« The Dan Bongino Show

Massive Voter Fraud Exposed? (Ep 2064)

2023-08-10 | 🔗

In this episode, I address the troubling revelations about a massive voter registration scandal in a swing state. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The way to hear the truth about america on a show that is not immune to the bags with your host dan Ben je know. Folks, something happened yesterday and it's contributing to that era. Feeling I've been discussing over the past few episodes, I'm getting that arafat link that the world's about to change, and not necessarily for the better. I don't know. If you have it to it's, I don't know I got. lying instinct and I don't think Saul crazy, May I want to get its all this crazy starve about time in mass hallucination. We're live in all this others that, however, I am genuinely convinced that that kind of god, link that some things about to go really bad, there's something there. something happened yesterday in ecuador:
that may seem like a foreign policy thing, but trust me. It's not relates to trump while scenario. It happened to abbaye, there's some serious stuff going down, and I think we're going to come out of it for the better. On the other side, to not sound tumor carbon am I I mean that, but we're going to go through some stuff coming up, quick The signs are just everywhere. Let me go: at a big show day. Let me get right to it today, show brought to you by Omax, selfless and living with pain. Is the worst nice all those all been heard, something it's a feeling it covered it can affect your whole life. You know my story with arthritis. I found relief with this. I love this stuff use at all. Time cry of roll on bio, max health, one of my favorite products policy to valleys, The version is three times stronger. No messy creams a horrible fragrances. This not proceed. I see, called relief. Roll on is formulated, how block pain, signals, help produce mild information and help improve joy,
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rock and roll some happened yesterday in ecuador, some serious one of the leading campaigns with presidency there. Fernando ville of incense theo was assassinated. He was shot dead outside of an event Ladies and gentlemen, we are seeing chaos like this all over the globe with the targeting of political leaders, and I now political Situation of ball scenario: what's happening, yeah how the assassination of our bay, you are seeing it all over the planet, even people who are not assassinate, better targeted, donald trump, Nigel ferrars This goes on and on and on abortion. I wasn. He still luck, but being politically targeted its leading to this area feeling right now that the the the new pop it lists leaders out they are becoming the target of an inch French swamp deep, stated, starting to realise the text being pulled out of the skin and their clinging on for dear life.
This is why I say to you: this extinction burst behaviour. We talk about all the time. the state is not going to give up easily and extinction. Bird is about of unexplainable awry. National behavior you go through when you're not satisfy you put a dollar, machine doesn't come out. You start can a machine. I talk about it all the time. It's a common, the term used in the psychology feel you're gonna see extinction burst The other side of that, though, I think we're going to come out of this and see some sunlight, but we are going to go through some stuff. First, let me is some video of what happened in ecuador again? The assassination? If you don't want to watch this, don't watch it that isn't a lot of blood, but it's really disturbing to see play
What are you going to see the present their presidential candidate come out, gets into a card and you're gonna hear that gunshots take a look at it now want to talk. about this. Given my obviously this story, I let off with first not just because I prior line of work. This is actually what I did executive protection, but because of the I'm sensing something here this extent burst the behaviour and is targeting a populist leaders all around the globe. It's like they're, holding on for dear life. Here. I want to show you quickly some other video taken at the scene. You see this from the inside of the event. The little bit a panic breaks out no knows what to do. Everybody gets down on the ground. It short. This goes on a little bit, but I had a cottage short check this
Are you see what chaos looks like? One of these things goes down tiggle the I need you to listen to me here for a minute. They show is typically like a high energy run from start to finish but I need you to listen closely to see with that looks. Like You want that here on american soil, at a chump of it.
Folks. I am genuinely concern at this man's life. Donald trump is at risk said it before, and I repeat it: The language surrounding donald trump and his supporters out and so insanely hysterical by the left that listen to me It is only a matter of time before someone tries out here It's not a matter of if there is not it is a matter of when I still keep very good sources on the inside the threat level donald trump is so bad that this Secret service does even have the personnel continue to investigate all the social media threats. The way they should be it is insane. The targeting of these appeal is leadership round the world by the swamp that is holding on to the end is going to get worse
I just want to a list of names, ball scenario, trump ferrars, ah bay may want to quit him in that now villa vincenzo and ecuador, the damage rats insane calls for violence, and just so clear that, on the record because I've set it up over and over and over to the point where I could stamp it. I do not in any way support political violence. Once you go down that road politics is over the one, its thing is political violence. If there is violence, that is just words no voting after that there's just death and unless you're willing to forfeit away kids future because you wanna be sit down I engaged in trench warfare with people I dont support that we're gonna do everything we can to stop this, because we- he too, but the devil grants are stopping when this is. What has me concern because you
attack people endlessly call for their debts and expect them not to fight back. They are called For violence against people, we're going to see this stuff happens here. You doubt me, was this wall street abe ski had tipp Austria who put this again. This is just sixty seconds because it's only in our show this just sixty seconds of democratic There are implying or call for violence and unrest against the street. There is no emergency brake on their behaviour only an emergency brake on yours, because we're conservatives, you believe in god, given rights, they believe in none of that something bad. Is going to happen. If this does not, stop and stuff. Soon watch yourself
uprisings all of the country, and maybe there will be people need to start taking to the streets. This is a failure in other needs to be addressed in the streets for as long as there's unrest in our lives. Enemies of the state show me where it says that protests were supposed to be polite and peaceful.
Do something about your dad's immigration practices. You feckless legal low. How do you resist the temptation to run up and bring her biggest fear for the white men, most of them radicalized up to the right? Why do the escalator and called mexicans rapists and murderers? What do you guys think you should punch him in the face and then gotten out of the race? You would have been a hero, unlike the country, the fish were in high school at tiki behind the german orange some people in the face. When was the last time an actor assassinated, a prison there are still going to have to go out and put a bullet in donald trump, and that's what the folks, you understand, there's no emergency brake on these people, the left, they believe in the collective use and abuse of power. They don't care about emergency brake items, like god, given liberties and freedoms, you can or about that date. Don't is asymmetric warfare.
These are very dangerous people. We see them as people with bad ideas. They see you is bad people with ideas, We are in a really dangerous spot. Are you this with sincerity and candor? Shrubs life is in real danger with these maniacs and if something Pins, it could be a spark, could send us down a road. Nobody wants to go. nobody wants to go and what our thing about. This is this is destinations The assassination of present Your candidate, vilified censier in ecuador, folks and I think you need to know this you're, not in the executive, protective space. Many view. Some of you. Maybe me a yes. If you are, happens all the time every time you see almost almost every single time. You see an assassination or assassination attempt ronald, and this one, it almost
always happens at the arrival departure area. Almost always why? Because we call it the deadly dime Do you think of a diamond like to try and goes back to back the deadly diamond? You, dear mary, em up here's the arrival boy, here's the departure point using the power why do you see the arrival point? That's the one place? You know the body you want to shoot at gonna. Be you don't know What he's gonna do inside the event she gonna go to stage is he gonna go hears you gonna shakes demands, may b. You don't know the time. The one place you know, they're gonna, be all the time is that the euro four point, because if they do arrive, there's no event. Now I don't have to remind my secret service. Colleagues are some excellent people in charge of donald trump's, detail and care about him and safety and his safety a lot people are, I'm sure. If you're sure many of you are concerned, then the chat, someone sent a five dollar tip and asked that question.
they take over the venue when they go in there? Yes, and if your gimme the people around donald trump, good people. I can one percent, personally my entire reputation, say yeah they are. Can I go. or do you nothing's going to happen? No good p. We cannot overcome a good assassination plot. They can't because, if someone's willing to give their life, they have the tactical advantage, you're always responding to them. They know they're gonna. Do you don't. that's. What's got me so worried these arrival, the archer areas have to be buttoned up and buttoned up tight every single time as it's the one place that killer knows you are gonna, be every single time reagan have a some kind of shroud Hurt and around him at one point: when he was a baby. Now this is what we talked about, and I know what you are talking about after the reagan shooting we used to address the contacts we do covered ass, we do covered arrivals in departures now, you'll never see the president any more rarely
If ever arrive at a location, you think you're seeing him arriving but you're not, he arrives typically in a tent or underground, because it's very good, called the shoe what you can't see so yeah? You george, I remember, and yet we talked about this deadly diamond before many tasks. Batteries referred to with the shroud, but you good point around wilson, departures, man, anyone listening to the show overseas, it's gotta protected if something They go down. That's typically words gonna happen, folks, propensity for violence on the left. You ve just seen their insane talk. Talking about get up in their face punch him. Everybody wants to punch, everybody wants a bunch of, then you got rotting. Spaghetti owes brains, Joe Biden, I'd like to take him in the back at a jim and beat the hell. You couldn't peter how What are your dog, your dementia, ridden grotesque, kids, thing loser you couldn't beat a redhead thirteen year old than a fight, gimme, a break with the house.
Break we your bs, what tat! Well, doubt all have his address. I swear I just heard some of my my some eighty or somebody as the weirdest thing. This vote anguish by them, is talks gets insane now, combined with their police. maneuvers in their weapon is taken of government and we have a serious try the issues you have police. weapon eyes. You have police being weapon eyes to target conservatives, silence political beliefs, and then you have the same police being move, policing, function to tar, conservatives. This is like a trip disaster happening at the same time now? Do you see why I have this kind of eerie got instinct? I get it to a whole lot of stuff about that. we have to another time, maybe I like a rough cuts, always on so much going on in a newsday, but I'm convinced
People's got instinct is not just instinct. There's really something there and I've got it. really bad feeling about some earthquake coming and you have no one to protect when the court system either look. What's happened, donald trump right. Now. Yes, was uncovered that in the dc court system? Unbelievably bad jacks, put in a filing too a hold of trumps. Twitter records are get into why they want them in a second sub. You think it's latest tweets. but why would they subpoena twitter then stand easy, I'll tell you! Why is sweeter? boy. They don't need any of that. Why really want is twitter files and is twitter. Information stand by this is important, first, They didn't want trump to know about why? Because jack smith, jack smith, is it's effectively a tyrant at this point he is an extra judicial tyrant, who is doing every
You cannot interfere in the selection. It's the grossest thing I ever seen. The man has, apparently no human dignity left has never is either instead sincerely in sicily, treaties out through the constitution seriously they put in a filing This record frowned reason to believe the former president trotwood flee from prosecution. so he was a flight risk and that's the reason they didn't want to tell him they were looking into is twitter what information? What because they were afraid he was going to flee Where do you see This is the damas freaking I've ever seen. Where is he go got a secret service detail. You weigh halls. He's got a book. your federal law enforcement agents around him all the time. How's it going to sneak into a foreign country keys, they are given
this battle know where he got this useful around with german, a dark web, or something like that. But apparently down trump has hatched this plot to flee a long time ago. And Joe the ideas he's gonna disguise himself, amazingly, I was in the picture to so this in the bed minster when I took a photo with them, you'll see this photo here. I re I thought he was being funny and when we took this picture but no I didn't know. I thought it was ronald stub. I had no idea at any took the disguise. I said. Oh my gosh, MR president, holy shit. I don't know, it was you. I thought it was ronald stub. So no, he was practising to flee the country. Imagine what kind of a deep shit you have to be to be a pathetic failed lawyer, like jack smith, to action he put in writing. You taught donald trump was going to flee the country. That's a real picture, not the miss of colossal doktor, just input that just put that it would like
minutes ago at the shots about you, gotta put a picture at a job wears off. Where's each other at all. where the hell is job. Couldn't go he's a flight risk. You folks, you expect us Take the court system seriously to the. liberal ay holes out there courts of justice is blind, What actually put in writing Donald trump was a flight risk? Do you have any idea how freaking stupid that is? Do any sane person as a reason to fleece? twitter data not tell about it. Eddie idea how red dealers. You sound. It gets even worse. Is the other court filing it order make sure twitter handed over the information they edit a sliding geometric scale of fines. Folks, I never see like some are saying it doesn't happen. I've never seen anything like it mean
the final say: ten thousand a hundred thousand a million dollars every day to make sure twitter. This information over undersea, oh by the way. billy barrel howell, whose total embarrassment to the judicial system was involved in this too, in d c, take the judicial systems. Gonna save you of your conservative folks, the police. it's here, you have nowhere to run, we gotta run through the courts and so on there the problem. You have to shoot, em too. Good luck. It's a tough embarrassment, what's going on constitutional republic is dead, it is dead. We have opportunity in this action. We can clean up this. Damn election system are get to that michigan story. To don't think I forgot supplying the Bonn gino role. We have a limited window to fix this, but leave me at small. I'm not here to you know
I'm sunshine up your rub. Cedar! It's going take a long time. The Democrats have successfully. Finally, decimated, what's left of the constitutional, probably have nowhere to run anymore. The court system, donald fraud going to flee. Are you shitting me bro? you actually signed? Your name did, I think, wouldn't get out. Now, why are they going after trumps? Twitter account, saudis, tweets, tweet, tweets are like anybody can pull donald trump's, so you don't need a subpoena. I, as a reason, I'll explain that to you, this quick break here always appreciate your patients. Rights shows turn it into a bank ran away I coffee any sniffs laugh! Yes, there are Tell them to send me a new bag justification run out of sniff this house his great ladies gemma law blackout, coffee, I'm a four cup or a day, but you do you eyes are the beans. You can get it ground up too, I like to grind it myself.
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oh bungee, no, four! Twenty percent off you first order did chosen a guy's black. Our coffee remains true to american values in love, the country and they loved the coffee. It's just got an amazing, robust labour. That's black, our coffee, dot, com slashed by gino or use coop uncle mancino for twenty percent of your first order, give it a shot than those other guys back out of the council s budget back to this Why are they going for trumps? Twitter account is tweets, are public. You can go find every one of his tweets is legions of people doing it here little bit of a hint. This was on newsman. Yesterday Alan Dershowitz was on he's a liberal lawyer, but he believes in free speed. He was on with the news max folks and they kind hint around about what this could really be about I'm unexplained of year, besides check this out. First, what do you mean strategy is here to get donald trump twitter account. It seems like when everything already be out. There is public knowledge. Professor, are we doing
if there is he tweeted diets, admissible evidence against him and I can't imagine there'd be anything in his twitter account which isn't public benefit is If there is something they should have to justify, that government can't just go I'm a through people's first amendment statements, but does this? now in case this is the case all about what donald trump said, what he believed, even the things he did he did according to because he honestly believe that still believes the election was stolen. He was wrong in my view, but ah my dear doesnt matter in the first amendment, the first moment, there's no such thing as a false idea or force opinion The remedy for false ideas and false opinions is to respond to them and write better ideas. european is gas I did a around the edge. They. Never actually yet to what it's about.
Adoption Dershowitz is absolutely correct. Trumps opinions are absolutely protected by the first amendment that Debbie, given that we don't have a functioning court system anymore, you don't have any first amendment rights anymore, that's all open for dispute. In the courts are not acting as courts are acting as liberal activists. However, they are not after trump, with trumps tweets they're, not now thereafter the method, data and who loved it. watch. Anyone who logged into trumps account right now or ever logged in, trumps account where they logged in where the tweets were sent from that's what they want. want to scare off anyone from giving any. Kind of messaging advice to donald trump. They don't want trouble anybody who says anything to download some years, and let me just cite every day: of trump tweeted? They want trump tweeting. they are because they think you know, try he's gonna help indict them indict himself. What all this up? They don't want
buddy intervening when any messaging they want to know who logged into trumps account so that everyone afraid and a future. So trump can't get me messaging advice. That's what's going on! You can take that check to the bed. Can cash and why the hell else do you think they want is twitter account. They can get all these tweets it's out there. Now they want. Scare the live in daylight out of any body who would assist him on social media anywhere? You lie the new posts that add you could be subpoenaed, too If you're saying you yourself, the conjecture, get any worse. The answer is yes, the maid has no decency and no allegiance to the constitution are all he is a straight up pure bred tyrant, that is, it is Absolutely crystal clear is only goal. Right now is to get trump in jail by any means necessary to interfere in this election dignity. Risk
act for the law. It's out it's over forget it. Now the media is supposed to be a fire want all this they were given a specific freaking carve out in the constitution as the fourth estate to stop this stop the problem when is the republic is dead and the media shift everyone with a double. boy did knife with a blood got around the middle to make sure it died. The media are part of the problem. Instead of becoming firemen to tyranny. become arsonists, reveal any porn selina tyranny fire? What happened yesterday with the political otherwise, known as bullshit ago, I mean a disgrace outlets, whether the political reality where the idea let been wrote to be story about me
drawn out of a boy and neglected to include, would actually have the rice report. No one's ever retracted. That story by this might not a show of evidence that their stories actually true. None of that that's political by the way political said. This embarrassing tweet out yesterday again our cities four tyranny. You see it right here they delete the tweet later One knows why. yo house oversight. A coma rolled out, a new memo identifying over twenty million in payments from entities are individuals in russia, ukraine cause extended by family members, but them Why doesn't show with direct payment to Joe Biden ice clean? It's all good the we was deleted. Now this is a new low for political polemics, Oh knows full. Well, there's a problem shit, go understands that there tweet out there from hunter by saying that he in paying for the family for years that, unlike you. You won't have to give half your salary to pop, like he did, there's a what
that message out there that I'm sitting next to him talking about his dad many shaken people down tony babbling, you two business partner, call them the chairman devon art the business partner called you. Biden a brand so easy chair. The brand half the salary is being given to him. honor by sitting right next to me what you're right bullshit ago there zero evidence whatsoever that Joe Biden got anything from this. That's great journalism right there. Now here's binding yesterday Biden, who is absolutely nailed to the wall on this, the most corrupt. This gus thing kid sniffing per week. ever seen in the white house, a grotesque, human beings and who is the absolutely a foreign agents? There is oh go Joe Biden is a foreign agent. No, as I said before, not james bond, he is legal foreign agent- and I heard on,
on foxes morning, an argument breakin out over what law, he broke he broke the our laws, their raw rhythm, dia, Joe Biden, so far in asia. The evidence is beyond any reasonable doubt why him get angry when Peter do see, confronts him on the phone calls each other with his son there at business, swedish where they were shaken people down, listen uh, this bullshit there's this testimony now, where one of you? funds from a business associates is claiming that you runs. Your phone aloud with them talking business is that what this is all I knew you'd have a lousy flesh. Well, what are you? It's lies that allows the question is not true what law break it armand of justice own website? Ladies and gentlemen, Your friends might ask you this question. If imbecile liberals and here's how you gonna, learn of and you gonna, learn and fast it is.
Illegal to be a foreign agents in the united states. That is not diplomats uzbekistan, at the we see in the united states or foreign agents. Everyone agreed. Can we take it. I can sense. here to show good Foreign agents, their agents were in government wired not being arrested because Everybody knows their diplomats and are not breaking any laws. It is. Legal to lobby on behalf of a foreign government. As a u s, citizen or any one else, it is illegal to do it without registering, because the government to know who the hell you're speaking on behalf of if you're acting on behalf of a foreign government, makes sense right. It's called shockingly job get ready for this. crazy to him. I don't know where they got this. It's called. Foreign agents, registration, I'll, leave other wise note era. I'd like that. that out of their residents crazy anguish, that crazy neighbour- and here let me read this war- you for four four rob
hard heads out there who donna? stan what fry me may have committed Joe Biden is a foreign agent. He was paid, the women's decisions through is binding. Family crime operation, theirs disputing that. Here's, a definition, of a foreign agent according to the law, any person who acts as an agent representative employees servant or any person who act in any other capacity, the order request or under the action or control direction or control of a file in principle a person or its activities are directly or indirectly supervised, erected, controlled finance finance. Fine is worse set eyes in whole or a major part by far in principle or who directly or to any other person engages with the united states in political activities in political activities for or
in the interests of such foreign principle. Ladies and gentlemen, at the lodger bite broke. He also probably violated a number of tax statutes, and maybe maybe some of we have to look at the trees in two, Depending on what decisions we can nail him down on Joe Biden has a criminal. Joe Biden is a foreign agent and Joe Biden. Is there actual criminal sitting in the white out there, it is a screen shot of that, send it to all your liberal friends. One want confused about what Joe Biden may have done or pretend to be confused. I got another police state revelation for you come up also, my it's not had enough yet theory again, once you hear liberal starting the sound like conservative, you know you reach your reaching that that kind of see saw teetering point where it goes in the other direction, a show what I mean come on up after these are quick break. We
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customer service. They makes switching easy. He loves him to keep frown, keep your number gotta patriot, mobile dot com, slash dan or call eight. Seventy patriot, if reactive, today. The africa then ask about their coverage, guarantee. Why are there At the same dependable service and take a stand for your values, make that's which did a patriot but our complex. Then our colleague, seven, eight patriot, folks, the police state, as I said, is here. The media is supposed to be a firewall com. in the police state with liberal insanity and calls for violence, and you have a trifecta of doom really staring you right in the face. Getting ready to kick you in the nuts this came out Yes, we shocker jobs. Are you stand the fbi light again? We don't do this that may well I know it's unbelievable, fidelity, bravery, integrity. I don't know what happened Joe, it's so amazing. Every single story we hear about the appear, there's a version better. the new version and a triple different alternate hurrying linen to choose finally comes out, I know I know you're stuck manage just incredible whilst region,
what was that story about the fbi targeting catholic yeah? They were like it was just one field office member was limited to this one field of his. It wasn't really that A deal yeah sorry folk sets out the case either turns out this memo about Athletes be an associated white supremacy in all this year. Was it double field offices are where Studies have also just one. They lied about that too, because they do that. That's what the up levels of the f b I do now they target african citizens. Politically, they blackball people. They come we're up for the administration. That's why the next president acts the f b. I the entire upper level of the f b. I walking papers, I is not going to be a negotiation. It's be a hair. Yours, you weeks notice is going to say the door, get built out, go by sea or later, where We should go ahead and sue just get the hell out of here. You, what you want by now.
I know everybody here shock that they got called lying yet again about another scandal: embarrassing folks? When will the chaos in this tyranny get bad enough again, when you hear liberal status, My concern is the crazy then you're going to hear today here squad, member and just all round crazy person, Jamal bowman, recent out of your duties, knots didn't you These loves nothing more than till I get into like full verbal fisticuffs There's someone cameras around, we conservatives he's crazy here which of bowman, reflecting on the chaos in new york with one Four thousand illegals flooding the city. Here's would say that I man this is making us look bad here. Take a look. We need leadership from president Biden period, democratic, looking bad right now stay and that's unacceptable. When we have to win at least our congressional seems to take back the house so hopefully
president listening game source can support a mate This is where you know what's in bed, when you hear liberal, start to talk like conservative. Right. There's no easy subway into his story is the most important thing. We'll talk about today, how to let the bond gino Wilson and I need to see receipts first folks, not gonna, get caught up in any. Stuff hears a problem. We had last time in the two thousand and twenty election we got lost in a lot of stuff, lotta people I trusted took us off of known, establish pit things wrong is we're getting to the rub that say, get to the point: lotta people bullshit us in twenty twenty simplest way to say I got this that I got a guy telling me about this, and that and you know what happened the pennsylvania case, which was absolutely a spot on case of what happened. Mail in voter fraud and unconstitutional, changing the rules got lost
because nobody we couldn't focus the press coverage of the hundred binding I lost and also work on loss- is the fact that mail in voting in general is stream prone to fraud and failure, and instead of looking at the big picture it's not your fault. Folks are not blaming anyone in particular, but people I trusted to. They tried to take us down these pass and its screwed up everything and it weighs yet The some of them did it on purpose. I don't if they on a media heads or what they wanted, but they screwed up, everything because there is zero doubt in my mind that there was a war the degree of fraud built in so the mail in system, because it was the first this time. We did it on a scale like that because of cove, there is serious doubt my mind now we're starting to see some stuff go down to me
your story out of michigan about twenty twenty election. Similar a little bit until the receipts pop. here's some election reporting from this. Cod is entity, call black pack, they paid. This l gb I strategies eleven, why two million dollars in twenty twenty had tipp cannot co, oh by the way for the highlights on this, we did some homework on this to paid seven point: two million dollars in twenty twenty two go out registered voters by the Another four hundred fifty K was kicked in by Biden for present. This is, an enormous amount of money, folks the natural senate Congressional rattle care, what you're running eleven? point two million dollars to register voters is a rare, Take your lease amount of money. Now we have the public reporting
so to be clear? This is not a rabbit whole. There's no dispute. The money changed hands now gateway ponds, broke this story had tempted m this. Is from today, but they broke it yesterday. This is just a follow up. So apparently, in october of twenty twenty only a month, for the twenty twenty general election. This is Dave you wanted by the way, if you want to read this whole story It's my newsletter bonds. You know that consolation newsletter or you just go right to gateway pundit. I don't need to collect the news it's right. Therefore, it's free to sign up, but they know over twenty twenty only a month before the election, whiskey michigan city clerk and me she noticed the black female, whose name was later adapted from the police report, dropping off between eight Ten thousand coming. We voter registration applications at the city, clerks office, wow. She was really busy
work and mice immediately noticed the stacks of registrations accorded the same handwriting, non, existent addresses and incorrect phone numbers again, not only factor in dispute. I don't know about you folks, but are you The chat, if you take this, is kind of a kind of little fish strange but uh know you think this is Rick, ok, eight to ten thousand voter registration forms same handwriting, not exists, adger, ok, I think its unanimous strange to put up the next one. This is the next range avenue here's, where story gets even weirder. but this is why I get so mad at some of this stuff. That happened. It's twenty twenty, because I've leave what happened was standard old. school voter run requested ballot, your behalf for someone else's, intercept in the mail at its centre back it was it
ok, everybody was spelled out the crowd kid you don't need area, but this was. Ok, here's part due to this I miss you, can stay, set a route Johnson who are as a former secretary of state, so she knows a little bit about this toll gateway, some it is over. Eight hundred thousand ballot applications were sent. A non qualified voters in Michigan including many individuals who move or die or even some who were under age or non citizens. Many recent the people move. That is to say now. Do please please god damn that using his name in vain. Do not make the same mistake. We can assume all eight hundred thousand or bad. You can assume, however, pay on the new york times, is own reporting that when you get Male in balloting and mass, like this, that you're gonna get double the rejection rate and double the fraud, the new york times. You said that wrong then
No, no! I didn't say that wrong times reported on voter fraud. The pass in male error rates. Here's your right here. Go To the news letter today bunch, you know the council slash newsletter sign up, it is right. There says, member. When the new york times cared about voter fraud, print disorder and highlighted, listen to me what I just said printed highlighted. So your friends, tell you that the biggest ass mail and balloting experiment, human history and twenty twenty. That happened because of covert that it. the safest in american history, ask. Why Ten years ago, the new york times said mail and fraud was no good balin. voting voted mozilla good because of fraud. Ask and show it to show the article here. It's called error and fraud at issue was absentee voting rises. Adam lip tack, october Six: twenty twelve print, this freaking article- it is gold, Why was the new york times writing about voter fraud by mail and voting keep data
because this is when republicans we're doing it more in florida- senior Citizens and military folks, someone referred, What kids were voting by mail? The new york times is very concerned when it's me, smell and balloting and you can send out eight hundred thousand michigan and who the hell knows what comes back crate read this too slowly and digest every single bit of it again, new york. I'm baby twenty twelve, yes, cast by mail or less likely to be counted more likely compromised and more likely to be tested the nose cast in a voting boosts the show. Election officials reject almost two percent about ballots cast by male double the rate. for in person voting quote or people you forced to vote by now, an official said, the boy
in valid ballots. You will generate looky here we are times reporting on voting right back in twenty twelve and report. Republicans by mail. Now they want to tell you mass mail in balloting with no expense, it's doing it at all stages, mass male out permits and sent balance to anyone who would with a pulse and some not with one perfectly ok, I don't accept any of that and you shouldn't either. Aren't you gonna couple more things to cover folks? It happen again the on wing battle. This is round number forty, seven of Biden versus the teleprompter, as teleprompter launched as Joe. The recent celebre pervades undivided what is separated I'll check this.
Because it makes twin towers. I've gotta go into turbines made by chief verona mispronounced for no. for the new europe take up rotting, won't be your brain spaghetti, sauce, braids, here's other the exit ramps by the way, the eggs, Hence, I think are seventy two, an hour Biden versus exit rams trying to exit stages, they said The two widow Biden still can't figure out how to walk off stage. Then you just play this. Yes, I know this is a different one. Do you mean and what the day before a different one adapt to this is the third in three days they a Instead, it's the three game series added that did. He do Did you do the hustle bid it
I love the hustle, because it is be so vibrant, I'm not erotic scenarios brain will use skype. Cracks me up, we can never figure out off the damn stage? You have any idea how meddling compromise this guy months be that he gives a twenty minute speech and can't remember where he came from folks. The guy the total train wreck. Believe me, I got some But you know it's a I have to like clara, Why would german de ingested on everyone? have to clarify with them which day, because there's many of these every day of this guy, not knowing how to get off the stage that you clarify which one alright yesterday are on the back to serious. The major cases come up in the supreme court. Folks pay it This is the most important case for our economy in your while the supreme court
argue. Maybe in the last hundred years they ve been allowed. port social issue cases gay marriage, abortion? You know about those second amendment rights, freedom of speech for your wallet and your life. If there is no more important cases all right and get to it. article in the now I don't agree with disguise premise at all: Travis nix. But the articles worth your time. It's but you know that calm slash newsletter, the hill leans left, but this piece is actually pretty good It is kind of both legal arguments. I don't agree with his conclusion, but it's a very good piece sorry supreme court case could imperil the entire? U s tax. Could let me change our title this supreme court case: could imperil the entire? U s, economy! The cases called more versus the united states, the civil cases? This? Can you act, someone on income, they, but actually made it,
based on something that happened with the trump tax cuts and jobs act, the twenties team. I tc j J ai right can. Tat, some one on reach. state corporate profits. Even if that person didn't get the money give you an easier example. Can tax you on a stock. Your currently holding. That you have been sold yet now folks lose this case and the supreme court and the government now tax will or called unrealized gains for The entire economy is going to collapse, believe me. I don't say that lightly, you Brian being hyperbolic. No, I'm not if they give the supreme court rules that they go. We can now is to judy effectively a wealth tax. You could be tax on the value of your house robin, I sell it. No right down your house. Five hundred k you want
A twenty percent tax bill every year and the value your house you want to pay a hundred thousand dollars every year, taxes for your house. Even if it's five percent you want to pay that every year. What if Your house goes down as so well baby at a lock. You want to pay. Are you taxes, Therefore, one k every year, that's party a well Oh you mean when I sell again, no, not when you sell right now, but what is this? It goes down so kids you wanted. attacks on your baseball cards collection, that's wealth, I'm not kidding we lose this case, entire: u s economy as we know it could go down It'll never said was going to happen overnight, because a democrat we'll have to instil a wealth tax, but there will be no cost. It's you limitation to what they could. Tax anymore ard, collect.
in jewelry baseball cards, comic books, bitcoin Anything you have is gonna, be subjected to taxes anything your eye on this case. Folks, I want to say a couple more these four we go just quickly on this abortion issue. Listen, there's been a lot of hubbub with republicans out there and let me know how you feel in the chat I'm gonna watch this here. Listen, we're a party that supports life. Section and natural death. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, politically we have not done well in the abortion issue over the last year. There's no doubt about that. I understand the cannes. So these a referendum, referendums, michigan and others not gone well. My folks is he doesn't stand for anything if we're gonna, like our fingers to the wind and give up on every single fight out there, you the support, killin babies in the womb. I with you man
welcome, illicit, show, an open to a lot of fr in opinions, but I don't kill bands and I'm never going to support that. I lose a political race because of it than I lose If we lose, you know thirty. Forty percent, referendums. On this thing we lose a hundred percent a reprimand rent the preferences. I say I'm not going in front of the creator and tell him that I got behind wiping out human life for short term political game. I want you to understand too and have spoken about this before crass play for keeps and their willing to lose short term politically. Member obamacare Party revolution was because of our care, but you know what they are stood long term that they be. Steal away the healthcare system and they were willing to lose short term for their goals. Are we willing to lose short term for hours? We are. The party of life liberty and human freedom attack.
It doesn't mean a damn thing if we're going to be whacking a bunch of babies in the womb, because you're not going to pay taxes. If your debt support the cause, matters don't be weak. The hell's. The point of the it's party, otherwise we're not going to every time the Democrats moan about something we're going to cave. I ain't doing that. Sorry, not a chance kind of a down. No to some of the video we pulled off line. You know, god bless everyone in hawaii and maui, just the when she's been devastated. This video foyer massive fires actions. Just incredible. The folks at again, I'm not trying to make this about me, I'm just trying to make it available for you. Most of you think we haven't been through this. I had one I was burned down. I lived in montauk and it wasn't my house. I lived with my aunt and uncle at the time to long story. I don't need to bore you with the details the house burned to the ground. The dog died.
And the thing about fire contrast to say, earthquakes or even hurricanes earthquakes, hurricanes Go back in your house you're going to find some pictures and books things may be damaged, but you're going to find some stuff. When your house burns to the ground, you lose everything man I lost. leaving the only thing I have from I live there when I was teenage in the anything I have from that point. Earlier my life is what I was wearing on my feet: a pair of black doc, martin boats, as it pictures everything and the thing about fire and so horrible is. You don't even realize what you lost until years later Never forget the dumbest thing I had this. It was cheaper. Wasn't my some incredible original or anything like that, but I had said agree tragedies. I love the great tragedies agamemnon at a precise there, You know that I love these stores. They were, they were. They were great ajax
At de mits I used to love renos they cheap, but I had collection. I took a greeting jeez class in college and I enjoyed it years later. I underline took notes in the margins as the years later. I went to go look for him and I forgot a they burn tale, so god bless everyone over there. I hope god gives you the strength to get through. This is really horrible and one last story. This you tat story. A lot of you are asking me to comment on this. You tat story this utah man who was killed by the fbi during a certain a search warrant. Folks applying the Bonn gino rule on this. I'm just going to ask a couple open questions for you, because this is the kind of thing I'm looking into as well. well first, how is it that we already know everything about this guy but know nothing about the nashville, shooter and and second, the secret service typically investigates case like cases like this of threatening the president? Why was the fbi the primary on this that there may be a reason I'm not suggesting, I think the fairies who may be a reason they may be.
other things we don't know about, but story, because a lot of people are jumping to conclusions. I would suggest give it a little bit of time, given a couple, as before we draw any permanent conclusions on what actually went down upon genome serves me well, every single time folks, thanks again for june it in a really appreciate, check out the show notes today, mancino that complex newsletter read that our times article printed free friends, and please take that. What's up all questions you, why question smartphones, yes or no laughter you want, actions just submit questions into chad tomorrow will pull some from the chat. they tend to eleven or make it simpler at ten Levin more, if you, questions, type, a wife, no questions type, a know who ever winds we'll do it by type. Questions in a chat, Kenny, to eleven, just an post, good ones, and I will do if you guys want it will do questions for dan tomorrow. Please correct that follow botany seed scream, in the about half way on the page right side of the page. Give us a follower.
The two point: eight three million join us in the chat eleven am eastern time and give us a follow on apple and spotify as well. It means a lot to us. I will see you back here. Tomorrow, you just heard it in Bonn. Gino.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-12.