« The Dan Bongino Show

Live From Nashville (Ep 2070)

2023-08-18 | 🔗

Our first road show, live from Nashville! 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Well, he's a truce about america on a shield is not immune to the banks with your host and VON Jean we're here. That's all we live sorry. it's quite a way to start, I was just telling the audience during a live, show how you gotta go from like beast mode them on gino to radio friendly damage. You know and we're here we're on the podcast. We're live we're in nashville, with an amazing crowd. Let me hear laughter as you can see. I got a spin so guest here on the stage of me, the amazing talented increase, double country, music, legit, my good friend johnny, rich gas, as a good to see you. So I hear you know the owner is joint redneck riviere, he's brigham. Pretty
I already had his hands up. Do he is a handsome man, man you're sitting in the redneck riviera downtown, which is my bar? This is where the patriots come to party espresso. Let me tell you my my first time at gets. His first today show brought to you by enviro cleanse, be confident with the air you breathe viral cleanse visit e k, pure dot com code by gina. Percent of I got one of these in my house. There are awesome and boy charge it's crazy days. We gotta recharging, refresh in a natural way. To that end, I discovered bone charge, a user stuff. I love it. A holistic wellness brown with a huge range of evidence based, ex optimize life in every way. One of my favorite part from bone charges, infrared sauna, blanket use it love it so amazing helps stress and run one mind after a crazy day. The sauna blanket elsie I a sweat which could help the roofs of heavy metals and other toxins. Here here myself or my it's driving me crazy. It sets up in less than a minute he's fast and I really disappointed outboard charged by the way for such a measure may someday
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every single song Pm eastern seven central tomorrow night here on rumble, but I came to your bar new year's eve. I was he would fox a couple of years ago and I said John can it can be good and the bar was packed and remember your bouncer of friends who were not taken any more people and had someone call down say a damp laundry. Does that and then they walked me up. Radio John was playing and man I had the best time he took us on a tour bus and back he remembered, oh yeah. Of course I do. That was a good time. You're always welcome here man. We listened to this bar redneck riviera the brand itself, we support god family attention. You you feel like. I know we ve this conversational radio before but never on the pod cas. Listen, you been with loans, star big in rich, so low and you're one of the few guys whose had hit with all of em. I mean listen, a couple guys at you know
Big hits when they were we kiss and I went out on their own and I didn't do anything. Some did something you been with loans, star, big and rich and solo number ones hits everywhere, but you ve seen the country music. If you can prize a lot of my literacy or even the country music industry go and woke from the inside I've. Seen it to an you decided you going to do some about it. Yes, oh really, a few years ago, as I was part of that region, if you're talking about. For my whole adult life started to happen is that the industry started to go very liberal, very woke, and there was always those people in the business, but now they started to press down onto the artists. They didn't use to mess with your music or tell you what to sing what not to saying what interviews to do whatever, because you can't, but they started doing that a few years ago, and it got to the point where I look at myself. One day and I said, is my:
freedom of speech, more valuable to me, then the approval of the music industry. Now the question I ask myself- and I said you know what damn right it is I want to say what I want to say: I'm an american by god. I'm allowed this talk. If I want to- and if that means, I lose the approval of the music industry, so be it, I'm sure offer drought another way to get to the fans with my music. So thanks to you, truth rumble all the folks. It had me on and all the fans, especially that fine, my music and download it
I put me at number one on the last forcing the we talk a lot. You know we talk a lot about this parallel economy, how we libs like here's, the thing. Folks, listen, I thing folks, listen, I believe in god, given rights, big our god, given a god, capital g god, given rights, that means for these lives to ongoing, drew them. You wanna play your music player music, but if we played a, I couldn't give it down the platform is there for everyone, but data feel the same way about us. They will never ever these me, ex ever leave us alone ever because you gotta remember the essence of their entire guiding ito's john. This collectivism, socialism crap, is stealing away god, given liberties, is you some gay man, it's either yours or theirs, either your spent your dollar or they are either tell him you had a right, your music or you are the thing with us. We don't want, any their decision send you kids would have a school. You want keep your money. I don't know my test
That's me one for you too, but when it comes to music and others, if they can never leave you alone, because the essence of their power is to take from others and use, screw it I'm not doing it and in the songs you stick it to em. Like progress, I mean I was a kick in the ball. To the left. That's how I hated that they absolutely hate it. Stick your progress with the sun. Don't shine! I mean they lost their ever loving minds over without one, which is good because, honestly, if they thought well of me, I wouldn't be able to sleep at night and so I'm going a little out of order with the show again, I'm going to go a woman, I'm going to play that oliver clip from a react. Give me a second, but you know When I saw areas turned into a big twitter conspiracy, we get to new york times, call a media lay times colleague, John John and I just like music. I saw this guy waiter Oliver Anthony's real name is Chris and I detected you. Did I not showing a holy shit? You either skype
just like the craziest thing of our and John who's got a better idea for music that me like a lot but actually made a career out of it? He's like I said to my crazies skylight talent there. What do you know? This is like really good stop, and this is after it a kind already blown up a little bit. So we really just wanted help the guy out. But my question to you, is a song like that. If he were to go the traditional woke label round, there isn't a chance in hell a song about you
if I was a minor, is on an island. There, ain't no way that song gets a gets printed or played on radio anywhere. No, so hey! What's that? Oh yeah, okay, sure there you go! What are we doing sharing this might share one to pull off this one, okay, so yeah. The the real answer to that scenario. Dan is that if Oliver anthony would have had a record deal and recorded and written the exact same song, the richmond north of richmond, if you have done that, they would have buried that song underneath the building at the record labels you'd have never heard it. In a million years, they probably would have dropped him from the deal for even daring
say something like that so now. The ironic thing is all the major labels are slithering up to his feet out in virginia showing up at his shows, offering him millions of dollars and all this stuff to do it, and so I'm on the phone going. What do you think about that? He goes one guy. One guy made me an offer for like all this money and stuff. If I would work with him, I said what would you say to him? He said I asked him in exchange for What and I said, did he answer your back? He said no, he didn't really have an answer for that. I said yeah because the answer would have been for your life son for your life he's not going to do it. I think he's going to stay independent. He he is a real threat to the music industry because he did all this. Without them they could spend every last penny they have. All of them could and not get ten percent of what this kids built So he is an important voice he's also when I tax him I'll say: hey man how's it goin this morning he goes resting. My voice and reading the king James asked what he says: he's really
that guy. Not now, let's go for an alleged robe of tomorrow and I dont forget a pm eastern seven central john rich gonna launches album the country. Truth, everybody go by why every song, the songs are amazing, don't miss it here, live exclusive, rumble, rumble dot com, slash bond gina! You know this guy seems I mean he's the real deal. You read his facebook thing or that he put out that this a statement. Facebook- and it was so self deprecating- that's something John. You know in the entertainment business man we saw what this crazy snow white actress. Lady talking about I, like oh, my gosh, I'm so important snow succeed where, like change into whatever you say, not this guy, this guy puts out a statement that says the exact opposite of Chris Oliver. He says: hey man, listen like I'm, not a good guy like I've been saved a, but I live in a seven hundred and fifty dollar trailer with a tarp on it like one.
Expect I'm not your idol here. You know- and I thought that was just so refreshing to hear from this guy. That's why you can hear the pain in his voice that song was real. Yet that's what freaks out the music industry, because they are the opposite of that they are the opposite of real. They they market us into it, a state of numbness and just roll us into whatever narrative they want to have in this guy's going to not going to have anything to do with it. You know you've got AL din that had the big song try that in a small town, here's oliver anthony with richmond north richmond. I've got a funny one, I'm a fan did that's about to come out talking about our culture? That's on the funny side. I think it's an important role right now to be an artist. That's not that's! Not gonna do with the industry says and give the people what they want, which is songs about truth. The country truth yeah man? I can weigh John. We will see you get hang around me. I waited a radio later to right, yeah I'll, miss rational jointly.
this place, the Johnny ray's daddy, rich, the. I love this guy a day, a little story about johnny radio. We were under five together parents of shit up over there at fox and he brought in a redneck riviera, whiskey, reza Gimme, a giant emi that bottles- or he knows the guy who made this stuff do so as it get his name on the back. It says: oh John, rich oddities, so yeah we were out there on a five, and this was on the table during the show they said something about the whiskey thing, so I'm eyeballing at whiskey, I'm like I have you actually got. I wish I could go play for you, the actual clip. So and that a shower billy's walking out my I mean nobody said. A true story so always was Kirsty or someone. What am I? What am I cruel ox. Who is our marshal? Was I
and you know what happened with that bottle. I'm like no idea, no idea. Then, an hour later, I said, I'm just messing with you. I said it sit here in my hotel room and they're like there's a lot missing on my own. What happened? John John brought a half empty bottle. What kind of guys im anybody to have antiviral redneck, riviera, whiskey, check it out and don't forget to join us tomorrow for John's albemarle. I want to play that the guid you have that very cute up key. You have cuba bolivar I know why you're watches folks, racism is Israel, poor, just speaking about the music industry and how emotions man. I know you heard this- I may apply to holding that this guy. orphan twitter, put together. One of these reaction videos- and I just want you to watch a clip of this and I'm going to Did you a little bit of all of our work Oliver had to say it's up on facebook, it's pretty profound! You don't want Jim at any of the elements, because they're not out of a prompt or she can. I take the rate
the print out radio elements so watch this. But why do I want you to watch the reaction of the people and how the left loves to divide us into these ridiculous boxes or you're, black you're, white, immigrant and non immigrant union? Not union? All of a sudden are the yeah that stuff that that stuff there, watch the reaction from people of all different races. Just check this out key played, I cut if you would on the contrary, does is deep on Diana. What just why and not be, but in the main, it's amazing- I mean you just see the reaction from people and you notice. Nobody really gives a damn about skin color. Oh my gosh, that's a black guy in a white guy! That's the liberal! I tell every conservative and every once in a year in saudi,
it's, you should be damn proud that once was a civil rights movement in the united states on the left to their cared about things, like you know, character over the melanin did to someone's skin, but that's just not a lefty thing anymore. You noticed them disguised this song hit and a really touched people. You really got to people soul, you notice. The first thing was: it had to be a right wing song, what the house wing about a bunch of rich stooge screw and our lives over up in Washington DC. What the house right wing and the answer is that is right wing. Now I thought about it. MIKE. You know what, for the first time, these goons in the red meteorite, the left is completely abandon any kind of questioning whatsoever of the elite flogging, eating dipshit at these cocktail party crowds, cypriot, their louis thirteenth, cognac, every that's them now. That's all! I'm looking around the people in this room. I wish I could flash the camera around this way, but we had to get this together at the last minute
not a sophisticated somebody's other shows, but folks, these people here work for a living. Man is one duty fifty seven holidays. I twenty five years old, you had a big knuckles, all jacked up, fingernails, dirty! That's where we are now. That's our. Unless I dare movement anymore, that's us your chest down your chin up and be damned proud man. The work in class american, your and our party. Now your and our moment, these left these it'll give it about you. They never did you read this book I this book. Volt against them ass if by fred siegel- and you will our good friend of my loves it to this. What is amazing and all it? it's about is how the left is always shrewd over the middle class, always school over the middle class they hate. Everything about you, I'm sorry! to tell you folks not intentionally trying to be divisive for clicks. I don't need it. I don't nobody's money. I don't need anybody's clicks crab. I'm telling you they have always hated. You
born out of this page. the article sense of aristocracy. They feel He's left these like because they want to harvard or whatever it is. It's got a degree in their studies or something like that they ve got this proof. Is bizarre feeling that, because they ve got this degree that you should be subjugated to them because you work in a coma, they don't shit, they haven't done anything. this world is not a better place because they wrote some damn white paper white. Talk about Whatever night century sumerian rock carving, gives a shit. it's true. Nicole minor, that's cute, but damn call player, produce and esteem its company, electricity in your house. That's keeper warm in a winner, digital people a matter. These people did you forever. They have this page. uncle feeling that they should be big daddy to you. Today to be run in your life and you should just shut the opposite.
Listen to them because they want the harvard at princeton or dartmouth, or something. And listen. I I got nothing against people better themselves by going to school. I want there myself, but you won't, My rule, if you say your education you're, probably what you're? Probably a moron Having said that, I say I say that as someone who's been there, I did a couple you're degrees. You know what I did learn a lot of business school, but that's not an excuse for me to tell you. I understand your life better than you we people here, work for a living truckers! Pilots cops! I don't know jack about your job. I couldn't I wouldn't even know where to power. Button is, if it doesn't say power on a big rig. I don't even know where to turn a damn thing. On over ten years, an mba, it doesn't mean shit Does it mean anything? It does I'm sorry,
if you can clap if you'd like and that's on one of these, like we're democrat, but this isn't a plaza. You see Nancy Pelosi, the we're we're republicans. We don't have. We don't have to announce applause lines, but don't feel any need to be quiet or worried. This is my show, but I dunno anything about that and I want we do what oliver said quick. I read a little bit on the raiders, just the last portion. I want you to listen to this. Folks is what he put on his facebook. This is just the last portion, this guy. I have been a multi millionaire a week ago yet he said and taken at all in this illness He says in twenty nineteen I paid. Ninety seven thousand dollars for property. I live on. I still owe sixty thousand. I am live twenty seven foot camper, with a tap on the roof. I got off craig for seven hundred fifty bucks. He's not a very good person. I spent as five years struggling with mental health in using alcohol to drown it I'm sorry
to see the world in the states in with them when fighting with each other me to brother. I said many nights feeling hopeless that the greatest. Country on earth is quickly fading away. That being said, I hate away. The internet is divided. All of us. The internet's a parasite infects the minds of humans and has their way with them hours wasted goals for love, one sitting in houses with each other, distracted all day by technology made by the hands of. Poor souls and sweat shops in a foreign land whence enough enough. When are we going to fight for which read again millions of died protecting their liberty? We have freedom of speech is such a precious gift. Never world history is the world had the freedom are currently does, though, let him take it away from you site those once wandering in the desert. We ve lost their way from god and we ve let fall cycles, distract us and divide us. It's a damn! Shame.
Steve man, I'd steep, that's deep. I wish I got the best others scattered in this segment, with every move on some other stuff. You do. I Thank you all know here you all believers in the afterlife too, God gave us is gift music. None of us can explain it. I mean it's a sound right that sound too like. Why does that not sound good, but something stars, I mean I'm sure there's some neuroscientist will have a degree of can explain to you that chemistry behind the dopamine reward system that I will pass on that for now, God gave us a gift to meet unite us all. Don't you off!
I weird that this guy sings is song. I said this to paula and everyone. At the same time, the first time they heard it was like, while at special combined been listening to music forever. You know, sometimes even again, my favorite song saying that my boots morgan, while even took me two or three times before I really starlight dear Alibaba is such a great song la musique. He sent this guy who admits be. I dunno no, no passed past. Frankly, I don't care guy says I'm not a good person, I'm in a lot of pain. Maybe we can all learn something it's a unifying moment, but was a special moment for me. Alright, I got a lot to get to and again thank you all for showing up. I never done a live, show but paula. How do you feel it's going?
yeah gay. What are you doing here? I get me? Yes, you guys are right of a hero, techie stuff. Could you make me nervous sometimes. yeah, you don't. I do not know. Is it all? I love noise. I liquid. I ve one of my favorite product. I may need some of this tomorrow. They had Sunday yeah. they too us we had to the summer months. Oh yeah, look at the greatest provo ever promote good ivy cat right, see Remember your name: cat harder stick of liquid ivy. You have gas that sober. Just rip off the table pour it in some water, especially after a night of having too much of a good
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his bombshell about the georgia fallen county indictment, dec down on monday, and he saying that now we saint just to be clear. That is not yet fully verified by somebody from. I guess. The administration called down to georgia and told them like a. U need to push this thing today, because we ve got some bad news coming out which, if that's the case, we're talking about, volcanic police state like corruption we're not even into we're out of like the reds weren't, like the engine right now of corruption gave. You would play I caught nude on Charlie Kirk, show check this out. Then I am told this was heresy, but I am told by a reliable source that friday evening, somebody from Washington called the district attorney in atlanta and said you have to indict on Monday. We, have to cover up all states. We just made with wise and she's and apparently
Measures are actually battle tuesday. They said you didn't hear me. You have to indict on monday and she saw that bulgaria before now, they said that doesn't matter shows this means is gonna, be eight or nine or ten o clock at night said it doesn't matter we need the new. So you shifting money, that's phone call when you don't Imagine I'm telling you front. This is your sites, but a person who is remarkably like totally believe it, though, because that would explain why they leaked and they must stop on the clerk document why she was exhausted and why they had the eleven p m press conference. Mr speaker, then, now listen This happened, this nude set. It happen, folks, like they say we ve evolved a. We got a problem, but we ve had a problem for a really long time. The police aids. Here now it's gonna, be here tomorrow which are coming next week or so with gentlemen, align our scientists and both beforehand saying a load every body and you not a weird.
We are about to vote or fraud, which is an epidemic problem. We need. I say all this neo liberal goofy boyfriend kid my vote for you can kiss my ass. You guys have stood cheated in every election and wind about everyone. You ve lost for a talk about what I want, because I have god given right, but I Your motion listen no giving up, don't guys, I get that were in this police state ecosystem. Now I understand, but we gotta fight. and the reason I bring that up. The bigs is because this is happening right now, because if you long, you guys been listening to my shots, but there's a thing about cutesy time. Cutesy time is, you know of like you'd see times I go. You wanna play cutesy time like you're, probably on this listening audience out here now. Does anyone here believe it's we're still in tutsi time than you know? one. You surely do any hands right now, there's no cutesy time! People here now away sean where's, it squares.
On four wishes. Why here for you bring your wife of what is it? What you do come out over, Ok, I want you to see this, sir, because he here. This is an old school shirt. Where's, your name again, Brennan nice to meet you come on over seductive resigned, as will bring Shana you'll know shot, is as a with your shirts as says new roles. We you lose yes, that's the only way forward. So do you think we're in cutesy time duty times, dad you. Thank you, sir. come on over to a seat for a second, you all know Sean Faris. If you don't you better he's got his own podcast. Look him up. Shawn underscore farish on twitter, so untrue, social to F, a r, a s h. He as an alter ego. I it's jack on high thing is, alter ego is, is altering, is kind of like a superhero thing is, I believe it or not. I'm workin on air thing. Sean thanks
in a show, we appreciate it. You're, a good man you have a way to set might still needs. We share my share my car. I saw yes, so you do a lot of car terry, this police state that wherein right. I've seen you on news max and elsewhere, you know. Do you think we're going to recover from it? You think there's a way out of this. You think republicans have any balls. I mean be honest. You don't have to act. I think gods bless his place and I think there's an out like there's a light at the end of the tunnel, but how do you feel about it? Well, first of all, I I think when you talk about the police state, I think I I listen to you. I'm long on the united states also, I'm definitely long on this place, but everyone, whether they're in the room, whether they're watching you've got tens of thousands of people watching on rumble all the time. It's because of places like rumble because of platforms like rumble in truth that believe in free speech, that I think we will overcome it, but it's going to get worse before it gets better. You say it all. The time hasn't gotten bad enough. Yet for some people it hasn't gotten bad enough. Yet I came from new
reason live in new york, we moved out moved into tennessee and january. Haven't looked back, I mean my family's there. We cannot enormous the beach a little bit, but overall people have to understand whether you're right left middle. You know I am a friend of ours and we know crypto currency I don't care about politics. That is care about bit going on. My gay, you don't think you're gonna be a white supremacist whereby an bitcoin when they want to cancel out for central bank digital currency right, so the police states come in. For everybody, no body is immune. We ve been saying that However, no one is immune from it. Nobody has that you know you can't be vaccinated Tyranny just doesn't work or even if you get the vaccine right. So the bottom line is, if it's going to show about your doors, that no matter what happens and everyone's gotta be ready to. You know ideologically. take up arms right ideologically and make sure that it doesn't impact you and your family and if you're stuck in a blue state watching somewhere, I wanted to stay and fight. We stayed and fought. We almost elected lee's eldin in new york and when it didn't happen, we said
It would be best for our family to move out and that's what we did is you're all three go feel about the police. They especially down georgia, was going on right now. Well, they say they devil went down to georgia, but I haven't seen crooked hillary there, yet okay, laughs and- and they say that they're indicting me for free speech. It's a terrible thing. Whatsapp and the next thing they're going to do they're going to indict me for eating too much at an all. You can eat buffet. Could you believe that I'm going to show you, though, because just like they indicted me for the boxes hooks sleepy Joe had so many boxes and he hasn't been indicted? I will tell and now he's crooked job, because we call her beautiful hillary now, because I don't want to die okay laughs, but they indicted me for boxes cookie joe has so many bugs,
Just now, they're indicting me for eating do much what happens to fanny. Well ass, what happens to Alvin break twinkies? You call him. That's a beautiful nickname what happens to all the people who eat too much all the time? What happened so that they are getting indicted, I'm getting it scribes, both roma posted abroad, fifty thousand people only half way through the show. You all are also great to see her rubble. If you want to follow sean again, he sean s age. A w end. Now like this, I'm gonna, respecting underscore fairish any as his own podcast and show you see my news max. I mean he sounds more like donald trump donald trump, the weirdest they would have an. I imagine we gotta get him on the phone with trump it would you're right. You refuse access were set. You are you just put yourself in your aid issues, right, sunk,
cause you on the phone and it is a delicate dapple, gang or voice. You do you like Are you are you taking like is said like you these by conscious target I go to the afterlife. They did Hilary cover me that what is happening that was, dividing line. We call her beautiful hilary because I want to live now is great. I see we got my friend it got easier. Everyone give a hand of a card is Vicky waved Eric is the cause of my good friends is arbor next to you because of the arpanet. You ever hear me talk about the orthodontist on the show. That's him. I used to have like a teeth: a crooked hill, a cookie teeth. So if you ever need good orthodontic work, he loves to talk about dentistry at his off time, so feel free to approach. Him he's doing consults right now, you'd write off the trip, so make sure you ask, show me your teeth. Everyone would you that he's a kid I gave gay, but he's one of these are my best friends. So, thanks for coming out guys, we appreciate it I'm going to get to this I'm going to get to what John just talked about. I know
p one listener, because he said something that really kind of deeply impacts. My soul come from new york like he did. You know, folks. I got some bad news for man and a bad enough, yet it ain't bad enough yet, but it's gonna get their thanks for your patience. We got to Final sponsors and law we have the second over the show: innovation refunds, monopoly. Small businesses are qualified to get a payroll tax reform. Do our sea, also known as the employee retention credit or the year see. The euro sees it actually fund for businesses are kept employees on payroll, four parts- we, twenty and twenty twenty one. So if you a business with more than five employees? You can have money waiting to be claimed. Innovation refunds in their independent tax attorneys dedicated helping business owners navigate the complex filing process. You have ps, as you might not qualify, get a second opinion. Innovation refunds team will collapse We do see ba to assess your eligibility, diverted thousands of eligible businesses apply for the year, see
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we face of each respective aus pursuant to this article certify to you in writing with a copy the secretary of state that Our opinion. An emergency exists in the affair of the state requiring a special session to be convened under that section for all per this to include without limitation, a view in response to the actions of one fanny. Well, as good for you for Joseph. Yes, your man, I just realized something join. We dude did we do which freedom do it's Friday did I miss that I really do. I owe you in mma. I was all nervous. I know we heard your voice creep in there. I got so distracted by this awesome crowd like we can't do the show without day. We could do it right now. If you want yeah, please
Let's get another one. Thank you, yeah yeah, it's crazy, like we were able to board the streak there. We always only one friday. We miss our actual hours. Talking about before, with the fight back like this folks, you're only going to see this when it gets bad enough, In short- and I were both showing how old are you. thirty two zero little they younger than me. But you, you probably remembered a garbage days in new york city right like Julie, giuliani for for all of you out. There are more, you know, things can get bad can get bad, really fast, you're, seeing a right now when you get corrupt, but with no morals and power that are not more to anything god given little he's our constitution, these founding documents- and they don't believe in something bigger than them. Let me take some shit it's bad really fast. Man really fast because their loyalty is not to anything other than themselves avarice and their own mercenary power goals, that's it they will
upon anybody screw anyone over and when it gets ugly? It gets ugly fast when we were in new york sean me. My wife, Jim producer Jim over there too, it was even a matter of what was your car. and get broken into a where you gonna get mugged. It was only a matter of how often it was going to happen. I too, story. You know the bus, stop a governor you're coming back from school that getting my this may sound crazy. Now, since the broken windows policing started, but it was If you got money, was only how much they would take. So you like, carry your money in different pockets and stuff. So if they took it, you bet god hears everything and they were too stupid to ask you to check the other pocket. So you'd like split your money up or if you know you want, got it. from the store, and you didn't open it its weight of the drinking quick. They would just come and steal it from you. You didn't even file police reports, because I was just what happened things. Can you really really. Bad, really fast and the shame of it. I saw nothing.
God bad enough. Yet here we are talking about. Are you put some stuff together for today? you guys do you got there fresnel california, video is a video out of fresno california, folks play these all day, but you know what we need to see it or what he play unease robbery. Very people get stealing a burglar, rising homes and robbing from story, because you need to see it, you know to see what the lord of the flies looks like. If you we're living in swiss family, Robinson man. You read the wrong book because their debts, now what's happening. Man, wiki, and here now like this, go on regular on talking about, like dynamic stayed for a lot of human beings. I'm sorry to tell you this is chaos, not body is like you in this room not- nobody has an allegiance to god, given right, because if you haven't allegiance to god, given reiser things, you can't do to others. You can't. because god forbids it, you're not going up the term you're not going to steal from the law, but what? If they're liberal it, don't matter is wrong.
But they don't feel that way about you and this is what it looks like we're, not kind of people take over. For a start, what chaos looks like you, ve got lady, in a mall broad freak in daylight with a garbage bag. Steel thousand dollars sunglasses and everybody can do, is sit around and beg her to stop please. The lady saying please stop as if you're dealing with people who
an emergency brake in their behavior. You understand these people are guided one thing: it's their instantaneous, dopamine rush. If they can steal and make money, there's no amount of pain that they can see in your face. It's gonna! Stop. They don't care. They will steal from you. They will do it. They will use your parking lot is a bathroom Arvin. You know what I'm talking about these people don't give a damn. Man there's no limit on their behaviour at all the only thing stop. Some are the good folks among us right here, gone bad enough. Yet. I hate in these segments, but I feel like it. I don't tell you, what's going on you're, not going to respond appropriately, realizing the outhouse, sincere and canned that I am that we have a few, maybe a couple of years, left before this descends into uncontrollable madness, the country's! gonna disappear there
European countries have been struggling forever. They ve been around for a long time. But, ladies and gentlemen, what happens is eight descend into this spiral of poverty that is almost impossible to get out of the car becomes almost semi lawless place. That is bourbon our way here. He's from the new york posts again in case you think I'm just making this up. Things are getting really bad, You haven't heard much about the immigration crisis right lately, greater nothing side, nothing's any different here, new posts. Thrifty. Last time I checked it was like a couple days ago. My Still flowing into the? U s at a record setting pace, data shows a hundred and fifty thousand. immigration cases in July alone, folks, it's gotten so bad This is how chaotic it's got another oatmeal brains in the white house right now. It's so bad that we The like tree urge the level of suck on stories about what we're going to talk about, because it's gotten so
add between one hunter Biden: the corruption, the mortgage market imploding, the housing crisis going on and nobody selling their house because they can't get out or three percent mortgage they're afraid I played I cut in a second inflation that People like me, you have an hour show and podcast will like well. What do we talk about? First, everybody seems to have forgotten about the immigration crisis. Folks, the border is completely open right now, completely open and again chests, cheer up. We, we you in this room I somewhat toy soon at my minded like when I pointed said usable, Have they lost kinder? a better and you have a blade had now Whilst we are on the right side of this issue to know what he's gonna like you're me about immigration or paula who actually came to the country came as citizens like the right way like you want to come here rate with
not a lot of jobs, we ve got a lot of opportunity, even though our colleges awoke we still got some decent places to learn. You're my daughter goes to a college in alabama anna. leave that access crazies out there, but you know it Abominate stead still kind of holding the line where the greatest place on earth You want to come here. That's fine, but I love Democrats talk about. Oh, we need a process which we have a freaking process. It's called the immigration process. Did you You can look it up. You know you. It's hard work to do its work. maybe long, but it's difficult to figure out. Go online. You don't have to answer advanced calculus questions. They don't ask you about. Like we're organ chemistry and what do tyrian versus tritium? Is they that's not what it is about. You can
just go and do it, but they just don't want to, and you know what listen you broke the law. Is your first act? You gotta go, I'm sorry, but really you blame people, you got Joe Biden telling people economies, not one one thousandth about wealthy and prosperous real. You gotta do in its public announcement. What do you say before him who did waters open didn't use those exact words, but folks, let's not be stupid here. Ok, you know exactly he did the winkie wiki, not not there and what happen everybody cookies instructions? Donald trump was in office we had about. We still had people crossing a border, its emmy you're, never going to stop a you know, a thousand plus mile boarding, and I can stop everyone from it's to say I going to stop our you of the best cops in a world still gonna be some crime right. Donald trump had like forty to fifty thousand people which, by the way, a lot of on would get deported after
we're coming in illegally and I knew there was a penalty hundred fifty thousand people free cell phones. You get a ride to new york. They think it is taking to stick. It is these. That was why LEO gets my hair. Our two excited in front of you all today and I can't now we're gonna, I just carry illegal drugs are bad I was a secret service agent days put us up at the u win in isabel total twenty years ago, and I was doing new york city, there is tell us pretty nice is shown by the pakistanis, not agree. No, they deprive the same. Are the color their flag waste? state, terrorism is pretty nice and I'm think like this is crazy. rules about hotel, where we consider like a pretty high and hotel in new york is now been total. taken over by illegal immigrants. Sleep out on the sidewalk offer. Have you seen if you doubt any this pick out, you pick up you own put it. Roosevelt, hotel, illegal immigration thereof
front on the sidewalks? There's a way What's your? Can you tell me what you mean about that? Please am I missing something. Am I missing? the humanity of like sticking people on a sidewalk in the middle of new york city in one hundred degree summer like this, is humane rather than telling people hey, I'm sorry, there's a process, you gotta, go, do the process. This is the way to do it and you get your citizenship. I mean think about it. If you do it illegally, You are not availing yourself of the greatest opportunities in the world. Did you know gonna- be able to be a ceo of a company one day, you're, not have any of that, and this is the Biden america moving forward. I wanted to place. you too. She folks and thanks to the life, humility, chicken? The life you I'll, do it I'll, listen! I know
some feedback from the streamers out there from dia from the folks at us with alive. Give me a y if you like in a live, show a no. If you hate it and it sucks, and you should never do it again, why an hour and end because you, you guys matter to me as much as ball while there we go, I get a first wife from the gunther. Yes, thank you. I like it, that's gay a lot of wise right. Otherwise, oh wow! Yes, yes, hopefully we'll be coming to your town soon near you, but I want to play this again in case you take. It hasn't gone bad enough, yet it is about to get really bad. There is a addiction out there in the market and mortgage rates could peek at about eight percent coming up soon. Ladies, we're back till I the eighties time now and here's the problem with that. Eight percent people for their houses, how not care The folks there are few people who pay in cash, but let me tell you something not allowed matter of fact: if you're a cash buyer now you are in a great spot because you don't need it.
I don't give a damn about the interest rates of pay for the house and cash right now. Many people do that people pay. For their houses on a monthly payment so here s a segment from Foxier say it's a good one. It short, but you gotta cuba game, for maccallum show which Thus some simple math, which means Democrats will not figure this out at all, but this is for you in a room, and you want to stream. If you a mortgage when they were two and a half three three and a half percent. Here's your monthly payments. First, the same exact house, a four thousand hours. What it is today's raise you're gonna, be shocked that this number plate So big her over anyone trying to get into the housing market mortgage rates are now at their highest level in twenty one years with the thirty year, fixed rate averaging more than seven percent medium home prices, meeting home prices around.
four hundred and ten thousand dollars in america and monthly mortgage payments on at that price could cost you more than eight hundred dollars. Then they eight hundred more excuse me than they did two years ago, when were near their record low when a different world, so big home. This is crazy, your monthly payments. Just two years ago on a four hundred thousand dollar house with Thirteen hundred box, this same house is too Two hundred hours now got those are if these two way way way while we're on this topic? I didn't left these. Tell you what I'll against a bugle pocahontas out there. We don't like that big bags. There are terrible. You got Bernie, so blue make your own money There are you, this is regrows it's the bag I got the bags to just go there they're. Just following the rules, because Biden spent a bunch of money, we didn't have there to raise the interest rates. What are they going to do? Go out of business? Do but don't you find it
little weird, that the banks are getting rich off widens economy and these guph balls on the left, these hack losers, these freaking Armies are always telling us all of you guys are for the big bags and big. What, whenever big nothin you guys kiss the ass, a big former german, a damn thing in our arms, a big bang. So you guys did that not us! We didn't do that. You did that. So the figures are bad enough. Yet it's going to bed with a heavy. It's going to get bad, it's going to get bad fast and one one lab on a plane. One lesser cut a video may, maybe tomorrow I can squeeze it in. I want to jump de Larry other d? You know our elder good? Do man larissa good. Do these run president in making a lot of traction meets hard presidential race, I mean listen. I asked for president trumpet anytime. In a trumps inner room or sean ferris. Had we decide if ever present drum walk, no back right now. This shall be overcome. No one would pay attention to me and I wouldn't blame I be like where its vices, thereby gino job,
that's the way is so Larry's ever present, both wondering about Larry I've, known area long term. I can tell you right now: there's not a bit debate or out there there are people, is good, but there's no one better. If you wanted to a race issues with Larry elder, like you, damn well better, be ready matter, quick story. A business partner, mine, Dave reuben, who, as velvet locals and rumble dave reuben, was a liberal like a die, hard liberally, still socially liberal, but he's, definitely not ideologically liberal. When it comes to political positions. I am someone's what changed him any said, Larry elder you guys, go watch the debate and you can see it it's on rumblings video programmes. Dave been Larry. Other marriage, destroys him on every single topic when it comes to race and Davis like I can never look at it the same way again he was larry elder. He was its charlemagne, whose a very popular morning hosts runs a show called the breakfast club. He has a lot of
Politicians on yo to his credit, he s republicans onto he says he's out of Democrat. I our I dunno the guys politics, but he said asking Larry about this. This thing called a wake up, call not going to use the word cause. It's just like now. My thing, we don't get into that but is talking about out this way. Up call moment when you experience racism when your black Larry's a while. What was your wake up call like when Joe Biden said to you on your show. If you don't vote for me, you ain't black, like that was on charlemagne. Surely you didn't consider that a wake up call? This is a great cut. Listen to this check this out. You just don't talk about a wake up call and it seemed to me that there should have been a wake up. Call on your part to have a white guy come in here who also said by the way about mitt romney,
it because he didn't want to put more regulations on wall street going to put y'all back and change, and Joe Biden had lied for decades about his civil rights record, claiming that he desegregated movie theaters and restaurants in in Wilmington delaware, when he didn't, he didn't do any of that. He lied and said that she tried to visit nelson mandela during apartheid, south africa. She did not, and he came in here and told you you're an evil black unless you think a certain kind of way. It seems to me that should have been more wake up call for you, but it wasn't appearing for the record, I'm not a democrat or republican. I didn't say you were, I think, both I dunno, which you are. I never even asked you what your party affiliation. Yet I'm just saying you, but you are black and have a white guy come in here and tell you you have to say that think a certain kind of way. Otherwise you quote ain't black wow how's it every body, you think What is now said? How dare you insult me tell me I don't think there's any human being, let alone as a black person. I don't tell you,
I think Joe Biden. How dare you come in here and tell me how to our eyes- or I should think, I'm going to vote for donald trump? I want to vote for donald trump and, if I want to vote for donald trump, he does not make me not black. Twenty percent of black people. Black men, as I said, have voted for donald trump in two thousand and twenty: are they not black? Now totally eighty percent of black people like men, walking around it really black? Twenty percent are not because they voted for donald trump. How insulting is that? How condescending is that? I mean you probably right, but I didn t get an early, alighted, dared, don't stop a fight with Larry elder on raises use that you can't finish. I guess you're right yeah. He is right. This is right I look at the guy who made all the racist cop is going to put you back in shades and larry. Even this one remember Joe Biden from a slave state, we was brought it's not like some honest tv from slave. Stick, that's not samuel! That's recipe item. Ok, tell me
a black either. Have you ever see charlemagne face dislocates, like you seen for the first time like we? Should I missed the whole time, like the racist, in front of me and it ain't the damn republic. It's it's the other guys alright! I gotta wrap this show hey. I got some major hot tips at tip that everyone who showed up today. Thank you. So much are you going to hang for the radio show to the shout out to my man, johnny ridge, one of the greatest country? Singers of our time, his new album, the country truth, will premiere tomorrow exclusively right here: rumbled calm slashed by gino pm eastern seven central watch to show you a studio audience for that johns, going to tell all the stories. Listen there. Maybe some intoxicate involve. So let me just tell you, I am not responsible at all for the content through the show, my
tomorrow and a major had tipp also did a staff here too redneck riviera. Thank you so much for taking the very important we have a lot of gray programme directors around the country that have taken on my show this, in my show it easier to deal with man I get it. We may bring gray ratings, but are but she says that all school radio, so it's fun we once cup of tea or express or for that matter, but they of the show of our listeners, ws m, are found there Thirteen twenty here in nashville tennessee will be given a major shout out thanks for hooking us up to five guys and everyone at home make sure you follow us spread. The word thanks for joining the chat. Click that green a button rumbled our complex mancino followers and apple unsupervised. Well, I'll see you on a radio show in.
Four minutes you'll see how we do to run down. So you actually you just ten dan, bon gino,
Transcript generated on 2023-08-19.