« The Dan Bongino Show

Joe Biden's Scandals Are About To Explode (Ep 2097)

2023-09-27 | 🔗

In this episode, I address the shocking news about Biden's documents probe, Hunter's chinese grift and RFK's electoral future.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The good way to hear the truth about america on a show that is not immune to the facts. With your host dan VON g know the lead Let me just tell him: I'm here now: Who did? I, like you, wouldn't believe. ay so tired of getting facto. or by politicians She was don't go away. Because there's no mode for the sis is in dark mode.
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I in more ways than you know, it do our job. I know because he was that I lost When I came up today, so let's just get the big stuff out of the way for then, let me just show you how the big stuff in the small stuff, a really all just the same stuff. Ok, the republic, It's obvious you're getting ready to go fuck you over again, because that's they do. Because there's a unit party out there and the thereby gino golden rule, which is what Joe most republicans capital who will really Democrats. However, no I'm or really republicans. It's why we are going bankrupt. it's why our economies in the shit her it's. Why are cut freeze going downhill fast enough, not even manage decline any more like a bolder with a mass of a man of kinetic energy steamer. Like everything in its way, the republican. up on capitol hill Schumer
she's me mcconnell and humor. I should say the Democrats. That's mcconnell and humour that actually wouldn't be a typo or a mistake. The Democrats Mcconnell and Schumer, have gathered together. Said we've agreed continuing resolution funding all kinds of things we don't have any money for as we go bankrupt and a few american citizens, you're gonna, take it but we're going bankrupt. It don't matter, it all out of date, all care about is that very bobo republicans. You went along with this now these people, I just want to be. here there. To these people. Hate, your guts. They hate you, but they used to think so They hate you everywhere politician oh shit, they are garbage people they. human garbage? They are the worst people on earth. The Stay of my life, where I kid you not
is losing what I read for office, because if you fit in with these people you're, probably shit to folks, I'm tired, again facto remain These people run for office. They ask you to go What your shoe leather and not gone down, as for them, and tell them how the republican party they are going to do what's right for you, they're going to control spending, say babies' lives. Let you protect yourself, with a firearm in a bad situation. They're gonna go out there, the fence school choice. They don't give a shit. People are a bunch of fakes, total phones,. I bring this up this morning because, folks, it's not just there it's everywhere. I live in florida. Someone gave me this the other day at a book signing, I didn't even know it says in a back sergius something on it, but thank you ever gave me that I bet you think, all florida, a blood,
I'd stay florida, you don't have those problems down air really times. Oh tired, again fucked over by people so tired. So why did I wake up pissed off this morning? Someone sends me a message. A friend of mine is his hey. I live in martin The florida, which is by the way chock full of republicans, is not a single democrat on accounting commission this this thing happening nationally is no different. talking about your county. No I'm talking about my carry whose I'm an activist at heart and this same shit happening nationally, is happening in a republican counties over country. They it last night type your taxes and, let me tell you some Don't trust any these motherfuckers anymore. They all Call me all of em kiss my ass to get on the air try and be my body and everything I had one of em out: dinner, I was chatting with them at a dinner. I was out of my wife. She stopped by to table its fascinating and you know what they did.
they sit there. Although this is conservative county- and you know what they do, they fuck you at the drive through. Some of you will get that reference. If you and a chat nobody comes from because it's no different, they fuck What did DR do we'll get style, Conall, os republicans, there's like ten per Instead of a cock, his gates, a couple others Michael ii and the senate side that actually give a shit we're going bankrupt. Nobody cares. I live in a europe public in county there's not a single democrat elected here. They vote It unanimously five, nothing less than I can hide the taxes during a shit economy with inflation, this spot the fact of property values what through the roof and their swimming in new tax dollars. This and every wanted. These should heads ass made up yet
Shit heads every one of them ass. We can you put aside up, and you know what cause Try to do the right thing and have a little bit of faith in people. These Scumbags will burn you every time. Stacy hetherington, I actually campaign for this woman. to be over Sarah heard total democratic retention sure, but no hope for her at all. heavy another one, mass mandate, guy dogged smith of just a up- I mean biggest pussy up there. I've ever seen our old jenkins, a generally stupid human being. The forty three thousand watching you wanna hear about my county town. by yours is bullshit Happening everywhere so tired pieces, a guard There are seven you, our man,
I give a shit about you, Every single one of these people lied to me every one of them. Counties. Five at the first time in my life, I may be it in. Our camp, where I want to get the fuck out of here. do not come down to florida and think for a second, you're. In some, like I'm dead, syria folks, some haven of like we ve done a lot A great things out here on earth number, a great counties, people doing good stuff but this is one of em, cowards, absolute cowards. This ain't going to affect me. Bob. It's gonna be incidental the money, as I have to pay extra. There are people in this county shrugged, went all over the country and you can stop spending other people's money. It's not your freaking money, mitch, mccarthy, humor, hetherington smith,
jenkins care, be it's not your money, really, sorry, you guys have been totally unsuccessful on the outside. Your own life so got to spend other people's money. It's not your freak in money. People are herded, I'm not one of them. They are on their voice, That's why there's forty five thousand people ten minutes in watching me who don't give a shit about you. You're, all our dear podcast, here nobody gives a shit. Would you have to say tired every we wonder why? This week I look down monday, a lot of people asking me. I got a punch attacks. You ok, not ok, I'm not ok team of people around me, run it interference of pr just me, the alone. With these attacks on rumble tax on free speech, Each attacks on me attacks on my family tax on people.
All day, phony politicians, it's on my ass. How can you help me? god you help about a turn. The fuck you right away, though I write to your face. I'm proud to be one of you, forty six thousand people watching right now and I'm one of these dip. Shits people are such scumbags man either. One of them notice Turning do you guys want to do me, a favor registered in sweden add a couple of social media posts with the general email for the county commissioners or just pathetic pieces of garbage all of them. You see me in public by the way these characters don't even dare come up to me dawn yourself, a favor swamp the keynote speaker at the Martin county geo p. They haven't lincoln dinner. In february, so it's a little bit away, but not that far stream that I think why those
commissioners may be there. I have no balls. I dont think, though, show up. I encourage you to watch that I'll. Give you a heads up in february when I do it flag it right now. I want you to watch that because if they dare show up, I'm going to show you in the room exactly how you handle these people. I met a stream now alive, I'm a citizen to and I'm speaking up for, people struggling right now. New little shits, you don't get you have. I have no human respect for you and I ve no dignity. If none sold every one of us out, Mcconnell disgrace. Folks, we got serious stuff go another man. We are like this close to the edge we're in deep shit right now. I hope you understand. conveniently yesterday too, while this is going on just such a shock
you have a justice system right. All local ruling comes down. And donald trump yesterday that he and It is property values really at more along you see this comes down yesterday, just so weird for folks per timing. At this stage time, a new bombshell drops that the Chinese Communist party connected company sent a quarter million dollars on a wire, and the address listed unaware was freaking Joe widens homer draws music, Average bro yeah, I know, there's no there's a lot of evidence. You all a communist scumbags. We get that perfect timing, Donald trump inflates property values. Five minutes later, chinese communist party sends accordingly those Joe Biden house sure it's all an accident right folks, the timelines, perfect, every single time. You notice that a judge up in new york. You see me case while we're on the florida topic. They said that he and it'd devalue, Donald
drop of moral logger, the judges, I do a valuation. Moral logger was worth somewhere in the twenty million dollars. He how long you been Joe you down here now right. You have a general somehow shopping and stuff. Let me ask you to gi Joe for a guest of honor half billion worth of real estate, marilla goes waterfront palm beach at seventeen acres on both sides in palm beach. The adjoining like five acre property which is just treason, there's nothing on it- is on sale for, like fifty million. What do you take us? I think, mar a lago. Seventeen acres, both sides. What would you what would you say? It's worth three nights right, good call: tv sets a million deaths right, but a million bucks. That's our million bucks folks. Can I tell you something useful record. The house I live in is not even is barely above a half an acre it's not even on the water in palm beach, it's off the riverside, and I, one and a half billion,
Jobs house is probably worth more lago, I'm gonna to guess upwards of about seven hundred million dollars judge as we overvalued. It's really worked about twenty the judges, a freak of real estate agent. Now I guess all happen. Can nearly right. At the same time, we get this Oh bombshell put that over I committed tweet up china wires? The list wires love list endless Jos home, is the beneficiary address a few months, If they're Biden announced his candidacy and twenty nineteen hundred by I two wires from china, china, you want to the uk and tanker including from Jonathan we more alarming the wires have Joe Biden home and will make the delaware as the beneficiary address no evidence fell, is no evidence at all It's a little by little alarming Well, this just changed the names. Can we do this? We keep it the tweet up for a second a few months. after Donald trump announces candidacy it for me available shows down. Tromp junior received
the wires from china for georgia The ten k more alarming the wires were so Tomorrow, logo, it for other absorbing absorb no big deal. Chubby nobody's he's right. Nobody give a Who cares right? I mean there's no evidence right. I mean you. Ve told There is no evidence, Joe Biden said bob besides these systems this activity reports, the pictures of Joe Biden, a bit meetings with his son the calls into those meetings the tax about given half reminding upon the schwerin text about oh Biden has access to these financial lies the ten twenty, fbi forms the multiple conflict. To inform its indicating a bribe was paid. The poorest genco calls the bank records you're right outside of that and now a wire to Joe Biden has your right. There's no evidence the media even a montage. If they actually told you this. No have you guys, MR your check this out yourself
far they have been not able to prove any evidence here of wrong. Doing house geo pew members continue to try and link hunters business dealings to the president, though they have yet to produce. the concrete evidence that is important to keep in mind, while republicans believe that there is a tie between one hundred Biden's business dealings and the president himself, they have yet to provide any hard evidence that the president himself has done anything wrong. Recently that they're going to kittens they're going to make the accusation they're going to accuse them to have the evidence are not correct and republicans have not tied the president Joe Biden to profiteering from them. They didn't have the evidence yet where's the evidence. There is no evidence,
any wrong doing by the president. There is today zero evidence, zero evidence, Joe Biden, the president. I states knew about what is done, was doing and if the president of the united states committed the kind of offences it and the republican fever dreams, they're saying he committed without any evidence. There is at this point, zero zero evidence. It Joe Biden is guilty of anything with the republicans of arguing, of course, is there just very, very angry that their guy got impeach twice and so they're just passing about for a way of providing retribution on the democrats- and this is our latest fever dream ass. As someone in the chat, you know, I get it. Okay, too many cuss words from agony as fair, fine and this and that snuff the show is not for everyone. I told you, I warned you that a long time ago, I'm not doing cutesy time anymore. I'm I'm sorry man. but that I'm not doing it. I'm pissed off and I'm gonna talk and act like exerts. Exactly how I feel.
I'm really sorry man is showing for you, but I am so freak entire right now, I'm not physically tired I am mentally exhausted being in this fight now gosh over with twelve fifteen years now and being sold out by everyone. Folks, you ve no idea when I see behind the scenes, but a four hour for the most sceptical a guy in this chap the most sceptical man, a woman. This Chad, who thinks like every single human being in politics, is the equivalent of a Pile of shit. Believe me, It's worse, you don't even know how bad it is. These people will Sell you out in a minute to your face. Only reason I even vault republic in any more is because I know I have two garbage choices. A heart, for one and one- that's gonna, destroy me tomorrow this
is all going on right now I mean this is what they weren't. They really. That would there spending us into oblivion. We ve got a corruption in the white house getting money from china right before he ran and about you know. Gosh. If we shut the government down for a few days the government's been shut down, china owns it, we don't have a government china. Does they own by our look at this? breaking news. Yesterday, the federal probe into President Biden's handling of classified documents prior to The present has grown into a sprawling investigation sources say several sources, estimated that as many as four hundred witnesses have already been interviewed, we'd interviews conducted its recent.
His last week. Why is a b c news reporting? Is anyone in a chat have an idea any one key who was a poll the other day that showed trump up nine points was that guys was at a b c, our joke, and that was our the I up there so was it abc Paul, abc all of a sudden, all of a sudden, breaking news about Joe Biden classified human scandal to folks rethinks go at a crime, but gino be into chasseurs. You no lawyer exactly what told you to three months ago. They don't know what else is out there and their terrified and they want this guy out and that's it
exactly why you saw this a b c Paul. The other day were Biden down nine. These are really down nine. That's abc c saying you better get the hell out of the race soon or we're keep reporting on his cause. We can't lose the trump you get it now. You can on flag Babylon. I knew it. I call them they get the big about guys. Like me, Man I got more on these folks, I am in, and This is the solve these mood. I've ever been in. I am just so tired. I get screwed over stacy, hetherington screwed me so bad. I can't even tell you I trusted this woman. I trusted these people and they saw me out and spent the whole day trying to justify them being absolute shit. Heads. Scarcely amenity, what's going on with his classified documents thing in a second cause. This is even worse than you think
The only reason abc reporting on and Nepal is a want. The sky at other take equipment, Folks, you ve caught the media, but about the staggering weight loss people get from this weekly injections right. by lowering blood sugar, reducing fattened curbing appetite. Those are the three key to weight. Loss will listen. Is an interesting weight. Loss discovery called lean earlier. is a brand new supplement that frustrated dieters I should find really encouraging for starters, no shots and no prescription needed to get this studied. Ingredients and leanne have been shown to help lower blood sugar, help convert fat to energy and help reduce AP type, adding lean to a healthy diet. Exercise programme could be that game changer for folks who went to lose ten pounds or more. Let's get you started Fifteen percent off and free rush shipping visit take lean, dot com tee a k, e ellie and take leaned our common enrico dan fifteen that stand one five promo code,
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urban women. Don't trust him anymore. He cannot win. He will not be donald trump. He will not be rhonda santa's, he won't be, wouldn't be mickey Hayley. He would lose Probably two to four points in a popular vote: he is the single most. Destructive human being to ever enter the white house and Everybody knows so. What's going on chapters, I think you know. this document. Scandal is exactly what I told you. It was the payments. That we're coming into the biden, crime family were like for information Biden had access to her. Why take this breaking news. A federal probe into his handling of classified documents has become a sprawling investigation. You take its course. since some of the paper. or material that job I had made its way into emails from hunter by what are you thinking
abiden was selling. He was selling access. An information, the entire time. That's what he was selling. that's what he was selling. This is the biggest political scandal in a man. Can history. They were selling information. The time. the media is gonna, throw this guy under the bus soon. there is no doubt about it. here. I want to show you some. You think this is accident. This actually yo story about the no trip strategy. This was a major league coming out of the white house, apparently inside the white house, they are absolutely terrify. They are terrified of Joe Biden, Tripoli.
out in public because he can't control himself anymore. actually or story by Alex thomson. This is now an accident to binds team. Don't let him trip mission, They are terrified and sky falling, the reason you here in this story now is the media is now doing the conversion from protect Joe Biden. get this guy out here at all costs. You saw the cabin newsome thing yesterday. I want to show you this video he's walking down. The george stafford air force one what eddie trips again, he trips again, the guy the every time he walks up and down a paris death every time. happen again. Yesterday, too, you know Widen little shuffled does to prove our. morality, look it up.
The vitality, usually vitality programme were vitality. There. Why you to watch! He does this little Biden shuffle he's gonna fall on his face here. Once you see this you'll never see this. He does this all the time check this out. you'll, see, there. It is you see it. he does this shuffle they begged him to stop doing this. He doesn't approve all look at me. Look at all the vitality folks, They are getting ready to throw this I overboard hears from the available information that job bye. His team were selling information to the highest bidder. That is what the money was for. everybody knows it the meat. it doesn't even know what else is out there. That's the problem.
Folks disguised in big trouble man he can't win. This is crash hours? Pretty down the road middle shy guy. NBC news latest Paul finds republicans where they twenty. One point advantage on the economy: forty nine sent a registered voters, picking a geo P. Twenty eight percent, picking the dams so largest led report. we have had since ninety ninety one, my telling you this positive we're going to smoke. What in the next elections are not? However, I'm tellin, you there in a world of trouble and they know they can when would Joe Biden. This is the most important thing you're going to see today, Christopher coon's is widens all this body in the Senate right now. They love each other these who are like this, who is it Obviously a democrat chris coup in love Joe Biden I want, to pay very close attention here to what he says. If Chris
foods is tell you, he's worried about binds Paul's believe. Behind the scenes. It's a thousand times worse, watch this right now to pull head to head are more concerned Then I would expect, but It's so much rather be in this position of having an incredible record for our president to run up If Chris Coon's saying that these gentlemen, disguise and world the trouble. now piling on news. We Joe Biden, nightmare election scenario might be coming true. the last thing Joe Biden needs, is Bobby Kennedy running on the libertarian line. Consult those told newsweek, nothing it'll. Come that provide news. We agree now to the white house for common. Why release s where we found that a third of Democrats would vote for Bobby Kennedy. If he ran is an independent, a boost from the twenty five percent. Who said he would vote form into primaries. Ladies and gentlemen, this guys. Administration is called
I've seen in record light speed right out the fast. As you can goes, light speed. You can't go any faster. The collapse is epic. Here's a sum of war article this It's true story came out. Apparently the iranians have been running an influence, operation, sam for which is no conservative outlawed by the way and in full. Its operation were people inside the pipe white house. Give you a magic having a worse weaken this guy. It gets out that they do you can't stop following on your face. You give us calling up a famous black performer l, l, cool J, who you called l, l, J cool, you call boy do that? Its revealed a quarter million dollar payment from the c c p made it to your house, while is.
expanding investigation into you fleecing classified documents. Can I get the worse? I don't think so. Can get as bad, but ain't gonna get any worse. Folks, these people are in a world of trouble. They are in a world of trouble. But it's not bad enough yet for some Oh, I gotta, not bad enough block come up next. It is not bad enough for some. It is not bad enough I'm going to show you what I mean coming up next, but it's about to get bad really bad for some people you better get prepared today. Alright, let me take a quick break. here are my stakes. Folks falls in the air means were looking forward to Chris mornings. Falling leaves sweater where, more importantly, is perfect time Grilling tailgating, cosy, comfort, stakes. It's all your fault cravings covered with fifty percent off, say why do in a semi annual sale? It's fifty
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acted. Sixty six thousand are here now I love you all and I'm on. you here, but if I could be for everyone going forward, because I'm not doing duty time anymore, I'm not doing it people. and it get called out for exactly what they are and who they are and we're naming names and that's gonna be going forward because the country is collapsing in front of our eyes, and I promise you this. We are going to come out of the other side of it. I know it. I know it because we ve done it before from far worse, its opt out yet for some CNBC target says going to close nine stores and major city citing violence and theft. Folks this is just the beginning, You are going to see You are going to see in these major cities. You think you have food deserts now you get it. commercial deserts and a future you're, not going malls. You're not gonna. Have food you're not gonna, have places to buy clothes. You're gonna have none of this
so I say to the residences chicago, not the good conservatives. Republic is even a moderate democrats who understand their trouble to the liberal democrat. Washing their cities down the toilets, I'm warning you right now. You are gone to be left with nothing which are you it's in your hands and nothing left. This is just the beginning. As more and more these companies understand that if they pull out of these cities, they'll start losing money. You are getting Nothing left there be absolute commercial deserts. So you I have two choices. Again, the garbage book party or the super garbage destructive communist party. That's it. Here's. What I mean she would happen, happened philadelphia last night. I work for I gotta tell you I don't even like old. When I got a big cities, I get security every time me, I'm It's one am two hundred ten pounds: the egg folks. I don't trust these people anymore. I do
trust the people running these cities to keep me safe. I just don't they don't seem to care what happened in philadelphia last night, this looks like thing out of an apocalyptic. What's that key? What's that dumb or the purge if you see a movie to purge, we're like one I had a year crime as you can do whatever you want to do. This every night. This is like that Stop purge going on in america's big liberal cities here what would happen if philly last night the The the The I he. I read the
not here everybody must eat folks, everybody more. They get that from anybody know. Then you can have an idea where they may have gotten that everybody must eat everybody. Foods free folks, there's a matter that that's business owners. Now probably gonna have to go out of business because you lose. in writing the store, bribed dynamic no different spin? The fact that he works for his food and has been doesn't really make it there, but he must eat right. What do you think they got that from within Oh, that's right. There, fearless leader, yeah the broken by turn the rio see I bartenders reload. The bark had say enough: not this one You remember this clip everybody's got either Austria there just eat folks, that's all there doing check this out, and so they go out and they need it. Their child and they don't have money, so you maybe
to hear their put in a position where they feel like they either need to shop with some bread or go hungry that night. he's a deed, iphones, zero nutrition. What's a carbohydrate count that macro Or nutrients is theirs. chromium pollinated there, maybe a little selenium, maybe some sake. Magnesium citrate is empty. You, madam mercury at age, is out on us at a central out of things. Aperture could kill you, but that's so weird because- and this happened last night philly two year, we get it the eating levies, gotta to get a there. That's a degree that such a good point at such a good point Maybe they d says you know their hungry. Maybe they saw the apple score with the bite out of it. Like all. I want to go in there and get a bite of that apple too and starving to death by the way. Those debates,
we'll screaming and video don't look like their starving. It all the way to doing the opposite of starving. So we, Another starving many former carry him like fifty to seventy extra l b, so strange rate, not bad enough. Yet folks, You held an election tomorrow in philadelphia I'll go on the record right now. Not a single seat. Council position. Not a single mayors, race candidate They would vote for Democrats every single time. Why? Because it's not bad enough yet get bad enough, we're getting a man. max, even faster than I thought again take your save europe, even safer republican county like mine once it was bad. howard shops down here- to can't do it I'm thing right, get out of their own waiting people move to florida to pay taxes. You go to philadelphia just expect to get caught on every single day. Here's how bad it is
citizens are to be the only people get involved right now: citizens, Tackle and shoplift see this one guys guys shoplifted from restore your expected. Now. What is the citizen to be like the police and security guy too, Why tell you folks, you better know what you're doing you better have some skills to survive, because you don't know when you're going to find yourself in the situation becomes crazy everywhere, the library, because this guy is probably in jail, citizens and their property security. The idea that they're, probably in jail for following interference with a guy trying to eat. That's a bet, crime or something. I know, I'm not done folks, you better to protect yourself, because I am what you'd understand. Can you help me in the chair by the wagon a question for you
You know the scene and ban ki. The christopher nolan bans on talking about, for you come with us Alfred tells bad man. He said I know some men just wanna watch the world burn. Is that about the joker or is that about bane? I think it's about the Joe and you helped me in the chat his eye incur, if I can play it on here- play it on a radio better. We can play on here. But it's a really powerful. It's a comic book movie. I get it it's not like rosebud or citizen kane, or the joker was some of the joker. Thank you, okay. I was, I thought, so it's a powerful scene. You know when I was a cop charity get choked up here because it's
it's a surrey and I tend to be, but one of the most devastating things you go to the child abuse case anna you'll pull in, and you see this kid man and the kids just like hovering in the corner like a bed in the corner of the room with my some covers or something and they just wanted all stop. You know when you see that- and you wonder- and you see this big like hoke of a dude who is a beating the shit out of his kid said alike. Five year old- and you said It- so how? How could any person do that, and I am always reminded that some people really just do want to see the world, but I don't know its internal pain. They have that they feel it the only way to vent. It is to rage or another. But I don't know I don't know what it is but evils real folks, you better get ready for
I said to you yesterday my locals video. My radio show in here hear yourself some kettlebells get yourself some numbers. Better learn how to fight to stay alive, don't start a fire, but you better learn how to anyone. And if you're going to tell me, you don't have the time, I'm an ass, you have the time to die as if you live in one of these places, even if you don't you're not safe in this world anymore, we are in a completely different place than we were even ten years ago. We are in a lawless place, moving towards mad max quicker than you think and the thing about chaos as it spreads like a virus and it spreads geometrically, not arithmetically, and it's growing by the day want to play this video for you, and I want to warn in advance. This is the most disturbing one. Yet you've probably seen it, but I want you to see it again. It's some guy in Chicago he's, walking down
now in the middle of the day, but I want you to listen the audio here if you listen on apple aspire to find the audio almost as powerful role the wrong reasons. Video. I want you to notice of these guys. Don't want a mug this guy. They want to hurt the sky they're out there they're everywhere the walls are everywhere. You wanna be a sheep. You wanna be a sheep on your decision to make just yeah thanks. I yeah
To why The the the I just wanted to hurt that guy.
Some men just wanna, watch the world burn man. You know you're going to be an arsonist or a fireman. What are you going to do this again? I'll say it for the third time today, because I understand this isn't for everyone. But when I say cutesy time is over, I gotta, we say we say the staff with her kind of notice. Sarcasm, I understand, is over like a little here retrace our funny, I don't mean to be funny today at all. We got a country to save. I mean it Shall we say that the figurative sense means being was the country you thought you knew is almost completely gone criminals run the streets, inflation runs, our budget corruption runs, are white house inept.
Student cowardice runs our congress and our senate. You know I'm not some freakin poet, you said you'd darkies, before dawn crap or whatever. But if we're going to fix this we're running out of time. The good news is there. Are people out there who had enough certainly willing to publicly express it? She would happen. staten island new york. Now, for those you dont know, new york, staten island is one of fibres. the most republic, in bar, I wouldn't call exactly conserving but the most republican burrow in new york? There is typically a republic congressmen that represent stand out since the city you are sitting here. It's obviously states much larger than city, which is actually small portion of the Our state sat island residents, have a bunch of migrants be embossed into their state. Of course they here religiously sand. Let's get its own issues right. Now, it's a middle class place. There are struggling inflation.
an island residences. Now they're not come in here. Not those This is not now here the country legally, we're not title to break the law, neither a day. So what happened? They got arrested. These people decided go to jail. rather let this happen from your face. Watches
since going to spread. The more people get to say we ve had enough people going to vote different folksy answer is, I don't know, but
You think this. You ever see that viral video, it's on tik and real twitter and facebook to viruses you guys ever see its is watermelon and the guy puts ribands around that it goes on for days, rubber band, rubber band. Finally, does I dunno whatever hundred thousand rubber boots? How about honesty any puts one more rubber band and the watermelon explodes one hundred thousand, probably ridiculous. Probably five thousand without about the point: is. What's that rubber band gonna be just one, rubber band explode. That border mail not all day, and it was the five thousand before. Was it five dollars? before the explode watermelon it took five.
I have a thousand rubber bands in the watermelon was not compressed to the point. Where would explode and yet one little tiny rubber band? Did it what's going to be the rubber band that causes a political explosion in this country where people vote different? Ladies and gentlemen, the answer is I dunno, but I can tell you it's coming, but it ain't going to when the cutesy time bullshit and isn't going to happen with this. You know and the reason I brought up the local stuff this morning in conjunction with the national stuff, because this is everywhere. It is yours, The fight in your county in your city in europe, and federally, there is no excuse, What should I do? First, all of it because we don't have a choice because the Democrats are fighting every. you are more this. Did you see one, the elite come in on the trains put this on But a trade check this one are, you are more this. This is our
sure you do you want to see what an invasion looks like in lifetime. You want to see what an invasion looks like a lifetime, a hostile takeover, your country, I'll give you a it looks kind of like that. our invading army. You'd all be look. at each other. Like is this really happening? What's gonna be enough about. If you live in California right now, you see this. Actually, your story, caliphs, He's gonna find schools for schools have bans pornography in schools, bigger your school bans. The pornography you're going gonna find them sought happening, but it's great that it is to quote the great michael, And time we're not show in this stuff in schools now, but if you ban it will find you, I know you are shown in schools. Hoaxes can bear out there.
Even up in canada, I want to give a hat To this melissa land, shrimp, she's parliamentary minister up there in canada, and you about the nazi scandal. They had an act, will nazi. They gave a double standing ovation to opt in true doze, liberal, canadian parliament, while they ve got some conservatives and selma Non liberals air, and this melissa lad. I think your name is land should be a just absolutely goes for this is that I want to end on a little bit of are of a high note here check this out speaker, took the fall in the prime minister continues to blame everyone else, a full blown international embarrassment for our country, for our allies and for everything this nation did to defeat the nazis and actual nazi invited to the house of commons welcomed and celebrated as a hero and a government that
everyone here. The piano has called canadian citizens nazis. Well, he muster the courage and stand up on his feet today. Take responsibility again weathers for I don't know this woman at all. When we dared did the liberals are now celebrating nazis up in canada, by the way the speaker, the canadian speaker, had to resign yesterday. He did it french and english to this is the english part. This is just classic check this out border with a heavy heart. did I rise to inform members of my resignation as speaker, the house of commons. It has been my greatest honour as apart jerry into have been elected by you. Appears to serve as the speaker of the house of commons for the forty third in forty fourth, parliament s house is above any of us. Therefore,
I step down, as your speaker said too, Add so sad by now Maybe trudeau should go next. Listen! I want the army in the chad theme by gina love. You guys. I had a rough couple of weeks. Man, I've been banged out a little bit, you know I'm just like. Ah again, the one with a white man at sign or francis- not some snowflake shit. So don't worry about that, but and I'm not okay, but I'll, be okay when I'm not. Ok, I'm not ok I'll tire, but I'm just I get. I get a phone so I've been reading a storm and following the summit, to try to have someone on my show in the coming days weeks, but. Anyone have any experience with this. They sell us. I've been thing these you psychedelic, so using basically mushrooms, do really a lot well
I know I mean, I think they had, they use ie six now medical. You know, so You know I'm I'm here and that they they may have some benefits. Isn't it and its npr by you know whatever for this case it's a non political story, so not that you can trust it anyway, but I put it to show no, it's an appeal. only if you take so aside and there are a lot of religion, Folks of faith were using. This because they believe there's some spiritual dimension to this now listen, I'm a big believer that, if spirit this very real of men of faith. I am also a sinner I'd, not your preacher, I'm not your moral compass. I want to be clear on that, but I do believe Jesus Christ, my saviour and I do believe the spiritual is very real and a wondering is anyone has ever try this. You know you in the chat or I read the chat, sometimes after the show to it.
Or tweet to be a true social or put it on facebook. You know I get depressed a lot, it's a dark place if you guys have ever had depression clinical kind. You know it runs in my family. It's a black cloud. It's not related to anything. It's not! It's, not a bad mood at some of the oppression. Is it's a weird thing? It's whenever they don't need to bore you with my nonsense, but I get it a lot. It runs in my family through my mother's side and it's hard to shake, and I'm wondering if you think this stuff is any good at this work cause. My fear is that a couple of people I know tried, it really did change,
they say they change for the better, but I see I I you know I don't want to. I gotta stay frosty too, so you know find me on facebook or send me a message in the chat, I'd love to hear if he took psilocybin and see what you're saying cause apparently a lot of people even the stuff. I'm in this and thanks for tuning in today, I know the tone of the show managed for everyone. I get it, but I back it down. Sorry man. The only ways through is not to retreat- and, I hope, you're with me, so seventy five thousand people watching I love you- I appreciate it at all good night I'll see you tomorrow, just ten von gino
Transcript generated on 2023-09-28.