« The Dan Bongino Show

Is The Biden Regime About To Collapse (Ep 2096)

2023-09-26 | 🔗

Have we reached a boiling point? In this episode, I address the signs that things are about to change.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The way to hear the truth about amerika upon a show is not immune to the banks, with your host dan VON G, no seriously like the worse patient, ever dentist stock as I just them anything, they tell you. Do I will probably do the opposite. this hernia surgery, I had an m local hardier from dead lifting and they were like oh do eddie waits first, six to eight weeks. So of course, three weeks later, I was left thing for we centres, I'm not telling you to do this cause yogurt yourself. Tell you on the worst pay should ever because I careless and everyone for any reason so What is that this yesterday? We wonder why I got a fat lab and is my dentist veni, whose eye the best anchors right my front teeth, one of whom was busted from boxing. bond resolve. Who cares was grinding down? You know you don't need to know leopard whatever of fixing the end days,
and my mouth is an ongoing all because Donnie Donny. as you, gonna wind up she went on your life and not even knowing it. Of course. That's what how you should see my lip lassiter still bad. Now I woke up, I see John. I do you never go we what happened? Is they don't even tell me, because I, Let me guess you chewed, on your left. Less I said yes, folksy was a bad. I gotta needed stitches. What an idiot I listen to anyone? I told me don t. Until it wears off. I was like yeah. Whatever bro, you don't shoot at he's a friend he's a smart guy I don't wanna talk about today. Briggs going to happen. How do I know, but as a? U F, o story, because they're getting wrecked and today shall keep this theme in your head Things we know, because can see it with our own eyes. On video that liberals pretend don't exist. A stage says all the fall cravings you need. Omaha stakes go to almost states that economies promo code by gino a check out for an
for thirty dollars off your order. Minimum order may be required, I think so much. They say how big show for you today, also Hillary Clinton back, promoting The eviscerated, russia hoaxes reason, that's happening and everybody I to the left, except for actual nazis. You see what I mean in a minute expressed yeah. What? If there's someone out there kept the log every single thing you did pretty creepy now, that's is expressly p and every time I go online exotic anybody watch you what I'm doing online, because you know what they do they store logs of every website. You visited these companies, genoa and legally sell the data to anyone. I always use expressway piano mind. It is nobody's business they re route, your internet connection to their secure servers to internet provide can see your log. What you do, I might a lot of you, exclaimed ever know. Logs policy may be caught. The logging customer activity expressed we piazzi only vps. I trust the news. Save trust in solar technology express vps, so confident. Now, no logs claim even one of the biggest assurance firms, price waterhouse, coopers audit, their technology.
It's no wonder that the virgin aim express vp, the number one vp entered the world, stop letting people keep logs or what you do on my visit expressed, beyond our complex mancino right now find out. I get three months. Free, that's express beyond our consolation: gino express, bbn, dotcom, slash, mancino, learn more aright, so let's go daddy o show in the authorities. It is and if I am sorry if I sound a little funny, it's really just because there's fat lab because I'm an idiot keys, my head getting cut off. I have the lowest thing. A little bit shown below are just a little bit. Weird. Like you said, I was fine Last week I burn my fair. I burn my face and the sauna under grill trying to drop I found on the floor and like a walking train wreck your sweet, I did. Who locals video to warn you know you want to see what I do and my home Jim and you see holidays downstairs my basement sweating
I mean the sweat is dripping off my eyelids, my by knows we gotta work out in a heap because do some that socks every day in the morning I wear the rescue daisies. Ok, some big is gonna happen. How do we know fell as we know because of story, and it was, the daily mail. Is the? U s government preparing without else aliens. This is the sentence. Propose you have full control, this closure plan and how it would damage, would work folks listen. Other aliens other not aliens spatially it- I don't know I'm going to spend a lot of time and it should begin. shut up? I'm just telling you I saw this before I came on here. I said it again. Jim I go out to the show because- I guess is, if their aliens or they're not aliens, does it matter for the purpose of what I'm getting at believe me. It matters huge if there is extraterrestrial life but following if the un's exist and there scheduling or release coming up to announce to you that aliens exist its tradition?
you from something. They don't want you to see. You follow everybody tracking into Chad Aliens don't exist and they're gonna you aliens exist, it's to distract you from thing. They don't want you to see. He doesn't make sense either I do matter there's something coming I want you to know about that's. What's up with the alien stuff, you ve had these alien vial projects for fifty years or sixty years. What up? What have you been four bro. What are you bet I know Joe you're, a big aliens guy like what the hell it anyway, For another cigani weaver movie, well, humankind can't handle the trick. Had they kid you could. This is like jack nicholson style. They should see the evidence if you ve got it all right enough with that folks again, you're doing this all on purpose. I understand you, don't I title did least in my social media releases. This is, This is not a crisis at the border. This is our hospital, take over the country
right now is be an absolutely taken over and I'm watching yesterday, I'm going through some film and I think that some awesome digital, film online, I'm looking at some stuff and I'm realizing folks riddle I trouble, even if are the most die hard open borders guy on the right because believe it or not, the right has a lot of open borders. People know it doesn't. Yes, it does leave me when I was running for office, they would one day when my meetings with me all the time they believe immigration is a net economic good. That people are capital and people are capital. People can be capital, I don't mean that needs. the economic sense. I mean people produce ideas, ideas produce wealth, however, the downs The immigration, when you don't know who these people are is a war with some of these people clumsy additional negative externalities. If they're not vetted drug sex trap king. If you don't know these people are that's what the the purest son immigration, even on the right leave out the left just once open borders, they want to destroy the country, but I said to you in the beginning: there's things. You know that you see in front of your feet
that you're, dumb ass, liberal friends, despite the fact that you could show this video you solve it, doesn't really matter. I want to start over this jimmy cause. You haven't heard from him for a while Jim's a human arbed person, the funny thing I think I've seen online is when Jim data signing. You remember this. You guys remember that it was cheaper cars. There, a both signing and like nobody showed up and he said, thereby himself like signing books on a table map. Do you remember heavily so embarrassing, accosts, there's a guy. I mean you wanna talk about, we don't you included in our rankings because you come such an irrelevancy and I met accosted before he's again is genuinely a dumb guy, so I'm not sure even knows how dummy is so. Here's a cost yesterday. Has this republican congressmen on and here he is again like all good luck. regime apparatchik. This is that the garbage people we got a deal on the media going with this. Fiscal deficit. Talking point on the left at the borders closed, despite the fact I can show you videos all week and I will that we are now.
AL being invaded in what is a hostile takeover. There's, no doubt about any more take a look at that just sounds like you're, throwing around there with no basis. In fact, you can have you been in the more of course I am. And you say, was born on the rights they. Is is open? May nobody can deny that borders and they got it- is a crisis I'll. Ask the questions in the brains. There's not open. That is that a sum that is paddled. As a talking point was not true there. Their offensive their walls. There are border patrol agents who work on the border, the five plus megan that better gotten in this country illegally, is not a figment of our imagination, asked about privilege, ass anybody down there. They first, I guess I haven't. You have not been answered. My question as to how you effectively new border enforcement.
If you're shutting down the government, I guess, but We're not going to get an answer to that question, see the play what it cost, as you have your smart media people who were smart but evil, they know it. Actually, what they're doing their delivery We, the the united states and have a sound tactical plan to do it. I want you to say it's not a cost guy is legitimately dipshit. He I'm folks, I've add these the pleasure of meeting a lot of these people do a lotta hits on MSNBC and see, and I can go back and see it and go back and look to the library stuff. It's all over screw to bananas. where you can see them yourself. I again, I've had this pleasure of meeting most of these people- Sonny hoss dan anderson cooper. I can tell you exactly what they're like in person this guy. Is legitimately stupid. I had ended thing about his stupidity. Is he's not a stupid smart purse, he's just a stupid person plain of stupid person. The thing about this guy's he's a cocky want, do you hear all aspects
sir, you know what I would have said. You know folks to the republic and you appear on these- shows if this dipshit coward bottle was back who doesn't have a shred of human dignity and couldn't even cut it on cnn, even after the trump administration when they tried to make a star out of us if this guy this If you on the tell me from himself flip from the double barrel. and walk right off the certain humiliated. Why would you take this from this guy? I saw a couple zero. Like all this guy own costs too, I mean you didn't ok job, but why did you let this guy talk to you like that a piece of garbage. This a coward is a shop, the loser, what he's kids, who got like beat up at high school in europe, takes out his rage on other people. I see these people all the time. It said I feel bad for me, he's probably a chump in high school, but he did you walk away and though, why would you take tat? But again, of course, is perfectly comfortable on liberal cnn, promoting what is often
see this information that the border is closed. No sane rational person thinks that things we know, are false that liberals keepers, getting you and telling you are true here, this happened again. Yesterday, we now know after thirty million plus dollars of investigative work more. the bull investigations, media investigation that obvious, the collusion hopes in the ppp perfect. We don't even it again. you're a liberal who still believes is a ppp taping Donald trump collude with the russians. You are breaking moron, please I'm serious seek professional help. You need it a really mentally unstable. You could probably get a dsm diagnosis for your stupidity. Okay, if you believe that get off my show because you're a moron, if you believe that and really your contributing. we're lowering of the media and I q of the damned podgy no audience dramatically the mode and mean to we'd. Rather you go away your salary
Clinton yesterday She's me the other day on Jen psaki showing MSNBC again cnn, believes it. The borders closed miss NBC, still believes that there was a collusion, episode and peeping tape out. Their notice is no fight back whatsoever, and yet this fascination with the right and this formation, the right either all the dish. Information is almost exclusively a component of the left. The vaccine Stops infection masks, work wu on viruses, natural origin, trump colluded, the russians. There was a quid pro quo call Nicky. Here straight sooner in the matter up, don't laugh! This is real. Stop This information is almost exclusively the domain of the liberal and why is it allowed to persist and celebrated? Because the media celebrate it's to celebrate you to watch the useful idiot peppermint patty here just go along to get along that yeah, this russian collusion, even though they both know. This is fake. Take a look at him here airport
as I was safe, your friend, usually mine. He has intervened in our election in the past. It's not something as you experienced first hand, something we talk about a lot to use, fear that It is something that could be happening for twenty twenty four, and do you think we should be talking about it more well. I think we should be talking about it more because I don't think, despite all of the deniers, others any doubt that he interfered in our election. You see how they work together, there's symbiotic lee. You see, this symbiotic. I've always use the eddie brok venom reference. If you are a comic book fan in the nineties they symbiotic greet you know, creates this is super powerful organism with this camera guy in spiderman comics. This is the media. None of this would be allowed to persist. You understand this enemy, Folks, let me give you a hypothetical world where the media did its real job. I say a hypothetical work, because it doesn't exist, guys waiter,
wait a game. Allow me for a second joe, I think you'd agree you been in the media business actually, what long, and then I heard him if just so serious celso professor you if we would agree or this If in what are these interviews just one with a serious person, not some tomato can a series on the left. Not on our side. I mean people they takes years. My jen saki chalk todd losers, but they take them seriously. in what are these interviews, Hillary Clinton said: Would she just said about how the russians colluded tried to steal the election? If one of these people you started laughing and said missus I'm really sorry, but this has been about a hundred times. Is just really ridiculous. At this point, can we just don't stop right away? the visually humiliate, it would snub immediately, but it's loud to persist because they work symbiotic way to stop. information in your face, while claiming the flipper rue, the deputy, you flip row. That right is
How responsible for this information is somewhat? amazing thing I've ever seen. I've never seen anything like it. What they get away with everything with them is a flip arose. everything they accuse, you of you and stand there doing every single thing, Why you to watch this is one of the most dramatic examples you ever going to see There is nothing liberals, love more than accuse, then, to accuse everyone. Resin toe the liberal line are being a nazi now, keep in mind that doesn't you have to be a conservative means eddie one was a non liberal data give a shit If you are a not liberal, a non liberal and you are helping them move the liberal football down the field to take away civil liberties, education rise tax dollars, healthcare right, you be labelled at some point or nazi folks, just bad got it if you
get a public profile and you dont support these freaking socialist. You will be labelled the nazi, so the weirdest thing when you've probably seen the story already, but I'm going to I'm going to thank him that I'm going to take this from a different angle. Remember to the Everyone's, a nazi, actual marty, you probably seen by the canadian parliament, invites up there. They speak in front of her they invite an actual nazi. This there's no disputing this part of an actual nazi unit, and he gets to standing ovation, an You will not see a more europe watch this for yourself. It's hard to believe this actually happened check. This out sky speaks received at least a dozen standing ovations. There was also one for this man a ninety eight year old ukrainian canadian, who fought for ukrainian independence against the russians during the second world war,
it's hilarious that political refers them as nazi link. Ladies and gentlemen, this is it. actual nazi he's, not see linked because he's a nazi. that's. Why he's linked to the nazi? You see it was a conservative who had a clan hood on they wouldn't column, K, K, K, link they would column, looks clad member Joe. We beg donors, the guy was it actual muncie. Now you would think right. There I would just come clean and say they screwed up and just leave it there right. No, no liberals are thoroughly above doing that I want you to go this human pile of garbage just ensure by the way this. Why tell you like everybody say The united states is in terrible shape and we are, I always we gotta save this place is nowhere else to go. Where else you gonna go, go just justin, trudeau, the dreadful prime minister. as to Canada guy who makes Joe Biden look good here, why you to see in the end again how he does
zack, we would. Hillary Clinton does is never called out by the press. Goes to the goat, Why, whatever their trouble, it had to be the russian people This is extremely setting happened? Spear Speakers knowledge his mistake, I apologise. something. It is deeply embarrassing to the parliament of canada and, by extension, to canadians, I think, particular, we jewish mps and all members of the jewish community across the country The grating commemorating young toward today. It's gonna be really important and all of us push back against russia propaganda. Russian information and continue our steadfast and unequivocal support. ukraine has. We did last week with announcing further measures to stand with ukraine in russia's illegal war against it If the skies are made, you believe this crap again things
Conservatives, you know when you can see that browser insisting on happening? You can go. Look right now how liberals will call anyone they disagree with a nazi. Just point then mba geno mark Levin, Sean Hannity, Glenn beck Ben shapiro budgetary shapiro happens reduced it doesn't matter just just put. that weeping been called, not every single one of us nazi. Yet when live we'll goons go on Operator nazi again, instead of just being like, I can't believe this big go and blame the same. Russian disinformation, he'll reuse. Why? Why is what they say. Why is it allowed to persist? He says he loves the segment meet you. It's allowed to pay Sis visual magic trick of your. sees, but the nazi isn't a nazi rush. Collusion was real and the borders closed its allowed to persist because media people don't stop these people, the same question job. If a meal person right. There would have said way way way way. Cut the shit. Are you bring me, sir. Guys invited an actual nazi
around jewish holidays. You gave me: do you Actually blaming the russians for this? So your bullshit? He would be done. He be finished but because the media, as no ball, you see balls with the ball. That is a genetic ball, because they have no balls, no guts, and their actual agitprop propagandists like across the bay just let it go and they I get surpass, I mean dummy, I mean, can you guys imaginative Donald trump invited the nazi could have said I'm just it's not even worth talking about because it Debbie be public. They public executions, they'd be torn actual tar and feathers, tar and feathers Debbie, I and the white house would be burned down tomorrow or anything. We break, but on the other side the brake and want to show you taken is from a different angle. How exactly what I How'd, you is true, is true, actual nazi gets a pass because it's a liberal but a
Pearl goes out. Msnbc is never called out and again drops hit than a nod that role kids and others. Are there not see it? amazing, how this happens if people keep followed for because they want to. Folks, brazil, russia, india, china, south Africa formally agreed to use local currencies and trade stead of the. U s tower during recent me a big trouble. This is just the first you to drop Man for the dollar weakens the buying power. The dollar weakens. That's why brcko group is busy than ever. Invest Savers are looking to harness the power of physical gold held an attack, sheltered eirik, I by gold from brcko group you can to taxpayers tonight? Eight, nine, eight! Ninety four, your free information kit uncle with thousands because in an a us rating with a better business beer, countless five star of use, you count of brcko group help you have a gay transitioning, an existing irae or for one k into an ironical as u s dollar continues to receive pressure from foreign countries, digital currency and central banks, army self, with information on how to protect you,
savings tax, dance tonight, eight, nine, eight, nine eight to claim your free information kit. Now performance may vary concert with your consult with your tax attorney or financial professional before making an investment decision message and data rates apply thanks, birch goku ban. If you see I'm sweating a little bit, you feel at, I think the a season our might have to call the air conditioning guy were done. Yeah now I never only happens like it's gisela, so what happens like every week? It's the most ridiculous thing. It's like they got a suck the water out of this thing because its low bob in air and it's crazy- they get right. It happens all the time. this. Eight house turns into a sweatbox in like two minutes. The good news is I'm used to it cause I sit in the sun all day and I don't necessarily my Paul actually likes the, but here's what I mean everyone's a nazi to the left, except the actual making nazis right. This is the craziest thing here peace, a video from MSNBC, this guy, Steve Schmid. I mean seriously want this guy's a bigger drifted, nicole wireless, which is really hard to do here. Isn't I want
you to watch the implication here, and the left has no problem with this whatsoever check this out. The people who are trying to tear down democracy in the country keep telling the rest of it. Country? What it is they plan to do to suck degree there have announced their plans Expansion to twenty twenty five to have taken a port. The whole of the federal government now Since after yours time in office, the legislative metric in the united states has been a hundred days. Six months, this is a racist code where full to every white supremacist in the country. How long warned you took out of hitler to take wine more germany to a complete in turn dictatorship. That include by the way the man terry swearing, an oath of allegiance not to the nation, but to the fear
and the military was the institution many in germany that were the last full doubts to this? Once he was in power, they were the first to submit donald trump is signalling to the officer core of the american military. line I made a leader, not the idea, not a constitution or on common for you to this is an ethically dangerous moment. Does eight eight? ricky crazy? These people? Are you see that's they are there. Is nobody advocating for the rights of minorities in america right now more than the conservative movement equality and equality of opportunity out there that nobody, the left
asian students they get screwed over in college, black kids. They get screwed over without school choice. They run big cities into the ground, crime rates or through the roof and they find magical white super eight around every corner they find white supra, Joseph dude. This is so I give up the a what's the point really. I know. What's the fucking point, I'm like losing my shit over the last few days. What's the what are the shit why we wasting our time? This is like we should just really we should all. to florida, We're just going to ignore you guys we're gonna go to flawed in texas. Far in texas emerald connected, I want you're out there, because we can take you morons anymore, black, africans, asian americans, jewish americans- come on down like you,
in the land of the free get away from these assholes? This is like again ages, matthew, just fuck these people partner. I'm sorry again, tonight, just as you can tell over the lab by my bullshit meters, I totally pegrenne. Sometimes you just gotta a I just dude! I just can't take it there's an act. We will not see in canada and asked we'll nazi celebrated by the liberals up in canada who taught that truckers. We're not he's in canada, that's no big deal, no one's ass to resign, nothing happens at all, and yet threats on. Like you were conservatives man, he s. Actually it s like that's it. You know. Wasn't need a black face. Dude folks, when the chad was insured a black face, guy always imposed. always him to an anti democratic,
Governor Virginia, oh, no! No! No! That was the clan robes. If we decided to additives, Z, clan robes of black, face virginia guy, you remember, No one really knows ride, Ralph north them, if you but you're done. if the blackface guy cultural appropriation guy, if that's even a thing or whatever, even though I mean, let's really, are sorry about what was wrong man, I'm just why we live in a country full of full of assholes do they just assholes everywhere you got conservatives libertarians. Even some saying democrats- and you know some, dependence, probably sixty percent of good folks in any godlike dirty. Forty percent is absolute asshole. I mean the conspiracy around every corner. The borders closed trumps rush in
body whose not one of them, is a white supremacist or are nazi. Why. The economies do doing grade, inflation is coming down whenever man is another, is a perfect example, but I'm talking about to how it keep her mind like I just always you remember your this you're, the smart, smart people. You are an you're dealing with about thirty forty percent of the people. should that are just morons. They just read there so stupid, you're, putting a p article up about apps. First, you remember re january. Sixth, the guy who literally on tape talking about going into the capital. early is suing people showing people for why doing videos of you. What are you understand how, in this scope you may your videos of you, here's the ap re ups trump supporter
I by a conspiracy theory plead guilty too: but put a charge in the most. Hilarious headline have ever see? What's the conspiracy theory that this I got almost nothing in jail despite being on tape. Talking How will you call the insurrection it's on tape? You did shits it's on tape, here's the rate! You got the original right and I told you here's, the original, absent video of re apps on tape, saying exactly what he said. This oak and speed see. There exists a theory. This happened go to jail So this is the craziest tape, because you have a
once you trump supporters, not interested at all in anything that a peaceful protest saying fed fed fat How do I know that happened guys cause? I just watched it on the damn videotape, nobody disputes the authenticity of it, and you wonder why us out of trouble supporters, republicans even non trump supporters. You wonder why we quest in this right, like you out Your people are, who knew tat was probably a bad idea, we'll call it if that happened anyway, and yet he was right there saying exactly what he said on tape. What you gonna show you for your words, why am I bring? It is a pity because again democrats believe this stuff. They believed it. You know this is a big, Spirits see dearie that there was a guy out there telling people to go into the capital who got very little punishment despite them.
Claiming it's an insurrection. That's all facts on bringing this, because this happened yesterday you ever see this epps video ramps. I never saw this This was making its way around social media and our watch, is very closely because I'm tellin him in it were people there. That night, you understood this guy could have been a real problem, what he was doing there. I have no de, I dont know. Re observer met the guy, my life. How much federal investigator anymore sort of access to his file, but dont think for second there weren't people around now really suspected this guy may have been up to something. No good. I've never seen this video before is making its way around. Yes take a look at numerous annoy me about this brown lies everybody they just now. He is definitely a plan of resentment,
So all the ogre still any sort of interaction we high. We it's fuckin guy comes in these like and has some fuckin thing to say the only reasonable people on either side again conspiracy, theory or same sound, good pages. Eric americans, like you wondering why the sky was telling people who, in the capital, when a number people around them suspected, he was up to something. What's the theory it may villikins
courtesy, but what you saw is not theoretical that happen. I'd never seen that abs, video before very strange. Ok, there, oh yeah, like I said some sniffles, but he forget the bag. Why? What time is it folks tell me what time it is a chat, the damn freaking right, it's blackout, coffee snifter, not only it got sniffs left, still smells damn good. A la blackout, coffee, I'm read my own read forget why XL of this stuff had like four cups yesterday and I got this new coffee pot. So it's really cool because it's a smaller, so it keeps the coffee hotter for longer. I had like five cups yesterday. This stuff is amazing, blackout, coffee. This is not some woke company, they don't like walkers, you know what they loved the country and amazing coffee. It's why I drink blackout coffee! It's why I love it at one hundred percent committed to conservative values. The owner of the company is an amazing guys.
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It's not him and one who's went back. I thought I had one more series. This is so crazy to you. Gotta seek. He took us out sniffs, my crazy. You see he took a sip, don't waste by sniffs obviousness eleven amidst deliver that banks like six bonds adrian mobile for ten years mobiles, america's only christian conservative, whilst providing no glenn over there. He loves you guys, everybody's moving. But a patriot mobile. They had their best day ever a couple weeks ago, the semi attacks Patriot mobile offers dependable nation wide coverage and give me the best ability to access. Can access all three major networks, which means you get the same covered you been accustomed who, without finding a laugh When you switch over to patriot mobile you sending the messages for free speech, sanctity a second amendment or military veterans and our first responders yours, patriot, was one or two percent. You a space customer service theme. They make switching use, keep your number keep your phone or upgrade. Fema help you find the best plan for your needs. Just gonna pay your mobile consular stana call nine seventy patriot, Jeffrey
activation when you use the offer code, then join me and make that switch today, patriot, mobile dot com, slashed and patriot, mobile dot, com slashed and call nine seven. Two patriot, you guys, like the show today, gimme a yes or no in a chat. I need to know because lately, where, like owens, is balls to the wall with this thing, I like throwing caution to the wind that we're doing the show I want to do, and the show I want to do is going to just this is how it's going to roll man, I'm just I'm just pissed off way the man. I know you feel the same way and I'm done with lie you like yes, I love you too will be on the chat. Yes, oh geek we get a spot poll on at. Is there any nose at all to me? We have seventy four thousand people. Ooh shit. Yes, we do. I move in on enough celebrate that's crazy. and if we don't wear only half hour than a shop folks, it happen again again things. You know to be fake, that liberals, leave a real one. Liberals believe area, which is hilarious. Israel is
Biden was some big civil rights warrior jaw. Folks, listen on a very serious and I shows kind of like off the wall today. A little bit right by job did stolen valor in the civil rights fight I don't know about you feel about it, but I feel like it's one of the worst things you can do. It there for me like right behind stolen valor in the military because civil rights fight in this country was real and I know you Joe, I know you feel strong and showed why the civil rights movement started of the republican party. Abraham lincoln was a republican. I don't blame every modern, democratic for slavery or Jim crow, because that's stupid. However, It is a historical fact that the Democrats were the party of Jim crow and slavery again doesn't mean they're responsible now, a Democrat they those people died off. Some of them went home, but some of them a lot of them. However, the republican party was the party of freedom and liberty. That's our thing
is our thing and folks, if you were someone get nay fire hose to the face, I have some doubts tear your arm up because you were fighting for a human being. right to be treated like a dignified human being. We tell you some. You deserve a very special in our history and I don't give a damn what your car politics are well argued that, another time, if you're out their steel in people's valor. Who did that pretending, one of them you're scumbag. You are a total piece of garbage and yet again liberals believe Joe Biden was some super special civil rights activist. This has been the bomb seventy five different ways from sunday, Joe Biden, add up: there nothing to do with the civil rights movement at all in delaware. but he knows him, nobody remembers him. The Washington post is the bank. This is absolutely not true. It doesn't matter to rotting oatmeal brain He keeps saying it because the labour I believe it, because their dope year listened, he did. It and the other day I started
kid It is the right moment when we get dollar and I was in high school the community. We want Can we won vibe staggering thirty one and thirty two hundred votes When I ran the first time for this. Twenty nine years old, and the next one by sixty four percent. My stay- I because virtually no, percent of the african american community, we have a large community voted for me. I owe you I owe you why we I left our partner end, because why stand in the black community. Why you would vote for this guy I get. I'm telling you republicans are the solution. All your problems either. I just don't stand why you would support this guy you're, a black Americans alive today forced to eat a segregated lunch counters drink from segregate water fountains and one of the most hate filled moments in our history days. Europe segregation does nothing or disgusting than pete treating people like.
second class human being there are. people who fought for that died for that where people were tortured for that their people, give up everything for that fight. This guy not one of them. I need it. swine who bought it while calling people boy I dont were not allowed to do that. I thought that was like a thing like you're, not so the call black men boy, which sounds pretty offensive three joe racist, they its animal bang. But Joe Biden does it and it's aim k why? Because them? Christ don't give a shit they'll support, guy, no matter what, because they believe things that are real Joe Biden with some big civil rights worry he's. Why to your face. The good news is a lot of people are guilty. You raise your emphasis. Ninety nine point, sesar reds, do our chat, pod pulse that's that's pretty awesome as our highest number yet bag. You black voters, Are not falling for it anymore, they're, not this guy!
is hemorrhaging black support, because he's foolish. Yet all the time I want panels are terrific. If you ever get a chance to see these, I care incur you and strong enough terms to do it. Watch he cable news channel on the right. Oh yeah news backs fox when they have these black voter panels. A black citizens, whoever this mass awakening against show by their classic here's the thing you want. My beyond this anybody shout wanted? One way theory is usually. I was never a liberal k, but my my My family was now my dad but my mom's family. They were. After all, Democrats I got to my grandmother. I lover she's dead. This woman ever god rest his soul. I lean and absent hero, but she loved after she just did. If you go the network, weren't, you generation, you were irish in new york, you pretty much rigel you pretty much loved. If the army was I it was almost obligatory. This is the only fight. I ever got him my grandmother and I felt horrible about it could use my grandmother, but as like, I can't
I can't go along with this like this. Guy was no good, this keynesian economics crap, who cares but long story short anyway? Where was I even tell us about that and even know where his angle with that? black voters, of whether waken up in mass ray now? Oh I get it once I had this awakening? Even me is kind of a non republic in but an independent, maybe liberal, liberal, libertarian, leaning independent when I was in college when had this awakening about what the Democrats were really doing, to give us all the middle finger, you but come the most vocal activists? Conservative ever? Hence me a new With that I mean you're not going to find a more concern to did me it's because you feel, like you, been screwed so watching these panels of black vote awakening in mass who were bind support to the fact that not only the democrats out their friend but have been like. Effingham over four years. Is one greatest things, I've ever seen here watch this. This is good for business. Another example. We know how bite into we feel about the black community united.
The first time you refer to blackmail as Boy is most I can. I could be the last one and kind back to the whole, if you don't work for me, you know your blackie, I just like you. accedes me because I cannot say Madame integrity. I feel like I've like it doesn't really care what he says. I want to do dude slave master bed quality. This is happening now. All the time on cable news. This stuff is damaging. Listen, it's damaging, by bill. It's up dramatic, ok, but is he start to go viral? It's not just that. It appeared on fox cause. Some of you may say Well, then, how many people watch watching a million seven? I mean I'm pretty familiar with fox view. Be million? Seven may be to max. It doesn't matter folks, you know scene it here. Seventy six thousand, a million moral, see it later when they watch our show later. A million moral hear about it on apples modifying or audio pipe guess. Other people produce. watch. My show will put it on their show this
be seen by twenty thirty million people there is mass awakening happening right now and theirs. that's my theory there is ever go you never going to build a more powerful conservative movement, converted liberal and may it happens, it happens the time and there's a fertile crop of people. There on the liberal side that are just ready to see it, truth and understand who the warriors for liberty on their out, their young kids minority voters we gotta go out, get em, and we ve gotta, show them what these people really are and the next you to drop, is not just the Democrats, a racist and they celebrate nazis, which I'm telling you it's true and are fixed. oh and valor civil rights, guys in the case of by this. Also gonna be a big, an awakening with the kids in the tyranny going on, and I mean the actual tyranny. Folks Democrats hate civil liberties, civil liberties for black voters, asian voters, hispanic voters, white voters, they hated them
birds do not lie. This is probably the most. I would argue. Where are you guys? Let me know what you think. This is probably the most troubling paul we ve seen yet today you saw you seen the show elements. This is freaking bananas, this isn't a newsletter today, budget a consolation newsletter, this whole article. It is absolutely worth your time. is censorship or partisan issue, real clear opinion, research. They get appall folks, three force of Democrats, Believe government has a responsibility to limit. full social media, while republicans are split. Fifty percent, believing that the government has a responsibility, restrict hateful post independence, once again: middle one. What the hell are. Fifty percent of republicans believing the government has any role in hate speech. Ladies and gentlemen, hate speech has nothing to do with hate when it comes to the government. What does it have any things. Do it censoring political ideas? You dont, like hate speech, is the youth
as vehicle they used because no one likes hate speech. However, three fourths of democrats, absent we buy it here it gets worse. Democrats are significantly more likely, the republicans to favor stifling the free speech, a political extremists again, meaning anyway, they disagreement also republicans don't vary by the group about half he'll, be voters favour, since only about half favour centre. Whether asked about the complex clan nazis of the communist party, I have no idea folks. This is all all starting to set in these ideas, people are waking up. People are waking up there they are starting to realise right now. The democrats only tyranny thing the republic inside of it. We gotta clean up that mass, because I can't believe it percent of a match. You go along with this I'll bet. If you asked the question a little different, but that's on excuse amount apologizing for, but this is they are. Our
absolutely by the numbers, the democrats or the party of tyrannies inexcusable. Now there it's ethic, its attitude is horrifying. I mean it's horrifying they are also a party of sexual lies in your kids. Wait till that start showing these videos now once or twice a week, here's a apparent at a schoolboy, trying to read from a book. They want front of your kids other disgusting piece of sexual material. They are a benefit gathered, knew some of you know that they are pages Fourth, the line: California, where, if you the pornography out of schools. If you pull it out of schools, you can be fine. This is the sick p. Oh you're, dealing with on the left- listen this year already, What thou, what they're, trying to put in your kids school check this out readily, which is a book in airport and easy high school, has now I come about.
For the board or any committee yet has detailed graphic sex scenes between minors and it's in our public schools right now. Let me give you an example of this. Do you all want freedom for our kids to read this in high school? His care surrounding. His erection is, and you stroke it with your fingers sires in his eyes on ass, have to stop and asked me, and our eyes was when we believe in outward and guided torture, andrews. Arguably MR sire said we scary. There's always your size. I would have to ask: is what good enough. What about a court of mist in full? We by Sarah mass, I Did he wanted every glories inch of him in me ray shudder and I wash his leap twitch when I taught one start clearing. He knows, leap into my interest in pause. On everyone. If you can and you live in a liberal district, I need you oughta. Do that too
I need to read into the record is usually someone there's the naga for someone taking notes on this and reading into the record. Ladies I need you oughta do that I needed on the record now and in perpetuity what these, the broad did so in the future. They can't go and rewrite history remain. Will they be able to wipe out these from it records. I guess they could, but the likelihood is love. You need to read this into the record everywhere. Everyone needs to do this. They need embarrassed and they need to be humiliated, and I want you to amber? Ladies and gentlemen, that you have the responsibility for your kids. This is not a joke. This is a freaking eggs. central fight for your kids, your kids in their future. This will be your kids, sexual ized, racist little kids. Who teach our judge everyone by skin color and are out there during an insane sexual behaviour, because some pervert lunatic wanted to talk to about sex when they were seven or eight years. All these people are not you ever written
It's a body for your kids give a year. Sean ryan has got yet a guest on nick fritos. Us a good guy- and he brought up this exact point that you however, responsibility for your own family, I'm not lecturing anyone in the chat you bad asked is this? Is the Bonn gino army here with us? I get it europe with me in this fight. people out there around. You are, who don't get it? they don't get it at all. They think it's all gonna go away. If I leave it alone, I just go play nice I'll. Do what I need to do. I put a mask on my kid. Let him talk to my kid about sex. You are your kids champion. Yours warrior! You are your kids soldier. If you don't stop it, no one will. This is pretty is
rachel want you to listen as if you were waiting around for a politician to preserve your liberties, protect your family or to protect you you're a failure. I dunno. How else? To put it? Men are especially under attack right now, those men that believe in traditional standards, of what they're supposed to do as men, husbands as fathers as protectors his providers. There will be untold, but these are toxic attributes when you look at things like a capacity and capability for violence. Those are not toxic in and of themselves. They're morally neutral- and I will say this: if the good guys don't know how to use those things, they're going to be ruled by the bad guys You are responsible for the protection of your own family. I've got a video and some videos and gonna play tomorrow. Is it bad enough yet videos you in the chair, neuron, going with this you been the european union's entire about these appear. The art is a better If you have videos, were we Videos once twice three times a week of the expense. in crime situation. You see the one in Chicago today, guy gets his ass kicked in an hour,
way by two animals in the middle and the frequent day may not scream and in our vote I can listen to me. Please write everybody vibe in rio, we locked in right. Now you gotta work out. You gotta, take carry your body You better learn how to train your firearm. better, damn well, learn how to fight you don't have to. Brazilian jujitsu black belt. I don't care go to a box in class go take a ground. in class. Folks are meditate some. I learned in twenty years and makes martial arts and boxing probably more when you factor and a whole bunch of other more shorts, crap right, that's a crappy! Just you get the point on urban. The only tell you everything I did it that way, the time you take a brazilian jujitsu class or a amoy tire boxing class. you will learn how to fight and win or at least stay alive. Ninety, percent of interactions in the street and probably a year retraining. Yours,
and the rest of your life training to learn how to fight out one guy who's like a crazy good fighter. the street just listen to what I said Everybody was all I don't have the time to get into brazilian jujitsu folks go once a month. once you learn what it's like to fight on the ground, you will get a survival instinct. These people, it is going to get worse, trying to scare you, I'm not trying to put the fear not into you, I'm just telling you the truth. I don't want to get mugged I don't walk around in fear of it. I don't I my life learning how to defend myself. If I go out, I'm going out the tough way, I'm not Take him one of these sons of bitches with me and you I think the same way you gotta in your body and you're mine, because No one's coming to save you, I'm dead, serious, go get yourself a kettle bow get yourself enrolled in a class. It's not expensive! You can find a place reasonably cheap, learn.
defend yourself and your family, because our days come in and it's gonna get a lot worse before it gets better. Writing don't want leave today without doing this segment. Folks, I'm increasingly convinced Joe Biden is not going to be the nominee it is clear now, I think, tat paul. They put out that Paul discuss. Yes, eu remember in the chat the pulse, when trumped up by nine. I'm increasingly, Vincent had tipp to produce Jim for bringing this up yesterday in the show they may have launched at paul to get your I ran out of the race because they know we can't win. I don't believe the poll, I don't think trump's up by nine. I think he may be up on Biden, but he's not up by nine. That's absurd I think they're trying to either get you do not vote, think it our trump scott, is what trying to get by now the race or both. I dont trust that poll one bit. I think they want him out of the race and why you to listen to newsome, who is categorical and he is absolutely not
running. Yet he gave an interview the other day. Where he's like shady about it now which, to me someone's in his ear, I want illicit has listen to the way he won't answer. The question here check this out is part of this? The voters are so fed up with what they see on the streets of their cities, that, as politician you ve, gotta, clean up those streets, you why that's generally case, but that's not the inspiration for care court, but is there a political factor in this, for you, as an electoral strategy, have turned out that's the issue the politics here is ash in the politics of purpose here. Termed out here, but does cleaning up the streets of california factor and took potential presidential run, I'm never going over promised that, in the short run I mean we are struggling in. This state is equally high. Listening now, housing and homelessness keep suggests that cleaning up california streets could be part of a larger political strategy, for I think
its table stakes. I think that's just a foundational responsibility of anyone. They gets into my position. That's the day. Job it's not about some grand ambition. Absolutely not! Today. Yesterday tat was, I was and never ending in response to your question. Folks command. Really you telling me this guy just couldn't answer the question. No, he absolutely right now is thinking about run it if you believe. Otherwise, I'm really sorry you're get smoke up now he's Read you a debate would run the santa said. What's it was in november thirty either something I'd be added. They're gonna happen on fox on hannity show. This is this could be a good thing. I want to see what those down here in this debate, but I'm here from a lot of people out there. Oh, the sands is gonna, get smoke a nuisance, it's a great debate or is he Adam corolla, who will tell you, is that even a politician, you ever see this by played it on my show, once Adam court,
Allah, annihilated Gavin new submitted debate and corolla will tell you ain t name and a politician nuisance scale debaters more on this? one of the greatest clubs you will ever save. You haven't seen this get ready check this out african americans of california, roughly half latina families have no access to checking count for nature and things we take for granted. They don't have a check what's wrong with them and what but what well, because they don't, they don't have the resources to suck those things away. Why do we have a lot of different reasons, but but roughly half those families dawn when the armenians have them, but where they end up is like check cashing place. I want to know why they wrote those two groups: don't have a lot of it, just
happens to be that we can unlock ahmad now, they're hardly fly, but their struggles in actual our hardly not at application by absolute asians. Have this problem, I mean a lot of communities at barcelona. Whites have these problems are not just black and his vanity, but it, but why didn't bring a blackened, as has the magnitude is ominous, so why so many of them? It just happens to be designed and way, god plant at not at all. What has happened today are a lot of issues and with that communities are struggling lot. I lay in the triangle lug lotta differently since the launch of the earth, why have I been here longer and we've been here a week? We can we can surmise what about asia. They were put in internment camp yeah. We in fact that all initiate at the san francisco chinese exclusion act came out as san francisco or they just cannot a lot of asians. Certainly do so. Why? Don't you? Why don't you because, then the only reason? Why is the max, the two We need more the magnitude and percentage, there's no way to figure out how to hell and after we could talk about
you know what I'm dealing with idle, have a social, logical, shoreline, jerry now here's. Why would you want to do that because of pressure from the times when right, good things about you guys, thou know, that's not the case, because I would not want to carry out no ninety one of the old reality when you re irony that at all we'll I'll take a hard pass fellows on the gavin newsome is an amazing debater he's not adam corollas, really smart guy animal? Tell you he's not a politician and absolutely the shredder that corolla podcast quip is one of the best thing for everyone to see. New sums are too he's a moron and the minute you get him on basic questions. I will. Why? Are people leaving california keeping but I've keep talking about you just settle these great things of. If so great. Why does everyone not realise their great? It's the money, what, if he's a good hitter? Why did he hit good california? so great wizened. So great you see, how can you keep a topic? It can never answer. The question. Genius genius clip rifles thanks again for tuna thanks everyone a picture
my book again give to failure, really appreciated, join us. today you at eleven. If we change the time when we change it will let you know to worry, we get a lot of time. Will give you long enough time in advance, rumbled outcome whereupon gino follows an apple in spotify as well. We really appreciate that keeps us on the charts join us every day from the chair I was in early today about ten fifteen talking to a few couple of immigrants were in there, so it's good to chat with you all, and I really appreciate everyone who's just grabbed. My locals account. I do some kind of lifestyle for. There are really appreciate I'll, see you back here tomorrow, just ten bungee notion
Transcript generated on 2023-09-28.