« The Dan Bongino Show

Is This The Connection Biden Is Hiding? (Ep 1940)

2023-01-31 | 🔗

Biden is panicking, and his team is desperately trying to hide from congressional investigators. In this episode, I address the key connection that could sink Biden and his corrupt team. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The way to hear the truth about america on a show that is not immune to the facts with your host dan Ben je know so well put it all together today, the last few days you guys have tuned in because we're breaking news, but the massive connections between Biden documents, the f b, I chinese energy company and this massive scandal following the money buying off our government. Well, We ve got another lincoln it today exposed by an author on our website. You're not gonna, want to miss folks. This story is just getting dirtier and dirty or by the minute. I violence in a world. The troubles is going to happen. I doubted cosmetic garlands, a corrupt attorney general, but at a minimum? Will expose it.
the political damage will be done because the truth matters folks today show don't go anywhere. It's going to be loaded brought to you by our friends at express vpn using the internet without express vpn is like leaving your keys in your car, while you run into the gas station for a snack most of the time, you're, probably fine. But what? If you come back to see someone driving off with your car every time you connect to an unencrypted network, any hacker on the same network and gain access to your personal data Does he would take a lot of technology to do it twelve euro can can hack in and hackers can make up two thousand dollars per person selling europe Some information on the dark web protect yourself, get express, We piana creating secure encrypted tunnel between your device and the internet, so Hackers can steal your personal, sensitive data retention. I, with a supercomputer over a billion years to get past expressway peons encryption. It's easy to use you just fire up the app and click one. Wanting to get protected and it works on all devices. You can stay secure on the go.
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Joe Biden was not the vice president. Ninety ninety three and the guy was dead. By the time Joe Biden was the vice president. He claims the story was told the guy's just a liar. This is like the twentieth time he's told this story check this out. When I was vice president, I flew over a million miles or worse too, gone wrong. as the united states, as vice president one can Doktor said to me a job big deal million one. You said you forgot you've traveled over a million miles on amtrak. How about you know that they ended How will we moses enough with the freak in story? I know Joe gets a kick out. He gets occurred to video beforehand, the guy retired. Ninety ninety three there's no way. I told you that story. We knew what the vice president. Ok, was dead. There is dead, ok, moving on, I just gotta a lab. Sometimes you cry
now the serious thou. Listen up what we know the guy's, obviously sociopath, pathological wire, there's nothing about his life story or anything else. He tells you that's true. Soap you know most of you out there understand having raise kids or you know just having a friend in the neighborhood who was a sociopath acquire too. We all had one. You know the puffer, the guy who tell stories about everything teddy roxbury put a quarter and his back in a lady ass. You all know when they lie about the little stuff they're lying about the big stuff to it the character defect that this guy has. Folks, their hiding stuff, there's a massive effort right now for the by diminished duration to squash a treasure trove information about not just their failures but their corruption. Before I get to that russian angle, I want to show you how just how non transparent they are because their realising right now that he is going to run again and he's gonna the answer for the calamity he caused worse transparency, member. They can emphasising do green jean Pierre, our transfer,
they were interested in transparency, went to get the information there, then, why you how the border patrol cheese from testifying to congress, washed in times serbia in the news that why you do in them. here's what the story gets even harrier. This classified documents scandal with Biden of at this point, unquestionably being a foreign agents? There is no doubt about that. Did other outlets or not picking me up is just stunning. They are everything they can to weapon eyes every single vehicle of government and by the way that borders thing is a lot to do with the classified documents store, ukraine, the fbi and all that to get to that later, but They are doing everything they can to prevent you from seeing what is in he's biden, documents and the extent of the poor Ring he's done from the government of these classified documents washed in time. By an official block descent intelligence committee for mishandling classified documents. Why? why? Why are they doing this
Why is Avril? Haines are director of national intelligence. Kissing me, ass of Joe Biden and stopping the senate from looking up it's in a paper work because of what I told you they don't want, binds pit ring of classified documents married up with them the Biden laptop to show Biden, stole information and potentially trafficking through his son, Us reference it you're, gonna, fine some information in their that likely marries up what hunter was telling people treasuries involved to Wendell use by bright barn, treasury withholds, abiden family, suspicious bank records, James more threatens a subpoena. What you pay close attention to this trend. departments not allowing them to see the suspicious activity. Reports of what Your biden was up to and their citing improper disclosures and conduct of law enforcement international security activities. Ladies and gentlemen, that is bull.
My prior line of work a federal agent one of the things we did was financial crimes Ladies and gentlemen, the bags file suspicious activity reports whenever Get financial activity dear institution. They deem suspicious. That's why they're called sars bassoon suspicious activity report? There are guided by law to file one of these things, the secrets This gets them every morning. usually, therefore, things like structuring, Bishop wire transfer spokes, I'm telling you, the bank, does file these unless they know something's up if you're a business like my business affairs wire transfers all the time, we do our transfers rebuke. We buy buildings, we have contracts with people. We you know are, we bought houses, theirs species activity reports vile. Why? Because it fits our pattern, a business and our deposits and our Extraction from the account If you're filing saw it means the bags know. Something's up and
I have to put a little summary of red a thousand of these things of why they think the activity suspicious. Congress wants the look in hunter binds, suspicious activity reports of which there are apparently about a hundred and fifty of them, but treasury carbon, of course, another weapon eyes portion of our government. I thought they were transparency like the dna and aboard arrived, the trust, department is making all of these things go away. Ladies and gentlemen, why? What are they hiding. You up. Cbs from a game will see me catherine marriage is pretty good report is used to work at fox for some reason: CBS is actually letting her do. Reporting on the Biden family, I can't figure out. Why still stunned, because You know what CBS, which is. Obviously democratic activists, grew so what is the treasury department in the dna hiding it director of national intelligence with abiden classified documents scandal. The answer is their hiding bide nick, it's not
the sun hunter and money transfers from foreign governments that may mary upward classified documents information. It's also the brother James. actually ran on CBS. This is pretty shock and check this out. Cbs news has learned that more than one hundred and fifty transactions involving either hunter or james, binds global business affairs were flag. Is concerning by u s, banks for further review. Some of those concerns, including large wire transfers. After nearly three, your investigation, republican senator chunk rashly told CBS news. He believes the president's younger brother James was instrumental in hunter binds chinese business ventures. I think james by more is very much. A part of this James Biden has worked as an entrepreneur and recently in the health care industry. We will focus on dreams by the present his brother. Both you see, what's going on here, oppressed,
The united states and his entire family- that's, why call abide nick and are not just wants you to focus on hunter, were clearly involved in species activities and financial transfers from foreign countries overseas into the? U s banks, know about it and the government, your government, the treasury department dna, your government you paid for is hiding it from you. green job here, of course, who is totally and completely effective at her job. Anybody. Anyone changing votes change, you sure, have a key said: don't even respect an s three anymore. Ok, I'm either so a three for three easily, the worst press secretary in united states history. It was it's a good question by Peter Doocy yesterday, so where's John Kirby, who is much this think real job, Pierre. Actually answered a question not unless we act, the case that the fact abide administration, as we set a couple weeks ago, fellows, did fact self rule for this? They didn't
report when they found the documents to the department of John Locke. We accidentally found these classified documents. That's what happened we now learn that they contacted the national archives, hoping to make this thing go away who then they contacted the deal J. So his career job year, completely incapable or just plain stupid, doesn't know. The white house has already admitted to this and gets caught again trying to cover up this massive scandal. Take a listen! Why do white house officials insist the President self reported the classified materials if his lawyers visually call the white house and not the justice department? I would refer you to the last council, but we heard on this point and the other day that president Biden eyes The materials that happen did you, hear that job very, I would have to the last. Oh, my gosh is this one. incompetent again with the white house counsel
the white house council. She is so grotesquely incompetent the bite administration. Why do you keep trotting her out there? This is humiliating. Now. What are they hiding here again, their hiding a moneyed shrill, paying off the present the united states, when he Vice president former vice president, potentially a senator conduits the bridge. Scandal of our time John? Internally, brings up another angle that you're not gonna, hear again anywhere outside a fox and conservative valets Apparently this is just the tip of the iceberg. You know the largest part of that floating iceberg is typically undersea, and you can't see it under the water. forget to classified documents, show us the real hall abiden records in delaware, so superbly. The president has world away a bunch of records by giving them to the university of Delaware, where there
a treasure trove of politically potential. explosive documents about what this I've been up do for the last few decades. Now, how do we know it's explosive and better really politically damaging, because Again, as I opened up, the show with captain- its parent see who's blocking the border gi blocking access to the documents blocking access to the sars through the treasury is all blocking access to the public or press to see the documents at the university of delaware. As you can see right here in this beautiful piece, you check it out the newsletter bunch. You know that consultation newsletter. with the recent reports by may have included classified information and no books found that his residence, the status of the university of delaware documents, is becoming more and more untenable for the white house. Afraid they ve been across europe, stop Biden down in notebooks years, but I told him jogger, here's what I told the president
of south korea is what they're afraid they're going to cross references with things had appeared in hunter emails. That's whether block in this stuff. Now more here's. What I was talking about the beginning of the shell another just stunning connection between hunter Biden, Joe Biden, trafficking and money for influence. A scandal is only growing did somebody flip in the fbi case. The b I corruption scandal, you know did I covered it. Last week, an fbi agent by the name of charles Mcgann ago, was a stayed under indictment under allegations that he was in some pay for play scheme that, while we you have before you is being paid by people in albania. To get albanian political opponents investigated in the united states. A massive scandal now fall. One of the reasons the bite administration, I believe, is panicking and at b. I had to get this case out there public
is because someone, in this case flip found. This guy's I've explained many times madonna gale. I believed you dare pasqua thereof. Ask who they found trying to investigate tromp, because he was connected to metaphor. Follow me for a second. While investigating we're gonna go, I believe they accidentally tripped over something his action to albania and a guy in albania call person be who was working with the same chinese energy company hunter was working with Where this story gets a baby, please read the story. Every coca lari turbine gino dot com. It's on my website, its ike Again, I'm stunt like more people live and pick. This thing up reveal. Identity of unnamed albanian official listed in the indictment of ex fbi official, maybe the hunter by doing so, There's this guy indicted person be whose dealing with the fbi agents locked up right that I believe they're investigating to try to nail trump what
trip over is this all baby in person be, is likely the sky by the name of story in dhaka. This story and dark is involved in this paper play scandal. This fbi, guys I and our off the on gino that come police doc and hunter may have worked together. She quote. Adding further proved the duck on how to work together, one of honey, own emails- has the header dorian oh really Dorian, the guy working with the chinese energy company, evolved into alleged paper play scheme with the fbi. Guy the same chinese energy company hunters doing business with wow. What a joe. Sulphur free of any local door. You were here and other businesses more hunter and another business associates discuss. taking care of dorian, because he was a quote real help. You can see the email thrice right there
honor, rob walker, you can see it all. James gaily are an email dory. It was a real help. should we consider how we include him. The same dory and duck are involved in an alleged pay for play scheme. With the f b, I guy you guys investigated, because you were trying to take out trump Gosh, I don't know, but tat looks really really suspicious, just where I was how packing I've never seen them just berossus please I now email, you can make fun of me an email but I've sincerity and am immune to it. I've been made fun of me. I've never seen you folks. It still is I care- sometimes oh, by the way I just heard about this. The other day I bacteria, now is honest that I was speculating that someone flip In them are gonna go case now, I'm sure of it, somebody flip and is talking to the fbi that, while, we're trying to go after trump through.
a pasqua. There are pasqua gay we're gonna go Ghana, gilad someone else- or Gonna go himself gave, The albanian connection- and I am even more suspicious because we're gonna goes lawyer- is a friend of John dora. Moose investigating this whole thing has a special prosecutor. How what explains in new york times article the other day to. Hit job on John door, the newer ties piece you ve been discussing is a great by Margo Cleveland in the news letter today, six reasons in new york times his job on dorms, imminent report instantly unravel about go to our sex cause. We already went through most of them. It's a clown job piece by a deep states, the naga for his life losers and total zeros, Adam goldman and charlie savage two total why'd, you will say anything the deep state explained so well. The pieces. I note in there is it one of the distraction mechanisms and in the new york times, peace with a focus on dorms probe, I believe, was the genesis of this area.
I case in the chinese can actually the hunter and the money laundering in the document. One of the distractions it using the ties pieces suggesting they found something in italy, trump be under investigation margo notes. Well, that's fascinating, because they provided no details on the closest to the supposed connection, with no claims of complicity by former president trump and the times. Let the word related and linked to the heavy lifting to cast tromp as a target of a criminal investigation, even though they acknowledge he's not. What does that tell you. You everything that happens in the media in washington, d, c and d c through what, through the lens of how to this harm, Donald trump, because that's what they need to do the door Port pound he's gonna help donald trump, so they crap on durham and drag donald trump back in by king nodding, maybe under investigation for something to happen? It is he under investigation of nobody. Maybe there it could be under resignation. Yet my
Their duty could be under investigation for a bank robbery that happened in alamo gordo new mexico, but is not happening but she's not at their, but it could be false. something's happening here. I'm not a wrap this segment up here. We ve covered in a lot in the last few days, but I want you, pay attention to that new negative information be teased in the open, the their biden, email, titled, dorian,. if he's doing business with the same guy alleged buying, often f b. I agent knee deep in the trump scandal folks, vesuvius lot more to cover today. Why don't you just keep falling for the endless tidal wave, a b s coming out of the binding ministration we're gonna go this block next we're gonna give you the information to just dismantled your left, this moron friends in every stupid argument going to make about the Biden, economy and other accomplishments his election seasons coming around.
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and ninety eight. Ninety eight. Ninety eight do it today brcko thanks, brcko past performance, the guarantee of future results. Messaging data rates applied so first block was the kick in the gonads D. You stated this. The stories been lighting it up for us, because people so fascinated by money, trails and corruption. How Biden did it so openly for so long did it because of the media, the media protected and but the media protection and other ways to folks about. Claims he's running for reelection. I believe he is all my source. you're telling me he's leaning heavily, if not already made its decision in that direction. We cannot allow the media enough and yet to steal yet another election from us. It is our job and our obligation to produce the facts and where we are and how bad economic situation is going to get if we allow this to continue. Why do you keep falling for their bs leftists I mean you can do the research. I do myself it's not hard here or there
the left to get. You believed to believe things that are happening or happening, and things that are happening aren't happening when their bad word games. Euphemisms. Tortured stats In plain all lies got to him one by one hears a perfect example of what I mean Tortured language, that's soccer's fall for every single time. Now, whether you're pro tax, anti tax sykes, whether you pro life. pro abortion. Regardless of where you are. Don't you at least swat honesty from the candidate somewhere. They stand. Why is by no means lines is a perfect example. Perfect example of the word games a play he's. Yesterday about federal funding for abortion, which is a d. thing? Travesty, you wanna, kill babies. Tax dollars should never be used to pay, for Asked about bishops
put out this latter saying we totally objective this taxpayer financing of abortion. But why did you watch the language he uses? Haven't we tortures it? to make you believe, he's right, you're, wrong check this out, and so the? U S, bishops, are clearly against taxpayer funding for abortion. How do we know that because you can read the article yourself called: u S, bishop surge congress to pass no taxpayer funding for abortion act. Is this right? It's right there at any says, Neither is the pope like the pub supports his abortion position, bind which is kill babies even after birthright That's really strange, because the associated press back and twenty nineteen reporting pope. Abortion is never ok, ok, it's a hiring a hit ban.
but did you see the little rhetorical? Tricky tried the boy you guys catch it by his lot all bishops. So there one bishop here somewhere in awe causes stan, who said our by desireth. You see the tricks they play. These The stun, stable That's just one small example of word: games, euphemisms, tortured, stats and plain plano lies, but it gets worse. Because they played what particularly stupid brand of liberal. That believe anything they play to a very devious media. That knows, all these people are lying and of argued, often on the show. the media were just tell you the truth, folks, would never have another elected Democrat again in this country, so you Ask any liberal out there who listens to the mainstream media liars. What It is our deficits
In other words, the amount of money the government spends at it doesn't get through the tax base is deaf or deficit and accumulated it's our debt. Not the same thing. Deficits or annual debt is accumulated over time. Any liberal will tell you what well it's definitely tax cuts tax cuts to it. Really, that's it! thing, because we can actually look that up and see the data you believe people like former bartender and again, we own the bar love me some bartenders, but this one, this woman's it embarrassment to everyone, bartenders included, who probably disown or by the thousands yo see blames trump tax cuts for the deficit when ass. If democrats are spent too much now I know, you're a liberal in your allergic to facts in your probably pretty much an imbecile you could go up? I'm sorry to tell you that if it is true because you can just go and look this up yourself, so I yet it this morning. I kid you nodded took me all of about ten second, May I be exaggerated.
it's a green longer to screen shot this than it did defined it. You know what I I even went to google by the way your favorite lefty communist search engine. Why so can accuse me of using bias sources and I put in wes federal government tax revenue by year and what came up you as federal government tax revenue by year. Here it is In this, the balance article so Donald trump site, drug tax cuts when folks the trump tax cuts. When did it happen? happened in december, twenty seventeen. So if the attack cards were causing government revenue to go down then Joe, you would expect government revenue to go down It is by logic, torture, theirs. It checks geese as the large key supplying motors opponents and motor stones logic rules. He learned in college, and he says your logic is doing very spock stuff. Your logic checks out, kept it
So here we got here tax revenue and twenty seventy before The tax cuts recycled, recited the ended twenty. Seventy three Three two trillion. Survey or sees right, then ex revenue should have went down. We are because next year it went up three point: three three trillion up to three point: four: six trillion, which is still greater than three point three: to try that from three point four six to three point four too, but it still up from three point three to where we started with the tax cuts. Twenty twenty one, a jump! Do four point: zero five trillion, which is frequently greater than the three point three two trillion before the task us. So again, you can just lucky sob. This isn't a hard you don't have to go to.
Hop and read a complicated abstract with tortured statistics. You know a ba ba designs, confidence intervals. you don't have to do area that you have none of it, you can do what this sub. So what are your she's lying yeah guys just walk, How could the tropical It is a tax revenue web. That's opinion course work. fact checkers eta. You see their lives attached to arrest where's building mccarthy, a brass, these other clowns. Doing with that kissing the ass of the soviet, like democrat party. Folks! It gets worse. Wanna play this video coming up in a second of the new leader of the Democrats in the house. Cafe. I came Jeffreys yo cave where we talk about unless we
wrestling you pretend to wrestle and w w e and everybody pretend to believe you. They call gave it the act, that's it regret. Party here speech last week. It was so hilarious, their will Five or six lies in twenty seconds of audio betters again so easily debunked. All you ve got to do is put what he said in a search engine. Even google and you ll find out that the Democrats, why do you about everything all the time I get it? The second please on mrs black. I wanted to do it last week and we got just deluge of information about Biden, Folks, my patriot supplied dot com. You need to go there for emergency supplies, you don't know once that's gonna break bad, you gotta be prepared. You ensure everything in your life's a matter. I am sure your health, your house, your car, why not ensure your livelihood near calorie supply? You want to die, don't get there. My number one rule is sitting
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through its supply darkened I pages by darker doorway. Ok, its use cave babe, came jeffreys in one of the most hilarious twenty twenty five. Second you're better to everything, And I mean this in the literal sense everything he says here. Everything is vague check. This out is the bite in track record on the economy. Economic role is up, inflation is down, wages are up gas prices, I don't really gdps up gas prices down Wages are up inflation under control. All that Now again, you could just look this up here, business support gdp report reveals ominous great depression warning signs that scene society. In thirty two That's because economic growth is slowing down Business investment grew only one point, four percent, and it was almost all inventories
Non residential investment, in other words, a key driver of future economic growth, was up just zero point. Seven percent, Residential investment fell off a cliff, bring twenty six point, seven percent here Second part of this authority said real wages were up by the way real disposable income. If you look at part to it is the truth. is the worst has been since the great depression. So I decided just to make it even simpler. We don't need to get really complicated right there, Second largest percentage drop real disposable income ever only behind it, depart sounds great to me, but it can jeffrey said: the gdp is up growth. Your gross domestic product, That's our growth rate is it Because year it is by quarter then he seemed donald trump left office. You see ride around that time. In twenty two way, when you say we were growing at three and six percent an joe Biden takes over
went about, seven percent range and two percent and seven percent, and one point: six is job negative one point: six that negative, zero point: six, then a rebound just a little bit, so we went from about six percent. and growth to about we point to two now two point: nine so that shrub, six, then, giving by even the benefit is doubt given him the three point two and then the two point: nine sounds like it's less than six and sounds like even a three point choose going down, so at K. F rabe raised, told you: it was going up well it's actually going down and is worse than once we got out of the coronavirus disaster yeah the numbers check out. They do check, Thank you. I appreciate that here's also we just want to do it by year. So here is Last year, the donald trump presence he gets credit for his very twenty twenty one gets poor credit report shows five point: seven two years, twenty two zero
point nine. Six again at some, they bureau of economic analysis that looks like it's going to produce a systematic. It's going down. again. You can just what this up yourself. I'm sure you won't left this, because our body I mean, let's try another one set up, inflation is all under control. Better solvent donald trump left office. Inflation was one point, two percent one when a percent a year before the traveling machine. Let's go back to eighteen. Eighty two point: four percent inflation: while sounds really horrible biden, twenty twenty one, four point: seven percent by twenty twenty two eight percent are liberals, inflation, the higher the number. The worse again. You can just look this up yourself. I mean this. Is The tests that you could just put these inflation in the united states, none of it. Have to do that. All of this work here it gets even better walking every cent real wages are going up, here's a google search at an actual screen shot from my phone? Real wages are down
put it on Google, and the first thing that comes up, as is, from December december? Twenty twenty two real average hourly earnings decreased one point: one percent: It's so easy. What Came jeffreys claim that gas prices there definitely down gas prices are down, but it's kind of weird, because again the donald trump presidency ends between twenty twenty and twenty twenty one. So whatever you want to give them credit for is up to you, but you can see. The gas price. If we go to december, were trending up, two point two dollars! Three point: four dollars: three point: three hours, on hard folks, you just have to actually go. Look at this stuff trump left office. Everything out worse! It's really that simple folks. They have applied,
thou here they have applaud mrs, what they're trying to sell you on the reason their engaging in so much economic dishonesty. Here you ready for this I want to warn you about something for your pay. Attention is gonna. Kick you in the nuts and it's gonna hurt. The Democrats are getting ready, a page, a massive plan to tax wealth and assets they always tax. What now they don't. there is a difference between your wealth and your income Wealth is measured largely of your trimly. Wealthy part. special by unrealized gains. But not just a few wealthy? Your wealth is measured by your unrealized gains to that you have a house you ve for twenty years you paid off. Ninety percent eu mortgage in your house is worth five. Six hundred grand your boy for three hundred. European tax on the value of that home. So you boy
make it easy numbers you bought it for three hundred devalued doubled to six hundred How do you feel about being taxed on that three hundred thousand dollar capital gain you made on the house because its party or wealthier, but then I didn't, sell it what that house with income, I had already been tax on, they don't care they're. Getting. eddie detached you on your wealth. Now, they're, not really you guys liberals ever read the newspaper, the nights get the naughty night upholds the wealth tax janet twenty five, twenty twenty three, so there was a case involving this family called the moors. The moors never received any money from this investment. Yet the three Judge panel ruled it did matter a dividend, stock or sale or other realisation event wasn't even necessary. The court said because there's no set definition of income under the sixth amendment all really get ready. Folks? Here it comes. You gotta Fora, one kay
You got a four o one k. That's made some money, you got a four o one k that hasn't made some money. How do you feel a gap or beckett taxed on that and devalue your house? You understand this is what they want right, If this nine circuit case is not tossed out at the supreme court and overturn I'm telling you you're getting a wealth tax coming your way. You heard it here first, where's binds line to do it, because why? Because that's? What by does it is an unrepentant sociopath ec wire. He has always been a sociopath liar. He said the other day use even fact checked hilariously by sea, and this is how you know you are, Do you realize the level of lying, the apocalyptic defcon level of line you have to engage in to have cnn fact check you. So Biden said quote: republicans republicans want to cut taxes for billionaires used to quote who pay Fortunately, only three percent of their income now three percent they pay. Four billion- is due.
Billionaires only pay three percent of their income. Shocker men airily get overture shells. Though you know in eighty percent me a hundred billion a year, we pay in three billion what a deal unfortunately, Joe Biden made that up. Why? Because he's joke, pig because he's Joe Biden, the same guy, who told you angelo the amtrak, I told them using million my member despite being dead my time he said, The same guy told you graduated with three degrees he was attacked. student. This is the same guy plagiarize, a speech from neil kinnock. Same I told you was arrested, trying to see nelson mandela and he beat up corn with a bike chain, The man is a buffoon, a corrupt, the crab, a foreign agent and he's. corrupt human being ever walk in the white house, of course, he's lying as ever You work at the tax foundation, notes the average income rate. Twenty twenty was thirteen point, six percent, that's across all of us thirteen point: six percent yeah at the time One per cent of taxpayers pay
Twenty five point: nine percent average rate more than eight times higher than that? percent average rate paid by the bottom, half of taxpayers. So again You can just what this stuff about. What Biden said that the richest. One percent billionaires only pay in about three percent. Yeah yeah he's lie like he always, that's good! That's what Joe Biden does, because these are breakin liar he's always when a wire to get him when I got a lot to get, including a shocking update on pfizer that pfizer project for it ass mutation of the virus, scandal, they admit something and are also I gotta go video by chris roof or something happened down in florida? Wants you watch what happens with the woke stairs when there told no, when you just tell them; no, this is how it happens. This is how the revolution starts for freedom in liberty and cancel culture. Would you just
they tell them. No video come in a pre. Next, it's really good. thanks to your support. Patriot mobiles emerges one of the leaders and the parallel economy. There big news, page. Your mobile now offer service would all three major networks. This means, if you one of the big three like the service, but you hate their values, you can access them were patria mobile. They also for performance guarantee if you're not happy with the covered, you can switch between the three major carriers for free. Pedro mobiles, america's only christian conservative wireless provider offering broad nation wide coverage and the best forgery and five g network. So you get the same. great service, while supporting accompanies fighting to preserve our god. Given rights and freedoms. personal just offer service for car, for consumers have great business plans from us any size company. This in switching is super. it's got a patriot, mobile dotcom slashed, an or one hundred percent. U s pace customer service theme in eight. Seventy patriot. If free, evasion today with the offer go. There is no reason. To get much. I make that switch today.
Patriot, mobile dot com, slash the hand or call eight seven, eight patriot, all right stay tuned for that pfizer, video in a second, but first I want to play this. So Christopher ruffalo is a just an incredible individual. He has been fighting against, cancel culture and nonsense and woke ism for a long time he's brilliant. I write about a lot of different topics. He was appointed by IRAN, the santas to a college in florida, police called new college, It's a state, funded school and The fao and now the board members here who believe in academic freedom, was gone radically laughed so far was on the campus, the air to redress the faculty about the new act m freedom direction. They were going to take while, of course, woe cancel culture tied to love, soviets, thou tactics on campus: don't want academic freedom or any kind of freedom! For that better! That's why the soviets so bowed to address the faculty and the acting provost or president. Approaches and tries to shut it down,
she's not says: no, we're not gonna do this, because somebody threatened someone here on an email, and, ironically, the guy they threatened as they are and he's gonna, I'm good like I don't need your protection. Somebody Ratan someone, so we have to shut it down. This has an aid. You guys know what it is. We ve talked about it before colors visa yeah. Very guided, not promise. I did I coordinated with Joe. I swear on my life. No, we didn't they where's retail? This is a stunt communists of use over and over. You want to down a conservative or a freedom lover from speaking, you send an anonymous threats and use the security situation about the anonymous threat you sent to shut the went down citing security concerns. this ladys well aware of the actors reader at boston, download roof or just answer now, we're just gonna. Do it but bags check this out?
this is the problem at your school. You know that you've created an environment in which the most intolerant, the most aggressive and the most, when the people who threatened violence can veto you can veto. The president can be the only changes we're setting a new standard. Here we play hockey autographed the only lawyer we're at now. That is not true. Okay, who's at risk. The entire anybody who enters this event at this point is at risk. There are credible threats out there that are being investigated sufficiently by that. That's not what they told me: it'll never be sufficiently investigated. We gotta move forward. It was an email that had some vague threats, they weren't direct threats, they weren't actionable threats and there are threats against me personally personally, I understand that, and I understand that we don't want to. We don't need your protection, we need their protection and of your time there to get your free. If you feel like you're you're, you don't want to take the risk you're free to go home you're free to to the building. So no we're not we just we just took took a vote of the board before goats to do on as a majority. Just look at the organizational chart, the folklore. This is the board. This is the quorum of the board at this board meeting, and so we have a quorum. We have three people. We have a two to one majority. They go. That's
What happens when you just tell them out. I really do feel like we're on the verge of something special, a new revolution for academic freedom, and again soviet style cancel culture. we're not their juice. Yet there are still a cowards out. There but refers. Not one of them. and they went ahead and did the darn meeting. This is What happens when you just tell them now now the video goes on. You should go to a twitter feed to see the whole thing at one point: they put ruffalo on the far with the president. That's the acting president presence at a meeting of the college, and he procedures lay out his position and says: It's going on the meeting suitable forward? Thank you and hence a phone back. That's how stun chest. Tell them. Now it starts with two simple letters or if you Joe Biden, three n o I use here.
The non pfizer for those you may mrs story folks project her task may have cracked one of the most imports Journalism stories of our time. So they got a pfizer, executive or pfizer I don't want to miss characters of somebody works and has a working relationship with pfizer on view, apparently one of their directors of research. Basically admitting on this video here that pfizer's, engaging and manipulating viruses too create new vaccines requires. Now, if we're mutating viruses, you may ask yourself what that sounds kind of bad. We ask us- we anybody changing their position on that bad idea, even everything but one he is now no better. Just to be a bad idea did work aspect. if giza still bad now
give everybody affair shake on this and not present. Slanted coverage be in Visual caught on the video is saying all I was just lying. I was on a date, and I was trying to be sound, important do in some puffin. Whatever your chest outlook, look at me doing all this other. Having said that,. pfizer. Actually, yes, your statement, stable. Ladies gentlemen, it may cause a goose Please dog about it seems indicated this guy wasn't lying at all here. Take a listener. Talker characterize the statement. Apron out, he's right on time, check it out. Project veritable posted a video last week of a pfizer executive, called Jordan. Walker admitting that the company is conducting would appear to be dangerous experiments. He suggested they were dangerous too many. A career of viruses to make them more lethal and then hiding that from the public seamen huge story. He also suggested that pfizer wasn't worried about this because they own the regulators.
but the national news media assiduously on purpose ignored the story. No one mentioned it on any other television network. Daily mail ran a story on it today, and god bless them. Google, which, like the tv works, takes a lot of money from pfizer, pulled the video off you tube on the ground was vaccine misinformation that there was no misinformation and pfizer admitted that forty eight hours of the video came out, finally admitted that it was real in a statement. Pfizer said this quote: in a limited number of cases, when a full virus does not contain any known gain a function mutations. Virus may be engineered to enable the assessment of antiviral activity in the south. are doing it yeah but father says it has no choice but to his experience and keep them secret because the regulators require them now. That's big Is it true,
which regulators are requiring pfizer to manipulate corona viruses. Grounds for congressional hearing me does it: it's interesting also that youtube. Now. Why. But most of my life savings and effort and swear Equality into building out a parallel economy, two rumble and parallel economy, that comedies other. investments means I made exerts ass proudly got hold of an alleged internal email at youtube. Squashing, this video of this wise insider to make sure you don't see it. Why would they do that. Again, we live in a soviet style, tyrannical cancel culture stay where they use soviet style tactics. The only good news is, you have places like rumble giant best, in early may show this doesn't happen where you can go and watch the project where a tough video and judge for yourself like we used to be able to do it.
previously free society, before the sleaze balls at google screw to facebook, twitter pre line and others started. Censoring free speech I one last story restoring word today. This is one of those from the block of what panes, were liberals. Accidently stumble on the truth, imported headline. This is what others things where the truth is kicking. You read it and you are like new york times. California is more than a hundred gun laws. Why? Don't they? out more mass shootings, Maybe because they have usages here, cut out the hundred and why don't they and I'll answer for you gun laws? They don't stop more mass shootings stature, be your headline. Is at the headline. Are you
How often have we explain to you that criminals are clear because I don't care about laws. That's where cry for this hard. What is called crime is violation of a law who commits crime. Criminals who don't care about was so well I would a criminal give a damn about a gun law ironic, I'll make the case to you, because I know a lot of credit as well from having worked my time in the cells when I was in the seven five precinct in east new york brooklyn, I would ask criminals about this stuff, a lot nikkei man, so where'd you get the guy who got into the industry. If you know, of course, they're all you know, Moran dies that everything and all that stuff where'd you get the gun roll it. So I got on the street. You guys don't care about gun laws. We love gun laws, nobody else as the guns, but us they love gun loss combined. With this story and again the headlines. While this is from just the news she a good website but democrat probably read. This headline
Democrats, who claimed to be enough for the little guy eleven new s, cities on the fifty most dangerous in the world just by choice. Folks are well governed by democrat mayors. What are the chances? Are that I'm sure it's just pure statistical anomaly it worse? This is and a lot of information and today show economics, crime, hunter Biden, Joe Biden, but I want you to get me one favor paper Close attention to that hunter Biden, dory in dhaka connection, because that's alleged to be the guy in the pay for play scheme. With the f b, I were going to see where that goes. Our website, I think, broke the news before anyone at bungie dot com checked, add up folks. I scan for tuna in, as I always ask you, please subscribed to the pod guest. If you would, your call as always, it is free and costs you, a dollar click that subscribe, We're follow button on apples I defy and rumble dot com slash bond genome? It does wonders to keep us on the top charge. We were again we ve been holding number four
so I really deeply appreciate that. That's due to your subscriptions and follows real appreciate. It I'll see you back here tomorrow. You just heard it in Bonn. Gino.
Transcript generated on 2023-02-10.