« The Dan Bongino Show

Jeffrey Epstein - What Else Was He Doing?


There is a serious national security issue here.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Folks, as we head into the presidential election year, whether you can be sure of two thousand and twenty four is going to be tumultuous. So how are you going to protect your hard earned savings? Do what I did. Consider diversifying with gold from brcko group. Now You can own it in a tax, sheltered ira, with the help of birch gold, just texting The ninety ninety nine eight brcko to send you a free and focus on go they'll be if an existing ira, a one came to an irish, go without paying a penny at a pocket than a plus raiding the better, just beyond and thousands satisfied customers me included. You can trust brcko two texts dan, the nine eight nine eight nine eight for you free in folk again to extend to nine eight nine, eight nine eight today, performance may vary, consult with your tax attorney or financial professional. Before making investment decision message. and data rights apply dan bones. You know: welcome to the Bonn jean Aubrey vandam bond jail cell folks, rigorous flag. It ever now
three on flag flying built, the unflagging. Why? What did I tell you about bill Clinton, someone, That's me dan, your rarely raw rob sometimes, but it is rare. Thankfully, I would you my source a long time ago too? me who was there that bill Clinton is me deep in his jeffrey Epstein scandal. Looky here look at what happened new york posts one william jefferson, twin track. Unmasked as John doe, thirty six and identified more than fifty times in Jeffrey Epstein document, the law what a shocker I've told, You this story a thousand times this is there. is a very, very serious national security issue here, with bill Clinton being involved with Epstein, because you don't know, ladies and gentlemen, you catch what I just said.
Don't want. That's just casually even with that being gino. You like that we put it. Silent pity, minister, I'm how are you there could be some national security problems here, because ladies and gentlemen, but he knows how much material people have on Jeffrey Epstein with videoed where, where those videos are, told by someone a long time ago, a very knowledgeable report and some information about high number and I are hiding up for some foreign government- protect a map protecting anyone We telling you what I was told that so governments around the world. May, some material, that's really. to the Epstein thing built cynthia was knee deep in this man. I have very, very good source. I've told you this story. Forgive me
repeating it if you're a p one, but some people are new you're, never heard this. He was on the plane with bill. went in and Epstein on, one of abstained planes when bill Clinton on a plane with some women who, according to my sources, Dont rage, why was my soul, on the plane dan no people hung out our Jeffrey have seen. No, I don't, he was working right, unbelievable, the guy killed himself and now but he's gonna know. My boy he was on, the plane and was very uncomfortable, He didn't see anything directly, but there was apparently some area back of a plane or really want to go whatever do their thing. My friends are comfortable with it
they land than he's. Like a guy who's running the show. You know what I mean, I to be part of whatever stolen on this plane the guy who's run and all things says: well, you need to go home. He had a play. Their debts, daddy of course, one day do it's cod. Like a similar story and he says you need to go home, so they send him home, but here chocolate did on the plane. Would Epstein In a little area would people he thought didn't look of age. I've told you tori a thousand times it. It's amazing how, because it's the damn bonds gino show what we ve been right about just about everything every in the media ignores even notice source is still out there. Everyone can talk to them more in a minute first both as we enter the presidential election. You won. T you be sure of twenty twenty four is gonna, be tumultuous. So how are you gonna? Protect your harder and savings,
we have already seen: the impacts of inflation, the grocery store, the gas station dollars losing his buying power. New wages are not keeping up. So how do you take yourself? Well do it. I did consider diversifying with gold from brcko group for decades, well there's been the choice of investors and central banks, the hedge against inflation, now You can only attack, shouted irae with help of brcko just text. the ninety, ninety nine eight brcko to send you a free and focus on go, api, convert an existing ira, a four one k into an ira and go without paying a penny out of pocket and then a plus rating with the better. is this and thousands satisfied. Customers me included. You can trust brcko. Two texts dan, the nine eight nine, eight nine eight for you free in folk again to extend to nine eight nine, eight nine eight today. So the big question, is was absolutely was Epstein Jeffrey Epstein working for tell sources and who are they. If I knew, I would tell you that an
did not come from my source. It came from a reporter I spot to spoke to a long time who did tell me which one I don't talk about. Things don't know period. I dont, speculate on things I don't know. If I do, whilst of speculating words appropriate I'll, tell you I'm speculative, not on this matter, when is it epstein- may be a bigger story than just Epstein, and some perverted disgusting fills bags who decided to have their way with with young girls. the stories bigger than that there is this, listen man! This is really important to understand. This for office and work in the job I did before there, Save co ball of people out, there it's folks, it's not some x files. What What is this? A cigarette smoking guy in a back room where the role coordinating? That's not the way, the deep state,
or the swamp, whatever the human. Call. It is fine with me the way any this works its way: Your people who know each other is that simple Trade in information and access- those are too iceland, commodities the every day, man doesn't have access and information. That is what they traded. When I say access, I don't want to forget this chasm and our own who want to lose this point. This is why Epstein was so important to them. son needs a job, your Joe smith's, some connected congressmen from east tunafish, where you go you go to the Epstein guy absent It is simply a matchmaker. He is power matchmaker he creep in epps was a conduit to this bit too that it was a he.
on the way to the cabal, that's what made up steam value border, both intelligence services. If he was working for some one and two other rich people article. One of the few people who caught onto this guy's game was tribe, who kicked me out of his club. and they trade in information here, just one and you think unrelated story, but his wages, unusual, wales, a great account, speaking, I've just released the report on politicians trading in the stock market. Twenty twenty three all look every year since twenty twenty- u S, politicians beat the market only. How did that happen because people like steam trade in access to power. Can do this for you, because I know this guy trade in information Epstein. Oh I can get congressmen Joe, we beg doughnuts a job.
goldman sachs congressmen and bag. What do you know about that regulation on this firm that, if it goes through, going to crush the stop programme. Although we do you, if not maybe It's going to happen next. We only how do I short the hell out of that oaks not a back room deal. It's not a group of people in a circle jerk robin each other's backs engine like that when you work. Where I worked in you see what I see you see, it's not like that. It is bunch of people who know each other through knowing other people who know each other all that is, and they have access to information you will never have. That is why the Abstain case is such a b f d, this guy was the conduit he was the ticket the titanic upper floors.
This is a first class. That was what abstain did absent was about. Surely the bar everybody wanted to get into the question and the only question is how The f was on that line and get in a bar in ages. Bilking that day in bonn, jean osier, if you like, to hear more subscribed to the avenging rochelle wherever you get your pocket
Transcript generated on 2024-01-07.