« The Dan Bongino Show

Loser Democrats Hilariously Faceplant in Hearing (Ep 2051)

2023-07-20 | 🔗

In this episode, I address the shocking revelations yesterday, in the groundbreaking hearing on the Hill. I also discuss the perilous signs that China is preparing for war.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The way to hear the truth about america on a show that is not immune to the bags with your host dan Ben je know me that shy as me. I think it's a tampa genus. I want to type something in there now for you in the chat, it's going to say hello, hello, yeah, Juno show. That's me right on the rod street there. So are you and I just figured I'd, join the chat to what the hell I mean I get up here. Early these guys are like bogart and my chat between ten and eleven eastern time. Gay adjusted belgo sounds like what the hell is that I'm going to comment myself so good morning, air ginger good to see you all the big show today something happened right where I came on the air I read, Bullshit go piece about the boy. I in these stairs its It's not what you well. It is not what you think their hiding something I'm not a cover that, by the end of today, show
yesterday, I always weight with these hearings. I give it a day because so much happens, do I'm not doing you justice if I rushed through it, absolutely epic hearing yesterday and capital hill. You know a lot of these things flame out their high dark. They become just a waste of time. I get it not yesterday's those iris witnesses came in prepared. They were told pros, and they just if this raided. The Democrats big show lots. Talk about today brought you buy the best coffee on earth, scuttle, holland, banks smell it black well coffee. We love blackout. Coffee, have about three cups a day of this stuff. I'm telling you it is really I'm telling you it is really really really good stuff. You know why the owners, the company. I talked to him a lot The guy. Does it just love? America loves coffee, america. and coffee. Even two way on the front of the bag for second amendment, but the coffee taste good, it's
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I just said: get that funk out my face. There's a joy is this guy's good forest violence. Joe is not mistake. Day of work. I mean for illness. You know, of course, which is this last week with some involving work net joys. The day of work here in eight years, which is unbelievable because even I missed a couple days with the whole cancer think not Joe so Joe's not feel that great this morning, but I said to him: just Wiki you two shown about these. I know I like doing this. I enjoy it sergeant from me and the audience him a shout out in the chat skies are frequently they re, I told me, you don't to show up. I mean you can really geek into a banal. He wants a beer, so he keeps cal ripken like streak, thereby gino show going so good to see you If you don't talk too much today, everything the audience It's called shout out. You got a brother thanks for shown by let's get to the shop
Listen! Alot of these hearings up on capital health, lame out. I gotta take a note on the soil forget to bring it up in a radio show. You know, one of my favorite books, it the rope, is called revolt against the masses. It's a really amazing book by sea by siegel who passed recently, I believe, and the book is about how liberals, pretend to be about the middle class and the working guy, but they're really about giving you the double barreled middle finger. Amazing, bulgaria will count, loves it too, The premises of the book is the a crass have mastered market narratives. canoes? Basically, by using this this triad disk if the media, congressional committees and activist groups the long and short of it. To sum it up quickly. Is this guy's like the way the liberal screw over the middle classes through messaging and the way they master messaging is they'll, hold a congressional hearing,
if the media know in advance what the narrative is and a group of activist groups or then go out and spend a bunch of liberal soros, tight money, basically to go and promote the agenda. I e the war this gonna ended twelve years polar bears, are dying and there's no polar icecaps any more people on the left leave this stuff. It's not true. people believe it because of liberal activists in the media, liberal activists groups, an congressional committees the triads eagle. Now why our congressional committee so important well their report because republicans are now getting the message and we're using our own. Try conservative media conservative activists groups ed congressional committees, like we saw yesterday saw, republicans? The good ones are finally getting their head that these committee he's and what we saw. Yes, if the whistle blower hearing are powerful, why powerful, because folks cable news at least
fox news max, not the other guph balls, Bull news will take these things, what they call water wall you'll, see the whole thing. Soulful Witness screw something up, you'll see it if a witness is gangbusters like these iris whistleblowers. Basically, the higher cable news, ecosystems- worse the cover it now. Finally, there Publicans are getting this down on that to tell you. Every hearing has been gangbusters whether the Benghazi hearings turned out to be a disaster. They lead Hillary Clinton steam on what difference does it make? What should respond the backs. What differences are made for peace? died. It makes a chair, donna difference, but now they got steamroller not yesterday. The Democrats got right and let me tell you something it was glorious. shouted frauds, not a great thing celebrating people's failures, but it is in this case I enjoyed every single second, so I took it all in I why probably ninety percent of it not the brain
since some of the other speeches and stuff, but I got through the whole thing and I think I have ass presentation for you here, so, let's start up there crowds got absolutely destroyed yesterday. Now I want you Do me a favor because you're the warriors in this new guerrilla army? For now advancing our ideology and free speech you're the warriors out there in the skirmishes for free speech, I want who did tree ass. The messages the matter from yesterday a lot of I'm goin out this once this. This once said that this one This is the single most damaging moment. This is the one you should be: promoting the most on your social media and elsewhere, because you're the soldiers in this fight for free speech in this fight against the left. Okay, this take away was by far the most damaging. Why gotta tell him in this guy may soon overtake EO sees the dumbest member, a congress. Dan Goldman is one Dumbest human beings ever elected the congress, this guy, get out of his own way.
He moves. You steps on a rake eddie, just continues to show boat. He's not the moron Morandi, think that everyone knows he is. here's, the goldman liberal congressmen from new york he Talking to the whistle blower iris agent was gary strapless usa right, whose total professional here he's trying to make the point that even no hot by net, with his dad Joe Biden about business dealings. It Joe Biden claim never to discuss with his son he's trying to make pointed somehow that wasn't real business. What he wants doing inadvertently getting a sworn statement on the record from government whistleblower special agent. That Biden did in fact talk to his son about. Is this I'm like what is this guy? What can he possibly have been thinking and watch when he gets caught, how he tries to rescue himself golden? This? Is the takeaway
this you describe a lunch and where we talked to talked about earlier, where Joe Biden came to say hello forces, in so tell to lunch that he was having with sea of sea executives right this correct. But what You didn't talk about is what rob walker said. The origination of that one was, You testified that he said to two that hunter told his dad. According to rob walker quote, I may be trying to start a company or try to do something with these guys Now let me ask you something: doesn't sound. Much like Joe Biden was involved in whatever hunter Biden was doing with the sea have see. If hunter Biden is telling him that he trying to do business with them. Does it
when it does show that he set, he told his father. He was trying to do business and he will cocktail that after a hunter by now that it has tried to do business, that's correct ro we agreed is covered. Is there What was he thinking. number, one does not know. Joe Biden has repeatedly denied ever discussing business deals with his son. Dan goldman brings up a business deal. What is sunny spoke about and suggest that's not evidence of him. Knowing about his sons, business deals. you're trying to figure this out is anyone the child have an export it. We got a lot of money, these images job. This may be time this right. done? You got a mouth wrote a moment that will come on rising,
we got even got ahead of you that we see might be all over with data even motley. You can't take it, but these even fall and I'm sorry you're sick. I shouldn't be demanding mothers, that is at least a global does. What is it I dont understand just clear, joe Biden has repeatedly said I've. Never this ass, these suspicious business dealings with my son, so damn golden up a business deal with his son that he's we dim about, as evidence of of what I then he gets totally wrecked and she's like, oh, my god, yeah one hundred britain did this skaters on what to do folks, is the club that should be everywhere, Democrat exposing Biden lying about speaking about business with his son? You did Did you not just here in scale this gig The sunday club channel demo It proves the case by discuss business where this a Democrat. Did you just hardy?
you just heard him acknowledge it. I remember Biden saying that he never spoken who spoke to his son about business. Ok, I'm here to help, but show three could survive, saying exactly that there is
Joe Biden number one saying quote, I have never spoken to my son about business dan goldman says otherwise check this out. What about one hundred sure vice president there's been questions about conflicts of interest with him as well as your brother? Can you describe what sort of mechanisms you can put in place to avoid conflicts of interest, whether you knew your brother, who has been accused of, let's say I'll, try to use your campaign to further his business interests? He knew anything about that and I have never discussed with my son, my brother or anyone else in the business period, and what I will do is the same thing. We did in our administration absolute wall between personal and private and there wasn't any hint of scandal or not pose the same kind of strict, strict rules. That's why I never talk with my my son or my brother or anyone else, distant family about their business interests, or I would a Democrat
Ask your question on their own to in autumn teachable their careers special agent about Biden this sing business with his son acknowledge its true, because the ears the answer because then, been is a frequent area. That's why here's another one hears peter do see again, you think it was just what you know a slip of the tongue. Here's peter do from fox asking Biden the same question watch Biden pivotal, ukraine right away. The impeachment thing, because Y Y know the time they had to impeach trump or some
was going to discover he was taking money from ukraine in business deals. He claims he never spoke to his son about, but then goldman knows he did here. It is again how many times have you ever spoken to your son about his overseas business dealings? I've never spoken the what I know I know trump deserves to be investigated. He is violating every basic norm of oppression. You should be asking him the question: why is he on the phone with a foreign leader trying to intimidate a foreign leader? If that's what happened that appears with AP, you should be looking at trump trump's doing this big you guys. I beat him like a drug and is usually abuse of power and every element to the presidency to try to do something to smear me. Everybody looked at this and everybody's looked at. It said, there's nothing. There ask the right questions to your target depending on what they call it. The house finds it could be at peace, but I'm not making that judgment. Now. How should investigate this is again a
other hard example of the Democrats, always accusing you of what they are doing. Hilary clay accuses tramp of russian collusion. Yet it was here. clinton taking information from rushing to collude steel and election. None of this is in dispute. accusing trump of a quid pro quo with ukraine when it was by taking money from ukraine, ukraine a quid pro quo. This is what do any such as more run media with their lips attached to the ass, the lab, never basic questions ever ever, ever follow up? That's why this continues internally in its. We then go. And prompted a sworn statement from the investigator that Biden, didn t discuss his sons, business deals in doing so. Goldman may have delivered one of the most damaging moments in the hearing for the bides John it internally is not even a freaking conservative, but he is lawyer, he just problem.
a sworn under oath statement on the congressional record Biden is lying and did this the business deals with my son. What is sun? God forbid. It was my son. What no freaking dipshit. Is this guy The answer is a stupid one. I don't want it adds to it by moving on This is the second dumbest moment from yesterday's and at saying a lot because different, but I need you to tree. I just cause messaging wise with the Democrats get done better than anyone is they get a message they put it at the tipp of the spear and they drive through the armor and they use the media to do it? Stick with goldman one wants that oh ones worn out, then this one up here? congressmen, other democratic, zero roger the morphine, he's a close second for the biggest face plant. Yesterday's you're one of the dumbest things I've ever seen where the charge hence Biden in the d o J, is at the sky.
d J. It doesn't matter, it was the trump administration. That's the point. They were trying to take trump out even from the inside. The trump b, I air quotes in the oj, we're still trying to take our trump. This is the point. We're trying to get by an elected this was is addressed This makes sense jobs. Are you getting this like christmas? morty doesn't even understand it, the narrative than that that that's the truth is that tromp was. Victim of swamp he's on the inside trying to get rid of trump He actually makes the case here and doesn't even realize it is like hey all this stuff trying to cover up for binds visit steals. He wasn't the president, he was only a democratic candidate, for president knows, Yeah, sure, Sherlock, that's the point that they would. Do you realize you made that just like goeben does realize you got this guy on the record Biden lion? you watch. This is great, sir. finally, MR sharply
That warrants were de as soon as April, twenty twenty two- again searching for records, but since weren't taken with regard to those warrant again bite and was not the present in April twenty twenty was. He has to do so confused by line of questioning we'll talk about an election to which now President Biden was a part of so you didn't have to be. The president to have action, meddling nobody The question is this: was if the president at that time in April, two thousand and twenty, the the the and that has been asked and answered it- does it matter sk! I just made the point. These swamps, swap rats on the inside of the deal J and the I consent. trouble such a threat, but they tried to get Now, by supporting the candidate by this area It doesn't even realize you made the boy quickly
from that for another story. They I want to get to my sponsor now I'll get back to this in a second I'll, do one and a leo getz, okay, okay, okay, we'll get back to this a couple more, but I Let's get. This is one quick start when it gets before the break very important one by the way. The garbage in the white house, how the skies screw and a silver potentially permanently by the story in the news that a news, letters gray today, but you know that compensation is letter lot of important article this one. This one on china come up again in other huge sign. We are headed for world war three in this unheard article, but we as you know, the strategic, petroleum or reserve you ve heard of you guys, we keep all. They are the petroleum, the petroleum it was. It was done after the oil crisis in the eighties. I didn't know this, but their built that assault caverns. So decided be a good idea to drain a good portion of the oil reserves to try to keep gas prices down. So we can get reelected even know it's there for an emergency, so p J article says well Biden, scooters forever on another damping, apparently
As noted in this peace, these oil reserves are made of their cars that are sold. Caverns and their made of well salt According to a former project manager who spoke to Bloomberg, they know they were built in the seventies the idea of last twenty five years they were also designed to be withdrawn and refill just five times, or else the oh caverns simply dissolve as one former official put it the caverns intended for daily atm type operations. We may not be able to fill these things up any more. reading one Maybe we may not have a strategic petroleum oil reserves because of who were dark brown. didn't know rotting, oatmeal brain, that's you it'll get back to the hearing him. Did you see what marjorie taylor green did yesterday to you guys etch? That gray was like you know what I mean if you know
You know get back to that in the second or you may see the ceo of innovation, refunds, howard mac or on tv, explaining how they've helped so many businesses with their ear, see tax refund yours, the employer retention credit. U S, government set aside over a billion dollars for economic incentive, but important. Only four percent of that's been claim. You oughta be, more than four employees. You can have money wasted, because innovation refunds, independent tax, turning dedicated helping businesses, a business owners, navigate the complex filing process for different companies. They get out but he's figure out deductions based on industries, in fact, innovation, references teaming up John tat, for you know the possible rescue. arab restaurants and bar owners find that if they are eligible for the tax rate, Innovation revives been helping eligible businesses claim their ear, see: tax revenue since twenty twenty one, They may be able to help your business too. Innovation refunds that come to determine eligibility, you qualify, you could be on your way to receive money for your business. so a friend arch they don't get paid unless you get paid
gonna innovation, refunds, thou com or thou. One eight for three refunds: at innovation, refunds, thou come without one eight for three refunds: thanks: innovation, refunds. We appreciate our. I quickly back to the hearing and we'll get a move on this happened. Yesterday too, I wouldn't worry about this. So much for messaging. I would focus on goldman. First, be strategic, be tactical. Do the left, does remember the triad progression committees, the media and activists groups. Use your activists out, their goal and everywhere the narrative is cause. It's true, goldman proof. Who's Biden lie, send it everywhere, roger crash crust, chris no more theme for giving about saying your name wrong intentionally proves they have interfered in the election. It get europe out both Democrats. This is a more just for fun. You see this yesterday marjorie taylor, green, is interviewing these special ages from the irs and
turns out hundred Biden had some very suspect the call suspect fell as such. business expenses, let's say for some club member Ships, if you know what I mean, leave it up to empty g here to humiliate this guy. This is perfect tiggle. You referred to one of the assistance as west coast assistant. I believe this is the west coast assistant. Could you agree with that? So I can tell you that there were deductions for what we believe to be escorts and then that ten thousand dollar golf club membership. Yes, that was not a golf club membership that was for a sex club payment that was first sites. Club payment is now you guys, but I don't I'm not an accountant. I have a very. I took an accounting class for my mba course. Instead of looking at you what the school I don't care, I took an accounting class. Wasn't my favorite class tea tables and stuff, not my bag of doughnuts but
call me crazy. I am reasonably confident that sex clubs are now what a viable business expense. You can take a deduction on I'm willing to take a flyer on that yeah yeah, I read Joseph Joseph even feel just like you know what my brain I'll be right, all their matter, rotting, oatmeal brain status, but I'm functioning. Ok, and I'm recently obviously be confident. That is Gonna do here's a second one, marjorie taylor green in case you're, listening on audio only and you're, not watching this on the livestream, which you should we'd love to. Have you here rumbled calm slashed by gino every day at eleven, a m? We love you hear of life she's my favorite thing to do. marjorie television is showing pictures of. If you know what I mean by contrast. Doing now now Sometimes you drop a curse here in areas like insisting I'll try and whatever a market. Imagine what he's doing but the picture. You're, quite interesting of what hunters up to with the assisted Let's just say it's not dictation and they're not doing t tables, but here come
marjorie telegram top robes from the top robes ray the macho you ever see macho man from the top rose ears, mdgs from the top robes. What's the chaos break out when she it out a picture on intended of hunter binds whip down there were no with women and check this out in the midst of a hunter by herman. Mangled aggravates gives me this is my coming to making or not gregory. Should we be playing. This is determined during a the committee. The ladys tabs expired it with two and a half and it's hell we're out of whom they were not secured. A half minute taken additives if he wants to yield some domestic cassio quartet, Yo and the chat Joe says, maybe that was the case for to chuck call, though, was sharp Can you get it all? We need to do. What do you guys think it? This, I think, we need to do is like I can chat a live chatter of the day, and maybe we giveaway assigned book this. What do you think of that? We should do something like that
to try to do something to show you. Some of your check comments are absolutely fantastic. We have, but we ve got money, she became. Do we gotta get. We gotta be careful the models we get it, but you can put them on these into Chad or you want that's where we have a given top roves pavia top roads. I was very dazzling: I got a lot more so that those are I listened to the whole hearing my home opinion. So I don't. Tell you jus with information I drink it from a fire hose. There are those that you big takeaway skull men christendom or the and just for fun g from the top robes. At the end, the recipe honestly was you can watch it by a lot of was kind of repetitive, but those moments are the moments that are going to change this debate each day you remember chipping away for those you out, They got the stuff so wasted time. It is not. It is not. Excuse me. I forget who said it yesterday: it was either on news backs, are fox, slipping back and forth. but somebody said and it was a lawmaker- thou you're gonna, make sure going into this next election
like twenty twenty, that every single voter in america knows you, Joe Biden, is if they still vote form than that we then we picking a horrible, awful corrupt people, but they're going to know not like last time, and I agree a hundred percent chip away. Chip away by the way. Jamie rescued clown Democrat after that display by marjorie taylor, green hilariously, said, and I quote, that was an assault on the dignity of the committee. The committee, a very big like it was a kindergarten. They had more dignity. That committee, the committee decided they should get rid of red crayons than these it's still capitol hill solved, dignity. They committed they're right up the caboose. Ok, because what I there's no dignity in those committees, you wanna play cutesy time that ended years ago when he decided to spy on president trump switching gears of it. This is some of the most fantastic video unionist.
I pull this off. The Bonn gino report rumble phoebe. Do club standby gino show clips china. We have stuff alone waste, it's all on rumble just subscribe, the other mancino channels, this budget report have separate channel, it does mancino report. We have my channel you're on here. Then we have the damned mancino clips channel gear, which key manages check those all follow them all the more some really good stuff, and I dont let the editor on bungee report map columbo is sometimes I go there and I find stuff I haven't seen before so there, this gas than he goes on this with this liberal, how astride anymore, the debate, is trans ideology, stuff for kids, the debate this specific appearance is about men and women, sports, which is obviously unfair men in women's playing women's sport. So this I came totally prepared in a liberal host, was just absolutely not ready at all so the guests walks into the interview, and this is going to cut the two pieces not that long about two minutes.
This is how the interview starts. This is great stuff check this out and we are joined by scott and agent scott. I just want to jump right in. You have been speaking out against medical transitioning for minors. You are as somebody who has experienced that yourself. However, one thing that we haven't been able to figure out is why you are posed to banning trans woman and sports. Why? Why do not want trans women a competing sports? Well, in nineteen? Seventy three we had the law passed that basically you know women could compete against other women and we did so that you know so the steamer women could be lifted in any kind of excluded mails from from that category. Now, trans women are biological. Males create an illusion of a woman. They are not women, so they shouldn't be in sports. So you're saying that that trans women don't exist that they are not trans women should not have any rights. Is that what you're saying? What I'm saying is that biological women should be able to compete with other biological women in in
competition. That makes it fair, trans, women or men is that's what I'm saying transmit our biological men. Do you have a penis With the obvious doesn't know what to do, I totally unprepared activity now the hose watch. The talking point here, the talking point for the left. which is a perfect example of the thomas soul, axiomatic that the left always starts the story in the middle, the host goes to the less talking point that well, if you don't let these kids boys become girls. Girls become boys, they're going to kill themselves, which number one is pseudoscience. It's made up as this guesses about to point out, but second noticeable. Start, the story in the middle Would there is an assumption here that every trans person would you think's their trades? Personal is suicidal. No one starts it. after one joe, and goes why Why? Yes, I ve noticed, story started them, that's a suit.
the talk you boys, even true, which it's not this, doesn't and well for the hosts who gets out of this interview as soon as she realizes. Oh snap, I don't have my hands around the data like this guess. They'd check this out. Well, what about a boy who believes that he was born in the wrong body? Do you want him to commit suicide? Would you rather have a son commit suicide or have a daughter that lives? Why? Why are you opposed to this type of medical? medication and medical practice. Second helps stave off suicide, for so many young people well That was a big mouthful. Wasn't it well, let's start here, child is born in the wrong body, first, more and better alive daughter than a dead son. This actually wrong. There's only one long term study that has ever held up the test of time. That said, it is beneficial for kids, all studies have been either protracted or modified with boobs. Doesn't albany thing or not,
half time not have participants. The one long term study that has lasted the test of time from eighteen, seventy three to do that. And three than in sweden for three hundred twenty six. gender dull found that these gains more suicidal after some my question is: why are you can Ok, we're taking kids that are so! Don't worry, I'm not here not dive. Children, banks, you and no What I'm saying is that I'm not embassies, kids committing suicide, but these kids will be more suicidal after they medical transition, because you are spreading things that are not true. Oh the interviewer, because that would the woman quickly realises the idle. What to do, because I made this up some I told me to say it in a focus group. Would you rather have a dead son or alive girl? Whatever that's their talking point? There is no data to back that up. She said the story in the middle and they guessed was absolutely prepared to fight back. You see what
happens every time you confront the left with facts and data. They run way like the little kids. They are everything goal time. That's why we support free speech and they don't because freeze each looks great for us every time and looks horrible for them, like you just saw right there racked got out. absolutely smoked right there and it was freaking glorious by the way I'm gonna get too are of came what happened today in the hearing today, but, like I said I want to watch the whole thing. Having said that are of case up in front of the house right now, his opening speech men. Earlier today about nine thirty, one censorship, was a banker Our gaze, illiberal, is not with us guns are with us on abortion and other stuff, wanna be clear, but his opening statement today was a banger will have all of that tomorrow? Don't miss tomorrow's show cause I got coming up next be prepared on the china story.
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update number four thousand five hundred. Seventy two, I don't care, I don't care if you, eyes and ladys you like working, tired of hearing about from you dad be prepared. We get it, then I know. what my job because I'm so worried about you, the audience I am prepared. I got myself. I am ready to rock and roll I'm worried about you, I'm dead serious. I really am, because I don't want to see people struggle and we're I'm telling you have five minutes away on the Duma. The clock from world war three sites your everywhere that china is preparing to stop world war. Three, maybe within months I would say, almost assuredly before rotting bill brainwaves off stage on one of the old chum. Here's this This isn't a news. I gotta news that arena budget a consolation user, subscribe, follow up. It's free click on this article unheard edward. I led by the cap china is preparing for war
she is, laying the groundwork, while the west looks away, not you not us, but he's right. Everyone else's like whistling pay the graveyard talk about you, the latest scandal about whatever J r in Dallas, whatever this guy love these rights is piece about our china is pushing everyone to start planting cereals and grains on the land, so they can feed themselves. Well, what China can import. All that still exist we could it goes towards not going to be able to import here's the peace screenshot at present china relies on colossal imports. Soybeans, corn, we, another cereals to feed its pigs, cattle chickens in docks more than twenty million metric tonnes a year. These supply, listen to this by the daily arrival of bulk carriers and the chinese ports from in china, Brazil, canada and the united states. If war to break out. These imports would quickly dry up. This is why
china and g, are telling the farmers you better start producing more cereals. Why? Because a ball. A lucky charms know dude, because they're getting ready to go to war sign number, One thousand five hundred and seventy two here second screech out from the peace g, in paying the chinese leader. He gave this rice group speeches on june twenty first, when he claims quote. It was imperative to prepare. I'm sorry. It was imperative to prepare, for quote extreme circumstances, Joe. He remembered really but let me how many more works it we're gonna have to get having previously worn by the way. I may six that china must be prepared, for quote what Case and extreme scenarios to survive. High winds be waters and even dangerous storms he's not talking about hurricanes in china.
These are all transparent, cold words. You are the right for the danger of war g turned to the topic again on July sixth, on a visit The eastern theatre command, whose sticks. It includes the strait of taiwan, worries about the start where war three- called for increased, quote training under real combat conditions to raise the capability to fight and win. Even gave like the other. ready to kill right even gives the right he's like listen people would call this a clue. Some people would call Some clue prepare. extreme circumstances get ready for. War air for real combat conditions get ready for high winds, choppy waters and even dangerous storms that, like he, has it's some limited circles. We call this a clue, but don't worry folks binds all over right here. It's like
binds take it billions of dollars, china, china, pompey as blackmail file. You know five six feet deep on by right: way they do back to the hearing yesterday. Here byron, Donald actually congressmen from flower. west coast, near naples, Harry questioning what are the one of their whistleblower gas yesterday upon the hill about how many millions of dollars, china, paid off the buy it now keep in mind this. Isn't that threat you think it is. You're, probably say. I mean a good way for by meeting the baby. I'll tell you what I mean here a lot of you may say, even in a chat, you may say so by took millions from china, but eve courses Second, a provisional prevent him from making a decision defend. The united states is not the millions folks. It's the fact that with them, millions. China knows all the details of these payments and if the chair, These communist party would go public with information they have or that it would be devastating the bite,
I am suggesting to you that the present the united states and listened- I quit- I choose my words very carefully, listened to what I am about to tell you. There be a blackmail file on the president, united states right. It is impaired possible to know, given its dealings with china, what he's doing is doing its best for the united states, because its best for by As for your investigation, how much money the jew uncover was from ukraine, romania in china, seventeen point three million, approximately ok, so seven two point: three million through your investigation and you are you a minute shapely. You are the guys that investigate criminal tax evasion on an internet scale is that correct: I described ok for the chair is german through the investment of the oversight committee about how much money have we seen come from ukraine, romania, in china, over ten million? Ok, so have to separate investigations want done by the investigator
branch of the irs that is charged with doing types of investigations. These are the people you want doing them and an independent investigation by the oversight committee. We're coming up with the same amount of money, give or take a couple million going the same person and hunter bite, and this the is slow walks, Where's was a city rethink that Joe Biden knows. Nothing of this action is allowed to occur and investment slow. What, with this level of detail, the same donald trump ya'll? These are facts. Are you back yeah on this That's what I'm telling you it's not the binding and his family, or lead you have taken may be tens of millions of dollars from the communist party. You understand it set. The communist party knows that's the problem. That's the problem is someone bribing Biden right now?
If you're, not asking these questions in the media, you're, not a journalist, you're, an activist, I'm sorry, that's the question The money is bad enough, but forget that a second These communist party knows about the money they paid so bye and binding, wants nothing more than to get reelected. Nothing more! don't be surprised if this guy's not denominated. He stepped aside, not even a little bit by bit, quick election, two thousand and twenty four update, and this story I saw this morning right before I came on the air guys. Don't let me forget this political political story about Biden in the stairs. It's that's! Why I'm gonna give you some analysis. I can hear some big go along with this air force, one it binds and real trouble. No, I mean stairs, I could the oatmeal brain the oatmeal brain is rising, is its decaying at a rapid rate. Now this is like to have wife's got up, but election? Twenty twenty four of the list
it's getting brutal this primary between the scientists and trump amendments. Gonna say this again for the probably the tenth time, and you guys take it for and Ladys taken for once were all, but this being the latest forgets that we were the fourteenth most popular podcast in the country with women. This edison researches came out so ladys. Thank you. Thank you very much. We lie view. Ladies you're always welcome. Here I was actually kind of flattered. I put the picture up on my twitter account am I to social account sawa, I'm kind of flattered so ladys into Chad. Thank you. May he's you're the best love avenue and a chance to join us every day at ten o clock. ladys. I said that to my wife she's I Well, Ben Shapiro is spot ahead of you. I said I know maybe should give him a call. I don't feel like. I did go up. Getting back to my election, twenty twenty four of the budget to listen. They attacks
trump and santa supporters. The back and forth is getting just beyond ridiculous. I'm not here to lecture anyone, hey, I'm just a guy eyes, a passionate believer, but I ran myself. primaries are good. Things have set it a thousand times they keep candidates. Frosty everything quality candidate, we ve gotten elected at the local levels probably been through a brutal primary, the tighten them up, but the attacks back and forth again really per So in agenda Alice, who fought pretty hard for donald trump, she got skip the attack just brutally. Someone called dropped, the seaward honoured stuff. It's just. This is a like everybody, just dial it down. I've got away friends and his movement she's not allowed for me. so have a lot of other people on both sides of this, and it's not just that. It's that they're all going to fight passionately for who they believe in. But I need you to remember some battle tactics, wife and I mean this cause- I've run
You're gonna need these people after the election. We can't win without ninety five plus percent republican support us going After each other, is you silly I'm not lecture on anyone? You know guys are not it's. My job I just want to win, and this is The way to do it, it just is How can I help. Speaking of which the Democrats or panicking about this no labels group. this no labels group, which could run at a third parties lot of panic on a republic inside too? telling you as a matter pure math? this no labels group is gonna, hurt the Democrats far more their zeal. doubt my mind about Eighty percent of Democrats identify themselves is moderate, but here's the kicker only twenty two percent of republicans do. Why does that matter?. because moderates are more likely to align with a third party than people who declare themselves really aligned with the movement. Shrunk Serbia has argued about third party that across our more of those. So this no
Labels group running as a third party would do far more damage to Democrats. I've been getting a lot of that and also this wall street journal article mission number one whoever wins in two thousand and twenty for the f b. I loses the public? if we win and twenty twenty four, I don't care who it is trumped. This This I mean why care who it is, but you get the point like whoever it is, asked to support this. You have got to reestablish our faith in institutions. Folks, I ve traveled the lot, my life a lot. I've been a thirty six plus countries probably fit. he plus since multiple cities in these countries The way we have in the united states is a natural assumption. That's the way it is around the world. It is not private property things like contract law. Things like yours, walking down the street relatively speaking, that is not how it roles in other countries. It is it is it it's not, You need to us, but this places special, the fbi. is this stand andrew peace points out
people are losing faith in institutions everywhere. The left wants to pull. the funded people on the right or now fairly sceptical, yuppie, I too, if we do not reestablish faith in institutions. Ladies and gentlemen, it is absolutely over. This is going to be nothing left, alright, we're going to hold the rest of the stories for tomorrow, but I do want to get to this political piece skip to that one. At the end, this part right before where I came on the other small. This is important because this is another one of those stories where the media, Writing it to cover four biden, but folks I've never seen anything like this. I think by I've got done good authority here. I think Biden is even worse mental physical condition and we ve been led on. You probably think it Think if you get any worse the reason this story, I'm convinced This guy's a real cognitive trouble. Let me just described something to you. Ok, when you're in the secret service. Do it in advance, there's an airport! in every site every site you go to outside of these
does the president flies everyone right? I mean not hard figure out the presence, I'm gonna walk the pennsylvania, he's not going to take a helicopter pennsylvania. He flies so every flight. Go to every stop. We go to there's an airport. the new guy usually does the airport, because he airports is. The hardest part about airports. Securing em cause are usually pretty easy them without a thousand times the hardest. is counter sniper. Why? Because the present at every site gets off the front of air. One you ve seen the scene a thousand times he gets off. He way. You know what I shall put this picture in the shell stupid. I had a picture of me actually do it you'll see george bush waving at the top of the stairs chuck. it's a high stare truck it's about twenty five plus steps right, that's a truck! It's called the stare, Iraq is that's what it is. It's a truck would stairs on the back every report. Has them drive it up to Air force one now the reason the president gets off the front of the plane is simple
number one. The pictures majestic height is might with pictures right. You don't take it sure below people, you take a picture above them it looks bad, it gives you status correct. Everybody knows that right, Joe you're, a photographer. You know you don't owe you what you got, one all good seagate, let's say Gabriel, but now you're here you're back brodie, the artist is very upset. I'm not really merrick. If I loved you were messing with these fine guide is greater than that Ok, folks, I'm just kidding! I love Gia. It's a joke! These guys are great on my team and this stuff happens. It's no big deal. Thank you redeemed yourself. For it. so there you see the picture so we always gets off the front of the plane, because the pictures banner and here too, because his quarters, or at the front of the plain his door is right. There isn't gonna, to the back of the playing by the press. Take it off the back steps, so this story this morning in political, it's in the news letter about
and using the bat steps which are short and they drive there. You don't need a stair truck, they dropped it it's part of the plane, their tiny there. Only fourteen own fault, I was in the secret service a long time I spent five years on the present in detail. I have never seen the president used the back steps unless there was a security problem now we want to Afghanistan, with wit, Obama and I did the advance. We use the back steps. Why? Because getting The front height is it makes. A great picture, but high, like I said before, is really good for a sniper makes a great target sniper once the yards are great you're, damn right, it's a great target because there's no obstructions on the ground you want to The guy behind a car or you want to shoot a guy, a hybrid, is nothing else around. Sadly, they're gonna want to kill the guy like asean, easier target, so you know what the president api so any security situation. If we can control it will use them steps, it is
rarely don. Apparently couple a press people picked up. On the fact that by using the retractable steps a whole lot now on the back, even though his quarters or indifferent and Adam was ever happens. Why because they're afraid he's gonna fall by may know, boarded the shorter step he's on the shortstop scenario of retract we'll stairs that followed into the valley, the plane, the routine. They know began a few months ago when the present, increasingly avoiding the grander traditional doorway, knew the front of the aircraft on the main passenger level. Higher the tarmac spin. Scarce a screech number two years carry job here, trying to hide. Let's go in, I very breeze, very prudent, he's gonna fall. He green job here she sees me says I don't have any decision process to walk through I'm sure, there's a protocol that use for air force one I just don't have one there is a protocol. I just what it is. The stared shrug drives up there
is. It comes out of his quarters right there, waves at walks down upstairs? Listen to me, I'm an end. Is here this guy, is in serious cognitive trouble? There is a chance in Hell, they are giving up the gray picture and all of this stuff and decades Protocol on how we walked the present awful plain theirs a chance to do it it unless they are deathly afraid that this guy's deteriorating by the second and probably probably can't even make it up fourteen steps without falling What is it? Oh, how long till a cherry picker comes out? This is er er, er, er er, and you know what is a roll about on a gurdy or anyway. How much I don't know probably soon were laughing gowns bobbio. You be a few minutes, so out of the sky
is clearly messed up. You don't wait. What it's just before we go. I know I says my number more questions for tomorrow. If you want to submit a question for I went up to a question tomorrow. If we're going to skip a week, folks. We can accept somebody like going to go back to a next week. So what are you doing? for tomorrow. It will be back. I promise you, but it does take away from the show little, but sometimes I want to place less video trump wicked easel and tim ballad. You got that one. just before we go from it. Especial screening of the unbelievable incredible movie sound the freedom that is now ass an astonishing hundred million dollars for We are winning these culture wars. You should be show proud himself. This movie is amazing, buy a ticket for everyone biting for yourself, buy a ticket for your family members. They had asked donald trump was there last night and a bystander took this video, It's really call him congratulating star. Jim could easel and the real. Star TIM ballard, the agent who rescued a lot of these kids
Thank you very much. I was in the gym. There was unbelievable the movie anywhere in the world, so I think, maybe becoming the president of accident by comparison just wanted to. Thank you. It was unbelievable and the folks will get this headline washington examiner. Sound afraid of breaks, a hundred million dollars and box office cells. You should be damned prouder yourself today, I'm so glad present trumpeted that bank yoda tim ballard, most important of all the hero rescued those kids Jim copies, who had the courage to put into place this really is a great guy you're, amazing, go see the movie buy a ticket for a friend. This is
front in the culture wars. Ladies and gentlemen, we are winning and it's too the bud light cm to the country music channel. After what they did, the jason aldean, let's bud light em charm was really a charge. All change folks be proud self man remember the wise words of an ace victories, Victorious at the end of it, something towards other vanquished considers himself. So you do not consider yourself, anguished finer than the other way join us for the chad every day. You know we love have any here. Eleven, a m rumbled, dotcom, slash, Bonn, gino chat starts, it cannot start maybe a little earlier, I join you in the chair of their mancino show their at ten a m. your time, rumbled outcome, slash, gino, rumbled doc, slash bond gino, quick, ever give us a follow, really appreciate a sea back here tonight, you just heard in bonn, gino.
Transcript generated on 2023-07-30.