« The Dan Bongino Show

It’s a Trap, Don’t Fall For It (Ep 2035)

2023-06-20 | 🔗

In this episode, I address Donald Trump’s social media post exposing the queen of the deep state.  


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The way to hear the truth about america on a show that is not immune to the bags with your host dan Ben je. No, I am in this state of just profound regret right now, so something pop yesterday, story in the washington post about how many garland, The o j didn't want to prosecute trunk zero model of political, and I diana put this story in the show, because in my head I'm thinking ok. This is in the washington post, their child. Garlic, look, don't look non political, theirs I think a sub something there's gonna be some big announcement about Joe or hunter Of course I can't say now. I was going to say yesterday because now you're going to be like oh you're, just saying that because of the hunter Biden, you said fair enough for heard of, but I on my life.
I will never make this decision. I get to forego such an opportunity. I swear to you all. I live on the they are setting us up or something they are but I guess up. it comes down to it, such as a trap, This is so obviously and admiral akbar rap again with The hunter Biden Georgia's announced today that only a sucker wouldn't involve whereby, by the way, welcome too conservative candy nine Seventy three first time in a chat I saw their goddamn, you love to have new. Well in a chat. You can always join us every day, rumble dot com, slash bonds, you I got a stack show today are doing this. Go on you got john dorm gonna get to testify, feds, given a sweetheart plea, deal to the president's crack addict son there who did it with sex tape on computer, while Donald trump gets the above, books drawn item, it's just saying how much is going on and on Exposed the queen today, the queen and we're
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I mean to describe it as a swede. Ordeals embarrassing sweethearts across the country they gotta valentine's day. folks, I was a federal agent for a long time yeah. I tell you a lot, but I know that you have the idea just big picture for a second before I get into the details, but I got a lot to say out of. very, very serious! Note you have it. the idea, how many inner city, men and women and I'm not saying they did that this is the right thing to do, but I it is a process is how, the inner city, men and women in fact well task forces. I was on every worth we're locked up one gun charges using the federal government and to jail for five to ten years. Use the exact same crime, honor Biden gets a preacher, the version meeting, bang the justice system doubled
middle finger, the justice system is dead. Other binds a young connected white kids who's. The son of the present so a gun charge for him, despite the same charge by the way, should be levied criminals are used guns they come across about saying they should telling you it's awfully odd that these all rights activist left there really hate civil rights and scream about whites. I see and white power and the white patriot. Our key running everything happened: actual. Why patron work in the white house, patriarch, whose kid the same crime, as these inner city, black hispanic and other kids get daring jail for five years, and this Kiss ass little pug gets his sweetheart deal. Where where's Al Sharpton the civil rights crew
superman, candy giovanni disable, the kimberley I'm sure where are, they all were. Where are they. Tromp, call the dough. Oh did he call it did he ever call it Ladies and gentlemen, I am I am resolutely committed on the show to it supposing the deep state and today I'd like to introduce you to the deep state queen Hillary Clinton. No, no, no donald, try, suppose that yesterday, because he clearly knew something was up donald, bon true social he's Biden sitting with LISA monaco san charge the justice department, probably working, in future plots and schemes against republicans boom junior t twenty twenty three one: and today the number two deals I'm sure she knew about it. Provides the deal with merrick garland to give hunter, bind sweetheart deal on a gun charge and
tax evasion charge when he gets no jail. Time gets to play in the bite. Administration goes all look. It's all over forget about the international influence peddling and all that takes, I played for you last week of Joe Biden engaged in international blackmail schemes are getting people fired looking into how bout that then, is right. You think trump tweeted, that out yesterday by accident this This episode, number two thousand four hundred and twenty six of donald trump was right again now, folks, again too, in about an hour kind of dumb. I should just mentioned that yesterday, regardless my reputation, I swear to you. I saw this come out yesterday in the washington post and take it to myself. Something is finally up the Washington post put out this peace with the hapless carol, lending an errand david who cannot get a story right ever ever. I have experience with this one: what a mess
I'll never forget that secret service story about the aid in driving into the barricades vienna change twenty times get the story right. Here's letting the washed impose. This is yesterday, folks they are setting you up at an admiral act par trap like you, ve never seen b I resisted opening probe into trumps role in january six for more than a year, look at the names in the these folks work at an age you take its accident trump tweets out a picture with LISA Monaco. The do at department of justice, the number to the one imposed, is setting you up. Someone at just this clearly knew this sweet our deal. One hundred Biden was going to come out today so to make the justice department to put some lipstick on this pig they locked in article with the friendly's at the wash them the day before, god justice is not party to that effect. They don't even want to prosecute I'll drop Joe.
Colleagues, The court of justice is done, every review, read the wording we the wording a wearing it, It's about appearing partisan, institutional in clashes over how much evidence was sufficient to investigate the actions of trump. And those around them all contributed to the slow pace garland and the deputy attorney general LISA Monaco. Ah Charted a cautious course aimed at restoring public trust in the apartment while some prosecutors below them chafed feeling tat officials were shying away looking at evidence against crime of crimes by donald trump, in those close to it. I'll pop ten regret. My podcasting radio show career yesterday. I
I wish I would have, because anyone who talk about it today, but totally I saw one of the point this out to go just wait. Something he's gotta go down tomorrow and I didn't do it, but that's on me and I failed you. I fail to those in the that I totally fail. Do I let you down I freaking knew it. I knew, something was up. There is simply no way that the washington host is writing an article about how their best friends, merrick garland, and LISA monaco to absolute political hacks, the queen the deep state which I'm going to get to in a second. There is simply no way they are having a hippie, saw them because they were easy on tromp no freaking way. they knew this was going to happen. Hunter Biden, getting off today in a scam it scams. Again. Where are the civil rights activist year peep from freaking chris?
its brow crickets. young, black and sporadic kids are spending time and the clink pretty? that same charge hundred Biden young kenneth, white guy? We're all the critical There is now why are they can questions of karen and chief lisa monaco- and are we boss and the white president. Why? Because raise questions only matter when their intertwined with political power for them when they involve actual racial discrimination, they don't seem to give a shit. I'm serious, I was joking around it. I genuinely regret not bring in the sub to yesterday, because a whose right, whose very itself through cares that stupid it's nothing to do with it. She would have been better prepared for today's news and I let you down and are really pissed myself want to play this. Sir video
from fox news- this was david spot the long time ago, by the way now do you, What's going on the Washington post was totally work in the rough seer. Aha, Three percent work in the rafts they knew exact what we're gonna, go down. Here's fox months ago, talking about how the decisions about hundred Biden and all this all of this was being marshall together by who yeah lisa, Monaco god save the queen check this autumn. We martha attorney general merrick, garland, deputy attorney general LISA Monaco. These characters that are being briefed on the hunter bite, an investigation. We pour it on fox news just about a month and a half ago that grand jury looking into potential charges for hunter Biden ended its term over the summer. Thanks a lot, someone in the sad chat said you didn't let us down yet you know the buggy no rule, but not, as is different. The bond gino rules doesn't apply here,
Because this was just my opinion, someone's gonna happen. It was opinion based on inform speculation about how the washed imposts works. I should put out there, man, your mom, go LISA. Monaco is the deep state queen she is me deep, ladies and gentlemen, a multiple scandals, its clear. They will work the rafts the american public pudding peace out to the washed impose too. view for monaco and garland to give you the giant double barrel moving middle finger, which I don't think I've done yeah, that's the first time. So, who is LISA monica I'd argue to you? She even more dangerous than america. Carlin least Monaco, has been knee deep in multiple scandals. Shall we go through the list? She's the deuce the d o J. Don't forget me deepen the enron scandal,
deep as mothers chief of staff. She was bob wallace chief of staff. Yes, sir needs been probably advising the mahler probe. She was knee deep spy game when they respond donald trump. Who is that terrorism advisor to Obama, my guys, we modern go so weird drug prosecutions, They d o j number two, as they keep throw in the book, Donald trump would fake charges. The hunter Biden case need deeper that how do No, I just pleaded for you and showed you washed imposts article about it. Girls are the devil It's also knee deep in the january six case as well.
You something real interesting about that. To my mind, with the moving double barrel middle finger, now there's an older article from twenty fourteen of use in the past by sidney power, but his words your time turtle, fourteen is in the news letter today. It's about the queen, deep stay late, Somatic go to. My news. today, once you know doc. slash newsletter by the way, if you like it, sure today? More on that the show the website the news ladders gonna be loaded. I had always you push inhabit. This article please read. It is from twenty four team. All the press, that is, the obama and prosecutor misconduct. Bobby, chose LISA monaco to be as counter terrorism. Adviser was epoch, of LISA monaco experience with the terror of a prosecutor, leslie call, while also from the enron taskforce, who now heads a criminal, the division of the justice department called spearheaded the destruction of arthur Anderson. All look at this she's involved in it
scandalous case, the arthur Anderson and the enron takedown. Who did she? Would with LISA monica, try to follow me today. Who did she work with on this scandalous enron case where they see so much stuff. They got spanked by the court system, LISA who'd you are with what. If I told you? It was yet Away Andrew Weissmann that crazy. You mean discredit, bud, number two: four mahler and the mother investigation. Mothers, deputy, yes, A guy MSNBC guy! You look right. You know right there. Sidney powell nodes- and there was also a close connection with the fbi where she serve this Bob bob bob mothers chief of staff. Apparently, while enron taskforce, director, Andy Weissmann, also with the special council. Bob mueller bases so crazy. They, although each other it so weird, wisely, later became general council for the fbi. Bob.
go with setting the departments, national security division. That's up! It's like it's like you, follow the bow of the money, then how do you find your like go each other at everybody's? Get is so weird you're crazy that does that happen?. You know, she's the deep in the january six prosecutions too, as do celebrate the J right. Here's tom caught up on capital picked up something really interesting about January six case how they're, using a unique interpretation of obstruction of up official, proceeding to prosecute january six guys in gaol, but not depressed tea for or anyone else, storms a courthouse anywhere and who's. He asked the question: still yes, Bab one, we sabbatical bigelow or turn my attention to something. for which you do have responsibility. Though there are stature
I'm statute? Section, fifteen twelve entitled tampering with a witness victim or informant as that statute focused on the altar instruction or hiding of records to be used efficiently. Official proceeding monica. Are you aware of this statute? Yes, do you know when it was adopted? It was a dark it if memory serves after the fund, it will collapse of enron and other corporate mouth, in two thousand and two after the enron scandal and a law called the corporate fraud and accountability act of two thousand and two. It also includes a catch all phrase prohibited: just the destruction hiding of evidence, but also a acts that quote eyes, obstruct influence or impede an official proceeding. Orton is currently using that catch all provision to prosecute, dreads of americans for there,
actions on January six, two thousand and twenty one on the grounds the united states capitol. I want to be clear: I'm not talking here about persons who it'd violent acts against law enforcement officers. This recent monaco has some really strange readings of the law, crazy how horrid anjou weissmann completely screwed up the enron scandal got smacked around by the court system for abuses of power, and yet they keep failing, the ranks. It's so strange, got this rather unique. Reading the january six case and a rather unique reading, apparently the presidential records that its it as if the queen least modicum of the deep state is making this all up goes along and conveniently breaks today that LISA Monaco, the deuce at that yo J cowardly must have signed off at some point on. Decision to give hunter Biden a sweetheart deal, while a bunch of young black men and women and poor
men and hispanic men who don't have legal protection are in jail on gun crimes and that's good. We want people in jail if you use, they got in a crime, except it's weird, how the anti gone. Why patron our key left seems to want you have potter Biden, appears on the exact same charge and least somatic goes knee deep right whole thing so strange You know, what's even weirder her body, Andy Weissmann, who they work together at the fbi at the d J on enron case, while Bob mahler was the fbi director who later one ought to investigate tromp with why man while Monica was in the white house. You know strange why many seem to know in advance about donald trump. Indicted. Just like it appears someone at the washed imposed had an idea, we're gonna get by and bye indicted the next day to heal. He. You really strange.
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Drew weissmann is no longer in the oj. Is somebody feeding information, Andrew weissmann to go put out an msnbc? Is it someone from articles office. Is it Go herself I dont know Andy weissmann seem to know beforehand here, take a look yourself and you when you ve just issued a tantalizing newsworthy tween? own right with your credentials as your relationships and your expertise, I am going to read it to our viewers quote brazilian, stories about trunk case but bottom line is that he is getting charge and it will be in DC and this week open issues are whether others may be charge and whether they will be in d c or florida. Please explain sure more. First, it is
really typical to see what we are seeing in terms of donald trump council going to the court of justice. We saw the same thing when we were looking at the manhattan DA's office crazy how the snake knew. That is that weird you got wrong with the charges weren't florida, and I don't even think he got that wrong. I think this things show where you go. A little carbonic get people off the trail. How did you know that? How did you know that If you find that a little strange, I thought this stuff was also be guy. I supposed to be conducted in secret to quote protect the integrity. Investigate the vessel as really funny you mean political, which are so here and how that's lisa somatic body, god save the queen man right, she is the we of the deep state. Ladies and gentlemen, this is cherry, a driver driving the chariot, Addio J corruption right now, I'm beginning to wonder of marriage garland answers to her. as your Biden would say, not a joke, but in this
it's not who the hell is running the justice department right now, because it certainly seems like the woman at the head of every major scandal of our time is trying to out. The people who know about the scandal I e donald trump and any of his lieutenants. Is where it gets really good? Here's, the guy devon yunus? appearance, almeria, barter roma. From a while ago, tying together the queen? the deep state, lisa go to even scandals you ever heard of its like she's, the perfect number two she's not but one so the media attention stays on garland and not her, but she's the bag, man. She could go take care of drop and all his lieutenants, who, looking into the scandals at make the scandals, go away, you listen to this. I think this actually goes back. Pre russia, gate hoax. This goes back to the ira
scandal. Were they targeted conservatives? I think it goes back to fast and furious during obama administration, where they ran guns and try to set people laugh, remember and then innocent americans ended up getting killed. It goes back to being see they got away with that, and then you have to re It was late, two thousand fifteen or sixteen that we get to the plan where the Clinton can. pain working with dirty cops, deo, J and f b. I and the media, I must say where they set up to spy on the trump campaign and, ultimately, republicans and frame an innocent man. That then led to so that was the russia hopes that then led to the mauler witch hunt. So All of this stuff is intertwined, and then you just fast forward your cash mention near the Whittemore case and Jan six, and whether or not that relations were involved in that so stare step, and then ultimately, this leads to what this leads to something never done an in american history before you had a present home ransacked by this.
Guns that were involved in all of this, and I would say that that is a lot of you I have criticize the the f b I and the d o j, and I think rightfully so, but someone are making these calls, and I would say that the people that have been involved although scandals that I just listed, are the very soon people that are now in charge of the deal J and are at the white house, say your child bad susan rise here talking about jake's, Sullivan and you're talking about lit lisa monica, who is the deputy attorney general? Look there? If you don't believe that those people were involved you're living under a rock somewhere. Let me give you a little behind the scenes it thereby gino. Shall I say nightclub before, but I had a little problem with the audio So I usually give these guys exact time marks about exactly what I want. I had to leave it up to
this morning because I couldn't find these guys? It approaches I just was like hey you guys, where you cited know where they were going to leave a perfect. That is exactly what I would call a banker That is a I like to second good job. I'm surprised me they're dead, Do they never do that, doesn't know that new remo called these years ago. This outbreak ruddy, the justice department. Other simply, targeted, trumpeters lieutenants, who are now trying to build drop it owes you go away they can get back in charge and overturn the rock and look into all the scandals that are involved in god's the queen mad right- didn't ya, You say that the other day I remember this one god save the queen you you know he's talking about
save the queen one lisa monica knee deep in every major scandal of the last six or seven years running effectively. The just depart justice department running roughshod, probably over merit garland, whose weak himself and basically who, in a clean up operation and a bag man operation to get rid of. Everyone wants to expose the scandals. She was knee deep in with our body, Andrew weissmann and bob mahler. Jim call me Brennan clapper and the whole deep state crow within assessed from adam shift and Eric swell up on the hill. Now. Why are they worried while they were because they don't want trumped to get back in office now, standing better, because the storm. We had major successes, but we have some failures and personnel declassify stuff soon enough, and we pressure and of people to the class. My so I get that
Well, pollyanna ish view of the first trump administration. I think it was rate unlike another one, but their worries you still, they art terrified trump. Without the you're a real action, which I think is a good thing, not a bad thing with the pressure reelection and their trust, now that he knows where the bodies are buried, they are terrified of another term, because they don't want the international blackmail scheme by make was running with the tapes I played for you last week, the one viral they can't have that get out there not. Why you to see what I'm about to show you documented on email? So they are. do anything to make this go away. Dirhams testify and upon the hill today and they are desperate to make disco way. Let me take a look break and I'll show you what their hiding, going to see wider and panic mode right now. because you're afraid of justice department. They run it, monaco you're, afraid the politics of losing a not running the justice department. That's different folks left is propaganda. Endless pronouns,
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the fires, so they can set up the bank, account to transfer him what appears to be illicit illegal money. No really strange, you'd, never believe it. Here's the email, it's from vat employees are ski from. From charisma? And you can see in the actual email that they're looking for personal identifiers, personal identifiers to go. and set up the back your honor, so they can transfer. The money is almost as if they have a wow bigger the email. That's so crazy. Why do you want to make it go away now the trouble with eddie motor. Just I cabinet computer mix up there. Now I, what ever you guys see, you can redeem yourself, Now here is going to be, the gipsy do The gipsy do flamborough they work
our wits Michael Hallways- was the inspector general who into all this stuff in the past and what to tell you about fbi, corruption and elsewhere. Is that all we really care with John dorms gotta say about any of this stuff. John there's. Nobody is talking about harwood scenes. director general already looked into this stuff. Listen to me you're gonna hear it. Listen. You're gonna hear it. And they're gonna say horror It said there was no political motivation to target donald trump. I'm play d by the way. Keep this video evergreen because I don't want to have to for it again now keep it evergreen file. You joe you to please. I played this now, probably ten times the Democrats are full of garbage. They are lying. They lie about everything here Michael Horowitz undergrowth on capitol hill. When asked directly by lindsey grim asked directly
by lindsey. Graham, was there Political motivation for the targeting of donald trump, any specifically says he can eliminate dad possibility again, you want the truth come here, you want bullshit go over there and the left listen for yourself did. They have a duty to report to their super others and eventually to the court is sculpturing information. Absolutely they did not. They did not. Why That's the question: I can't specifically answer for you. Can you say it wasn't because of political bias on on decisions regarding those pfizer matters? I do not know the state of married at this point, so we're talking about actions now trying to figure out what would motivate people. He didn't Eliminate political bias is a motor just hard? Is you just?
heard yourself folks. We are a really really dark time. Man we can fix is I'm an opt in yes and I'm long and the united states but I'm tellin you right now is mine stand by gino, we heard healy, bad spot least monaco merrick, garlon, call me and their confederates still running the f b I have giving up and had given up any pretending that their legitimacy on the up and up they are for deep state, dark mode. U s! Government! Now they d! care that hunters given a sweet deal by monaco and garland. It does matter to them. They just trying to make this go away. Dirhams going to test Why, today, that the fbi, targeted tromp with nope Information whatsoever to start the investigation- and I guarantee you, someone is going to say well done-
Michael horwitz conclude otherwise it there was no political information bs I just played for you. They are all all in, and it is all being run by the queen of the deep state, LISA Monaco, who is me deep in all stuff. folks they need a back up. Plan to all of this show is tied together. They for in a very specific, I am patter the damn. Crash needed backup plant based and right now that, although hunter Biden is obviously a no legal trouble he's going to take it, see pc play preacher the version on a gun charge, total scam, total comply. It's there is no legal trouble whatsoever there in political trouble. Biden doesn't even know what he's talking about. Take it off stage keeps telling people god save the queen or whatever the hell he's talking about. I think we know, but Biden doesn't even know they need a back up
Oh look at this conveniently gavin newsome appears out of the blue over on fox, but did a good job with money interview and it was really strange because new some white way through the whole interview watson, examiner caliph, gave a newsome claim? There's no exit is out of california while fascinating cause, When I looked at in twenty twenty two california had the worst domestic net migration numbers of any state losing three hundred fifty thousand people. That sounds like what they call a statistic: That's really strange. Even looking at it as a portion of the total population. California, in the bottom ten moves zero point, three percent of its residents in one year. You see how he appeared magically like out of nowhere gavin newsome, just like the wash post article just appeared yesterday, magically sink garland they did that they want
Prosecutors because you're, not political, they were setting you up just their setting you up now they This stand that binds in trouble politically and all this gavin newsome appears- I want to remind you about who govern. Newsome is, in addition to being a liar and general, at all here avenues from this in one of the greatest interviews. Have you ever seen this I'm going over this about a minute? Forty is a little long for this, but it's worth every second. Have you ever seen this? evan newsome and what turned out to be a really bad idea from him on his part, How did it go on out of corollas podcast about corolla, who takes very little bs from anyone curly started ass, a governess in actual questions. a nuisance. What, on the chauvinism, to draw the race, car and black. The Spadix, are suffering more than all and Gavin newsom didn't want to acknowledge that it's really strange how blacks and hispanics are suffering the most in the pearl cities and liberal states security, I a few questions about that and news. I didn't know what to do, this is glories, listen at every
Secondly, this check this out half of asking Americans mistake, I wanna california, roughly half latina families have no access to check, checking account for an atm things we take for granted? They don't have a check what's wrong with them and what but what well, because they don't, they don't have the resources to suck those things away. Why do we have a lot of different reasons, but but roughly half those families, don't when the armenians have them, but where they end up is like check cashing place. I want to know why their land route taken. Take those two groups, don't have a lot of it. Just happen, to be that we cannot talk about god. Now they're hardly fly, but this struggle genetics and I were hardly not an athlete lung cancer by absolute agents. Have this problem. I mean a lot of communities at barcelona. Whites have this problem, not just black and his vanity, but it. But why are you wearing a blackened is because the magnitude is ominous. Why so many of them? It just happens to be the way god plant at not at all what has happened to their a lot of issues and with it that the community's are struggling lot. I lay in the lungs lotta differ reason
like all matters of earlier five. I've been here longer we ve been here. While we can, we can weaken surmise what about eight hundred. They were put in interment. Can't we in fact that all initiate at san francisco chinese exclusion, I came about eight percent rise in the sharp eyes. Are they the chest? Cannot I asian certainly do us away you can't might chiefly because of them. The only reason why is the magnitude how many more the magnitude imperceptible there's no way to figure out how to town and after we could talk about you. What I'm dealing with idle have a sociological show you jerry now here's? Why would you want to do that? Because, apart from the times when right, good things about you, guys, thou know it s not the case, because I don't want to carry out that. No, not you wanted the old reality. When I do my reality that that's gotta, joe you'd? I've done a lot of shows this episode. Two thousand thirty five foggy actually caused the two thousand and fifty because this
The result is that we can't even find anymore because joe and scrutiny everything up with. We don't even know what goes on this is that gotta be one of the top five clubs ever Oh so you do, I don't want to have a sociological. Oh now, you don't, of course, when I start asking the real questions figure. He goes Madame curlers question? Why do you got me, by way of garden. Ok, here we don't think there is why those groups- I don't understand, meaning what our baby and why aren't our values, our growing out of guerrilla Zob brother, I dont that was years ago. I get it, but guys is outward your time. That's cabin nuisance and just get ready, folks, this always being conducted a very specific way did nothing Where does this by accident, that washington, pole, article about monaco and garland was not an accident.
Have a nuisance. Appearing all agreeing appear on fox is not an accident trust me. You Your man won't. Let you down here should have put that washed. Impose out article. Yes, He had to my last boxer, left this really like boss. Their models with this big news the store. Finally, something big and what our of k rumble and free speech genoa. Inequity holder there, but really cool story. Nonetheless, showing you there's only one free speech company out there. That really cares really cares in the video space, thus rumble. I promise you how many cups you think I had today justin. How many just in says he over other on my black coffee cups, his steward air, I'm going to say he is correct? There was two points: in five, because I put a little milk in the actual
You tie the same old, liberal, garbage junk coffee tastes like crap. You want coffee designed for patriots, we can harness, spines as blackmail coffin to smell it. Take a bag pick up a bag. Albrecht smell it this is coffee for people would call holidays and spines that, like coffee, their tastes like coffee, not brown, water, a person, membrane black coffee because I loved it drives liberals, crazy, some guy. TIM miller, something lost this mine, because I blackout, coffee. If you go, look at his avatar you'll want to buy blackout coffee too, because you won't look like him. This is a cough. Company. Has one hundred percent committed to conserve and go look at this picture suit. I mean, if you want to look like similar drink. This do not drink black I'll call him from sourcing that being so, the roasting process. Customer supporter shipping black, our coffee is an incredible worth working there dedicate to promoting conservative principles? They accept. No compromise on taster quality,
It is amazing, sears tastes incredible to one They love the country, and that comes first all the time we gotta make good product. That's how you love the country by cap hard work, and I get the honour. This company cares only about two things: the country and good coffee, so jimmy favorite check out black, our coffee, thou councillors, bond gino use cuban. bon gino for twenty percent of your first or it's a big savings, it shows other jokers black, coffee remains true to our values. Let's black outcome, with our com slashed by gino or use cooper, code, bungie know for twenty percent off your first daughter, good stuff check out just now that two point: seven five closer So just quickly here showing you people like gavin nuisance, we'll get you killed. These people will get. You kill Cathy hopeful, J b pritzker. all these big state governors and mayors. They gets you killed the Eric adamses, the world fox news broke So I want to stop landlords reason. Criminal background checks to screen renters, all that's nice. So, as you know,
you live in new york city or allay their abasement. Apartments are a second floor apartment. A lot of these people, Joe our rich, have people living in their own home by in a modified apartment bank. Why do they do that Joe, because they are not rich and they need some help with the mortgage? Some? Wouldn't it be nice If you're, you know, you're, probably sharing the same front door, maybe a separate entrance inside, maybe there's some kind of little lobby or something like that. It probably be right. We got it right, wouldn't get to know that the guy upstairs, is in a a like. A convicted rapist may be a good idea in your house yeah. No, no, no! No! No! No you're wrong! Jono progressive, said on said they said. Armor cost is crazy. You don't need to know that I mean it's only your house, the guy's, a serial child murderer or something I just put them into either a criminal background check. Convicted drug dealer You don't need to know that that's no, some That's your these guys are This is exactly what you're gonna get more of you don't vote in twenty twenty four you're gonna get more this too. of K, junior, who is a Democrat.
I dont support democrats. I support republicans, but I do the board, something the matter to me more than anything, including parties and that's free speech a dedicated my life to it. I put my own skin in the game. I bet my political future. My this future at my financial future, on the fact that erica will love free speech in the end. Will win proxies matters to me Sort of K junior has some ideas that would be considered controversial Joe there's an answer for addressing which you deem controversial ideas, and I know this sounds crazy, but it's to put a counter to the reversal idea. I know that sounds not to the communist fast, this day or would you say, Add your adjusted know to see justice in college now so justice like that's, not how it works in our school and our school. You just ban stuff, you see in the real united states, we thought existed, you're actually allowed to speak when you don't good idea matter Kay, junior,
Who is our interview with Jordan petersen mike tyson, where get down from youtube because youtube is run by straight up. Commies. Trade shred of commies, so I'm proud to be involved with rumble rumble. With the way again baby with the free speech win dammit you dorm room we're gonna committing clean this up. Tweeted I rumble this morning check it out baby of K. Junior on rumble could see him tonight if you'd, like at seven p m, Robert kennedys first live stream will take place at seven p m eastern this evening, where rumble doc ira both touch. I doubled more than that. The left wing media goons. It's it's a right wing platform arrive rebel. Now, just tell me Am I check fellows. We get a quick tragic are case running for the demo. Cried nomination for president rumbling, get ever hit. You sure about that you can you double check that
he's not running and trump he's run against by. I thought it was a right wing platform whose it was it you just give someone someone sent me. Excess morning. Now is Jim there's someone I said let us be somebody many people working on the show, manny these public and fascist free speech. Rashness, though the worst banning everyone. were the only ones that people's greek worthy all crazy fascism other right? Do you write such a fascist. Keep your money pick we're your kid goes, the school and speak through furs is going. first is: are you guys is pretty stupid? All the time on the left, you understand, you the actual fascist, by definition, not even in dispute shut up say anything, send your kids to a crab schools. I said so and give us your money we'll get a regular, your businesses that you are the actual fascist brow, the actual fascists. This even
dispute anymore, oh. Look at this article in the newsletter today to democratic, tied down money kingmaker behind a non partisan group fighting misinformation every year, the new venture, fun scruple, wealthy lives, funding the trust project which is working overtime to censor you, but remember where the fascists right rumble, letting a demo a candidate for president speak where the fascist aren't. I got a couple Wake up dates than exciting news about the chums store its back, but I gotta, update. This is really for Joe geese as the then the chat I need a fe and help at all. or why, for yes, obviously, and for no? Yes, like the? U f o stories or no. I hate please I'll buy you a reduces Joe loves. You story. I got an update for you. First member, this crazy story out a las vegas about this. You have here check this out
several agencies believe something landed or crashed. Whether was non humans or not. It certainly scared the people living on this property. Now before we show you that video listen to their call for help. person cited and another one deciding how big eyes looking over and over, okay. Where is this on your property? So in my backyard I swear to god. This is not adult who's actually cuter. So there's two people or two that are in your backyard, correct and there are very large delegates- could not feed to food. I dunno they're they're like little aliens who are the guys that have big eyes like I get excited and they got all their tiny eyes and they're, not human. The one hundred percent human
while the adsl investigators obtaining video as officers than responded to the call you just heard you'll see. The officers also saw something in the sky that night. But the big question is: what was it and is it all connected it's almost midnight on may. First, when I lost biggest metro police officers body can catch. Is this something flashing low in the sky? None on one emergency minutes later, there's a good person cited and another one is that it has been guided. Look at us, ok, votes, by the way it's about sixty five percent? Yes, thirty. Five. I said no biggie said roger, the nose are, like all capital knows so I'm hesitant to go over, but update on this ufos story, so we, a police body camera. Nobody this abuse by the way, the authenticity of showing an object waning from the sky. We ve gotta you calling I mourn one who sounds absolutely sincere. You degree rigel,
the police, who is house by the way, if you gotta, you hang up you don't tell them your address and you call from your neighbors phone. If it's a joke, where's. There's a foot alien staring out from your now. This happens. las vegas police install a camera on the home that report the aliens families for their safety. Folks, let me tell some hours: that offend. I never heard of this in my life, where are they show up to install a camera at home alleged to have seen aliens after the police body camera caught an object fallen from the sky. I've, never I've got a friend who literally worked in terror when the mit these name is brian, was detected the nicole assistance research unit, all they do is cameras. He's never heard of this either My question to you is: what are they looking for.
Did someone from homeland security, tell them the put the camera for The answer is, I don't know, I believe a lot of the ufo stories are distractions that come out whenever the binding gets hot. I think I've. evidence that the past, but that doesn't mean in every single one is and you gotta be honest, even if you're a skeptic like me, the story is getting freaking weird like super weird, alright, special surprise for all of you in the chat or sixty. Three thousand am good to have you here, join us every day, rumble doc slash by jean in the chad. The chat starts at ten, a m eastern just in gear in their start trouble come on in eleven loved. To have you welcomed, While the new chatters today gave you a shadow, a shout out the beginning, a conservative candy thanks for bring spring ten friends with you that chap we have jobs store all been. If you like, the sure joey,
to put up they ve ladys too, for the ladys in the chat of guys, you may like this picture of Paul a more than the ladys here's a picture. Lovely paula in ladys, thereby gino, show gear? I say she looks quite good. This is the dam. Pa geno show shirt. You got the back adjusted. Can you see the back of your helmet now sit back and watch. Your show looks like a little I think you're gonna love, em. We got a bunch of stuff dear here's the website. By the way all of our proceeds go to jail. Last year we donate a hundred thousand dollars to folds of honor, which was more than our proceed This is not a money making operation for me. Our proceeds. Go to charity. You'll, see the end of the year, will do it on the air. because people asked us about shirts and charm and all kinds of the budget or show gear. The website store thought gino, dot, com, store bon gino dot com, women.
Here too, I think you're gonna love it Paula. Thank you to my lovely wife, paula, really really hard to get. This just right, of course, uses parallel economy to how com, because we everything. Everything had to be done right in the parallel economy, so stored up on gino dot com. we're ready rock n roll pick up your shirts today, while our proceeds go to charity. No, no, no, there's no talking swimsuits. Now, yes, a good quality. We don't have those! Yes, you'd have to go to target for that, but allegedly at the back of the store, but a good question in the chat. Thank you all. Thank you for saying that by the way please subscribed to show its of wealth for free is by the way on apple and spot. If I as well, I said by the way twice it really appreciated have to stay on the top charts. So descriptions matter? It's absolutely free apple, spotify, rumbled, conversely, sponging or see you back here tomorrow at eleven, a m stood on ten o clock. If you want to get him chattering seo You just heard it in Bonn. Gino.
Transcript generated on 2023-06-27.