« The Dan Bongino Show

Just What are They Hiding about Jeffrey Epstein?


Why are we not hearing more about this story?

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Central banks. Are dumping the? U s dollar because of inflation deficit spending and our insurmountable national debt as bad news for the dollar. Bad news for your savings, but the people I buy gold from birch gold group yeah, see if you can own goal, then attacked sheltered retirement account with the help of brcko text danton, nine. Eight, nine, eight, nine, eight claim your free info kit on gold, protect your savings with gold text and the nine eight nine eight nine and get your free information kit on gold. Again, text stand to nine eight nine, eight nine eight past performance is not a guarantee of future results, message and data rates. Apply dan vines, you know welcome to the barn jean Aubrey andean bond gina. The hell are they hiding by Geoffrey Epstein, what Clinton obama officials, big money, left this, former prime minister of Israel. Why do they want to make this jeffrey? Have story go away so bad? Let me get to this first, because this is really suspicious. If you are wondering why you haven't heard more about Epstein, despite
begging, one being one of the biggest political scandals of our time? Undoubtedly side even open for dispute. You got this your money guy right. Nobody knows: He gets his money. It's She's got video tapes of all these fufu. You see people right doing. There you know what is going on in your young person. Joel over the age of thirty. He knows with this Ask ikea guy kids, get here's your parents, ok, but spain is alleged. There are videos of this with a lot of these famous people and yet the craziest thing- you don't hear anything about this. So what story drops about Epstein probably going to beg your beggars like it did my First, let's go back to what we talked about on Monday The wall street journal dropped this gem over the weekend about Epstein's private calendar revealing prominent names, including a cia chief governments. a lawyer and the lawyer, we are talking about is catherine rumbler who issue
two belabour this point, she was Obama's whitehouse lawyer. She was known as the fixer. What, though, is catherine rumbler Oh bothers fixer, meeting Jeffrey Epstein, for kind weird know what is fixing. It's really strange because catherine rumbler, the obama fixer also rep said: tat this guy george nadir, who was a source for bob mahler in the faint peeping tape hoax against your job, by the way, NATO was no doubt middle eastern connections and the rumour out there. As I said you on monday- and I say again that Jeffrey Epstein may have had middle east connections in the spy business. If you know what I mean we also to put get the idea. You might not have my about explaining this right. You ok, got obama's fixer, who is rhetoric, setting as a lawyer or meeting with two people with this
back did middle east connections to the spy in intelligence business as are setting up donald trump so strange. So so strange and I we see Little gem back from twenty twenty, I think we put this article up before, but this was really weird. You remember Epstein was arraigned. It's so stray joe to people, this, the daily beast. While there is a left wing, Alvin, occasionally booters fears thither. They are left wing out with your morons on the left, I need a far left wing alan, they notice at this court appearance, Someone was their showing support, quote two people. Separately, attended. The hearing said catherine rumbler. Who served as white house counsel during the Clinton and obama administrations had a quote national relationship with I've seen em was seated behind its defence team jar.
we're anybody is eddie, you know what's reared we're that this is one of the biggest united outside of the journal covering this these stories, almost nowhere but nowhere on cable news. So you got this big. I may add sky like waiting, maid, his money finance. How and everyone likes wretched. Our heads like I no idea how we made his money. He's Also alleged have been connected to the spy community, all all in the middle east at an open as fixer shows up at his cord appearance who used to rap Clinton and obama, the white house and is seated receded right behind me. The fancy to see it folks. Don't you worry? It's all good, so he gets better. This is what came away my bringing this up today. Then you covered this odd mother. Well, but I'll drop yesterday documents wall street journal part there
In america call part to this yesterday, dinners with lord summers that was Treasury secretary move greetings with woody Allen too? Well F, c man. This guy got around but I don't really care about woody Allen. We already know his story. I care about these two names, wall street journal. All he was meeting with reid hoffman. Now, if you're asking of whose reed had been? Ladies and gentlemen, this guy is as Le Winchell in the far left. Progressive anti american causes, George soros. No, yes, rehab, in is a billionaire venture capitalists any found that a site you may have heard of called linked in out according to the journals reporting read up in visited Epstein private island in the caribbean, is scheduled to stay over this manhattan townhouse back in twenty forty red half of it liberal donor, big censorship. Guy too,
censorship guy sensor made. Why are we here and about the jeffrey of caesar sensors? Ah, ah my go pieces coming to here's another one, a hood brok, it's kind of a Guy was solely. The former prime minister of Israel turns a visit to have seen dozens of times and accepted flights. I have seen private jet. You know it's always been allege that even connected to middle eastern intelligence, ghana strangers holding could I just little video from a good barrack too, who is needed and leftism who are just talked about openly? how they basically engaged in a coup in israel trying screw over right, leaning, Benjamin Netanyahu causes accord system. It is real, it's out of control, so iraq was a far left radical, who seems to know Epstein really well. He just a laid out how these left. This revolts happened. You see how these swap these are all connected, maybe weather, and make the slaps the story go away Take a listeners show a clash, these top down
Jim changed using the tools the legal tools of fair democracy, facing a counter revolution form from bottom up: we will win, I'm confident of it. because I know our people, We have even empirical evidence for this some may. Many years ago in two ladys squirrels generous and safer, we should in colombia research. They made a fire hundreds of civil protests, in the last day over one hundred years, nineteen hundred to twenty o six and they found a common denominator. All these protests which succeeded well,
of which a eleven of three point, five of the popular eighty percent of the population, which is which ends up to be about eight percent of the adult population. Internationally, persistently keeping their quotas, boycott, civilities, obedience and so on the government either for or capitulate. It is exactly we already caused these numbers in less than three months, so we're heading why, though, action, though publication called Y, see this can work easier laying out the battle plan for the left on how to take to the streets with a small number of people. Leaving gives you a number three point: five percent to basically over The government that the former prime minister of Israel, who all conveniently according to this report, is that multiple content, Jeffrey I've seen whose now that who is rumoured middle eastern spy contacts, o strange man so strange. It's like these left. These have been engaging in this plot to take back, take back
governments, duly elected governments, and turned him over twenty four types of a really long time, and maybe I've seen a lot of the players in there. It is. every single time so It have to read up as you can see here in this house and b C. Bees notice how I use left wing links or olive meaning sources that sought to give them clicks. Ladies and gentlemen, its defeat any more on left this than the chat right now we have any more on left this inner, whom I said, cells. I could conspiracy, they really by the daily beast and CNBC there to open up the conspiracy theory and then co founder, reid, hoffman hopes to get more democrats elected to congress. This fall beating summoned the primary, He wanted the radicals elected all look read up a big democratic donor, far left ST activist, extraordinary who'd barak in Israel. They all
him to love Jeffrey Epstein, big money. Guy strange, you seem to have tapes on a lot of people that the deep state this is a conspiracy they're, really as crazy. Here's axios and other left wing outlet. You sensing a pattern here: exclusive billionaires back a new media firm to combat this information, I e. Let me just rewrite this title: billionaires: back in new media firm to censor anyone who calls them out on their plot to usher in a new era of socialism, that's the appropriate title or what who is involved in the who's, a new public better, incorporation backed by billionaires, reed half better George soros, is watching tuesday to fund new media companies and efforts that tackles this information. I e conservatives who look into red hoffman george Soros Jeffrey, have seen quite know bob and by this remark about twenty twenty one makes sense now,
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in operations, I go, information egg, which do nothing but sensor, people who, like me or try to censor me, doesn't really work very well who try to talk about it. I am going to ask you again sense. Now why you're not hearing more about this story, because the people in charge of this global cabal of eighty. It's out there trying to hide the truth. Don't want you to hear about this story and have the power to censor you ever wonder why, every time we start reporting on what george soros is up to an article fact check pops up. It says you're, an anti semite, which is What seemly ridiculous coming from anti semitic, liberals that to discard it grow in the fire, but it does its job. It scares some people, not us ever noticed when you start talking about these billionaires like red, half minute, others again, political fact and others. Right on the story to make sure no one can see it now. Do you you stand. Why you're not hearing more about the Epstein story, Epstein met with obama,
witness lawyer According to multiple reports. Here I just gave you left leaning sources there fixer is hiding something Epstein is up to. I am I If we do not have an exact answer for you, but I don't get out ahead of my speech. This is how you get in trouble with my audience. I forget the left reminders Angie. I need you to trust me. I don't know what he was up. Do I have some speculative ideas, I said, on the rumours that, by a lot of people, by the way that he was an intelligence asset that he may have video evidence of people involved in some really bad stuff. But I'm not sure. But I'm telling you that catherine rumbler does not get involved with both george nadir, who was a mahler source and Jeff you have if she doesn't know something and the Democrats it wanted to go away by the way.
Just to show you how committed they aren't censorship. Now the red half means of making stories like this that make them uncomfortable go away. This was just the other day record in this video message. you notice. He pays special What attention in this video message he put out on twitter special? attention back did he's gonna be really involved with answering the internet by via by basically did declaring what's a good source, and, what's not, I e censorship from the left check this out. I planet keep shining a light on the biggest challenges that tomorrow, we faces that includes revitalizing our political institutions coming up with more inclusive and sustainable miles of capitalism. Creating a stronger democratic culture. But it also means creating an information environment, but we forces rather than a roads are democracy. in which truth matters, one in which We are able to distinguish between fact, an opinion.
One in which were able to tell a com story. Just a bunch of separate stories that reinforce our biases and our prejudices These are areas where we're gonna have to do better for them accuracy to stay strong? Folks, that's a book a bull! It word salad, I, what bomb is saying there is it's up to us: old control and silence in the future, control mechanisms and mechanisms we're going to use or do the swamp we're going to have exercise and our money. People read this system right and then, when people like exposes system we're gonna use the red happens in the george soros of the world to silence any negative information that comes out via fact, checks. We, a public pressure. The far left media. Folks. This is real man. We're engaged in a real fight for information. I don't want to
that the truth, because the left is destroyed, the term for information. No, what is it shapiro says, facts, don't care about your feelings, but that's acts, that's accurate. They want making convenient facts go away in their search for what they call their true. There is no, they are true, there's one truth and that's the facts: the guys are all connected. Epstein Hoffman, hoffman soros rumbler and epps. Rumbler remainder nadir in mahler. All of these People share one thing in common: they hate you to brave new world brother. it's in all this harshly com. We knew world Joe. You are correct. You are absolutely correct. It a cowardly new world. This is bidding man into some big money behind. It is not a joke. It's not a conspiracy theory. I challenge let these watching. This show challenges single damn thing. I just said: I use your sources. The brig
wing donor engaged in a mass of censorship operation that it seems to back up by the way, met with Epstein being died, steam was alleged to have been a middle east or not. intel source, no one seems to know where he made his money challenge. Any of that please write a piece. What's a conspiracy theory, tell me what part of the consumer cease theoretical in bonn genomes if you like to hear more subscribed to the embargo, shell, wherever you get your pocket,
Transcript generated on 2023-06-28.