« The Dan Bongino Show

It Could Destroy Us All (Ep 2013)

2023-05-17 | 🔗

In this episode, I address the hilarious must-see video of a democrat goon getting destroyed on Capitol Hill. I also discuss Elon Musk’s fascinating interview about George Soros.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The way to hear the truth about america on a show that is not immune to the bags with your host dan Ben je know. So yesterday I got a call during the while attacks that have call precision does absolutely matter. I'm getting ready to do. My radio show got my phone. So I'm always looking at the side. I like leading the chat on the phone. So thanks everyone who joined here we go. Harry huge johnson, rob that's a relative them. A graphic needs europe, that's real name or what welcome to the chair. But I do the radio show and I get attacks from a member of the trump team. Let's say and they said hey, listen, So, what's come on, you show to talk about this. Storm reporting wants to make us first comments. Any radiation happened, you were listening to the radio show. It happened that the radio show starts at about twelve, all five and thirty three seconds to be exact. You know that
like five minutes have been chosen, all discovered commercials and some adapt set up, and I actually had to stop this show to do that. next thing, which was a which was weird because people like what is he doing I said hold on folks, I'm texting. This is important. I want to tell you something about that. Coming and I got a ton of stuff today, a I frauds, on capitol hill, a wholly arose s from town hall, just full. Laying this major de bag, democratic, punk, capitol hill is- You gotta see it it's so good financial management like our coffee, soft, giving you money, which companies that hate your guts going to cost. Option is mired that alive with your conservative values, blackout, coffee, blackout, coffee, dot, com, slash bond gino, it tastes great to use coupon code ben gino for twenty percent off your first order. Blackout, coffee, dot com, slash bungie, know, check it out. Folks welcome to the damper no show today, loaded lineups, Madame shifts of some more and the doorn report and a big made secret service. Failure on our first answer today is my bodies.
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I've got a brick house, nutrition accomplished and he's promo code. Then as promo code dan, rick, house, nutrition, dotcom, slash, dan, brick, house, nutrition com, slash danfield agreements. I swear by get up there. Are I Joseph wonderful wednesday, An old thing: wonderful, when I talk to my wife, does talk to cyrus or on this job story: Joseph radio guy. I get this text and sometimes no, you just gotta interrupt live radio show, so I just want to bring up this one point, let me be clear before I start so everybody in the chat listen and harmless and delay whatever it may be. I do not make nicole endorsements, based on how much I like a guy period. Purposeful pregnant pause. I have said it over over you ve heard. I don't want to date. These dudes, I don't wanna, have coffee with them. I don't care good. I don't.
about your personality you can say nice things about me all you want if you're, not a cop and I don't think you're going to advance a conservative agenda. I'm not going to support that out of the way. I'm not going to smoke jaap being able as a politician to understand the personal touch of politics is a gift. Anyone it tells you otherwise is entirely fulla shit, I'm sorry. They just start there just full of it man they are full of it. politics or personal, all of it to put it aside. Example: responsibility to you to give you. ass. Candidate I say that because the fact. Donald trump saw that I supported him the other day. I know it. I trust me. I know it. I guess it was a nice personal touched to give us a text during the show and say you know why you Gonna get the first comments on the storms, though
in reverse. I didn't endorse. Anyone no favours promise would matter anyway. Just telling you that ever gonna run for office Nobody has mastered the art of personal loyalty better than tromp when I was in the hospital. I was about get this matter. cancer is limited. My tumor removed from my neck listened folks. I was scared. Madame I'd, MR tough guy here did our market to play games with you. I was scared, the doktor it me before that the vocal officer in the neck there are important arteries phase in the neck, their nerves. It all comes through the next to the brain obvious that europe Joe point It was very clear that a lot of things go wrong. He wasn't sure you get the tumor out, I'm I'm scared to death, first time I was scared. The surgery, you know, call twenty five minutes before the surgery trumpeted no one else not a single other politician consultant. Anyone at some matters
They still have to do. Conservative stuff, I only endorse I think in advance a conservative agenda but anyone telling you that the personal part up it takes. Doesn't matter, is totally full of garbage. Man trump gets it better than anyone, and I appreciate him coming on the show he got a cut from that yesterday, I'm sorry I was a little long, winded geese like alright wrap it up. It's good well this happen. If one capital yesterday, a bit of a good note. So, first I want to show you the bans that there's a guy up on capital. These people hope, sir, a life loser: total zero, humiliating embarrassment to his family and neighbours. His aim is Dan goldman guys a total deb wide read these up on you. New congress, many bodies, seed up on capital he'll like most democratic up there yesterday and there's a hearing going on about political violence, rape and wholly or rojas, who is an amazing guy, former marine, I'm no former marine should say that marine a former marines now he's up there big discovers. I am sorry to buy the marines.
They're, my sincere apologies, there's no such thing Julia process is a wonderful guy italians, rapporteur, an amazing guy, I don't know, maybe because he suspected goldman doesn't like. Oh, I don't know, I mean I throw the racism charge around and everyone else sudan government, this because what we are has been reporting on eighty four, a domestic terrorism. Eighty first mme group, there urban, decides it a major douche bag alert goal Besides he's gotta go after all, roses, not defend their tea for the people, beating the shit out of people in cities and burning cities that so here's here's daniel But major de Bangalore first watch this guy check this out, get us gaslight us up here as if antifa with cirrhosis, apparently the spurt now in organised terrorism, activity has overruled the fbi director who said
There's a headline says: antifreeze, an ideology, not an regulation. No, no! No! Let's not listen to the fbi director, listen to sorry. What's your your title senior writer, a town hall who is They tell us that the fbi director wrong, and I like to answer deuce, there's no question: he had a right there. That's the anti anti communist theory. where the anti communist, the left or the ads, anti communist towards their against anything wherefore. So we like like tea, for burning down cities and beating the hell out of people in the middle of the streets are a terrible therein. Eighty, First, amendment domestic terrorist organization fact fact fact stop not open for debate. stop your wine and appeared in your pants. That's a fact. Ok, thank you. As a terrorist organization. They are a fascist the first amendment group so called out of this forum, because he's pompously leaders snob
a body sea because he's a life loser and nothing else to do. only arose has got the last laugh. However, you like crane, grew congressmen said you know what MR roses he's: a republican. How many are you a chance to respond to this major de Baghdad goldman? You have anything to say and roses had some more urgency for global response. they are glorious check this out, but I think it's funny to be to be lectured by an heir to the Levi strauss corporation and honestly, that's probably why he doesn't consider property damage to be that big of a deal, because not only does he have that, but he also has what some would describe an impossibly good stock portfolio. Oh oh ooh, ooh, ooh ooh. That's a you got it. Would it acts in the side right It would, in fact, and a guy comes up because dude I can fix that
He takes a glimmer of like table salt and goes here this'll doing right. The tape like all never saw guns. You give used to get caught in a cemetery, kids in salt guns. They with the saw you ever get able to soccer moses at her debt that song right in their home arose s man. Let me tell you something: you're mine, you he's got a book out, you go by his book and I don't know what it's about accuracy ok, I just got a highly arouses new book. His book could be about someone. Maybe this nice, thereby gino shown at night creation using gear antlers by that bob. That's probably fantastic, I bring a thank you to the dude who set this knife. I don't even remember I'm very sorry. I have so many his moselle remember stuff from gate he may meet us. An action of rhinos and all this other stuff up here. I got stuff from everyone up here. but there is a serious point you know I rarely open up. The show it here sought, accommodate show here is show
we were left together, a lion. We see use a lot of sarcasm by the show serious. Liberals are the eighty eighty communists. They want to bring about a dependent poor, broken down faltering america and we're not gonna, let it happen there is appalling however, did get dan gormans word games. He was playing with antigua achieve, has not a group. He said goldman sachs. West loser the general hack, halting wholly arose s marine good, he's a guy. he says, don't worry it's an idea which is fine. Today because fellows walk me through the logic. Unless and until these I was gonna go at the showed it because I want to get their reaction. So liberal, showing you how funny and full of shit they are all the time he's the golden correct bright, guys that eighty of it's an idea, because it's an idea that
people believe in a do bad things that ideas aren't dangerous. People are in this suggests, and ideas are right that it's just that I sense just then choose in turn. Just the logic Joe, does the logic where it's just an idea can just and heard anyone jerry rattler said the saint. Just that idea right, jerry, not their sedative very good arm across goodbye- should have brought Jim Verde cut that further jerry, never said that it's not dangerous folks, it's just an idea which is really we can strange, because job It was just that a black college last week, saying The most dangerous threat to america is one now your way. Dear all shed. I don't know, go to the tape check this out? stand up against the poison. What supremacy is: I did my inaugural address through a single out as the most Just terrorist threat to our homeland is white, supremacy
three, I say this because I'm on a black hp see you Say wherever I go, he said the most days this threat to america's that idea. So our idea their jurisdiction. I what's a hot or understand you, you'd do others Did you see how these people they lie to you about everything, these grotesque lips, this right, bag of opium, the Schuman pile of waste, Joe Biden, legs, listen, nobody's, perfect, dig wide supremacy. course. That's! A problem, however, You just said that this idea is the most dangerous thing ever and yet, when we show you actual evidence of actual. tea for people in the ninja suture, whatever their wearing breeding crap
people and burning down cities. You tell us not at all: it's no problem. It's just that idea. Yet that idea: leads to cities burning down. I get your having our time. Finding this this mass population of white supremacist around everyone's corner, you can't seem to find it. Carl serve an fbi whistleblower, he did a huge segment on this honest podcast than on any was talking about it with me in a chat the other day, how The eye is so desperate to meet, binds agenda to go and find the white supremacist in its next door to everybody's house that their real categorizing all these cases under like domestic terror, dd the dvd label, and yet, when you the cases there's only sliver, run that actually meet the real criteria. here it gets even better. So Eighty four is an idea: goldman said because he's a loser and alive zero right.
an idea, you're, no problem at all big zeros. Don't worry right. This is strange because the CNBC reporter interviewing elon musk the other day, says the same thing. You must Two makes a valid criticism about George soros, who, as injected himself into american politics for the worse. By this, destroying liberal cities with liberal, saw don't cry prosecutors, you let people roam the streets to prey on. This man is destroying the country, and yet this is really weird. You even mention the fact. Factually George soros is involved in getting soft on crime DA's in major cities, where they then run the place into the ground and all of a sudden, Joe. idea, I dont ideas, weren't dangerous idea, pops up and what's the idea, you're. Definitely anti semite, I thought I'd.
There were no prob logo. What's the deal here, listen yourselves check this out and you said he wants to erode the very fabric of civilization and sores hates you man like when you do something like that. the industry does my been ok, but why sharing shared especially becoming why shared when people who I'd teslas may not agree with you advertise, Twitter may not agree with you Why not just say hey, I think this you can tell me we can talk about it over there. You can tell your friends, but why shirt, what I mean, what are those freedom of speech are allowed to say what are you absolutely art, but I'm trying to understand why you do because you have to know it's gotta there. It puts in the middle of up the part and divide in the country, it makes you a lightning rod for criticism me. Do you like that? You know
today saying he's an anti semite. I don't think you are no, I'm definitely like an like a pro so much. If anything, I I believe that probably is the case. Why would you even introduced the idea that that would be the case I mean If we want to make this a george soros interview, now- god no, I don't even want to, but I'm what I'm trying even came up that when the annual meeting I mean you know, do your tweets hurt company other test loners, who I don't agree with his political position because, and I know because he shares some much or there advertises on twitter, that lindy greenwood come and say you gotta stop man so folks, what is it? our ideas, potential problem, or not now lifer g in Chad says that ideas can be a problem and our approach. Yes, you are correct. I so we agree the dear of white supremacy, is a problem and a cancerous one. So is the idea of anti semitism and racist absolutely.
But, unlike the liberal media like this idiot, falsely Emily, justly, attributing you lawns comments, anti semitism when he knows you're, not true even set it I don't believe so. Why do you say that cause you're loser? That's why I'm like them I am actually consisted in principle and that's how we should respond every time. The antivirus an idea someone says you always teeth is just an idea. Yeah manifested in people will then go use that idea to burn down cities. You know what else is an idea: white supremacy. You guys please tell us how dangerous adders and well, arms on it. But you just Ideas, our dangerous as white supremacy, dangerous, yes or no? Yes, or no dick wide, yes or no is a dangerous or not? Oh! Yes, it is ok. Thank you. Thank you. So I it can be dangerous just like anti, for you see how all of a sudden, when you figure out how to debate liberals cringe. That's why I love to have em on my show, because herself breakin, stupid them, You get him in a corner. I never lost the debate ever ever. On unfiltered with a liberal. They come in there
their phds and their degrees and all the stuff and they get smoked smoked. like a cigar every site, well time because their idiots idiots. I do yeah, so is nazi. Ism always fascism with communism, out of best itself do people thing on those ideas like anti for what say you mister yeah, we should do amnesia. He wants to bring the debate segment here. What are they. their wares, jose arrest among you, reach out to him The waves always a good sport. They allow you think we should bring the unfiltered rebuttal back. You seven people say no, some people aid that that syria in the chat, I I think, quick
craig, and I want to get to this and said the folks, though this is all about the language wars. In the battle of ideas that media helps control the language I want to show. What's going on how we are dealing with tyrants right now I get some video of adam shift and I got a donkey the day. Sorry We would argue the day after the storm report, because I'm not gonna let these people get off the hawk aright contingency medical. I get a tonic questions about this lotta people out. They want to be prepared for an emergency. They say they What would I do to get lifesaving metaphorically medications if there was an emergency will? The answer is nothing you'd be dead. That's why get em now go a contingency medical. I assure you a medicines when the unexpected happens with three different emergency antibiotic packs. Each one sky by licence physicians and dispense by if I'd pharmacies Pacts are a must for anyone who travels spends time outdoors once be prepared in the event of an emergency with a supply of antibiotics at home. Folks, I am I right. My safe right. There contingency medical pact, provides access to the prescribing physician for environment, safe and effective use of the medicine.
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That's what David horwitz calls and whose a great thinker right there Biden just came out, gave a speech by the way said he will not accept the work requirements for medical. You believe this were thirty trillion in that the rotting. Scots thing. Bag about me on. The white house is like now we're going to get people free benefits from the government, and you don't have to work, and I want to draw a line in the sand and go bankrupt over that. This is how scots thing, this guy is human burbage in a wider sees another piece, a human garbage, Adam shit, we're dealing with commies they understand now likely for the next ten years, plus there going to be stout at of the supreme court, which has a five for conservative majority. It's not three roberts is not a conservative. I get it. You have to email me. It's five. Four roberts at best. The swing vote. Sometimes illiberal. Ok, but five. it's pretty consistent but left understood. And there I stout the supreme court now for possibly a deck it. So you know a lot since I've consequences, reelected trompe appointed those people, The election doesn't have consequences for the left view, don't get what you want
overthrow the system burn it to the freaking out background. Here's adam shift, people hope, sir the sky, thing: human waste pile again guy who lie to you for for years about a fake russia collusion hopes. It wasn't shred of evidence for here's adam shift. Now. We do disrupt this band impact, the supreme court. Any good. My boss would do check the city it out. It is absolutely clear that this report is a desperate need. This report was paid by Mr Langen simply refused to wage a nobleman nominee or even give europe give that now many a hearing on confirmation under the guys. I was too close to an election and then one believe republicans do. All americans were literally voting for Joe Biden began through of economically now. We must instead, the supreme court folks, stand and watch. It is a big attached. on your brain ok commit this memory. Please.
There's this thing the left is engaged in call at the thirty front war. The fifty front ward number doesn't matter. Multiple france. The left attacks on every single front. Left is never gives up. The leftist goes everywhere if they can't rob business, they go to the courts if they can't corrupt, They go to the bureaucracy in the deep state. If they can't corrupted state, they go to local da's if they can't carry local da's. They go to local secretaries of state. An election managed the left. Now her stops. I need you to understand this. You know had James lindsey on the other day, and I think what everyone agrees. If you heard the interview on my radio show, is one of the best interviews You will ever here in your life about the long term. Longitudinal battle against a lot, it's gonna be on my podcast channel next weekend. It is worth your time. and I ask him a question why georgia listen please. I said
you know James or a lot of people out there. They bit know bit they want to give up. They think that this fight You know that we wanted, after the fall of the soviet, empire, and they can't be communism and socialism keeps coming back in his answer was really shocking. Nobody said Joe, you say why, You believe that he goes stories about collectivism and tyrannical power, a presidential, his the earliest writings treatment in the bible. Why would you think he's take? Was which was a good one job and you take your generations. I can have the fight him. No, no just, every other generation. I'm sorry folks, good news is your warriors. The bad news is warriors are always tested, you'll be tested now the p We are dealing with a tyrant. So what do I do? You do a good people? Do you volunteered for campaigns you get active out there. You show up at the shop You show up at school board. You don't have to be at every meeting, I live in a small small town in steward of greek, and you, a test of this party, found small small.
Probably less than three hundred households vote. They thought they were going to push attacks. I do it no problem. I said I couldn't happen, showed up jammed up the whole town. Nap and folks would he be You could have paid taxes, that's not the point. Of course I can. If there was in it, was totally incidental to my income sought. The point point is politics or local, and I'm not going to be a fraud is your fight man. This is who you are this slime ball rotting, discuss. Peace. A human garbage shift is our dog the day on the doorn report, madam with that here's swore. Well, remember this area was on you see I m here telling everyone he had evidence of collusion. Do amazing how all these people had evidence, and you john dorm, had six billion dollar investigation, but all the governments, assets and frowned
what you have it is their own evidence of russia collusion check this eighty it out in our investigation. We saw strong evidence of collusion the republicans now our choosing to bury I dont know what you call it when the russians make me to pull approaches to members of the trunk family, organization the trunk campaign to offer in previous dirt on Hillary Clinton, where the cannon stands in front of her. crowd and says russia you'll be rewarded if you, her deleted emails and then, russia. Does it the campaign? Dozen or to law enforcement, its prior contacts with russia, they actually amplify through social media, the candidates onwards, what russia hacked. I think that is claire collusion, but there is also evidence of the public has not yet seen that we face. We release our transcripts. They would also I know what you call it bull, shit thank you, John absolute you'd say everyone keeps saying they have this he'd, never aids and it's the way there's. Nobody can finally separatism bowler The ideology
John durham. Nobody. Find evidence of collusion but small? Well, we know a guy why this evidence what human ship it's out there is. Are you we're going to release it. Are you if we're going to release the mysterious evidence you claimed to We russians approaching your gear. Bade were approaching, Recollected we'd be us probation about a ppp debuted man by the way. Thank you to the child. is just in pointed out for correcting me. I get ice Two. It is tat the trumpeters. Work now. He who we hope that this boy good call. I added Asked the president yesterday, which I hear he got a good laugh at the bed. I got a nice text about them. You can afford it. Here's other one watch, our former cia director again a total life loser a disgrace to his family and neighbours, and anyone who knows I'm a guy who I hope on its history, will write about as a cautionary tale about what
to do when you get into government a guy, I hope be taught in spies schools. How do ever be ineffective. Intelligence agent here is the hapless. Life loser John Breton again in front of a congressional committee, where I'm sure he swore in swear again. There is evidence of collusion out there. Take it up with, their intelligence. That said, that the trump campaign was colluding with moscow, a door in there, and painter was intelligence that the russian intelligence services were actively involved in this effort and having been involved in any color intelligence cases in the past. I know with the russians try to do they try to suborn individuals and they try to get individuals, including, u s, persons, to act on their behalf, either wittingly or unwittingly and I was worried by a number of contacts that the russians had with us persons, and so therefore, by the time I left, office on January twentieth. I had unresolved questions in my mind as to whether,
the russians have been successful in getting u s persons involved in the camp, in or not to work on their behalf again, either winning or unwitting fashion, and so therefore, I felt ass though the fbi investigation was certainly well founded and needed. This is Larry, assists again peace, a human waste because he knows the whole time. The only russians approach in a campaign were approaching hilary campaign. With this informed She bit about job. even CBS, had a report, the truth on the spot. Oh I see Yes, Madame how embarrassing for them half the report. The truth, I spoke to tromp about a two I gotta go. snippet my interview with him yesterday and korean job here. Docking and running out of the room and the worst headline from the new york times of all of you. As you again, expect no apologies. I got that a lot more and secret service story that really caught my eye that innovation refunds, you seem to see of innovation, we funds and get refunds that common tv, spain, I've how
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start com or download the out from the app store today at scant reference. Thou come back up shop. You just heard Brennan swore well, she half the their day. Talking about an all this evidence, seclusion, obviously false now now that the door, Report is out: even mainstream outlets are being forced to backtrack, how humiliating, must this be foresee bs they hired. kathryn era jus candidly? I remember from flocks she's very kind of down the road reporter out of nowhere politics and I think that's probably a compliment gps hired or honestly. I don't know why CBS is an interesting journalism. My carriage does catherine average. this piece on CBS yesterday. This must have been humiliated and permit. They never had anything ever the whole thing just made up. Take a look. After nearly four years of investigation, special counsel, John durham found the fbi lacked actual evidence to investigate then candidate donald trump's campaign in two thousand and sixteen durham
The bureau was too reliant on investigative, leads, provided or funded by trumps political opponents. There We did not reveal major new findings, but it repeated prior criticism from tromp. There was no commercial at all the f b I expanded its original probe, known as crossfire hurricane, based partly on information from christopher steel, steel, The former british by put together a resource dossier, alleging possible misconduct between than kinda trump and russia durham found. Investigators did not and could not cooperate in of the substantive allegations contained in the steel reporting. Can you imagine the year that the heart tax going on in the control room at CBS is therefore support that on their airways that all this crap they ve been report, and for the last five years about trump cut a deal to steal the election with putin,
it all went down in flames and everything they said was a lie? Can you imagine it so? As I said to you before, I am always appreciative of donald trump remembrance. Friends sought a reason to endorse anyone. but it is a reason, respect someone. I know this. A little different I called them. My radio show yesterday last minute and he wanted to give some comments on it and the only question I could think to ask him that was super important was to ask sorry. Cholera is what are you going to do when you get an office to clean house, because folks, nothing is gonna, be fixed unless we empty out and shame the culture of these organizations that are absolutely broken right now he was his answer check this what we're hoping you're gonna be the next president, united states. Now that you have experienced the fbi interfering in multiple elections did this is indisputable at this point
can we get a promise from you for a house cleaning them Did we get an office? Don't wait, don't know? No, we don't need the first hundred days, just the first hundred minutes. We need everybody gone. I cannot pledge allegiance to the constitution and pledges allegiance to the democrat party first. Well, Looking at the report and after seeing Adele forget, I did ask for I fired a lot of people, but the dna goes deep, a fiery was that you know that was, and I fired him very early. You know a lot of people said: why did you wait so till he was fine very very early, and who is a great pirate abdalla you they were looking to do real bad. This is this was a coup that they were it is a sick people, so I are the only if we would not do that. You have to do a deep, not only there. You have to do it in a lot of other locations. Guy have no reason, and nor should you to disbelieve. Would he say these are kidding. There were a lot of people, all them, if you fired Jim call me it's going to cause a big shitstorm, that's
Gonna happen going to cause a mess. he did it anyway. That's what he had the book in short, a run for reelection. He went next time. Why would you believe he wouldn't take it to the next level and start going Onto the Agee assistant director, the eighty level and getting rid of these s, yes, employees who have obviously the destroyed the fbi, no reason not to believe him. None. They asked corinne job here about it yesterday and producer Jim on the radio show call it the Absolute worse, press. Second, anybody any changes in the vote. Just in you, you get a vote here too you familiar with this worst pressing area in history. I states after Only anyone and no one change it sucks for a job here, absolutely incompetent totally. completely incompetent. We got a couple. More kgb thinks she's S. This yesterday, every single I'm she's asked the question. Biden was briefed about this to take down trumpet twenty sixty get a refund
The justice department here take a look at this is pathetic, but it's the white house reaction to the special counsel report behind the leave it to the department of justice to talks, often about how he wants to do J Vi to remain independent and, above the fray. That report seems to reflect the opposite. Does he agree with the special counsel that there needs to be wholesale changes again, that is with the department of justice? That's not something that I'm going to speak from the podium, as you just stated in your question. We believe in an independent department of justice. That's what the president said when he was running and that's just what the president has spent the last few years. Thank you so much. This is hilarious. ways in on every single medical topic extraneous to the functioning of the daily white house, but the minutes
controversial topic, I'm going to refer you to the pentagon. Men are afraid of the DHS, I'm going to refer you to the border patrol, I'm afraid of the oj the woman's pathetic. She is so uniquely awful at the job. I've never seen anyone worse. The only people. Worse are the new york times look at his tweet. This is hello if you want to talk about a clown, show the new york times, which one pulitzer for a. Breaking a hawks for a whole swallows. Ladies out there they ve boarded a hoax. Do you understand this? They reported a hoax. I did and exposure for six years about the legendary killing exploits of Michael myers. Only to realise there was a friggin movie, it's not real, did eddie you go wholly, should there's really Michael buyers. Did anybody? new york times figure this out. you do again. Yesterday John doe, report and the fbi investigation of the trump which
no startling, regulate this startling revelations, We are starting a whole case with no evidence that startling folks, being viewed by some conservatives report, His pounds here as well in credence to their conspiracy theories about the usa gi what the conspiracy theory the fbi investigated trump no evidence of russian collusion. That was affirmed. That report since the do you are times you get out you did. I not call it that I'd call it listen. I know I get it. I get it and jane god rest. His soul self praise thinks totally did I not say it arm of there will be my apologies- there will be no up. You're dealing with scumbags you're dealing with you're one level commies prof, though this, what you're dealing with you expected an apology to new york. I'm knows they got wrecked yesterday, apologize hell! No, all right on down baby right on them.
you didn't you gave us the job, he did get the republicans pounds. Is actually conservatives lending credence which is a euphemism for republicans path? Republicans Lee pounds now. We can add, lend credence as outcome as always republicans pounds in there somewhere near the did miss little bare, usually good at this. You should get it before either you. Wanna get their story. Nexus involves its it. just think story. I think you'll find interesting, just kind of slipped. The rain or I started a few cable news channels yesterday, but I regard so my personal feelings about their politics. If you're going to work in government- and you are entitled to a protective detail- their diplomatic security service, capital, police, secret service fbi or others. They all have security details. Fbi protects the attorney general. Ah, do your job well, and I mean that cause I lived it and I was on och obama's protective detail guys. Second, worst present history, united states, but we had a job to do.
and the job wasn't done is a weird story at a Jake Sullivan's house, some guy just slipped in I'll, get to that in a second fox news as the story, it's a the washington post to our last sponsor. First, we appreciate your patients m d. Hearing aids as we get off Many of us start to experience hearing loss. That was the case. my father till he discovered through me. I might add endearing it. similarly hearing better, but he's interacting like his answer, is also. He loves him he's. The register rechargeable hearing aids costs about ninety percent less than the competition plus they recently cut the price in half can I get md hearing aids for just three hundred hours appear with recharge. Batteries at last of the thirty hours- the tiny and they fit near so well. No one knows you wear them and the hearing is sold over a million hearing. Aids would have forty five. They risk free, try, people love him by with confidence. While other prices are on the rise in the eu. he's coming down if you want the very smallest hearing aid ever
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Solved solomon S, a twenty four hour detail. three a midnight. Apparently, as you can see, want to read the stories in the newsletter today bunch of accomplish newsletter, their slipped into the home of an essay jake Sullivan undetected. Listen, I love! I love! Love love! My peeps in the secret service, this man, everyone. You know the eighty twenty rule places. You go twenty percent people do eighty percent of our radio. The secret service has the opposite. They really I've never been in an organization where eighty percent of the guys are really fantastic. You trust your kids, your car and your family right, had the reverse eighty two: zero, I'm serious, eighty percent of guys we're just amazing. The culture there is amazing, I kissed her ass about not there anymore. I don't pay me for this stuff. I wouldn't be You're, not a story of tat were the case right, but folks a major effort. Man, I mean, let's be honest, you can't
so apparently the story is there out in front of this house. He has in Washington d c and again knock. I guess, on their security roma in a car they were entering was at its. itself, it thou jody. Never a good sign three. I am right, you're out of security to kids every year. There are like well hello, these I got goods yeah. There was just a guy at my house like three apparently wasn't, and it was a guy who was just lost then walked into it, an open door. Hey I've been there, it's gonna die at three o clock in the morning. The small details. small details, equal tired eyes, man, you a bigger detail like the president's detail. The way works is you rotate around these posts are always moving. So even if you're on a midnight and three a m, you gonna want to fall asleep its tree. I am why, because at this time, No, it's called biology. However,
you're moving around the lights are going. You switch impose you're, just stop I'm. He worked midnight at the white house, calling you know your ring around the east wing you're, always movement. these small details where there's only you know x number, a guy like you to give away anything, there's not enough people. For that Are you sit in the same spot? It's dark, and next thing. You know it's a very to katy, as is the fact that big time, You can let it happen. Man I mean it Literally like that, you had one job me, my guess the wrap this up for you? The next story is heads. Heads are gonna role on this, I mean it's possible. Someone might lose their job. The entire. This in that great friends with the new director. I know I don't know the new director, but they take the stuff really seriously. I move an answer that it now, because that just
this guy. I think it's probably going to destroy the world. The kind of a great nation withdraw that right delivered like a bunch, I mean it. I so deeply concerned about a I right now, but I think it possibly the largest threaten the the largest problem. If human extinction right now is either a virus or its ay, I am rids because I'm just thinking through the practical forget about the a I I euros, a bigger determined eaters and it's gonna be like bought at the data, the does it mean to do that. Why does hiv? to call off the capital machinery stock of the united states to build a bunch of killer robots. Think about it! So we Many have killer robots. We have. What's your nuclear silos that are operated online, these nuclear silos, all these up, their stared, surely connected to the grid in some way, shape or form nuclear plants you get to shut down
If I wanted to wipe out humanity and somehow got sentient, it does indeed an army of killer robots. Now, here's where I start to get really break nervous, here's this We all share men of open ay I upon capitol hill, it is. I guess you know a way. I can be really good. It's going to cost people, jobs will figure out other things to do, which I agree with. By the way everybody you forget about the job. we'll figure. We always figure out other things. You don't worry about that. I get than the second listen. I how we leaves this this The ceo of accompanying well could be really. Do you really check this out? We have tried to be very clear about the magnitude of the risks here. I I think jobs and employment and what we're gonna do with our time really matters. I agree that when we get to a very powerful systems- valencia, change. I think I'm just more optimistic that we are incredibly it is, and we find new things to do with better tools and that what should happening.
My worst fears are that we cause significant. We the field the technique. The industry cause significant harm to the world. I think they're capping a lot of different ways. It's why we started the company, and it's big part of why I'm here today, and why we've been here in the past and we've been able I spent some time with you. I think if this technology goes wrong, it can go quite wrong and we want to be vocal about that. We want to work with the government to prevent that from happening, but we we tried to be very Clear eyed about what the downside cases in the work that we have to do to mitigate that. Listen, let me say: first, I respect the guy forego and upon the hill and be an honest. However, Why you did just analogies is, to add a mean literally any other product. Imagine going and buying like a new phone right. you gotta, get a new forgot, my phone right here anyway. It's a good form: terrific phone shrilly, fantastic However, when is a fantastic echo, probably kill you you'd be like what
I want that food may perhaps the pen as and a pale rights beautifully right? Here's a Slow down your hand at any minute. If this was any other product on planet earth. You be like we made We should clean that up. First folks, you don't the go to dramatic, sinner useth megantic, in a rabbit whole here as a former sk analyse guy myself who was paid A government to figure out risk you don't need to go to hi you standing protect. The president at the airport here is landed at the airport. Here's your the airport guy! You don't start thinking yourself! Ok how do I protect against an alien invasion? Could it happen yes one and a trillion chance aliens couldn't rain, kill the present on that day. However, there's probably in ten thousand chance that an airplane slip it and actually collide with air force, one if you dont control the airspace, so I'm
go Joe with the one in ten thousand risk before I worry about the one and two trillion risk okay here, with a sigh I find people get lost in again outcomes. Razor felt. Oh, my gosh. Build an army, a box, I didn't need to build an army, a botz. They just need to color the nuclear systems and want some note or pump chlorine and water in excessive amounts throughout the united states and moral dead. Oh that can happened. All I assure you it can happen. Stuff freaks me out. I'm not worried about jobs, thing people going to figure out other things to do. They always do my guys, cars, gotta, put the horse riders out of business and no horses whatever people figure it out. You know what happened we hard mechanic the fixed. The cars will probably use the you don't ride horses somewhere. Amen, a huge threat and I don't think people of really
Ask what's going on these: are the insiders telling you this if that was any other product that would have been a different interview all right? I got a couple more things I want to get to for the end of the show. Folks there is a war on four, your kids right now. It is as serious as a heart attack. The communists out there in the socialists out there for EU funds have been eager to separate the kids from the parents. there's a reason the parents are a source of value. Values are what values are conflict for com so why you're only values to come from government. I need should understand that. That's why communists hate the church and they hate the family is a source of competition for government period. Communists have always look to get the kids. If you don't have the kids, you don't have communism will say it again. If you don't have the kids, you don't have communist folks, these transgender algae bt, q. I bio, pc, two plus one spirit activists, most of em don't care,
sexuality, those nothing do in any that stuff they care about. Dividing the kids. and they care about using useful idiots to do it. I want you to watch it well. This is one of the most damning clips, you're ever going to see said teacher on cnn, basically, bidding them when you kids go to public school. We consider markets, are not your kids anymore. You don't have any rights check this out, let's viewers listen to what that parents said they complained about you doing. In a recent school board meeting here it is not a teachers job to impose their beliefs upon a child religious. sexual orientation, gender identity, any of the above, but owing movie such as this assist, teachers and opening a door, and please hear me this: this teachers and opening a door for conversations that have no place in our classrooms. We play that. There is an international, and I just want to give you a chance to respond mirror
the what she's missing and what these parents are missing. Is there not in the school system that that's? It shows me that she's ignorant and has not come and volunteered at all, because our These conversations, these doors there open these students have one one devices: the amount of the barrier, multiple up that we have to shut down the day. These common- Each of these doors that she's talking about that's tang tat telling outstripping rates is apparent. Those it's gone when your child and the public school system, because there are students talking about these things, it's where they get ninety percent of their social relations, but today only care shut down. Every conversation every child has you know, I really love it when they say the quiet part or not so quiet part out loud, your kids there, our kids Folks, I'm not suggesting you use, or no this woman that she's a communist- I don't know our I am suggesting to you, I don't know- could be- could operate I am suggesting to you, the communist, throughout history of use. People like this woman to divide
kids from parents, they call them useful idiots. Here's There's probably doing it deliberately, although she is kind of dumb to here's corinne job here, not by accident, by the way, echoing the exact same sentiment there. Our kids member Hillary Clinton takes a village. Figures. There are more than six hundred pieces of anti lgbtq plus legislation out there. A few hundred of them are anti trans community. that matters, because we have to call that out and we ve never seen this level- is historic and then pieces of legislation- I've met a lot of parents of trans kids in the past couple of months, hold me. This is devastating stories, whether there in texas, wherever they are saying how they now have to seriously consider giving their state to protect their child.
Something that we have to call out and continue to be very clear about that. These are kids. These are archings. They belong to all of us. no, no! No! No, they don't know. I don't belong to all of us. My kids do not belong to you I love you in the audience and I'm sure the field. Is mutual, or else you wouldn't be here, your kids, mine, my kids are not yours and mine; kids sure as shit anchoring jumpy airs. They are not your kids, they are my kids don't ever forget it, in other words, thinks this two on your cerebral cortex you can. I've communism without the kids they need divide, you from your value system, from your parents, in your god, so that your values come from government if they can, sexuality and confusion. To do what they will do it, but they believe this This is what we're dealing with folks. Is fides been going on since biblical times? You're, not gonna, get a pass and no one
gives meaning to your life, fighting pure unadulterated, evil and your listen to it right now. I got a bit of saudi showed today. So some of you know like that. So we do about this man. That's me, so times. I'm in a minute mood today fighting these people every morning and waking up and it gets under my skin, sometimes is a rough crowd were dealing with were rougher warriors men warriors need a good fight. Relishes it'll be a resume when you get in front of the curly gawker, the the pearly gates up. There is what I gotta fight back thanks for tuna, invokes join us every day. Rumbled outcome, slash bonn gino at eleven, a m eastern time for the live chat. We love see india there also quick that far. but my iran rumble one almost at three million subscribers. It's free follow us Apple and spotify as well. We would really really appreciated thanks, for tuna- and I will see you back here tomorrow- You just heard in bonn, gino.
Transcript generated on 2023-06-28.