« The Dan Bongino Show

Is This The First Black Ops Presidential Campaign in History? (Ep 1462)

2021-02-22 | 🔗

In this episode, I discuss the reason Trump’s speech this weekend at CPAC is a seminal moment in election history. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Waiting to hear the truth about America on a showed its not immune to the banks with your host Dan Bungee now. Are we not cannot be first black? run for the presidency. In U S history. What do I mean by that press? jobs, get to speak this weekend at sea pack, and I can almost Daren T you Gara D, take it to the bank cash that check, spend the money they pay get in trouble speech at sea pack? Are we, Be censored now will be live streamed on rumble cushion I'm an investor rumble. They will not sensor. We actually believe in free speech, but I can, you sure you bad that speech on you. Tube twitter, Facebook and elsewhere Instagram? while these other soviet style, the channels will sensor his speech. So what's gonna happen if he decides to run in twenty twenty four. I've got some theories on that. Some good theories aren't you,
acts they can take, and neither one of them is a good one for the speech police were hanged. I gotta get a lot more in the show that issue about you may express bbn for peace of mind on line get a vip. And today go to express gps dot com. Slash, mancino welcome is damaging to show. Let's get right. You have, I've got some listen. I love Friedman, videos, I'm! I love em out So Roca, this liberal radical congressmen gave the worst interviews ever about minimum wage basically say here really care about small businesses. I've got some Milton Friedman, rest acting the great Friedman from the grave to show you real mechanics behind the disaster of minimum wage and why we do care about things like small businesses, because where conservatives liberals in ok again today about you by Express BP and hey. You don't have to give big tech websites access to your data. Why You do that. I choose
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calm slashed by GINO, Express Vps that consolation mancino, protect your data today right producer job. Let's go there yet, so what have you anything, you didn't it out and activate the rush limbo it'll, be on my way where I gotta backup plant bias. I saw you can email if we get, but the Ruslan Barbel will be the technical barriers to trade with Russia and body. We woke me up here, but yeah man, some data happen, sometimes don't play producing something as there is a technical makes. A very rare, given his excellent item, excite but today show because shockingly it's a really big news there. No, it doesn't seem as much because we ve got the ever boring. It shows Joe Biden Office, but there is a lot going on before let's get to this story I tested in the beginning present.
Europe is going to speak at sea pact this week end up in our land, or I will be there giving a speech on Friday afternoon. I don't know the time I think round. Four p m, but you know what I was depends on, whose long and who speak short? I've spoken to back now, many times, Bali, five or six times and there's a little clock in front of you, they give you eight to ten minutes and its Jonah Having been at sea back with me just about every year. For the past five or six years, some speed just don't care the medicine That is a sign of the bottom. It says like get the hell out Page right now are we will bring out the guy like the APOLLO Theatre, where they bring the hawk out and grabbing at right, yo, something no care which would have us. That's your thing admit it's ten minutes. Twenty minutes, hairs. They do their thick, so I dont know exactly when it may be speaking, but I'm pretty sure it'll be Friday. Present drop is speaking on the weekend
Why does this matter? What is there to do with anything or folks? Let me tell you something: I have a story in the show knows about it today so check that out, but bunch. You know that consolation newsletter access because I am now I'm guaranteeing you I am this- is my stygian witches moment. Give me where you can set? The kids are like. I don't know what you're talking about watch class of the tides, not the terrible Nuver the old Harry Hamelin version, whether best movies ever stygian, which is suppose they could tell the future. With the I get yeah. I'm telling you to the eye right now that this will become the start of a huge censorship drive to knock out before it even starts a Trump twenty twenty four ticket. You like Dan. It's twenty twenty one. How can it is twenty? Twenty one right fact checking just check. It's twenty twenty one. What the hell are we talk about twenty twenty four ready for, because it's on right now.
Now now it's not know it is. It is I'm telling you I am reasonably confident present Europe is going to run in twenty twenty four, not recently overwhelmingly confident president trap is going to run a twenty twenty four. This is effective, his first campaign reaches, we can see back and it will be censored mark my words book it I'd give you that I'm, but they tell you cause we're on terrestrial radio, never to give the time in the day right now, because of its definitive later in the day, people I don't care, we don't follow those rules. Amory book it marked a time on your own watch, whatever mark my inherent in markets they will sensor this speech. Youtube. Twitter and Facebook will block our portions of this speech this weekend at sea pact. Not, oh, that's except you unexpected. That's not breaking news right, yelling tyrants, you're gonna band of former president. Prominent american political figure of what's this open their soviets, that's what they do tat their soviet speech sensors.
These civil liberties actors, that's not the breaking news. The breaking news this is going to be a real problem, ladies and gentlemen, because we be creating, as I said, the first black ops presidential campaign in U S history. What do I mean by that? I'm not talking like Jason Bourne stuff here James Bond. Present job was most likely going to run for president twenty twenty four. This gonna be a first campaign speech and what they are going to do. Is they we're gonna Youtube, twitter and Facebook. By banning these speeches, they are going to teach a generation of Americans unaccustomed with breaking out of date. Tyrant stranglehold on information. They are going to them how to find information through other channels, we'll call it the black offspring. Answer on you like this, you like this you how we deal with this theory so far we gotTa crew. Here then, the black ops priority that you either delighted you get. What I'm saying votes thereof now us younger
oaks out, thereby younger. I mean a little younger than me out of my poor forty seven, forty six, you sure I will forget forty seven people, little younger than me, they're savvy folks. They know To get information everywhere, Rumble Part or gab whatever it may be, cloud they know how to find information on non tech, tyrant, channel as the ombudsman, you gave it I'm saying they get a lot of older folks understand where you grew up on television and terrestrial radio right, so no fault of their own dating grow up on tax, so the text a little less manageable for them? And it's hard to find this stuff. Telling you a lot of other folks who are trump supporters, who are now not going to be able to find information on mainstream media CBS, a b c and see CNN Msnbc than I can be able to find the Trump speech or any tromp speeches from this point on, because they will sensor them because their soviets, our goal,
to learn right, quick as they say it out in the south, how to access other channels like rumble and power and other outfits out there. We're going to create an entire generation of species, presidential campaigns with people who have the end, Jane Shibboleth encode words to get inside the door. Think about that people gonna, be it the dinner parties in step with the sea pack speech we did. Did you see the truth? united in some say some other folks, maybe not as tax havens, and I couldn't I tried this watch it on on online and Facebook band. Did you know a lot of older folks around Facebook? Now they banded and in someone's gonna tell him hey, hey, don't tell anyone, This rumble channel rumble dot com, flash whatever, you can see this speech over there. How do I do that? They're gonna pick up their phone right and I'm gonna, gosh and they're going to show em right there? How to do it and it's going to create an entire generation of people who have circle,
granted the mainstream media blockade like chinese government except private companies. Do it here chinese doesn't allow open internet China in here private in the United States private companies to all the censuring for everyone. You create a generation of people who know how to jump over the wall of censorship and figure it out. So in the and I know this is a terrible thing. We're living do right now, the big tech tyranny I get it and we have to fight it with every single fibre of our souls and beings. I get it. I think in the end, The mainstream media is going to create an entirely parallel information ecosystem, which I ve been talking about for a long time, and I think it starts this weekend as the political. Speed species and cold words develop. What what's that Movie Tom Cruise kid, many have not taken the eyes eyes wide shut. The job is a dreadful movie member here
They go to this party, her party, a fourth and there's like there's a password. What's a bit vidalia, the no that's the outside password theirs. It is ever there's gonna be a path. Word. Now you get to speak openly about the trumps pieces. We can. You gonna have to give like a passer by past is mega sixty seven agent, you can think of a password to talk openly now with your friends about the Trump speech and your friends. You're gonna have to teach you how to access the trumpets from speech because we live in a soviet China model economy, information economy. That is where private companies do the sensor sing, censoring and eighty civil liberties activism for the government. That would love to do it itself. Now I said to you in my teeth this morning that there are two things could happen while number one. The black out well continue Youtube. Facebook Twitter will block all trump speeches from this point on or pieces of them, or and more they were telling They will do that if they do
So that's option one what'll happen, I told you would have just happened. I don't even think this is all that negative. I think you will teach people to buy ass, the mainstream media information, probably channels and work their way around it, so in the long run where more fortify, so I don't even think they're blockade is that bed of a thing I think it's bad there doing it, but I don't The result will be that terrible for us or option number you could happen. What's option number two, they fault. Why would they fall. Maybe saying yourself, then, what's the incentive for left wing you know of fake. Forms like Youtube, Twitter and Facebook who will ban trump speeches? We can what's the incentive to you're, not really platforms, illiberal publishers, that's what they are. This is the fact that open for argument, rules if you want to argue media to show for you,
You screaming your radio. I want you just don't know what you're talking about. I'm very sorry educate yourself a little bit there. Not platforms are publishers. Why would they fault? They hate trump? They hate conservatives. We know that that's obvious they have to because he's left wing media outlets need clicks and Joe You say that despite the liberal rage toward Donald Trump they'd, just can't quit the trumps. There lay just can't stop they can now. I like to produce information to back up my assertions, you say and then that eventually either they continue the black out and they look because we develop ways around the black out and teach generations of America's how to get around the soviet media Pravda censorship machine. So that's ever want to be a good outcome, terrible thing, but a good outcome or option number two.
They completely fall than if the broadcast the term speeches aim, which is likely to after a while, their black out for a little. While. Why here is an article by pointer, dotcom. Whenever that is, I forgot the screenshot. They will get that it can meet you. Don't let me get to that for some sort of anyone What a word I gotta see, backed by the way a case, you don't think tromp is still a huge drop by or notes or two I gotta get a better. So by acting for Remount, Henrik, I'm a doctor. I wish I dont like one I'd, be a quadrillion, see, pact weaken, here's a screenshot. What am I show you, this war Joe. You noticed something on sea back in at once, they announced Trump was coming and chop. Nobody cares about chop it s a little like a drop. Their interests, you can't even get to see pasture premium silver package sold out general tickets, so
yeah. What do you get a premium gul package right out and even that's limited availability so trouble? You know the level nobody cares about job we're moving on. Are you really moving out because we get a you're all sold out everywhere at sea? Back? Is that point of articles this is from July. Seventeenth of twenty fifteen by a christian hair, bobbing deposed is gonna covered, trumpets, entertainment, not politics. Remember that member, when they tried that that lasted, but about a week at the having deposed, why They humiliated themselves and they know their liberal readers cannot possibly quit Donald Trump, because why Joe its revenue, its clicks, For all the nonsense, the New York lines and the Washington Post ABC and Bc Cbs the brain stem authors of the world about our evil and awful trump is for
all that nonsense. They profited handsomely armor cast off the Trump years handsomely. Using stouter and handsomely in the same sentence. Is aid to really dreadful go past or what is there I was talking about you this week and by the way Martin county demur, Uncanny Fair this week in which is really great. You know my daughter. We had a blast. The love, my daughter, watching the smile interface is amazing and you're out rough because I'm with my daughter luckily had people that people want to stop and take selfies and challenges, call but my daughter's young and shall run away which Ok, I gotta like chicken. You know I gotta keep an eye on everything but say we're Gimme about you know you and how long you been in the business Joan I saw. One of these Red Josie understands a business better than anyone and one of the things that the show we were authorised, your radio ass. If there's more than like seven seconds a silence, a lot radio stations or kick to a best of because they assume there's a problem. So what are these
ass. If I was telling this lady that, if I'm like silent to make a point european tobacco, so some of you like, why does Joey's Baker sound of a further? Is it did so? We don't kick to a vast, thereby surrender regions, not just study, bringing out a category. Think it's a dead air and kicks there where we can have the so their heads Jos, grunting, Sometimes now you know the inside baseball moving on, though, because this is important- the Trump twenty twenty four camp which I'm telling you starting this weekend at sea back at Depress Lombard. Don't doubt me go down It starts this weekend. The first black ops campaign, speak easier, called words, everything Nicky Hayley. What is that who would any of us here is an article was interesting, you'll be in the show notes again, please check it out, but you know that calm flesh, later, the newsletter is the shipowners, Nicky Haley's gift to or twenty twenty four contenders by Jeremy Beaming does commentary wash them examined what
We know president Trump is gonna run in twenty twenty four or I should say we know, I'm relatively confident he's going to I'd be stun candidate if he did not do This article is Nikki Hayley, who I just don't trust folks at all, I'm very sorry, Nicky Nicky Harry, is what a Friday and slip out say, elixir finger, and you know which way the wind is by a leaky, Hayley licks every which the political words she changes are mine. Erika onto one day, she loves Trump, because someone told me there was a focus group of four trumpets. Was down in Nepal the next day or up and oppose the next day she sees appall. Where he's little down. She doesn't like trump I'd like tat, and I don't like that. Ok, try, maintenance eggs like anyone else vertical. Everyone out, but this constant back in what is making me sick so that Justin this article, given that we're going to see the opening of the Trump two thousand and twenty four campaign this weekend and the media response to it, which is going to be fascinating.
Has clearly done them all a favour. Here we took us Dan against job Joe by January, sick. She took a stand. While she thou that stand back stand. Austria journal our bed, she wrote so the point of the articles and interesting one that here these kind of the I'll balloon for other one. Twenty four candidates, who are probably think it taken Non Donald Trump and a primary. I remember watching what happened with Nicky Haley's about face. She was all over Donald Trump a couple weeks. I guess I don't know why we followed this guy and she right not in the Wall Street Journal. While you got a lot of good things you watching and Romania the boy, I would naturally like my fingers at super growth, but you get the idea, She changed her mind overnight, so
twenty twenty four who may be thinking about running against trapper, probably doing the same thing that probably say to themselves Joe, while Nicky Harry was a one. Eighty that maybe six. Seventy two that may have been won but there was a bring with me, I mean the whiplash. They must be saying this probably didn't work out for Nicky Hayley. So maybe we should watch what happens there. Her first before we come out and the I had to take a stand against Donald Trump at twenty twenty four interesting see that responds people get to see back this week and could be fascinating, said a hint yet my get my not so good hint gets a good in sorry. What are they? Hence answer. You know when I got a somebody's. Yet again, this is one of those topics I had planned on spending five minutes on and I've fallen in love with it. Unexpectedly, the black ops campaign for the as they say in the Nicky Halley Response, the Nicky highly like your finger trial, balloon everybody's watching, what's gonna happen, Hayley Harry
was down in flames over the next year or two they will attributed to that when she attacked Donald Trump. The only similar situation I can think of where a pilot. Korea was thrown down the drain so fast, you remember it. Anyone any guesses Were a prop Mickey Harry was the grand arm of the republic and movement, everybody loved her reboot and all of a sudden, Mickey Haley's reputation and thrown away over nine everybody's watching if she can recover bigger the other one. I know it did. You know some of you screaming at our writer Marco Rubia, see no, Paul. I knew what you know why you know what I was living in sovereign apart when Rubio came out for the migration plan that had a lot of liberal ideas in it and I was actually in the bathroom. I don't love us brush my teeth or whatever and polish came, and we heard it on what Joe W
Maybe I am we're armoured cars used to beat a morning producer and they said Rubio supports this immigration, but that was the end. The marker robia, that was it you don't have to say, folks, for you, younger kids out there just got an appalling Rubio was a messianic figure for Republicans. He had beaten early Chris for the Senate, see he was a mess, idiotic figure on the upper level of Bee Mount Olympus of Republican. Can these collapsed overnight? Can recover we'll see? Remember that. I think this is that Mickey how we just had a moment there, her Rubio moment and everybody's watching if she doesn't recover trouble- have a clean path to twenty twenty four, no one or run against them. Realized the futility of man, I went to death really. That may be the longest extension of atomic out. I've done what I get another ponies just quit some news about the media, censorship, which is really really bad economic
so also partly by friends that brick house break. This is brick house. Yes, nutrition. Facts. Look at that. Why does that matter under back? You see that I have to spend a little slow. The risk don't work like that, to break out nutrition, says nutrition facts, because this is not supplement by the definition. This is, new traditions, actual whole fruit, fresh fruits and vegetables. Ground up into a fine smell, even better tasting power. This is the while very flavour. Why? Because we all know frets, fresh fruits and vegetables are great for how life's about habits right, we ve been, focus than ever on our help. How do you plan to sure you're bodies, immune system is primed and ready to rock n roll a day. What I do I take feel degrees by broadcast attrition. I like both labors, while berries pretty get. I take it twice. A day is loaded with antioxidants, feel the greens is packed with eighteen, fresh fruits and vegetables plus
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Calm, Slash Daniel Promo Code Dan today dont way pick the stuff up. It's fantastic. I thanks broadcast ages, quick now before I get back, topic, I'm alive, you been emailing me suddenly social media messages. Understandably- and I appreciate it asking me about two things: I promise you later in the week, I will get to both parlour and my hair they might be. Don't worry, I'm not going to wear you out with my son. I just said we get a lot of questions. I think it's only fair given that you've lived through a lot of this stuff with me, both with parlor and my issue that I update you. I've been just quiet because I don't want to make this show about me. It's about stuff that's going on, but I promise later in the week I'll, have an update and why taken so long to update you on that stuff will make the world a sense. It is better to wait. Thank you for your patience on it. Ok get back so quickly? Why am I bring this up to aptitude today? Again, they twenty twenty four black ops campaign, because jobs Some of you, the epic times against or being showed us that it by Zachary Cyber Youtube,
external neutral interview I gotta much is making this stuff up job drop one, a news max to speak to the great Gregg Kelly, there's a terrific job. Over there and they censored this speech. Here's another one by remember that clubhouse thing there's an app out there, where you can have unfettered Conversations Joe, what we used to call Speech for the Communist Dick, the country over here's Judd, Leggum, Known eighty free speech advocate on Twitter account he's listening to this conversation is pretty clear to me that clubhouse is successful in part because you, dumb stuff and its harder to be held accountable for what he's really saying is you're, not free speech is gone, and I should be able to listen and on all your nonsense. That's what he's really think. I'm telling you this stuff is going to grow. This stuff is gonna. Get They are going to start banning all of his speeches and are going to create for us in time. Early parallel economy, which parlour and rumble, I was very proud to be a part of no moving. So row Connor was
on CNN this weekend row, Canada is a radical, far left this border. Communist, I would argue, broken Nothing about Economics Roca! know much about much, which is perfect. That's why he got elected to Congress, where all the stupid people tend to aggregate I've said often, and I've always wondered. How is it that the dumb people at America all managed to make their way to one spot, Washington DC and get elected. It's crazy, it's really Bizarre with very few exceptions, all the dopy people who couldn't succeed in the real world. Why not in their way at the Capitol Hill. Just incredible, you would think by mistake. Data like this Our person wants and while no such locked, Democrats are so. What are they I'll be ones row Connor was on. I think this is CNN. Many was asked about this new push by Biden and his aunt. The economics anti science folks push for it fifteen dollar, our minimum wage, which would promptly bankrupt small businesses in America, baroque kind of doesn't care. Roquat is like We don't really need those small businesses that six,
we, what he said and watch how we couches it in some kind of like compassionate emotion, base argument. We get them in the Friedman of video by Milton Friedman if there, but I want you to pay attention but things in this cannot broken a sound by here number one Ro Carter, radical left. This communist Congress person pays. Nothing for small businesses and yet is Thing on what other small businesses you pay their place, he pays nothing he's imposing cost on you that doesn't affecting one bit? can notice how we use this emotion again now and they do this and to discuss this on Friday, how Labour do this in arguments about immigration on them. They based arguments that emotion, not factories and notice. How does it here- and he says, businesses should do not what they can't do that emotional argument what businesses should Businesses should do a lot of things, but a lot of can't, because they know them and in third, the knowledge problem
how row corner a magically. Seems to understand the spreadsheets in budgets, of every small business in America and what they have spend on human capital despite Roquat unknowing. Absolutely none of that pay attention Austria's things. This cut check this large businesses like Amazon Mcdonald, for example, can can and perhaps should pay more, but I'm wondering what is your plan for smaller businesses? How does this, in your view, effect mom and pop businesses, who are just struggling to keep their doors open, keep workers on the payroll right now, but we should be doing it by pay people low wages. We don't want low wage businesses. I think most successful small businesses can pay a fear wage. If you look at the minimum wage, it increased with worker productivity until nineteen sixty eight and that relationship was salaried, workers were actually getting paid for the value they were creating. It would be up to twenty three dollars, so I love small businesses and all for it, but I don't want small businesses that are under pain
employees, its fear for people to be making but their producing- and I think fifteen dollars is very reasonable in this country you catch it. Did you catch all the democratic economic fallacies all in one segment? That's why uses number one Roca pays nothing. Roquat is a buffoon which is almost eight above a democratic Hungarian like saying a yellow. You have to add that, like, of course, you're a buffoon you got elected. The Congress is a Democrat. He pays nothing zero! You do in your business, but row Connor, who is an aim carpet economic performance in Congress apparently knows he knows. Your business, and he wants you in those conditions on you and your free open. It. Association relationship with your points, because he apparently knows better fascinating. Ro Canapes zero you will to pay a lot and yet Canada's on tv talking
conditions he wants to impose upon. You very interesting call that the other party pay your problem, crash love that imposing conditions on others that data have to meet themselves. Second part notice what he says about businesses they should, they should be re. Yet businesses should be doing a lot of things, but some business dark and strange. Our businesses are constrained because sometimes their sales and their eggs, occasions of what they should be doing, don't meet those expectations and then for they become constrain, that's problem. A condition imposed upon ninety nine percent of small businesses, who are an unlimited in their budgets It'd business budgets only exist in broken as economic world in the real world, businesses are constrained. Sales are limited. Customers stopped coming in product lines, fail all the time in was constrained environments. Businesses have to save funds; they can
hey people unlimited amounts of money if those people are producing the requisite amount of sales and numbers to provide the capital? they can pay them, but Roquat who doesn't know that he's just spouting over the mouth. Third, the knowledge problem now is our oconnor there's just randomly talking about every small business in the United States wants to impose a blanket condition on yet, despite broken a knowing nothing about any of this is that we are just as the inner you'd every business owner in the United States. As you know, their economic condition does he know if their struggling, even worse, does, they're losing money every month and therefore, not only do they not have extra money to play employs, they don't have enough money to pay themselves as business owners as a matter of fact you're losing money, but many of them. Ro Canada's know that he just talked about every business in the United States, like you know some their minds. We have. I'm Paul a member at political, and we ran into that complete buffoon, Malcolm Manse. There was a shuttle going back and forth in this political event on Fourchan. I do know this guy was, he said,
liberal lunatic? He was sitting next to us on this van and just spouting off about how we he knew every black voter in America what they were thinking or something I challenge them on. It got his blanket. They must make you ve interviewed every black for the knowledge, prob liberals. I think they know what everybody say in all the time. It's obviously ridiculous. So when in doubt I always go to my go to the great Milton Friedman, who had a lot to say on the minimum wage Milton men explains how the minimum wage hears about a minute. Thirty clip. It is worth your time have when a minimum wage not only doesn't help people at the bottom wage the wage scale, but actually harms because if businesses don't have the money, because they don't have the sales to justify paying people a higher wage than what are those This is due. Here's a sham for the liberals. Listening like Roxana they wind. Having electoral workers, because they don't have the money to pay.
And which, even worse, if they dont higher new workers later so now, you don't New hires and you're getting rid of the hired you have now. That sounds like what they call the old double, where more risky those to really bad things, but really kind of doesn't know any of that, because role kind is not really that bright. Unlike Milton Friedman, who is a genius God rest, his soul check this out. The fact is that the programmes that are labelled as being for the poor for the Navy almost always have effects exactly the opposite of those which there well intentioned sponsored intend them to have as it exists. Oh buddy, referring to lemme, give you a very simple example: take the minimum wage or its well meaning spun there are always in these cases to groups the sponsors. There are the well meaning spices and there are the special interests using the well meaning sponsors as fraud men. You almost always when you have bad programme, We have an unholy coalition of the do gooders on the one hand, and the special Anderson, the other.
The minimum wage levels is clear cases you can walk. The special errors are, of course, the trade unions, the monopolistic craft, trade unions in particular. The do good I believe that by passing alaska- and nobody shall get less than two dollars an hour to fifty our whatever the minimum wages you are helping for people who need the money, we're doing nothing of the kind, what you are doing is to ensure that people who skills are not sufficient to justify that kind of a wage will be unemployed. It is no accident that the teenage unemployment rate the unemployment rate among teenagers in this country is over twice as high, as the overall unemployment rate is no accident, That was not always the case until the nineties
Fiftys, when the minimum wage le rage rate was raised very drastically very quickly. You know, folks are on a very serious note. I mean sound. Somber is not one of those sad melancholy segments. When I started studying in reading Friedman, words and Thomas souls words and Schumpeter another Great economists hijack the road to serve them, classics classic books, you know, I'm it a change my life, I remember, reading something somewhere. I hate quotes as you know, but once in a while their illuminating read somewhere wants it. There are two kinds of people that see the world differently: the super wretched, the super political, the soup, rich people. They see the world differently because nothing as value because nothing whatever they want, they can have a dozen. They don't. Value it like you. I was wanting to dodge viper anymore.
They now that I can afford one. I don't want it anymore, because I don't I don't know I just valued at more when I couldn't like I knew. It was then that thing you Couldn't you know, like the rent instantly, don't push the red button and you could pushed around you disappointed like when I want it's so bad, because I think I couldn't have it s kind of like a girl. You haven't, you are eighteen, you know you don't really trader that greater she dumped you and all of a sudden you, like cried my gown tom. You take I never dated a tiny I'm just pulling that name out of my wouldn't take me back right. That's what happened with me with these knowledge. With these two, when I got super political, the Super rich see things differently, because nothing matters in the super political. Do well because you started my issue political. I mean people who are really deeply involved in the behind the scenes. Facts and figures about politics. Your whole world changes.
I started and discovered Friedman. Ladies and gentlemen, I never looked at anything the same way again and I was It was interesting. I was listening to a really spectacular by one of my favorite. Podcast is a guy by the numerous Roberts he doesn't show called econ talk. It's really terrific comes out once a week is very good and back in October, Heard for the because I've been delayed, I haven't been listened to show for why? Because the stuff going on in my life, but I'm finally catch up on all the episodes in. Back in October. He added and wonder most fascinating part guess I've heard and while he had a guy I just heard this week in TWAIN bats Dwayne Bats is an interesting story. He was a guy who had sixteen was involved in a car jacking with a gun wind up spending. I thing was six years in prison whatever it may be, and I didn't think this I guess we'll be that fascinating. I really didn't and the stories about this guy Dwayne Beth he really came around through box in prison and now wants to get this library of books?
prison for inmates to be able to read, educate themselves and on its face. You're like right, Gioia like interesting, but not really like a barn burner, I'm telling you I ended We collect on because way pod guess work, especially in some of these platforms is diminished. The old one stops play in a new. I don't even want to listen started playing was the only what I had heard and I'm I'm in can a shower actors. I've got that phone in the shower like in the shower undertaking was almost getting wet. That's how fascinating. It was and I get up in context to this because he said some things in air women out of ISA, liberal conserving around. As you know, I didn't know you get into politics, but he did mention how Russ Roberts, who is a big, Adam Smith, free market guy, how started. Listening econ talk and our Dwayne Bats, the former prisoner had been onto the works of Adam Smith, one of the great economic legends in human history.
And you could hear and Bass voice how life change. When he's hearing that folks, you start listening to four men and Thomas Soul and others watch some of their videos out their read some of their books, and I'm telling you going to see everything totally differently. You gonna realises. Liberals have been lying to you every thing they ve been telling. You is a lie. I know that sounds harsh and I know some democratic, listen. My show we're on the fence. I ran into a guy again at the fair this week and he came up to me. He said Can I take a self vs yeah sure we taken a picture is moved down here from Manhattan and I said to him must be nice gettin. A true story must be nice, get away from it liberals, kid unite, or the guy said to me. I am one. Look. There's somebody this to my show. He said I just think your interesting. You know who you are It's nice and I said: well you your mama, or do this so much. I met the job like a Montague. Listened to my show. Thank you. I'm talking to guys like that. How do you listen to what Friedman just said? One of the great explained common sense economics in the history of sir.
The inhuman based. How do you listen to that argue in danger life forever? I then we get, My next sponsor that I want to get you another story that really should shock. You went away in a bad way. I am sorry, but we still get. We gonna wait ourselves that is the doldrums. Some of us are still in that we lost we don't have my mom done. There's no done, I'm going to get a dustoff get up. Twenty twenty four is around the corner, but it's a story about justice. Being dead in this country should really scare you. They show about you by friends of Patriot Mobile, just like on Facebook, Twitter and Youtube Patriot, Mobile is taking on the mobile providers swamp, and they have great news to share Patriot Mobile, just six did their coverage, which will make it easier for even more Americans to dump the big name carriers who charge weight much and then donate money left us. I am proud to partner with page mobile cause ever sent a penny to the left, their America's only christian conservative wireless provider, plus you can switch with confidence because they use the same network as a larger providers, but charge much less. So,
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kinds of hidden messages and stuff it'll change. Your entire life This is another article in the shown us. I really need you to read punch. You know that consolation that had washed in times exclusive came out this morning before we came in the along with the dreadful Supreme Court story that they're gonna hear they have our allowed the new Yorker? What is it the the E G Manhattan district attorney to get trumps taxes and another which, on but they're not going to hear the Pennsylvania election case. You know priorities. Folks, pirate Supreme Court's been a total disaster. I don't trust Cavanaugh one bit. Sorry, I just don't, but this story matters In Times Exclusive Biden team colluded with, I ran to foil trump diplomacy by Ben Wolf
and Guy Taylor washed in times. Ladies gentlemen, none of this is surprising. What is surprising is how openly in contempt liberals and Democrats how they can tell for our justice system may have we just live. Wrong job do a five year which on of Lieutenant General MIKE Flynn, under the ridiculous allegation that he can tat did a russian ambassador in violation of the Logan ACT I'll get to what the Logan ACT is in a minute, but that, just as it is this as a private citizen, you should negotiate with foreign governments without the permission of our government right, get that MIKE Flynn. What do I five year disaster, where the full weight and force of the United. Its governed thrown him because allegedly he coming it created with a foreign government. Yet
really weird. Is the Democrats do it openly with Eddie the United States Not only does nothing happened, John Kerry an appointment as the climate Ladies and gentlemen, just this is dead in this country. Bury it it's all. There is no justice system, none There's no court system is more. I have to say on that later to a case invite me then time in time. Just this is dead. Read this from the washed impose. John Kerry meeting with enemies of the United States during the Trump administration? The attempted count Diplomacy offers a window into the deep relationships. I ran sorry forge with: U S within format, you? U s! Liberals! Over the past decade, these really She was blossom figure dating gave you into what high level
so security, intelligent sources say: allowed the iranian regime to bypass Mr Trump and work directly with the Obama administration veterans that Tehran or if you want to be its officials, are on their way. They hoped they would soon return to pets. Tehran to write off the sound, so pretentious. One of those was former Secretary stay John Kerry, who met with serif during the Trump years, so data Such is carry Joe not just carried so Obama, your energy secretary earnest monies, they alone Mister Mallory, we're top. U S, negotiators and twenty fifteen J C p away as part of the deal Tehran promise. The limit its nuclear enrichment activities in exchange for economic sanctions, relief and tens of billions of dollars and frozen bank accounts. I I thought we were just told I thought. Over five years we were told that the low
an act knew if you dare to negotiate with a foreign govern Fargo that even have to be an enemy. The United States, like the death to America range. I thought we were told Joe. That's a federal offense, here is the actual Logan ACT in case you think I'm making this up. Tipp corn While the Login ACT, eighteen, USC, nine, fifty three makes it easier oh for U S citizens to engage in unauthorized foreign diplomacy, including two in once the measures or conduct our conduct. Any foreign government, or did feet: the measures of the United States but sounds like exactly what John carry an earnest monies dead. Why are they be investigated or prosecuted? While number one- let's be honest, Logan ACT is probably unconstitutional is ninety: nine percent chance would get thrown out immediately you may say Sudan, if you're recommending that that they investigate John Kerry in Earnest,
These four violations of Logan IKEA just serbian constitution, yet is it is probably thrown out, but that's not the point. New rules right, remember, my new rule showed the new rules are the Logan ACT is to be you there's, a viable enforcement tool to keep people from doing what John Kerry did they use that to prosecute MIKE when so, if justice is justice and the? U S justice apart, she believes a Logan ACT is real because they tried to prosecute MIKE when Fort Why aren't the interviewing at a minimum John Kerry in earnest monies answer is because justice is dead, bury it justice is blind. Justice is blind to Democrats. Just not the Republicans, miss again. That sounds like an unprincipled decision on all its principal Nora. You saying it's unkind. Usually outlets test that out Justice Department. Just told us, after their prosecution MIKE Flynn that it was necessary to enforce the Logan ACT. Now, what Democrats and
but that is no longer necessary. Why is that? Mercosur Democrat, the only ladies and gentlemen in contemplating went over the top at sea back is rigour, but I'm strongly considering going over a linsky rules. Dreaded sallow linsky, but Israel work on what one of Israel's rude discussion we ve, been discussing over the last few weeks, make your poetic Opponents led by their own rules. Folks, the Democrats rules during the Trump years whether Logan ACT is real. Ok gonna make you le by those who will see how you like it. Of course nobody will, if justice is dead, bury it stick a fortunate. I got a couple things coming up: getting gets my neck, sponsor here, less one, but I've got a couple things coming up with sea time. We should be. You know what we're gonna have to skip the blaze story. I go right to the video the able to Wall Street Journal Wall Street Journal, You, like I walk through the sun, the animal dvd. I want to leave you with a really. These are thee
heroes of the day to day and it's a store. It's gonna put. A little smile on your face is video. At the end, the lot of you were gonna know what it is. It is the thirty one year anniversary of what are they? special moments in my life and the lives of many others, unless they too much they tune coming up right at this today, show all right. If this today show Friends- Bravo Company manufacturing. Ladies when the founding fathers crafted our incredible constitution. The first thing we do is ensure the right of the individual, the share ideas, ass by the government. Strongly, I believe in the brief personal freedom, the founders Instead, this was the cornerstone of a great civilization and the second amendment they guaranteed in India While the right to protect it protect themselves to protect their families, Bravo Company manufacturing builds a professional, great rifle built a combat standards.
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Terry theorists have told us: inflation is not real. You can just printing whatever the view data to be called counterfeiting. When the government does it, they call a quantitative easing and more modern monetary theory. Tat. One of the most offensive portions of this bill is a state bail out your memories pieces from the peace in a second. But you know what I know: no, no! No! No! No! Not doing that! I moved to Florida to get away from spendthrifts in New York in Maryland. I'm not interested. I love my friend we have far too. I should be in New York. I love my friends up in Maryland. You're all great there's a lot of great conservatives up there, but they have a government in these states that is spent their citizens money within the states that they don't ass. They have tax them into oblivion, I'm not paying your bills! I'm not interested the sure is a big fat. No I'm not interested in stayed bail out ever know. This is what's in the bill. Whilst your journal cook
start with the three hundred fifty billion dollars for state and local governments in cities and counties, even so revenues have largely recovered since the spring Democrats also change funding formulated, which your most of the dollar's go to boost states that imposed strict economic locked out now folks know big. Now, I'm not doing it I'm not doing. It call your congressmen in Congress, women and senators today this bill is a big big. No want to work in some targeted measures for the unemployed have at your problem some decent republican support, bail out for a quorum and knew some in their states attacked their citizens into oblivion and spent boatloads of money. They don't have on crappy government programmes, it don't work, big, no not paying we're, not interested. I live in full where there's some degree of fiscal sanity, I dont want to bail you out. I have
no interest in that there is a fund mental unfairness in that folks, you know, I spent my graduate years in psychology programme nurse, Ecology behaviour learning and I loved it, and one of the things I Dump early in that programme. Even animal research. What bothers animals is not their state but their relative state. What do I mean by that You can give an animal's much food, no world, so their totally satiate no more hunger left whatever you give a rat sixty five pellets of food, a dog whatever the dogs, are better example. That dog, even though its even hungry anymore, we'll get irritated. Show signs of irritation. If you give another dog and another cagey can see more food than you gave him. Why white is what what? Why does the dog care the dogs are hungry anymore?
because even animals are bothered by fundamental unfairness and what they call at any cost Are you your equity foxes fundamental on you and argue, like liberals inequality, and how is this fair? I live in it that controls their budgets in Florida? They can? rules are tax base. That is appropriate environment and for all of our successes in Florida, Christie, NOME, South Dakota cited in the peace. We now have to pay for your fiscal mistakes in New York in California, nah nah nope. No thanks. You pull that right out of there. Even worse, use another arc of last week. I can get you but important. So democrats do not only want to make you in Florida, in Texas and elsewhere, pay for the profligacy of new California in Illinois. A model for the future by the way which led to inflation and another blow out for a budget? They also want to bring them earmarks. This was a great peace this week by Kim's
also in the Wall Street Journal. She says: return of the swamp creatures. Democrats prepare to bring back earmarks, Republicans should resist the temptation Making this article even worse, go to this whole screenshot. Why are democrats bringing back pork spending a con so and so will give you a billion for that bridge to nowhere near district? All you gotta do. Is we get at odd vote for this budget to bail out the states. Why are they doing if we read this corner? to pay very, very close attention to the last sentence in this very close attention. While Democrats are choosing power accorded to, according to reports, Miss De La Oh incentives, appropriations Chairman Patrick Lady Democrats, will announce that earmarks are welcome in the annual spending. Pork is back. Pork is back folks why we Democrats risks such a move. People. GO explains that steady, whorehouse majority leader has reassured as Democrats that they won't suffer since the
Joe will be by partisan democrats. Begging on spend thirsty Republicans to provide cover nurse now up no way Thank you juries in that eight happen in folks, the phone today again number one topic: we're your congressmen are centre. We're not doing that. One point: nine trillion dollar bail out bill a bail out. The profligate states were not doing that number one and the second thing you brought you to bring up here. You guys are bringing back earmarked because the damage, to tell em they're caucus, that's some Republicans or down for that. You must do not I'll know, we're not know we're not now that's a big. No, that's a nose. Keep we're not do and that. Thank you doesn't surprise me that sell Gee appears would support this crap, but it does not surprise me that they think you're stupid enough to go along with it. But here is the second part of this they need. This is a cudgel. Why because they don't have a majority in the Senate split. Fifty fifty
with Common Harris's vote, they could win, they could get that tie breaking vote. They need a cudgel against Democrats who tend to be more moderate on some issues I Joe Mansion and West Virginia so the peace, they say you're much help the leadership govern people who don't listen, a leadership don't get the earmarked and people who do do. So next time, West Virginia Democrat Joe Mansion is the one votes standing in the way against the radical legislative proposal. Chuckie humor will have the means, the threatened or entice them into submission. They call on MR humor, I added the Czech, that's what they're doing and, of course, sell out Republicans who loved to spend your money. Oh go along opium folks, noto, PMS,.
How many federal employees like y'all was a personal matter and I don't know p dot, M yodel, p, DOT M other people's money. Everybody loves spending, Opm, don't they. Everyone is not. Yours, Republicans are more than happy to spend other people's money on pork and their districts don't want it don't want it I'll, be letting my congressman no dot. Two. I thus end with this video today. You know we ve been in China. Is the times are down right now in everybody's little melancholy, I've seen candidly folks, I've seen it, and now the numbers everybody's down across the board Fox Bend Shapiro our show a little bed. Others I get it. You know people are frustrated, but it is time the dust and get back in the mix, we have two southern try to leave you with some call stories. At the end of the show, we can all feel pretty solid about What today is the forty one year anniversary of was the miracle on ice, get goose bumps too. It is my all time.
That favorite it. Maybe my all time, favorite story ever what was the miracle on ice? Jeanne? Eighty, the? U S within a similar place. Folks, we were coming the stagflation era, people Joe. You can vouch for this right. I mean I was young, but I'm here you are you remember, nineteen I mean it was just they the Malaysia era. We No, and if the countries best days were behind ass, you had the growing soviet threat. It just was a rough time. Stag flee Inflation plus high unemployment. The Philips curve broke down Jimmy Carter. We Carter breasts Jimmy Carter. Disastrous presidency was ending United States really needed that moment Nineteen eighty Olympics, the United States hockey team provided just to provide context what an upset this
Victory over the Soviet Union was in that hockey game. There were twelve teams seated and that in that United Eighty Slim pixie or the United States reminder pointing to go. Metal was seated watch our two three seven seventh out of twelve for liberals, that's the bottom. Half and math is not your structure. They had also the vaunted Soviet Empire hockey, which swayed in the Wes Olympic. Since the sixties, play them many scrimmage game and Madison Square Garden earlier it before the Olympic ICE hockey toward him and kicked off got smoked, tend to three we're never even in the game ever one more thing- the soviet beast- that hockey, which is basically good,
in nineteen eighty outscore not Olympics their opponents, Fit one Euro eleven and a bunch of college kids took him down, and nineteen eighty here are the final minutes, and now this is just what is this one as moments? It really if this doesn't give you a goose bumps. Nothing will probably the greatest sports upset in the history of sports in nineteen O when we needed a most showing you the. U S will always come back once we hit the trough. There's always is always a mountain peak redhead check this out.
I q, watching. What do you think it is the greatest sports moment Uncas, suitably I'm sorry. I can't take questions on that. Unquestionably in the history of sports, and is one of those moments where, if you saw it. Everybody remembers where they were when it happened, even the Olympic were disaster before that. Even the. They had all kinds of logistics problems, but remember one thing about that: victory: a lot of people
dont. Remember that think that was the gold medal game. It wasn't her books. The amazing coach that team her Brooks was a motivator one of the finest motivators we ve ever seen in the coach There was another game for the gold medal after that and the day after that, what five hundred to one said victory over the soviet empire in that hockey game the day after her Brooks I'm back on the ice practicing intensely and vigorously cuz. They had another game against Finland and Herb Brooks said his famous line, I'm going to read it to you. Three senses speaks about the United States. To Her bedroom before the gold medal game against Finland, when they could have blown it, they just defeated the. So, empire imagined lose it then the gold medal gave after that.
He looked him on the eye and he said you were born to be a player. You were meant to be here. This moment is yours. You know what we're at the bottom now. Maybe this moment is ours too, when we think we ve been defeated, you think it's all over. Maybe this is the start of some great and twenty twenty two and twenty twenty four. I don't mean to introduce politics into what was a great nonpartisan moment, but the greatest country on earth, the history of Cynthia human beings, we can fix it. We can. And be hard we're dealing with a lot. But we can. I folks thanks again for tuna, and I really appreciate it. Please subscribed to the video show we put a lot of video cuts in here for you, as well as audio try to keep both wireless happy audio and video, but we really a priest.
If we subscribe to the video account, will work in hard. It's free, of course, use no cost. You whatsoever just go to rumble rumble. Calm, Slash, Bonn GINO rumble Dotcom, slash, bungee. No just click subscribe. We are actually it almost one point five million subscribers we'd like to get there soon, but we need you to do it. Rumbled outcome, slash bungee now and make bungee no report that come you're home from morning. There's pressure, you tunantins, looks nice again. You just heard it in Bonn. Gino.
Transcript generated on 2021-04-18.