now I can finally seduce you laugh away my friend. How are you fine, sir? I'm doing good went in and ass low, which had a good reason to go to the gym. I say yes,
well we're only it is working out by things our drop. You never know I've been I've been a little slow. I skipped the work out yesterday for the first time I bird dog, my energy others show. That was that I was done for the rest of the day right Paula, I was a total crash. Everyday carried out in one fell swoop boom what horizontal for the rest of the day, thank God my wife was here to take issue can I do for you my sweet love. I said nothing, just sympathized with me. I'm alright, I'm just message. If I'm gonna swear to you right, I would never do a show of. I didn't feel like it because I won t I was at sea pack, for you knew lesters and a call was given a speech if she was second, she kept telling everybody. She was sick and I felt the awful far I really could not, and she was a good speech, but I couldn't pay attention because I felt so bad far because she was sick. So I
or did I not Joe arrogant? I would never do it if I didn't feel like doing it. So I had to be her I'd love to be here. It makes my they keep my mind off this whole thing. That's gonna! Do it today. So brightly my friends: have we, the people pay the pen, results of the election will no doubt caused a spike in firearms sales, as they always do. If you're making archer scares you're worried about the future. The second amendment I want you to be safe, responsible means carrying with one of the best holsters out there. We people holsters starting it just forty dollars. We, the people hostage, are accustomed designed a fit your fire imperfectly. How do I know that you look You see that cause there's mine fit precision to my specific firearm is from my forty, like made right here in the USA. Check that out see that best in the business you get an ice
click when you put it in there, they have thousands of options to choose from plus an amazing selection of printed. Also proprietary clip design allows you easily adjust the can't than the right. If we also sort of fit comfortably securely at all times, they'll call for one crappy one size fits all inside the bare we I'll all those things, no good, We, the people, asters, that conflict staying at yours today, every holster ships free comes with a lifetime guarantee get additional. Ten dollars offer the ethical database a great gift, satisfactions guaranteed, if not a perfect, fit sent it back coral reef and it's really easy. We, the people here, There's that conflict and we the people holsters doc- slash the unused Africa Dan and I job but will slow and switch there? I noticed I want our big interested- hold your horses, whom you have my grandmother, used to say that rumour hold your horses. I asked you write that down several love, grandma God rest his soul, cram I leaned over the best hold your horses,
Sir Uwaine County Michigan. We had the the whip, the flip a risky, and then the gipsy do flipper risky s. What do I mean? So? What County Michigan, which encompasses Detroit area. There was a vote count. As you know, the there the moat vote count mission. did not go. President trumps way by weighing count which was counting seventy votes out of the joint, noticed some suspicious patterns. Suspicious voting patterns are play video, just if we admit Mcdaniel, the head of the Republic in National Committee, whose actually from Michigan explains precisely what the problem with the way County vote is so what but as you had these four election board members- and we can't hear Biddy Track- and I spoke about this yesterday- right- they too Republicans on the Action Board Wayne County said, we can't certify this vote Wayne County, which will likely led to problems with the certification of Michigan vote, which would cause comes for the certification of Joe Biden as
what President Elect, if that doesn't happen, so there's a castle. Has anybody track in no way in county probably know Michigan if that cascades at the problems that other states probably know Joe Biden, President Elect could be the cascade chain of events. I could have so in county is not just about weighing counting ombudsman, Joe you track and brother, Sir. yes, I am Arrowhead for Joe thank you polish Gimme. The had not do so Wayne County? Of course, as we chose you yesterday, these two GEO P Election Board members, where pressured it rescinding their refusal because it was a two to tie, so they couldn't certify the vote by maniacs who we play the video Three calling a re says: Barboza, you ve heard all the nonsense, which I said I found quite bizarre because there thing more racist and putting a bunch of voter fraud or potential voter fraud in largely minority communities which disenfranchises majority votes. I see that It raises the call that, out its rate,
to ignore it is it like. I said yesterday that deliberate media, The internet seems quite bizarre v. Fraud is a ok and black communities, but why can these were not have enough. Has it it's just a game display. Of course you get your liberal thinking explained. I can explain your policy positions on basic stuff. less complicated things like maybe we should look into Vodafone, but what happened last night, just the news Johns as actual website. I have this story and shone out. I strongly encourage you to read it, and you know that I'm flash newsletters how you get the shown us just subscribe right there in it, about a reversal. The fifty fifty three dramatic first away in County election board. Republicans rescind vote certifying results in affidavit GEO begins of Canvas board. Members claim they were bullied there are too many irregularities in Detroit and the Detroit vote to justify accepting the election results. You know not a very serious note
I did that show a long time ago. One nuclear is one of our we ve had like four or five shows that, relatively speaking, the size of our audience at the time when Craig where the listener ship with two to three hundred percent, but we had like a seven day average One of those shows was the dance it show, dance issue teach provided and I can't swim. Privacy There I met this. Guy goes further. By said, he saw me dead, my wedding, any love that, unlike what we were you drinking that night, like I can't answer or even Paulus where's, it was good. It was not good. It was like I can't there, but I didn't show on dancing where I talked about this video about how it's not the first guided jump in the ring and start dance and at a party or business laugh and its second guy who joins or starts a cascade moment while folks, whence jumped in the ring and started dancing, and it's a to g o p. Commissioner to say you know what we're not gonna take, This bullying- and this call
That's racist nonsense for calling out what appear to be irregularities in a vote. Count we're resending that the dance has begun. It's time to you for you to jump in and join them. I play that video again the great video it used all over the world? Why to show people how movements began at this Oh, it's not a huge Arafat, a dance festival, literally guy gets up dancing like a crazy man, nobody's weapon. look at this city, then someone gets up enjoys a third person and then a fifth person, and then you have hundreds of people dance and having a good time at this party is sought the first person to dance the first person, a joint someone started dancing and it's time for all of us to start dance, and now these GNP County commit County election board. Commissioners, there election board wraps have had enough.
Cyprus to back them up? There is nothing more racist, then ignoring vote irregularities in minority community, suggesting their communities, don't matter. well what happened in weighing county. I explained to you yesterday, economic Danny was Martha. Maccallum show on Fox last night she's the head of the currency, as they say it is from Michigan kind of it The story now in counties in Michigan for the liberals listening so she got it. I was a little bit about Michigan politics. She was. and she rather succinctly explain why is going on at weighing county. Why kid they seem to get the vote right. Did you vote? Did you know about what's going on? Well the scenario again, if there's a great job check this out its horrific, its bullying its frightening and you know if you look at what Monica Bill were saying, and this is an issue on which county and twenty seventeen but Bhutan governor of. As a Democrat said, it was a catastrophe what that what was happening there, because eighty percent of the precincts did not match this past summer. Seventy two
were sent this one, seventy one. What does that mean? It means a precinct has to say These are how many absentee ballots we sent out to voters who requested so say we send out a hundred and then they two hundred back? How does that happen? I don't know how does it happen, I'm just checking how to use How do you set out a hundred absentee balance and I get two hundred back. How does that has echoed down? Could there be an explanation Ladies and gentlemen, as a man who lives by outcomes, razor given all possible explanations for AID
problem. The one you should always accept is the one that is the most parsimonious and requires the least amount of assumptions. In plain English, keep it simple, stupid outcomes razor? Is there a simple explanation for if there is of, I would love to hear it. We will put it out on the shelf doesn't seem to be one nobody's offered. One one is not been proffered yet joe of you heard it. Is there, but an explanation, and there are is sadly tell me with a sharp, not you hiding. Information now would do the following about you, but I my wife is not hiding from either. I dont want to I want the explanation that requires me to assume the least where their two hundred ballots, that.
appeared out of a space ship. I dont know that requires me to assume a lot that spaceships exist. So we can this count that, but if you set out in weighing county Michigan a hundred absentee bout. And received you wondered back Explanation right now that requires. For me the least amount of assumptions is that some of those ballots- we're not genuine because they weren't about that were sent out, because it was only a hundred two hundred came back or or. they could have been legitimate ballots. From somewhere else that were sent back to weighing county Michigan. I get away with not light years questions anymore! Folks, by the way again, we have to put on the captain serious had here for a minute. We like jumped back and forth.
Joe and Paul, I can vouch for me on this, when you have no idea what's going on behind the scenes right now to shut people up, I dont say that to be like MR cryptic guy here, but the You I've told you she would have without brain that add widget that just randomly Hansel bonds. You know that come I'll talk by them later. The pressure to shut people up on social media with the Tec, tyrants, Facebook, Twitter, Google Youtube to stop people from asking these questions. It's beyond orwellian. At this point it's going like Third World Republic style, I'm telling you The whole show telling the emails I'm getting from friends of mine in the bid. The pressure coming from everywhere do not talk about. This is overwhelming now how many hits do I give within s in front of it exactly zero, because I talk about what I want
I don't care, but I'm telling you other people who are in the position that I am- and I don't know safety and security- I do have my own show- pressure to shut up is overwhelming. Nobody wants to the question: how do you send out roughly a hundred thousand a number she pulled out, but it How did you send out x amount of balance and get ex time to a man, a balanced back home, horses on this election juncture concede why? Why, exactly by Why should we do that? Like I say, more is my grandmother, God rest her soul. I ween saddened. Love you. She said all the time Joe. This was a favorite like I says So, like I says, concessions peacetime look today, probably that tomorrow Lex next week, which really terrible thing.
get some answers on this. First, if we loss we lost, but we better lost legitimately and I'm not sure The case you may say our idea that way, county Michigan thing Sound, suspicious, more balanced back, then they set out at sounds, got a weirdo. will check out this little doozy and Wisconsin, where President Trump are closed. Walls by a sliver here, cuz, we don't really know yet. Just the Trump campaign filed a lawsuit in Wisconsin by the way hat tip to the gray cowl back here again, they're hot tips are appropriate needed a great job and a social media accounts are covering a lot of this stuff. Here is red lines from this constant lawsuit. The term campaign just file so get alot of this municipal clerks throughout the state of war. of Wisconsin concepts me illegally altered, absentee Balin envelopes by independently adding witness addresses two absentee ballot of that were returned to the clerk. Without a wit,
address supplied as required. Wisconsin Statue, weather. that's where the figure Of course, I guess where these actions violate Wisconsin statute. Six point: eight, seven sixty, which. bates if its certificate is missing the address of a witness, the ballot may not be counted pretty clear, no job, no address no count. It says british River comeback. Government sounds pretty straightforward. To me, I mean me, a former federal and that's the guy. You have to be investigated whether it makes sense for, of course, she avowed says pretty straightforward, no addressed may not began. It doesn't say you think about it. If you feel good that your binds voting if there's no address the ballot may not be counted. It goes on these genes also violate Wisconsin statute, six point: seven, nine, which states. If spoke Clark receives and after the ballot within improper, completed certificate or with no certificate the clerk may reach, in the ballot to the electorate sounds
straightforward me, you get a ballot, I feel that right when no address you send it back. You know at the address, we'll see were that lawsuit goes to begin. photo very fair questions, or are we allowed to ask these questions? Wisconsin law you get. Valor, with no address on it, you have to either send back or it's no good. You don't get too The address out. This isn't North Korea, I'm telling you the pressure cannot talk about. This stuff is overwhelming. overwhelming. even friends. Abide in the space again, who are very worried about there are getting really Horrible sure exerted on a beach ball under the water they shut their mouse? Why if items razor applies and there's an innocent explanation to all this, why Wisconsin allegedly was putting addresses
balance. It didn't have them against their own, but Wisconsin statue rags if all this been weighing county. If these absentee ballots, they received that we're never sent out or legitimate than just explained to us are put it. the show happily and we can all move on, but why are they so afraid of us asking questions. What kind of country too we live in now people are dancing folks, I told you the other day, and I met every minute of it when I went to church last weekend. One was tired at all. Despite my condition, I'm not tired one bit. Never been more energize for this fight. ribbon more energized to ask the questions and we will ask the questions, no matter what you declared almost one place will go right to the other one you put that beach, but the water will pop up in the water over there we're not going anywhere and there's nothing nothing. You will do to silence me. You will make me and all of my friends in this business stronger, the more you attack us there's is enough:
you can do to us nothing! My folks, I got more I got the second part of this election. Twenty twenty update, scald, hey the interesting part. Do you know that guy who is fired from the age ass for issuing. That statement is the most secure election in my lifetime, despite the fact that we have evidence of a real problems here. Remember that guy interesting opera, Jackie promoted, with this sl place. Wait. The years of this is This is crazy type. I might have total crazy. Pails tells them oji. social media total crazy pastime? Let me get to my second sponsored: it Friends, lifelike waited Germany had my identity stolen, it was awful. I had to cancel Credit card, because of it it was a relationship ahead of their credit card. For light, and they were not bought real estate programme. I am that can acknowledge
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this cyber infrastructure your security energy Sesar, see, I say that was headed by this guy crabs. fired the other. They re issued. This statement remember they said I listen. This is terrible, safe, secure election like ever in human history ever ever right and we will Really because there seems to be a whole lot of questions about this. well: this is a digital or get a branch of the Department of Homeland Security has some each stay gum bedfellows, shall we say check this piece out at the helm I would just ask in question: were still allow the thought police may not go my door any better. That's ok made sure. Maybe they ve intercepted the lifestyle. Radio. I don't know how it's out over the internet, but who knows the hell the age cyber agency invests in election auditing tool to secure that wait twenty elections. Ok, you think that government would kind of run their own. Those individual states summit have their own auditing tools. Are we just have like voter right
crazy stuff, like that in a paper ballot trail. So Nobody could audit, but are they, invest in some fancy? Ordering Torquay sounds a sounds are yet to me so much got a screenshot first reach out from this hippies about what exactly this auditing tool was for the liberals, issing auditing, meaning you can go back and look at the results of whatever and accounting. rail voting trail, but I remember no vocabulary, isn't necessarily you're strong suit. You liked by the euphemisms game, but would have so here we got from the help the Department of Homeland Security Cyber Agency announced Thursday system it would partner with action officials in private sector groups, to develop an election auditing tool that can be used to help ensure the accuracy, the votes and twenty? Twenty ok sounds interesting that, this agreed by talking about partnering with a nonprofit group voting works by reporting with nonprofits? the government can handling of on an open source software to notice issued me our low. I said ass low before our love, which is provided
state and local election officials for free our allow aren't I have it down here- is our low take up saying that our law, what the house, our law, and who back darling so just to be clear. What we're talking about your simplify this, because our some liberals listening again so that the age ass system, the bridge vision, partnered with some non profit to develop a voter auditing tool called our low? Why haven't you partner with a nonprofit wise toward the individual governments at the state and local level, doing their own on Euro, like paper, trails and votes. Is it's not hard? Who did you for I don't I checked this box trump. Can we look at it? Let's go back to your about usually evolve, How hard is this? You have one job count devolve. Why we need a nonprofit, no less than that profited, Nay Marla well, who back this whole venture to partner with this are low voting works project. It's got a screenshot number two
Hell heading into twenty twenty were exploring all possible ways. We can support state local election officials, while also ensuring that Americans across the country can confidently cast their votes system. Direct their Christopher Crab said stay but yeah, that's the guy who wishes fired by Trump. For issuing that blanket statement that ass, the safest and securest election ever ok for was the maybe might want to wait till. We actually get the results and finally moving about certification it. But now he came out in advance and said that. So. This promise, guy who trump can an issue this pre, very preliminary they ve been about. A safe and secure the election was before its even been certified. They parted upward frameworks and I were whose voting works again had to call back or- and this is just fastening- you know it's just get password Clearly I made this: it's gotta, be a screenshot check this out so that we have data Part of voter works. Vote
Worse was created within an incubator by the left, leaning centre for democracy in technology. This or for democracy and technologies. Major donors include large left of centre foundations, including George Soros Arabic. I do not want to say this foundation. To promote open society, the Ford Foundation and the Macarthur Foundation really. So this voting works are low. Project is working with this branch of the government that automatically issued a statement right away. I deserve a safe and secure. No, nothing to see your folks, this guy Christopher Crabs, their working with this group, Carlo EM, the donors to this voting works. Are these left leaning groups, including when a source as groups again folks, again this that mean there's fraud? No, it doesn't. Does it mean there could be fraud. Investigation could tell
Can I ask the obvious outcomes raise question here: what the hell is the government at level partnering with a group debts taking money from far left groups doing taking money from father groups. Don't you think, that's kind of like weird like you, try to avoid eddies my explaining this wrong you're the d, a chess I dont want money from right or left leaning groups in a vote: auditing systems. Conservative, liberal, whatever There should be no partisanship in this at all vote auditing should be about vote out of it go back to the states. come out there telling your votes. Can we go back and see a paper trail? Why are we partnering up with people from left, leaning groups, no less groups funded by unknown, liberal billionaire, whose funded liberal causes all around the country. Did you ever think for a moment would cause a bit of scepticism and for people to say. Should we really
be ordering the vote trail with it proceeded with far left groups that doesn't make sense. Folks, I You know we live in the greatest country on earth and we are rapidly descending into Third World Republic status because of nonsense, like nobody saw this as an issue here, let's do. voter auditing system national, let's roll it out and key states partner up with key swing states and to use this whole voting works thing which is taking money from various left. Leaning group sounds like a great idea. Skype Chris Crabs by the way who This system that supported this project, apparently. This is the same guy who, back this, are low and issued a statement. Some issues wash them about how safe and secure the election was. Let me show you for example, article again being shown oats today.
Sky resolve they were talking about. Our blue Dobbs showed the age s agency failed to disclose voting machine company advisers. In a statement about election security. Member that I covered the other day so the same guy who partnered with this our low voting works group that was taken, left: leaning money to audit the vote, good idea there. This is the same guy we can see in this war seems amateur peace that issued a statement before votes have been certified, Aweather nowhere, folks this was safe and secure a state, placed on the Sis website last week, failed This clause that the voting machine companies facing allegations by trumpet as allies of rigging the contest in favour of Joe Biden Specific We dominion voting systems is more matic were part of the groups that off the declaration dab set in a show on Tuesday. So just so we're tracking. Here, this guy Chris Crabs runs this the age S. Division issued a statement, no worries. Folks, Zol, safe and secure doesn't this.
I in the statement that people who were on that little board that issues the statement on that little consortium there were. Dominion and smart, Matic folks, Dominion, who's running the systems that people are curious about, and this is the same crabs guy who is promoting. Partnership with voting works to audit that who is partnering with them. our low and these voting works, we're taking money from left wing groups. Don't worry not that don't ask questions. Can we put this script? Can we The eye floppy, if they become you, do that a little bit you got my logic. I do doing but each year, therefore, to make a guest appears on the issue of what the people imagine for a moment. Let me just say a quick start, because I know that It was this thing I ever have barely because that's what they do. They no one actually asked questions if I was doing your show tonight, I've put no. I we'll had for a moment. I was a liberal house, folks, liberal friends, you're, never gonna believe this be
this right, leaning billion, maybe having to mention the name, because you say some right. You know you know. Other groups are right meaning billionaire is financed A government effort to audit evoke auditor vote that that got president Trump elected there are suspicions about vote counts everywhere. The auditor that trail is being run by this group in conjuncture. The government had thirty sponsored by right wing billionaires in addition the voting systems that historically publicans have said hey. We have a problem with these systems. Those voting systems that are being audited were on a statement, that said, don't worry, there's nothing to audit. This is safe and secure liberals if you listening- and I recently brought you- be losing your mice- wow that sounds really crazy? No right job leaning billionaire ordering a vote trail with voting software system that even Republicans called out a few years ago now, but since its liberals who have
the past question dominion and small Matic voting systems and authority to describe this. Nothing to see here. You don't believe me? You don't believe me. You don't think that liberals have called out the dominion vote. This is for potential problems with the software when we ve had anomalies in the very well. Let's go to John Solomon Sight again just the news right here, so we can t this little bad boy together. Johnson, great article in the show notes that I highly recommend you really congressional damage its had re security concerns about dominion and other voting machine companies? So it's ok just to be cut. Folks again this statement, the address issued in conjunction with dominion million small. That's had nothing to see your folks this this perfectly even secure when Democrat, when we bring up concerns about that? It's a conspiracy theory, but when Democrats
can see from the peace go on the record and raise the same concerns about dominion. It's ok, folks, nothing to see! Let me read from this: just whose peace the allegations against dominion, we're detail in a series of letters, letters that means people wrote this down. Folks for the liberals, listening seven December of twenty nineteen by Democrats, Elizabeth, worn RON, widening Amy closure, along with the democratic rap Mark, Pocan the letters about the minion. Were addressed. You several capital investment groups at a purchase shares in numerous election software companies amongst us These were dominion, voting systems, stakes inward. had been accepted by staple Sri capital Group in New York City Dominion has been plagued by reports of glitzy software, at least several voting jurisdictions throughout the country since election day, twenty twenty.
So what's your tie? This happening cutesy little ball here. So we have a d age, ass branch, headed by a guy who back this statement, in conjunction with dominion who, at a Galicia software system Democrats were worried about before the election. You the key states in this election. This guy crabs puts out to stay say nothing to see here, folk, safe and secure, very move along and if you audited. He also backed in auditing system used in key states that ways intubated, let's say bye. Call voting works, backed by some far left billionaire donors. Move on her joy says: right: move out that our deficit, flexible one, double, bear we're not gonna move. I will ask the questions, because you asked the question
as we have Democrats on the record, asking the question about dominion, voting systems. I'm not accusing dominion. Voting systems of anything. I'm just asking the same questions the Democrats did this war in another. She said the software was glitches issues. Can we not checked? that is only the most important election where life then can we make sure it wasn't glitzy this time this or should we hold your horses? We add hey. This is interesting. Now We have section three. This is one sub sea of what else. Evidently, Georgia or another. Second, let me get my third sponsor here, but yeah the Georgia story gets even more interesting as votes he being found in Georgia.
Third sponsored air, good friends that all member we are no mistakes household because they are the best darts takes out there. Their meets the list. Here's the problem of my statement just started. You can't stop love Obama, never eat and other state again Lama station boy crowded, grocery stores in restaurants for contactless delivery of staff. Easy meals and more mistakes with this, Problem with his eyes, he is when I get super green after read this morning. My mouse starts to water and they breaks it between we're. After cutting those breaks out this twenty two is twenty one. Twenty holiday season feels like it's been a long time coming, make it worth the weight, send the perfect gift. Send yours something special in brig families together for the delicious. So my ass feast, the link that the locks growers assortment sore, makes you meet the locks growers assortment includes assortment spit it out that the lux thrillers Assortment includes a valley
ass variety of countryside sides in deserts. Right now get this mouth water. It literally mouth watering package, puss free are for free burgers and a free digital meet the moment an exclusive price available only to my wish and, as you said, the other day right may possibly have a couple fridge reach their first we're about. We have a couple: fridge rage and freezing assets stacked for the holidays with almost states. That's a disk. They have an exclusive offered to discount of over fifty percent. Go to almost that come under the cap. Gino into the search bar is such a stake almost thinks it's a guaranteed fantastic gift in a safe way to share the joints. don't forget when you order the De Luxe growers assortment nice? You also get through our for Free Omaha stakes, burgers and a free Digital meet the moment, and we should not rush about the meat the Maharajah with MIKE. by GINO Namaste stack up. You will find the steel anywhere else or by states, delivers quality guarantee and safely. Whatever your
It also has takes that calm pipeline GINO in the search bar and shop, the best Gore may gifts of the seas and great gift great food. We absolutely Levin of addicts their ground beef is killer to APOLLO, makes em Panada with it. Oh thanks I'll stay love. Haven't you here all right, so back to section one sub see here, is going down in Georgia. Georgia. We ve seen some anomalies. There is well worth entertaining like rejection rates for male and balance and signatures that are historically low, or why would that be? I mean, Roughly say one to two percent of mail and ballots in every election. For the last say, thirty years were rejected due to signature mismatches. That would be what we call Joe this is crazy, get ready for a consistent trend. You know that the core models and all things had escaped him when they die. They wanted to go over there, so it
save for the last twenty years, or so we ve seen rejection rates on male imbalance hover around one, the two percent, and in this election they were zero point zero. Three percent I'd say that A weird now why baby was public relations campaign, as a not so prominent, pollster anymore suggests. To me on a social media platform, Social media, wherever they want me to convey my only you, can prevent five. That's what happened The sudden everybody learn how to sign their name. So for two three decades we ve had rough one out of every two out of every hundred by male unbalanced, rejected, because a signature to match meeting the person who sent the ballot? Probably wasn't the person for somebody Strangely, in this election down in Georgia and others, revenge, zero point, zero, three meaning a hope, Chief signatures that may not match our apparently sliding through
Let there be an innocent explanation. Ladies and gentlemen, I should have called this show outcomes razor. Of course, there could be cut These sixty two standard deviations away from the main, and everybody magically in this election sign that right, and it was no fraud at all- could be- requires a whole lot of assumptions zone. Isn't it therefore violate outcomes razor? Wouldn't it. Well there's a lot more going on in Georgia that involve vote more than just a very Low rejection rate, in defiance of historical statistical norms,. There's record filing in Georgia to where people go on the record now again for the liberals, this thing in the media type, so you know don't do evidence in any kind of journalism being at all. These are court documents me the people who are reference in the court document, I'm about to show you from Georgia, did this crazy things, so they raced the right hands. If I'm going to tell you the truth, the whole truth Let them the tube so help me. God, let's go
court document Georgia, that's really really weird check this out sworn stay. and from someone I'm not going to read this whole thing here. If you want to watch the video you can meet, rumbled accomplishment you to have it up on the screen right now, but this is really weird, so you have this happy and saying that most Alice had already been it she's talking about male ballots. They receive that look like they ve been handled. Why Joe? Because they had so, male that in the mail manhandled it and the voter handle that right handled the so It's here. She, whoever this African this says a somewhat to the balance and already been handled they ve been written, by people. Any edges were worn. They show obvious use again folks. Why? Because they were filled out handled by voters and complicate and liberals havin a tough time. You However, one batch he or she says stood out, it was pristine there the difference in the texture of the paper. It was if they were intended.
Four absentee use, but had not been used for that purpose. There was a difference in the field. He's ballads included a slight depress pre fold, so they could be easily folded and unfolded for use in the scanning machines. There were markings on the ballot to show where they come from, where they ve been process they stood out. I said I meta, paramedic escaped mom, actually interest. Amateur result, they sorry goes out why one more quickly my twenty years of experience of handling balance. Again this is the Effie there. I observed that the markings for the candidates on these boats were unusually uniform. Perhaps even the ballot marking device by my committed observing these ballots. Approximately ninety eight percent constituted votes for Joe Biden. I only observe to these balances votes for President Donald J Trump, again we would we not allowed to ask questions. He went up. Everybody five So you track and what this, what this african essay network right hand. I am told you that about the true to her me. She saying that
When you get male unbalance gonna use the Hunter Biden Receipt for them. The Junta, by not able to remember that polygon keep Hermia her ways. So he's happens when a male in balance. For me, this is I'm sorry folks, I don't mean to waste your time because you're all super smart, but here's what happens When you get a mail in ballot, you get a box, let's use the back cuz I so you get in touch with a circle and a document. This by then tromp, because there's liberals watching her maiden so Biden, Can you see that a little? But I know as little about of light shine on my sharply so me, I voted for tromp. This is how I voted on the blocking. It is very complicated. Liberal did we walked through, so I just want to make sure you want to stay with this afternoon in Georgia. Think it's very serious, so this is gambling, genome and polity talking about myself in the third person, like Bob Bob So these are damaging to fill that our Diego there's my trunk box, filled out. You don't do. This is crazy. Folks follow me here we can do a tutorial. You actually fall that who hand
handling media. I know Joe, you know you're puzzle you more whenever it usually comes. Pre, folded and Sierra have an envelope says, protect me up in the air. And add my but my mailman brightness a great guy. I worked as a bright. Can you my here. Yes, your buddy, he has a hand any handlers when handling these. He grabs it so when he got It goes in a badge they get banged up ass if they come out and then they get little edges and some may look a little worn because even handed and yet I that's not what happened with these votes in Georgia. They came in seemingly pristine, not looking well that all and interesting enough, Joe see how, when I voted for Trump by my ballot, like that, you see how that's like a messy and it's not uniformly filled out. You know, like you, feel that Alex can Tron member, when you were in college, you see and younger kids like what the hell you tube everyone areas I remember to scan from here. You know, fill out them uniformly.
But strangely all of the circle seem filled out the exact same way as if they were being filled out by a ballot marking device that was marking the ballots intentionally. You know folks not to get off on attention here, but nothing in nature is uniform. The principle of entropy in disorder rains every You drive down your street here where I live on this island over here and you see the bushes barbary landscapes are per hour perfectly correct. The top. There are no straight edges nature you let those bushes go for four or five days: disorder rains fractals, chaotic design everywhere offer. there's a more orderly but not orderly, like that. There is disorder, reigns in nature. Never you see uniformity. There is something unnatural about it. So you're telling me the ballots were filled out the exact same way, the exact same way with a device, a potential device you and are all feel that
uniformly and none of them had any bends or handling at him, and ninety eight were forbidden to four four trump. You think s worth looking into. Is there an explanation? I hope so? Can there be, I hope, so But that explanation requires me to assume a whole lot that ninety eight people, man fill out about the same way and not handle them right. What what the heck happened there yet times has a great power so this folks, I strongly encourage you to check out again in the shown us that a month you know that complex newsletter like check it out check this out about the Georgia situation Georgia recount witnesses, so Trump votes counted for binding, affianced
so sorter seen suspiciously pristine on male ballots uniformly and perfectly filled out. When you see perfection, that's not nature, meaning that's unnatural looking into let's go to the screen shot from the epic peace because it gets worse in Georgia, three of the offence, and people who swore a draw testify that they witness ballots, Casper Trump being placed in stacks, provided and counted towards that end. for the former. Vice president, one of the three such recorded the activity on video while there be interesting, probably mean she has a video Nicholas Zero said, he saw balanced, Casper Trump being placed in a battle for bar powerful bide when he observed the recount in Henry County other observers, there that they noticed the same activity: three other otter tables when he brought the
the attention of the election official on sight, it was met with extreme hostility. We allowed bailout, we live their questions anymore again for the umpteenth time. Is there a potential innocent exe? Asian. For this, of course, some one has it. We will put it out on the shelf, but we will not stop asking questions by then we get to my last month, and I I ve got us a couple videos here: not gonna want to mess one of dictator Andrew Cuomo. You may have seen it but absolutely loosened his marbles when someone dared to ask the king King Cuomo a question. and they now second dumbest person on television? What what you can't say that your brain? Well, there's always number one MR prepared had over it CNN and usually Chuck cod number two, but we have that we have a job, a change that is a seismic shit already know we're gonna.
Do I read is moved up self ass? She is now definitely an astronomer tat. I'm sorry, chalk, bronze this, and I know I should I should I use it can solve one hour before the jokes. I don't like me, seismic shift moments it confuses Joe begets, can vps easily me and him above get no to let go, and I know that was a shaggy desire. We ever phasing out of the show terribly that exists, but yes, there's been a size, makeshift joy red is now moving to the second spot second dumbest person on television. I wanna play videos said that she said so stupid that aid, you wonder how She thought you get away with it, but she's not courses were eleven. Let's get through the corona block. Next, we have spoken by then about now they show by two reference, it simply say: listen, there's almost always arise and break ins to enhance it really sad, if it's true, I remember when I was a police officer people now this expensive gifts and ass, they see the boxes outside a really Snakes that's. Why simply save home securities having a huge holiday sale? Thirty, percent off any simply safe system and a free security camera. We got one right there right behind the lovely, Miss Polly reach
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safety com slave Dan Bond GINO hurry. This expires on Friday, that's so We saved our com, slash standby, GINO, simply safe doc, slashed ambitions, you no great sale, thirty percent off, so We haven't covered the sad explosion in cases in the Koran of ours in the country, but I think there are obvious questions like is: is this virus doesn't seem to be? It doesnt seem to care where you live, what your politics are, because viruses don't care because they can't care viruses lived to do one thing: that's replicate. Viruses aren't even alive the bid The protein, without with a livid layer but age Cuomo up in New York, is deeply offended. When some rapporteur, you know just like Andrew Coma, who is deified even Saint in Saint Andrew Cuomo, before you now that the elections over the Democrats feel safe? They think Joe Biden one now that it's that's all safe.
Them now all of a sudden reporters in New York awaken up so long, a short of is the worst air and the history of planet, earth communist may or build the plaza their shutting down. The schools in New York again, despite very little evidence that transmission of cars from the kids, the teachers are kids to adults in any kind of large systematic way. shutting down the schools, throwing the entire state into disarray in the city into disarray. In the New York City. School system is the largest in the country. I have family up in New York. They are absolutely furious. Parents have to stay home from work, it's been a total mass, So our rapporteur said to the governor yesterday: what's the deal with this, like you guys, if schools open are they closed? You gonna tell anyone, watch Cuomo, completely meltdown power. Hungry lunatic loses mine at this. Elusive loses miles this pressure. This just goes to show how the this why I gotta be ass. Reformer messing with there being totally candid. The best thing
happen to me was losing that race for politics, I'm telling you some of the people who win here are really awful people they are. They are so attractive. The power Watch Cuomo totally melt down at this report to check this out when we did Orange zone in a red zone in Brooklyn in Queens and weak those schools you remember that ok, Don't you so? What are you talking about? How could you Talking about your now go now override, did it already an orange zone in a red zone. Follow the facts. why don't you can feel like a parent or snow confused as well. New York in future harry read the law and you will be confused,
it foolish are open by state law. What I don't care, what you think. Of course you agree within because you're insane business with him the schools by state law. Where what is the answer to your question? You Paul has commenting before the show she watches these cuts. You like Joe, and she said to me you believe, the way this guy talks, the people since the bad guy folks take a quick story. The people who were attracted the politics are generally power hungry lunatics. You know what happened. I dont know what happened to them in their lives. Maybe they haven't inadequacy complex. I don't know, but I will never
Forget my prior line of work. There gave a pin system in Washington D C. So when you're in the secret service, you're taught the recognised, Pins Congress in have pen have pin centres, have pins staff members for the President pins and we call hard pins and you recognized him- and you know he that way, you don't have to stop everyone all the time. You don't answer, you see the pain. You go right ahead. I can't tell you how many stories I heard from agents and capital help police officer. Should we tell me things like yeah, see certain congressmen and congresswomen. They leave their pen off like well. Why that's ransom access enough to go through the whole metal detectors and stuff like that? Why would they leave their pen off? He said they liked it cuz. They like stop them, so they can challenge you and tell them. You know you're, stop it, I'm not kidding. I did that's, not a joke. They take the pin off purposely so you'll, Them and then they get to tell you who they are now. Dare you Stop me, I'm congressmen, Joey Beggar donors. This is how,
pick. Some of these people are these are the dances running our country. now, I ve been holding the super cut from the Great Tom Elliot Graybeard. Here is a super cut of the hypocrisy with these Pino Cuomo caught out public without a mask on himself but threatening everyone else who doesn't where mass this is just half of it. This thing goes on for a while, but the hypocrisy. what masking corona viruses just ridiculous check out this super card from this is worth playing at all of these hypocritical phony fraud. Petitions, you'd better. Why mass we're going to shut it down violating shutdowns and not worry mass themselves check this an eighty year old part time, Napa resident, called Nancy policy can be seen slinking through a semi Cisco hair salon is due to Kronos irish regulation. Salons in San Francisco are closed for and or services as it turns out it was set up. So I take responsibility for falling for a set up. I think that they are as it does so
On whose main apology nearer to the gym yesterday and twitter lost its mind, I dont get but we'll move on with our lives and gems are all closed. Now house. I did not for a moment think there was anything problematic, because I knew the dynamics again. I have to stay healthy, so I can decisions for the people, the city, didn't governor, Michel, Lou, Hon Gresham, play by her own rules when she ordered non essential stores to shut down. should all new Mexicans to stay home and non essential business open. So she could buy jewelry where's, the first lady Ashton. Gauged and non essential travel. What is your response to people who say the state on order and non essential? Travel bans are being abided by your family, so I'm just not going to answer that question its inappropriate and I find it reprehensible that ways. The benign
Ed governor of Illinois there at the end he finds questions about his personal behaviour in violation of the behavior is recommending for others quote reprehensible Jimmy she were to ensure that we do have one at which you we need him. You know that we put the sort on the shoulder you shoulda, we have. We ever got my communist protagonists and even that we always go it alone. I love it because one of these Guph balls mediator, media matters like who keeps alive pressure. I do with your answer. You know it s. Our honourable. I learnt that it costs, but the lid press has always been the goat s pretend this is the lint sword for a moment, and you have Pritzker the Toronto. governor of Illinois. How dare you question and violating is arose? Stanhope Gibby, wonder we hit refused to make further You know what I want to do, that you ever see that when they made them, that's really- and we know him Lord Lord
maybe pretty whenever it is most Sir Sir J B pursue as we can you ask these people anything new scandal? They talk. So I know I have said Joe. Can I change their rights? A rank is tat, people tat, which is always a plague. Seismic shift in our show- and I know I know Joe it he's already better make these aiming to produce, to show me no shout and never make it out Apple High, Joe Joe, is boycotting busy so upset. I guarantee this is a seismic shift, and so it's always Pino George stands a K. Brian stealthy he's always pretty much number one for the dumbest people on tv, but check towns always a second today, we're going shift that alone, but again we gotta move joy region who somebody dumbest things ever heard on television, because all you do is go to the internet. Actually look this stuff up. Would she apparently is incapable of doing I'm so joy reverse NBC when on the air, because you so upset that the begins are out. There say: hey operation, warp, speed that created the Madonna and Pfizer vaccine in record time happened under the trumpet.
Creation, ladies and gentlemen, let me be Crystal clear. I am a partisan- ok, not a mystery, Jos, not shocked and his paw, I'm a conservative, but if, was a democrat president. We had a vaccine for a deadly virus, I would say: hey cool good job, that not hard right is a complicated right. The Democrats can't take it that Donald Trump will the president and that his operation warp speed in conjunction with players from the private sector? Pfizer Madonna created this vaccine. They can't take it despite the fact that it's a fact, efface e t fact he still the president and we, of the vaccine, jobless yawning somebody who can in fact checked everything. We have that between Atwater vaccines happened right near gets done. Area is looking at dollar trouble, so the president correctly is clearly still the guy. You ok, ok, thank you. We did just wanted to double check, and you know
who do so joy, red one on MSNBC and again jump right off the rankings with this absolutely ridiculous statement on the air, because job just doesn't know anything or does it lies to check this out. I just want a factor Could I remind you that the companies themselves that are produced these vaccines we're not involve an operation war? they don't have said as much so that's a lie. Reboot really, there News to me so Darnay advisor Pfizer his joy. Red is really this stupid or is really this much, but there's no option see she's either a liar who's, not stupid, because you don't even bother to check if modernity Pfizer where involve the warp speed. or she's really stupid and just doesn't know anything and goes on tv and says dumb, stop sort out. Obviously, folks, I'm not stupid and self praise thanks, but I'm I'm. I actually do my homework before I come on. The show So I knew months ago, Maud, Madonna and Pfizer involve because I read stuff then pushing this is not a cell pat on the back
just read something once in awhile, joy or you, to do is: go to a basic internet, web search, web search and say Madonna. This is what I put it. the article, but I should just showed you the screen check, as would be of my own phone justice, How easy it would be well why Madonna involved that operational, So when you put no search engine Madonna Warp speed this as well the first articles that comes up man and is promising Corrado hurrah, but turn is promising corrode of ours. Backseat is a major beneficiary of the Trump Administrations Operation forestry business inside. I should just taken a screen shot of my phone. This is hard. How did the producers of the show not stop? Permit sense when you're coming a little behind the scenes of minus he's. Acting today, you have
thing in here. You can see my by. They call and I have been very tv talk. I call it in your thing. I love the word thing thing he works for the thing in area. The squiggly think the producers can in your ear. Did someone tell her anywhere on the show? Joy don't be. An imbecile Madonna was part of opera, more speed. You know how you can just looked at up now. just one eye and by the way Pfizer. Was part of operation works. Speed too. They took a one point: nine billion dollar payment for delivery from the government. Part of operation warp, speed to distribute it actually again very easily searchable on the whole into web thing. If you're interested in the whole facts kind of thing, I know that's hard, you wonder what a minute there next I know it's go. I can read my wife like a book. spread about she's like no way there's a lot and always going on right now? I've. This segment about liberals misleading to seize laughing right now, what liberals mislead the results of that misreading and misleading that that was not of that. That was not at all.
Misreading and misleading you about the results of the twenty twenty election. For like two weeks, I'm going to guess what I might have to get to it tomorrow, but it but I just want to end the committee preach up at the bright board stuff, it's good. Here's, the just when I get to its more settlements, They are totally misleading you about what happened in twenty twenty thou, liberal sums grade. Socialism is a really great thing. You you're a devil media law, even though they lost all the swings, eight seats in Congress, where people actually advocated for social, I'm about to give them more. But I just want to jump to this because I'm not done without brain out brain again with an ad widget company decided to cancel their contract with us up on. You know that come so again are they knew tat tyrants? Have we been de platform that we try to be? The platform will see, ladies and gentlemen, but it's getting worse, and I told you that is tech. Tyranny was gonna continue and that what I said this a few months ago, Joe you remember it. I said because my face page, because you share in a lot is either
one two or three in the country at any given day that have been injected into the story about tech tyranny. Why you guys and lady just go to my facebook page had share, there's nothing nefarious about it. That's why it's popular liberals can't stand that you share, so the it my pages number one. The liberals are using my name to say: security doesn't exist. You don't believe me here. We got riper story in the shuddering internet, not messy, Maisie Harun Al Maze. You now far left radical senator from why Maisie Orono claims conservatives aren't censored by big tech, because media matters, radical lunatics, say so. Lucas, Nolan, bright bar. At the Capitol Hill hearing with the Tec, errants tat tears. They look what happened. What good is a quote from Asia, Rona. Maisie said: listen,
everyone who is systematically look at the content of social media for media matters, however, is the key to institute the former Centre John costs, but absolutely no evidence that the conservative, biased and data from crowd tangle, which shows far far right content from the list of Fox NEWS Bench happier and damp GINO dominate the daily top ten most engage pages on Facebook. Folks, I told you about this they were going to inject me into the story? Simply because you share my content on Facebook. Ladies on Facebook is in an all out war against Mark Levin right now, Levin is not going to be post that you put it on his twitter today in his parlor account that he's not going to be posting anymore in Facebook. After the end of the year, they have fact check your page to death Our bond GINO Report page is forget it. They fact check every single thing. Even opinion pieces, I told you they were going to use me. It's gonna continue
only because you share my page they're using it the discount all the social media biases allow more. These outbreak people pick the fight with me. It's a bad one didn't answer email? You say why why why not You disable you Kessler, contract with the original budget overcome. Why not just answer arena you're afraid To put out here, don't worry outbreak, you started a debate of another up tat tyranny, revolution and thereby genus had a couple. Or I focused gave her tune it in a really appreciated. Please subscribed to my show on rumble you'd like to watch the video content rumble. Are you MBA rumbled outcome? Slash bungee, no also subscribe on by a bunch of com. You can listen and apple pod care, school part, guess reverie apart guess I will You are tomorrow. You just heard it in Bonn. Gino.
Transcript generated on 2020-11-19.