« The Dan Bongino Show

Is The FBI Hiding This Blockbuster Piece of Evidence? (Ep 2032)

2023-06-15 | 🔗

In this episode, I address the growing problem with FBI corruption, and I ask “where’s the Weiner laptop?” 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The way to hear the truth about america on a show that is not immune to the bags with your host dan Ben je know what Epstein Clinton, weed or laptop the f b I and the trump war which aren't all have in common what you gotta stay dude because put it together for you today? How all of this stuff is clear distraction, the hey? Look: look. We ve got on trump nonsense to distract you from the mound of garbage they have on Biden and Hillary Clinton who are just open we laughing about it. They don't even care quinn. And Biden are laughing doing, interviews about it, you're putting out tweets about it, but a emails males, theirs fine about it. He gives that unkind. Both cognitive, we impaired, snickey, like reverend, came up here. It's The evidence is right. There, I've been playing Tapes. For you, I got another
according to need not necessarily surreptitiously recorded tape, but an interview. is it of you so interesting involves the anthony, wiener laptop Jeffrey Epstein, Hillary Clinton. It's been out there forever I'm a pretty reputable guy but nobody seems to want to do anything about that either I mean, while we're on the topic of tapes and evidence at all strange right, big show. Today, ratio brought to you by keep it in my desk in case. I need a relief ban, you gotta check out relief, and this is my actual relief and use it to help me get through chemotherapy cinema, in product. It still is an amazing amazing product check their newest model, the flax from the bridge belief of relief ban, we already know untruss, bernajoux, really really pansy number one empty cleared, anti nausea respond, we proven to quickly help relieve effectively prevent nausea, vomiting socio insects, anxiety, migrants, hangovers morning, sickness, chemotherapy and much more. The relief
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the distraction, the constant indictments prosecutions in which, on Sudan donald trump service. Purpose, you know folks. Yes, they hate donald trump and they're doing it, because they want to stick it to them and they can't stop. I said that repeatedly, but it serves another tactical logistical purpose to which is. It keeps your attention away from everything: in covering for the last three days. Yes, we played on our show and the day before I too, tapes of Joe Biden would ukrainian president poor shako cutting deal to base grief, a prosecutor looking into bribes paid by the ukrainians to buy We also have the ukrainian president tape saying he fired the prosecutor, but he did nothing wrong. Did the meat pick up on the story. Did you hear those calls anywhere else, but here no, you didn't why because of exactly what I just told you everybody focused on dj t, Donald trump: which is, the exact purpose of constantly trying to slap. Hey come on this guy.
This is how little these people care to ever going to focus on Hillary Clinton. A little bit a another wretched human being. Who is? career out of corruption, whether the Clinton foundation, our law, firm. Why water the collins have been bathing in the corruption mud pit for there entire lives. Here's she gave an interview. The other day this crooked, broadcasting and Hillary Clinton with no shame whatsoever who is unquestioned, a blue trafficking, classified information violation of multiple. U s, laws there, question about that. You course our intent or you was questioned. She's done that right, here. She is on the stage turning around turning it. I know donald trump and say I can't believe any of this is possible, like she didn't do this herself, because she doesn't care she's, giving you the double barrel middle finger check this out
You claim that you got off, you did the same thing and got off scot free. Why did your friend Jim call me when you are so easy that that's a really good question? I cant figure that one out you know. I do think it's it's odd! That just say to the point of being absurd, That is their only response. You know they refused to read the indictment. They refused to engage with the facts. There's nothing new about that and what they refuse to admit is This is on a track about him about anybody else, no matter how much that they try to confuse people and how much they try to raise extraneous issues and it's going to be fascinating. I guess in a bizarre and sad way to watch spend themselves up. If you watched any of the news programmes this weekend with their efforts,
to defend this. Man are truly beyond anything that I ever thought possible in our country, Thank you, whether crazy somethin lady for reminded us to lower the chair, the chair a little higher between shows. Thank you for that. You see the balls on these people, hilary We do knows she traffic in poland, we thousands of quite maybe more maybe tens of thousands of classified documents over in illicit illegal private email service. She should not have had violation of administrative procedures laws, but she so confident mc corruption, this country, when the judge, his in the oj that she goes on a podcast and sickly brags that a president who, I declassify stuff is getting locked up and she says gosh. This guy is so terrible. I don't believe any of this could ever hear anything like this could ever be possible. What like what you did I'm used to working? Yes, you are what are But, ladies and gentlemen, there is a catch here.
The Clinton email case was never really investigated. Now we're on the topic of bringing up take Some things like that which have created a big star around this show we always had a million viewers, are just the video alone. The other day when we brought up the Biden tapes people set. I heard this for the first time I got to thinking about the Clinton case because hilary in out there attacking donald trump, this guy's horrible buttery males bragging laughing cackling like kamel hours. We got up. Your feedback, we gotta what's your feedback, Joe a bunch of people, said Dan. I've never hurt those biden, tapes you played over a couple days. Where are you from never heard this stone either. it's a video about hilary Clinton's trafficking and classified emails. I want to set someone I want to play this worry it's a little long. Maybe two minutes which long further shone out long in general? And I aren t you it's the first time you ve heard this still. It is
Studying claim about anthony wieners laptop, whose Did he wiener for them you? Don't remember any he a guy who like to let's. This role for young ladys and send them pictures over the internet, he was also a democrat congressmen. He is also married to whom Aberdeen, whose whom but the pillory It is a like right hand woman, I been around whom a long time they are like this. Ok. so it's really strange when Anthony wiener got caught up in this sexting scandal thing the anyway, pity and others to custody of his laptop and what, I told you was really strange that they found a bunch Hillary Clinton emails on that laptop that whom it, aberdeen must have been using to jerry here about that Oh you have it possessed. Recording about that.
but don't worry right the eyes already told you cause. We can trust the fbi right thinking, wiki, not bad. We had trust, you have be they look into all the hillary Clinton Z, and they only said there were a few classified ones right. Well, here's an arctic fact from twenty eighteen by paul, sparing the news letter tat, he should probably read it this way ims. Commies assurances the vast bulk of wiener laptop emails. Wieners, yeah? It's a juvenile, the wheat or laptop emails, for a guy show it is reader is like the kind of like show, because we too rovers laptop we're, never examined wait. You mean there could be tens, if not hundreds of thousands of classified emails on a laptop out there, and nobody knows where the laptop is right. Now, yes, sir, that's what I'm telling you should you we said. They looked at all the emails, but
true to call me claims you happy. I could not sufficiently determine how many emails containing Spite information were duplicative of previously reviewed, classified emails as a result. hundreds of thousands of emails were not actually process for evidence. Law enforcement sources told pulse, Barry. Strange, I thought they reviewed all the emails, one law enforcement sort says all those communications we're not ruled out because they were copies we're just rule down the federal investigator with direct knowledge. They hilary kay said the official who wish to remain anonymous, explained that hundreds of thousands of emails or simply Overlooked, processing them all. Investigators took just a sample of the back and looked at those documents, so telling me there's a wiener laptop out there. We are laptop out there belonging to anthony wiener and who, by aberdeen that may have hunt, thousands of sensitive classified documents square,
The way, just like Joe Biden document squirrel, the whites and, while focused on trump and documents that the classification status is in dispute because of the presidential records that you're telling me. No one even cares where this laptop seems to be because a final mystery remains as radio pulse very? Where is the winner laptop exactly. A whistle blower agent new york said he was instructed by superiors to delete the image of the laptop hard drive he'd copied onto his workstation and to wipe all of the Clinton related emails clean from his computer. His is it and we did It'll give, that he believes the I retain possession of the actual machine and that Evidence on the device was preserved the land, reported whereabouts of laptop was the fbi's quantico lab. However, the unusually restrictive search war peter stroke and his team drafted
to remain the laptop back into the custody of whom are aberdeen and wiener upon. Closing of the case, which means it's probably somewhere at the bottom of the atlantic ocean- What are you interested in this case pillars: you don't listen folks years might take on this task. we dredging up some of this stuff because number one you probably haven't heard of it. Some of you. Many many of you have I'm here have Hillary Clinton going to insert her sorry caboose into this debate and start poke and fight. About classified documents, then, let's talk about classified documents because we have no idea how many of your classified documents are circulating around with foreign countries right now, because I know a guy who looked at your server in your chappaqua house, you, I know. I know him well and exactly what he told me about your server I put it out on the show multiple times it was corrupted and you know it. I want you to listen to this. I promise for the future.
may be the first time you guys and ladys heard this now. I can vouch for the information, but the I in this call is a guy by the name of Eric prince black water guy. You love Eric, prince or aid means no dough. Eric princes serve the country, scots and free. he's got some enemies. Eric principle doing an interview about Hillary Clinton laptop- and and anthony wieners laptop This is one of the most stunning pieces of audio you're gonna hear. I'm telling you it's probably the first hundred years old and he says that there was an illicit deal. Cod because the mit was about to go public about what they found and anthony wieners laptop that carbon of justice intervene to stop it, and if they were else about the Clinton's in Epstein island. All really is eddie Please be investigated robert. The topic it takes. This is on tape to you could go and look at this to you. You know to meet your boom and all that.
Listen yourself because a leader gate in the sixties piano begin. My bt started back Juliet Do you want thirty, two latter injure enough. My own, those dictionary could be out leaving out they found more justly more information pertaining to me in a completely guy, was doing they found. pardon now they found a lot of other really demi imo information, including money laundering, I did he went to this ah island, you pedophile Jeffrey out The went there more than twenty times Henry, yet there is six times a garbage that they found in emails criminal activities, my country, my her immediate circle. I democratic members of congress was
this guy. He gave it to the fbi and they said you were going to go poverty this. If you got reopened investigation dont, you do the right thing. timely diagnosis. I know- and this is for me very well place- The mai at won. T one wondering whether in new york, I am. I wanted to do a prescott into reality an additional ass. They were maybe the asian, and they got you huge pushed back to the point of wording the department of justice button flatly to charge someone that had been unrelated in the early accidental death of Aragon or the guy almost two years ago that the level push back. Obama, justice department is doing again actually seeking justice in leave now and other related criminal matters,
five different party, the fbi conducting investigations to these things, down draft, the obama justice department. So And I believe the first one to look at that laptop We inhuman, aberdeen, his wife, divide europe, Hillary Clinton for twenty years- I wept. so jimbo we go and from the Zella chat. They said. I'd never heard this before course. You haven't. It's not your fault, nobody plays it. Why trump or something How can I vouch for all those charges? I can't spoken Eric prince about any this. I have not princess serious guy. He's alleging source and one police plaza, which is the command centre for the entire new york city police department, been there many times.
that hilary and other members of congress may have been involved in money laundering. Maybe calvin trips to Epstein silent, illicit deals. down any any information for getting off me. Am I pity about the disgusting stuff on this laptop seed. the kind of thing if we had an honest press, they be asking questions about you, so I I urge you to show up at any these Hillary clinton events, and you know, do the right thing. I'll break or violate the law or anything like that, but maybe should ask about that: hey, there's a rumor out there that da you know wieners laptop, but information about you and your husband at Epstein island. I mean I've already told you the case of the guy you told me about bill Clinton on the Epstein plain who want to know can you do with it got sent home? I've told you that story right. A friend of mine who saw bill. Could on a play with I've. Seen I mean to kind of thing would be interested in a year you chose the story, probably ten tonnes, and yet what about the meat? You crowd? Are the other interested in all this stuff,
Funny how they only want to talk about Epstein if they think you kid can politically leverage to benefit them, and then the minute involves Hillary Clinton, bill Clinton or anyone else. It's like everybody. Clams up Nobody wants to say anything any more. So strange right. and the fbi knows all this. Ladies and gentlemen, the fbi is an absolute disaster. It is bombing nations of the country. They option needs to be immediately defended the b. I should not know no longer exist as its constituted. Now. The mission should be divvied up. The money should be divvied up, amongst other agencies that take the road to the country seriously as european. Ever been asked about this. Where is the winner laptop, because they Had they analyze that just a few days, hundreds of thousands of emails- and it was a three Some team, I believe, if you read sparrows report that's a lot of red, say some. I read my own book. The audio books It's me like a week to read like what is it? Fifty thousand words
a hundred thousand emails. That's a lot. females sets a must be speed. Readers are something at how did they double check to make sure the information was classified and all those emails? The answer is course they did. Ladies and gentlemen, you are getting played. The thing is, you know you're getting played near pissed about thereof. people useful idiots on the left you were getting played and they think this is legit and then there's the evil progressive left. That is there. you're getting played off their just tyrants and they loved this stuff. Replace him audio coming up in a second here. Nuke new do some that are pretty nicely yesterday, the f. This is new king, which, by the way, who lose bomb through our age like centre, right jolt, speaker of the house, but even I now understand that the country can't move forward with the fbi is currently constitute call me lied about processing the wiener laptop. It appears from this report. Jim call me
parity is covering up another massive scandal with Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton accorded this reporting and Jim com. Happy, he knows, and yet what happens equals on appears that any member them assembly see at any they they they waved. Thou pomp runs when he comes out so black, our coffee day, Are you tired of the sable garbage liberal coffee companies selling you john coffee, that have jumped values? That's why need to support my friends of black our coffee. I person recommended, is all we draken asshole paula. My If she's colombian she grew up on coffee, I think they put it or baby bottle. Don't do that very bad idea. By for adults, coffee is amazing. It should tastes like coffee black. Our coffee tastes, like coffee, Paula, loves it. I loved this is a company, one hundred percent committed to two things: america, an awesome, coffee, three things, conservatism to date right in front of the banks from source, the beans to the roasting, the beans
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tat enough for these two again, not a big flamed, our notes, like listen man, we gotta, do something we can keep the fbi the way it is. The country can continue like this check this out. This is a remarkable country with, shore, people, who are being crippled by their very own government and crippled by an anti american faction, largely in the universities and to some extent in the news, media and any procedures in and bureaucracy, but we have. wade's capacity to find our way back, I'm ruth, does have attained if you seeing this happen now, with the f b, I and I thought the durham report was devastating, followed up on the report of the inspector general, which was devastating The fact is: we need a bill to break up the following, Investigation and replace it with much reasonable launch. some systems and eliminate the entire senior leadership
Clearly, a corrupted institution people politicized on the left. The evidence we have just overwhelming folks now, you know the issues gone completely mainstream again: newts, not known as a big bomb thorough. Yes, he had the contract with america, former speaker, but now you know we? U me levine, others p. They who push this issue of massive f b. I reform who were considered fringe nuts I'll just say the epi eyes grade is just a few bad apples. It's not a few bad apples, For better, first hague, his a few bad apples. Dont nothing right, it's not reasons bad it's freakin malfeasance are doing it on purpose are not stupid. folks it's really hard to get in the f b. I I know I know do the process really hard people over there are not stupid. They with their doing. This is
with accident bill. Corrupt some of mistake not just an fbi problem either it's obviously a media problem. The fourth estate was all designed to be a, was a branch of the consent of the government people to check on the other three that media doesn't do any of that anymore. We know that. That's not breaking news that the media socks moose not is not a new story. However scott and brazen now those tapes I played for you yesterday, but I got a call from any one in the media again what Those tapes I know a way and picked them up. I know I saw my news max who else anyone else, but I did My father did you CNN Msnbc, NBC may of. If you saw it, let me know Nobody is asking questions about the Biden date. How nobody is asking you questions Eric prince about that,
when we know laptop. Where is it hundreds of them is the classified emails. Where are they there? So can about donald trump, german, someone, a map they can't even prove was classified yet no one seems to care, but the wiener laptop. because we have a hack goon. This lasting media. That's. Why move on move on this? My dad's vague, I'm all that's what they do. That's rogers refer jos, referring to something we bring up all the time, the law, this strategy. The entire time is the David brok move on dot, org shrank, where you drag story out over time, if Benghazi, or something else you never actually get to what happened. We should honour what happened with obama and Benghazi and any you bring it up. They got time to move on. That's what they're doing now it's! I will never move on ever. Why you to move on from this one too. This is concerned she theory up, they block folks. I know we haven't done the cinema. Remember we were
call conspiracy theories. We were fact check to oblivion. Suppressed on facebook, kicked off youtube for the mere suggestion that the chinese communist party, in a light designed to study work on corona viruses that got gain a function, money to third parties and Sarah gets right. We were Chris, eve raven suggesting that the court The virus may have leaked from a corona virus lab. well now, the mainstream media come around to a story. You, when I knew about for two years now that apparently the first people, sick. This is a shocker fellows joe. You never gonna believe this week, actual lab workers in the water hole that's amazing dignity, dog. we order just two years ago. What do you mean? the media catch on now their ears, Exit from fox last night, it good for them, showing you if showing you the left, you can see baron bridge whom you talk about, how the left,
it's a conspiracy theory, the entire time fox, did report on this in two thousand and twenty one. By the way I remember so, there are this media kebab, but it was, conspiracy theory suggested check this out. If you look back at the time was being talked about in the media, about, in fact are reporting the early stages of origins, have covered this is some of that ticketless. The far right has now found its own virus conspiracy theory. A lot of you write, love that phrase escaped from the lab, because it sounds like something from marvel, move your comment, but don't try to screw up, some of whoever was wearing ten tinfoil hats in your audience. These conspiracy theories are still saying things, that are going to be extraordinarily dangerous for this country and they spices not covering the new evidence for the story as it develops.
It's understandable, understandable human level, if they wouldn't because it makes them makes them so many of them have not all look so bad. The that's the point Joe set it right Here's? What you do here is the link the communists enemy they are commies. I want you understand trop is using the term communist in his speeches. Now deliberately is not a mistake: the media, communists agitprop people. They are not serious people, they did this on purpose. You want. Instead every embassy, so you saw that media clip likely knew that the thing leaked from a lab, but they had a cover up for the chinese communist party, because it was more important for them to make who the enemy oh and he went to Donald J trump you're. Darn right, you mean bake, donald trump. The enemy that would give a pass to the chinese communist party who would blow us up tomorrow they could yeah.
Then that sounds like their evil bastard. They knew when it approved. Here. We all we, bring the damn freakin receipts every time. so here's the alleged breaking news We have a compelling new report. They noted on the origins of covert This is from news: busters had kept them. You can read this and my newsletter bunch. You know that consultation newsletter it details. This report, strong new evidence suggesting the virus did in fact escaped from the lab and who want the study claims researchers who led the controversial, gain a function- research which increases infectiousness of a virus where the first come sick while that's great information. What's the problem we always bring the damn receives. The problem is knew about this in twenty twenty one, while people were getting kicked
youtube and harassed by left. These scumbags, like Joe freakin scarborough, sell out loser. I could think of few conspiracy theories about him to just look. I'm up! Look at the data thank you to give for highlighting. May twenty third, twenty twenty one. Joe, is twenty twenty three or am? I just got a marty mcfly losing track of it's twenty twenty three yeah sewer is to year two years later that carry the one yeah in two years. I think so, okay, yeah. I think the two swear because we covered this two years ago in the wall street journal, intelligence on six staff at boulogne, lab fuels, debate, on covered nineteen origin, Port says researchers went to the hospital november twenty nineteen shortly before confirmed, outbreak at two calls for probe of whether virus escape lamp.
just incinerate, judge, and said I thought no one in china got sick. It all came from a panel in or something like that Now, if you listen to the show and you go back to march of and each twenty one or may excuse me and fine, no shells, you'll see we discuss this proving it. And, if you listen to this, show you're, probably two years ahead of the new cycle. Ruben whose break good news: it's not breaking news. They do the move on thing they do get out, and I presume said correctly when they face plant and their story turns out to be bull shit, which is exactly what it is. What happens just don't covering cover hilary benn cover the wiener laptop. They don't come
the binding demon and make the binding tapes are poorer. Shake off its old news is. You have recovered now thought laptop its old or norway. That's yesterday's news. You ever covered now. That's worry came out in twenty twenty one two years ahead on this show its No man. the media knows this: their freakin communists. They couldn't. At the same story, but they didn't paper, it wasn't there I got another. This is this a big show today a lot information for you, tat. Everyone take a breather, he's right outcome and I'm next, the great darent beady at revolver and nodded, you. Don't ask every data we the newsletter alive and out everyday bonds Oh, that compilation, newsletter trades and please this revolver piece about the january six bomber and what the if the I just admitted
another move monster, signed a move on now. This is good, and by good I mean bad patriot. Whoa every day the parallel economies grow, bigger and bigger powered by everyday american sick awoke companies tell them what they think we're doing any more obey. Mobile companies are no different for years, dumping millions at the far left. This causes me to take it proceeds cellphone. You probably thought there was no alternative, but there is a great company patriot more their america's. Only christian conservative wireless provider offering dependable nation wide coverage on all three major networks. You get the best possible service in your area. Without the world politics, switch. The patriot mobile supporting company, believes in free speech, religious freedom. Sanctity of life second amendment and our military veterans, and first responder heros there I never percent you s base customer service, teammates, switching ease, keep your phone
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a crowd headquarters and the republican national committee headquarters in d c. strange thing about these bombs as they sat there all night. And nobody seemed to find them. But when they one of the bombs, a founded conveniently we twenty minutes to go on a timer, a timer that good if detonated the bomb Where the one o clock alleged insurrection, they found that at twelve forty, that's the time it's gotta matter in a second, but they ass, the fbi, something really interesting about the alleged bomber. They said you know the barber play Did these bombs late at night, Washington dc into the early morning january six, there's! No one else on the street. Are you guys had a geo fence up a geo fence which you can get any cell phone in the area. We know they use it to prosecute people in january. Six. How come you couldn't find guy or woman is here we person around new drop the bombs.
You never get up a while. You will believe here's of oliver pieces worthier time format. Happy january. Six pipe bomb investigation comes queen with a stunning admission, It's! I don't want be conspiracy, theories right, Congressmen, Jim Jordan massey. They sent the letter that steve the two. No guy he's fbi guy who's in charge of this january six bomber case. Okay, if you want Although geo fence up, how did you miss one guy. He was the only guy on the street function. pack into saw bright, and these are complicated- it's pinging! four tower it pretty. To unify, because it's the only form pinging I mean they found you're telling me at a rally of thousands of people. They picked indifferent. Those apart due to a geo friends on January six, but there was one person I couldn't find them so they asked the tono from fbi, they said what about the geo fence and they receive the following shocking answer?
the data was corrupted. Oh so get reviewed, the telecom company just by sheer coincidence, happen a loose The data for that protect. The place of time We again, please, if you would Tell me again how we don't live in a corrupt accuracy. Tell me again so the next day You picked out thousands of people with the self. pinging geo feds, but you couldn't find one. My personal data is corrupted. That's like that hammer create abridgment data, breach, principled, ran bleach better with a hammer hilary was pillory was she was internship job at verizon, advertising or whatever Official answer in case you want to see it gets even This is from the f b. I got it. I believe it is better he's in jail. There are completely or france. We have complete data. Well, not complete There's some data that was corrupted by one of the provide all all? Oh, you know it's not
peacefully by them. Right out rightly says right, like he's asking right: that's the folks sidney transcript, read it on the screen, highbrow guys. If I make it up for the audio, is it's right there open purposely by them right here. It was just unusual circumstances that we have corrupt data from one of the providers, I'm not sure I can't remember which one right now but a day which is often because we don't have the information to search so could it up now provider yeah? Without luck, you know what this investigation. It probably was right It is correct. This is wrap. This is but too one level, both I did you hear what kind of way in the toolbar signed in front of a chance. You know. I love you all. The chat, chats theirs there's budget chapters, I'm going a lot of scrolling, scarlet thou right now get to the bottom chats rocket today. So I Do you believe the fbi that the data was accidentally corrupted? Yes, why? For yes,
inferno fire away in the chat. Do we know you don't believe the f b I or yes, you do I'm going to guess we're going to get a lot of enzymes, I'm just going to take us to one guy. The first guy f know that there you go, so far. We have been here, but I get it and not with your brother I said, and while you're at it, but it s this perfect know any. Yes, is anyone guys you just go to everyone? No, no hell? No f, no hell, no, no, no, no and an and and never no, no! No! No! Oh no! No! No! No! No! No doubt, ok, good all the same she'd abusing this accident a corrupted folks do sweat couldn't find out one person, but data I noticed what he says. We're just allows you guys catch it. He says there were multiple but I guess, eighty achieve arise in others and no
It was that particular company. Apparently that was the carrier. Is that one that guy corrupt? Just a that's amazed, am that's a whole strayed. It's like big freaking coincidence. I thought you were the fbi. all on the level. Folks lets us in a john bans, again, f b, I m I have a pr bows european. What are you crazy themselves? I hear their valuable for political targeting their great. If this story gets even better or I you even know the details of this story so ass the tone of the fbi guy. If the pipe Actually I live explosives or if they were decoys. The antonio acknowledge that, despite reports that the bombs were viable, yea leaked reports, probably from them. He said in his estimation, they were not set to go off as the Kitchen timer, Time is a sprig inspector gadgets by tat said the vices. Could not I've detonated them
critical concession, the total admitted the timer use. Unapplied palm could not have detonated the bomb given the time already elapsed, between placement and discovery. It's the powers, riders, etc. This lost imperatives solely in the swedish, Some large and I saw my baby- they notes this the toto to join speculation. He wait useless, gets interesting tat. Perhaps type bombs were intended to go off, we don't know. In other words, where they a diversion. I couldn't get me. It was a big diversion, in other words, not that maybe some left this hack possibly put these bombs there to frame tromp supporters, no we're a diversion from the war.
Will pm insurrection at the capitol the you gotta make a face like this yeah yeah yeah, you gotta do a chop too totally you gotta, be. I gotta be prepared for a while the version there, so you get it though it's likely story here, because no one seems to want to find this person. An album sure I'll be, can go up. I'm sure this will be considered. A conspiracy theory today by the left, which means is definitely true, is that some probably anti tromp hack parties. Arms out there or some weirdo totally unrelated to anything and did to make. You believe trump people we're gonna like blow up the capital, If we want you to know that, because the insurrection story is so much more pronounced, you not say Joe, if what I actually wanted to, let that they bombs and the insurrection that both of them,
Nor can it be true, let me get them. less posture and I'll show you. Why did the virgin theory is garbage diversion by a people which your wow I love which you, while you, SAM and all my car's my daughter's got when I got one, why a drive down here in florida? am I say so that greatly more the when she gets hazy cause it rains a lot and I like my car's looking good. I like em detail that, like I'm lookin sharp and you gotta clean your windshield. Well, rob cleaning the insides opponent, a boy you're like a bad shoulders. I can't reach the which you wasn't ingenious. Winch yo cleaning device uses to magnetic cleaning panels like this. There super strong one we also want to needs inside moved, move the to be the outside. The inside tracked really easy gets. the nooks and crannies? You just push it around any outside paddle keeps everything super clean, clean, my windshields ever been applies firm. meaning pressure for you. Super thin gets in those times I love my windshields clean car- looks better. It's safer, It builds up when she allows the fastest and most
so freeway, peggy sue. a clean, shriek free, safe windshield. We got one in every car. You should pick one up to love this product. feedback when she allowed our come pick it up when she allowed thou com. When she a wilder come here, you want special discount. You should, without this counts, use bond gino my last name, bioenergy. I know o check out for a special this camp, when she allowed dot com check it out, you gonna love it things when she'll, while for being one of our new responses, love the product when she awhile back on promo code, bunch saw There's only in my view, in China, and the child. If you have some other opinion on this, I love to hear it. there's only three possible scenarios to the january six bomber. Most likely, probably some leftist, who put down these vague bomb who wanted everything was, I dont know paid or not. Who wanted everyone to believe the maggie insurrectionists we're trying to blow up washington DC. I'm guessing arab, speculating. On being honest,
based on the information we have do any the stories makes sense. The second story It's a mega not so I crazy person who play it bombs to further the insurrection and a diversion so that they can storm the capital. Possible momma willing to rule out anything but seems a little bit unlikely I'll. Tell you why in a second, the third is just some crazy person who by random chance drop to bombs in front of the currency in Dnc, highly unlikely. My butt folks, the revolver team notes. The only The version theory makes sense as if the piper new someone would discover unreported devices to authorities shortly before one, One is when the action happened that the capital one p m. He said that We're things get weird mentioned in the summary. Not only was the first pipe discover new the rnc at twelve forty, while forty-
it was discovered with the mechanical timer stuck on the twenty minutes ago,. as confirmed in madison magazine peace entitled madison woman found the rnc pipe bomb in DC lady John, what are the chances are that the fbi, Comes out with a theory with the capital police that, oh no they storm, the capital of one, so they put, these bombs out. There is a diversion and some lady randomly finds the bombs at twelve. Forty with a timer, stuck on twenty minutes. Twenty minutes before The chances are that the chips. Probably one in a million they ve been sitting out there all night about the Dnc bob: that's the orange bombers, even weirder. Credible sources tell revolver, there's video footage, Dnc bomb being found by a particular individual, but the ep.
I can't even confirm whether that individual was even interviewed. Sounds to me, ladies and gentlemen, like the fbi doesn't want to know whether the sea and our at sea bombers are the geo data magically gets corrupted, You ve got video the Dnc bomber; no one can claim he was even interviewed or she was interviewed. Wine, a bomb with twenty minutes to go on a timer twenty minutes to one and you magically make up a diversion. Theory sounds a little strange to me right. Anyone else in the media in questions by these are julie. Kelly therapy, tucker and they show anyone any one else. Probably but imagine ban in another still, but nothing in the mainstreaming I thought they were concerned about the insurrection by them its origin play this the other day we got an election on election we can't lose. We cannot lose folks on long in the united states, but only if we start turning the ship around now turn a ship, takes a long time. Second happen. Quick. Does it make skid mark. U turns ok in the ocean for a long time.
there's gonna, be some debates coming up. There is ab movie no way we should be debating on NBC This on a radio show hears the video from the audio show. If you could do a debate and b c and the orange greece's me very upset. It makes Absolutely no sense. You gonna be debating the moderator you're not going debating other republicans here, watch this disease
where do the poor come in? Where do they place in this party on this stage in texas, about a quarter of the people? Don't have health insurance, that's fifty out of fifty dead last, so it's pretty hard to defend dead. Last year, state has executed two hundred thirty four death row inmates more than any other governor in modern times. Have you struggled to sleep at night? What do you make of the day of dynamic just happened here? The mention of the execution of two hundred and thirty four people drew applause described the black lives matter movement as a symbol of hate. What do you say to americans who say that kind of language from a president is contributing to a climate of hate and racial strife, hygienist white supremacy? What's next place, you feel your symptoms, you're hesitant to do so. Let's be honest: is this a comic book version of a presidential campaign? I talked to economic advisers who have served presidents of both parties. They said that you have as much chance of cutting taxes that much without increasing the deficit as you would of flying away from that podium by flapping. Your arms will hang when the sun sentinel says rubio should resign not rip us off when they say floridians sent you to washington to do a job when they say you act like you hate your job. Do you do you hate your job? Your board fired you. I just wondered why you think we should hire you now. Who is that from the remembers that graybeard news busters? What was it?
Am I see the media research centre great cutter? Did their debated the moderator? Don't let them each other? What are you you put two hundred people dead and the audience is applauding what the workers corporate course citizen. What are you? I think it's great I think it's that somebody aren't. You did have barely that's, not the boy you're dead The moderator I got a couple of things. One of you, I'm going to leave you with a video. Today too, it's kind of a feel good video. listen, I don't know shit colonial at all. Pretty funny I've seen him out there and you know he's got some great lines. This line every the line he gave to his kid. Kid was asking about buying all this stuff, or somebody told this kid we're not rich average. One of my favorite lies ever a user. kid now all about my are riches shack. I promise you, but I'm She kilo Neil met him personally, but it was added. I should say, Madame ran into him. I should say he was out secret service event.
For a graduation down and not their training centre in maryland, and he couldn't have been more gracious. he was a friend here. He loves law enforcement. I think he said that it is a deputy volunteer. Debbie's, my dad Louisiana, there's somethin, like that. and the guy son was graduating from the secret service, training centre and a mare, and I was in its structure and oh my. What's all the hustle and bustle, I do shacks thoust, and you know you can't miss shack he's. I gave the tall like three, rebounds huge, the biggest gave ever seen any couldn't be more gracious somebody took pictures that everybody there. He does he's nice things, I'm gonna play video by This story before we go. This is a serious one. Folks, listen said this often ominous, loud and I'm going to say a proud of this point. If you have the capability. If you have the capability, I know many of you dont, because your businesses are tied up you need to. a blue states. As soon as you can. VOX is serious. Now these are political fights. Anyway, this is the you want to live in tyranny or freedom fights. I get it alive
these again, isn't it best to stay behind and fine? Now ladies and gentlemen, that fight unfortunately is over these new states are not going to reform themselves until it gets bad enough and it will not bad enough. Until people like you leave and let liberals live in their own mock, I'm sorry. I ll give you an example. you got a guy who can't control himself. Keeps like losing it all over the bathroom and you he'd go in cleaning up they like He's gotta stop. Eventually, you don't want to live like a slob time you go in and cleaner because right back into, why do you keep doing it? Let him mark go to the clean bathroom theirs. Nothing, you can do any more in these blue states, nothing! you can't save them fox whose marine veteran Daniel penny. Involved in that carotid restrained with Jordan neely was indicted yesterday, despite a
your case of not only self defense ran, but others indicted. Find yourself in jail. If you dare, fan yourself against the guy was alleged to have threatened people's lives on the subway and set a motto free to go to jail. Folks, of defence is now criminal and blue states. You wanna take that chance. Self killed, find yourself in jail, don't be a martyr for these people. Folks he's Petitions they'll, put you in jail tomorrow, there was a journal businesses or even to you, ought to be the last one left, the great harvard business, migration who in business out migration jody states, they have one thing in common: it's going to be har HO, so guys take a minute. You may need to help Joe out like this, so businesses are leaving these states. They all have One thing in common new york california illinois maryland and pennsylvania, oh
hold on hold on that's hard, a mere going to these states Florida north carolina nevada text and tennessee it's going. Ask you sensing a pattern amongst those new york. California illinois states their led by led by Democrats their rights down the falcon later. Joe says Democrats. Illinois was the other one new york, California, I'm going to fact check that after the show just chat, Florida, texas, Joe repair, the do that I'm pretty sure they're red dan at that. Thank you and I'm I'm I'm going to how many sick bo mccarthy on that later used the charred bo everybody's leaving stay behind folks effect, That way, just to be sure- and liberals, of course will have some excuse, they're leaving for whether you are it's like seven thousand degrees down here florida leaving for the weather. Is it not? You guys can minutes. When I woke up there,
morning it was like eighty seven and is not even a society, then I'll. Leave you some good news, for he is a video shack. He shows up and debo adjusted city. Does this a lot? Just decides. He's gonna buy this young lady and your mom piece of your mom, maybe your sister it seldom. Whatever and other, thereby washer and drier which, as you know now, because Joe Biden and their water standards are like two million dollars each and checks. I'll buy it for you I don't know shack our guys thanks. I don't care, but man maybe smiled a little bit on a thursday I'll. Buy them, question smart. You I forget, got him of course account at divine gino. Submit your questions for tomorrow show will take some from the chad as well. it's your social account at the bonn, gino
in the environment yeah man. That's really cool s really really shack. Again, I don't know your brother body,
it's pretty sod red bet you one type of unilever. Remember! I know you, members being at the secret service center that time Why not a solid- and I just I could add one thing without giant, This isn't some odd. I promise you not intended to be some virtue signal. Humble brag, assist to note the greatest. give the mice success, specially financially the greatest gift- and I said this to my wife- my. I mean, is to be able to give to other people. I mean when you're struggling for money and you have your own money and you know it's hard to give women. Because I really hurts when you to a position, your life, where you can help other people that are really hurt. it's the greatest feeling ever you don't get there. You know if you give some one hundred thousand dollars and you make an hundred thousand year, it hurts and you got it. You know you really have to struggle The people do that anyway, You have a lot of money and you ve done really well everything has to be some formal chaired. Those great don't get me wrong. I wear the folds of honor shirts all the time, but you know
If a nice tip in a restaurant sure you all do it, you don't have to hear from me. Do that kind of stuff once in a while, it's super nice, it just takes people's days and just makes the world a better place. It's the greatest gift god has ever given to me. I kid you not people come back and go you sure this is right on the bill. That's right, I'm a great day nicely. Folks summit, you questions for tomorrow, love friday shows always the best questions for dan and please It is for the live chat. Eleven, a m goes. Live at rumbled outcome, slash bond gino! You want to do The chat early would just an engie ten, a m justin's, always there making some wise ass remark or something like that. So join him. There show starts at eleven, follow us on apple and spotify as well. It helps us a lot thanks. A lot folks see you back. Are you just heard it in Bonn? Gino.
Transcript generated on 2023-06-16.