« The Dan Bongino Show

It's All About Ukraine Money (Ep 2101)

2023-10-03 | 🔗

In this episode, I expose the nefarious connections between Washington and Ukraine.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Wait to hear the truth about america on his shoulders, not immune to the banks, with your host dan VON jean, not guilty, which is fair, tested this great, This is just fantastic, because now this trial is gonna go on. If she, if he continues to plead, not guilty If people are going to get dragged in and everybody's going to be under oath now, just could be no screwing around and just happen. That is just glorious. Really hope he's charge, would affair violation, Ahmad optimistic, but I can hope A foreign agent registration. I fallacious for payments from foreign governs dad's dragged into. Why does a witness I thought, the presidential election, yes, that would be glorious man. Do I get a show of eureka: fancy the cia, This really is about this. crane money thing. I expect
the yesterday I am explain in more detail today- is all about ukraine, Jim. bowman, the sea are it's about ukraine, yeah ass, trumpet a big w the border chaos with the really up to. If I can get with tunisia bite, you wear black, our coffee, giving money, while companies going to blow our coffee, dot com, slash by gino, use coupon code bungee. No, for twenty percent of your first order. Thanks cool shirt from blackout. loaded show for you today. Again, I'm going tied together. What they're, really really hiding in working for in this sea? Are this government spending thing and why the big fight is going it'll make fix sense. Let me just take off with this What does ukraine have on Joe Biden? The answer? A lot is tough, a lot. Are you ready to cover the benefits of a good night's sleep? it's time to awaken your senses, embrace the importance of a restful slumber unite all maritime dive into the
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but it should kid relating to day Dan encountered by ms on those minor, troy yourself, so yeah he pled not guilty. We'll cover that more detail tomorrow. If we gets his death really talk about, except that this guy's gonna wind up going to trial and probably going to get smoked and Down? Whatever hopes his father has of getting reelected with? Why? Because hunter Why doesn't give a damn about his dad? Utter Biden cares pleasure he is a heat missed. If you don't, and pleasure immediately the drugs, the ladys, you are scraps them. More importantly, Trying get this out away before I get to the ukraine stuff, listen, This security costs for what's going on up in new york with the Donald trump trial, no one's explaining this. If this threat say the city and state of new york. They. Why?
I'm getting from donald trump in this fake friend this fraudulent fraud trial, which is ironic because there is no fraud. Everybody paid off. The banks are paid off their alleging shrub overvalued is properties to get loans, the catches version Complainin, there's no victim, no none of them bags. They all got their money back at everybody's happy. So the case fake. We get that play some video, the the second, because respond, responded back and is more on new york state attorney general Latisha James, whose complete moron totally forgot about the statute of limitations and screwed. Up now looks like drop lloyd may screwed up a little bit too Today, in a little bit, but I want to suggest something where did cause for donald trump. I want you to peaches out there because it Super import important have got through the roof. It is for a living. So I got a little bit of experience in this whole space. When you, go up to new york city and you're, doing a security detail for the president ex president. It doesn't matter
the president of crops, I stand it don't make a difference get the federal costs of the secret service agents for second scrap that new york's is engaging in this trial against donald trump. Today, damages for new york state, because they think they're gonna make money on this, and I think they can hurt tromp politically here's the kicker I d D, has an intel unit. The intelligence unit has to go with us everywhere. These guys are probably on over time right now, given it is in new york. So out of you know this, but is always an intel squad from me. Am I pity twenty four seven right so every time, He goes up there for the next eight thirty days when he's around. If you stay up there for a few days right, you're talking about twenty four hour m until you are also talking about motor units, motorcade units bottom. Ok blocking it highway units you're, also tone. At sri kobza control trafficking around trump tower, any idea, the over time at the court house, the cord officers folks operator, the case, the eu level,
our new york state things are getting financially out of this ridiculous, absurd attack on donald trump they are going to. an enormous l, financially money wise because of the costs of all this ridiculous security The intelligence team there, like the secret service for the mit there around all the time, the motor units. These guys are expensive. These are junior guys these. Twenty year guys make an eighty ninety a hundred grand a year on over time. This is good cost a fortune goes to show you. This has nothing to do with anything other than given trump the middle finger and try it. I heard of it all this is about. I want you to watch for we get to the ukraine stuff. This is a huge ella. Well, this more raw material james in new york, state attorney general, who forgot the statute of limitations on a lot of these alleged fraud charges at about eighty percent of got kicked yes right out the door, because even this hack judge will expose tomorrow. How do acknowledge you guys, probably screwed up, listen to this,
I really resent vacations over. I was going to come out and say we're not entitled to a jury which is pretty unusual in the united states. The majority of the last sentence was very fair. The way I interpreted the statute of limitations is a very real thing in this country, and the case will be over a pull updated it out. You know what are the valuable ports will be a part of the budget o army in thirty seven thousand seven minutes enjoyed the show. Is I always give you the inside scoop these that judah limitations on a crime, even semi, competent prosecutor. Forget that scratch echo
even more on prosecutor in a checklist things, I'm going to prosecute drop the first item- one the charge still valid as the us, so well. Statute of limitations expired. This It's? U to limitations, is up. Ok, there's what pie chart- and you know what it says- no do not prosecute these idiots. forgot. All that why you got a judge say and moral argos worth twenty million dollars. This is such a freak in cloud. Show you got the end why pd fork and over intel motors sri cops twenty four hour security. You got the new york state corridor officers. Court officers probably work in massive over time. Right now you ve got people in. our town, providing security. You ve got, treats being shut down. Why so this can lose money. The new york state authority, general can humiliate herself. The gene jack psyches night court. This is just like a embarrassing, humiliating, scam that defence,
the united states of america is defended into a shit, showed descended into a show so fast. It's just We get embarrassing disgrace, man. I know I spend a lot of time on a you hear about it. All Listen. I told you yesterday s bowman story was much much more than about a moron who can open a door folks, this story is not about a door. The story was about a deliberate attack. Yesterday, a deliberate, the attack to stop a vote. Let me This gives me the bottom line up front the damage, that's needed to delay that vote, no matter what in the house, because they wanted a senate bill to pass first at locked in billions for ukraine that way even though the Democrats were given everything they wanted by Mccarthy and the republicans in this spending bill. They still wanted that ukraine not near so they needed time. That's
I believe, bowman pulled the alarm and I believe it was coordinate now That's why they're freak out about this. They usually loud mouth, more on bovine, whose always screaming in the lobby like a freaking lunatic That's why this guy is like a dog with his tail between his legs. Now Harry was yesterday. Listen to this response! I was just trying to get there to vote, rubbed, sure sure you're tiggle listen
What is so much attention. I was literally just in the rest of us. Are you leadership from legally listen? I think responsibility for what I did. You know I got cells in russia, but you know some sort. Everything else are we talking to reason, of course, is essential, actually demonstrated leaders. Why did he? This is bullshit? Ok, the guy's not stupid. This was part of a plot is all of Y, where he is pretty right, pretty dumb, but he was the only one dumb enough to do. This is part of a plot. The crash? Use this useful idiots about why yesterday, but I want to go into detail how to stop this. This is I, the media, wants this story so desperately to go away. They
one of the most embarrassing republicans pals stories yesterday about bowman fire alarm gay I've ever seen because they don't want the republican party to uncover this plot that bowman a part of the stop. This vote all about ukraine money. Why stay tuned I'll get that listen MSNBC first with the worst? republicans, pounds you ve ever seen bigger listening to my boma, because she did economic trends fire alarm in the cannon? Nothing! He said you do it! rushed to the forefront about, but was a curious why they accused, and there is, I believe, an investigation going on by security we did it to delay about women or china when, when hacking her face was filibustering. To try to figure out the strategy on that by late move. When we know
I mean this all happens saturday, when this vote was doing and rushed to the floor. Democrats had asked for ninety minutes even to consider this. Seventy page bill they weren't, given that akeem Jeffries was using his ability as leader, to extend time on the floor. Basically, the house version of the filibuster to buy time bowman was on his way to the floor. He says: you've pulled this fire alarm thinking. It would open this door in one of the house office buildings that was locked look. There are some doors in the office buildings that are open during the week and locked on the weekends. It is possible. He was confused as he claims republicans think. This is all a stall tactic, a stunt. If you will to try to delay things, there will be an investigation, andrea, it's hard to see how it could be conclusive of a republicans want to make this they want. They want to kind of see how far they can run the trail on this year. So we have not heard the last about fire alarm gate from this weekend. Stay tuned. There couldn't get any crazier up there on the hill, don't tempt, don't tempt today, I'm sure it can
notice the attempt to minimize this thing and market make it like it's no big deal of fire alarm. Gay cannot get any crazier on a hill as if this were a publican trying to delay a vote on January. All that happened. All that happened. That's right. Everybody said jail in a ghoul like I'd done in fact set so Joe. Thank you for reminding me now. I want you to watch what happened here, why the white house say anything about this, because White house knows ukraine has something on Joe Biden and the white house is eager and any other day will do anything to make sure ukraine gets their money, so they don't so they don't. we expose the massive file they have on job I want,
calgary job. He or she runs away from this question about why the vote was that she didn't want anything to do with this check this out by never trying to get out of a meeting by pulling the fire alarm the talking about something specifically for a member of congress, pull the fire alarm around series of votes, no fire appropriate. What I can tell you is by not talking to a spoken to the president about this and still just not going to just not going to comment or leave it up to. I know: there's a house process moving forward right now, I'll leave it to the house. So a story gets even better. The white can't comment the democratic freaking out. Everybody knows this is about ukraine. Joe Biden needs ukraine to give the money, so ukrainians don't release what they ve got on Joe Biden here, in order to shut him up. Bowman's office sends out this guidance at least to the press. I'm proposal said discordant,
ex calling on twitter republicans It focused their energy on the nazi members of their party before anything else forbid forbids bad day. Is about to get worse as this leads to the prize. This gets it better there. It is right there where's presley's, which their involvement in it. We have to take back, poligized, for check this out later on. He has to say: payback are deeply sorry about this, not eating. It really was in my bag. Doughnuts. I just became aware, and our messaging guide sure you did there is indeed a pro use of the term see without, like it said sure sure bodies says geeze favorite part of the story, because it shows you how freaking crazy these people are. They are, absolutely out of their minds all about ukraine.
Now, let's produced the receipt because I always produce receipts the Democrats every single thing they wanted in this shit c r. mccarthy and the republic inside. Aren't you everything. so why do they need to delay the vote because it one thing missing that whisky, aaron teed notice, Guaranteed guaranteed guaranteed ukraine money now it's gonna be important and the debt crash. Gotta have their ukraine money in their because the lobbyists are paid off the lobbyists workin for ukraine and are paid off to make sure that money's in there and Got something on bide. Here's korean jean pierre making a point at man. we got a phone. Ukraine
Doesn't matter what else we gotta four new crane take a there is strong, very strong international coalition behind ukraine and, if he thinks he can outlast us he's wrong. He's wrong and so we will have another package of aid for ukraine soon to signal our continued support for the brave of ukraine, and so that our message, if thinks he can I at last us that is Mr Putin, we believe is wrong. It's just people gotta eat. Meatball said so people gotta eat notice, how the white, it's messaging, it's always about Ukraine. ladies and gentlemen, I am going to say this to you for the third time they got. Every speaking thing they wanted in the sea. Are we got nothing? Zero, and yet they still engaged in this plot with bowman to stop the vote in order to guarantee money for ukraine, Jared Bernstein, who, by the way
nothing to do with national security at all. Here's jared, Bernstein pretty acknowledging right here worse for the white house, he's an economic guy for the wider, acknowledging it's all about you could pick up the point that I mean about ukraine as it is similar to the sea, are in the fact that you got very large majority, including every leader, up there, in the house and Senate supporting the funding for ukraine and critical you got you ve got a murderous regime that is actively They are doing what they are doing in ukraine and an end its clear. We have the support that funding again, widely and widely shared viewed in congress, and we can't let a small group of extreme publicans block, this the important geopolitical investment in not just national security, not just security for ukraine before all free nations. you wanna hear a little behind the scenes, but the shell ample
together. The show yesterday, its around four thirty eastern time. I've got fox on. In the background I hear conclude o any sooner viewing a republican, rap jason smith, and public and wrap jason smith. As on putting together the segment, because I know this funding is all about ukraine, because of ukrainian lobbyists and blackmail. Father have on Joe by I get about not arguing. The benefits are cons of ukrainian funding, where we can argue that foreign policy of the day, I'm simply telling you this whole scandal over the last few days to vague the chair to get to see argo, and all of this is about ukraine. I thought it was the united states there are. it would be right to state our position if are putting together. This is all about ukraine and I, do you not. I text them right away geared Jim gym? I'm listen get me this a bright away! Here it is here's a republic, it rob tell
you again This shit is all about ukraine, grave digger, good. Many, dear colleagues, I don't know your specific position. Chairmen are not keen on giving ukraine more aid. Do you think that in danger that when all is said and done on this file measure whatever is decided on ukraine. Funding will not be part of I'll. Take you there. it's a priority to make sure you take care of your own borders. First, that's why you border policy be in front and centre. Why ukraine policy is on the back burner. In fact why there were stall tactics on Saturday is because the demon rats in the senate and also the Democrats in this house wanted ukraine funding part of the continue resolution, and we wouldn't allow that we need to make sure we addressed the border before we addressed ukraine funding all that again. I'd die a black dahlia.
What I tell ya this is all about ukraine. You mean about the border? Fed? No immigration, inflation, health. cause education policy work three in china. Is it not by you That's always is why I'm gonna, give you the why coming up in a minute and the why this it's going to be you're going to spread this show around everywhere, and that sounded mean it sounds like I was ordering. I didn't mean it that I mean like you will, because when I'm about to tell you next you're, not gonna, hear anywhere else is a bigger thing than you know. We take a quick breakdown. go anywhere, he'll, sleep, HIV! I take the he'll sleep quiz, add helix, sleep dot com slashed and why? Because a great day begins with a great night's sleep, You missing out, if you're, not sleeping great honour, helix matters helix Twenty unique mattresses for big tall shore wide, even special ones, for kids to find them
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Show, coincidentally, as the carpet topic of ukraine, funding was heating up over the last three to four weeks because of the sea are continuing resolution spending bell would speak plainly, pick of ukraine funding. A lot of republicans are starting to say way. What's going on in ukraine, uk got a history of involving themselves in american politics. Attacking donald trump Kate and the joe and hunter Biden do the charisma deal. It's also got a history of of griffith and cool. Option or we really giving money to in ukraine and waited the gentlemen as if one q, Joe I'm sure it was a coincidence. Let leaning, sixty minutes, shell left, leaning, sixty minutes all of a sudden three weeks ago. Runs this story, Joe just by chance about how you create is due at such a great job cleaning. All of this corruption. You remember this bout that check this out peoples
all this corruption scandals? But nobody goes to jail. So this life or death battle that ukraine is in has made people he'll less tolerant of corruption is why hundred percent of the current budget now has been spent on the army. It someone's bulletproof west. It someone's helmet oil, someone's on vehicle. There was not in time to save the lives of seeing this torrents is close to zero because they understand that now corruption kills. Corruption, girls, all my guys, perfect, I le Joe and I've got good job guys you cut. I let him cut that themselves as a new use, your own discretion other corrupt Kills folks, we wanted to know you did they got so messaging guidance. Sixty bill, roll out or knowledge is so weird fun for you can we to shut down all country. The show credit rating vacate, chair gonna? Be tough? ok, acid dc over what over the united states in Ukraine I really
not an emotional vacate I'll get to that too. She didn't people, oh no, ukraine, as a very serious corruption problem like one of the worst in the world. Where is that we go in now. They don't know that dad! It's ok, all really is political political. You mean bullshit ago the left. We voted yes to political, that what this is stated october of twenty twenty three way, we're it up, Robert twenty twenty three. this should happen Do you s shrouded gian. Ukraine sees corruption is the real threat. While they know it That ukrainian graph this, but it concerned a: u s, officials, all the way up. The all the way up to Joe Biden was the emphasise after the russian invasion by maids. Two brief mention of corruption, but they wanted to show solidarity to get tat ate their get that aid gotta get that aid, there's so much wise Biden, panicking all the time about ukraine getting money and willing to shut down the united states government he's there,
under and cheaper fines? commander in chief of the united states that the ukrainian army? What is that ukrainian. What are the ukrainian politicos have on show by me answer. Probably a lot. Oh look. Here's political playbook again the left wing bible is their bible. I read it: every boarding they prayed away. The ukraine is. You will also be crucial backing This claim in Mccarthy cut a secret deal with Democrats sweet in winning systems in saturday's vote, I promise return for a promise to allow a future vote on billions in ukraine aid. Oh now you get what's going on good sense. I said to you opening up here the debt Crash got everything they wanted in the spending.
That keeps a government open for forty five days. So why did they need to buy time? Because I would bet That's my right arm on the Democrats. side of a couple. Members and leadership were not aware. that secret side, the mccarthy made behind your back, would buy to cut a uk. spending, a funding package in the future. You follow and when I'm tellin you they but this is a little complicate and I'm sorry, I promise I'll make it easy for you, the it states that it had already passed guaranteed ukraine funding. The Democrats are being paid a lot lobbyists on the democratic republic is out, are being paid to lobby congress there doing each other favours for ukraine aid because they want the money later. The devil rats and swampy republicans wanted that money in their day
You know about the Mccarthy side, the oda get the money later. Why wouldn't Aren't you just tell him because he was afraid it was gonna league. They, probably didn't know so the debt cried out to buy time to get that money in their not realizing. Yours aside, deal by the way the Mccarthy denies. I dont believe of that had already been cut. If they would have known it was aside deal cut. The Democrats wouldn't pulled the fire alarm stud now. Look These deny it. I can aren t you that was probably a face to face deal between mccarthy and by yet you your money, we just gotta do it later, because we got it's crazy, swampy republicans here over here, and we don't want to make it look like we're sellen out on ukraine either now folks The ukrainians must have something on by
we know they have the charisma stuff. We know they have the poroshenko. Stop the son of a bitch tape. We know Biden is corrupt and we know the corruptions. All involving ukraine were very simply they paid his son and it appears they paid his son to get access to him to make investigations, go away for connected ukrainians they've this file, explains perfectly. Why Biden will not let this go it all explains why a lot of republicans up on capital held these the good ones, are couple good ones laugh now many trust anyone, but it all so explains perfectly, why so many republicans don't want ukraine created any more money. I'm gonna, take a quick brain and I'm gonna blow the freak indoors off this next week. Go from twenty. Seventeen proving to you that the ukrainians, were knee deep in the battle for
To spy on donald trump with our intelligence people they were need, deepen it are eager to make this thing go away and rob wilkins know about this. You creating It's destroying our entire country right now I emphasizes sooner You don't know what's going on, please you did it some and not all, but some other host or leave in the south entire thing motion to vacate all of its about ukraine. Quick break falls in the air means this morning's falling leaves sweater. One more important needs perfect time from far grilling tailgating in cosy comfort, food. I always go in omaha steaks, because I just love it. It's just delicious food. They have fall. Cravings covered with fifty percent off say why, during their semi annual sale, fifty fifty percent of all your favorite tender juicy extra age, delicious stakes like a butcher's cut, philemon yards good omen,
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The fat check me, my job, is to give you the truth, put judicial watch bond gino, ukraine. You can look up the documents that they got themselves from the our embassy in ukraine, where they were when a close eye on me sebastian Gorka had an member Joe Joe sex has been going on for years. A real folks is, if you read my book, follow the money again, I'm trying to say your book, I genuinely don't give a shit, get it from the library barred from a friend. I don't care. the first chapter is called insane in ukraine I have been following the ukrainian piggy bank for years now it's very simple russia, people in stern ukraine our lobbying, the united states for their side pro ukrainians on, for ukrainian nationalism. On the western side, a ukraine have been lobbying the: u S, government search for support they get into nato and other things for years. ukraine as a lot of money, ukraine, as been paying retired,
congressmen and lobbyists for years thereon. Billions of dollars at stake. Here they go. The congress there like hey, I need a favor. I'm euro congress embody the congressman's like ok I'll. Do you a favor, but when I retire, can I can get a job over there to you understand. This is what's happening. That day or not our friends. They are not our friends now whether we need them to win over russia is a separate matter. We don't need them to be friends. The only question is who is a bigger danger to the united states and clearly I think it's russia, So we can have that argument. Another day we talked about that enough. I'm telling you right now that the united states is shutting down right now over ukraine, and you may not have a speaker over ukraine, not the united states, and why? Because publicans know that the ukrainians were need deep in the effort to take trump out. That sounds. You're conspiracy theory, bull shit, twenty seventeen political left In red
ukrainian efforts to sabotage trump backfire. Ukrainian government officials. This is political. Ukrainian government officials tried to help Hillary Clinton and undermine trump by public. Questioning is fitness for office. I thought the ukrainians were our friends. They also disseminated documents implicating atop trump aid and was manifested in corruption. And suggested they were investigating the matter only to back away from it after the election. They help Larry, cleanse allies, research, damaging information on trump and is visor political found. Ukrainians are not our friends. Are you crazy? We are not our friends. Whether we need them to win or not is a separate geo political realpolitik issue, I'm happy to entertain. They aren't our friends don't be stupid.
Anyone telling you there are bodies there are. Allies is full of shit. Those people I've been watching me and others from our embassy for a long time. because they know I'm telling you the truth,. I'm not necessarily down on some strategic interference over. There are not I understand that we may have an interesting causing other countries maximum pain, trying to cause us pay by them. They are not our friends, stop it. these juvenile wall street journal type. Tory your mod said by the swamp class that are all getting rich off ukraine. Oh, you are an evil son of a bitch. If you don't support that people are ukraine, while Why are we allowed to ask questions? Why did we just shut the government down or come this close to doing it over ukraine money? When the Democrats got everything they want and mccarthy cut aside you the answers
They probably got a blackmail file abiding and I ve been paying people of oh shit. Look, it is badly. there's a war room reports just october. Second,. That's crazy, today's october third, this regime, This was yesterday. Consulting firms linked to tony blinking Victoria Newland. You know our secretary of state. Or advising ukraine on how to spend the? U S, foreign aid, Jos, overrated. So consulting firms making a fortune well big firms linked to our secretary of state and victoria nuland, who is knee deep in ukraine, the bio labs and all that stuff and spygate there yeah, really ridge of telling us how to spend Our taxpayer body in ukraine, by getting rid of ukraine.
not as a deep sake, he's right, good point, you totally totally crazy, beeps thing it's all on the up and up, though I know he once said it, ain't come off like you know, we are talking about, is what we are getting ready to engage in. A motion to vacate, which has already been submitted by the way, will be The speaker is you and says all over ukraine right, fire alarm, pulling governed shutting down over its I'll buy, you can certainly do with you nothing. Nobody gives a shit about you, ever benefits social security, romantic care or the usa little cabin any this stuff. nobody, but they don't care about. You. No, but communist state all care. They hate you. These people, hate, your guts. They're all getting rich of ukraine,
including job I who got ridge of ukraine. The whole freaking things about ukraine barometer about this motion to vacate quick before I get to this other thing,. The world economic forum get ready for a pivot there to the war The crisis is common folks, but you see this standby fanned agencies santa police academy muster deck in hundred degrees in those walls forms which will really comfortable. Some you probably want to hear I know, but ah here to tell you what you want here, I here to tell you it's true, and sometimes I don't want to hear, This motion a vacates, a bad idea. Oh, what do you like mccarthy, yeah? Yes, I love a better way to show you I like records, you think I like recording my god I gotta go. I gotta go with the original, or do I like mccarthy,
This thing is like were gold, but because a quarter folks, I probably lead the effort in the conservative talk radio space to make sure Mccarthy was not the speaker. Wasn't it again it easily occasion, That makes us put that thing to bed right away. Here's the problem, ladies and gentlemen, I want to play to win and I want to play to be stupid. Ok and Act that we do not have a coalesced republican party right now, that's actually trying to move forward republican principles like Cutting government spending creating to procure patient directed Health care, parent direct, school choice, opportunity. We don't have a republican party right now. What we do is we have a fragmented, massive, a republican party. That's a joke here, the problem right now. back submitted a motion to vacate, meaning in the couple days there's going to be a vote, meaning couple days. Take it there will be! No speaker, if this motion to vacate Issues me isn't stop the yoke for nothing. If it's not stop so here's what's gonna happen
there's going to be a vote. They're gonna need a majority vote to table this motion to vacate meaning motion vacate meeting the speakers gone Mccarthy's gone. I get it We don't like this guy. I dont like em, either he's my body. However, if you consider the consequences of what's going to happen, if I I tell you this, I'm bullshitting you too, and bullshit people, is, why tell you don't get to call to personality, but this I gave his rage, I dont care, they hate you all of em. I don't care how cool the skies hair is how this guy wears a cowboy had how this guy gave a speech ones You don't give a shit I care about republican principles. I dont like any of these guys. Should neither said yesterday on my show. They are tools they are hammers for you. That's it This motion to vacate, there's gonna, be
to table it, make it go away, meaning mccarthy stays speaker, they're gone We too need every single, probably republican, to vote on this. Can only lose four or five. so have four or five say mccarthy, sucks and emotion to vacate is not tabled. Then there's going to be a new vote for speaker bottom line is four or five people can kick mccarthy out. You may say that we want em out. We do not like this. because what's gonna happen,. Mccarthy only needs a majority of the house. Depending on how many show up votes present, don't show up. The only needs a majority once they reach a certain threshold to stay. Speaker, Let's say he loses five republicans. He doesn't have enough republicans to say as speaker. Where do you think, get the votes, Joe any ideas that which that
the devil got no no job. They were it wouldn't cut a deal. What are they wouldn't of the same people, I just told you hate, you would not cut a deal with the Democrats. What I think the Democrats are going to one return: oh they're, going to want better representation on key committees and are going to want the impeachment hearing to go away and investigations in one hundred biden going, oh and then you're going to get stuck with mccarty again, because Could have democratic votes and we're gonna have lost support, power on some committees potentially or we civilian, anything at all in peace. It goes away, the hunter Biden stuff goes away and we got party. Again you you're a conservative danube tea party guy yeah. I am, I actually ran one. You don't want mccarthy gone again, am going redress for the third aforetime yeah,
Read for my desk, I'm sorry, but this is done. Anyone who tell you otherwise either doesn't understand it. or is just engaging in some kind of twitter war for the sake of it. We, this party socks and they all hate. You and I want you to understand right now that some of the people doing this are not do. I do not like any of these guys. I am not on anybody's team. I genuinely don't care. I only care about conservative and you I'm telling you the hard true this guy, Why isn't going anywhere the demo Rats are going to save him. He's gonna go deal with the Democrats to f you over and ever. Thing we had fought for is gone everything. It's a bad idea. It's a really bad idea. Think I made my point.
folks camera this. This is again. This is no time for gestures is time they get stuff done. We have far more leverage against this guy right now by saying all right, we're going to vote to table this, but here's what he would we want. You get my point. I'm gonna the five republicans canal say hey. We got this motion to vacate. We can save you here, we want from you. We want We're concessions instead of saying no a you, we don't want you let the Democrats gets, you went and they get their stuff. You get it. I want our stuff, not dare shit. Still important over time, folksy global, a leads, keep tie in with us they're moving from one crisis to the next calvin hysteria, mass hysteria, vaccine hysteria, global warming is going to destroy the polar bears. The world gonna melt in twelve years. This, go to engulf the earth. Everyone it's gonna die the richer even a poor,
at the evil white guy is destroying the black man in the street, cops are shooting and hunting black men in the streets, every day's, a new existential crisis. Here's the problem left these having folks out of its working. Get ready for the next crisis on get this from so many activists, a friend of mine, I'm just going to say she knows who she is A first name begins with AL. I can't say much else that I want to give up. His years has been following this like white on rice me months ago, watch the next crisis is gonna, be a water crisis. It's gonna be a worldwide cry all by the water people running water or why no at all. Really you don't think so. You listen as well if economic for a foreign power form panel, we talk about how hey this environmental stuff isn't working. It's not grave enough. We gotta go onto the water stuff, you listen yourself.
Also, of course, to a covert right, we're all only as health is our neighbour is on our street and our city then region and our nation and globally and did we all that they did. We actually managed to vaccinate everyone in the world now so highlighting water the global comments and what it means to work together and see it both out of that kind of global commons. spectre, but also the self interest perspective, because it is, it does have that parallel is not only in part, What is also important, because we have managed to solve those problems which had similar attributes and water, something that people understand in a climate change as a bit abstract some people under really well some understand it. Abed summit does don't understand water. Every kid how important it is to have wider when you're playing football in your thirsty, you need water. So there is also something about really getting citizen engagement around this and really in some way, spare minting with this notion of the common good. Can we actually deliver this time in ways that we have failed miserably? Others
and hopefully we knock you failing on the other things, but anyway jeez what gives ike gotta, be trolling us at the world economic forum like there's no way, there's gonna, be this honest about what the next crisis are gonna be at. My right is my comeback. That is no There are always honest about it. Closed schwab. At the world economic forum wrote a freak in book called the risa about you. covered to reset us away from this: meritocratic capitalism society to a more organic collective world growth decide? They talk about it all the time It comes next, it's going be a war. A crisis is going to involve a bunch of it. Why pollution, water rat as water is floods, water in the streets, watering, you're pipes, everything by better, is a good point. It makes she's like yeah. You morons are too stupid to understand climate change. Now we're just going to withhold water from you,
we're going to we're going to dehydrate you like beef, jerky, friggin idiots. Portable morons folks, the global march towards collectivism and authoritarianism, know Joe now is really frightening. What's happened in Canada essentially what's going to be censoring free speech and podcast with this new canadian regional television, podcast registration law, this off com in Britain, In the u k trying to get gb news of the year, the fcc, with net neutrality, the age S, ministry of truth, This is all happening at the same time, we are in really deep ship with these people. They are Down the road we ve got a chance, twenty twenty four to pull the freedom trade back to the station, but we're running out of time I'm telling you there's a military grade operation going on right now in the media to send are people. This is Just a couple, a cat ladys- and it is
mine or parts of it. It is huge big deal sore money weighing activists money flowing into ngos that work with educational institutions that are taken advice from the government that are all advising social media on how to censor conservative. So I brought something the other day about the. You see I story, and I told you People are getting it all wrong. the story is that Anthony fouch was secret we escorted into cia headquarters, but the media narrative was tell them basically the cia that this probably had a natural origin rule on via the one virus and didn't come from a lab. That is not what happened. I'm telling you that's what happened. And I think I was right again happened. Folks is. The cia is knee deep with the
fbi, the age S and others in a massive censorship operation in the united states and around the world. To stop conservatives from speaking out to interfere in elections and everything else covered management, the great reset all of it. The dock means are right there in front of you. I never speak about things. I don't know why did this segment less regan? I soon found she was not there to tell them. it came from a penguin She was there to provide damn some guidance widely. Or they were seeking some guidance, whether he knew what are not on the bed, ways to censor social media company sensor, conservatives and use the guise of science to do it, so they needed some pointers. Some crouching. I don't know who this is but at night, red, acted too for seven on twitter. Right away, responded september. Twenty ninth: we did the shop bungee spot on
scabbard a dhs document from september of two thousand, and twenty two were on page ten. It reveals and the link is in the document in case you think he's making this up or she. see. I has mission centres positive relationship with social media firms The cia often engages with their former intelligence community colleagues who now work at facebook. there, it is the document right there. Thanks guys anymore, you had there. It is either look at that. there is a massive melody a grade intelligence grade government wide operation going on right now To censor conservatives all over the world, this is not. Just a couple a cat leads, they are small incidents oh portions, of a massive operation going on right now to censor you. want to move towards a more socialist communist style of information control, and they know
you can count on media dipshit psych fill a bomb to do. It fell upon it washed imposed, as we start to expose the communism going on right now is fill a puppet. I suppose the rise of the chinese communist party as a pejorative, maybe because it is only Bob you're, absolutely correct. Only philip would be so dumb false we're in big trouble. or are huge trouble here. We have to save this border signal the mark you give me a favor on a lighter note. Can we skipper had two things: We're happened, Joe Biden not shrunk thurman, because I cannot leave out there with this today because I think it's freshman olfactory is this. Is it they'll about so listen to me The FAO g story is bigger than you know. I'm on a wrap this one up. They were not having found she there, too, Tormented came from a penguin is a massive plot. Your government, To censor you,
under the guise of science, public safety, national security, election integrity, whatever label they want. It is all about censorship. It has nothing to do with anything else. Fall for the bs. We gotta get rid of this guy and twenty twenty four did it again. He was given a he's given an interview. The other day I mean the guy's a sociopath require by I find this stuff. At this point, it's actually hilarious that wasn't a comedy skip. is given an interview talking about how he pushed strong thurman into the civil voting for the civil rights act. When I left the senate I was there to convince. storm sermon vote with the reject rights.
But is a gentleman strum term died in two thousand and three by the left, is set in two thousand and nine. The voting He's talking about past the nineteen. Sixty five Biden was it is said it by did sixty five. Ladies and gentlemen, this guy following ship. All the time nothing- He tells you is true. Nothing every he tells you is absolute or shit all the time. I couple days for we go Thank you so much for picking up my book. The reviews on these book websites have been amazing is called the gift of failure. I so deeply appreciate it a lot. People seem to really be enjoying their motivational stories, even though they were. You know they were meant to be kind of stories of failure, but the really stories of how I picked up ana and got through it. So I really appreciate it we're announcing to new book signings very soon those
The chat, Anybody out there from Dallas gimme, a wife you from Dallas eighty one thousand five hundred dollars you're from Dallas, we'll be seeing you in Dallas sometime in the near future, be giving you the dates and times. Don't you worry about that? We get a dallas where we build. any new jersey, folks shoe probably at answer more dates later, so that's, gonna, be really cool. I'm looking forward to our thanks for picking up the book really means a lot and our people. Join us into Chad every single day here, rumble doc. but tomorrow I need you june into the shop folks going to tie the entire thing together? by miranda divine, got really motivated to do an entire segment of what's going on at the border. It's gonna be a ten fifteen minute angry, but it's important folks ever he's confused about the border. People are these miranda device and what are they doing it to border because it seems like they're taking such political losses at the border. The Democrats, why stick to this plan I'm antics ain't you, sir,
connection the boy order connection the new york times we can report, stem article literally in article you can judge our tax will put. It will be seriously tree here. I'll get into more to warrant. Didn't tell ominous prove to you all of this that this is what it has to do with their work. the sense of what, with the census all related. I promise after tomorrow the Bryn border in the south will make perfect. Hence the EU all about the electoral college, congressional representation and the long game they do. Care about the shortcut, I'll go anywhere tomorrow, it's gonna, be a killer, show. I promise you knock and want to miss it thanks for tuna in today, appreciate it I see, The radio show a little later. As always, please follow us quick tat. Little boy the green by this is follow its free and rumble at rumbled. Calm, slash bond gino join us every day at eleven, a m for the live
just set up an account. It's free. I was in early today about ten o clock chap which people wish happy birthday is yesterday, so I love chat with you all. It's really cool the council s budget, see back here You just ten von jean Ojo
Transcript generated on 2023-10-04.